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xaviergalatis · 10 months ago
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pemprika · 6 months ago
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i made persona 3,4, and 5 pins this summer! they will be in my shop update on september 21 PST 🕺
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pheyphem · 1 month ago
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ignoring the obvious. is anyone else really fucking intrigued/confused by this room
it is so STARKLY different from the rest of the phouse like it has fuzzy padded brown walls?? like they have a reason for every design choice in the phouse so why did they go with fuzzy brown walls in here and here only (it seems)??/?
drop your ideas below
#only semi-explanations i can think of are:#1. it isn't their house and it just so happens that they took multiple photos that they then posted in the same non-phouse location#(likely family's house if this is the case cause when else would they be this relaxed at someone else's house/whatever other place lol)#2. this is one of the “secret safe rooms” dan alluded to in.. A Video i honestly don't remember where lol pls if someone knows tell me#(i do know that phil also showed a secret door in i think one of his “answering questions i'd normally avoid” vids? or a tiktok i forgor)#and for those curious: first pic is from 9:46 dan's bday livestream and the second one is 10:45 wdapteo 4#and in case it matters (dk why it would but just a fact i learned while retrieving these images):#for the first image afaik we don't know the day it was taken but we can safely assume it was taken before nov 27 2023#cause that's when the catboy photos were posted & this image came up right before that one when phil was showing off the yearly dan pics#so sometime between june 12 & nov 27 2023 (since phil would've started collecting new pics of dan after his birthday had passed)#and then the second image would've been sometime between feb 21 and 27 2024#because the last text that has a date that we see before this one is from the 21st#and then the texts we see immediately after that are from when dan was doing wad in frankfurt which according to phandom wiki was feb 27th#which gives me the idea that it's proooobably not my first theory?#since why would they be at family's house at such random times of the year#ANYWAY that's all from me please drop your thoughts i'm curious to hear#forgive me if we've already had a moment like this and figured it out and i'm just late to the party. but theorizing fun so idc#dnp#phan#amazingphil#daniel howell#phandom#me post#photo
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lilidawnonthemoon · 1 year ago
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serickswrites · 4 months ago
Tattoos on the Heart
Warnings: pet whump, captivity, body modification, noncon body modification
"You are by far the worst investment I have ever made," the Master said as they loomed over the Pet. "I don't even know what I am going to do with you."
The Pet prostrated themself at the Master's feet. "Please, Master. I beg forgiveness. I am still learning. Please."
The Pet had burnt three breakfasts, broken six crystal vases, and ripped two sets of sheets today. And it was only ten in the morning.
"You have the most rotten touch of any house Pet I have had. I want the others to know how completely useless you are!"
The Pet's heart was in their throat. "Please, Master. I will learn. I will be better. I promise!"
The Master nodded and three other pets came forward. Two held the Pet down, pinning them so well that the Pet couldn't move though they tried to buck their body. "The first mark you are to receive marks you as mine forever. The second mark marks you as completely useless. And I am having some hardware installed as well."
"PLEASE!" The Pet screeched. This couldn't be happening to them. They had to get the Master to stop.
But the Master didn't listen. They merely ordered the third pet that had come in to begin. "Start with the tattoos. We can add the dermals later."
The third pet got to work quickly, running off to grab a cart and wheel it over to the Pet. They were so efficiently pinned they couldn't get away. They heard the third pet rummaging through drawers and setting things out. A loud buzzing had the Pet's mouth running dry.
"I know you don't have any tattoos. I paid extra for unmarred skin for you. It's only fitting your first tattoo is one that I designed. You are mine forever and you will wear this mark forever."
One of the pets pinning the Pet down pinned the Pet's head, exposing the back of their neck to the tattoo gun. "Ready," they said gruffly.
The Pet squealed with pain as the tattoo gun's needle made contact with their neck. Their whole body reverberated with the needle tattooing their skin. Their world narrowed to the feeling.
"Put the rotten touch on their hands. Both hands." The Master ordered. They sounded bored. "So everyone knows how useless those hands truly are."
By the time the Pet's tattooing session had stopped, they were shaking. Their body ached. Their head ached. And most of all, they couldn't believe the Master had ordered this. That their fellow pets had done this to them.
"You know where to pierce," the Master said as they started towards the door. "I have other matters to take care of. I expect the piercings to be perfect and in place by the time I return."
The Pet swallowed. Wherever the Master wanted the piercings could not be good. But as the door slammed behind the Master and the other pets settled in, the Pet realized they were powerless to stop what was happening to them. Forever.
Tags: @mousepaw @jumpywhumpywriter @knightinbatteredarmor @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 @anightmarishwhump
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @celestialsoyeon @st0rmm @ay5ksal @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe
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awkwardlyoutsidely-doodles · 4 months ago
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Day 21 Veiltober: Fen'Harel
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hamiltonsf1 · 9 months ago
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zo’s saturday
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b3ani-art · 4 months ago
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3/4 final pieces I did for Inktober
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nikki-tine · 1 year ago
So it's come to my attention that despite the page I have set up within the desktop version of my blog, I don't have a mobile version of an introduction post here. Oops! This one's newly written, too, in a different format than the other.
So, that being said - Hello!
I am Nikki/Niko (Whichever you prefer!) and I am a 28-year old Genderfluid artist person (My birthday is on January 9th!). I don't think there's too much to be said here, but I can and will say with confidence that this blog has been, especially in the last few or so years built up to be a catch-all for whatever I deem good to reblog or post (All of which typically related to fluff stuff, feel-good vibes or something that I may feel strongly about).
This place is, and always will be a safe space for a) People with disabilities (I am autistic, have ADD and Bipolar as well as Anxiety) and b) LGBTQ+-identifying people (I am, as mentioned before Genderfluid, and I'm Pansexual Panromantic!).
If a reblog or post makes you uncomfortable, then I will happily delete it if asked.
I make it a point to keep these posts SFW especially nowadays - however, I can't quite vouch for possibly the oldest of my posts (as I've been here since the early 2010s along with some ol' dumb teen thoughts involved and it'd take forever to sort absolutely everything out from over a decade ago at this point). I'm pretty sure that I've removed most of the NSFW stuff already from those years ago, but if I missed something then I don't mind deleting it as long as you let me know first (I'm incredibly disorganized and would appreciate a nudge in the right direction).
With these details out of the way - I am an artist that dabbles in various fandoms with no real sense of rhyme or reason outside of either hyperfixated interest or otherwise with the intent to update old ideas and refresh them into new ones. Like most artists on the internet, I ask that you do not repost without credit, trace and/or copy my work. I'm quite literally living paycheck by paycheck with my family right now. You CAN however use my artwork as a reference or as inspiration for your own work - If you do, lemme know! I'd love to see the result!
Here's a vague list of fandoms I dabble in (though my post history doesn't quite show that as I tend to leave most of my stuff to posting on Discord instead):
Pokemon (I've been a part of this one almost my entire life lol)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Another fandom I've been in for a grand majority of my life! I'm more of a casual fan as I haven't made much art recently, but I still absolutely love looking at what others come up with for OCs and stuff.)
Undertale (ESPECIALLY AU-centric)
Digimon (Passionate about this one specifically - I have a project I've been working with under this fandom since 2014 on and off)
Cookie Run (Kingdom primarily with a minor Ovenbreak focus for AU concept ideas)
Dark Cloud/Dark Chronicle (This one's SO obscure, but if you know these games then I give you a virtual baked good of your liking! These two games hold a very special place in my heart.)
Dance Dance Revolution, NotITG, Friday Night Funkin (I'm a rhythm game nerd and love the creativity of the communities surrounding these three - I just haven't been able to piece together anything for it yet visually except for FNF stuff on and off)
A Dance of Fire and Ice (Same as the DDR fandom part, but I've made a couple fanart pieces before so this one I may have an easier time of conceptualizing later)
FNAF (Specifically Security Breach AU work! This one's not as frequent as others but I still have stuff in mind for it. Security Breach is how I finally caved with the FNAF series as a whole after watching how the fandom grew over the years.)
Warriors (Warrior Cats, in our year 2024? Eeyup. I just like the funny spiritual witties!)
Team Fortress 2 (This one's in and out but it's one that I come back to a lot as my boyfriend, regularly interacting and involved in the GMOD animation community reminds me of my own TF2 stuff with his presence alone lol. Love you James! <3)
Persona 3, 4 and 5 (This one's a lil self-explanatory but I have AU ideas surrounding these games that I want to make more art for eventually)
If I have anything else not listed before, I'll add it to the list. C: Please keep in mind that although I dabble in these fandoms, AU versions of existing characters may be changed in terms of sexuality, personality etc to reflect the AU they are from (For example, I have a version of Cream Unicorn Cookie that uses he/they pronouns, and my Redeemed!Pomegranate Cookie from the same AU leans bisexual over lesbian for reasons relating to reflection of character and overall character development. I like to make characters more flexible while self-indulging, so keep this in mind). I note this because my own headcanons about certain characters have set off one or two people in the past unintentionally and they VERY much have pushed things in an effort to keep canon down my throat out of retaliation. Let's just say that this part in particular is a thing that taps a sore spot for me for personal reasons. :/
When it concerns making art of my characters - surprise or not, feel free to make art of them and mention me in post (and/or message me, either way works)! It makes me feel SO loved when I get art from others, and I appreciate every piece dearly. 💜💜💜 (I go so far as to hold onto an archive of art that was done for me - with artist names in-tact within the file name nowadays!)
A few things to consider when it concerns tickling-related matters with me:
MINORS - PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT WITH MY TICKLING CONTENT. Long overdue to add this one (as of 12/28/24) but I’m updating this now as I’m worried and anxious, and I want to be safe rather than sorry.
I am a Switch! I'm unsure how far Ler or Lee I am just yet, but I do enjoy tickling both ways. Unfortunately, however, I'm the kind of person that practically flies across a room when poked,, (if it comes down to tickling my sona - Niko Spirata - tie or hold 'em down if you want to wreck 'em with tickles lol)
My interest in tickling alone is purely SFW - It feels too weird looking at IRL photos/videos with very rare exception (a lot of the exception is the giggle the lee produces from ticklish contact). As a result, all the stuff I'll be reblogging and posting here is art or animation-related instead!
My favorite tickle trope is the one where a shrunken someone or a small something wiggles under the unwitting lee's clothing to tickle them! (Points at wormonastriing's Squirmles as an example of this trope :3) No, seriously. If I end up with art of any of my characters getting destroyed with tickles in this manner I will ASCEND BEYOND GALAXIES.
My favorite spots with tickling overall are belly, side and rib tickling - on rarer occasions, I enjoy tickling in other places (I prefer foot tickling if the lee has paws instead of normal feet!). This lines up with a particular enjoyment of characters being slightly chubby! I looove a good squeeze of the sides or belly, enough to get the lee blurting out giggles.
I have only a few tags I use now on a regular, but these are:
#nikki-tine (This is my user tag and I put it in with my art posts and other things I post sometimes. You may also see others' posts under this tag, primarily with stuff related to asks or when art's been posted for me in the past <3)
#art, #tickle art, #tickling art (These are self-explanatory!)
#NJEGNJ (Something to that effect, lol. It's not exact but keyboard smash tag is typically wrote similarly or around the same for several posts, all of which ones that got me chuckling or giggling like a dork!)
My Commission Status is currently set to OPEN (paypal prioritized for now).
It's really complicated, however, and I don't have any other methods than Paypal and Robux right now so if you have questions about that then feel free to message me and I'll try to clear it up as best I can!
I only have two prices, both fully colored and shaded.
Chibies are $25 USD (+ 5 for an extra character)
My normal art style is $50 USD (+ 10 for an extra character)
I do best leaving the BG transparent, but if I HAVE to work on one then I can do nature-themed backgrounds pretty okay. It’s not a strong-suit of mine, however…
My Art Trade Status is Busted Wide Open™ to Mutuals, but I'm a little picky and choosy with random people.
If I decline an Art Trade, please don't take it personally!
In terms of Roleplay, It's Closed on-blog, BUT I'm Open to Roleplay in Discord servers (Provided there's a Tupperbot there for me to use).
I've been looking to find an RP server that has mutuals/friends and allows Undertale-related stuff (especially of the tickling-related kind!), so if you're a part of one please let me know!
DM Status overall is Open (As long as you are kind to me, I will return kindness back!).
My Asks are ALWAYS OPEN! I really like getting stuff in my inbox (and I unfortunately don't get asks often at all).
I'm most comfortable interacting with other adults and SFW blogs (this is more-so for safety than anything else on my end. I don't have the emotional or mental energy to handle potential drama involving context-disconnected words). I don't mind interacting with NSFW blogs here but only if in the context of specific interests of mine and not much else.
I don't really have much in the way of who can't interact with me as long as you are respectful/mindful of chat etiquette and are aware of the kind of impact you may make in messaging people like myself.
I do my best to look at blog descriptions and respect DNI's - If I end up poking at something I shouldn't by accident, as long as it's not met with aggression in DMs, I will happily fix whatever problem you may have related to that. I HATE making others uncomfortable/upset!
If you have questions, feel free to ask! I don't really use other forms of Social Media, but I do use some websites with a social aspect to them casually.
Flightrising (Funny dragon site)
Chicken Smoothie (This one's a fun lil adopt site from the late 2000s)
GPX Plus (This is literally Pokefarm Q before Pokefarm Q lol)
Gaia Online (Another old site with unfortunate currency inflation, but it's the site that's kept me going with character designing and such over the years! The blog part here is old, but the avatar is updated from time to time. This site is the reason I lean on Monochrome + a color as an aesthetic a lot lol)
Bluesky (mostly inactive - want activity there? nudge me here!)
DeviantArt (It's VERY rare I post here now. Also a warning for those under 18 - there's suggestive and nsfw art in my favorites dotted here and there so look with caution. my gallery itself is SFW however and all the works that would have been nsfw are archived.)
Artfight (Self-explanatory!)
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keirosims · 10 months ago
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Made a download page because ??? Idk looks pretty lmao
For some reason the theme doesn't display everything in chrono order but I'm choosing to ignore that and I hope you do too 😂
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monster-every-day · 10 months ago
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day 112 - 4/21/24 - anchor sprite
i'm catchin' up! i'm catchin' up!
ironically, the anchor sprite behaves like a floatation device! the body sits upon the surface of the water, and the heavy tail hangs below. they will find and help people who are in danger of drowning - acting as an "anchor" to hang onto. achors are a very grabbable shape, after all!
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tv-moments · 11 months ago
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True Detective: Night Country
Season 4, “Part 2”
Director: Issa López
DoP: Florian Hoffmeister
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nashmusicguide · 21 days ago
TPAC announces 45th Anniversary Broadway season featuring six Nashville premieres and two-week engagements of HAMILTON and Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST
A storybook season awaits as the nonprofit Tennessee Performing Arts Center® announces its 2025-26 HCA Healthcare/TriStar Health Broadway at TPAC season, presented in partnership with Nissan and Farm Bureau Health Plans, as part of its 45th Anniversary. The upcoming season features six Nashville premieres, plus the return of a classic fairy tale and the revolutionary re-telling of American…
#2025 beautyandthebeastthemusical.com Be Our Guest at Disney’s 30th Anniversary production of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST#2025 Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST – Nov. 4-16#2025 outsidersmusical.com The winner of the 2024 Tony Award® for Best Musical is THE OUTSIDERS. This classic coming-of-age story takes you t#2025 SUFFS – March 3-8#2025 THE OUTSIDERS – Oct. 14-19#2025 wizmusical.com The Tony® Award-winning Best Musical that took the world by storm is back. THE WIZ comes to Nashville in an all-new Broa#2026 Additional Broadway at TPAC presentations LES MISÉRABLES – Jan. 20-25#2026 BACK TO THE FUTURE – March 17-22#2026 backtothefuturemusical.com Great Scott! BACK TO THE FUTURE#2026 Below is additional information on the season lineup provided by each production. THE WIZ Sept. 23-28#2026 bookofmormonbroadway.com The New York Times calls it “the best musical of this century and Jimmy Fallon of The Tonight Show calls it &q#2026 HAMILTON – June 17-28#2026 hamiltonmusical.com A revolutionary story of passion#2026 SIX – Feb. 3-8#2026 sixonbroadway.com From Tudor Queens to Pop Icons#2026 SOME LIKE IT HOT – April 21-26#2026 somelikeithotmusical.com Winner of 4 Tony Awards®#2026 suffsmusical.com Direct from Broadway#2026 THE BOOK OF MORMON – June 2-7#2026 us-tour.lesmis.com Cameron Mackintosh presents the acclaimed production of Boublil and Schönberg’s Tony Award-winning musical phenomeno#2026 WATER FOR ELEPHANTS – May 12-17#2026 waterforelephantsthemusical.com The critically acclaimed bestselling novel comes to “thrilling#a young man jumps a moving train unsure of where the road will take him and finds a new home with the crew of a traveling circus#All-Out Song-And-Dance Spectacular!” (The New York Times). Set in Chicago when Prohibition has everyone thirsty for a little excitement#and a legacy that would shape the course of a nation. Based on Ron Chernow’s acclaimed biography and set to a score that blends hip-hop#and a life—and love—beyond his wildest dreams. Seen through the eyes of his older self#and a soaring score by the acclaimed PigPen Theatre Co. HAMILTON June 17-28#and across North America#and funny American women who fought tirelessly for the right to vote. From the singular mind of history-making artist Shaina Taub#and much more. To purchase season tickets and review the full benefits
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flowersonpebbles · 4 months ago
Week 4: Endings 21. Archdemon
I breathe heavily, leaning on Ageless in exhaustion. It’s stuck in the Archdemon’s head right now. Slowly collapsing as I blink slowly… Ears ringing with numbness from adrenaline being over, sapped of energy. Zevran is suddenly leaning over me, blinking back tears of relief as I see him. He’s such a gorgeous sight… He cups my face, pressing our foreheads together tenderly. I smile, eyes drooping shut as I take deep breathes. I’m alive. I’m breathing… I shakily hug Zevran around his shoulders, pulling him down onto me, just to ground myself. Ringing subsiding as I hear his glorious laugh… we did it. We finally did it… I laugh wetly, burying my face into his neck, starting to sob in relief…
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shimomcdragon · 10 months ago
oc doodles
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jukeboxofjellycat · 8 months ago
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