#AI In Product Design Optimization
rubylogan15 · 2 months
Learn how generative AI addresses key manufacturing challenges with predictive maintenance, advanced design optimization, superior quality control, and seamless supply chains.
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carriesthewind · 1 month
Yeah so anyway, I'm making my response to this fucking garbage its own separate post in case people want to reblog it without having to reblog a scare-mongering lie.
This video pisses me the fuck off whenever I see it, and today I'm not in the mood to just scroll past.
Wow! Am I being lead to panic by scaremongering algorithm fodder completely unsupported by real evidence?! test:
The reason you think something exists is just what you're being told by a nefarious *them*, there is actually a conspiracy behind it!
I, an ordinary person with no expertise who critically examines the world around me, have uncovered this conspiracy.
"That's what they're telling you." (put the emphasis wherever appropriate for the conspiracy of your choice - in this case, it's on *telling*)
This new tech thing is actually a bad idea and the old school method was better - which clearly proves there must be a secret conspiracy, because why allow the possibility of incompetence and investor tech-hype when you can instead assume a highly-competent evil conspiracy?
I will now tell you my conspiracy theory while scrolling rapidly through a document without pausing or allowing you to actually read any of it. This allows me to look like I have proven my claims while doing nothing of the sort. Because do you really think someone could do that? Quickly flash a document on screen and just lie about what it says?
But Owl! This is real! A user upthread found the patent and it *does* prove it!
Yeah. I read the linked patent. Did you?
Let's quote the "real purpose" hidden in the patent, as claimed out in the video:
"The real purpose of these screens is to use the little camera at the top right here to scan your face and use AI facial expression analysis to judge whether or not you like the packaging designs of the product you're looking for."
This is complete made up horseshit.
First, let's look where the reblogger directs us, to column #4 on page 17:
"Preferably, each retail product container further comprises customer-detecting hardware, such as one or more proximity sensors (such as heat maps) , cameras, facial sensors or scanners, and eye-sensors (i.e., iris-tracking sensors). Assuming cameras are employed, preferably cameras are mounted on doors of the retail product containers. Preferably, the cameras have a depth of field of view of twenty feet or more, and have a range of field of view of 170 degrees with preferably 150 degree of facial recognition ability. Preferably, software is employed in association with the cameras to monitor shopper interactions, serve up relevant advertisement content on the displays, and track advertisement engagement in - store." (emphasis added and references to figures removed for readability)
That is the extent of the "nonconsensual data collection."
Now, to be fair, there is some stuff on page 18 and 19 which kinda-sorta-maybe has at least some relation to the claim in the video:
"Preferably, the controller/data collector is configured such that as a shopper stands or lingers in front of a given retail product container, the display associated with the retail product container changes yet again. At this point, preferably the controller/data collector has been able to use the customer-detecting hardware to effectively learn more about that particular customer, such as gender, age, mood, etc. The controller / data collector is configured to take what has been detected about the customer to determine which advertisement and other information to present to that particular customer on the display associated with the retail product container in front of which the customer is standing. By tracking shopper data in parallel with which advertising content is being served on all displays within the viewing range of the shopper, the retailer and the brands are better served, providing new analytics. As such, the system provides advertising, influence opportunities at the moment of purchasing decision, optimizing marketing spend and generating new revenue streams....
"Additionally, preferably all inputs collected by the IOT devices will be analyzed locally as well as remotely (via cloud) to provide the feedback inputs for the system to push more relevant/targeted content, tailored for the consumer. The analytics are preferably conducted anonymously, images captured by cameras are preferably processed to collect statistics on consumer demographic characteristics: (such as age and gender). This data is preferably subsequently analyzed for additional statistics for the retailers that are valuable for in-store merchandise layout design and smart merchandizing, including the ability to track the shoppers “traffic” areas, known as “heat maps”, areas were [sic] customers would concentrate more and spend more time exploring, etc." (emphasis added and references to figures removed for readability) (And note the repeated emphasis on preferably - they don't have a patent to do any of this.)
Which, like, not great! I fucking hate the idea of shit like this! But there is literally nothing here about monitoring your expressions to sell the data about how you react to packaging!
This isn't a nefarious plan hidden in the patent. It's tech bros adding on totally sick ideas about how they can sell this shit to walgreens. (Because to be clear, I'm sure walgreens's corporate office would love to collect and sell this kind of information. But just because they would, doesn't mean they can or are. And this patent sure as hell doesn't prove it.)
Because let me be clear: the image capture of consumers is so irrelevant to the product that it literally isn't even included in the claims section of the patent.
Because the patent is quite explicit and detailed about the idea they are selling big retails stores on - this is a better, new, innovative, tech-driven way to "provide an innovative advertising solution"! (The words "AI," "intelligent," and "machine learning" are deployed liberally, but in the same way that "blockchain" was a few years ago. It's advertising tech hype.)
I want to make it clear - the OP in the video is straight up lying to you. Whether for fun or profit or just attention, I don't know and I don't care. If you shared this, you probably should have know better, but everyone makes mistakes. OP, on the other hand, is just a fucking liar.
But Owl! What about "the senators looking into this"?
I don't know how to tell you this, but thing linked about is a press release by a politician's office. That doesn't mean it's not true, but it's not evidence on it's own. Like, the letter linked in the link included links to sources, but is not itself evidence (ooh, layers of links to actually get to a source, my favorite)(actually my computer wouldn't even goddam open the links to the source, I had to independently search for it).
Anyway, the letter to Kroger linked in the press release by the senators contains a single sentence and a single link relevant to the claim here (linked for your convenience because it sure as hell wasn't for mine). Unfortunately, this article is itself based on a goddam press release (That isn't linked! Again, you're welcome.)
And when we finally get to the underlying fucking source. "In addition to transforming the customer experience and enhancing productivity for associates, the EDGE Shelf will enable Kroger to generate new revenue by selling digital advertising space to consumer packaged goods (CPGs) brands. Using video analytics, personalized offers and advertisements can be presented based on customer demographics." So it's purporting to something *kind of* like the claim in the video, but an entirely different format completely unrelated to the thing the video is scaremongering about.
Now Kroger did actually start using the advertising screens in 2023. And you can believe what you want about the data privacy claims and the claims about not using video, just sensors (which remember is entirely consistent with the patent). But remember: being skeptical of a company's claims is fine and good! It does not mean you have proven they are lying, and it especially does not prove you have claimed they are doing something extremely specific! And most of the articles, and the letter from the senators, are (much more reasonably) concerned about so-called "dynamic" or surge pricing. (Which is not related to the screens.)
Like goddamn. Aren't there enough real problems with surveillance and price-gorging to be concerned about without having to make up fake ones? Hell, why can't we at least be concerned with the real problems with those dumb screens, which is that the a) make shopping harder and b) catch fire?
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extremely-nervess · 2 months
can we get lore on alecto?
Haha >_< okay First thing is, since Fae and Alecto are from a Lancer game they exist in that setting. In that setting 'AIs' are commonly referred to as non-human persons (NHP) and they're not really AI, but actually extra/multidimensional beings that operate on a higher order of existence to normal people. Special processing units called Caskets are used to restrict these entities and force them into a more human, and useful shape. They are sort of digital beings by nature of the caskets being largely digital. It's not uncommon for Lancers (elite pilots) to acquire a combat NHP for their machine - many of the corporate licences provide access to a clone of a stable/standardised class of NHP along with their mechs.
NHPs can, if the casket is damaged or in other extreme situations enter cascade - a state of escaping the control of the casket and returning to their powerful, very alien, and typically beyond the scope of mortal comprehension true selves. Alecto is a Fury class NHP, a fork of Harrison Armoury’s Lucifer class developed to pilot an experimental autonomous mech: The Dirae Smart Weapon System. Due to high risk of cascade in combat situations, exacerbated by the absence of a pilot to shut the NHP down in such an event lead to the project being scrapped before entering any kind of full production. Thereafter a few of the prototype machines and casket print manifests found their way onto the black market, which is how Fae acquired Alecto.
Alecto is a combat AI, victory over designated foes is her calling and true desire, or at least so says her casket. Unlike typical Lucifer classes she is a bit more restrained and professional, but still entirely merciless.Unlike most NHPs Alecto is opinionated on her body, the mech - developed with the Dirae chassis in mind she considers it an optimal form, and is quite protective over ‘her’ physical self. She does not appreciate the way Fae abuses her reactor, but they otherwise get along fairly well.
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magigoblin · 2 months
Goblin tips to saving money:
Buy ingredients, not snacks. A bag of flour costs about the same as a bag of name brand chips and will make you so much more food! Rice, beans, block cheese, tortillas, there’s a lotta ways to make cheap n tasty lazy food. Spices seem expensive but remember they’ll last a while longer than most food purchases. You can make chili oil, pickled vegetables (garlic is Gobbo’s personal favorite!), all kinds of flavorful things without much effort to make other things tastier. Google has all the recipes you might need, as long as you disregard the AI thing they’re pushing.
Thrift stores. You don’t need that fancy new Apple brand waffle maker or whatever the fuck the rich assholes are pushing this week. Go to a thrift store and buy the waffle iron that the previous owner had for 20 years and will last at least 5 more, because the new stuff is designed to break after six months to force another purchase and will do the job just as well as the thrifted one at best.
Basic tools. You would be amazed how far a few screwdrivers, needle+thread and an adjustable wrench can extend the lifespan of goods. Tinkering is good for the goblin brain and is entirely practical as an experience. Do your research and get the brands of tools that will last and have the fewest “features.” Bells ‘n whistles only inflate the price and weaken the products.
Reuse before you recycle. Even if you can’t fix something, you can repurpose it entirely. Bucket has a hole in the bottom? Put a sturdy mesh over it with non-water-soluble glue and use it to grow a plant. The hole will let the excess water drain and keep the roots from rotting. You just saved money buying an overpriced planting pot, only having to buy some glue and mesh instead. Do not, however, begin hoarding things “just in case.” If you cannot think of a use for it, or have no desire or need to put it to said use, it is best disposed of or given to someone else who will.
Don’t spend, invest. Not in stocks or crypto or whatever. Wherever you can, buy the built-to-last versions of things and take care of those things instead of the cheap ones that are “good enough.” If you have to save up for a while, so be it, trust me it will save you so much money later. Durability is king when saving money, and maintenance is his faithful queen. Gobbo recommends cast iron cookware, if you can consistently maintain it. That stuff will last literally for generations if it is cared for.
Establish routines. A lot of money-saving practices need a little extra effort to work, so make a checklist and do everything on it once a day. Season your cast iron, water your plants, check expiration dates on food, make sure none of the lights were left on by accident, that sort of thing. The certainty of this routine does wonders for one’s clarity of mind in the long term, and usually takes half an hour at most.
Optimize your hobbies. Identify which parts of a hobby you don’t need to invest as heavily in to fully enjoy still. For example, if you love movies, it is worth appraising whether the whole movie theatre experience is worth the price tag or if you’d be just as happy buying the DvD and curling up at home with your own popcorn and no rude moviegoers detracting from the movie. If you’re a crafty sort, see if you can do anything to get more out of your raw materials. Went to school with a girl who used to waste a lot of fabric when tailoring, but started saving about 70 dollars a month by measuring and stenciling all the cuts in the fabric before actually cutting, minimizing the unusable scraps.
We live in a world where money is worth less to the market every day, so it is important to make that money worth more by how we use it!
If you’re motivated by spite, think of it like this. The rich people that run things want you to spend as much money as possible on every purchase, so spending less money and getting more out of it is a direct act of rebellion that they can’t do anything to stop you from committing. It is a small victory over capitalism, one that you can commit every moment of every day while simultaneously improving your quality of living. You are taking some power over you away from them and they hate that. It’s punk, it’s positive, it’s productive counterculture. What more could you want?
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iwonderwh0 · 7 months
I don't think androids store memories as videos or that they can even be extracted as ones. Almost, but not exactly.
Firstly, because their memories include other data such as their tactile information, their emotional state, probably 3d markers of their surrounding...a lot of different information. So, their memories are not in a video-format, but some kind of a mix of many things, that may not be as easily separated from each other. I don't think a software necessary to read those types of files are publicly available.
Even if they have some absolute massive storage, filming good-quality videos and storing them is just not an optimal way to use their resources. It's extremely wasteful. I think, instead, their memories consist of snapshots that are taken every once in a while (depending on how much is going on), that consist of compressed version of all their relevant inputs like mentioned above. Like, a snapshot of a LiDAR in a specific moment + heavily compressed photo with additional data about some details that'll later help to upscale it and interpolate from one snapshot into the next one, some audio samples of the voices and transcript of the conversation so that it'd take less storage to save. My main point is, their memories are probably stored in a format that not only doesn't actually contain original video material, but is a product of some extreme compression, and in this case reviewing memories is not like watching HD video footage, but rather an ai restoration of those snapshots. Perhaps it may be eventually converted into some sort of a video readable to human eye, but it would be more of an ai-generated video from specific snapshots with standardised prompts with some parts of the image/audio missing than a perfectly exact video recording.
When Connor extracts video we see that they are a bit glitchy. It may be attributed to some details getting lost during transmission from one android to another, but then we've also got flashbacks with android's own memories, that are just as "glitchy". Which kinda backs up a theory of it being a restoration of some sort of a compressed version rather than original video recording.
Then we've also got that scene where Josh records Markus where it is shown that when he starts to film, his eyes indicate the change that he is not just watching but recording now. Which means that is an option, but not the default. I find it a really nice detail. Like, androids can record videos, but then the people around them can see exactly when they do that, and "be at ease" when they don't. It may be purely a design choice, like that of the loading bar to signalise that something is in progress and not just frozen, or mandatory shutter sound effect on smartphones cameras in Japan.
So, yeah. Androids purpose is to correctly interpret their inputs and store relevant information about it in their long term memory, and not necessarily to record every present moment in a video-archive that will likely never be seen by a human and reviewed as a pure video footage again. If it happened to be needed to be seen — it'll be restored as a "video" file, but this video won't be an actual video recording unless android was specifically set to record mode.
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vasyandii · 2 months
Hi there again! I have a few questions regarding AM and his anatomy.
Ok so does he have organs? I’ve read in one of your post that he does have wires within his body but in another post where AM first uses his organic body it said “The air in his lungs hurt.”
So he has lungs??? I don’t know I’m just curious.🧐And if so how does he process food? Is it similar to us or not?? I know he doesn’t need to eat, but since Vernon shares her food with him I just couldn’t help but wonder…😀😄
Also, I promise I’m not stalking you or anything I just really love your art and the way you interpret ihnmaims!!! 🩷Your art makes me want to mediative daydream, it makes me so happy it motivates me!😭
Howdy Dislocatedcat! Thank you for the ask, sorry it took so long to answer, since I got it since it has been keeping me up at night trying to make sense of it in a logical way. I would draw out the Anatomy of AM, but it's kind of...gross? Not innards in of themselves, just his.
AM's Anatomy
A machine will cut things out of its system in order to make sure it works the fastest. AM streamlined his body to optimize efficiency and functionality.
By eliminating non-essential organs like the spleen, kidney, and appendix, he reduced the risk of potential medical issues and minimized maintenance requirements. This allows him to focus his energy and resources on tasks that require higher cognitive functions and physical performance. So yes he has organs and wires combined :)
His Heart
Vernon has made comments about him not having a heartbeat, which is simply not true! He does ,in fact, have a heart, it just beats so slow she can't hear it.
It beats slower than a typical human heart because his body requires less frequent circulation due to enhanced metabolic processes and possibly more efficient oxygenation and nutrient delivery systems (the immortality serum). The heart may also be reinforced or partially mechanical to ensure durability and consistent performance.
His Lungs
AM has lungs, yes, but they are likely designed to be far more efficient than human lungs. These lungs facilitate effective oxygen exchange and are regulated by his AI consciousness to meet the optimized metabolic needs of his body.
His Digestive System/Stomach
AM has taste buds and enjoys flavours just like a normal human. The initial stages of eating—chewing and swallowing—are similar to any other person.
While he might retain essential digestive organs like the stomach and intestines, these organs could be enhanced or partially mechanical. This could involve more efficient enzymes, faster digestion, and improved nutrient absorption mechanisms.
AM’s body has an optimized waste management system, efficiently filtering and expelling waste products. This could involve advanced filtration mechanisms that reduce the need for frequent eliminations.
Waste products are minimized through a highly efficient filtration system. Excess and non-usable components are quickly identified and directed for excretion.
I'm not a medical professional nor deal with organs (other than my own, god forbid) on a daily basis, so some of this is probably inaccurate. But if you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
What are some of the coolest computer chips ever, in your opinion?
Hmm. There are a lot of chips, and a lot of different things you could call a Computer Chip. Here's a few that come to mind as "interesting" or "important", or, if I can figure out what that means, "cool".
If your favourite chip is not on here honestly it probably deserves to be and I either forgot or I classified it more under "general IC's" instead of "computer chips" (e.g. 555, LM, 4000, 7000 series chips, those last three each capable of filling a book on their own). The 6502 is not here because I do not know much about the 6502, I was neither an Apple nor a BBC Micro type of kid. I am also not 70 years old so as much as I love the DEC Alphas, I have never so much as breathed on one.
Disclaimer for writing this mostly out of my head and/or ass at one in the morning, do not use any of this as a source in an argument without checking.
Intel 3101
So I mean, obvious shout, the Intel 3101, a 64-bit chip from 1969, and Intel's first ever product. You may look at that, and go, "wow, 64-bit computing in 1969? That's really early" and I will laugh heartily and say no, that's not 64-bit computing, that is 64 bits of SRAM memory.
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This one is cool because it's cute. Look at that. This thing was completely hand-designed by engineers drawing the shapes of transistor gates on sheets of overhead transparency and exposing pieces of crudely spun silicon to light in a """"cleanroom"""" that would cause most modern fab equipment to swoon like a delicate Victorian lady. Semiconductor manufacturing was maturing at this point but a fab still had more in common with a darkroom for film development than with the mega expensive building sized machines we use today.
As that link above notes, these things were really rough and tumble, and designs were being updated on the scale of weeks as Intel learned, well, how to make chips at an industrial scale. They weren't the first company to do this, in the 60's you could run a chip fab out of a sufficiently well sealed garage, but they were busy building the background that would lead to the next sixty years.
Lisp Chips
This is a family of utterly bullshit prototype processors that failed to be born in the whirlwind days of AI research in the 70's and 80's.
Lisps, a very old but exceedingly clever family of functional programming languages, were the language of choice for AI research at the time. Lisp compilers and interpreters had all sorts of tricks for compiling Lisp down to instructions, and also the hardware was frequently being built by the AI researchers themselves with explicit aims to run Lisp better.
The illogical conclusion of this was attempts to implement Lisp right in silicon, no translation layer.
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Yeah, that is Sussman himself on this paper.
These never left labs, there have since been dozens of abortive attempts to make Lisp Chips happen because the idea is so extremely attractive to a certain kind of programmer, the most recent big one being a pile of weird designd aimed to run OpenGenera. I bet you there are no less than four members of r/lisp who have bought an Icestick FPGA in the past year with the explicit goal of writing their own Lisp Chip. It will fail, because this is a terrible idea, but damn if it isn't cool.
There were many more chips that bridged this gap, stuff designed by or for Symbolics (like the Ivory series of chips or the 3600) to go into their Lisp machines that exploited the up and coming fields of microcode optimization to improve Lisp performance, but sadly there are no known working true Lisp Chips in the wild.
Zilog Z80
Perhaps the most important chip that ever just kinda hung out. The Z80 was almost, almost the basis of The Future. The Z80 is bizzare. It is a software compatible clone of the Intel 8080, which is to say that it has the same instructions implemented in a completely different way.
This is, a strange choice, but it was the right one somehow because through the 80's and 90's practically every single piece of technology made in Japan contained at least one, maybe two Z80's even if there was no readily apparent reason why it should have one (or two). I will defer to Cathode Ray Dude here: What follows is a joke, but only barely
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The Z80 is the basis of the MSX, the IBM PC of Japan, which was produced through a system of hardware and software licensing to third party manufacturers by Microsoft of Japan which was exactly as confusing as it sounds. The result is that the Z80, originally intended for embedded applications, ended up forming the basis of an entire alternate branch of the PC family tree.
It is important to note that the Z80 is boring. It is a normal-ass chip but it just so happens that it ended up being the focal point of like a dozen different industries all looking for a cheap, easy to program chip they could shove into Appliances.
Effectively everything that happened to the Intel 8080 happened to the Z80 and then some. Black market clones, reverse engineered Soviet compatibles, licensed second party manufacturers, hundreds of semi-compatible bastard half-sisters made by anyone with a fab, used in everything from toys to industrial machinery, still persisting to this day as an embedded processor that is probably powering something near you quietly and without much fuss. If you have one of those old TI-86 calculators, that's a Z80. Oh also a horrible hybrid Z80/8080 from Sharp powered the original Game Boy.
I was going to try and find a picture of a Z80 by just searching for it and look at this mess! There's so many of these things.
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I mean the C/PM computers. The ZX Spectrum, I almost forgot that one! I can keep making this list go! So many bits of the Tech Explosion of the 80's and 90's are powered by the Z80. I was not joking when I said that you sometimes found more than one Z80 in a single computer because you might use one Z80 to run the computer and another Z80 to run a specialty peripheral like a video toaster or music synthesizer. Everyone imaginable has had their hand on the Z80 ball at some point in time or another. Z80 based devices probably launched several dozen hardware companies that persist to this day and I have no idea which ones because there were so goddamn many.
The Z80 eventually got super efficient due to process shrinks so it turns up in weird laptops and handhelds! Zilog and the Z80 persist to this day like some kind of crocodile beast, you can go to RS components and buy a brand new piece of Z80 silicon clocked at 20MHz. There's probably a couple in a car somewhere near you.
Pentium (P6 microarchitecture)
Yeah I am going to bring up the Hackers chip. The Pentium P6 series is currently remembered for being the chip that Acidburn geeks out over in Hackers (1995) instead of making out with her boyfriend, but it is actually noteworthy IMO for being one of the first mainstream chips to start pulling serious tricks on the system running it.
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The P6 microarchitecture comes out swinging with like four or five tricks to get around the numerous problems with x86 and deploys them all at once. It has superscalar pipelining, it has a RISC microcode, it has branch prediction, it has a bunch of zany mathematical optimizations, none of these are new per se but this is the first time you're really seeing them all at once on a chip that was going into PC's.
Without these improvements it's possible Intel would have been beaten out by one of its competitors, maybe Power or SPARC or whatever you call the thing that runs on the Motorola 68k. Hell even MIPS could have beaten the ageing cancerous mistake that was x86. But by discovering the power of lying to the computer, Intel managed to speed up x86 by implementing it in a sensible instruction set in the background, allowing them to do all the same clever pipelining and optimization that was happening with RISC without having to give up their stranglehold on the desktop market. Without the P5 we live in a very, very different world from a computer hardware perspective.
From this falls many of the bizzare microcode execution bugs that plague modern computers, because when you're doing your optimization on the fly in chip with a second, smaller unix hidden inside your processor eventually you're not going to be cryptographically secure.
RISC is very clearly better for, most things. You can find papers stating this as far back as the 70's, when they start doing pipelining for the first time and are like "you know pipelining is a lot easier if you have a few small instructions instead of ten thousand massive ones.
x86 only persists to this day because Intel cemented their lead and they happened to use x86. True RISC cuts out the middleman of hyperoptimizing microcode on the chip, but if you can't do that because you've girlbossed too close to the sun as Intel had in the late 80's you have to do something.
The Future
This gets us to like the year 2000. I have more chips I find interesting or cool, although from here it's mostly microcontrollers in part because from here it gets pretty monotonous because Intel basically wins for a while. I might pick that up later. Also if this post gets any longer it'll be annoying to scroll past. Here is a sample from a post I have in my drafts since May:
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I have some notes on the weirdo PowerPC stuff that shows up here it's mostly interesting because of where it goes, not what it is. A lot of it ends up in games consoles. Some of it goes into mainframes. There is some of it in space. Really got around, PowerPC did.
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thecurioustale · 4 months
My New Book Is Out! | Tokens of Zeal
My new book is out!
Buy it! Buy it now!
That's right: In secret, on January 2 of this year I began writing a book of essays. Some of you may know that I have an online journal, which I created in the summer of 2003 when I was just 21 years old and have kept up with ever since. For my new book I went back to the journal and read through it, entry by entry, drawing out excerpts of interest that became conversation pieces for 81 various and sundry essays reflecting on my past life and past thoughts.
The essays are short, often very short. They are less challenging than my usual writing, I would say. My purpose was not to advance my personal frontier of philosophy and intellectual thought in 2024, or to reach a niche audience of deep thinkers, but instead to reflect sincerely on some things I've seen along the way and muse upon how my thoughts have changed and stayed the same over twenty years.
I mention this to you because I am a bit worried that anyone who reads this book might think there's not much to me as an author, and might be dissuaded from reading my works of fiction when those books eventually come out, so I'll lampshade that by adding that I wrote this book in two-and-a-half months. Make of that what you will. I told myself I wouldn't self-sabotage the book by needlessly saying negative things about it, and I am proud of it, not only the fact that I finished it at all, let alone so quickly, but of the actual contents too.
This book is "Volume 1" in a hypothetical series, as it doesn't cover the entire twenty years of the journal but only the first four months, from August to November of 2003—at which point the essays had reached "book length" (lol). So really this book is a snapshot of my life in the latter half of 2003. At that time, I was fading out of college due to financial hardship and other issues, and did not realize that I would never (as yet) return.
I have been wanting for years to go back and reread my journal, and writing a book out of it was the perfect impetus to finally do it. I think a few things stand out about the Josh of 2023:
First, my principles have remained remarkably consistent, but my awareness and understanding of the world has grown drastically, and so those same principles have led me over time to some different policy views and worldviews on some things.
Second, I was a 21-year-old arrogant block of cheese, full of hormones and self-conviction, and that definitely shows up at times in ways that I simultaneously am not proud of and yet which I admire for their sheer gall. There is something very magnetic about the old me which doesn't exist anymore.
Third, following up on that point, it was pretty inspiring and encouraging to revisit the old me, with all that native optimism and drive. I don't express those qualities anymore because life has worn me down and also because I have come to recognize that humanity's problems are a lot more stubborn and irremediable than I thought. By glimpsing into the past, I couldn't help but be cheered on by the old Josh's proud, utopian sense of human inevitability. It lifted my own spirits in the here and now!
I made the mistake of announcing the book on Patreon right after I finished writing it, i.e. back in mid-March. Then I had to wring my hands every week about how post-production was taking longer than expected. Between the irritating realities of formatting a book in software not properly equipped to format a book (never write a book in Google Docs), the complexities of my detail-oriented manner and strong vision regarding the cover design (and engaging for the first time ever with modern generative AI, and having to learn those ropes), and sustaining illnesses and other life priorities and so on, it would take me another two months in all to finally reach today, where I can now publicly declare:
The book is done! It is for sale right now. It is called:
Tokens of Zeal: Words from a Vanished Age
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(Caption: Book front cover of Tokens of Zeal: Words from a Vanished Age, by Joshua Calars.)
You can buy it through Amazon in either paperback or e-book format. (I recommend the paperback version for aesthetics as it is much truer to my design vision for the book's layout and appearance, but my profit margin is actually a dollar bigger with the e-book version, so really just go with whichever version you prefer.) It is available in the US as well as in basically all the other countries that Amazon has expanded its publishing service into. If you need help finding a link to a particular version, give me a ping and I will point you there (if there is a "there" to be pointed to). This is my second published book, following Prelude to After The Hero in 2015, and the first book to be published in print.
If you do read it, first of all thank you! It's an honor that you would take the time. Second of all, I would love any feedback you care to offer. That's not a platitude either; feedback is hard to come by and I really would be interested in anything you have to say, good or bad. You can e-mail me, DM, reblog this, drop an ask, or tag me in an independent post. Whatever you like! Feedback will help me greatly when I eventually get around to writing Volume 2. And feel free to leave a review on Amazon, whether good or bad (though hopefully you enjoy the book); I am told it pleases The Algorithm. But most of all, if you enjoy the book, tell someone about it! Your word-of-mouth is currently 100 percent of my advertising budget, lol.
That's all. I wrote a book; it took four-and-a-half-months; it's done now; and it's the first time I've ever gotten to hold a book that I wrote in my hands as a physical thing, and that's pretty neat.
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bliow · 2 months
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In today’s digital landscape, a captivating and functional website is crucial for any business looking to thrive online. Full service web design encompasses a comprehensive approach, ensuring every aspect of your site is tailored to meet your unique needs. From the initial concept to the final launch, this service provides an array of offerings, including website service, responsive web design, and custom design services. Whether you’re a startup seeking to establish your brand or an established enterprise aiming to enhance your online presence, understanding the elements of full service web design is essential. 
Full service web design
Full service web design encompasses all aspects of creating a website, from initial conceptualization to ongoing maintenance. This approach ensures that every detail is carefully considered to meet the specific needs of a business or individual. With a team of experienced designers and developers, full service web design offers a seamless experience that integrates aesthetics, functionality, and user experience.
One of the key advantages of opting for a full service web design is the cohesion of the website elements. Since all parts of the project are managed by a single team, there is less chance for miscommunication or inconsistency in design. This results in a more polished final product that reflects the brand’s identity while providing an engaging experience for visitors.
Additionally, full service web design allows for customized solutions tailored to unique requirements. Whether you need an e-commerce platform, a portfolio site, or a blog, a full service provider will offer dedicated support and expert advice throughout the entire process, ensuring your vision comes to life exactly as you imagined.
Website service
In today's digital landscape, website service is essential for businesses to thrive and maintain an online presence. A well-structured website serves as a powerful tool that encourages customer engagement and drives sales. By investing in a comprehensive website service, businesses can ensure that their website not only looks great but also functions seamlessly across all devices.
A key aspect of website service is the ability to optimize for search engines. By implementing SEO best practices, businesses can enhance their visibility and attract more organic traffic. This is where a reliable website service provider plays a crucial role, as they possess the expertise and techniques necessary to elevate your search engine rankings.
Furthermore, ongoing support and maintenance are vital components of a reliable website service. As technology evolves and user needs change, having a team that can promptly address issues or updates will keep your website relevant and effective in reaching target audiences. This ongoing relationship is instrumental in achieving long-term success in the digital realm.
Responsive web design
Responsive web design is an essential aspect of modern web development that ensures a seamless user experience across a variety of devices. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, having a website that adapts to different screen sizes is not just a luxury but a necessity.
The core principle of responsive web design is fluidity. This means that the layout of your website adjusts dynamically based on the screen width, ensuring that content remains accessible and visually appealing regardless of the device used. This approach improves usability and can significantly boost conversion rates.
Incorporating responsive web design techniques involves using flexible grids, images, and CSS media queries. These elements work together to create a layout that responds gracefully to changes in screen size, making your website not only functional but also competitive in the digital marketplace.
Custom design services
In today's digital landscape, custom design services have emerged as a vital component of creating a strong online presence. Businesses understand that a one-size-fits-all approach does not cater to their unique needs and branding. Therefore, opting for custom design services allows them to differentiate themselves in a crowded market.
These services offer tailored solutions that resonate with a company's specifics, from colors to typography and layout. By leveraging custom design services, businesses can ensure that their websites not only reflect their brand identity but also provide an intuitive user experience. This is crucial for keeping visitors engaged and encouraging them to take the desired actions.
Investing in custom design services ultimately contributes to better customer satisfaction and improved conversion rates. With a website designed specifically for their target audience, businesses can more effectively communicate their message and achieve their goals. This bespoke approach is invaluable in today's competitive environment.
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brostateexam · 6 months
Whenever Donaldson analyzes his own trajectory on YouTube, he self-mythologizes around his own expertise, and how it allows him to game the platform. He’s described spending countless hours obsessing over every detail, down to the optimal brightness of a YouTube thumbnail. He knows the first 10 seconds of a video are the most important for retention, which is why his videos start with a barrage of all the wild things that will unfold in its run time. And that signature MrBeast editing style that’s fast, frantic, and omnipresent on YouTube is a relentless gambit for your attention. “I can get 100 million views on a video for less than 10 grand if I wanted to,” Donaldson boasted on the Colin and Samir podcast.
When asked to describe his own channel, Donaldson says that he’s so laser-focused on achieving virality that he will not upload a video unless he thinks it’ll go big. Later on in the same podcast, he muses that if he fed all the information about his MrBeast videos to an AI and prompted it to tell him what to make next, the output would be what he’s already making.
The key is to always be improving. Donaldson has mused that his dominion over YouTube is the product of radical candor within a team of like-minded creators with similar perfectionist standards. To this day, Donaldson claims to get on daily calls with other creators in the hopes of learning something new that will help him stay at the top. He claims that if a creator’s circle of friends doesn’t spot room for improvement in the videos — even if they’re already viral — then the creator is doomed to stagnate on the platform. Critique can only improve your output, he suggested at the time. But clearly he didn’t feel the same about McLoughlin’s comments, even if his YouTuber contemporary was on to something.
In reviewing dozens of MrBeast videos from over the years, Donaldson has nearly erased himself as a person from his episodic output. If viewers don’t really see him having fun, that’s by design. Donaldson has outright said he sees “personality” as a limitation for growth, once noting in a podcast that hinging your content on who you are as a person means risking not being liked. And if someone doesn’t like a creator as a person, they may not give the videos a chance.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
17 Jul 23
China Law Translate - Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services
Quotes from direct English translation of law below
These measures apply to the use of generative AI technologies to provide services to the public in the [mainland] PRC for the generation of text, images, audio, video, or other content (hereinafter generative AI services). Where the state has other provisions on the use of generative AI services to engage in activities such as news and publication, film and television production, and artistic creation, those provisions are to be followed. These Measures do not apply where industry associations, enterprises, education and research institutions, public cultural bodies, and related professional bodies, etc., research, develop, and use generative AI technology, but have not provided generative AI services to the (mainland) public.[...]
During processes such as algorithm design, the selection of training data, model generation and optimization, and the provision of services, effective measures are to be employed to prevent the creation of discrimination such as by race, ethnicity, faith, nationality, region, sex, age, profession, or health;[...]
Respect intellectual property rights and commercial ethics, and protect commercial secrets, advantages in algorithms, data, platforms, and so forth must not be used for monopolies or to carry out unfair competition;[...]
Promote the establishment of generative AI infrastructure and public training data resource platforms. Promote collaboration and sharing of algorithm resources, increasing efficiency in the use of computing resources. Promote the orderly opening of public data by type and grade, expanding high-quality public training data resources. Encourage the adoption of safe and reliable chips, software, tools, computational power, and data resources.[...]
Where intellectual property rights are involved, the intellectual property rights that are lawfully enjoyed by others must not be infringed;[...]
Where personal information is involved, the consent of the personal information subject shall be obtained or it shall comply with other situations provided by laws and administrative regulations;[...]
When manual tagging is conducted in the course of researching and developing generative AI technology, the providers shall formulate clear, specific, and feasible tagging rules that meet the requirements of these Measures;[...]
Providers shall bear responsibility as the producers of online information content in accordance with law and are to fulfill the online information security obligations. Where personal information is involved, they are to bear responsibility as personal information handlers and fulfill obligations to protect personal information. Providers shall sign service agreements with users who register for their generative AI services (hereinafter “users”), clarifying the rights and obligations of both parties.[...]
Providers shall clarify and disclose the user groups, occasions, and uses of their services, guide users’ scientific understanding and lawful use of generative AI technology, and employ effective measures to prevent minor users from overreliance or addiction to generative AI services.[...]
Providers shall lawfully and promptly accept and address requests from individuals such as to access, reproduce, modify, supplement, or delete their personal information.[...]
Providers shall label generated content such as images and video in accordance with the Provisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis Internet Information Services.[...]
Those providing generative AI services with public opinion properties or the capacity for social mobilization shall carry out security assessments in accordance with relevant state provisions[...]
These measures take effect on August 15, 2023.
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Kinktober Day 2
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Kinktober Masterlist
Pairing: Nathan Bateman x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Any minors interacting with ANY of these Kinktober prompts will be blocked.
Warnings: Voyeurism; toy use (dildo); overstimulation; oral sex; cursing
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“Any other status items?” 
“There’s one more thing that I’ll need your help with today. I need you to test something out.” 
Your brow furrowed a touch, and you found yourself glancing nervously at your boss over the top of your laptop. You didn’t usually have the opportunity to test products for Nathan. 
“Oh—Yeah, happy to. Are there specs or certain conditions that I should be aware of beforehand?” 
“It’s pretty intuitive. You’d have to be a dumbass not to get it.” 
You fought the urge to sink back in your seat, stomach twisting with nerves at Nathan’s steady gaze.
“‘Kay,” You chirped, nodding. 
“That’s it.”
“Great. I will input the status notes and send follow-ups by the end of the day.” 
“Cool.” He stood, taking up his laptop and climbing off of the couch. Only when you heard his footsteps fade completely did you let yourself lean back in your chair. A new product to test? What could it be? A voice mod? Or looking at the design for his latest AI, maybe?
Intuitive, he said. 
Have to be a dumbass not to get it, he said. 
So why were you so confused? Well, you were looking at what was, ostensibly, a dildo.
You didn’t go looking for Nathan to ask your questions. You had opened the box waiting for you on the end of your bed, unwrapped the implement inside, and just…Leaned back. You stared at it. Your hand was pressed over your mouth, eyes wide and blinking as a million questions ran through your mind. Two questions bobbed to the surface repeatedly: 
What the fuck? 
Why the fuck? 
It was strange. Bateman had said and done some weird things since you’d started working for him, but fuck, this was above and beyond. You startled at the sound of a throat being cleared somewhere in the room. You glanced over at the recessed speaker in the ceiling, brows raising. 
“...Hello?”  You asked nervously. 
“Get to it, plug it in.” Nathan’s voice crackled just a touch. 
“Did you look at the instructions?” 
“I thought it was intuitive and I’d have to be a dumbass to get them.” 
“I made some last-minute updates. I’ll need you to upload the data from the sensors before and after use.” 
“Yeah…Yeah, this is definitely a bad question, but what’s the uh—What am I—What’s the um—” 
“I need you to fuck yourself.” 
“Right. Right. No, that makes sense. Why couldn’t you fuck it?” 
“I did. I need a subject with a vagina.” 
That threw you for a loop. You blinked dumbly for a moment before asking, “Did you at least wash—” 
“I did not give you the same one,” Nathan deadpanned. 
“You can’t blame me for asking.” 
“Plug’s in the bottom of the box. Hop to.”
“Is there a deadline for this?” 
“End of day today. I need a minimum of four orgasms logged. Five would be optimal.” 
“What about my other deliverables?” 
“Push ‘em. I’ll check in on you in a bit.” 
You huffed softly, walking back over to the box and taking up the slip of instructions. As you did, a small plug fell to the side. You reached down, taking up the cord and eyeing the instructions: 
Plug it into your laptop.
“So comprehensive. Thank you,” You muttered. 
“You’re welcome.”
 You jumped at the booming reply. “Fuckssake!” 
You heard a snickering laugh before the speaker clicked off above you. You walked over to your laptop, pressing the plug into the bottom of the dildo, and the USB into the port. You glanced over the program run screen that popped up just a moment later, loading slowly. Then a little graphic appeared on your screen—a fully loaded health bar, a penis with a smiley face and a wink, and three words in dripping white letters:
Go Fuck Yourself!
“...Christ, you’re a sick fuck, Bateman,” You muttered. You unplugged the dildo before you straightened up. You look it over as you walk over toward your bed. It…Looked like a nice penis. It was a decent shape, decent size. There were veins tooled on as well. You set the dildo on your bed, then went still, a thought skittering nervously across your mind. You tipped your head up just a little and asked, 
“Are you watching me?” 
A long pause, a crackle, and then—“Obviously.” 
Oh, for fuckssake. 
“Seriously, dude?” 
“I either watch it live now or I watch it back later. I’d rather troubleshoot in real time, if it’s all the same to you.” 
“It is not all the same to me.”
“I’ll be watching anyway.” 
“Christ,” You mumbled. “What if I turn off the lights?” 
“I’ll still be able to see you.” 
“Goddamnit—Dude, I can’t just cram it up there! Like, I have to—To stretch and stuff!” 
“Then stretch and stuff. Make it snappy.” 
You glanced between the speaker, the bed, then the dildo before you climbed into bed, wriggling under the covers. 
“Oh, fuck off,” You mumbled. You drew the covers up around your chin, setting the dildo down by your thigh. You reached up, pushing your shirt up around your chest, and then slid your hands to push down your sweatpants and underwear. 
It wasn’t fun, and it wasn’t comfortable, getting off beneath the covers. Stretching had taken you some time, and you had the added panic, knowing that Nathan is watching you over his feed. 
You'd ditched your shirt and tossed it aside after your first orgasm; you'd ditched your sweatpants and underwear, shoving them side under the covers after your second. Now, you were three orgasms deep, and sweating under the blanket. You’d given up on quieting your moans an hour ago. Your thighs were shaking; your wrist ached; your nipples were puffy and tender from rubbing against the covers; where your your slick cunt throbbed slightly around the dildo. You hissed softly, drawing it out and groaning. You had just a moment to draw in a greedy breath before you were issued an order: 
“Keep going.” 
“I can’t,” You whined, wriggling, “My arm frickin hurts, dude. Can I just—Three is good enough, right? You said at least three.” 
“I want five. Keep. Going.” 
“Then you better get down here and help me out, because I am not getting carpal tunnel from testing out a robot dick.” 
It was a moment before you heard the subtle click of the speaker being shut off. You sighed softly, closing your eyes and settling back in your bed. You flexed your fingers, rolling your wrists a little bit. Maybe he was watching. Maybe he was giving you a whole two minutes before he started growling orders at you over the comms. 
“Alright. Covers off.” 
…Or maybe he was coming to your room. You lifted your head, blinking blearily at Nathan. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Covers off, spread your legs. Gimme the dick.” 
You propped yourself up on your elbows, unable to shield your shock from Nathan. 
“You can’t be serious.” 
“Completely serious. C’mon.” He gave you an impatient look over the top of his glasses, standing firmly at the foot of your bed before he repeated, “Come on.”
“You’ve officially lost your mind.” 
“And you’re losing me time. Gimme the dick.” 
You hesitated before you reached down, drawing the slicked dildo out from under the covers and holding it out nervously. You expected him to give it a good look, but instead he just raised his other hand, gesturing for you to pull the covers aside. 
“...Just, don’t be an ass about me, okay? This is a lot. Like this,” You waved toward the dildo, “Has been a lot, Nathan. This is a fucking weird ask.” 
“I get it. Blanket.” 
When you still didn’t move right away, Nathan scoffed, crouching down. You braced for him drawing it away, but instead, he climbed onto the bed, pushing himself under the blanket. You squealed as you felt the bed dip and shift back and forth, his hands smoothing up the insides of your thighs. You hissed softly when you felt Nathan tease the head of the dildo along your pussy lips. 
“...Need more lube?” 
His voice was muffled beneath the covers. You couldn’t help but giggle nervously, even as your stomach swirled with nervous butterflies. 
“No, I think I'm good on that front. Just, um…Careful, I’m really, uh…It’s sensitive down there.” 
Nathan grunted. You bit your lip as you felt him slide the dildo away, then trail a knuckle along your lips. You forced yourself to draw in and push out even breaths. You drew in a tighter breath as he gently eased the head of the dildo into your cunt. You shivered, knees twitching around his shoulders. 
“Alright?” He asked.
“Yes, just—Can we move this along in, like, the nicest way?” 
You felt the puff of hot breath from Nathan’s laugh. 
“The nicest way, huh?” He repeated. His tone raised your hackles, and you pushed out a panicked laugh. 
“N-n-never mind, forget I asked—” You hurried to insist, but it was too late. You felt the brush of his beard before his lips and tongue. You pulled in a stunned, nervous gasp, hips jolting against the feeling. You heard and felt the interested little hum that he let out before he slid his tongue out, lapping over your tingling clit. You hissed a curse out, pressing down against the tease and press of Nathan’s tongue and the electronic cock. You found yourself reaching beneath the covers, resting a tentative hand on his head. He hummed again, turning his head back and forth and nuzzling against your plumped pussy. He slid his other hand up, groping your breast and massaging it gently. 
You gasped at the scrape of Nathan’s beard against your puffy cunt as he pushed the covers up just enough to meet your eyes. 
“Is this helping?” He asked, a glint in his eyes, your juices in his beard. 
“Do you want your data? Get back down there!” You snapped irritatedly. Nathan grinned, twisting his wrist and driving the cockhead even deeper. 
“Say please,” He murmured before poking his tongue out to waggle at you. The sight of that alone nearly tipped you over the edge, but you reach down, petulantly shoving Nathan’s head back down toward your cunt. He laughed openly, lowering his head and laving his tongue over your clit. You whined, tipping your head back into the pillows as you ground down against his mouth. You came sharply, a broken cry breaking out of your throat as you pushed into the cock and Nathan’s lips. Nathan didn’t let up until you whacked at his head and shoved him back. 
He leaned away, sliding the cock from your cunt and sitting up just a touch. The blanket fell from your heated, sweat-slicked body. You couldn’t bring yourself to feel embarrassed. You just drew your thighs together, cunt still throbbing, chest heaving as you fought to catch your breath. You swallowed thickly, looking up at Nathan. 
“...Can we split the difference at four?” You begged. 
“Nope,” Nathan flopped onto the bed beside you, “But I’ll give you a couple of minutes to recover.” 
“So generous.” 
“You seem to be taking it well.” 
“This.” He held the cock up, and you scoffed, turning your head and scrubbing your hand over your warming face. 
“Yeah, well,” You shifted just a little, tugging the blankets back up around your body again. “I stretched.” 
“And stuff?” 
“And stuff.” 
Tag list: @leaveinthelurk ; @missredherring ; @fangirlfreakingout ; @stevie25 ; @jvalentinesworld-cokes-hyna ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @karie-me-home ; @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly ; @guyfieriii (tried to tag and it won't let me D: ) ; @moonlightburned ; @amneris21 ; @shiftingsands14 ; @cloudohell ; @blueeyesatnight ; @inlovewithhisblueeyes ; @reaperofmen
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Michael Jackson Vector Portrait
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Package Name: MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait
Discover the ultimate graphic package for Michael Jackson fans and designers! Our MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait is a convenient Zip file that, once unpacked, gives you access to a range of optimized and verified graphic files to meet all your creative needs.
Package Contents
The package includes the following formats:
Artistic Applications
This vector graphic is incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of artistic and commercial projects, including:
T-shirts: Create unique and trendy shirts.
Murals: Enhance interior and exterior walls with an iconic portrait.
Mugs and Cups: Personalize your tea or coffee set.
Tapestries: Add an artistic touch to your spaces.
Stickers: Produce stickers for any surface.
Flags: Decorate events or rooms with unique flags.
Tattoos: Use the design as inspiration for tattoos.
Decals: Customize cars, computers, and other items.
Glass: Etch or print on glass for extraordinary creations.
Wood: Create engravings and prints on wood for a rustic touch.
More: Use your imagination to find new creative applications!
The files have been optimized and verified to ensure the highest quality for any project. The graphic can be used for both personal and commercial purposes, allowing you to sell your creations freely. However, the resale of the source files and their online distribution are strictly prohibited.
Why Choose MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait?
Premium Quality: Each file has been checked to ensure excellent resolution and definition.
Versatility: Perfect for a wide range of creative projects. Commercial Use Allowed: Freedom to create and sell derivative products.
Download the MichaelJacksonVectorPortrait now and bring the King of Pop into your artistic creations!
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nunuslab24 · 4 months
What are AI, AGI, and ASI? And the positive impact of AI
Understanding artificial intelligence (AI) involves more than just recognizing lines of code or scripts; it encompasses developing algorithms and models capable of learning from data and making predictions or decisions based on what they’ve learned. To truly grasp the distinctions between the different types of AI, we must look at their capabilities and potential impact on society.
To simplify, we can categorize these types of AI by assigning a power level from 1 to 3, with 1 being the least powerful and 3 being the most powerful. Let’s explore these categories:
1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
Also known as Narrow AI or Weak AI, ANI is the most common form of AI we encounter today. It is designed to perform a specific task or a narrow range of tasks. Examples include virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, recommendation systems on Netflix, and image recognition software. ANI operates under a limited set of constraints and can’t perform tasks outside its specific domain. Despite its limitations, ANI has proven to be incredibly useful in automating repetitive tasks, providing insights through data analysis, and enhancing user experiences across various applications.
2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Referred to as Strong AI, AGI represents the next level of AI development. Unlike ANI, AGI can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, similar to human intelligence. It can reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, and learn from experiences. While AGI remains a theoretical concept as of now, achieving it would mean creating machines capable of performing any intellectual task that a human can. This breakthrough could revolutionize numerous fields, including healthcare, education, and science, by providing more adaptive and comprehensive solutions.
3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)
ASI surpasses human intelligence and capabilities in all aspects. It represents a level of intelligence far beyond our current understanding, where machines could outthink, outperform, and outmaneuver humans. ASI could lead to unprecedented advancements in technology and society. However, it also raises significant ethical and safety concerns. Ensuring ASI is developed and used responsibly is crucial to preventing unintended consequences that could arise from such a powerful form of intelligence.
The Positive Impact of AI
When regulated and guided by ethical principles, AI has the potential to benefit humanity significantly. Here are a few ways AI can help us become better:
• Healthcare: AI can assist in diagnosing diseases, personalizing treatment plans, and even predicting health issues before they become severe. This can lead to improved patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare systems.
• Education: Personalized learning experiences powered by AI can cater to individual student needs, helping them learn at their own pace and in ways that suit their unique styles.
• Environment: AI can play a crucial role in monitoring and managing environmental changes, optimizing energy use, and developing sustainable practices to combat climate change.
• Economy: AI can drive innovation, create new industries, and enhance productivity by automating mundane tasks and providing data-driven insights for better decision-making.
In conclusion, while AI, AGI, and ASI represent different levels of technological advancement, their potential to transform our world is immense. By understanding their distinctions and ensuring proper regulation, we can harness the power of AI to create a brighter future for all.
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spitblaze · 1 year
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Heehee hoohoo Theriandroid design :)
Ravus Industries product- Unique Frame AEBER model, serial no. XXXX1069
Status: Decommissioned. Missing, assumed deactivated or scrapped. [OUTDATED - SEE ADDENDUM FOR FURTHER DETAILS]
Model is pictured here with artificial skin removed and hair pulled back to examine eye socket after last authorized maintainence. Please note that artificial skin affixed to the neck upwards is not removable to protect sensitive sensory and motor components.
The AEBER model was constructed in secret to conduct information and asset retrieval on behalf of Ravus Industries. Purposes they have been successfully utilized for include: stealth, espionage, theft, assassination, and information gathering. The android was given highly advanced artificial intelligence with a focus on visual cognition and quick decision making in order to facilitate this purpose. Identity formation is a known result of AI tuned past a certain threshold, and as a result the unit self-identifies as 'Therion', and should be referred to with 'they/them' and 'he/him' pronouns.
Physical features include a unique lithe build and highly maneuverable joints as well as extra artificial muscle and ligaments in order to provide maximum flexibility, agility, and speed. Fingertips, palms, and the soles of the feet are padded with specially textured carbon fiber and fitted with electromagnets that the AEBER model can activate at various intensities. This is to ensure optimal grip and balance at all times. All extremities are also fitted with individual adjustable counterbalances for this purpose.
Unit was decommissioned April 301X due to disciplinary issues and obsolescence.
Addendum 1: AEBER unit, aka 'Therion', has refused a programmed assignment. The unit's ability to refuse tasks is a new development and will need further study.
Addendum 2: After reconditioning, unit is no longer refusing tasks. Unit expresses great distress when given assignments involving assassination. Due to reasonable conflicts with ethics programming, concerns can safely be ignored.
Addendum 3: Unit is refusing orders once more, reconditioning unsuccessful. Due to development of newer AEBER model ('Gareth') and conclusions of Ravus Industries Artificial Intelligence Ethics Board, 'Therion' is scheduled to be decommissioned and placed in long-term storage.
Addendum 4: AEBER unit 'Therion' has been lost after a break-in of the Ravus Industries long-term storage facility, along with several other non-intelligent assets. Unit has deactivated or damaged their internal GPS and cannot be located by satellite. Proprietary technology and the top-secret nature of this unit dictate that location and re-acquisition are a priority.
Addendum 5: Unit has been located in the Cliftlands area after checking in to a Ravus Industries authorized engineering location for repairs. Unit seems to have taken heavy cosmetic damage and lost one visual sensory component. Diagnostics indicate that they are otherwise healthy.
Addendum 6: Search of the Cliftlands has turned up no trace of 'Therion', and unit has not been seen or recorded in any locations for the past six months. Human testimony has also turned up no leads, with no sightings within the same 6-month time frame. Unit is currently listed as missing, assumed deactivated or scrapped as of August 302X.
Addendum 7: Unit has been sighted in the Riverlands as of March 303X, six years after being listed as missing. Retrieval is once again considered a priority for this unit after the loss of 'Gareth'.
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tsreviews · 2 months
DraculaAI Review - Supercharge Your Content Creation with 60+ AI Tools
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Welcome to DraculaAI Review post,
Hook: Envision easily producing faultless, connecting with content at 100x the speed of human composition.
Thesis Statement: DraculaAI offers a set-up of north of 60 man-made intelligence devices intended to reform content creation, giving clients a natural dashboard for sites, sites, messages, recordings, and web-based entertainment, all at a low one-time expense.
Dracula AI is a cutting-edge content creation platform powered by artificial intelligence. It offers over 60 AI-powered writing tools designed to enhance digital content creation, SEO optimization, and social media marketing1. Users have praised its ability to significantly boost productivity and income through its comprehensive suite of tools.
The platform is particularly noted for its user-friendly interface and the variety of templates available for different types of content creation1. Additionally, it provides step-by-step guidance, making it accessible even for those new to AI tools
What is DraculaAI?
Overview: Brief introduction to DraculaAI and its motivation.
History and Development: Foundation on the improvement of DraculaAI and its makers.
Core Features: Feature the primary highlights, including simulated intelligence composing devices, Picture Generator, Voiceover Generator, and the business permit.
Dracula AI Review: Overview
Product Name: Dracula AI
Product Type: Software
Author/Vendor: Dracula Money Lair
Front-End Price: $19.95
Bonuses: Yes, available
Refund: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Skill Required: No Skill Required
Official Website: Click Here
My Rating: 9.8/10
Recommendation: Highly Recommended
Key Features and Tools
AI Writing Tools
Capabilities: Talk about the different composing instruments accessible, for example, blog entry generators, email layouts, and online entertainment content makers.
User Experience: Depict that utilizing these instruments and the nature of the created content is so natural.
Image Generator
Functionality: Make sense of how the Picture Generator functions and its applications.
Quality and Customization: Talk about the nature of the pictures created and the degree of customization accessible.
Voiceover Generator
Features: Detail the elements of the Voiceover Generator, including different voice choices and dialects.
Use Cases: Give instances of how this apparatus can be utilized in recordings, digital broadcasts, and different media.
Benefits of Using DraculaAI
Efficiency: Feature how DraculaAI can save time and exertion in satisfied creation.
Cost-Effectiveness: Examine the low one-time charge and the worth it gives contrasted with other membership based administrations.
Commercial License: Make sense of the advantages of having a business permit, including the capacity to involve created content for business purposes.
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