#5 miles above what the speed limit was
125storejuice · 2 months
Oh man does anyone else here experience extreme road rage when people do stupid shit that endangers people's lives for literally no reason other than they want to go faster????
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dip-the-stick · 2 years
shaking crying throwing up live laugh love
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cosmerelists · 5 months
Would Cosmere Characters Drive the Speed Limit?
You know, if cars and speed limits existed for them. (Potentially necessary context: I am a USAmerican)
For a different but hilarious take on Stormlight Characters driving, please check out this @saffronique post, which I spent forever looking for because I vaguely remembered someone else doing a driving post and wanted to make sure I hadn't copied them! Anyway it's funny; go read it: https://www.tumblr.com/saffronique/719947907049127936/was-just-struck-by-the-overwhelming-urge-to-rate?source=share
But now for a much more limited question: just, do they go the speed limit?
1. Nale: Yes but also no
As Mr. Beholden-to-All-Laws-of-the-Realm, Nale would of course drive exactly the speed limit! Except that he would also go immediately to the local jurisdiction, get deputized or whatever, and then obtain permission to speed all the time so as to Apprehend Criminals. So he'd actually be almost exclusively speeding but, like, legally.
2. Vivenna: Only at first
Vivenna does drive the speed limit when she first gets her license, because she wants to Follow the Law and be a Good Example for Siri. But, like, everyone is always so mad, and eventually she starts going just like 5 miles over the speed limit, which isn't even breaking the law, really. It's going with traffic! And then maybe 10 miles over, just occasionally 15 but only on a highway when it's safe! 
3. Siri: No
Like, going a bit faster is not a big deal, especially if all the other cars are doing the same thing. It's actually safer to go with the flow of traffic! 
4. Elend: Depends on who's in the car
Elend drives moderately above the speed limit like most people except if his dad is in the car and then he drives under the speed limit just to piss him off.
5. Vin: No
Vroom, vroom to be honest. Vin doesn't do things slow.
6. Dalinar: Yes
As a young man, Dalinar's speed demon ways led to the deaths of many people. So now he does drive the speed limit and insists that his sons do as well, whether they're in company cars or not.
7. Kelsier: No
Kelsier? Follow a law? I don't think so. He taught Vin to drive, you know.
8. Adolin: Not anymore
When his dad was really into Car Laws, Adolin did drive the speed limit per his dad's instructions. But he's since loosened up a bit. He figures he needs to find his own way to drive!
9. Shallan: No
Shallan drives the speed she needs to drive. Veil definitely drives the fastest, and Radiant is most likely to follow the speed limit. But on average...not so much.
10. Navani: No
Adolin can still remember being in the car with his aunt for the first time and being SHOCKED that she speeds. (In my head this is related to Adolin being shocked when he sees Navani wearing a glove rather than a full sleeve. This may not make sense to anyone else but it feels right to me).
11. Moash: No
Moash always wants to get to his destination as fast as possible. Also I just can't imagine him trying to follow the speed limit. 
12. Wax: Depends on the geographic location
Wax drives the speed limit in the Roughs but not in Polite Society (except in dense urban areas where he wishes to avoid, like, killing children).
13. Wayne: Does not have his driver's license
I feel this in my soul. 
14. Lirin: Yes
I think Lirin would argue that "getting to your destination thirty seconds faster is no reason to speed and put everyone else on the road in danger! Drive safe - arrive safe! That's what matters!" And then he would go exactly one mile under the speed limit at all times while everyone behind him honks. 
15. Kaladin: No
Kaladin spends three months driving very slowly after his dad shows him videos of horrific car crashes but eventually he just can't do it. He NEEDS to get there faster! People are DEPENDING on him! And he likes to feel the WIND in his HAIR as he cruises down the open highway! 
(Kaladin and his dad cannot drive together.)
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alyhorse6 · 8 months
I’ll See You Sunday
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AN: I promise I’m working on any requests I have rn, but this hit me and I needed to get it down. This fic was 100% inspired by the fanart above by @lightsintheskye 🫡
AU Context/synopsis: Annette and William are both renowned medical professionals. Annette is a cardiothoracic surgeon, William is a cancer researcher, Wesker is still the captain of S.T.A.R.S. (except he's loyal and doesn't have ill intentions), and Y/n is a S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team Member. Y/n and Wesker are particularly close. One night Annette & William have a highly honored banquet/award ceremony to attend and need someone to look over little Sherry for the evening. Surely Uncle Albert would be willing to help them out…
Warnings: These characters are nothing like their in-game personalities, but it’s my AU and I do what I want, intense fluff🤧
It was around 3:30 in the afternoon when Wesker received a text from his stepbrother William asking him if he would be available to watch his niece. He didn’t open the message at first, instead, he panicked and texted one of his closest friends for help.
Are you available tonight?: Wesker
Y/n: Yeah… why?
I have an emergency: Wesker
Y/n: What happened?
William asked me to babysit Sherry, but I have no clue what to do with a kid: Wesker
Y/n: Albert Wesker. Are you kidding me.
What??: Wesker
Y/n: You said an emergency!
This is an emergency!: Wesker
Y/n: Whatever. What do you need me for?
I need you to come help me :): Wesker
Y/n: Aye aye, Captain🫡
Don’t mock me😑: Wesker
After speaking with Y/n, Wesker agreed to do it. William instructed him to arrive no later than 5:30, giving Wesker only 20 minutes to fly across town from the Police Station to the Birkins’ penthouse. In all honesty, Wesker dreaded this whole experience. It had nothing to do with Sherry, she was an angel, but something told him that it would be a long night.
He made it to the complex at 5:25 pm, relieved that he hadn't encountered any traffic police on his route. To meet his deadline, he drove at 35 miles per hour, which was 10 miles above the speed limit, through the bustling and chaotic streets of Raccoon City. In a hurry, Wesker dashed through the opulent lobby and made a beeline for the elevators, frantically hitting the up button. As soon as the elevator chimed, he strode in, elated to find it empty. He punched the button for the top floor, relaxed his body, and leaned against the back wall. Gradually, the elevator began its smooth ascent to the desired floor. The elevator came to a stop with a low hum, and the number "35" glowed brightly in the top right corner on a small screen. Wesker stepped out of the elevator and found himself in the entry room of the penthouse.
When do you think you'll be here?: Wesker
Y/n: I should be at the complex in ten
I'll see you when you get here: Wesker
Wesker waltzed up to the elaborate double doors that led into the home. He breathed in and held it as he knocked firmly, desperate to just get in and get his step-brother and his wife out and on their way to their banquet.
William greeted Albert with a warm smile as he answered the door, "Hey there, Albert! It's great to see you again!"
Wesker forced a smile, deeply unappreciative of the use of his first name, “Hey Will.”
Will leaned in to whisper, “Annette has been freaking out over this whole thing. I don't know if she’s more worried about leaving Sherry for this long or the event in general. This will be the longest we've left Sherry since she was born, but it’s been four months, it's gotta happen sometime.”
“I've got this Will, don’t worry. Plus I'll have help.” Wesker smirked
William narrowed his eyes, “Help? Who've you wrangled into helping you this time?”
“This time?? You say it like I never do anything on my own.” Wesker griped
“Just tell me who it is.” William huffed
Wesker rolled his eyes, “I asked Y/n to help me out.”
“Y/n? Is that the chic from S.T.A.R.S. that you’ve got a crush on?” William snickered
Wesker responded, but not without his jaw dropping slightly, “I do not have a crush on her! Crushes are for kids, which I am not.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever you wanna tell yourself,” William smirked
William eventually moved aside and allowed Wesker to enter. As they walked through the front doors, they found themselves in the luxurious living room that could have easily been featured in an exclusive millionaire's catalog. Wesker’s basic apartment looked like a shack compared to this singular room. He'd been here hundreds of times, and yet it never failed to slap him across the face every time he saw it. The room was filled with pretty potted plants, glorious gold detailing, and a coat of the finest beige paint on every wall.
William and Wesker stood around for a few minutes until Annette appeared from the hallway, holding little Sherry in her arms, looking like a munchkin.
“Here she is” Annette greeted with an open-mouthed smile.
Wesker reached a hand out to Sherry, “Hey there! It’s me, Uncle Albert.” The only time Wesker willingly used his first name was with Sherry. She was a weakness.
Sherry cooed a bit and then smiled when she saw her Uncle. Wesker grinned at the little person being so happy to see him. Annette passed the baby to him, and he cradled her softly, swaying back and forth.
“You two better get out of here, your banquet starts at 6:15.” Wesker shooed
William checked his watch and sighed, “I suppose you're right.”
Annette waved Wesker and Sherry goodbye and walked out to the elevator. William quickly turned back around to get one more little jab, “Good luck with your crush Weskie!” He smirked and ran off to join his wife.
Wesker huffed and looked to Sherry, “Don't listen to your silly goose of a father, I do not have a crush.”
Wesker walked toward the living room and sat down before feeling a buzz from his pocket.
Y/n: I'm in the lobby coming towards the elevator, make sure I can get in😘
Don’t you worry your pretty head: Wesker
Y/n: Awe you think I’m pretty?🥺
Definitely not.: Wesker
Y/n: And here I was thinking I’d get a date😪
About 10 minutes passed before a few soft knocks passed through the door. Wesker got up and opened it greeting Y/n with a kind smile, always unable to help but to smile with her around. Y/n smiled back and waved gently to the man, before giving a little wave and a grin to the adorable baby in his arms.
“Hello there Sherry! I’m Y/n, your Uncle’s friend!” She spoke softly
The infant giggled and smiled at the young woman in front of her. Y/n looked up to Wesker, “Has she ever laughed?? I don’t wanna steal that from her parents!”
“She has don’t worry. She was an early giggler.” Wesker soothed with a small smile. His favorite woman as caring as ever.
The two walked into the penthouse and sat down on the sofa side by side. Wesker would be a lying man if he failed to admit that being with Y/n in this type of setting made his face feel warmer, it was such a rare occasion for him to see Y/n outside of work or a work group. He wanted more of this.
The two sat and talked for a while, Sherry occasionally making sounds from Wesker’s arms, before eventually slowly starting to cry.
“Oh sweetie what’s the matter?!” Y/n fretted
Wesker handed her over to the woman. She didn’t smell, she didn’t seem sleepy, must be hungry. “Hey Wesk, could you heat up a bottle for her?” Y/n asked doe-eyed with worry
“Got it!” Already making his way to the fridge
Y/n followed behind him to the kitchen, delicately bouncing the little one on her hip. Both of the girls watched as Wesker tapped his finger on the counter waiting for the bottle warmer to ding. By now Sherry’s cries had died down some, but she still sniffled and shook in infant distress. Finally, the ding sounded through the room and Wesker removed the bottle, then tested the temperature on his hand. It passed the test so he handed it off to Y/n. She walked back over to the sofa and laid Sherry back in her arms, tipping the nub of the bottle to the baby’s mouth. Wesker joined the two and watched as Sherry started eating. Once she seemed content both Wesker and Y/n relaxed back into the cushions. Y/n faintly grinned at Sherry, while behind her Wesker happily grinned at the sight of her and his niece. Sherry stared brightly at Y/n’s face and grasped at her top, satisfied with her bottle.
Some time passed before Sherry finished. Afterward, Y/n burped her and then passed her back over to her Uncle. Wesker let her lay in his arms while the pair talked for a bit. At some point along the way Sherry got a little squirmy in his arms, so Y/n came up with an idea.
Y/n smirked mischievously at Wesker before asking, “Do they have something to play music on?”
“Yeah- why?” He eyed the young woman
“Can you turn on some Disney songs?”
Y/n asked, batting her eyelashes
Wesker handed Sherry back over to Y/n and got up to silently do as he was asked. He couldn’t bring himself to say no to any request Y/n asked of him. The music started, ‘Un Poco Loco’ from the movie Coco playing throughout the room. Y/n stood from her seat and started to bounce and slowly spin around the room while Sherry giggled. Wesker leaned on the counter and watched the two, giggling softly when Sherry slightly kicked her sock-clad feet. Y/n laughed while they danced to the music.
‘A Whole New World’ from Aladdin came on and Y/n looked over to Wesker, “Come dance with us.” A sweet smile on her face
Wesker couldn’t argue. He walked over to the pair and they swayed back and forth. Sherry stared up into her Uncle’s eyes and smiled. He smiled back at her and held her small hand as they swayed. Y/n admired Wesker as he watched his little niece. She couldn’t deny the crush that had formed on her Captain over the years working with him. He was always so kind to her, listening to her every word when they conversed, making her coffee throughout the day, and always greeting her with a smile. She couldn’t help but fall for the handsome young man when he was just so kind to her.
The song has long since changed, but the swaying continued. Over time Sherry grew sleepy, her blinking becoming slow and heavy. The two decided it was time to call it a night for the little one, carrying her to her nursery. Y/n changed Sherry’s diaper and clothes before swaddling her slowly. Wesker watched every step from over Y/n’s shoulder. It might’ve sounded weird to other people, but Wesker wanted something like this with Y/n. He wanted to spend each evening like this. He’d known the young woman for around 5 years now, and although he’d never admitted his feelings or made any moves on her, he liked her a lot. Maybe all the jokes about him crushing were true. He knew he felt differently about her, he just didn’t want to call it a crush and allow it to seem like some childish flit of life. He wanted so desperately to invite Y/n out to dinner, or the movies, or maybe even to stargaze on the outskirts of the city, but he got nervous anytime he thought about it.
Y/n slowly lowered Sherry into her crib, brushing some stray hairs out of her face once she relaxed into the mattress. She stepped out of the way and allowed Wesker to give her a small kiss on her forehead before they left the room. The two walked down the hall back out to the living room, opting to sit out on the roof to enjoy the warm evening air. They sat next to each other in the cushioned chairs and talked. They talked about work, their personal lives, anything. Eventually, it started to get a bit too windy to sit outside anymore, so they went back into the living room. They watched whatever random movie was on, but eventually, Y/n got sleepy too, her head slowly slipping down onto Wesker’s shoulder. He noticed as soon as it happened, looking down and smiling at the tired woman next to him.
They stayed like that for a good while. Peaceful, Sherry sleeping soundly in her room. Somewhere around 12:30, the hushed sound of the front door being unlocked could be heard. Annette and William quietly walked in, not wanting to wake their daughter. Annette immediately went to check on her baby girl, while William just silently smirked at his stepbrother. Wesker waved him off, and he left the two to join his wife in the nursery. Wesker sighed lowly, dreading the thought of waking Y/n up and this moment with her ending. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head softly, before quietly calling her name to wake her. The woman stirred lightly, slowly opening her eyes and looking around.
She came back to the present when she spotted Weaker and smiled gently, “Hi”
“Hi” he whispered back with a small grin
Y/n sat up slowly, stretching her arms and yawning along the way. She looked back over to Wesker, dreading the idea of getting up.
“I'll walk you to your car,” he murmured
Y/n hummed lowly, “Yes, please.”
The two stood from the sofa and walked out to the elevator. The ride down to the lobby was slow. Wesker chewed on the inside of his cheek, debating on whether he should ask Y/n out to dinner. The elevator dinged, signaling their arrival to the lobby. They walked over to the garage elevator and descended to their cars. Wesker walked Y/n to her car, he could tell she was still kind of sleepy.
“Do want me to just give you a ride home? You're sleepy and I want you to be safe,” he offered
Y/n looked over at him and blushed, “I'll be okay, thank you though.”
“Well… could I at least maybe take you to dinner? Just you and me,” he mumbled sheepishly
A smile spread on Y/n’s face as her blush grew, “I'd like that a lot”
Wesker smiled giddily, “Sunday… pick you up at 5:30?”
“It's a date!” Y/n cheered, turning to face the man next to her as they reached her car door
“It’s a date” Wesker mirrored
The two smiled at each other for a minute. Y/n speaking up first, “I suppose I better go home and get to bed…”
“You get your rest Y/n, sleep well.” Wesker agreed
Y/n smiled up at him, “You sleep too Wesk. I need you rested for our date”
Wesker grinned back at the young woman in front of him, “Bye my dear, I’ll see you Sunday.”
“Bye Wesk, I’ll see you Sunday.”
AN: Should I continue this AU? And if so, if any of you guys have any name suggestions for the AU either comment them or send them in my ask box. Bye Angels!🤍
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 | Gameplay Reveal
Introducing Kraven the Hunter
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will launch for PlayStation 5 in Fall 2023.
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Latest details via PlayStation Blog
It’s a banner day for Spidey fans! We’re delighted to finally show you the first-ever gameplay of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the next installment in our original Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise, which will launch in Fall 2023. There’s a lot to unpack about today’s gameplay reveal, so let’s highlight some of the big stuff…
The Great Hunt begins
As many sharp-eared Spidey fans noticed in our announcement trailer in 2021, Kraven the Hunter. This version makes his debut appearance in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and he’s in search of an equal. That spells bad news for the inhabitants of Marvel’s New York including a rogue’s gallery of villains and the Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Between the start of Kraven’s Great Hunt and an all-new Symbiote threat to Earth-1048, our heroes have their work cut out for them.  
Setting the stage for our gameplay reveal: Kraven’s Hunters, a new enemy faction, are in pursuit of Dr. Curt Connors, AKA The Lizard, and Peter needs to stop him. We kick things off at Connors’ home across the East River in Queens, one of the all-new playable and explorable boroughs we’re introducing in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
Let’s get Symbiotic 
We don’t waste any time: bursting through basement doors is Peter Parker, our original Spider-Man in this story, who needs no introduction. But what he’s wearing perhaps deserves one: he’s donning the highly coveted, iconic, and beloved Black Suit and he’s more than ready for a fight.
Beyond serving looks, our Symbiote-bound hero has some new tricks up his sleeve. We’re no stranger to Spider-Man knocking heads, but never like this: he’s much more aggressive and punches certainly aren’t being pulled. Symbiote tendrils aggrandize Spider-Man’s silhouette, slamming foes against hard surfaces, dealing no mercy to Kraven’s Hunters.  
My advice: get cozy with the L1 button because you’re gonna love it.
The super-popular suit can strike fear in almost anyone who comes face-to-face with it, but Kraven isn’t just anyone and his highly trained Hunters aren’t afraid of a brawl. Fret not! New combat abilities can neutralize our new headstrong opponents with a little finesse. Strike back with aggressive parries to gain the upper-hand, or cast a web to shunt enemies between a hard place and a harder place. You can also activate a classic dodge to get out of danger – but don’t get too comfortable; some attacks can’t simply be dodged and will require a parry to properly evade them!  
Our animators put the work in to deliver a much more impulsive Peter Parker, fitting for the symbiote bonded to his person, without sacrificing his combative finesse. New takedowns humble even the most rugged enemies, and new combat animations push Spider-Man’s limits. I mean, did you see what Spider-Man did to this guy? 
In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we’re putting respect on the Black Suit and giving it the story it deserves. In this installment, we’re really delving into Peter’s personal relationship with the Symbiote and how it affects those closest to him…
More Miles per hour
Speaking of which, this sequel features not one but TWO playable Spider-Heroes, as Miles Morales returns in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and is a key player in our story. In this demo, Miles is in Harlem hot on Lizard’s tail. Speed is of the essence in many ways than one.
First, get a glimpse at the near-instant switching between both our playable Spider-Men. And if that wasn’t enough, traversal gets a significant speed boost in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2! Cue the Web Wings, which can be deployed by either Spider-Man to move about the city swiftly and urgently. Use wind tunnels between skylines to move with haste and behold the capabilities of the PS5 console’s SSD as you soar above the concrete jungle, zipping past all manner of cars, buildings, and people (and pigeons). If you thought traversal in our first two games was exhilarating, just wait until you experience it firsthand in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
Bringing down the warehouse
After a brief flight across town, Miles has tracked Connors inside the Harlem Fish Market. By the looks of it, Kraven’s hunters are making a move on him, so it’s time to clear them out.
In Marvel’s Spider-Man fashion, players can approach encounters with stealth or fists of fury, or both. Regardless of your approach, there are new gadgets and abilities that complement different playstyles. One of the new gadgets we’re excited about is the Web Line, a new way to sneak around the environment to get the drop on enemies. Cast a line over a couple of Hunters and watch as Spider-Man performs a dual takedown… a Marvel’s Spider-Man first!
Like his mentor before him, Miles Morales also has some new abilities and gadgets at his disposal. On the gadget front, we showed off the Web Grabber, a new gadget that pulls enemies together to an isolated spot. This allows Miles to chain one of his new abilities, the Thunder Burst, unleashing an electrifying ground-pound against a group of foes. You also saw a glimpse of the Chain Lightning ability, which has a shocking radius of effect on any nearby enemies.
Between Peter’s new Symbiote abilities and Miles’ newfound blue bioelectric powers, each Spider-Man has their own unique set of skills that can be upgraded via all-new individual skills tree. Our heroes share technology and train together, too, so we also included a shared Skill Tree that offers parallel upgrades for both.
The Lizard’s in the details
As Miles tracks Lizard through the Fish Market, our environments are sure to activate your Spidey senses: our world is richer, denser and packed with details from particles to improved textures. Lighting also gets an upgrade, casting more dramatic shadows and reflections along walls and pipes; meanwhile spatial 3D audio creates unique soundscapes all around you. Further, we’re upping the immersion in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 with our signature use of the DualSense wireless controller, including a range of haptics and spectacular use of the adaptive triggers.
Whether you’re sneaking through interiors or exploring our city streets, Marvel’s New York is brought to life in ways only possible on PlayStation 5 console.
Be greater together
Working together, the Spider-Men must pursue Lizard and fight the Hunters who seek his capture. Unfortunately for them, Kraven is well-equipped: boats, aerial transports, and weapons are all-eyes on Lizard. The Great Hunt continues along the East River, one of the new areas you can traverse in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and the action is tight: Miles dismantles vehicles in his wake while Peter Parker leads the chase from afar.  
You’ll seamlessly switch between both Spider-Men across a variety of story moments in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. We want players to bask in iconic team-ups elevated by our signature set piece moments, and experience the story from the perspective of each Spider-Man.
Give me what I desire….
There’s no combination of words that can wholly convey how excited we are to finally show you Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 after all this time. We’re excited to give you this first-ever glimpse at what we’ve been working on all these years, and we hope you’re as thrilled as we are.
We know you have been patiently awaiting more information about the game, including when you will be playing it at home. While we can’t confirm a date today, we are on track for Fall 2023, and hope to be able to share a final release date soon. Stay tuned for future updates on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, including edition information and pre-orders.
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ceciliadreamson · 2 months
Finally some yumeship things cause of some stuff that happened today :D (imma go insane after today istg-)
Outis, Ishmael, and Don seem like they’d offer to drive me around and let me be their passenger princess but for different reasons
Don suggests that she drives cause it’s the right thing to do for her fair maiden. She’s supposed to be my knight in shining armor, so ofc she’d want to treat me right and drive
For Ishmael, it’s more like she’s more comfortable if she’s the one driving. She’d be in control of the vehicle, thus be a little less on edge about everything. Ofc she’d want to switch sometimes which I absolutely don’t mind, but she’ll probably do most of the driving
Outis would probably enjoy driving (also cause she’d be in charge of the car). Idk in my head, she’s the type to drive me to dates and stuff all the time. I prefer not to drive given the chance, so this is a win for me
If you’re wondering “What about Rodya, Faust, or Ryoshu???” Hold on lemme get there haha
To me, they seem more likely to be passenger princess and lemme explain why:
I DONT TRUST RYOSHU TO DRIVE- I’m sorry she’s definitely the type to break 10 traffic laws in 10 minutes or speed 20 miles over the limit when there’s no one on the road. My reactions are also very noticeable and I’d cling to the seatbelt if someone starts going 10 above the limit. Ryoshu would definitely want to drive, but I won’t let her so I won’t die 😭😭😭
For Rodya, she’s a 50/50 but will depend on her mood and where we’re heading. Rodya also seems like she’d speed a bit but only 5 above probably. She’d like to drive faster, but wouldn’t for my sake. Idk Rodya might like to point out things while I drive (I do that a lot cause it’s fun so imma give her that HC)
Faust would think that herself driving isn’t very ideal? Idk she strikes me as the most passenger princess out of the 6. However, she would be my second eyes on the road cause sometimes I don’t catch things that she could. Faust is way more observant than me, so it works! This dynamic is the most ideal if I have to drive
Lesson of the day: I despise driving but I gotta cause I live in a society!!!! and every single place practically requires a car in order to get anywhere!!!! Some people need to follow traffic laws so I don’t feel like imma crash!!!!
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legendsgates · 1 year
(read all the options before responding!)
Reblog with your answer and where you live!
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bibiwrld · 1 year
SIMILAR!|Miguel O’Hara
★ Miguel O’Hara x Black fem anti-hero! [OC]
★ Before reading: I don’t speak Spanish, sorry for any mistakes made.
—Synopsis: A new face suddenly arrives at Nueva York, working at Alchemax, catching Miguel O’Hara’s eye and helping the Spider Society with catching villains and anomalies..well sort of.
previously: –one.
“Miguel, there’s something important I want to talk to you about!” Margo burst through Miguel’s office, interrupting a conversation between him and Jessica.
Miguel released a deep sigh. “What is it?”
A hologram of screens showed up as Margo tapped her wrist. “A few nights ago, an anomaly appeared in Nueva York.”
Jessica’s brows creased. “What?”
“And you’re only telling me this now?” Miguel stood up, clenching the sides of his desk.
Margo chuckled nervously. “Uhh, just listen to me, okay? This anomaly is different, it’s not causing a disruption in the multiverse. It doesn’t seem like a portal randomly sucked them in and spat them out here, it’s as if it came here of it’s own free will.” She pointed to different parts of the holographic screen, showing that the multiverse was still intact.
“Really?” Jessica put a hand on her hips. “This anomaly has done nothing since it’s arrival?”
“Nothing.” Margo answered, looking at Jessica, then Miguel. “And it’s hard to track this anomaly, it shows up on my radar every once in a while, it’s last location was around Alchemax.”
Both Margo and Jessica looked over to Miguel.
“I didn’t see anything weird today.” He ended their curious stares.
Suddenly, Miguel and Jessica’s watches went off.
Jessica tapped her watch. “Hobie.” Her usual annoyed tone welcomed him.
“Oi! Where the bloody hell are you Jess?!” Hobie shouted over the sounds of crashing and screaming. “You said 5 minutes! We’re getting our arses kicked out here!”
Margo giggled, but soon ceased when both Jessica and Miguel gave her a glare, signaling for her to leave the room.
“We’ll be there, Hobie.” Pressing her watch, she looked to Miguel, whose mask was now on.
Gwen’s feet were planted into the ground as she gripped on the webs that were attached to a variant of Vulture, that soared through the sky. She was losing balance, her feet began dragging, slowly rising into the air.
She grunted, pulling back, but her webs snapped, making her fall back.
“You okay Gwen?” Pavitr came to her aid.
She slowly stood to her feet. “Yeah, I’m okay. This guy’s…stronger.”
Miguel ran after Vulture on rooftops, waiting for a perfect time to jump on his back. Miguel glided off the building, claws digging into Vulture’s wings.
“Get off me!” Vulture flew out of control, trying to get Miguel off of his back.
Miguel clawed the machinery, but Vulture had another trick up his sleeve.
“That man is insane.” Jessica stood from the ground, watching with Miles, Gwen, Pavitr and Hobie, as Miguel was being flown into the air at high speeds.
“Let’s see how long you can hang on!” Vulture cackled.
Miguel couldn’t hold on any longer, struggling to stay on, but the speed Vulture was going, made it entirely impossible.
Miguel’s body plummeted down. He couldn’t get control over his body, the force of the air was too strong, even for him.
“Oh my God.” Jessica watched in horror as he fell through the sky. “All of you, starting webbing a net for him to land in.”
Doing as told, the younger spiders shot their webs at a ridiculous speeds, seeing as their time was limited. They were under pressure, but with Jessica’s help, they made a safety net web that was attached to a building on each side of the street, making it big enough to surely catch Miguel.
Miguel prepared himself for the worst, but everything stopped. He was now in mid air, stuck, just levitating above the net.
How the hell was this happening?
“Do not fear little spiders.” A distorted voice echoed.
“What the hell?” Miles looked around.
“So we did all of that webbing for nothin’?” Hobie scowled with an irritated tone.
“Helping is all I’m here for, I don’t wish to strike fear into your hearts.” A figure in a long ,white, hoodless cloak, and a silver helmet with white glowing lines, levitated behind of Miguel, who was still stuck in mid air.
Miguel was gently placed beside the other spiders, staring up at the mysterious figure.
The others crowded around him in concern, but also in curiosity of the new comer.
“Miguel, you good mate?” Hobie asked.
Miguel nodded, then squinted at the figure. “Who the hell are you?”
“Your Savior.”
“Do you think that’s the anomaly that Margo was talking about earlier?” Jessica whispered.
Miguel thought for a moment, trying to process what was happening.
“Another anomaly?” Pavitr’s brows rose.
“I’ve never seen one like this before.” Gwen commented.
Miles added. “Me either.”
“Because I am one of one. There is no one who could equal to me.”
Miguel thought they were pretty cocky, rolling his eyes underneath his mask.
Everyone’s spidey senses went off, except Miguel’s, but he heard Vulture coming back around with speed.
“Allow me.” A white gloved hand emerged from underneath the cloak, stopping Vulture’s movement.
“What are you doing to me?!” Vulture began freaking out.
“Telekinesis..?” Miguel uttered to himself. He didn’t like the looks of this new comer. “Lyla, scan.”
“This is...it’s more than human.” Was all Lyla could respond. “Miguel, this is not good.”
Miguel put both hands on hips, taking some steps forward. “We’ll take it from here.”
The new comer laughed? As if it were some joke.
All the spiders stood in confusion.
Miguel snarled. “We don’t need your help!”
“Oh really?” The figure turned it’s head to Miguel. “Could you have done this?” They waved their hand, breaking one of Vulture’s wings, crushing it as if it were nothing.
“Stop it! This was hard work!” Vulture spat.
The scrap of metal which was once a wing, clattered at Miguel’s feet.
The spiders watched in disbelief.
“Holy shit.” Jessica uttered.
Another effortless wave, and the other wing fell to the ground.
“Now let’s get rid of you as a whole.” The new comer was now using both hands, turning Vulture upright.
Vulture began choking, feet kicking and fighting for air.
Miguel’s eyes widened. “Stop it now!”
“They’re gonna kill him.” Miles’ jaw dropped.
“The only way to stop it… is to end it.” They spoke slowly, not easing the pain they’re inflicting on Vulture. “And I will be the one to end it.”
“I said to stop!” Miguel shot a web at their wrist, and yanked it, making the Vulture be released from their hold and fall to the ground gasping for air.
“Pav and Gwen, contain the anomaly.” Jessica ordered.
Both nodded, webbing him up and pushing him through a portal.
“You ungrateful little spider.” In the blink of an eye, the new comer ended up in front of Miguel, touching the side of his head with one hand.
“Sweet dreams.” They whispered into Miguel’s ear.
Miguel stared up at the sky, his eyes widening, falling to his knees. His deepest darkest fears scattered his mind.
“Miguel!” All of the spiders went to his side, shaking him out of his trance.
“What the fuck did you do to him?!” Jessica cried.
“He’s not dead, so don’t worry. He’s just in a little nightmare, he’ll be fine.” Was all that was said, before they whipped their cloak and vanished with no trace.
“What the fuck just happened?”
Next part: –three.
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femboixxxboykisser · 6 months
harry styles X jonny cash
by femboixxxboykisser
it was harry styles and jonny cash behind stage jonny says”your gonna be on any minute you better get ready” harry replys “i could shave off so time for you” harry grabs his cock and slowly strokes it taking off his belt and sliding down his pants harry turn around and slides jonnys cock in to him his forskin relaxes harrys ass as harrys ass he grabs him turns him around and hold him right above his waist jonny grabs his cock and slides it in as he precums harry leave outs the loudest moan harry hears glass break he wakes up to shattered lamp and a boner he grabs his iron man two dvd and puts it in to his dvd player and starts masterbating to jonny cash cuming all over his 50 inch TV looking at his glazed donut of a TV he tells one of his maids to clean it up he goes to take a bath soaking in his own misery wishing he could finish that night in hollywood knowing he couldn’t after his 8 hour pedicure he hits the strip club with andrew garfeld he arrives greeting andrew, andrew says “ follow me” they head in a female strip club andrew and harry get a drink andrew says “ get me and my buddy the hardest shit you got” the bartender pulls out vodka they both get 5 shots andrews says “wanna get a dance” harry replys” umm you sure right here” harry says” NO i meant by that pear of twins right there” harry shamefully bulshes he says” of course “ they both give them a 100 to split the both go to private boths harry takes off his pants he can already hear the other girls moans she gives harry a lap dance after a good ten minutes harrys still not hard she gets on her knees to suck she slides it in to her mouth he started thinking about this in a different situation with jonny that jonny was the stripper that jonny was the one on his knees that jonny was the one sucking his thick cock he hers the strippr choking on his cum he shot down his throat he then stood up and knew what he had to do he left the strip club he got in his car he turned on royals by Lord and started dialing jonnys number going 37 miles past the speed limit it rang and rang till voicemail all he said was “ jonny i need you i cant stop thinking about you after that night your eyes the way you kiss me the way you hold me i need you- i love you jonny the last thing in the voicemail was the crash of a car harry opens his eyes to the faint buz noise of hospital lights and jonnys mesmerizing face harry starts sobbing jonny hugs him saying “its all going to be ok baby am here now” jonny stauds in the hospital with him for 3 more days not leaving for anything the first day he gets out he takes him to his house he strolled him in his wheelchair to jonnys bed harry rolls off his wheelchair and curls up jonny says “ aww baby its gonna be ok little me take a shower ill be quick mk” harry says” mhm” jonny go’s to the shower stroking his long thick dick cuming all over the wall only dreaming it was harrys face and washs off and only in a towel go’s up to harry takes off his towel and changes in front of him harry remembering his thick cock wishing to suck it he sits up and grans by his hips turns him around and slurps his cock a jonny says “ you missed it that much hun” harry tasting jonnys cum he knows nothing can stop him from fishing him this time jonny slips out of his mouth and cums all over his face threw the night they do various different positions harry wakes up to jonnys gone he hops in his wheelchair to look for him he goes to the kitchen and sees jonny cooking breakfast he fastly pushes and jonny says” i love you hun you tired “ and harry says” i love you to”
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My favorite part of being autistic is being weary of secret rules. They DO exsist, social norms are secret rules, "5 miles above the speed limit on the high way isn't speeding" is a secret rule. And I'm just always so scared of them.
I spent 4 days in Chicago and could hardly eat bc I was scared I was violating secret city rules and people were gonna be angry at me.
I'm terrified of doing literally anything new bc what if there are secret rules everyone else knows????? And I'm just ruining everyone's day?????
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jadekitty777 · 1 year
The Emotionalist: Chapter 4
Late, who’s late? Certainly not me.
I certainly didn’t just put the finishing touches on this chapter today or anything.
I’m going to continue to encourage reading this off A03 since my formatting is all messed up lol (I wonder how differently it reads without all the bolds and italics)
Prompt for Day 5: Magic
Rating: T
Word Count: 2K
Summary: Clover Ebi was a huntsman who, like most Atlesian soldiers, hid most of his emotions behind a mask of calm professionalism. That is, unless, one knew where to look. And Qrow looked a lot.
Or, 5 times Qrow learned to read Clover’s mood not from his face, but from his ears. [An adjacent story to Hunting Season Hunting Season; events from Qrow’s POV]
Ao3 Link: Shaking Like a Leaf
The horizon was black.
In all his years, Qrow had never seen a horde so large before. So many Grimm, not even a bit of the stars could be seen, blotted out end-to-end by writhing, rolling masses of dark creatures, broken only by bits of stark white bone and glowing red eyes.
Even miles away, it was terrifying to behold.
A strong gust threatened to topple him from the mountain he perched on - so he shifted from his feathers, sinking knee deep into snow as he yanked out his scroll and took a picture before sending it off to everyone with a warning.
Seventy miles south and moving fast. Whatever we’re doing, we better do it now.
He could see Ruby beginning to reply, but another gale hit stronger than the last, his already taxed aura worryingly bending. He couldn’t wait and shifted back before flying for the kingdom.
He just had to trust that the plan would pull through.
In the light of the rising sun, he could see it well before he hit the city’s limits.
Atlas was moving.
The little heart in his feathered breastbone thundered, roaring blood in his head as he soared above the tattered streets of Mantle, the signs of the last attack seen all over in the red streaked sidewalks and cooling bodies that had yet to be collected. A massacre despite their best efforts - and one that would only worsen if they chose wrong.
Was this it? Was giving up the only way? Would any of them be able to live with the weight if they did? Would they be able to live with it if they didn’t? How could they choose between a city and the entire world - as if lives were only significant in their numbers, not their substance? 
How did Oz make these choices for so many lifetimes? 
How was James making it now? 
So distracted he was by his own thoughts, he didn’t notice what was broadcasting on the screens until he passed the third one. 
Harriet’s expression was a mixture of calm and urgent, “-Don’t know how the quakes will affect Mantle, so we are asking everyone to stay inside and to not panic. Stay away from heavy appliances and take any objects down nearby that may fall on you. If you can not get to shelter, find the largest clearing you can. Emergency vehicles are already on standby to-”
It kept going, but Qrow tuned it out as understanding dawned.
Atlas wasn’t flying away - it was landing.
Feathers burst around him as he dropped to a rooftop, stumbling a bit on his feet as his knees threatened to buckle. He was so exhausted, he was all but ready to collapse. Flying at top speed for nearly two hours tested even his limits; but after a heavy fight and no sleep? It was a wonder he was conscious.
Not that he’d have time to sleep if that Grimm horde he’d outpaced caught up before they could finish.
Taking time to catch his breath, Qrow pulled out his scroll. 
There were several missed calls, a few voicemails and a flood of messages. Some from Ruby. Most from Clover.
He opened his niece’s first and though he was expecting it, the very first one really did have him falling to his knees.
Clover found them! 
It was the only thing he could see for a full minute, taking in that sheer miracle. 
Thank Gods. 
Thank Gods. 
After the disaster that was Beacon, after the battle at Haven that was lost in the many who had already perished before they’d ever even arrived, after the terrible certainty that had settled in his mind that Mantle would just be another sacrifice in this war they didn’t know how to win…
Finally something was going right.
Laughter convulsed from him almost beyond control and for a split second, he wished he hadn’t given up drinking. He would have been celebrating this one so long, he would have emptied the damn brewery himself.
When he finally did manage to get some control over himself to roll his eyes downwards, he read over the few other updates Ruby had given him.
Neo was trying to escape at the train station.
Oscar’s hurt but he’ll be okay.
The General has Penny getting the relic back to us. We’re figuring out what to do now.
Then, almost a half hour later:
Uh uncle, did you not tell Clover about the bird thing?
He was freaking out about you not answering. 
I might have told him by accident.
A chuckle burst out of him. Twenty years he’d kept that secret under tight wraps - and in twenty minutes his niece had undone it.
Ruby’s messages ended there, so he switched over to Clover’s, wondering if he’d be mad.  They trickled in slowly at first, but grew more frequent and panicked as time went on.
You must still be out of range. Call me when you can.
A quarter of an hour later, Qrow? Hey if you get this ask the pilots to turn on the signal booster.
Another ten from there, Qrow where are you?! I just checked with Air Control and they told me no Mantas have been dispatched or are in the airspace for return.
But that can’t be right.
Are you okay? 
Did you fall asleep?
Qrow? Please answer me.
He felt a little guilty, seeing how worried he was, but it was entirely understated by the exact moment Clover found out the truth, just two minutes later.
There was a short stretch of time between that yell and his next correspondence, though it was hard to tell if it was from coming to terms with the discovery or simply from distraction.
Okay, okay. We can talk about it later. 
Not sure if you’ll read these, but I’ll get you caught up.
Qrow did read them, every last one.
A few minutes later, he took flight once more.
A lot had happened in just two hours.
Cinder had fled.
Neo was incarcerated.
Fria had passed away and Penny was now the winter maiden.
Oscar was in the hospital.
Winter was in the hospital.
James and Ruby had used Creation to restructure the steering mechanism so that they could guide the city back to the ground. Once it landed, it would stand astride Mantle, instead of above it. 
The entirety of the lower section of Atlas which housed the military command center and other facilities that wouldn’t be surviving the drop had been evacuated. 
It all seemed too perfect to be true - even the plan to cover the twin cities in an unbreakable shield once Atlas settled seemed foolproof. 
It was the objective in-between those two things that had Qrow flying faster than he ever had before.
You need to get back here. Clover had written, sounding almost frantic. They’re going to create a doorway to Vacuo. James is positive Salem’ll stay here, try to starve us out. So we’re sending a team to Shade to rally up an army so we can pincer her in.
RWBY and JNR volunteered. Marrow and Penny are going too.
You need to hurry. 
We won’t have much time between the two creations to do this once we land and if you miss it, we aren’t allowed to make it again.
Qrow rocketed around skyscrapers, the structures shaking around him as the land continued to shift, a constant, terrifying rumble booming back at him. The noise was pierced by his own caw of exult as he made it through the business district and a familiar towering building came into view. A straight shot to Atlas Academy.
He dove at an angle, picking up speed and clearing most of the distance in moments.
As he pulled up, intending to glide right through the open door, a very familiar person clinging to a lamppost caught his eye.
Though he knew he shouldn’t risk it, he cycled back and dove again, transforming as the cobblestones rushed to meet him.
The second his feet were on the ground, he felt the quaking under his feet, shaking up through his bones. He wheeled his arms, practically dancing on his toes as he lumbered about for balance.
“Qrow?!” Clover gaped, but Qrow knew it had nothing to do with his graceless landing.
He managed to stumble forward, catching onto the post as well.
“You really can transform.”
Even now, with the earth threatening to break apart underneath them and the clock ticking, Qrow couldn’t help but study the other man. Usually when alert, his ears would be up and forward, but right now, perhaps because of the cacophony around them, they were in the opposite position, down and slanted back like the wings of a cockatiel. It was familiar but one he couldn’t place when he’d seen it before.
“It’s a long story!” He readjusted his grip, fingers curling partway over one of Clover’s hands. “What are you doing out here?”
Eyes widening, Clover wrenched his gaze back to the sky as if remembering himself. “Keeping an eye out. If anyone interrupts now, we’ll all be in trouble. We think the one that escaped, the maiden, went south to meet up with Salem.”
“She didn’t.” Qrow scowled. “I would have seen her. She’s still here somewhere.”
The fingers under his flexed before relaxing. “Licking her wounds I bet. Don’t worry about it, we’ll handle it.” Shadows from Mantle’s tallest buildings were starting to cast along the ground. Clover stole a glance, brief but meaningful, “You… You need to go, Qrow.” 
He knew that, he did. 
Qrow rested more of his weight against the lamp post so he could reach out, trailing fingertips along the length of the other’s strong jawline, up to the base of his ear to caress along the soft fur. 
Underneath his touch, they quivered. 
It triggered a flash of a memory. Them fleeing in the streets of Mantle, him pulling the other huntsman to a stop, a tattered restaurant and angry mob behind them. Clover, standing tall and speaking evenly with Marrow, even as his ears folded back like wings and shook with terror. 
“It’s so loud out here.” Clover offered as an excuse as if he really thought Qrow would buy that.
Maybe he knew, actually, that he wasn’t fooled at all.
“Feels almost like the world’s ending.” Qrow declared before he tugged him into a kiss.
He wasn’t talking about the shaking.
No more than a millisecond passed before Clover’s fingers were tangling into his hair, pulling them as impossibly close as he dared and kissing him like he wanted to inhale him. 
Like he wanted to keep him.
Qrow felt heat prickle in his eyes then he was trading his grip on the pole for Clover, trusting he’d keep him steady. Kissed him harder. Stroked his hand through his curls, along his ears. Anything he could do so that Clover would never forget this moment.
When they broke apart, it felt like a wound, hurting and aching somewhere deep.
“I’ll be back, I swear it.” Qrow promised. He wanted to sob.
Clover hadn’t quite won that war, tears trickling slowly down his face. “I’ll be waiting.” The hand in his hair softened, pulling him forward until their foreheads bumped together affectionately. “Now go.”
Qrow took one second more to drink him in.
Then did one of the worst things he ever had to do in his life.
He walked away.
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teamyellremade · 2 years
LOSING MY MIND at what just happened on the drive to work
so there's a stretch of road where the speed limit is 50mph. the single lane diverts into two lanes - the right lane being the slow lane, and the left lane being the passing lane. today, there were around 5 cars all in the fast lane and all going anywhere from 55-60 or so mph. average stuff, that's typically the pace considered acceptable for this road. all the cars are pretty evenly spaced out, no one is tailgaiting or going notably below the speed limit.
However. apparently we weren't going fast enough for one little blue car at the VERY back of the traffic. bc they pull into the slow lane and pass every single car but the jeep at the very front, going over what i assume to be 80mph in the process. (there are signs that remind everyone driving that doing this Is prohibited btw)
i've seen people pull into the slow lane to pass (it's against the law but idk some people are speed demons and i prefer them to do that than aggressively tailgate me for a mile straight) but i have NEVER seen anyone do it to pass Three Whole Cars in the process??? when we were all going at or above the speed limit?
anyways. this wasn't enough for this person i guess. bc shortly after the two lanes merge into one again, they pass the jeep too by PULLING INTO THE OTHER LANE WHERE THE ONCOMING TRAFFIC IS COMING FROM THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION to pass that car too?????
(what they did before was frowned upon and technically illegal but moreso a little bit of a dick move. this was Very clearly like. So fucking illegal and REALLY REALLY DANGEROUS)
and they drive off. Except then they immediately hit a red light and get stuck behind another car, on a road with significantly more oncoming traffic so they can't pass. And they hit another red light. AND another. until i am directly behind them on the road
long stort short, karma is real and i saw it happen in real time
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alemad200 · 2 months
Things to Remember While Renting Luxury Cars in Dubai
Dubai is a city that offers a unique blend of traditional and modern culture, making it an exciting destination for tourists and business travellers alike. With its stunning architecture, world-class shopping, and vibrant nightlife, there’s no shortage of things to do and see. By choosing the right dubai rent a car, you can explore the city in style and comfort, making your trip even more memorable. So, the next time you’re planning a trip to Dubai, don’t forget to rent a car dubai monthly no deposit and experience the city like never before.
Dubai, which is crowned as the land of luxury and extravagant, provides the most fascinating rental car experience. This city boasts of beautiful architecture, a good shopping complex, and ornate nightlife scenes that are considered incomparable. If you desire a luxurious way to get through the city, then it is best to rent a car in Dubai. From sleek sports cars to luxurious sedans, Dubai’s rental car market offers a wide range of vehicles that can cater to any preference.
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1. Research and Compare
When looking for car rental services in dubai, it’s wise to run an online search and compare the services offered by various companies, their prices and types and brands of cars that they offer for rent. If you need a deal that will meet all your need and falls within your pocket, the above list will assist you in this. The key factors to consider when selecting a luxury car rental company include; availability or a variety of luxury cars, flexibility when it comes to rental periods and the cost among other factors.
2. Check the Vehicle Condition
When you rent a car Dubai, make sure to inspect the vehicle thoroughly before signing the agreement. Check for any scratches, dents, or damage to the interior and exterior. Take photos and note down any existing issues to avoid being charged for them later.
3. Understand the Rental Agreement
To avoid any misunderstandings or being trapped in a bad agreement be sure to read the rental agreement carefully before signing any document. Always know as much as you can regarding the agreement, for instance, the time period for the rental, the number of miles allowed, and the penalties, if any. i- Make sure to clear any questions regarding rental agreement and policies with the rental company.
4. Insurance Options
One should inquire whether the rental company has insurance packages, and if so, which damages they compensate for. Since some car rental companies have included basic insurance in their rental fee, there are others that offer additional coverage in exchange for a certain amount of money. Determine eventually what is required to be taken under the coverage and select the most appropriate element.
5. Additional Fees
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6. Road Rules and Regulations
Learn and understand all that is contained in Dubai roads code of conduct. One must be aware of the speed limits or speed breakers and the various traffic signs to prevent one from ending up paying a fine or penalty for parking or any other offense.
7. Maintenance and Repairs
Learn the rental maintenance and repair policies of the rental company. For anyone planning to rent out a property, make sure to determine who is tasked with handling any repair or maintenance work during the duration of your rental and how you can go about reporting any problem.
8. Review and Rate
Some rental companies also encourage their clients to rate the company and the experience after the rental has been concluded. This also benefits other customers who are willing to make decisions ,it also forces the company to do better in offering its services.
It is always fun and exciting to rent a luxury car and have the luxurious feel and touch of Dubai. With these crucial procedures, you can guarantee an agreeable time that you will treasure while renting a car dubai. Another thing to be mindful of is to always do a research and a comparison, inspect the car, know the renting terms and conditions, as well as the charges that may incur. With these latest tips in mind, you stand a better chance of getting the best luxury car rental services in Dubai.
Final Thoughts
Dubai is a city that offers a unique blend of traditional and modern culture, making it an exciting destination for tourists and business travellers alike. With its stunning architecture, world-class shopping, and vibrant nightlife, there’s no shortage of things to do and see. By choosing the right dubai rent a car, you can explore the city in style and comfort, making your trip even more memorable. So, the next time you’re planning a trip to Dubai, don’t forget to rent a car without deposit near me and experience the city like never before.
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novumtimes · 3 months
Why Beryl Is a Bad Sign for This Years Hurricane Season
Hurricane Beryl rapidly intensified from a tropical storm to a Category 4 hurricane in two days as it rushed toward the Caribbean this weekend, increasing its wind speed by 45 miles per hour daily. This quick escalation was a direct result of the above-average sea surface temperatures as well as a harbinger of what is to come this hurricane season. “This early-season storm activity is breaking records that were set in 1933 and 2005, two of the busiest Atlantic hurricane seasons on record,” said Philip Klotzbach, an expert in seasonal hurricane forecasts at Colorado State University. Last fall, a study in the journal Scientific Reports found that Atlantic hurricanes from 2001 to 2020 were twice as likely to grow from a weak storm into a hurricane of Category 3 or higher within 24 hours than they were from 1971 to 1990. The study added to a growing body of evidence that rapidly developing major hurricanes were becoming more likely. Andra Garner, an assistant professor of environmental science at Rowan University in New Jersey and the author of the paper, called the findings an “urgent warning.” A hurricane that intensifies faster can be more dangerous, as it allows less time for people in areas projected to be affected to prepare and evacuate. Late last October, Hurricane Otis moved up by multiple categories in just one day before slamming into Acapulco, Mexico, as a Category 5 hurricane that killed at least 52 people. It is no surprise to meteorologists that Beryl was able to strengthen so quickly and behave more like a peak-season storm. Hurricanes suck up warm ocean water and use it as fuel. In an optimal weather environment like this past weekend’s, the ample heat energy rapidly increases the storm’s intensity. Abundantly warm ocean temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean have been a concern since last season’s overly active year. On Friday, Beryl formed around ocean temperatures that were warmer than they were this time last year, and are more akin to what they typically would be during the peak of hurricane season, in September. Normally, early-season activity is limited in this portion of the Atlantic because those ocean temperatures are relatively cool. But now they are hot. That helped Beryl strengthen into the earliest Category 4 hurricane in the Atlantic, and the first to have such strength in June, according to Dr. Klotzbach. Previously, Hurricane Dennis held the record for the earliest Category 4 hurricane, forming on July 8, 2005. Because of the ocean’s heat, Beryl formed farther east in the Atlantic than any storm has in the month of June, breaking a record set by an unnamed storm formed east of the Caribbean on June 24, 1933. The warm ocean temperature is one of the main reasons experts have been predicting an extremely active hurricane season this year. It is also why forecasters from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who predict there will be 8 to 13 hurricanes this season, believe about half of those will reach major hurricane status, as Beryl did this weekend. Usually, early-season activity doesn’t have much bearing on the rest of the season’s activity. But, in June, when that activity occurs as far east as Beryl did, Dr. Klotzbach says, “it tends to be a harbinger of a very busy season.” Source link via The Novum Times
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mitzi101 · 5 months
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brocusa · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Children's Electric Bikes
Children's electric bikes (e-bikes) are quickly becoming a popular choice for parents looking to encourage outdoor activity, independence, and a love for cycling. But before you hit the "add to cart" button, let's delve into the world of e-bikes for kids, exploring their features, pros and cons, and answering your most pressing questions.
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What Do They Look Like?
Children's e-bikes come in various styles, from classic bicycles with a twist (motor and battery) to fun and funky designs like mini motorcycles or ATVs. They typically have smaller frames and wheels than adult e-bikes, adjustable seats for growing children, and safety features like training wheels for beginners and brakes specifically designed for smaller hands.
Boosts enjoyment and motivation: The electric assist makes pedaling easier, especially uphill or against the wind, keeping kids engaged and encouraging them to ride further and longer.
Develops confidence and independence: Mastering a bike is a significant achievement, and e-bikes can help children reach that goal sooner, fostering a sense of accomplishment and freedom.
Promotes healthy habits: Cycling is a great form of exercise, and e-bikes can make it more accessible and enjoyable, leading to a healthier lifestyle.
Reduces reliance on cars: For short trips, e-bikes can be a fun and eco-friendly alternative to driving, reducing emissions and traffic congestion.
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Higher cost: E-bikes are generally more expensive than traditional bikes.
Increased weight: The motor and battery add weight, which can be challenging for younger children to maneuver.
Potential safety concerns: As with any bike, proper safety precautions and supervision are crucial, especially when learning.
Limited range: Battery life can vary, and charging times may be longer than desired for extended adventures.
What age is appropriate for a children's e-bike?  Start with a traditional bike first, then consider e-bikes for ages 6 and above, depending on maturity and skill level.
How fast do they go?  Speeds typically range from 6-15 mph, often with adjustable settings for parental control.
How far can they travel on a single charge?  Range varies depending on battery size, terrain, and child's weight, typically between 5-20 miles.
What safety features are important? Look for features like brakes designed for small hands, reflectors, and a sturdy frame.
Do they require maintenance?  Regular maintenance is essential, like checking tire pressure and brakes. Consult the manual for specific instructions.
Where can I buy a children's e-bike?  Bike shops, online retailers, and even some department stores offer e-bikes for kids.
Can I convert a regular bike into an e-bike?  Conversion kits are available, but it's essential to ensure compatibility and safety before attempting it.
What are the legalities of using a children's e-bike?  Local regulations may vary, so check your area's laws regarding electric vehicles and age restrictions.
Are there any health concerns associated with e-bikes?  Research suggests that e-bikes can benefit children's health by encouraging physical activity.
What are some fun accessories for e-bikes?  Helmets, bells, lights, and baskets are all great additions for safe and enjoyable rides.
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Before purchasing an childrens e bike, research different brands, models, and features to find one that best suits your needs and budget. Consider factors like their height, skill level, and intended use (leisure, commuting, etc.). Always prioritize safety by ensuring proper supervision, using protective gear, and teaching your child safe riding habits.
With the right approach, children's e-bikes can be a fantastic way to introduce your child to the joys of cycling, promote a healthy lifestyle, and create lasting memories of wind-in-their-hair adventures. So, charge up for some fun and get ready to see your child's smile light up the road!
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