batboyblog · 1 month
House Election 2024
In the House Republican have a majority of just 4 seats, flip 4 seats and Democrats get a majority and can pass things like national abortion rights, voting rights, bills on student loan debt and medical debt and much more. So here's a list of the key races for control of the House, so look up your district and find a way to get involved.
Find your House District
Shomari Figures (AL-02) Flip
Mary Peltola (AK-AL) Hold
Amish Shah (AZ-01) Flip
Kirsten Engel (AZ-06) Flip
Jessica Morse (CA-03) Flip
Josh Harder (CA-09) Hold
Adam Gray (CA-13) Flip
Rudy Salas (CA-22) Flip
George Whitesides (CA-27) Flip
Joe Kerr (CA-40) Flip
Will Rollins (CA-41) Flip
Derek Tran (CA-45) Flip
Dave Min (CA-47) Hold
Mike Levin (CA-49) Hold
Adam Frisch (CO-03) Flip
Yadira Caraveo (CO-08) Hold
Jahana Hayes (CT-05) Hold
Darren Soto (FL-09) Hold
Whitney Fox (FL-13) Flip
Jared Moskowitz (FL-23) Hold
Nikki Budzinski (IL-13) Hold
Eric Sorensen (IL-17) Hold
Frank Mrvan (IN-01) Hold
Christina Bohannan (IA-01) Flip
Lanon Baccam (IA-03) Flip
Sharice Davids (KS-03) Hold
Jared Golden (ME-02) Hold
April McClain-Delaney (MD-06) Hold
Hillary Scholten (MI-03) Hold
Curtis Hertel (MI-07) Hold
Kristen McDonald Rivet (MI-08) Hold
Carl Marlinga (MI-10) Flip
Angie Craig (MN-02) Hold
Monica Tranel (MT-01) Flip
Tony Vargas (NE-02) Flip
Dina Titus (NV-01) Hold
Susie Lee (NV-03) Hold
Steven Horsford (NV-04) Hold
New Hampshire
Chris Pappas (NH-01) Hold
New Jersey
Sue Altman (NJ-07) Flip
New Mexico
Gabe Vasquez (NM-02) Hold
New York
John Avlon (NY-01) Flip
Tom Suozzi (NY-03) Hold
Laura Gillen (NY-04) Flip
Mondaire Jones (NY-17) Flip
Pat Ryan (NY-18) Hold
Josh Riley (NY-19) Flip
John Mannion (NY-22) Flip
North Carolina
Don Davis (NC-01) Hold
Greg Landsman (OH-01) Hold
Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) Hold
Emilia Sykes (OH-13) Hold
Val Hoyle (OR-04) Hold
Janelle Bynum (OR-05) Flip
Andrea Salinas (OR-06) Hold
Ashley Ehasz (PA-01) Flip
Susan Wild (PA-07) Hold
Matt Cartwright (PA-08) Hold
Janelle Stelson (PA-10) Flip
Chris Deluzio (PA-17) Hold
Michelle Vallejo (TX-15) Flip
Henry Cuellar (TX-28) Hold
Vicente Gonzalez (TX-34) Hold
Missy Cotter Smasal (VA-02) Flip
Eugene Vindman (VA-07) Hold
Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03) Hold
Kim Schrier (WA-08) Hold
Peter Barca (WI-01) Flip
Rebecca Cooke (WI-03) Flip
If you live in any of these congressional districts (or close to them) you absolutely must sign up to volunteer and help! you! yes you! get to decide what America looks like in 2025, is it gonna be Project 2025 and Trump? or Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and the Democrats protecting your right to control your own body, taking action on the climate and making life more affordable? its up to each of us to do all we can to get to the country we want.
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Rob Rogers
* * * *
January 13, 2024
JAN 14, 2024
Last night a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande that marks the border between the U.S. and Mexico near Eagle Pass, Texas. 
U.S. Border Patrol agents knew that a group of six migrants were in distress in the river but could not try to save them, as they normally would, because troops from the Texas National Guard and the Texas Military Department prevented the Border Patrol agents from entering the area where they were struggling: Shelby Park, a 47-acre public park that offers access to a frequently traveled part of the river and is a place where Border Patrol agents often encounter migrants crossing the border illegally. 
They could not enter because two days ago, on Thursday, Texas governor Greg Abbott sent armed Texas National Guard soldiers and soldiers from the Texas Military Department to take control of Shelby Park. Rolando Salinas, the mayor of Eagle Pass, posted a video on Facebook showing the troops and saying that a state official had told him that state troops were taking “full control” over Shelby Park “indefinitely.” Salinas made it clear that “[t]his is not something that we wanted. This is not something that we asked for as a city.”
The Texas forces have denied United States Border Patrol officials entry into the park to perform their duties, asserting that Texas officials have power over U.S. officials. 
On December 18, Abbott signed into law S.B. 4, a measure that attempts to take into state hands the power over immigration the Constitution gives to the federal government. Courts have repeatedly reinforced that immigration is the responsibility of federal, not state, government, but now, according to Uriel J. García of the Texas Tribune, “some Texas Republicans have said they hope the new law will push the issue back before a U.S. Supreme Court that is more conservative since three appointees of former President Donald Trump joined it.”
On January 3 the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the new law, saying: “Texas cannot run its own immigration system. Its efforts, through S.B. 4, intrude on the federal government’s exclusive authority to regulate the entry and removal of noncitizens, frustrate the United States’ immigration operations and proceedings, and interfere with U.S. foreign relations.” 
Abbott and MAGA Republicans are teeing up the issue of immigration as a key line of attack on President Joe Biden in 2024, but while they are insisting the issue is so important they will not agree to fund Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s 2022 invasion until it is solved, they are also unwilling to participate in discussions to fund more border officers or immigration courts. Today, once again, Biden reminded reporters that he has asked Congress to pass new border measures since he took office, but rather than pass new laws, Republicans appear to be doubling down on pushing the idea that migrants threaten American society and that an individual state—Texas, in this case—can override federal authority.
Abbott has spent more than $100 million of Texas tax dollars to send migrants to cities led by Democrats. These migrants have applied for asylum and are waiting for a hearing; they are in the U.S. legally. In September 2023, Texas stopped coordinating with nonprofits in those cities that prepared for migrant arrivals. 
Yesterday, Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker wrote to Abbott, calling him out for choosing “to sow chaos in an attempt to score political points.” Pritzker noted that Abbott is “sending asylum seekers from Texas to the Upper Midwest in the middle of winter—many without coats, without shoes to protect them from the snow—to a city whose shelters are already overfilled with migrants you sent here.” Chicago’s temperatures are set to drop below zero this weekend, Pritzker wrote, and he “strongly urge[d]” Abbott to stop sending people to Illinois in these conditions. “You are dropping off asylum seekers without alerting us to their arrivals, at improper locations at all hours of the night.”
Pritzker wrote that he supports bipartisan immigration reform but “[w]hile action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves. Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state. We are asking you to help prevent additional deaths. We should be able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to urge Congress to act. But right now, we are talking about human beings and their survival. I hope we can at least agree on saving lives right now.”
Speaking on the right-wing Dana Loesch Show last week, Abbott said, “The only thing that we’re not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border, because of course the Biden administration would charge us with murder.” 
On January 13, 1833, President Andrew Jackson wrote to Vice President–elect Martin van Buren to explain his position on South Carolina’s recent assertion that sovereign states could overrule federal laws. “Was this to be permitted the government would lose the confidence of its citizens and it would induce disunion everywhere. No my friend, the crisis must be now met with firmness, our citizens protected, and the modern doctrine of nullification and secession put down forever…. [N]othing must be permitted to weaken our government at home or abroad,” he wrote.
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fuckyeahtx · 8 months
January 13, 2024
JAN 14
Last night a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande that marks the border between the U.S. and Mexico near Eagle Pass, Texas. 
U.S. Border Patrol agents knew that a group of six migrants were in distress in the river but could not try to save them, as they normally would, because troops from the Texas National Guard and the Texas Military Department prevented the Border Patrol agents from entering the area where they were struggling: Shelby Park, a 47-acre public park that offers access to a frequently traveled part of the river and is a place where Border Patrol agents often encounter migrants crossing the border illegally. 
They could not enter because two days ago, on Thursday, Texas governor Greg Abbott sent armed Texas National Guard soldiers and soldiers from the Texas Military Department to take control of Shelby Park. Rolando Salinas, the mayor of Eagle Pass, posted a video on Facebook showing the troops and saying that a state official had told him that state troops were taking “full control” over Shelby Park “indefinitely.” Salinas made it clear that “[t]his is not something that we wanted. This is not something that we asked for as a city.”
The Texas forces have denied United States Border Patrol officials entry into the park to perform their duties, asserting that Texas officials have power over U.S. officials. 
On December 18, Abbott signed into law S.B. 4, a measure that attempts to take into state hands the power over immigration the Constitution gives to the federal government. Courts have repeatedly reinforced that immigration is the responsibility of federal, not state, government, but now, according to Uriel J. García of the Texas Tribune, “some Texas Republicans have said they hope the new law will push the issue back before a U.S. Supreme Court that is more conservative since three appointees of former President Donald Trump joined it.”
On January 3 the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the new law, saying: “Texas cannot run its own immigration system. Its efforts, through S.B. 4, intrude on the federal government’s exclusive authority to regulate the entry and removal of noncitizens, frustrate the United States’ immigration operations and proceedings, and interfere with U.S. foreign relations.” 
Abbott and MAGA Republicans are teeing up the issue of immigration as a key line of attack on President Joe Biden in 2024, but while they are insisting the issue is so important they will not agree to fund Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s 2022 invasion until it is solved, they are also unwilling to participate in discussions to fund more border officers or immigration courts. Today, once again, Biden reminded reporters that he has asked Congress to pass new border measures since he took office, but rather than pass new laws, Republicans appear to be doubling down on pushing the idea that migrants threaten American society and that an individual state—Texas, in this case—can override federal authority.
Abbott has spent more than $100 million of Texas tax dollars to send migrants to cities led by Democrats. These migrants have applied for asylum and are waiting for a hearing; they are in the U.S. legally. In September 2023, Texas stopped coordinating with nonprofits in those cities that prepared for migrant arrivals. 
Yesterday, Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker wrote to Abbott, calling him out for choosing “to sow chaos in an attempt to score political points.” Pritzker noted that Abbott is “sending asylum seekers from Texas to the Upper Midwest in the middle of winter—many without coats, without shoes to protect them from the snow—to a city whose shelters are already overfilled with migrants you sent here.” Chicago’s temperatures are set to drop below zero this weekend, Pritzker wrote, and he “strongly urge[d]” Abbott to stop sending people to Illinois in these conditions. “You are dropping off asylum seekers without alerting us to their arrivals, at improper locations at all hours of the night.”
Pritzker wrote that he supports bipartisan immigration reform but “[w]hile action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves. Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state. We are asking you to help prevent additional deaths. We should be able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to urge Congress to act. But right now, we are talking about human beings and their survival. I hope we can at least agree on saving lives right now.”
Speaking on the right-wing Dana Loesch Show last week, Abbott said, “The only thing that we’re not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border, because of course the Biden administration would charge us with murder.” 
On January 13, 1833, President Andrew Jackson wrote to Vice President–elect Martin van Buren to explain his position on South Carolina’s recent assertion that sovereign states could overrule federal laws. “Was this to be permitted the government would lose the confidence of its citizens and it would induce disunion everywhere. No my friend, the crisis must be now met with firmness, our citizens protected, and the modern doctrine of nullification and secession put down forever…. [N]othing must be permitted to weaken our government at home or abroad,” he wrote.
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ultramaga · 1 year
Discrimination against men is legal and actively encouraged. Now Leftists are concerned that men are weaponising identity politics against them.
Male privilege was always a lie, and more and more being male meant being a second class citizen.
Will Leftists appoint a council who decides who is allowed to be female, black and/or gay? And what if their judge decides nobody deserves to be?
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 2 years
Saturday Morning Update on Congressional Races
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Races yet to be called:
(Alaska has ranked-choice voting)
AK-1: Mary Peltola (D) leading by 20.7% 🔷
AZ-1: Jevin Hodge (D) leading by 1.4% 🔷
AZ-6: Juan Ciscomani (R) leading by 1% 🟥
CA-3: Kevin Kiley (R) leading by 6% 🟥
CA-6: Ami Bera (D) leading by 12.4% 🔷
CA-9: Josh Harder (D) leading by 12.6% 🔷
CA-13: John Duarte (R) leading by 0.2% 🟥
CA-15: Kevin Mullin (D) leading by 12.8% 🔷
CA-21: Jim Costa (D) leading by 9.2% 🔷
CA-22: David Valadao (R) leading by 5% 🟥
CA-26: Julia Brownley (D) leading by 8.6% 🔷
CA-27: Mike Garcia (R) leading by 12% 🟥
CA-34: Jimmy Gomez (D) leading by 6% 🔷
CA-35: Norma Torres (D) leading by 12% 🔷
CA-41: Ken Calvert (R) leading by 1.2% 🟥
CA-45: Michelle Steel (R) leading by 8% 🟥
CA-47: Katie Porter (D) leading by 2.4% 🔷
CA-49: Mike Levin (D) leading by 4.2% 🔷
CO-3: Lauren Boebert (R) leading by 0.4% 🟥
(Maine has ranked-choice voting)
ME-2: Jared Golden (D) leading by 3.3% 🔷
New York
NY-22: Brandon Williams (R) leading by 1.6% 🟥
OR-5: Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R) leading by 2.4% 🟥
OR-6: Andrea Salinas (D) leading by 1.7% 🔷
WA-3: Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D) leading by 1.8% 🔷
If the current leaders end up winning, the Republicans will have just a 4 seat advantage in the House.
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phagethemage · 1 year
Buckle up, bud! Have fun! 4, 6, 12, 13, 15, 21, 23, 26, 37, 42, 47, 58, 71, 72, 94, 100, 109, 116, 118, 127, 141, 144, 146 :D
4) are you easy to get along with? Uhh....I believe so. Unless someone is just cautious.
6) what kind of people are you attracted to? Those with nice smiles and good humor. Someone who could make a good wife.
12) what are your top 5 favorite songs right now? That's Life by Frank Sinatra, Togenkyo To Taxi by Mega Shinnosuke, Leaves by Joe P, Nectarine Lane by Salina Killer, Lord Forgive Me by Tobe Nwigwe, and Inner universe by Origa
13) Do you like it when people play with your hair? I absolutely love it and it puts me at ease. Never really had my hair played with in my last relationship.
15) What good thing happened to you this summer? Uhhh I got a new central A/C unit for my house!
21) what are your bad habits? I procrastinate. And if I sit down when I get home I don't want to get up and do anything else. D:
23) do you have trust issues? Only thing I have is apparently too much trust in others.
26) what do you do when you wake up? Use the restroom, brush my teeth then feed and walk scarlette!
37) what do you say in awkward silence? I usually make a joke. Laughter helps.
42) if you're being extremely quiet what does it mean? Either I'm reading, focusing, or carefully thinking/planning
47) have you ever been high? No I have not. Just didn't have interest in really doing it.
58) last thing you ate? Half a Philly cheesesteak poboy with hummus :o
71) craving something? What? Intimacy, physical comfort, kissing, peace of mind.
72) what color are your towels? Gray, beige and teal
94) how many sweatshirts/hoodies do you have? I have 2 zip up hoodies, 1 pull over hoody and sadly no sweatshirts. I need to get a sweatshirt.
100) how are you feeling? Happy, content but also lonely.
109) is something irritating you right now? Not really. I'm just thinking about work tomorrow morning.
116) are you listening to music right now? Yes. Currently listening to Fade into You by Mazzy Star. Great song that @halfwaysleeping shared with me.
118) do you like Chinese food? I love love love Chinese food
127) what makes you happy? Good food, rest, scarlette and good conversation.
141) night or day? Night. All the way.
144) Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk chocolate for me please.
146) was today a good day? Yes. Yes I think it was.
Thanks for the giant amount of asks!
:D took me a bit but I got through them all
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partisan-by-default · 8 months
In a video posted on Facebook, Salinas said he received a call from DPS officials on Wednesday to let him know that Gov. Greg Abbott had signed an emergency declaration and that officers would take “full control” of 47-acre Shelby Park indefinitely.
“That is not a decision that we agreed to. This is not something that we wanted. This is not something that we asked for as a city,” Salinas said in the video.
Salinas said he was told that the reason for the operation is to prevent immigrants from illegally crossing the Rio Grande into Texas.
Renae Eze, a spokesperson for Abbott, said in a statement that Texas is using different tactics to deter people from crossing the border illegally and blamed the Biden administration's immigration policies.
"Texas will continue to deploy Texas National Guard soldiers, DPS troopers, and more barriers, utilizing every tool and strategy to respond to President Biden's ongoing border crisis," Eze said.
Eze also cited Abbott's emergency declaration, which he originally signed in May 2021 and renewed in December.
The Border Vigil, a group of Eagle Pass residents who have criticized Abbott’s immigration policies, blasted the state’s move: “The Texas Governor's emergency declaration and takeover of Shelby Park, where the Cross Memorial stands as a tribute to the unnecessary deaths on our border, is a cynical and cruel attempt to divert attention from his own failures and to undermine the efforts of the Mexican authorities and civil society to address the humanitarian crisis at the border.”
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helpersofindie · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could help me find an accurate FC for Morticia for Jenna Ortega???? I'm looking for someone who's actually Latina instead of white like Catherine Zeta-Joned.
i would go with aimee garcia (44), eva longoria (47), claudia salinas (39), natalia cordova-buckley (40), constance marie (57) or alanna ubach (47).
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Me hizo volver luego a la entrada de la casa; y he aquí aguas que salían de debajo del umbral de la casa hacia el oriente; porque la fachada de la casa estaba al oriente, y las aguas descendían de debajo, hacia el lado derecho de la casa, al sur del altar. Y me sacó por el camino de la puerta del norte, y me hizo dar la vuelta por el camino exterior, fuera de la puerta, al camino de la que mira al oriente; y vi que las aguas salían del lado derecho. Y salió el varón hacia el oriente, llevando un cordel en su mano; y midió mil codos, y me hizo pasar por las aguas hasta los tobillos. Midió otros mil, y me hizo pasar por las aguas hasta las rodillas. Midió luego otros mil, y me hizo pasar por las aguas hasta los lomos. Midió otros mil, y era ya un río que yo no podía pasar, porque las aguas habían crecido de manera que el río no se podía pasar sino a nado. Y me dijo: ¿Has visto, hijo de hombre? Después me llevó, y me hizo volver por la ribera del río. Y volviendo yo, vi que en la ribera del río había muchísimos árboles a uno y otro lado. Y me dijo: Estas aguas salen a la región del oriente, y descenderán al Arabá, y entrarán en el mar; y entradas en el mar, recibirán sanidad las aguas. Y toda alma viviente que nadare por dondequiera que entraren estos dos ríos, vivirá; y habrá muchísimos peces por haber entrado allá estas aguas, y recibirán sanidad; y vivirá todo lo que entrare en este río. Y junto a él estarán los pescadores, y desde En-gadi hasta En-eglaim será su tendedero de redes; y por sus especies serán los peces tan numerosos como los peces del Mar Grande. Sus pantanos y sus lagunas no se sanearán; quedarán para salinas. Y junto al río, en la ribera, a uno y otro lado, crecerá toda clase de árboles frutales; sus hojas nunca caerán, ni faltará su fruto. A su tiempo madurará, porque sus aguas salen del santuario; y su fruto será para comer, y su hoja para medicina.
Ezequiel 47:1‭-‬12 RVR1960
Un río que renueva
Las pruebas, los problemas y los traumas tienen la capacidad de restar fuerza a nuestra fe y hacernos perder la esperanza. Es un proceso sutil, que nos lleva a dudar de Dios y a desconfiar de su capacidad para restaurar lo que consideramos roto.
¿Hay áreas en tu vida en las que dudas que Dios pueda restaurarlas? Tal vez te encuentres en esta situación, incapaz de albergar esperanzas más allá de tu angustia. Si es así, el pasaje de hoy encierra una gran esperanza.
Ezequiel comparte una visión enviada por Dios, que pretende transmitir a este pueblo angustiado y desterrado. Dios hace la promesa de una completa restauración y recompensa a las personas que han perdido la esperanza y se sienten cansadas en el cautiverio.
Dios quiere que los exiliados sepan lo que él aún quiere que sepamos en nuestro propio exilio hoy: Siempre habrá esperanza en Dios.
Ezequiel está en los atrios interiores, donde ve el agua que gotea de los altos umbrales del templo. Es un flujo que crece y gana impulso, desde un pequeño chorro hasta un vasto río tan profundo que no puede ser atravesado (versículos 3 - 5).
Pero lo importante es que prestemos atención al punto donde se acaba el agua. El versículo 8 nos dice en detalle que el agua desemboca en el mar Muerto, situado a casi treinta kilómetros de la ciudad de Jerusalén. Está a unos cuatrocientos metros bajo el nivel del mar, por lo que es el punto más bajo posible de la tierra para que el agua fluya.
Se trata de un entorno en el que ningún ser vivo puede subsistir. Su alto contenido de sal hace imposible que los organismos vivos crezcan o prosperen. Sin embargo, Dios promete devolver la vitalidad a estas aguas muertas.
Esta es una poderosa imagen de lo que Dios promete hacer en nuestra vida. Y así como Ezequiel prometió aguas que traerían sanidad y que fluirían del templo a los lugares muertos, Dios promete una tierra renovada cuando Jesús regrese y restaure todas las cosas para su pueblo.
Nuestra esperanza reside en que el Espíritu de Cristo fluya dentro de nosotros, inundando con su luz y su gracia cada espacio de la tierra, y cada situación rota, oscura y desesperada.
Ninguna circunstancia escapa a la capacidad de Dios para tocar y sanar. Tal vez Dios no actúe en el momento y de la manera que tú quisieras, pero promete traer esperanza y sanidad a los lugares más oscuros, redimiendo todo lo que él toca y transformando cada área que necesita ser renovada.
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goalhofer · 5 months
2024 Washington Nationals Roster
#1 MacKenzie Gore (Whiteville, North Carolina)
#9 Steven Cavalli (Bixby, Oklahoma)
#21 Tanner Rainey (Covington, Louisiana)
#27 Jake Irvin (Bloomington, Minnesota)
#32 Trevor Williams (San Diego, California)
#40 Josiah Gray (New Rochelle, New York)
#41 Matt Barnes (Bethel, Connecticut)*
#44 Dylan Floro (Atwater, California)*
#46 Patrick Corbin (Clay, New York)
#47 José Ferrer (Maimón, Dominican Republic)
#51 Jordan Weems (Columbus, Georgia)
#58 Derek Law (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)*
#60 Joan Adon (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
#61 Robert Garcia (Modesto, California)
#67 Kyle Finnegan (Houston, Texas)
#73 Hunter Harvey (Catawba, North Carolina)
#15 Riley Adams (Encinitas, California)
#20 Keibert Ruiz (Valencia, Venezuela)
#81 Drew Millas (Belleville, Illinois)
#2 Luis García; Jr. (San Francisco De Macorís, Dominican Republic)
#5 P.C. Abrams; Jr. (Roswell, Georgia)
#13 Nick Senzel (Farragut, Tennessee)
#14 Ildemaro Vargas (Caripito, Venezuela)
#26 Nasim Nuñez (Suwanee, Georgia)**
#38 LaVictor Lipscomb (Frederick, Maryland)**
#45 Joey Meneses (Culiacán Rosales, Mexico)
#6 Jesse Winker (Orlando, Florida)*
#8 Eddie Rosario; Jr. (Ciudad Guayamo, Puerto Rico)*
#16 Víctor Robles (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
#24 Joey Gallo (Las Vegas, Nevada)*
#28 Lane Thomas (Knoxville, Tennessee)
#30 Jacob Young (St. Johns County, Florida)
#36 Gregory Garrett (Richmond, Texas)
Manager Dave Martinez (Orlando, Florida)
Bench coach Miguel Cairo (Anaco, Venezuela)
Hitting coach Darnell Coles (Rialto, California)
Assistant hitting coach Chris Johnson (Naples, Florida)
Pitching coach Jim Hickey (Chicago, Illinois)
Pitching strategist Sean Doolittle (Tabernacle Township, New Jersey)
Bullpen coach Ricky Bones (Ciudad Salinas, Puerto Rico)
Bullpen catcher Octavio Martinez (Los Angeles, California)
Bullpen catcher Brandon Snyder (Fairfax County, Virginia)
1B coach Gerardo Parra (Santa Barbara Del Zulia, Venezuela)
3B coach Ricky Gutiérrez (Miami, Florida)
Strategy coach Henry Blanco (Santiago De León De Caracas, VZ)
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kazirone · 6 months
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webseriesviral · 8 months
Police identify woman killed in Syracuse crash by driver charged with DWI, manslaughter Syracuse, N.Y. -- A 59-year-old woman ... #movie quote #movies #movie line #movie line #movie scenes #cinema #movie stills #film quotes #film edit #vintage #movie scenes #love quotes #life quotes #positive quotes #vintage #retro #quote #quotes #sayings #cinematography
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fairhopeman · 8 months
𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧
𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧
Last night a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande that marks the border between the U.S. and Mexico near Eagle Pass, Texas.
U.S. Border Patrol agents knew that a group of six migrants were in distress in the river but could not try to save them, as they normally would, because troops from the Texas National Guard and the Texas Military Department prevented the Border Patrol agents from entering the area where they were struggling: Shelby Park, a 47-acre public park that offers access to a frequently traveled part of the river and is a place where Border Patrol agents often encounter migrants crossing the border illegally.
They could not enter because two days ago, on Thursday, Texas governor Greg Abbott sent armed Texas National Guard soldiers and soldiers from the Texas Military Department to take control of Shelby Park. Rolando Salinas, the mayor of Eagle Pass, posted a video on Facebook showing the troops and saying that a state official had told him that state troops were taking “full control” over Shelby Park “indefinitely.” Salinas made it clear that “[t]his is not something that we wanted. This is not something that we asked for as a city.”
The Texas forces have denied United States Border Patrol officials entry into the park to perform their duties, asserting that Texas officials have power over U.S. officials.
On December 18, Abbott signed into law S.B. 4, a measure that attempts to take into state hands the power over immigration the Constitution gives to the federal government. Courts have repeatedly reinforced that immigration is the responsibility of federal, not state, government, but now, according to Uriel J. García of the Texas Tribune, “some Texas Republicans have said they hope the new law will push the issue back before a U.S. Supreme Court that is more conservative since three appointees of former President Donald Trump joined it.”
On January 3 the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the new law, saying: “Texas cannot run its own immigration system. Its efforts, through S.B. 4, intrude on the federal government’s exclusive authority to regulate the entry and removal of noncitizens, frustrate the United States’ immigration operations and proceedings, and interfere with U.S. foreign relations.”
Abbott and MAGA Republicans are teeing up the issue of immigration as a key line of attack on President Joe Biden in 2024, but while they are insisting the issue is so important they will not agree to fund Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s 2022 invasion until it is solved, they are also unwilling to participate in discussions to fund more border officers or immigration courts. Today, once again, Biden reminded reporters that he has asked Congress to pass new border measures since he took office, but rather than pass new laws, Republicans appear to be doubling down on pushing the idea that migrants threaten American society and that an individual state—Texas, in this case—can override federal authority.
Abbott has spent more than $100 million of Texas tax dollars to send migrants to cities led by Democrats. These migrants have applied for asylum and are waiting for a hearing; they are in the U.S. legally. In September 2023, Texas stopped coordinating with nonprofits in those cities that prepared for migrant arrivals.
Yesterday, Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker wrote to Abbott, calling him out for choosing “to sow chaos in an attempt to score political points.” Pritzker noted that Abbott is “sending asylum seekers from Texas to the Upper Midwest in the middle of winter—many without coats, without shoes to protect them from the snow—to a city whose shelters are already overfilled with migrants you sent here.” Chicago’s temperatures are set to drop below zero this weekend, Pritzker wrote, and he “strongly urge[d]” Abbott to stop sending people to Illinois in these conditions. “You are dropping off asylum seekers without alerting us to their arrivals, at improper locations at all hours of the night.”
Pritzker wrote that he supports bipartisan immigration reform but “[w]hile action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves. Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state. We are asking you to help prevent additional deaths. We should be able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to urge Congress to act. But right now, we are talking about human beings and their survival. I hope we can at least agree on saving lives right now.”
Speaking on the right-wing Dana Loesch Show last week, Abbott said, “The only thing that we’re not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border, because of course the Biden administration would charge us with murder.”
On January 13, 1833, President Andrew Jackson wrote to Vice President–elect Martin van Buren to explain his position on South Carolina’s recent assertion that sovereign states could overrule federal laws. “Was this to be permitted the government would lose the confidence of its citizens and it would induce disunion everywhere. No my friend, the crisis must be now met with firmness, our citizens protected, and the modern doctrine of nullification and secession put down forever…. [N]othing must be permitted to weaken our government at home or abroad,” he wrote.
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 2 years
Sunday Morning Update on Congressional Races
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Races yet to be called:
(Alaska has ranked-choice voting)
AK-1: Mary Peltola (D) leading by 20.7% 🔷
AZ-1: Jevin Hodge (D) leading by 0.8% 🔷
AZ-6: Juan Ciscomani (R) leading by 0.4% 🟥
CA-3: Kevin Kiley (R) leading by 6% 🟥
CA-6: Ami Bera (D) leading by 12.4% 🔷
CA-9: Josh Harder (D) leading by 12.6% 🔷
CA-13: John Duarte (R) leading by 0.2% 🟥
CA-21: Jim Costa (D) leading by 9.2% 🔷
CA-22: David Valadao (R) leading by 5% 🟥
CA-27: Mike Garcia (R) leading by 10.8% 🟥
CA-34: Jimmy Gomez (D) leading by 6% 🔷
CA-41: Ken Calvert (R) leading by 1.4% 🟥
CA-45: Michelle Steel (R) leading by 7.4% 🟥
CA-47: Katie Porter (D) leading by 2.6% 🔷
CA-49: Mike Levin (D) leading by 4.8% 🔷
CO-3: Lauren Boebert (R) leading by 0.4% 🟥
CO-8: Yadira Caraveo (D) leading by 0.7% 🔷
(Maine has ranked-choice voting)
ME-2: Jared Golden (D) leading by 3.3% 🔷
New York
NY-22: Brandon Williams (R) leading by 1.6% 🟥
OR-5: Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R) leading by 2.2% 🟥
OR-6: Andrea Salinas (D) leading by 1.9% 🔷
If the current leaders end up winning, the Republicans will have just a 4 seat advantage in the House.
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silverstone32 · 1 year
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aikoiya · 1 year
"Statistics show that women win child custody rights a staggering 90% of the time, even though fathers play an important role in their children's lives pre & post-divorce."
So, yeah. Men, if your wife is abusing your kids, then before divorcing, maybe change your gender to female.
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