#6w5 9w1 2w3
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mistype360 · 7 months ago
questions to type yourself (enneagram edition)
how do you set boundaries with the world around you? (do you assert yourself, do you blend in, do you please others, etc etc)
how do you act during stress? (are you more positive, do you stay calm and try to be "objective," do you get emotional, etc etc)
how do you act in anger? do you experience it often?
how do you act in shame? do you experience it often?
how do you act in fear? do you experience it often?
how do you act in relation to others in conflict? (withdraw, go-with-the-flow, upfront, etc)
how do you "get what you want?" (more demanding + straightforward, believe it should be earned, focus on self, etc etc)
what is your coping mechanism? (do you distract yourself, do you try to act more neutral, stay in denial, try to rationalize, etc)
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lemonthepotato · 1 year ago
I was originally gonna post this on r/enneagram but changed my mind. Please help if you can. <3
Expressing yourself through song lyrics sure is cringy and edgy. Glad I didn’t do that this post. Also, yes, this post will be long asf too. Sorry, but I’m bad at compressing things. If you don’t want to read it, don’t. Go on. Do something else. I don’t blame you lol. I understand if you don’t want to read allathat. Idk I’ll prolly delete this. Maybe.
Some of this borders on yapping but I cut a lot of irrelevant shit.
Haha… 69. I’m just saying, a part of me really wants my tritype to be 69X. It would be funny. Sorry, I’ll grow up. One day. Also, here’s a cringy little slideshow. Hope you like it.
SO. The consensus last time was that I was either a 6 or a 9, so while I’m skeptical, I went to research the differences. Starting with RHETI.
Before you say “look at core motives” isn’t the whole point of core motives that they’re subconscious? I don’t think it would help.
(Yes, I’m serious about using RHETI. Sorry, it’s convenient.)
“These types are actually frequently mistyped. Sixes and Nines are both concerned with security and with maintaining some kind of status quo situation.” Uh, no, I hate the status quo. And I’m not sure what security even means. I mean, yeah, negative change makes me upset, but positive change is good. And my life is so boring that I assure you, the status quo is not what I am interested in maintaining. I need a change. I’m constantly striving towards a better, more action-filled life.
“They are both family-oriented, and both tend to take modest views of themselves.” Nope. I’m actually pretty anti-natalist, and have no interest in ‘starting a family.’ My mortality is my burden to bear, not any hypothetical child’s. I don’t care for my family either, they’re all corrupt. And ‘modest’… maybe. I put on, and have for many years, a false bravado, but on the inside, I think I am kinda modest? I’ve always been told my writing is amazing, but truthfully, I don’t think it’s very good compared to other authors. I think I have a bad-okay singing voice, better than some other people. My art is bad. I think I know my skills. People praised my baking, but I thought it was just meh. I always think people are lying when they compliment me, which isn’t often.
“In short, Nines like to remain easy-going and unflappable. Nines work steadily at their tasks, but show little sign of being upset by the day's ups and downs. Sixes, on the other hand, cannot easily disguise their feelings. They get more easily worked-up and rattled by mishaps.” Well I definitely lean six there. I mean, I can disguise my feelings easily, except my anger. It’s the only emotion I can’t hide, and I’m easy to piss off.
“While Nines can remain silent within their own inner peace, Sixes need to vent with others periodically to discharge their fears and doubts.” Leaning six there, but if I feel rejected then I don’t vent. The closest recently was when I complained in a gc about low-content authors saturating the market on KDP. I tend to take a very strong stance when stating an opinion, and I may or may not have said “I want them to shove their year planners up” andddd you can guess the rest. From an objective standpoint, I know there’s not much wrong with making low content books… my problem should more be focused on bots stealing from authors, but I just, I guess exaggerate my anger?
“Sixes are more obviously nervous and defensive when they believe there are problems. Nines remain strangely bland in the face of problems, although beneath the pleasant surface of average Nines, there is stubborn resistance and an unwillingness to be upset or troubled by conflicts or problems.” Lean six there. If someone pisses me off, I’m not gonna reject my emotions.
“tend to be suspicious of unknown people and situations–they need to test people before they let them get close. Nines may be protected by the disengagement of their attention, but they tend to be trusting of others–almost to a fault.” Nope, always been more six there.
“Of course, under stress, when moving in their Direction of Disintegration, Nines will begin to act out some of the behaviors of average Sixes, and for this reason, some Nines will mistype themselves as Sixes. But such periods of overt anxiety generally do not last long. As soon as possible, Nines revert to their more easy going approach to things.” Well… I don’t know. I mean, I’ve always been very reactive and angry.
Sx6: Okay so, denying fear is a 50/50. If someone intimates me, I usually will fight back, but sometimes if they break me too much, I’ll break down. I definitely feel “you’re only as strong as you think you are.” But I don’t want to give off the idea that I’m strong physically, only emotionally. I’ve always been seen as weak, and to a degree, I want to give off that weak, broken, lonely persona so I can be saved, or at the very least, used by someone drawn to that kind of person. Because… I am kinda weak. And I don’t mind being used, because from experience, even though being used has always sucked, I’ve never felt lonely by them. I can relate to being stubborn. I view everything as a challenge.
“These characters walk around with the idea that anyone can become dangerous, so they do everything they can to not feel cheated, manipulated, taken advantage of, or attacked.” Yeah, maybe more so nowadays. When I’m out of the house, I’m constantly wary of people.
“Despite being aggressive as part of their effort to intimidate through strength, Sx Sixes tend not to acknowledge their aggressive side and may not be aware of it-or at least of the intensity of it.” Nah, I’m pretty aggressive and aware of it. I don’t think it was always that way.
“They also tend to separate their emotions: aggression is disconnected from fear, and sex is disconnected from feelings of love and intimacy.” Eh? Maybe? Not really tbh.
“They may have the illusion that they are spontaneous, but they tend not to be.” …Is this true for me? Idk, maybe.
“Sx Sixes tend to be very contrarian.”
Very true for me honestly. Sometimes I’ll argue even when I agree with people.
“They also have difficulty in looking at things as black and white, as they can see multiple shades of gray in between everything.” Depends.
“Seeing themselves as constantly at fault, they also feel persecuted: they project their internal persecution externally. It is a form of paranoid thinking which incurs the following: other people are always ready to catch your faults, attack you, and criticize you, and if they do not, it is only because it is convenient for them to hide their intentions at the moment to ensure they punch down the line.” Oh 100%.
“Self-Preservation Sixes fear anger, aggression, provocation, and confrontation. Being afraid of other people's aggression means they can't let their own aggression out.” I mean yes, but no. I don’t immediately resort to anger if I know the person is a loose cannon, but at some point, I have to protect myself.
“As the most phobic of the three Sixes, the avoidant Self-Preservation subtype equates love with protection, and in looking for love they search for a source of security to compensate for an inner sense of insecurity. This Six wants to find a strong person to lean on, and they many be excessively friendly and giving as a way of preventing an attack from outside. In order to feel the strength they are lacking, the Self-Preservation Six attracts the affections or protection of somebody strong-the more forceful presence of another helps them to feel safer.” I mean yeah. I guess I’ve flipped between sp6 and sx6 behaviours my whole life. I feel like the only way to be liked is to either be completely aggressive or completely submissive. Those are the only versions of me that “exist.” I just can’t tell which is real.
So6: “Consciously or unconsciously, Social Sixes fear the disapproval of authorities and believe the way to be safe is to do the right thing as determined by an authority. And knowing what the right thing is means having clear rules that tell you how you should think and act.” Kinda. I’m just saying, it wouldn’t be hard to trick me into joining a cult, that’s all really.
“Social Sixes have an intolerance of ambiguity. They fear ambivalence and have little tolerance of uncertainty, because to them, uncertainty equals anxiety. As a result, they have a love of precision and see things more in terms of black and white than gray.” Kinda.
I don’t fear making mistakes.
Sx9: “Sx Nines unconsciously express a need to be through another- to gain a sense of "being" they don't find inside themselves through fusion with somebody else.” Yeah, but it’s not unconscious… anymore.
“These Nines feel a sense of loneliness or abandonment that seems like it can only be filled by another person, whether or not they realize it consciously.” True.
“The problem inherent in this stance, of course, is that true union- a real relationship between two people - requires that both people stand on their own feet before coming to meet each other.” Oh see, that kinda gave me a chill… no. I don’t want to be alone, ever. I don’t think I can be alone. I don’t like it.
“Sx Nines tend to be very kind, gentle, tender and sweet. They are the least assertive of the Nines.” 👎 nuh uh. I mean again, if it was in a context where I fully trusted someone then yeah but nuh uh.
“Sx Nines may also share central concerns with Type Twos in that they can lack a solid sense of self and then look to their important relationships as a way to find self-definition or a sense of identity. Twos differ from these Nines, however, in that they focus more attention on constructing an image. Twos also usually enjoy being the center of attention, while this is much less comfortable for Sx Nines.” I mean yeah, I love attention and always have, but no one in the last post suggested 2, so it’s unlikely I’m a 2. Maybe sp2, but still, I don’t think so. Maybe? Maybe not. Maybe…
Sp9: Basically sx9 but if their partner was a potato chip. Also, I might be a black and white thinker considering my dad just said he was making breakfast or lunch and my first thought was “well, it’s one or the other.” Sorry, not related.
Reading this is basically just how I acted from 2018-2021. Not a good time in my life. I don’t like being alone. I haven’t “resigned” myself to not finding love, my whole logic in those four years was “well, when I’m 18, I’m gonna work hard for the rest of my life, so I should enjoy these years before I can’t do it anymore.” which consisted of barely being able to leave the bed. So fun.
I mean no, I don’t use physical activity to create a self. Maybe through my work, but I don’t like slacking off, so maybe not.
Oh yeah, someone suggested I might be a 1 in the last post. The only 1 subtype I even closely relate to is the old version of sx1. Core type? Sure, to a degree. But idk. Most people said either 6 or 9 so I’m not sure. And 9w8 > 9w1 at that degree.
I don’t relate much to the core of 2. It’s more that I want to be looked after than looking after others. I feel the only way to serve others is to improve my appearance and serve them through giving myself to them. As for 3, I really related to a degree, but no one else agreed, and honestly, maybe you’re right. Not a 4, I’m nowhere near having enough of an identity to be a 4. 5 just makes no sense to me. 7 makes a lot of sense to me but I don’t relate to ignoring negative emotions. I’m not confident enough to be an 8. I guess that leaves me with 6 and 9, along with maybe 2 as an option. Maybe 3.
I think 9 is unlikely, honestly, so let’s narrow that to 6, 2 and 3. Definitely had a lot of sp2 behaviours as a kid. Lmao, I was gonna say “but honestly, I didn’t feel entitled cuz I did anything, just for existing” and that’s literally the next paragraph written about sp2. I’m not gonna fall into the trap of relating to subtype over core type, because I don’t really relate to the core type of 2. Maybe when I was younger. I remember when my parents argued, I would try and mediate things, because I didn’t like it, but I just got yelled at. I would also sometimes do things for others to get validation, but I don’t remember if it was a core trait.
Wanna hear a fun fact? Growing up, my mom fell for an MLM, so me and her went door to door shilling makeup products… yep, she used a little young innocent me who was acting very friendly to the people there, for some reason, to shill products. I don’t know why I was so friendly to those random people. To prove myself?
See I relate to 3, but no one agreed with that in the last post, so maybe not. I do relate to cultivating a persona and hiding negative traits. It’s why these posts are so hard to make. But, I’m not exactly GOOD at getting attention. I mean, growing up, I wasn’t very well liked even if I wanted to be popular. I’ve always wanted to be famous.
Six is complicated because I can relate to the core to a degree, but none of the subtypes, or 50/50 on each subtype. Nine is just… I don’t see much 9 in me.
Anyway, uhh, what else should I say? This post has dragged on long enough. If you want to read my other type me post, it’s like, the post before the last post on this account I think. It’s also very long.
Oh yeah, I had another brief friend that destroyed my trust by telling me to end my life by insulting me using insults based on the things I vented to him about. Hence once of the many reasons I have trust issues. That guy was very fucked up though. Tried stabbing his dad n shit. Pressured me into doing weird shit. Fucked shit man. Anyway. That’s all.
Ok, that’s all.
…I thought this would be shorter. Anyway, I guess if you have any questions/need elaboration, comment. Again I’m very sorry this post is long, I suck at compressing shit.
If the consensus is 9 again, then I’ll just accept that I was in ~DeNile.~ 😅 I just don’t think I’m calm enough.
Idk I’ll probably delete this post. It’s just- I’ve tried figuring it out on my own and it’s very difficult.
Edit: This post is old (5 months old) and I doubt I’m a 9. I was torn between 3 and 6 when I wrote this, then I got torn between 4 and 6. 4 and 6 have been the most consistent parts of my typing, so I settled on 4. Sometimes I wonder if I’m a 5 due to this but I have a very strange relationship with type 5? It was the type I questioned the least except for 8, and like, I never had any valid reason to deny it other than not ‘feeling’ like a five and the only type I considered was sx5 very briefly. I could go more in depth but 9 is very unlikely now. Also I don’t use wings anymore, at least the way people use em.)
Edit 2: This post is almost a year old and damn I needed to take a chill pill. A lot of this shit was caffeine + probably an ED + antidepressants (which aren’t bad inherently, but they weren’t a good mix w the caffeine) + other shit but I’m finally going to therapy soon so woohoo… I’m more chill now tho (I say, worrying I have stomach cancer because I have (1) symptom) I don’t overthink my identity anymore because I was struggling with severe dissociation due to all those factors and my body didn’t feel like my own. Crazy. Anyway. Maybe I shouldn’t have started drinking caffeine so young. My advice that no teen in their right mind would actually listen to? Stay AWAY from energy drinks and ‘eyeballing’ large (2) spoons of coffee. Also I’m vegan now lol.
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subconsciousmysteries · 2 years ago
Superego types waking up
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anime-addictt · 1 year ago
Spy x Family
Loid Forger - INTJ 6w5 so/ap
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Yor Forger - ISFJ 9w1 sx/so
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Anya Forger - ENFP 7w6 sx/so
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Yuri Briar - ENTJ 6w5 so/sx
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Fiona Frost - ISTJ 5w6 sx/sp
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Damian Desmond - ESTJ 3w4 sp/so
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Franky Franklin - ENTP 7w6 sp/so
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Becky Blackbell - ESFP 2w3 sx/so
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mordenandmerry · 11 months ago
I got bored so here’s all tma character’s enneagram numbers :)
Also yes all of them are the unhealthy versions of their types because this is the Magnus Archives
- Jon is a SCREAMING 5 because look at him. Fucking look at him. Probably 5w6 though.
- Martin is a 2w3. That man is very loyal and will put other people’s needs over his own but can also be very manipulative and aggressive when stressed.
- Jonah!Elias seems like an unhealthy 3w2 which is probably why I hate him :)
- Tim is definitely an 8w7 that covers his 8 with his 7 wing until s2
- Sasha wasn’t there for long but I’d say she’s a 1. I couldn’t say what her wing is, but 9 and 2 would fit.
- Melanie is an 8. She doesn’t even really need wings because DAMN is she an 8.
- Basira is a 6w5. She’s incredibly loyal, but very analytical.
- Daisy is an 8w9. She’s a very reserved person at times and sees both sides, but will gladly challenge people when necessary and go off at people (and also murder people but we don’t talk about that)
- Georgie is a 6w5. She somehow manages to keep a group of people alive through the apocalypse. She’s also a nerd for research.
Here’s some rapid fire ones:
Gertrude is 1w2, Peter Lukas is a 9w1, Gerry’s a 4, Simon’s a 7, Nikola Orsinov is a 3w4
I love the enneagram please debate with me over this or if you don’t know about the enneagram please research it.
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psychosophy · 1 month ago
Enneagram and MBTI Classpecting
I would like to start off that this is PURELY FOR FUN !!! Do not use this as an actual way to classpect yourself, this is just me throwing my interests into a pot and stirring them up LoL
Classes are based off of enneagram, since enneagrams are basically your biggest flaws/sins, the class you're assigned is meant to be your downfall and meant to challenge you in some way.
You are going to need to know your instinctual variant and enneagram type for this, but IV really only matters if you're a countertype
Down here is the guide on what is what, there is 4 different choices for each enneagram, specifically 2 wings, 1 encompassing the entire number itself (in case you feel like your wing isn't very prominent) and one for the enneagram countertype. If you are the countertype, this will override your wing anyway so you'll be the countertype class!
1w9: Sylph
1: Prince
1w2: Maid
Sx1: Bard
2w1: Prince
2: Maid
2w3: Bard
Sp2: Sylph
3w2: Page
3: Thief
3w4: Knight
Sp3: Rogue
4w3: Thief
4: Knight
4w5: Rogue
Sp4: Page
5w4: Heir
5: Seer
5w6: Witch
Sx5: Mage
6w5: Seer
6: Heir
6w7: Mage
Sx6: Witch
7w6: Knight 
7: Thief
7w8: Page
So7: Rogue
8w7: Maid
8: Prince
8w9: Sylph
So8: Bard
9w8: Mage
9: Heir
9w1: Seer
So9: Witch
Example of typing using this system, I was Sp7 with a high 8 wing, this means I'd be a Page!
Now onto aspects! Aspects are basically what encompasses you wholely, so I thought MBTI (specifically cognitive functions) would make the most sense to be used here since that encompasses how you think!
Each type is broken into either perceiving functions (ne/se/ni/si) or judging functions (fe/te/fi/ti). If you feel like you are DEFINITELY an extroverted perceiver (eg you know you're either Se/Ne, but don't know which one) then you'd choose the extroverted perceiving function !
Ne: Time 
Ni: Doom
Se: Life
Si: Space
Extroverted Perceiving: Light
Introverted Perceiving: Void
Fe: Blood
Fi: Heart
Te: Mind
Ti: Breath
Extroverted Judging: Rage
Introverted Judging: Hope
Using this system, I am somewhere between Ne and Se, making me an extroverted perceiver, therefore I'm a light player!
And combining the two, I am a Page of Light!
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thiakhoirunnisasblog · 1 month ago
General ranking of Enneagram types and wings based on their potential risk for suicidal tendencies, from the most to the least, keeping in mind that individual circumstances, mental health, and environment play significant roles:
1. Type 4 (The Individualist)
- Wing 5 (4w5): Most at risk due to their introspection, emotional intensity, and tendency to feel misunderstood or disconnected.
- Wing 3 (4w3): Slightly less at risk but still prone to self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy.
2. Type 6 (The Loyalist)
- Wing 5 (6w5): Higher risk due to anxiety, overthinking, and fear of abandonment.
- Wing 7 (6w7): Less likely but still susceptible due to fear-driven behaviors and dependency on others.
3. Type 5 (The Investigator)
- Wing 4 (5w4): At risk due to withdrawal, existential thoughts, and feelings of being overwhelmed.
- Wing 6 (5w6): Lower risk but still vulnerable due to anxiety and detachment.
4. Type 9 (The Peacemaker)
- Wing 1 (9w1): At risk due to suppressed emotions and fear of conflict.
- Wing 8 (9w8): Less likely but can struggle with passive-aggressive tendencies and avoidance.
5. Type 2 (The Helper)
- Wing 1 (2w1): More at risk due to feelings of unworthiness if their help is unappreciated.
- Wing 3 (2w3): Lower risk but can struggle with burnout and validation issues.
6. Type 1 (The Perfectionist)
- Wing 9 (1w9): More at risk due to self-criticism and internalized anger.
- Wing 2 (1w2): Less likely but may struggle with guilt and over-responsibility.
7. Type 7 (The Enthusiast)
- Wing 6 (7w6): More at risk due to anxiety and fear of being trapped.
- Wing 8 (7w8): Less likely due to their assertiveness and focus on enjoyment.
8. Type 3 (The Achiever)
- Wing 2 (3w2): More at risk if they feel like they’ve failed or lost their image.
- Wing 4 (3w4): Lower risk but can struggle with identity crises.
9. Type 8 (The Challenger)
- Wing 7 (8w7): Least at risk due to their resilience and focus on control.
- Wing 9 (8w9): Slightly more at risk but still tend to channel emotions into action.
Important Notes:
- This ranking is not absolute and varies greatly depending on personal circumstances.
- Suicide risk is influenced by a combination of mental health conditions, support systems, and coping mechanisms, not just personality type.
- If you or someone you know is struggling, professional help and support are crucial.
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m-v-tique · 10 months ago
Personality Typing AEWVS!
[*In honor of the game for how undeserving it was for it to be deleted.
Anyways I hate the commonality of all the characters just being blatantly 1w9 153’s so it may or may not be their actual type as long as it may be specified.*]
Viktor Strobovski
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 or 8w9 || 153, 853 or 835
Instinctual Variant: SX/SO, SP/SX, SX/SP, or SO/SP
Temperament: Choleric-Phlegmatic, Phlegmatic-Choleric, or Choleric (Dom)
Big 5 (*SLOAN): Social, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded/Inquisitive
Laura (Head Teacher)
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 || 153 or 163
Instinctual Variant: SP/SO or SP/SX
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dom) or Phlegmatic-Choleric
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded [RCOEN]
Marzia V (Language Teacher)
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 or 5w6 || 153, 163 or 513
Instinctual variant: SP/SO or SO/SP
Temperament: Choleric-Phlegmatic or Choleric (Dom)
Big 5: Social, Limbic, Organized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded [SLOEN]
Alice Freudenmacher
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w2 or 1w9 || 163, 135, 136 or 153
Instinctual variant: SO/SX or SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine, Phlegmatic-Melancholic or Phlegmatic (Dom)
Big 5: Social, Calm, Organized, Accommodating, Non-Openminded/Inquisitive [SCOA*]
Enneagram + Tritype: 5w4, 4w5 or 9w8 || (Mixed combo of: 1,4,5,8), 945 or 954
Instinctual Variant: SP/SX, SX/SP, SP/SO or SX/SO
Temperament: Melancholic-Choleric, Melancholic (Dominant)
Big 5: Reserved, Limbic, Unorganized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded [RLUEN]
Mr. Mix
Enneagram + Tritype: 8w9, 5w6 or 1w9 || 853, 583, or 153
Instinctual variant: SP/SX or SP/SO
Temperament: Choleric-Phlegmatic, Phlegmatic-Choleric
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non-Openminded [RCOEN]
Mr. Cleany Clean
Enneagram + Tritype: 9w1, 9w1, 2w3 or 3w2 || 953, 963, 259, 269, 359 or 369
Instinctual variant: SO/SX or SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine, Sanguine-Phlegmatic or Sanguine (Dominant)
Big 5: Social, Calm, Unorganized, Accomodating, Inquisitive [SCUAI]
Enneagram + Tritype: 7w8 or 5w4 || 783, 784 or 548
Instinctual variant: SP/SX or SO/SX
Temperament: Choleric-Sanguine
Big 5: Social, Limbic, Unorganized, Egotistical, Inquisitive [SLUEI]
Konstantine II
Enneagram + Tritype: 5w6 || 538 or 583
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dominan)
Instinctual variant: SP/SO or SP/SX
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Inquisitive [RCOEI]
Enneagram + Tritype: 5w4 or 1w2 || 541 or 145
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Melancholic
Instinctual variant: SO/SP
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Accommodating, Inquisitive [RCOAI]
Angellica “Angell” (Player)
Enneagram + Tritype: 6w5 or 9w1 || 641 or 945
Temperament: Melancholic-Phlegmatic or Melancholic (Dominant)
Instinctual variant: SP/SO or SO/SP
Big 5: Reserved, Limbic/Calm, Unorganized, Accommodatin, Inquisitive [R*UAI]
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rknchan · 1 year ago
pretty cures as enneatypes!
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(typings are not taken from personality database, these are my opinions on precure's enneatypes and they might differ from yours)
e1 - madoka kaguya (sp 1w9) & minami kaido (so 1w2) e2 - megumi aino (so 2w1) & erika kurumi (sp 2w3) e3 - kirara amanogawa (so?3w2) & miki aono (so 3w2) e4 - homare kagayaki (sp 4w5) e5 - yuri tsukikage (sx 5w4) & ruru amour (sp 5w6) e6 - setsuna higashi (so 6w5) & hime shirayuki (sp 6w7) e7 - hikaru hoshina (sx 7w6) & love momozono (so 7w8) e8 - nagisa misumi (so 8w7) e9 - yuko omori (so 9w1) & hikari kujou (sx 9w1)
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eli-rooks-ni · 4 months ago
Their Personality typings cuz I'm a nerd
The MBTI typing is based on cognitive functions and not the 16p website. The Enneagrams comes from my Ni.
Tales In C minor:
Elias: INTJ 6w7 (6-3-9)
Hertz: ISFJ 9w1 (9-2-6)
Ivy: ESTP 3w2 (3-8-7)
Dove: ISFP 2w3 (2-8-6)
Skye: ISTJ 8w9 (8-5-4)
Written in Black and White:
Cipher: INTJ 6w5 (6-8-3)
Solstice: INTP 9w1 (9-5-4)
Maven: ENTP 7w6 (7-8-4)
Lyle: INTP 1w2 (1-5-3)
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mbti-party · 2 years ago
mbti types
enneagram wings
moral alignments
lawful good
neutral good
chaotic good
lawful neutral
true neutral
chaotic neutral
lawful evil
neutral evil
chaotic evil
western zodiac signs
chinese zodiac signs
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yourbelgianthings · 1 year ago
enneatyping taz pcs for the seasons i’ve finished!
(plus steeplechase, i’m not fully done but far enough in i feel like i know the characters well enough for this)
taako taaco: 4w3
magnus burnsides: 1w2
merle highchurch: 9w1
duck newton: 2w1
aubrey little: 9w8
ned chicane: 3w2
arlo thacker: 5w4
amber gris: 6w5
devo la main: 8w7
zoox anthellae: 7w6
beef punchley: 2w3
montrose pretty: 3w4
emerich dreadway: 5w6
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goblinsofdiscord · 11 months ago
Goblins of Discord 👹 Enneagram Type Database 🤓
All typings have a corresponding youtube video (linked). Many more on their way. Please note, that some of these are likely to change a bit in the future.
I’ll probably update a handful of older ones soon, as my understanding of the Enneagram has evolved since some of them were made (and is still deepening). This obsession is all-consuming and I won’t stop until I can psychically intuit every single type + instinct combination on sight, within 10 seconds and am rebirthed into my next form as the 🧞‍♀️👁️ human pixie frequency diviner of the apocalypse. 😈 🔥
If you think you’ve found a weirdo type and might want to join a typing call, DM larissa on the goblinsofdiscord instagram, or post the type below in the comments.
🍄 👀 If you want to book a typing call or submit an introvert video (of you or someone you know) to be picked over, spitroasted, impression’ed on, click here.
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Enneagram Type 1
John Waters 🗑️✝️ 1w2 7w6 4w3 so/sx 💖💧🧚‍♂️ The Pope of Trash
Jamie Lee Curtis 🎃 1w2 36 so/sx 👹 The Horny Karen
Nasim Aghdam 🐅 1w9 7w6 4w5 so/sp 💥 Triple Frustration Threat
Quentin Crisp 🎀 ✨ 1w9 4w3 7w6 so/sx 🦚 Trailblazing Peacock
Enneagram Type 2
Pamela Des Barres 🌼 2w3 7w6 9w1 so/sx ☀️ Flowerchild Supergroupie
Big Edie (Grey Gardens) ✝️🐈‍⬛ 2w1 6w7 8w9 sx/so 🍸 Mother Diva
Enneagram Type 3
Lucy Lawless ⚔️ 3w2 8w7 5w6 so/sx ⚔️ watch
Montel Williams 👄 3w2 6w7 8w7 so/sp ⚔️ watch
Jensen Ackles 👻 3w2 6w7 8w9 sp/so ⭐ watch
Corey Feldman 🎩 3w2 6w7 9w1 sp/sx ★Ascension Millennium
David Fincher 🎥 3w4 5w6 8w7 sp/so 📦 What's in his Box?
Bret Easton Ellis 😍🗡️ 3w4 5w6 8w9 so/sp 🖤🚬 American Psycho
Whitney Houston 🖤 3w4 6w7 9w1 sx/so 🥀 Queen of the Night
Gregg Araki 🚬 3w4 6w7 9w8 so/sx 👄 The Doomed Enneagram
Nicole Kidman 👠 3w4 6w7 1w9 👠 watch
Emma Roberts 🫖 3w4 6w7 1w2 so/sp 🍰 watch
Belinda Carlistle 🔥 3w4 1w9 7w8 🔥 sp/so watch
Caroline Calloway 💸 3w4 7w6 9w1 so/sx ✨ Happy Scammerversary
Enneagram 4
Vivien Leigh 🌹 4w3 6w7 9w1 so/sx 🥀 Making Fours Dramatic Again
Winona Ryder 🥀 Enneagram 4w3 6w7 9w1 sp/so 🥀 The OG Sadgirl
Jeff Buckley 🥀 4w5 6w7 9w1 sx/so 💔 watch
Enneagram Type 5
Anna Khachiyan 🧠🕳️ 5w4 9w8 4w3 so/sp 🚬 watch
Shirley Jackson 🥃 5w4 📓 livestream slop job
Sam Bankman-Fried 🤓 5w6 9w8 3w4 spso 💩 Gaslighting Nerd
Enneagram Type 6
Larry David 🍋 6w5 1w9 4w3 so/sp 😒 Miserable F*ck
Lauryn Hill 😇 6w5 8w9 2w1 so/sp 🎤 Gonna Find You..
Julia Ducournau 🚗 6w5 9w1 4w3 💋 Baby, I Like it Raw
Caroline Ellison 🧠 6w7 1w2 3w2 sp/so 🖖 Polycule Pick-Me
Robert Crumb 🤡 6w7 4w5 1w2 💦 The Sex Weasel
David Icke 🦎 6w7 9w1 3w2 so/sp 👁️👽 The Passion of 6
Daniel Clowes 👻 6w7 9w1 4w3 so/sp ✒️ Like a Velvet Glove
Phil Ochs 🎸 6w7 9w1 4w5 so/sp 💧 The Misunderstood Folk Hero
Dylan Moran ☘️ 6w7 9w1 4w3 sp/so 🤴 watch
Mia Goth 🍯 6w7 9w1 2w3 sp/sx 😇 Strange Angel
Sean Baker 🍊 6w7 9w1 3w2 so/sp ☀️ Red’s Rocket
Enneagram Type 7
Josephine Baker 💃🏽 7w6 28 so/sx 🎶 Shine on, Queen
Little Edie (Grey Gardens) 🧚‍♀️ 7w6 9w1 4w3 so/sx ⭐ 🩸 Fallen Star
Florence Welch ✨ 7w6 4w3 9w1 sp/so 🧚‍♀️ Chaotic Pixie Queen
Theo Von 🍆 7w6 9w8 4w5 sp/so 🐀 The Rat King
Danny Elfman 💀 7w6 9w1 4w5 so/sp 🎃 Dead Man’s Party
Johnette Napolitano 🩸 7w6 8w9 4w5 sp/sx 🐍 Concrete Blonde
Vincent Gallo 👹 7w6 4w5 8w9 sp/sx 😈 Horny Goblin
Heidi Fleiss 🐍🦜 7w8 1w9 3w4 spsx 🍑🚬 Hollywood Madam
Eartha Kitt 😻🐈‍⬛ 7w8 4w3 1w2 sx/so 🐈‍⬛😿 Cat Woman
Enneagram Type 8
Robin Quivers 😈😇 8w7 6w7 2w1 so/sp 💋 Glorious Narcissist
Ma Anand Sheela 😎 8w9 2w1 6w5 so/sp 💧 I Love B*tches
Glenn Danzig 🦇 8w9 6w7 4w5 sx/so ☠️ Prince of Darkness
Sylvia Brown 🔮 8w9 7w8 4w5 sp/so 🧿 watch
Enneagram Type 9
Rachel Dolezal 🐑 9w8 62 sp/so🌹 Mother Issues
Kathy Bates 🍯 9w8 62 sp/so 🩸 Sweet Misery
Shelley Duvall 🍯 9w1 6w7 2w3 sp/so 🐑 The Saccharine Sacrificial Lamb
Keith Moon 💥 9w8 7w6 3w4 sp/so 🌙 Wild Man
Sophie Thatcher 🩸 9w8 7w6 4w5 sx/sp🧚‍♀️ Grime Fairy
Dash Nekrasova 🕯 9w8 4w3 7w6 sx/so 🚬 watch
Nathan Fielder 🕳️ 9w8 5w6 3w2 sp/so 🤡 watch
Cazzie David 🦝 9w8 6w7 4w5 sp/so 🦝 Sad Sack
Charles Burns 🕳️ 9w1 5w6 3w4 so/sp 🕳️ watch
David Cronenberg 📺 9w1 5w4 3w4 so/sx 👄 Dream Daddy
Jessica Lange 🦢 9w1 63 so/sp 🦢 watch
John Galliano 🧵 9w1 4w3 7w6 sx/sp 🪡 Objet D'Art
Tyler Gaca 👻 9w1 7w6 4w3 so/sx 🍯 Ghosthoney
Chuck Palahniuk 🧞‍♂️ 9w1 7w6 4w3 so/sp 😈 All Hail the God
Corey Haim 🍍 9w1 7w6 3w2 sx/so 💔 Heartbreaker
Anna Biller ☠️🔮 9w1 4w3 7w6 so/sx 💖⚗️ The Love Witch
Frank James 💅 9w1 3w4 6w7 so/sp 🔪 watch
👯✨ Twins ✨👯
Lori & George (formerly Reba) 🤠 🤩
Lori: 6w7 9w1 3w2 sp/so
George (Reba): 9w1 3w4 6w7 so/sp
Carmen & Lupita 🦋🧙🏽
Carmen 6w7 9w1 3w2 sp/so
Lupita 9w8 7w6 3w4 sp/so
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psychosophy · 11 months ago
Typing Crushed Olive Branch Charas Using OPS
I already typed Crushed Olive Branch charas but I wanna do it in OPS since I think Objective Personality is a better system than just typing using functions :P
As before characters belong to @calronhunt
Starting with Theron, I don't think I'd change his type from ISFJ, he's definitely overdoing certainty. He hates what he doesn't know, this can be shown in his unwavering faith to what his parents have told him. This could be seen as pro tribe (which he is, he's definitely pro tribe) but in this case it's more because he needs a sense of normalcy and his parents gave him that by telling him what to do.
Later on in the story he ends up leaning more to the tribe side, but this makes sense since it's his second most used function. This also means he uses blast, so he's not a jumper.
As for the functions themselves, Si>Ni in my opinion. He doesn't really care about looking under what he sees, he's very much a surface level thinker, he doesn't really look behind why Dom says what Dom says, taking everything as he says and rarely forming his own opinions from judging others actions.
As for fe or te, I could go either way but he's definitely more of a feeler in general. He's efficient but doesn't care to tell others about his efficiency, which points to fe/ti use more than te/fi use!
Final verdict, ISFJ ! Blast>Sleep>Consume>Play
Other typology stuff: Stuck between 9w1 or 6w5, though I think I'll go with 9w1 since he's more of a gut triad person. He's in tune with reality, and numbs his emotions to avoid pain (as shown when he decides to become FWB with Matthias instead of, you know, processing his feelings. He definitely has a strong 6 fix though
For his tritype, as stated before, strong 6 fix and proooobably a 4 fix? He definitely wants to be come someone different but a lot of that hast to do with internal homophobia and I've never been a fan of stereotyping LGBT charas as 4 but I think it fits Theron more than 3 or 2...3 would be my second best guess cuz he used to be VERY three like as a kid but that was due to his parents influence. Also Gut>Heart>Head
Melancholic [Dominant]
Lawful Good, Lawful Moral in 5x5
ISFJ Charas According to PDB: Fluttershy (MLP) The Narrator (Fight Club) Willow Park (The Owl House)
Closest Character to His Typing According to PDB: Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)
Dom I typed as an ESFP before, and I'm kind of conflicted in OPS. He DEFINITELY isn't overdoing chaos, he cares way too much about the tribe for that, but I also don't really see him as using blast or play? If I had to pick one, I'd say blast, he's not energetic enough to be play imo.
He's definitely tribe>self, which might seem weird considering how selfish he is, but his selfishness comes from external validation, not internal validation. He cares how others see him, and he forces those ideals onto others as well.
Next is functions, he's definitely more of an Fe user, his ti is so fucking weak I'm sorry bro...he doesn't care about efficiency at ALL he cares about others values first and foremost
As for Si or Ni, I'm nore sure? I see more Se than Si so I'mma go with Ni cuz of that but tbh he could use either
Final Verdict: ENFJ! Blast>Consume>Play>Sleep
Other Typologies: DEFINITELY heart triad, either 2w3 or 3w2 though I think I'll go with 2w3...he wants to be loved more than he wants to be looked up to. Though he is very proud of his abilities and is quite vain, his pride and love-need trump both of those aspects
For tritype, heart>gut>head, I'm thinking 8 and 7-fixed, though I could also see a 9-fix but he's a bit too confrontational for that. He isn't one to hide his feelings through numbing, he's someone who ignores his problems with his hedonistic tendencies (usually sex) which fits 7 more than 9
True Neutral, Neutral Impure in 5x5
ENFJ charas according to PDB: Monika (DDLC) Iroh (Avatar) Rarity (MLP)
Closest Character to his Typing According to PDB: Scrap Baby (FNAF)
Matthias is definitely overdoing independence, he DEFINITELY isn't overdoing chaos/certaintiy and he's not pro-tribe either. He's also very much just. Fi dominant. I cannot think of a better function for him LoL
If I had to say, INFP would make the most sense since I don't see much Se usage
This is so short I feel like I should explain but I cannot. He is so INFP the only other possibility I could see is ISFP but INFP just makes way more sense imo.
Final Verdict: INFP, Consume>Sleep>Blast>Play
Other Typologies: HONESTLY. Not very sure ? I think he's a 6, he keeps a warm facade as to keep his own security, even when others walk all over him, though this could also be seen as him merging with others emotions and putting them before his own...but also if I type him as a 9 the correlationists will kill me so I'll stick with 6. Also, he's more head than gut LMAO
Head>Gut>Heart, 9-fix for gut and then 4 for heart? Not exactly sure, could see 2 as well, DEFINITELY not 3 though. Honestly, I'mma go with 2-fix since he has such a high love need and shows little envy
Pheglmatic [Dominant]
Neutral Good, Social Good in 5x5
INFP Charas According to PDB: Shinji (NGE) Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Marvel Comics)
Closest Character to his Typology According to PDB: Annaka Haruna (Nichijou)
Nerissa is also overdoing certaintiy, but imo she's sleep>blast, meaning she's a jumper. Her need for certaintiy and lack of chaos isn't shown as much but she's the one who keeps the patrols most structured, so this is mainly a guess extrapalated from that.
Si or Ni would make sense, but I think lower Ne makes sense since she doesn't really care about taking in multiple ideas, she prefers to look at the environment as is to come to conclusions (showing more sensing than intuition) but tbh I could see Ni as well. She's very analytical, and thinks in very structured ways which fits Ni in OPS well...definitely more like than keep brainstorming and throwing out different ideas but ! IDK !!!
Also Fi/Te, cares more about her own emotions and external efficiency, she wants things on the outside to go well, and also cares more about her own emotions than others, which makes her come off as cold.
Final Verdict: Either ISTJ or INTJ ? Not really sure but I'll go with INTJ...Sleep>Blast>Consume>Play
Other Typologies: Definitely head triad, prolly a 5 but could see 6 as well!
Head>Gut>Heart, gut triad is probably a 1 and heart triad is prolly a 3
Melancholic [Dominant[
Lawful Neutral, Lawful Moral in 5x5
INTJ Charas According to PDB: Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) Wednesday (The Addams Family) Batman (DC Comics)
Chara Closest to Her Typology According to PDB: Stanford Pines/Grunkle Ford (Gravity Falls)
Other Charas I'm mainly vibe typing LoL:
Eva: ISFP, 9w8, 974, SCUAN, FELV, Phlegmatic [Dominant], True Neutral or Neutral Moral
Cicero: ENFJ, Skipping enneagram cuz IDK, SCUAI, EVLF, Phlegmatgic-Sanguine, Neutral Good
Roman: ESTP, 8w7, 837, SCUEN, VFEL, Choleric [Dominant], Chaotic Neutral or Rebel Moral
Skipping Luna cuz I'm unsure
Trevor: ENFP, 7w8, 792?, SCUAI, VEFL, Sanguine [Dominant], Chaotic Good or Rebel Moral
Skipping Kiera cuz I'm conflicted on his type as well....he's either ISTP 9w8 or ESTP 8w9 but. Not sure LoL
If u want me to expound more on what these mean ask :3 I would've in the post but then it would've been sooo much longer LMAO
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svvy2003 · 1 year ago
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m-v-tique · 11 months ago
Personality Typing Alex Basics!!!
Enneagram + Tritype: 8w9, 3w4, or 1w2 | 853, 358, 351, or 153
Instinctual Variant: SO/SX, SO/SP or SX/SO
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Sanguine, Choleric (Dominant)
Big 5 (*SLOAN): Social, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non Open-minded [SCOEN]
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w2 or 1w9 | 163
Instinctual Variant: SP/SX, SP/SO or SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dom) or Phlegmatic-Choleric
Big 5: Social, Calm, Organized, Egotistical/Accommodating, Inquisitive/Non Open-Minded [SCO**]
Enneagram + Tritype: 6w5 || 612
Instinctual Variant: SO/SP
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dominant)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Accommodating, Inquisitive [RCOAI]
Candy Princess
Enneagram + Tritype: 3w2 or 2w3 || 397 or 297
Instinctual Variant: SO/SX or SX/SO
Temperament: Sanguine (Dominant)
Big 5: Social, Calm, Unorganized, Accommodating, Non Open-Minded [SCUAN]
Enneagram + Tritype: 7w6 || 749 or 794
Instinctual Variant: SO/SP
Temperament: Sanguine (Dominant) or Sanguine-Phlegmatic
Big 5: Social, Calm, Unorganized, Accomodating, Inquisitive/Non open-minded [SCUA*]
Enneagram + Tritype: 1w9 or 9w8 || 153, 135, 953 or 935
Instinctual variant: SP/SX or SP/SO
Temperament: Phlegmatic (Dominant)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, Organized, Egotistical, Non open-minded [RCOEN]
Olivia (Player)
Enneagram + Tritype: 4w5, 4w3, or 9w1 || 458, 459, 954 or 945
Instinctual variant: SP/SX, SO/SP or SO/SX
Temperament: Melancholic-Phlegmatic, Phlegmatic (Dom) or Melancholic (Dom)
Big 5: Reserved, Calm, UnOrganized, Accommodating, Inquisitive [RCUAI]
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