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Hello! Can I just say that I really appreciate you doing this? I've always been a big fan of your analyses and your ability to get to the root of the characters. Thank you for continuing to let us read your wonderful thoughts and stories.
On your old blog, you discussed your headcannons for Lyney, one being his tendency to forget things like where he put his wallet because him and his mind are very busy. Unfortunately, I didn't save the post (my biggest regret ahhhhh!) and I would love to read your analysis once more. If it's okay with you, could you go over your headcannons for Lyney again? The old, the new, whatever's on your mind and whatever you're willing to share. Thank you so much!
Thank you for the kind ask, anon! Here you go!
New Lyney Headcanons
Self-focused - Though he never seems like it, those that know Lyney well know that he’s often running low on sleep. And really, he has no one to blame but himself. During the day he’s often distracted with magic shows, helping people, little tasks around the hotel, running missions for Father, and much more. And at night? He can often be found alone in his room planning new tricks, arranging missions for his siblings, studying to become the next “king” of the House, and things of the sort. If Lynette and Freminet didn’t keep an eye on him, no doubt he would stay up the whole night if given the chance! Those two welcome all the help they can get.
Relationship-focused - When it comes to his relationship with you, Lyney never lies. You know he would never do that to you. And sometimes, the knowledge almost lulls you into a false sense of security. Yet you know better. You’re smarter than that. Where Lyney doesn’t lie, he omits. Half-truths so easily fall from his mouth as drops of rain from the sky. Your comments of concern are often brushed off and your questions redirected. As much as you try, you know the truth. He doesn’t want you to know. He doesn’t want you to shoulder his burdens with him.
old lyney headcanons below!
Would Lyney be honest with you?
With his outgoing and fun personality, it oftentimes is easy to get caught within his flow. Lyney is the charming sort, after all, that one may very well forget that he is subject to the same struggles as the rest. Get to know him well enough, though, and you will quickly realize that this is not a fact he wishes others to know. More than a desire, he needs to be seen as someone in control, as someone without weakness. That’s his role as the big brother. And if that means lying, avoiding, and omitting the truth to accomplish it, then an accomplished performer like himself will do what he must.
Does Lyney prefer to pursue or be pursued?
With a penchant for flair and dramatics, it’s clear to see Lyney prefers to pursue the people he’s interested in. Really, it’s one of the things he goes all out. With a trick up his sleeve, he won’t hesitate to dazzle you with flowers pulled from nowhere and fireworks from his tophat. He wants you to be enchanted. He wants you to be impressed! You are, aren’t you? You like it, don’t you? So focused on charming you that he often loses sight of much else. Fun fact, should you attempt to turn the tables, however, you can expect his mask of self-confidence to fall to reveal a rather flustered expression beneath.
Self-focused - If there’s one thing that’s true about Lyney, it is that he is a very busy person. As a person with multiple masks and roles, his thoughts are often preoccupied with House missions, performances, new tricks, and things of the like. So, much to the dismay of others, it’s easy for things to become buried under the multitude of other tasks he needs to take care of. How often the simple things become forgotten—where he last left his wallet, tea time with his siblings, the sale on storybooks at the bookstore. During those times, he really can’t help but appreciate his siblings and their ability to keep him on track. Really, he doesn’t know what he’d do without them!
Relationship-focused - It doesn’t hit you at first, but it doesn’t take you very long to notice how hard Lyney tries for your relationship. Normally this would be a good thing, but it is different with Lyney. Every day he tries to charm you. Every day he attempts to enchant you. You tell him he doesn’t need to try so hard, but that only seems to light a fire beneath him to do even more. You see it in his eyes. He needs to know you are still in awe of him, that you like him as much as he does you. And then it sinks in, doesn’t it? He doesn’t trust you. He doesn’t trust your feelings for him. He’ll never show his true face to you.
old tags for this post: #okay let’s talk lyney for a bit i think the biggest thing to know about lyney is that at his core he is an insecure person insecure and anxious #imo he’s extremely attached to his title of ‘big brother’ that he needs to fulfill the duties if such he needs to protect his siblings and be a person others can rely on #this belief is so strong that he refuses to rely on arlecchino for help and snaps at freminet for trying to get him to open up #he really cares about the way he’s perceived #remember when the traveler found out he’s part of the fatui and he spends his time bending over backwards to try to get them to trust him ‘like me! like me! please. i’m trustworthy i’ll never lie to you please!!’ #honestly imo that’s just one if his faults like lyney is unstable #idk what possessed arlecchino to make him her successor like he’d crack under pressure #lynette is a way better option #but anyway bc of these things he would not trust his partner in a relationship #he wouldn’t rely on them he’d never feel secure which would prompt him to keep trying too hard to ensure he’s still the person he thinks you fell in love with #the most important thing to remember with lyney is that he is a performer and the face he shows to the world is essentially a mask
What’s Lyney’s breaking point in a relationship?
It’s hard to imagine, really. With how much Lyney may seem in love, the idea there’s a point a relationship would be too much for him is hard to believe. But when you really think about it, his breaking point is simple. As strong as his feelings may be for you, his devotion to his family and its cause outweighs everything else. Should your relationship with him ever reach a time where it encroaches upon that which is the most precious to him, then there’s nothing more he can do than let you go.
old tags for this post: #i think the key thing to take in here is that lyney cannot function without his family he is extremely reliant upon them to the extent that he will become unstable without them #just look at the archon quest when wriothesley captured his siblings any and all logic completely went out the window #lyney is an anxious insecure mess and the only thing that holds him together is playing the role he has to as big brother #if your relationship with him ever reaches the point that you transcend into being counted as his family.... he will have no breaking point #the breaking point will be his mind or body. whichever breaks first
#genshin impact#lyney#lyney x reader#ekolu.headcanons#genshin x reader#okay sorry i didn't want to ramble in the body of the post but thank you for the kind message anon!!!!#i hope you don't mind me posting all of the old lyney headcanon asks down below#i was about to apologize for my headcanons being more on the psychology side but i'm glad you don't mind haha#idk how to make things more romantic#lyney is a really special case#enneagram wise when you look at lyney he seems like the kind of person that would be ruled by fear but it's actually shame#like i said in one of my old tags lyney is very attached to his self-proclaimed role of 'big brother'#in his attempt to convince OTHERS (not himself) that he's a good older brother he becomes anxious and controlling#my brain tells me that he's a 2w3 but my heart is telling me 3w2 LOL#with the way he disintegrates it is definitely more 2 focused#funny thing about lyney though#one point i wanted to make out with the self-focused headcanon is that while lyney does seem like he's always on the move personally like..#i think he does take time for himself#granted the time he takes for himself isn't necessarily to reflect and work through his emotions and anxieties#but he does take time for himself#he seems like the kind of guy that needs a certain amount of alone time at the end of the day#and sorry my lyney headcanons are never very romantic.... lyney is a very........ he's very young and immature#i don't think a relationship is the best thing for him where he is in his life right now. i think he needs to grow more#calm down a bit you know?
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Enneagram for Character Analysis
Before I start, let me warn you. This will be a long post and a lot of reading, but I'll do my best to simplify things as much as possible in a way that will make sense to most people.
The Basics
At its core, enneagram follows this basic principal. When you were a young child, you were basically, in one way or another, told something that had a profound effect on your psyche. From this unconscious childhood message, you developed a core fear and a core desire. In attempting to resist your core fear and achieve your core desire, you become a self-fulfilling prophecy that makes your core fear come true. These unconscious childhood messages, core fears, and core desires are below.
The Triads
Though there are many ways to separate the enneagram, the three main ways are the main triads. These triads represent the three main things each subgroup of the enneagram are concerned with. When it comes to typing characters or people, this is what you want to start off with.
There are three triads: the instinctive (gut) triad, the thinking (head) triad, and the feeling (heart) triad. Each triad is associated with a core emotion: rage (instinctive/gut), fear (thinking/head), and shame (feeling/heart). Each triad is concerned with different things: control (instinctive, gut), support/guidance (thinking/head), and self-identity (feeling/heart). Three types belong to each triad. And these types will deal with their core emotion and desires in three different ways. They will focus outward, focus inward, or do both.
I will go into each main triad and the types associated with each, but for a general overview, you can read the box below.
The Instinctive (Gut) Triad
The Instinctive Triad includes types 8, 9, and 1. They seek to instill their will upon the world without being affected by it. These types will attempt to put up a wall between themselves and the outer world, so as to say, "this is self, and this is not self." When things threaten to cross this line, aka their boundaries, this results in rage. Now let's go into the types.
Enneagram 8 - The attention of 8s are focused outward. 8s try to protect themselves from the influences of the outside world so that nothing can get too close and hurt them. As a result, their mentality is, as one reference puts it, "Nothing's going to get the upperhand on me. No one is going to get through my defenses and hurt me. I'm going to keep my guard up." However, because 8s are focused outward, so is their rage. They WILL fight anything that ever comes too close to hurting them. They are not afraid of raising their voices, their not afraid of displaying their anger. They will attempt to scare and fight off anything that comes too close. Realistically speaking, you see most type 8s having abusive childhood upbringings. Being an 8 is a rare type and most people will not be that type. I may be wrong about this, but I think the only 8 is Wanderer.
Enneagram 1 - The attention of 1s are focused inward. 1s refuse to be affected by the influences of their internal world. Their rage is focused inward at themselves. They constantly are holding back from their internal impulses so as to say, "I don't want that feeling! I don't want to have that reaction or that impulse!" Because of this, they have the reputation of being perfectionists, holding themselves and others to high standards. They repress their inner desires and are rule-bound. It makes sense why they fear corruption. Some examples of type 1s are Diluc, Eula, and Cyno.
Enneagram 9 - The attention of 9s are focused both outward and inward, in other words, they try not to be affected by influences of both the outer and inner world. In a way, one can say that they ignore their rage, completely under the delusion that it doesn't exist. 9s are primarily concerned with being at peace no matter what the cost, even if this means ignoring the world around them or giving up their wants and desires. Examples of 9s include Kazuha and Alhaitham.
There are easy ways to point out an Instinctive Triad type. Typically speaking, they are not the most emotional of people. They don't get affected by things emotionally as most people do. In my experience, they give off 'leave me tf alone' vibes. Not in the loner sense. But they dislike being obligated/manipulated to feel a specific way or act in a specific manner. They desire to have full control over themselves. There's always a wall between themselves and the outer world.
The Feeling (Heart) Triad
The Feeling Triad includes types 2, 3, and 4. The Feeling Triad is primarily concerned with the development of a self-image. Because they don't know who they truly are, they don't feel they are worthy of love. They feel they are worthless, which results in their core feeling of shame. The Feeling Triad essentially feels that there is something missing from their core. And once they are able to find it, they will come to have self-worth and love.
Enneagram 2 - The attention of 2s are focused outward. 2s look outside to others for validation and a sense of identity. They want to be wanted, so they act in ways which attempt to make this possible. They try to be helpful, friendly, and good to others. However, because they're so focused outside, they often do not know how they are feeling themselves. They often feel underappreciated and have feelings of resentment because of it. Mom friend types are almost always 2s. I am unsure of which characters would be a 2. Maybe Amber? Possibly Yoimiya?
Enneagram 4 - The attention of 4s are focused inward. They try to make a self-image based upon their feelings, fantasies and stories of the past. Namely, they try to create an image on what separates themselves from others, aka what makes them different, but because of this, they often feel estranged from others. They are often moody and have victim complexes, assuming they are the way they are because of the way they were treated in the past. An example of a 4 would be Fischl.
Enneagram 3 - The attention of 3s are focused both outward and inward. Like 2s, 3s need the positive feedback and affirmation of others. They do this by striving for success and accomplishment. By creating an accomplished successful image, they feel they thus become valuable. However, they are like 4s because they need a lot of internal self-talk, attempting to create and sustain a consistent internal picture of themselves. An example of a 3 includes Lyney.
The Feeling Triad are hands down the easiest to type. These people are typically the most depressed and the most insecure. They always have some self-proclaimed self-image they are trying to project, and if you do not validate their false self-image, they can and will get mad at you before getting depressed once more. LOL Long story short, they are a pain in the butt. Are they of the most annoying types? Surprisingly, no. But they are damn easy to point out in a crowd.
The Thinking (Head) Triad
The Thinking Triad includes types 5, 6, and 7. This triad is primarily concerned with finding an inner sense of guidance and support. They focus on the future, wondering "What's going to happen to me? How am I going to survive? How can I prepare myself to keep bad things from happening? How do I move forward in life? How do I cope?" Their minds are constantly active, and their core emotion is anxiety and fear, fear that they do not have the resources to ensure their future. Let's go into the types.
Enneagram 7 - The attention of 7s is focused outward. They charge into the world, adventurous and seemingly not afraid of anything. Where their fear is, however, not of the outside world, but the internal. They fear they do not have the resources to navigate their internal world. They fear being trapped in emotional pain, grief, and especially feelings of anxiety. So what do they do? They focus so much on the outside world that they ignore their internal. If they keep active, their anxieties will not surface. Examples of 7s are Itto and Gaming (I think).
Enneagram 5 - The attention of 5s are focused inward. I'm going to take this straight from a book that "Fives believe that they are too frail and insubstantial to safely survive in the world. The only safe place is in their minds,so they stockpile whatever they believe will help them survive until they are ready to rejoin the world." The anxiety of 5s is what keeps them from external action. 5s are most commonly stereotyped for being bookworms. Although I am not completely sure about this, I would guess and say that examples include Kokomi, maybe Kuki Shinobu, and maybe Mika.
Enneagram 6 - The attention of 6s are focused both outward and inward. As one book says, "Sixes feel anxious inside, and so launch into external action and anticipation of the future like Sevens. But having done so, they eventually become afraid that they will make mistakes and be punished or overwhelmed by demands on them, so like Fives, they 'jump back inside.'" Then they continue doing this in a pingpong action-like manner. I also may be wrong about this, but I feel that an example would be Collei.
The easiest way to point out the Thinking Triad types is that they are all avoidant in one way or another. There is always something they're trying to avoid. Now, DO NOT MISTAKEN ANXIETY DISORDERS WITH THE THINKING TRIAD. While there is correlation, they do not generally do not experience anxiety in the same way people with mental disorders do. 5s fear action, 6s fear trusting their support, and 7s fear their internal world.
There are other aspects of enneagram to go into that give color to the types. These include wings and instinctual variants, but I won't go into that. One important thing about Enneagram is that the theory does not exist to make you feel good. It's the "this is why you're pathetic" personality theory. You will see the most of enneagram when someone is immature. When someone is grown and actualized, you will not see a lot of their core fear or core emotion. This is doubly so when the character in question would not exist in real life (think Luffy or Naruto). Take everything with a grain of salt, but it will help you to get a better view into characters.
#enneagram#ekolu.talks#character analysis#ekolu.headcanons#this is a long post so buckle in you folks#the easiest characters to type are the ones that are immature bc their core fear/emotion is more visible#healthier characters are harder#and when theyre fictional characters it adds another layer which makes it hard to type#the examples i give for each type are heavily lacking i apologize#i... am just too lazy to give every character an analysis to figure out which type they are haha#in terms of likelihood and commonality gut triad is the most common. then head. then heart#also i didnt go into wings here but wings do play a big part in how a type presents itself#for example a 9w1 (kazuha) is very different from a 9w8 (alhaitham)#the way wings work is that you take on traits of one of the types directly bordering your ennea type#so for 9 you can only be a 9w1 or 9w8. not a 9w4 or a 9w6#a 9w1 has 1 traits so theyre more principaled and self controlled#a 9w8 however takes on 8 traits which makes them more willing to give into anger and fight#if youd like me to type any characters pls let me know
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What is their biggest insecurity? for Ayato (You should have known I would have said him at some point for this blog lol) - Mimikyu
Okay before I start with this, I know you know this, but let me just say that Ayato is a fictional character. What I mean by this is that I don't believe he'd be very realistic as an actual person. Thus he does not follow the same rules that regular people would. Added to this, he is an actualized person. Any insecurities that he may have had in the past have been worked through and handled. There is not much that bothers him anymore. So anything I bring up as an actual insecurity probably is not very much one anymore.
Okay? Okay, good. Analysis below.
I'm going to use enneagram to determine what I best believe to be his insecurity. Is it going to match completely? No, it will not. This will be because, as I said before, Ayato is not a realistic person, and he is actualized, so this insecurity does not bother him much anymore. Added onto this, Ayato is very much NOT a figurehead of his type. He is an outlier.
First, let's figure out what Ayato's core emotion would be: shame, fear, or rage. The instinctive triad are concerned with not being affected by their environment. They strive to have the most control over themselves. The feeling triad is concerned with self-identity. They don't know who they truly are, and thus try to project an image in order to truly become it. And then the thinking triad is concerned with security. They try to gather as much support and guidance they can to approach the world. Judging by the three below, I believe the one that matches Ayato best is the instinctive triad.
As a whole, when we see Ayato, he does not allow himself to be affected by the world. He is always removed from it. There's always a line between Ayato and the outside world. He's never emotionally affected by things. He always has a straight head. He's clear, methodical, and in control.
Now the question is, how does he maintain this control? In each triad, there are three ways a person engages with their core emotion. They externalize it, they internalize it, or they do both.
The way the instinctive triad externalizes their rage is that they assert their dominance in the world. They are very much controlled by rage. They fiercely protect themselves by attacking and pushing back anything they perceive is coming after them. These people are very aggressive and are quick to fight. This type's (ennea 8) core fear is being harmed or controlled by others .
The way the instinctive triad internalizes their rage is by asserting full control over the self. These people become obsessed with self-control and being perfect. They hold themselves to high standards and other people as well. This type's (ennea 1) core fear is being bad, corrupt, evil, or defective.
The way the instinctive triad does both is by not allowing themselves to be affected by both the external and internal environment. These people do not assert their wants and needs. They believe these things don't exist. By not having any needs, they don't let themselves be bothered by the world. This type's (ennea 9) core fear is of loss of connection, of fragmentation
If you want to see a list of all core fears, here they are below. Ennea 2-4 are the feeling triad (dealing with shame) and ennea 5-7 are the thinking triad (dealing with fear).
Now what ennea do I think Ayato's is? I wrote out this whole explanation for ennea 9, but looking at it more, I believe he is an ennea 1. Ennea 1s are described as having a greater purpose in life. They are methodical, calm, controlled, and have high standards for themselves and others. For Ayato, his whole purpose is family. Everything he does is for his family. He prizes loyalty above all else and expects this strictly from others. Though he may seem laidback, I believe he holds himself and others to high standards.
Does this mean that Ayato fears being bad, corrupt, evil, or defective? This would be his core fear, his insecurity, after all. I'm not sure. However, I can see it sitting on his mind. He looks at the things he's willing to do for his family, even go against the Shogun of all things, and him wondering if he's doing the right thing. What his sister would think of him if she knew what he was up to in his pursuit to do what's best for the family. I can also see him wondering if he's defective in some way. He knows that he doesn't have emotional reactions to things and are otherwise unbothered, so him wondering if he's fully human. I can see deep down, these things bothering him, but him choosing not to dwell too much on them. What Ayaka doesn't know, she doesn't need to know.
But anyway, yeah, that's my analysis. However, going back, what's important to know is that Ayato is both unrealistic and actualized. He does not have any insecurities that would bother him like how they would someone less mature. Also, Ayato is not a standard 1. 1s are known for having sticks up their butt, but that's very much not Ayato. If I had to type him completely, I believe he'd be a 1w9 sx/sp.
#ekolu.headcanons#genshin impact#kamisato ayato#ayato#the most important paragraph to read if you dont want to read all of the analysis is the second to last paragraph#if you're curious of how my informative ennea post will look like itll look something like this#what does sx/sp mean?#it means that ayato prizes self-preservation and his close relationships over community relationships#he does not see the point in maintaining relationships with acquaintances#he does not see the point in fostering a community#he doesn't care what the public thinks of him#you know the more i think about it the happier i am with my answer#i mean you think about it the shuumatsuban is raising child soldiers#they deal with assassination and things of the sort#he does it because he has to#the only person whose opinion really matters to him is ayaka's (and possibly a lover should he ever have one)#i can see on some subconscious level him worrying/wondering if they think he's a good person
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may i ask… what do u think is harumasa’s MBTI/Enneagram? i wld love to hear more of your thoughts on the Dude. thank u!! uwu here are some flowers as celebration of the new blog! 🌸🌺🌷🌹 — @milkstore
Thank you thank you!
Now Slo I will be honest with you. I could sit down and do a massive character study on him to get you the best most detailed response ever, but...... I am lazy. I don't want to do that. I will type him for you. But you will have to sit right here down next to me while I talk this out fast-track style below the cut.
tl;dr He is a 7w6 ESTP sx/sp
Okay so let's start with mbti. Does he prefer control over others and his environment or control over himself? He prefers to have control over himself, thus he is a perceiver. Being a prodigy at the bow points to him being high Se. He does not seem to live much in the past, only in the present. He doesn't seem to be bothered by the past, so I feel that's another point for being Se/Ni and not Ne/Si. Does he have Fe or Te? Te in the low forms is very micromanaging, but good at order. Fe, on the other hand, is good with people. I think he's Fe. That points to ESTP or ISTP. He doesn't display the awkwardness of inf-Fe so he's an ESTP.
Enneagram. What rules him: fear, anger, or shame? Obviously it would be fear. Is he a 5? No. Is he a 6? Absolutely not. Then he must be a 7. Now is he a anxious 7 (7w6)? Or is he an angry 7 (7w8)? I would point to him more being a laidback 7w6.
Instinctual variant time. Does he have sp? He most certainly has sp. Although some things like his story quest point to him not taking care of himself, the way he is in his daily life, he very much takes care of himself. He calls off from work when he's not feeling well. He makes sure to go to the doctor. He wants to live. So he has sp. Now does he have soc or sx? Personally I'm leaning more to sx. Idk why. it just vibes him more. That and like... Someone with soc would care about their reputation enough not to call off from work that often. Now is he sp/sx or sx/sp? Obviously he's sx/sp. He's not an isolating loner. He's social. So sx/sp.
Now because this is a fast track, there are the chances of me getting this wrong. Now if I had to rank this in order from most to least likely to be wrong, I would say: mbti > iv > enneagram.
#zenless zone zero#asaba harumasa#ekolu.headcanons#you know? i don't have much to say about this post#i think bc i rambled tag style in the body HAHA#here's a fun tidbit for you#kinich's type is a 9 istp sp/sx#is he a 9w1 or a 9w8? personally i'm leaning more to 9w1 oddly enough....#he could also be a 1w9#idk i don't know him well enough#but definitely soc-blind that boy is#however let me make this clear#being soc-blind may SEEM like being a self-isolating loner but that's not the case#that's only true for sp/sx#you gotta realize that BOTH soc AND sx deal with other people#they just differ in the ways they do so
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"Why Did He Reject You" anon here! Of course that's fine! I'd never say no to hearing your take on even more characters. It's so nice of you to offer to give me a sneak peek. Specifically, I was hoping to get a look at Wriothesley, Lyney, and Freminet, but even just one of them is enough for me. Thanks again! ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ
Here you go! I'll just say right now that these are just the first draft. As long as I'm not lazy about it, I will be changing the wording. I don't like how theyre worded right now, but the overall content and message shouldn't change. They're below the cut!
Freminet - All That Glitters - He couldn’t believe his ears when you first told him. It didn’t make sense. How can someone like you have feelings for someone like him? Gloomy, quiet, unsociable—he is nothing like Lyney. He doesn’t make people smile, nor can he enthrall and wow. Even if you can’t see it, he knows the truth. He lives behind a diving mask and a clockwork penguin. Simply put, he would never match someone like you.
Lyney - Invulnerability - Never had Lyney imagined denying you when he first caught wind of his feelings. But the more he enthralled you, the more you began looking at him in that way, that expectant way. You wanted more from him. You wanted him to open up, to rely on you. And the more you fall, the heavier your expectations become. But he doesn’t give in. How can he? He feels like he’s standing before a cliff. So he wonders how long you can put up with it, his avoidance. How long will you be able to stand him until you can no longer?
Wriothesley - Out of Sight - When you first met him, you fell head over heels. With a laidback ease and smooth voice, he captivated you in an instant. But you didn’t act upon it. How could you? Whenever you are around him, your heart beats, and whenever he speaks to you, your throat closes up. But you are smitten. Simply smitten. So when you finally built up the bravery, how shocked you were with his response. He doesn’t know anything about you. Really. How can he see you as anything other than a kid when you can’t act any way but such?
#ekolu.headcanons#not tagging these on purpose#lyney's is a sort of....... kinda rejection#he's not rejecting you outright but at the same time he's not letting you come close#although i'll be honest with you i dislike the current answer#idk if it's because of the wording or the content in general l#his may actually change completely#as for wriothesley i didnt word it well but basically like....#in his eyes all you have is a puppy crush on him#you're not acting like a mature adult. youre acting like a child#he doesnt know anything about you#he doesn't have a bad opinion of you#but he sees you as a kid#someone he has to watch over#how do you to expect him to fall for you when youre acting like that?#you feel me?#gotta word it better though#anyway i hope you enjoy!#okay wait i was thinking about it more and let me elaborate here abt wriothesley#in my eyes for the most part? he doesnt disrespect most people#even if you acted like a lovestruck maiden he wouldnt dislike you or disrespect you for that?#but in my eyes wriothesley only 'respects' people that deserve it. people that are worth his time#so like if you acted like in the description he would still like you but you'd be 'kid' status to him#like he wouldnt think LESS of you. youd just be a cute kid in his eyes#ehfjjejdj idk how to word it properly
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what do you think diluc's mbti is?? (I've been hyperfixiated on it sorry) in his pdb he's intj which people disagree on (personally I feel like he's isfj since there's a conviction agreement that he is)
Long story short, my gut says istj, but my brain can see the value intj. Tbh, I cannot see a single shred of fe in him. That boy absolutely reeks of tert-fi. Like his whole crusade after he found out Kaeya was a spy? Peak tert fi. If he were fe, he'd see the value in the Knights of Favonius. But he can't stand them due to a personal grudge. That's fi as fi can be. He is extremely fi to the point that it blinds him.
As for why I say si over ni, I don't really see any ni in him? Nor do I see inf-se. That being said, do I see si in him? Or inf-ne? No. LOL But going based off of vibes, he comes off as istj to me.
#ekolu.headcanons#diluc#the thing with fe that not a lot of people understand is that fe is objective#it is based upon objective logic (aka logic outside of the self)#fe bases its values upon what *society* views to be true#people look at extraverted feeling and assume that bc it says 'feeling' they must be emotional#what they dont realize is that all judging functions are based upon logic#extraverted judging functions are based upon things that are objectively true#aka they are the most divorced from logic#diluc however is the opposite. he is VERY emotional and makes emotional decisions#his values (aka the feeling function) are based upon what he PERSONALLY feels to be true and right#he doesnt give a damn about what society says to be right#therefore he's fi#logically i know it makes more sense for him to be an intj#but i feel hes very driven by his past#i feel hes very affected by the past#he doesnt seem to be very present or future focused#i also dont sense much ni from him? he gives off si vibes#so i fully admit me typing him with si is just based upon vibes and stereotypes LOL#but what i do know for sure is that he's not fe
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I don't know if you know any knowledge about mbti but what do you think of ayato's mbti really is?? I've seen people at the pdb debating if he's intj or entj
I'm answering this in bed right now because I saw this and it got me thinking. I'm going to go into cognitive functions here, so hopefully you can follow me with this typing.
tl;dr I think he's an enfj. But the explanation is down below. ((Thank you for the ask!!))
If you ask me personally what type he is, I'd actually say he's neither an entj or an intj. I'd say he's an enfj. To which someone would reply, "But their inf-ti! How can that be? Ayato is smart." It's a common misconception that "inferior" means you don't use the function.
Anyway, to the people that say he's high-te, my question is this. When exactly has he ever used te? Give me examples. However, at least in my opinion, there are many signs of fe. As head of the Yashiro Commission at a young age, Ayato has learned to navigate the realm of court officials, clan elders, and people of the sort. And he does this with ease. He manipulates situations to get his schemes moving like in the Irodori Festival. He likes doing things to watch the reactions of others and see them squirm. These are fe things.
When you compare high te characters like Ningguang (entj) or Keqing (estj), to high fe characters like Venti (enfj) or Lisa (enfj), who does he vibe more like? It's easy to get into the thought process that thinkers are smarter and more strategic than feelers, but enfjs have the same access to aux-ni and tert-se. That added with dom-fe, a function that's absolutely removed of emotions, makes them absolutely dangerous in the social scene.
Granted, I am not the best at typing mbti, so there's a chance I may be wrong here. But my gut tells me enfj.
#ekolu.headcanons#kamisato ayato#ayato#idk man ayato to me feels like a social manipulator#and thats what enfjs do#they play the game and are very good at it#ppl have this misconception of mbti that its a personality test#mbti isnt a personality test. it tells you how a person *functions*#aka what are the parts that make up your 'machine' and how they work together#so if you read this and look up an enfj description#you'll see a lot of nice things being said about them#that theyre warm and friendly and idealistic#they have strong values and natural born leaders#that's not what being an enfj means#if you ever see explanations like that about types theyre shitty explanations#only ever pay attention to the cog function explanation#imo entjs are better suited for the battlefield#enfjs are politicians#and ayato is a the latter
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your lyney headcanons are the best I’ve ever seen. lots of writers don’t see how insecure of a character he really is and how that influences his interactions !! how attached and reliant he is on his family to a level that’s truly self destructive !!! they’re so good thank you for writing <3
Thank you so much! You're too kind. Yeah Lyney is one of those characters that seems easy to understand on the surface, but he's so much more than that. If you ever get into enneagram (which is a fascinating thing), I have to agree with my heart and say that Lyney is a 3, more specifically, a 3w2. The basic fear of a 3 is to be "worthless or without inherent value." They desire to be valuable. They strive for success to prove to others and themselves that they're worth loving. You can see this when he asked Arlecchino for a delusion.
Imo, the heart triad (2s, 3s, and 4s) are the most messed up of the enneagram. The ones that deal with the most inner turmoil. And it really shows through Lyney. Lyney is a mess. But that's why we love him. LOL
#ekolu.interacts#lyney#ekolu.headcanons#if you ever want to get into ennagram anon you can download 'the wisdom of the ennagram' pdf from archive.org#it's a really great book#the tables and whatnot are very helpful to getting snapshots of what a type is like#if you want to get into actual theory i recommend reading chapter 5 ONLY abt the triads#instinctive (gut). feeling (heart). and thinking (head).#then you can read chapters 3-6 if you like#but i dont see that as SUPER important#that info is important but you can read that in your own time
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how do you think ayato and diluc would react to each other (not because I ship them)?? idk these two are almost similar to one another, for me they wouldn't really get along at first but start to warm up a little
Personally I think they'd get along together just fine. They'd probably be meeting under the pretext of business. Both can handle business dealings just fine, so I'm sure they'd have relatively positive viewpoints of others.
If they were to meet under the pretext of becoming friends or some emergency, I can see Diluc being a bit wary of Ayato. Ayato does not show what he's thinking on his face and he can be a bit devious. He doesn't hesitate to act behind the scenes to get his purpose fulfilled. I don't think Diluc would like that very much. So while they'd work together, I don't think it'd be something Diluc would enjoy very much. That being said, Ayato is very adaptable, so I'm sure he'd act in a non-suspicious way, so maybe it would be fine.
I'll go into my opinion of their similarities below.
It's funny that you say that Diluc and Ayato are almost similar, because to me, they are very different. Diluc is who he is. He does not act. The face that he shows to others is his true personality. He does not hide things. He does not play games. He does not act behind the scenes. He's very straightforward. At the same time, he's a very emotional person. He's driven by his emotions, even going on a crusade against the Fatui after his father died. He has a deep-seated grudge against the knights because of the way they handled his father that he still hasn't let to till this day.
Ayato, on the other hand, is the kind of guy that always has the mask of a smile on his face. In my opinon, he's pretty devious. He enjoys watching the difficult faces on his retainers faces when he tells them his plans for the day. He joyfully imagines what it must've been like seeing the Yashiro commissioner getting pissed off. In the Irodori festival, he acts behind the scenes and manipulates things in order to get something he wants done. Also too, Ayato is not emotional. He's not prone to anger. He's very level-headed.
Imo, they're both extremely different people. Would they get along? They could under professional circumstances. But as friends? I don't really think so. Not that they would hate each other? I think Diluc would simply not prefer Ayato's company. And as for Ayato, I don't think he'd care either way. LOL
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