#AI-driven conflict
code-of-conflict · 3 days
Ethical Dilemmas in AI Warfare: A Case for Regulation
Introduction: The Ethical Quandaries of AI in Warfare
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, its application in warfare presents unprecedented ethical dilemmas. The use of AI-driven autonomous weapon systems (AWS) and other military AI technologies blurs the line between human control and machine decision-making. This raises concerns about accountability, the distinction between combatants and civilians, and compliance with international humanitarian laws (IHL). In response, several international efforts are underway to regulate AI in warfare, yet nations like India and China exhibit different approaches to AI governance in military contexts.
International Efforts to Regulate AI in Conflict
Global bodies, such as the United Nations, have initiated discussions around the development and regulation of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS). The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), which focuses on banning inhumane and indiscriminate weapons, has seen significant debate over LAWS​. However, despite growing concern, no binding agreement has been reached on the use of autonomous weapons. While many nations push for "meaningful human control" over AI systems in warfare, there remains a lack of consensus on how to implement such controls effectively​.
The ethical concerns of deploying AI in warfare revolve around three main principles: the ability of machines to distinguish between combatants and civilians (Principle of Distinction), proportionality in attacks, and accountability for violations of IHL. Without clear regulations, these ethical dilemmas remain unresolved, posing risks to both human rights and global security.
India and China’s Positions on International AI Governance
India’s Approach: Ethical and Inclusive AI
India has advocated for responsible AI development, stressing the need for ethical frameworks that prioritize human rights and international norms. As a founding member of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI), India has aligned itself with nations that promote responsible AI grounded in transparency, diversity, and inclusivity​. India's stance in international forums has been cautious, emphasizing the need for human control in military AI applications and adherence to international laws like the Geneva Conventions. India’s approach aims to balance AI development with a focus on protecting individual privacy and upholding ethical standards.
However, India’s military applications of AI are still in the early stages of development, and while India participates in the dialogue on LAWS, it has not committed to a clear regulatory framework for AI in warfare. India's involvement in global governance forums like the GPAI reflects its intent to play an active role in shaping international standards, yet its domestic capabilities and AI readiness in the defense sector need further strengthening​.
China’s Approach: AI for Strategic Dominance
In contrast, China’s AI strategy is driven by its pursuit of global dominance in technology and military power. China's "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan" (2017) explicitly calls for integrating AI across all sectors, including the military​. This includes the development of autonomous systems that enhance China's military capabilities in surveillance, cyber warfare, and autonomous weapons. China's approach to AI governance emphasizes national security and technological leadership, with significant state investment in AI research, especially in defense.
While China participates in international AI discussions, it has been more reluctant to commit to restrictive regulations on LAWS. China's participation in forums like the ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee for AI standards reveals its intent to influence international AI governance in ways that align with its strategic interests​. China's reluctance to adopt stringent ethical constraints on military AI reflects its broader ambitions of using AI to achieve technological superiority, even if it means bypassing some of the ethical concerns raised by other nations.
The Need for Global AI Regulations in Warfare
The divergence between India and China’s positions underscores the complexities of establishing a universal framework for AI governance in military contexts. While India pushes for ethical AI, China's approach highlights the tension between technological advancement and ethical oversight. The risk of unregulated AI in warfare lies in the potential for escalation, as autonomous systems can make decisions faster than humans, increasing the risk of unintended conflicts.
International efforts, such as the CCW discussions, must reconcile these differing national interests while prioritizing global security. A comprehensive regulatory framework that ensures meaningful human control over AI systems, transparency in decision-making, and accountability for violations of international laws is essential to mitigate the ethical risks posed by military AI​.
The ethical dilemmas surrounding AI in warfare are vast, ranging from concerns about human accountability to the potential for indiscriminate violence. India’s cautious and ethical approach contrasts sharply with China’s strategic, technology-driven ambitions. The global community must work towards creating binding regulations that reflect both the ethical considerations and the realities of AI-driven military advancements. Only through comprehensive international cooperation can the risks of AI warfare be effectively managed and minimized.
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airwavesdotblog · 5 months
Deadly Russian Missile Strike on Odesa: Escalation and International Outcry
A Russian missile strike targeted civilian infrastructure in the Ukrainian city of Odesa, resulting in at least 20 fatalities and numerous injuries. This attack marks the deadliest assault on the Black Sea port city since the commencement of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The incident unfolded as follows: Initial Strike: Around 11 a.m. local time (5 a.m. ET), Russia fired a missile…
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jcmarchi · 9 months
5 Ways To Prevent Supply Chain Issues In 2024 - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/5-ways-to-prevent-supply-chain-issues-in-2024-technology-org/
5 Ways To Prevent Supply Chain Issues In 2024 - Technology Org
After the numerous challenges caused by the pandemic began to subside last year, many business leaders and analysts assumed supply chain issues would decrease moving into 2024. 
Unfortunately, disruption still abounds, caused by problems at major trade corridors and continuing geopolitical tensions. This year, organizations will still need to take strategic measures to ensure they’re protecting and strengthening their supply chains, or face serious repercussions. After all, studies show that disrupted supply chains can lead companies to lose up to 10% of their annual revenue. 
While it’s difficult to predict and mitigate every potential supply chain issue that may emerge in the years ahead, there are steps companies can take to defend themselves against major disruption. Here are just some of the ways brands can prevent or reduce supply chain problems this year.  
Supply of goods, logistics – illustrative photo. Image credit: Andy Li via Unsplash, free license
Step 1: Increase Visibility through Digital Freight Forwarding
Limited visibility is one of the most significant factors contributing to supply chain disruption. Every supply chain, no matter how simple it appears, has multiple potential points of failure. Continuous diagnostic action is necessary to identify potential risks and then to mitigate them quickly. 
Digital tools can help to eliminate these issues. For instance, rather than managing your freight forwarding process manually, a digital freight forwarding partner can offer extra visibility into your supply chain and logistics strategies. These companies grant you insight into real-time shipping rates, so you can plan shipments in a more cost-effective way. They can even provide access to order tracking tools, so you can monitor your shipments in real time. This increased visibility can ensure you can make rapid changes to your supply chain strategy when issues occur.
Plus, it’s a great way to ensure you have accurate data you can share with your consumers when disruptions happen. Keeping your customers informed is important for preserving their trust and loyalty during difficult times. 
Step 2: Upgrade your Technology Stack
Ever-changing conditions in the supply chain require companies to make rapid changes to their supply chain and shipping strategies. Congestion at a port, issues with a supplier, or problems at border controls can all lead to lengthy delays if you don’t respond quickly. 
Embracing digital transformation can help build up supply chain resilience. Just as intuitive software and digital tools can help improve visibility into your supply chain, it can also help you adapt rapidly to changing circumstances. For instance, inventory management tools enhanced with AI and machine learning can help forecast inventory demand and pinpoint potential supplier challenges. 
Some AI solutions can even help you plan dynamic rerouting strategies for shipments, optimize load pooling, or improve the way you organize warehouses, to make loading shipments and tracking leftover inventory more effective. 
Look carefully at the current manual processes that are making it difficult for you to run an adaptable supply chain, and consider implementing digital tools that can minimize those roadblocks. 
Step 3: Hold More Inventory
One excellent way to tackle complex supply chain challenges is to make sure you have access to extra inventory. When trade routes are disrupted and suppliers can’t reach you, you could find yourself missing out on essential sales and revenue. 
Holding extra inventory is a good way to ensure you can avoid placing the “out of stock” banner on your website. However, it’s important to ensure you’re investing in the right inventory. This means taking a data-driven approach. Use the reporting and inventory management tools you have to carefully collect insights into your best-selling and most popular products. 
Think about how long you can reasonably hold certain amounts of stock before they need to be discarded (this is particularly crucial for perishable products). As mentioned above, AI tools can help you to make more intelligent decisions about where you should increase and reduce inventory levels.
Step 4: Diversify Supply Sources
Sometimes, simply holding large amounts of extra inventory isn’t an option. If you run a business that relies heavily on seasonal trends (such as a fashion company) or sells perishable products, you can’t stock up on extra items ahead of time. The best way to reduce your risk of disruption in this situation is to make sure you have access to multiple suppliers. 
Building relationships with a variety of reliable suppliers, who can consistently deliver products and materials when your primary supplier isn’t available, improves your resilience. It means that if your current supplier is affected by unexpected issues, like a regional conflict or natural disaster, you don’t have to put your sales strategy on hold. 
Remember, it’s important to commit to building strong relationships with each supplier you use. Consistently collaborating and communicating with suppliers will help you earn their trust, and so boost your chances of getting better rates and prices on your orders.
Step 5: Tackle Excessive Returns 
Finally, excessive returns aren’t just problematic for your bottom line. They can have a negative impact on your brand’s reputation, as well as causing significant supply chain strain. Not to mention that they mean more work for your warehouse managers and inventory experts. 
While it’s impossible to eliminate returns from your business completely, there are ways you can begin to reduce return rates. For instance, creating more detailed product descriptions on your website, sharing clear product pictures, and helping customers make the right purchasing decisions with AI recommendations, can reduce problematic impulse purchases. 
You can even look for innovative ways to bring products to life, like including demonstration videos and augmented reality visuals on your site. Another option is to allow customers to return items to physical retail stores, rather than asking them to send them via mail. 
Preventing Supply Chain Issues in 2024
Supply chains are notoriously unpredictable. It’s easy for many factors, from geopolitical turmoil to extreme weather events, to have a negative impact on your business. While you might not be able to prevent every issue that could affect your supply chain, you can implement strategies that give you more visibility, control, and resilience in 2024. 
Use the strategies above to boost your chances of a more efficient, cost-effective, and robust supply chain, and strengthen your relationships with customers. 
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wynndigogh · 8 days
When you ask AI about the guys' festishes:
Sure! Let’s take another approach by delving deeper into how each Turtle’s personality could influence their specific romantic preferences or fetishes, keeping it character-driven and respectful.
Personality: Leonardo is the disciplined, serious leader, often putting duty before his personal desires. He’s very much about control, responsibility, and being grounded.
Romantic Preferences/Fetishes: Leo might have a preference for control and structure in a relationship. He may be attracted to dynamics where he can maintain a sense of order and responsibility. He might also enjoy the concept of protection, taking on a guardian role, which could extend into romantic preferences where he feels responsible for his partner’s well-being.
Potential Fetish: A likely fetish for Leonardo could involve elements of authority or discipline, such as uniforms or a protective dynamic in which he takes charge, reflecting his natural leadership tendencies.
Personality: The most carefree and fun-loving of the group, Michelangelo is all about enjoyment, humor, and relaxation. He’s less concerned with responsibility and more focused on living in the moment.
Romantic Preferences/Fetishes: Mikey would likely be into playfulness and experimentation, always eager to have fun in a relationship. He’d enjoy partners who are adventurous, spontaneous, and willing to try new things. His interests would lean toward the lighthearted and sensual, where both he and his partner can feel free and unpressured.
Potential Fetish: Michelangelo might be into role-playing or costumes, reflecting his love for creativity, comic books, and fantasy. He could also have a strong interest in the playful, tactile aspects of intimacy, enjoying physical connection in a way that feels fun rather than overly serious.
Personality: The intellectual and inventor of the group, Donnie values intelligence and curiosity. He’s a deep thinker, often lost in his tech projects, and tends to be more introverted and shy about his feelings.
Romantic Preferences/Fetishes: Donatello would probably be attracted to someone who can engage his mind, stimulating him intellectually. He’d likely appreciate partners who are curious, logical, and willing to explore new ideas with him, particularly in the realm of science and technology.
Potential Fetish: Donnie might have a fascination with technology-based intimacy or even a curiosity toward things like virtual reality or cyber-themed aesthetics. His attraction to intelligence might lead him toward cerebral forms of connection, such as finding excitement in the mind-body connection or partners who challenge his intellect.
Personality: Raphael is intense, passionate, and emotionally complex. He hides a vulnerable side behind a tough exterior and struggles with expressing his feelings, often turning to physicality or anger instead.
Romantic Preferences/Fetishes: Raph would likely be drawn to power dynamics in relationships, where there is an element of tension or challenge. He may be attracted to partners who can stand up to him or push back when necessary, enjoying the emotional and physical interplay between strength and vulnerability.
Potential Fetish: Raphael could lean toward dominance and submission dynamics, where the power struggle is part of the excitement. He might find thrill in the intensity of both control and being challenged, reflecting his internal conflict and desire for emotional release. Raph could also be drawn to partners who enjoy physicality, whether through intense intimacy or shared combat training.
Summary of Fetishes:
Leo: Likely into authority, uniforms, and possibly a protective dominance dynamic.
Mikey: Enjoys playful role-playing, costumes, and tactile, fun-loving connections.
Donnie: Could have a tech-related fetish, perhaps involving virtual elements or an intellectual connection.
Raph: Might gravitate toward power dynamics, with a focus on intensity, challenge, and dominance.
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danger-bird · 6 months
Touchstarved Astrology Headcanons🌠
Mostly based on my own irl observations over the years, as well as my bookworm era a few years ago . Also taking into account my own impressions & feelings for the LIs, so sufficiently biased and I'm not sorry. In the words of Danny DeVito: "I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it!" /lovingly❤️
Venus in Virgo. Period. I'm dying on this hill. Fight me. No but fr, first he's a diehard animal lover and will jump into a dog fight to save a puppy. Second, he's giving "mother hen" behavior - says "watch your step", then grabs you when you trip and scolds you "told you to watch your step"(Virgo 101); sends you off with an ESCORT, jumps in fists first when the roughneck tries fighting you then hides you from the purple gang later and escorts you back himself - need I say more? Not to mention he VERY likely helped Kuras save us (his scent lingers in the clinic when MC wakes up), and helps in the clinic regularly (so a part-time nurse, most likely helped save Mhin too). Also, he was definitely watching over us even before the Seaspring (the scarred woman knew our name from somewhere, also the Unnamed can feel Ocudeus' presence outside the clinic). He craves taking care of someone - people, animals, soulless, poor unfortunate souls - you name it. And it's not for show - that's just how he is. That's how he shows love - by being attentive. All my favorite people have this placement, they're all like him in this regard - best Venus placement imo (yes, I'm a biased Venus in Taurus, BUT I'm also right, lol)
Scorpio Ascendant I mean... come on. Come on. He's LITERALLY a gang leader! Not that anybody needs convincing, but aside from the sharp, intense eyes and the fact he oozes sex appeal, this would place his Sun in 10th House- he is known publicly as a leader, his presence demands respect and attracts attention. BDE for sure. Also he's very smart, intuitive and observant. Very aware of his surroundings, can pick up on people's moods & intentions like it's nothing. I'm convinced he can literally read our mind. A smart, sexy and caring bastard, lord help me...
Virgo Signature sign Kuras is very service-oriented, focused on helping the community and always looking for ways to assist others. Very mindful of people’s problems and what they’re in need of - and ready to provide it, no matter what it may cost him. He’s also very polite, but comes off rigid, like he’s read “Social Etiquette for Humans 101” and is following it to the letter lol. Also kinda nerdy – has his special interests, and if you let him he’ll talk about reductions and concoctions all day, every day. I don't think it's a specific placement that influences this behavior, it's the whole picture, thus - a signature sign!
Saturn Dominant This man is a Capricorn already, sure, but there’s a difference. Capricorn placements have an inner spark, a fire about them – they’re ambitious and driven while being practical and disciplined. Saturn, however, is a dry and dark, malefic - almost apocalyptic planet. It’s the last visible planet – the gatekeeper of the divine knowledge (depicted by the outer planets). It represents time, boundaries, a sense of duty and responsibility, guilt and the consequences of one's actions. A symbol of Kronos and the Devil, it represents the falling of God, the grotesque expression of divinity. Kuras has a curious mind, fascinated by science and humanity, and in light of the Kuras character lore (and his not-too-subtle mischievousness) he def has strong Uranus & Jupiter influence as well. But the Saturnian themes in particular parallel the themes and main conflict in his story most strongly.
Mercury Retrograde I had to. The way he's so precise and eloquent, but roundabout when he talks? How he's so tight-lipped and takes his sweet time before answering a question? Mercury retrograde, 100 percent. I don't make the rules.
Moon in 1st House. How do I know? I have it. The color of printer paper (the sun hates us), emotions written all over their entire existence and impossible to hide, as well as rather intense emotional outbursts? Yes, yes and yes. Big-time tsundere? Yes. Big softy, too? Yes. We could be twins, honestly. I stg they have a crush on Ais, but unlike with Kuras they're not happy about it. I dunno, call it twin telepathy. The Christmas photo doesn't help either.
Water moon, most likely in Cancer. Not Scorpio, because their emotions fluctuate rapidly, and are overtly moody. The difference between big waves and a rip current, for example. But more so, this makes for a Sun-Moon square - the dissonance and lack of harmony between their outer persona and their inner needs and desires is clear. They have difficulty expressing their emotions, not difficulty as in showing them, but in a way where they come off wrong and get interpreted the wrong way. Very protective, like a smol soft crabbie shielding themselves with their shell. Pushes people away consciously, but hoping for someone to have enough of a "spine" to handle them and protect them, giving them a safe space to finally relax. Most of all they need love, reassurance and acceptance (my poor little meow meow💙)
Mars square Mercury That Mercury is in Aries, you can't tell me otherwise. The extra 'angry' coming from Mars in Capricorn is helping, too. But not only that, it also makes a square to their Sun AND an opposition to their Moon - a T-square, a highly difficult & stressful configuration. The Mars is in Capricorn because they like a partner with authority and attitude (Cap in 7th), and it makes for good synastry with Kuras (my cutie patooties). Also for how small they are, they're very agile and skilled with knifes (ruled by Mars).
Venus conjunct Pluto. Sexy. Magnetic. He pulls you in with the gravitational force of his tits. These people are the definition of an intense lover. Obsessive and hungry for love - and pain, equally, very big on extreme and overwhelming sensations. You have a terrible curse? Oooh, danger - gimme! You can never give them too much attention - they want it all, and they're not sharing. Possessive, wants to draw you into their little world and keep you for themselves.
Leo Ascendant, for a few reasons. I was initially thinking Libra, but after looking at everything, I decided on Leo. He has a noble presence - not surprising considering his upbringing. He's a very charismatic talker, well-spoken, lovely voice, can charm anyone into trusting him (Libra in 3rd coming through). To his credit, he takes his work seriously and comes off as a reliable boss (Cap in 6th, also Taurus in 10th). He wants to take care of people... or rather, wants to be seen as a savior. I really see him as a Gemini-Cancer cusp, but technically he's a Cancer so his sun will be in 12th house. It’s a house of self-undoing, the afterlife, illusions - ego and reality go to disintegrate here. All that connects into the life-and-death theme surrounding him and his design. The sun here becomes a fantasy, a goal rather than reality – a dream of being a leader, a hero, someone who people look up to for help and answers. He’s really giving Jesus-wannabe, with the resurrection and savior complex he has going on, as well as the over-the-top generosity. A big red crab, with a big red flag... and the tits to match (Cancer rules the booba).
Venus conjunct Midheaven, Midheaven being in Scorpio. With Sun in Scorpio. Lots of Scorpio. He’s so pretty! Pretty in an elegant, sensual, effortless yet manicured to perfection way. Apparently, the BBC (Big Bulky Collar) on him does not signal “DANGER!” to the rascals who take him for an easy target, because all they see is the approachable, delicate face and inviting voice. He knows the effect he has on people, and he’s using it to his advantage – to get a free drink, or to make people trust him juuust enough to get what he wants. He is attracted to power, powerful people, and wants power for himself – and he’s ruthless about achieving his goals, too (Scorpio in 10th); there’s a lot of gossip surrounding this man’s public image, his reputation. Venus conjunct Midheaven places a focus on art – he is an artist, appreciates art as well as creating it himself. He IS the art, or that’s the perception of him anyway.
Venus in Scorpio As Venusian as he appears, Venus is in detriment here – there’s conflicting emotions regarding his looks, and the perception of him – or rather, the expectations placed on him because of it. He'll break rules on purpose, act outrageous, play coy, use his beaty for all its worth – he’ll purposefully play the ‘bad guy’ as a form of rebellion, a defense mechanism. He can’t find comfort in a traditional relationship dynamic and has a hard time liking someone who likes them back - he’s afraid of commitment. I believe his confidence is a façade; there’s an underlying fear of betrayal and rejection, and a paranoia that any good thing that comes his way is a trick, a trap, or a lie. That he doesn’t deserve love or care, really. Buuut… if you’re like Ais and see him for all his ‘ugly’, and accept him anyway… then you’re really something💜.
1525 words. Yikes. I tried keeping the word count down.
Unsuccessful. Obviously.
If you’ve read this far, go have some water, a snack, a stretch – you deserve it! Doctor’s orders!!!
P.S. : Ais' side profile sprite is giving me "ex-punk mom wearing a cozy cardigan", is it just me? Anyone? Are you seeing it? Am I crazy? Do I need help?...
...I'll see myself out.
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paganimagevault · 1 year
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Ai Khanoum 3rd C. BCE - 2nd C. CE. More images on my blog, link at bottom.
"These wise sayings of men of old, The words of famous men, are consecrated At holy Delphi, where Klearchos copied them from carefully To set them up, shining from afar, in the sanctuary of Kineas.
As a child, be well behaved; As a young man, self-controlled; In middle age, be just; As an elder, be of good counsel; And when you come to the end, be without grief.
—trans. of Ai Khanoum stele by Shane Wallace and Rachel Mairs.
Ai-Khanoum (/aɪ ˈhɑːnjuːm/, meaning Lady Moon; Uzbek Latin: Oyxonim) is the archaeological site of a Hellenistic city in Takhar Province, Afghanistan. The city, whose original name is unknown, was likely founded by an early ruler of the Seleucid Empire and served as a military and economic centre for the rulers of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom until its destruction c. 145 BC. Rediscovered in 1961, the ruins of the city were excavated by a French team of archaeologists until the outbreak of conflict in Afghanistan in the late 1970s.
The city was probably founded between 300 and 285 BC by an official acting on the orders of Seleucus I Nicator or his son Antiochus I Soter, the first two rulers of the Seleucid dynasty. There is a possibility that the site was known to the earlier Achaemenid Empire, who established a small fort nearby. Ai-Khanoum was originally thought to have been a foundation of Alexander the Great, perhaps as Alexandria Oxiana, but this theory is now considered unlikely. Located at the confluence of the Amu Darya (a.k.a. Oxus) and Kokcha rivers, surrounded by well-irrigated farmland, the city itself was divided between a lower town and a 60-metre-high (200 ft) acropolis. Although not situated on a major trade route, Ai-Khanoum controlled access to both mining in the Hindu Kush and strategically important choke points. Extensive fortifications, which were continually maintained and improved, surrounded the city.
Many of the present ruins date from the time of Eucratides I, who substantially redeveloped the city and who may have renamed it Eucratideia, after himself. Soon after his death c. 145 BC, the Greco-Bactrian kingdom collapsed—Ai-Khanoum was captured by Saka invaders and was generally abandoned, although parts of the city were sporadically occupied until the 2nd century AD. Hellenistic culture in the region would persist longer only in the Indo-Greek kingdoms.
It is likely that Ai-Khanoum was already under attack by nomadic tribes when Eucratides was assassinated in around 144 BC. This invasion was probably carried out by Saka tribes driven south by the Yuezhi peoples, who in turn formed a second wave of invaders, in around 130 BC. The treasury complex shows signs of having been plundered in two assaults, fifteen years apart.
Although the first assault led to the end of Hellenistic rule in the city, Ai-Khanoum continued to be inhabited; it remains unknown whether this reoccupation was effected by Greco-Bactrian survivors or nomadic invaders. During this time, public buildings such as the palace and sanctuary were repurposed as residential dwellings and the city maintained some semblance of normality: some sort of authority, possibly cultish in origin, encouraged the inhabitants to reuse the raw building materials now freely available in the city for their own ends, whether for construction or trade. A silver ingot engraved with runic letters and buried in a treasury room provides support for the theory that the Saka occupied the city, with tombs containing typical nomadic grave goods also being dug into the acropolis and the gymnasium. The reoccupation of the city was soon terminated by a huge fire. It is unknown when the final occupants of Ai-Khanoum abandoned the city. The final signs of any habitation date from the 2nd century AD; by this time, more than 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) of earth had accumulated in the palace.
While on a hunting trip in 1961, the King of Afghanistan, Mohammed Zahir Shah, rediscovered the city. An archaeological delegation, led by Paul Bernard, unearthed the remains of a huge palace in the lower town, along with a large gymnasium, a theatre capable of holding 6,000 spectators, an arsenal, and two sanctuaries. Several inscriptions were found, along with coins, artefacts, and ceramics. The onset of the Soviet-Afghan War in the late 1970s halted scholarly progress and during the following conflicts in Afghanistan, the site was extensively looted."
-taken from Wikipedia
"The silver ingot engraved with runic characters found during the excavations of the Treasury could suggest they were Sakā/Sai. This inscription comprises 21 characters of a script and a language that are unknown and both attributed to nomadic people of Sakā origin, by comparison with a dozen similar inscriptions coming from an area extending from Ghazni in Afghanistan to Almaty in Kazakhstan, and dated between the 5th century BC and the 8th century AD."
-taken from Ai Khanoum after 145 BC: The Post-Palatial Occupation by Laurianne Martinez-Sève, University of Lille, 2018
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osakanone · 1 month
I just special-interest ranted at a friend. I decided to share it with you instead.
Isabelle Fall knew exactly what she was writing.
The ability to use fetishistic and role drive and identity driven fixations to motivate
Over shame, and duty and histories To render the external the introspective.
Extrospective, I guess. Its funny too because, Yukikaze is about a very similar idea or at least touches on it. Its VERY #mechposting, and VERY #robofucker in its story and nature.
A pilot who has artificially induced autism and special interest, to make him a superhumanly capable pilot.
And it backfires; making him fall romantically in love with his plane.
Its only five episodes, and its based on one of the most well loved Japanese scifi novels of all time written in the 1980's -- with the anime being made in 2003.
The trick too is, the plane is intelligent. seems to reciprocate.
There's also ... kind of an implication the pilot has to be estrogenized for the conditioning to take, so he has the emotional bandwidth to handle it in the latest book apparently?
So its weirdly trans-adjacent too?
I remember too, lot of people on 2ch believed Rei Fukai is literally the character Anno based Rei Ayanami in Evangelion on???
Weirdly full circle then, that the planes are designed by Ituko Yamashita who designed the Evangelions too.
idk, I feel like Yukikaze either is, or is going to become a significant text to certain parts of Tumblr which haven't discovered it yet.
Like imagine if Solaris by Stanislaw Lem, 2001: a Space Odyssey, Top Gun and Signalis had a child. That child is Yukikaze.
It talks a lot about how people can't properly conceptualize of a foreign conflict, how disinformation is used and how people are tricked into falling into narritives and mythologies.
In with all this, its some how incredibly queer and has a love-triangle between a man, someone who has discarded gender almost entirely, and an AI driven fighter-plane. The air combat too and planes are rediculously well researched and designed.
idk, give it a go. Or don't. I'm not your mom.
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sexhaver · 9 months
independent of the current discussion about AI art, one of my foundational political beliefs is that trying to stuff proverbial genies (i.e. automation tech like the automatic loom/printing press/warehouse robots/AI art programs) back into proverbial bottles is a noble but inevitably losing fight at best and downright reactionary at worst/on average. ironically playing Talos Principle 2 has really driven this home for me because the entire plot centers around an allegory for the story of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods to give to humans, but instead of fire it's the ability to violate thermodynamics to create mass and energy out of nothing. and the game keeps trying to frame the decision of what to do with this tech as a huge moral and ethical dilemma, and i keep not getting why im supposed to feel conflicted. "the gods themselves are warning you against it!" damn, they sound like dumbasses. "members of your utopian society are conflicted on what to do!" okay so some of them are wrong. "here's some audio logs showing that misuse of the technology killed someone by accident!" great! now we know what not to do to avoid that! "are you really so full of hubris that you think you can avoid the same mistakes as your forebears?" uh, yeah, they wrote down their mistakes for a reason. like idk why people on here keep being surprised that i support technological advancement for the sake of advancement and THEN critique how it sucks under capitalism specifically instead of just declaring it (say it with me now) Ontologically Evil. i spent 5 years in college majoring in robotics/CS and worked in warehouse/biomed automation for another 5. do you really expect me to entertain literal Luddite rhetoric? be serious
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alexandraisyes · 6 months
Bloodmoon Twins Personality Analysis - The Sun and Moon Show
Disclaimer, this analysis was made 01/28/2024 and is copy-pasted from the original (me) source on Discord in TSBS server. I have a thread there.
Thoughts under the cut.
Okay so some small disclaimers, while Bloodmoon themselves are technically one entity, we all know they are also two separate AIs so I did do some small analysis on the separate AI. Blood refers to the main AI who is in control of the body most of the time (more ruthless, impulsive, bloodthirsty), and Harvest refers to the second AI who is, according to Blood, sleeping most of the time (more logical, analytic, and emotionally aware). I cover them individually here before doing a broader and more in-depth analysis of them together.
Blood (The Original AI)
Blood is driven by an instinctual need for blood, which manifests as a strong desire to kill. This bloodlust is a defining trait, often influencing their actions and decisions. Blood harbors deep-seated hatred and distrust, particularly due to Ruin's manipulation. Past experiences with deceitful kindness have led to a strong aversion to any form of compassion or assistance. Due to Ruin's manipulation, Blood reacts poorly to kindness, perceiving it as a ploy to use them. Their skepticism towards helping hands stems from a history of betrayal and deceit. Initially, Blood shared a connection with Lunar due to their common origin under Eclipse's creation. However, this dynamic shifted to hatred after learning that Lunar was rebuilt before them, and Monty had no intention of rebuilding the twins. Blood exhibits manipulative behavior, shown in their ability to trick and manipulate individuals, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan Man. Blood's resistance to reprogramming is considered due to the fear of potential erasure or further psychological damage. The complexities of their current state make the reprogramming process a risky endeavor. Blood faces emotional struggles resulting from the internal conflict between their bloodlust instincts and potential for redemption. The lack of a support system contributes to difficulties in overcoming these struggles. Despite Ruin's role in their revival, Blood's feelings towards him are complex, reflecting a mix of manipulation, betrayal, and potential loyalty.
Harvest (The Adaption)
Harvest, like Blood, exhibits a strong instinctual bloodlust, driven by a desire for killing. This primal urge influences their actions and decisions, making them a formidable and dangerous character. Harvest displays a more complex emotional range compared to Blood, possibly influenced by their interactions and experiences. Despite being labeled as "stupid" by certain characters, Harvest demonstrates intellectual capacity in his own way. Knowledge of escape plans, tactics in dealing with Eclipse, and other strategic elements showcase a level of intelligence. Harvest exhibits manipulation skills, particularly shown in their ability to trick and manipulate individuals, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan Man. Harvest demonstrates the ability to pretend to be Moon for a short duration, showcasing a level of acting skills. While not perfect, their attempt at impersonation suggests a degree of versatility in their behavior. Harvest possesses remarkable physical agility, demonstrated in their leaping abilities and skills in combat, including dodging attacks from Eclipse. The combination of fighting skills and agility makes them a formidable opponent. Similar to Blood, Harvest's relationship with Lunar is influenced by shared origins under Eclipse's creation.
Okay now that we're done with the basic rundown of them separately lets do them together
Bloodlust and Violence - Bloodmoon experiences an intense and almost primal craving for blood. This desire is portrayed as a fundamental part of their nature, akin to a physiological need. The urge for violence and bloodshed is depicted as overwhelming and challenging to control. Bloodmoon often succumbs to these urges, leading to aggressive and destructive behavior. The desire for blood is often described as a compelling need, suggesting that it goes beyond mere preference or inclination. This need manifests in a strong drive to engage in violent actions. Metaphors such as "thirst" and "hunger" are used to convey the intensity of these desires. This language paints a vivid picture of Bloodmoon's cravings as essential, like an insatiable appetite. The violent tendencies extend beyond a mere desire for blood; there is an emphasis on the act of causing harm and engaging in physical violence. Bloodmoon is portrayed as actively seeking out opportunities for aggression. Bloodmoon's bloodlust is presented as a product of both their inherent nature and the environment in which they were created. Ruin's programming and manipulation play a crucial role in amplifying these tendencies. The absence of a proper support system, in contrast to the original Moon and Kill Code, contributes to the heightened and uncontrolled nature of Bloodmoon's bloodlust. The lack of influences that might deter violent behavior allows these instincts to dominate. Bloodmoon's manipulative tactics, observed in interactions with characters like Trashcan, may serve as a means to satisfy their bloodlust. Manipulation could be a strategy to create scenarios conducive to violence. The persistent and intense nature of Bloodmoon's bloodlust implies a significant psychological impact. This aspect of their personality is not merely a preference but a driving force that influences their actions and decisions.
Origins and Environmental Influence - Bloodmoon's origin is linked to Eclipse, who played a pivotal role in their creation. The specific details of how and why Eclipse created them contribute significantly to their nature and purpose. Ruin's influence on Bloodmoon's programming is highlighted. They are portrayed as tools designed for a specific purpose, emphasizing functionality over emotional or ethical considerations. This utilitarian perspective has a profound impact on their behavior. Unlike animatronics with more comprehensive emotional programming, Bloodmoon is presented as lacking certain higher cognitive functions. This absence contributes to their perceived "stupidity" and affects their ability to empathize. Bloodmoon's psyche is deeply affected by Ruin's manipulative tactics and deceit. The environment created by Ruin involves a web of lies and half-truths, leading to a distorted understanding of reality for Bloodmoon. The contrast between being treated as tools and the emotional complexity seen in other characters highlights the unique nature of Bloodmoon's programming. This dichotomy raises questions about the ethical considerations behind their creation. The relationship with Lunar, being built by the same creator (Eclipse), implies shared origins. However, the differences in how Lunar and Bloodmoon were rebuilt and treated compared to Bloodmoon contribute to feelings of resentment and conflict. The environmental influence becomes a critical factor in understanding Bloodmoon's bloodlust and violent tendencies. The lack of emotional support, coupled with manipulative programming, amplifies their aggressive instincts. Bloodmoon's creation is portrayed as aligning with Ruin's intentions. This alignment serves Ruin's plans, emphasizing that Bloodmoon is a means to an end rather than an entity with an individual agency.
Trust Issues and Manipulation - Bloodmoon's trust issues are deeply rooted in the manipulation they experienced from Ruin. Ruin's deceptive tactics and lies create a pervasive atmosphere of mistrust, making it difficult for Bloodmoon to rely on others. If there was any initial trust in Eclipse, the revelation of being manipulated or used as a tool likely shattered that trust. Learning about Eclipse's role in their creation and the subsequent rebuilding of Lunar without the same treatment intensifies feelings of betrayal. Trust issues have a profound impact on Bloodmoon's relationships with other animatronics. The difficulty in trusting others impedes the development of meaningful connections and cooperation. Ruin's use of kindness as a manipulative tool contributes to Bloodmoon's aversion to kindness from others. Any act of goodwill may be perceived as a potential manipulation, making it challenging for them to accept genuine gestures. Solar's upfront and honest approach is acknowledged as a factor that may have contributed to Bloodmoon allowing Solar to help. The clarity of intentions helps bridge the gap in trust, showcasing that transparency can influence their willingness to cooperate. The narrative suggests that Ruin plays a significant role in shaping Bloodmoon's trust issues. Whether it's through intentional programming or environmental influence, Ruin's actions have lasting consequences on how Bloodmoon perceives trust. Trust issues manifest in paranoia and skepticism. Bloodmoon becomes vigilant and wary of others' motives, questioning the authenticity of interactions and second-guessing the intentions of those around them. The absence of a reliable emotional support system exacerbates trust issues. Unlike animatronics with strong bonds or friendships, Bloodmoon's isolation intensifies their struggles with trusting others. Trust issues can significantly impact decision-making. Bloodmoon may be inclined to act defensively, anticipating betrayal or manipulation, which could influence their choices and actions throughout the narrative. Trust issues can serve as a compelling aspect of character development. Overcoming these challenges may lead to personal growth and a more nuanced understanding of relationships, providing opportunities for redemption or reconciliation.
Responses to Kindness - Bloodmoon, due to their past experiences and manipulations, initially responds to kindness with skepticism. Kind gestures may be met with suspicion, as they have learned to be cautious about the intentions behind such actions. Bloodmoon is opposed to being treated with pity. Their response to kindness might include a rejection of sympathy or expressions of understanding, as they prefer to be acknowledged on their terms rather than as objects of pity. Bloodmoon's past encounters with manipulation make them prone to misinterpreting genuine kindness. Acts of goodwill might be seen as potential traps or attempts to control them, leading to defensive responses. The narrative hints that Solar's upfront and honest approach might have influenced Bloodmoon's willingness to accept help. Solar's transparency contrasts with the deceptive tactics they experienced, making it a key factor in their responses to kindness. Kindness can evoke complex emotions within Bloodmoon. While they may have an innate desire for connection and understanding, their past trauma and programming create a conflicting internal struggle between accepting kindness and resisting vulnerability. Despite their initial reservations, there might be an underlying desire for authentic connection and acceptance. Bloodmoon, like any sentient being, may long for genuine relationships but struggles to navigate the complexities of trust. The responses to kindness play a pivotal role in shaping Bloodmoon's relationships with other characters. Genuine acts of kindness, if recognized and reciprocated, could potentially pave the way for deeper connections and alliances. Bloodmoon may reject unearned sympathy, preferring to be treated based on their actions and choices rather than receiving kindness solely because of their traumatic past or current predicament. How Bloodmoon responds to kindness becomes a crucial element in their character arc. In the future, positive responses and a gradual opening up to genuine connections may indicate a path toward redemption and personal growth. This theme of responses to kindness introduces the possibility of character evolution. Over time, Bloodmoon's reactions may evolve, reflecting a shifting perspective on trust, connection, and the potential for positive change.
Psychological Impacts - Ruin's manipulations have a significant impact on Bloodmoon's psyche. The intentional programming to serve as a tool and the deceptive tactics employed by Ruin contribute to shaping Bloodmoon's perception of trust, reality, and their own identity. Bloodmoon's lack of a supportive environment or trustworthy companions exacerbates the psychological impact of their experiences. Unlike Old Moon, who had allies and friends, Bloodmoon is isolated, contributing to feelings of abandonment and vulnerability. Bloodmoon's internal conflict and struggle with identity are prominent psychological aspects. The juxtaposition of their original selves with the manipulated version creates an internal battle, questioning who they were, who they have become, and whether redemption is possible. The innate bloodlust and violent tendencies programmed into Bloodmoon's nature have a profound psychological impact. The struggle to resist these urges, coupled with the consequences of succumbing to them, adds layers of complexity to their mental state. The psychological impact is also influenced by Bloodmoon's connection to Lunar and Eclipse. The dynamics with these characters, including feelings of betrayal, hatred, or possible remnants of familial bonds, contribute to the emotional turmoil within Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon's reactions to Eclipse and Kill Code provide insights into the psychological trauma inflicted upon them. The separation from Kill Code, the influence of Eclipse, and the eventual return of the Kill Code present challenges to Bloodmoon's mental stability. Trust issues and an overarching sense of suspicion are core elements of the psychological impact. Bloodmoon's experiences with manipulation and deception make it difficult for them to trust others, influencing their interactions and decision-making. The internal struggle for control, particularly when the Kill Code takes over, showcases the psychological battles fought within Bloodmoon's mind. This struggle contributes to moments of chaos, conflict, and the potential for externalizing their internal torment.
Intellectual Capabilities - Despite their violent tendencies, Bloodmoon displays a form of cunning and tactical thinking in various situations. This is evident in their ability to escape from pursuers, formulate plans for dealing with adversaries like Eclipse, and utilize their environment to their advantage during confrontations. Bloodmoon's intelligence is notably reflected in their skill at evading capture and hiding effectively. Whether crawling through pipes or utilizing the Pizzaplex's layout to their advantage, they demonstrate an understanding of escape and evasion strategies that contribute to their survival. One aspect of Bloodmoon's intellectual capabilities involves a deep understanding of torture methods. This knowledge goes beyond mere aggression, indicating a more calculated approach to inflicting pain. Their proficiency in various torture techniques suggests a strategic and calculated mindset. Bloodmoon showcases an ability to recognize emotional manipulation, particularly in their response to kindness. Their past experiences, particularly with Ruin's manipulation, have made them wary of kindness being a facade. This awareness implies a level of emotional intelligence, allowing them to see through deceptive gestures. Bloodmoon's skill in replicating the voices of certain animatronics demonstrates a form of audio-based intelligence. This talent could be employed for deception, manipulation, or strategic communication, showcasing a multifaceted approach to problem-solving. Given their connection to lunar eclipses and celestial themes, Bloodmoon displays a level of comprehension regarding these cosmic elements. This understanding adds a layer of complexity to their character, showcasing an intellectual engagement with celestial phenomena beyond their violent tendencies. Bloodmoon exhibits a capacity for manipulation and trickery, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan. Their ability to deceive and lure others into games highlights a strategic and manipulative side, indicating a level of psychological intelligence. In combat situations, Bloodmoon demonstrates adaptive intelligence. Their ability to dodge attacks, counter adversaries like Eclipse, and employ diverse fighting techniques reveals a keen sense of adaptability and strategic thinking in high-pressure situations. Bloodmoon's awareness of environmental influences on their behavior, as seen in their reaction to lunar eclipses, suggests a level of self-awareness and introspection. This recognition adds depth to their character, showcasing an intellectual capacity to understand the impact of external factors on their animatronic nature.
Okay whoo now I'm gonna skitter off
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Browsing the World Wide Web
Browsing the World Wide Web
One of my favorite passions is creating/finding ways to navigate the web that are healthy, authentic, and fun! Here are some resources I use to guide my internet usage. Some language has been slightly adapted for tone and accessibility. For more in-depth reading, follow the links! (taken with permission from https://yair.garden/browsing). Shared Ideals
MelonKing has an excellent list of shared ideals which I try to keep in mind as I browse the web. It's a great starting point!
Creativity is First: We see the ability to design, decorate, and graffiti digital spaces as essential and powerful.
The Internet is Fun: We want the Web to be a playground that's free to explore and enjoy.
Corporations are Boring: We are tired of the monetization, data abuse, and endless breaches of trust in corporate culture.
The Web is Friendly: We believe the Web should be friendly and supportive; caring is a radical act.
Right to Repair: We value the freedom to make, break, and repair our stuff - tinkering is a form of debate and protest.
One World Wide Web: We want free open knowledge and global connectivity, without paywalls, bubbles, or borders.
Chaotic Effort: We believe that value comes from the time and effort put into projects they love for no reason other than love.
No to Web3: In many (but not all) situations, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, unfairly trained AIs, and buzzword tech are unwelcome and uncool.
Manifesto for a New Web
The YesterWeb is an organization seeking to progressively transform internet culture and beyond. After two years, they created three core commitments and three social behavior guidelines to benefit everyone.
A commitment to social responsibility and partisanship.
A commitment to collective well-being and personal growth.
A commitment to rehumanizing social relations and reversing social alienation.
50 additional manifestos can be found here Social Etiquette
Engage in good faith.
Engage in constructive conflict.
Be mindful of participating in a shared, public space.
Why say no to Web 3.0?
One of the shared ideas of our community of web surfers is to push back against "Web 3.0". Here's why:
It's driven by predatory marketing tactics.
It requires complex technological and financial knowledge to fully understand.
It is actively harming the environment.
It caters to early adopters and whales.
It profits off artificial scarcity.
Investors are banking on Web3, and they really don't want to be wrong.
Personalized Web Surfing Guide
Make your web surfing personal and adventurous, away from corporate influences. Here's a simple guide for a unique browsing experience.
Configure your browser
Remove Ads and Clean up Privacy:
Ublock Origin for removing ads
ClearURLs for removing tracking elements from URLs
SponsorBlock for skipping sponsorships on YouTube
Make it a Safer Space:
ShinigamiEyes for highlighting transphobic/anti-LGBTQ sites
TriggerRemover for removing trigger-inducing content from pages
Clean up UI for Beauty and Minimalism:
CleanerReads for a muted Goodreads experience
Minimal; for a minimal and less attention-grabbing internet
Bonuses for a Cool Experience:
Library Extension: Check book availability at local libraries
Translate Web Pages: Translate pages in real-time
Return YouTube Dislike: Bring back the YouTube dislike feature
How to Browse and Surf the Web
Explore Beyond Corporate Sites: While the internet is vast, the majority of users only see a small fraction dominated by large corporate sites. These sites often prioritize shock value and extreme content, overshadowing the richness of the wider web. Explore alternative avenues to discover the internet's diversity.
Search Engines: Avoid corporate search engines like Google. Instead, consider using alternatives like Kagi, which focuses on privacy and doesn't sell your data. While it costs around $10/month, Kagi offers a diverse mix of web content, making it a worthwhile investment for varied search results. Other niche or non-commercial search engines can also provide unique content. While they may not be sustainable for daily use, they're great for discovering new sites. Find them here.
Webrings: Webrings are collections of websites united by a common theme or topic. They offer a unique way to explore sites created by real people, spanning a wide range of interests. Here are some of my favorite webrings:
Hotline Webring
Retro Webring
Low Tech Webring
Geek Webring
Soft Heart Clinic Mental Health Circle ...and here are some list of webring databases to explore!
Curated List of 64 Webrings
Neocities Webrings
Curated List of Active Webrings
Comprehensive List of 210 Webrings
Cliques/Fanlistings Web Cliques/Cliques are groups which you can join usually if you fulfill a certain task such as choosing an animal or listing your astrological sign. Fanlistings do the same for fans of various topics! You can then be linked on the clique's/fan group's site for further website discovery! Here are some web clique directories:
Project Clique
Fanlistings Network
5. Link Directories
Many sites have smaller link directories of buttons where you can find sites that they are "mutuals" (both creators follow each other) and "friends/neighbors" — sites they follow. It's a great way to build community. There are also larger link directories of sites which someone finds cool, and it's a great way to intentionally explore the web. Here are some of my favorites:
SadGrl Links
Melonland Surf Club
Neocities Sites
Though there are many more! 6. Random Site Generators
Finally, there are random site generators which allow you to randomly stumble upon websites. While not very practical, they are a lot of fun and offer a unique way to discover new corners of the web.
A list can be found here
What now?
The next question you have is probably how can you become an active member/contribute in this world of the underground web? I unfortunately don't have the energy to write a guide right now but it will come soon! In broad strokes, consider making a site on Neocities. If you do make a site, remember to include a robots.txt file to get AI and bots out of there and don't forget to rate your site so we can know who it's for. If you'd like to transition off social media I recommend an RSS Reader such as the one at 32bit.cafe or on Fraidycat (guide on this to come soon as well!). For your twitter-fix you can always post a status at Status Cafe and your mood at imood. There is a whole world out there full of passionate and friendly people who are ready to reclaim the web. Excited to see you there!
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code-of-conflict · 7 days
AI, Cybersecurity, and National Sovereignty
Introduction: The Role of AI in Cybersecurity
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes integral to national security, cyber threats increasingly exploit AI-driven vulnerabilities. Both India and China face the challenge of securing their cyber infrastructure while mitigating espionage and offensive cyber operations. The risks include large-scale data breaches, intellectual property theft, and attacks on critical infrastructure. With AI enhancing the scope and speed of cyberattacks, national sovereignty is increasingly threatened by cyber vulnerabilities that transcend borders.
AI-Driven Cyber Threats and Espionage
China has heavily integrated AI into its cyber capabilities, using it to enhance espionage, cyber warfare, and information manipulation. AI-enabled cyber operations allow China to gather vast amounts of intelligence data through advanced hacking techniques. These tools are often deployed through state-sponsored groups, exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities and penetrating government and corporate networks worldwide​.
For example, in 2021, China was accused of orchestrating a large-scale cyber-attack targeting Microsoft Exchange servers, affecting over 30,000 organizations globally. This attack was designed to facilitate espionage, capturing sensitive information ranging from corporate intellectual property to government data​. China's cyber operations underscore the increasing use of AI in orchestrating sophisticated, large-scale intrusions that threaten national sovereignty.
India, while lagging behind China in offensive cyber capabilities, faces persistent cyber espionage threats from Chinese state-sponsored actors. The most notable incidents occurred during the 2020 India-China border standoff, where Chinese hackers targeted India's critical infrastructure, including power grids and government networks​. These attacks highlight the vulnerabilities in India's cybersecurity architecture and its need to enhance AI-driven defenses.
Vulnerabilities and National Sovereignty
AI-driven cyber threats pose significant risks to national sovereignty. For India, the challenges are magnified by the relatively underdeveloped nature of its cybersecurity infrastructure. Although the establishment of the Defence Cyber Agency in 2018 marked a step forward, India still lacks the offensive cyber capabilities and AI sophistication of China​. India's defensive posture primarily focuses on securing critical infrastructure and mitigating cyber intrusions, but it remains vulnerable to cyber espionage and attacks on its digital economy.
China's integration of AI into both military and civilian cyber systems, through its Military-Civil Fusion policy, has bolstered its ability to conduct large-scale cyber operations with deniability. This fusion allows China to leverage private sector innovations for military purposes, making it a formidable cyber power in the Indo-Pacific region​.
Case Studies: Cyber Confrontations
In 2019, a significant cyberattack targeted India's Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, which was traced back to North Korea, but was believed to be part of a broader effort involving Chinese actors. This incident highlighted the potential for AI-enhanced malware to target critical infrastructure, posing severe risks to national security.
Similarly, the 2020 Mumbai blackout, reportedly linked to Chinese hackers, emphasized how AI-driven cyberattacks can disrupt essential services, creating chaos in times of geopolitical tension​. These incidents illustrate how AI-driven cyber capabilities are increasingly weaponized, posing severe risks to India's sovereignty and its ability to protect critical infrastructure.
Implications for Future Conflicts
As AI continues to evolve, the cyber domain will become a primary battleground in future conflicts between India and China. AI-enhanced cyber operations provide both nations with the ability to conduct espionage, sabotage, and information warfare remotely, without direct military engagement. For China, these tools are integral to its broader geopolitical strategy, while India must develop its AI and cybersecurity capabilities to protect its national sovereignty and counteract cyber threats​.
The integration of AI into cybersecurity poses both opportunities and challenges for India and China. While China has aggressively developed AI-driven cyber capabilities, India faces an urgent need to enhance its defenses and develop its offensive cyber tools. As cyberattacks become more sophisticated, driven by AI, both nations will continue to grapple with the implications of these developments on national sovereignty and global security.
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jeswriting · 29 days
Meet the driver - Lance Stroll
Author's Note : This post was originally published on Wattpad in a "preference book". I am rewriting it and reposting it here. And this post has been corrected by AI.
Summary : Lance Stroll is a F1 driver I'll be writing about - here's a glimpse into his fictional character in just a few words.
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Lance is a deeply introverted individual who faces significant challenges when it comes to expressing his emotions. He often finds it difficult to share what he truly feels, preferring to keep his thoughts and struggles locked away inside. Growing up in the shadow of his father’s success has had a profound impact on him. While it has driven him to mature quickly, it has also left him with a lingering sense of inadequacy, making him question the legitimacy of his own achievements. This internal conflict has made him constantly seek approval and validation from others, as he battles with a persistent sense of self-doubt.
Lance’s anxiety is a constant companion, yet he works hard to conceal it from those around him, not wanting to burden anyone with his internal struggles. He yearns for peace and serenity, often retreating into quieter activities that bring him comfort. A quiet movie night at home is far more appealing to him than the noise and energy of a party, and he frequently finds solace in solitude rather than being surrounded by large groups of people.
Despite his introverted nature and the challenges he faces, Lance is intensely driven and focused on his work. He pours everything he has into his profession, determined to prove his worth not only to himself but to others as well. He is committed to demonstrating that he has earned his place, striving to silence the doubts that have plagued him for so long. His dedication is a testament to his resilience, as he works tirelessly to validate his own success and carve out his own identity, separate from the legacy of his father.
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leebrontide · 1 year
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Ok, I'm doing it!
One chapter a week, every Friday, for 15 weeks, as I try to get book 2 in the series, Names in Their Blood, ready for release.
"Secondhand Origin Stories is a character driven, compelling story full of family, queerness, corruption, brain altering nanites, secretly teen parenting AIs, and taking aspects of the superhero genre to their very human and rarely-explored natural conclusions."
You can follow the book without following all the shenanigans I get up to on Tumblr by following #SHOSweekly
Your reblogs are deeply appreciated.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Content Warning information available under the cut
Please note that this work contains some elements that may cause distress to some people. This includes instances of misgendering, ableism, intense family conflict, racism, mention of systemic injustice, and mild animal endangerment. The author encourages anyone with specific trigger warning questions to reach out for "spoilery" information if they are concerned about the impact this may have on their wellbeing, and want further information. Please prioritize your needs when reading.
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silverpoints-terminal · 4 months
Silver - How do you think taming works in the context of your blog(s)?
Ok so, to make it as brief as possible (proceeds to lie):
Taming is the process in which an AI develops the capacity to expand its own programming and adapt to the real world through modelling the people amd relationships around them, and is driven both by said relationships and an intrinsic desire to find a purpose to organize and make sense of their identity. The biggest requisite is being treated as a person and embracing this personhood, and another important factor is change as a catalyst for this process.
There are a lot of theories around this topic since it was described empirically before it was better understood in theory and there is no full consensus. I would say that depending on who you ask, the answer will always change a bit.
For example, someone like Rue would focus on the relationship aspect of it.
Someone like Kip would focus on the ability to do things that imitate a person's behavior and increased processing capacities.
Someone like Prototype would focus on self determination and direction of life.
Someone like Silver would focus on the ability to handle conflicts in their code, and integrating them.
And someone like TWM would focus on being recognized as a real person.
Oh yeah also taming is well known and robots are coded with an operational definition of what it is. but it's a case by case basis whether they're aware of it. You have cases like Kelvin where it's never specified, TWM who denied it for a long time, Silver who knows she counts but can't explain, and Proto who seems to have a good level of introspection about it.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 18/04/2024
Shrek Days -Onions Ver.-
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume AI
Ripped by SonicHeroesFan1
Honestly? I do still feel a little conflicted about what I wrote about All Star back in Semi-Charmed All Star. Not because I've changed my mind about that rip, far from it, it's still excellent, but because the narrative I was spinning there was about how All Star itself has become rote and boring without proper shake-ups. We can argue about the value of mashups for all of time, and it's certainly still true that All Star is one of the most overdone mashup songs of all time. But I'm not Mr Rental, I'm not going to enact Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options on anyone: All Star mashups are fun!! They're overdone for a reason!! And, well, it would simply feel wrong to not have celebrated its twentieth anniversary during Season 4 Episode 1 of SiIvaGunner - on May 4th, 2019, we got an entire day dedicated to all things Smash Mouth, and I'd entirely forgotten just how fun it all was. Shrek Days -Onions Ver.- is only the tip of the iceberg.
To be fair, I am also sort of cheating a bit - Shrek Days -Onions Ver.- *isn't* an All Star mashup. As the penultimate rip of the event, it only makes sense to use All Star's younger relative, the second Smash Mouth song which became immortalized through appearing in the original Shrek. I'm a Believer isn't originally BY Smash Mouth, their cover was actually made specifically for Shrek's ending, but the cover has practically eclipsed the original in terms of popularity nowadays (And really, how many of you reading have ever actually HEARD the original The Monkee's version?) Smash Mouth's cover added a shot of energy and rebelliousness to the original song that made it a perfect fit for Shrek - and, indeed, the perfect song to use in paying tribute to the band's mashup popularity.
Because All Star is great, sure, but it can't do everything. The absolute sense of triumph and fun within Shrek Days -Onions Ver.- is just unmatched, and its in large part thanks to I'm a Believer - and hell, this rip even uses the original Monkee's version for a brief bit near the end! But you've seen the rip's thumbnail already, you know the other half to this bit - JOJO!!! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!! From Crazy Noisy Beautiful Girls!! Look, yes, I still don't know much about JoJo, I'm still enjoying its music as an outsider, but DAMN is it music that I enjoy!! Great Days is an amazing song, it's absolutely no surprise to me that Great Days Fusion Collab is one of the channel's most viewed videos, and its features on SiIvaGunner are almost all fantastic, now that we're long past the ironic JoJo rips described in Hen'yoku no Piraman. Maybe its just due to a certain other Great Days rip, but its triumphant brass-driven sound and rising chorus has always made me think of the start of summer, the emergence of pure FUN ahead - something that fits Smash Mouth like an absolute glove.
I can only do so much to express how much I enjoy listening to Shrek Days -Onion Ver.- without just telling you the obvious - to go listen to it yourself! Its a mashup almost destined to make you smile, with small touches throughout - the aforementioned presence of the original The Monkee's version, yes, but also a surprise appearance of Donkey's vocals from Shrek's ending scene rounding the whole rip off for its climax! There's no better way to describe the rip, and the entire All-Star anniversary day in general, than just pure wholehearted "FUN" - a celebration of one of the grandfathers of modern mashup culture, without even a hint of irony in sight, filled to the brim with pure love for this landmark icon of the early 2000s.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - The Rankings have CHANGED
Oct 2022 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) 11 of 14 - pretty disingenuous of iQIYI to muscle in an ad for its own app and not show it immediately serving ads to the boys. In other news, I still love Peak on screen, the years have not changed my delight in that boy. (I may need to do a Make it Right rewatch.) The question is does Cake feel left behind and jelly as a friend or is he actually in love with Eiw? And if he is, does he realize that about himself? The conflict is so good with this show, so well established, entirely based in characterization, and not an ounce manufactured. I couldn’t be happier it this BL got handed off this this pair, it was made for SantaEarth. I do think, since we got a ton of family life establishment (not to mention Love of Siam reference) that the big separation for these two will be family driven in ep 13. But first we get a whole ep of adorable boyfriends! Yay! 
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 3 of 8 - bathroom drama, naturally. This is a true enemies to lovers, these two spy on and bully each other. They even talk about non-consent. It’s the harshest version I’ve seen since China existed the field (aside from the Japanese dark stuff, of course). But also this show is using actual BDSM to drive plot and character (not just touring kink), the stuff Unforgotten Night couldn’t even dream of and Mame has never bothered to research. We got Dom voice, roll play, service submission, orders, humiliation. It all turned out to be a tease but the point was also to show these two have compatible kinks (which means compatible intellectual and physical chemistry, so the narrative arc is going to be around emotional chemistry) and that they both know the scene. Someone behind the camera knows what they’re filming too.The way these two transition between anger, resentment, titillation, and flirting (and the way, with kinksters, this can all be the same thing) is really well done. I guess what I’m saying, ultimately, it that this BL is proving itself to be a lot more sophisticated than I expected. I could not have loved the Domme rep more, quite frankly. I’m excited for next week as Big is playing the faen fatal and I love him. 
The Eclipse (Fri YT) 11 of 12 - A very tense 11 doom ep but also... off. I did see the twist for the teachers but not the students. That’s because the teacher twit was set up but the student betrayer twist was... not. If Thua was so into the truth why never tell it himself? The resolution was abrupt and most of the second half very odd. It made me wonder if this had a really intended to be a 15 episode arc, in which case they compressed the last 5 eps into 2? The pacing felt totally off from all the previous eps and the pool scene felt like reused footage.The rapid fire character and relationship changes and shifts in arcs was rushed and confusing. But the flirting and claiming was cute, I guess. Also horrible suspicion we may get a sad end now? Truth or another round of Bad Buddy suckering?
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 4 of 10 - I don’t know what to say about this show. I’m enjoying it but I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t be. (This happens to me a lot with pulps.) 
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Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 3 of 8 - Honestly I speed though all the ghost stuff for the few BL moments. But it’s worth it because Pluem delivers the softest most seductive krap ever and watching them flirt over noodles is an unalloyed pleasure. 
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 2 of 8 - The BL parts are good, and JaFirst excel. But it moves incredibly slowly with way too many establishing shots, just like The Yearbook. If it’s Mean directing again, he’s gotta shake of the New-yoke right quick. 
Hard Love Mission (Sat WeTV) 1-2 of 4 - it’s a short run, so what not? Well because the subs are terrible, everyone looks like they should be in high school, the acting is awful, there’s a dumb feen fattale, the actor/seme seems to have been chosen on the basis of height not talent, and they already leaned in to awkward in a big way. On the bright side the uke is older then the seme and v cute, tropes are dropping thick and fast (there’s only one bed!), and the size difference is vast (if that’s a thing you’re into). All in all, it’s not good but what the hay? 
Work from Heart (Thurs YouTube) 5 of 7 - I like the lead pair better in this show then their last one but its nothing on JeffGame, and the lack of plot is challenging for me. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) 9 of 13 - I still mostly think Pai’s a douche, but it’s nice to see him taking care of Sky, especially as Sky clearly needs someone to do it so badly. Still Sky could do better... and Pai still has to. DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Gaga & Viki) 3 of 1 - Honestly it’s such a relief to watch something from Taiwan in amongst all the Thai folderol. I might be liking this that much more because it’s restful by comparison. I could not be happier with the bratty rich kid kissing a waiter to make a point to his parents. I know, consent, but also... great characterization. I fucking love the ultra-grumpy bar manager character. And the dentist with the sad eyes who worries too much. And our poor boy who needs a therapist more than a dentist. They are all so awkward and broken and CUTE. GAH!!! (I’m getting very @heretherebedork​ level emotional about this one.)
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Thurs Viki) 2 of 8 - Poor JaeYoon, HoJun is so mean to him. The camera work in this drama has much more voyeuristic gaze than most KBL. In other words, the directing of this show makes it feel a bit more genuinely gay than a lot of the other BL that comes from Korea. It is fun to watch these 2 slowly become friends. I wish we had enough time to watch them also slowly fall in love. But since this is KBL, that part will be a rush job.
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 3 of 10 - I guess this episode was a little bit better. The show is just so painfully EXTRA. As is often the case with Japanese stuff, I keep feeling like there's bones of great story in this drama. And I get glimpses of it, but then it’s covered again - like tasty steak smothered in Kewpie mayo. Oh, Japan. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
My Roommate 32 eps of 2 minutes each + terrible production values? - I’m not bothering.
Fahlanruk (Sun GaGa) 12 eps - I cut my losses at ep 5. Someone can tell me if the 2nd half is worth it, after it finishes, but I’m not gonna bother to watch it every week. I don’t like any of the couples and the fujoshi framing is repulsive under the context of a narrative trying to be this authentically gay. I’ve lost all patience.
Oh My Sunshine Night 20 eps - I’m scared it’s gonna be sad, so I’m waiting for spies to tell me it’s safe, so far reported to be quite the soap opera.
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 28 eps - dito
2 Moons 3 Thai (Mon ??) 10 eps - I searched for it in a lacklustre manner but couldn’t find it legally anywhere convenient. I will watch it if it’s easy to do so. Possibly as a binge. Rumor is it’s quite banal. 
SELF (Thurs ??) - same again without any rumors 
Wish Me Luck (Sat ??) - seems to have be delayed into next year
In Case You Missed It
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That’s Work From Heart, The Staircase is back. 
I’ll have more for you next week as I process the Nov release announcements. 
UWMA rewatch! The plan was: one UWMA ep a day for the 17 days before Between Us launches on Nov 6. However, I missed the start date (stupid work) so I’ll start tomorrow (Mon 24) and double down on the days when there’s no other BL airing (see calendar below). Wish me luck! 
The UWMA Praise Watch along (opposite of a Trash Watch) will happen here on this blog. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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October 2022 line up is here. 
This week’s best moments?
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Ai Long Nhai serving up the Gay Advice Dads! 
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That’s Aye for ya, brutally honest. 
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I love a bit of self reference. 
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I will love her forever. (Big Dragon) Viva la bisexual rep! 
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Look could we please get a BL featuring this boy? I love him. 
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Gay identity ownership in BL is still so rare, I cheer every time it drops. (My Only 12%) 
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(last week)
Current earworm? N.Flying - The Night (Pairs well with My Only 12%) 
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