#7 episodes without cats incident
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episodes-without-incident · 2 months ago
7 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
9 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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melefim · 8 months ago
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Episode 4- The Case of the Lighthouse Leapers
Episode Overview:
29 total, 14 different words said by 8 characters.
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Edwin: 1 Damn
Charles: 1 Fuck, 1 Shit, 1 Hell, 2 Bloody, 1 Bloody Hell, 1 Wanker, 1 Sod
Crystal: 2 Fuck, 1 Shit, 1 Ass, 2 Hell, 1 God, 1 Jesus
Jenny: 1 Fuck, 4 Hell, 2 Jesus, 1 Screw
Tabby Cat: 1 Fuck
Calico Cat: 1 Whore
Dagfinn: 1 Damn
Charles’ ‘Friend’: 1 Tosser
Curses Per Character:
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Edwin: 1
Charles: 8
Crystal: 8
Jenny: 8
Tabby Cat: 1
Calico Cat: 1
Dagfinn: 1
Charles’ ‘Friend’: 1
Uses Per Word:
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Fuck: 5
Shit: 2
Ass: 1
Damn: 2
Hell: 7
Bloody: 2
Bloody Hell: 1
God: 1
Jesus: 3
Whore: 1
Wanker: 1
Tosser: 1
Screw: 1
Sod: 1
Jenny: Jesus! Okay, what the hell is this?
Crystal: Sorry, I've just been dealing with some shitty stuff with my ex.
Jenny: A. Go to hell. B. It's none of your business. And C. It's not even a big deal, so just… go to school.
Jenny: Ok, so you're what? You're just, you're not gonna leave until I explain this even though it's private and go the fuck away?
Jenny: Screw the past, you can be anybody you want. Hell, maybe you can even be somebody with a bank account.
Charles: Sod it. Can't spy on people without a spyglass, can I?
Dagfinn: I need someone to get these damn ghosts out of my lighthouse
Charles: Bloody cats. You all right, mate?
Edwin: Now, unless you have more damnable spells, I should go. I have a case to solve.
Charles: I've had enough of secrets about that wanker.
Charles: What the bloody hell is down there?
Crystal: God, it's driving me crazy.
Crystal: What in the hell was that?
Crystal: Jesus, she thought about it too, like she definitely knew something and then it was just riddle.
Jenny: Who the hell are you?
Jenny: Wait, why am I upstairs? And why am I taking to myself? Jesus, Jenny
Calico Cat: You’re such a whore.
Tabby Cat: Fuck off. The kid had a sardine.
Crystal; You fucked with my head, I'm gonna fuck with yours.
Charles’ ‘Friend’: He surfaced! You tosser!
Charles: I'm also bloody angry.
Charles: Every day, I'm fucking smiling.
Charles: I sure as hell couldn't stop my dad from beating the shit out of me.
Crystal: Niko- thanks for like, saving my ass today.
Crystal: And I am tired of riddles and spirits and demons and not being any closer to finding out who the hell I am.
Previously on Dead Boy Detectives…
Shown in this episode’s recap but not counted above:
Edwin: What the bloody hell is this? (Episode 2)
- Added in calico cat’s ‘whore’, updated counts and charts.
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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shinygemstone · 1 year ago
1. An AU where Kipo doesn't end up on the surface in the first episode, and has to go through the events with the mega monkey still looking for her
2. An AU in which all of Kipo's people are actually dead, and she's the only survivor. Depression for everyone!!
3. An AU where Margot never betrayed Wolf, and the two have a very close and codependent relationship. Bonus points if Wolf gets kidnapped by Scarlemagne
4. An AU where Wolf's wolf parents never actually betrayed her and raised her alongside the other children. Wolf girl wolf.
5. AU where the protagonists end up separated after Ratland, with Kipo and Benson trying their best to escape Scarlemagne's place without Scarlemagne realizing they're there while Wolf, Mandu, and Dave try to save them
6. AU like #1, except Lio fucking dies and Kipo's body now assumes it is in danger a lot more. So now she's dealing with the mega monkey and turning into the mega jaguar
7. Kipo gets along a little too well with the timbercats, and they kind of adopt her. Parental Yumyan and Molly. They're not surprised to find out she's part cat and teach her how to properly kitty
8. In which Lio turns out to be the mega monkey, somehow.
9. In which Kipo was raised on the surface, and is kind of known as the local feral half cat creature. Naturally, Scarlemagne kidnaps her for weapon usage and oops. Guess he has to teach the feral out of her
10. In which Jamack joins the protagonists (if you didn't think my man would be here you're wrong)
11. Let Kipo get upset about the whole mega jaguar thing PLEASE
12. Song and Lio raise Kipo, while Song is suppressing the mutagen and struggling more and more as she gets older.
13. Song turns out to fill Dr. Emilia's role, and is actually trying to end mutekind.
14. Emilia gets her hands on Kipo, but mistakes her for a normal human (somehow) so Kipo grows up in the science burrow believing mutes killed her parents and that what Emilia is doing is justified. Bonus points if she's Emilia's protege/assistant/intern
15. Emilia gets her hands on Kipo, knowing that she's Song and Lio's daughter, and decides she can use Kipo as a weapon. This would involve a lot of dehumanization and likely good brother Scarlemagne/Hugo. Also Lio? Totally dead
16. AU where Lio manages to yoink Hugo. That's the AU. Hugo and Lio and Kipo as family.
17. AU #16 with angst: Lio gets captured, so it's just Hugo and Kipo. Bonus points if Kipo grows up in Ratland
18. For even more angst, Scarlemagne kidnaps Kipo, raising her in his blooming empire. Except Scarlemagne has no idea how to raise a child, especially not one who's half mega jaguar.
19. Where Mulholland doesn't help Kipo, and Scarlemagne's coronation goes as planned.
20. Where Emilia kidnapping the mutes was a trap, and it works as planned. Kipo is in for such a bad time.
21. Where what Emilia did to the mutes she kidnapped mutes is a lot more horrific than in cannon.
23. Margot changes her mind about betraying Wolf sooner, and Emilia never captures any of the protagonists. Consequently, Emilia sneaks into timbercat village to conduct her evil plans.
24. Instead of Yumyan, Kipo gets hit by the cure. Consequently, the decision is made to have the mega jaguar deal with all subsequent human incidents. This prevents It's a Trap from happening.
25. Kipo gets hit by the cure, except it works. No more mega jaguar, but she gets back to timbercat village.
26. Kipo goes through with sinking the cruise ship. Insert huge crisis (and maybe Song, Lio, or both of them rejecting Kipo/treating her like a monster. Please. I live for angst)
27. AU where Dave kills child Benson, and is a reoccurring side character who's literally just a bastard
28. Fun Gus Monster Emilia. Like just IMAGINE if she took Gus' DNA instead of the mega walrus. Sludge monsters are underrated imo, and she could do so much fucking damage.
29. Emilia gets stuck as a half mute, and gets shoved in prison. Maybe with Hoag.
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ohplagg · 1 year ago
I Love Yoo Timeline Part 1/4
The Evidence Part 1
This is part 1 of 4 of my I Love Yoo Timeline as of Episode 241.
Part 1 and 2 consists of laying out all the detailed evidence with descriptions, screenshots and episode number.
Part 3 consists of explaining the evidence, connecting the dates and some math because the I Love Yoo universe (or as I like to call it, Yooniverse) uses letters instead of numbers to represent official years.
Part 4 is the I Love Yoo Timeline.
Seeing Nessa alive in Kousuke's flashback of his highschool graduation day made me question everything I though I knew about the timeline so I have read, reread, and re-reread this webtoon; I've researched old reddit and tumblr posts, Quimchee's old Curious Cat answers, the wiki, and so much more.
(Just in case someone is worried, all information presented is free and publicly available. I was told that in Quimchee's patreon I could possibly find more exact information but I decided against looking there since I wouldn't be able to share my findings outside of patreon and my goal is for everyone who is a fan of I Love Yoo to be able to see this mega post.)
Because of the huge ammount of information I've decided to split my original post in 4 different parts so it's easier for everyone (including myself) to come back and find the information without having to endlessly scroll.
I encourage you all to go read/reread I Love Yoo with the new information you learn with this timeline in mind because oohhh boy does the story hit different. (Also take that opportunity to like all the episodes to support Quimchee!)
Turns out there's a lot of information in a 7+ year old, 240+ episode long webtoon; who would have though? Not me!
Anyways, there's so much information scattered all over the place and everything is so connected to everything that it was hard to organize it.
The evidence and information is in ' Whatever Order I Remembered It' order , but even so I tried my best to keep it organized by categories.
Episode 222 News articles
Here we got a lot of information in the presentation of news articles. So I'll keep this information as it's own category.
Let's read them up close.
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Let's start with "Randulph Hannesson appointed as temporary Chairman of Hirahara Corp"
In it, it states how in March 27, 20WZ Rand gets appointed as temporary Chairman of the Board. At the same time, according to the public, he is "seeing" (dating?) Yui. Before becoming temporary Chairman of the Board (which we know he became permanent) he was CFO of Hirahara Corp. And before that he "founded a successful finance firm, Hannsesson Finance, which Hirahara Corp. has since acquired."
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Now let's focus on the newspaper that's right under. In it, it talks about how an ilegal immigrant woman was found dead (assumed to be suicide) and her son is no where to be found. All arrows point to this woman being Nessa, Nol's mom.
It doesn't have a title but it does have a date. Newspapers normally publish these type of news the following morning from which the news happened meaning that Nessa died December 21st, 20XP
No wonder Nol hates his birthday week.
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On the US Asia Daily Herald newspaper, "Chairman of Investment Giant Hirahara Corp to Step Down." When Rand was still CFO he was one of the witnesses that helped Young-Chul Kim be held accountable for all the SA he did. So that's where Nol got his sense of respecting and standing up for women. And that this happend in Octobre 31st, 20WY
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Not really adding information to the timeline but just in case someone doesn't know, Yu-Jing has the police department interview transcripts for Nessa's death investigation
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Lastly we have "Prestigious Prep School Closes SA Investiagtion With No Charges Filed" where it states that on March 20XW the 16-month long investigation of 50 years of SA with over 100 cases was basically dismissed.
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Right before Nol was sent to the mental facility
Episode 150
Episode 150 starts with a flashback right after the brother incident where Nol is getting locked up in the mental facility ambulance. (This is confirmed in episode 210 because the dialogue matches up with the one in Kousuke's flashback)
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And right after the flashback we get this news article that Yu-Jing has. "Troubled Child, Aftermath of the Hirahara Extra Marrital Affair."
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So now we know that the brother incident that got Nol into the mental facility happened 1 year after the supposed marriage reconciliation between Yui and Rand.
Episode 210
We see a glimpse of the immediate aftermath of the incident.
It happened at night while raining.
Kousuke doesn't know what happened.
Yui's hand is bruised.
Nol is taken directly to the "Hirahara Mental Health Institute"
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I'm very proud of my following discovery
The trees have no leaves.
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Why is leafless trees so important and why am I so proud of my finding? Because trees lose their leaves during the Fall and by Winter they are completely leafless. This whole scene has all trees leafless meaning that it's winter. But hold on, it can't be winter winter because it's raining and not snowing. Bingo. It's early winter. And winter starts December 21st.
Episode 239
The pain I felt reading this after I figured out when in the timeline this happens.. my heart hurts.
This is the brother incident (at least the start of it).
Nol had no prior connection/relationship to the Hirahara's before this (he used the address on the letter's Rand send his mother to find them)
Nol went to Kousuke's house because he needs help, because he has no where else to go because his mother is gone.
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If you're having a hard time keeping up, all this basically means the night Nessa died Nol went to look for Rand and his other family for help which is also the same night the brother incident happened which got Nol locked up in the Mental Facility which is why in both news articles Nol's whereabouts are unknown, because he was immediately taken away. (and all of this happened on his birthday :D).
After Nol got out of the mental facility
Episode 99
Nol presents himself using the name Yeong-gi.
Dieter and Nol met on the summer right before their first year of highschool.
Dieter met Nol before Soushi did.
At this moment in time it's been 5 years since Nol last saw his mom.
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Episode 157
Nol was trying to befriend Soushi at the same time Kousuke was still in college.
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Episode 155
Nol got out of the Mental Facility "roughly 6 years ago"
Nol spent "almost 2 years" inside the mental facility.
Kousuke mentions that the Yeong-gi name was something he started using after he came out of the Mental facility.
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Episode 205
A while after Nol got out of the mental facility, Nana arrived.
"Until recently, I've been by myself."
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Episode 129
Nana and Yui met for the first time after 5 years
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This is just part 1 of 4. Go keep reading:
Part 2: The Evidence Part 2
Part 3: Math and connecting the dots
Part 4: The Timeline
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shiftingwithkore · 9 months ago
These are my DRs and a bit about them! (Most aren't finished)
Supernatural DR: My name is Kody Jones Singer, when I was 14 my mother was killed by a werewolf during a hunt that we were working on. As my mom wished, Bobby adopted me and gave me a somewhat normal life. Around this time, I meet Sam and Dean, quickly becoming best friends with them. I went through most of my life without knowing that I was a Nephilim. Now I'm 23 and trying to figure out why Azazel is trying to talk to me (surprise, surprise, he's my dad, I'll be shifting to Season 2, Episode 8)
Sally Face DR: My name is Tay phelps, I'm twins with travis phelps. me and my father clash a lot, causing me to stay over Larry's apartment. I go through most of high school trying to find out more about the cult and who ran it, when the Bologna Incident when down it got me more invested in the cult and trying to find them and end whatever they're doing. I find out in my senior year that my father ran the cult and tried to us me as a sacrifice to try and get the red-eyed demon back on earth after Sal and I banished it the first. This attempt didn't work and the cult got arrested (I'll be shifting right before the Bologna Incident)
Streamer DR: My name is Koda Fuchs, I'm a 22 year old Canadian streamer that goes by Ghosty. I was adopted by a lovely couple who had a son who's 7 years older than me, they treated me great and helped me get where I am today. I have a maine coon cat named Loki and 3 Newfoundland puppies named Zeus, Hercules, Grizzy jr. Fitz was the reason I started getting into to streaming and my first video was me playing CSGO with Fitz and everybody else (I'll be shifting to Jan 10th, 2023)
Like I said in my last post these are my 3 mains and if you do wanna know more about my other DRS here's a list of them:
Fame Dr (multiply versions)
The Quarry
Alice in Boarderland
Gravity Falls
Total Drama Island
Stardew Valley
if you guys have any questions, I would love to answer any and all questions, Bye bye!
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fuckthisshitimin · 9 months ago
About the OIAR's "categories";
What if they tell you what the incident is tied to? Not as in "what entity" but, a place, a person, or an object. Comparing files under the cut. I kindly invite you to
CAT1 "Person"
Episode 1, [5257], "Some of him", dead partner comes back wrong + the subject was contacted by someone who offered her to hear her lost one again.
Episode 6, [4824], "Needles"
Episode 10, [2275], Bonzo's first appearance (let's here consider Bonzo as a person, though it might later be replaced with "agent", "monster" or something else. the important part is that it acts as a subject)
Episode 12, [4728], Bonzo's Bachelor Party Crashing
Episode 14, [4426], Snake salesman taken over by snakes. Would "person/agent" here define said salesman or the snakes? I'd go for the victim, but unsure.
Episode 15, [6451], Lady Mawbrey's hunting party.
Episode 16, [1565], Madam E. aka goth influencer dying of being hated.
KLAUS [2373], the rendez-vous given with the note "Lady M"
KLAUS [5529], incident with note "Mr. B" for Bonzo.
KLAUS [corrupted], the only "Rank S", with note "Mr. B" as previously.
CAT2 "Place":
Episode 1, [1157], "Dolls coma watching"... I don't know, would have made more sense if it was in "object" but we don't know much about this file.
Episode 3, [8175], Tree body horror. The victim is becoming a part of the place he's in.
Episode 5, [2377], "Voyeur needs to be seen to be believed. The scariest movie I've ever seen." Victim is lured into creepy cinema. Tags contain "Invitation".
Episode 7, [3338], Oxford's People Trust, Hilltop Center branch gets invaded by volunteers. The place is burned down by armed people wearing black at the end of the report -- it's Hilltop. The "volunteers" are gathering here, occupying the space, hurting the manager is barely a consequence.
Episode 8, [3366], "Brutal liminality", a paper about how places hurt people's psyche. "You're here" and "Stay awhile" are the only sentences repeated by the crowd.
Episode 17, [1147], Darrien & Other Darrien. The Passage or Crack or whatever he went through, arriving near Oxford's Magnus Institute Outreach Center. Rich Darrien is the horrific part of it, but it's not the supernatural one.
KLAUS [5548], note "Mr. B" -- location "Bland (for Bonzoland) Theme Park, Sommerset"
CAT3 "Objects"
Episode 2, [1567], "The artist becomes the canvas!" Dorian Gray-like case. It seems odd that ink5oul's tattoos wouldn't fall in the same category, but when Madam E.'s tattoo directly attacks her heart, this one transfers power to the painting so it still makes sense to classify it this way. Also, separating subject from canvas stopped any progression, so unlike a CAT1 case even though the tattoo's on her the power isn't within exactly.
Episode 4, [7494], blood-hungry violin. It's the violin.
Episode 9, [3354], the dice.
Episode 13, [4622], Darrien bets against himself on an app. Trickier, but the phone's importance is underlined throughout the story, nothing happens without it. Maybe the app itself counts as an object? I'd bet on the phone.
CAT 23 "Place" AND "Object"
Episode 1, [2155], "Canaries should stay above ground". Place would be the Magnus Institute ruins RedCanary explored, and object the souvenir (empty wooden box with symbols on it) they brought back. They were receiving anonymous DMs (impossible on this forum) calling them a thief.
Episode 11, [5246], "The sea will care for his bones", digging up graves near the sea, weirdly well preserved tattooed corpse. The place is relevant and brought up in many ways, and I'd say the tattoo, or the corpse, are more efficiently filed as "object" than "person".
Additionally, in the KLAUS spreadsheet, two lines have notes saying "Avoid" and they are both CAT2. Seems more likely to write "avoid" about a place than a person, but mayble I'm extrapolating too much.
If you've read this far, thank you. It's nice not to be alone getting a little obsessed with this.
I still don't know what DPHW stands for though. Still staring at the sheet until it gives me answers.
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blorbosondeck · 4 years ago
fic rec masterlist
canon divergent/finale fix its
THIS! FIC! this fic lives in my head rent FREE it is so good and it makes so much sense in the narrative that the shitty finale concocted, as to why they wouldn't mention cas or anyone else and its just. so good and they write chuck in the most villainous way that i love!!!
"Chuck is depowered, Jack is the new god, and the world is free. Dean and Sam get into the Impala and chase down the miles on an endless highway, and their story is finally, finally their own to follow. At least, that's what Dean tells himself. But the diners and motels and painted interstate lines are blurring together and the smallest details keep catching at his brain like tiny fishhooks and he can't quite shake the feeling that not everything is exactly as it should be. Fix-it/alternate series finale. Canon-compliant through the end of 15.19."
Sunset Sound: Stairway to Heaven by @adhdeancas
GOD FUCKING CHRIST this is so good and sweet and im such a sucker for team ups and reunions!!! its 3:30 am rn and i just finished it and i love it SO much it made me laugh a lot and the last few chapters i had the stupidest grin just plastered to my face
The Closer the Star, the Greater the Parallax by @rocksalts​
repressed bastard dean submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known and receives the rewards of being loved but only after some miscommunication i LOVE this i read it last night and it’s a fast favorite. my interests have overlapped and i am INTO it
“When Dean sits down to watch some bullcrap Discovery Channel episode with Cas, he doesn’t expect to actually learn anything. Except, with Cas explaining, he makes an effort to connect the dots.”
Don't We All Deserve To Be Happy?
VERY sweet and a VERY good pick me up. all around feel good fic!!! 
"Post-canon fix-it, divergent from 15x19 where Jack stays and Dean doesn't die and Cas comes back and everyone is happy. Take a shot every time I'm salty about the finale."
Keep Your Love Alive
okay. okay okay okay this may be my favorite finale fix it just because of how well reasoned it is. like this feels what should have happened i love it SO much
"Dean gets to spend eternity sharing beers with Bobby on the Roadhouse porch and riding around in his Baby with Sam. He’s at peace… or he feels like he should be. But a few things nag at him: Where is Cas, and everybody else Dean had been hoping to see in Heaven? Why does he feel like he’s stuck in a loop, reliving the same memories over and over again? And who are the strangers wearing Sam’s and Bobby’s faces?"
The GoldenRod Revisions by @aethylas​
this is one of the most well written things ive ever read. the script format DID make it feel more real and honestly? this is better writing than this show deserves. the finale that could have been ♥️
“A rewrite of Supernatural’s final two episodes, expanded into a five episode arc - in which Chuck needs to be defeated, Castiel deserves to be saved, and the characters in this story get a very different ending.“
Ascend by @wanderingcas​ 
THEE finale fix it fic!!! written by the AMAZINGLY skilled and talented @wanderingcas !!! it’s 50k of angst and hurt/comfort and pure bliss
“Something in the world is wrong.
Demon activity is rising where mysterious black substance oozes and unusual ecological events are shaking the world. Dean, grief hanging on his shoulders, restlessly searches for answers that might lead him to the Empty… and to Cas.
But what Chuck wrote can’t be undone. The narrative thread pulls Dean along, forcing him to comply. Because once a story already has an ending, it can’t be rewritten.
Or can it?”
Things Happen (They Do, And They Do, And They Do) by THEE @sobsicles
i KNOW everyone has already recommended this and likely you’ve all already read it. but it has to go here bc REPRESSIOOOOOOOOON i LOVE this so much it is one of the most perfect things i’ve read. are you bisexual? did you have a kind of weird relationship with your best friend and not realize that how you felt about them wasn’t necessarily how other people felt about them and you were maybe a little bit in love with them but were too repressed to realize it? you’ll feel seen. maybe a little too seen
Closer (isn't close enough)
are you a sweet and sappy yet horny bastard? do you like cas exploding light bulbs? you will like this.
“the one where they finally talk about what cas said before the empty took him”
You and Your Husband
it is exTRMELY sweet!!! repression dean strikes again <3
"Five times Dean corrects someone about his relationship with Cas, and one time he realizes he doesn't need to."
Tall Grass
miscommunication and a slowburn! despite being written in 2017 and finished in 2018, it feels like a fix it. ft. plant obsessed cas <3 
a LOVELY and short (relatively) finale fix it
“They saved the world. They're free. It's done.
Except it's not, and carrying on is the last thing any of them are thinking about.
They still have someone they need to save.”
Unchained Link
post finale- it’s a great case fic and i am compelled i want more!!!
"It's after the end of things. Life continues on while Dean is "livin it up" in heaven. But it's never that simple, is it? A freak occurrence sends Dean into another time stranded back on Earth. And he thought his hunting days were over. But, no worries. His knight in shining armor comes to the rescue. Hijinks, therefore, ensue."
fun and time unspecified
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Love Potion No. 5
very funny and sweet! miscommunication at its finest ♥️
"Cas gets drenched with a mystery potion from the ‘love spell’ shelf and... Dean has a sneaking suspicion, angel or no— the spell may have taken effect. And Cas might be in love with Sam."
The Way We Were
Y'all. It is so good its a great mix of funny and serious- extremely fun to see dean as like a base bisexual
"Dean and Castiel pose as a couple to gain access to a gated community known as 'The Glen', a pleasant if secretive location that the boys believe might be linked to several dead bodies showing up over the years bearing signs of ritualistic sacrifice. All seems well until Dean's memory is affected from an incident during a solo exploration, leaving Dean convinced that their cover story is true. Castiel is left trying to resolve their case without taking advantage of an increasingly enthusiastic Dean"
While You Were Sleeping
this is basically just the movie but replacing sandra bullock with cas. this is my comfort movie and imo, one of the most perfect rom coms. the fic isn’t finished but i still have the tab open on my phone and i will straight up go back and re read it when i need a pick me up. 
The Harvelle Gospels: Offscript
i know everyone ever ( @jewishcharliebradbury ) has recommended this fic. and for good reason go fucking read it
“The Apocalypse is averted, the angels are in Heaven, and Jo is free from the threat of possession. Somehow it couldn't be farther from a happy ending.“
absolute riots
An Ineffably Profound Bond
i honestly would have put this in the finale fix it section! look. i know. i know you've been burned by crossover fics before. but this is Thee good omens/spn fic you want. its funny as hell and immensely satisfying. im weak for everyone working together tropes and that is this
"After Chuck sets 'The End' in motion, the remaining members of TFW make a miraculous escape. Not willing to waste any time, Castiel comes up with a plan to travel to one of the other worlds to try and get help from the angels there, but after a fight with Dean, it's the hunter who gets sent into an alternate universe,with seemingly no hope of return.
When a mysterious human with a heavenly weapon shows up in Aziraphale's shop, he and Crowley learn that their world is not the only one. Now it is up to them to decide whether or not they want to join forces with the human and help him save his world or simply find a way to send him home."
Somebody Up There Likes Me by @lafilleredige
cas is hit with a spell that turns his vessel into a woman, hijinks and sexuality crises ensue etc etc sam is a supportive and bitchy little brother and its all SO fucking funny and also. horny as hell i love it i love it i LOVE it
“’Dean doesn’t want to talk about your breasts, it’s making him uncomfortable because he hasn’t acknowledged the complex fluidity of human sexuality.’“
Stray Cat Strut
a long crack fic that IS one of the funniest things i’ve ever read and i can’t explain why. it’s so ooc but its so funny that i don’t care. if you need a laugh you gotta read this
"Sam and Cas are immediately in love with the adorable kitty they find outside the bunker door, and occupy their time planning how to convince Dean--who they believe is off sulking after a botched hunt--to let them keep their cat. Along the way, Dean learns to use a litter box and hears some confessions he maybe wasn’t supposed to hear, all while realizing just how much he loves Castiel.
Now all Dean has to do is convince Cas and Sam their new pet cat is actually him before they do something crazy--like neuter him!"
canon compliant or slight canon divergence
by @doublestuffedimpala post season 7 episode 7, kind of ambiguous ending but truly a cas is happy to bleed for the winchesters fic
Punch Like Bones 
short, post 5x04 homoerotic moment that i wish we’d gotten
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feelingofcontent · 3 years ago
DNP Rewatch: A Festive Day in the Life of Dan and Phil!
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Date video was published: 12/20/2014 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 254
The 2014 DITL video! The last one had been back in August 2013. This is my absolute favorite DITL and probably one of my top five DNP joint videos of all time. Get ready for me to have way too much to say about it.
0:00 - sleepy morning + quiff Phil! We’ll see a surprising amount of that in this video.
0:05 - “almost a week till Christmas,” so they must have filmed this just a few days before it was posted
0:25 - no waking up Dan in “his” bedroom like in the first two DITL. Hmmm...this scene doesn’t seem staged at all...especially since Phil’s laptop is already open on the arm of the sofa. Unless he just left it like that overnight.
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0:37 - love that the other advent calendar on the mantle in the one they made. 😂 There are 18 of the doors opened on it, so they’re probably filming this on the the 18th or 19th of December.
0:47 - they both jump into doing the theme music as soon as Phil says “titan”
0:57 - that is pretty late for them to be putting up the decorations! Phil looks sad about it too.
1:01 - sad tinsel. I think Phil had the silver piece in the background in his last video. And the little WALLE in the background here, from all the way back in PINOF. 🥺
1:17 - this domestic insight, just 😭😭😭
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1:26 - full circle back to the first DITL video. I wonder if they watched the previous DITLs before filming this one.
1:41 - so many mugs.
1:48 - Dan did not want that one because it was very hard to actually drink out of as he discovered in DITL London. I really bet they did watch the previous ones shortly before this...so many references back!
1:55 - awww, happy warm Phil
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2:13 - such a dramatic sigh but he goes to get it anyway!
2:25 - well that is a terrifying way to burn a tealight...put it on a dish!
2:33 - I love that there is no explanation for this in the video. Phil is superstitious about new shoes on the table, which they had both tweeted about before.
2:40 - Dan fashion show and an encouraging Phil
2:47 - immediate smile when Dan notices Phil there
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2:56 - why does Phil looks SO GOOD in this clip. also, as usual a weird/slightly horrifying poem from his brain.
3:02 - love that they both decided to wear holiday jumpers. They also wore these same ones for their December radio show. Also the Dan lean-in 🥺
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3:12 - PJ tweeted about this DNP visit!
3:27 - this whole leaving scene is possibly the most domestic part of any video - the candle argument, the coat adjustment, the stop in the bathroom to check their hair, Phil checking to make sure Dan has keys, the spider checking and joking... I mean.
4:13 - more throwback conversation to DITL London
4:35 - so glad he chose not to lick his hand. Even more horrifying in 2021.
4:40 - Dan talked about this and falling up the escalator in What not to do on Public Transport
5:00 - “bit corporate isn’t it?” but caves immediately because Phil wants to. 
5:10 -  Love that Phil orders while Dan finds a table. Love that Phil makes Dan draw something happy not just a sad face. Love Dan’s huge smile after that.
5:33 - Dan really can’t say much he was reading his phone in the clip right before this!
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5:58 - Dan’s talking about this weird incident that Phil posted a clip of on LessAmazingPhil
6:18 - they always go to at least one nerdy shop in the first DITLs!
6:36 - the things they choose to zoom in on in this shop...Dan with Spiderman’s crotch a few seconds before this and now Phil on the shirtless guy book cover. subtle, lol.
7:29 - I had actually heard of this board game prior to this video because Wil Wheaton did a TableTop episode. I remember being so surprised to see DNP wanting it!
7:39 - Phil and his weird people encounters. 😂 And Dan just mocking him for it.
7:59 - they did, in fact, go to see Matilda the next summer.
8:10 - oh my god this clock scene. Of course Phil wants to make a game of it. And then Dan with the seemingly slight fudging of what he was pointing at. And this look and then both of them giggling. 👀
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8:32 - that start of Dan’s running! This is around the time or shortly after he had started to see a therapist (according to the timeline he gave in Daniel and Depression), so thinking he probably wanted to start for his mental health.
9:11 - Dan talks about the “guy wearing the white sheet in Manchester” in What not to do In Town. Their reminiscing faces are too much.
9:19 - Phil is so excited about this. He had tweeted a couple times in the past about Moomins (1, 2)
9:37 - the excitement about the treats and the festive drinks and decorations and Phil’s teasing 😭
10:04 - they film fairly often in the back of cars and I just feel like must be so awkward, but it doesn’t seem to bother them. And Phil’s hair is quiffed again!
10:28 - and the stairs song! Which they are too prepared for so it must be a regular thing they say/sing. This video has SO MANY moments that I love.
10:51 - Phil just sitting while Dan hauls the tree box out. Maybe Dan lost rock-paper-scissors.
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10:59 - reminiscing about THE TREE now, which is the last time they decorated on camera
11:09 - why is this a common theme in DITLs!? lol. Love that they’ve lit the candle again after getting home.
11:22 - “stop doing that” as he can’t control his giggles. sure.
12:03 - okay, Phil had to go get the other decorations! The “Christmas faces” are slightly horrifying
12:22 - that is the most horrifying. also, Dan and Phil themed toys/decor even in the bathroom.
13:02 - Dan’s little messed up piece of hair in the back is so cute. Also love that they have the garlands up and everything at this point too.
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13:19 - even more quiff-Phil!
13:31 - their fridge contents are not great
14:04 - unexpected filming but a huge grin anyway from Phil. Also, how do they make just answering the door so awkward, lol. Also: what is that picture in the background in the bathroom(?)
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14:32 - they’re so excited about this set up and dinner plan
14:43 - and now glasses Phil! Also, arguing about wrapping neatness. I love it. Although when we see Phil’s wrapping in a minute, I think I might agree with Dan...
15:03 - PJ will end up with one of these face banks
15:10 - Phil came up with some decent gifts for Kath this time, although he didn’t think she had good ideas.
15:18 - I find it so cute that Dan wants to keep the cookbook
15:30 - Dan looks almost embarrassed to share this. He’s also got something “12 Days of Christmas” themed in that blue box on the chair. Although apparently a lot of his family just wanted money.
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15:37 - I have no words for Dan filming this closeup and then them choosing to keep it in the video.
16:16 - Phil’s trying to be all serious with his wrapping tutorial and then the tape just immediately falls. 😂
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16:40 - “it’s endearing” Dan does look pretty endeared, lol. Dan’s concerned because the face banks are actually gifts from both of them, at least according to PJ
17:04 - wow, Vine mention
17:25 - Dan’s just expecting Phil to come up with a great pun on the spot. Also, the lobster thing is an old reference.
17:39 - I think I mentioned this in the last DITL post, but I like that we do see even in a short video that they spend some time alone. That’s just so normal, especially for introverts even when you’re that comfortable with someone.
17:45 - Phil will keep reading that book over the holidays
17:48 - we did see the inside of the chest. So what is Dan implying here, lol.
17:52 - well then. Dan’s giggly face though.
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18:08 - soft piano Dan 😭
18:25 - Ariana Grande had sent them both cat ears after they met her for the radio show
18:37 - a glimpse at the early gaming channel set-up.
18:46 - we don’t actually see that footage in the gaming video
18:51 - it must be pretty late at night by this point considering it was dark when they came home 
19:15 - Phil’s first instinct is to throw it of course
19:18 - this face and the sweater paws. I can’t. 😭
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19:25 - and of course a joint ending. 
19:40 - Dan is so sleepy and happy seeming here
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20:13 - awwww 🥺 The last video of 2014!
One difference from the first two DITL is they don’t even pretend that they’re going to see other friends/invite someone over. Just the two of them hanging out and they seem quite happy with that. This is probably the most “domestic” of the DITL videos. I love it so much.
Phil went to his parents’ on the 23rd to celebrate Christmas. He had Swedish food, was very excited as usual, got a stocking with a toothbrush and animal socks, and watched Guardians of the Galaxy. Dan went to his family’s on the evening of the 24th after a candle incident (lol, though I love that he was burning the candles even without Phil there. He started the tradition of yearly Christmas pictures of Colin. And also posted this.
On to the 2015 videos, and the start of the TABINOF/TATINOF era!
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chibi-sunrise · 2 years ago
Everything I could find on Hugo Simon
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Friends with Leo and Celia since childhood. Although earnest and deeply caring for his friends, he has an awkward tendency to keep his worries to himself. During his activities as a member of Blaze with Leo and the others, an incident caused him to become increasingly distrustful of the federation until a meeting with August lured him over to the imperial side. Now he fights for the empire alongside his contemporaries, Amelie and Falk.
Birthday - May 7, 982 Y.C.
Age - 16 (998 Y.C.) 17 (999 Y.C.)
Embleo Location - On the back of his left shoulder
Long Sword wielder
Height - 178cm
Theme Color - #37761d
Here’s the post on where you can watch the story. Here’s the post on where you can watch the anime.
Episodes he appears in
Leo ep. 1 Budding Heroes
Leo ep. 2 The Noble One
Celia ep. 1 The Selection Exam
Celia ep. 2 Mercy and Resolve
Michelle ep. 2 Compromise
Lisette ep. 1 Remedial Training
Lucien ep. 1 The Secret Blade of Wisdom
Alexandra ep. 2 A Pardon for Justice
Hugo ep. 1 The Traitor
Hugo ep. 2 Battlefield of Farewells
Falk ep. 1 The Lone Falcon
Falk ep. 2 The Ghost-Devouring Falcon
Crossroads ep. 1 The Habakiri Incident
ep. Final Blossoming Heroes
Event stories he appears in
White Day
Anime episodes he appears in
Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad ep. 1
Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad ep. 2
Event stories he’s mentioned in
April Fools Day
References and Miscellany
Video of his outfits/Mystic Artes (EN audio and text)
Some references for Hugo’s outfits. Here’s a back shot for his academy uniform
Video of Hugo’s outfits, weapons, all while wearing the ears and tail attachment
Some screenshots of Hugo’s ears and tail attachment for reference
Thread of Hugo wearing both glasses and the spiral glasses in various outfits. Here’s some more.
Video of Hugo’s Mystic Artes (JP audio and text) Scroll down for some screenshots of descriptions of his Mystic Artes
Hugo’s various egg forms
If you wanted to know what the back of Hugo’s ep 2 outfit looks like without the jacket on. Bonus, you also get to see what the back of Lisette’s outfit looks like without the bottom half of her jacket on.
If you wanted a better look at the thigh harness belt Hugo wears in his Aedis Academy uniform
If you wanted a better look at how Hugo’s shoulder armor is assembled in his Imperial Combat wear
If you wanted a better look at Huggy Hugo in addition to having his textures
A tweet trying to figure out the pattern on Hugo’s coat. The user cropped it out and mirrored it
A tweet trying to figure out how many reactors Hugo has on him and where
A tweet of various Hugo dialogue (JP text)
A tweet that compares Hugo’s reaction to Leo failing a counter with Hugo’s reaction to Falk failing a counter. The user notes that even Lisette’s reaction is respectful during this situation, so Hugo’s agitated response is unique to Leo
A tweet that recorded all the dialogue of Leo and Hugo’s final battle and kept it under two minutes. What I like about this video is that it also shows Hugo parrying the final hit of Leo’s 2nd Mystic Arte. I heard and knew it was possible because a lot of JP Hugo mains remarked on it, but I hadn’t seen it recorded for myself till this point
JP Voice Collection
His archive section
Favorite Dishes (excluding Noble dishes and Elixir)
Beginner’s Pot-Au-Feu
Bitter Ratatouille
Colten Fresh Salad
Colten’s Stuffed Cabbage Roll
Creamy Egg & Vegetable Galette
Green Veggie Drink
Healthy Archonis Quinoa Cake
Healthy Glass Noodle Salad
Jantbelle’s Silky Smooth Tofu
Meat Stew *secret recipe
Michelle’s Special Pot-Au-Feu
Mild Seafood Bouillabaisse
Simmered White Radishes
Ultra Smoothie
Veggie Bagna Càuda
Hated Dishes (excluding expired event dishes and Ana-Maria’s cooking)
Amelie’s Stamina Bowl
Crispy Rice Croquettes
Egg Cutlet Sandwich
Herb-Roasted Reintz Catfish
High Protein Fried Bugs
Level-10 Spicy Mabo Curry
Nutritional Non-Perishable
Nutritional Non-Perishable B
Schnitzel & Tartar Sauce
Special Nutritional Drink
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bartletforamerica · 4 years ago
How the Bartlet Administration Reacts to COVID-19
Abbey: is not taking any chances. After losing the fight to get the President to retreat to the farm or Camp David, she gets him to agree to limit himself to the oval office and the residence, with as few in person meetings as possible. Even before they’ve pulled together a White House task force, she’s made sure that everything is being disinfected and that her entire schedule is either canceled or made virtual. Her staff is the first to be working from home (and oh boy does she scold if she finds out any of them did something she thinks is foolish), with most of the rest of the White House staff following shortly after. She makes it her mission to do PSAs on what people should be doing and even does a virtual Sesame Street collaboration to teach kids how to wash their hands.
Zoey: Is not super pleased to be stuck in the Residence 24/7. She’s doing classes from her bedroom, so yay to not having to get out of bed early, but she can tell people are super disappointed that her camera is set up so that she has only a blank wall behind her [it turns out the secret service is very touchy about where you take video calls]. She also gets officially hired and given a security clearance for the sole fact that she’s one of the only people allowed to be near her dad who is tech-literate. She ends up doing some of her reading on the couch in his office so that she's on hand for when he's supposed to be skyping with the senior staff and can't figure out what link to click. She spends a lot of time worrying about Ellie, who helping do research about the virus, and texting her friends.
The President: is not happy to be closed up away from people. He also thinks that Abbey is overreacting where he's concerned. He misses actually getting to be around the younger staff. He and Zoey do a cooking from home video at C.J.'s suggestion, so that the country can see he's alive and to encourage people to not go out. They make chili and fight over whether it needs more cumin or oregano while Abbey records it and pipes in from behind the camera. The country is treated to a history of chili and a diplomatic incident nearly happens because apparently Mexicans deny having any association with it, even though most food historians say it has Mexican roots. The flaming debate doesn't stop a second episode at Thanksgiving where the country is treated to the history of the yam and all the secret spices that go into the President's stuffing. A large portion of the country gives him flack for putting Oysters in his stuffing. [In a small bedroom in an Illinois apartment a woman finally figures out why Joe Bethersonsen sounded so familiar.]
Leo: moved into the Residence because there was no way he was going to talk the President off ledges via skype for however long this lasted. He can only do so much. Zoey helps him learn to use Skype and he finds himself missing Margaret desperately even when he spends most of the day with a computer dedicated to having her on Skype so he can turn to it and ask her questions. She insists he get exercise and eat healthy (something he thinks she’s collaborating with the first lady on behind his back—they say very similar things much of the time). He skypes with Mallory on Sunday mornings over breakfast in his room and they pretend they’re at a hotel having a fancy brunch.
Charlie: is not particularly happy. He got sent home with everyone else because he’s not particularly necessary to have on hand if the president isn’t going anywhere. He’s still getting paid and he does do some work (the most important bit being hanging out on the phone with the president so he can ramble about history so Zoey can get her own reading done, Leo can browbeat the staff, and the first lady can do her own job) but he’s been ordered by the president and first lady to focus on getting extra school done while he can.
Donna: started freaking out the first day there was a rumor of a new disease in China. Then the White House shut down and even senior staff got sent home unless they absolutely needed to be in the building (basically just C.J. and some of her staff). And her roommate (not the one she'd really liked, who had a cat, but one she hopes is only temporary) works for a GOP congressman who thinks the whole thing is a hoax and bans masks in his office, so Donna is not at all happy and spends time she should be working cleaning things her roommate touches and that's sixty percent of how she ends up living with Josh.
Josh: is struggling with not being allowed to leave the house on pain of the first lady taking him to task (something about his lungs and the bullet). Even when he was putting his nose to the grindstone to make it through college and law school, he liked being around people while he studied, so he was usually in the library or a cafe rather than his room. He works best when he can bounce ideas off people and take in new ideas. When he was grounded after surgery it absolutely sucked and that was why he drove everyone crazy calling them all the time. Yeah he was bored, but he was also lonely. Plus he's not the best with technology. He very nearly went on national tv with his boxers showing, if not for Donna skyping him beforehand and making sure he fixed the camera. Between needing not to be alone and needing his assistant to be able to actually help him, the invite for Donna to stay with him slips out when she's complaining about her roommate. She shows up two hours later with two suitcases of clothes and two suitcases with pasta, toilet paper, and flour.
Donna and Josh: are handling the pandemic much better now that they're together. Josh can bounce ideas off Donna without it tying up his phone line. And she can listen in on his calls to the various members of congress about the stimulus package that they're working on. It's an even better look at Josh's job than she had before, and while it makes some of her work harder to focus on, she feels like she understands some things better than she ever has before. Josh even starts listening to her about how to sway certain congressmembers to their side. When they're not working, Donna forces Josh to cook with her so they're not entirely subsisting on delivery. They tried making bread and managed to spill half a bag of flour on the floor in the process but they ate all of it, even though it tasted pretty bland. Josh finally got Donna into baseball when it came back. Toby spit out his beer when he was on speakerphone with them and he heard Donna accurately yelling at the Mets for screwing up. Donna wears Josh's clothes more than her own, since she doesn't have to be on camera most of the time. They're platonically sharing a bed because they haven't found a convertible sofa for his living room that they like, they say, and it doesn't make sense for one of them to sleep on the couch, which they say has a spring that makes it uncomfortable to sleep on, even though Donna lounges on it all day with no problem. They are absolutely not dating and so they tell all their friends.
C.J.: spends five minutes laughing every time she gets off the phone with Josh or Donna. She loves her friends but god they're so completely in denial. It does, however, give her a much needed break. Her job has always involved a lot of people and knowing what venue to meet them in to ensure that she gets or passes on the information she needs. COVID protocols mean no more one-on-one meetings with journalists in her office, no more gaggles following her through the halls. The press corps were not happy when they moved all briefings outside and insisted on face masks and shields in addition to everyone sitting six feet apart. She gets asked about the president's health at least once a day and they start doing weekly waving from the balconies just so the press corps can get footage of him, healthy and shouting down to Danny and some of the others. Someone makes a cartoon of the president in the tower, with Abbey as his dragon keeper and though no one is willing to justify a cartoon with a comment, privately C.J. thinks it's accurate. She's always admired Abbey's fierce protectiveness of her family, even when she doesn't agree with every way it expresses itself or when it interferes with C.J.'s job. She has to come up with new ways to push the White House agenda (keep the economy afloat, stay home, no, don't listen to the GOP governors or those running for the primary, those ideas are not good, go the fuck home and stop having parties) and while some work, others bomb. It would help if everyone would stay on message and not screw up.
Sam: would like to make it clear that he did not know how many people would be at that gathering. He thought he was going for an outdoor meal with just a few old friends who could help raise money for the democratic party, not a fifty-person birthday party. The media fallout nearly gets him fired. Instead he gets yelled at by C.J., then by the First Lady. Mallory even sends him a card about how stupid he was. He's pretty sure that having Donna around is the only reason that Josh hasn't made the same mistake by now. It had to have been a toss up as to which of the two of them would screw up. Sam just isn't lucky enough to have a Donna (Sam is very happy that Josh has a Donna, Sam just wants Josh to realize that he talks about Donna the same way most men talk about their wives, because it's really hard not to respond to "why do I put up with finding her hair clogging the shower drain" with "because you love her and can't live without her, stupid"). He instead has adopted a cat for company. It tries to scratch him every time he tries to pet it. Sam spends his days trying to find a way to say "fuck the economy until we've beaten the virus" in a way that is palatable to the American people while trying to remind Toby that they can't actually say that outright. This is not an easy task.
Toby: would like to tell most of the American public to shut up, stay indoors for two months, pretty much nobody excepted, and if you don't, then you get tossed out to sea. He's come within an inch of telling anti-mask people they deserve to get sick on the record and is strongly advocating that the federal government figure out a way to mandate that every person in the country, minus those with legitimate medical exceptions, get the vaccine as soon as possible. He is also about to get evicted because it turns out his neighbors do not appreciate having rubber balls bounced against the walls for hours on end. Apparently, the thud is rather annoying. He worries about everyone, though this is delivered brusquely. Out of everyone he's taking the new work from home situation the best. No one can pop in to distract him, or comment on his eating habits. And if he doesn't want to talk to someone, he can always turn his phone to silent and pretend not to have seen they called. He's not pleased the Yankees lost to the Rays (necessitating rooting for either the Dodgers or the Rays, one of which beat his team and the other which betrayed New York), but he can at least take solace in the fact that the Mets didn't even make the playoffs.
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7 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
0 episode since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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melefim · 7 months ago
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Esther Finch
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21 curses total, 6 different words said in 5 episodes.
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Episode 1: 1 Jesus
Episode 2:
Episode 3: 1 Shit
Episode 5:
Episode 6: 1 Fuck, 1 Damn, 3 God
Episode 7: 2 Fuck, 2 Damn, 1 God, 1 Screw
Episode 8: 3 Fuck, 4 God, 1 Screw
Curses Per Episode:
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Episode 1: 1
Episode 2: 0
Episode 3: 1
Episode 5: 0
Episode 6: 5
Episode 7: 6
Episode 8: 8
Uses Per Word:
Esther’s favorite word is God, which she says 8 times. After that is Fuck, said 6 times, and Damn, said 3 times.
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God: 8
Fuck: 6
Damn: 3
Screw: 2
Shit: 1
Jesus: 1
Unique Words:
Esther, Crystal, and Jenny are the only characters who say Screw.
Percent of Total:
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Esther swears 21 times throughout the season, which is 6.5% of all cursing in the show.
Who Swears the Most: Esther’s 21 curses puts her in 4th place overall.
Curse Word Variety: She is tied for 4th place for cursing variety with the Cat King, with 6 different curse words each.
Individual Words: She is tied for 1st place with Edwin for most uses of Damn. (3 each)
She is tied for 2nd with Niko for most uses of God- 8 times each.
Episode 1: Monty! Jesus! I'm trying to threaten some kids!
Episode 3: Quit loitering you little shits.
Episode 6: Oh, God, well without her precious little dead boys she'll be snake food in no time.
Episode 6: God! You're not going gaga for the uptight boy?
Episode 6: I mean, this is why we had a plan, Monty, so I wouldn't be the one traipsing through the goddamn woods!
Episode 6: God, I love final moments.
Episode 6: Teeth Face, what the fuck?
Episode 7: I'm gonna wring that chic little kitty's goddamn neck.
Episode 7: Oh, god.
Episode 7: I know you blew up Monty's spot, you little fucking snitch.
Episode 7: And I'm gonna take that power, and get this goddamn town under my thumb.
Episode 7: You, you.. you think that you're the only one who's ever been screwed over? You're not. I fucking deserve this!
Episode 8: God, you're nosy.
Episode 8: Don't ever trust a goddess to grant your wishes, because she'll definitely screw you over good.
Episode 8: Oh, God! Oh, God, no, my face… Is fine.
Episode 8: Oh my God, my own sacrificial knife? I'm impressed. But I'm not fucking around that you're also gonna patch that wall before you die too.
Episode 8: Who the fuck are you?
Episode 8: What the fuck? Hey hey hey no! What did you just do?
Esther is the only character to swear in another language- in episode 8 she has the line “Oh, shoot. Or as the French say, merde.” — ‘Merde’ is French for ‘shit’. (Not included in count above)
Updated Percent of Total Swearing chart.
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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chaislatt · 4 years ago
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ravenclaw , head boy, muggleborn
excels in every class he takes
when he first discovered he was magic, he flipped out
he had a matilda episode in his room one night
he was staring intently at his toy planes, wondering how it would be like to fly one someday
then suddenly it just?? levitated??
as an eight year old, he did the only thing he could do in such situations—scream bloody murder
first year : in his newly pressed robes and neatly gelled hair, sat at an empty compartment and started reading his textbooks
until the compartment door opened and a cat just walked over him
“oh sorry, leon doesn’t behave very well” says ten who he did not think would stick around but guess what? his cats liked him
being sorted into ravenclaw, he quickly became famous for being the smartest and wittiest most sensible? wizard of his year
he was especially great at charms got so surprised that there was an incantation to make things float, since all he has been doing is just think it (flitwick got a shock at his first year doing wandless magic)
as he grew older, almost everyone depended on him for help in everything
he couldn’t go a day walking in the corridors without someone asking to meet up at the library or thanking him because they aced their tests
but of course, this little ravenclaw had a limit
he didn’t mean to, but one day he just snapped at a poor gryffindor who kept bugging him to meet at the courtyard to practice spells (everyone finally left him alone, too scared to face the wrath of a wizard who knows all the spells for duelling)
OWLS year—the most memorable year for him, as he and ten spent nights in the library (and sometimes in the kitchen but if anyone asks only ten was in there) studying their bums off
that summer, ten just received a holler from him (surprise! he got all o’s)
naturally, he had been picked for prefect and head boy
the first years LOVED him
he taught them all the secrets to their tower and even handed them a parchment full of riddle answers, because let’s be real, even though you’re a ravenclaw doesn’t necessarily mean you want to use your head all the time
eats at the hufflepuff table because they have better breakfast items
adopted a whole assortment of kids with ten (winwin kinda just sticked around because yangyang was his buddy)
would be the boys’ go to— from pesky spells, ink blotts on their robes, th right grams for mandrake powder, they all depended on him for it
hendery was once asked why he wasn’t scared of him (knowing what happened before)
“he’s not dumb enough to duel someone because they’re bugging him. that’s why he’s in ravenclaw”
overall 9/10. minus one point because he still feels the need to get the last remark in everything.
hufflepuff, pureblood
loves hanging out at the common room
doesn't really care much for grades, but does his best when studying
his housemates call him a sloth
moves so slow, especially in the mornings
likes taking walks along the corridors because it's fun to see other students rush and run to their classes while he walks a leisurely pace
always has his tie loosened
sometimes, he doesn't even tie it, he just wraps it around his collar and hope no one notices everyone does
has a talent for transfiguration
will turn anything into cat snacks
he once turned his homework in kibble and his excuse was "my cat ate it"
befriends all the cats in hogwarts
sometimes he lays down at the courtyard and they all just gather around him
one legendary moment (as lucas likes to call it) was when he was walking down the corrider and a train of cats just followed behind him in a single file
sweet wizard boy, befriends humans as well
he's so likeable, everyone just feels drawn to him
has this laidback energy that feels like a breath of fresh air when things get hectic in the castle
speaking of fresh air
he likes to stroll around outside, most of the time dragging yangyang and winwin out with him
"winwin could use the fresh air and your voice doesn't echo" - ten to yangyang
his sister is friends with yangyang's sister, so growing up he kind of babysat the three whenever their families would be together
he didn't imagine that it would continue during school, but poor winwin looked like he just wanted to get his head bitten off
despite having a lot of friends, he sticks with kun most of the time because he's not as chatty when he's focused (and kun is focused all the time so)
his favourite thing to do anywhere is lay down on his back and play with his wand, sending wisps of magic swirling around in the air, creating beautiful artwork
received pencils and a notebook from kun so he could just draw because "your magic might hit someone and i do not want to be involved with any of that"
doodles all the time
he likes to draw butterflies and magic them off of the paper and makes them follow his friends around
doesn't really say much when no one's talking to him, but will keep the conversation going casually
wanted to become a prefect so he could have his own bathroom
would patrol around at night with his cats (hendery jokes how he looks like filch and now he takes his filch impersonation seriously)
when catching students, he makes obvious remarks like "oh wow good to know that there aren't any gryffindors in this corridor! it would be an awful hassle to report them. good thing everyone's in their chambers!"
very lenient on students he doesn't know, but will threaten those he does and ask for something in return
accidentally gave yangyang the idea of becoming a prefect so he needn't have to worry at night
also accidentally gives yangyang dare ideas to give to hendery
he doesn't mean it! most of the time
overall 10/10. everything is cancelled out by the fact that he goes around the castle with atleast 2 cats following him around.
slytherin, pureblood
mr frowns-a-lot, mr don’t-talk-to-me, mr i-want-to-go-back-to-my-dorm
the most stereotyped slytherin
first years believe that slytherins are scary because of him (but they immediately get debunked by hendery “you’re scared of a tall dude who gets tired from talking and likes to eat chocolate? yeah okay”)
but yes this not so little bean finds talking draining
it’s not that he doesn’t want to, but why would he have to talk about his day when as far as he knows, everyone just did the same thing he did??
you can barely get a sentence out of him
will reply with nods or shrugs and just point or look at things
only talks during class when the professors ask him questions
yangyang bugs him the most
when he got assigned to take care of this chatty, full of energy first year he almost cried
ended up just following him around and yanking the back of his robes to stop him from getting into trouble
because of this, yangyang’s friend are his friends
first got introduced to xiaojun, lucas, and hendery
ended up becoming a babysitter for four
when he met ten, he almost cried again, but now out of happiness  because he got yangyang to shut up
met kun last, and immediately took a liking to him for no reason at all
no one knows how, but suddenly mr-i-dont-want-to-do-anything started getting more mischievous and talkative
the whole hall got surprised when he laughed at lucas’ lame joke
this may be an exaggeration but the boy doesn’t even smile
after this incident, lucas just kept talking to him and he just kept replying, and pretty soon the four little troublemakers would joke around with him and he’d just sit back with kun and ten when he got too tired
this made him attractive
but unlike lucas who got confessed to everyday, there was no one who confessed to him
he didn’t really talk to anyone else and just minded his own business when he was alone, so everyone was too scared to confess to him
which is a huge relief to him because the not so little bean is actually very awkward
proven when hendery accepted yangyang’s dare of going right up in winwin’s face omygod when i tell you his whole face turned red
he avoided hendery for a week until he realized it was too hard since they have most of their classes together??
speaking of classes, it’s a miracle how he just passes everything since no one actually ever sees him studying or doing homework
it’s like everything he does is magic well
overall 7/10. doesn’t really try that much and will only voluntarily hang out with kun.
hufflepuff, halfblood
was tiny, like a little bug
no one knows when he got so tall (summer of second year, he had to buy new robes for third year because they were already too short)
spends breakfast half awake, focusing on eating his meal and listening to yangyang complain about how hard his transfiguration classes yesterday were
he’s never around for dinner because he’s always at the pitch and no one has the energy to talk to yangyang in the mornings so he’s the poor guy
everyone loves him, no one can find a single thing to hate about him even if they tried
loves care for magical creatures with hagrid (he measures his height with the half-giant)
other classes? not so much
sure he tried a little bit, but why would he need to transfigure something into a pen when he could just look for one, and why would he need to concoct a drowsiness potion if he can just will himself to sleep
speaking of sleep, he does that a lot
he likes to wait for xiaojun during fourth period because they had arithmancy next, and he would lean against the corridor and sleep
learned how to sleep hunched over so it looked like he was focusing on class (begs whoever he’s sitting with to wake him up)
why does he do this?
“i’m saving up my energy for later”
he’s a quidditch beast
part of the quidditch team, originally tried out for seeker but they realized he couldn’t go fast enough without loosing his balance on his broom
he switched to being a beater, which the team found out he was very good at aha great power comes with great biceps
everyone falls in love with him when he’s on the pitch
he looks big and scary and ultra focused
and they realized after 3 games that he focuses so much because he aims the bludger to hit the player’s upper thigh only (this prevents player from taking a fall and just bruise, not break a bone)
once he accidentally sent his bludger flying too hard and knocked the chaser off, but he was faster than the seeker and caught them (followed the poor chaser for a week saying sorry and giving them semi burnt cookies he made with xiaojun)
gets confessed to every other day and just says “thanks”
but why don’t you ever reject them? 
why deny that i’m handsome?
that makes no sense
as with rejecting them! 
but truly is an angel
he even got winwin to actually converse with him
he makes everyone feel comfortable, talks to everyone and just hangs around when they don’t want to, offering company
overall 10/10. his cockiness about his looks just makes him endearing since everyone knows he can’t break someone’s heart.
ravenclaw, halfblood
kun’s reincarnation
but there’s one problem
he’s still immature
you would think he’s the prime example of a ravenclaw
practices his passions all the time
likes doing brain-productive things
reads about anything he finds interesting
goes in and out of their tower because he thinks solving the riddles is fun
but ho ho ho oh oh no
he’s a little devil
makes snarky comebacks under his breath that takes a little bit for you to understand
makes things harder on purpose just for fun and because he’ll be the only one able to do it
has a joke for EVERYTHING and never repeats them so i guess he can get away with that
he’s a little menace to the society but he can get away with it because it’s all just minor inconveniences
but we all know minor inconveniences are the most annoying things
likes to annoy kun the most because he understands and reacts immediately
doesn’t like to annoy the hufflepuffs because they just smile at him in confusion
despite that, he’s also a little sweetheart
remembers everything his friends say, so he’s always there to remind them
reminds kun about a test he has to retake, ten about his changing patrolling schedule, winwin’s meeting with a professor, lucas’ need to polish his broom after dinner, hendery’s homework, and yangyang about that incoming howler from his parents
when he realized he’s such a great asset, he became a bit nosy too
likes to meddle with all of his friends’ business
so if someone wants to find any of the six, he can tell you a vague description where they are
because of course he’s not gonna tell you lucas is by the lake practicing his swinging, he’s gonna tell you he’s brushing up on his quidditch skills so you’d go running to the pitch
this way he’s not technically doing anything wrong to both parties
one day, kun asks why he likes doing this
“it makes me feel like a king maker. feeding things into their tiny brains and knowing exactly what they’ll be doing”
“that’s not exactly what a king maker does”
“yeah but does it look like i want them to be more powerful than me?”
co-parents a dog with lucas
aka lucas asked him to take care of bella while he’s in practice but he forgot to take her back with him for 2 days so now bella thinks she lives in the ravenclaw tower too
does random errands for his friends as a way of apologizing (but really just as a leverage so he can cause more trouble)
his ultimate goal was to brainwash everyone so they couldn’t live without him and he succeeded????
now they’re the receiving end of all the sermons his professors give him (you wouldn’t expect it, but he causes quite a ruckus in class)
but still, at the end of the day, they choose to sit next to him at the ravenclaw table during dinner
overall 7/10. he’s annoying, but he’s good at everything he does and helps his friends out in different ways. which makes him more annoying because why? why not
gryffindor, muggleborn
does not understand magic. like at all
the only reason he’s still managing is because he refuses to be beaten by xiaojun
he doesn’t know why he’s in gryffindor but anyone who’s ever met him can vouch for the sorting hat
he’s courageous in the way he faces learning magic (it won’t hurt me, i’m magic) he's brave to speak up to anyone and ask for help when he needs it, and most of all, he has the nerve to get right into winwin’s face
surprisingly good at harder spells than that of his year level, so he’s in a few higher level classes
the reason being he wants to save face when with upperclassmen so he actually focuses real hard and actually understands 
because when he’s with his friends, his mind goes wandering and he can’t focus his magic 
a very strange wizard indeed
imagine getting help from xiaojun to levitate a piece of parchment but can explain to ten how to brew an advanced potion
he’s very confident in his abilities
why would he be nervous to stay after curfew??
if filch catches you
then don’t i just have to avoid him??
but has realistic fears
will not go near a broom
yeah okay the broom can fly, but can he?? he can’t even levitate a piece of parchment, how can he levitate himself?
also very practical
lucas kept struggling since he kept spilling his ink pot so he handed him a pen
“dude i forgot these existed!” “who writes with feathers??”
the most laid back yet extra ordinary wizard ever
you can start a conversation with him and he can keep it going for hours on end
very friendly, will talk to anyone but the downside to this is that he talks to everyone like they’re his friends asdkjshjkd even mcgonagall
overall 7/10. uses magic to solve trivial muggle things and still makes bets with yangyang up to this day.
slytherin, pureblood
a force to be reckoned with
spend a day with him and your ears will bleed
why?? does?? he?? talk?? so?? much??
his friends always complain but everyone else in the castle can’t see why
in the eyes of a stranger, he’s actually cold and reserved, hard to approach
but if you actually knew him
oh boy you’d want to not
can talk for hours
he and hendery wanted to know just how long he could talk
so they timed it
talked for 9 hours straight, no one knows how they managed
good thing this talking is actually useful
he likes to recite during class, always has a lengthy explanation for his answers
people aren’t the only one he talks to
he talks to the ghosts and to the paintings, greeting them a lovely day or whatever
besides talking, he also has another passion–quidditch
he plays as chaser for his house, often times taking his time to freshen up, so he goes back at about midnight during thursdays
good thing ten patrols during thursdays
speaking of ten, he’s been a brother figure for him all his life
so when he was introduced to winwin, he got so excited because he had another brother
by the end of the night, fourth year winwin knew everything about first year yangyang
he loooves his buddy
tries to do everything with winwin but he doesn’t let him
despite being too much to handle, winwin actually likes him too (but don’t let yangyang know)
likes to do dumb dares with hendery
isn’t really into pranking and getting all up into other’s business, so they manage their mischief between the two of them
and the whole of hogwarts just enjoys and guesses which of the two would be the one running around the great hall in their pajamas
yangyang actually encourages his fellow slytherins to stop sticking among themselves
mostly because he’s tired of them bugging him to “go ask your gryffindor friend if there’s homework on-”
at the end of the day, all his slytherin friends have been adopted by ten, took a liking to kun, and watches lucas, xiaojun and hendery fool around for entertainment
that being said, he loves his friends
thankful that he has classes with at least one of them for all his classes
all his professors have learned to sit him next to them, otherwise he’ll just slack off and stare into oblivion
he’s actually more productive when he has someone to remind him to be
okay maybe sitting him next to hendery wouldn’t result to school productivity
overall 9/10. it would be an 8 but he actually does acknowledge he talks too much.
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supercharmed-forever-mine · 4 years ago
Today I will be addressing SuperCorp and some of the issues that have been floating around about fandom. And I will be saying some stuff that both is for it and could be used against it even though I am ultimately a super big supercorp fan. Like it says in the tags you're free to express your opinion but they will not be changing mine but I am always open-minded to opinions that can actually be explained and eloquently expressed (receipt's needed) and aren't just basic. Also just so what is noted I have been a part of this fandom since the first episode I have literally shipped Kara with everyone from Lucy to Cat even James.But Lena has just stuck out the most for me but I'm Equal opportunity.
Number #1, Lena's character in no way shape or form has ever been xenophobic she has never once shown any hate towards aliens her problem with Kara in season 5 Wasn't because she was an alien it was because she was a "Super" like Kara could have been a flying purple fucking octopus from the planet of shzjxfdf and Lena wouldn't have gave two fucks but no she was a "Super"but let's dig deeper on that point if we really look at why she was mad it wasn't even the whole alien aspect it was because she wasn't told and no I don't think she's entitled to it but I do think it played into the fact of a trust issue she has with the fact that people would think she would be just like Lex if she had been told Sooner. Which is disproved in 5x13 (also personal note: I also think she wouldn't have reacted half as bad if Kara had just told her that night at game night or the next day when she wanted to probably still would have been pissed but not to the same extent). But okay with that being said I do disagree with the kryptonite entrapment torture scene and basically half the s*** she did in season 5 it was shown that she truly can tap into her Luthor side and be dark when wanted but fortunately she does always return to the light and in all fairness it has been shown several times that Kara has a dark side of her own that could rival the luthors.
Number #2, I do disagree with the abuse of actresses and actors just because of a ship and or character they play don't blame them it's just a job they have I think Melissa and Katie do a beautiful job of bringing Kara and Lena's characters to life couldn't imagine anybody else playing them.
Number #3, I also will say about the reason bombarding of comments on Nicole's social media at least I saw the video via tiktok in that video was fucking hilarious I love Nia, Dreamer,and Nicole in general she's funny and beautiful and is an advocate for everything good in life and well it is normal to even ask other actors if they have the scoop on anything it does not mean we need to be bombarding them in videos on something relating to their character or their love of something a simple comment or so maybe but what I saw NO.
Number #4, The William of it all well I think though his character seems like a nice gentleman he also seems to be bland as hell also I did not know he was a POC to be honest I thought he was a tan white man and we'll be doing further research on people in the future as I can learn from my ignorance also but unrelated I did not know that the woman who played Maggie was apparently just a tan white woman I thought she was of some sort of Hispanic descent but apparently not according to various things I've read on here tonight... But anyways back to William I feel like a lot of people might have perceived him as a white man therefore that might play into the whole scenario of people hate that they just want two white woman together when it proves if she was a man they wouldn't give two f**** about it whether that's true or not I don't know but mine two cents.
Number #5, I will never bash someone for being for or against a certain ship and or character and well I am allowed to certainly disagree with their opinion all opinions are valid because we all see the world a different way some see it bright and shiny and others like I'll admit myself see it through the glasses of trauma. And I think that's why we all have the opinions we do most of the time when you like a shipper character it's because you relate to them somehow even if it's the most minor thing to someone else it might be huge for you. You never know what the person on the other side of the screen is going through in those characters or ship or fanfiction might have literally saved their lives.
Sidenote: Like okay personal story I was been both mentally and sexually abused as a child so I relate to both Kara and Lena respective childhood trauma so that draws me to them. And I kind of see them both as the opposite attract trope (two side of the same coin) because well we never fully get over trauma Kara had a great support system with the Danvers whereas Lena didn't get that with the luthors I mean sure she had Lex at first but even that was only to a certain extent because of his psychopathy that was starting to manifest he couldn't perceive human emotions the same as Lena who in my opinion is just a big mushy nerd who can be a badass when needed as evident by the season 6 episodes after she's quit L-Corp she's constantly trying to help out inventing new stuff and she's wondering how Nia's suit works and it just shows that she just has a curious mind and also she looks happier even with the guilt she feels over Kara's phantom zone incident when Nia called her a part of the family that smile could lit up a city all she's ever wanted is to belong and I can relate to that therefore to her.
Number #6, I feel like this should have been addressed in earlier number but as far as sexuality goes I would want to believe Kara is pansexual because of everything I've ever read and saw I don't believe she perceived sexuality like humans do because of her Kryptonian upbringing for the first good chunk of the life. Like even though she says she's not gay in the first episode, A. It was the first episode so they didn't even know where the story was going in future seasons if they got them also that means maybe she just didn't perceive herself as the Earth's definition of gay. B. Even in the first season she made a comment about how she bought Lucy was gorgeous and hell she would date her. C. She made some comments about Irma and other woman that don't sound totally heterosexual and don't get me wrong women can admire the beauty and intelligence of other women without it being sexual but as a bisexual woman it just struck a cord in me you can tell the difference when it's coming from a straight woman mouth. Now on the subject of her and Lena strictly I do think there are instances of "queerbaiting"because just because you perceive they haven't been promised to us doesn't mean that some of us haven't picked up on things or the fact that they're simply queerbating because somehow they do hype up Kara and Lena to keep a nice chunk of the audience who ships them mainly those of the gay variety interested in the show which is also considered queerbaiting. Also the fact that they've been called sisters or family or my personal favorite "that's what friends are for"doesn't mean crap because honestly at this point the overuse of friends just sounds more like they're trying to convince themselves than us.*** Also I don't know about you but even on the basic level of things they've done I've never shown half those feelings towards my friends and the ones I have it's because I started to think of them as more than friends.
Now with Lena's sexuality no they have never shown her as anything besides straight canonically but don't get me wrong she totally sends off that college experimentation vibe especially with Andrea for some reason but that may just be me.
Number #7, my main point is let's just be kind to one another because guess what there is toxicity from every ship in a fandom there will always be shitty people on both sides and then there will be those of us who just want to see the characters together for one reason or another and yes I'm not afraid to admit that part of my reasons I want to see two gorgeous woman kiss sue me LOL.
Number #8, the conclusion of my rant is that how about we leave the hating to the ones who want to do that and the rest of us like adults or whatever your age is in the fandom that has any type of maturity behave because I truly do wish the best and in the end well I hope they end up together I'm realistic that they probably won't especially due to the CW Network motto of "homophobia and racism"because they've already broken up several good gay and interracial couples on that show. But at the end of the day my true wish is just that all of the characters end up happy and healthy.
Best of luck to all shippers out there anti and supercorp and or any other couple alike may we try to make it out of this with a modicum of sanity and even if they fail us we always have fanfiction thank you and good night.
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lys-lilac · 4 years ago
Which subjects will the MLQC boys be good at?
Hello! How is everyone? I hope everyone is doing well.
Okay, let me share something about me today. I am a high school student in my final year, with Science stream. One day, I don’t know how, but all of a sudden, I thought, “Which subjects will the MLQC boys be good at...?” My work stuff lies in my studies, like MC’s in her variety programs. So, as a science student, this came to my mind--
Victor-- Mathematics
(the code color for math in our school is also red!)
There is no more perfect subject to attach him with. As a CEO of LFG, his calculations and analytical skills must be excellent (best, actually). In the game, we see that along with business, he also has great knowledge when it comes to classical music. And if you have watched the anime, then in episode 7, we see that when MC is in the hospital, there is an excel sheet opened in his system with flashing numbers every second. There’s also a date where Victor is lying on the floor with the tablet in his hands, with some data and pie charts. One with great patience will only be able to work with that. So, every time I sit to practice math, I always become happy when I solve a bunch of complex algebraic and analytical problems at one go. At least I am preparing myself how to be consistent, and I will be able to deal with problems, just like him. ( and I don’t have to think about getting a rejection from him) . And a pudding will be there, haha...
 If math wouldn’t have been there, the world would not have been the modern and advanced world that we know. Stock exchange, data analysis and even complex calculations that estimate the age of the Sun, the Earth wouldn’t have been there from the first, thus crushing our curiosity. Or let me say this, the world would have been stopped right in its tracks. I think that’s the reason I always find plenty of time for practicing math, and I enjoy that time, thinking and solving.
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Gavin-- Physics
Since childhood, I have had a great interest for astrophysics. Stars, planets, galaxies... these always pique my interest whenever I watch at a clear sky, and that pumps me up to resume my work and duties. So you have guessed why I chose him. Gavin has an amazing knowledge when it comes to astrophysics, and he also found out in a second about the warping incident in the game. One more reason why I attached him to physics because of his evol, wind control. Things such as velocity, acceleration, gravity is totally related to this. So, I couldn’t help myself... Whenever I get a difficult concept understood by myself without my help, I get delighted and pretend that Gavin is encouraging me to move ahead and solve more questions. And like that, I don’t even realize that a couple of hours has been spent practicing.
Physics is awesome! When it comes to Physics, I couldn’t help myself but think that the world’s birth, the beauty of galaxies that we get to see, and the natural phenomenon that we encounter in everyday life, are made understandable to humanity through Physics. Starting from basic activities such as walking, listening to news to even the internet connection here that connects all of us, is made possible because of Physics. That’s the reason why I love the time I give to Physics everyday, getting to know about the world a little more.
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Lucien-- Biology/ Biotechnology
This is obvious. I am not totally a biology student, but a student of biotechnology. And it deals with all the technological forms of Biology, such as DNA fingerprinting, genetics, bioinformatics, cell culture and so on. As a genius neuroscientist, the analysis and theories that Lucien gives through the game always help me a lot. From the first chapter itself, I was surprised to find out that I will get to know advanced knowledge of my opted subject from here, which is great! Don’t mind me, but when Lucien started talking about the evolved genes in anime, the diagram there made me jump off my seat, as that was the exact one I had read recently in my classes, and that was just a type of revision! The theory of evolution by Charles Darwin, red queen hypothesis, Cat paradox, are all the theories that I had only heard or read in journals. Discovering them in the game made to analyse and investigate on these topics and know about them more.
The diseases that lie among us, the solutions for these, the life cycles of the organisms that are not even visible, and the modifications done in plants and animals, to make them more competent, to resist various stresses are all a contribution of Biology. So, knowing about them has always been of a constant interest to me. If only I can be Lucien’s apprentice and know more about Biology...
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Kiro-- English
Again, I can’t help myself. Apart from the science that makes us know about the world, literature is a different field, but always drives away our stress, and sets us at ease (like this story’s plot, isn’t it?) I feel when MC is feeling down, tired from her endless work, Kiro always finds unique ways to make her feel better. Also, he is a fabulous song-writer, because one can say it just by listening to the lyrics he sings in the Christmas date and confession date. Like he says, 
“We must stay in the darkness to defend the light”. 
English always is the base that we should have to understand about various aspects of life, like Science, civilizations in the past, and so on. It is a special field that other subjects couldn’t be understood without. And doesn’t literature makes life more meaningful? It is the subject which can leave us in any emotion, maybe it is delightedness, smiling, or crying. Just like him
I have always found literature as a solution of my escape from confusion, anger and anxiety. Just a chapter of any story, novel and I am ready to restart. It is hands down, an inseparable part of me. 
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Shaw-- Chemistry 
I was not left with any other options, but that fits him, so no problem!
Honestly, we have only got a glimpse of him in the game, so I don’t know him 100 % now. But, based on the concept of his character till now, nothing suits him more other than Chemistry. I mean, this guy always teases MC. So does chemistry. Whenever I am in the organic section, after solving a problem, I feel that next one is teasing me, challenging if I could solve it or not. (Just joking, I feel it’s him who teases me to do the next one)  And that is just enough to make me determined to do it, then and then only! 
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(I didn’t get any other suitable picture of him...)
Maybe all these thoughts are just because I constantly try to find motivation from anything I do in my studies, and this helps me to a great extent to stay productive throughout the day. These are just my personal opinions! If you find inspiration from them in any other subjects, let me know! 
Until next time! 
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yeonchi · 4 years ago
Kisekae Insights #24: GJ Club - how a spinon became a spinoff featuring Kyōya and Kasumi Shinomiya
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(Art by 結城辰也)
The Kisekae Insights series has allowed me to bring the spotlight back on Waifu Network animes that I haven’t posted much about in the past due to lack of fanart or lack of interest. Like Hidamari Sketch in the last instalment, GJ Club will be no exception until I continue posting the usual content in my anime posts. Honestly, it was good while it lasted.
While Hidamari Sketch is a fairly popular and notable anime, GJ Club, sadly, isn’t. The anime was adapted from the light novel series written by Shin Araki and it only received one 12-episode season in 2013 and an OVA in 2014. Since it is a slice-of-life series, not much is known about the characters’ histories, which made it very easy to adapt into my personal project. All these factors coinciding with it being the 50th anniversary year of Doctor Who made GJ Club the perfect anime to adapt and expand on.
Background information
For some reason, the light novel has been a bit hard to find. In short, while you are able to read it online, the sources are unfortunately scarce.
From 2013 to 2015, NanoDesu Translations posted translations of the light novel. They published a PDF and EPUB of the first volume (which is available on archive.org) and translated up to Chapter 17 of the second volume. It was then abandoned for two years before Haraguro Scanlations picked it up. As of September 2018, they only finished up to Chapter 3 of the third volume (with the first chapter being translated by Shadowys on Baka-Tsuki) and there are no further updates after that, with the exception of a one-off chapter released in November 2020.
As of August 2021, however, all the original translations by NanoDesu seem to have been deleted from their site. All the translations are available on AsiaNovel, but there are no illustrations because the reader doesn’t seem to support images. If the images weren’t discarded in the code of the novels, then all they would need to do is add support for them and then they would appear.
There are 9 volumes and two special volumes for GJ Club along with 8 volumes and a special volume for its middle school spinoff. It’s honestly telling how popular the series was when the translators have all but abandoned it.
Shin Araki also wrote an additional spinoff to GJ Club, namely GE: Good Eater, and a sequel, namely KB Club. GE is set in a fantasy world with the characters being based off the characters of GJ Club, while KB Club turns everything meta by having both series be the creations of a high school light novel club, with the characters of GJ Club being based off the members of said club, right down to their names. Honestly, I’m not a big fan of that approach given how I’ve adapted GJ Club into my personal project. In the end, I guess we’ll never really know what happens in the novels, but at least we have this.
Watching the anime and listening to the character music was how I first realised that anime was sexist to males because of the female-centric focus in most animes. Kyōya only gets one character song in the series, and even then it’s a duet with Megumi. If that isn’t sexist to you, then I don’t know how I can convince you that a lot of animes are sexist.
In January 2015, I published two posts outlining my idea for an English dub of the series that also fits with GJ Club’s depiction in my personal project. The setting would be changed to London, England, specifically the areas of Chiswick, Ealing and Acton (where their school is located) and the characters would speak with British accents. The images in the original post are dead because I idiotically copied the images from the site instead of saving and reuploading them to the post, but since I’m grubbing for content anyway, I’m going to repost my character details as follows:
Kyōya: The protagonist of the series. When he started Year 10, he was kidnapped by the girls when he walked into an old school building, hoping to find the Culture Club. He moved to London from Manchester just before he started Year 7. His best friend outside the club is someone named Tesshin Yokomizo (横溝徹心) who is a local and not seen in the anime. In the GJ Club, he is nicknamed “Kyoro” and despite his spinelessness, he seems to have talent in dealing with the girls around him. His birthday is December 18. Due to a crisis involving his family during his childhood, he and his sister Kasumi were left in the care of a family guardian just before they moved to London, but she left when Kyōya started Year 10. It might have been that childhood incident that emotionally scarred him and left him spineless…
Mao: The Year 11 president of the GJ Club. Her family is rich and they live in a mansion in Ealing. She has a habit of biting and picking on Kyōya when she is bored or angry. She always reads books and watches shows without kissing scenes.
Shion: The only daughter in her family, Shion is an expert chess player with many brothers, all experts in some kind of activity. She speaks in a Birmingham (Brummie) accent because her mother and a few of her brothers were born in Birmingham. It is unknown if Shion was born in Birmingham herself.
Megumi: The calm and nice middle sister of the Amatsuka family. She likes knitting and she is always seen making tea and cakes in the club room. In the same year level as Kyōya.
Kirara: Born in Swansea, Wales, Kirara is the tallest and strongest member of the club. She speaks English in simple, monotone sentences. Welsh is her first language. Kirara can be seen eating meat, sometimes sharing it with Kyōya, but not with anyone else. She is afraid of spiders and has little tolerance to alcohol.
Tamaki: (voiced by Karen Gillan!) The newest member of the GJ Club when Kyōya becomes a Year 11 student. Like Kyōya, she is kidnapped and forced to join the club. Her nickname is “Tama”. Her family is from Glasgow and they run a Shinto shrine in Acton. She has several younger siblings.
Kasumi: Kyōya’s younger sister, who was born in Manchester. After a visit to the GJ Club, she becomes inspired to start a middle school division when she starts Year 7. She has a brother complex and she mistook Mao for being a primary school student when she met her. Her proficiency in Welsh is better than her brother’s, who can probably speak at a beginner level.
Geraldine: Shortened to “Jill”. She moved to Chiswick from Swansea to be with her sister, Kirara. She first met Kyōya at Ealing Broadway Station when she had difficulty buying a Tube ticket. She didn’t really understand how to use the ticket machine, so Kyōya went to help her. After this, Jill considered Kyōya her “samurai master”. Jill doesn’t speak English fluently, so she relies on her whiteboard to communicate with the others. She is as strong as her sister and she joins Kasumi’s GJ Club when she starts Year 7 in Chiswick.
Seira: The youngest sister of the Amatsuka family. Though she speaks in a typical London accent, she sometimes talks through her cat clip in Received Pronunciation (the Queen’s English/RP) using ventriloquism to state her true feelings to Kyōya, who she has a grudge against.
Mori: The maid of the Amatsuka family. She likes to ride a motorcycle.  A running gag is her twirling before Kyōya much to his pleasure and annoyance to the rest of the club members. Sometimes, her mother takes her place without the family even noticing due to their identical appearance.
Kyōya, Kasumi and Momoka: The Brother, the Child and the Yandere
Normally in previous instalments, I would have described each character separately, but because their backstories are heavily intertwined, I will introduce them all at once in this section. Most of the backstory takes place around the Battle of Koshi Castle in December 2013 and during the Manchester Campaign of 2005-2013, which I have already covered in #15.
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When Hiroki Ichigo’s twelfth incarnation was killed at Koshi Castle, he managed to escape in his TARDIS, where he regenerated into his new prototype, namely a four-year-old Kyōya. The TARDIS crashes outside North Manchester General Hospital on 11 December 2005.
Earlier, Hiroki and Akari’s gametes (along with those of Hiroki’s brothers and their families) were taken by Reona Yukawa and placed in the Progenitor so that they could breed super-soldiers out of them. When Takumi Kamijō and Kyōko Sakura manage to escape from their cells (saving Nodoka Manabe and Azusa Nakano in the process), he changes the destination of the baby about to be released into the Progenitor’s time portal. That baby was Kasumi, one of the super-soldiers grown from Hiroki and Akari’s DNA. She ended up at the same hospital as well and was about to be taken home by a couple when Girl Power killed them, resulting in Kasumi being taken by Akari and Shaun.
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What remained of Hiroki was contacted by the spirit of Walpurgisnacht. Making a deal with her, Hiroki regenerated into his thirteenth incarnation, the female Momoka Mizutani. No, Momoka is not an OC for GJ Club, but she is based on the character of Apple Lam Chung-yan from the TVB drama A Great Way to Care II, played by Tavia Yeung. Momoka takes Hiroki’s TARDIS and heads to Salford, where with the help of Walpurgisnacht, she establishes a cha chaan teng café in the middle of a trading estate and hires a group of red drone Daleks as her workers, hiding their identities by having them disguise themselves as humans.
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Over the next eight years, Momoka gets close to the new Shinomiya family by influencing them through Kyōya’s dreams to come to her café. Eight years later, on 11 December 2013, the Fourth and Fifth Doctors come in with their companions. When the Shinomiya family come in, a confrontation with Ayaka Kikuchi and her army ensues before Momoka transmats the Shinomiya family to a Dalek spaceship, where she prepares to execute them using the Yashio’ori. However, the Yashio’ori is sabotaged by the enemy army so that the laser beam would not charge.
As Ayaka and her army attack the Dalek ship, Momoka uses the Dalek-enhanced machine guns to fend them off. While two Doctors confront the Master, Momoka is killed by Girl Power officers, resulting in Walpurgisnacht taking over her body as she regenerates, maintaining her current appearance. Read #15 to find out what happens after this.
Once the Battle of Koshi Castle and the Manchester Campaign conclude, the Fourth Doctor helps Kyōya and Kasumi move to Chiswick in 2008. Five years later, the events of the GJ Club anime take place. During his time in Chiswick, Kyōya gets a job at the post office there and later, studies a double degree in Japanese Studies and Politics at SOAS in the University of London while also learning Cantonese, Mandarin and Welsh in weekend and evening courses (apparently he also wanted to learn Taiwanese but they weren’t running any courses, but that’s alright, he can always learn it somewhere else, which he presumably did).
On a side note, I volunteered myself to be Kyōya’s English voice actor, so I’ve practiced my Mancunian accent by watching actors like Christopher Eccleston, Stephen Tompkinson, Karl Pilkington and maybe a bit of Peter Kay as well. The only problem was that I’m not even sure that my accent is even Manc because I can’t tell if I’m getting it wrong and sounding like someone from Liverpool, Yorkshire, Newcastle or even Scotland. Oh well, that’s what happens when you really get into things.
I don’t buy expansion packs, I make my own (budget allowing)
So as I said, GJ Club only got one season and an OVA to go with it. Do Kyōya and the GJ Club make further appearances in the series? You bet your ass they do.
After being absent for much of the Next Gen Series in 2014, Kyōya and Kasumi receive a letter from their aunt, Narutaki, asking to meet in Hong Kong after their mother, Akari, went missing following the Siege of Ōsaka, only to be followed by Mao and the rest of the GJ Club, who learnt where he was going and managed to get on the same flight as them.
Narutaki, who had taken her Girl Power friends and established a rogue faction separate from the main group, takes the GJ Club to Nijō Castle, where she explains the background behind the Manchester Campaign and the events of Series 8 and 9. Soon after, Girl Power’s commander, Daniel, sends his brother, Nathan, out to find Narutaki. Kyōya tries to contact Hiroki, but he is unable to get through to him. Luckily, the TARDIS arrives and the Doctor and Hiroki help Angela and the others repel the attacking Girl Power forces. Some more things happen and by the end of the story, we learn that Kyōya and Mao are dating.
That Christmas, Kyōya and Kasumi head up to Manchester, but the Doctor briefly takes them and their friends back to Hong Kong for a picnic with Hiroki and the rest of the Zhuge family.
A few years later in 2018, the GJ Club and Momoka get a cameo at the start and end of the Gokaiger TV movie special. By this point in time, Momoka’s café in Manchester has expanded to many other branches around the UK and in Hong Kong.
The next year in 2019, Kyōya, Kasumi, Mao and Megumi are featured in a four-part adventure in Soulbound Series 3, helping the cast solve the mystery of Parker’s past and Shinbu’s origins. Two years after in 2021, Kyōya and Kasumi move to Hong Kong (along with the GJ Club) and join the Superhero Project as the new ShinkenRed and ZyuohTiger. You’d think Kyōya would be against violence given his harmless tendencies, but I suppose his character has developed over the years despite having abandonment issues.
So this has been the involvement of GJ Club in my personal project. It’s a shame the series wasn’t more popular or it could have gotten a second season, a manga, more (and frequent) translations of the light novel or hell, even a licenced release. This series is just like Sea Princesses in how popular it was, but despite the number of episodes the anime got, at least Shin Araki hasn’t abandoned the series (by putting it in a spinoff no less) unlike Fabio Yabu, who hasn’t made anything new for Sea Princesses since 2010 after getting more animated episodes than GJ Club did. On the other hand though, neglected series with little material has been good development fodder for my personal project as it allowed me to bring awareness to the existence of those series while also developing backstories and afterstories for them.
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