#8th army
warchirfsminitures · 16 days
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Bolt Action event over! It was an Axis v. Allies event. My first game was against Italians, second game: German Grenadiers, and last game: German paratroopers.
My embattled Desert Rats won all three with only the last game being a close one.
My Crusader tank, as it is now well known for, took out snipers only. One AT round into a church belltower, another into the side of a building, and lastly a shell into a second floor window.
My opponents were fun to play, (save one that forfeited second turn…) and it was a long but good day.
Next event: Horus Heresy narrative campaign.
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the-nomadicone · 1 month
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A M1A1HC Abrams Main Battle Tank "Clinically Insane", from U.S. Army 2nd Infantry Division, look for enemy forces during a simulated armor battle scenario as part of Foal Eagle 03 joint exercise at Camp Red Cloud Twin Bridges Training Ground, South Korea. March 26, 2003. 8th U.S. Army photo by Staff Sergeant Efren Lopez. Source: U.S. National Archives
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pukindawgsblog · 1 month
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352nd Fighter Group P-51 Mustangs
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jhugas · 1 year
‘THAT ONE NIGHT’- Kim Taehyung
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Genre: smut
Pairing: idol!Taehyung X 8thmember!afab!Reader
Summary: You and Taehyung got invited to the Celine after party on a public beach at night. As fans are watching and filming you two, you can’t stop each other from flirting, not knowing that things will get pretty… interesting.
Word count: ~1,3k
Warnings/tags: full public-filmed make out and grinding, toilet sex, clothed sex, filmed sex + penetration, nipple-breast play, heavy flirting, one night type shit, cum eating (reader eats), unprotected sex (stay safe), they cum together🤞🏻, cums in her.
Song rec:
She- Harry Styles
Ice cream man- Tyga
Break from Toronto- PARTYNEXTDOOR
You and Taehyung were invited to the Celine show, and right now, you were at the after party. The after party was on a beach, at night, with other gorgeous models. You were the prettiest though, all the models had their eyes on you and they were all surprised of how nice, sociable and humble you were. Some even asked to take pictures with you, which you accepted, of course.
During that night, you noticed a weird feeling, something new. Something had changed between you and Taehyung. Why were you both acting like this? You were so flirty with each other. While dancing together, he brought you closer to him, caressed your body from your head to your ass. Sometimes you would even get your lips an inch away from each other then just laugh and get back. You never acted like that usually? But somehow, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of each other.
And the worst is, everybody could see you. Including fans, models and reporters. The beach was private, but the street wasn’t. Up the stairs to go to the beach, fans were filming and watching you. So if anything happened in between you and Taehyung, they’ll immediately see it and post it everywhere. However, this was the least of your concerns, Taehyung was much more interesting.
It’s like this wasn’t you and him from Bts, but just two friends flirting and hanging out with each other.
After drinking some more alcohol with him, he takes your hand and brings you close to him once again. His hips are stuck on yours, slowly moving right and left to the music, his hands still exploring your curves and getting them under your skirt or t-shirt occasionally. He’s not shy, he isn’t worried about the fans and cameras neither. On the contrary, being in public couldn’t turn him more on. His dick rubbing against his luxury pants, and the bulge of his pants rubbing against your stomach.
He grinds himself discreetly against you, his dick getting harder and begging to get his pants off. He stares at your revealing cleavage, your breast sitting perfectly, as you bite your lower lip and look straight onto his eyes. Suddenly, he cups your face with one hand, keeping his other one on your hips under your skirt, and pushes you against the wall behind the bar. The fans are quiet, silently screaming to not disturb you, observing the scene and filming you two.
He gets closer to you and pushes eagerly his lips on yours, catching your top lip in between his and sucking on it. He tilts his head trying to get a better taste of your previous drink and to get deeper. His grip on you is firm, he doesn’t stop pushing you up against the wall and the fans are zooming in on the work of your lips. Then, he moves his hand from your hips to beside your head, pinning you, and brings the other one to your waist. He puts one of his leg in between yours and brings it closer to your crotch, before rubbing it against your clit under your skirt. You gently, discreetly move forth and back on his leg, trying to not be too explicit for the cameras and fans. He was so hungry for you. He wanted to have you for the whole night, just for himself.
‘Just one night, it won’t hurt to have fun. Will it?’ You think. It’s not like it will ruin your whole reputation and career. You’re a human, you’re allowed to have fun too. The kiss gets more and more heated, grinding on his leg isn’t enough and it’s getting hard to breathe. So you break the kiss but he lifts you up, bringing you to the public but clean toilets. He closes the door behind and smashes his lips against yours, sliding his tongue under your lip and licking your bottom ones. He shuts the toilet and sits down on it. First, you stand in between his legs as he looks up at you. How can he look so dominant in this position? He stares at your hard nipple through your white, transparent t-shirt, then grabs your boob and wraps his lips around it. Sucking hard on your nipple through the tissue as he stains it with his spit. With his other hand, he cups your free boob and massages it. You moan at the warm feeling. You push him off and get your clothes off. But right as you were about to take your t-shirt off, he stops you.
‘Keep your clothes on y/n, just take off your pants.’
He says in a deep voice. And when he said your name, it reminded you of what you’re doing right now, and with whom. You start taking off your pants. How were you going to explain this to Army? Bts? Your agency? But the sound of a belt cuts your thoughts. He’s also taking off his pants. But he, unlike you, takes off his boxers and let his tall and thick cock stand proudly by itself. He pushes your pants with his on the side and pats his lap, indicating you he wants you to sit on it. You get over him, face to face and your legs outside of his, and he pulls your panties to the side just so that he can enter you. He touches your pussy a few seconds to see if you’re wet enough and smirks. He looks proud of himself, he knew how he made you feel, and he liked it. You slowly lower your hips, approaching your cunt to his dick and places it in front of your entrance. Then once it’s lined up perfectly, he grabs your hips and pushes them against his. You start jumping on it, moaning as his big curved cock hits all the rights spots. He curses under his breath, and you moan. He watches your tits jump with you, up and down and going round. He also looks at your face, your expressions. He needs to know that he’s making you feel good, he needs this validation.
Watching your tits and face is great, but he’s upset he can’t see your ass that’s probably a whole show that he can’t miss. So he gets his phone and puts it in selfie mode, filming your ass slapping against his hips on camera. In the video, you can see him biting his lips and smirking and you can hear all of your moans. You keep going and he keeps filming until your legs are starting to get tired and you’re slowly reaching your highest. So he puts his phone behind you against the door, on a little shelf there was and starts helping you by lifting you up with his hands, and thrusting aggressively in and out of you.
You feel a warm feeling coming and you feel yourself about to reach your orgasm. He also feels it coming and goes faster, and deeper. You finally reach your orgasm together as you both release in the spot, moans could be heard miles away. You catch up your breath and look at him. He gets his phone, zooms on his dick inside your pussy and tells you to get up and release his cum on his stomach. You do as he pleases and get up keeping his semen in you, then releasing it on his lower stomach. He laughs a little. You lean forward and clean his tummy, eating up all of his delicious cum on his abs.
He says looking up lazily at you. You clean yourselves before putting back on your clothes, kissing a bit and getting out of the toilet like nothing happened. He finishes his video with you wobbling out of the toilet like a penguin and him gently laughing. After he’s done he hugs you from beside and trust me, twitter and Armys will never, forget about “that one night”.
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If you liked it, please like or reblog <3
In the same type: "I want you…"
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lifessoshortandsoami · 8 months
Late Night
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November 2023
"I thought it was only me who couldn't sleep without you," Jungkook murmured, his voice like silken threads against the hushed hum of the night Luna was surrounded with.
Eyes shimmering like moonlit pools, Luna graced him with a smile that could melt the frost from winter's breath. Stretching languidly, she laid her glasses aside, her fingers delicately adjusting the laptop on her lap, its screen casting an ethereal glow upon her face.
Under the soft glow of the laptop screen, Jungkook observed the dark circles that adorn Luna's eyes. A teasing smile played on his lips as he remarked, "You should sleep, I can see those dark circles from the screen."
Luna, ever the flirt, met his gaze with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "They're from me staying up late thinking of you."
Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle at her playful banter. "More like staying up late devouring those romance novels of yours."
Luna pouted playfully, her lips forming a mock frown. "How dare you? Those novels are my guilty pleasure. And besides, I miss reading them to you."
Jungkook's heart fluttered at her words, a warm sensation spreading through his chest. He tried to mask his feelings with a nonchalant shrug. "I can't say the same. Those novels are a bit too flowery for my taste."
"Oh, but you secretly enjoy them," Luna teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I can see it in the way you lean in closer, the way your eyes widen when I reach a particularly steamy scene."
Jungkook felt his cheeks flush with heat, his denial caught in his throat. "Nonsense."
Luna giggled, her laughter echoing through the room like a melody. "Don't try to fool me, Koo. I know you secretly adore my storytelling."
He couldn't help but smile, caught in her web of affection and playful teasing. "Fine, I admit it. I do enjoy our reading sessions."
Luna's eyes lit up with delight. "Knew it!" She snuggled into her bed, adjusting the laptop beside her.
Jungkook chuckled, a sense of warmth enveloping him. "What time is it there, Aera?" he asked, his voice laced with tenderness.
Luna's eyes flitted towards the clock on her laptop, "1 AM," she replied, her voice a gentle melody in the quiet night. "What's there?"
"11 AM," Jungkook's voice echoed across the miles, a bridge spanning the vast expanse of time zones.
Luna's heart skipped a beat, a fluttering rhythm akin to the wings of a hummingbird. "Did you sleep well last night?" she inquired, her concern as palpable as the soft moonlight streaming through her window.
Jungkook sighed a sound that waved like an exhausted sprite in the stillness of the night. "Tried to," he admitted, his voice laced with a hint of sleep-deprived humor. "It wasn't the best sleep I've had."
With a playful click, Jungkook placed his empty glass on the table, its silence resonating with the unspoken words that hung in the air.
Luna's lips curled into a teasing smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "You look cute while sleeping," she declared out of the blue.
Jungkook's eyebrows arched, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. "That was so random," he remarked, his voice laced with amusement.
Luna's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with delight. "But the truth," she countered, her voice a mischievous whisper that carried the weight of countless stolen glances and tender moments observed in the quietude of slumber.
Luna's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, her excitement palpable as she leaned forward, her voice bubbling with anticipation. "Anywho, Koo, guess what's happening in the book I'm reading?"
Jungkook, ever the patient listener, raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Do tell," he encouraged, his voice laced with a hint of intrigue.
"Well, in the story, this girl's boyfriend, the one she's absolutely in love with, calls her from beyond the grave," Luna revealed, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.
Jungkook's jaw dropped, his eyebrows shooting up in disbelief. "After he dies?" he asked, his voice echoing Luna's astonishment.
"Yes!" Luna exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "It's like, he's calling her from the afterlife, and she can't believe it's real. But here's a thought, what if it's just a hallucination because of the grief?"
Jungkook scratched his head, his mind grappling with the perplexing plot twist. "Hmm, that's a good question," he admitted. "Could be either, I guess. I haven't read the book myself, so I can't say for sure."
Luna's brow furrowed slightly, a hint of disappointment clouding her usually cheerful face.
Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. Had he inadvertently upset Luna? Was his casual shrug a sign of indifference? Did he seem distant, neglecting her thoughts and feelings?
A torrent of anxious questions swirled in his mind, each one threatening to drown him in a sea of guilt. He opened his mouth to apologize, but Luna's voice cut him off.
"It's impossible though," she declared, her voice firm and unwavering. "The dead can't communicate with the living."
Jungkook's mind, still caught in the whirlwind of his self-inflicted anxiety, paused to reassess the situation. Luna's words, though initially alarming, were not a reflection of her emotions towards him. She was simply expressing her disbelief in the supernatural aspect of the book she was reading.
With a sigh of relief, Jungkook forced a nonchalant smile, attempting to mask his momentary panic. "Oh, right," he chuckled, feigning amusement. "How could he be calling her? Maybe it's a fantasy novel, who knows?"
Luna, her body nestled comfortably amidst her pillows, nodded in agreement, her eyelids fluttering shut. She was exhausted, her mind heavy with the day's events.
Jungkook, sensing her fatigue, gently suggested, "You should sleep, Aera."
Luna's gaze remained fixated on the laptop screen, her eyes tracing the familiar features of the man she had grown to love with an intensity that bordered on obsession. The thought of sleeping without the comfort of his voice, the reassurance of his presence, was almost unbearable.
In a soft, almost pleading tone, she requested, "Can you sing for me?"
Jungkook's heart melted at her sweet request. Without hesitation, he inquired, "Sure, what do you want me to sing?"
"... Hate You," Luna murmured, her voice barely a whisper. She referred to one of his songs from his latest album, a stark contrast to the love that blossomed between them.
Jungkook hesitated for a moment, about to point out the irony of her choice, but Luna's words cut him short. "Who's focusing on the lyrics? I just wanna listen to your voice," she explained, her eyes fluttering closed as she pulled the blanket over her, seeking solace in the warmth it provided.
With a warm smile, Jungkook settled into his position, his elbows resting on the table, his chin resting on his hand. His gaze remained fixed on Luna, his eyes filled with an unspoken depth of love.
A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he cleared his throat, his voice soft and melodious as he began to sing.
"I wish you went... behind my back..." The lyrics flowed from his lips, weaving a tapestry of emotions that transcended the boundaries of the digital realm, his voice a soothing balm to her weary soul.
The moon cast its silvery glow upon Luna's room, illuminating the scene with an ethereal radiance, she drifted off to sleep, lulled by Jungkook's enchanting voice, her heart overflowing with a love that defied all logic and reason.
With a final gentle whisper of "Sweet dreams, love," Jungkook ended the call, his heart brimming with affection for the woman who had captured his soul. The moon continued its silent vigil, casting its silvery light upon the sleeping form of Luna, a testament to the enduring power of love.
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bts-aura · 14 days
98 🌷. ⠀ | TAKE TWO ⠀٫⠀BANGTAN
?!⠀ ִ ⠀꒪ 나비 ㅤׂ ⠀ 🦋 ﹨
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🌷 : 방탄소년단 𝄒 ﹙ 𝓐. ﹚
⌕ ‣     BASIC INFO ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ BIRTH NAME — hwang yunhee
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ HANGUL — 황윤희
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ ENGLISH NAME — lacy
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ NAME MEANING — lotus flower, pleasure
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ NICKNAMES — nabi ❪ army ❫, shortie ❪ bts ❫, korea’s flower ❪ army ❫, rarity ❪ bts/army ❫, yuyu ❪ jungkook ❫, diamond ace ❪ army/bts ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ BIRTHDATE — january 1, 1998
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ AGE — 26 ❪ int. ❫ 27 ❪ kor. ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ ZODIAC SIGN — capricorn
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ BIRTHPLACE — busan, south korea
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ HOMETOWN — busan, south korea
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ NATIONALITY — korean
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ ETHNICITY — korean
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ LANGUAGES —
៹٠ korean - 100%
៹٠ english - 89%
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ HEIGHT — 164 cm ❪ 5’4 in ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ WEIGHT — 43 kg ❪ 94 lbs ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ BLOOD TYPE — O
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ HAIR COLOR — black ❪ natural ❫ black ❪ currently ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ EYE COLOR — hazel brown
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ CLAIMS —
៹٠ face: unknown ❪ unknown ❫
៹٠ vocal: cocona ❪ xg ❫, wendy ❪ red velvet ❫
៹٠ western vocal: jade ❪ little mix ❫
៹٠ rap: cocona ❪ xg ❫
៹٠ dance: seulgi ❪ red velvet ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ GENDER — female
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ PRONOUNS — she / her
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ SEXUAL ORIENTATION — lesbian
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ RELATIONSHIP STATUS — in a relationship ❪ est. 2019 ❫
🦋 : 방탄소년단 𝄒 ﹙ 𝓐. ﹚
⌕ ‣     CAREER ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ STAGE NAME — aura
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ HANGUL — 아우라
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ COMPANY — bighit entertainment
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ TRAINEE PERIOD — 3 years ❪ 2010 - 2013 ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DEBUT AGE — 15 years old
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ UNIT — vocal, rap
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ GROUP — bangtan ❪ 방탄소년단 ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ POSITIONS — lead rapper, lead vocalist, lead dancer, maknae
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI — 🦋 / 🍒
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ RANKING —
៹٠ vocal : 10/10
៹٠ rap : 8/10
៹٠ dance : 8/10
៹٠ visual ❪ korean standard ❫ : 6/10
៹٠ stage presence : 6/10
៹٠ acting : 3/10
៹٠ producing : 5/10
៹٠ songwriting : 8/10
៹٠ choreography : 4/10
៹٠ leadership : 2/10
៹٠ public speaking : 2/10
🌷 : 방탄소년단 𝄒 ﹙ 𝓐. ﹚
⌕ ‣     PERSONAL ׁ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MBTI TYPE — INFP, mediator
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DESCRIPTION — although they may seem quiet or unassuming, people with the INFP personality type (mediators) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their mind. INFPs are known for their sensitivity – these personalities can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them. they are known to be extremely sentimental and nostalgic, often holding onto special keepsakes and memorabilia that brighten their days and fill their heart with joy.
idealistic and empathetic, people with the INFP personality type long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. due to the fast-paced and competitive nature of our society, they may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique. yet it is precisely because INFPs brim with such rich sensitivity and profound creativity that they possess the unique potential to connect deeply and initiate positive change.
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ STRENGTHS — empathic, generous, open minded, creative, passionate, idealistic
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ WEAKNESSES — unrealistic, self isolating, unfocused, emotionally vulnerable, to eager to please, self-critical
🦋 : 방탄소년단 𝄒 ﹙ 𝓐. ﹚
⌕ ‣     TRIVIA ׁ⠀ ࣭ ⠀⠀⊹
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˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ HABITS — daydreaming/staring off into space, leaning her head on the members shoulders when she is tired, blushing when someone compliments her, falling asleep in random places, reading books constantly, scrunching her face when she doesn’t like something, messing with her hair, walking barefoot whenever ❪ she doesn’t like shoes ❫, popping/cracking her knuckles, not speaking unless spoken to
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ PHOBIAS — fear of small spaces ❪ claustrophobia ❫, fear of heights ❪ acrophobia ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ MEDICAL CONDITIONS — persistent depressive disorder ❪ PDD ❫, generalized anxiety disorder ❪ GAD ❫
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ ALLERGIES — grass, pollen, bees
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ LIKES — sitting on her porch when it rains, collecting crystals, playing video games ❪ mostly horror ❫, sleeping, watching anime, collecting anime figurines, the color red, sewing clothes, knitting, cats, spicy foods, caramel treats, banana flavored things, laffy taffy candy, grunge aesthetic, knee high socks, sleeping in no clothes, motorcycles, skirts/dresses, working out
˳ ׄ ཐིiཋྀ ⟡ DISLIKES — being in big crowds, getting yelled at, spiders/bugs, super tight clothing, bitter food, people commenting on her height/weight, unnecessary chewing, people spitting on the ground, messy people
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lonestarflight · 9 months
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"Crew of B-17 Flying Fortress 'Tom Paine' (42-30793) prepares for a mission. When the men of an 8th Air Force Group gave the town of Thetford, England, a plaque, honoring it as the birthplace of Thomas Paine, American patriot, philosopher and author, the crew of a B-17 thought it appropriate to name their plain 'Tom Paine' and to inscribe the fuselage with one of his famous remarks, 'Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered.'"
History of this B-17: "Delivered Cheyenne 29/7/43; Dyersburg 8/8/43; Assigned: 562BS/388BG Knettishall 3/9/43; crashed Ellough, Nfk, on return from a mission Pilot: Bob McWhite; Salvaged. 11/4/44. TOM PAINE."
-information from b17flyingfortress.de: link
Photo was received on October 4, 1945.
(U.S. Air Force Number K3973)
NARA: 205002341
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militarymodeller · 1 month
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Diorama nr.48 The 8th army in full attack.
An old Italeri Crusader with 8th army figurines on a desert diorama. The sfinx is probably an old Verlinden one and the dead German is homemade from spare parts.
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thatsrightice · 3 months
The Army General Classification Test (AGTC) was a 40-minute, 150 multiple choice question comprehensive test used in WWII to evaluate verbal, quantitative, and spatial abilities of recruits. The Army used this exam to divide up men into one of five categories based on their raw scores:
Class 1: 130+
Class 2: 110-129
Class 3: 90-109
Class 4: 70-89
Class 5: 69 or lower
Though intended to measure one’s intelligence, the test seemed to be more of a measure of education. Regardless, it was still a reasonable way of measuring a recruit’s ability level.
The Army Air Corps received a very high number of men who scored in Classes 1 and 2. In 1942 and 1943, approximately 44% of men in the AAC scored in Class 1 or Class 2, with an additional 35% scoring in Class 3. But it’s important to remember that the Army Air Corps ONLY accepted volunteers. Of course, there’s more intensive training and exams that recruits must pass in order to become a Pilot, Copilot, Navigator, or Bombardier, but scoring high was an important first step.
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bts-iris · 10 months
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬
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min iris and christian yu. “the it couple” if you care. just two love birds. explore their highs and lows, best and worst moments with them.
evreything about iris and ian can be found here. not in any specific order.
• a princesses misunderstanding
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warchirfsminitures · 17 days
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Bolt Action ‘narrative’ event tomorrow. This is the list i’m bringing:
Officer, x5 infantry sections, x3 bren carrier iors, crusader, 25pdr, sniper, mortar, mmg, and artillery officer. I’ve used this list before and it is very flexible and fun.
Also, i made a ‘artifact’ for the ‘narrative’ component of the day. It is a ‘letter back home’ and ‘reply’. I struggled to keep it to 300 words max, but it is better for it. The photo is from internet but fits the artifact theme i was going for.
Cant wait to battle the desert fox and push his Jerry butt out of Egypt.
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ethereallyjade · 1 year
Namjoon in Pursuit of Love
Venus+Mars Analysis
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Chart Masterlist
Venus in Scorpio
For starters, it's gonna take this man an eternity to even admit his feelings to himself (even though lord knows he feels it so deeply that it's literally undeniable), let alone to admit it to ANYONE else
Absolutely the type to lowkey stalk his person of interest, nothing weird of course, but just like watching their every move from across the room out of the corner of his eye, and going through their social media
He wants to know everything about them before even thinking about pursuing
But once he does decide he wants someone, he won't waste another second
Namjoon wants someone to understand his soul. He's very serious about love and very passionate
He's extremely private about matters of love and extremely protective of the ones he does love
He likely even struggles with possessiveness and obsession because when he does open himself up to love, he does so intensely. He loves so deep it hurts, which is why he protects his heart so much in the first place, because the second those floodgates open all that built up passion and insecurity comes pouring out
This can be very overwhelming for many, so someone that's patient, deep, and understanding of him is important, as well as someone that doesn't fear intensity
He takes love very seriously and needs to know his partner does too, otherwise he sees it as a waste of time
Namjoon expects total loyalty
The ideal relationship, with anyone really, is one that transforms him into the best versions of himself and is deep in the most beautiful and scary of ways
He wants to know his partner inside and out. Every thought, fear, dream, and insecurity laid out for him and his eyes only
He wants his world rocked, but ultimately, he wants something that lasts til death do you part
Someone he can feel safe sharing anything and everything with is his goal
Someone who can ground him also would be best. He has a tendency to overthink with love, so much so that he may think about all the bad things that could happen, get so lost in his daydream, and end up breaking his own heart from something that never even happened
Also, having Cancer in the 8th is basically everything I just said but x2
11th House
Likely finds most of his love interests though mutual friends, online, or anything regarding being social (events, concerts, clubs, or anyother type of gathering)
Could be prone to finding himself in situationships (mix this with it being in Scorpio, lets just say commitment could have been a touchy and/or difficult subject for him)
He's attracted to those that are independent and different or uniquely themselves. Someone that dares to dream and isn't afraid to stand up and out. He might even date people that surprise others, as in people that are different than him or what his friends expect him to like
Mars in Cancer
Again, heavy protector energy here
He may be ashamed to admit it, but he's a sucker for a damsel in distress
This placement is all about nurturing and saving others and can really get excited about someone that needs him
He wants someone that feels like home, that he can open up to and be himself with. Someone that he can explore the dark side of and let them see the dark side of him as well
He craves emotional connection
He wants someone he doesn't feel alone with, which unfortunately is a frequent theme in his life (mostly from to his own doings but-)
Once he finds someone to settle down and make a family with, he will be extremely focused on and protective of them
8th House
If you couldn't tell already, he's gone through some shit regarding his relationships
Extreme passion towards anything he sets his mind to, including relationships, and If it wasn't clear the first time I said it, he takes this very seriously
This placement isn't too different from everything I said above in Venus in Scorpio, except Venus takes a lighter/prettier approach to it and Mars is more aggressive and passionate with it (and Venus being in Scorpio can already be a messy sight, so take that as you will)
If you betray his trust in any way he will CUT YOU OUT, and considering the nature of his Mars sign already, he'll get revenge too
Yet another theme to point out, he's a protector and will do so even if it costs him everything. Anything to see his loved ones happy and safe
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pukindawgsblog · 1 month
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Lockheed P-38J Lightning color plates and associated photos. 1st, 55th, and 364th Fighter Groups represented (top to bottom).
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jhugas · 9 months
‘C’mon baby, sit.’-Kim Namjoon
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Genre: smut
Pairing: Namjoon X 8th member! Reader
Summary: Namjoon has always protected you since you were young… but now that you were older, he still protected you the same. But you, you wanted to prove him that you grew, and that this feeling that grew on you for him, wasn’t just childish love.
Word count: ~1,5k
Warnings/tags: unprotected sex (no creampie), making out, teasing, age gap (reader 26, Namjoon 29), fwb?, reader is bold, big dick Namjoon, he cums on her breast, she jumps on it, "good girl", "baby", "hun".
You’re the same age as Jungkook, 26 years old and Namjoon is 29, but it wasn’t always that way.
Ten years ago back in 2013, you were 16 and him 19, and you met when you were only 13 and him 16. So in short, you’re his baby.
As the leader of the group, he felt the absolute need to take care of both you and Jungkook, making you two live your teenage years and have fun. Consequently, he was protective over you if not overprotective, and as time passed and you grew up, he didn’t change and kept protecting you. But you, you did change.
When you were young, Namjoon protecting you just made you feel safe, but now it feels different… more like a protective boyfriend.
Of course you liked to play with him, when interviewers asked if we were dating someone, you looked suspiciously at Namjoon to piss him off. You used to hold his hand, sit on his lap, and kiss his cheeks… of course, he only let you do this, which made you feel even more special to him.
And as more time passed, no only did you catch serious feelings for him, but you also started to get sexually attracted to him. Sitting on his lap made you feel something, kissing his cheek seemed more intimate too, but he never really understood that you were serious after all these years of joking… until now.
You entered his bedroom, finding him laying on his bed, back against the wall and watching a movie.
‘You’re here?’ he asked with his usual deep voice that you loved, without even looking at you once. But you, you put your prettiest lingerie on purpose for him to see, you wanted to impress him for once, you wanted him to tell you sweet things about how good, sexy and beautiful you looked, but not like he always did.
You were tired of him looking at you like the 16 year old girl you were once. Today, you’re 26 and you’ll prove it to him.
You get closer to the bed and put your legs on each side of his body while keeping your hips high, looking at him and blocking his view of movie on the tv.
‘Y/n~’ he whines, ‘you’re blocking my—‘ he stops talking when he notices your lingerie and position.
‘Y/n, don’t you think that’s a little too much?’ he says, disturbed by this unusual and unexpected situation, ‘just get on my right if you want to watch the movie, you don’t have to stay like this…’
‘I don’t know, I like this view.’ you boldly said as you finally lowered your hips, them meeting with his as your panties feel his crotch.
You’re not usually so bold, but if you weren’t clear this time, he wouldn’t understand.
‘Y/n, what’s wrong?’ he asks as he starts to feel something he never did. Feeling your crotch on his made him feel… something different. Something he maybe didn’t want to admit with you.
‘What? I’m alright, why?’ you ask back as you lean in, creating a friction on both of your crotch and giving him a view of inside your lingerie.
‘I don’t know what you’re doing, but I don’t think this is okay… do you understand?’ he says with a gentle voice to not upset you, but the truth is, he already has his hands on your hips and no wish to make you move, he’s just scared of what could happen once it’s too late.
‘It’s okay Namjoon… you should relax for once. You don’t have to control everything, you know?’ you answer as you lean even closer, caressing the side of his face and hair.
‘Don’t hold back, please.’ is the last thing you said before slowly and carefully, approaching your lips towards his, meanwhile, you noticed him slowly nodding.
Then in a moment, your lips were tied together.
The kiss is still awkward, tense, like a real first kiss in between two inexperienced. But after a few seconds, his grip on your hips got rougher and his lips had softened. Quickly, the kiss became more natural and sexual, from a soft peck to sucking in each other’s lips without any remorse, and as expected, Namjoon started to take the lead.
It’s you that initiated it, pushed your hips and lips on him, but it was him having his hand around your neck, tilting your head to taste you deeper, and starting to guide your hips.
Indeed, his strong hands began to make you grind on him, your lips dividing on each side of his now boner. It was your lucky day, you had large and thin panties and he wasn’t wearing anything under his pyjama pants.
Your clit rubs against his length as your panties get wet and you feel more and more needy.
Having such a strong man that you wanted since forever touching you made you feel dizzy, contrasting with his strong grip making you stay in place.
You felt so safe and secured that you already felt yourself falling onto his arms, giving him freedom to do as he pleases with you with your full consent.
Wet kissing sounds resonate in the room with the movie in the background though you were so much into it that you couldn’t hear anything.
You enjoyed hearing each other’s tongue tasting yourselves, but this friction on your sensitive bud was getting too intense, you had no control over yourself whatsoever and began to moan against his lips.
‘Fuck…’ he muttered in between kisses, finally feeling relieved enough to express himself.
You got a bit shy but it was so hot for him, hearing you moan because of how good he feels though you were just getting started.
‘Want some more hun?’ he asked with an even deeper voice.
‘Yes…’ you managed to answer. He then lifted your hips, managed to take off your panties and his pants too, leaving you two bottomless.
And when you looked down and saw his cock for the first time, your view couldn’t please you more. It was exactly how you imagined it. Big, thick and standing tall by itself.
‘C’mon baby, sit.’ he ordered.
His dick was impressive, this would be the first time you take such a big cock so you were a bit worried, but truly, you couldn’t wait to have it inside of you, destroying your insides and making you jump high.
You lower your hips slowly as he aligns his tip to your entrance, before finally feeling it entering you, his hard inches giving your walls something to clench on.
You can’t help but roll your eyes back as Namjoon groans, biting his bottom lips as if he was holding back.
‘You good?’ he asked, but you couldn’t hear anything. Instead, Namjoon observed your body as an answer as you started bouncing on it carefully to not hurt yourself. His dick kept hitting the right spots while he was staring at you intensively and enjoying your tits bouncing.
It was so good, your wetness making the clapping sounds sound louder and heavenly. When suddenly, Namjoon started lifting his hips, synchronizing with you to make it rougher because he needed to be sooo deep inside you.
‘More!’ You scream as your orgasm approaches dangerously.
Namjoon was now fucking you all on his own, lifting you to make you jump on him as he thrusted into you, you were completely losing yourself.
‘Cum baby…’ he said with his deep voice. And before you could even think about it, you found yourself releasing your sweet juice around his big cock.
‘Good girl… I’m right here…’ he said as you were reaching your highest, then coming back down to earth.
As you calmed down and were catching your breath, Namjoon lifted you up and laid you down on your back, positioning himself on top of you, his dick towering over your breast.
‘Where d’you wanna cum?’ You whispered. He pointed your breast and you nodded immediately.
He then started to pump himself, his red cock now begging for some relief as his breath fastened.
‘Cum for me…’ you said with the strength you had left, and he did.
Right after you said those words his thick white cum came out flying from his tip to your breast, and your face. He even managed to wrap your nipples in his cream.
‘You were so good…’ you told him as he laid on top of you, his head resting beside yours. ‘Really?’ he asked. ‘Of course, thank you…’. and the praising went on. For a first time together, it was so good… and trust, from the way this happened, this won’t be the last time fucking with him.
Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs and comments are so so so appreciated!! Thank you^^
Ps: I forgot the tags😭
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lifessoshortandsoami · 11 months
Get To Know Luna's Relationship With The Members
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Namjoon x Luna = Lujoon/Lunam
Third Most popular ship in BTS.
Him being completely whipped for her.
Her teaching him (along with Jin) dancing.
Texting each other late-night thoughts.
Going on Library date every week.
The shortest and the tallest duo.
Poking each other's dimples...or, him poking her only dimple.
Squishing each other's cheeks (mostly her).
Her stealing his sweatshirts and him finding it adorable how big it is on her.
Helping each other with English vocabulary and translations during interviews.
Him being her therapist.
Her being his muse.
Writing lyrics together.
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Jin x Luna = Jina/2Moon
Least popular (underrated) ship in BTS.
Both cooking and trying new recipes together.
Him protecting her and trying his best to keep her innocent (he has been successful in it thus far).
Her (and Jimin) are the only ones who actually find his dad jokes funny.
Him ruffling her hair or patting her head.
Her teaching him (along with Namjoon) dancing.
Him feeding her, whether it be asking her to taste the food while cooking or sharing his food.
Her being the one who called him World Wide Handsome first.
Him being her parent figure.
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Yoongi x Luna = Yoona
Sixth most popular ship in BTS.
Him being wrapped around her little finger.
Her being fascinated by his passion for music.
Her being the reason he smiles the most.
Her being the only member who knows the password to his Genius Lab.
Him not changing the password cause he secretly likes her presence in his studio.
Her checking up on him if he is getting enough amount of food and sleep.
Her gushing over his cute gummy smile.
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Jhope x Luna = Lunhope
Fifth most popular ship in BTS.
The sun and the moon.
Cheering the other up when one is feeling down.
Love making new choreographies together.
They brighten up a room whenever they enter one.
Him helping her with hip hop.
Matching outfits
She literally adores him.
Hurt Hoseok and you'll have to deal with an angry Luna who doesn't look scary but can scare you enough to traumatize you.
Her sniffing his hair cause she loves the scent.
J-Hope once mentioned in a VLive that he loves when Luna runs her hands through his hair. It helps him relax.
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Jimin x Luna = Lumin
Second most popular ship in BTS.
The cutest duo.
Jimin finally takes a sigh of relief when she joins the group thinking he'll get a rest from all the teasing because of his height. (But not for long, the members get back at teasing him saying Luna's short because she's a girl.)
Mesmerizing everyone when they do a contemporary duo. (Also making a few members jealous but let's leave that topic for another time.)
Giggling together for no reason.
Him being a dirty-minded person and her being the most innocent does not work very well. But the fans love it when they see Jimin smirking at Luna's very innocent words.
Him constantly flirting with her and her being oblivious to it.
Jimin mentioned in an interview that Luna is his favourite member when it comes to taking about his feelings.
Both have eye smiles.
Him always comparing their hand sizes just to feel better seeing her hands much smaller than his.
Both gushing over each other's cuteness.
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V x Luna = Luv
Fourth most popular ship in BTS.
Only one word to describe their visuals together: Ethereal.
Aliens of the group, you'll never understand what they are talking about.
Him playing with her hair or braiding them.
Her always complimenting his outfits.
The difference between their hand sizes is adorable.
Their duality together is hazardous.
Matching hair colors.
Him being her stylist.
Both gifting each other expensive items.
Loves goofing around together.
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Jungkook x Luna = Lukook
The most popular ship in BTS and KPop.
Both are each other's first kiss.
Him being possessive over her.
Both can't live a minute without each other.
Have their own house together.
He once said in a VLive that it's almost impossible for him to fall asleep without Luna by her side.
Mostly in a pair or the same team during Run BTS.
Him always giving her piggyback rides.
Him glaring at every male idol who stares a little too long at her (Sometimes female idols too).
He's the most affectionate with her.
Him calling her his soulmate.
Loves harmonizing together, their voices sound enchanting together.
Him always watching her with heart in his eyes.
Fans find their height and size difference absolutely adorable.
Him back hugging her and resting his chin on her head.
He's completely in love with her and everyone can see it.
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6hiqui · 10 days
<– → ⟳ | THE IT GIRL OF 3RD GEN?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⋮ ⊗⊖
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ERROR : 404 please proceed with caution when browsing the dark web of global popstar , Chiqui.
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