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beforeifadedaway · 2 days ago
A video I made out of a collection of photos I took. Some fun facts. It took 27 photos to create a 2 second clip and it took me about two hours to edit each photo and compile them all into a video.
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shitty-postal-dude-daily · 10 months ago
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my first poast. .. . my pfp.... he is my Horrible Stink Man
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blushingguy · 10 months ago
Dreamt that I was saved twice by the love of my life. The first time it was snowing & I think I was in an unfamiliar town visiting. Because it was snowy you couldn't notice huge patches of ice underneath that gave way & turned into massive currents. People started panicking, running. I was one of them that fell in as it collapsed. Instead of running off to safety, my lover rushes back, waiting for me at the edge. They jump in and then I'm clutching them coughing up water, crying, exclaiming that this is the second time they've saved my life & that I owe them everything. It flashes back to when I was a child. I'm royalty & I sit with a nanny. She asks me what I'm making. I tell her it's a chocolate egg for a friend. Explaining that we had recently got into an argument and maybe chocolate wasn't enough? She assured me that my feelings would be heard & I shouldn't pressure myself. But after that I looked up [It flashed a picture of the same person who saved me, as a child smiling back at me] and smiled.
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xaviergalatis · 10 months ago
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sekaitransparents · 3 months ago
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with our hands, covered in wounds | spilled-over feelings ~ mizuki akiyama
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generichoneydew · 3 months ago
Souyo has me on a chokehold so,,, um, souyo please? Any form is appreciated
oh YES. They give me so much brain damage.
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Is Yu dorky enough to do the whole onion ring proposal? Maybe, but if hes silly enough to roll with a whole wedding (re: PQ) then its a yes in my book.
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sunshineandlyrics · 7 months ago
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👦🏻 Madrid airport, 25 July 2024 /
🧔🏻 Santander airport, 4 August 2024
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baseballmomlesbiandad · 2 months ago
Random QL Superlatives/Favs 2k24
I've been shuffling around these QL streets for a few years now but I typically stay in the shadows and lurk on everyone else's wonderful meta, gifsets, and discussions. This year, I thought I should take a step into the light and reveal a little bit of my heart for y'all. Thanks for keeping me laughing and crying throughout 2024!
Top-tier cuddling award
OonMay, Pluto the Series
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May’s neck is the perfect spot for Oon nuzzles. I get her, I wouldn’t ever want to move from that spot, either. For a series that has the first meeting between the leads start with a passionate kiss, it isn’t totally surprising to me that they can rock a cuddle but the sheer amount of time these women spend in May’s bedroom gives us many an opportunity to see them comfy in bed together. Namtan and Film seem so comfortable with each other and I’m really looking forward to seeing them in more GL’s in the future (give me Girl Rules NOW).
Runner up: At 25:00 in Akasaka
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Hayama and Shirasaki didn’t have the opportunity to share a bed much in the show (well, as much as OonMay) but when they finally got together and cuddled in the afterglow, I was gobsmacked by this shot. I think ‘Tattoo it on my eyelids’ was my specific response.
The year of tattoos, the best and the worst
Best: Reverse 4 You/4 Minutes
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I’ve gotta make this a tie because while Bible’s thigh tattoo in 4 Minutes is particularly popular throughout the community (and I agree!), I went weak in the knees when they showed Christine Gulastree’s tattoos during FourWa’s first hookup. That line all the way down her spine? Idk about y’all but I immediately started drooling. Wa you are so lucky. Christine, are you free this thursday
Worst: The Heart Killers
Oh Kant. Buddy. The tattoo near his wrist was literally smudged. Please, y'all. 
Honorable tattoo mention: Jack & Joker
Listen, most of Joke’s prison tatts are ridiculous but luckily for me, I’m into that shit. I will be getting at least two of Joke’s tattoos permanently placed on my body. No regerts. You’re welcome to guess which ones.
Best kiss
Hotae and Donghee, The Time of Fever bedroom kiss
A year filled with great kisses! But I know from other lists that I'm not alone with this pick. This show was my most anticipated of the year since Donghee and Hotae caught me hook, line, and sinker in Unintentional Love Story. The moment that show ended, I wanted more of them. And then they did give us more (and premiered it on my birthday, no less) and they didn’t disappoint!! Especially by giving us the bedroom make-out with that immediate change of tension in the air when Hotae fed Donghee the orange and touched his lips; Hotae fully shaking with desire and begging to be kissed again; a heater in between them!! the breathing sounds!!! Won Tae Min is such a delight to watch, a great actor in all of his projects and Do Woo is so pretty and holds his own against Tae Min. I love them. I still want more. Give us the sequel to ULS, cowards!!! 
Best almost kiss
X and Namping, Every You, Every Me
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Though later in this list I continuously sing praises about Top Piyawat's beauty, the reason why I'm so hung up on this almost kiss really goes to Mick Monthon here. X wants it sooo bad. He is struck stupid by being this close and held this tender by Namping and if I were him, I would simply perish on the spot. I truly loved this show while it was on, had complete brainrot about it, and this storyline in particular fucking ended me (affectionate).
BL Characters that shove me back down the Kinsey scale a la Jin Guangyao at Carp Tower
Tharn from The Sign
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via @guzhufuren
IRL I typically self-identify as a lesbian (but like *shrug*) however, every now and then I become infatuated with one of these BL boys and Tharn really did a number on me. I mean c’mon. Babe babygirl Thanatat playing this tiny, feisty, sad, gorgeous man. The mole(s). A snake princess of indiscriminate gender. She is everything to me. He was the moment. Remember when he was so horny that he tried to smother Phaya to death? Obsessed with everything about him. BillyBabe continue to torture me. I don’t think I need to explain further, many of y’all were right there on the crazy train with me.
Namping from Every You, Every Me
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I thought no one could tempt me like this after Tharn but then Top Piyawat came in with the steel chair that was Namping in episodes 3 and 4 of Every You, Every Me. What I loved particularly about this show was the dominance swapping between storylines and there’s something so sexy about someone being able to lean into both his feminine and masculine qualities so masterfully (Mick does a good job with this, too). Namping was BEAUTIFUL, his shoulders and slutty tops made me absolutely weak to my knees. I have rewatched these eps multiple times even though they make me snotty cry bc I just can’t get enough of X and Namping. And in the next eps the way Top had me thirsting over him as a fuckboy musician who never wears sleeves? He should be in jail for that. Anyway, Top, will you be my wife.
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Most Sensual Pasta Making
At 25:00 in Akasaka
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This show had me by the throat while it was airing and I can’t fully explain why other than I tend to feel this way about certain Japanese BL’s with a blonde and brunette pairing (Candy Color Paradox was not a great show but I was obsessed and still don’t know why)—having two nickels, etc., etc. Anyway, the gnocchi making? It was hot, what the hell. As someone who moonlights as a fresh pasta vendor at a weekend farmer’s market, this scene was specifically made for me. As an aside, I didn’t watch My Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans so if they sensually make pasta in that and aren’t just violating OSHA regulations all over the kitchen then I’m sorry!
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screenshot via @my-rose-tinted-glasses
Silliest character that had me in stitches of laughter
Shiba Ryoma in Love is Like a Poison
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The amount of times this man had me laughing out loud is in the 100s. It’s the stark contrast of his straight-laced, deadpan, almost robotic personality with his silly quirks and impossible-to-hide reactions, especially as Haruto comes onto him more and more as the series progresses. Highlights include every time he has a ‘gay seizure’ as @guzhufuren coined, his knees buckling when Haruto starts sweet-talking his plants, throwing the napkin in ep 4, literally every single thought that crosses his mind eps 1-4, when he tries to make AI Clippy be his 101st partner, the PICTURES, and so much more. The actor who played him, Shogo Hama, gave me everything and Haruto and Ryoma as a couple had me crawling up the walls, particularly in the first few episodes.
Runners up: Ishida in Mr. Mitsuya’s Planned Feeding and Qian in Unknown (Chris Chiu!!)
GL woman I would follow around on my knees for the rest of my life if she asked
Pat, Unlock Your Love
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Cake Nawanine. A beautiful brat who knows exactly what she wants, which is that hot soft butch tattoo artist, and will fight all of her evil ex-girlfriends to prove her love. Deane is truly wild for continuing to fumble this absolute goddess of a woman, but what can I say, Deane is basically the Thai equivalent of a ‘hey mamas’ lesbian. Even so, their make-out scenes together were scorching and Pat’s flirting game was top-tier. I had a lot of fun with this little show and will continue watching series with B Mine and Near if they keep making them. And Cake! Please come back to my screen, I love you, I WILL treat you right. 
Thank you @khaopybara for sustaining my lust and love by being one of the few people making beautiful gifsets of my girl.
Most surprising chemistry between an already beloved pair
JoongDunk in The Heart Killers
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Hear me out!!! I enjoyed Joongdunk in Star in my Mind and Hidden Agenda and I even thought their intimate scenes and sex scenes in both were pretty good. I was not prepared for The Heart Killers though, like I am really blown away by them as Fadel and Style and they are quickly rising to be one of my favorite branded pairs. I’m sorry it took me so long to recognize real!! As someone (probably a few) mentioned on here, I came to The Heart Killers mainly for FirstKhao, my loves, but am sticking around to see JoongDunk and what else these absolute psychos have in store for us.
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Most used show tag that automatically populates first whenever I make a new post on tumblr dot com
The Sign the series
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This makes sense because I was unhinged about this show and Babe, in particular. Thank you Saint Suppapong for giving us feral idiots exactly what we want, which is total nonsense, hot hot hot chemistry, and beautiful men wearing dresses. I’m glad I spent the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 with this show and I feel very much the same way about The Heart Killers for this year.
Blorbo(s) from my show(s) i.e., characters I have imprinted on like a duckling
I already gushed about Namping, love of my life, will not elaborate more or we’ll be here all week.
Hayama from At 25:00 in Akasaka. I love a quiet yearner, that’s no surprise, but something about Hayama in particular really resonated with me. It’s the LWJ effect, I think, someone who seems to not emote at all on the surface but is really a storm of feelings underneath and Kiita plays it so quietly and intensely. His backstory episode was so good I watched it again immediately after finishing it the first time. Hayama’s friend telling him that Hayama has so many walls up that even he himself doesn’t know what he’s thinking or what he wants? Ooof that hit right where it hurts. 
Mole Goddess possessing the teacher in Caged Again. All of the actors that get to play the Mole Goddess look like they’re having so much fun but her in particular had me rolling with laughter when she was first introduced, looking at herself in the mirror and practicing scolding students to get into character. What a diva. Who is this actress?!
Way from Pit Babe. I know this show started in 2023 but I binge-watched the show a week leading up to the finale in February and was assaulted by the purest pathetic energy of anything I’ve ever seen radiating off of Way. My morning commutes were hell until i took on this endeavor and it was one of the best decisions I made this year. I could not control my laughter on those crowded train cars, I did not care how crazed I looked. Way, you are everything, RIP to the realest (bc allegedly only Way’s lookalike is coming back in season 2?!). Thank you, Nut <3 
Style from The Heart Killers. Again, this is another one that i don't need to explain. I am similar to Fadel in that I like his cockiness...and his lips. Also Style is named appropriately bc i want, nay NEED, his entire wardrobe (and dorito looking ass body).
Other shows this year that have left a mark on me:
Takara no vidro, Ayaka is in love with Hiroko, Fangs of Fortune (not a BL but queer as hell), Love for Love’s Sake, Love in the Big City, 23.5, Cherry Magic TH, Deep Night, Wandee Goodday, Monster Next Door, Let Free the Curse of TaeKwonDo, The On1y One, See Your Love, Dead Friend Forever, Twins the Series, Petrichor
Shows I didn’t watch/finish but have on my list
The Trainee, The Affair, The Loyal Pin, My Stand-In, and probably a lot more, there was so much this year and I'm still catching my breath. If you have any recs for me, i welcome them!
Special shout-out to those who probably see me pop up in their notifs always, particularly @absolutebl, @heretherebedork, @guzhufuren, @respectthepetty, @waitmyturtles, @negrowhat, @yinwaryuri, @lurkingshan, @bengiyo, @spicyvampire, @pharawee and many more. thank you for all you create for little ole fans like me!
Looking forward to what 2025 brings us!
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lilidawnonthemoon · 1 year ago
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simder-talia-blog · 4 months ago
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From the NotSoSimstober Challenge! Day 25 - Neighborhood Witch
Here's a day in the life of a neighborhood witch. I hope it gives you cozy feels!
@notsosimstober @simblreenofficial
✨📁You can have the scrapbook item at this link. (Back up link here) I've included a zip folder with a PSD for easy editing to add your own scrapbook items & pictures! The font I used, that you will need is Noodle Caboodle by SimlishFranzi. *Search "Halloween 2024" in buily/buy mode
-Poses with plushie by @herecirmsims "A Small Gift" -Her tie-dye sweatshirt can be found here
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poemsonmars · 10 months ago
i don't have any dark secrets
but i do have a few light ones.
and i don't mean light
in that they're not heavy
because fuck they are,
but rather... well,
my secret is that i am terrified
to tell her that i love her
and how could that possibly
be anything but sunshine?
how could loving her,
in whatever horrible
form that may be in,
be anything other than
the single greatest thing
i've ever done with my life?
it doesn't matter if
she doesn't love me back
if i never get the courage
to tell her anyway.
i will keep my secrets
buried deep inside and
hope that their light
is enough to keep me warm.
i will keep loving her
and i will keep it to myself.
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punkedsolar · 1 year ago
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Funguary Feb 25 - Cryptic Stinkhorn - Clathrus archeri
Clathrus archeri, var. Mari.Lwyd is a rare form of european stinkhorn commonly found in Wales. It can reach up to ninety centimeters in total height, from generative organ to the tips of it's tentacles.
The tentacles exude a syrupy liquid commonly understood to have beer-like properties, designed to attract various insects and mollusks that then become drunk, and die near the fungus. This ensures it has plenty of nutrients to eventually grow more fungal matter under the skull and lever it to the top.
Once exposed, the skull will weather and develop a cloak-like veil, enabling it to be used as the basis of a Mari Lwyd costume. However, if not given regular alcoholic application, the fungus will deliquesce and collapse.
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xaviergalatis · 10 months ago
Libra horoscope for April 22 - April 28
Libra horoscope for April 22 - April 28
Do not be afraid to express yourself openly this week if you are called into a meeting unexpectedly and asked to share thoughts and ideas. You have so much to offer, Libra, whether you realize it or not. Your contribution could make a huge difference in a plan that is unfolding. In fact, this is a great week to express yourself in many other ways too. You might want to dress in a more colorful way than usual, or sing in the shower, or write some poetry, or whatever captures your attention. You may have a lot on your mind concerning a friend this week, but you might not want to broach the subject for fear of how that person could react. If there is no pressing need to know something now, though, you are encouraged to wait until the timing feels right. Someone that you keep putting off when they call to make plans with you is worth spending your time with. You may not see it that way, perhaps because you don't yet know this person all that well, but if you can plan a quiet evening where you can talk over a coffee or a glass of wine, you might see that this is a potential kindred spirit, and you'll be glad you made the time to do this.
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sekaitransparents · 5 months ago
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where does the path of thorns go? | what has been lost ~ mizuki akiyama
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mattcc · 9 months ago
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Sims 4 - England 24-25 Football Shirt
Download Here: https://www.patreon.com/MattCC
Enjoy :)
Feel free to request what I should make next
No early access to celebrate the Euros!
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monster-every-day · 9 months ago
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day 116 - 4/25/24 - reverse maneki-neko
A cat made of gold with coins made of fur! Do you think it coughs up hairballs made of gold, or hairballs in the shape of coins? One thing's for sure: it will bring you good luck!
I'm so proud of this one. LOOK at the shading!! LOOK AT IT!!! This is the most and best shading I've ever done. I'm so happy with it. It's so good! Look at that! It's golden!! :D :D :D
I wonder how @\kittybroker would value this fellow...
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