#2ptalia x reader
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Even without the influence of nationalistic propaganda that always left a slightly sour yet not wholly unpleasant taste in his mouth, Kuro loved every single bit of Japan; equally loving the dark, shadowy parts of Japan as well as the new, innovative side that the government was all too willing to gleefully showcase. And for the longest time, Kuro told himself his love for his country was enough to keep him sane – in fact, enough to thrive in spite of it all. And for the longest time, it was. But then he had to go and meet you.
Kuro Honda often prided himself on his self-discipline and restraint, flaunting his honorable and prideful demeanor in front of his impulsive fellow nations, silently mocking them in a manner only Zao and Luciano ever seemed to pick up on.
Truthfully, he couldn’t credit the entirety of his restraint to his natural temperament, not unless he was trying to blend in among the mortal humans he served. In truth, restraint was intimately intertwined with his own immortality in a way that not just Kuro, but even his impulsive fellow nations he loved so much to mock, fervently hated. Kuro had never held any particularly strong belief in a specific higher power, but if he did then he would happily waltz into Hell and mock the devil themself, for nothing could compare to the torture of the loss of mortality and with it, the loss of true autonomy over his life, an autonomy that the mortal humans that he so loyally and enviously served couldn’t begin to comprehend.
He didn’t like to dwell on such dark thoughts however. Viktor and Francois had obsessed over such questions several centuries ago and all it got them was a hollowness in their eyes and a dependency on alcohol. Instead, Kuro simply shuffled along the endless stream of time, allowing himself to believe that he should be grateful as it is a most honorable and important duty to represent one’s motherland. Even without the influence of nationalistic propaganda that always left a slightly sour yet not wholly unpleasant taste in his mouth, Kuro loved every single bit of Japan; equally loving the dark, shadowy parts of Japan as well as the new, innovative side that the government was all too willing to gleefully showcase. And for the longest time, Kuro told himself his love for his country was enough to keep him sane – in fact, enough to thrive in spite of it all. And for the longest time, it was.
But then he had to go and meet you.
He had seen many beautiful features on humans throughout his time as an immortal, but after a while he supposed it all seemed the same. There was a certain monotony to humankind physically wise that left Kuro quickly bored with beauty after his first three centuries alive. Yes, occasionally some pretty little thing would come around and catch a bit of his attention, but he hadn’t felt such a raw, carnal attraction since he had been young and naive enough to sacrifice his mortality. He hadn’t even realized just how powerful and addictive the feeling was until he had laid eyes on you on that fateful evening.
Kuro had been enjoying the sunset in a beautiful Japanese garden in Tokyo, his loyal companion’s reincarnate, Mochi, happily observing the Koi fish in the pond. It was a weekly routine the two had shared for half a century at this point, one Kuro was convinced he’d never tire of. The occasional person (or even worse, a couple) would walk past the bench where Kuro sat, sending him pitiful looks, but Kuro rarely even noticed them. Until you nervously cleared your throat Kuro, who’s eyes had been closed in an attempt to meditate, he hadn’t even realized he was in someone else’s presence. His eyes quickly blinked with an irritation that melted away as quickly as it came. It was at that moment upon gazing at your breathtakingly beautiful frame and features, that Kuro was finally convinced that there must be some form of a higher power for there was no way one person could be crafted so perfectly in a godless world.
He straightened his posture, Mochi strutting to sit down next him, his head tilting in confusion for never once in the thousands of lifetimes he spent next to his owner’s side had he allowed his cold facade to drop so quickly. Kuro blinked twice, not wholly trusting that you were truly there and not his eyes and imagination playing a cruel trick on him with the shadows. Just as Kuro adjusted to the initial shock of your beauty, a flush covered your face and you shyly fidgeted with your hands. You had lost your phone earlier, you had told him, and wondered if it was left on the bench. Kuro hesitated in his response to you, not out of disrespect but out of amazement at the sound of your soft, smooth voice that could put a siren to shame. Your phone hadn’t been there, and the defeated look of your face created an internal emotional rollercoaster within Kuro. When you began muttering apologies and thanking him, moving away, panic arose within Kuro. Even then, when he barely knew you, Kuro knew he couldn’t lose you, restraint be damned.
“Please,” Kuro stood up from the bench, a calm demeanor on his face despite the desperation within him, “Allow me to help you search for your phone. It will be dark soon and it is dangerous to wander the streets alone. I insist.”
Your beautiful eyes widened in surprise, before happily agreeing to the relief of Kuro. How strange, he remembered thinking as he listened to your list where you might’ve left your phone, I’ve always been happy to protect from the shadows and yet something about you lured him into the light, into taking an active role as opposed to a silent, easily forgotten one.
When you found your phone, you had luckily been the one to suggest exchanging numbers. Kuro relished your enthusiasm and relief upon discovering your phone at a local sweets shop, your eyes lit up. Oh how he secretly yearned for your eyes to light up like that at the sight of him one day.
Not only had your physical attributes taken had left him breathless, your personality had him in utter awe. He quickly learned that you communicated better through texts and messages, as you were still a bit shy around him, but through online you felt a sense of excitement at having a new friend. You were bubbly online, happily chattering about your various interests as well as questioning Kuro on his. Your intelligence was also particularly impressive, although you seemed dead set on remaining modest, aggressively denying the sparse compliments Kuro would offer you about your company, often returning with some self-deprecating joke that tugged on Kuro’s heartstrings.
But Kuro reminded himself that he ought to remain restrained. He tried to bury the thoughts of your kind, gentle reassurances you had instinctively offered him when he offhandedly mentioned how his coworker Luciano was becoming increasingly volatile at work or your polite shyness when you met again in person to walk Mochi together. Why did you have to be a mortal human? Why couldn’t he be lucky like Luciano and Lutz and have the potential love of his immortal life be someone sharing the same fate as him? Had he done something wrong?
Kuro had initially solemnly swore to merely act as a silent protector for you, you didn’t deserve to be dragged down with Kuro and face the hurdles of a romantic relationship with a never aging immortal after all. But one sake-fueled drunk night with Zao had changed his perspective. Despite Zao’s overall stupidity, he had to admit that his drunken reminiscence of the regret he had for not chasing after similar mortal flames he had in the past made Kuro think twice about dismissing you as a potential romantic partner forever. After all, he could just break up with you after some time right? At least he’d get to experience the fullest, most vulnerable version of you he could get, in the little time he had left.
So he had organized for the two of you to meet up again at that bench where you had first met, about two years after your first meeting. The same one close to the Koi pond Mochi loved to play with. You looked so beautiful in the sunset, sitting on the bench beside him, a warm smile on your face as you both watched the sunset in a comfortable silence. When the sun was halfway towards dipping under the horizon, he had turned to admire you for a quiet second, before quietly saying your name to get your attention.
“You have been a wonderful friend to me, I hope you know how much I truly adore simply being in your presence,” Your face reddened as Kuro spoke, causing him to softly smile, “however I am afraid that you’ve unknowingly captured my heart and my mind, leaving me wishing for a more intimate relationship with you.” You gasped, your eyes growing wide. Kuro tried his best to restrain his nerves, however the small stumbles in his vocal tone as well as the slightly faster than normal speed of his voice betrayed him. Nevertheless, he nervously carried on. “If you do not return my feelings, tell me now and I will never bother you with this again. We will go on with our lives and I will be silent in my affections and yearning for you, simply wishing you the best in all that you do and remain content with a platonic friendship should you remain comfortable with that.”
“Kuro..” You started, your voice trailing off, losing its way. Kuro felt a bit worried at your lack of any obvious signs of mutual interest, yet still froze for a second, not continuing until it was clear you had no intention of speaking again immediately.
“Should you, however, return these feelings, simply utter the word and I will become forever yours. I love you so strongly and so recklessly, that despite whatever uncertainty that may lie ahead, you can be certain that I will love you through it all. I must confess I am selfish in my wants, my desires to not only walk by your side throughout whatever life we may go through, but to hold your hand through it all and to kiss you tenderly in the turbulent patches of our life.” Kuro’s voice became uncharacteristically low and soft, his eyes meeting yours as darkness began to envelop the night sky.
Your hand covered your mouth, your eyes still wide in shock. Kuro sat waiting for a reaction from you, trying his best to appear patient yet couldn’t help his cool and calm facade crumble into a solemn, devastated look with each silent second that passed. “Kuro,” you whispered. Kuro perked up, trying desperately to decipher any emotions hidden in your eyes. He had given you the power to destroy him, to reduce him to become a man with hollow eyes and an alcohol dependency. Whether you accepted or didn’t, Kuro knew it would all end the same. But at that moment, Kuro didn’t care. Mortality was nothing more than just a word to him. “...I love you too.”
Kuro’s eye’s lit up, overwhelmed with relief and happiness. A loving yet gentle smile betrayed his feelings, as he quietly thanked whatever higher power there may be for the sweet torture of your reciprocated love. You laughed at his uncharacteristically emotional reaction, a warmth blooming in Kuro’s chest spreading slowly to the rest of his body at the sound of your laughter and your love.
“I’m sorry,” Kuro mumbled, “I hadn’t anticipated this to be as stressful as it was.”
You smiled, the two of you both equally as flustered. Kuro was smiling as if he had won the world, not even hearing when you spoke the first time, “Kuro!” He snapped out of his dream state, gazing at you with such tenderness you were worried you might break right there, in front of him. “Can you, uhm,” your face began to burn in embarrassment, “Kiss me?”
Kuro chuckled, raising hand to cradle your face. “Of course my love. I was worried you’d have me waiting forever.”
He moved to sit down closer to each other so your knees were touching. You felt your breath hitch as you saw him in front of you. His normally apathetic yet beautiful red eyes fluttered close as he leaned towards you placing one hand firmly on your waist and the other one on your jaw, his thumb gently caressing your cheek as he leaned towards you. He tilted his head slightly and leaned forward, hesitating for a moment in front of your lips. You could feel his ragged breath on your lips and closed your eyes, intending on closing the gap between your lips but being beaten to it by Kuro.
His lips were delightfully soft and pressed gently against your lips, your heart going from stopped to erratically beating with every careful movement of his lips. The way he kissed you so tenderly and sweetly, as if you were a fragile item that he was greatly fearful of losing made your heart feel dizzy. He began to kiss you deeper, his lips massaging yours, somehow finding the most perfect spot in your mouth. He moved a bit down and kissed your bottom lip before teasingly dragging it across your now quivering bottom lip. Your mouth parted, practically begging him to kiss you deeper, for you to drown in each other. He happily obliged, repositioning himself so he was above you, one hand remaining on your cheek, the other sliding down your waist to your thigh. You heard him hum in what you hoped was pleasure, delighted by the buzzing sensation on your lips. He kept on with his tantalizingly slow pace, drawing out every bite of the lip and roll of the tongue. It made you mad with both love and pleasure, the way he drawled out kissing you, as if you were a delicacy that needed to be savored. You felt a bit let down when he bit your bottom lip one last time and pulled away, but then quickly shook your head, a dopey smile on your face. What was the rush anyways? The two of you had all the time in the world.
Kuro chuckled at your panting, red, smiling face. You seemed so pleased and happy, he smirked as he thought of how you’d react when he’d show you what real pleasure’s like. He grabbed your hand and interlaced them, happiness overflowing him. All of his restraint had melted away as he kissed you and every part of his body was screaming for him to hold you close. For the first time in a thousand years, he felt his heart beat erratically, his throat buzzing a bit with soreness as he too panted for breath, his mouth turned up in an uncontrollably delighted smile. With your kiss you had brought him back to life, out of his slumberous immortality. You had shown him what it was like to be human with even the smallest acts of your love and he was absolutely addicted. The rational side of his brain tried to argue against his recklessness, reminding him that you wouldn’t last forever and would soon wither away at the blink of an eye, maybe even killed by enemies when they learned of your affiliation with a man like Kuro, however that side had been uncharacteristically drowned out, his mind instead racing with fantasies of a pure, loving romance, the kind filled with affection and love he didn’t know he so desperately craved. Fantasies of living together, marriage and even children overflowed Kuro, blinding him from reality.
If only he had never met you.
Kuro sighed as he ran a hand through his greasy hair. His bloodshot, hollow eyes scanning the photo album you two had once shared, his hand shaking over the last one; a newspaper clipping. Brutal Murder of an innocent bystander to a Yakuza robbery; a robbery of wealth and dignity.
Anger built up on him. Yakuza his ass, he seethed. Zao, fucking Zao of all people had the audacity to think ‘your whore knew too much anyways’ and tortured you to death while high because he wanted to ‘feel in control again’ after being the best man at your fucking wedding six years ago. He wanted to laugh, you had been right at that at least, Luciano would’ve been a better fit. He didn’t care for the stupid excuses he gave of being on drugs way stronger than he anticipated or that he hadn’t even shot her, one of his dumbass ‘friends’ was the one. He’d hunt him down and kill him over and over again for the rest of eternity.
Kuro rested his head on the half empty bed, his arms sprawled out where you used to lay. He missed your warmth, your laugh and your love. It left him broken when he learned of your death, it devastated him. How could the world be so cruel to him yet so forgiving to people like Lutz and Luciano? He hoped that Oliver would be able to find those ingredients for necromancy and would be able to bring you back home to him. He didn’t care for whatever the price would be, if he had to set the world on fire to get you back he would smile for the first time as it all burned.
“Kuro….” your voice rang out, starling him. He shot up, desperately calling out your name. He thought he saw you in his peripheral vision and shot out of bed, jumping towards the corner of his room only to find nothing there. Just a trick of the shadow damnit, the cruelest trick known to man.
#Hetalia#hetalia x reader#x reader#but 'y/n' not used#2p!Japan x reader#Japan x reader#kuro honda#Kuro Honda x Reader#2ptalia#2ptalia x reader#oneshot#angst#tw: death#not a happy ending#idk why I made this one so damn emo#like gyatt dayum calm down
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Your Place In Their Hearts - 2p Hetalia
They're constantly moody, irritable, and have enough rage to kill the sun if they'd tried hard enough. Yet they put up with you consistently interrupting their work like clockwork, for no other reason other than to 'give them a break'. You're the only one they'd drop what they're doing for, and probably are the closest thing they're ever going to have to a friend.
It's easy for them to get lost in thoughts of you; they're attached and are never going to let go. You've seen too much for them to just give you up. After all, why would they ever trade away the only person who has them feeling calm in centuries?
Kuro, Luciano
Their mood tends to shift a lot as they're working but you're seen as a muse in many aspects. You're the only one that they'd lower their guard down around. Their families can see the difference in them when you're around, whether it'd be the immediate excitement of your arrival to the calm that reaches their eyes. If you weren't their first love, you'd be surprised, as they've never shown real interests in anyone else like this before. You will stay in their heart no matter what happens. They'd throw away everything for you.
Flavio, Klaus
They prefer their alone time over everything but as long as you promise to remain quiet they'll allow you to stick around during their calmest moments. You'll never be sure if you're the first that has ever seen them like this, as their attitude always seems to drive others away. They'll take a few glances at you when they think you aren't looking and smile. You've stuck around through all their warnings, and have now grown on them. Even if you clash in the future, they'll still find peace with you near them.
James, Viktor, Andres
Their 'vibrant' personality is often too much for other people, yet you stayed around. They wonder if there's something wrong with you like them, but you're just so comforting. After a while they may start thinking you're a guardian angel, just depends on how much of their issues you're able to bare with before needing to leave for the day.
How you can stay through the tears, screaming, the rage they just can't contain sometimes and not run off? You're someone worth protecting if you can still love them at their worst. Your support means everything to them. They're overbearing, talk too much, and what they say can cause you trouble with other people sometimes, but they hope you'll stick around as long as possible. They don't know if they can find someone else like you, and they don't want to go another century trying. No one will ever be as important to them as you are.
Allen, Oliver
They thought they'd never love another person again. Their eyes once dull until they laid upon you day after day, gradually gaining back their color once more. Your care being able to fill the hole in their heart that they've been missing for centuries. They don't know whether to hate you or love you for the soft feelings resurfacing in their body.
Their addictions no longer ails them when they focus on you. The withdraw just hits them harder when you leave, and they can't utter the words to make it stop. Not until you realize their suffering and still see value to them. Once the words leave you mouth, the three words they needed to hear from only you, they're hooked. You can't leave them again. They'd rather die than suffer the heartbreak once more. You've ruined them, and you have to deal with them for the rest of your life. You don't have a choice.
Katya, Xiao, François
You are like the sun on a bright day, a fresh breeze against their skin. You presence ensures them of comfort and they see the light in your eyes when you look at them. They'd never could have wished for someone to come into their life like this, but they're happy to have you. Even in sleep you're close to them, inseparable. They days just seem so much calmer, but go by too fast. Their just need a little bit more time with you. You're more than their best friend. You're...everything.
They only ever needed a real friend, and they ended up with you. Now they has everything they needs. Someone to talk and vent to, someone to go out with, or just someone to lay against their chest as they rest on the couch. Once you stick around for long enough with no hint of distaste, you've become a staple of their life. They think too much when you cancel plans without an explanation, and sulk over it for longer than you'd think. Then you're back once more and things are right again. Better than a dog, you're the best friend they'd been wishing for. Now come on, the next beer is on them.
#2p hetalia#2p england#luciano vargas#2p belarus#2p ukraine#2p america#2p russia#2p italy#2ptalia#2p china#2p france#hetalia#sparks cannon#x reader#blurb#2p hetalia x reader#2p romano#hetalia x reader#hetalia fandom
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Yandere 2p!Canada who acts like he can't speak English and only speaks Canadian French around his darling until one day he slips up and after that only speaks English and never addresses it
#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere imagines#yandere hetalia#yandere headcanons#yandere 2p hetalia#yandere 2p canada#yandere 2p!canada#2p hetalia#2ptalia#2p canada
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Oliver loves children when they're smiling and happy. Unlike most adults, he has the energy to keep up with children but sometimes they don't see eye to eye and those sometimes cause huge problems.
You were a nursery teacher and loved children. It was evident in the way you worked and even in the way you talked about them when you were at home, with your boyfriend, Oliver. No matter how tired you were, your passion showed through and he loved your passion and your kindness.
He loved you.
So when you came home, only to break down into tears, he was ready to shed blood.
You'd cried and told him about work and although Oliver loved your kindness, he knew he could never be as kind as you.
He'd always known that he was cruel - he poisoned people he didn't like, after all but he hadn't ever known he could feel anger this deep or this cold. He didn't know because he had never cared about the struggles of other people.
This was another thing he loved about being with you; learning new things about himself.
So, naturally, being the caring boyfriend he is, he set about to poisoning the cupcakes you were going to bring to school tomorrow.
He didn't poison them to kill the children but he did lace them strongly enough that they would be troubled for days. It would be a good lesson to the parents that had scolded you and made you cry.
It was an eye for an eye.
After all, why send your kids to school if you were to object against the teachers?
#hetalia#aph x reader#hetalia x reader#aph hetalia#hetalia world stars#hetalia angst#2ptalia#2p hetalia#oliver kirkland#2p england#poison#poisoning
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2p!Russia x female!Reader. Ch.2
Chapter II:
♥blue and purple hyacinths💐
A/N: seriously forcing my motivations to work lmao. But who even reads these still? That's right, YOU! And im glad that you do🌟
Reminder!⚠️: in this story I only own the plot, not the characters, nor YOU(the female reader).. The characters belong to Hetalia and you(reader) belong to yourself.
Here is the first chapter if u want it. :) chapter I.
tw: silly things, looooong descriptive chapter :) u will read it tho, da?
[Name]'s heart and cheerful smile dropped from the sight of the same man from yesterday... she didn't want to deal with him again.. But—
'wait.. What..' [Name] looked at him for a moment.. the man was holding a bouquet of Purple and blue hyacinths.. and if you know.. these flowers are always to symbolize constancy, regret, sincerity and asking for forgiveness…
Everyone stepped back from Viktor's path as he made his way to the counter where [Name] stood there with a serious frown on her face.
Viktor put the bouquet of the blue and purple hyacinths on the counter, not knowing what to do or say next. [Name] looked down at the bouquet.. It was cute and beautiful..
The bouquet of blue and purple hyacinths was a beautiful sight to behold. The flowers are carefully arranged in a circular shape, with the blue hyacinths in the center surrounded by a ring of purple hyacinths. They are wrapped in a large sheet of crisp white paper, adorned with light pink and yellow dots that add a touch of playfulness to the overall design. Nestled at the base of the bouquet is a light blue ribbon bow, adding a touch of sophistication and color to the mix… and the blue and purple hyacinths gave a beautiful and iconic appearance with their deep violet and blue colors with their slender, tall, and elegant shape, with their long stems covered in lush, dark green foliage. Each stem is adorned with multiple clusters of flowers that form a round, dense head, creating a magnificent and eye-catching display. The petals are trumpet-shaped, with smooth edges and a delicate texture. They give off a mild but pleasantly fragrant scent that complements their visual allure.
[Name]'s eyes sparkled slightly at the sight and smell of the beautiful hyacinths.. She also knew the meaning of these flowers and so the meaning of his apologetical message.. A slight smile appeared on her face.
Grabbing the bouquet, she looked up at Viktor. She had so many questions about this man now. Who is he? Why is he? How is he? What is he?.. She wanted, No, Needed answers to those questions.
Viktor frowned slightly at the sudden eye contact she made with him. But this time, these eyes held no fear, no anger and no confusion.They just held curiosity. How those [e/c] orbs had the small sparkle in them. He could read those questions she wanted to ask him already.
His heart was beating again, strongly, as he felt the same annoying tingle in his heart; time seemed to go so slow… he could hear his heartbeat in his ears as heat started to rose in his pale cheeks; he frowned more. He doesn't like this, but he also didn't want to stop.
But a cough made both the big russian and the petite female snap out of their thoughts.
[Name] looked down, breaking eye contact with Viktor as a blush crept up her cheeks out of embarrassment, pushing one of her hair strands behind her ear.
'embarrassing…' [Name] thought, mentally face-palming. 'just what the hell is wrong with you??' her brain questioned her. 'I don't know.. And I don't think I want to know.' she answered herself. For some unknown reasons, she tends to have these arguments with her own brain.. I mean.. Everyone does that right? No?... Alright…
Viktor just turned around and started walking where the sunflowers were at; spotting a small chair,he sat on it, staring at the sunflowers without uttering a word or moving a muscle. Everyone looked at the man, like he's some type of crazy or rather a confusing man. But everyone quickly minded their own business, no one would waste their time on a 'weird' man, would they? The answer is no, obviously. Time is valuable.
Time passes, and as the sun begins to set and the daylight fades, the sky gradually transitions into a deep shade of blue, with streaks of orange and pink. Slowly, the first stars begin to twinkle in the sky, their light faint but visible in the darkening canvas. The moon emerges, its glowing orb casting a soft, silvery light that dances on the ground below. The night sky continues to reveal its secrets, with more and more stars appearing until the night sky is full of twinkling points of light against the backdrop of the dark, velvety sky; the amount of customers gradually decreasing and time of closing the shop is approaching too.
[Name] put the money in the cash register machine as she handed the bouquet to the old man who was the last customer in the shop, the old man left with a happy smile on his face. [Name] sighed, lying her head on the counter feeling tired. Then she heard movements coming from the greenhouse where the sunflowers were at.
Lifting her head back up, she groaned and started walking towards the small greenhouse she owned.
'I'm so tired, ugh..' she complained to herself, annoyed. 'skill issues-' she cut off her brain 'shut the fuck up.'
The greenhouse remains softly lit with warm, golden lights that cast a cozy, intimate atmosphere over the space. The shadows of the tall sunflowers stretch out across the ground, creating a tranquil and magical environment within the greenhouse. The fragrance of the sunflowers fills the air, mixed with the earthy scent of fresh dirt and the faint hum of insects that flutter around the plants. The greenhouse feels like a tranquil oasis, separate from the larger world outside.Viktor was there walking around the sunflowers enjoying the calm atmosphere and the view of those sunflowers that looked flawless and healthy. He took off his dark brown gloves revealing his large and strong hands, with slender fingers and clean, trim nails. The knuckles at the back of his hands are rough and slightly red, and there were a few scars on them over here and there, some looked new but dry and some were old. Despite this, there is a certain grace and sensuality to his hands, the way they move and curve as he gestures. His fingers look both powerful and rough Overall, there is an undeniably attractive quality to his hands, a perfect combination of strength and sensuality. He held one of those gorgeous sunflowers between his hands, surprisingly gently, feeling the texture of its beautiful golden-yellow-and-orange petals.
[Name] stared at the man as he adored her sunflowers, he seemed to not realize her presence in the small cozy room. She heard the man mumbling some stuff to the flower in Russian as he caressed it gently with his big hands, his gloves were thrown carelessly on the floor and his mind was taken by the sunflower he was speaking to. She couldn't really understand what he was saying, because she only knew some basics of the Russian language.
[Name] blushed slightly, she couldn't deny that it was cute because of the gentle way he spoke to her sunflowers and the way he caressed them— '—WHAT!? This man literally was about to kill you yesterday, the fuck you think it's cute now!? How!?' her mind literally ruined the moment for her as it tried to give her some sense to think about. But [Name] just ignored her brain, rolling her eyes at her brain mentally. 'Just let me enjoy life dude' she replied to her brain trying to ignore any other thoughts her brain tried to make.
[Name] cleared her throat,startling the big russian and catching his attention. Viktor looked at the lady that was standing at the greenhouse's door. [Name]'s face held a small smile while Viktor held a frown on his. He was visibly annoyed by the interruption. picking his gloves from the ground, he put them back on his hands and walked up to the petite female.
[Name] flinched a bit, having another quick flashback of that night and then stepping back.
Viktor raised an eyebrow looking at her.
'idiot, idiot, idiot!!! Don't show fear to him!!!!!' her mind screamed at her. 'Then why the hell do you keep bringing those flashbacks, you stop it!' she screamed back at her mind mentally. Her mind just rolled its eyes at her as a response.
"Viktor." he extended his hand at the lady to shake it.
[Name] was confused for a moment then realization hit her, but strangely the name was too familiar for her, but she doesn't really remember. Shaking the weird feeling off she replied: "oh! I'm [Name]" she shook his hand as she introduced himself, his grip on her hand was a bit firm but still gentle, almost the same way he held that sunflower.
"so. how you grow these sunflowers?" he asked [Name] getting straight into the point. [Name]'s eyes widened a bit at his question. Since she opened that store, no one cared to ask or know her methods on growing the flowers she sells; even if someone did, they would quickly get bored when she starts explaining…
so to not face those awkward moments again, she asked him "are you sure you want to know? because..I can get carried away and the explanation can be a bit too long.." she looked at him with an awkward smile, expecting Viktor to just say 'nevermind' or leave the shop even.
But no. She was wrong.
Viktor just stared down at her, quietly…
It honestly annoyed him how babbly she was now.
'At some point her face is punchable…' he thought, but he just kept that brutal thought in the back of his head to forget it.
a small nod was Viktor's response, which made a little excited sparkle appear on [Name]'s eyes as her smile grew wider.
"Okay!" she said, stepping closer to the sunflowers as Viktor followed her, and she started explaining every step and thing she took and used to grow those flowers, and to mention she was walking around a lot. She didn't stop moving while talking, and Viktor had to follow her to every corner just to hear her because she was kind of talking lowly. Her voice volume was increasing and decreasing; she would mumble things and Viktor would struggle to hear her, that he had to bend down a bit sometimes while also following her to just catch those words, and then she would suddenly shout making the man almost jump, fall or his poor eardrums bleed. but she also couldn't help it.. She was just excited, she was a bit aware of sounding annoying or crazy, but she couldn't hold her excitement, not this time.
[Name] wasn't only talking though, she was also showing him how to do this and that. And without their realization it was starting to get late, and Viktor started to get a bit tired as he hadn't slept last night due to his mind being busy and stuff…
"Viktor? Viktor?? Are you listening?" [Name] called him as she shook his arm, making Viktor snap back to reality… the man was actually zoning out plus half sleepy, he looked at [Name] mind-absent, as she frowned slightly.
'this asshole… I swear.. his nuts are so kickable at this moment.' she thought to herself as one of her eyes twitched out of anger…
"oh well.. I guess it's pretty late isn't it? sorry for keeping you like this, you look…so tired…" she asked Viktor, and he nodded for a moment then quickly shook his head as if he changed his mind or something. "am ok." was all he said.
[Name] yawned covering her mouth with her hand as she did so, now she looked tired too… Viktor hummed for a little then looked down at her. "Want me walk you home?" he gestured, his voice was deeper now and rather sleepy.
"I actually take a bus to get to my house…" said [Name].
Viktor looked at his watch, checking the time, it was over 1 past midnight. 01:43 to be exact.
"Much late. bus does not work at this time." Viktor remarked, making the female growl as she turned her gaze to a cute kitty wall-clock.
01:45 in the morning.
"....." [Name] had a small frustrated smile on her face, she was pissed off now. She took a deep breath then sighed, soon hearing a chuckle from behind her; she turned her neck to the sound quickly that her neck made a crack sound. And who else It'll be other than the depressed-looking Russian himself?
"the fuck you laughing at?" she hissed at him through her teeth, her eyes are wide and her smile is forced.
Viktor looked at her face, his chuckles turned into laughs, but those weren't maniac ones, those are pure laughs! And to be honest for himself, he hasn't laughed like that in years!
[Name]'s blood started to boil, as she stomped her way to the russian. "STOP LAUGHING AT ME, IT ISN'T FUNNY!! AND IT'S NOT COMFY TO SLEEP IN THIS SHOP AT ALL." she screamed at him then suddenly kicked him in his crotch,again, it was a lot harder than the last, even the coat couldn't protect or weaken the hit towards his poor area this time. "ОЙ!!!—" The Russian's laughs were cut off as he growled loudly and crouched a little down again, lifting a leg. He jumped on one and put both his hands down and clenched his body a bit around the area. "what the ебать was that fo—" he hissed but suddenly again he was gripped by his valuable red scarf and got pulled down to the female's-height-level. as [Name] pulled him by his red scarf, their faces were so close that the tip of their noses almost touching, and Viktor's neck was slightly exposed. "quite this shit of yours, nothing is fun-" her eyes then were darted to his neck, under his scar, there were bandages surrounding his neck, dry blood stains on them. It made [Name] confused, because what event caused marks on his neck that didn't kill him, it didn't make sense. "wha—" with wide eyes and gritted teeth Viktor grabbed [Name]'s face harshley, her whole face was covered by his gloved hand, he almost broke her nose, this really could count as a punch. "Ah!-" [Name] yelped through his big hand while Viktor yanked her hands off his beloved scarf and stood up tall. And with a simple push
with his arm she lost her balance as he let go of her face, she tried to grab his arm to not fall but she didn't reach it. watching her fall down on her ass, she gasped. with a satisfied smile Viktor started to walk past her, but oh, [Name] isn't going to cry like yesterday, no. She jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his legs and making Viktor lose his balance too. [Name] grinned as she heard a loud thud and felt a strong earth-shaking; It's a miracle that he didn't break the hardwood floor, because, well,he's a big heavy man. [Name] quickly got up, standing on her feet and looking down at the russian who was lying flat on the ground. He grunted as he lifted himself off the ground, resting on his elbows, he turned his head to look at [Name], and she could see the brutal predator look in his eyes, which made [Name] feel like the tiny trapped bunny now, but was she going to run?
'you're so dead.' her mind remarked. 'I know…' she replied. 'RUN BITCH, RUN!' her mind screamed at her. 'Nah, I'd win.' was her response.
Viktor tried to get up, putting his palms on the ground and lifting his body, balancing his weight on his arms as he did so. But to his surprise he felt a weight of something sitting on him, straddling his back; looking at his sides, he saw two legs dangling and he felt two hands on his hair, petting him like he's some sort of-
"Giddy-up horsey!!" [Name] shouted giggling as she tugged his hair a bit like she's a drunk person, but she was just having her fun, more like risking her life…
"Какого хуя!!!??" Viktor shouted back in mixed emotions of anger, confusion, embarrassment and maybe a little bit of flutter…
'Alright, tell me, are you having a death wish?' her mind asked her in a sweet-imagined-tone. 'maybe :)' she replied, giving her brain an imagined-sweet-smile.
The dark brown, leather gloves wrinkled harshly against Viktor's fists. His teeth clicked as he ground them like metal gears forced to a sudden stop.
[Name] looked down at him, her smile switched from enjoyed to a fearful one.
And without a warning Viktor got up with ease, causing [Name] to yelp in fear and wrap her legs around his waist while grabbing onto his coat tightly.
Looking down, the ground seemed far from [Name]... "w-what..you're that tall sir- i mean Viktor…" she said thinking how painful it will be to fall on her ass again from such height. She's now like a stuck cat on a tree.
Viktor just stayed silent as he tried to shake [Name] off his back, but she just clung more. "V-Viktor don't you dare drop me, DON'T DROP ME—" she screamed near his right ear, causing the man to cover it with his hand and grunt lowly. "Get off, Отъебис��!" Viktor said in a sharp tone as he turned his head slightly to look at [Name], she locked eyes with him, a shiver
was sent down her body as she stared at his eye that held that maniac look, she examined the side of his face for a second… she had a weird nostalgic feeling now…
'girl.. Is he blushing or my eyes are just tripping?' [Name] realized the slight blush on his cheek and she felt her face heat up slightly too..
[Name] wrapped her arms around his neck as she let her legs unwrap from around his waist which made her tighten her arms around his neck, she then closed her eyes and let go and landed on her feet successfully as she laughed nervously.
Viktor turned to look at her, [Name] looked up at him, her hands resting on her hips and she locked eyes with him once again, but this time was different. She felt lost in those ruby eyes, she felt like she couldn't take her eyes off his; his eyes were confusing, they're boring but thrilling, and she couldn't read anything, her curiosity was increasing by the second; the more she stares the more she's curious about what is he hiding behind those blank ruby eyes.
Viktor's expression went from annoyed and cold to confused as he stared at her mesmerized [e/c] eyes. He sees no fear in them anymore. Not even a bit.
"......" he was just silent as he frowned at her.
He cleared his throat as he adjusted his red scarf, pulling a bit up his face to cover the slight shade of pink on his cheeks. He looked at his watch.
'02:07' it read…
"where you will sleep?" he asked, scanning the shop with his eyes.
[Name] just looked around the shop and smiled nervously. "I…think I'll just walk home." she said walking to the corner of the shop, picking up her coat and wearing it, grabbing her scarf next and wrapping around her neck, she walked over to the counter picking up her wool gloves and shoving her hands into them, Then finally turning to Viktor who was watching her the whole time, just standing there and following her by his eyes.
"Okay, let's go!" The keys of the shop were the last thing to grab and she walked to the door.
"Are you not going turn off the lights?" he asked as he moved to the door.
"No, the lights in the greenhouse should stay on because of the sunflowers, remember?" she explained in a light tone as she clicked on a light switch, turning off the lights of the main room in the shop.
"hm…" Viktor hummed as he opened the door and walked out not even waiting for the poor [Name] who got the door closed on her face.
"Oh, how rude!..." she whispered angrily as she pushed the door, walking out of the shop glaring at Viktor with a frown, then just made a "hmph" sound as she locked the shop's door and then put the keys in her pocket. Viktor raised an eyebrow at her sudden grumpy behavior, he doesn't think he did something wrong.
When [Name] stepped outside her warm and cozy flower shop, the cold weather hit her with a gust of icy air, making her shiver as she stood outside. The temperature had dropped significantly since she had been inside, and the cold air bit at her cheeks and bit at her nose, causing her breath to come out in little puffs of mist. She pulled her coat tightly around her to protect herself from the chill…
"Well I guess goodnight, I'm going home." [Name] turned her heels and started walking, but Viktor simply started following her. [Name] made a double look at him and stopped walking, and looked up at him awkwardly. "uhm…" she hummed in a confused manner. "what?" The Russian looked down at her. "Why are you following me?" she finally asked. "I'm not, I'm walking you home." he answered, shrugging his shoulders. "But I can walk home alone by myself…" she tried to give a reason but Viktor just shook his head calmly. "Нет. Is dangerous at night. petite girls like you is easily taken down." he lazily explained to [Name] who just looked him up and down in a sarcastic way.
"you talking like I've never slapped, spat on your face, kicked your crotch twice and finally sat on yo-" she was cut off by a hand covering her mouth.
"let me show you." Viktor said and with a swift motion he picked her up and put her over his shoulders as he gripped her legs tightly with his arm, preventing her from squirming.
[Name] gasped at the sudden action "H-Hey! Put me down!!" she tried to squirm as she punched his back with weak fists.
"can not hear you.. Now where you live so I can take you home?" he asked with a kind of a satisfied tone…
[Name] just groaned and then gave up telling him the direction… guess after all she wouldn't mind a free ride.
Viktor sort of happily walked carrying [Name] on his shoulder, usually he wouldn't do this or care at all. He has his own mind, thoughts and life, he's usually quiet, stoic and does not like to involve himself in things like this. But something about her, [Name], seemed different. He strangely felt connected to her but he doesn't remember or know why. So he'll just follow the lead to find the answers he wants, and same thing with [Name]. She'll just risk her life to know about this man.
Viktor walked all the way to her house as name just dangled from his back, whining all the way to there to put her down or about the dizziness she feels because of the upside down position, though he was just quiet listening to her whines… they were annoying but a beautiful music to his ears, both at once. He was also growing tired of carrying her and walking all that way, but he didn't want to admit it or stop, because, well, y'know, men.
But for him, he was annoyed that she was just whining and not even thanking him for not leaving her to walk alone in those empty streets…and not even walking, she's being carried.
'ugh… women…' he complained to himself but he just moved on.
After a long-tiring-while Viktor was at [Name]'s doorstep, he realized that she was quiet now. "we here." Viktor announced, but he got no answer.
"....[Name]?" he got her off his shoulder, carrying her now like a baby by her sides.
She was asleep. Deep sleep.
Viktor just let out an annoyed groan as he sat her by her door step, letting her lean on the house wall as he searched for her keys.
Sure he could've just left her sleeping there, but he also couldn't bring himself to.. something didn't let him and he doesn't know what it is.
He hesitated for a little before searching her coat's pockets and searching in them because he saw she had slid the keys in there, it just took him a second to find the keys in her right pocket, pulling them out of the pocket he stood up to the door, and luckily he found the right key in the first try. Opening the door he looked around the house for a bit, it just needed a second for his eyes to adjust to the darkness but only for him to see the following things with a shock.
Viktor looked down at the sleeping [Name] then back at the house. He honestly didn't expect this at all, but he also was going to just mind his own business at the moment and not try to question anything.
With a sigh, he carried [Name] for the ground in a bridal style and went inside, as he stepped into the messy house, he wrinkled his nose in distaste. The room was cluttered with items scattered across every surface. The carpets were stained, the furniture was covered in dust and
stains, and the air was stale and musty. The man's eyes flicked to the dirty dishes piled in the sink and the scattered clothes on the floor, and his expression turned sour. For someone as neat and clean as himself, the messy surroundings were unbearable and filled Viktor with a sense of discomfort and annoyance.
He reached for the door and closed it to prevent any street animal from sneaking in. Walking up stairs he discovered the second floor; there were only 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, he tucked [Name] in her bed like he was tucking his own sister, of course, after taking her shoes and coat off. he looked around her room for a bit, as the moonlight helped him to see a little better.
In contrast to the messy and chaotic first floor, the bedroom was unexpectedly neat. The second floor was a stark difference. The room is spotless, with every item neatly placed and everything in its designated spot. There are no clothes lying around, and all personal belongings are tucked away in drawers or behind closed doors. The overall effect is one of calm and orderliness, a peaceful oasis amidst the chaos of the rest of the home…
"Find me…" a sleepy sound was heard from [Name], Viktor turned his head slightly looking at her, he narrowed his eyes at her as a nostalgic feeling hit him.
'Where did I hear those words…' he wondered as he just shook the feeling off and walked out of the room closing the bedroom's door behind him and just walked to the guest room, opening the door he was met by the light and airy colors of the guest room, the walls painted with a soft shade of white. A large bed fills the center of the room, with crisp white sheets and a soft comforter. A set of plush, white pillows is artfully arranged at the head of the bed, ready for a guest to sink into after a long day. A small bedside table holds a lamp and a pack of tissues, providing a comfortable and convenient place for a guest to keep their personal items. The overall effect is one of simplicity and tranquility, a perfect space for a guest to relax and unwind.
Viktor smiled a small smile, he felt a sense of relief and comfort wash over him. The well-made bed, tidy bedding, and soft, white walls created a peaceful and soothing environment that was a stark contrast to the chaotic and disorganized sight he had just witnessed on the first floor. He felt a small weight lift from his shoulders, as if the neatness of the room somehow eased his stress and annoyance. He was pleased to see that at least this small space in the house was neat and tidy, and he took a moment to appreciate the orderliness of the room before taking off his coat. He had left his shoes at the doorstep of the room. He had carried [Name] to her house and stayed with her. It was no problem to sleep here, right? He deserved some rest after a long day, right?
Scanning the room quickly, he looked at a wall hooker and hung his coat there, as he then took off his black sweater along with his red scarf, staying in his dark gray pants, white shirt and socks; he folded the sweater and scarf carefully and put them on the night-stand as he importantly put the scarf on top of the sweater, it was very valuable to him, yes. Lifting the soft blanket of the large bed, he slipped into the cold sheets as the bed sank slightly; it sent a few chills down his own large body and he liked it, stretching his body he shifted and laid on his side as his tired ruby eyes fluttered shut, his exhausted body relaxed and his drained mind drifted to sleep…
Hii hope u enjoyed readin this long torturing chapter, ill be more glad if u did. But anyway, chapter 3 on its way.
ОЙ: OY; the 'ouch' sound in russian
ебать: Fuck
Какого хуя: 'What the fuck' but in a confused, shocked and angry manner. (can be a lil flustered too)
Отъебись: fuck off >:(
Нет: No
Да(Da): Yes
#russia x reader#2ptalia#2p russia#x reader#female reader#drama#silliness#fanfic#hetalia#long reads#long post#story#chapter 2
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Full name: Zao Wang
*smol but tall
* 5'10
* looks about 25
* Nice long hair
* Wears it half up half down
* Or in a bun
* Kinda lowkey shredded
* Abs
* very attractive
* skin is usually pale in the winter and somehow always has a tan by the time summer rolls around
* for some reason I believe Zao adopts the American culture really well
* i see him thriving in San Francisco or Los Angeles
* like he’s a west coaster
* sun, beach, babes, that’s all he needs
*he loves Chinese food but he also loves trying food from other cultures
* major foodie
* also I imagine him being a gym freak but only because he uses the gym to get with girls
* he looooovesssss attention
* lowkey a whore
* Memes
* Breathes m e m e s
* his personality is insufferable
* like he can be so annoying
* On twitter 25/8
* Hyena laughs
* Nice ass smile tho
* "Psst everyone turn your air drop on."
* Airdrops literally the dumbest things
* Almost never wears hoodies
* "It's suffocating."
* loves basketball and hip hop culture for some reason
* Plays basketball really well
* you can catch him playing pick up games in Venice Beach with Allen
* Point guard
* Zao is Yao's younger brother
* Loves pissing Yao off
* He lives to do so
* that one guy who swears he knew the song before everyone else
* "I knew that song before it was cool."
* Rich kid
* Yao's his older brother so of course that's his money plug
* Drives a nice ass car even though he doesn’t deserve it
* Spends his money on drugs and name brand stuff
*C R A D L E R O C K E R
* this man loves younger women (Ik it’s weird…)
* Best friends with Allen and Lutz
* They all do illegal shit together
* they Live with each other which is complete and utter chaos
* Attends meetings but goofs tf off
* Doesn't take notes
* Gets all his work done the day before or the day it's due
* loves action movies
* rlly big Marvel movie fan
* he’s seen every single one
* I believe he’s a simp but only for the right girl
* this man takes substance abuse to the next level
*that’s all I’ll say abt that
* he’s rlly nice tho
* pls be his friend
* loves video games
///andddd that’s all I got for now. Feel free to chime in and tell me what you think or who you want to see next. I love Zao sm he’s my lil babey. But yeah see ya!!!///
#2p hetalia#2p china#zao wang#hetalia#2ptalia#hws#hetalia headcanons#2p headcanons#hetalia imagines#hetalia world stars#hetalia x reader#2p hetalia x reader#2p!hetalia#2p!china#2p america
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2p!Hetalia Prefrences - Counsel, lay a Foundation.
Excerpt ->
Soulmates are tricky things, and Fate, their maker, is more fickle than most give them credit for. A soulmate mark is the place in which your soulmate first touches you, and there appears a mark the color of your soulmate's eyes. It matters not if there was cloth between the soulmates touch, nor if one has no eyes, for the mark will still appear. There is no tingle, no burst of fireworks at the touch. You only know it is the touch of your soulmate when it never smudges, never moves, and cannot be taken off. I hope you remember who touched you there, and what eyes they had, because if not, perhaps you've missed your fate.
With everything set up and ready I lean back in a spare chair and pop in my headphones. Just the regular wire, earbud ones. If I had my nice ones they would cancel out too much sound, and I do need to hear when the clients come up.
I pick a random radio station on apple music, not really caring what I listen to as long as something occupies me, and start to scroll through various social media apps. I got to classic tags – Unfortunate Soulmarks. Given the wide range of eye colors and places they can be there are plenty of posts.
A common one is the soulmate having brown eyes and the mark looking like dirt, or other things, when in unfortunate places. Some of them have made bikinis hard to wear confidently. Then again, it’s hard to match the bright green hand mark on the side of the face. To be slapped and meet your soulmate, to have your first touch being something so violent is terrible.
I don’t have my soulmate yet, but I hope to god my soulmark does not end up in the unfortunate tag. I’m interrupted from my scrolling by a knock at the window. I put down my phone and take out my headphones, and slip on some blue rubber gloves. I’d hate to dirty a gangster's weapon, they can be very particular.
I slide the window door up and ask –
“How many weapons, sirs?”
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Dancing with wolves
[Yandere Viking! Denmark x reader] (draft)
Wordcount: 1, 525 Rating: M for mature themes and NSFW Synopsis: On your first voyage with Mathias, he’s set on sailing for a better home before the baby is born. After a month of being hopelessly adrift at sea, and in turn, doubting his foolish endeavors, he discovers an entire continent. The Americas. Upon traveling further inland, your people encounter a native tribe and are welcomed into their village. There, you meet the Sagamaw’s eldest son, someone you never would’ve crossed paths with, but become close to as the months go by. The reader is referred to as she/her.
The draft is on my Patreon for all tiers :)
“From what he heard, England was just the beginning. Even further to the west was a land of magic, spirits, and different Gods. Of giant elk, steaming bison, and mountain lions that cried like women.”
#draft#wip#work in progress#Patreon#special#extra#the most ambitious crossover yet#2p america#2p! america#viking denmark#viking au#alfredosauce50#update#hetalia fanfiction#viking denmark x reader#hetalia#hetalia x reader#hetalia fanfic#axis powers hetalia#2ptalia#aph denmark x reader#hws denmark
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Fandom's I Write For + Note
So I'm back!! After a much much needed long break, I'm finally back to start writing again! Please, as usual, read the note at the end before requesting along with my blog rules! It is VERY important.

Boyfriend To Death
Various Yandere Visual Novel Games, Please Feel Free to Ask!
Expect the list to be added onto later in the future~

I figured I’d get this out of the way before it happens. I will not, I repeat, will NOT answer any mature or malicious asks for minors. The only time I will answer is if it’s for a sibling or friendship ask, but do not count on that every time. I don’t care if it’s “aged up”, I will delete your ask from my inbox and you will remain either unanswered or blocked if your account is visible.
Another note, I see your asks, those who have been waiting for a response! Those asks getting answered is my priority at the moment! Until they're all answered, I will not get to the newer asks immediately until the old ones are done. If there is an instance where your ask may have gotten lost in time, please feel free to request again! <3
Thank you!

#calypso’s lunch break#hetalia x reader#hetalia#hetalia writing#hetalia headcanons#2p hetalia x reader#2ptalia#2p hetalia headcanons#2p hetalia#eddsworld#eddsworld writing#eddsworld x reader#eddsworld headcanons#ellsworld writing#ellsworld headcanons#ellsworld x reader#fnaf x reader#fnaf#fnaf headcanons#fnaf writing#five nights at freddy's#okegom#funamusea#funamusea x reader#okegom x reader#btd#btd x reader#boyfriend to death
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Reactions To A Gentle Touch - 2P Hetalia
They lean into gentle touch without hesitation, it just feels natural to them. It's comforting and cute to see them immediately melt. These people aren't always used to being touched period, so a light touch is sure to get them swooning or brought to tears. (Reads as touch starved)
Klaus, Oliver, Allen, Flavio, Anastasia
It takes them by surprise, as they aren't used to be treated gently at all. Hardship seems to make a lot of people flinch, and it takes a while before they really get comfortable enough to accept affection. You may get shoved away the first time solely based on instinct. You'd have to be close to them for them to even consider getting used to it.
Luciano, Xiao, Kuro
Doesn't state any interest in being touched at all. Doesn't really have much of a reaction at first, then they press a hand over yours to their face and sigh. If you aren't close to them, they'd give you a death glare and smack your hand away. It's safe to say they aren't against being touched so long as it's in good faith.
James, Viktor, Andres
"Stop." They pry your hands from their body. They don't want to be treated like glass, it feels humiliating to them. They have pride in being a powerful nation, so just stop looking like a kicked puppy over it. They have to be worn down over a long time to accept anything near soft affections.
Katya, François
Will accept it solely because they like being touched period. Even if it's an innocent touch like a hand pressed to their face, they'll take it. It's nice to them. Every time you keep coming back you're always so nice and they have to overthink about what that means. (Also reads as touch starved, but in a different way)
Allen, Luther, Flavio
#2p hetalia#2ptalia#sparks cannon#hetalia#chibitalia#2p hetalia x reader#hetalia x reader#2p canda#2p spain#2p belarus#2p ukraine#2p prussia#2p italy#2p england#2p canada#2p china#2p russia#2p america#2p japan
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Haircuts [2p!Canada||Matt Williams]
Pairing: 2p!Canada/Matt Williams x Reader
Word Count: 2028
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: This is the only thing I ever actually wrote for 2p!Canada, but he was my favourite back in the day! I know Hetalia has hit its peak already. But I still like posting some of my old stuff.
“Ar-Are you sure you wanna do this, Mattie?” you asked quietly. You had scissors poised around your boyfriend’s cute little ponytail, he was determined to have it hacked off.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Just cut it off already,” he grunted, you heard the wooden stool he was on groan as he dug in his fingers.
Your hand with the scissors twitched, you really didn’t want to do this. You loved his silky, dirty blonde hair how it was. You thought he did too, what triggered the sudden change of heart?
You pulled the scissors away and sighed, “Does this have to do with what Al said earlier?”
Matt stayed silent, and you could only imagine the scowl on his face. Al had been making fun of Matt’s ponytail all week. You rolled your eyes, your shoulders slumping some. Of course this was because of Al. “I like your hair the way it is – besides, it’s real fun to grab onto –”
Matt interrupted you bitterly, “How many of your First Player guy friends have ponytails?”
You flinched, why did he always have to bring them into this? You couldn’t help that you were the go-between for the First and Second Players! Hell, it was because of your relationship with Matt (and the fact that you got along with basically everyone) that you were delegated the pain-in-ass job as a mediator/babysitter.
You stuttered, trying frantically to think over your friends. “Yao –”
“That prick doesn’t count,” growled the blonde.
You sighed, of course he didn’t. You then tried frantically to think of any other of your friends, but none came right off the bat. “Francois has a ponytail, and Al’s never said anything to him.”
“Alain doesn’t have the balls to,” spat Matt, using the French variant of ‘Allen’ to spite Al (even though he wasn’t there). “Even though we’re countries, Oliver and Francois are the closest things to father figures we have. Al’ll never admit it, but Francois scares ‘im shitless – now just cut the Goddamn thing off!”
You whined in the back of your throat as you slowly raised the scissors again. “Once it’s done, it’s done, Matt – you’ll have to wait for it to grow back out –”
“Just…just do it, Maple.” Matt glanced over his shoulder at you, and you could see the silent pleading in his usually unreadable violet eyes. You sighed again, and then gave his shoulder a light squeeze.
“Well,” you muttered, “here goes…”
You tugged on his ponytail, and then began to saw through just above the elastic. You grimaced the whole time, this was killing you inside. You could have screamed when the clump of hair finally came off in your hand. It was like you’d just cut off his finger or his toe. That ponytail was just as much a part of him as they were.
You stood in front of Matt, dangling his ponytail in front of his face. Awkwardly, he ran his hand through his hair, his face taking on a strange expression as it stopped abruptly at the nape of his neck. You, however, couldn’t stand the haircut.
“Omigod, you look exactly like Matthew…!” you panicked, it wasn’t that you didn’t like Matt’s First Player but – Mathieu was your boyfriend, not Matthew.
Aside from the beard scruff, the lighter tone of dark blonde, and the darker purple of his irises, Matt was the spitting image of the shy Canadian. The ponytail had always given Matt a certain character to him, which made him look different than Matthew. With the way it pulled his hair back, it gave a little more framing to his face making his cheekbones and squarer jaw more prominent.
Also, you found he looked a little more badass with the three-inch-long ponytail bobbing at the nape of his neck. Not to mention, since he had long hair, it was a lot more fun to run your hands through and pull during sex (which you had eluded to earlier, but been completely disregarded).
“Are you fucking kidding me?” groaned Matt, his shoulders tensing as he rolled his neck to glower at the ceiling of the manor.
“I – I can always try and cut it shorter. Like Al’s or Oliver’s – if you want,” you suggested, swallowing to try and moisten your dry throat.
Matt slowly lowering his gaze to your form. With another hand through his disconcertingly short hair, the Canadian sighed. “Well, Maple, we’ve already cut it this short – might as well. Can’t go walking around lookin’ like that flapjack, now can I? – Besides, I might get jealous if we fucked while I looked like him.”
Your cheeks filled with heat at his final statement. Matt gave you a smirk, and then you pulled to stand between his legs. With his arms around your middle, he looked up at you. “Now, what’s say we get my hair shorter and then do a test run.”
He chuckled at your increased embarrassment and then released you after kissing you gently. An idea struck you, then. And you ran off to find the electric razor. After digging through three closets, you finally found it. Once back in the kitchen, you put on the longest extension and turned it on. The pulled the razor through most of Matt’s hair, leaving the back and around the sides about an inch long.
“Just don’t. Cut. The. Curl,” warned Matt as you put away the razor and brought back the scissors.
You laughed, rolling your eyes. “I know, I know, Mattie. Besides, why would I want to? It’s so much fun to pull.”
A low growl came from Matt at your last sentence, you often used that curl to your advantage. Especially when you thought he was being too soft with you, which Matt made a habit of. Sure, you were his little Maple Leaf but you weren’t delicate. You were an adult after all!
You carefully avoided the curl springing forth from an unknown position in Matt’s scalp as you began to chop away at his remaining long hair. Once it was shorter, you discovered his hair became kind of an unruly wavy. You tried to trim his hair to match the back and left the top and front of his hair about two or three inches long. When you were done, you stood in front of Matt and combed your fingers through to style it. Not too shabby for your first try.
You smiled as you finished and admired your work. Matt ran his hand through it, feeling it. You could tell he found it disconcerting. But you also had to admit, he looked kind of sexy like this. “C’mon, hot stuff, let’s go check out your new do in the mirror.”
Matt chuckled as you tugged on his arm and lead him to the closest powder room. You wouldn’t let him in just yet though and kept the light off. “Are you ready?”
“Yes, now can we get this over with? I have loose hair in my shirt, and it’s driving me crazy,” groaned the blonde, moving his shoulders uncomfortably in his shirt. You laughed and then tugged him into the large room.
“Annnd, voila!” you cheered, flipping on the light.
Matt seemed utterly surprised as he stared at the mirror. He glared at first at the man by your side, only to realize that it was himself. Then Matt slowly leaned on the sink bowl, getting closer to his reflection. He ran a hand through his short hair, twirling some of the strands between his fingers. All he muttered was a low ‘wow.’
“So…do you like it?” you asked slowly, leaning your face on Matt’s arm. His eyes went to you in the reflection; he shrugged after a moment.
“It’s s’okay,” he said, there was a slight pout in his voice.
You smiled at him sweetly. “Regretting it?”
His violet eyes went back to staring at his short hair. “Big time. I already can’t wait to be able to put it back in a ponytail.”
You giggled, running your own hand through it. “Well, it’ll take some getting used to. That’s all – now, we should probably go get that hair out of your shirt.”
Matt did a double-take at you in the mirror as your words sank in. A slow grin appearing on his face. “That’s right. I promised you a test run. Didn’t I, Maple Leaf?”
Before you could blink, you were over the blonde’s shoulder and headed towards his bathroom on the second floor. Thank God everybody else was out for the day.
It wasn’t until later in the evening that you wobbled your way down the stairs, your shaking legs trying to hold you up. That was a lot more than a test run, you mentally noted. You were able to walk halfway correctly by the time you got to the kitchen – Matt didn’t believe in lunch breaks, so you were starving.
“Well, by the looks of it, somebody had some fun today,” teased Al from the breakfast nook, he sat backwards on a chair. You dug through the fridge, rolling your eyes and not even bothering to respond.
“Allen, be nice,” warned Oliver from his place at the stove. “And [Name], make sure to leave room for dinner.”
You smiled at the strawberry blonde as you took something from the fridge. You placed it on the counter before hauling yourself up on to it. “I know, Ollie.”
“Say, where’s Ponytail?” asked Al abruptly. Francois grunted almost unnoticeably from behind his newspaper, you could tell that he was annoyed by Al’s taunts. – Even if they weren’t aimed at him
“Right here, shit stain,” growled Matt’s voice. You looked over to see Matt with a smirk. He was standing in the entryway rolling up the sleeves on his red flannel.
All was silent as the other three men turned to look at Matt. He casually went over to you, though, and stole some of what you were eating. The blonde leaned against the counter between your legs.
“Oh my word…” you heard Oliver mutter, nearly dropping what was in his hands. Even Francois moved the paper to raise an eyebrow.
“What the fuck did you do to your hair?” blurted Al, his shit-eating grin entirely gone now as he gawked.
“I had [Name] cut it for me,” said Matt coolly, shrugging his shoulders. You ran your fingers through Matt’s tiny tendrils and then kissed it.
“I don’t know about you guys,” you started. “But I like Matt’s short hair.”
“I – oh, it is very nice,” said Oliver, quickly composing himself and going back to making dinner. “Just…diff –”
“Ponytail-less,” finished Al as he got up and walked to stand before his brother.
His crimson eyes scrutinized him for a moment; all Matt did was raise an eyebrow. Al laughed then, giving Matt a crooked smile and showing off his missing tooth. He then ruffled Matt’s hair, which immediately went back into place. Al did this quite a few times. He used to like to mess up Matt’s hair, and take out his hair tie.
“What’s the matter, Alain?” teased Matt, this time it was him giving the shit-eating grin.
“Fuck off, dip shit,” growled Al, his face falling, all sense of teasing gone. With that, Al stalked off – apparently unappreciative of his brother ruining his fun. Moments later you heard a distant door slam shut.
In the midst of it all, you heard Francois make an amused sound and noticed a little smirk as his eyes followed Al out of the room. You two caught eyes and exchanged little flashes of knowing smiles before he raised the paper again. You kissed the side of Matt’s head again before finishing what you were eating.
So Francey Pants did have the smallest amount of fatherly affection in him towards Matt. Not to mention you’d put a stop to the ponytail taunts, so Francois wasn’t resembled in them anymore. It was just a bonus that it pissed off Al. Honestly, this was going to be fun.
#2ptalia#2p aph#2p canada#2p america#2p england#2p france#2p face#2p face family#hetalia#hetalia imagine#hetalia fan fiction#2ptalia imagine#hetalia x reader#2ptalia x reader#2p canada x reader#2p!Canada#2p!Canada x reader#2p!canda/reader#2ptalia /reader#fanfiction#fan fiction#fan fic stuff#fanfiction prompt#fan fic ideas#fan fic prompts#fan fic#theamberwriter
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Never in my life did I imagine I would be here, in our gracious 2023, thinking about how attractive some hetalia characters are
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I've only been thinking about the Boys lately.
Allen gives me Grunge Guy on Pinterest vibes, don’t ask me why, he just does. But he turned out SO pretty so I’m happy abt this concept.
I gave Matt my nose because I felt like it. (also bc it’s my family's nose and I found out recently my great grandpa was from the Blood tribe in Canada so there’s that too- try to fight me on it I dare you.)
Feel free to uh, let me know how you guys feel abt their designs, I might add to the family if you know what I mean ;)
#2p hetalia#2p hetalia x reader#2ptalia#2p canada#2p america#allen f jones#Allen d jekyll#cause I like both thosenames#Matt williams#Matthew j williams#na bros#2p na brothers#2p face family#FACE family#Na brothers#Oliver kirkland#francoise bonnefoy#2p england#2P france#hetalia#character designs
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Hello! I’m not sure if you’re still doing one shot requests, though your request weren’t closed so I figured you might be? Forgive me if I’m wrong. I’m even less sure if you’re willing to write for characters that you haven’t posted yet, so sorry x2 😅
Ideal date: take out and movies
Clothing aesthetic: grunge
Story trope: forced proximity
Crush- 2p America - hetalia
Movie Date with Trouble Maker (2p America x Reader)
A/N: Hello there Anon! Thank you so much for joining the event. This event is actually to thank everyone for following me and liking all of my post. Do not worry about Allen F. Jones. I am pretty much aware with his personality and confident to write the one shot for you. I hope you like it!
Warning: Profanities, Non-consensual photo taking, stalker behaviour and Violence.

Sitting across from the person with a peace sign t-shirt, a man with strawberry blonde hair giving (Y/N) (L/N) disapproving looks as the gentleman with the pink vest takes a sip of his tea. Oliver places the cup down carefully without dropping any drop of his tea before taking a breath, massaging the bridge of his nose.
"Poppet, I know you always hang out with Matthew but I think you should at least give Allen's a chance to hang out with you," Oliver held one of your hands.
"I'm not sure, Ollie. I mean...we're not enemy but our personality just clash a lot." you told the strawberry blonde man.
You might be wondering what happening right now and why are you talking with a gentleman who is wearing a pastel pink vest. Oliver Kirkland, he is your friend along with Matthew Williams. However, you just cannot get along with Matthew's brother even though he always greet you in the school.
His brother is Allen F. Jones. A man with auburn hair, and tanned skin, as he always wears a dark bomber jacket along with a spiked dog tag on his neck. Many girls and guys have swooned by him because of his looks along with his deep yet sexy accent when he spoke to everyone.
You don't hate him nor like him but the two of you are just very different. He was a rather bad-tempered, sailor's mouth and enjoys picking lots of fights with other people as he often picked a fight with his brother too. You rather stayed in the shadow, composed and think first before action as you're slightly intimidated by him.
However, your best friend Oliver Kirkland thought you hated him and you must spend your time with the tall, auburn-haired man. It was a simple misunderstanding of what happened yesterday, but because of that, everyone assumes you hated the man without giving you a chance to explain.
It was in the afternoon as many people on the street walking around going to their working place, jogging, or going somewhere else. A pair of white earphones plugged into your ears, listening to 'Smells like a Teen Spirit' and 'In Bloom' by Nirvana. You're not a huge fun of Nirvana band but you still enjoy their songs nonetheless.
The songs were interrupted by the sound of a scream from the alleyway, the sound was rather muscular and a little bit heavy along with grunting and cursing. In a normal situation, you would rather leave the crime scene by ignoring the sound and walking back to your home but curiosity got the best of you.
Glancing around to see anyone, your body swayed side to side as your foot made forward steps, following those sounds even though your brain was telling you 'no! You need to go back! It's too dangerous for you!' repeatedly. However, your curiosity was stronger than ever before and ignoring your brain that was pleading to just walk away and be safe.
Along the way, there was a T-Junction in front of your eyes and the sound was getting louder and louder on the right pathway. Taking the right turn, your eyes darted around as the sound of your footsteps got quieter until there was no sound from your shoes. Darting your eyes around, you silently walk to the biggest and nearest dumpster as you hear some conversations.
"Psh, what else you gonna do about it? That chick/dude is a shot. I cannot just pass that away," The sound of the speaker is somehow familiar but you cannot put a finger on it.
"THAT'S IT DICK HEAD!" It was silent for a moment before a loud banging sound could be heard with the sound of the person screamed in pain.
However, it did not only stop there because there were other loud sounds of metal clashing or a sound of an object getting thrown around. Peeking out from the dumpster, you saw Allen standing out with a nailed bat in his hand but what was more surprising was that there were fresh red liquids on it as it drips to the ground. Since that day, you were scared of the tall auburn baseball player.
It was obvious that you want to reject Oliver's Idea of hanging out with Allen after that day. Those images of blood dripping on his bat, a sadistic smirk along with the person on the ground with such scary injuries are still written all inside of your head. Nevertheless, Oliver's eyes slowly get bigger as his blue and pink eyes have stars on them with lips quivering and you can hear a small 'please' from him.
"..Alright. I will give him a chance to hang out with him," You shake your head, knowing that you just got trapped by the brit's cuteness as he wrapped his arm around you and a large smile dances on his face "Thank you so much! Poppet! I promise you will love hanging out with my brother!' He said.
'Oh...I bet I will regret it' You internally thought.
Inside the cinema, both of your legs swung side to side along with your eyes keeps glancing at the clock ticking on top of the wall and the sounds of your shoes tapping against the black ceramic floor. You were wearing ripped black trousers, light grey checked shirt with a black sleeveless 'bikini kill' band t-shirt underneath it and track boots.
There were tons of outfits in your wardrobe but you choose the ones that are very comfortable for the hangout with Allen. You thought the guy wouldn't come until you can hear a loud 'Yo dollface! I'm over here!' from far away. Glancing around the cinema, your eyes spotted the similar guy that bashed some guys in the alleyway as his footsteps got closer and closer to you until he was standing right in front of you.
If you didn't see what happened last night, you would smile a little bit and wave your hands at him but the thought still lingers "Oh, hey Allen. I'm glad you want to watch with me," you tried to act as if what happened yesterday wasn't bothering you at all but you're not a good actress so the shaking tone in your voice must be given away as you hope he didn't catch that you are still afraid of him.
"Nah, I should thanking Oliver and you. By the way, what movies do you want to watch?" He gently held one of your arm before dragging you into the line.
There were not many people inside of the cinema so the two of you did not need to wait for a long time until the two of you reaching out to the cashier "I think...I wanna see The Purge," Your eyes looking at the list of the movies on the screen.
"Alright, dollface. Two movies of The Purge on the back seat," his hand fishing out a wallet inside of his pocket.
"H-hey! You don't need to pay!" Your eyes widened seeing him trying to pay for the tickets because you feel bad for him even though he was only being humble....or is he?
"What? Nu-uh. Listen to me, sweetcheeks. I'm the one who wants to hang out with you so I'm the one paying it," he began getting a little bit stubborn as he said those words with sass.
"I know that but at least let me pay for my own ticket!" You glare at him.
"Ugghhh you are so fucking stubborn. Fine, I will pay for the ticket and you will pay for the snacks. How about that, doll?" He groans.
"Okay fine. I will pay for the snacks," you roll your eyes at him.
Even though the two of you had a small banter, some people saw that little fight and internally laughed. Thinking that the two of you are such a cute couple, especially the banter caused by a silly reason. After paying for the tickets, the two of you walk to the snack counter before ordering one bucket of popcorn and two glasses of diet coke. Of course, it made you a little bit confused about why he only bought one medium-sized bucket of popcorns when people can buy two small cartoons of popcorn but you didn't ask him that.
After paying the cashier of the snack counter. Allen surprisingly reaches out for the popcorn along with the drinks "C'mon dollface. Let's hurry, I'll take this so you don't have to bring everything." Once again, you were surprised by this action. None of the girls or guys ever being this kind to you but that surprised face was replaced with a smile once again and a nod before walking with his side to side.
The door of the cinema was opened by a woman as she was looking at the two of you with an intimidated stare, especially at Allen since his looks from head to the toe can be interpreted as a 'bad guy'. You wanted to comfort the poor girl but that only made your action a little bit insulting to Allen. You mutter a small 'sorry' before following Allen from behind and sitting next to him as the two of you got your own sits.
You did not expect but you had lots of fun after watching with Allen. He would throw some stupid yet funny jokes when you were getting bored with some of the scenes from the movie. Even though the joke was bad, it was still hilarious before you throw another bad pun and earned a small snicker from him.
You would also offer the popcorn since he told you that the popcorn was for you and he did not want to eat the popcorn. You wondered why until he pulled out a plastic bag from his bag and showed out a tofu burger and it immediately clicked to your mind that Allen is actually a vegan and he doesn't eat or drink dairy products. This made you feel guilty, thinking you were being insensitive but Allen notices immediately before his large hand patting your head in an affectionate way.
"Don't worry dollface. I know you didn't know that I'm a vegan. Don't think that you're some kind of asshole," he grins.
"Yeah...I just....I-" You were immediately cut off by him.
"Just stop it sweetcheeks or I will mess your hair even more," he snickers, petting your head harder and causing a nest form on your head.
"O-oi! Asshole! Don't mess my hair like that!" You hiss at him, only earning a laughter from him.
Even though Allen was a little bit of a jerk by the restless teasing and the messing on your hair. He made you think twice that Allen might be not a bad guy after all. Sure, he was violent and sailor-mouthed but the way he treated you was different from other girls. He was more playful and less guarded around you.
After a movie night, the two of you were walking out together side by side and going home together. Tonight was very peaceful and it was a perfect chance to have a small and relaxing talk with 2p America.
"Hey Allen, thank you so much for the movie night," you smile, feeling a little bit less scared than him and the redness of your cheeks slowly showing,
"It was no problem, dollface. I'm glad that you enjoy watching movie with me" He shrugs.
There was a little bit of silence before he spoke "Hey (Y/N), I know you were stilll scared of me and I'm glad that your not too scared of me like before," oh...so he notices the quivering voice when you spoke to him. You wanted to smack your own head to the wall for being too obvious. "Yeah... I'm sorry," you whispered.
"No, don't apologize. I know you were scared of me but I just need to tell you what happened. I realized you were scared of me because of what happened last night and I can explain what the hell was going on. Yesterday, I notice one of your classmates Pete, one of my teammates would always target you as he stalks you and took a picture of you half-naked while changing. At first, I thought he was only looking at some kind of porn when I was sitting next to him and waiting for my turn to play. 'til, I realized your hair colour and your face. I was so fucking disgusted by that asshole so that's why Yesterday I beat him up" he shows the screen of his phone of the photo where that 'Pete' guy was watching you and taking his phone out while recording you. You were studying for tomorrow's test and not realized the stalker who was hiding even though there was also a teacher in the classroom.
Realizing this, you felt even feel more guilty than before. Those 'bad boy' and 'aggressive' scenes that you saw yesterday were just an action to protect you from the creepy classmate in the school. Your fist tightened before it relaxes slightly before your hand reached out to his waist, pulling him closer and wrapping your arm around him.
"Thank you.....for protecting and thank you for tonight's hang out," You mutter but still loud enough for him to hear it.
His eyes widened as he was turned into a statue out of shocks for a few seconds but it changes in a few seconds as a smile was written all over his face and wrapping his arm around you, engulfing your form with his large yet warm arms. "It was no problem, dollface. I couldn't see a dickhead hurting you...."
The End
Thank you for reading and I hope you like the scenario!
#hetalia#2p hetalia#2p america#2ptalia#2p hetalia headcanons#2p hetalia imagines#2p hetalia scenario#2p hetalia fluff#hetalia fluff#tw: violence#2p allies#hetalia headcanons#hetalia imagines#hetalia scenarios#allen f jones#2p america x reader#tw:profanities#hetalia x reader#2p hetalia x reader#allen x reader
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2p!Hetalia x Reader Fanfic
This is a human au, mafia au, and soulmate au. I'm having a lot of fun with this! There is a lore, and 1p!s.
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