#3-D printer
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Here’s a sneak peek at the 3-D printer that we’ve been using for our children’s STEAM programs! Each printout takes several hours, so in between programs, we’re printing out the kids’ designs.
Here’s what it looks like in action:
And then … VOILA … a new design emerges!
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We still have this printer for a few more months. Visit our website to see when we’ll be giving our next 3-D printing program for kids!
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ncfcatalyst · 2 years
Demystifying the Makerspace: Library resources and how to use them
A cloud of mystery looms over a certain corner of the Jane Bancroft Cook Library that houses one of the most versatile spaces on campus: the Makerspace. Libraries across the globe stand to lose patrons in the days of technological advances and innovative inventions that make research, reading and communicating easier. To better meet the needs of students, staff and faculty, university…
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popcornkwantum · 6 months
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:D I love Nicky so much
I'll be making these into (handmade) stickers and will be giving them out for FREE at both the upcoming Elfia event and at Heroes Dutch Comic Con (summer edition)
I actually don't think anyone from the Netherlands follows me on here but uuuhh if you do plan on going to one/both events, keep an eye out for someone in a badly made Taylor cosplay and you will be granted with one of these bad bois >:)
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palaeotriakis · 1 year
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just some sillies i made into stickers for myself :D
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finrays · 1 year
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yupuffin · 7 months
The cosplay-making scene is kind of funny to me sometimes because a lot of times people will ask me questions like how I make props like weapons, hats or shoes or finish my seams and why I don't do them x established way and it's like. I would love to know where in my tiny apartment I have to share with two other people and a parrot you think I am going to keep a steamer and a serger and a heat gun and a 3-D printer and a stock of worbla and stuff to cobble shoes with idk and a fume hood (since it's not like I have an outside space to use toxic fumey glues, which is basically all of them other than hot glue) and so on and so forth when I'm already fortunate just to have enough space a sewing machine and a small stash of fabric. Oh, and I guess an iron as long as I keep the iron on a shelf and the ironing board folded against the wall.
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liebelesbe · 2 years
woe! 3D unicorn be upon ye
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wirewindow · 2 years
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elecman108 · 2 years
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It’s finally done. I’m... feeling a little emotional, honestly. All my D&D character references are now “recovered”, as in redrawn completely, from my broken SSD whose files were all lost.
I... I just want to sit back and put my head in my hands. [Cont’d]
This... It’s every character I have made for D&D since I started playing. The first two I designed - Miri Evenwood and Cecillia - down to the most recent two - Zarris and Joy - all together, all forms, all types, all everything, all at once. I’m just... This was so much work and effort.
When I lost the original file with all these guys in it, I thought that was it. Nothing. But I do post my art here and on Twitter, no? I saved what I could off here and there, and the quality of these guys was... bad. Like, really bad. Most of the pictures I downloaded looked like this:
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Fuzzy, illegible, and most details lost. Some were better quality, but...
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...the image compression of being uploaded to Tumblr or Twitter was... difficult to contend with. I did have some I shared on Discord, however, those were a little more to work from.
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I had some sketches, linearts, in-progress images, and some poor-quality finished works. All out of order, all wildly differing in quality. I sat back and had to think, what could I even do here? My character references, all lost to an SSD that Windows Recovery corrupted the data off of. That was probably the end of the story.
But I am stubborn.
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I started to redraw them. Why did I start with Ezra, Axel, and Blaze? I don’t know why, but I’ve held these three close to me. And then I started making the basic line art for each other character, either completely by scratch (see Verda here) or with a crunchy, fuzzy, off-my-twitter-or-tumblr reference to work from.
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With each new character I drew the lines for, with each finished reference, I felt like the task ahead of me was monumental - impossible at times. Work got stressful, life got in the way, and whenever I had a few minutes to myself, I was putting character after character through the redux machine and redrawing them by hand.
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Some stayed incomplete for a while. Some were started and finished within a... week, reluctantly. I spent a lot of time looking at what I’d done so far, and then back at the ones I had yet to finish or start. At a certain point, I felt like I had given myself a task that I would never complete - a problem I could never solve. Maybe I would’ve given up after a certain point.
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But then I didn’t. I refused to give up. I made notes for myself, I reviewed old notes saved to my old phone that barely worked that told me which of my unsaved list I had later dropped or redone. I kept drawing these characters, and about at this time I realized something.
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I had been making D&D characters for almost a decade. Some of these guys are from that time - Miri and Cecillia, namely - and some had been in-progress for years before I actually ended up using them - Blaze and Axel came to mind - and here they were. Again. After I had initially lost them.
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This was something that gradually made me better at drawing. This was history - my own personal brain’s history, at least - and I was doing everything I could to ensure I kept it. Not only was I determined to have at least one single full-body reference of each character I could ever use in D&D, I remembered my original goal when I was drawing these guys.
One of each race and class combination. Of course, a silly goal, but it allowed my creativity to flow and make some genuinely cool characters. I would always look back on these guys and smile, and now I can do that again - and add more.
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And the satisfaction of lining them all up in a colour order was so good.
So yeah, from October to December. So much work, and the payoff was absolutely worth the effort and time that went into it. Through every burnt-out evening, from days I spent stuck on the couch unable to move through the pain to days I spent here and there and back again. Through each hour worked at my job, to each our I worked at home and doodled these guys. They’re here again, and they’ll see me through.
And I encourage you to design your own characters. I use D&D as inspiration for these, but I have others, after all...
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But at least these references are more stuck towards their names than their full outfits, fuck’s sake. These were my May-August project of recovering files so... This year’s been certainly interesting.
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sillybeanies · 6 months
how to make your own beanie buddy!!
first: sacrifice a beanie D: this was a damaged and worn zip the cat. farewell sweet prince. thanks for your service. anyway take that beanie to bits
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iron the pieces and trace them to make a pattern (make notes about how to reassemble NOW before you forget!)
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Ask your sister to use her work printer to blow up the pattern from A5 to A3! thats four times bigger!!
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get some plushy fabric from the craft store and get tracing and cutting (using medical scissors from that surgery you had four years ago)
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SEW THAT BABY TOGETHER and then pick apart the head because you messed up AND THEN SEW IT BACK TOGETHER PROPERLY!!
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make a little face :3 eyes, nose and whiskers!!
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fill that beast with BEANS using your sister's hamilton shotglass (and some fluff for the head and body)
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sew her up.... and take some photos!!
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optional step: repeat the process to make some siblings!
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cupcakeslushie · 8 months
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Febuwhump Day 9: Bees “Human” Weapon
“Weapon? I have a whole arsenal now!”
I figured I would continue this prompt! Next
Poor Jace is off camera peeing his pants. Like Kendra wasn’t scary enough before she brainwashed a 3-D printer for any weapon imaginable.
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lostapuzzlepiece · 2 years
my old accounting prof: yeah and if you need to use the printer here in class just let me know and ill set it up for you. dont worry about payment its included in your tuition
the college media center: alr so thatll be ten cents a page, do u have any printing credit on your account? :)
bestie if its part of my tuition why are you asking for my dimes
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krisp-xyz · 1 year
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Was experimenting with halftone effects after watching this video and it almost has spiderverse vibes honestly. I actually learned some neat things about why printers use CMYK instead of just CMY so I thought I'd share !!
So in our optimal little computer space, Cyan (0,255,255), Magenta (255,0,255) and Yellow (255,255,0) all multiplied together gives us a perfect black (0,0,0) Awesome! The issue is that ink colors irl arent exactly perfect like this, and color is a bit more complicated irl compared to how computers represent it, so they aren't the greatest at combining into black if they aren't those perfect CMY values:
Left: CMY
Right: CMYK
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(thats not even black, its a dark blue in the original image but dark colors just look so much richer)
An important step to make sure you arent doubling up on the black values though is to divide the image by it's own "value" (the max of all 3 color channels) that way the value is equal to 1 everywhere, and you're letting the black ink take care of the value on its own.
Left: CMY (normalized value)
Middle: K (black)
Right: Combined
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Now obviously the grids of dots cant be aligned perfectly with each other because you'd just get a bunch of black dots in unwanted areas, but if the grids are misaligned, then some dots become more prominent than others which tints the whole image. This was an issue because older printing methods didn't have great accuracy and these grids were often misaligned.
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The solution was to rotate these grids such that they can move around freely while getting rid of that tint effect if they aren't perfectly aligned :D
(I have no idea how they came up with these angles but that might be something to look into in the future who knows)
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I wanted to implement that in my own filter to get some cool effects, and I discovered another reason CMYK is better than CMY for lots of stuff !!
With CMY, you're relying on the combination of 3 color channels to make the color black. This means if you have thin lines or just details in general, misalignment can make those details very fuzzy. Since CMYK uses a single color of ink to handle value, it reduces color fringing and improves clarity a lot even if you have the exact same misalignment as CMY!
Left: CMY
Right: You guessed it! CMYK
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(yes these comparisons have the exact same color misalignment, the only difference is using a fourth ink color for black)
ANYWAY I just thought there was a lot of cool information in this tiny little day project, I also just think it looks really neat and wanted to share what I learned :3c
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So, I talked about how to get K in addition to CMY instead of just CMY, but how exactly do you separate CMY from an image in the first place?
Well, CMY is a subtractive color space, meaning the "absence of color" is white, compared to RGB where it's black. This makes sense because ofc ink is printed on white paper. You can use dot product to get the "similarity" between two vectors, and this can be used to separate RGB actually! Using the dot product of a color and red (255,0,0) will give you just the red values of the image. This is cool though because if we get the dot product of our image and the color cyan (0,255,255), we can get the cyan values from our image too! If we first divide our colors by their value to separate the value from them, then separate CMY using those dot product values, and using K for our final black color value, our individual color passes end up looking like this:
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While it's called a "subtractive" color space, I find it more intuitive to treat white as the absence of color here, and then multiply all these passes together. It makes it much easier to understand how the colors are combined imo. Notice how cyan is the opposite of red: (255,0,0) vs (0,255,255) and magenta and yellow are the opposites of green and blue respectively! This means you can actually kinda get away with separating the RGB values and just inverting some stuff to optimize this, but this example is much more intuitive and readable so I won't go too deep into that. THANKS FOR READING I know it's a very long post but I hope people find it interesting! I try my best to explain things in a clear and concise way :3
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oh thank you I realized I should probably add an eyestrain tag
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finrays · 1 year
The thing about having accidentally brutalized the end of your face with the corner of an open door is that… if your nose isn’t outright broken? It doesn’t hurt unless you touch it.
Which has led to me absently going to clip my hairclip to it several times today, as I am wont to do when I’m not paying attention, and bringing myself to a SCREECHING halt at the last minute like “Wait a minute…”
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theelvishfiddler · 24 days
I just wanna say, I would gladly buy any of your tmnt comics if you ever choose to print them somehow!! Your art is such a big inspiration for me, and I hope I can get to your level some day 💪😎!!
Oh, speaking of printed comics :3
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I ordered a small test batch from a local printer! It won't be available for sale online, not for a while, but I'll have copies for sale at Ottawa Comic Con in like... just over a week from now :D
Also, that is incredibly cool to hear, thank you! I always view my work as "learning in progress", but I'm always happy to hear my work has inspired others (〃´ω`〃) i wish you lots of learning and fun on your journey!
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
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Images from the herpetology section of the university of Michigan zoological collections museum.
I have mixed feelings about voucher specimens, I didn't love being around all of these dead things, but this was really cool.
The University of Michigan, supposedly, has the largest voucher collection of caecilians institution in the United States (and possibly the world?).
They have a CT scanner and 3-D printer on site, and produced this model of a caecilian skull right there.
This facility is not open to the general public, but there was a tour for the SSAR herpetology conference. 
* some highlights for me were this Sicilian collection, a thorny devil, the skull model, and the huge paradoxical frog tadpole (which is bigger than the adult frog).
- Paxon
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