#5000-Year-Old Tablets
xtruss · 10 months
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Image: Wikimedia Commons
5000-Year-Old Tablets Can Now Be Decoded By Artificial Intelligence, New Research Reveals
— M.J. Banias | November 27, 2023
A team from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and Mainz University of Applied Sciences has unveiled an AI system capable of deciphering ancient cuneiform texts. This novel technology, leveraging 3D models, represents a significant advancement in understanding one of humanity’s earliest forms of writing.
Published in The Eurographics Association Journal, the researchers’ study focused on a set of cuneiform tablets from the Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection. These tablets primarily originate from ancient Mesopotamia, a historical region in present-day Iraq. Often referred to as the cradle of civilization, this area is where some of the earliest human societies developed. These tablets, in particular, are inscribed with a series of symbols, signs, and wedges that form the languages of the region, such as Sumerian, Assyrian, and Akkadian.
Many are over 5,000 years old and offer a glimpse into ancient civilizations, covering a wide range of topics from everyday life to legal matters.
“Everything can be found on them: from shopping lists to court rulings,” said Hubert Mara, one of the study’s authors. “The tablets provide a glimpse into mankind’s past several millennia ago. However, they are heavily weathered and thus difficult to decipher even for trained eyes.”
The team turned to AI for help.
Using a novel AI process to decode ancient cuneiform tablets, they leveraged a sophisticated AI model based on the Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) architecture, a specialized system designed for object recognition. The study utilized a unique dataset consisting of 3D models of 1,977 cuneiform tablets, with detailed annotations of 21,000 cuneiform signs and 4,700 wedges.
The AI’s methodology entailed a two-part pipeline: initially, a sign detector, built on a RepPoints model with a ResNet18 backbone, identified cuneiform characters on the tablets. In simple terms, the RepPoints model combs through the ResNet18 collection of images connected to the Mesopotamian languages and then combines the patterns to ‘see’ the text. This step was crucial for locating the signs accurately. Subsequently, the wedge detector, using Point R-CNN with advanced features like Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) and RoI Align, classified and predicted the wedges’ positions, which forms the basis of the cuneiform script’s fundamental elements, allowing the AI, in effect, to ‘read.’
These tools take the 3D scans of the tablets and sift through the multitude of measurements of things like the impression depth made by the stylus into the clay or the distance between the symbols and wedges. This nuanced approach enabled the AI to overcome the challenges posed by traditional 2D photographs, such as inconsistent lighting and color distractions, thus providing a more accurate analysis of the ancient texts.
Traditional research on ancient texts uses optical character recognition software (OCR), which converts scanned images or 2D photographs of the writing into machine-readable text.
“OCR usually works with photographs or scans. This is no problem for ink on paper or parchment. In the case of cuneiform tablets, however, things are more difficult because the light and the viewing angle greatly influence how well certain characters can be identified,” said co-author Ernst Stötzner.
Ancient scrolls, parchment, and old books are easy- they are a 2D medium translated into another 2D medium. Cuneiform tablets, however, are 3D, and all that depth impacts interpretation.
To address this, the research team put their AI system through an extensive training regimen, utilizing three-dimensional scans and supplemental data. A substantial portion of this data was contributed by the Mainz University of Applied Sciences, which is currently leading a significant project focused on creating 3D models of these ancient clay tablets. This enabled the AI to achieve remarkable success in accurately identifying the symbols inscribed on the tablets.
This technology not only democratizes access to these ancient records but also opens up new avenues for research, allowing for broader analysis and interpretation of historical texts. Future enhancements could extend its application to other three-dimensional scripts, such as weathered inscriptions found in cemeteries.
— MJ Banias is a journalist and podcaster who covers security and technology. He is the host of The Debrief Weekly Report and Cloak & Dagger | An OSINT Podcast.
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cuntstable · 2 years
its so awesome when people say that historical study is useless and fake because ”history was written by the winners” like they genuinely think that historians are just like reading 2000 year old accounts from individual figures and going like ”Well he says somethings true and happened so lets publish this as verified information. we werent thought critical thinking btw”
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mahasenelkhatib · 3 months
Help Mahasen, a Digital Artist from Gaza and Her Family!
Hello, I am Mahasen,a Digital Artist from North Gaza, where creativity thrives despite challenges. Verified by @90-ghost here
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In this tough situation, I am a digital artist finding solace and resilience through my art .. pixels and colors.
For over a decade, I've navigated the freelance world, weaving intricate digital tapestries that reflect the beauty and strength of my surroundings.
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My father died, and I am the main provider for my family.
Before the war, I worked with international companies in motion graphics,
specializing in character design and storyboarding.
The conflict forced us into repeated evacuations, and our home suffered damage, including the theft and destruction of my essential art equipment and tablet. Each stolen piece held not just monetary value but years of dedication and creativity and hard work. We are left HOMELESS, UNSAFE, SICK with VERY LITTLE FINANCIAL SECURITY!
Our family consists of:
• My mother, 62 years old.
• My sister Mai, 35 years old, who is also visually impaired.
• Myself,Mahasen, 31 years old.
• My brother Mohammed, 28 years old, who is visually impaired.
• My brother's wife Iman, 28 years old.
• My youngest brother Amin, 21 years old.
Your support is crucial as I rebuild what was lost. Your contribution will help replace my tools and restore hope and creativity. And mainly for my family's safety, ability to survive the current situation and community.
Together, we can affirm that art is more than expression,
it is a lifeline that connects us and enlighten even the darkest moments.
Expenses Needed:
• Travel arrangements to Egypt ( $5000 per person ) for 6 family members.
• Living expenses to survive the current situation in Gaza.
• Buying art equipment and tablet to recover what I've lost and be able to work again.
• Living and transportation expenses during the initial period of travel.
• Food and medical expenses.
Every donation counts! Your support makes a real difference for my family and me.
Please consider contributing and sharing to help us.
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Please Help Share AND Donate
My Socials: @MahasenAlkhatib Instagram here X here Facebook here
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animemocha · 1 year
Anime's Greatest Chad: The Epic of Gilgamesh (Fate)
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Gilgamesh is known as mankind's first hero.
But his story isn’t limited to just the Fate series. In fact, it’s shaped our modern lives more than you could ever imagine. 
If you’re here for a historically accurate depiction of the man who tried to conquer death, don’t leave. I’ve worked really hard to make this as accurate as possible.
And if you’re here for the story of the real anime Gigachad, and how he goes from an arrogant dictator to a benevolent king.
Then grab a drink and some snacks, because this, is the tale of the Hero of Heroes.
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Roots of the King
Before we jump into the Epic of Gilgamesh, it’s worth taking a second to understand the roots of this iconic character and his influence on human culture and literature.
Mesopotamia was a region in 3100 BC, now covered by Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. It had its fair share of events, from the reigns of Sumerians and Akkadians to being eventually conquered by Alexander the Great in 332 BC.
But nestled within this timeline is a certain story that’s so profound, so raw, it's been echoing for millennia.
Now I know what you’re thinking.
"I'm here for anime, not a history lesson."
But the thing is, all evidence points to Gilgamesh actually existing 5000 years ago. And his legend is recorded in mankind’s oldest poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh.
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The epic is thought to have been orally transmitted for generations before it was finally written down on clay tablets in the cuneiform script, which was one of the earliest systems of writing.
To put into context how old that is, it makes him almost 3000 years older than Jesus. 
But I wouldn’t take EVERYTHING that follows as being literal. Just know that some of the stuff is actually reported to have happened.
The Hero of Heroes
Gilgamesh is known as the King of all Heroes because every single myth that followed, every story, every legend from every culture and every religion in every country, it all borrows inspiration from mankind’s first hero.
The strongest examples of this are in the Biblical tale of Noah and the Greek myth of Hercules. And his story greatly influences modern literature too, like The Lord of the Rings and A Game of Thrones.
The story of the Epic of Gilgamesh was discovered on 12 clay tablets found among the ruins of the ancient library of Ashurbanipal, the last great king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.
These tablets, inscribed with cuneiform script, are dated to around the 7th century BC but are believed to preserve much older stories that were likely first told orally and later written down.
These ancient tablets provide the most comprehensive version of the epic, but parts of the tale also appear on other scattered fragments found at different ancient sites across the Middle East.
There are actually two versions of Gilgamesh in the Fate series and they’re technically different people.
Well, they’re not, but they kind of are. 
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Archer Gilgamesh
We’re in the year 2800 B.C., the Age of the Gods, where divine beings and humans walked the Earth together.
Some Gods were just, while others treated their subjects as slaves.
One day, a greater god called Sefar invaded the Earth, killing many of the Gods.
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She was eventually defeated, but the damage was already done, and the rule the gods had over the humans had severely weakened.
In order to preserve their rule, the gods needed a keystone, a Wedge of Heaven that connected the rising humans to the fading gods.
That keystone was Gilgamesh.
Born from the Goddess Ninsun and the Human King Lugalbanda, Gilgamesh was two-thirds God, and one-third human, and ruled over humanity with the mission to observe and adjudicate.
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The Fortress City
The city Gilgamesh ruled over was called Uruk, situated in present-day Iraq.
Yet, Uruk was far from ordinary.
It stood as a testament to human achievement, its towering walls not just architectural marvels but also echoes of the ambitions of its people.
Conceived under the watchful eye of Gilgamesh, these walls became more than mere defensive structures; they symbolised humanity's victory over nature. This audacious statement reflected Gilgamesh's own beliefs: that he stood above nature itself.
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As evidence of its profound legacy, archaeologists pinpoint Uruk as one of humanity's earliest urban epicentres, with roots as deep as 4000 BCE. Its intricate temples, ziggurats, and canal systems all serve as relics of its storied past.
The Tyrannical King
This transcendence over nature, and the very walls that proclaimed it, became the lens through which Gilgamesh viewed himself.
To him, the limitations of divinity and humanity were but mere lines in the sand.
He believed that while no human could rival the gods, the gods themselves could never experience the complexities of human existence.
And since Gilgamesh was both human and God, he perceived himself not just above his subjects, but even the deities that breathed life into him.
His self-awareness was, in many ways, his crowning achievement.
Gilgamesh grew to become a cruel, arrogant, and oppressive tyrant who subjugated his people to forced labour and sexual abuse.
And just to be clear, I’m downplaying that a lot because even I don’t want to talk about some of the disgusting things he is historically reported to have done.
And it makes me wonder how he ever became a Heroic Spirit in the first place.
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The Man Made of Clay
Naturally, the gods didn’t want this, but they couldn’t exactly do anything about it because, well, Gilgamesh just wouldn’t submit to them.
So instead, the King of God’s Anu, and the Goddess of Creation Aruru, created a monster out of clay called Enkidu, to punish the arrogant king.
But there was a problem.
You see, Enkidu didn’t have a soul, and so couldn’t make rational decisions.
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So the gods sent a divine harlot to sleep with him. (And I’m not even joking.) 
After this, Enkidu takes human form, and his final appearance is very similar to the girl he slept with. And that’s why he has such a feminine form.
(It’s definitely not because having more hot girls leads to more sales)
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Noble Phantasm's
Before we dive into what happened between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, let’s talk about Gilgamesh’s powers, or more specifically, Archer Gilgamesh’s powers.
In Fate, heroic spirits have Noble Phantasms, which are special weapons or abilities that embody the legend of that hero. For example, King Arthur’s Noble Phantasm, or rather, Artoria’s Noble Phantasm (Again, because more hot girls = more sales), is Excalibur, the sword of promised victory.
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Gilgamesh has a lot of Noble Phantasms, and I mean, A LOT. It would take me a decade to cover them all, but I’ll talk about a few.
Sha Naqba Imuru:
The first is his ability Sha Naqba Imuru, or Clairvoyance, which lets him see into the future and see the truth of anything he looks at.
So in a fight, he knows exactly who his opponent is, what their abilities are, and how best to defeat them. Or if he’s playing chess, then he knows the correct move every time.
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This ability is pretty OP but the thing is, Gilgamesh barely uses it.
Because he’s an arrogant prick.
He believes himself to be so powerful, that he doesn’t even need it most of the time.
And uhm… he’s kinda right...
Especially when you learn about his next Noble Phantasm.
The Gate of Babylon:
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During his time as ruler of Uruk, Gilgamesh amassed every single weapon on Earth and stored them all in his treasury.
And I genuinely mean, every single weapon.
And the Gate of Babylon allows him to choose whichever weapon he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants. 
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But that’s not how Gilgamesh uses it...
Every single weapon is fired out at a speed of Mach 10, and he has so many, that he could go his entire life firing them away without having to use a single one twice.
What makes this ability even more OP, is that these weapons aren’t just ordinary weapons. Every single one of them is a Noble Phantasm in itself. Artoria’s Excalibur, Lancer’s Gae Bolg, Hercules’ Nine Lives, Gilgamesh has all of these weapons in his treasury.
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But how is that possible if these heroes came AFTER Gilgamesh?
Well. That’s because they’re prototypes. 
I mentioned earlier that almost every legend told today is in some way inspired by the Epic of Gilgamesh. And in the same way, every weapon used today has a design that is somehow based on those in his treasury.
He owns every weapon that existed and owns every weapon that is yet to exist.
And don’t get me wrong.
While they’re technically prototypes, it is said that if you compare the original weapon to Gilgamesh’s prototype, the original will look like a fake, that’s how well-made the prototype is.
Not only that, but in a fight, the prototype will beat the original every time.
Now that doesn’t mean that if Gilgamesh were to use Excalibur and fight Artoria in a 1 on 1 swordfight that he would win.
He’d probably lose.
And that’s because he’s a jack of all trades but master of none.
Gilgamesh is a brilliant swordsman. But these other heroic spirits have spent their entire lives mastering a single weapon, and thus can use them to their full potential, which Gilgamesh cannot.
That being said. Gilgamesh DOES have one weapon that only he can use, one so powerful that it defies reality itself. Buuuuut I’ll talk about that later.
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The Great Battle
Enkidu eventually confronts Gilgamesh outside of the Temple of Uruk, stating that he needed to be punished for disobeying the gods.
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But Gilgamesh isn’t one to let anyone talk down on him.
So he engages Enkidu in a battle that lasts days on end.
And this was pretty new to Gil. It was the first time he ever came across someone equal in strength to him, which forced him to use his Gate of Babylon.
Gilgamesh was furious that someone had caused him to waste his weapons, he was humiliated.
But eventually, he stopped caring, and he even started to enjoy himself after finally finding someone worthy to be in his presence.
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This battle lasted so long and was so fearsome that Gil exhausted every single weapon in his treasury, but by this point, Enkidu was severely weakened and Gilgamesh had won.
But instead of finishing him off, Gilgamesh extended a hand to him.
He saw Enkidu as an equal, and Enkidu ended up becoming Gil’s first friend, his only friend.
One day, Gilgamesh set his sights upon defeating the Beast of the God’s, Humbaba.
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But the thing is, the God’s hadn’t told him to do this, and he wasn’t doing it for the sake of his people either, because, well… he didn’t care about them.
Gilgamesh simply saw Humbaba as something that needed to be removed from the Earth in order to see out his mission.
Gilgamesh had always disobeyed the God’s so that he could be far removed from them, and he wanted his people to hate him so that he could be far removed from them, because that was the only way he could be truly neutral, because that was the mission for which he was born.
In this sense, you could argue that the reason that Gilgamesh was such an abhorrent dictator, was because he didn’t want to get close to his subjects, so that he could remain impartial.
(I don’t know how much truth there is to that and it could simply be a result of the story being altered as it was passed from generation to generation.)
Either way, seeing Gilgamesh’s resolve, Enkidu pledges his loyalty to him, and the two go on numerous adventures together, which ends with Gilgamesh becoming the wealthiest and most powerful king on Earth.
He amassed so much power that even the gods had no choice but to acknowledge it. One Goddess in particular, Ishtar, the Goddess of Fertility, asked Gilgamesh to marry her.
The King's Loss
Marrying a Goddess was actually one of Gilgamesh’s duties as it would see the continued reign of the gods over the humans, but Gilgamesh said no.
Enraged, Ishtar went to her father Anu, and asked him to unleash the Divine Beast Gugalanna on Uruk.
This divine beast devastated the lands for 7 years before Gilgamesh and Enkidu were finally able to defeat it. But this came at a price.
Ishtar asked the gods to sentence Gilgamesh and Enkidu to their deaths. While the Gods agreed, they couldn’t do anything to Gil, but they could to Enkidu, because he was their direct creation. 
Enkidu’s clay body weakened and weakened until it would eventually return to the very Earth from which it had come.
Gilgamesh stayed by his friend's side until the very end.
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While this event is not shown directly shown in the anime, it is mentioned in the original Sumerian poem from three thousand years ago, translated as follows:
“It saddens me. It saddens me, Gil. Who would understand you after I die? Who else would march by your side? My friend… when I think you will live on all alone henceforth, I can’t help but shed tears. But don’t be saddened. For I am but another of your treasures.” - Enkidu
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It’s honestly a rather heartbreaking end to their friendship.
One would have thought that the arrogant and prideful King of Heroes would have had a rather stoic response. But history says otherwise:
"You do have worth. You alone have this worth. I hereby declare: In all this world, only one shall be my friend. Thus---not for all eternity shall his worth ever change." - Gilgamesh
And with this, Enkidu returned to the Earth, leaving nothing behind but Gilgamesh's thunderous cry.
And for those of you who have watched Fate Zero, you’ll know that Gilgamesh kept this promise, even thousands and thousands of years later.
The Herb
After Enkidu’s death, Gilgamesh realised something.
As he was one-third human, he too would one day die.
If this were to happen, he would not be able to fulfil his dream of watching over humanity until the end of time, and it also meant he would not be able to carry out his purpose as the Wedge of Heaven.
And thus, for the first time in his existence, the king of heroes felt fear.
And this brings us to the core of the ancient Sumerian poem.
Gilgamesh, wanting to beat death, set out on a journey to find the only treasure that he didn’t have in his vault—the Herb of Immortality.
What does this herb do?
Well, it’s in the name so figure it out for yourselves.
Gilgamesh wandered the Earth for several decades in search of this herb, and eventually, stumbles upon a wise sage in the underworld that guides him in the right direction.
Sure enough, Gil finds the herb and is absolutely euphoric, because he has just beaten death, and all that’s left for him to do, is return to Uruk, and see over his people until the end of time.
Before beginning his journey back home, Gil decides to wash off in a nearby spring, where he first places the herb on the ground. However, as fate would have it, a serpent stumbles upon the bathing Gilgamesh, and after seeing the herb, it eats it.
And a little fun fact. It’s thought that the Sumerians and many of the cultures that followed, believed that snakes have the ability to shed their skin because this serpent ate the herb of immortality, giving snakes the ability to be reborn.
Much like the biblical tale of Adam, Eve, and the serpent, this story serves as a stark reminder of life's impermanence and the inevitable reality of death.
By losing the herb, Gilgamesh confronts the bitter truth: immortality remains beyond human grasp.
After realising what happened, you’d think Gilgamesh would be upset, or that he would be outraged, but, he wasn’t.
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He realised that death was unavoidable and that by dying, he wasn’t abandoning his duty, he was completing it, because it was the most human thing he could do.
He realised that you didn’t die because you were human, but you were human because you died. 
And with his Sha Naqba Imuru, Gilgamesh was able to see into the future, and what he saw was exactly what he loved about the humans in the first place.
He saw the continued growth of the human race, the way their knowledge developed, and the way they used their resources to reach for the stars and beyond.
With this new outlook, Gilgamesh returned to Uruk as a changed man.
Caster Gilgamesh
While Archer Gilgamesh was an arrogant tyrant that did disgusting things, Caster Gilgamesh was kind, generous, and benevolent.
He loved his people so much that he actually gave away all the swords in his treasury. 
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You see, these two versions of Gilgamesh are still the same person. It’s just that Archer Gilgamesh is the version of Gilgamesh we see before Enkidu’s death, and Caster Gilgamesh is the one we see after the death of his friend.
And yes, technically, Caster Gilgamesh is weaker than Archer Gilgamesh, and the biggest reason for that is the fact that he gave away so many of his weapons, weakening his Gate of Babylon.
But Caster Gilgamesh also had a noble phantasm that Archer Gilgamesh didn’t, Melammu Dingir, or King’s Signal Cannon. 
If you’ve ever seen the movie Three Hundred, it’s a lot like that. But except for arrows, he’s firing every weapon he has at his disposal.
As I mentioned, Caster Gilgamesh was much more generous than Archer Gilgamesh, and he gave away his treasures for them to be used in cannons, should the city of Uruk need protection.
As such, this Noble Phantasm is classed as an Anti-Army ability, firing every weapon mankind had in one go.
But if you think that’s powerful, there’s one more noble phantasm I haven’t yet mentioned. But this one didn’t belong to Caster Gilgamesh, it belonged to Archer Gilgamesh. 
The Sword of Rupture
Imagine a weapon so mighty that it not only holds power beyond comprehension but also taps into the very essence of our universe's creation. 
Enter Ea, the sword of rupture.
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But is it even correct to call it a sword?
Ea is the pinnacle of Noble Phantasms and is the strongest weapon in Gilgamesh’s treasury and it is unique to only him.
You might think it kind of looks like a sword, but it actually isn’t. It was designed before the concept of a “sword” even existed and so, it’s in its own class.
To even summon Ea, Gilgamesh first has to unlock the depths of his treasury with a key that only he possesses, and after that, we see the mere act of obtaining Ea disrupts reality itself.
Designed intricately, each section of Ea represents the Heaven’s, the Earth, and the Underworld, with the sections rotating in opposite directions, echoing the universe’s vast expanse.
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Gilgamesh claims that the sword "knows the truth" of the world where it once existed, and by using its power, it is able to bestow its knowledge upon others.
The weapon holds memories of a time even before the planet existed, a time when life, as we understand it, couldn't have survived. The memory of our universe's raw, primordial form, a chaotic blend of scorching heat and biting cold, of molten lava and dense gas, long before life as we know it began.
This primordial memory is embedded deep within our very DNA, a distant echo from eons past, now faded from our tales and consciousness.
Yet, to those who gaze upon the sword, this deep-seated, almost forgotten knowledge comes rushing back.
To Gilgamesh, Ea is more than just a weapon.
It’s an entity.
He treats it like a person. He talks to it, respects it, and unleashes its might only against those he deems truly worthy.
This isn't just any weapon; it's a creation from even before our planet's dawn, crafted by an unknown God and was once used to split the Heavens and Earth.
It is classed as an anti-universe noble phantasm with power unlike any other and its ability is called “Enuma Elish”, and to use the ability, Gilgamesh first recites an incantation, which is as follows:
“I will tell you of the beginning. Heaven and Earth split, nothingness congratulated creation, my Sword of Rupture cleaved the world!"
"Mortar of the stars, heaven's hell is the eve of creation's celebration. Now you shall die and be silent..."
This is actually another Babylonian tale from thousands of years ago titled “The Story of Creation”, buuuuuuuut I'll cover that another time.
I know that I’ve been describing Ea as a “weapon”, but it isn’t that at all. In fact, that barely scratches the surface of its true nature.
It's not an exaggeration when I say that Enuma Elish has the power to tear the universe apart. Yet, even such an unparalleled force had its moment of surprise.
(There is one recorded instance of it being stopped, something which shocked even Gilgamesh, but that’s a story for another time...) 
Gilgamesh is only seen using this ability on two occasions, once against Rider and another against Tiamat, a primordial deity that almost destroyed the world and was so powerful, that even Gilgamesh couldn’t defeat her. Or rather, Caster Gilgamesh couldn’t. Because like I said before, Archer Gilgamesh is on an entirely different level.
We see Gilgamesh use Ea’s full strength against Enkidu, not in their first battle, but rather, when they met again thousands of years later in Fate Strange/Fake.
Here, the world itself is sucked into the void created by the sword, and it begins tearing apart. But Enkidu has his own version of Enuma Elish and thus was able to hold the World together.
The battle is described as follows by those that observed it:
"I felt as if the World was born seven times, and destroyed seven times." - The Sacred Prostitute.
This meeting here is honestly, beautiful. And I know that’s a weird way to describe what is essentially a war to the death between mages, but that’s all I can say about it.
We know how much Gilgamesh values Ea. He is disgusted by the thought of someone unworthy even laying their eyes on it. And it’s so rare that we ever see him even using it.
But when he realises that his opponent is his first and only friend, he pulls out Ea with zero hesitation. [Say it with slight laughter]
In fact, this is the happiest we ever see Gilgamesh. He spends the entire battle laughing his heart out, and we see Enkidu, with a hand to his ears, admiring the sound of his friend's laughter as if it were a song. 
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It’s a tragedy that Gilgamesh will never be able to see Enkidu again. But that’s life. As sad as it is to admit, we all have people we care about that will be gone from our lives forever.
It’s no wonder that Gilgamesh’s greatest treasure wasn’t any of his riches, any of his weapons, the holy grail, or even Ea.
It was his friendship with Enkidu.
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And with that, I’ve covered a fraction of The Epic of Gilgamesh. It took a lot of work and there’s a lot I couldn’t talk cover. I’ll probably make another post dedicated to Ea and another on Enkidu, but I’ll warn you, be prepared to cry.
psst... if you liked this essay, check out the full video essay on my youtube channel!
And I don't normally add this, but if I can be a teenie bit selfish on this one occasion:
Please check out the video (if you'd so graciously lend me a few minutes of your time) because it's by far the hardest I've ever worked on a video and I wholly believe the end result is really good. You can always leave a dislike and tell me how to improve if you don't like it lol
- love ya
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lifetimes of scars both visible and not
(au, not canon, this is all related to my unreasonably extensive timeline)
(they're married)
(she/her for flash)
i definitely made some of the text too small 😂 new tablet has given me too much power (pressure sensitivity)
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crow's feet :3c i wrote "1987 – 2005" but really it's probably more like "1990 – 2005" but birth year was easier than trying to decide exactly what year harrison started to be a piece of shit 🤷and also really his abuse did continue intermittently even after flash moved out in 2005 but not consistently since flash wasn't around him very much after that (but like, there's the incident in 2006... and some later incidents in 2013 ish) — that's what the ptsd is referring to also though by this age i think she's mostly fine... small things can still get to her of course but by 50 she's very well-adjusted and much, much happier than she was 30 years ago.
and of course... recovered/recovering alcoholic... that's kind of a lifelong thing of course
carpal tunnel is just from using a wheelchair for 30+ years
also not a wound or a scar but flash will have been on hrt for like............................ 20 years at age 50??? i think? so... boobies 😂
the three rings on her left ring finger are engagement, wedding band and an anniversary ring peter gets her for their 10th (wedding) anniversary (they'll already have been dating for like 5 years when they get married though) — she's also wearing peter's wedding band on her right ring finger on account of his arthritis causing him problems + often already not wearing it because of spidey, but you can't see her right hand in this pic and i decided not to label it since it's not exactly a scar or lasting injury
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peter gets a soul patch in his late 40s because it's a law of the universe that if he's middle aged he needs to have questionable facial hair and i didn't feel like trying to draw the full goatee when i designed their older looks and i still don't (also because he looks too much like dr strange when he has the goatee AND the white streak tbh lmfao)
if peter lived into his 50s you know he'd be going fully silver w/in a couple of years already — the stress 😂 it's making him a silver fox... well. it's given him a skunk stripe at least (cause i always think it's cute when he gets a white streak when middle aged in comics)
he's got that fuzzy neck and fangs too from man-spider (even w/ the missing front teeth XD) (normally he wears partial dentures but i figured he probably doesn't sleep in them) — missing teeth, broken clavicle and one of the times he had his right scapula broken are all from the same incident which happens in 2032 and which i haven't written yet but may or may not involve a Kraven of some kind... (the first time he had the same scapula broken was by the jackal which i ALSO have not written yet... but is 2012)
busted-ass nose from when he fought doc ock around high school graduation and insisted he didn't need it looked at
ptsd is from the jackal as well, as mentioned not written yet.
also peter is 4 months younger than flash, thus 49.9 😂😂😂 it's ALMOST his birthday here okay, he's basically 50,
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obviously flash has some of her own scars... maybe not quite as many as peter but losing both your legs probably counts for a few XD
and i decided to draw her a little bit fuzzy cause she's 50 here and she doesn't shave (her body) all the time anymore but... you can barely see it anyway since the hairs are red XD
trying to decide flash's level of muscle as a 50 year old woman is also difficult and i am still not sure how much tummy to give her... i probably could have given her more, though i guess she and peter still have a lot of sex....... either way i know she still has those guns even with carpal tunnel in both wrists lol
similar dilemma with peter but peter has the wrinkle of needing to eat over 5000 calories a day just to not lose weight so i think he's more likely to remain very svelte on top of refusing to like, retire from spider-man... bro take a break you already have arthritis and nerve damage which i forgot to label,
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(the nerve damage is from the burn scar though) (it was real bad) (i haven't written that one yet but it's in 2009. nothing complicated, he just runs into a burning building to save people while wearing a polyester costume is all—not Trauma, just Stupidity) (...i mean, medically speaking it's burn trauma, but)
compression glove for aforementioned arthritis. he has arthritis all over, like his shoulders and stuff, but his left wrist is the worst because of when fisk broke it and he set it himself at home so it never totally healed right, but is manageable until he hits his forties and it starts getting arthritic before any of the rest of his joints 🤷 actually iirc it probably starts twinging in his 30s... but by 49 it's his whole arm for sure... plus his right shoulder... probably most of his fingers... left knee not arthritis just the nerve damage... wouldn't be surprised if he gets a sore neck from all that spidey whiplash... probably tennis elbow too lbr... yeah, he really should retire lol
also you can see his weird ribcage divots from when the extra arms in man-spider fell off...
flash and peter both got the knuckle scars—peter normally wouldn't but in 2007 he is currently spending a lot of time busting his knuckles open (peter: um some people mangle their hands punching steel and concrete to cope,) so they don't get a chance to heal fully and he ends up with scars from it.
sexual assault survivor referring to both skip in 2000 (which is finally being mentioned more concretely but i have made allusions to before) as well as the jackal in 2012 (which i have not written yet but have a lot of notes for) (well, i have a lot of notes for all of this, really,) - those are also both the major sources of his PTSD, particularly the jackal, though he's got other traumas too like his abandonment issues (parents' death) and his uncle's death... he's just been through a lot in general. unlike flash he isn't like, mostly fine, either, and therapy didn't really work out for him, so he's on... meds lol though idk maybe by 50 he doesn't need them anymore..... when he was in his 20s and 30s for sure though... he is a man prone to flashbacks and nightmares... hyperfixation... and 2012 will be a very traumatic year for him if/when i write that fic...
anyway it's fine, he's fine,
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here's a foot for all the foot fetishists out there
no scars there i just really hate drawing bare feet and think it turned out sort of okay
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the red things are how they die btw. peter gets taken out by [insert organization here] (i'm still working out the details, idk if natl guard or shield or what... or WHY tbh lmao i just know it happens)
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flash i'm actually still not 100% sure i will do though, she might die of a broken heart/lots of stress from the very public death of her husband of 23 years (partner for almost 30)/heart problems from limited mobility (exacerbated by the carpal tunnel) or...... she might live longer, idk yet... idk if i'll even ever write that part... who knows!!!
me like angst😂 it's happy too though!!! i mean sure tragic ending eventually but also they are together for nearly 30 years despite all odds and that's not tragic at all... they love each other... 🥺🥰
they just don't live very long
though for flash 50 feels like a longer time than she'd ever expected, like, this is a woman who never thought she'd even make it to 20, you know???? so 50 is a pretty big deal. regardless of if i have her live longer than peter or not, though, i don't think she's surprised when he dies... like, upset yes, but... there have been so many times she's worried he'd never come home so it's only a shock in that it's emotionally devastating, not surprising at all. a long time coming... RIP
tfw you're outlived by your clone with a compromised lifespan
anyway i got way more rambly than i meant to on this XD
oh update in july lmao: i realized i had forgotten about a scar peter will probably acquire in 2012 in my notes and only found it skimming thru my timeline recently to edit some stuff so i sketched this real quick:
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though in my mind this sketch is of peter when he's still in his mid to late 20s... but the handprint is obviously a mark of kaine print (though I think i may have made it too small XD considering peter already has big ol hands and kaine is 4 inches taller than him) think of it as something like a grab while grappling during a fight, like wrestling or whatever—though i'm ngl i'm still working out some details but i think when peter is first kidnapped by warren, he may attack kaine, for reasons having to do with his aunt, though like i said i'm still working out some stuff so there isss a chance i scrap this scar anyway... we'll see if i ever make it that far (current fic is 2007 and this would be 2012 after all but i may end up time skipping at some point like i did with, for example, curse of the man-spider)
drawing peter on a towel was the only way i could think of to get his back bare at this point too. he really buttons up for a while there.
(has a separate post on my blog: https://hoardlikegoldenirises.tumblr.com/post/722440569862881280/a-scar-i-totally-forgot-about-in-my-notes-and-by)
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hella1975 · 1 year
hella I wanna look into mesopotamia so do you wanna give an overview of like the timeline or whatever. feel free to rant if you want bc it’s so interesting when you do
OKAY YES!!!! so the reason mesopotamia is such a big deal and is nicknamed the 'cradle of civilisation' is because, despite there being evidence of humanity before it, it was the first example of society. the first cities started in mesopotamia and so many HUGE inventions - the wheel, maths, astronomy, writing, irrigation, offical laws (including the first minimum wage!) etc - came out of mesopotamia.
so mesopotamia was a REGION, same as ancient egypt, and was located in what is now modern day iraq. it's always baffled me that people know SO MUCH about ancient egypt but know so little about its neighbour, especially when their cultures were very similar and considering mesopotamia EXISTED BEFORE ANCIENT EGYPT. mesopotamia started in around 5000 BC and ended with the fall of babylon in ~500 BC when it was conquered by the persian empire. (i cant remember the exact year my bad) ((also now is probs a good time to mention my only knowledge of mesopotamia comes from personal, unprofessional research. any mistakes are my own and this post is meant for idle conversation, not actual information)). oh and alexander the great conquered it at one point. boo 👎
a very simplified timeline is that mesopotamia had the sumerians, then the akkadians, then the babylonians, then the assyrians, but when i say 'simplified' i mean there was a lot of shit going on in between that and there's also like. neo-sumerians and neo-babylonians and it was all happening in different areas of mesopotamia so not everywhere was in the same 'period' and i will put my hand up and say i dont know SHIT about what all that was about. i can tell you for a fact that sumerian was the first language though and if i had to pick a fave dead language i'd go with sumerian. there's something so cool about a language being THOUSANDS of years old but the civilisation being so ahead of their time that we have pretty thorough records of it even now and there are experts that can speak it fluently. cuneiform (the writing style of mesopotamia, done on clay tablets) was invented for sumerian. sumerian was then replaced by akkadian, which the famous code of hammurabi was written in, and it's just done directly onto a big black pillar and it looks SO COOL look at this thing:
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Oldest known paycheck shows workers being paid with beer.
This clay tablet not only shows that beer is a popular beverage but also shows that economic relationship between employee and employer has already been established.
According to the cuneiform writing on a nearly 5000 year old tablet, workers in Mesopotamia were rewarded for their labor in daily rations of beer.
Dated 3300 BC, the tablet was found in the Sumerian city of Uruk and is one of earliest known examples of writing.
According to Alison George in New Scientist, the tablet, which is the oldest known paycheck in the world, tells that workers prefer their daily share of beer as a salary.
This beer was also distributed by employers.
Cuneiform was a kind of caption.
In this tablet, which is currently in British Museum, image of a person eating from a bowl means "food ration" and a cone-shaped container means "beer."
Alison George says semicircular scratches scattered across tablet also record amount of beer a particular worker takes.
According to George, this makes the tablet as the "oldest known paycheck in the world, implying that concept of employee and employer was familiar even 5,000 years ago."
Annalee Newitz of Ars Technica points out that these wages were not meant to keep workers drunk so that they would be more obedient.
In ancient world, beer was a starchy and satisfying beverage and could be used as a meal as well.
British Museum
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4 best Ayurvedic treatments for hemorrhoids
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This is maybe your 30s or 40s, and you are feeling extreme pain due to the inflammation in your rectum. Well, this is happening because of hemorrhoids, or in other words, piles. This is a medical condition that enlarges the veins in your rectum or causes swelling outside of your anus as well. Due to that, you will face bleeding, itching, and pain. Passing the stool will be agony for you if you have hemorrhoids. 
Our hectic lifestyle, and eating processed or junk food can be contributing factors to our piles. These can tamper with our digestive tracts and push us into this situation where we have to seek some medical help in order to get rid of our piles permanently.
Should we seek Ayurveda help?
Ayurveda is a well-known name in the world, especially among the Indian people. Said to cure thousands of diseases, Ayurveda strives to balance the three doshas in the body called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
If you are thinking that antiquity makes this medical practice less good than any of today’s modern allopathic treatments, you are wrong. A 5000-year-old medical practice is still far better than those allopathic treatments. There is no way that you should neglect the help of Ayurveda. Let's take a look at the four most effective Ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoid.
4 best Ayurvedic treatments for hemorrhoids
1. Bhaishajya chikitsa (Medication)
Ayurvedic medication is the easiest and most effective way to treat normal or less-severe hemorrhoids. The medicines, diet, and lifestyle change your Ayurvedic practitioner chooses will factor into your doshas and cure your disease accordingly. If you are looking for medicine, then Dr. Piles Free is the best medicine that every doctor and Ayurvedic specialist suggests. 
Dr. Piles Free is a blend of several key herbs that can heal your piles from the ground up. This specially designed medicine is crafted from the knowledge of Ayurvedic science and years-old formulas. If you are having problems with your piles, this medicine is recommended for you.
2. Kshara (Herbal application)
Another Ayurvedic treatment you can try to cure your hemorrhoids is the kshara. This is a caustic alkaline paste that is used to manage hemorrhoids. Alkaline paste, which is made from an herbal blend, has the ability to treat hemorrhoids naturally and without harm. 
There is another thing that will work better than Kshara for hemorrhoids. We're discussing Dr. Piles Free oil. If you buy this package, you will be provided with dr piles free capsules, dr piles free powder, or dr piles free oil. If you are finding it hard to apply the alkaline paste to your hemorrhoids, then this oil is far more effective and easily available on Nirog Ayurved.
3. Haritaki (Chebulic myrobalan)
The magical Ayurvedic fruit called Haritaki can help in balance three doshas in the body. It enhances digestion and helps in the detoxification of the body. Eating this fruit would be beneficial for you and your hemorrhoids. 
For ages, this herb has been used as a hemorrhoid treatment because it lessens bowel movements and calms the pressure on the excretory system. We suggest you add haritaki fruit to your daily diet to lessen your piles gradually.
4. Guggul/Guggullu
Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, guggul is another method for treating your piles. This is the main ingredient in many well-known piles treatments and Ayurvedic digestive tablets. It can also give you relief from pain and itching in your affected area.
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onedirectdeals · 10 days
Hakaug Kids Tablet 10-inch Android 13 Quad Core 6GB RAM 64GB ROM HD 1280x800 IPS Screen Tablets for Kids with Dual Camera WiFi Bluetooth 5000 mAh (Pink)
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: Best suitable for over 3 years old. Built-in high performance quad-core processor and Android 13 system. 10 inch tablet for kids with low blue-light and wide view angle. A ideal gift for children. With durable and lightweight case to protect against drops while playing. Technical specifications: Display: 10 inch HD display Operating system: Android…
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nbhealthcare01 · 1 month
Best Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturer in India
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India is a beautiful country known all over the world for its ancient culture. Ayurveda is one of the oldest cultures in our country and is almost 5000 years old. Ayurveda is a natural medicine for humans, which is why people today prefer to use Ayurvedic products over synthetic products. Out of the total population of India, about 145 crore people, more than 80% use herbal medicines and health products. The Indian herbal medicine industry is worth 57,450 crores and is growing at a rate of 7.6% annually. Therefore, it can be said that investing in third-party herbal medicine manufacturers is very profitable and the market will not decrease in the next few years.
Finding a reputable third party is a difficult task. Look no further, in this guide, we will talk about the Best Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturer in India - NB Healthcare. With extensive experience and a strong reputation in the industry, we pride ourselves on being the best choice for manufacturing high-quality Ayurvedic products.
Why NB Healthcare?
Selecting a Contract manufacturer company for your Ayurvedic products requires a careful review of a company's experience, expertise, authority, and reliability. NB Healthcare excels in all these areas.
Experience: With over 17 years of experience in the industry, our team at NB Healthcare has the knowledge and skills to produce Ayurvedic products of the highest quality. Our successful relationships with customers across India reflect our proven track record of manufacturing and delivering superior-quality products.
Expertise: Our team consists of highly experienced professionals who are well-educated in the science of Ayurveda. From selecting the best herbal blends to ensuring the highest quality standards, we have the expertise to create the highest quality products.
Authority: As a leading contract Ayurvedic medicine manufacturer in India, NB Healthcare has established itself as an industry leader. Our commitment to excellence and commitment to delivering the best products has established us as a trusted partner.
Trust: Trust is important when choosing a third-party manufacturer of Ayurvedic products. At NB Healthcare, we focus on building and maintaining customer trust through a clear and customer-centric approach.
Product Range At NB Healthcare
We offer a wide range of Ayurvedic products including capsules, tablets, powders, etc. Only quality ingredients from reputable suppliers ensure our products are safe, effective, and of the highest quality. Whether you're looking to develop a new product or need help developing an existing product, the NB Healthcare team is ready to help. We offer custom manufacturing services to meet the unique needs of our clients and work closely with you every step of the way to achieve your vision.
At NB Healthcare, we ensure that every product we make meets the highest standards of quality and safety. From manufacturing to packaging, we carefully inspect every detail to ensure your products are flawless. If you are looking for the best third-party Ayurvedic product manufacturer in India, NB Healthcare is your answer. With experience, expertise, power, and reliability, we are confident in our ability to meet and exceed your expectations. Contact us today to find out how we can bring your Ayurvedic products to market.
Contact Details:
Name - NB Healthcare
Address - Plot No. 966, JLPL Industrial Park, Sector-82, Airport Road, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 160062 India
Phone Number - +91-921-690-7372, +91-7888-693-191
Website - https://www.nbhealthcare.co.in/ 
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conchlifescience · 1 month
India's Best Third-Party Manufacturer for Ayurvedic Products
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India is a beautiful country known all over the world for its ancient culture. Ayurveda is also one of the oldest cultures in our country, nearly 5000 years old. Ayurveda is a natural healing science for humans, which is why people today prefer to use Ayurvedic products more than synthetic products. Out of the total population of India, which is around 145 crore people, more than 80% people use herbal medicines and health products. India's herbal medicine industry is worth around 57,450 crore and growing rapidly by 7.6% every year. So it can be said that investing in third party herbal medicine manufacturers is very profitable and the market will not decrease in the coming years. 
Searching a leading third-party can be a challenging task. Look no further, In this guide, we will talk about the Best Third-Party manufanturer for Ayurvedic products - Conch Lifescience. With a wealth of experience and a strong reputation in the industry, we pride ourselves on being the top choice for manufacturing high-quality Ayurvedic products.
Why Partner with Conch Lifescience?
Selecting a third-party manufacturer for your Ayurvedic products requires careful consideration of a company's experience, expertise, authority, and reliability. Conch Lifescience excels in all these areas.
Experience: With 17+ years of industry experience, our team at Conch Lifescience possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to produce Ayurvedic products that meet the highest standards. Our successful collaborations with clients worldwide underscore our proven track record of delivering outstanding results.
Expertise: Our team comprises highly skilled professionals who are well-versed in Ayurvedic science. From selecting the ideal herbal blends to ensuring strict quality standards, we possess the expertise to create top-quality products.
Authority: As a prominent third-party manufacturer in India, Conch Lifescience has established itself as a leader in the industry. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and dedication to providing the best possible products have solidified our position as a trusted partner.
Trust: Trust is paramount when selecting a third-party manufacturer for your Ayurvedic products. At Conch Lifescience, we prioritize building and maintaining our clients' trust through transparency and a client-centric approach.
Our Product Range
We offer a diverse range of Ayurvedic products, including capsules, tablets, powders, and more. We source only the highest quality ingredients from reputable suppliers, ensuring our products are safe, effective, and of the utmost quality. Whether you're looking to develop a new product or need assistance with manufacturing an existing one, the team at Conch Lifescience is ready to assist. We provide custom formulation services to meet our clients' unique needs, working closely with you every step of the way to realize your vision.
Our Process
At Conch Lifescience, we ensure that every product we manufacture adheres to the highest standards of quality and safety. From formulation to packaging, we meticulously oversee every detail to ensure your products are flawless.
In conclusion, if you're seeking the best third-party manufacturer for Ayurvedic products in India, Conch Lifescience is your answer. With our experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, we're confident in our ability to meet and exceed your expectations. Contact us today to explore how we can help bring your Ayurvedic products to market.
Contact Details:
Name - Conch Lifescience
Address - C-10, First Floor, Mohan Garden, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi - 110059
Phone Number - +91 7048908449
Website - https://conchlifescience.in/ 
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gepetordi1 · 2 months
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4500 year old beer recipes written on clay tablets.
Cuneiform script (Ancient Mesopotamian) is believed to be the oldest written script ca. 5000-6000 years. This tablet lists the ingredients involved to brew three different varieties of beer.
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softwarily · 10 months
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vongomben · 10 months
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allengreenfield · 10 months
5000-Year-Old Tablets Can Now Be Decoded by Artificial Intelligence, New Research Reveals - The Debrief
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khayalhealth8 · 1 year
Why You Should Be Using This Shilajit Tablet?
The idea of Khayal, an Ayurvedic company, was to be there for everyone. We strive to develop the most innovative and ground-breaking Ayurvedic health care products by merging ideas from traditional Ayurvedic practices. By taking care of the general public, we hope to create an India free from disease through our kind and genuine products. Therefore, in order to tackle the diseases of the future, we utilize our ancient Ayurvedic knowledge and combine it with modern breakthroughs. Before it gets to your house, each of our products must pass rigorous inspection and quality-control standards. Shilajit, a sticky substance that may be found in the rocks of the Himalayas and other hilly areas, is used to make the  Shilajit tablets, a dietary supplement. Shilajit has been utilized for its possible health advantages in Ayurvedic medicine for millennia. The following are some justifications why people might think about utilizing  Shilajit tablets, Shilajit has been used in traditional Ayurvedic therapy in India for a very long time. It is thought to possess adaptogenic qualities, which could assist the body in adjusting to stress and preserving equilibrium.
Shilajit is well known for being rich in minerals and fulvic acid, which may enhance general health. Fulvic acid is thought to improve the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Energy and endurance: Some individuals take With the intention of being there for everyone, Khayal was created. By drawing inspiration from the conventional Ayurvedic techniques that have been practiced since 1000 BC, we aimed to create the most ground-breaking and innovative healthcare products in the history of the planet. And it was from this predisposition that Khayal was born. It has often been said that "God has a plant out there that will heal it for every illness or ailment known to man." We merely need to keep learning about their healing abilities from nature. We carry out just that. At Khayal, we carefully source local and uncommon herbs and combine them with modern medicines to develop authentic, native therapies and remedies that are based on references from over 5000-year-old ancient Ayurvedic writings.
Ingredients of  Shilajit Capsule
In times of stress and weakness, bioactive chemicals that support homeostasis and preserve bodily processes. medications that help with edema decrease after an accident a chemical that can prevent free radicals from oxidizing live cells and we offer shilajit gold resin and visit us if required and much  more.
 Benefits of Shilajit Capsule
Increases testosterone and sperm count in men
2. Heals Alzheimer's illness
3. lessens overexertion of fatigue
4. Improves the health of women
5. Reverses the effects of aging
6.Strengthens antioxidant capacity
This is the typical dosage that is advised in the majority of therapy situations. Please keep in mind that each patient's case is unique, and the dosage may vary depending on the illness, the route of administration, the patient's age, and their medical history at Khayal
and much more to know about the product if required.
Our Mission and Values
Ayurveda has been passed down for more than 3,000 years. Since then, Ayurvedic medicine has been used to treat illnesses. However, the authenticity of Ayurveda has significantly diminished as a result of the development of cutting-edge technologies and procedures. There are numerous well-known Ayurvedic businesses and more than a thousand Ayurvedic products available today, all of which make numerous health-related claims. But because of their poor and tainted quality, they actually cause more harm than help. Many times, these adverse effects can develop into severe and persistent, raising a number of issues. What we saw was that production organizations were using manufacturing techniques that weren't real only to lower costs and the time it required to extract items as well as to take care of our customers' health through our benevolent and unique products, becoming indispensable to them. We are resolute in our commitment to providing care for every member of your home, from a baby to the elderly, and our goal is to supply goods that improve the overall well-being of people. Our goal is to spread awareness about Ayurveda so that everyone can take advantage of the knowledge our ancestors had. By offering our consumers only the most authentic and reliable Ayurvedic items, we hope to become the most sought-after Ayurvedic brand. Our goal is to serve the globe with excellence and make it possible for the benefits of Ayurveda to be delivered to every home.
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