inkyajax · 1 month
gmorning Clari!!! 💘 I’m not sure you’ve done it before, but I’d loooove to know what type of yanderes you’d classify your genshin faves as 😘
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ANDYYYY i am so sorry i am responding a few days late to this and that’s because i accidentally wrote you a whole novel for an answer :) your ask sparked so many thoughts and i just BLAAAH spewed them all over the page (*ノωノ) ugh ahahaha ANYWAY oh gosh okay i have so much to say, let’s get into it!!! also apologies for how MASSIVE ajax’s is waaaah
characters: wriothesley, ajax [childe], kamisato ayato, thoma warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, yandere behaviour (gaslighting, obsessiveness, toxic relationships, delusional thinking, manipulation, over-protectiveness, etc) words: 2.1k
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₊˚⊹ 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲
WRIOTHESLEY is the controlling, authoritarian type that feels like a really strict father, all under the guise of ‘protecting you’ and ‘keeping you safe’. he veers into delusional territory a little here because he genuinely believes what he’s telling you (and himself) and genuinely believes himself to be doing the right thing. he isn’t possessive, he just wants to make sure you’re going out with safe people. he isn’t obsessive, he just wants to know where you are at all times in case an emergency strikes and he has to come find you. he isn’t overbearing, he just cares and is proactive—don’t you want him to care? can’t you see he’s only this ‘protective’ because he loves you? 
he has thoroughly convinced himself that this behaviour has nothing to do with jealousy or a desire to keep you locked up, to keep you 100% certainly safe and his forever, and nothing to do with wanting to exert complete control over you, orchestrating your every decision—and he’s pretty good at continuously deluding himself into believing it. he’s so good, in fact, and his logic is so sound, that it has YOU wondering if you’re ‘just being crazy’, if you’re overthinking things or reading too much into them. wriothesley has had a lot taken away from him, after all, and he knows exactly how the mind of criminals tick—can you really blame him for being a bit paranoid? maybe you’re the one who’s overreacting and being unreasonable. maybe you’re even feeling a little guilty for being so ungrateful—shouldn’t you appreciate having someone who loves and cares for you this much to go to such extents? shouldn’t you want to relinquish all power to someone you love equally as much? shouldn’t you trust him to make only the best, most sound and appropriate decisions for you? you probably should. 
₊˚⊹ 𝐚𝐣𝐚𝐱
AJAX is kind of like, the typical yandere, and he encompasses several ‘types’, evolving throughout the course of your relationship and shapeshifting into different variants depending on the situation itself. and while the other three men seem normal until you’re in too deep with them, refraining from showing symptoms of yandere-ness until after you’ve been with them for an extended period of time and mean a lot to them, ajax is weird from the very beginning. 
almost immediately you can sense that there’s something slightly off about him, but you can’t put your finger on what it is. it’s so subtle that it doesn’t strike you as particularly dangerous, leading you to merely write it off as one of his quirks and nothing more. 
he’s overbearing right from the start, of course; not necessarily enough to be concerning just yet, but enough for it to be abnormal—unusual—and noticeable (which reminds me of your lil ajax piece!!!). from the instant he sees you, he is irreversibly obsessed with you. you permeate his every waking thought, and eventually begin to leak into his dreams, too, and suddenly he can barely breathe without knowing where you are and what you’re doing, his concentration consumed by you. 
he begins stalking you—‘overseeing’, he had called it—making detailed notes of your favourite locations and your most frequented friends. he’s constantly got an eye on you one way or another, even if he has to employ other people to do it for him, discreetly reporting their findings every few hours. he tells them you’re in danger—which, you are, technically—and that you must be observed at all times from afar, silently and stealthily. 
ajax is patient and he can play the waiting game, carefully devising and then revising his strategy based on your moves. he loves playing predator and prey, gets a thrill from how the hunt unfolds—much like a battle, it’s a story, a rich tapestry you and he are constantly and concurrently creating, together. and that he thinks is so beautiful.
in textbook yandere fashion, once he’s gathered a sufficient amount of intel, he begins ‘showing up’ randomly at your usual spots, ‘bumping into you’ fortuitously. charming and sweet, the only thing that’s initially unsettling is just how well the two of you get along. ajax is sure not to mimic you too much—he doesn’t want to be a mirror, after all, and being too similar is far from a good thing (especially when it matches so well it simply can’t be coincidental).
well—that, and the sharp glint in his eye that flares with something dangerous every time you giggle or gush, every time you fall further for him. and once he has you enchanted, ensnared, you’re trapped for life, tangled up in him so tightly that he might as well have fused to your flesh. 
ajax likes to tell you it isn’t about power and control, but he knows that it is. he’s smart, and he’s self aware, and he doesn’t really care if this is ‘wrong’—he sees it as necessary and he genuinely believes he knows better than you do. he has to take care of you, or else who will? you’re clearly not capable of satisfactorily doing it on your own, so he must (god, how would you manage without him?). even if you oppose him or fight back against him, he’s purely convinced you’re bull-headed and stubborn, snorting at your wanting to be independent when he truly knows you’re too stupid take care of yourself ‘properly’ all on your own.
violence is a mainstay of your relationship, but not towards you; never towards you—merely towards everyone around you. his jealousy knows no bounds, but you will rarely see it outright. instead, ajax prefers to hone his emotions, to fashion them into a weapon or use them as fuel to thoroughly tear apart anyone who looks your way in a manner he doesn’t like. it’s his job as your lover and keeper, isn’t it? 
₊˚⊹ 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨
AYATO knows what he is, and he doesn’t care. why should he, when he’s sure what he’s doing is ultimately correct and he’s used to having everything that he wants, and everything going his way, even if he has to force/manipulate it to? he’s so skilled at that in particular—manipulating situations and events to procure favourable outcomes for himself. in ayato’s mind, you should be grateful that he affords you so many freedoms—he could lock you away in the basement or a padded room, chain you to a bed with no entertainment or stimulation save for the books he has so conscientiously selected for you, and no other human contact aside from himself. but he trusts you, and he doesn’t want to go to those measures (though rest assured, he has promised you he will not hesitate to reach such heights if he deems it absolutely necessary, no matter how much he doesn’t want to; you staying his comes before his personal preferences and pleasures). as such, he allows you to roam the estate grounds under the watchful eye of his closest confidants and most capable guards (usually thoma, unless he is otherwise occupied and busy); he allows you access to letter writing materials (though they must go through two rounds of supervision and revisions before they are approved; once by thoma, and once by ayato himself); he allows you to go out in public as long as you are with him, etc. 
despite these apparent freedoms he affords you, he still picks your outfits out for you each day, and he devises a comprehensive meal plan for you each week, and creates schedules and rules he expects you to follow, thoroughly and meticulously to the letter. it is these subtle forms of ownership that he enjoys the most. he doesn’t feel the need to shout from the mountaintops, loudly and aggressively, that you are his, because the fact is so obvious, so evident, the second anyone merely glances at you. you walk like him, you talk like him, you sit, stand, and bow like him, just like he trained you to. 
ayato is also the type of yandere to punish you. he is molding your pretty little mind into exactly what he wants it to be, and that means that undesirable behaviours must be immediately and severely corrected through appropriate punishments—you must learn, or be taught what is right and what is wrong in ayato terms + definitions, so you will refrain from repeating such behaviour in the future. he is truly crafting you into the most perfect, precious, obedient little doll—and having a blast while doing so. it’s his little pet passion project, in a way; something he looks forward to working on when he has a moment of spare time. 
ayato was sly and clever with the way he initially enticed you, entrapped you, but underneath his cool, precisely chiseled exterior, ayato is selfish, manipulative, and extremely controlling. all decisions are ultimately made by and go through him. he will skillfully and carefully cut you off from all lifelines and communication, rendering you wholly dependent on him, and then will meticulously chip away at your mind until he sculpts it into exactly what he desires—someone who is as obsessed with him as he is with them. he slowly, stealthily, and steadily induces a severe, irreversible case of stockholm syndrome. the damage he does to your mind is permanent—and that’s exactly his goal. you now live for him. your days are marked by his appearances, his comings and goings, and the only thing you have to look forward to is seeing + spending time with him. you live to please him, live to be with him, and become absorbed by him, so you are merely an extension of him and no longer an individual yourself. everything revolves around ayato—he is your entire universe. 
₊˚⊹ 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚
THOMA is the most dangerous type of yandere, because thoma is genuine. thoma’s feelings are 100% authentic—and he earnestly intends to bring you no harm whatsoever—they’re just way too intense. he loves you so much that it veers into insanity, and the passion he feels towards you (and towards keeping you safe + claiming you as his) is so fierce that it physically hurts him to experience, chest blistering with scorching adoration and razored affection, something so dense and so all-consuming that thoma wants to claw through his own flesh and pry his ribcage apart spoke by spoke just so he can experience a shred of relief. 
thoma is, for the most part, an honest guy—starkly, brashly honest, so honest it shatters his words and gnaws at his voice, leaving it rough and raw, splintered to shards; but you can always trust he says exactly what he means. he severely lacks self awareness, not even realizing that his behaviour is inappropriate and extreme (he just cares about you SO much! it blinds his rationale and erodes his logic, incapacitating his ability to understand that he’s so suffocating it borders on terrifying). 
but what makes thoma so incredibly perilous is his sincerity. he truly just wants to keep you safe, eyes brimming with tears and voice hitching on barely contained emotion as he thoroughly explains to you his logic for stashing tracking devices in your bags or his reasoning for shattering the kneecaps of the man who made you uncomfortable at work, sentiment thick in his throat, words straining with the weight of his honesty, with the desperation for you to understand, to see it his way. he swears to the high heavens that he’d never hurt a single hair on your pretty, precious little head, and promises that he doesn’t want to scare you, but firmly asserts that he will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. 
and he means it. thoma is, in the most essential sense, your guard dog. he’s so sweet towards you, even submissive at times, always subservient to your every wish and whim, your every demand and desire, but he’ll fucking rip anyone within a meter of you to pieces with his teeth and bare hands alone if he feels as though you are being threatened in any way—and his standards and definition of ‘threatened’ are extreme and absurd, of course, causing him to react in a way that is severely disproportionate to the situation.
it borders on too much all the time—he is too obsessive, too protective, too clingy, but he’s also so sweet, so gentle, so incredibly bonafide that you can’t help but not be upset with him. he only does what he does because you’re his entire world, right? what’s so harmful about that? 
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whatevahwhatevah · 10 months
kenny climbs cartman like a fucking tree change my mind 🗣️🔈
I wont change your mind, because I know you are right
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saexy · 3 months
with love, kisses, and sweetest to spiciestt treats,
ai, tori, zen ... honorary mentions, your stoic and derangedd lomls x
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inkykeiji · 7 days
hihi! your rb with the tags about your profession had me intrigued and I wanted to ask, what DID kill the Hollywood system? if you don't mind me asking >u<
HI HI HI HEHEHE first of all i hope you’re doing well!!! seCONDLY OMGGG thank you for indulging me waaaaah i love talking about golden age/classical hollywood and the studio system!!!
beware: i rambled on and on below the cut >.< apologies for the mini essay in advance waaah
OKAY SO. first, a little context. the classical hollywood studio system originally utilized a practice called ‘vertical integration’, which basically means they owned and operated ALL channels of production, distribution, AND exhibition—aka, they controlled literally everything in regards to the films they made, which was like 90% of american filmmaking at the time. this, naturally, made it quite difficult for any film that wasn’t a film made by the Big Five (warner bros, paramount, 20th century fox, RKO, and MGM) or the Little Three (columbia pictures, united artists, and universal) to be screened at a theatre, because the studios owned a decent chunk of the theatres.
furthermore, the theatres the big studios DID own always got first run of their films, meaning that their movies were exclusively screened at the theatres they owned first, then were passed off to second run, third run and fourth run theatres. it’s important to note here that the film prints being distributed and passed around theatres were the same all throughout a film’s run—so by the time a print reached a fourth run theatre, the film stock was all scratched up and low quality. who wants to go watch that? (no one! audiences flocked to the first run theatres owned by the studios!).
the antitrust case between the supreme court and paramount pictures (aka ‘the paramount decrees’) was the first, and heaviest, nail in the coffin of the studio system. the paramount decrees did two things. first, they forced studios to stop a practice known as block booking. block booking was a practice where theatres not owned by the big studios were forced to buy a huge block or batch of films in advance. usually, these films included one A-list film and then a bunch of B-movies and other less desired films. second, they forced studios to cease owning theatre chains, which allowed for indie directors to begin screening their films, AND it allowed for more international films to be shown (which in turn helped break down the production code & replaced it with the ratings system).
this began the end of the system! it was then further impacted by consumer culture, car culture, and suburbia. after world war two, many people moved out of the city and into the suburbs, where they began to start families. car culture was booming and it was hip to have a car that you could use to commute to work (from the suburbs into the city!). disposable income was abundant, and many families were buying fancy new appliances for their new suburban homes—including televisions.
it’s a common misconception that TV killed the studio system. it was, in actually, only one of several nails in the coffin. television at the time was pretty crummy; it was low quality, the screens were small, and it only had about three channels (not to mention studios began allowing television networks to begin screening older films that no longer ran in theatres). but evidence proves that moviegoing attendance had fallen drastically several years before televisions became a fixture in the home. to combat TV and capitalize on car culture, studios began erecting drive-ins, to little avail!
anyway, i could go on and on and on but basically, in a nutshell, those were the handful of things that broke down the classical studio system and gave way to ‘new hollywood’…which then gave way to the blockbuster.
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flightofgoro · 2 months
✍️ perchance… — @sonderingcrow
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send ✍🏽 or "art!" and I'll draw a quick, five minute sketch of your muse!
alt text: autism (pointing at goro)
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phantomram-b00 · 11 months
To Hell with you
So, I was listening to songs. And then an epiphany hit me hit me harder than this fixation of the show; what if…the roles were reversed? Like what if Azirapahle first said no to the promotion yet Crowley said yes instead? I think I saw a fanfic that did this (I don’t remember) but I wanted to take a crack at this, and I feel like I want to cry myself so imma do a fanfic of it, hope you enjoy. And if you still haven’t seen good omens season too, this will contain that so uh spoiler warning ahead. Have fun!
Aziraphale was just done talking with Nina and Maggie just a while ago whilst Crowley walk away; while profusely apologizing for the whole ordeal both for last night and overall, they did give him advice on his love life. Something he never thought he could describe it given their status from their opposing side, but he’ve been in love with Crowley since 1941, so the label wasn’t exactly far off. But nothing official, and thanks to their advice, he though maybe they can? Why not? To hell with both parties that been trying to separate them for millennia now they’re on their own side.
“Right! Let me at least tidy this up before he comes” he spoke to himself while he put some books in their respective spots as well covered the symbol on the floor and make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. Oh ironic given their day to day life on earth. As he does so, he start preparing for the talk as he turn the sign on the front to “very closed”
“Okay, so Crowley!” He chuckled as he talks to himself yet again. “There something I must tell you about, I think it been long overdue for the past 6000 years at this point. And I know I’ve told you you go to fast but-“
He shook his head throwing away that thought like a piece of crumbled paper. That won’t do at all.
“Crowley! Wily serpent! I believe there are thing to be discussed about if that all the same to you…” he said as he put the Jane Austen book in order since Gabriel- err Jim decided to put them away separate by the first sentence they start it. Oh how problematic that organization was it nearly discorperated him the second time. “So we’ve known each other for quite a long time, at this point in time we can even guess each other sentences or predict other moves like Agnes Nutter.” He laughs. “W-well, what I’ve been meaning to say is, w-well, remember when I told you you go to fast? Well, I think I want to retract that statement since I think we can go fast, faster than a rollercoaster as Buddy Holly said-“
He again shook his head, and threw that idea away. But he blushes just thinking about Crowley, how he does want them to make it happen finally, been waiting since 1941 or maybe even longer; his mind begin to wonder around, become a habit for him at this point. He began to think about their life, all the time they’ve been together. Always a risk to be together but deep down, Aziraphale would take that risk all day to see Crowley, the one person that didn’t treat him like an annoyance or dare judge him but instead treated him like an equal, the one person that he would rather dine at the ritz and go on many restaurants with, the one person that he would maybe one day want to live with for all eternity. That feel more like heaven in his eyes than the actual place. In retrospect, he wished if it wasn’t for their side that maybe they could been more braver. Or at least he could’ve been. But he had a smile, maybe they can be now? And they can make up for lost time? And maybe one day, they can move into a cottage? Oh he can never be bored of living with him for all eternity. It make him more giddy just thinking about that possibility.
“Crowley!” He started again. “We need to talk, but I think maybe, this would be best suited if we go to St. James park? You’ve always love that place with the ducks. We can get frozen peas. And we can talk as we sit? Or if you prefer, we can dine at the ritz? I can feel an reservation was just open for two” he giggles while hugging the first edition Jane Erye by Charlotte Brontë. “Or maybe, we can talk here, and have drinks? I’ve got an expensive—“
Aziraphale look at the door and see Crowley back, couldn’t content his smile even if he tries.
“Crowley!” He said putting the book down and walking over to him.
“Angel” said giving him a smile back in return. He take off his glasses to reveal his Sunny eyes. “Listen angel, there something I need to talk to you about.”
“So do I!” He chuckled lovingly whilst look at his sun. “funny how two minds think alike, but I think first I would like to ask you if-“
“Hold that thought for just a moment angel,” Crowley said as aziraphale stopped his laughter. “Listen, Shax and I talked.”
“I’m quite aware, seen you guys had much to talk about despite what the stunt she pulled.” Aziraphale spoke. “Nearly started a war.”
“Right yeah, uh, so, during the talk, she granted me something. And, well, okay cutting to the chase here angel, she want me to be Duke of hell.”
“Oh.” He said taken aback. “Surely you said no didn’t you? I mean you always complained about how they’re the worst and not to mention that they even have a sign on not licking walls? Frankly you saying…”
He stop to look at Crowley face, reading it carefully like it was one of his books. Only this time he does not appreciate this sudden twist.
“Crowley please tell me…” he choked out. “Please..”
“Angel, maybe I can make this right. If I’m Duke of hell-“
“Oh Crowley” he look away running his finger through his white hair. He then lightly laugh. “Please tell me this is one of your devilish jokes you wily serpent!”
“Shax said…she said I can even bring you down to hell with me. We can make hell nicer, no, we can make hell a better. We can even maybe prevent whatever is happening—“
“Ohhhhhh! Crowley I thought you were better than this.” Aziraphale said choking back the tears. “You should be better than that Crowley!”
“If I didn’t need heaven then it fairly certain that I don’t need hell neither!” He paced around trying to calm himself but avoiding his eyes. “You know Heaven told me to come back to them with a promotion to be supreme angel before this whole Gabriel and I said “no I will certainly not go back to you” and you shouldn’t neither.”
“Well of course you said no angel, heaven are a bunch of self-righteous arseholes and certainly no better than hell I’ll tell you that much.” Aziraphale face continues to be horrified. “But hell, I know hell isn’t the best neither but angel, if you’re by my side, we can make it better.”
“Crowley are you realizing that if hell ends life here on earth it be just as dead as if heaven ended it.” Azirapahle said this time he open the flood gates and tears are streaming down with his voice cracking. “Crowley… tell me you said no.”
Crowley tries his best to choke back his tears too. Seeing his angel distraught was the last thing to see. The last thing he ever wanted to do. He look away from aziraphale feeling his heart growing heavier the more this conversation prolongs.
“Crowley…?” Aziraphale said not even trying to wipe his golden tears away.
“Angel. Maybe I can make an actual difference. I can try to stop it.”
Aziraphale shook his head, he was too shocked yet to upset to form any form of a sentence. His glossy eyes was enough for Crowley to start his water works, he look away once more. Aziraphale turn around and let out a sigh.
“Right guess you got everything out then, it my turn to say my piece—“ despite this, Crowley waited patiently. “We’ve known one another for quite a long time. We’ve been on this planet more than the human that roam on earth. We can always rely on one another and we can or at least I had hoped we trusted each other. We’re on our own side as you said even four years ago at the ritz. To hear those words was more heavenly than what heaven could’ve ever offered to me.” He feel his heart growing heavier. “And I would love it if we—“ he stop again as he feel his tear roll down his cheeks once more. “Crowley, how is it that Beelzebub and Gabriel can go off to Alpha Centauri, the place you yourself have been dying to run off, then we could too right? Just the two of us.” Crowley wanted to smile, but he was too distraught himself to bring himself to do so. “You’ve always said, that we don’t need heaven or hell, they’re toxic Crowley! We can still run like you always said, we can even go to Alpha Centauri with them” Crowley shook his head repeatedly. “We can— what why are you saying what is it?” He said showing curiosity and concern.
“Angel then come with me. I can run it and you can be right by my side. We can make a different please.” Crowley said pleading now. He want to cup his hand on his face wiping away those golden tears, but even when he toke a step, aziraphale toke a step back shaking his head.
“You can’t leave—“ me. “You can’t leave this bookshop.”
Crowley would never want to leave him alone. He would do anything to stop time just to stay in this bookshop for all eternity with him, basking in their love they been so desperately trying to achieve. To listen to angel’s ramble of a book he know he read for the millionth time. To have quality time with him whether it just them drinking wine or even just them holding each other in their embrace while they listen to classical music to bebop as azirapahle would call his taste. But that not what he said did he?
“Oh Aziraphale..” Crowley said giving a sadden smile. “Nothing last forever.” He wanted to kick himself just for saying those fatal words. The words that finally push azirapahle over the edge as now he can’t hold back. He hold his hand in his face as he let it out, just for a moment. Even in that moment, Crowley want to hug him. But he stopped after a moment, as to try to revert back to his calm demeanor.
“No.” He said grabbing his glasses and giving it back to Crowley. “I suppose you’re right about that one.” Crowley look as he see the glasses. Trying to process what he was even doing. “I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.”
He proceed to walk out of his own bookshop.
“Best of luck..” then it hits him. “Angel!” He doesn’t stop walking away. “Aziraphale come back!” Aziraphale turn around, he was completely drained. His angelic happiness is no where to be found in his hazel blue eyes. “Work with me.” He still pleads, even aziraphale let out a sigh as he continues. “To hell..we can be on our side even down there. Doing our own things down there.” Aziraphale wince from that sentence as he look away to avoid his eyes. “I-I need you aziraphale!” He finally said which prompted him to finally look at him. Both their watery eyes met. It felt like time stopped again. Maybe Crowley finally convinced him. Maybe they can be in their side even in hell. Maybe they could make things better. Him and Aziraphale against them—“you have to understand what I’m trying to offer here Angel..”
“Oh I think I know quiet well. Maybe even more than you can Crowley.” He said. But he realize it wasn’t his usual tone. He sounded apathetic. Is this really it? This shouldn’t be. Why does it feel…
“Well. If that the case, is there really anything else to say at this point?” Crowley said as he put on his glasses as his tears starts to appear yet again.
“Listen.” Aziraphale said pointing up. “Can you hear anything?”
“No. Angel what are you trying to…”
“That’s exactly my point. No nightingale.” He said, that was it for him. He feel he can’t hold it back any longer. “You stupid snake. We could have been us.” Aziraphale said emphasizing on the term us. Crowley looked away to let tears run, even closing his eyes to hope it be all over. But then he felt his lapel of his blazer being pull and the feeling of soft lips pressed again his own. His eyes shock open as he see aziraphale. Principality. Angel of the eastern gate. Kiss him. This wasn’t what he expected their first to be, not one where tears are mixing with each others. He wanted it to be more romantic, more on a happier note. One that both can enjoy. Not this. Not when his angel is obviously hurt. Oh Satan, what have he done. He lift his hands couple times but he was able to place his hand behind Aziraphale’s back and kiss back. He felt his head spin around like all the planets he created, can feel like he seeing stars he help create. And here he is, kissing the biggest star he’ve every laid his eyes on.
Soon they pull away from each other, Crowley having to catch his breath, not hiding his cries anymore. Aziraphale just stand there in hope, can this finally convince him? Crowley look at Azirapahle, many emotion can be battling each other, anger, lament, happiness, shocked? Maybe all above.
“I…I…” love you. Do it again. “TO HELL WITH YOU” he wanted to cover his mouth. Why did he let them escape. Where the soap when you need it. Aziraphale let out a silent gasp as golden tears escape him once more.
“I forgive you.” Aziraphale said walking out of the bookshop.
“Wait angel!”
He walks out of the bookshop, he almost push people down, forget for a moment that London can get busy. He look around to try to find him. “Aziraphale! Please, come back!”
No avail. He can’t find him anywhere, no white haired tartan wearing angel. He feel down to his knees.
“What have I done?” He said to himself. His scales emerged feeling intense emotions, he wanted to scream as he feel smoke coming out of him.
“Crowley?” He look up and see Shax. “Right, I take it he didn’t take it well.”
“What do you think?” Shax was gonna talk again before he stop her. He stands up “Right don’t answer that. Let just go.” He said drained. Feeling empty. Betrayed.
“Jolly good. Now I will say, I’ve heard word from upstairs.” Shax said as they walk, Crowley look at her but not in interest but he had to know.
“And what do the holier than thou angel say?”
“Well. Something about ahhh. The second coming as they like to call it. We got a role in this too, so best get a move on” Shax chuckled as she walked as she talked more about this role. Crowley stopped. He turn around just for a moment and see Aziraphale, he was far away about to turn the corner. But he can easily see that he left enough room for him to come with him to walk, the finale plead. He can’t make out what his expression was but it didn’t matter, he look at him one last time. Before he start walking backward and turning back to Shax. Completely disappearing from the crowd. “You know. Pity your boyfriend didn’t come. Me and Furfur were betting on it, guess no matter. We got work to do.” He stopped listen as she went on. He wanted more than anything to just run back to him. He wished he didn’t take this. But part of him felt that maybe he can still try. If not fro earth, for aziraphale. To keep him safe as he try to stop this plan. To stop armageddon from happening once more. Even if that meant he can’t see Aziraphale ever again.
Meanwhile Aziraphale just nodded. Understand this was it. It truly was over. He saw Maggie and Nina walk away holding hands as if God was rubbing salt in his wound. He then see Muriel waving at him in glee. He would’ve wave back in mutual respect but not now. Not today. He just walked away leaving them feeling concern. Aziraphale walked, unsure where exactly he walking to but his feet keep moving so he might as well walk wherever his shattered heart take him. He then heard a radio from one of the stores singing the song. That song meant for them.
Just like that the song stopped. He continues to walk. Walk as far as he can. As golden tears fall once more.
(Reference for the golden tears and Sunny eyes)
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bbq-potato-chip · 11 months
HI HAI HOPE IM NOT TOO LATE FOR TH ASK GAME BUT ✨ your silly lil green guy. yknow the one. ulquiorra. please please tell me about him ive been spectating from afar and i need to know abt him so bad. as silly or as serious as you want, say anything, ijust wanna hear abt him from a certified Appreciator(tm). be free :]
At last I am enabled HE IS MY FUNNY LITTLE GREEN GUY AND I LOVE HIM I am honored to be chosen as a certified appreciatior ANYWAY SO UM let me just explain like. What he is rlly quick because there are so many different types of guys in the whole bleach world
you have humans, who live in the world of the living and souls (dead people) who also live in the world of the living and then you have hollows which are like corrupted souls that the soul reapers gotta defeat to get them to love on to the next life (which is in the soul society)(the soul reapers also live there)(the soul reapers are also dead people)(it’s like a whole reincarnation thing)
the hollows live in this other dimension called hueco mundo they look like this (the guy on the left- hollows are more “monster-y” looking whereas arrancars are more human looking but they still have the holes where their hearts should be-hence the term hollow)
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So these guys called arrancars (that’s what ulquiorra is!!!) they’re hollows that have been modified to be kind of…like a cross between a soul reaper and hollows because they have swords (soul reaper thing) but are also hollows. Basically like. You have a bear and your like let me give that bear a gun. Like that. The main antagonist is responsible for all that for reasons™️ but that’s a whole other thing in it of itself. But yeah he’s like an an evil henchmen.
but onto greater, more important things
ok completely on a surface level his charcter design is like. 10/10
I don’t know much abt charcter design but since his colors are limited he really like stands out (it’s part of the reason why I think kny characters have such good designs because they stick to the two main color plus accent color)
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He’s mostly black n white with accents with green which is just so striking and the green tear makeup is just *chefs kiss* PLUS the combination of the traditional Japanese hakufu pants combined with the almost (not rlly sure how to put it) like European tail coat kind of deal he’s got going on really is such an interesting combination of two different cultural fashions. Ichigo (the guy on the right) has kind of a similar deal going on with the pants and the more western looking tuxedo looking deal and they’re design are supposed to Parallel each other for thematic reasons but PERSONALLY I think ulquiorra does it way better . But idk Maybe I’m biased!!
And there’s his other powered up forms which are just so cool
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He’s so edgy. I love him this slaps so hard I cannot deny he’s so creaturecore
ok so now. Plot stuff
so basically his whole deal is that he’s a nihilist. Throughout his appearance he’s always like oooh nothing matters I don’t care blah blah blah despite the fact that he has emo make up. He does NOT put the emotion in emo. (Which, at least my impression of emo is about wearing emotions on your sleeve. I don’t know much abt emo as like a whole but if anyone has any like critique on my definition please let me know I’d love to learn more) My man is emo in style but is like yeah whatever I don’t feel emotions I don’t have a heart I’m not human don’t think of me as a human I’m a logical emotionless creature yadayada.
it’s such an interesting design choice to me because it really highlights how…hypocritical his worldview is. As the story goes on you can see his whole nothing matters deal kind of crack, towards his finally battle we see him get angry and surprised and then (spoiler alert) love right before he dies.
And you really can’t talk about ulquiorra without talking about orihime.
orihime was kidnapped basically by orders of the main antagonist because she has powers that he needs for reasons™️. It’s kind of a long explanation why so I’ll just leave it at that. But the whole reason Orihime is there was because she loves her friends, and she goes over to the side of the enemy because she didn’t want her friends to get hurt (basically the “bad guys” were like come with us or we’ll kill your friends and she was like. Well I guess I have to go because I love my friends) which is like the complete opposite of ulquiorra because he’s all like whatever friendship love and bonds are all bull. But as he interacts with her he gets (upset?curious? Not sure of the wording) about what it means to have a heart (or a bond with another person really). I just love how as we move through the arc we see him gradually more humanized, partly as a result of orihime being all like. You’re wrong things DO matter but also because he IS human in a way.
specifically there’s a scene in his backstory one shot where orihime catches him sleeping and brings him food and it just shows that yeah maybe he’s not technically a regular guy but he gets sleepy and needs a little snack!!! He’s grumpy about it but I just love how it portrays him in such a different way than we usually get to see him. (He’s embarrassed he’s so funny. “Ooooh I take naps and eat snacks 🙄so embarrassing” He’s so silly)
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As he talks to orihime throughout this arc he gets CLOSER to understanding as his whole nothing matters deal keeps getting shut down by her when he tries to convince her that nothing matters. But he really doesn’t GET it until right before his death when he realizes what “the heart” is. Because orihime showed him humanity and kindness he’s like oooohhhh I get it now. But at the last second which just is so…cries
anyway. He finally realizes what it means to care about something as he dies and it’s so tragic because this is the first time he’s ever felt anything and now he’s going to die reaching out to her. It’s probably THE most tragic anime scene I’ve ever watched it kills me literally Everytime I watch it screaming crying throwing up. You know the deal!!!
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Then after that whole arc is finished the author published this art . And look at him. He’s so silly look at him
Anyway. *does jazz hands 👐 * that’s my guy!!!
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Also!!! Fun facts(tm)
-Ulquiorras name was based off of Spanish architect and the castle that he lives in is based off of abstract Spanish architecture . Which I just think is really neat
-His birthday is on December 1!!!
-i just think he’s neat!!!
Anyway thank you so much for the ask I am so sorry this took forever to respond to I jus have SO many thoughts and typing on my phone takes FOREVER anyway I hope I did him justice!!!
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
hear me out - 28. nerd/jock with buckingham 👀
hi sails ily thank you for this, i love buckingham, my beloved. is this during canon? who knows. you tell me. also, it’s pre-buckingham!
Robin was not looking forward to the history test the following day, especially since Mrs. Click had assigned her to be a tutor. Sure, she had nothing better to do after class, but she’d like to have nothing better to do when she was in the comfort of her own home. Just because she was good at history, doesn’t mean she should automatically be the one that should tutor others on the content.
Also, if they were struggling in class and requested help, maybe, Robin thought bitterly, they shouldn’t be late.
It was during this silent fuming that the door to the small room in the library that Mrs. Click had told her that the student would meet her at opened. Robin’s head snapped up, ready to tear into whoever it was, only to be stopped short at the sight of Chrissy Cunningham looking at Robin with a nervous smile. Robin immediately melted, hating herself for it.
“I’m so sorry!” Chrissy rushed out upon seeing Robin, “I swear I was on time and then Jason insisted he needed to talk and wouldn’t let me leave without hearing him out and that took forever and then I had to walk all the way to the other side of the school to grab—”
“It’s okay,” Robin cut her off gently, charmed at her rambling. It reminded her so clearly of something she herself would have done. “You alright, though?” She asked, concerned. “I know Jason’s a bit of a tool, and he’s got this whole ‘holier-than-thou’ thing going on that kinda reminds me kind of a cult leader? Like, all charismatic and sweet and nice, but then threatening if you don’t follow his beliefs—I mean—” Robin cut herself off, covering her mouth. She hadn’t meant to say all of that. She cursed herself for her rambling, but before she could even start to apologize, melodic laughter filled the small room.
“I never thought of it like that,” Chrissy admitted, looking up at Robin through her bangs, a shy smile on her face. She looked as though she was fighting more laughter, and then it just burst out of her. “He really does, doesn’t he? With the way he’s been preaching, he’d definitely fit the bill,” she snorted.
Robin flushed, feeling her heart flutter at the sound of Chrissy's snort, which, what the fuck? She laughed with her, relaxing marginally. She shook herself slightly, history. Right. Tutoring for history. Not potentially getting a crush on the Queen of Hawkins. Robin had known she was pretty—duh, she wasn’t blind—but it was surprising to see her laughing at something like that.
Robin cleared her throat, “So, you’re having issues with history?” She asked, gesturing to the book that she had preemptively opened to the current chapter they had been looking at. Chrissy looked a bit saddened by the turn of conversation, but the look quickly cleared and she nodded, sitting down across from Robin.
“I don’t know what it is about history, but nothing sticks,” she admitted sheepishly.
“That’s alright! Let’s start with what you’re having problems with, and we’ll go from there!” Robin said reassuringly, smiling kindly at the cheerleader.
The following two hours passed a lot quicker than Robin had thought they were going to. Every couple of minutes, the two teens would inevitably get distracted by one topic or another, Chrissy seemingly just as easily distracted as Robin was. The conversation was easy between them, flowing as naturally as the Nile. When Robin’s watch went off indicating the end of their scheduled time together, she was reluctant to let the session end, wanting to prolong their easy companionship as long as possible.
Just as she was about to part ways with Chrissy, the cheerleader grabbed her hand.
Robin turned immediately, “Yeah?” She asked, trying not to let the hope she felt show in her voice.
“Do you wanna hang out sometime?” Chrissy asked, looking as nervous and hopeful as Robin felt.
Robin was nodding her head before she even finished her question, “Yes, I want that—please. Sorry. Yes. I do.”
Chrissy’s responding giggles followed Robin for the rest of the day, leaving her feeling on Cloud 9.
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rainiiisspamming · 1 year
Oh god I just remembered the ADA member -> PM arrangement I'm gonna fucking cry
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inkyajax · 2 months
I love the idea of daddy Sunday pampering you, choosing your clothes for you, only the best for his baby, and helping you get dressed while you are to sleepy, to follow him around to his social events, perched on his arm like a good girl. It makes me giddy!!
ooooh yes yes yes!!! i completely agree hehe <3 because the thing about sunday is that he absolutely would pamper the everliving heck outta you. as a(n ethical/philosophical) hedonist, sunday believes in, loves, and cherishes the finer things in life—all of life’s little pleasures, materialistic or otherwise. a dominant caregiver role is so perfect for him, since having complete control over you and being in a position to take care of you—to manage your happiness, to make sure you are in the absolute best conditions and positions that you possibly can be—alleviates a ton of his anxiety and makes him feel validated and valuable.
he loves being able to dress you up like his own personal doll every morning, and it’s even better when you’re giggling and telling him that the outfit he has curated for the day is so pretty, Daddy and you love it so much, Daddy and it makes you feel like a princess, Daddy! <3 see? he’s murmuring to you as he smooths silk down your body, palms tender and careful, as if he’s dealing with the most precious porcelain. Daddy always knows best.
and it’s true; Daddy does always know best. Daddy consciously takes into account both yours and his personal preferences when it comes to your clothing and accessories, ensuring that you are both always happy with the outcome. Daddy is perfect at composing beautiful outfits that only add to the piece of art you already are, accentuating your natural features. and this is excellent, because you are his favourite accessory—the one thing he never leaves the house without, the one thing he absolutely needs on his person at all times, both hands tucked snuggly in the crook of his bent elbow, pressed to his ribs or overlayed with his free hand, his fingers curling over your own.
you are an instant, natural, pure anti-anxiety, your mere presence grounding him, your touch tethering him to your peace, keeping his heart calm and his head clear, bathed in your everlasting light and love. your soul, irrevocably intertwined with his own, empowers and uplifts him, and he draws strength and stability from it. he always matches his outfits to your own, so the two of you look like a flawless pair, a pristine set, incomplete without the other. it’s a subtle claim of ownership, a nonverbal message to anyone who lays eyes upon you—you are his, he is yours, together you create one whole.
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hauntingblue · 9 months
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suuho · 1 year
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“I don’t know what you’re like, but to me, you’re the whole world and the center.”
three biases for @shellweed ♡
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inkykeiji · 4 months
hey clari! i hope you’re having a good day!!
i’ve been wondering, how would touya nii react to natsuo starting to really like a girl, possibly the way touya nii fell for reader? would there be any chance of him accepting her, would he want to have a hold on her as well, would reader be somehow okay with it all? i’m really curious on how that dynamic would work (if it did at all). but i don’t know if you’ve ever answered these questions, sorry if you did!
i love your tnii au so much ❤️❤️
ooooh so i touch on it a little bit in this answer right here, but as i said in that response, touya-nii would be quite jealous if natsuo entered into a steady and serious romantic/intimate relationship. natsuo is his little brother, and anyone or anything that threatens his position in natsuo’s life is automatically an enemy. he would never fully accept the partner, because as far as he’s concerned, no one will ever be good enough for his little brother (except for him, of course). touya would always be caustic towards them, constantly grilling them on matters related to natsuo and ‘evaluating’ their competence + care when it comes to his brother.
touya definitely wants power over natsuo’s partner as well, but it’s a different kind of power than that which he holds over his siblings—it’s harsh and cruel and cold, void of any sort of obsession or ‘compassion’ (for lack of a better word) at all. this is more to keep natsuo’s partner under touya’s heel at all times; to keep them in their proper place beneath him. that’s the only way it would work in some sense, but touya would never be happy about it and his consistent malice towards the partner could potentially be viewed as him actively trying to sabotage the relationship (though he would claim otherwise and say it’s all for natsuo’s best interests and benefit). moreover, natsuo’s partner would have to wholeheartedly accept touya’s role within natsuo’s life without criticism or complaint—which would be pretty damn difficult for any sane or mentally healthy person to do/handle!
reader would hate it. i’ve said this before, but reader and touya actually share a lot of the same traits—they just manifest differently and to different severities. but she’d be feeling considerably jealous, too!!! she’s so used to having natsuo’s attention on her and touya, and now this new person has just wedged themselves into the mix (unwanted and uninvited, as far as she’s concerned) and she Does Not like it. reader can be quite selfish and needy, too, just like her niichan.
aw thank u so much anon bb!! + thank you for your questions! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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rex101111 · 2 years
What about "petty", for Jack-O' and Raven?
Living forever has a few odd quirks to it that no one really tells you about. Mostly because no one has lived long enough to find out about them.
The obvious thing, that everyone can guess, that books are written about, is that you go a bit crazy, because the human brain is, full stop, not designed to exist in perpetuity for any stretch of time beyond a century. You lose perspective on what is normal, food loses flavor, people stop being important and start to look like ways to pass the time.
But once that passes, when the mind reaches a point where it grows bored of insanity, for the human mind is capable of growing bored of anything given enough time, that's when the really kooky shit starts cropping up.
That's around the time you start sticking sharp objects in yourself to see what happens, that's when you dig a hole for yourself to sit in for a decade because you think worms are interesting.
After that, a switch flips in your brain, and you become a bit more unique. In the way that a deep sea fish is unique, not good or bad just so different that there exists no practical equivalent of you.
For Raven, that switch had something to do with how he prioritizes things. For someone immortal, priorities shift around pretty quickly. Food and shelter get shunted to the bottom of the list, and "ways to spend your time" get top billing.
He began to treasure the small, the fleeting, the petty and insignificant. Cobwebs floating on the breeze, leaves rotting on the ground. A child crying because a toy was broken until they get a quick comfort from their parent.
Things that don't matter on the grand scheme of the universe. He could afford to pay attention, now that the grand scheme had kicked him in the pants and told him to stay out of it.
Few people could really understand this, beyond those who dedicate their lives to deep meditation and the like. But even they only lasted so long, even they could only hold a conversation to a point to where a mortal and not-mortal mind diverged in thinking.
Jack-O was different. She was flighty, she was powerful, she had the fabric of reality in her grip and she played it with like cheap taffy. She was a being brought into the world for one, single, absolute purpose. She was a middle finger pointed at the bony face of death created by a man called a devil by his fellows for pretty fair reasons.
She was as petty as it came, she danced and laughed and ran off when it suited her. She had no value for her life because she realized that past a certain threshold it didn't have any value at all.
She asked him, airily and cheerfully, when he last had a normal conversation with someone. Anyone.
And fuck him if he couldn't give her an answer. A conversation. About the weather or what he had for lunch. Something petty and simple and easy that was forgotten as soon as two people parted ways. She asked him about something so petty even he didn't give it any thought. He wanted to laugh. He felt like crying.
Asuka was his friend, after a fashion. They had collaborated on a mighty endeavor, and they had conversations about the math that held the universe glued together. But theirs was a path that would soon diverge.
Jack-O was, despite her friendliness, was not his friend. She was his responsibility, his charge. A petty girl who asked him about when he last had a conversation with someone.
She was born to die. Well, everyone was born for that, eventually. But hers was not some hazy date somewhere on the horizon, her death was a set thing, a concrete thing. A thing she was built around.
She would reach out across the void and drag back Aria Hale to the living world, and burn herself to nothing in the process. There was no delusion, no tomato in the mirror to slap reality in her face. She shrugged her shoulders and went on her way. Smiling.
She was petty and small and finite. She would be gone very, very soon. And Raven would, as always, remain.
Raven will miss her.
Miss her more than anyone else, he thinks.
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blemishezarchive · 2 years
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Tea what Jeff's picture am I? ✨
Blue!! hiii <3 you're this one!
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