#9 1 1 theories
bylerismyeverything · 20 days
So here’s why I don’t think Buddie can pull off the ‘one bed’ trope:
So what will happen is they’ll walk in the room, see there’s only one bed, Eddie will then go-“I take the left you take the right?”, Buck agrees with a nod, they go-“Good night Eddie.” “Night Buck.” And simply fall asleep next to each other. When they wake up Eddie would complain about Buck kicking him in his sleep.
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deadnatura11 · 5 months
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iphyslitterator · 27 days
"Hi!" Buck calls out when he hears the door open from where he's sprawled sideways on Tommy's couch, engrossed in a book on the history of vaccines. He vaguely hears the door closing and the clatter of Tommy's keys in the dish when he throws them across the foyer instead of taking three steps first.
After a moment his boyfriend appears, unceremoniously crawls onto the couch, and faceplants into Buck's chest with a groan.
Buck smiles as he wraps one arm around Tommy's back. He drops his book on the floor and cards his newly free hand through Tommy's hair, resting his chin on Tommy's head. "Long shift?" he murmurs.
"Mmm," Tommy hums. "Just tired."
They lie there quietly for a while. Tommy's worn brown leather couch is actually long enough to hold them comfortably, even in this position, and broad enough that Buck never has to worry about falling off when he fidgets. It's not the biggest reason he loves Tommy's house, but it's one of the little luxuries, like the house plants and the novelty mugs, that make him feel like he fits.
"What are you thinking about?" Tommy asks, muffled.
"How I'm grateful for your stupidly big couch," Buck says. Tommy chuckles and rolls his head to the side.
"Yeah, me too," he says. "Picked it up at an estate sale a few years ago. Belonged to a couple of men. A couple."
"Fit two guys then, fits two guys now?"
"Something like that," Tommy says.
His voice has that strange raw quality it gets sometimes when he talks about his time in the closet. It must have meant something to him to buy a couch where a gay couple spent time together, cuddled, maybe fucked. Buck turns it over in his mind. A few years could mean anything from two to fifteen with Tommy.
"Did you get anything else?" he asks.
"Yeah, actually," Tommy says. "Here, hold on." He levers himself off Buck with a grunt and heads to his bedroom. Buck stretches and sits up.
"I never got around to fixing it," Tommy's saying when he reappears, something small in his hands. "Probably should someday. But it had my name on it," he says with a smile, and the light bulb goes off even before Tommy hands him the watch and Buck turns it over to see the engraving: To Thomas • My love • My partner • My friend
Buck looks up, and Tommy seems taken aback by the shock on his face. "Where did you get this?"
"At an estate-"
"Their names, what were their names?"
"Well, one of them was named Thomas." Buck just keeps looking at him urgently, and Tommy adds more seriously, "Evan, I'm sorry, I don't remember."
"Was it a big house in Hollywood Hills West?" Buck asks. "Nice gate, lots of landscaping, lots of windows?"
"Yeah," Tommy says slowly. "It was."
"I was with them when they died," Buck says, and Tommy's eyes widen. "We were on a call, one of them, Mitchell, was crushed by their car, it was awful. And, and I was talking to the other one, Thomas, before he lay down and just, died, with his husband. They wanted to go together." Buck's eyes are stinging, and Tommy's kneeling with a hand cupped against his cheek. "I told him I hoped I'd find something that good."
Tommy strokes Buck's cheekbone with his thumb, wiping away a tear. Gently, Tommy takes the watch out of his hands and fastens it around Buck's wrist.
"Do you think you will?" he asks quietly, eyes lowered.
The watch is tight, grounding, even with the lump in his throat. "He said you don't find it, you make it."
Tommy looks up and slides his hands to cradle Buck's in both of his. "Do you think you will?" he asks again.
There's a wry smile tucked in the corner of Tommy's mouth but vulnerability in his eyes. His hands are big and warm, his hugs are nearly bruising when Buck wants it, the lines next to his eyes are so deep Buck can run his fingers along them when he's smiling, when he's sleeping. He's Buck's partner. His couch is big enough for both of them.
"Yeah," Buck says. "I do."
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meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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thatorangedrank · 1 year
Little is Alyx 👎🏻
Little is Penny 👎🏻
Little is a reflection of Ruby in Vol.1 and is a physical representation of “healing your inner child” 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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vianbarnes · 6 months
to me it makes perfect sense that when buck comes out to him, eddie doesn’t hesitate for a moment to be supportive. because he loves buck (to the core). so of course he’s gonna be supportive and he’s gonna make sure buck knows that everything is ok.
eddie is a little overwhelmed, he’s taking in a lot of information. he just learned something very important and unexpected about buck and that’s already enough to have him stop and think “oh, really?”. but buck didn’t go on a date with just some guy, did he? he went out with someone who he was also getting close to, and he had no idea. and let’s not forget that eddie was already going through a crisis of his own, which made buck’s confession hit even harder.
out of all these emotions, he choses to focus on the most important one: making sure buck feels safe and loved. accepted. and so he reassures him, he jokes around as he always does and then hugs him. that’s exactly what buck needs and so that’s what he does.
but what happens after that? what happens when eddie actually takes a moment to sit with this information? is he gonna start rethinking his relationship with buck (or even his interactions with tommy)? is he gonna realise that what he and buck have isn’t just a normal friendship? is he gonna wonder if he never saw buck that way because he didn’t think (or he didn’t know) he was an option? what then?
that’s what i wanna know.
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wonderfull-star · 3 months
Back to Glammike theory! There is one detail that I stick to and that many may miss. In this theory, Michael DOES NOT HAVE complete control over Glamrock Freddy. Possession by a ghost does not always mean complete control over the body. I think this also works with the animatronics from the first part. This would explain the dissonance between “the animatronics see us as a naked endoskeleton” and “the vengeful souls in the animatronics want to kill us.” The souls of children do not always control animatronics. At 1-2 nights they are just animatronics, on the other nights they are the vengeful souls of children who saw us (Michael) as a killer and are now ready to take revenge for everything.
I just want to say that in the game itself it is Glamrock Freddy and Michael can sometimes take control of him, which can from time to time be seen in Freddy’s phrases. Even Wikipedia says that Glamrock Freddy is possessed by an “unknown soul.” And yes, I think some have already guessed that according to my theory, in the cutscene with the appearance of Burntrap, the phrase “I am not me” belonged to Michael.
Now it's time for my own fun facts.
1.As many say: “like father like son.” Well, it's true. After all, “always come back” now not only William but also his own son Michael himself, having returned in a completely new guise. All this makes the situation even more ironic from the third part. After all, it was there that their “family squabbles” began. Therefore, according to theory, in Fnaf SB the battle with Burntrap can be called “Michael vs. William - Return.”
2. I keep thinking that when Glamrock Freddy said "I am so sorry" where Gregory received a magnet with Mr. Hippo as a gift, Michael was in control at that moment. Mr. Hippo was simply his least favorite animatronic lmao-
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pookiepiastri · 7 months
How can I link Kate Middleton’s disappearance to Alex Albon’s appendix
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"Integration is healthy and disintegration is unhealthy" is an overly simplistic, spiritual bypassing view to throw in the bin. I'm going to invite you to view it in a different way.
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Integration is your heaven. Your light. It represents what you aspire to embody, but feel scared to embody, or cannot seem to embody no matter how hard you try. You do not have enough personal development, insight or healing to embody your integration type properly. False security is when you embody your integration type in a shallow way. You indulge in your integration type without having done enough healing to make the transformation secure, deep-rooted and long-term. You're reaching up to heaven but your roots don't reach down to hell, and so your extension is very short-lived. The excess branches you have grown to reach up to your integration type quickly die or worse, get infected, as your root system down in hell is not strong enough to sustain the tree. After periods of false security you are left with a lot of trauma, a big mess in your life, and you get pulled right back into your disintegration type's grip. You indeed can integrate in an unhealthy way... and you can also disintegrate in a healthy way. Keep reading.
Disintegration is your hell. It represents your natural stress response, your toxic coping mechanism, the thing you just really hate in yourself and in other people, your default way of overcompensating for your core type's missing pieces, your darkness. Inside your disintegration type is a wealth of secrets and wisdom that you need to uncover, including your wounded inner child. When we analyze our disintegration type and our own personal disintegration experiences, we learn a lot about ourselves. We can only learn what we are missing and what we need to work on from our disintegration type, not from our integration type. Healthy disintegration provides us the necessary foundation that we need in order to reach up towards our integration type. Disintegration is not something to be resisted the same way that cleaning your room and doing exercise is not something to be resisted just because it doesn't feel good. Conscious Disintegration is an essential part of shadow work. It is what Carl Jung would call "making the unconscious conscious".
Integration and disintegration are definitely not the same. But they are also not black and white, "one is good and the other is bad". If you view it this way you are bound to bypass your necessary shadow work and end up in a cycle of false security and extreme disintegration.
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buckleyskin · 10 days
So many exciting BTS photos coming out! What are most looking forward to seeing? Or what conjecture do you hope comes true?
definitely seeing what the hell gerrard is talking to buck about and why he looks so mad 😭
i hope to see that one still hen and eddie. my theory is they see something crazy go down, whether it be the plane losing air control or they see tommy rappelling from the chopper to the plane 👀 or it’s before the plane lands even. that’s why everyone starts scrambling to the trucks to go help the passengers on the plane along with tommy & athena. i hope hen and eddie’s reaction is because of those three things and if one of them comes true, call me the best theorist ever.
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bylerismyeverything · 4 months
So Buck really went
I see that my girlfriend is talking to the woman I cheated on her with…
That’s not that important though I’m gonna keep talking to Eddie.
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deadnatura11 · 4 months
Y'know i was a SECOND from closing on sunset theory because it was Bobby and Buck who had that talk in the locker room.
Kim comes in at the last second and brings it back to Buddie with "You just missed him." "Shoot. I should have called first."
The sun is setting and it's setting FAST for Eddie. He needs to get his shit together.
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justhellabifandom · 5 months
This is my theory for the rest of the season and the beginning of s8.
I think it's a big possibility the end of the season cliffhanger will be Eddie taking a break from the 118.
We know with his current storyline everything is going to blow up on him soon. His mental health is going to get to a point where he can't run from it,his grief is going get to a point where he can't run from it. Everything he's been running from,all the walls be built up are going to come doubling down. Him loosing Kim and Marisol will be the thing that jump starts it because him loosing Kim will be like loosing Shannon all over again,and he wouldn't be able to handle.
This could lead into the Diaz family coming in believing Eddie isn't fit to take care of Chris and eddies will comes into play and Buck could possibility become Chris temporarily guardian while Eddie is dealing with the after math of having a mental break. Now he needs to find himself which he never really got to do,In his teens he met Shannon and the two had Chris and got married young,eddies never really gotten that change to go and find himself,find out who Eddie diaz is. So he ends up leaving the 118 to go and find himself and put himself first. This could explain why Ryan said Eddie is going to feel isolated,why he wont have anyone to run to in s8. Think about it. The 118 and Buck will support him no matter what but if Eddie leaves most of them will understand especially if it's for Eddies mental and emotional health and if Eddie thinks it's for the best. Will Buck like this? No. But if things really get this bad for Eddie Buck isn't going to put how he feels first,is it going to hurt him? Yes but if he really does care about Eddie he will allow him to find himself and learn to heal.
S8 will basically be "Eddie Begins Again." Of "Eddie finally begins."
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meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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‘I think I’m afraid of making a mistake again’
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jackwhiteprophetic · 2 months
No way Maddie knows about the will and didn't immediately confront Eddie about it
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Buck Trivia
I feel like buck would be weirdly and not so weirdly good at trivia. Like the man has filled his brain with random facts and his possible undiagnosed adhd hyper fixations. For example, during the earthquake episode when he is trying to reassure Eddie that Christopher is safe in the schools or after he survives the tsunami and learns all about natural disasters. There are many more examples but I think he would be really good a trivia because of them.
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