#3 March
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newyorkthegoldenage · 25 days ago
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Movie theaters, like legitimate theaters, used to have ushers to show patrons to their seats and keep order. Here, head usher Gino Monaco gives instructions to three of his ushers. Left to right are Gertrude Mooney, Alice Davenport, and Helen Adorn, at the Astor Theater, March 3, 1948.
Photo: Carl Nesensohn for the AP
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greendayauthority · 9 days ago
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Engie Stadium | Sydney, Australia | 3 March 2025
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rabbitcruiser · 20 days ago
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International Whisk(e)y Day
Whiskey has a long and venerable history as one of the most recognizable forms of distilled spirits in the world.
The name for Whisk(e)y comes from the Gaelic language, where it was referred to as Uisce na Beatha, which means ‘The Water of Life’. It wasn’t long before the name was shortened to Uisce (Merely “Water”) and then the pronunciation slowly changed over time from Ish-Key, to Whiskey. And that pronunciation has remained ever since.
Now, it’s time to enjoy, share, and celebrate this day that is all about Whiskey!
History of International Whisk(e)y Day
The history of International Whiskey day is intrinsically tied to the history of the beverage, so that seems like a good place to begin. Whiskey is the result of a distillation process, a chemical/alchemical process known as far back in history as Babylon. While no one quite knows if they created a beverage quite as wonderful as modern-day whiskey, historians have confirmed that the process was available to them.
All whiskey starts with a ‘mash’, which is a mixture of grain and water that is slowly heated in order to break down the starch into sugars. The kind of grain that the maker uses will determine what kind of whiskey comes out as the end result. The result of this process is then known as wort and is just the beginning of this amazing drink’s life journey.
Aging in a barrel is usually part of the process as well. But the amount of time spent in the aging process is certainly worth it!
Here’s a quick rundown on the different types of grains that result in all of these unique types of whiskey beverages:
Bourbon starts from a mash that is 51% or more corn base, though it becomes a Corn Whiskey once it reaches 81%.
Malt whiskey is made from 51% malted barley.
Rye is 51% plain rye.
Wheat Whiskey, as one might suspect, is made from Wheat.
So where did International Whiskey Day come from? Well, it was first announced in 2008, and subsequently celebrated in 2009 at the Whiskey Festival in the Northern Netherlands.
This was all done in honor of a whiskey (and beer) connoisseur and writer, Michael Jackson. (No, not the King of Pop.) He was a man who was well known for his writings on Whiskey and who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. His whiskey-loving friends wanted to not only celebrate his love for whiskey but also help find a cure for this difficult disease. Since Michael’s birthday was March 27, the date is a nod to him.
So, the purpose of Whiskey Day isn’t just the raising of awareness of whiskey and its charms, although that is certainly a great reason. The purpose is also to spread awareness for Parkinson’s, a disease that whiskey aficionado, Michael Jackon, suffered from in his later years.
How to Celebrate International Whisk(e)y Day
The most obvious and practical way to celebrate this holiday is to either imbibe a favorite variety of Whiskey or to try a new one! Check out these ideas for celebrating Whisk(e)y Day:
Try a New Kind of Whiskey
Even better, get together with friends and introduce each other to your favorites, and maybe check out a few new vintages or styles. Look into these, for example:
Irish Whiskey. Smooth, made from a mash of malt, caramel-colored, and must be distilled for at least 3 years in a wooden cask.
Scotch Whisky (also called ‘Scotch’). Made with either malt or grain, must age in an oak barrel for 3 years.
Canadian Whisky. Light and smooth with a high amount of corn, must be aged in a barrel for 3 years.
Bourbon Whiskey. Made from at least 51% corn, aged in a new oak barrel, and must be 80 proof or higher. (Tennessee Whiskey is a sub-type of bourbon with special filtering step.)
Japanese Whisky. Methods and taste are similar to Scotch, often used with mixed drinks.
Learn How to Spell Whisk(e)y
It seems strange, but there are actually two correct ways to spell this word, depending on the context. Originally, Irish Whiskey included the ‘e’ and Scottish Whisky did not. Ultimately that carried out so that Americans adopted the ‘e’ version for their whiskey, but Canadians and Japanese Whisky makers did not! Thus, the correct, inclusive spelling is: International Whisk(e)y Day!
Grab a Whiskey at a Pub or Bar
Many different bars and pubs have gotten on board with celebrating Whisk(e)y Day. They’ll often provide drink specials, food specials, and possibly even opportunities to win door prizes–such as a special bottle of whiskey. So grab a friend and head over to the pub for a drink of whiskey (or beer will do just as well)!
Introduce Whisk(e)y to a Newbie
What could be more fun than opening up the world (and a bottle) to someone who has never tried whiskey before? Although it might be hard to imagine, many people are out there who are new to whiskey and have no idea how to enjoy it. Grab one of them, open a bottle, and reveal to them the myriad of reasons why Whisk(e)y Day is absolutely worth celebrating!
Donate to a Parkinson’s Disease Charity
Don’t forget to make a donation to your favorite Parkinson’s charity while you’re at it! Team Fox, the charity created by actor Michael J. Fox, who lives with early-onset Parkinson’s Disease, often teams up with various Whiskey Day folks to build momentum for celebrating the day and raising funds for the charity.
While you’re at it, be sure that everyone gets home safely. The best way to celebrate International Whiskey Day is drinking responsibly, and making sure everyone can talk about it again tomorrow!
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stairnaheireann · 1 year ago
#OTD in Irish History | 3 March:
1592 – A charter incorporates the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, near Dublin, later to become known as Trinity College. 1766 – Four pirates were found guilty in Dublin of murdering on the high seas Captain Cochrane, Captain Glass and others, and of plundering and scuttling the Lord Sandwich; they were executed in St Stephen’s Green and later hanged in chains near the Liffey, as a…
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nerosunero · 1 year ago
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3 March 2024, Dublin. Sunday no 1
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wiiildflowerrr · 24 days ago
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Why Teenage Joans Wouldn’t Exist Without Five Seconds of Summer (Blunt, 3 March 2025)
'..."When we started this band, 5SOS were definitely the biggest influence,” Borg explains. “In fact, I think if 5SOS didn’t exist, we wouldn’t be in this band. All I wanted was to be in a band, hanging with my best friend—and I got it.”
Both Borg and Blakers were inspired by the way 5SOS started so young and managed to create a lasting legacy. Borg reflects on how much of an impact that had on her own career. “I loved the way their music evolved, how they were constantly inspired by new things. It’s something we’ve always wanted to do."...'
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qiinamii · 2 months ago
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new guy in the Express
adding more to the whimsy
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firefly-factory · 16 days ago
The ides of march are approaching, and I was struck with the sudden urge to share this motivational poster i made <3
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cloudcountry · 7 months ago
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the bachelors
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homestuckreplay · 20 days ago
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Mar 3, 2010
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newyorkthegoldenage · 25 days ago
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Yankees rookie Joe DiMaggio, left, discusses batting tips with manager Joe McCarthy on the field during spring training in St. Petersburg, Fla., March 3, 1936.
Photo: Associated Press
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Outie Dylan, swallowing his pride and deciding to tell his innie that he’s actually pretty cool despite the wife smooching debacle: I’m proud of you and while I’ll respect your decision if you want to resign I think you should make it work there because I don’t want you to die
Dylan G: *immediately hits his boss with a vending machine*
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rabbitcruiser · 25 days ago
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World Wildlife Day
The World is full of amazing creatures from every possible medium. From the birds of the air to the majestic whales of the sea, wildlife abounds in the most unusual and unexpected places. Wildlife benefits us in many ways and has since timed out of mind. World Wildlife Day is a day to remind us of our responsibilities to our world and the lifeforms we share it with.
Even though we might like to think so sometimes, humans aren’t the only living things on Earth. In fact, we’re far outnumbered by other living things, from animals and plants to fungi and bacteria. Wildlife isn’t just something that we passively observe; it’s part of our world, and something we need to care for. World Wildlife Day is your chance to celebrate all wildlife, from the smallest insect to blue whales. No matter what you love about wildlife, you can spend the day taking action to help protect it.
This day is all about raising awareness of wild flora and fauna across the world. Whether you love animals, you’re passionate about plants, or you’re concerned about climate change, it’s the day that you can use to educate yourself or others. You can celebrate the incredible biodiversity across the world and perhaps get out there to explore the huge range of flora and fauna the world has to offer. Celebrating World Wildlife Day is a must for anyone who loves our planet.
History of World Wildlife Day
On March 3rd, 1973 the United Nations General Assembly took a stand to protect Endangered Species throughout the world. Whether plant or animal, the importance of these species in every area of human life, from culinary to medical, could not be understated. At this time hundreds of endangered species were being threatened every year, and extinction was at a staggeringly high rate. CITES was put into place (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) to ensure that the world did not continue to hemorrhage species that would never be seen from again.
On December 20th, 2013 another step was taken to help spread awareness of the fragility of endangered species in the world. At its 68th session, the UN declared that each year World Wildlife Day would be dedicated to a new purpose and idea to help keep people abreast of the changing nature of our world, and the treasures we stand to lose from the animal and plant kingdom if we don’t take care.
Sometimes the day highlights an endangered animal or group of animals, while in other years, it has focused on a specific issue affecting the world of wildlife. Previous themes have included getting serious about wildlife crime and listening to young voices. World Wildlife Day is implemented by the CITES Secretariat, working together with relevant UN organizations. The day might not have been around for long compared to some others, but it’s already made a big impact. If you are passionate about the Earth and everything on it, celebrating is a must.
World Wildlife Day Timeline
1900 First wildlife conservation act is passed in the US
The Lacey Game and Wild Birds Preservation and Disposition Act is passed by Congress, which is the first legislation of its kind in the United States.
1948 International Union for Conservation of Nature begins
This is the first effort toward conservation that is supported by governments and societal organizations globally and its purpose is to encourage cooperation and the sharing of resources regarding conservation.
1961 World Wildlife Federation is established
A group of individuals who are passionate about protecting endangered species and places bands together to secure funding to this end.
1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
Negotiated in Washington DC, CITES is an international agreement between governments to protect the survival of various wild species by ensuring that trade does not threaten them. The signing takes place on March 3.
2013 First World Wildlife Day is celebrated
At its 68th session, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declares March 3 as the day to raise awareness and and celebrate the wild animals all over the world.
How to Celebrate World Wildlife Day
You can celebrate World Wildlife Day on your own or with others, whether you just want to spend some time contemplating the majesty of nature or you want to spread the word about just how amazing the world’s wildlife is and how we can protect it.
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groovyfrog420 · 5 days ago
"A Love Confession"
here's my part for the Stobotnik Gift Exchange! :DD
(gift for Masonjar191)
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My idea behind this was - I think these two could only have a love confession in 2 ways:
literally world-ending, life or death scenario
most casual, anti-climactic way ever
Since we basically got to see the first option in canon, I went for the second one :))
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oediex · 25 days ago
After donating blood, there are biscuits and little cakes available. Today I am missing the one I always eat.
Other countries know it as 'biscoff' but I know it as 'speculaas'. That is a misnomer. It isn't real speculaas. It's a fake sugary kind. You haven't eaten real speculaas until you bite into the slightly-softer, spicy-smelling, dark brown biscuit that overflows in stores when Sinterklaas allegedly visits the country.
In the past, I've known nurses at the donor centre to assure me, while I'm sitting in their comfortable chairs with a needle in my arm, that they've made sure there is speculaas available for me. "Don't worry," they say almost conspiratorially, "I've made sure there is plenty."
It's the only vegan biscuit available, you see.
So today I approach the front desk. Do they still happen to have some speculaas in the back? Today's receptionist goes to check and comes back with several packets.
You've got to know your way around the donor centre. It comes automatically when you donate on the regular. Try it sometime! And get some speculaas of your own.
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nerosunero · 25 days ago
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3 March 2025, Dublin
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