#2x09 the queen of hearts
Season 2 Rewatch Drabbles--2x09 The Queen of Hearts
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my   rewatch of season 2 of Once Upon a Time as an attempt to finally jump   start the muse again.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a   “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.    Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an   emphasis on the very beginnings of Captain Swan’s epic love story, as   soon as a certain dashing pirate makes his appearance.  
Word Count: 1262
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (17.5) (18) (19) (20) (21-22) (22)
Note: I know, I know.  This installment is more than twice the word count I limited myself to in these drabbles (making this clearly not a drabble), but I couldn’t end it with that first scene.  I just couldn’t!  We needed a little hope and inspiration after all!
Dried up. Dead. Useless. Much like you.
Emma slumped down the rocky wall of Rumplestiltskin’s cell and settled on the ground, dropping her head as the utter futility of their situation washed over her.
For several minutes after Cora and Hook had left the cave, her anger had fueled her, giving her the strength to use her sword to bang away at the bars of their prison, to use brute force to try to get them the hell out of here.
If nothing else, it had been a good outlet for her aggression.
The absolute son of a bitch!
He’d betrayed her, betrayed them all, stolen the heart out of a princess’s chest for the sole purpose of manipulating them.  Who did that?
You betrayed him first, a small voice in the back of her mind whispered.
It was that voice that made the fight go out of her entirely.  Maybe if she hadn’t betrayed him, he would have continued to help them.  Maybe it would be Cora in this cell instead of them. He’d already shown himself to be endlessly resourceful.  Who’s to say she hadn’t picked the wrong side?
Not that she had any illusions that he was anything more than an absolute blood-thirsty mercenary, who would stoop to absolutely anything to get what he wanted.  No, she was right to not trust him.
Where she messed up was in trusting herself.
Dried up. Dead. Useless. Much like you.
He was right; she was useless.  What good had she ever been?  Yeah, she was the “savior”, but this cell, the scroll Rumple had written, proved it wasn’t anything special about her.  She was the savior because Rumple had made her the savior.  Now that she’d broken the curse she was indeed useless.
And even a man she’d just met could see it.  The two of them understood each other, after all.
Dried up. Dead. Useless. Much like you.
The thing is…he hadn’t meant it; not really.  Her superpower had not only flipped on at that phrase but sounded as loud as a five-alarm fire warning.  He’d been lashing out, trying to hurt her.
Because of how badly you hurt him.
The guilt bumped the hopelessness out of the way to take center stage.
He may have been lying his (smoking hot) ass off when he compared her to the bean, but his insistence that he wouldn’t have left her at the top of the beanstalk?  Yeah, that had been entirely sincere.  He’d trusted her, believed in her, put his life on the line for her, and she’d betrayed him.
Because I knew he’d screw me over the first chance he got!
Her superpower flared to life again.  That was a load of crap and she knew it.  She’d betrayed him, because she sensed she could trust him.  She sensed he could become something to her, something big and important and all encompassing, and she couldn’t go there again.  
And because of her fear, they were in the mess they were in now.
Mary Margaret continued talking about hope and optimism, insisting they would find a way out and get home, but truth be told, Emma was beginning to wonder if they’d all be better off if they just left her here.
She was, after all, dried up, dead and useless.
Killian’s heart leapt at the sound of her voice, the relief overwhelming.
He was under no illusions that he was anything more than a villain.  He’d done what he had to do to preserve his chance at revenge, aye, but he’d done so at a price that turned his stomach.
He’d never forget the squelching sound that accompanied his removal of Aurora’s heart.  He’d killed before, of course.  Killed, injured, maimed, manipulated, all of it.
But he’d never ripped out a heart.
The bile rose in his throat just thinking of it, visions of Milah swimming before his eyes.  What had he become in his quest to avenge her?
Still, as uncomfortable as ripping out Aurora’s heart had been, it had been nothing to the look in Swan’s eyes when he’d compared her to the dried-out bean. It was such a stupid and preposterous lie that he was surprised he’d been able to deliver it with a straight face.
She was anything but useless.  She was extraordinary.  He could see that even through the pain of her betrayal.
How could he truly blame her for her actions?  Was she not protecting herself just as he was? She was desperate to get back to her son after all.
The guilt deepened at that.  Killian had already separated one boy from his mother, and the guilt of that had eaten away at both Milah and him every day of their lives together.  What manner of man was he to break up another family?
It had been enough that he had almost almost changed his mind, almost defied Cora.
But that would have been suicide.  And a suicide from which nothing useful could have come.
Given that, he’d tamped down his guilt and left with Cora, hoping beyond hope that Swan would find some way home, that her resourcefulness would get her out of that blasted cave.
And so, when the princess brigade had shown up on the scene, shooting the compass from Cora’s hand and rushing them like a troop of avenging angels, his most predominant emotion was relief.
Cora ordered him to get the compass, and he’d turned to comply, coming face to face with Emma Swan bearing down on him with her sword outstretched.
A blind man could have seen her lack of skill with the weapon.  He could have ended their “duel” before it even began, but he had no desire to defeat her, even less to do her bodily harm. His mind went to the bean he possessed.  Perhaps there was a way for the both of them to achieve their objectives.  Perhaps he could let her obtain her prize—could prove to her that he was wrong, so very bloody wrong, in the way he compared her to the bean.
Perhaps he could remind her just how special she was while at the same time retaining his ability to exact his revenge on his sworn enemy.
So, he’d toyed with her, remaining on the defensive (although he couldn’t resist a bit of blatant innuendo once he’d flipped her to her back.  The opportunity to see the surprise—and maybe even a bit of desire—in her eyes, too delicious to pass up).
In the end, back in possession of the compass, she’d dealt him a blow that knocked all sense from him.  He’d come to minutes later—just in time to watch in horror as Cora’s hand shot forward, plunging into Swan’s chest.  He’d been frozen in place, the shock and revulsion so pervasive he couldn’t move; couldn’t speak, couldn’t even cry out.
But then it had happened.  A burst of magic shot forth from Swan, blasting Cora back with such force that she was rendered unconscious.
He was right; she truly was remarkable.  Just like this bean that would soon be restored to its former glory, Emma Swan was back.
Far from dried up, dead and useless, Emma Swan was the best of them all.
                                                                                      Next Chapter-->
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heddagab · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME Regina Mills in 2x09 "Queen Of Hearts"
An assassination. Who is it you want me to dispose of? My mother. What could she have possibly done to warrant such brutality? That’s my business. Yours is to kill her and bring her body back to me. How will I find her? Oh, don’t worry. She’ll find you.
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
John Sheppard Whump - SG: Atlantis
1x01 Rising - Almost shot out of the sky, angry, scared/confused 1x02 Hide and Seek - Tazed, choked 1x04 38 Minutes - (Wraith bug attached to him) knocked unconscious/jolted, intense pain from multiple attempts to remove it, heart stops 1x08 Underground - Kidnapped by Chief O'brien (🤓) 1x10 The Storm - Alone, worries for friends 1x12 Defiant One - Stuck with McKay + nerd, shot, runs into forcefield (knocked down forcefully) 1x13 Hot Zone - Sacrifices self, caught in explosion 1x14 Sanctuary - Held psychologically captive, angry 1x19 The Siege pt. 2 - Shocked unconscious, almost killed by wraith, passes out, sacrificing himself ---------------------------------------------
2x01 The Siege - Fails to save a friend, guilted 2x02 the intruder - Piloting ship taken over by wraith virus, guilt/depressed about Ford 2x03 Runner - Shot/captured by Ronon, shot in the hand, increased guilt about Ford 2x05 Condemned - Jumper shot down, captured, hurts his knee (by being dumb) 2x08 Conversion - Infected with wraith retro-virus, slowly turns into a bug, shot by Ronon 2x09 Aurora - "Captured," shocked by force field multiple times 2x10 The Lost Boys - Kidnapped/stunned unconscious, threatened by the Lost Boys, poisoned, knocked down by an aggressive-drugged Ronon, guilted, Kidnapped/stunned unconscious AGAIN, weak/sore, taken by the Wraith and painfully 'willed'/torture 2x11 The Hive - Stunned unconscious, painfully willed by the queen, guilted 2x12 Epiphany - Stuck in a place where time moves faster/ages quicker/alone (6 months), evolves into bearded John, seriously injured by monster (unconscious + seriously bleeding) multiple times 2x16 Long Goodbye - Possessed by a bitter old man, shot in the shoulder, shocked unconscious and captured, painful convulsions, weak 2x17 Coup D'etat - Genii trap, collapses, captured/tied up ---------------------------------------------
3x01 No Mans Land - Captured, tired 3x03 Irresistible - The only one who isn't in love with Lucius, shot unconscious (sleeping so peacefully wtf), imprisoned 3x04 Sateda - Tranquillized unconscious, captured (+ nice talk with Tayla :)) 3x05 Progeny - Fingers in the brain torture 3x06 Real World - Angst for Weir 3x07 Common Ground - Captured by Kolya, life sucked out of him, exhausted 3x09 Phantoms - Trapped on a planet, Afghanistan PTSD, guilt about the death of another friend, apologizes a million times for literally shooting everybody 3x12 Echoes - Ears bleeding, tortured/hospitalized with equally deaf McKay 3x13 Irresponsible - Western duel against Kolya (gigachad) 3x16 Ark - Almost sucked out into space, collapses from lack O2, sacrifices himself, crashes the ship, exhausted 3x17 Sunday - Beat up by Ronon during training 3x18 Submersion - Freaked out, painfully controlled/willed by wraith lady, exhausted/sore 3x19 Vengeance - Gets in a banter fight with Michael face to face, gets smacked around by a huge bug ---------------------------------------------
4x01 Adrift pt.2 - Emotional about Weir 4x04 Doppleganger - Infected and knocked down by crystal, exhausted, in everybody's nightmares (effects relationships), really beaten up/thrown by himself, dangerously high heart rate 4x05 Travelers - Captured, beaten, threatened, shocked unconscious 4x06 Tabula Rasa - Infected, loss of memory/clueless, shocked unconscious & tied up, exhausted 4x10 This Mortal Coil - Bleeding, Ronon caused injury, captured, acts dead 4x11 Be All My Sins Remember'd - Shocked unconscious, captured 4x12 Spoils of War - Shocked unconscious, painfully willed by Wraith queen (another nice talk with Teyla) 4x15 Outcast - Dad died, emotional, choked unconscious, weak 4x20 The Last Man - Trapped in the future, walking through a rough sandstorm, collapse, weak, trapped in a building collapse ---------------------------------------------
5x01 Search and Rescue - Trapped under rubble, chunk of concrete stabbed in the abdomen, denies surgery, in pain the whole episode 5x02 Seed - Injected with experimental drug with high risk, convulsing, in serious pain, flatlines, crashes into the city, stabbed in the stomach by tentacles 5x03 Broken Ties - Punched unconscious by Ronon, captured, 5x05 Ghost in the Machine - Thrown across the room and wall, weak 5x06 The Shrine - Emotional about McKay 5x08 The Queen - Captured 5x10 First Contact - Stargate explosion 5x11 The Lost Tribe - Caught in Stargate explosion, weak, glass shards in the back 5x13 Inquisition - Knocked out 5x14 The Prodigal - Hanging off a building, badly beaten up by Michael 5x15 Remnants - Abducted, knocked unconscious, beaten, arm chopped off 5x19 Vegas - Dies (Alternate reality)
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tdp overarching themes (redemption etc)
What will happen when Ezran/Harrow’s narrative of love and Aaravos/Viren’s narrative strength meet, who wins?
Will it be possible for Ezran to win the dark mages over to let go of pain and end the cycle of violence? Or is death the only way to protect the world and his loved ones? Will Ezran have to learn to become stronger himself?
is it even possible to kill a startouch elf? oor to convince him to maybe not, like, conquer xadia?
i don’t have these answers but i diiiid compile a bunch of relevant shit
I kind of went through Harrow’s letter to Callum and added related quotes or moments that seemed relevant to the overarching themes discussed and how they stand on opposing sides
orange is harrow’s letter, read in 1x06
red is ezran’s speech, given in 4x03
these are the main voices but there’s also
pink is ibis in 4x03
black is zubeia in 4x04
purple is various aaravos quotes
pink is various viren quotes
both from 2x09, 3x05, 3x07, and 4x04
green is soren, janai, amaya and rayla briefly (4x03 & 4x08 & tdp trailer respectively)
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“Soon you will both face a lie. The great lie of history.
“His name was Aaravos, and yes, he was a star. One of the great ones, respected and loved by all. Until we uncovered a long hidden treachery.”
Advisors and scholars will tell you that history is a narrative of strength.
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“Search your heart. There’s something that you want very badly. But something or someone stands in your way.”
They will recount stories of the rise and fall of nations and empires. They will be stories of armies, battles and decisive victories.
“And this bright future will require us to conquer Xadia?”
But this isn't true strength. It's merely power.
“I can destroy them all! I have all the power I need!”
“If you want to say something to the Dragon Queen, you should say it to her face. her real face, that can bite you in two!”
“It hurts! I feel pain about this and I am angry!”
I now believe true strength is found in vulnerability...in forgiveness, in love.
“We all want peace and we all want love. But violence tests us!
In a twisted way it converts us to their cause.”
“You tried to win them over with loyalty and friendship but they ignored you. those who fail tests of love are simple creatures who deserve to be motivated by fear.”
“Because pain and loss feel so terrible inside. You want to hate. You want to hurt someone else. so what do we do?”
So, what is the plan? To fulfill your wishes, of course. Is your wish to rule Xadia? I wish for humanity to flourish. And it cannot flourish with a knife forever at its throat.
There is a beautiful upside down truth, which is that….
These moments of purest strength appear as weakness to those who don't know better.
“These are the champions you’ve gathered to try to stop me? They’re nothing but pathetic children!”
“How can we stop this cycle?”
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For a long time, I didn't know better.
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“In the name of love, you may perform acts so unforgivable that you may never forgive yourself.”
“You must take down the Dragon Queen and capture the baby dragon. Then you will have the attention of all the world, and the power to do what you want.”
“Bring terror to Del Bar, to Neolandia, to Evenere, and to Duren!”
As I write this, the sun is setting while Moonshadow assassins prepare to end my life. A few months ago, I took my revenge on Xadia. Tonight, it is their turn.
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“I am going to destroy it, before it can be used to do any more harm!”
“Every great crisis the world faced seemed the work of some ingenious and powerful leader, but in each case, it was secretly Aaravos, whispering in their ear.”
“Aaravos. A startouch elf responsible for more pain, death, and suffering than anyone else in history.”
“I am not a killer.
But if you seek to return that staff to its true owner, you pose a greater danger to this world than I can allow.”
You must die.”
stop! i just want to yell stop. but that’s not enough. it won’t work.”
“I do not mean to be cruel. But we must be ready to sacrifice. Even the things we love.”
“Well played. She will be a valuable asset.”“She is not an asset. She is my daughter.”
I ask you and your brother to reject history as a narrative of strength and instead have faith that it can be a narrative of love.
“I think about a positive vision. a faith we can all share, that we might build a future together in hope. a future where we can be safe with each other. but… it’s not that easy. or simple.”
“Everything I do, and everything I ask of you, is for the future of humanity.”
“The whining child king, in over his head and he knows it.”
because people are still hurting and they are still angry. we can’t ignore that, or pretend it will go away.
“Oh, my time is inevitable.”
somehow, we have to hold it all in our hearts at the same time. we have to acknowledge the weight of the pain and loss, but open our eyes and allow ourselves to hope and maybe forgive and love again.
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“You cannot have your cake and eat it too.”
We have to give today’s children a chance to inherit a future filled with peace.
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“I've tried to be selfless as a king, but as a father, I have a selfish wish. And that is for you and Ezran to be...free. Reject the chains of history. Do not let the past define your future, as I did. Free yourself from the past. Learn from it, understand it, then let it go. Create a brighter future from your own hearts and imagination.”
Destiny is a book you write yourself.
To give them that, we have to hold pain and love in our hearts at the same time.
“There is an aching pain mixed with love that you feel in these moments.”
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“Just have two cakes.”
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“This is called A Song of Love and Loss.”
I'm proud of you. And I love you unconditionally.
“If the fallen star is a danger the whole world will face, this is a chance to solve our problems together.”
“How do you kill a startouch elf?”
idk man. what if aaravos doesn’t have to die? what if it’s not too late for him to be redeemed? this is kind of a guilty pleasure hope of mine but still. the dragon prince is a story of letting go of generational trauma and past pain, of letting go of pain and differences, most importantly, of letting go of a narrative of strength, of a strong katolis, a strong lux aurea, a strong empire over xadia, and believing in a story of love and hope. if there’s anything that could drastically change things its the guy with a lot of power and a lot of ambition and pain ready to cause a whole cycle of pain all over again. if there’s anything that would drastically change things it would be changing his heart. and if theres anyone who can change it, it’s the kid who feels the most for him.
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likehandlingroses · 2 years
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OUAT Rewatch 2x09 - Queen of Hearts
You told me something: “Love is weakness.” Oh, Mother, you are my weakness. Because I love you.
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gripping your shoulders teary eyed. Very specific MK vibes to Stay Soft by Mitski. You stay soft geg beaten do you see my vision
Open up your heart Like the gates of hell You stay soft, get beaten Only natural to harden up You stay soft, get eaten Only natural to harden up
Okay so like, you know how MK tries to get antagonists to work with him when he thinks it's in his/his friends best interest. Like with Red Son (ROTSQ), and Macaque (3x04 & 3x13), and he tries to get Spider Queen on his side (2x09). You know how he also works with Azure, and then in 4x13 he totally loses his shit about Azure's betrayal. Do you see my vision
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blaintism · 2 years
this morning i decided to rank every episode in which blaine appears or is mentioned by the merit of their blaine content. because, i don't know, i'm very neurodivergent or something. so here is, in my opinion, the best to worst blaine episodes:
1. 3x15 “Big Brother”: has a micro celebrity older brother, gets very upset about everyone pointing at him, skips skip day, gets a stuffed animal from his boyfriend, doesn’t feel good enough with his brother around, and reconciles
2. 5x07 “Puppet Master”: has an autistic meltdown, gets gas poisoning, imagines everybody loves him, wants to share his core wounds, gives jake strange advice, steals, and sends puppets to new york city
3. 4x07 “Dynamic Duets”: creates a superhero alter ego, meets evil warbler #2, does autistic stuff, and wants to stop feeling like he’s a bad person
4. 2x12 “Silly Love Songs”: makes a fool out of kurt accidentally, makes a fool out of himself in a gap, becomes a part of a ‘when harry met sally’ situationship, and sings two solos
5. 4x03 “Makeover”: becomes a huge nerd and the president, makes a friend, lies to artie, and realizes he is sad and alone
6. 2x20 “Prom Queen”: delivers part three of his traumatic backstory, is very afraid, makes his solo story relevant, and saves the prom!
7. 4x17 “Guilty Pleasures”: likes wham, is a swiftie in the alternate universe of the promo, sings sam a strangely emotional song, and sam is not homophobic to him
8. 3x17 “Dance with Somebody”: tells everybody that it’s not right but it’s okay, doesn’t want to talk about new york, and has weirdly tan hands
9. 2x16 “Original Song”: forms blaine and the pips, ignores mourning a bird in favor of love, conceives of the worst duet idea of all time, gains +1 boyfriend, and sings two solos
10. 2x06 “Never Been Kissed”: shifts the tectonic plates by making his first appearance, sings teenage dream, delivers part one of his traumatic backstory, and thinks that karofsky isn’t coming out anytime soon
11. 4x16 “Feud”: has cement hair, has his identity stolen, is on the bottom, and is forced to join the cheerios again by nicki minaj
12. 6x07 “Transitioning”: gets hit with some eggs, has a serious case of heart eyes, and cheats but in a cool way this time
13. 5x14 “New New York”: cheers up sam, becomes elliott’s facebook friend, has a good talk with kurt, and moves in with mercedes
14. 3x05 “The First Time”: gets virgin shamed, canonically masturbates, meets evil warbler #1, makes out with kurt hummel drunk, and has sex
15. 2x14 “Blame it on the Alcohol”: thinks it’s cool that kurt and finn are brothers, makes out with rachel berry drunk, defends bisexuals, and is 100% gay
16. 3x11 “Michael”: wants to be starting something, gives the warblers sensitive information, and could lose an eye!
17. 4x11 “Sadie Hawkins”: gets asked out by a girl, has a crush on a boy, and finds out the warblers are taking steroids?!
18. 6x04/05 “The Hurt Locker”: forgets his mom’s name, finds a bear in his house, remembers fettuccine alfredo, and sticks his tongue right in someone’s mouth
19. 4x14 “I Do”: gets groped in a prius, has his honor defended, has sex in a hotel room, and knows he and kurt will not be just friends
20. 5x16 “Tested”: has body image issues, watches porn, admits that he’s scared kurt will stop loving him, and is misinterpreted by the entire fandom
21. 4x04 “The Break Up”: screams, cries, throws up, sobs, falls to his knees,
22. 2x09 “Special Education”: helps kurt out at his new school, doesn’t audition for the solo at sectionals, sings the solo at sectionals, gives kurt bird advice
23. 4x10 “Glee, Actually”: who’s blaine? ice skates and has a mature talk
24. 3x01 “The Purple Piano Project”: joins the new directions, unknowingly blows up a piano, and tries his best to be friendly
25. 4x15 “Girls (And Boys) On Film”: sings three duets with three different duet partners, and has a starring role in kurt’s imagination
26. 4x21 “Wonder-ful”: understands kurt unlike anyone else, and wants to marry him
27. 5x01 “Love Love Love”: sings the best duet with kurt, gets back together with him, is more asian than sam and ryder, gathers every show choir in the state, and proposes
28. 6x02 “Homecoming”: gives us some information on his depression, wears curly hair until he remembers people are racist about it, and attempts to solve misogyny
29. 2x15 “Sexy”: takes advice from sue sylvester, is very cringe, and delivers part two of his traumatic backstory
30. 3x02 “I Am Unicorn”: #juniorgate, is the only person respectful of kurt, and gives great audition #1
31. 4x06 “Glease”: continues to suffer, breaks character, and stands hollow eyed in the hallway
32. 3x08 “Hold on to Sixteen” fights sam, fights finn, and does what his father said and let his mother mold him
33. 5x06 “Movin Out”: visits new york, considers being a doctor or a teacher, and is the piano man
34. 2x11 “The Sue Sylvester Shuffle”: sings a banger solo, mercedes and rachel talk at him while he eats, and he attends a mckinley football game
35. 4x01 “The New Rachel”: tells kurt to leave (affectionate) and is the titular character
36. 3x14 “On My Way”: has an emotional breakdown in front of god and everyone, and then raps
37. 4x05 “The Role You Were Born to Play”: cries and sings his best solo, which is great audition #2
38. 2x18 “Born This Way”: sings somewhere only we know, which should make the top but it’s his only scene
39. 6x13 “Dreams Come True”: becomes a father, and loves kurt very very much
40. 3x22 “Goodbye”: is now in ‘the notebook,’ shares a lot of meaningful looks, and wears a lobster cardigan
41. 6x08 “A Wedding”: he gets married i guess. points for his vows
42. 4x22 “All Or Nothing”: is insulted by brittany once again, buys a ring for kurt, and sings a duet with marley
43. 3x09 “Extraordinary Merry Christmas”: is kurt’s best friend and holiday roommate, and gets some good gifts from rachel
44. 4x08 “Thanksgiving”: doesn’t exist until kurt calls him on the phone, and yet it’s such a good phone call that it beats the episodes below
45. 5x11 “City of Angels”: is too gay to lead the glee club, reads the show choir blogs, and has sexual tension with skylar astin 
46. 4x12 “Naked”: becomes santa, gets an unnecessary spray tan, and is a supportive friend
47. 5x20 “The Untitled Rachel Berry Project”: is given kurt’s trust, doesn’t want to sleep with brittany fictionally, and defeats a homophobic old lady
48. 2x17 “A Night of Neglect”: he gets taken on a date to a high school and pushes some people around
49. 6x01 “Loser Like Me”: has been in his flop era since Kurt broke up with him, but he does have a new boyfriend!
50. 2x10 “A Very Glee Christmas”: he sings a flirty christmas duet with kurt, who is much better than that girls gonna be
51. 6x03 “Jagged Little Tapestry”: sings in kurt’s imagination about how much he misses kurt, and gets a bad home makeover
52. 3x03 “Asian F”: gets flowers and a leading role
53. 2x22 “New York”: loves kurt
54. 5x19 “Old Dog New Tricks”: likes seeing kurt so happy
55. 4x09 “Swan Song”: joins the cheerios
56. 2x07 “The Substitute”: sees a purse fall out of kurt’s mouth, and is discussed by kurtcedes as if he’s kurt’s boyfriend 
57. 5x17 “Opening Night”: knows a good gay club
58. 3x16 “Saturday Night Glee-ver”: loves dancing and otherwise disappears
59. 3x13 “Heart”: is back from the dead and more cute and compact than ever!
60. 4x02 “Britney 2.0”: sings my favorite mashup
61. 3x18 “Choke”: is a supportive boyfriend
62. 3x20 “Props”: wonders what a guys gotta do to get a little candy situation, and gets a hot pretzel at the mall with kurt
63. 5x04 “A Katy or a Gaga”: is obviously a katy
64. 4x13 “Diva”: points for him being a guy diva, singing don’t stop me now, being cute when he’s sick, being gay, and liking asian representation, but a huge subtraction for the non consensual touching from tina and him apologizing to her at the end
89. 3x19 “Prom-asaurus”: experiences discrimination, but at least he watches lesbians on tv, is an expert on the bill of rights, and has a very sweet boyfriend
65. 5x09 “Frenemies”: people are mad at him for having good grades, but he’s actually really cool about it and offers for them to share his valedictorian speech
66. 5x05 “The End Of Twerk”: unfortunately causes the entire twerking situation
67. 3x04 “Pot O Gold”: sings last friday night, to the dismay of people who usually sing all the time and will not sing any less in the future
68. 3x07 “I Kissed A Girl”: sings a corny duet to my delight, and otherwise has no thoughts about the difficulties of being gay suddenly
69. 5x02 “Tina in the Sky with Diamonds”: is as always a good friend, hits a really high note
70. 3x21 “Nationals”: is simply present, sings come on! hold tight!, and is the only person who isn’t kissed after they win
71. 6x12 “2009”: has stopped living a lie, but starts living a plot hole
88. 5x15 “Bash”: is strangely sidelined in an episode where his fiancé is attacked, but at least he reads star wars fanfiction
72. 5x13 “New Directions”: gets into NYADA, and makes out with kurt in tina’s mind
73. 5x12 “100”: gets his song stolen, and is given a gift for his wedding night sodomy
74. 6x10 “The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester”: is very very sad dalton burned down
75. 4x20 “Lights Out”: gets mostly cut from the episode, and is still a cheerio
76. 3x06 “Mash Off”: looks like a time traveler with quinn
77. 6x11 “We Built this Glee Club”: thinks glitter is pretty
78. 4x18 “Shooting Star”: is scared and sad, BUT PARENT MENTION???
79. 3x10 “Yes/No”: does not say a word but gives kurt a cute look
80. 5x03 “The Quarterback”: is understandably not in this episode very much
81. 6x06 “What the World Needs Now”: certainly appears as some point
82. 2x19 “Rumours”: doesn’t appear but is the subject of rumors, rachel thinks he’s better than sam
83. 3x12 “The Spanish Teacher”: burt wants to tell him kurt got a NYADA audition
84. 6x09 “Child Star”: he’s on his honeymoon off screen, which kinda rocks
85. 5x18 “The Back Up Plan”: is a lying liar
86. 5x08 “Previously Unaired Christmas”: gets told to shut up, and does
87. 4x19 “Sweet Dreams”: gets yelled at for not being responsible for a group of traumatized children by Mr. Schue, the teacher
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raayllum · 2 years
The Light Doesn’t Actually Matter :: An Aaravos Adjacent S4 Meta
Gonna keep this short as I’m sleepy but I still wanted to talk about the less obvious subset of the show, specifically Aaravos’, light and darkness motif that’s been running through lowkey since S1 and now overtly in S4. Which is to say, as the title indicates, Why The Light Is Futile, or Why Aaravos Will Win No Matter what.
Almost befittingly because we’re already discussing a duality of light and dark, there are two sides as to what the Light represents and why it’s futile, in this way:
The Light has negative associations too
The Light cannot wholly prevail over Aaravos because we know he has to get out
So first things first, let’s talk about the light / white’s negative associations in dark magic (quick run down with minimal screencaps because again, I’m sleepy)
Dark mage’s hair turning white from use, shown most overtly with Claudia. While her black hair and largely black outfit highlights her association with dark magic (black eyes), it also represents her remaining ‘humanity’ with the white of her hair symbolizing her continued corruption. White for dark mages is nothing good
We see this reflected with Viren’s white eye (from little bug pal) and his black Dark magic eye when he’s in corruption form in S3, his white robe he now wears, etc.
A chess board having both black and white squares, with Aaravos as the clear chessmaster (regardless of what side everyone or anyone is on)
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“We’ll let the Light decide her Fate” test for Amaya and Viren in S3 as a reflection of Khessa’s cruelty and a signifier of passing being whether you are “pure of heart” or not
Aaravos’ control giving Callum black and eventually white eyes
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Aaravos’ glowing chrysalis cocoon and Viren’s glowing butterflies, Sir Sparklepuff’s white hair, etc.
Callum’s cube glowing from the moon opal on the Bridge of Darkness in 4x07 being what alerts the creatures to their presence, and indeed the design of the creatures themselves with an angler fish like light lure
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Flaming hearts of cinder and glowing heart of the Magma Titan that led to everything in the first place
Callum’s 4x04 intro in which he is very much Aaravos’ pawn tethering the cube to that control explicitly, most evidently in a bright burst of light
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Dawn is almost never being a good thing in TDP, bringing with it: the threat of Thunder and death of Sarai / the queens of Duren in 2x06; the fading Moon runes that cause Callum, Rayla, and Zym to nearly perish in lava in 2x09; Callum being possessed at dawn in 4x04 in the first place
Aaravos’ name itself meaning between “light and dark” and him being compared to Lucifer (morning star, “shining one / light bearer”) and Prometheus (foresight and fire bringer)
If you are interested in more examples / associations I’ll refer you to this post, but hopefully I’ve gotten the gist across already. Okay, so we’ve established, hopefully, that Aaravos has a handle over both the Light and the Dark, black and white. This makes sense, as S4 is largely about rejecting an “either or” way of thinking for one that embraces “and”. It’s not pain or love in your heart, it must be both; Janai doesn’t have to choose between her life with Amaya and her life as queen, she can have “two cakes”; Rayla returning is good and bad, making Callum happy and mad. 
But the show also doesn’t throw out Positive associations with light entirely out the window, either. This is best shown perhaps in how S4 picks up the thread of Rayla primarily being positioned as light (truth or transformation) to Callum’s general / emotional positions. This is most directly shown when she enters in 4x02 seconds after Callum says, “In darkness, gaze upon a fallen star” and I think the screencap of this particular moment says it all, really.
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However, the show doesn’t leave it at that. Rayla is also there, conversing with Callum in 4x07 after he requests for her to kill him, stating, “What if I’m on a path of darkness?” Rayla tells him directly, then, he still has agency to find another way: “Then take a different path, dummy.” It throws this screencap into fuller context I think, with Rayla in the light ad the mirror in the darkness very much presenting two paths.
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Their reunion scene just reaffirms this as Callum walks to the mirror in order to be able to not look at her, even while Rayla trails after him. And again, her advice causes him to try to at least throw the cube away in the lava in 4x07, even if he is fully unable to let go. 
But like we said, the Light doesn’t actually matter. It cannot steer him fully home. It cannot keep Aaravos from being freed. Even choosing the light - letting Rayla walk him back from the darkness - will ultimately lead to choosing Aaravos, however unintentionally, which is also why I think the Key is in her big fancy return shot. 
If the mirror represents the outright possession, rejecting that eventually will be easy enough. However, the cube is more complicated, and so are its associations, but it’s ultimately like Aaravos says: black or white, light or dark, control or freedom, whichever path you choose, they all lead to the same place:
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Because we know they have to; we know that this story has already been written:
Elarion, dying husk, did wilt and whimper in the dark, 'till the last star Reached from afar His touch: a blaze, a gift, a spark. Elarion, searing white, Embraced the great one's night-black flame. And when she bowed, Her faith avowed, He whispered, "Aaravos", his name. Elarion, black-eyed child, her twisted roots spread deep and far, The humans' might sparked by the light of Aaravos, her midnight star
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notebook91286 · 1 year
Under Skin by KillerQueen86
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Author's Notes: With the rewatch I got the to write about these two again and that led to this little thing (I already have more in the works), it's just a little thing that popped into my head and I had to write it because it tormented me.
Story to be placed after episode 2x09 Queen of Heart.
English is not my language, so sorry if there are any translation errors.
I hope you like it, I look forward to your reviews.
Disclaimer: OUAT and all of its characters are not owned by me (otherwise it would have been an HBO product), all rights belong to their rightful owners, mine is just for fun.
They had eaten their fill, Granny had brought out her lasagna, Emma had really enjoyed it, and she had missed all of that, she had missed her little boy who after eating two portions of lasagna had collapsed in her arms, David arrived to rescue of her and had taken Henry in his arms, so they decided to go home, MaryMargaret had agreed with Ruby and Granny for the following evening and celebrate properly.
She really didn't care, she had silently followed Mary Margaret next to David holding Henry, could she really get used to all of that? She'd only stayed in Storybrooke for Henry, her didn't care about anyone else, or so she believed, spending time with her mother (yes, she still had to get used to all of that) had helped her deal with the burden that had accompanied her whole life: the abandonment of his parents.
The four reached the loft, apparently David had settled there with Henry after their disappearance, the man himself without saying anything took the boy upstairs, what had been Emma's room, perhaps now her had to consider the chance to find a home of his own. Henry needed his own space, and David and Mary Margaret needed their own space and time to recover, but that her could deal with later.
“I think I will collapse as soon as I touch my comfortable bed” the brunette said catching her attention, the two looked at each other and smiled, she too had definitely missed her bed and the comforts of Storybrooke.
"I'll give myself a quick wash so I'll leave the bathroom all for you" she said disappearing where the bathroom was, at the same time David went down the stairs, smiled at her and felt a little uncomfortable, they hadn't spent much time together, or for at least since he had gotten back his memories and the knowledge that she was his daughter.
“So how did you fare in our old world,” he said quietly leaning against the kitchen counter in front of her, giving her the peninsula space where she chooses to sit, secretly appreciating that David kept some form of distance.
“Terrifying” she admitted with a small smile, she saw him smile in amusement, her watch him carefully as he told her some old world stuff, and she realized how different he was from David Nolan, James or Charming as his mother liked to call him, he was a self-confident man, a leader.
Keep reading: A03 (eng)
EFP (ita)
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warningsine · 1 year
Any 2x09 predictions?
The thing is, I come up with new theories every day and some of them are contradictory.
Anyway, "Yellowjackets" is not "Game of Thrones."
From the core 6: Taissa, Van, Shauna and Misty are safe.
Cypress said we'll hate Taissa after the finale, so there's no chance she'll die.
Shauna and Misty are not going anywhere. Lynskey is the backbone of the show and Ricci keeps things fun. Misty is a cockroach (and has Walter), Shauna is a stabber (and has Jeff). They're safe for the time being. If anything, I could see them killing someone, not dying.
Tai would never let Van die. If Van dies, it'll be from cancer.
I don't think Lottie is dying either. I used to think she'd sacrifice herself, but not anymore. (If anything, it'd be more likely to send her back to Switzerland than killing her off.) The cult will fall apart though. There'll be no compound scenes in season 3.
Nat on the other hand...
She's living on borrowed time (she did draw the Queen of Hearts in the wilderness). If they kill one of the 6 (what with Lottie Lady Macbething in early season 2) off, that'll be Natalie. Unfortunately.
That'd also explain Ricci's "something happens that completely flips Misty." What'd be worse than that for Misty at this point? Not being able to save Natalie like in 1996.
Alternatively, if it's too soon to kill one of the 6 off, Natalie will lose Lisa. That "if you feel like you need to hurt Natalie, you can do it" is going to bite us in the ass.
Who would kill Lisa? Maybe Misty repeating the thing with Javi for Natalie's sake? Likely.
There are fans that want Walter to die instead of Lisa, but unless they can't keep Wood for a third season (budget) then he won't get sacrificed or die. He'll be there to help Misty.
I've seen people worried about Callie's life, but I think it's more likely she'll get darker and do something to protect her mom. The murder family will eventually go to shit, 'cause that blood splatter on the family photo ain't a good sign.
A cop may bite the dust. Kevyn will be there and talking to Walter and Jeff. Walter will ask Jeff's help in order to get rid of a body so maybe he could kill and frame him for Adam's murder?
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alivegirlmari · 1 year
van shuffling the cards, unintentionally dictating the order of hunter vs hunted. van in front of the antlers when she picks her own card. van overseeing the others pull javi's body from the lake, van declaring the wilderness has chosen. van as the storyteller. van who the wilderness won't let die. van in search of a purpose. van, a true believer. misty holding the cards. misty as lottie's nurse, misty as her mouthpiece. misty telling lottie she started this. that nyt article saying there's a teen lottiemisty 2x09 scene framed to look like the pietà. misty, not a true believer, but actively, violently participating and enjoying it nonetheless. the pilot telling you antler queen leaves first, followed by her right-hand man, then misty. nobody else even moves until those three do. the s1 finale showing you three people engaged in a ritual again: lottie at the center, van to her right. what's better? what's worse? what's easier to live with? to commit atrocities with your whole heart in it, believing them necessary, or to commit them with flimsy belief, instead craving the power and protection your new position allows? HUGE week for the one person (me) who cares about vanlottiemisty's ascension <3
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wicked-storybrooke · 1 year
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heddagab · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME Rumplestiltskin being handsome in 2x09 "Queen Of Hearts"
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stahlop · 2 years
Once Upon a Time 4x03 “Rocky Road” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x11 1x12 1x13 1x14 1x15 1x16 1x17 1x18 1x19 1x20 1x21 1x22 2x01 2x02 2x03 2x04 2x05 2x06 2x07 2x08 2x09 2x10 2x11 2x12 2x13 2x14 2x15 2x16 2x17 2x18 2x19 2x20 2x21 2x22 3x01 3x02 3x03 3x04 3x05 3x06 3x07 3x08 3x09 3x10 3x11 3x12 3x13 3x14 3x15 3x16 3x17 3x18 3x19 3x20 3x21 3x22 4x01 4x02
So the ice cream lady is apparently the Snow Queen and she’s cursed Marian to become frozen! And she’s also, apparently, Elsa’s aunt and was trapped in the urn before Elsa was. Interesting that Elsa’s mother never thought to tell her scared daughter that ice powers run in the family! And Emma finally pushes past some of her trust issues with Hook!
Summary: Marian becomes frozen and True Love’s Kiss doesn’t work when Robin tries to save her. Hook resorts to blackmail to find out who else has powers like Elsa. In the past, Elsa and Kristoff fight Hans and his brothers and end up discovering a long-lost relative.
Opening: Any Given Sundae
New Characters:
Will Scarlet: He’s apparently an outcast from the Merry Men. How he’s come to be in Storybrooke is a mystery. He’s a thief and will always be a thief. The most helpful thing he does is show Emma and David that the ice cream shop doesn’t use anything to keep the ice cream cold. (For those that don’t know, Will was a favorite on the spin-off Once Upon a Time in Wonderland)
Character Observations:
The Snow Queen: She doesn’t have a name in Arendelle or Storybrooke yet, but Emma refers to her as the Snow Queen, so that’s what we’re going with. In Arendelle, she is revealed to have been trapped in the urn Hans was going to use to trap Elsa. Instead, the Snow Queen freezes Hans and scares his brothers away. She is revealed to be Elsa’s mother’s sister.
In Storybrooke, she is determined to make people think that Elsa is behind all the freezing mayhem that is going on. She does some kind of magic to Marian’s ice cream cone which eventually makes her frozen. She attempts to kill Hook in order to make it look like Elsa did it. Luckily, Emma comes and saves him. But the Snow Queen clearly knows Emma somehow, even if she doesn’t remember. Elsa also doesn’t remember her, but the Snow Queen tells her the Rock Trolls took her memories like they did with Anna when she was younger. She eventually disappears. We later see her talking to Gold. He offers to help her, which she rejects. He also warns her about Emma remembering her.
Regina: How the hell did she run a kingdom when she is terrible at subterfuge? She attempts to hook Henry in by buying him comic books and then makes obvious comments about how the storybook doesn’t have an author. Henry sees through her immediately. She goes on about finding the author and getting her happy ending. Henry, instead of telling her that’s not how this works, tells her it’s her best idea yet. Oy vey! Meanwhile, Marian has been frozen and Robin asks for her help to reverse whatever curse has been put upon her. It’s interesting that she automatically blames Elsa, when she, herself, has been unjustly accused of magical things happening in Storybrooke that ended up being other people (Cora in The Cricket Game).  She claims she’s trying to change, but she still jumps to conclusions at the first chance she gets. Elsa says only an act of true love can save Marian, so Robin kisses her, which doesn’t work. David claims the ice is acting as a barrier like when Frederick was turned to gold in What Happened to Frederick, but Robin later tells Regina it didn’t work because he’s in love with someone else. Regina takes it with grace, since he and Marian are technically still married. They decide to take Marian’s heart so she’s not frozen completely, and Regina can work on reversing the curse.
Emma: Her magic is acting wonky, but she won’t admit it. Regina calls her out on it when she goes to try and figure out what caused the freezing spell on Marian. Emma thinks she’s still mad about her bringing Marian back in the first place. Which, she’s not wrong, but also, neither is Regina. Hook wants to go with her, but she tells him to take Elsa to the sheriff’s station to protect her from the townspeople who think she’s responsible for Marian. Hook doesn’t want to leave Emma, but she gets angry and asks him to just listen to her for once. At Robin’s tent, Emma comes across former Merry Man, Will Scarlet. He runs when he finds out she’s the sheriff, but is taken down by David. Will gives them information about the ice cream shop’s ice cream still being frozen hours after the blackout happened. Will attempts to pick the lock of the ice cream shop to show them, but Emma gets impatient and does it for him, much to David’s surprise. They discover that Will was telling the truth when they see the back room is frozen. And also Will takes off and steals money from the till. Emma wants to go after him, but David says they have more important things to do concerning Marian and she can go after Will another time. Emma expresses self-doubt about her abilities, but David tries to lift her spirits. Emma and David arrive to the Snow Queen trying to kill Hook. The Snow Queen taunts Emma that her magic isn’t stronger than hers, but Emma knocks her back with a blast of magic and manages to magic David and Hook out of the way of the falling icicles. After the Snow Queen disappears, Emma tells David and Hook that the way the Snow Queen said her name sounded familiar, like she’d heard it before. Hook offers to help look for her lair, but Emma gets pissed at him for not following her directions and almost getting himself killed. Emma talks to Elsa who is upset that the Snow Queen told her that Anna put her in the urn. Emma thinks they’re all pawns for something bigger, since Emma brought Elsa there accidentally, but the Snow Queen was already there. Emma doesn’t think the curse brought her to Storybrooke. Emma runs into Hook outside of Granny’s and she’s not happy with his shenanigans. He accuses her of not trusting him, but Emma tells him the truth. She does trust him, but she’s afraid he’s going to get himself killed since every other guy she’s been with is dead. Hook promises her he’s a survivor and they start kissing in the middle of the street!
Hook: He certainly does not like being told what to do, which gets him in trouble with Emma, but not for the reasons he thinks. We start with him, Emma, and Elsa questioning Gold about how Elsa and the urn ended up in his vault. He claims not to know. Hook isn’t buying his BS about turning over a new leaf for a second. Even when Belle compels him to tell the truth with the dagger, you can tell he’s not buying it. Emma, Elsa, and Hook go to the mayor’s office when Marian has been frozen. Emma goes to look for whomever is responsible and Hook wants to go with her. He’s very upset when she asks him to take Elsa to the sheriff’s station instead. Immediately, Hook and Elsa decide not to follow Emma’s orders and take the investigation into their own hands. By going to Gold’s shop and blackmailing him. Can I just say how much this pains me to see Hook stooping so low when he’s trying to prove to Emma how trustworthy he is? To secretly go to Gold and blackmail him because he knows Belle doesn’t have the real dagger to get what he wants is the opposite of everything he’s trying to prove to Emma. I mean, I know it does help them find out where the ice cream lady/Snow Queen is, but using a way that harkens back to his villainous days is not the way to go about it. Sigh. Gold changes a piece of Marian’s frozen hair into snowflakes that leads Hook and Elsa to the Snow Queen. Hook attempts to call Emma, but she doesn’t answer and has to leave a message (the crux of which is, why did she get him a phone if she never answers it, lol). When Hook and Elsa attempt to leave to go find Emma (since she’s not answering the phone), Hook’s feet are frozen by the Snow Queen. Luckily, Emma saves him before the Snow Queen’s plan to kill him takes place. Later that night, Hook is drinking at Granny’s and Emma’s still pissed at him. He accuses her of not trusting him, but she says she does trust him. She’s just afraid of him getting killed. He tells her he’s a survivor before kissing her. And, this is the first time Hook has initiated a kiss with Emma, she’s initiated it every other time. Hot! Hot! Hot!
Elsa and Kristoff: In Arendelle, Elsa is freaking out over Anna. Kristoff is trying to calm her down by relaying all of Anna’s heroic feats, but Elsa is stressing big time. She then gets a report that Hans has an army and is heading towards Arendelle. Kristoff wants to go see what’s up, but Elsa won’t let him, using his status as Anna’s groom as her reasoning. He goes out anyway and overhears Hans telling his brothers about a magical urn. Kristoff reports back to Elsa that it can contain magical beings like her. He wants to bring some soldiers to go destroy the urn. Elsa wants to avoid war. She suggests just she and Kristoff go. Elsa almost walks herself off a cliff while she and Kristoff have a heart to heart. They get to the cave with the urn and Elsa goes to destroy it, but then some runes show up on it, and she’s trying to decipher them when Hans and his brothers enter. Elsa fights off two of them with her ice powers, and Kristoff dispatches another with a sword, but then Hans gets the drop on Kristoff and threatens to make Anna a widow if Elsa doesn’t hand over the urn (and Kristoff, with a sword to his neck, still makes a joke that he and Anna aren’t married so she wouldn’t technically be a widow). Elsa ends up giving Hans the urn, despite Kristoff’s protests. Hans continues to be the worst person ever by telling Elsa that she doesn’t belong anywhere so he’s going to put her in the urn like she doesn’t exist, which plays on all of Elsa’s magic insecurities. But surprise, surprise, when he opens the urn to put her inside, the Snow Queen comes out instead. And she freezes Hans and his brothers run off. Elsa is in heaven meeting someone who has ice powers like herself. They compare stories about making snowmen come to life and building ice castles. The Snow Queen sees the painting of Elsa’s parents and lets her know Elsa’s mother was her sister, making her Elsa’s aunt. Elsa is understandably confused as her mother never mentioned a sister. Elsa lets her know her mother was lost at sea and it’s just her and Anna now. She tells her how scared she is that Anna is missing, and the Snow Queen promises she’ll help her find her, because that is what family does.
In Storybrooke, Elsa is accused of using her powers to freeze Marian. Emma wants her and Hook to stay at the sheriff’s station, but they go looking for whomever actually froze Marian. They eventually find the Snow Queen in the woods. The Snow Queen wants the town to turn against Elsa and she doesn’t understand why. She tells Elsa the Rock Trolls stole her memories of when they met in Arendelle, but doesn’t say why. She also tells Elsa that Anna put her in the urn. Elsa is adamant that Anna would never do that.
Mary Margaret: She attempts to have a ‘fireside chat’ as the mayor to go over items in the town (complete with baby Neal in her arms), but all anyone wants to talk about is Elsa.Things go south quickly when Marian starts literally turning to ice. After the meeting, Mary Margaret gets some unsolicited advice from Archie about needing to let things go, meaning she doesn’t need to have baby Neal with her constantly and she’ll be better if they aren’t attached at the hip. Mary Margaret is obviously afraid she’ll miss something if she isn’t there with him constantly because of missing out on Emma growing up.
Why isn’t Emma’s lie detector blaring when Gold says he’s decided to turn over a new leaf? Or when he says he’s given Belle the dagger? There should be sirens going off in her head.
Exactly how far away is Misthaven from Arendelle? With all the magic going on in the Enchanted Forest, how have they not heard of it in Arendelle?
Since the Snow Queen acknowledges Elsa is queen, why didn’t she realize her sister would have to be dead for that to happen? She seems genuinely shocked when Elsa tells her.
How did Elsa’s urn end up in Gold’s vault? Did the Snow Queen give it to Rumple since we know they know each other?
Have Gold and the Snow Queen been talking since the curse broke? How does he know that she knew Emma once? Does that mean the Snow Queen has been out of Storybrooke?
This is the most casual we’ve ever seen Regina. Her hair is in a messy ponytail and she’s wearing a t-shirt and vest!
Emma looks amazing in this episode also. She’s letting her freckles shine through, and she just looks cute as a button.
The two comic books we see Regina get Henry are Thor and ShenLu.
Regina and Henry decide their search for the author will be called Operation Mongoose.
Hook tells Gold that he could have Belle summon him with the dagger and when he didn’t appear she’d have proof the dagger isn’t real. We’ve seen plenty of times when all someone had to do is say Rumpelstiltskin's name (even in other realms) and he’d appear.
The cage that Kristoff puts his torch in is already lit when he and Elsa enter the cave. Then he lights it again. Or there is another cage already lit, which should be a red flag that someone is already in the cave.
Hook now has a cell phone and it has an ‘Emma’ button.
Once Upon a Time Firsts:
Magic can change form but never be destroyed.
So, we find out a little bit more about the Snow Queen, but not what her end goal is yet. She is obviously very bitter about something having to do with her magic and people fearing it, and she doesn’t seem to care if people are okay with it like they are in Storybrooke. I am not happy about Hook blackmailing Gold as it just goes against everything he’s worked so hard to put in his past. But Emma and Hook seem to be getting on the right path for being together despite that! Yay!
Please leave comments and reblog! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future reviews.
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xcxglosss · 1 year
so um. storytelling. first of all rip adult natalie :(((((((((((((((((((( also misty. i fucking hate u now. you idiot. nat trying to protect lisa until the end.....biggest heart of all time. walter you are so fucking annoying i think misty should get to kill him next season. javi telling nat to not be afraid :(((((((((((((((((((( teen nat saying that this was always where they were going to end up :((((((((((((((( van....tunnel vision to the absolute max. she’s a goalie. you stop the ball any way you can, and then you’re glad it didn’t go in. I really REALLY did not have Nat as the antler queen soooo uh the writers finally pulled off something interesting. WHERE did misty get that phenobarbital shot. and WHY was she just carrying it around!!!!!!!! also. misty wanted to be the antler queen sooooooooo badly did you guys see her face. so ben has just. fucked off now huh. like quite honestly yeah i can see where he was coming from but also. now i hope he rots in that cave. Shaunaaaaaa what were you going to write!!!!!! Van telling that fairytale oh I do hope we get to hear the rest of it. Hi guys wake up new Yellowjackets ship just dropped (VanNat). ok I’m gonna have to make a whole other post about the new group dynamics post 2x09. please follow if you want more of this
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onceuponastorybrookhq · 3 months
2x09 - Queen of Hearts.
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Since our group is a canon based roleplay, all characters will be answering questions according to the latest developments that occur in the episode.
Players, please send at least 3 questions to each other based on the new episode we are starting.
You can still answer past questions based on events that have already happened leading up to this point.
Lurkers and future applicants, feel free to look at our follow list and send some questions if you would like to! Happy Once day!
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