corvianbard · 2 months
Elven king, oh elven king, Whose eldritch presence alone is mocking The concept of elegance any god is lacking, There is a fair princess in the making. It is only her beauty you are seeking.
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every-tome · 1 year
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wow june would really pull a gun on a kid
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cantugakkas · 2 years
“Elektrik Piyasası Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda ve 375 Sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Teklifi” 10.12.2022 tarihinde TBMM Başkanlığına verilmiştir. Yapılması öngörülen düzenlemelerden 6446 sayılı Kanun lisanslı faaliyetlerine toplayıcılık faaliyeti eklenerek toplayıcı tarafından bir veya birden fazla şebeke kullanıcısının tüketim ve/veya üretimlerinin…
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So, after sewing the New Look 6446 Jumpsuit, I have learned:
-how to work with commercial patterns!
-sizing is weird, ease is important. CHECK THE EASE!!
-I CAN make pants! :D
-oh god i need a serger
-I can ABSOLUTELY use sewing patterns now. I can sew anything! Everything! NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!!
-and this one isn't really a new learned thing, but GOD sewing is intensive. Like I knew this, but jeez, all the steps you have to do before you can actually start sewing?? Insane. You have to check the pattern to make sure it has your size, check the ease, measure your own body in the correct places, cut out the pattern pieces, THEN cut out the fabric, mark certain places on the fabric so can make sure it all fits together right, iron for darts or seams or whatever, and then you might even have to alter the pattern slightly to make sure it fits you if you have a size 14 bust and a size 18 hip or vice versa. All of that makes it hard for me to sew things again, like the same shirt in two fabrics, because a lot of me being able to look past the intensive-ness of the process is the excitement of the new garment. After I've gone through the process once, I'm kinda like UGH I gotta do all this again??? IT does get easier though the more you do it, So I guess that's nice.
-oh, and I got better at whipstitching (for the bodice lining.)
it's way too late now, but I will post a photo tomorrow, since i'm going to the movies with my framily. stay tuned!
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Jane Crocker, Jake English, Dirk Strider
Act 6, page 6440-6446
JANE: It is just you and I now, Jake.
JANE: Alone at last.
JAKE: (Gulp!)
JAKE: Jane can you please tell me what in the sam hill is going on?
JAKE: Havent you kept me pinched in the hoosegow long enough?!
JANE: The what.
JAKE: What happened to my grandma! She seemed so nice then all of the sudden WHAMMO shes a gruesome monster!
JAKE: And whats with the thing she zapped on your head that flipped your cuckoo fruitcake switch! Is that what made you lose your marbles jane?
JAKE: And whyd you have to plant such a spanking haymaker on the old breadbasket? That really hurt! It still hurts!!
JAKE: And why oh WHY must my bottom rock these snug custard undies while you get to look like such a doggone BAD ASS?
JAKE: Am i at least permitted to put on a respectable pair of fucking shorts???
JANE: Absolutely not.
JAKE: But jane i...
JANE: Jake. Be quiet.
JANE: Having recently been crowned a supreme being of pure logic, my tolerance for your antiquated horseshit has fallen to nil.
JAKE: Im sorry jane you know what a shameless blatherskite i can be!
JAKE: Especially when im nervous i start bumping my gums and prattling my screwball poppycock til im blue in the puss!
JAKE: You know how rough its been for me jane. After we almost hopped the broom and then dirk slipped me the mitten over the whole trickster sockdolager... it all caught me flat footed and knocked me right into a cocked hat!
JAKE: If squirreling me away in the calaboose like this is payback for the way i behaved youve got to believe me i never meant to hurt you jane! Im doing my best here and thats the real simon pure... SCOUTS HONOR!!!
JANE: Argh!
JANE: Jake, now you have done it.
JANE: You have made me exclaim in frustration audibly.
JANE: If your intent is to welcome another knuckle sandwich instead of my reasoning for your captivity, then go on. Say ONE MORE THING that sounds like something a corny old man would say.
JANE: I dare you.
JAKE: (Double gulp!!)
JANE: That's what I thought.
JANE: Listen carefully, prisoner.
JANE: I stand to inherit a new empire very soon.
JANE: When Earth has reached its final destination, it will be repopulated with a fresh brood of loyal subjects over whom I will rule absolutely.
JANE: But I will not rule alone, Jake. Oh, no. I will need a husband to rule by my side.
JANE: That is where you come in.
JAKE: *Whimper...*
JANE: You and I will be wed, and we will rule my empire together with an iron oven mitt.
JANE: However, the mitt will be worn by me, and me alone. You will have no executive authority whatsoever, because you are too stupid.
JANE: You will always do exactly what I say, when I say it. You will be obedient, cheerful, mostly silent, and scantily clad. Is that understood?
JAKE: *Sob!*
JANE: You will also provide me with children so my imperial legacy will continue, and the Crocker brand will live on in infamy.
JANE: You will sire as many children as I ask for, and they will all be perfect, obedient little heirs and heiresses.
JANE: You do remember our recent agreement to have "a zillion babies," don't you, Jake? I do hope you were not planning to renege on this vow.
JAKE: *Sob sob sob...*
JANE: Our children will rule the empire when we are gone, which of course will be never, because we will be eternally young and beautiful and immortal and in love, for ever and ever.
JANE: We will travel the galaxy conquering planets and expanding my empire. No alien world will pose any resistance to our forces.
JANE: Especially not once I figure out how to unlock all that incredible "Page of Hope potential" hidden away in your pathetic, hunky body.
JAKE: *SOB!!!*
JAKE: Please no jane dont do this! I dont want to get married or sire children or rule an empire! Im scared and sad and afraid and i dont want to do this adventure anymore and i just want to go home!
JAKE: Please let me go back to earth jane! Just like it used to be! I just want to go back to my pumpkin patch in the jungle when things were simpler and all i had to worry about was being tackled by a feisty robot. I want to go back to when i didnt ruin all my friendships and when you didnt hate me and when you didnt go crazy and tell me to be your weird royal husband slave!
JAKE: *Hoooornk!*
DIRK: Ew, dude.
DIRK: Don't blow your nose on your cape.
JAKE: (Brain ghost dirk!)
JAKE: (*Sob...*)
JAKE: (Youve got to do something!)
DIRK: Sorry, man. I'd like to help you out.
DIRK: But I'm not real.
JAKE: (Dag nabbit!)
JAKE: (*Sniffle...*)
JAKE: (Are you sure theres nothing you can do?)
DIRK: I'm only as real as your ability to believe in me.
JAKE: (But i do believe in you.)
JAKE: (I believe in everybody!)
DIRK: Yeah right.
DIRK: You've never really believed in anyone your whole life, and you know it.
DIRK: Everything's always about you. Don't you remember? You already had this epiphany, dingus.
DIRK: I could only become truly real if you ever managed to harness those bomb as shit hope powers she mentioned.
DIRK: Then again, if you actually did that, you wouldn't even need my help.
JAKE: (But i cant!)
JAKE: (And i dont want to be a pawn in her lecherous baby making pastry empire.)
JANE: Jake.
JAKE: (*Blubber...*)
DIRK: Will you stop crying?
DIRK: It's reflecting poorly on both of us.
JAKE: (Sorry.)
JAKE: (*Sniff.*)
DIRK: Hey.
DIRK: Did you shave your legs?
JAKE: (No i think the magic god tier fire burned it all off...)
DIRK: God damn.
DIRK: They're so smooth.
DIRK: A car could swerve outta control on those gams.
JAKE: (I know. Its really weird.)
JAKE: (Speaking of legs...)
DIRK: Yeah. The little poofy asshole pants. I know.
JAKE: (Is that really what youre wearing now?)
DIRK: Yeah.
JAKE: (Sweet!)
JANE: To whom are you talking?
JAKE: Brain ghost dirk.
JANE: Brain... Ghost Dirk?
JAKE: Yes.
JANE: You are lying.
JAKE: No im not!
JANE: Brain Ghost Dirk sounds almost as fake as he is completely made up.
JAKE: But...
JAKE: *Snivel.*
JANE: Oh, for goodness' sake.
JANE: Pull yourself together, Jake.
JANE: Your behavior is repugnant, and has no place in my empire.
JANE: What kind of man are you?
JANE: What kind of suitor to an heiress weeps uncontrollably when his imaginary friend's existence is called into question?
DIRK: She has a point there.
JAKE: *Wahhh!*
DIRK: Dude, would you quit bawling already?
DIRK: Stand up like a man, and punch her in the face or something.
JAKE: But i dont WANNA be a man and i dont WANNA punch her in the face!
JANE: Punch WHOM in the face, now?
JANE: Just sickening.
JANE: To think I wasted my youth pining over a vile maggot like you.
JANE: Jake, you should not be misled when I imply that I love you, or when I command you to marry me and sire my children.
JANE: In truth I detest you, and if not for certain assets you possess, I would be sorely tempted to fork you full of holes right now and feed your remains to my daughter.
JANE: But I won't.
JANE: You're lucky you're so hot.
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hasanakbal19 · 2 years
28 Aralık 2022 ÇARŞAMBA Resmî Gazete Sayı : 32057 TEBLİĞ Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumundan: 6446 SAYILI ELEKTRİK PİYASASI KANUNUNUN 16 NCI MADDESİ UYARINCA 2023 YILINDA UYGULANACAK İDARİ PARA CEZALARI HAKKINDA TEBLİĞ   Amaç ve kapsam MADDE 1- (1) Bu Tebliğin amacı, 14/3/2013 tarihli ve 6446 sayılı Elektrik Piyasası Kanununun 16 ncı maddesinde düzenlenmiş olan idari para cezalarının,…
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kunyekultursanat · 2 years
28 Aralık 2022 ÇARŞAMBA Resmî Gazete Sayı : 32057 TEBLİĞ Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumundan: 6446 SAYILI ELEKTRİK PİYASASI KANUNUNUN 16 NCI MADDESİ UYARINCA 2023 YILINDA UYGULANACAK İDARİ PARA CEZALARI HAKKINDA TEBLİĞ   Amaç ve kapsam MADDE 1- (1) Bu Tebliğin amacı, 14/3/2013 tarihli ve 6446 sayılı Elektrik Piyasası Kanununun 16 ncı maddesinde düzenlenmiş olan idari para cezalarının,…
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tragicmoth · 11 months
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okinawa’s dream address has been updated with new areas!! there are items directly south of resident services. the island is not completed yet but i just wanted to show it off!! please feel free to take photos and post them, i would love to see them!!!
DA-5290-6446-9686 (๑>◡<๑)☆♡
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simdertalia · 11 months
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🍫 Monster High Dolls Set 2 🍭
Happy Simblreen! Here is my treat for weekend one! Last year I shared a set of these that I converted from the game Monster High: New Ghoul In School, excluding these characters because I meant to do this sooner. This year for weekend one I've converted @twofingerswhiskey's set that were already ever-so-adorably posed! I added some extra swatches to the New Ghoul doll, reminiscent of the beautiful way that some people do repaints on these. Please see the polycount info, they are all 5000 and above.
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): https://simfileshare.net/folder/201671/
📁 Alt Download (still no ads): https://mega.nz/folder/09Y12Brb#fDYKJ611HtRwjjrS2bcK-w
Type “simblreen 2023" into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing  the title and it will appear.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make the items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses.
Set contains: -Clawdeen Wolf | 1 swatch | 7407 poly -Draculaura | 1 swatch | 7113 poly -Frankie Stein | 1 swatch | 14655 poly (this is a big one, be aware) -Head Mistress | 1 swatch | 6446 poly -New Ghoul | 8 swatches | 5777 poly
Happy Simblreen and Happy Spooky Season!
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds @simblreenofficial
The rest of my CC
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aysufs · 15 days
Prophet ﷺ said,
“Wealth is not in having many possessions,
but rather (true) wealth is feeling sufficiency in the soul.”
[Bukhari 6446]
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cicadatree · 10 months
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okinawa by @moxxie-crossing
DA: 5290-6446-9686
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blackcestfest · 5 months
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Blackcest Fest Masterlist 
Categories: Femslash, Het, Sirius/Regulus, Sirius/Regulus/Other, Other Slash
Eyes On The Bride by LesbianKJ Ships: Druella Rosier Black/Walburga Black, Druella Rosier Black/Minerva McGonagall Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 2,456
It's Druella Rosier and Cygnus Black's wedding, and Druella isn't acting like the proper bride.
Sweet Possession by sky_watcher_rose Ship: Walburga Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange  Rating: E  Word count: 4624
Bellatrix has always worshipped the ground her aunt walks on - and so perhaps, Walburga thinks, this was inevitable. Bellatrix was always going to ask, and she was always going to say yes.
Bellatrix Black: An Elegy by @thistlecatfics Ships: Andromeda/Bellatrix, Bellatrix/Cygnus, Bellatrix/Rita Skeeter Rating: E  Wordcount: 5,328 Warnings: Non-con, underage
“Bellatrix Black Lestrange was survived by her husband, sister, nephew, and me, whatever I could be considered, if I could even be considered someone who survived her.”
they wed by sanguis_in_excelsis @sanguisinexelsis Ship: Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black  Rating: G  Word count: 6446
and it goes better than expected  Sirius and Bellatrix, and their starry mythology
Vérité by MymbleHowl @st-clements-steps Ships: Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Barty Crouch Jr. Rating: E  Wordcount: 2957
“By Salazar.” Surely she uses magic somehow to make her sigh resound through all their cells, “let me know when you meet a boy who doesn’t like it hard and fast, Bartemius." To Sirius she says, "darling, be a good boy for me and tell me what you’re doing?” Her voice sings across their dank surroundings. “Sometimes, babydoll, you have to let them take the lead.”
Daddy's Girl by @miss-grimwood Ship: Bellatrix/Cygnus  Rating: M  Word count: 1550  Warnings: underage, rape/non-con
Cygnus prepared Bellatrix to be a good wife to her future husband.
blue light of the flame by @sanguisinexelsis Ships: Sirius Black/Andromeda Black Tonks, Past Sirius/Bellatrix, Past Andromeda/Alphard   Rating: G Word count: 1,748
Andromeda goes to visit Sirius in Number Twelve the week before he dies. They say goodbye.
Her Good Boy by RottenPleasures @caitiewantstobeavadakedavrad Ship: Druella Rosier Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1,273  Warnings: Underage
Walburga has always claimed that Sirius doesn’t know how to behave. Druella thinks that couldn’t be father from the truth.
Short Distance Between Love and Insanity by piximera @piximera-art Ship: Sirius/Bellatrix  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1,829
Bellatrix HATES Sirius, so why do they end up in bed together at every family ball?
M-A-M-A B-O-Y, Mama’s boy, Mama’s boy by Sagiko_AKA_RegulusBlackKinnieBITFW Ships: Walburga Black/Regulus Black, Past Walburga Black/Alphard Black  Rating: Explicit  Wordcount: 2101
Who says romance has to be dead just because her incesty brother died? Her son can always take his place.
Happiness by TheFaeSys @thesun-themoon-andtheirstars Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: T  Wordcount: 1184  Warnings: Mention of past abuse
After spending the first few weeks of the summer at the Potter's Sirius starts getting letters, a lot of letters. They don't stop and when Bellatrix shows up and drags him away to see his brother, Sirius relents, vowing to bring him back to the Potter's.
(ART) That Time My Brother Kissed Me and Not His Boyfriend by @acydpop Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: G 
Sirius didn't know that polyjuicing into one of his mates would lead to a surprise he never saw coming.
Kisses Are For Lovers by DeathBecomesJade @sniperjade Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 13,447  Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Attempted Suicide
Regulus has always loved Sirius but for as long as he can remember Sirius has always pushed him away. He lost track of him after Hogwarts but now that he is free from his mother's influence and has found Sirius again, he will never let him go.
A Candle in the Dark by @ticigi Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 6,674  Warnings: Underage, Referenced non-con
"Hey, Reggie? Want to see the stars with me, just like old times?”
Now That We Don't Talk by @melissamwrites Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Word count: 18,943  Warnings: Past Child Abuse, underage (17 year old)
Sirius and Regulus have been estranged since Sirius ran away at the age of 16 with his best friend from boarding school, James Potter. But they have recently moved to London (the Potters are insistent that they try and work for a living). James is trying to get into a new relationship, but Sirius feels lonely and tries to reach out to some old friends.
Take My Body by acari @ghaniblue Ship: Regulus/Sirius  Rating: E Wordcount: 3140  Warnings: Underage
The last person Sirius expected to find on his front step was his estranged little brother begging Sirius to fuck him.
Winner Takes All by @the-invisibility-bloke Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 8,893  Warnings: Underage
"You call that a kiss?" It’s all fun and games until it’s fun and games and groping.
The Ties That Bind Me (To Horoscopes and Fate) by @tenrousei-kuroi Ship: Sirius/Regulus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 6,007  Warnings: rape/non-con, moderate violence, underage, physical abuse
"Sirius could hear Orion in Regulus's room in the middle of the night when they were supposed to be sleeping. One of those nights he decides to sneak into his brother's room after their father leaves, just to check on him, but what he sees makes it impossible not to take advantage of the situation."
Lessons by dalula Ship: Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: Explicit  Wordcount: 2026  Warnings: Underage
Before starting Hogwarts, the Black siblings are extremely sheltered. When Sirius comes back after his first term, he can't wait to show Regulus that he can use what's between his legs to make himself feel better.
Love in Different Shapes by Shadowmun @mundrakan Ship: Sirius/Regulus + Severus  Rating: E  Wordcount: 2742  Warnings: Rape/non-con, underage
Father asked Regulus to dose Sirius with a potion, so he would find an "illegible partner" and return to the family to do his duty of marrying and producing beautiful little pure-blood children. Too late Regulus finds out: Father didn't read the fine print.
Naughty, Knotty, Naughty by BrokenBoughs Ships: Regulus/Sirius, Regulus/Sirius/Harry  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1k 
Regulus tells Harry a bit of Black history.
With Seed As Strong As Blood by @greenmegsnoham Ships: Orion Black/Regulus Black, Regulus Black/Sirius Black, Orion Black/Regulus Black/Sirius Black  Rating: E Warnings: Underage, Rape/Non-con  Wordcount: 2,200
"You want him," Orion states unquestioningly, his fingers trailing along Regulus' side to the dip of his waist and those widening hips... "Do your duty," Orion commands Sirius, "and you shall have your fill of our sweet Omega."
Take me with you (find a way) by cassetteinability @onehundredflamingos Ship: Regulus/Sirius/Narcissa  Rating: E  Wordcount: 10,352
When Walburga sets up a wedding between Regulus and Narcissa, Sirius vows to do whatever it takes to get back to his brother.
James Knows by @goldenbi Ships: Regulus Black/Sirius Black/James Potter  Rating: E  Wordcount: 5,030  Warnings: Underage Sex
James knew his best friend. He knew his best friend more than anyone else could know another person. From the first moment they met they were in sync in almost every way. Nearly every sentence that included James also included Sirius. Sirius’s wand felt just as natural in his hand as James’s own. They were closer than any two people could be. It was as if their very souls were made of the same bright light. So why didn’t Sirius admit that he was fucking his own brother?
Other Slash:
finders keepers by dalula Ship: Draco Malfoy/Sirius Black  Rating: E  Wordcount: 1269  Warnings: Underage, Animagus Bestiality
Draco finds Padfoot on the grounds at Hogwarts and smuggles him into his dorm. He's always wanted a dog.
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sabaryangindah · 1 year
Jangan lupa bersyukur
Banyak harta itu menyenangkan, tapi belum tentu menenangkan.
Yang kaya belum tentu memiliki kehidupan yang bahagia, pun yang terlihat miskin belum tentu menderita,
Kita tidak akan pernah bisa mengukur dengan mata, sebab sejatinya bahagia itu di hati, bukan di harta.
"Kaya bukanlah diukur dengan banyaknya kemewahan dunia. Namun kaya (ghina' adalah hati yang selalu merasa cukup"
HR. Bukhari no. 6446 dan Muslim no 1051
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
Just go along.
by Sandra_Cisne Bruce give up on being the single sex toy friend, so he come up with a brilliant plan to gaslight, gatekeep and girl boss his way into Diana and Clark's relationship, it's risky, overcomplicated and we don't talk about the ethics of it. They won't even notice when he snuck up until it's too late. The only problem with his perfect plan: Diana and Clark had been in a relationship with Bruce for the past six months (?) Words: 6446, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Batfamily Members (DCU), Justice League (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne's Pets, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne, Justice League & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Clark Kent Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), Past Abuse, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Harvey Dent/Bruce Wayne, Crack, Past Minhkhoa Khan/Bruce Wayne, All of Bruce's previous relationships are toxic in some way, Consider this a warning if you really like any of them., Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, But results may vary..., Established Relationship, But Bruce hasn't realized it yet, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Relationships, DC stands for Disregard Canon, Crack Treated Seriously, If somehow this looks like canon, I apologize for that., Batkids are menaces, Batkids want Bruce to be happy, we don't spend so much time with the exes..., But the bat kids gonna bring it on A LOT., This whole fic is ridiculous, ¿What's my life?, T because Jason, No beta we died like everyone in the batfam, No brain like Bruce in this fic, Or in the Canon..., english isn't my first language, Please be nice, Also first time writing anything remotely creative on english, My First AO3 Post via https://ift.tt/9rvK21q
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fluffy-appa · 3 months
In today’s world of extreme materialism, the Muslims are in need of hearing what the prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said about the definition of true wealth, he said ;
ليس الغنى عن كثرة العرض، ولكن الغنى غنى النفس
Wealth is not the abundance of material things, rather true wealth is the wealth of the heart
Reported by bukhari 6446 and Muslim 1051 from Abu hurayrah رضي الله عنه
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