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book-girl4evaaa · 27 days ago
Jinx I love ya but it's REALLY hard to be on your side right now
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maksysti · 2 months ago
me seeing Sevika x male!reader as if that isn’t a raging dyk3…… 🤨
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damitzeus · 3 months ago
Jinx MK AU
OK, i have had a devastating idea for a LMK au…
It’s Jinx MK.
Takes place of after season 3
Mk: Jinx
Wukong: Vi
Azure Lion: Silco 
Peng: Sevika
Mei: Ekko
Pigsy/Tang/Sandy: Milo and Clanger RIP
(Pigsy could be Vander approximate- but only as Warwick)
Piltover: Celestial Realm
Zaun: Mortal Realm
Basically, this AU replaces season 4 of LMK.
MK is in the shits after LBD and not having a good time. He and Wukong are chillin when the celestial realm comes a knocking for the samadhi fire/ LBD shit. Wukong in an effort to protect MK, says he’ll take all the punishment, even if that means putting on a new circlet.
Meanwhile, a vengeful Azure Lion is working in the shadows with the crew to get back at Wukong and kill the Jade Emperor. They made themselves a deal, you see, with a certain 9 headed demon.
Anyway, Mk is riddled with guilt and is willing to do just about anything to save Wukong. Enter Azure Lion… 
MK basically agrees to help Azure procure the Jade Emperor's power to save his mentor. He just wants to help.
But why is this happening? Basically in this AU, me thinks 9 headed demon got shunted from the main timeline to this timeline after season 5. He is real pissed at MK, but he now has new knowledge- he could save the world and break the cycle. He could be the hero.
So he modifies his plan. He tips off Azure to the world-ending consequences of taking all that power within himself and enlightens him that there is another way, in which that power can be distributed and manipulated in much smaller amounts.
He won’t be able to take over the celestial realm himself, but he’ll be able to empower the people to do so under his command.
All he needs is MK. Azure is made aware of what MK’s true nature is. Azure plans to use MK to take the Jade Emperor’s power and then kill him to ensure the safety of the universe, but obviously, things don’t go according to plan.
So MK. Because season 4 hasn’t happened, he doesn’t know what he is, he's basically in the same state he was at the beginning of season 4.
When he faces the Jade Emperor, who is aware of MK's true nature, he gets into MK's head and plants the idea that he is the Harbinger of Chaos. (It has a very similar effect to Ink MK) But in doing so, it causes MK to accidentally unlock his supersonic monkey powers.
Now in feral mode, he kills the Jade Emperor, but with a HEAVY price.
He levels the entire city, killing nearly everyone, including most of his friends. He also breaks the staff.
Now we are in highly chaotic and unpredictable territory.
Azure and crew try to recover the Jade Emperor’s power, but it was fractured by MK’s might. They get some of it, but the Celestial realm descends fast and obtains the rest. This sets up a more even power split and high tension, as the celestial realm barely has enough power to keep the universe intact while Azure only has enough power to control the mortal realm, but can’t do anything about the celestial realm. 
*cough* cough* again- shimmer* cough*
But that’s the future, and we’re still in the past. 
In all the chaos Wukong made his way to the city to help out. He doesn’t know where MK is and teams up with the gang, (Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Mei) to try and save the city and find him.
That doesn’t happen.
Wukong watches his friends die. (Mei survives but she kinda disappears)
Wukong rushes to find MK, only to find half of his staff and a fading Jade Emperor, with the sharp end of the broken staff lodged in his chest.
Wukong watches in stunned silence as the Jade Emperor, stripped of his power and already slowly dying- has been further brutalized in his weakened state. As he disintegrates the staff clinks to the ground, covered in golden blood. Enter- well, i think you know who enters. 
I don’t think i need to describe what happens next, but just for Monkey King's sake, I’ll explain why. He has basically watched his successor become everything he feared himself to be and repeated the most violent wrongs of Wukong’s past. His friends are dead and his staff, which in a way is his oldest companion, has been destroyed by the person he entrusted to wield it. He’s overwhelmed, confused, scared... he doesn't think before what happens next...
So the scene plays out just like Arcane, except this is what he says:
"Maybe I did choose the wrong successor"
He realizes, much like Vi, too late what he’s done.
He has to separate himself to calm down, but sees Azure approach MK. He trys to act, but everything fades to black. 
Much like Silco, Azure makes a deal with some Celestial Soldiers to basically capture Wukong and put him in the Scroll of Memory. Wukong’s Circlet came off as soon as the Jade Emperor died, but he was so overwhelmed that he didn’t notice a Celestial Guard sneak up on him with an inky scroll. Azure knew he needed a contingency for Wukong. 
Mk, meanwhile, breaks.
Azure approaches from behind to kill the Harbinger of Chaos, only to see a broken and abandoned MK rush to him for comfort. Betrayed by Wukong too, Azure takes in Mk, just like Silco did Powder.
So very VERy dark premise and ripe for drama. I’m a huge Sunburst Duo addict and a Vi/Jinx dynamic for them is basically the whole reason I wrote this insanity. 
But i’m sure you are certainly wondering- where the hell is Caitlyn
-i mean Macaque >:)
Surprise surprise the universe jumping is very relevant, go figure.
Macaque from the main season 5 timeline gets shunted to this universe, but in the present day. Unlike 9, who got sent back in time, Macaque basically gets there parallel to season 5 time.
So he is Caitlyn- he saves Wukong from the scroll of memory, and together, they try to track down MK. Now, Macaque’s main objectives are to:
a) Find a way to get back to the main timeline and
b) Find the 9-Headed-Demon, who he suspects is behind all of this
(I think the reason Macaque ended up in this universe is because he and Wukong were trying to track down the 9-Headed Demon in order to help understand his cryptic message to MK at the end of season 5, and something went wrong.)
Anyway, Macaque hasn’t seen this world’s MK yet by the time he gets to Wukong.
Like Caitlyn, he learns that there is a mystery afoot surrounding the Jade Emporer's murderer. In the Celestial realm, they have tried to resume business as usual, but they are still in shambles from the death of the Jade Emperor and are struggling to keep the universe from falling apart. More than that, what catches Macaque's attention is that everybody is looking for the Monkey King.
Azure plotted the whole attack to be a surprise, and because MK defeated the Jade Emporer quickly and in such a destructive manner, by the time reinforcements arrived and could stabilize the Jade Emporer's power, nearly everyone present at the time of the attack was dead, hidden, or gone (save for the Corrupt officers in the celestial army working for Azure). All they found was the Monkey King's broken staff.
The Monkey King appeared to be the prime suspect in the murder, even though his location (in the scroll of memory) was unknown.
So Macaque gets Wukong out of the scroll, and he informs Macaque that this is all Azure's fault and that MK is in trouble.
And so the story unfolds...
I haven’t decided yet how Macaque will react to Jinx-ified MK, but it will be different from Arcane in some way.
But what about this universe’s Macaque?
Well, so in this universe, Macaque is on the outside of this entire conflict. Season 4 hasn't happened, and he only sees the aftermath of the conflict. From his perspective, MK has joined Azure Lion, killed all his friends, and broken the Monkey King's staff. Wukong has disappeared for no explainable reason. So for Macaque pre-season 4, his priority is to stay as far away from MK as possible. As much as he liked the kid, this isn't worth it. (He doesn't care about MK to the extent that post-season 5 Macaque does.) He does team up with some people though...
Remember Mei-
She is among the few survivors of the attack on the city, and she takes on Ekko’s role. She is working with Redson and Macaque, who both embody a lost cause sentiment toward MK and even some hatred because of his actions.
Mei has an internal conflict in this situation. Given her past with MK and the lengths he went to save her from the Samadi Fire, she struggles to give up hope even when it seems obvious that the MK she knew is gone.
So yeah that's an afternoon I'll never get back.
The only thing i am truly struggling with is Victor and Jayce. I mean, as I’ve set it up I don’t really need a Victor and Jayce, but come on- it’s not Arcane without the doomed yaoi. I'm open to suggestions.
Also would love additional feedback on this. It would be so fun to make this a fan-fiction or comic, but I don’t have the time for either rn. if anyone is interested in doing something with this feel free- just tag me cause i wanna see. go ahead and change it- whatever you want i’m letting this be free real estate- go nutts. idk maybe i’ll make some fan-art scenes after the semester ends, we’ll see.
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atlasthecactus · 3 months ago
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arcane arcane arcane arcane arcane arcane arcane-
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insomnaticwriter · 9 months ago
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leakyspaceblob · 4 months ago
okay so arcane season two, act two & three theories / predictions below
spoilers ahead for season one and season two, act one
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structure theories / predictions
i think s2 has and will continue to follow the same / similar structure as s1 but as an inverse. this is shown in how s1e1 is focused on vi and her family, s1e2 is focused on jayce and the aftermath. s2e1 opens focusing on the inverse of caitlyn (yes, vi is also a focus but it’s primarily piltover focused, not zaun), s2e2 opens with jinx and is an obvious parallel to her “baptism” scene with silco in season one
timeskip between ep3 and ep4 (probably only a few weeks, mayyyybe months but i doubt it)
ep4 will be focused on zaun, including
the pit fighter vi arc
jinx and isha relationship development (jinx realizes the weight of being a role model, and lots of parallels to vi and jinx relationship as well as silco and jinx's FAMILIAL relationship (jilco shippers gtfo)
jinx and vi work on repairing their relationship (jinx pull's vi out of depression, i wish it could be cait tho cause the hallucination possibilities would be heartbreaking)
possibly first warwick interaction. i think vi will freeze up and jinx will end up protecting her
revolution fight happens with vi fighting with jinx
goo womb jesus plot?
ep5 will be focused piltover, including:
cait and ambessa focus
cait might venture into zaun on a (i need to get my girl back) mission and makeup with vi at the end of ep5
this also could be the first interaction with warwick
ep6 will be focused on the arcane (realm?)
jayce, heimerdinger and ekko plot with them figuring out (or well, not) wtf is happening with hextech
mel plot with the black rose further explored?
possible cait and vi reconciliation (i think it’ll coincide with when they first had THE tender moment in vi’s childhood home)
piltover and zaun join forces?
fight with noxus?
also i think act 3 will be focused on the arcane itself. there are many foreshadowing points in s1 and s2 and the lyrics for ashes and blood seem to point to it
i might also be pacing it too fast in my predictions but i think the arcane will have a huge role in act 3
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modernmessydisaster · 3 months ago
Pre-Arcane S2 Act 3 Thoughts
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Here I am again! Here are my predictions for Act 3! Just making them quick since I had a very very long day!
Was gonna post this yesterday, but I fell asleep! So posting it on the morning of!
EP 7 or EP 8
This has to be the episode about what happened to Jayce, Ekko, and Heimerdinger! Hopefully, it will be a split focus on Jayce & Ekko.
Jayce, in the future, seeing the horrors of Viktor's cult. Surviving and finding a way back or someone/something sent him back. Maybe it was Viktor? Or what was left of Viktor after being possessed by the Void/Hexcore? Maybe future Viktor was the one to ask Jayce to kill him. (Not my ship, but love the doomed yaoi they are)
Ekko & Heimerdinger are in the past, maybe they see the Rune Wars? ( I do not know the game lore) or they could be in the future with Jayce but at different locations, but I doubt it.
Maybe a few glimpses of Mel & the Black Rose? Maybe the apocalyptic future involves Noxus & Black Rose?
Episode ending with Jayce, Ekko, and Heimerdinger going back to the present. Maybe even Jayce's POV of EP 6
(Almost forgot, I wanna say alternate realities? Dictator Jayce possessing Our Jayce!? Since ya know the Multiverse is all the rage these days)
EP 8
This is the episode of the aftermath of Ep 6. Beginning with Vi & Caitlyn, probably another time skip? Vi & Cait repairing their relationship. There are probably still some fights, but they eventually make up.
BUT, they got alot on their plate. Jayce is not OK. Ambessa has made her base in Zaun? And is planning an attack on Piltover. Probably even tried to get Jayce on her side, that did not work. (Dictator Jayce, lol imagine)
Maybe even Jinx's fate, as in Vi telling Cait that killing Jinx won't bring back her mother. That Jinx isn't the monster Cait has made her out to be. CAITVI SEX!? :D
The effects of Ambessa using Zaun as a base. The people of Zaun losing hope in Jinx, she's even more absent. And with Noxus soldiers everywhere, they are quickly losing hope. UNTIL FINALLY, they listen to Sevika. She rallies the people of Zaun not to fight for a person, Vander, Silco, or Jinx but for themselves! Revolutionary Leader Sevika! Maybe wearing Silco's jacket?
The episode ending with Jinx. How she's taken over the Last Drop and how cold & dead it has become. We see Jinx at her lowest, the return of the hallucinations. Them bigger & louder. Maybe she's even wearing Slico's jacket, old or young. Still hoping for Supportive Slico Hallucination!
Jinx is on the brink of ending it all, Vi probably tried talking to her about helping the fight against Ambessa, probably Sevika too. Which Jinx rejected. (Maybe that's why Sevika tries again to rally the people by herself again) Jinx probably has planned to burn down the Last Drop and herself with it. But either Silco or Isha hallucination stops her. IDK, how Jinx gets out of her grief, maybe Vi? Remembering Isha wanted her to be a hero, maybe thinking dying as one is the best way. MAYBE EKKO BRINGS HER OUT OF IT?
Either way, Jinx does her makeover, cutting her hair, new outfit. She gets ready to fight one last time. Burning down the Last Drop and saying she'll meet them soon (Silco & Isha)
EP 8
The big fight! All the storyline together! Jinx & Sevika with the people of Zaun. Cait & Vi with the Enforcers. Ekko and his fireflies.
As we saw in the trailer, Noxus soldiers injected with Shimmer and probably Vander's Blood? Either way, our heros win!
Honestly, I don't know how this is going to go. Just that Jinx doesn't die, again. She hates that she can't die, maybe Janna even appears to Jinx in a vision? Either way, Jinx finds a reason to live again but decides she's done with Zaun & Piltover and says bye to Vi & Ekko jumping through her own made HexPortal.
Jayce & Viktor having a fight, probably a conversation between Viktor & Heimerdinger? Either way, Jayce & Viktor fight inside their lab and destroy everything. We get flashbacks to when they were younger, working together on projects. When they were still friends & partners.
Maybe even Viktor also leaves Piltover & Zaun?
Quick thoughts that I wasn't sure where to put:
Vander/Warwick is alive but being used by Singed to juice up the Noxus Soldiers. Probably more Warwick than Vander, Vi & Jinx think he's dead.
A new council for Piltover & Zaun, Cait, Vi, Ekko, Sevika, Heimerdinger? As possible chairs
Mel is back in EP 7 or 8, again. She awakened her powers. I'm still on that she's Death Champion or something similar. Also her & Jayce kinda break up or not?
Ambessa dying, the Black Rose did it. It's probably during the last battle. Mel also leaves, going to Noxus and becoming the head of her family, Medarda Clan. Planning her own battle against them.
Singed going back go Zaun and curing Orianna? Making her into the champion we see in League?
ONE LAST JINX & VIKTOR MEETING, saw a theory of Jinx helping cocoon Viktor, and probably not but I CAN DREAM
Jayce meeting the mage who saved him as a child again, Ryze? Viktor? Maybe Jayce himself!?
Maybe ship confirmations? Ekko/Jinx? Jayce/Viktor? Truthfully, I don't care for either but hey it would be a win for their fans, and we need any win in these dark times
Ok that's it, I can't wait anymore. I gotta go watch Act 3 now! Ahhhhhh, me after I watch Act 3:
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mariatvarts · 9 months ago
I’m back with an Arcane self portrait because ARCANE IS COMING BACK AHHHH
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currentlyincognitoperson · 1 year ago
There's something about the arcane women. I don’t know what it is
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yoshdookie · 8 months ago
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Very skibidi
This is what they do when ekko isn’t around
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embershroud108 · 13 days ago
Timebomb Blade Runner 2049 AU where Powder is Joi and Jinx is Luv.
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jaanii · 3 months ago
guys genuinely why do people care so much about jayce and viktor
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rueclfer · 2 months ago
arcane ahh song
saw the poppy feature and just nodded my head
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gidianthe · 3 months ago
just saw a jinx and ekko video with we cry together by kendrick playing (specifically the part w the keys) and idk if ill ever be able to listen to that track normally again
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letters-to-rosie · 1 year ago
Please note: this chapter is not safe for work.
chapter 36: mercy
Powder falls back, collapsing into the sheets. She brings a hand up to wipe away the tears that have collected in her eyes. Even that sensation feels far off. Faintly, she knows Ekko is stroking her legs, whispering something repetitive and calming she can’t quite make sense of. Eventually, he stops, and Powder can finally hear her own gasps for breath and see her ceiling as her sight comes back.
She angles her head enough to see Ekko. He’s standing, eyes running over her body, tongue moving along his cheek. “You look good like that, Pow.”
She pauses her panting for a snort. “Like what?”
His smirk is teasing. “All fucked out.”
Powder bristles. “Who said I was?”
That earns her laughter. She makes him laugh so often, but she still feels proud nearly every time, like she’s accomplished something. It’s been like that since their first ice cream outing on the roof.
Ekko pulls off his sweatshirt. “Alright, then. Let’s check some things off your list.”
Ekko gives Powder a lesson in communication.
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ringthecorabelle · 6 months ago
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oh... to be a girl, cosplaying on roblox avatar creator 🩷😩
characters are: chun li (street fighter), alisa bosconovitch (tekken), asuka kazama (tekken), cammy (street fighter), xiaoyu (tekken), jinx (arcane), juri han (street fighter), lili rochefort (tekken), alice liddell (american mcgees alice series) and GARFIELD
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