#🩸:: I hear angels calling my name
buntress · 1 year
hey anyone know a horrorgender thats just being every horrorgender at once? bc that me fr and if no ones coined it yet i might when i have the spoons
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Lets goooooooo!!!! I’m back with oh so many emojis and oh so much gratitude to you for writing for them! It genuinely brings me a lot of joy and I really appreciate it!
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️(im so loving this current era - like even when they’re talking logistics and eddie’s being hard on himself there’s still just so much love and happiness in the air!)
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨(that last chapter was fabulous! Here comes covid and potentially a buckley parents visit? Very curious what that looks like in this world)
🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸(on the edge of my seat!!! This story is everything to meeeee!!)
🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮(baby bobby i’m sending you love!)
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟(cant wait for maddie and eddie and chris to be there so they can all live through hell together 💖)
👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑(i love the name! And im so so excited to read this one!)
🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼(the angst from these snippests is really getting to me!)
I so love all your work (in case I haven’t been clear about that :p) but one thing I’m currently so impressed by is that you have three separate wips where buddie is established and yet the stories all feel so distinct from each other - they all stand alone and feel in character and aren’t repetitive! It’s so impressive and you’re such a talented author!!!
Thank you so much for this! Lots of love from your biggest fan!!!
AHH THANK YOU! That makes me so very happy to hear. I am so glad they all feel distinct and not repetitive to you! YOU ARE SO KIND!!!!
51 for ⚡️ (AH THANKS! I am really just trying to get them to a place where I'd be happy to leave them, you know?):
Eddie laughs. “Watch out, Los Angeles.” 
“It’s okay if we don’t get it,” Buck says pragmatically. “We don’t have to get it.”
“There will be other places,” Eddie agrees. 
“But I could see us in this one,” Buck says. “I didn’t feel that anywhere else.”
“Same here,” Eddie says. “I have a gut feeling about it.”
“Hmm, a gut feeling,” Buck teases. “Like the universe?”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Sure.”
Definitely the universe. 
On their last shift before the wedding, Eddie knows he’s not exactly tuned into work. It’s not like he’s doing a bad job, but it would be fair to say his head is a little bit in the clouds. Maybe more than a little bit. 
In his defense, there’s obviously a lot going on. He’s only got his vows half written. They’re waiting to hear back about the house. Different family members are flying in on different days. Chris is unhappy with his haircut. His parents are flying in, but are of course not willing to stay anyway near each other, so he’s got all his family’s different travel plans on the brain. He has about a hundred emails in his inbox from the venue - a restaurant in a beautiful old, stone building who are also catering - and the tailors. Most of which, Buck answers. Thank god. It’s just a lot. A lot of noise. 
Not that Eddie is complaining. He’s over the moon. Life has never been this smooth or good for him, really. If there’s a bit of noise as a result, he’s welcoming it. 
But that doesn’t mean he’s welcoming it and focusing on work very well. 
At this particular moment, Eddie is trying to check fluid levels in the engine, and finding it rather hard to focus. He’s checked and rechecked three times, and keeps losing track of the numbers before he manages to write them down. He feels like his brain has atrophied. He’s finally managing to scribble the correct numbers on the sheet on the clipboard - really, is he the right person for the clipboard chore? - when he hears Buck calling him from the edge of the mezzanine.
Eddie shifts his body to a better position to look up at him. 
“What’s up?” He calls back. 
“Gianna’s calling,” Buck points at his phone. 
Gianna’s calling! About their house! Their maybe house?
Eddie tears away from the engine so quickly he nearly stumbles. He jogs to the stairs and takes them two at a time as Buck answers the call. 
“Hi, Gianna,” Eddie hears him say. “Yeah, I’m good. How are you?”
Eddie hurries to Buck’s side once he reaches the top of the stairs, resting a hand between his shoulder blades. 
“That’s… Wait, really?” Buck asks. 
30 for 🚨 (eeee thanks!!!! Excited to share my plans!)
Yeah, that would be insane. That would be torture. 
“She’s going to be so mad at you for not telling her,” Buck teases. 
Eddie makes a little sound of complaint. 
“You’ll be right there in trouble with me.” He warns. 
Buck guffaws. 
“No way. Not me. I’m not precious to them like you.”
“You heard me.”
“You’re crazy.”
Buck really hopes it doesn’t end up causing social conflict for Eddie. He really wants to avoid that. Eddie is having a hard enough time with everything, with Chris gone, to also be in a bad spot with one of his closest friends. He hopes they can simply keep it under wraps for another week, then politely come clean after Buck gets his shield. 
In his brain, it should be straightforward. 
Reality? Never quite so simple. 
They make it until the shift before Buck’s official probationary graduation. Really, so close. So tantalizingly close. Eddie feels like an idiot for not being able to hold it together better. 
The problem lies with Eddie. With Eddie’s emotional confusion lately. Maybe confusion isn’t the right word. Emotional scatterbrain? That. That feels better.
75 for 🩸(THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
He couldn’t even find it in himself to feel bad about it. The scent of his blood filled the air. Eddie couldn’t even feel that hungry for it, either. The twinge of want was there, but the desire to avoid death was stronger. 
The man screamed in agony, and presumably toppled forward. Presumably, because Eddie’s not sure what else would have caused his rifle to go off. Either way, an ear-splitting crack of the gun discharging filled the air. 
Eddie thought for a moment he must have accidentally shot himself in the head, because the screaming stopped. What an easy end to all of it that would have been. But after a moment of shock, his wailing started again. He shot himself, but not fatally. But he could still be holding the weapon. 
Eddie had to be careful. He couldn’t die there, after besting the asshole. After proving himself something more than a mindless monster. More than helpless prey. 
He crept as quietly as possible out from his hiding spot and craned his neck to see the man. He lay moaning in a sort of fetal position, shin snared by the animal trap, mangled and bloody. His right arm was more or less blown off. Something about the sight of it brought Eddie right back to Afghanistan. He’d seen so many limbs that ended up just like his. Three bullet wounds of his own over there, and it was a wonder none of his ended up the way. 
The important part, the crucial part, was that the rifle lay discarded, several feet away from the vampire hunter. In his state, the man couldn’t reach it before Eddie. 
Which meant Eddie was the hunter now. 
Or maybe not a hunter. Maybe that was the wrong word. Maybe Eddie was more like some sick scavenger bird. Picking at what was already practically a corpse.
He walked out, into view. Heard the man give a little moan. He bent down in front of the gun, removed the magazine and tossed it in one direction, then chucked the gun down the hill in the other. It rolled into the creek, lost. Good. When someone eventually found his body, the gun would be identifying. Registered to him. Better it be gone. 
“Please,” the man moaned.”Don’t kill me.”
The muscles in Eddie’s face had twitched with revulsion. 
“You would have killed me,” Eddie reminded him. “Came all the way back here to do it.”
“I’m a man,” he sobbed in response. “I’m a human. I’m a father.”
If Eddie hadn’t been resolved to let him die before then, that did it.
“So am I.” 
After that, he did what he had to. He knew he needed energy for what he had to do next, so he drank. Not everything. Not enough to drain him. Though maybe that would have been kinder. Eddie took only what he needed.He took his money and chucked his wallet into the stream, same as the gun. He stole his car keys. He wiped his blood from his mouth. He left the man dying on the forest floor, covered in dirt.
Later, he would change the plates on the car. Later, he would do all he could to separate himself from this crime. And when he heard about it in the news later, there were no suspects. 
He feels bad about it sometimes. In small, quiet pockets. 
He shouldn’t. 
The guy would have killed Eddie first. He wanted to kill Eddie first.
Kim did kill Eddie first.
She killed Eddie first. She lured him. She trapped him. She hunted him. She stopped his heart. She left him for dead. She infected him. She stole over six months of time from him and his son. 
She did it first.
So Eddie shouldn’t feel bad about this, either.
24 for 🔮 (I am putting them THROUGH it):
A still, tense air to it. Something that makes Buck want to turn around and walk the other way. 
Instead, he follows Bobby and his family inside the house. 
The first thing he notices is the burnt kitchen. Singed wallpaper and damaged appliances. All the tell tale signs of a small kitchen fire. One that hasn’t had a chance to be properly cleaned and repaired yet. 
Is that what happened? Is that how Timothy Nash died? Buck has responded to a lot of small blazes like this in the seven years he’s been a firefighter. Not one of them has ever been fatal. It’s possible, but it seems unlikely. 
Bobby walks purposefully towards a plainly decorated bedroom and closes himself inside. Buck follows him, ending up on the same side of the door as Bobby’s private grief. He watches as Bobby throws himself onto the bed, curls into a ball, and stares at the wall. Outside the bedroom, Buck can hear the muffled sounds of Bobby’s mother and brother having what sounds like a rather serious discussion. Bobby’s face twitches as his brother raises his voice, but otherwise, he seems to ignore it. 
Buck looks around the room. There’s a pair of ice skates in the open closet. Hockey trading cards on a bookshelf. A discarded walkman on the floor. Buck checks what Bobby was listening to last. Who Can It Be Now? By Men at Work. 
33 for 🧟 (some of that here for you!)
“Like the radio!” Chris exclaims. 
Maddie scrunches her eyebrows. “The radio?”
“Maddie on the radio!” Chris insists. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” Maddie tells him.
Eddie chuckles. “I’ve been teaching Chris Morse Code. Something to pass the time as we travel, you know?”
Wow, what a really fun dad…
“Sure,” Maddie offers. 
“Some radio stations are still picking up transmissions. People putting out messages. Trying to reach people, spread info,” Eddie explains. 
Maddie nods. She’s heard a few of those. Never knew what they were saying though. 
“We came into range for one recently that uses the name Maddie.” Eddie says. 
Maddie raises her eyebrows. “Like the broadcaster?”
“No,” Eddie shakes his head. “The message. It’s just one phrase on loop.”
Maddie feels a little cold. 
“What phrase?”
“Maddie, I am alive,” Chris recites. “Sun. Books.”
The wind could not be more swiftly knocked out of Maddie if someone broke the rest of her ribs. 
“What?” She asks, barely a squeak.
36 for 👑 (Thanks! Islands in the Stream!):
The Buckley’s Beverly Hills mansion is very square. Very white and square and modern. Everything feels neat and sleek. It feels very Beverly Hills. Very new money. But, somehow, not very Maddie. Though, maybe he doesn’t know her well enough to say. 
A valet parks Chim’s car for him. He wonders if they notice the LAFD bag in the back stuffed with the clothes he’ll need to swiftly return to reality. 
When he walks into the elaborately decorated party, complete with waitstaff passing out trays of drinks and food, Chim feels like he’s in a strange fairy tale. Like he’s the thriving entrepreneur he once dreamed of being, invited to a party to network and schmooze. Like he’s the kind of son his father would have wanted. Would being at a party like this make him proud? The whole thing makes Chim feel a little dirty. A little out of place. In fact, a not insignificant part of his body is urging him to turn and walk the other way. 
But then he sees Maddie.
He sees Maddie, and he remembers why he came. Why he needs to be here. 
Maddie is standing across the wide, open foyer of her parents’ home, wearing a loose, knee length champagne colored dress that twinkles a little when she moves. She’s talking to someone. The man from the Christmas card. Her little brother. The one that was in Peru. They each have a half-full flute in hand. 
“Champagne?” A passing server asks Chim.They must see him eyeing Maddie and her brother and assume he wants what they have.
“No, thank you,” Chim mumbles. 
They keep walking.
Chim doesn’t quite know what to do. He doesn’t want to interrupt Maddie’s conversation. But he also doesn’t have any other reason to be here or anyone else to talk to. He feels a bit like a creep, standing there, staring at her. He must look entirely pathetic. 
After a moment, her brother notices.
18 for 🔼:
 “Well, uh… Alright then. I guess let me know if you need help building stuff?” 
They end up showering. Not the long shower she’d hoped for, but something quick and efficient. If Eddie comes over - and Buck doubts he will - he doesn’t want him to arrive in the middle of that. Actually, the thought sort of horrifies and embarrasses him. Though he can’t say why. 
And, as it turns out, not even five minutes after they’re done and dressed, there’s a knock on the door. Buck is genuinely floored by this.
“Guess that’s a no on needing help,” Ali mumbles as Buck heads downstairs to answer the door.
When he opens it to see Eddie standing before him, his first thought is that Eddie sort of looks like shit. This is not the sort of thought he’s used to having. He’s used to feeling a strange sort of jealousy he doesn’t quite comprehend regarding the opposite thought. But here Eddie stands. He’s unshaven. There are dark circles under his eyes, which look a little puffy. There are indents in his bottom lip from where he’s been anxiously chewing on it. 
“Eddie? Uh, are you okay?”
21 for 💐 (YEAH MAY!):
“I guess not,” May mumbles eventually.
She’s staring very hard at her mug of tea. 
“Hey, another question,” April says, stepping closer to her. She smells like eucalyptus. That’s fucking annoying. May likes the way eucalyptus smells. Cool and earthy.
“Sure,” May replies, voice suddenly an octave higher than she’d like it to be.
“Are you done your paper for Professor Kellerman yet?”
Ugh. And there it is. Reality check. Right, because April is a bit of a shark. May gets a ninety? April will get a ninety-one? May finishes a day early? April has been done for a week. Fucking typical she’s bringing this up, right after implying that May needed help at the paint night social.
“No,” May says. “I’ve got a few hundred words left. Some closing arguments.”
33 for 🦮 (SHE'S BACK!)
She is more hyper than ever. Pacing more than she usually does, like she had that first night in Buck’s apartment, when everything was unfamiliar. She’s blowing him off on his commands sometimes. It’s not like her at all not to listen. One time he caught her rifling through the trash. 
The dog is bored. Buck is bored. Chris is bored. And they’re all getting a little bit of cabin fever. 
There’s a lot Buck cannot fix about this situation. And, hell, a lot he can’t even complain about. Really, he and Chris are so, so lucky. They’re safe, housed, fed, and not really exposed to any illness. Buck doesn’t want to feel miserable, considering. But some days he does. Even if he loves Christopher and Cranberry immensely.
“We’ve got to do something,” Buck announces one day in early May. 
“Something?” Chris asks. 
“Yeah,” Buck nods. “We’re all bored. And getting a little frustrated with each other, right?”
Chris sighs. “Yeah. Sorry, Buck.”
“Don’t be sorry, bud. You’re not the only one. And it’s not your fault.”
Chris looks from where he’s seated at the kitchen table to where Cranberry is lying on the floor. 
“Sorry, Cranberry.”
Cranberry had picked up one of Christopher’s socks from the floor earlier that morning and he’d sort of lost it. Yelled at her. Then cried because he felt horrible for yelling at her.
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moa-engene-atiny · 3 years
part 2
* = request # = jo's favorites
🌱 fluttering wing beats in my heart 🌱
♥️ don't fly away with my heart ♥️
🌱 plants need water, but i need coffee ☕️
🌿 hold my hand when you cross the street 🖤
💭 im afraid it might disappear 🌧
🦋 i cant get rid of these butterflies🫀
🍊 you have stolen my heart // never let it go 🌼
🌙 what if i just hold on for a while / baby there's no drug quite like denial 👟
🖼 you are a masterpiece 🖼 #
🍑 wonderland? no, i was in outer space 👾
🌱 when i woke up, we were together, and i realized it was a dream ☁️ #
⚠️ please swear you'll try to remember me ⚠️
🐑 when your friend is having a hard time, you should be there for him 🐈
🌼 it's like a polaroid love 🐈 #
🛹 scraped my knees falling (for you) 🖤
🌳 all my pants are grass-stained 🧺 (with yuna)*
is that a gun in ur pocket or are u just happy to see me? 🩸
🏹 the forest has claimed us as its children 🌳
🌷 i have a confession to make 🍵
🍜 when the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back 🌿
☁️ every bed becomes king-sized when you're in it 👑 #
🥂 i do whatever the fuck i want 💙 #
🦢 please don't let this fairy tale come to an end 🐥
🎓 my favorite study topic is male anatomy 👀
🚬 i cant imagine why you didn't suspect me🩸
🌽 everyone has things they can and cannot do. i'll do what you can't do, and you do what i can't do 🐟
🍷 this is a cry for help 🔫
☕️ it's a scientifically proven fact that you are cute 🌙
🌙 sometimes i wonder if it's worth it to be good 🏛
💋 i relive your kisses in my dreams 🎀 #
✨ something tells me you're not from around here... 🛸 #
👄💜 i could write a song about your lips on mine 💜👄 #
🪩 i can hear it callin' from where you are 📞 #
☠️ tfw the (sexy) grim reaper comes to take ur soul when ur hanging out at an abandoned hotel teehee🪦
🪦 how can i help you move on from this mortal plane? 🕊
🤍 why do i always seem to look at you through rose-tinted glasses? oh... maybe it's the wine... 🍷 #
🍊 life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life ⛸
🍷 broken pearls broke my heart 🍓
🎨 earth without "art" is just eh 🌏
💣 i like it when you call me mean names ☠️ #
🪦 i go out alone at night hoping you will come for me 🖤 #
🎧 the city feels bigger when you're in it 👟
🛒 who are we supposed to be? 🚨
💡why would i ever want to leave my room? 🛏
🌳 i see the moon reflected in your eyes 🌕
🥟 no matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal 🐙
💿 i hold onto the corner of an empty room and cry 🌈
💙 blue doesn't have to be lonely 💙 *
🧚‍♂️🌈 every time a baby laughs, a fairy is born 🌈🧚‍♂️*
🏴‍☠️ will you join us? 🗡 #
💄 you obviously have perfect lips 💋
name: park seonghwa age: 23 status: missing #
🍂 if only i were anyone but myself 🖌
🕊 chasing after dreams and chasing after knowledge are not mutually exclusive concepts 📖 *
✨🌿 honey to the bee that's you for me 🌻✨
☕️ where do you want to go on our next vacation? 📷*
🖤 i cant fucking take it anymore 🖤
📚 live life one day at a time 📚
🔪 'til death do us part 👠 *
🍰 you've got two choices 🐈*
💿 there's no truth quite like the one that's a lie 🖤 *
🍦 do you maybe wanna hold hands? ☁️*
🚬 he's a bad boy but a great kisser 🏍 *
😈 which will it be, the horns or the halo? 😇*
📚 meet me in the library at midnight 🕰 #
🔥 everything is fine fire 🔥
🍷 running out of time & running out of wine ⏳ #
🍜 im so hungry; gonky, one may say 🍕
♣️ it's about time to reveal the ace up my sleeve ♠️
🍸 a toast to bitter drinks and sweet lips 🍸 #
🖤 ivory keys and pearly fangs🩸*
🚪 are you sure this is the way? 🚲
💼 i've finally found what i was searching for ⛰
🌷 good morning, angel 🌷
🍒 you taste like cherries ❤️ #
💕 tell those butterflies to fuck off 🦋
👜 you can take the girl out of the city but you can't take the city out of the girl 🍪
☁️ i know you're jealous of me ☁️
🌳 all my pants are grass-stained 🧺 (with heeseung)*
bang chan
📞 your call was declined. would you like to try again? ☕️*
📢 one more set; c'mon, you got this! ⌚️
lee know
🗝 no need to be scared, darling 😈
☕️ love ain't a science - because it's an art ✒️*
💋 got paint on my face and in my soul 👟 #
🆘 i'm just a kid and life is a nightmare 🎬
👑 some people are just meant to be golden ⚜️
💜 was this a good first date? 📷
🖤 hey babe, you wanna go on a date? 🎧 *
🌻 thank you for loving me 🖤*
💿 hey, do you want to hang out with me? ☁️
💙 a dream is a wish your heart makes 🤍 *
🍵 is mint academia a thing? im making it a thing 📚*
♟ i never remember my dreams 🛸 #
✨ you fell to earth from the sky 💫 #
🎁 it's beginning to look a lot like christmas 🎄 *
☕️ besties can totally hold hands 📸*
🌻 while standing in a field of sunflowers… they were bloomed brighter than any of these sunflowers here 🧺*
📷 coffee stained photos and coffee flavored kisses 🌿*
🍎 i adore my little green corner of the world 🌳 *
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buntress · 1 year
hey anyone know what happened to @the-yanderess-deactivated202306??? I was coining another genderinjection label and they're just gone (I don't remember their pronouns rip)
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buntress · 1 year
Damn no Anon, eh I’m fine with asking as myself anyways.
Anyways, owner do @blood-moon-night-coining I was wanting to ask. Are people allowed to make Subterms for recoverytraumaic (wording things are oof) if possible? Like for specific traumas? /genq
ofc! Tag me if you can I wanna see em :D also sorry for no anon, I'm paranoid about anon hate is all 😅
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buntress · 1 year
I'll queue this to rb tomorrow too since its p late but!!!
I'm thinking of putting together a list of people to tag when I post new stuff, both bc my blog is almost at 50 followers (thank y'all omg 🥺) but also because the void thinks they're fun and likes seeing people be so happy about their genders!!
So if you're interested you can reply to this post or send an ask! The void will keep a list and tag you whenever I post something new!
Minors are also allowed on the tag list, but I may not tag you in ALL of my posts (such as if I decide to coin anything NSFW in nature in such). I just know there are some minors who don't follow me but enjoy my terms so I don't mind c:
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buntress · 1 year
also: thanks for being patient y'all, mental health took a bit of a spike for a bit is all. I'll try to get back to stuff asap, I can't make promises on when, but point is: Imma try lol
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buntress · 1 year
The Unholy has decided to organize their hoard more and will be tagging their reblogged terms with new fun categories
if im gonna hoard the void may as well make it accessible for others as well c:
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buntress · 1 year
idea: someone should make a fag flag bc i CANNOT find one for the life of me and prefer the term dyke for myself way more than fag
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buntress · 1 year
(Please ignore my last ask I hadn’t finished writing)
There is a Cystaline gender system by Crystal fox or something? Username passes me. But I don’t know if that is exactly what your looking for.
nah, i specifically think a crystal based gender system called Gemder would be fun PURELY for the pun /nm /silly
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buntress · 1 year
Officially Made A Ko-Fi
No pressure, I simply wanted to add a tip jar in case anyone wants to throw me a bit of cash for my work!
More detailed "Why did you make a ko-fi?" under the cut (tags are just for reach)
You may ask "Vega, you just make MOGAI labels, why should you have a tip jar?"
Firstly, I asked myself the same question. Capitalism has me by a chokehold, clearly. Had to have my partners convince me to actually do it because I felt bad lol.
Secondly, because these flags actually do take a lot of time, energy, and creativity. It's not simply slapping random colors together, it's creating interesting designs, finding colors that work well, creating symbols for those terms, making the posts themselves, etc etc. This will often take hours of work during my day, one flag could take me anywhere from 30 minutes for something simple to 2-4 hours for more complex flags with symbols and complicated designs. Then the posts themselves usually take me an hour to an hour and a half to make, meaning every flag I make takes anywhere from 2-5 hours. I genuinely love doing this, but that doesn't make it any less time consuming.
Thirdly it's actually for basically everything I do, for @horrormogai, any writing I do for zines, any community resources I create, etc. It's not just for this blog, I have a lot of different projects I make available to people (usually for free) and while I genuinely love doing it, I am still poor and disabled living in the southern USA. I struggle a lot. So a few extra bucks a month can genuinely be a life saver sometimes! Again, there is no pressure to give me money. If you cannot or simply do not want to, that is fine. I am just stating my reasoning behind making this.
So yeah, hope that clears up why I'm making this! I'll be adding the link to my carrd and the like as soon as I put this up. Have a good timezone everyone!!!
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buntress · 1 year
Wanted to say tysm 4 the tags on my strawberry lemonade themed flag, made my day lol I’m glad you like it :) /gen
- @tr3nd3r-c0r3
ofc!!! its one of the few food themed genders I've ever related to!! ty for making the term 💖💖 /gen
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buntress · 1 year
my queue is almost empty....oh golly
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buntress · 1 year
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buntress · 1 year
happy pride month
be cringe
be free
i love you
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buntress · 1 year
slightly random but we saw your tags on the psychpunk post about going into psych and as people who did that, mostly because we wanted to know what the hell our brain was doing, it absolutely made us even more critical of the system and people who run it.
i could talk for days about the way the system is completely broken, and it starts with the foundation of the education people going into psychology receive which is horrifying, the system is set up so that even the people who are actually genuinely trying to help are trained to dehumanize and think poorly of those they are helping.
there are so few good people in the psychiatric complex and the ones that exist exist in spite of everything they are taught and trained.
yes exactly that's where our issues come in as well. the entire system is insanely dehumanizing and fucking awful, like down to a ground level, which is scary. You're trained to view others less as people and more as objects to study.
It's messed up as all hell, I'm glad I didn't go into that field. I was going in for similar reasons and saw it as a way to help people, then I got hit with THAT reality and stepped back real hard.
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