#51 what the crap
andy-clutterbuck · 6 days
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Happy Birthday Andy Lincoln | September 14, 1973
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fullfriendnerdclutch · 3 months
After Wes did his part, it's Adrien's turn now
*knock knock*
"Come in! I don't usually have a visitor at 8.30 PM at summertime, to whom do I owe such pleasure? Oh....Adrien, son, why are you still in the office? Everyone usually left around 6 or 7 PM, except Cathy obviously, she's such a reliable assistant for me. Oh crap, enough with the rambling, what's up, son?" the DILF said cheerfully, unaware of Adrien's malicious intention
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"Oh, the pleasure's mine, sir *close the door*. Especially when I will explore that tight hunky body of yours using that beautiful rugged hands and feeling all the raw authoritative strength coursing all over my system," Adrien said grinning as he takes a swig of his vial that he dropped to the floor with almost half of its content still left inside it. He found himself delighted with the mint-like yet more intense sensation from the potion as he tried to make his move
Taken aback with his own employee seemingly in lust with him so openly, he tried to speak a few words to get some sense back to Adrien. After all, this is the star recruit from a local Catholic college, why is he openly admitting to his homosexual desire knowing full well that his own boss is very much a devoted followers of Christ? But, the moment Adrien sprinted like his sole life goal literally placed right in front of his lanky 28 years old self, Mr. Wilson knows that shit will go south quickly, so he readied himself for an impact as he closed his eyes and raised his arm before realizing that 80% of Adrien's body already absorbed into him. Now faced with Adrien's face literally super close with his face, Mr. Wilson realized how fucked his situation at this very moment as Adrien's form seemingly turned slimy and his eyes clearly a little bit wrong
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"We're going to be so close, I'm practically going to puppet your body to do whatever I desired," Adrien said with a maniacal grin that Mr. Wilson wouldn't expect coming from the usually-reserved new joiner
Adrien then lunged for a deadly kiss that will seal their fate and despite Mr. Wilson effort to move his arm to stop Adrien and turn his head away, rest of Adrien solid-slimy form still not absorbed by Mr. Wilson's body simply splashed on the surface of the DILF's face and upper part of the suit. The "slime" then moved to enter all possible orifices, be it Mr. Wilson's mouth, nostrils or ears, all entries are utilized and stuffed to the brim by the leftover slime. Mr. Wilson's body then convulsed like a fish taken out of the ocean in his seat, battling for its life as the invader inched closer than ever to take full control. His erratic movement and the spreading sensation of the invasion drawn him to unbutton his shirt and tried to do anything to stop the sensation from taking hold over his entire body. Yet, when the cold, slimy feeling managed to gain access to the veins in his cock and simultaneously reached the back of his head, he knows that he's fucked beyond repair. Eventually, Adrien's invasion overwhelmed the 51 years old muscle tank, which then roared in delight as he finally take a deep, crisp breath of the air-conditioned, sandalwood-scented executive suite from the lung of the one and only Robert Wilson. He chuckled in delight as his control become stronger with every second passed with him inside his DILF of a boss body. The body actually started to feel less and less foreign and it's like as if he's always in control of this 5'7" fit ball of muscle within minutes, so in an abuse of his boss muscle memory, Adrien slid the calloused hand Robert Wilson used to shake hands with high-powered executives and bureaucrats into the exposed muscular chest now under his control.
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It instantly electrifies him as Robert's memory revealed a very sensitive nipple that always sent the law firm partner to his knees during all his sexual escapades. Adrien experienced the same knee-buckling sensation as he can sense the growing erection confined by the denim. Add to the fact that Adrien just practically aroused the 51 years old by slipping inside of him, creamy white spunk painting his underwear and the rest of his clothing is simply inevitable. Not even a minute after teasing the perky pink nipples of his own boss, Adrien shot the biggest load out of Mr. Wilson's dick as if he's been blue-balling himself for weeks! Adrien simply chuckled to the mess he created,
"Sloppy guy, don't you? Fuck I don't expect you to be this easy, sir," he said as he savored the taste of now-his cum from his finger, the taste and the deep chuckling just sent his flaccid cock into yet another semi
"Hahahahahah, I can do this shit all night long," he said as he grinned mischievously while ensuring that he cleaned all his fingers
Looking at his disheveled reflection, Adrien decided to at least clean himself up before meeting his boyfriend. Besides, he's been dying to see the inside of the executive bathroom inside Mr. Wilson's office, so he strut himself to the secluded bathroom in his soiled clothing, the shit-eating grin plastered on his face as his eyes caught the plaque of the law firm, Wilson, Thorpe, van Beecker, the idea of walking around the law firm he now basically own and demanding attention from everyone as they all practically worked for him now really drive him close to the edge. But, he calmed himself down and managed to get into the bathroom without another spunk spoiling his pants.
Inside the shower, more memories of Mr. Wilson unlocked for him. A dinner plan with his son tonight, yeah, just gonna call that sport after this whole shower to cancel it, and mostly memories about works from the past few months. The sensation feels calming and right, that all of this feels deeply personal yet very much rightfully his. It's like climbing a mountain, there's more sight and area that his eyes can see from a much higher vantage point the longer he climbed, or in this case, the longer he stayed inside this body. He can direct his focus to a certain memories even from the distant past now, like his wedding day, the day his only son was born, the moment he tearfully admitted to his wife that he fell out of love with her and reconnected with his old homosexual desire, everything becomes more and more accessible which certainly can help him to play the part of Robert Wilson through and through. He did all that with his eyes closed, head backed to the wall without realizing that his hand wandered all over his body, feeling all the muscle and the ridges of his weathered, strong physique and letting out momentary delighted moan and groan with each touches and more memories revealed. When the memories showcased the first memory of Mr. Wilson, the merging eventually completed as he no longer viewed Mr. Wilson as a separate entity and seeing his memories from third-person point of view, he's seeing and experiencing it from Mr. Wilson's perspective. As that moment happened, the climax hit Adrien very hard as 53 years of Mr. Wilson's life finally fused very beautifully with his own set of memories, making all the pain, sorrow, joy, lust, euphoria and all sort of sensation that Mr. Wilson went through crashed into his system and knocked himself off as volleys of cum wildly unloaded from the hard 9 incher monster that's been on the edge for the past couple of minutes
Adrien found himself splayed on the bathroom floor, losing track of times and his body sticky from all the mess he sprayed. But he just simply chuckled as he found himself finally fully at home inside this studly DILF body he can comfortably called his now. He just quickly wiped off the excess, drying cum from his body with the shower still running and finished his shower in no time as he cannot let his boyfriend waited any longer
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As he walked back to his office, he found it weird that the door is opened and he can clearly listen someone humming from inside. And that's the voice of his son, Carl! Shit, he thought frantically, thinking of any excuse to explain why he's showering in the office and skipping dinner with his son without informing him. As he tried to keep his cool and walked into the office suite, his son suddenly greeted him first with no shirts on whatsoever
"Hello, dad. Or should I say, Adrien,"
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That's when Mr. Wilson's eyes darted to the now-empty vial sitting in his desk. Who is this person and how the fuck he's in control of Carl's body????
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themultifandomgal · 3 months
Kelly Severide- One Hell Of A Day
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Thank you for the request @maximeseveridecasey I changed it slightly. Also I wrote it then lost half of it! So I’m sorry if the ending seems a little rushed. I’m also no expert at medical situations so if I get something wrong I’m really sorry. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
The day started out as any other. Kelly and I woke up in our shared bed, the smell of the fresh linen hits my nose and I had put on fresh sheets the night before. Kelly and I started our usual routine I made coffee while he showered, then he made breakfast while I showered. Just like any other morning when we’re on shift together.
Early on in the morning we arrived at firehouse 51 together and everything was going well, that is until 2 hours into our shift. I started to feel uncomfortable in my stomach, thinking it could be just my period on its way I took some pain killers which helped. Yes, painkillers helped until they didn’t anymore.
I stand leaning over the sink having an awful pain shoot through my side when the alarm goes off. Groaning I stand up feeling a hand on my back
“You ok Maxime?” my boyfriend asks worriedly
“Yeah just my period coming” I tell him trying not to worry him, but that fails because I can see the worry creeping over his face already
“Yeah. I’m fine” I dismiss him with a weak smile
“Max let’s go!” Dawson shouts for me hanging her body out of the drivers side of the ambulance
“Coming” I give Kelly a kiss on the cheek before jumping into the passenger side. The drive to the house fire feels like it’s very slow. The whole time I am shifting about trying to relive the discomfort in my right side which causes Gabby to notice
“What’s up with you today? You look like your about to puke, cry and scream all at once”
“Just my period on its way making me feel like crap. Let’s just get this over with so I can crawl into a bed and go to sleep”
“You mean a certain lieutenants bed” I glance over to look at Gabby who’s giving me quick look wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes in response at her making her laugh.
Once arriving to the fire I can see smoke pooling out of the windows. Jumping down I walk round the side of the ambulance as I watch Kelly run into the building with no fear. Pulling the stretcher out the pain in my side gets worse and now I feel like I could throw up any minute
“Max you don’t look good” Gabby tells me with a worried expression. Knowing there’s no point in lying to her I sigh
“Just don’t feel good today. As soon as we get back I’m just going to nap”
“We’ve got a victim here fallen down the stairs. She unconscious and has possible spinal injuries” Gabby and I look at one another before quickly running into the burning building.
Immediately I can see a woman lying on the floor with a nasty looking gash on her forehead. Between the both of us we get her on the stretcher. Suddenly there’s a huge blast that throws me across the room. My ears ring and the pain in my side almost becomes unbearable. I look around and notice smoke and fire all around us. Coughing I wait for my hearing to come back. When it finally does I can hear both mine and Gabby’s alarms going off
“Gabs?” I groan
“I’m here. You ok?”
“My legs trapped”
“Severide, Casey do you copy”
“We’re ok. How are you and Max?” I hear Casey radio to Gabby
“I’m fine. Max has a cut on her head and her legs trapped under a beam”
“We’re on our way stay put”
“Wasn’t planning on it” I try to joke but start coughing. In no time at all Matt and Kelly are here helping Gabby pull the beam off my leg making me scream and cough
“Let’s get your leg checked out” Kelly says picking me up and carrying me out of the building
“Kel, my side hurts. Like really hurts it’s not my period”
“Ok when did it get worse?”
“Just has throughout the day”
“Ok let’s get you in the ambo and to hospital”
At some point I fell asleep, because as I come to and try to open my eyes everything feels way to bright so close my eyes again
“Hey” I hear Kelly’s voice. I try opening my eyes again “do you want a drink?” Only now do I notice that my voice feels scratchy and dry. I slowly nod my head yes and Kelly is quick to grab me a cup of water. He places the cup against my lips that immediately feel less dry, and take a sip. The cool water soothes my throat. After drinking the small cup Kelly places it down “how do you feel”
“Like I’ve been throw about a room” I attempted to joke but can see Kelly doesn’t quite find it funny
“Babe why didn’t you tell me the true extent of the pain you were in. You had appendicitis. They burst when you passed out before we got you in the ambulance”
“It only got really bad when we go to the scene. I was going to relax when we got back”
“Ok” Kelly bends down and kisses my forehead then smooths any loose hair “the others are waiting outside to see you. Want me to let them in?”
“Sure” I give Kelly a smile and watch him get up before leaving the room. I’ve loved that man for a long time now, but as soon as I’m better I’ll be proposing to him. I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
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So, I was thinking about something in LOK.
You know the Earth Queen Hou-Ting? You know, the woman who secluded airbenders and that Zaheer killed?
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This one?
Well, as you all may know, she’s King Kuei’s only daughter.
I’m sure you all remember King Kuei, the puppet king with the bear.
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This guy.
Well, I made some calculus. He must’ve been in his early/mid 20s in ATLA. And his daughter had to be in her 50s/early 60s when she died.
In the meantime, Zuko is 87/88 in 171AG, when LOK3 takes place. Since his daughter is commonly believed to be around Bumi and Kya’s age, I’d speculate that she’s around 60 in her appearance in LOK4, in 174AG and when Zuko is 90 (Tenzin is 51 in 170AG and Kya is roughly 4 years older than him, so Izumi must be between 5 and 7 years older than him, which places her in a range between 60 and 62 years old).
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(See? Roughly the same age)
So, my point? I think during their diplomatic visits, Zuko and Kuei had to spend a lot of time in each other’s company because, monarch stuff. And given that they were both heirs to their respective thrones, Izumi and Hou-Ting had to spend a lot of time together.
I don’t know why, but I imagine those two having the wildest, silliest yet most hateful beef as teens. And given Hou-Ting’s despicable behavior and authoritarian politic in contrast to what shown of Izumi, a rational leader who cares for her people, I am even more convinced that those two despised each other.
So yeah, I can’t stop picturing Izumi and Hou-Ting insulting the crap out of each other while saving face in front of the subjects. And I can’t stop laughing
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genericpuff · 5 months
and finally decompressed / settled in from the entire ordeal , at least enough to finally get my bearings together and post about it LMAO holy crap, what a wild past two weekends, i'm exhausted but it was a great time, got to meet some great artists, tattoo some great people, and share great art <3 Here are some of my favorites :>
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Thank GOD I have this week off from expo's and conventions, I'm definitely ready to chill for a bit. Though I'm definitely cooking up fun community ideas for the LO series finale, so stay tuned for that LOL I do have another convention coming up two weeks from now but it's only a one day thing a couple hours away and it's purely for selling prints n stickers, so it won't be anywhere near as demanding as the 3-day tattoo events LOL
I'll be posting a recompiled version of Episode 50 Pt 2 tomorrow! Sorry to those who were massively inconvenienced by the way I chose to post it, I took a risk and it proved to be a massive failure LMAO but that's how we learn 💅 So expect that tomorrow morning! <3
In the meantime, I'll be getting back to work on Episode 51 as well as responding to as many of the asks in my inbox as I can! Thank you all so much for your patience while I worked through these past two weekends, y'all are the best for that <3
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
How would p! Noah act in area 52/51? Would you give him his ability to hack into anything?
I think that's Canon idk. Or would he just scare the crap out of everything (aliens included)
Well, Noah's hacking ability is canonical, even if it's only really established in his Island biography and later on in Dramarama (I believe?). Since p!Noah is meant to mimic canon Noah for the most part, I don't see why he wouldn't have the same hacking abilities.
Not that I think they'd be much good in Area 51/52, since most of the challenge itself is pretty much just a game of hide-and-seek meets "find the needle in the haystack". Of course, he could always use his technological prowess to prevent the deployment of the guards, but it wouldn't really be in character of p!Noah to deprive himself of something as exciting as being chased by armed forces.
He could always hack his way into Owen's Jokerisation chamber, but again it wouldn't really impact the competition much, since Owen's whole deal for this episode doesn't really have much sway on the plot itself
As for what he'd do during the episode?
Well, I think I'd need to establish how Greece's Pieces plays out first before stating anything concrete here, but at this point in the timeline p!Noah has been outed to the rest of his castmates as less sane than they had assumed (my means of snapping Ezekiel's arms like twigs, and menacingly playing around with a knife, among other things). They'd still be fairly hesitant to be around him, and Noah would be free to act more overtly antagonistic/crazy now that his façade is in shambles. (Perhaps too antagonistically crazy, since a lot of his instability is also just an act.)
There's not really much you could change about the episode's beginning, at least nothing substantial; p!Noah would probably find a lot of amusement in Duncan getting laser fried and Tyler electrocuting himself on the fence, but otherwise wouldn't have much reason to act out against his team. Unless he's feeling particularly daring at that moment, and decides to forego the rock tossing to instead dodge the lasers all the way to the warehouse entrance, but again this isn't a substantial change in terms of the overarching plot of the episode.
When the teams are inside of the warehouse, there's a little more room to play with character shenanigans.
Because they're looking for Alien Artifacts. Trinkets and gizmos supposedly dangerous enough to warrent a whole branch of governmental force dedicated to studying them. That's exciting - of course Noah's going to want to mess with them.
Of course, his main priority initially is getting Owen back from his time-out chamber. But that's laughably easy for him, given his hacking abilities and general technology savviness. But as soon as he's got his chubby buddy back? You know your boys are messing around with every artifact they can find, to Alejandro's ire.
Maybe he and Owen are the ones who initially encounter the floating aliens? Maybe the two of them walk into the scene of Tyler and Alejandro "dealing" with them, and Noah siezes the oppertunity to smush the alien face huggers into paste (with the added benefit of hitting both Tyler and Alejandro around the face with a metal pole, or something).
Or maybe the face huggers can smell the crazy ebbing off of him from a mile away, and fly away as fast as they can before Noah can even get to the scene.
Either way, whatever artifact Team CIRRRRH manages to get their hands on wouldn't last long enough to win them the challenge; either Tyler would follow his canonical counterparts footsteps and somehow break it, or Owen and Noah would inadvertantly sabotage their team whilst messing around with their chosen artifact.
Noah absolutely pockets a few alien-tech weapons from inside the warehouse though.
When they finally get back onto the jet, Noah scuttles off to some hidden corner of the cargo bay and begins reverse engineering the artifacts he stole borrowed from Area 51, if only just to abate his ceaseless boredom. Regretably, he's more of a software guy than a hardware guy, and he mostly ends up with a pile of useless alien scraps.
(Potential here to have him enlist Cody, who's canonically a bit of an engineer, to help him tinker with the artifacts? I think Cody would risk his luck with sometimes-crazy Noah if it meants getting away from always-crazy Sierra.)
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coochiequeens · 17 days
Men say shit like women should get married to have a man who will protect them then do shit like this.
Woman, 72, 'drugged by her husband so 50 men could rape her while unconscious' appears in court after bravely waiving right to anonymity as he goes on trial along with men 'filmed having sex with her'
Gisele P opted for a public trial and waived her right to anonymity, lawyers said
Police say she suffered 92 rapes by 72 men, 51 of whom have been identified
Those identified will also go on trial alongside the main suspect, Dominique P
By David Averre 2 September 2024
French woman whose husband is on trial for drugging her and allowing dozens of strangers to rape her while unconscious appeared in court for the first time after waiving her right to anonymity. 
Gisele P., 72, was seen standing in the courtroom supported by her three children to witness the opening day of the trial of Dominique P., 71, which began this morning in Avignon. 
He is accused of orchestrating a sick rape ring, using an online forum to invite a horde of men to his home in Mazan near Avignon before filming them assaulting his wife over nine years between 2011 and 2020.
Police counted a total of 92 rapes committed by 72 men, 51 of whom were identified and are being tried alongside the main suspect, a former employee at France's power utility company EDF.
Presiding judge Roger Arata announced that all the hearings would be public, granting Gisele her wish for 'complete publicity until the end' of the court case, according to her lawyer, Stephane Babonneau. 
Gisele could have opted for a trial behind closed doors given the nature of her husband's alleged crimes, but 'that's what her attackers would have wanted', another lawyer named Antoine Camus said. 
Still, the trial will be 'a horrible ordeal' for Gisele.
'For the first time, she will have to live through the rapes that she endured over 10 years,' Camus said, adding that his client had 'no recollection' of the abuse which she only discovered in 2020.
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Gisele P. - a French woman whose husband is on trial for drugging her and allowing dozens of strangers to rape her while unconscious - is seen arriving in court today
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Dominique P. is accused of orchestrating the sick rape ring, filming strangers he met online attacking his wife while she was drugged between 2011 and 2020 Ladies let's share this face everytime men spew crap about men protecting women
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The President of the Vaucluse Assises Court Roger Arata speaks at the courthouse during the trial of Dominique P. in the south of France, in Avignon, on September 2, 2024
The couple met in 1971 and married two years later before having three kids together. 
Gisele previously said her husband had asked her to try swinging - a request she refused.
But she also described him as a 'great guy' with a 'normal sexuality'. 
Their eldest son said nothing in his father's behaviour suggested any deviance and that 'he had always fulfilled his role as a father', while their daughter spoke fondly of her father's presence in her life as a young girl. 
The heinous campaign of sexual abuse masterminded by Dominique P. is said to have begun in 2011 when the couple was living near Paris, and continued after they moved to Mazan two years later.
Police began to investigate the defendant Dominique P. in September 2020 when he was caught by a security guard secretly filming under the skirts of three women in a shopping centre.
Police said they found hundreds of pictures and videos of his wife on his computer, visibly unconscious and mostly in the foetal position.
The images are alleged to show dozens of rapes in the couple's home in Mazan, a village of 6,000 people roughly 20 miles from Avignon in Provence.
Investigators also found chats on a site called coco.fr, since shut down by police, in which he recruited strangers to come to their home and have intercourse with his wife.
Dominique P. later admitted to investigators that he gave his wife powerful tranquilisers, especially Temesta, an anxiety-reducing drug.
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Demonstrators hold placards and smoke bombs during a protest outside the courthouse during the trial of a man accused of drugging his wife for nearly ten years and inviting strangers to rape her at their home in Mazan, a small town in the south of France, in Avignon, on September 2, 2024
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Beatrice Zavarro, lawyer for the accused Dominique P, waits at the courthouse during the trial of her client accused of drugging his wife for nearly ten years and inviting strangers to rape her at their home in Mazan, a small town in the south of France, in Avignon, on September 2, 2024
The husband took part in the rapes, filmed them and encouraged the other men using degrading language, according to prosecutors.
In previous hearings, he explained how he took a range of precautions to avoid his wife or family from discovering the dark deeds.
French outlet Le Point reported how Dominique P. imposed strict rules on each of the men who he invited to rape his wife: no perfume or tobacco, cut and clean nails, hands first run under hot water so as not to risk waking the victim. 
The attackers would park a few minutes from the couple's home and undress in the kitchen. No money changed hands.
The accused rapists included a forklift driver, a fire brigade officer, a company boss and a journalist.
Some were single, others married or divorced, and some were family men. Most participated just once, but some took part up to six times. 
Their defence has been that they simply helped a libertine couple live out its fantasies, but Dominique P. told investigators that all were aware that his wife had been drugged without her knowledge.
An expert said her state 'was closer to a coma than to sleep'.
Her husband told prosecutors that only three men left the house quickly after arriving, while all others proceeded to have intercourse with his wife.
Dominique P., who said he was raped by a male nurse when he was nine, is ready to face 'his family and his wife', his lawyer Beatrice Zavarro said.
'He is ashamed of what he did, it is unforgivable,' Zavarro told reporters on Monday morning, adding that the case was 'in a form of addiction'.
'My client's line of conduct is that he recognises what he did and there has not been an ounce of protest since the beginning,' she said in comments carried by French press.
But this trial may not be his last. 
The defendant has also been charged with a 1991 murder and rape, which he denies, and an attempted rape in 1999, to which he admitted after DNA testing.
Experts said the man does not appear to be mentally ill, but reportedly concluded that had a need to feel 'all-powerful' over the female body in assessments included in court documents. 
The shocking trial is due to last until December 20
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autumn816 · 5 months
gewis in 48 +70
I don’t know if you are still gonna see this, anon, but I had to pause with the requests to study for my exams. But I can finally continue with the ones left. Hope you do see it :)
Fake Dating + Locked in a room
George types furiously on his phone.
George [1:48 pm] walk slower. No seriously walk slower I don’t think you are walking slow enough Alex [1:50 pm] 🙄🙄calm down you arse I haven’t even begun walking yet George [1:50 pm] ALEX!!! Alex [1:51 pm] maybe you and the mistress can take this time to talk George [1:51 pm] don’t call him that, prick can you hurry up? Alex [1:53 pm] no😊
George swears, cursing Alex to the next life.
“People would normally take advantage of being locked in a room with their boyfriend, you know.”
Lewis rocks his legs, leaning on his elbows to look at George.
George pockets his phone. “No one’s here. We don’t have to pretend.”
Lewis drops down to lay flat on the bed, his lower legs resting against the frame. “Yeah. Pretend.”
George ignores the way Lewis says the last word. “Alex will be here soon. I messaged him.”
“Maybe we can finally talk and you can tell me why you are ignoring me.”
“I’m not ignoring you,” George lies through his teeth.
“Yes, you have.”
“I haven’t.”
“George.” Lewis stands up from the bed. “I have had people come up to me to ask if we are having problems in our relationship and give me some very unwanted advice.”
“Why would you want it? We are not in an actual relationship. This is all just pretend,” George bites.
“Trust me,” Lewis chuckles hollowly. “I know. You don’t have to keep reminding me.”
“Then why are we having this discussion? Let’s just wait for Alex to come unlock the door.”
“Tell me why you’re avoiding me.”
“No, I’m not.”
“No, you’re not avoiding me or no, you won’t tell me?” Lewis tilts his head.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
Lewis clenches his jaw. “Cut the crap, man. Tell me why.”
“I can’t tell you something I’m not doing, Lewis.” George is starting to get frustrated.
“Tell me.” Lewis takes a step forward.
“No.” George turns around, planning to go lock himself in the bathroom until Alex comes.
“Don’t even think about locking yourself in the bathroom.”
The intensity in Lewis’ voice makes George pause.
“Tell me why you’re avoiding me.”
“Because I told you I love you and you didn’t say anything!” George bursts out. He finds Lewis a lot closer to him than he was before.
Lewis’ eyebrows furrow. “What’re you talking about?”
“Don’t pretend. I know I was drunk but I remember telling you I love you.”
“Then I woke up the next morning—“
“and you didn’t say anything about it. You just continued as if—“
He stops rambling and looks at Lewis.
“You told Alex you love him,” Lewis says.
“It was Alex that you were talking to.”
“No,” George denies, “it was you. I remember you being there.”
Lewis nods. “Yeah, I was there. I was right next to Alex but you were talking to him.”
“Why would I tell Alex I love him?” George throws his hands in the air.
“When have you ever not drunkenly confessed your love for Alex. It’s literally the first sign of your drunken arse. You start telling Alex how much you love him.”
George crosses his arms. “I don’t do it that often.”
“I don't know what to tell you, man, but you do it every single time you are drunk.”
“Well, this is great then. I just confessed my feelings to you.” George laughs deliriously. “Can we forget this happened and move on?”
“No, I’m done pretending.”
George has barely registered the words when he is tugged forwards strongly and suddenly, Lewis’ hands are on his nape and his lips are clashing over his. An electric jolt passes through George’s body. It takes him a few seconds to respond. George snakes his arms around Lewis’ neck, kissing the older man back with the same passion.
Lewis breaks their kiss. “I love you, too, if that wasn’t obvious.”
“It’s obvious now.” George pulls Lewis in for another kiss.
Somewhere along the way, George remembers being picked up by Lewis and wrapping his legs around Lewis’ waist, his hands cupping Lewis’ cheeks, jokes being exchanged at the most random times before the other shut them up. They lose track of time until…
“There’s a bed right there—”
George and Lewis startle and pull apart.
“—but of course you two are wall people.” Alex leans against the door.
George pats Lewis on the chest, silently asking him to put him down.
“Took you long enough.” George runs his hand through his hair.
“You’re welcome.” Alex grins. “You and the mistress wouldn’t have talked otherwise.”
“Excuse me?”
The grin wipes off Alex’s face. “Oh, oops, did I just say that out loud?”
“Did you just call me the mistress?”
A beat of silence.
“It’s a joke. Don’t kill me!”
Mash-up trope
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t0ast-ghost · 7 months
Started watching the original series of Star Trek and my thoughts so far:
- I was skeptical at first but then the talk between the doctor and Pike was soooo fucking good, they’re bringing out ALL the issues right away, so pretty strong beginning
- oh lord the sexism (they try to kind of address it?)
- first teleportation is iconic! (Why did aos even TRY and change it?)
- Spock SMILES?!?
- THE VOICE!!! She’s so iconic (talking about the lady who voices the computer in next generation)
- Pike don’t follow her!! Nooo! Pike! Oh well get him I guess
- interesting monsters… hmm.. it’s a fucking zoo isn’t it.
- “the creature will throw himself against the transparency” *bong**bionng* *bonnng*
- nevermind it isn’t a zoo
- neat transition effect when they put him in the mind games
- *roar* “if you attack while it’s not looking” THAT IS A NORMAL MAN
- falling is a bad guys worst enemy and a plot devices best friend
- “zoo specimens like me” OK SO KIND OF A ZOO
- THEY SENT HIM TO HELL HOLY CRAP- oh wait he’s back it’s fine haha
- horsies! Pike is a horse girl
- these episodes are 51 minutes each
- “‘cause you either live life, bruises, skinned knees, and all, or you turn your back on it and start dying” Holy damn that’s a good moment
- So this is how Orions came to be huh. Thank god they made it to Tendi
- Alien: which one of these women do you want?Pike: When I fucking get you-
- Spock was gonna leave, love him for that, live laugh love sweetie <333 (wait is live long and prosper their version of live laugh love?)
- “you think we’re gonna take this? Well what if we blow ourselves up”
- “‘get your fuckin dog bitch’ ‘it don’t bite’ ‘YES IT DO’” when Pike shows up with a bomb
- IS SHE GOOD? What? no take her with?!? What kind of fucking ending? “and I agreed with her reasons” the fuck, fuck off
- Number one is so done with his shit AND SHE’S RIGHT
- So uhhh when does Kirk come in? Or Bones (mostly bones)
- okay the next episode started and I just needed to have some patience cause they’re both here now
If you read all that, thank you? Might do this again or just add onto this post.
Edit: I did do it again! Here’s the second one
Here’s all the others
Another edit: First episode is called “The Cage”
27 notes · View notes
afreakingdork · 9 months
Weak Spot - Chapter 51
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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This is just a taste, read on to see this week’s chapter art by @garbagemilkshake
Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes, Xenophobia, Fear, Intimidation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Love, AFAB Reader, Vaginal Sex, Sex Rough, Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Teasing, Scent Kink, Sexual Tension, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Marathon Sex, Somnophilia, Bondage, Feral Behavior, Feral Donatello, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Public Sex, Dom Donnie, Human/Turtle Relationships, Turtle Noises, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay
Synopsis:  A love story of villainous proportions! Though it hadn’t come easily, as these things rarely do, you found yourself in a whirlwind romance with a handsome and mysterious mutant. His idiosyncrasies had been easy to ignore as attraction grew into something more. However, will love endure when the unknowns about him end up being far darker than you ever considered?
Is this another dedication? No, this is an celebration. @mothmans-left-nipple has been leaving gifts my inbox with talk of eating delights and attending to Donnie's every whim and I've had enough! Let's go all out! Let's fucking party!!
You know what that means everyone?
It's time.
Def not forgotten, but huge shout out to @some-guy-named-dominyk for helping me design in mAY OF 2023 HOLY CRAP SO LONG AGO the special something something for ole Donnie boy! 🥳
Fem!Reader References/Warnings Below Cut
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Fem!Reader References/Warnings: mentions of heat, menstrual cycle, cunt, talk of watersports, ClItOrAl StImUlAtIoN, pegging, strap on, dildos, harness, lingerie (corset ((not boob kind)), garter, thigh highs, crotchless undies), double penetration mention, womb call, I can't remember if I left the word uterus in there but blanket maybe there too, and a boob tug and roll.
You were awake and thinking about Donnie’s slit.
It wasn’t exactly the way you wanted to start your day, but you weren’t mad about it.
It probably would have been beneficial to both parties if only for one thing.
Donnie was still very much asleep.
Turning your head on your pillow from where you’d been staring at your ceiling, you watched your exhausted partner take slow and steady breaths. With some kind of rush order due, he had been spending long hours in the lab. He’d come home an exhausted mess only to boil himself to some semblance of clean before burrowing into the sheets for a short bouts of sleep. Crunch time, as he bitterly spoke of it, would be short lived, but happened on special occasions. In fact, yesterday had been the last of the three day stint and you’d long decided that today was meant to pamper him.
If only your thoughts weren’t so damn wretched.
You weren’t sure if you had dreamed it, but his leaking orifice had been your very first conscious thought. A needy thing, you very much wanted to help him except you kept having to convince yourself it was your imagination. This was not the relaxing day you had planned and the sleep he was currently attending to should be his top priority.
That didn’t mean you couldn’t fantasize.
Rolling over with care, you settled onto your side to observe him comfortably. He was on his carapace with a few extra pillows propped up so the curvature of his shell wouldn’t impede his comfort. With one arm thrown across his torso, the other appeared to be dangling off the bed. If you were in a better mindset, you might have fixed that for him on the way to go about your day. You would, you decided, when you were done acting out your intrusive fantasy.
Speaking of, you trailed down where the sheets coated him and the prize you sought underneath. Not exactly sprawled in this position, Donnie did have his knees knocked out with his shins thrown awkwardly at two different angles that sleep dictated. An upward sweep said he was somewhere dreamless reserved for the overworked, but you attempted to recreate frustration.
Furrowing his brows and parting his lips, he dreamt of you and having you between his legs. Lapping at his slick and teasing his vent, you tried to decide if he’d cum like that or dropped. Above you he’d surely plead for the latter, but you flip flopped between both scenarios until you decided you wanted to drown in him. Those achy muscles of his unwound and you’d choke as his cock hit the back of your throat. Not gagging, but suffocating on him, drool flooded your tongue at just the thought.
You swallowed hard. 
It didn’t have to be a dream. 
A little touch wouldn’t hurt. 
He needed to sleep. 
Closing your eyes around guilt, you squirmed at how one daydream had already soaked you.
The imagined him ghosted your ears with tells of your neediness.
He took care of you like it was his predestined duty.
It was supposed to be both ways, but you always jumped the gun.
The imagery had you hopping onto his cock and making him cum before you simply because your walls felt so good.
Eyes shooting open, you nearly screamed.
You felt like you were in a heat of your own.
You needed to remember what you were doing this for. Resisting the urge to flee, you meant to commit the piously unconscious version of your partner as a cleansing memory. This was the real him. This him needed rest. This him had no duty to make you cum. This him could use a couple of useless cucumber slices over his eyes, a warmed towel wrap, a jacuzzi, and your face smeared with his cum.
You sat upright.
Cursing your brain, you especially berated it for making the scenario a confusing one.
Were you supposed to have been blowing him amongst the bubbles?
It was continuity errors set aside for horny and you gave a tepid sigh.
You were up and you needed to get away before you jumped your poor boyfriend.
He deserved it.
He’d earned it.
You’d let him have it.
In a duck, you were under the sheets.
Feeling mad and thinking with your cunt alone, you maneuvered downward like a kid trying to sneak screen time after bed. A pale purple curtain trailed overhead and messed your hair until you came upon his thick thighs. Plump with muscle and accentuated by his shapely plastron, he had an unfair hourglass. Throwing praise to his busy job for having made him crawl into bed without dressing, you trailed down the purple pixels on his sides in a slow creep.
Rational thought defeated, you were moving on raw instinct. Some sane part of your mind sent off warnings that were immediately drowned. It turned what was left into a foreboding sensation that pounded along with the ache in your belly. You had a molten core that demanded satisfaction whether that be yours or his. One of you was going to cum soon and that was a fact.
Maneuvering straight off the bottom of the bed to readjust your trajectory, you pulled the top sheet free from the rest of its corners. It was now a magician’s veil and the dove released from the top hat would be rated for mature audiences only. Something ran on late night skin channels of yesteryear, you crawled back onto your stage between his legs.
The only barrier being his folded footless shin, you pushed at the stump of it knowing guiltily that the nerve endings there were faulty. It meant you could touch the appendage mostly unnoticed and you listened with each agonizing centimeter to see if your partner would stir from the movement that connected the rest of his leg. Cursing that you’d left yourself covered by the sheet, you couldn’t watch his face. You had to rely on only his physical cues and that wasn’t something you were as accustomed to.
Trapped and unable to actually uncover as winter chill would wake him faster, you got his knees properly in place and waited to be pulled from your den. A gopher ruining a crop, there had to be a snare according to your sheeted nerves. Your shield, your undoing, the torturous weight of the inevitable never lifted even past the point where he would have signaled wakefulness. You were prompted to continue then, steal forward more time and more of him, when you realized how’d you positioned yourself.
Something you knew moments ago, the feeling of being caught had run your blood pressure up and kicked your memory with fight or flight. Now endorphins confusingly sputtering, you stared down the crux between his legs where they were flopped open. An inviting corridor, his tail was just barely visible and positioned like your daydream.
You could taste him.
You licked your lips.
Inching forward and drunk on the memory of his musk, you gazed eagerly at the soft skin between his legs. Covertly hiding that slit, it was unmarred jade that hid away a buried palace. Reaching for him and only just barely not bumping your shoulders to his thighs, you drank in the natural scent of his body. Not the one you were sure to build up soon, it was instead something patently him and a reassurance that he was there with you.
Your consciousness was still buried, but it surfaced long enough to scream the word.
He’d taken you like this before.
You’d also been awake long enough then to give permission.
You wanted him like this.
You wanted him malleable. 
You wanted him without complaint. 
Without thought. 
Something for you. 
He couldn’t say yes.
He would.
Wasn’t that worse?
Lips parting for the swell of your tongue, a pulse between your legs sent a ping of abashed desire.
You wanted to pilfer him.
You wanted to sneak a taste.
He’d always given himself over so freely.
What was the point if it was easy?
With the smallest dart, you licked the tip of his tail.
Chaste in comparison to what your mind was doing to him, you imagined hearts in your eyes at the texture of his skin. That faint mark of scales dragged on your taste buds and you ventured forward allowing your tongue to skirt along the appendage. Around you the beast did slumber as you skirted forward with held breath. One puff would awaken the dragon and by the time you reached his apex, you turned your head to tap the guarded well.
Your hands were trapped between your chest and the bed so you clawed into the sheets to restrain yourself as you traced his slit carefully with your tongue. Not for heat, but for its epicenter, you imagined you could feel the moment he’d wake up. You wanted to know how he’d go about punishing you.
Would there be some intangible resolution?
Those thighs you adored could crush your head in an instant.
Would he fist your hair and pull your weight up by it?
You felt phantom tension in your neck as you rounded his entrance for the third or fourth time.
Would he kick right into his caretaker mode and fuck this dastardly heat straight out of your mind?
Where were you in your cycle?
In a small squirm, his slit moved in a motion akin to a wink as muscle groups rolled along one another on the body’s track.
You stilled, tongue sitting heavy on your lower lip as your wide eyes stood frozen pools staring at his sex.
This was bad.
You were bad.
Polluting his unsullied form.
Then it clicked.
He was still asleep.
Surging forward with too much zeal and drinking in the terror like your last before cut off, you shoved your tongue into him.
Licking and catching little as he hadn’t been worked up, his body rolled around you. You persevered if he tried to buck you off, not that you could tell where exactly his body’s move was headed. If he wanted to free himself, you sort of figured you’d be transported away by his thoughts alone. That was probably within his power, but he soon settled around the intrusion with your nose shoved into his pelvis. 
Scrubbing your face into his warmth like a freshly laundered towel, it warmed your cheeks as you ate him out. Pulling away with shaking breaths where you were neglecting yourself in favor of him, it felt as though all your muscles were tensed in his direction. Even your toes were curled, trying to find a foothold in the bed where your forward momentum was equally and oppositely exerting force. You needed more of your mouth on him as the first strings of acidity began to multiply. Through your own saliva, it meant his desire was building and you did your best to push your tongue as far into it as your irritatingly stunted human appendage would allow. You needed something long and not of conventional means to achieve what you really desired, but you settled for what you had.
His walls pulsed around you and, where a mixed leak of fluids was smeared, it coated your cheeks and flooded your nose with the smell you’d once been concocting. Trapped with it under the blanket, you sucked it in greedily each time your nostrils came away from his skin and you rocked your chin into his core for taste after taste.
The loose nature of sleep or maybe your own delusion meant you didn’t realize he was dropping until his glans hit your tongue. In a second, it was slapping your face and you were forced away. Blinking at his manhood on your cheek, you gave a restrained huff of laughter. Fondling and nuzzling the stickiness of his length, you pressed affectionate kisses to him until you felt his thighs quiver.
Sensing that trap you fantasized about, a rush of adrenaline said this was finally it and you screwed your eyes shut for the reveal.
A new and equally irritating form of edging, nothing happened and you cracked a lid.
The shiver had been a spreading as you had more space for your body then you did before. He’d splayed, much like he’d been forced to during his heat, to accommodate his member. Loving him all the more for it, you couldn’t stand the unknown any longer and mouthed his length affectionately as you drew back the veil.
In a slow roll, you pulled the sheet free of him and felt a confusing mix of emotion as fresh air flooded you. It meant the musk of his sex had been released, but you siphoned the new oxygen all the same. High off the supply, you gazed up the bottom ridge of his plastron to Donnie’s face. Laid to one side, there were little creases to his expression just as you imagined. Nowhere near as titillated in comparison, you palmed his knot and took his spaded cockhead into your mouth to see if you could draw them.
A delay from the tablet to the screen, the input time was relatively steady still and his face twitched with foreign ecstasy. That dreamless wasteland he’d been resting in was wavering under his form and you moved to stroke his member. A single pump brought his lips apart and his snout wiggled with a heady twitch. He was adorable to a fault and you swirled your tongue around his glans.
The bouncy bit that could spread undulated in your mouth and you imagined that expansion was coming very soon. Not something you had ever charted, his spread was an inevitability and you never thought it could be a telegraphed moment. Now faced with the chance to document it in real time, you were struck with an understanding of Donnie’s penchant for research.
Not only was your mate’s mind endlessly fascinating, but his body too.
Heart now aching along with your core, you gave a testing suck to see if you could coax his spread out. The stretchy nature of his skin said you could and hollowing out your cheeks you meant to.
You froze. 
It was small.
Impossibly so.
A pitiful size.
Easily missed.
He wanted you.
From the void, he’d asked.
Who were you to deny him?
Hoisting yourself up, every fiber of you only knew his cock. Leaving it physically meant nothing as it was etched into your cellular design and the blanket that had since been seated on your shoulders fell away like some needless cowl. Tossing it aside for the true battle, you extracted yourself like a chieftain from a throne and moved to show why he’d chosen you to fight. You stood in a show of battle. 
Your right foot pressed into the mattress beside his hip and the weight tipped his body.
His brow said it was too much so you stepped with your left to the other side and steadied his ship.
The course corrected with the faintest whine, you towered as the impending dock before mooring him with a drop of your hips.
His cock slid right into your soaked core and the moan off your lips was obscene.
It also roused him.
Not caring, you dug your knees into the mattress to get height before dropping heavily back down his shaft.
His breath stuttered as he tried to cross the barrier of consciousness.
Fucking him with a new ferocity, you watched his eyes roll against his lids.
These were waking sensations he had clearly never felt before and you bounced so hard against him the entire bed creaked.
“F-fuck…!” The lines on his physical curtains were drawn too fast and the shades of his lids slammed open before his pupils could focus.
“I-I’ll s-say!” You added a roll to your ministrations.
“Y-you…” Fighting for his life, a hand brushed one of your legs as if touch was his first sense back.
In a few more paws and against your furious thrusts, he locked onto one hip for a crushing grip.
Catching his hand and digging your nails in as a warning if he dared to stop you, you moved for a deep grind and it sent him partially back to that dead space you’d roused him from.
Mouth gaping with unsaid words, he gave a series of grunts before clarity drew out the true noise you imagined his hindbrain wanted.
He gave a deep sultry churr.
It brought the whole of your torso down upon his while continuing to relentlessly bounce your ass. You couldn’t reach his face with yours at this angle so you settled for your hands and squeezed his cheeks. It finally placed his gaze and you saw a form of betrayal as that beautiful brain of his began to put two and two together.
A whiz at math, he caught your other hip with painful accuracy. Instead of hindering, he aided and lifted you higher than you could alone. Knowing it would sting, you tried to get yourself upright as he lifted you right up to the barrier of his spread before letting gravity skewer you. It wrangled a scream through the burn and happy tears streaked your cheeks at the branding.
Wanting to be impaled again, your hands flew to grab his wrists in some sort of indication. He read the ley lines printed on your palms and lifted you up for what you thought would be another delicious drop. A coaster with an unseen bend, he held you in the air with suspense before he slammed his hips up into you against physics grip. Screaming rapture, he plowed your floating form and the pinch and brunt of him filling you over and over felt like he was fucking your heart straight out of your chest.
Dropping suddenly, you felt your body force the ballooning of his knot inside only for the wrench to make the final turn on the hydrant. Dousing your fires, you gnawed on your own fingers as euphoria had them tangling up your form to keep your skin in place. Not even sure if your peak had been reached in a conventional sense, his had a telegraphed cool down and you slumped a happy slack above him in what felt like a propped pillow.
“Y/N.” His voice came stern with post-nut clarity.
“Yes, love?” You responded, dopey and half-lidded.
“What…” He dug one elbow into the bed with a shove. “…was…” The other came down on a rock that got him upright. “…that?” He breathed hot irritation into your face.
You pecked the very tip of his snout.
His nostrils flared.
You gave him another tiny kiss.
Tilting away from your lips, he took to scenting your neck with a latent grouch. “You smell good…” 
“Can I be in heat?”
The leading of his nose stopped and he craned an incredulous brow at you. “Not with a regular menstrual cycle.”
“Your breath is atrocious.” He caught your chin and tipped you side to side. “What’s come over you?”
“Don’t know…” You cooed through a haze.
“Inhale something?” He sniffed again as if he could place it.
“Like what?”
“Sex pollen?”
Part of you very much wanted to know what that was, but the other that had been reigning all morning won out. “No.” You giggled as he nosed your throat. “Just want you.”
“I can tell.” He spoke. “Recap.”
“Woke up, wanted you, sort of-” The brunt of what you’d done doused you like an iced bucket. “Um…”
Where he still had your chin, he brought you to look at him.
“I’m sorry…” You whispered, hoping to curtail your morning breath. “I… I messed up…”
His exhale had a gruff edge. “Are you alright?”
He nodded.
“Besides the guilt…?” Your gaze dropped to where his ever-softening cock was still seated in you. “Donnie, I don’t…”
“I’m okay.” With a little bounce, he pulled your eyes back. “I’m alright. You have retroactive consent. Do you hear me?”
“I’m more interested in the mechanics.”
“How’d you mount me?”
“I ate you out first.”
“You-” He stalled with bewilderment. “How long?”
“I don’t know… I was sort of stupid horny.”
“You performed oral and…?”
“You dropped and said my name.”
“I spoke?” A levity attached itself to his words.
“Yeah, a sleepy mumble.” Nerves were rapidly exchanged for butterflies at his raising disposition.
“That is…” He broke eye contact to search the air. Finding nothing, he returned with intrigue. “Then you?”
“Got on top.” You nodded.
“Which then…” Catching up with the present, he gave a new impressed chuff. “Fascinating.”
“What part…?” You felt his cock retreating and it brought your hands to his shoulders.
“You may not have realized…” He eased you a little as he exited. “But I am a very light sleeper. I was nearly ambushed many a times in my youth. Quick waking is paramount to survival.”
You made a noise as that made a sad sort of sense.
“I feel I should be more concerned.”
“But…?” It sounded like he was leading though he’d made a clear stop.
“But I’d like to brush my teeth.”
“And take my turn.”
“Mind?” He twitched one of his thighs as a signal for you to get off.
“Uh, yes. I mean, of course.” Throwing your weight to the side, you meant to fall, but he got hold of you and made your dismount more elegant.
Leaving you to give a satisfied squirm in the sheets, he took leaping steps toward the bathroom and the curve of your spine disrupted his spent. It trailed between your legs and a flighty noise caught in your throat.
“Wait, Don?”
The tap was already on and he gave a full mouthed grunt that said his toothbrush was already in his mouth.
“I should wash up. I’m kinda leaking… you, ya know?”
His head shot out of the bathroom door with foamy lips. “An’?”
“That’s…” You stumbled wondering if it was a problem; to most guys it was.
He seemed satisfied with your revelation and returned to his task.
Laying back, you wondered if it was strange. In theory it wasn’t, you both usually gulped down each other’s bodily fluids without second thought, so why was it so odd to taste your own? You’d tasted yourself on his lips more than once and, though it wasn’t something you chased, it wasn’t like it grossed you out. Instead, it was usually enhanced with the thought of where he’d just been and the act itself of kissing him was always a pleasurable one.
While your mental debate stalemated, your partner emerged.
Jarring as his existence interrupted the candidates at their podiums, you waffled to get into a better position. It amounted to little in the time allotted, but you watched him slow as you got an elbow behind you to prop you up. It angled your body down where you let your legs fall open to see the sight of what he had done to you.
He glanced at your core with a flick of his pupils before coming up with a near comedic air.
You pouted and slammed your knees together. “What?”
“You needn’t do anything.” As he neared, he parted the canopy to place his hands on the edge of the bed as if he might crawl up.
“I want you to want me…”
“I do.” Instead of walking forward, he extended his arms to their full height.
“No, like… I want to feel sexy doing it. Like I’m doing something.”
“You are.” He was just shy of laughter.
“I’m not making sense!” You groaned and let yourself collapse.
“Too much?”
“Not enough!” You felt like kicking and screaming. “More sex!”
He gave into a chuckle. “I meant…” He caught your ankle and, in a rough tug, he pulled you right up to the edge of the bed.
Your heart skyrocketed and you stared up at him with appreciation.
“My teasing.”
“Yes, I get it! I’m walking perfection in your eyes. I know!” You shook your head.
“I understood your intent.”
“Yeah, I just said it.”
He gave a playful growl before releasing you in favor of slamming his fists down on either side of your hips.
You squeaked as you bounced.
“You want to be a showstopper. You want to take my breath away. You want to make me drop at a glance.” He towered over you with burning intent.
You stared up at him. “Oh… You…”
“Understand.” He insisted.
“So when you said…” You ran back through the conversation though your sex flexed a protest. “…that you do… You’re saying I don’t need to now.”
“Yes, in this instance.” He dipped down and you thought he might kiss you. “There is no need, but that doesn’t mean your ability is stunted otherwise. Do you want to know the last?”
“I’d kind of like to be on your cock while you tell me.”
“Salacious.” He grumbled heat and came down to nip at your cheek.
You giggled and turned into him which he pointedly shirked away from. “Seriously!?”
“I have standards.” He rose out of your breath’s reach.
You puffed out your cheeks and nudged your body down to grind on him.
He caught you. “Story first.”
“A short one.”
He gave a put-out sigh before smiling. “Two days ago.”
You diverted some thought to the occasion.
“You were running late to work. Your clothes wrinkled and you’d missed the top button on your shirt.”
You gave him a confused look. “I thought this was supposed to be a ‘drop on sight’ moment?”
“It was.”
“You-!” The protest stopped as his casual response sunk in.
“In a rush, an otherwise mess…” He openly reminisced and his eyes rolled with delight. “Mine.”
“You didn’t say anything…”
“You needed to leave.” He came down from cloud nine with sweet tidings.
You squirmed, needing him more.
“As I said. The power is yours and you command it well.” He reviewed you with growing pride. “Now you’ve been very good.”
You bit your lip to keep from asking for a reward.
He smirked in a way that said that was the right call and swept down your body for a set of measurements on how he was going to go about taking you.
Thinking you were a step ahead of him, you wiggled your ass in a show that it was at the edge of the bed so he could eat you out over the side.
His chin dropped, indicating that he might, but a concurrent thought brought his lids up. “Another ride?”
“Yes, clearly.” You shifted your hips at the ready. 
“Focus.” He flicked your forehead.
You held the spot with a grunt.
“Me. I’m asking if you’ll top again.”
“I can.” You blinked lackadaisically.
“The night I first churred…” He gave your thighs a squeeze before jumping up onto the bed.
This time you timed his bounce to right yourself.
He rounded you on all fours before throwing himself onto his carapace. “When you rode my face.”
“I got you.” You moved beside his head and readied to throw a leg over.
“A little different.” He brought a hand up to stop you.
You waited with a frown.
“Patience.” His lids came down with joking disappointment.
“You don’t need to explain it, just shove that tongue in me.”
He turned onto his side to pinch you. “You had complaints about consent moments ago!”
“Old me. Don’t care.” You tried to pretend like his fingers hadn’t stung. “Go, hurry.”
He gave a loud dramatic sigh and flopped back down. “Fine. I want you to sit on my face and time it. Suffocate me. I want to push the limits of my held breath and in exchange you’ll get as many orgasms as you’d like.”
The explanation alone was enough that you spun around to grab your phone.
He gave an amused chuff.
You got a stop watch up before a small thought bubbled an incessant worry. “Wait… What if I don’t know when to stop?”
“I’ll momentarily lose consciousness.” He shrugged and adjusted his head at the ready.
He flicked his gaze at you. “I’ve suffered worse. Come here.”
“Promise you’ll be okay.”
“I doubt we’ll reach that point. It was meant only as a possibility.”
“I swear.” He turned to you. “Now take your damn seat, you heathen.”
Cunt clenching, you moved back into position and this time he helped you along as you straddled his face. Adjusting for the angle, you wanted to descend just right while he clamped onto your thighs as his safety bar. Chewing your lips in preparation, you had just about gotten yourself where you wanted when his brow furrowed.
You hummed a question, looking down your body at him.
“Sit.” He breathed heat and yanked you down.
Straight onto his tongue, your head rolled back for sweet relief. Licking into you, you rolled your hips to chase him and felt the odd contrast in his freshly brushed teeth. It meant the lingering mint mixed in for an odd icy hot burn that you thought you might get addicted to.
Grounding down to cut off his nostrils as he requested, you faintly tapped your phone where it was loosely clutched in your hand. Immediately abandoning it as he tasted you, your belly throbbed with need. It still wasn’t enough so you caged his head tightly between your thighs and exerted as much force to squeeze a little more ecstasy out of him.
It came with increased ministrations and a loud rumbling moan that rolled into an eager churr. Having angled his snout near your clit, the vibrations shook there in a mock sensation of a magic wand and you cried out at the thought. Muscles in your ass already spasming, he brought you to a near immediate climax and tongue fucked you straight through it.
Instead of falling forward like gravity wanted, you protested with carnal desire alone and threw your hands back to grip his plastron. The hold was a strange one, but it meant you had new leverage on your hips. Using it all along with a manic grind, you found you could shove down with more than your body weight and earned another euphoric moan that had you clenching on that sharp tongue of his.
Curving it into you, it couldn’t quite reach where you hoped, but that didn’t make it any less. Riding his face as if you were trying to stay on a mechanical bull, you rocked the entirety of his body. He navigated you with a seasoned diver’s accuracy and dug his nails into your thighs to brand the moment with little crescents. You’d think of them fondly later as a second peak blanketed rationale.
Feeling everything keenly, he let go of your legs and you might have protested had his hands not dipped under your ass. He dug his thumbs into the sensitive skin of your inner thigh and with a jagged drag he split you farther open. It sunk him those few little centimeters deeper and he held there.
Delirious tears forming as another orgasm neared, he prodded your backdoor with one digit and the subsequent unraveling came with a full body spasm that caused it to breach you. Wobbling through a soprano, the sweep of fluids leaking from you spattered what felt like everything below your legs. Whether it was mixed with his saliva or all coming from you, it was enough lube that his finger sank into the first knuckle joint and he pressed it towards where his tongue was buried.
Lightning shocking your body as you swear you felt the connection through your innermost walls, you screamed out his name with no indication of why. It was a call of what he did to you, had done, and would eventually do and he answered it by continuing to make good on his promise. Only wanting to make you cum again, he slowed only to ease you off your current orgasm before ramping right up to the next. Now timing it with a finger in your ass, the dual pump had you rolling back into both sources of pleasure and your next orgasm came without any true indication.
Now on an ever-present high, you drowned yourself until your jaw dropped and drool poured down your face just as slick soaked the bed. A stream with two outlets, it melded an ocean whose only desire was to drown its sole occupant. A man not bothering to swim, Donnie sank. Suffocating his mouth, filling his nose, and presumably taking his vision as the whole of his face was firmly wedged between your legs, you felt a weary pinch and burn that dropped like a stone in your mind.
Your bladder.
It ripped terror through you and though you’d settled firmly on not giving a shit about him eating his own cum, you weren’t about to suddenly piss down his throat. A flex warned how imminent such an act was and, in a flurried jump, you were off of him and into the bathroom before anything could happen.
“Why!?” You heard him rage from where you’d left him.
Shuddering from sweet release, you slumped against the cold toilet as he gave a single bang on the door.
“For that!?”
“Donnie, come on!” You cleaned yourself up and threw the door open only to have your phone thrust in your face.
“First.” He shook the device that read a tidy 23 minutes and change. “I could have gone at least 10 more minutes and second!” He removed the barrier so you could feel the brunt of his displeasure. “I desire the whole of you. I do not care!”
“I appreciate it!” You yelled and pushed past him. “I, however, wasn’t sure!”
His snout wrinkled with protest.
“Not of you!” You waved your arms to dispel him. “Me! I’m allowed to have reservations about new things!”
He gave an irritated sound at the truth of your statement even if he didn’t care for it.
Reaching the bed, your actions caught up with you and your knees wobbled. Steadying yourself against the mattress, you listened as Donnie washed his hands. The rush of water reminded you of what had just occurred and you glanced at where the two of you had been on the bed. Your imagination a reality, there was a clear soaked spot that was carved out by your knees. An imprint of your joining, you chuckled at it and felt a needy pulse of your southern muscles. “There’s no way…”
“What?” He was right beside you.
You jumped and he steadied you. “You-!”
The angered heat was exchanged for another you watched him take your scent in.
“I’m still turned on.”
He nodded, eyes lulling at the smell.
“Can you tell the difference between me and this?” You gestured around, imagining your last session clung to the air.
“Yes…” He surfaced with only a crack to his lids. “You smell better.”
“You keep saying that…” You licked your lip. “Do I smell different than usual?”
“It’s good.” He came into your space and butted his snout against your neck.
“You're repeating yourself.” You instinctively went to hold him. “May I got into something?”
“Did you?” He asked with licks to your skin.
That need you summoned him for grew. “Don…”
“I’ll take care of you.” He husked, nosing up to your cheek before his snout wrinkled. “Brush your teeth!”
“Piss drinker!” You shouted the double standard in his face before going to do just that. 
“One does not have to have a proclivity to be open to the concept! Just as I’ve had the passing desire to mark you as my territory, there doesn’t have to be action! It is devotion!”
You slammed on the metaphorical brakes and your hands came up for two very obvious stop signs even though you’d already executed. “No. No, no, no!” You spun wild eyes around at him. “We are not going to brush past the part where you just said you wanted to pee on me!!”
“Mark-ing.” His lip curled as he slowly enunciated as if that was something different than how you’d described it.
“Nope!” You turned heel and continued back toward the bathroom. “No. No. No. No. No. No.” You continued to pop the sound with a new and different inflection each time until you reached the sink. “You get teeth brushing or that. Not both!” You snatched your brush up, flicked the tap, wet it, and smashed the bristles while applying paste.
Donnie appeared a looming presence behind you. “Then you’ll be delighted in mine listing of the safe bacteria in healthy urine versus the utter filth that proliferates in one’s mouth!”
‘I’m not listening!’ You hummed the words through foam.
He began listing scientific names for what had to be bacterial strains while you loudly hummed to drown him out.
You both continued to increase your volume in time until you spat, rinsed, and turned on him with the most deafening scream you could muster.
He quieted for only a single moment of rage.
“You’re lucky I’m so irritatingly turned on right now because otherwise I would beat the shit out of you! It’s still on the table, but maybe I’ll just fuck you into submission!!!”
His entire body twitched.
It dropped your guard.
His eyes at their widest stared back at you and the faintest squeak interrupted the otherwise silence.
“Oh.” You tilted your head.
His cheeks exploded with color.
You reached out and pressed a pausing hand to his plastron to keep him from leaving.
His eyes squeezed shut as another pathetic peep caught in his throat.
“Donatello…” You cooed.
He cracked an eye open for you though it looked like he was boiling alive.
“Look at you…” You traced over his pectoral scutes. “You really have lost control, haven’t you?”
He parted his lips for what looked like a protest, but only a breathy exhale emerged.
It betrayed him further.
His expression grew miserable.
“All those emotions.” You dotted over his heart. “All this yelling. Unlike you.”
He had a faint shake to him.
“Why didn’t we think of it?” You parted your lips knowing the plump would hypnotize him.
His gaze locked onto it.
“That I could take care of you? Make you forget. Like you said. I have the power.”
That wobble became a little more furious.
“What do you say? I really want to. Especially when you’ve turned such a pretty color…” You stepped into him, your body nearly flush to his.
The back and forth was distinct in a way that you could tell was a counterbalance.
Tracing over him with growing understanding, you heard him give a wrung out noise as he looked away with repulsed shame.
You continued down his body to where his hips were furiously swaying with the wag of his tail.
“Come.” You held out your hands and he kissed you so hard into the sink you could already feel the bruise. Turning a whimper into a moan up into him, you moved against each other until he needily tugged at you. He drug uselessly at your body and you knew he wanted to lift you, but you refused to help. It amounted in him becoming more and more frustrated until he broke the lip lock to send that feeling down to you.
You were waiting with a cocky air.
“I’ve made something.”
“I have something for you.”
You stared at one another before trying again.
“You do?”
“I’m sorry-”
Lids dropped with irritation, you both made an annoyed noise at the overlap.
Lifting your hands up to show you would abstain, he urged you to go with a curling of his digits.
It amounted in a third stand off where you groaned out of it. “Same time!”
“That is what got us into this predicament in the first-”
“Let’s exchange at the same time!” You cut through, exasperated.
“Ah.” He liked the idea enough to take a step back. “What room will you need?”
“Pit stop in the bedroom and then here.”
“That works.”
“Okay.” With an agreement set, you both exited the bathroom. Donnie went to busy himself by his nightstand while you went to the dresser. Shoving straight into the familiar stack of winter clothes, you quickly located the ugly holiday sweater and the garment box wrapped within. Pulling it out and tucking it to your chest, you checked to find your partner with his back a calculated turn away. “I’m going!”
He heeded your call with a nod and you tucked yourself into the bathroom. Behind the closed door, you heard him move, but ignored him in favor of getting your lingerie set on. The corset being the easiest part to snap into; you marveled at how it was your exact measurements. It was a horrifying sort of incredible that only Coral could achieve. Not actually wanting to know how she’d done this, you wrangled the garter belt and got lost amongst the straps.
It took some time working out the logistics and having to unhook the thigh highs as you forgot the underwear, but you eventually donned the entire set and looked at yourself in the mirror. Without enough room to back up and see the entire ensemble, you jumped to view as much as you could. The glimpses shot powerful inoculations of confidence in you and by the time you were moving to look down the length of your body, you knew you would be successful in your surprise mission.
Knocking the wood of the door to signal your exit, you called your partner. “Don, you ready?”
His stutter made you pause.
Maybe this wouldn’t be as alluring as you’d hoped.
He could very well be the one who gave Coral the measurements and it tinged your mood.
If this was another of his creations, a thing he desired to see you in, that was one thing.
Coral was something else entirely.
Running a digit along the plastron-like bottom of the corset, you wondered if this shape was something he actually preferred.
Something you couldn’t give him.
That feral side of him would never wholly be able to give itself over to a human.
That part of him was turtle.
Was it always a little dissatisfied with his choice?
A fuck was a fuck and it could be settling for second best.
All you knew was you weren’t sure.
You could also easily find out.
Shoving the negative feelings down and scrounging the powerful ones you once had, you opened the door.
Across the room, Donnie was facing your side of the bed. His scarred carapace in full view, he was hunched over something and sat a vision between the parted gauzy drapes of the bed.
“All suited up.”
He jolted, but didn’t turn.
“I…” He hesitated in a loud way and you heard him squeeze what sounded like wood. “I have a history with leather.”
“Good thing it's not.”
His head lifted. “You’ve put something on.”
“That’s what I said.” You took a few steps out and his interest helped bolster your momentary lapse. “How do you feel about silk and lace?”
His neck rotated the slightest amount and his tone held admiration. “That…”
“Wanna see?”
“I’m having second thoughts.”
“Not about you!” He very nearly turned and to prevent it, he slacked back over whatever he had. “This. This here.” The bed creaked as he pushed down on the object. “I don’t know why I bothered…”
You were in motion and next to him where you placed a hand on his shoulder. “Whatever it is, I bet it’s amazing because you made it.”
He glimpsed you with a quick flick to just catch your face. “I suppose we’ll see…”
You squeezed him reassuringly. “I had my own hang ups about mine. They happen. Let’s let each other decide, hm?”
He sighed, trying to blow away his concerns. “Yes.”
“From three.”
You stepped back to put yourself on display and Donnie turned with a wooden box in hand.
He very nearly dropped it and had to scramble down to the floor to save the object. Catching it in time and with a quick survey to make sure it survived the fall, he turned awe up at you.
You did a little anxious strut. “Ta-dah.”
“What…? Where…?” Setting the box safely aside, he was entranced as he rose and moved toward you.
Readying yourself for him, you watched as he traced the lace detailing up to the corset.
“The shape.” He had a smile on his face.
Not a lusty heat, though it was partially there, he was more amused by it and that made your heart soar. Leaping to accommodate the organ, you jumped him and pulled him into a kiss of desperate gratitude.
He garnered your hips to pull you back and nuzzled your cheek. “Were you honestly worried? You are a vision. Stunning. Dazzling. Ravishing. I have a thousand and more descriptions.”
“It… I sort of thought… maybe that you…”
He nudged you a last time with his snout before retreating enough to watch with an encouraging gaze meant solely for you.
You softened at it. “That you wished I had… a shell... or something.”
You were hit with a puff of air from him snorting.
Your hackles rose.
“I’m sorry.” He failed to cover his lips from a wrinkling smile. “I-”
A laugh escaped him, loud and bright.
“It’s a real concern. I don’t know!” You thumped your fists to his plastron.
“It’s not.” He covered your hands to hold them in place and dipped forward to kiss you.
The intensity nearly bowled you over and translated something deep.
“Only you. I only desire you in your true form. No tricks. No broaches.” He pressed his forehead to yours.
You nodded against him.
“Hm… I suppose if you were to mutate then that would be your true form…” He pulled away with the thought and it was the way his pupils flicked up to the top right that told you this was the first time he’d ever considered the option.
A small bout of fear ran its course as you worried if you’d mistakenly planted the idea.
With a single shake, he tossed the idea away before you manifest true worry. “No matter. My feelings the same though my body would require an adjustment period.”
“Oh?” You squeezed his hands.
“Sudden change can be difficult for me to process.”
You stole a quick kiss.
“Carapace…” He chuckled to himself.
“Don’t tease me! I was worried!”
“Am I making light?” He stepped away to examine your outfit.
“Just… why would your turtle half… I don’t know… Want me?” You did a twirl within his hand.
Skimming a digit down the side of your corset, he had a fond smile. “Turtle half? I may refer to different states of myself as such, but never that.”
You squinted.
“My mutation is a unified front. I am unique. I want you.” He traced the lace at your hip.
That you understood. “You’re you.”
“Yes.” He grinned with what was at first appreciation before it dipped mischievous while his fingers followed a strap right into your soaked folds. “I do enjoy this ensemble immensely. Especially this.”
You shuddered, legs spreading to accommodate his touch.
He stroked and kissed down the side of your head. “Might I persuade you to make this your staple undergarments?”
“Defeats the purpose…” You replied breathily.
“Easy access.” He bumped his head to yours.
“Hey…” You touched his arm to stop him. “Distracting me, what about your thing?”
He froze.
“Donnie…” You craned your neck away to catch a glimpse of him.
“Impulse!” He spoke with a full retraction of his form and took a few steps away. “Nothing more. Nothing we should concern ourselves with!”
You hummed, unimpressed.
He robotically retrieved the box. “I’ll just store this. Or destroy it. Both. One. Or-”
“Tell me honestly: Do you actually want to table this or are you embarrassed?”
“I’m… fine.” His eyes flew from side to side before landing on you. “Fine, yes. That’s the one.”
It was your turn to laugh.
He inched away as if he thought you were distracted.
You quickly crossed over to him and put a hand to his arm. “You are a terrible liar and that wasn’t even what I asked!”
“It wasn’t…?” His expression cracked.
“No!” You giggled. “How have you gotten away with being fiendish all these years!?”
“There is a difference between an outright lie and twisting the truth.”
“Wanna take that question again then?” You tilted your head up at him cutely. “For me?”
His eyes held a certain betrayal before he gave up and lifted the box a little more toward you. “Do you recall when I lost our wager the day you commanded me?”
In a blink you did. “Yes.”
“I was… inspired…” He gestured for you to follow and he placed the box on the bed.
“Which part?” You came close, studying how the wooden square was constructed. It struck you as similar to his furniture so you imagined he had built it. With no obvious door, you imagined you needed to slide a panel to reach the contents.
He held out a hand for you to see for yourself.
You gave his arm a final comforting squeeze before going to open the box. Testing the corners, you found the top panel did slide and inside there was a huge purple lump. An odd thick cylinder, you lifted it up with both hands. Coming into the proper light, it almost looked like a non-tapered dildo with a pale purple shade that seemed demure compared to its size. Thick beyond comprehension, it was equally long and didn’t have a distinct head. Instead, the base was solid and the opposite end puckered into a hole. Testing a finger against it found a plush interior with ribbing that brought your eye over to Donnie. “This is...?”
“A combination sex toy built for my anatomy…” His voice wobbled.
You turned the hefty toy over. “So this goes in you and then you go in this…?” You demonstrated sticking a finger into the toy.
He nodded, his face ablaze.
“You’re so sweet…” You set the toy down before coaxing him to you.
He came with a faint nervous whine.
“Shhh… This is wonderful.” You peppered kisses along his cheeks. “You’re alright. You want me to use this on you?”
His gaze plummeted and he headbutted into your chest in a comical bend for his size.
You cradled him close regardless. “We can go nice and slow, but… I’d like… I want to make you feel good.”
“I was supposed to take care of you.” He mumbled into your torso.
“Sounds like you're trying to twist the truth out of this…”
His body flinched with guilt.
“I did… craft you a strap.”
“You did?!” You pulled away with what you quickly realized was too much excitement. “Sorry…”
“No… I’m glad you like the idea… I am… I-” He grit his teeth as if it pained him before turning around to reveal his wagging tail. “I despise this incessant thing.”
You couldn’t help but skirt the appendage. It slapped against your palm and you felt the telltale excitement leaking down it. “I think you'll grow to like it. This guy knows. Let me change your mind?”
All of him stayed still save for his tail.
You kissed his forearm. “We’ll go so slow. We’ll stop if you need. All the usual.”
He peeked over his shoulder at you.
You stared back with an open question.
He frowned and flicked his head away for another desperate whine before he stormed over to the dresser. There he extracted a tangle of black straps and shirked his size in approaching you.
“Why don’t you put that on me? For control and because I don’t think I can without mixing up everything else I’ve got going on.”
That earned you the faintest bubble of mirth and he knelt down in front of you.
Taking a wide stance so he could get between your legs, you watched him methodically go through the process to strap you in. With one long bit going over the top of your ass and two separate supports cupping under your cheeks around each leg, there was a large plate of sorts covering your mons. Feeling a sturdiness that you imagined came with rock climbing, Donnie left, murmuring something, before he returned with the toy.
He shook his head and you loved the way his cheeks flushed.
“Wanna share?”
“If…” Adjusting buckles and a ring, he worked on getting the toy added to the strap. “If.. this…”
“Feels good?” You offered.
“Adjustments.” He got the word out and gave a sigh where he had to lean his head against your leg. “I'll make adjustments. For your pleasure. An added mechanism.” He grunted. “I haven’t explained the tech yet...”
“Take your time.” You pet his head. 
“At the time, I was only interested in the logistics. What did a design for me look like? A wholly new problem to solve. My only focus: could it be done?” You heard a button snap and watched as he slowed. “What came to fruition was without further thought. Not of… use or otherwise.”
You stroked down his cheek and his eyes closed momentarily.
“I should have considered you. You gave me the idea.”
“I did?”
He turned to look at you against your palm.
“I mean you said I inspired it, but now you make it sound like I told you.”
“You did. Something along the lines of…” He took a steady breath and his gaze flicked to the past. “’Can you cum like this without dropping?’”
“Which you weren’t sure of…” You remembered the way he shook his head then. 
He nodded.
His gaze lowered to the toy where he made more adjustments.
“If there was further thought, what happened when you were done?”
“I made the box to lock it away.”
You stared until he released the toy and watched how it hung.
Not satisfied, he moved to further fix it.
“There should be a pleasant weight for you…”
“Hey…” You tapped his head.
“Not even in the strap.” He turned up his self exasperation to share. “I could have easily added an insertion point for a smaller toy or something for clitoral stimulation!” He clicked his tongue. “No, I added a self-warming feature.”
“Try.” He released the toy.
You felt a weight that comfortably pulled at your hips and reached down to brush it. The smooth surface had that same bounce, but now there was a distinct skin-like heat to it. “Woah…”
“Stimulated through use.” He griped and leaned back on his haunches.
“Have you tested this at all?”
Instead of a full twitch, you saw one of his fingers involuntarily move.
You knelt down and felt an odd adjustment in having something dangling long out in front of you.
He looked you over in a wounded way. “I… may have left yet another truth out.”
“Where?” You tilted your head with a knowing weight.
“Beta testing clearly comes after prototype… However…”
You rested a hand on his leg.
He stared down at your digits. “It seemed pointless to use without you. It seemed equally improbable that I could bring it up.”
“Yet here I am.”
“Wearing the strap I created after having had the same impossible considerations.” He chuffed.
“Is it self-lubricating too?” You stood and held out a hand to him.
He hitched on the idea with a half raised appendage so you scooped him up the rest of the way. He allowed himself to be led over to the bed where he mumbled aloud ideas for the next version.
You tied back the canopy as he made mental schematics and then urged him to sit while you got your lube. “Don, what’s it made of?”
“Silicone.” He gave a quick response among many others.
Checking the level of your water-based solution, you brought it over and passed it to your boyfriend. Having since gone silent, he cupped the container between his hands as he continued to think. He was the perfect warmer, you thought, as you rounded the bed to gather up the pillows. Whacking yourself only a few times with the toy as you were still getting used to its extension, you created a big fluffy barrier right behind Donnie before rounding to stand in front of him.
“I should take notes.” He told you.
“Nope.” You stood with a lazy smile.
“I’ll forget?”
“That a question?” You cocked a brow.
He grimaced. “No…?”
You pushed a finger to his scutes. “Lean back.”
You gestured.
He had to look to see you’d created a comfortable prop for him. He returned with an appreciative, but meek shrug and then anxiously leaned into the pile. Needing only a minor adjustment, he got into a comfortable lean and you bumped your knees against his.
“Want to stop?” You caught his eye to translate your severity.
“No…” His gaze fell.
“Think you can look at me?”
He shook his head.
“You want to watch the toy?”
You got a nod.
“What if I’m not ready to use it?”
His eyes shot to yours.
“We need to work you up. You’re so tense.” Picking the toy up so it wouldn’t hit him, you held it away as you leaned in for a kiss.
He gave you one with wound nerves.
“You’re okay. You’re going to know everything that’s going to happen before it does.”
He nodded and the next press of lips was a little more lenient. Eating it up in a near literal sense, you chased him for cautious presses until you felt him languish against your mouth. It was then that you swiped your tongue over his bottom lip in question and he answered by pushing into yours with an ache you knew all too well.
Pressing to him for the intimacy meant the toy wedged between you. Against his lips, you found he didn’t seem to notice it on contact. Finding that a good sign, you only broke away when he had thoroughly liquified before you started pressing targeted kisses down his jaw. Lounging in your attention, his head fell back into his prop and you laved at his neck. Tasting his churr on your tongue, you eased toward his shoulder at the same time as you pressed into the flat plastron around his belly.
As if activating some unknown mechanism, his legs fell apart and you ate up the real estate. Shifting out of the side saddle, you were afforded more closeness and you made it clear your hand was going south while your teeth were heading to refresh your mating mark. He gave an anticipatory chirp that you translated as a go ahead.
Fingers skirting the bottom of his plastron, you made him well aware that you were heading for his slit as your lips dragged over your crescent claims. A few agonizing squeaks sounded beside your head and you teased his entrance at the same time you bit down into his shoulder. Your honed chirp emerged loud and between your jaw and hand, you soon had him a chirping and churring mess.
“Need… Yours… Again… New!” He got out through stunted chittering sounds.
“You will.” You extracted and swiped your tongue over the blood. “Soon. You can do it very soon depending on how good you are.”
He squeaked his interest as you scissored him open and he bucked.
“Look.” You nudged his chin with your nose as he always did to you before extracting your hand from him.
He gave a whimper that returned his human speech. “What…?”
You showed him his slick on your fingers by stringing it between your digits. “Look how ready you are.”
“Ready.” He mimicked, a little lost.
“Mhm.” Having to break contact with him to find the lube bottle. You located it, warm, from where it had been tucked under his thigh. “So good. You’re so good.”
He hadn’t responded so easily to praise before and you gave him a quick eager kiss for it. “Very.”
His eyes rolled back amongst a breathy vowel and he edged his hips at the ready.
Soaking the toy and stroking it to warm it back up, you casually bumped the tip against his slit in the meantime. He twitched at the ready with each brush, until you felt the heat of it come alive. Knowing everything was ready all around, you probed a little extra lube at his entrance before turning your attention up to him. “Ready?”
His body lit with a fresh wave of anxiety that swirled across his lusty features. He managed a nod against it all.
“I’ve got you. Any time, all the same stops that we use for me, okay?”
“That’s it.” Looking down to make sure everything was aligned, you pressed the tip of the toy inside him.
“Big…!” He tensed up.
“Yup. So it can take you. Relax…” Having to wipe a hand off and saying a silent apology to your thigh highs, you caught his appendage and threaded your fingers. “I’m right here. You took both our hands before. That has to be as thick as this.”
He gave a faint nod.
Giving him time, you rocked only an inch or so the tip in little barely breaching pushes.
Less for his body and more for his mind, it took a lengthy amount of teasing until his muscles smoothed back out once again.It was only then that you felt confident enough to enter him further. The next inch you gained came with headier churrs and you took it as a good sign to keep going. His fingers clenching yours in rhythmic flexes to remind himself of your existence and you held him tight as you rocked deeper into him.
New sensation for your hips, you mentally praised his ability. Not only his stamina, but the precision he was able to garner around what was essentially a semi-rigid rod. Sure nerve endings played a huge role in that, it still felt impressive as you were having to gauge his reactions as he did you. Feeling very much like you were on the other side, you felt a drive to satisfy your partner. That mixed with one of plowing him senseless, you understood why he loved to draw out the process.
Surpassing a quarter of the toy’s shaft, you stared intently at Donnie’s face as you imagined you’d be nearing his cock soon. A squirming, chirping mess, he hiccupped noises that you imagined signaled he was close to dropping. With no indication of flexed muscles for you to check with, you searched him to see if there was any sign of him holding back. Besides the squeeze of your hand, you didn’t see anything apparent until he let out a sudden scream and you lurched forward, sinking all the way into him in a quick snap.
“Too much!!!” He screeched, tears pricking his eyes with horror.
“What happened?! Are you hurt?!” You were in a backswing when it happened, but it felt as though he’d sucked you in.
Only squawking in response, he fought against you for an upward lift that immediately had him hissing.
“Woah! No! No!!” You wrenched your hand free of him and caught the top edge of his plastron. “You can’t pull out like that! You’re going to hurt yourself.”
“Too much!! Too much!!” He cried openly with his mouth twisted in horror.
“Donnie! Donnie!” You tugged, trying to get him back into place. “I can pull out, but you need to relax. I can’t move!”
He shook his head a vicious side to side.
“Please, Don. Listen! You need my help, but I can’t like this. I know it’s hard. Please!”
He let out a frustrated whine and you felt his heels dig into your legs.
A sharp force from both the house prospectic and that one hind toe, you felt terrible for all the times you’d done it to him. “Please!”
He caught your shoulder and immediately dug his nails in.
“Ah! Stop!”
“I can’t!!” You shuffled in place where you were firmly buried. “I’m stuck!! You have to listen!”
More shaking ruffled the sheets.
It took a few tries with him doing everything ro hold you at bay, but you eventually let him cleanly claw rivets through your shoulders just to get free and slap his cheeks.
He jolted with shock though his eyes refused to focus.
“Donatello!!!” You pulled hard, digging your nails around his jaw.
He surfaced with clenched teeth and a whine like a creaky stool about to break.
“You have to get back into position. Lay back or else I can’t pull out. Can you hear me?”
He dry heaved.
Heat pricked your gaze. “Please, Donnie. Please!”
“O-!” He spasmed.
You held his hand as he tried to thrash, but the movement clearly pained him. It caused him to contort to a near violent degree and you whispered that you were there for lack of a better phrase.
You hummed along with him, at an otherwise loss.
You blinked wide. “Over?”
“O-!” He choked and ground his teeth.
“That’s-! I didn’t realize you were trying to talk! Over what, Don? Over what?”
“Over-stim!” He roared with a lurch and a bitter slack that he fought with each second.
“Over-stim…” You gasped. “-ulated. Shit. Uh.” You ran your gaze over his twisting form in a flurry. “You need to… You can…!” In a wrangle, you captured his hands and pulled them close. “Something distracting… Something…” Having held his quaking fingers to your chest, you parted the pair. “Donnie, do you remember? Silk? It’s smooth, right?” In a back bend of both your wrists, you placed his hands at your waist, around your corset. “Remember the feeling?”
Another weak whine, his fingers tried to clasp and spread over the fabric.
“It’s smooth. Silky. Feel?”
He hissed like a snake as he went for a firmer grip.
Stroking his forearms as encouragement, it took what felt like hours as he soothed himself running his digits up and down the purple fabric. By the time he quelled, his weight came down with a sudden heft that the entire bed tipped. Your nerves shot nearly as high as the mattress and you were left without a thought as you had no way to stop the action. It thankfully countered itself with gravity and clanged back onto its stand with Donnie only giving a minor grunt at the movement. “Don…?”
He gave another stunted sound.
“Are you alright?”
He had an exact timing of the up and down with his breath.
You figured it was still too soon to interrupt it. “I’m here.”
“Know.” He got out on an exhale and you squeezed his arm in time.
Stroking soon turned into a palming and when he clutched your waist, you animated knowing he’d reclaimed a part of himself. “Hey.”
“Hi…” His voice came quiet.
“What can I do?”
“I…” He sucked in a greedy breath and then let it out slowly through parted lips. “Didn’t… account for… too much.”
“What happened?”
“In me, on me.” You felt one of his fingers draw a circle on your back through the corset.
“In you… The toy… On you… Oh, how your dick inside?”
“Suction.” You felt him test the clapses on your top.
“That’s what pulled me.”
“Too much.”
“I bet. Don, I’m sorry.”
He shook his head and you realized he was counting each metal hook in a rhythmic repeat.
“We can’t stay like this forever...”
He arched an irritated brow that said he knew all too well.
“By suction, do you mean it's like sealed?” You looked down, afraid to test with your hips.
“Feels like it.”
“If we angle it then the seal would break, but that would mean...”
He gave a vague nod.
“You okay?” You touched his plastron.
He exhaled roughly. “Coming down.”
You stroked a pressure against his scutes.
He relaxed a modicum under underhand.
“What does it feel like?”
“Too much.” The words came out of him fast before he made a little annoyed noise. “Unlike the last.”
You tapped your understanding.
He seemed thankful for it. “I’m overly filled. It’s foreign and uncomfortable. Like lead.”
You focused all your attention onto your hips to keep them in place as you leaned up to him.
He did his own minor adjustment as he folded to meet you for a kiss.
“This okay?” You asked after the first chaste brush.
“Distract.” He mumbled, capturing your lips for another.
Cradling his neck with one hand and with your other a further stabilizer on his thigh, the two of you kissed a comforting weight. Imagining it as a ballast for the buoy inside him, you deepend the maneuver to balance the scales. Concocting a heat from what this act usually led to, your bodies operated on muscle memory to drink one another in.
Your desire flaring, you tried to break from him in fear that you’d pantomime a familiar rocking of your hips. He chased you with heady chirps and churrs that stirred you all the more as you couldn’t resist him. Leaning more heavily into you where you were scared to move, he dipped his tongue in to taste you and you were further coaxed as he filled your mouth. Entendre layering, you created a suction to keep him in place and he chased the feeling.
The bend of his body caused something to shift and in your mind’s eye you watched a girder split clean in half.
Donnie broke from you with a rasp and drool as his cock dislodged from the toy.
Knowing what that meant, you scoured his torso for his hands.
Grabbing them, you squeezed one another to hold on as you began to pull out.
Ruined, your partner chirped a string of sounds that sounded like an alarm bell going off. 
“I’ve got you...” You soothed. 
He flexed his hand and almost crushed yours.
“Almost there…”
With the spit he’d cropped up, he gave a soaked squeak.
“Hold on...”
His thighs rippled around your hips.
“You’re doing so good, Don.” Hitting that familiar quarter mark, you imagined his cock was about to be freed.
His legs locked around your back and smashed your pelvis back together.
Not able to verbalize your surprise, you arched into him and he belted out that honed chirp.
A pause lapsed where you listened to his heaving breath before you swiftly pulled to that same point before slamming back in.
It renewed his flow of tears and commingled with the other fluids leaking around the obscene expression on his face.
“Good!!?” You chirped your delight. 
He gave a delirious nod that could have been the bobbing from your thrusts. 
It spurned you further, fucking into him and soon abandoning his hands for his large hips. Two dense walls of muscle, you scooped under them and, in a feat that must have been executed on pure adrenaline, you hoisted him up to thrust deeper. A devolving heap of rolling pitchy sounds, he shredded the sheets trying to hold onto something. His lower body arched into you and he threw his shoulders back hard, crushing the pile of pillows in a way that made you think they might burst into feathers.
Body screaming around the many labors you were unaccustomed to, you shoved them all down in favor of your partner. Your outfit drank your sweat, clinging close for a stickiness that was mirrored by your partner’s similarly spattered skin. It was a plea from your flesh to stay together while the act unfortunately dictated movement. A heavy squelching, different than yours, cropped up and you looked down only to be hypnotized by an elusive nectar.
Each stringing drop felt like thousands of wasted dollars as fluid dripped from Donnie. The roll of his pelvis stretched the soft sopping skin and you loved the way it clung, hungry, from each backstroke. He didn’t want to let you go and with each renewed entry his body thanked you by devouring you. A lower mouth suffering massive dehydration, it guzzled you down and spilled its soak as in its desperation. 
The push and pull as something of the sea, foam cropped up in the form of the mixture growing paler by the second. Each push shoved more of his slick out and replaced the pearling said pre-cum was drowning out his lubricants. That meant his orgasm was closing in and the thought launched your gaze up to where you’d been neglecting your partner's attention. 
Donnie sat in shambles above you. 
Arriving a ship into the eye of the storm, he seemed to sense your attention and brought his eye down to stare at you above his gaping maw. A flash photograph trapped you in the moment and your hips stalled at the sight of him committing you to memory. He only mewled, his tongue rolling drool in his mouth as indication that you should continue and you buried yourself in a lunge to kiss him. He gave it with strings of saliva, another bit of him refusing to let go. 
Your retreat stung, but it was necessary to square your hips.
Anticipation sent his head back and, in a roar of exertion, you felt your vision slip as you did your best to jackhammer into your much larger partner. He cried from some unseen place and through your daggered grip on his thighs, you felt his winding. Not letting up for a second, your feet slipped in your stockings which caused you to further scramble into the thrust. You were rewarded, maybe one stroke too many, as he went dead silent before his body coiled.
A python’s constriction, he lifted clean out of your hold and caught your arms up in the wrap of his legs. Caught and crushed, the spasms rocked the both where you imagined there was nowhere else for him to go. The encasement inside matched the one out and his voice appeared within a freefall. Realizing he’d been crying out at some level above your hearing range, he rasped down from his orgasm with your name until his twitches evened out in an appeal for him to go slack.
His sudden dead weight was entirely too much and his legs became two-ton stems that tried to force you out of him. Scrambling free yourself as that would be too much too soon, he squeaked out in pain as you bobbed inside of him. Pushing deep to make up the lapse, he choked against his thoroughly taxed cloaca. The lengthy sex hitting you in a similar way, your head fell forward onto his plastron where you panted in a cropping pool of your own sweat.
Catching your breath, you heard Donnie give a wrangled trill that asked a sort of question.
Either a worry for you or something about your next action, you palmed his pectoral scutes to hike yourself up. “How’s the suction?”
He nodded and nudged your hips. 
“Alright, it’s going to be a lot. Ready…?” You drew out the sound to silence as you caught the base of the toy to hold steady as you extracted it.
You felt the venom in his gasp as you freed yourself and stepped back enough to examine how the item had fared. Glistening from his many juices, you had had a tilting hold and were rewarded as you stood the toy up to find it filled like a cup with his semen. Quirking a smile at it, you found more dripping out of your partner in thick globules. Donnie’s tail flicked irritated as the cum used him as a landing strip to escape to the floor.
The first weighty plop gave you an affectionate chuckle before a few more plunks summoned a groan from your partner.
“How’re you, sweet guy?”
He bleated dramatically to translate how disgusted he was with himself.
“Aw, don’t be like that...” You cooed as you slipped out from between his legs and approached him from the side.
“Lay down?” He managed. 
“If I go down, I’m staying down. I can already tell.”
He made a sound that wondered what was wrong with that.
“There’s still me.” You used your free hand to skim his arm.
He tensed under the touch before his muscles gave back out.
“Water?” You wondered, pulling away to let him rest.
“I’ll die.” He whined and extended one of his to fall a heavy weight over his eyes.
“I’ll get you some when you come down more.” You offered.
He didn’t exactly respond and instead made a decompressing noise.
Gazing over your work fondly, you were definitely going to use his fucked out form as spank bank material and went to review your strap. Not wanting to waste his cum, you stroked the wet device to keep it warm and looked for buckles. Finding a way to loosen the contraption, you went through the lengthy process of stepping out of the harness all while keeping the toy at a pleasant temperature.
Legs jellied, you sidestepped and nearly fell into your nightstand when B.E.D.F.A.S.T. clipped your vision. The machine would certainly help you stay upright and you looked upon it with the fondness of an old friend. “Darling Protocol-” You paused and turned to Donnie. “I haven’t had to say ‘Bypass’ in awhile.”
He gave a pathetic nod that was more a scrub against his forearm. “Superfluous.”
You hummed a thanks before resuming your course. “Darling Protocol B.E.D.F.A.S.T. on my command.”
The machine sat its usual silent, though you knew it was ready.
“Mark, support bar, horizontal.”
An arm extended out of the panel and stretched out at the ready. You grabbed it and used it to hoist a knee up onto the bed before you found a fatal flaw.
With the machine hanging over the head of your bed and Donnie hanging off the far side, you couldn’t enjoy the show of him while wrapped up in B.E.D.F.A.S.T.’s tendrils. 
“Mark, can you move the bed?”
With a clicking chunk of work, six arms soon emerged all at the ready.
“Out...” You stepped back to get a better view perspective. “Mark, let’s try… say three feet from the wall and to the left, out of the way, if you can reach.”
Taking a moment for what you assumed was some unseen scan, the arms went to work latching onto the bed at various points. One even steadying the canopy, the bed was gently pushed and Donnie immediately made a noise of protest.
“You’re alright.” You told him. “I just need some room.”
“Why?” His question was so exhausted it almost didn’t sound like he wanted an answer.
“I told you.” You walked in the space appearing as the bed moved out of your way. “I’m gonna take care of me.”
He twitched in a new way that you read as recognition and B.E.D.F.A.S.T. stopped before its task was complete.
With several grumpy grunts, he forced his arms to his sides where he struggled to get the strength to prop himself up.
“Darling Protocol, lock out user Donatello from B.E.D.F.A.S.T. programming.”
For a moment the stillness made you wonder if the command had worked.
Then ire began to pour off Donnie and he used it to get himself up on obviously quaking stems.
You watched him with a lazy smirk. “Mark, resume earlier command about the bed.”
“You can watch.” You passed him a glance before examining where B.E.D.F.A.S.T. had moved the mattress. “Mark, rotate it until I say.”
You held out a hand to stop him as B.E.D.F.A.S.T. slowly spun the bed with some unknown knowledge that you wanted Donnie to be in better view. Stepping close to the panel so you had the right line of sight, you waited until you could see his leaky tail. “There. Stop.”
Giving a single loud chuff, Donnie put a lot of effort into some type of move that amounted to nothing.
“Mark, move with me to pick me up.” You held out a hand and B.E.D.F.A.S.T. took it like a dance partner. “Don, you’re too far gone. Enjoy the show.”
“I don’t want to watch.” He spat immaturely.
“You can barely sit up, dear.” Following the steps, you lifted one foot and B.E.D.F.A.S.T. came to caress the heel. Twirling up some unseen staircase, your pace was matched with forming platforms. 
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” You shook your head as you walked yourself into the air.
“With your right hand?” He bitterly clarified.
Though you knew, you looked down to where you were rhythmically squeezing his toy. “I was going to use this.”
“It’s too big.” He stated the fact with a sharp air.
“So? I don’t have to put it in for it to feel good?”
Irritation got him straighter. “It’s mine.”
“Oh...” You looked to where the bouncy feel held an odd realism in your palm. “You heavily implied it was both of ours. Wasn’t it useless to use without me?”
“I changed my mind.”
“You’re being a brat.”
“Come here.”
“No.” You laughed as B.E.D.F.A.S.T. wrapped around your ankles and waist. “I’m sort of in the middle of something, pretty literally.”
“You can easily leave that something.” His body shook with the action, but he brought a hand up to beckon you.
“Rest!” You played up rolling your eyes. “Mark, take this, keep it warm by stroking it, and don’t spill.” You held up the toy which B.E.D.F.A.S.T. quickly took and implemented as a pumping attachment.
“Don’t.” Donnie warned.
You glanced over him and with his wiry form. He was too weak to hold an ounce of menace and you had long lost the ability to fear him. “Yeah, sorry,” you shrugged dismissively and rolled your shoulders into place. 
B.E.D.F.A.S.T. was there to catch you as if laying you down with intent. 
You heard a heavy slap of Donnie getting his feet to the floor.
You lifted right off what should have been the final formation of the machine and it balanced your move by tightening around your waist. It gave you easy support to watch your mate wobble pathetically. “You’re going to fall and I’m not going to help you.”
He grunted a dismissal and dug a hand into the bed to keep his form. “Your doing.”
“Nope! I’m not feeling guilty! Not one bit!” You refused to watch him struggle and went to fall back into B.E.D.F.A.S.T.’s embrace.
Plodding steps picked up speed along with your heart rate. 
“Mark, block!”
You winced and heard Donnie puff with anger. Forcing your lids up, you found Donnie cuffed where he was inches from grabbing one of your feet. 
“Mark, don’t let him touch me!” You grinned wickedly.
Donnie tried to beat the machine, but B.E.D.F.A.S.T. grabbed his other hand only centimeters from your skin. “Release me!”
“No! You’ll stop me!”
Donnie yanked, but B.E.D.F.A.S.T. held. “Y/N…!”
“Oh... That’s good...” You murmured. “Mark, put me down...”
Your boyfriend’s eyes shot wide at your sultry tone. “What is this...?!”
You were a little shaky as your feet hit the floor, but you ducked easily out from the mechanical arms. “Mark, trap Donnie. Pick him up and hold him like you would me.”
“You-!” Donnie got out before the machine went to work. He fought to flee, but with his hands already bound, B.E.D.F.A.S.T. quickly caught his legs and dragged him in. Not really kicking or screaming in a literal sense, Donnie growled complaints as he turned to face away from the machine and to you. You cocked your weight into one hip to watch as he was soon lifted off the ground with restraints buckling around his wrists, biceps, waist, thighs, and available ankle. A weaving metal entangled into his prosthetic for the final limb and there he writhed in the little space he was afforded.
“Hey.” You approached his form as soon as you were sure he couldn’t get you.
He stopped to glower.
Realization clutched your throat. “Oh… Are you okay?” You looked over him with growing worry. “That might have been fun for a second, but you being restrained is probably trigg-”
“Put me down!” He bellowed.
You blinked slowly and wiped the spittle he’d sprayed on your face.
Flicking your hand free found him smirking.
“I felt bad for you...” You stewed, trying to keep the anger off your face.
“Best saved for someone else.”
“Noted and fuck you!” Your expression broke manic and you took the few steps over to the bed. “Or wait, better yet? Fuck me!”
He tensed with realization. “Don’t you dare...”
Skirting the spot he’d been in since it was soaked through, you fought against what was left of the sheets and pillows to form your own back rest.
Creating your throne, you turned to look down upon your subject and felt your ensemble pull. Wanting a full range of movement, you put on no show as you got the hooks undone on the corset. Tossing it aside without a care, your partner continued to leak more and louder protests as you unhooked your thigh highs. They’d surely slide down now, but being free from the garter meant your hips could easily spread before your mate. “You know the worst part?”  
“I can’t imagine one worse.” Rage wafted off of him.
“That I’m gonna be thinking of you...” Your hand trended down your sternum and up over the waist wrap of your garter.
He strained and metal creaked.
Reaching the top bit of your underwear you paused and searched B.E.D.F.A.S.T. to see if it would hold.
You got to watch in real time as it beefed up its restraints.
Donnie snarled for your attention.
“What?” You dipped into your sex out of spite.
Whatever complaint Donnie had died on his lips.
“Huh?” You tilted your head back to project your voice. “I can’t hear you!” In time, you tested your needy folds.
There was a minor rattling signaling Donnie’s thrashing. “Stop this instant!”
“How about you? You were so good before...” You mourned as only a few swipes summoned the desperate ache that had been plaguing you all morning.
“I’ll muzzle you.” You spoke with an obvious threat.
His teeth clicked as his mouth slammed shut.
“Mark, pass me the toy.”
Around Donnie, several spindly arms sprouted with a variety.
That got you upright. “What...?”
On one arm was the tongue toy you’d used before and on another was Donnie’s dildo, but extended on the last two were what looked to be some type of finger vibe and a third dildo you had never seen before. Holding out your hand towards it, B.E.D.F.A.S.T. offered you that one and you took it. Of a darker shade of purple than any of his other offerings, this one mimicked the shape of Donnie’s cock in a smoothed out and much smaller version.
The moment you looked up to Donnie, he turned his head away. “What’s this?”
He chuffed, eyes narrowing into the corner.
“Guess I’ll find out for myself...!” In a quick check, you located the abandoned bottle of lube.
“Double penetration!” He snapped.
You stared straight through his grouch to the worry that lay underneath. “Tell me and I won’t.”
He bounced ever so slightly before his lip curled. “If applicable. Depending on how we were going to employ B.E.D.F.A.S.T. next. I would have offered.”
“The vibrator?” You pointed to the smaller device still held by the machine.
“Hopefully sprung on you during our next marathon. Meant to prolong your orgasm and push you to the brink.”
“And these were... both going to be surprises?”
“With proper acknowledgement, yes.”
You held onto the knowledge for a moment before setting the dildo aside.
Donnie visibly relaxed.
You then reached right back up and made a grabbing gesture with your fingertips toward Donnie’s toy.
“You said-!”
You loudly shushed him as B.E.D.F.A.S.T. passed you the toy.
Holding it with one hand, you abandoned your sex to explore your body with the other.
Hyper aware, your partner quieted as he tried to parse out what you were up to.
Brushing the real estate where your long raised heart rate was starting to throb into a headache, you firmly massaged your body. Squeezing plains of your stomach into pinched chunks, you mapped across your torso in a provocative show that sent goosebumps down your arms. Titillated by the heated stare, you closed your eyes at the same time you arched your back.
Your hips groaning at the upward thrust, you fell back into the bed and caught one of your breasts. Kneading the flesh, you squeezed straight through to the nipple where you pinched the bud in a roll between your thumb and forefinger.
You keenly heard Donnie take an inhale between wet lips.
Imagining those same lips down south where the nectar poured freely, you cracked your lids open to examine the toy you were fondling with your other hand. Still warm, but not as much as it could be, you set the base on your belly and stroked it with both your appendages. Quickly heating it back up to an appropriate temperature, you wiggled your hips in preparation and heard a series of wary clicks.
You ignored him and set the toy to a steady upright between your legs.
Like someone struggling to light a match, the sound grew louder.
Pressing the full length of the shaft to your sex, you ground against the height of the toy. An encompassing sensation, you were aching for something more direct, but would have to make due.
“Enough.” Donnie announced with a little too much clarity.
You didn’t stop your hips as you flicked your gaze to stare at him dully.
Muscles going taunt, he found the tiniest amount of slack before snapping what had to have only been a few centimeters forward.
The entirety of B.E.D.F.A.S.T. creaked where it was bolted to the wall.
You stilled. “Donnie...”
“Stop or else.”
“Mark, tighten. Don’t give him any leeway!”
Donnie snarled as B.E.D.F.A.S.T. suctioned to his skin.
Pulled like green apple taffy, Donnie was spread as all the arms pulled away from one another.
His attempts at writhing became unproductive as his body was strung taut. 
Sure now that you were once again safe, you minded keeping the toy upright as you switched to rolling it over your sex. “I miss you,” came off your lips without thought.
“Then release me...” He rumbled with ire.
You shook your head along with a little moan as you forced the toy hard against you. “Under me. So good. Tail wagging ecstacy!”
You gave an excited chirp and Donnie responded with a wounded one.
“Need you...!” You chirped again, adding your other hand to keep the toy in place.
He squeaked his willing presence.
You imagined a lonely sound of a soft shell looking for his mate. “Beg... Maybe, I’ll-” A gasp cut you off as your leaking core dragged right against the width of the silicone.
“I-I-” Donnie startled as you accidentally hitched a gasp.
Lifting your hips up, you shoved the base of the toy against your entrance. Something wholly too large, it pressed wide and flat and you whimpered rocking it uselessly against you.
“That’ll never satisfy you...” Donnie found his voice and you cranked an eye open where you were still desperately rutting. “There’s no comparison. It will never be as hot. It will never throb. It will never be your perfect fit, made for you.”
“M-me?” You panted, feeling the toy moving faster due to your slick.
You watched a pink tongue dart out and swipe his lower lip. “Only I have what you crave.”
“That’s not begging!” You pushed down as hard as you could and your cunt ached under the pressure of the vast object.
“It’s yours! Just have me! Waiting for you! To use how you please! It’s been yours! Waiting your whole lifetime!”
“J-Just mine?” If only you were wetter, then maybe you could get some traction.
“Predestined! You had to find the pathetic wretch it was attached to.”
The lube bottle felt so far.
“He lies in stasis, waiting to be thawed by your touch.”
There had to be more.
“I’ll grovel. I’ll smash this infernal machine to pieces. Damned part of me. Damned that one as well!”
“This is... you?” You looked down at the bobbing purple between your legs.
“Of course it’s me! A pathetic substitute of my design.”
His tech was him.
This was him.
He was a match for you.
He went inside.
In a roll, the tip of the toy bobbed toward you and you caught a glimpse of the cum within.
It was him.
You turned it over onto your belly, just below the waist strap of your garter. Warm spent traveled down your mons and underwear. Wringing the toy out like trying to get the last of a condiment out of a bottle, you dropped the dildo for a momentary break as you rubbed the cum into you. Pushing it between your legs, your fingers easily entered you and you belted a long moan at having finally been breached.
“No!!!” Donnie gouged out. “Oh my sweet berry trifle! Let me. Please! Me! Let me do it! I’ll be good. I’ll make you feel incredible. It has to be me. It has to! My cock is yours. I’m yours. I adore you! I must! You have to! You have- You can’t!!”
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Dizzy, you were on your feet as chants from your partner echoed around you. Chasing the sound of his voice, his cum dripped down your legs and you approached. “Drop.”
On command his dick fell wet and heavy from his slit.
“Mark, put him in an Amazon position.”
Donnie chirped eagerly as he was lowered to the ground. Laid on his back, B.E.D.F.A.S.T. snapped his knees together and then pushed them up into his plastron. Mounting his cock, you held it just shy of entering you. “How are you gonna be?”
“Good.” He squeaked.
“Right answer.” You dropped onto him and savored that delicious splitting. “Finally...!”
“You had me this morning.” He peeped and you fucked words right out of him.
The ache seated deep and rushed to meet its maker. Cumming within the first five strokes, you ignored the shudder and squeeze of your guts and looked up, crazed, at B.E.D.F.A.S.T. “Mark, release! All commands! I’m done with you.” Turning toward Donnie, you felt yourself milking him. “Fuck me as good as you said.”
In a blur, B.E.D.F.A.S.T. let go in time as Donnie kicked one of his legs out. Given a primary directive, he ignored the last frizzling pops of your orgasm and swept you up. Plowing you straight through it, your face smashed against the wall and one of your legs rose to a worrying degree. Folding it against your side with your hips screaming, he fucked you flat right against B.E.D.F.A.S.T.’s panel.
Making a mockery of the machine, Donnie thrust into you for precision first, stretching out your first orgasm without clear end by shoving the needle on the charts against your g-spot. Just as that was becoming too much, he then switched, hitting deep toward your womb while babbling in your ear about how you’d made the right choice.
Thinking of nothing else, but him, the wind of your second orgasm again wasn’t exact as he ruined all navigation. Curving one arm under your raised leg to hold you with the rest of his body keeping you pinned, he carved out space to shove against your lower stomach from the outside. Crying at the force, he then weaseled his other hand in to assault your clit and sank his teeth deep into your shoulder.
Allowing no end, when he did finally cum, you know longer knew the meaning of the word. Your neurons were a messy set of firings in a dark void. Not unconscious, but something protozoiac, you swam in a petri dish of his own making. Prepared in a lab setting, everything was a sterile bland and the feeling of your body entering moist sheets felt like a jar.
Gasping to life, Donnie caught you from outright sprouting and held you close as reality crashed around you with a filthy gush of fluids that seemingly poured from a broken pipe between your legs. Sweaty and sticky, your cheek stuck like tape to his plastron and your breath shredded your throat with each inhale. Delirious, but alive, you made a noise that translated nothing as you stopped fighting.
Going slack, Donnie let you fall away where you landed, without distance, onto the bed. In front of him and hands groping his form to know it was there, you found his face with a brush of his cheek.
“Need more?” He churred into your palm. “Anything for you.”
You stared at him without comprehension.
What was his asking?
You had no needs. “M’good.” You slurred, registering only happiness.
New year, same awesome betas @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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pale-foxes · 1 year
Some more stream clips 📣📣
Lily tries to act like she's a genius at competitive pokemon and gets angry when she fails.
At about 7:30, Lily and Mikayla battle and when Mikayla starts winning Lily rages quits and tells her to delete the stream so no one can see it 😜
Transcript Below 👇
00:00 Lily: All right, just waiting for you now.
00:53 Mikayla: So many birds. It's birdemic.
02:48 Lily: Are you fucking kidding me?
02:53 Lily: Yeah, I got nothing. Lexyr and his fucking bulk. Don't apologize to me for fucks sake. What do you take me for?
03:36 Mikayla: Oh, that’s a lot of babies.
03:38 Lily: I know.
04:24 Lily: You wanna to go again, Mikay?
04:28 Mikayla: Almost done with my- almost done with my tea. Then I’ll be ready
04:51 Lily: Oh yeah, Mikay, don't reblog my streams in the future.
04:55 Mikayla: Oh, OK.
04:56 Lily: Yeah, because like, if I want to take them off Tumblr, I want to be able to take them off Tumblr.
05:01 Mikayla: Oh, gotcha. Understood.
05:16 Lily: Some of you guys clearly do competitive Pokémon like regularly and like. Don't challenge me if that's the case, cause you're not fun.
05:31 Lily: It's kind of hard to do something for a- it's kind of hard to do something for a laugh when you pull crap like that.
05:43 Lily: That’s twice now I've wanted to entertain the stream with something, and it just completely goes tits up. Because that's what I want to do, I want to entertain the stream.
06:19 Mikayla: Look at. Those are incompatible. Then why do you have them on the list. Oh, my goodness.
06:54 Lily: “Why have anything goes if you can’t mix up some moves?” Like I said, I'm just trying to do something funny.
07:04 Mikayla: Yeah. Okay.
07:21 Lily: You ready to go Mikay?
07:26 Mikayla: Don't worry, don't worry Wukong, you got this. You're still in this.
07:31 Lily: “Why don’t you just play a little cup if you're just doing baby?” Why don't you fuck off? Go bother someone else.
08:12 Lily: Oh, for the love of God.
08:15 Mikayla: Yeah, for some reason I'm locked to rock-
08:18 Lily: I'm not. I'm not doing this anymore.
08:28 Lily: For fucks sake, you have to switch to the other Firefox window.
08:45 Lily: Honey, delete the reblog.
08:47 Mikayla: Oh shit, sorry.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 1 month
Ok, I'm on chapter 51 of Born of Blood and Ash, and while I agree with Sera that a Goddess of fertility talking abortion to the Primal of Life might seem kind of odd...
HOLY CRAP THANK YOU JLA FOR FRAMING IT AS A MATTER OF BODILY AUTONOMY AND A CHOICE SERA IS 10000000% WITHIN HER RIGHTS TO MAKE! This is absolutely how you have a discussion about whether to keep a pregnancy: with the pregnant person, judgment free, and framed as a way to keep several different kinds of autonomy if that is what they want.
Even though we are keeping these babies, we HAD THE CONVERSATION. And we had it well. I am very grateful for that.
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mrbeastimagines-3 · 1 month
ouuu. could you write a nolan x reader where the reader and him meet in one of those “ages 1-100 compete for money” videos, and the reader catches nolan’s eye because she’s so silly and stays goofing off!
( :0 yes ofc!!! )
Love at First Challenge
NolanHansen x fem!Reader
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suggestion by: @ieatedyourcrayons
ft. nolan, y/n (25), mack, karl, + jimmy !!
tw: cringe.
y/n: your name
h/c: hair color
e/c: eye color
y/b/f: your best friend (irl)'s name
Nolan's POV
"Another day, another filming session-" Is what Nolan thought. He wasn't too hyped about this video that's for sure, but Jimmy *insisted* on making another "1-100" video since it did so well before.
Nolan did enjoy his job, though. He was just bored. Jimmy didn't exactly let the crew do anything, so there was nothing much for him to do during filming, other than monitor the capsules.
Today was the first day of the video. Nolan, Mack, and Karl were all walking around, asking how different challengers felt about this video. From across the warehouse, Mack was currently talking to contestant 25. As Nolan briefly glance over, he spotted you.
You were a generally pretty person, but Nolan was immediately awestruck. The way your H/C hair blew beneath the AC, the way your eyes shimmered under the florescent lights, Nolan seemed to feel more and more attracted to you.
But your looks weren't all, it was also the way you smiled. Your tone of voice. The way you'd answer each of Macks questions caught him in a trance. You were funny. Silly, even. You seemed to be having the time of your life and Nolan was here for it, staring endlessly at your capsule.
Karl suddenly walked up behind Nolan, giggling as he speaks. "Dude what are you doing-" Karl raises his eyebrow as Nolan immediately bolted his head in Karl's direction.
"Holy crap Karl-" Nolan groans, embarrassed. "you scared me-" Nolan then almost immediately glances back at your capsule, which Mack had now left. Karl shook Nolan in attempt to pay attention to their conversation.
"Nolan are you crushing on 25-?" He laughs, as Nolan's cheeks slowly grew hot.
"What? Pfft- no- I'm just- looking-" Nolan attempted to excuse Karl from asking anything else, but, failed.
"Go talk to her man!" Karl playfully punches Nolan in the shoulder.
"Leave me alone dude-" Nolan laughs with a groan as Karl grins before walking to a different row of people.
After a few more hours of Nolan coming and leaving the warehouse to check on contestants (cough cough, you), until finally building up the courage to talk to you.
He stepped towards your door, opening his mouth to say something, so you could turn to face him, but Jimmy suddenly announced the first challenge.
In a panic, Nolan just dashed away without you noticing. He silently cursed under his breath, as the first challenge went on.
After the challenge was over, you were luckily still in. Since it was almost night, Nolan decided to wait till tomorrow to talk to you, since you would probably be here for a long while...
The next day, Nolan and Karl came to the warehouse alongside Jimmy who was working on the next challenge. Nolan and Karl decided to do a race on who could talk to half of the group first.
"I can deal with 1-50 if you wa-" Karl began to suggest, until getting interrupted by Nolan. "Nope! No don't even worry about it. I'll do 1-50, you do 51-100"
Karl was hesitant before agreeing, yelling "I'm winning Nolan!!!" rushing towards the other side. Nolan immediately went to your capsule, knocking on the door. He wanted to, no, needed, to talk to you.
You perk up from whatever you were doing, walking over to the glass door with a smile. "Oh hi Nolan"
Nolan almost stopped working for a second, his voice failing him. "Oh hey-!" He let out a fake, shaky laugh before restoring himself. "Uh- how are you doing-?"
You raise your eyebrow about how suspicious he was being, but still smile. "Great-! I'm really glad I'm here like, so many people I get to meet, y'know?" You sat down on your bed, Nolan coming into the room.
"Good- good- uhm-" He hesitates before asking. "Anyone that you feel is like a threat to your game?"
You hesitate, before answering "32 is a bit of a threat towards me specifically but, y'know" You shrug. "Nobody's really hated me so far so yayyy"
Nolan gently smiles in relief. "Awesome! I'm gonna go talk to other people now I guess-" He regretted saying that, but he couldn't just let Karl win the race.
"Alright, it was nice talking to you Nolan" You smile. "It's a nice change of pace from Mack, so... Feel free to drop by whenever you can!"
Nolan's heart fluttered at that. Why were you so nice to him?
You were extremely happy about your interaction with Nolan. He had always been your favorite member, and it's been your dream to be on a video, especially with him.
You layed back down on your bed, as giddy as ever. Were you smiling? Maybe. Did someone notice? Yep.
24, your closest ally here, just woke up, and could notice your change in demeanor.
"Uh... What's going on-" Y/B/F said, rubbing their eye from sleep.
You look over at them through the glass, smiling. "Nothin" You attempted being casual. You were a grown woman, acting like your crush at school just asked you to the dance.
"Uh huh." Y/B/F rolled their eyes. "Sure."
"Fine.. Fine... Come closer to the glass." You sigh, giving in. Y/B/F moved their ear to the class as you whispered "Nolan talked to me"
Y/B/F pulled their ear away, looking at you unimpressed. "Wow. Nolan talked to you on a MRBEAST VIDEO. DUDE."
You winced at their change of voice. "Look I dont know-! I just-" You dreamily sigh, sinking back on the bed. "It felt special... Y'know?"
Nolan's POV
The next challenge started later that day, Nolan not being there for it since he was busy. But the entire time, he was worried you would get out. Even just thinking about you made him goofily smile and lose track of time, so he couldn't afford never seeing you again without saying goodbye.
Even though you met yesterday, he could already see a future, a life, with you. You were everything he could ever ask for, and he didn't even know your real name.
That evening, he went back to the warehouse, stepping in and seeing so many capsules gone from the previous challenge. He immediately panicked. Did you leave?! Were you voted out?! He then saw Mack and Karl step down from the stage.
"Hey Nolan" Mack says, giving Nolan a quick high five handshake thing (a/n: IM SORRY I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IT'S CALLED).
Nolan nods. "Hi- uh- what'd I miss?"
Karl then spoke up. "Jimmy made sure a lot of people were voted out today for like, editing reasons, but I'm pretty sure your girlfriend is still here."
Nolan immediately perked up, not even responding when he ran to 25. He skidded up to the capsule, before noticing, you were miserable. A wash of worry goes over his face as he knocks on your door.
"Hey 25" He tries to smile, but saw how sad you looked. "What's... What's going on..?"
"Oh, Nolan, hi" 25 weakly smiled, as Nolan walked in and sat next to her.
"What's wrong?" He frowns, unaware of placing a hand on her shoulder which made you blush.
"24, uh, they got out..." You sigh. Nolan looked at her confused.
"Oh uhm.. Why is that such a big deal-?" He asked, worrying he could offend you.
"They were my best friend here I guess, and I'm just... Kinda alone now..." You sigh, putting your face in your knees.
"Well, uh.." He looks around the room, looking for something he could do to help you. "I'm still- here- for you-" He mutters. You let out a watery laugh, looking up at him with a smile.
"Well thanks Nolan"
He smiles back, you looking deep into each others eyes for what felt like forever. Suddenly, Karl shouted from the entrance door "NOLANNN! COME ON"
Nolan jumped, taking his hand off your shoulder. "I should go" He sighs, stepping towards the door.
"Alright... See you tomorrow Nolan"
"See you tomorrow 25" He smiles.
"Wait uh-" You stand up and grab his wrist. "Call me Y/N."
Nolan's cheeks turned pink at that as he smile. "I- okay- see you tomorrow Y/N".
( little cliffhanger for you guys >:] i hope u liked this.!!! my first nolan centered fic- i hope I did him well enough for u guys )
( anyway this was so much fun to write! thank you @ieatedyourcrayons once again for suggesting this!! PLEASE SUGGEST ME MORE * ̄3 ̄ )
anyway goodbye my simps :D
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should jake and cassie get back together post-war?
Yes! And no. And yes. And no.
On the one hand, they're so sweet and gentle and respectful with each other. Jake trusts Cassie more than he trusts himself (#21). Cassie trusts Jake more than she trusts herself (#4). They bale hay and clean her barn and relax together in between missions (MM1, #4, #24, MM2, #16, etc.) to the point where Jake's already at Cassie's place helping her a solid 25% of the time the others show up for a meeting. Jake thinks Cassie is "compassionate, brilliant" (#16) and "a one-woman army" (#54). Cassie thinks Jake is "serious, but knows when to laugh" (#4) and prides herself on getting "one of his rare, slow smiles" out of him (#9). They have a lot of the same priorities — they're willing to mess around with morphing on occasion, but always keep their eyes on the planet-sized goals. They have a lot of the same weaknesses — they can't trade lives, even when that means risking a lot of people to save just one.
Cassie lies about "I need a pretzel" to pull Jake aside and give him a minute to come down from a bad morph, something she knows he can't do in front of the others (#16). Jake supports Cassie's decision to quit, and tells her he'll love her no matter what (#19) but is also pretty clear that he doesn't think the team can function without her (#41, #44). He trusts her to know what she's doing, even when she's pulling dumb crap like morphing rat to cheat on her homework (#9) or mass-freeing chimpanzees (#28) — which is more trust than he ever extends to Marco or Rachel. She trusts him to know what he's doing, even when he's doing risky stuff like pulling a partial retreat (#41) or sending Ax into the line of fire (#11) — which is more trust than Rachel or Tobias ever give.
On the other hand. I see why they break up. I really do. The mess with the morphing cube is just the straw that broke the camel; they're already growing apart well before then. And Jake's behavior after their breakup just goes to show Cassie made the right call by sacrificing their relationship for the war effort. He shuts Cassie out, talks over her, accuses her of betraying the team (#51), Freudian-slips into replacing her on the team with Toby and Eva (#53). Sure, he's got other stressors at the time, and he does apologize, but Cassie doesn't deserve that. And Cassie succeeds in building a whole life after the war — she goes back to school, starts working for the State department, gets a new boyfriend, becomes ambassador to the hork-bajir — whereas Jake's postwar plan consists of "hanging around my parents' house until I was 30" (#54). No offense to Jake, but Cassie could do better.
So. If this is a universe where Jake has his shit together — he's 10 years on from the kelbrid mission and has better emotional balance, he's in a universe where Rachel survived to drag him to a therapist's office by the hair — then I'd love to see that relationship resume. If we extrapolate in a straight line from canon, then I'd say Cassie deserves better than eternity with a guy who mostly deals with emotions by trying to pretend they don't exist.
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escapetheslaughter · 22 days
This is from @/livixdunne-blog that @liminal---nightmare-aliza tagged me in and the answers are from the Chaos Blood Potatoes.
70 Questions?
Long af
(Under the break)
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Not our original. We killed him.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? @animatronic-assistant Elara.
03: Do you regret anything? ...Terrifying Astraia... ( @multifandomcutie13 )
04: Are you insecure? Not really. No.
05: What is your relationship status? Uh... Nightlight is our girlfriend?
06: How do you want to die? In a fight with blood everywhere.
07: What did you last eat? Faceless Simps.
08: Played any sports? Hunting is a sport?
09: Do you bite your nails? Yes.
10: When was your last physical fight? A few hours ago with another us.
11: Do you like someone? Yes.
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Yes.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? We hate a lot of people.
14: Do you miss someone? ....Yes.
15: Have any pets? Yes. Two cats, a puppy and a... What's it called again? An arthropod? A giant sea rolly poly.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Chaotic.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? Uh, ew. No.
18: Are you scared of spiders? No.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? If we did, we wouldn't change a damn thing.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? .........Bedroom. It is technically the living room......Nest.
21: What are your plans for this weekend? Hunting.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? Yeah, we recently adopted two brats we'd murder anyone in cold blood for. @thekillermaretwinz
23: Do you have piercings? How many? No. But we have a tail.
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Hunting?! And maybe magic....if we practiced more.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?No. Not at all. Fuck em. All of them can go to hell.
26: What are you craving right now? Blood.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Uuuuh.... literally as in reaching in their chest and taking it out. Yes.
28: Have you ever been cheated on? Cheated and lied to as partners that were meant to work together but not in the relationship sense.
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Never. We'd tear ourselves apart if we did.
30: What’s irritating you right now? These questions.
31: Does somebody love you? Yes...
32: What is your favourite color? Red.
33: Do you have trust issues? Yes.
34: Who/what was your last dream about? .........N.... Nightlight...
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? ............Mother.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? We do now. But only to Our Own Family...
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forget.
38: Is this year the best year of your life? Yes.
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? .....Uh. Well. It was...like... earlier this month....so...three weeks ago?
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? Yup. Yesterday.
51: Favourite food? Blood. And the raw meats Nightlight prepares with the spicy stuff on it.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? We don't believe in that crap. Shit just happens.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? We always watch Our Terrors sleep before we watch Nightlight sleep before we pass out by 4-5 in the morning...
54: Is cheating ever okay? No. We don't accept being a floozy in this house.
55: Are you mean? Yes.
56: How many people have you fist fought? Oh, we lost count after the first day of our creation.
57: Do you believe in true love? Uh...we...well...no...but...we believe the thing itself is a thing.
58: Favourite weather? Dark and cloudy.
59: Do you like the snow? Never been in it.
60: Do you wanna get married? No, what's the point?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? No....never....ew.
62: What makes you happy? Family. Killing. Blood.
63: Would you change your name? We already did. Grim and Reaper. But never would we change Bloodmoon.
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Hah!
Grabs @animatronic-assistant and kisses her.
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Well that's a relief. That's Nightlight.
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Besides Nightlight? Yes. @reynadesilly Reyna and @puppet-strung-moon Net.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? Mother.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? @malwaresilly Big Brother.
69: Do you believe in soulmates? We don't. That sounds silly.
70: Is there anyone you would die for? Our Family. We would kill and die for any of them.
@animatronic-assistant Elara
@liminal---nightmare-aliza Mother
@eclipsen-smiles Father Figure Eclipse
@malwaresilly Big Brother
@thekillermaretwinz Our Terrors
@multifandomcutie13 Pink Lady
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promptthebear · 1 year
🐰 Billy Russo #51 please
Jigsaw (Billy Russo) x Reader
Prompt: Did you eavesdrop?
Summary: You're Billy's defence lawyer. Set at the start of Punisher Season 2. Not canon compliant, but adjacent I guess?
CW: Some swearing, f!reader, body shape, hair colour, eye colour etc are all left ambiguous. 2nd person, reader is referred to as "you"
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Billy Russo had known you for all of five minutes, which was more than enough time for him to decide that you were a stuck up bitch.
At first, he’d been thrilled when he’d heard the click of your high heels coming down the hospital hallway. Even if you proved to be as useless as the last lawyer his bosses had sent, he’d still have something pretty to look at. Then, you’d walked through the door.
You were pretty alright, in a corporate, tight laced kind of way. Your hair was pulled back into a delicate, but slick, French twist and you were wearing a dark grey blouse and black pencil skirt. Billy thought you’d look even better if you let your hair down and undid a couple buttons, but it became pretty evident you weren’t going to humour him the second you sat down.
“Tell me about the mask, Mr. Russo.”
You’d gone and dragged out the elephant in the room without so much as a blink, and yet you hadn’t bothered to even look Billy in the eye. He watched as you pulled file after file out from that briefcase of yours and placed them on the table beside his bed. Those thick, manila folders looked so out of place against your French manicure and slender hands.
“Are all of those mine?”
“The mask, Mr. Russo. You won’t do well on the stand if you can’t stay on topic”
Billy let out a barking laugh, the sound echoing against the concrete walls. Of course they’d sent him a ball buster. As if he hadn’t been through the wringer enough times already.
“Don’t you have my medical files somewhere in that pile of crap? You won’t do well questioning witnesses if you don’t have all the information”
If you were bothered by Billy throwing your words back in your face, you didn’t show it. Instead, you pulled out a legal pad and a ballpoint pen, crossed your pretty little ankles and looked at him as though this whole conversation bored you.
“I do have other clients to see today, Mr. Russo. If you’re going to waste my time, then I suggest you plead out and save the both of us a lot of trouble”
Billy sighed, then rolled his neck and squared his shoulders before speaking.
“The mask is…well, it’s something the docs came up with, to give me a sense of identity or some bullshit. They told me to draw what I wanted the world to see”
You studied him for a moment, your eyes tracing over the jagged black lines, skeletal nose and mismatched teeth Billy had painted. He tried not to shift in his seat, feeling oddly self conscious under your gaze.
“And this-“ you said finally, your tone confused instead of disgusted like Billy had anticipated “is what you want to show the world?”
“It’s better than horrific facial mutilation”
Your mouth quirked slightly up at the corners. It was a ghost of a smile at best, look away for even second and you’d miss it. Luckily for Billy, he’d been watching your lips for most of this conversation. The shade of red you’d chosen for your lipstick fascinated him. It was strangely out of place against the severity of your outfit, and much like your smile, hinted at a human being somewhere beneath your persona
“Well, it’s not going to go over well with the jury” you replied, your smile disappearing as you scribbled something down on your legal pad “On the slim chance this does go to trial, we should be focusing on your image. Unfortunately, at this time the public’s attitude towards you isn’t what we would call…favourable.”
“I believe your exact words were “PR clusterfuck”
Your pen froze in your grasp and you lifted your head to look at Billy. One of your neatly pencilled brows arched as you looked him in the eye.
“I may have said something akin to that when I spoke with your previous employers this morning, but that wasn’t my professional opinion nor was it something you were meant to hear. Did you eavesdrop?”
Even though he knew you wouldn’t see it, Billy couldn’t help but smile. He’d caught you holding your metaphorical dick, and you still had to be a lawyer about it.
“Is it really eavesdropping when you’re taking calls right outside my bedroom door?” he shot back, unable to keep some amusement from his voice. In truth, Billy wouldn’t know the first thing about criminal law if it walked up and punched him in the nose, but he knew more or less how to play the game and even better, how to be a pain in your ass.
You opened your mouth, to argue, to cuss him out, to ask him to screw you up against the wall maybe. He wasn’t ever going to find out, because at that exact moment your phone went off. You fished it out of your briefcase, glancing briefly at the screen before sliding it back into the front pocket and beginning to gather up your files.
“Where the hell are you going?”
Billy hadn’t meant to sound so accusatory, but it was hard not to. Everyone who came to see him was following the same pattern lately. Doctors, shrinks, and now you. They’d show up, poke and prod him a little, maybe shove something up his ass if he was particulary unlucky and then leave without so much as a “fuck you” in his general direction.
“I’m sorry Mr. Russo, as I said, I do have other clients. I’ll be in to see you next Thursday. We can start discussing strategies for a media campaign and perhaps go over what your trial testimony will look like should we need it.”
You stopped, briefcase in hand and already heading towards the door, to glance at Billy over your shoulder. Your expression was as calm and neutral as it had been before, but when your eyes met his, he felt his heart skip a beat.
“Excuse me?”
He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry, and cleared his throat before speaking.
“Could you call me Billy? Everyone calls me Mr. Russo, even the shrinks and I- that’s not- I’m just Billy, you know?”
That strange little half smile was playing about your lips again.
“Alright. I’ll see you next week then, Billy. Rest up, we have a lot of work to do.”
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