#800 labels?
buntress · 1 year
The Unholy has decided to organize their hoard more and will be tagging their reblogged terms with new fun categories
if im gonna hoard the void may as well make it accessible for others as well c:
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genericpuff · 3 months
do y'all wanna pitch our allowances together and buy this $800+ bottle of wine and then we can go hang out in my cool older brother's room in the basement and go on the computer and watch homestarrunner and play smash bros
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statiicstag · 4 months
[ happy pride month ! alastor and i both are demiromantic&demisexual <3 i am also nonbinary&a lesbian, and al has a preference for men !! ]
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awastulpatafi · 2 years
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A soundic xenogender related to the beeping sound of the heart monitor and the dread or paranoia it can give.
Flag ID and meaning: There are 2 flags, both with 4 equal stripes, from top to bottom: dark red, light pink, light gray, light blue. The colors are common medcore themed colors. In the middle of the 2nd flag is a heart monitor like effect, and the 1st flag lacks that symbol.
Day 2 of @mogai-infirmary's 800 followers coining event
Please keep in mind I am radically inclusive and this term is welcome to all m-spec or "contradicting" labeled individuals.
DNI: any form of prejudice (homophobia, racism, ableism, etc.), anti mogai/liom/m-spec/therian/otherkin/fictionkin/factkin/nonhuman identities/endo/tulpa/self-dx, or pro contact paraphile/map/zoo/transX identities/pro ship/NSFW or 18+ centered blogs/with any ill will
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Does anyone else ever like, feel completely and utterly calm and then that one song kicks in and suddenly you’re filled with the wrath of everyone whose ever been wronged, the need to tear things apart and scream a battle cry?
Most of the time I just boot up my zombie game to decapitate some weirdos but man, the sudden bloodlust is spooky
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Oh isn’t it great how the human brain works? How one stupid little comment from my best friends managed to bring back memories I had thought I had efficiently suppressed and had hoped to forget? But apparently I hadn’t and now I’m once again overthinking my [redacted] choices because what if it was on purpose what if they secretly make fun of me what if I’ll have to go through this again?
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catchmenows · 2 years
sorry if there has already been discussion on this that i missed on the dash but would love to talk to others on here who paid a crazy amount for “obstructed view” tickets that are basically behind the stage in presale. like based on the stage design etc. how bad do we think visibility is going to be
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woke up and someone spilled vanilla extract all over my dash, so as punishment you strange little beasties are getting all the VANILLA FACTS i know:
vanilla is the 2nd most expensive spice in the world (2nd to saffron)
which is why more than 99% of what we call "vanilla extract" is actually vanillin (vanilla's dominant flavor compound) and is not extracted from real vanilla.
luckily, even professionals struggle to tell the difference when it comes to things like baked goods. but there is a distinct difference in non-heat treated products like vanilla ice cream. real vanilla has a more complex, individualized flavor profile.
why is vanilla so expensive? because it is a ridiculously delicate & demanding crop. complete primadonna.
vanilla beans come from vanilla orchids. these crazy flowers bloom for A SINGLE DAY and have to be HAND-POLLINATED in a process that is exhausting, delicate, and requires specialist knowledge passed down over generations.
then, if you're lucky, you get vanilla beans.
which then require months of further specialized treatment.
the entire process takes about a year and can go wrong at any stage
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vanilla has been cultivated for over 800 years (possibly much longer). the first known cultivators are the Totonac, an indigenous people of Mexico.
the Aztecs used it as a sweetener to balance out the bitter taste of cocoa. it was popular in a drink called xocolatl--the precursor to modern hot chocolate!
it is only pollinated by a very specific orchid bee!!!
which is why no fruit could be grown outside of Mexico until the 1800s
Edmond Albius, born into slavery, invented the pollination method we still use today--launching a global industry when he was just 12 years old.
today, the majority of the world's vanilla is grown in Madagascar
if you want real vanilla, read the labels carefully--it's harder to find than you think!
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in conclusion, those tiny black specks you see in fancy vanilla ice cream? those are vanilla bean seeds! itty bitty orchid seeds!!! they are delicious and also a PRISSY BITCH!
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overexciteddragon · 1 year
Punk is whatever the state fucking hates so I'm sorry to announce to the functionally conservative but contemporary punk isn't leather jackets and punk rock from the 2000s, it's hyperfemininity, it's transsexualism, it's kinky leather harnesses, it's polyamory, it's Black female rappers, it's reading books from the library, it's pirating media, it's sharing your Netflix and Prime and Spotify passwords, it's patching up your thrifted clothes with cute embroidery until they're in tatters, it's "borrowing" groceries from corporations that make up inflation that doesn't exist, it's supporting small weird freaky artists on Etsy instead of buying the newest Official™️ boring low effort promotional image enamel pins, it's drawing and writing the raunchiest most disgusting and freaky porn you could possibly fathom, it's showing off your tits or top surgery scars in public, it's cis women packing and cis men tucking, it's dykefags and fagdykes and boylesbians and girlgays, it's paying for OnlyFans of trans people fisting themselves, it's making up new genders and sexualities and romantic orientations and editing whole new flags for them, it's refusing to label yourself for the gratification of a government that wants to know under what misspelled drafty legislation they should legally kill you
Punk is being/supporting whatever the state currently fucking despises and wants to burn off the face of the earth, not whatever you think is Punk Aesthetic. If you wanna be punk just to look like you were born in the 80s instead of actually BEING PUNK by supporting the degenerates and the freaks and the sex workers and the BIPOC and the transsexuals and the faggots and the dykes, burn your fucking $800 corp bought leather jacket because you're not Hobie Brown you're just a fucking poser.
Punk is fighting the system beside the ones the system is fighting against, Punk isn't a Pinterest moodboard.
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tonyglowheart · 1 year
I have a wisdom tooth that hadn't caused me any issues until last week, where it started... I don't know. Doing something. Causing some pain. But now since last, like, Friday-ish? It's caused swelling in my cheek lmao. I was just dealing with it, but uhhh maybe I SHOULD make an appt with a dentist and see if it needs to be taken out lmao..
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todays-xkcd · 8 months
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Baseballs do present a challenge to this theory, but I'm convinced we just haven't found the right seasoning.
Sphere Tastiness [Explained]
[Graph with Y axis using and arrow indicating tastiness from "Not Tasty" to "Tasty" and X axis labeled "Sphere Diameter (meters)" with a logarithmic scale running from 10-4 to 108 (with 10-3, 100, 103 and 106 labeled).] [The graph contains two points points for "Grapes" and "Melons" at the "Tasty" end of the Y axis, between 10^-2 and 10^-1 meters, and two points for "The Earth" and "The Moon" at the "Not Tasty" end, both around 10^7 meters. A straight dashed line shows a linear interpolation between the points. There's a circle with a question mark about halfway between them.]
[Caption below the panel:] My research suggests the existence of an 800-meter sphere that tastes okay.
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Another Danny is a Jason look alike thing because it's in my head.
WARNING: mild destruction of vivisection ig
Jason after being told about both Dick's and Tim's interaction with his look alike felt weird. Like both his brothers, 2 bats believed this dude was him for a hot minute. He had to meet this guy at some point.
Jason's thoughts were interrupted by a blood curdling shriek and the power in Crime Alley and at least a 800 foot (12 blocks) perimeter. This wail made the pit within him bubble and scratch with rage. Yeah, he had to go check this out and so did the rest of the bats. Great, a family adventure.
They pinned down the location to an old apartment build recently bought up by a mystery company surrounded by guards with unfamiliar weapons. Whatever those weapons were they hurt like a motherfucker, one of those guns, Lazer? Whatever it was it 𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩, it felt like it was pulling something out of him or ripped from him. Whatever the hell those weapons were they didn't seem to affect Tim (lucky motherfucker) but they also found out if the Lazer wasn't focused on them the pain went away almost immediately though it did make them stagger a bit. Good thing there are plenty of them tonight. Though Jason would never say that out loud.
They managed to make it through their security rather quickly. Just as they got through another scream rang through the walls shaking the foundation as well as making the pit in Jason act up. Without warning or a plan Jason sprinted in shooting anyone in the way with rubber bullets, the pit was guiding him. Guiding him to what looked like a shittily put together surgical room. Another scream came through as well as sobbing.
Jason didn't wait for the other bats and opened the door to a horrific scene. Jason shot before he even realized he did. On the table was a girl who looked a little older than Damian, she was sobbing still somehow conscious.
The girl was strapped down to a medical surgical table with her chest cavity cut open and a few technically none vital organs removed and placed on a medical cart. A few of her fingers, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and one of her eyes were all placed on the cart. All of it bleeding an awful mixture of red and green. There were 2 IVs pumping through her, one green and glowing (Lazarus water?) The other, a dark black labeled as some kind of poison. He removed the black one causing the girl to whimper as her unfocused eye looked at him. The girl struggled but there was where to go. She sobbed desperately. Her voice horse and small
"It hurts- p l e a s e it hurts"
Jason tried to speak but couldn't muster the words. Right he must be terrifying and he needed to put this girl together again meaning he needed to take off his helmet to get it done right. Jason took off his helmet and began to put the child together again. He put her organs back into her body as well as reattaching them with some stitches.
The other bats would finally enter the room when he finished up his little impromptu anatomy lesson. They stood there for a second unsure as to what to do. Robin looked the most upset at this scene as RR went to the wall. The restraints on the kid was electronic meaning that one of these controls had to undo it. Nothing was labeled because of course it was never that easy. Nightwing would over and try to speak to the kid though she didn't really respond. The child's head lolled to the side and faced Jason.
"Danny?" The child rasped in her small voice as she tried to focus her one eye at Jason. Just as she said the name RR managed to find the button that would restrain her. The child shot up immediately suddenly staring at Jason with a deep toxic green eye as she grabbed onto him she looked at him with an scared and hurt eye. As well as popping a few of the stitches Jason had just done from the fast movement.
"...Danny you lied. Not safe.."
The child clung to him as someone else entered the party in the surgical room. Someone glowing green and chilling the room. Someone who looked Just like Jason, someone using the same but different pit energy, a protective energy rather than a rage filled one. They both just stared at each other.
They probably would have done something to each other but not of the bats could move. Whatever this guy was he was powerful and walking towards Jason. Jason couldn't move either as this man who looked exactly like him bug some how more regal and wearing a crown took the girl from him who had started to melt in his arms.
A glowing green portal appeared next to the man who glowed a similar green. He began to walk through then stopped. The man snapped his fingers having a card appear in front of Jason with some sort of summoning circle on it. As the man spoke the room boomed.
"Thank you for saving my Daughter. Summon if you need assistance from the dead."
He then stepped through the portal with the melting girl and had it close behind them allowing all of the bats and birds to breathe again. Batman spoke this time as Jason looked over the card that he was now getting a little of the green and red blood on.
"We will need to meet with Zatanna for this."
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awastulpatafi · 2 years
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A xenogender related to cow squishmallows, collecting cow squishmallows, or squishmallows but with a preference for cow squishmallows.
Flag ID and meaning: There are 2 flags, both of which having 5 equal stripes from top to bottom: pastel cyan, pastel purple, pastel rose, pastel green, and pastel yellow. The 1st flag has a white image of a cow squishmallow, while the 2nd flag does not. Pastel cyan represents masculinity, pastel purple represents xeninity, pastel rose represents femininity, pastel green represents androgyne, and finally pastel yellow represents any other form of gender connection.
Day 1 of @mogai-infirmary's 800 followers coining event
Please keep in mind I am radically inclusive and this term is welcome to all m-spec or "contradicting" labeled individuals.
DNI: any form of prejudice (homophobia, racism, ableism, etc.), anti mogai/liom/m-spec/therian/otherkin/fictionkin/factkin/nonhuman identities/endo/tulpa/self-dx, or pro contact paraphile/map/zoo/transX identities/pro ship/NSFW or 18+ centered blogs/with any ill will
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yuoimia · 3 months
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summary: they think you’re too pretty for your own good, really.
characters: wriothesley & alhaitham
notes: gn! reader, lighthearted fluff n teasing, wc: 800.
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Does he think he can trick you again?
It’s almost funny, you muse to yourself as he routinely leads you through the fortress’ weaving labyrinths, the delicate wafts of Fontaine’s finest decadents alongside the sweet, slightly floral mist of Earl Grey tea increasing in strength with every step, naturally forming a semblance of a smile before you quickly regained your composure with a disappointed slap to the forearm.
Focus, you reprimanded to yourself. Stop thinking about cakes.
“What’s got you scowling like that?” Wriothesley lifts a curious eyebrow, surveying your face as he lightly closes the door behind you. “Pick a seat; I bought some new cushions since you complained last time that they made your back sore.”
He enunciates the complained with an air as if dealing with a petulant toddler’s meaningless tantrum.
Wriothesley notices how you don’t take a seat.
“Thank you,” you answer, prodding the rounded corners of the flowing material. It’s your favorite color, your favorite fabric.
He gazes up expectantly from his seat, taking a small sip from his teacup, swallowing with analytical attentiveness. “You know, it’s considered impolite to just stand and stare.”
“Wriothesley,” you interpose, crossing your arms behind the chair in front of him, examining his presence with a contemplative look. “What are you getting at?”
You continue theatrically spurring points when met with only silence. “Private teatimes? Customised cushions? Sigewinne’s stickers of you on my clipboards?” You take a generous breath and step, zeroing in on him over the tiers of desserts and frothing drinks, arms encasing his frame over the table. “If I didn’t know better,” you slyly whispered into his unblinking eyes. “I’d assume that you like me.”
The tension was hazardously electrifying, eliciting a sense of exhilaration with the mere possibility of a confession concocting itself into reality.
Wriothesley lets out an animated mixture between a sigh and a chuckle, dropping his head into his hands, before raising his head once more.
“You’ll need to repeat a few points again,” he muttered, smiling to himself, sounding almost disappointed. “Preferably with your back turned to me.”
“Why?” You furrow your brows; each second spent with Duke brought you with an ever-growing list of concerning questions to answer.
“Seeing you that close was quite dangerous,” he replied breathlessly. “I’m surprised you’ve never been labeled guilty.”
Alhaitham was stubborn. Yes, he admits, he could be fairly hardheaded and temperamental, but in comparison to you? Well, he considers that a new territory entirely.
“Birds of a feather,” Kaveh had nonchalantly shrugged at Alhaitham’s situation, nearly trickling an onslaught of sarcastic enquiries about this and last month’s missing rental payments and his growing apprehension towards Kaveh’s financial management, but that, alas, would just prove his point further. Alhaitham would rather have three meals of soup a day than let his agitating roommate emerge victorious in a verbal debate.
Thoughts surrounding soups reminded him to check in if you really had gone to bed after dinner, as you had reluctantly agreed, though not spared a wry roll of your eyes when you thought he had turned away.
It was common knowledge that if a person was sick, they should take it easy, rest often, and avoid strenuous activity and demanding tasks. While you were eager to comply with doing practically nothing all day, when the pedestal of stars rose above the fallen west horizon, so did your desire to defy anything Alhaitham suggested. And this part he fully blames himself, although grudgingly, that it was arguably a hundred percent his fault ninety-nine percent of the time. The factors? This he’s comfortably justified to alleviate restless nights—decisions were almost always influenced by bias, no? It was human, and Alhaitham was nothing but a human with human cognition.
The deliberate turn of the door handle, languid and surprisingly unlocked (what sort of scheme could you be possibly planning now?) has Alhaitham nearly stumbling out suppressed laughter of incredulity.
“What are you doing? Didn’t you promise me you'd go to sleep?” he gapes, the expression bearing comparable similarity to a blown-up pufferfish, not that you’d tell him that.
“Watching a movie. Would you like to join?” you push over blankets and pat an empty spot next to you. “I’m about halfway done so far. I’ll warn you, the protagonist is absolutely insufferable sometimes.” You release a long, suffering sigh, rubbing your forehead as if the character’s choices were causing you great distress. “Honestly-“
Alhaitham sits himself on your bed, much closer than you anticipated, cocking his head at your rapidly stumbling words.
“You’re so stubborn,” Alhaitham scowls, gently wrapping your waist with the loosened blankets. His voice carries no trace of malice, rather weaved with soft fondness. “Come on, let me see this protagonist that is causing you so much grief.”
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
raider masterlist
dark!Joel x f!reader | updated: August 29, 2024: calling him daddy
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moodboard by @milla-frenchy 🖤 a rb will not stay up-to-date.
SUMMARY: He's a bad guy, and you're his good girl. Joel saves you from bad men, but claims you for himself. His persona starts to crack, but he gets even more possessive. You're his world, and he'll do anything to keep you. Emotional slow burn but smut the whole time. WARNINGS: 18+ canon-typical violence, noncon via implicit threat, evolving to enthusiastic dubious consent (stockholm syndrome), depraved use of praise and pet names (sweet pea, baby), unsafe P in V, exhibitionism, extreme possessiveness, dark fluff (🖤), angst, and more. NO USE of Y/N, No physical description of reader.
Spotify: raider, sweet pea (smut) Optional reference: trailer floor plan
Carter masterlist
main story
Note, non-bold links in this section were written out of order and may contain spoilers or references to future events. their placement in this list is based on timeline.
Raider: (Mar 24, 2023) - He "saves" you, then has his way with you but is kinda sweet about it. Joel POV (Oct 3, 1k)
Failed Rescue (Apr 8 - 1.9k) Your bf tries to save you. Joel makes him watch then keeps you.
Stash House (Apr 11 - 850)- Joel takes you to the stash house and shows everyone you're his. Wash Bin 🖤 (Aug 27, 1k) Shooting Practice Drabble(Jul 28, 1.6k)
Failed Escape (Apr 23, 4k)- Joel saves you from FEDRA, bathes you, amd edges you.
J. Miller (May 19, 2k) - Joel labels you with his switchblade and claims all your holes. dark. Can be skipped.
Home (May 29, 1.3k) - Joel makes dinner at home, cleans your chest, and tucks you in. 🖤
Company (Jun 9, 2.2k) - Joel brings home a girl to distract his men. dark. Extra Scene - angst.
Close (Jul 3, 2.7k) - close call with other raiders. You-almost-died sex, and later, tender sex 🖤
Gun Hug (Jul 31, 3.7k) - Joel traps 2 bad guys with some help and kills them while you. . .🖤 If you want him (1.5k) - he holds out to see🖤
Night Air (Aug 30, 3.5k) - Joel is brutal with a bad guy and his POV reveals some feelings. 🖤 Bonus blurb, wakeup pwp drabble
Hunger (Sep 29, 7k) - Joel takes you on a trek, comforts you, kills a guy, and gives you head. 🖤 He's only human (1.1k) - 👱‍♂️Carter POV, overlaps w/ hunger.
Bodies (Dec 3, 7.8k) - Strangers show up and cause a shitstorm, but Joel takes a big step. 🖤 Raider POV
No cliffhangers. Bulletin from Tox
more (drabbles, etc)
🔥 smut
Trying to use him (800) (riding) 🔥
House meeting drabble 🖤
You get sick at night drabble 🖤
He goes down on you (oral f) 🔥
If you touched his scar
if men had hurt you in the past
if you got your period 🖤
magazine and makeup 🖤
yoga pwp drabble piv 1k 🔥
boots drabble (oral f receiving) 🔥
graveyard blurb (spice)
if you bit his arm drabble (p in v) 🔥
If you snapped (emotional spice) 🖤
face sitting on sofa 🔥
being bad, looking good (2.8k, smut) 🔥
Van ride drabble (800) 🖤
sleeping beast (<1k), PWP 🔥
If Joel was sick 🖤
If you were annoying
cutting his hair 🖤
waking up on top 🔥
tired 🖤
waking up on top again 🔥
Sweet pea overhears Joel 🔥
Choking on his dick (600) 🔥
his birthday 🥺
if she called him daddy 🔥
Note: not all content is linked. Asks can lead to lore, snippets, and previews or hints of future plot points, etc. which are not added here.
Headcanons (not written like fic)
If another man has his way (Q&A)
dacryphilia - evolved update (Q&A)
if you had scars or tattoos (Q&A)
👱‍♂️raider carter Qs, face claim (Q&A)
sweet pea by herself
If you sketched Joel and Jack
Apple picking 🖤
Responding to a Nightmare
accidentally hurting her
Analysis (#raider!analysis)
why does he keep her
why did he snap (in Company extra scene)
his eye contact
his affection / feelings, trajectory 🖤
falling for sweet pea
his self hate and her feelings
the dog and joel's concern for you
awareness of growth / why keep her
Raider Tommy
Birds of prey (2.6k)
Art, etc.
Mattress by esquire magazine
Stitches by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
collage by @milla-frenchy
lose control edit by @survivingandenduring
🌸 sweet pea mood boards by various
6 month collage by milla-frenchy
6 month cake by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
🌸 sweet pea cosplay from night air
👱‍♂️carter mood board by @romana-after-dark
pts. 1-3 rb mood boards by @iamasaddie
night air gif by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
raider/sweet pea collage by milla
sweet pea's pup by @dark-scape
want it that bad gif by @dark-scape
Bodies gif by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
👱‍♂️carter mood board by milla-frenchy
Then and now drawing by @romana-after-dark
Raider/sweet pea drawings by @lumoverheaven
our stars moodboard by milla
raiding edits by gasolinerainbowpuddles
under the anger by iamasaddie
🎥 Trailer (video) by @carminepoison
birthday sketch by @lumoverheaven
In love w raider by @milla-frenchy
✨ checks that you're ok 🐺 by milla
If I've left yours off please lmk I prob tagged improperly
Back to Joel Masterlist
Fic recs: other raiders
🖤 If mine or another writer's work has inspired yours, it's always better late than never to share / shout-out 🖤
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
stealing stuff from the brothers' closets
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: none
imagine opening his gigantic closet and all there is are 3 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 3 blazers or whatever, a whole box full of gloves, another whole box full of socks, 2 pairs of shoes and one scarf (the cheapest item is 200 grimm too)
anyways he allows you to steal some of his stuff as long as you do not let his brothers see you with it at any cost
lucifer thinks you look adorable wrapped up in his 800 grimm scarf but he'd never tell you (you can tell)
mammon doesn't mind you stealing stuff from him, he even tries to get you to take his stuff
he's like 'look mc I got this cool hat' and then places it on your head and when you try to give it back he refuses to accept it
mammon does have a good wide range of clothes and accessories you can steal unlike lucifer
and everything he owns is either from a devildom designer brand or the devildom version of walmart
he almost passes away
not that he minds you wearing his stuff (he actually thinks it's cute, even if it's his limited edition expensive tsl stuff) but he was not ready for the jumpscare of actually seeing you with his things
eventually he gets used to it though and his closet becomes free rein for you and only you
sometimes when he's shopping for new clothes on akuzon he's debating on whether or not to buy the same shirt for you too
first of all opening his closet is a whole risk because nobody can guarantee you won't expose yourself to the worst sweaters known to man
also like his room, his closet is a mess too
and sometimes when you steal something from him, satan can't even tell you got it from his closet because it's such a mess in there and he wears just the same 3 shirts anyways
but he doesn't mind you taking his stuff as long as you don't damage anything (he won't get mad at you if you do though)
you are free to steal anything from him, and he is free to steal anything from you
asmo loves it when he sees you wearing something of his
but do not damage anything or it will upset him (asmo can be scary when he's mad but he forgives you after 4 seconds so don't worry)
at some point he gets a whole shelf for his closet and he uses it to store clothes he bought for you, so you can find them next time you burrow something
it's literally labeled 'the mc shelf'
the least ancient thing in his closet was bought 5 years ago
but if you want to steal his stuff, he'd definitely let you, he thinks it makes you two get closer to each other
beel would even let you keep anything you'd pick if you really love it
sometimes he even just leaves the item in your room
some stuff in his closet is originally owned by belphie because these twins share everything
half of his stuff consists of soft gowns and other sleep-related stuff, and he wears almost 0 of them, they're just sitting there in his closet
and he absolutely loves it when you steal his fluffy things because it looks cute and he can cuddle up to you and sleep
belphie lets you keep anything he never or rarely wore
if you frequently check his closet out, belphie will sometimes burrow something from beel and put it on one of his shelves to see if you notice (belphie also buys clothes once per blue moon)
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