#2nd user ofa quirk reveal
sakubabypowa734 · 2 years
The past of the 2nd user of OFA
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Damn!!! Look at him smirk to AFO. So badass and also so sexy!
Made AFO opened wide his eyes like a scared baby!
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Yoichi and 2nd user next to each other
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The moment I thought it was Bakugou but it still Deku! OMG! LOOK AT HIM!!!
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mamashenanigans · 3 months
AU Fanfiction Poll
I have some ideas a brewing for AU fics.
Here’s a breakdown of the ones on my brain right now. I want to know which y’all think I should focus on.
1. Urges Chapter 2.
Set during AFO and Yoichi’s adult years, this AU explores what would happen if Yoichi never showed his brother the integral Captain Hero comics. AFO never took on the persona of the Demon King and never became All for One. But is this reality truly better? A dark fic that explores AFO and Yoichi’s interdependency and the effect of their Quirk Factor urges on their lives. Second chapter to feature Yoichi/Kudo(2nd user). Also, fat!AFO because I can.
Snippet about AFO reminiscing on his past
2. No-Quirks CEO AFO AU
Yagi Toshinori, otherwise once known as All Might for his fantastic work as an investigator, takes Izuku, his #1 fan, under his wing. His goal is to finally lock up the reclusive CEO of All for One Industries, Daiki Shigaraki, for his shady business dealings and connections to multiple murders. He tasks Izuku with infiltrating Shigaraki’s servant staff to find out information, but ends up giving the command for the young man to steal an ivory box always kept close to the CEO. Unbeknownst to Izuku, this box contains the ashes of Shigaraki’s cherished twin, Yoichi. Yagi plans to use it to force Shigaraki to admit to his crimes. Once Izuku finds out, will he side with his hero or decide to give back the only thing the CEO cares about…besides his beloved niece, the spitting image of her father.
Read more about this AU idea here.
Read a very rough snippet featuring Kudo and Bruce here.
3. Time Travel AFO Fix It AU
AFO hears about an incredible Quirk that allows the wielder to go back in time. Using other Quirks, he’s able to supercharge it to send himself back into a body of his in the past with all his memories (and possibly Quirks) to change the timeline so his twin, Yoichi, never leaves him. However, a side effect from him using the Quirk is that anyone within a certain radius of him will keep their memories of the old timeline. It just so happens that Izuku, Bakugo, Uraraka, and maybe others, were about to hit him when he went back in time. Now, these few from Class 1-A have to find a way to fix the timeline or, at least, destroy the empire AFO has built over 200 years. Oh, and Yoichi is still alive and with his brother…of course.
4. Yoichi Controls AFO AU
How OFA came to be is shrouded in mystery, but all the users up to Izuku believe it is to defeat the evil AFO. However, it is soon revealed that Yoichi, the first user, is very much alive and the actual mastermind behind everything in his attempt to make the world into his image. The small, frail twin always gets what he wants from his big brother—even the world.
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darkcircles4lyfe · 2 years
the 2nd user is an enigma to everyone...
...including All for One?
It would seem our time spent wondering about 2nd's quirk has come to an end. I guess I should put my old theory to rest? Well, hang on. I noticed something weird.
Please note that as of posting this official translations are not out, so I might easily be mistaken, but I'm under the impression that All for One did not know about 2nd's quirk. There are a few things that set up this implied detail:
It is established at the start of the chapter that AFO is the one in control, at least for the moment. So we know we're getting his POV in narration.
When Izuku uses Blackwhip and Fa Jin, AFO calls them old tricks that won't work on him. He's familiar with these quirks.
When Izuku activates Transmission, AFO is taken aback. He describes the power's appearance as completely different from before, and he doesn't seem to know what's happening right away.
When he describes what the quirk does, he's deducing it, which is odd. From this we can actually infer a couple of things besides him not knowing about it. First of all this must mean that the Search quirk AFO stole from Ragdoll can't see into One for All's additional accumulated quirks, otherwise he would have anticipated 2nd. This also means, dare I say it, that AFO is an unreliable narrator when he describes 2nd's quirk as "a meta ability that enables the user to shift the speed of anything he touches." He's making an observation using the given evidence, not stating a fact. 2nd strikes me as a very secretive person, so it seems possible to me that AFO never met him, or at least never experienced his quirk firsthand. Indeed, maybe no information exists about his quirk because he never told anyone about it. I can see how 2nd’s support items could be designed to conceal the use of his quirk to make projectile weapons move faster. They conceal his whole hand and forearm, so no one could see what he’s doing inside. 
Hell, maybe the way Izuku is currently using Transmission is also a misdirection. Let me once again call attention to the fact that 2nd told Izuku that his quirk evolved into something PARTICULARLY UNIQUE. THAT CANNOT BE WIELDED THE USUAL WAY.  Now I don't know about you, but the power we have been shown does not fit my criteria of unique, and Izuku seems like he wielded it pretty "usually." The previous scene made it seem like he tried and FAILED to use it before, so how come it came to him so easily only minutes later? I really really hope this is because we haven't seen the full reveal yet. Perhaps using this power now comes at some greater cost to the user. Perhaps we are only seeing one of its uses. It should be pointed out here that while the locked door imagery was used in reference to 2nd's quirk in ch 349, it was not used here. So, something hasn't been unlocked yet?
I think now I’ve reached the end of my rope in reasonable theorizing, but I want to mention one more thing. The name of 2nd’s quirk, Transmission. in Japanese it is called トランスミッション which looks to me like it’s borrowed directly from English, and it means exactly the same thing. Two things, actually. It can refer to the transmission of a motor vehicle, but more generally, transmission can of course refer to the action of transmitting something, anything. A message, an emotion, an energy, a thing, an idea...a quirk? I can’t get it out of my head. This feels so suspicious to me given the nature and origin of One for All itself as a power that is transferred.  What if 2nd is actually directly responsible for the transference of OFA? What if his own quirk holds that ability, and once he gave it to Yoichi, it merged with the power stockpiling quirk AFO gave him? The story we were given about Yoichi not actually being quirkless and unknowingly having a power that passes on... the ability to be passed on(???)--it’s rather flimsy, no? Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. We don’t even know how Yoichi was able to figure out he could give OFA away. Makes me think, if it’s not simply bad writing on Horikoshi’s part, it could be a lie constructed to further keep Transmission a secret. I mean, seriously, what if Transmission created One for All? Of course they’d want to keep that information from AFO. 
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So Transmission + power stockpiling quirk = OFA, which in itself also gathers and powers up existing quirks, including the original Transmission quirk. Now imagine, what could Transmission do now that it’s powered up? What could it turn around do to OFA? 
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Oh yeah, also, uhhh, this could be super relevant to Izuku and Katsuki finally holding hands? 
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epickiya722 · 2 years
You already know how this goes. Jokes, opinions, questions all that good stuff. Emphasis on the "jokes" because we're not gonna have a repeat of last week are we?
Even in a coma, Izuku can't help but worry about everyone else.
Hold up... Hikage (4th User) is barefoot???
2nd & 3rd's hair colors revealed and... I like them!!
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"We'll respect your privacy!" Banjo is the funniest User and I love him.
Okay, I love all of them honestly.
I actually like how they did Izuku's voice here. To describe it... imagine talking into a cup...
"Everyone is a weirdo, except me." Proceeds to do a funny dodging dance to avoid Blackwhip. Yeah, he's becoming one of my faves.
"Old age? At 40?" Had the same reaction.
Ooooh, that explanation!!!
"What did Shinomori have that he didn't?" I KNOW!!! I KNOW!!!
AAAAAWWW!!! TEEN MIGHT AND IZUKU!!! Damn, Yagi always been tall as hell, huh?
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"All Might was quirk-less." DING DING DING!!!
And when thinking about, it would make sense for someone to be Quirk-less to hold OFA because yeah, you don't want to overflow the pile so much. Which brings me to the question that if AFO could OFA, which I doubt, you think he would like die that second?
I forgot that there is little to no Quirk-less people... yeah, by the time Izuku would have to pass down OFA, there wouldn't be an available successor.
* shows Nighteye* RIP, my guy. Nice detail since he believed Mirio would have been a better successor and it turns out HE WOULDN'T BE. Ooh, another question. At the time Mirio was quirk-less and Izuku offered OFA to him, you think OFA would have adapted to Mirio or stay with Izuku?
"Are you willing to take Tomura Shigaraki's life?" Damn, Nana, just drop that on him, huh?
"He looked like he was in immense pain because AFO was invading his body." Well, yeah, that, too.
"... in his eyes was hatred." He just needs a hug. Don't blame him though. First, your dad is an asshole. You manifest your quirk that kills your family and destroys your home. You are abandoned on the streets and no one took you on and then you are picked up to be "raised" by a maniac. I would feel all that hatred, too.
En be sitting like me... I also love that 2nd and 3rd are just standing against the wall like they're in timeout.
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"He wants to make a comeback." Ah, shit, AFO dropping an album?!
Okay, I firmly believe though that all the Users have some bit of muscle definition except for Yoichi. He's the 1st User so he didn't have the time to build his body for it.
"I know how embarrassing it is for an adult to make a 16 year old boy pay for her failure." You and Rock Lock must know each other...
I miss Rock Lock. Hope his family is doing alright.
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En looks like he wants to ask "so what's it gonna be?" Or "seriously? That shirt with those pants?"
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Izuku is by far the most empathic and sympathetic person there is... damn Cancerian...
LOVE how when Izuku goes to speak his mind about wanting to save Tomura, his mouth forms even more and his voice is clearer. It's like at first, he has to stand there and still to his elders so he was muffled and then the moment he got to speak his truth, his voice comes out to spill his real feelings.
Vestige All Might is crying!!!! 😭😭😭
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No, for real, I had to stop and wipe my eyes because I had tears coming up.
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"Yes. For that, you will have our support." YOICHI, YOU THE BEST!!!
Aaaaw, Nana wanting Izuku to send Gran Torino a "hi", aaaw. Thinking about it, you think Gran Torino was the only person she had by her side until All Might came around?
Nana, please don't cry. I'll cry.
Emotions... THE EMOTIONS
"Is he in bad shape?" "No. He is alright." I DOUBT THAT! LOOK AT HIM!
"These people never give up." You can tell All Might is just done with people.
Best Jeanist just really be not giving a damn when it comes to collars.
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That lady was going ham during the interview!!
Endeavor deciding if people are gonna get mad at heroes, be mad at him... WOOOOW.
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... I am not surprised Kamui Woods got leaves for hair.
"Who should they go to for help when they are in pain?" Well, don't go to the citizens because they don't give a damn.
Can't believe he left in APRIL.
Aaaaa, here comes Vigilante Deku!!! The arc that made me want to pull my hair out!!!
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
I think no matter what, the 2nd users quirk is going to be interesting, however I DO wonder if it’ll have anything to do with explosions or fire.
I mean, the first and second user parallel bkdk REALLY well, and ofc the first has/had ofa like deku (and has the same personality and stuff as him) and the second has the same personality and general look as Katsuki.
The most common and logical theory for his quirk that I’ve seen is that it’s a time quirk (like eri’s) and that’s why it’s both dangerous and why she was in the flashback with endeavor vs afo, but I think it’d be interesting to see it more parallel Katsuki. It would hint more into them being reincarnations of bkdk, or be related to them at the very least.
I mean, if horikoshi wanted to use the dad for one theory and make afo related to him in some way (father or grandfather) it would fit his parallel with shigaraki, and it might even make sense for Katsuki to be related to the second user?
Idk spit balling, but sometimes I look at the evidence for the dad for one theory and it really makes me think that it really can’t be a coincidence. It’s an interesting theory for sure, but it’s just so…. idk, basic ig????? Like I feel like horikoshi can be more creative than that, but at the same time, why tf has he been building up to a father THAT HASNT EVEN BEEN SHOWN YET, and it hasn’t even happened! It’s the war already too. Like if it was gonna be insignificant it would’ve happened already. And inko said she was STILL MARRIED TO HIM in the first chapter but he worked over seas so???????
Like, literally, who in the fucking world could it be other than afo or just some random guy. Ig it’d be pretty funny if Izuku was ACTUALLY all mights secret love child and that thingy with todoroki was actually foreshadowing but like, who could this mf possibly be??? Hisashi midoriya, who tf are you?????
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Also the fact that his name literally means “it’s been a while (since I last saw you)” is just such a weird term to use yknow????? It could’ve been something along the lines of JUST being gone, but it’s “since I last saw you” for the whole phrase. Meaning we probably already saw and know him?????
Also why tf does dekus appearance only resemble his mom minus the freckles and hair texture?????? Like who tf has freckles and curly hair in this story that’s about dad age??????
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I mean, I guess you could say his hair is kinda curly. Ish.
This has devolved from me wondering about second’s quirk to just why I hate how much sense the dad for one theory makes. Ugh.
Anyway, I guess I do hope this ends up being the canon thing since it’s kinda ironic and it’s the only reveal that would actually leave an impact. Not just painting hisashi midoriya as “some guy” at the end of the war and leaving it at that.
Also it would make sense genetically. Lets say afo just made up a genetic history for inko and told her about it when I’m actuality he’s a first gen quirk user, making Izuku highly likely of having no quirk or even just having like a 50% chance or something. But we haven’t really been told much about quirk genetic theory so 🤷
It would also explain why Izuku can use all of the ofa quirks but AM couldn’t. Like there’s just so much evidence RIGHT THERE and I don’t wanna accept it lmao.
Okay, rant over lol.
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sarahjtv · 2 years
BNHA Chapter 362 Spoilers
It’s been a hot year since I last posted my spoiler thoughts on My Hero Academia, but I need to talk about Chapter 362 because holy shit.  Buckle up, ‘cause this is LONG:
I was screaming and internally crying all night last night when I read the summary of this chapter.  Bakugo is probably dead.  The second main protagonist of this story might be dead.  This is probably the most shocking thing I’ve seen in MHA since Deku left UA and Bakugo apologized.  Like, I was flabbergasted.
I am still devastated, but I have to give props to Horikoshi for having the titanium balls to even do this.  He’s killed off characters in this story before, but this is truly something else.  Nighteye, for example, was so, so sad.  I cried for his death.  Bakugo’s death absolutely stunned me because I never thought Horikoshi would do this. 
Also, Horikoshi is a sadistic evil genius for making this the last chapter before holiday break in Japan next week.  So basically, Shonen Jump’s on break and we’re not getting chapters of a lot of manga for 2 whole weeks including MHA.  Horikoshi straight up left us on Bakugo’s possible death for 2 fucking weeks. 
I also wonder how long Horikoshi has been planning this because you know he loves playing the long game.
So, Katsuki Bakugo.  Yeah, he looks pretty dead in that last panel.  I don’t think he’s perma-dead personally.  There’s still some of his quirk going on in his left eye and I doubt Horikoshi would really kill off one of, if not the, best character in his series permanently.  Horikoshi also said that Bakugo would have a BIG moment in this final arc and that really hasn’t happen yet.  Yeah, that massive cluster was awesome, but it lasted not even half a chapter.  Bakugo still has a bigger role to play.
I gotta say, though, putting in that flashback of when Bakugo and Deku got those All Might trading cards and revealing that Bakugo’s been carrying his in his pocket the entire series breaks my heart into a million pieces.  He really does idolize All Might and him looking up to his vestige only solidifies that.  God, that genuine smile though.  I’m ruined, guys.
Also Bakugo still thinking of how he’s going to match IZUKU while on Death’s Door is both so sweet and so devastating.
Now, what’s going to happen to Bakugo from here.  Honestly, I don’t know.  Again, I don’t think he’s going to die forever, but there’s a few things that could happen:
Eri: We don’t know where she is now, but they could bring her back to Rewind Bakugo’s body to before it got crushed by Shigi/AFO.  We don’t know if her Quirk works on dead body’s though. 
 Bakugo Stays Dead: This would make the manga as a whole so much more somber, but Deku’s reaction would make him lose his shit.  I can see him being so sad and angry that he absolutely wrecks so many people without a hint of rational thinking.  I don’t like seeing my green son hurt, but it would be really good storytelling and character development if it did happen. 
Bakugo is in Limbo and his Spirit is in The Vestige World: This is what I think is happening right now.  It’s really, really interesting that Bakugo saw All Might’s vestige before he died.  Before, the only living person who witnessed this was Deku.  So, why Bakugo? 
Connection with OFA: Bakugo did have OFA in the 2nd movie, albeit briefly.  I think the 2nd movie is canon, but it’s only been hinted at in the main manga with Nine having a brief appearance.  Similar to how Melissa from the 1st movie is hinted at with her inventions being in the main manga.  If the 2nd movie is canon, then it would be possible that Bakugo would still have hints OFA still in him and that could bring him to the vestige world.  I can’t imagine what it’d be like if Deku found out about Bakugo’s death like THIS.
Relation to the 2nd OFA User: AFO said that Bakugo remind him of the 2nd User.  We also had a panel in a previous chapter that compared the two as well.  My theory of Bakugo being a decedent of the 2nd User is becoming more true, I think.  This would give Bakugo more of a connection to OFA, the Vestige World, and the 2nd User’s Quirk maybe.  Maybe that Quirk could bring him to life. 
Bottom line: I think Bakugo is dead for now, but he’ll be back.  Not sure how or when, but he has to come back.  Horikoshi knows that Bakugo is too important of a character to be killed off for pure shock value.  Katsuki Bakugo is not done yet.
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the-nysh · 2 years
Happy birthday Kacchan 🥺🧡 what is something you'd like to read for his character, in the next manga developments?
Hooo~! 🎉 Of the many things I'd like to see....beyond anything visually flashy or spectacular, him gaining emotional closure is probably the biggest one on my list. :') For the answers and truths Kacchan's long suspected (and probably already has a good idea, if he hasn't already figured it out) about Deku....but him learning how Deku really feels from his mouth is probably what's most important. Because Deku's always been receptive to Kacchan expressing his honest feelings/angst/worries/weaknesses to him, but Deku's yet to really unload his share of inner truths to him in return, so Kacchan can finally understand. :O
I've mentioned it a bit before, following the apology scene, how Kacchan doesn't really know the full breadth of what Deku thinks or feels since he's always kept those feelings locked away/repressed inside, or he flat out lies or deflects the topic when it obviously concerns Kacchan as the focal point of his emotions.
What truths do I mean? The very things about Kacchan being Deku's most important image of victory, the emotional trigger for unlocking more quirks when he's hurt or in danger, how Kacchan's sacrifice for him practically broke/snapped something in Deku with some of his worst trauma...towards why he had to leave concerning such feelings that Deku couldn't possibly cover in his 'thank you' letter to him...no, even Kacchan knew that wasn't an adequate or acceptable answer - Deku please be honest to Kacchan's face. :')) (Oh yeah, and also what's up with the mysterious 2nd ofa user who bears a striking resemblance to Kacchan? Hori Explainnn.)
I just feel like after all this time, Kacchan deserves to know how much he means to Deku (beyond all his best educated guesses and assumptions) unless Deku, the oblivious 'dammed nerd,' really wants to take all these embarrassing truths about him to his grave - never to be revealed, so Kacchan can finally rest easy with much of that needed ~emotional closure~ that's been left hanging between them in their relationship, and to relieve many of Kacchan's apprehensive worries for him that keep him up at night. (It's time to break the uncertainty with some good two-sided communication!) And also just...to see how Kacchan reacts to finally learning the truth about how Deku feels for him, that he's kept hidden away for practically the whole manga. :'D
Naturally, following that, the long-awaited handhold of acceptance that culminates everything is something I've also been looking forward to, but for it to really land home, and before the manga ends too, Kacchan gaining his share of honest/open answers - from Deku himself (unless Kacchan once again has to do all the hard work to figure out Deku's feelings for him, heh), is also what I really hope to see completed. 
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ok but your theory about the 2nd ofa user's quirk could be legit. because as of rn they haven't revealed it yet, and regardless of what it is i'm sure it's gonna come into play somehow. but let's entertain the also very real possibility that it's NOT a time quirk and all the damage done to the heroes thus far is permanent-- how do you think bakugou would cope with only being able to use his non-dominant arm for like... ever?
manga spoilers under the cut:
i'm unsure if i'm qualified to answer this bc it would leave him permanently physically disabled and i am an able bodied person so how that affects someone might be out of my experience to speak on
but we know mirko lost an arm and leg and she's somehow quickly adapted to prosthetics and is able to mostly move around and articulate just as efficiently as before. of course, this is a manga and i know irl the kind of physical therapy and practice needed to adapt to lost limbs and prosthetics takes AGES, months and possibly years so of course the timeline is off in terms of reality. maybe we could look at Ed from full metal alchemist to see a slightly more realistic view of how someone adapts to prosthetics and the toll losing a limb takes
either way, it would be hard bc he uses his quirk through his palms/hands. and with only one arm, half of his quirk would be disabled unless prosthetics were able to somehow simulate how igniting his sweat works now. but yeah, this is not my area of expertise at all... it'd just be really tough but i doubt the manga would accurately show that journey.
i also think it would be just... a bad end to bakugou's plot? we've followed him from the beginning and seen his grown and accountability and how pretty much everyone acknowledges it at this point, the villains included. what would be the point of that growth and progress only to permanently disfigure him like a punishment? unlike endeavor who still has not properly faced his son and is still equating making up for his family mistakes with just... winning and being a hero... vs making amends with his family... bakugou's nearly at the conclusion of his developmental arc. idk. IDK! we'll jsut hve to see what happens
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pikahlua · 3 years
[MASTERPOST] My Hero Academia Linguistics and Translations
I try to give the most literal translations possible and add contextual notes afterward in order for everyone to be able to compare the official and other fan translations.
Click here for an index of chapter spoilers/manga translations
Deep dive translations with meta (manga spoilers):
Ch. 1, 285, & 304: “Take a swan dive...”
Ch. 1 & 297: Izuku Midoriya, the Unreliable Narrator
Ch. 120: Izuku’s “Image of Victory”
Ch. 284: Katsuki’s “Image of Rescue”: Deep Blue Meta Dive
Ch. 293: Katsuki’s Hero Name: Katsuki is so 👏 damn 👏 extra 👏
Ch. 298: “If that dumbass dies, I’ll kill him”
Ch. 302 Translation Notes
Ch. 310: OFA 2nd User kanji/word choice
Ch. 314 & Movie 3: Katsuki Bakugou: Surpass the pro (society)
Ch. 322: Katsuki’s Apology Deep Dive
Ch. 323: What is the “Ultimate Hero”?
Ch. 359: “The one closest to Izuku Midoriya”
You can ask me about translations
Class 1-A general speech patterns
Class 1-B general speech patterns (partial)
Sometimes Izuku is terrifying
Katsuki Bakugou swears a lot(?)
Bakugou & Uraraka/All Might & Aizawa linguistics
Ch. 277: The nuance of "Sorry. You’re not on my radar anymore.”
Follow-Up: Chapter 284 Translation Notes Clarification
Ch. 318: “He’s here, bastards” vs “Guys, I found him”
Ch. 322: In Defense of Swiss Cheese
Ch. 322: “We know” vs “I know”
Ch. 322: Save to Win meets Win to Save
Ch. 327: Izuku Kanji vs. Kana Discussion
Ch. 342: “Hard pass on the dirty talk”
Characters with puntastic names
Is Bakugou narrating? (chapter 348)
Is that the Second’s quirk revealed? (chapter 349)
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sakubabypowa734 · 2 years
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Mirio's important discovery. When he said Shigaraki has no friends, it's not ShigAFO who answered but Tenko
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Finally! 2nd OFA user's quirk is revealed!
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One Punch Deku!
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Smash his ass!
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Nana sees something, someone especially! Her son, Kotaro?...
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Yoichi is here meeting his damned brother when Deku destroyed ShigAFO!
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ignitification · 3 years
Shigaraki Yoichi
Finally, habemus name! After dilly dallying around it for 300+ chapters, the first OfA user and AfO's little brother's name has been revealed to be Yoichi. Now, I already talked so many times about the Numerology of OfA (and you can find here Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) (and after my theory of the 1st user to be called Ichigo has been debunked) - but I will take a little time to analyse this.
Clearly, the name Yoichi has in it the same character which figure in the diction of number 1 in Japanese (いち (ichi)). As there isn't a lot to say on the number itself, I preferred concentrating on the name. However, surprisingly, Yoichi is a very uncommon name (and please correct me if you know more about it!) - and the most common meaning of it is 'First Son'. I would guess that this refers to Yoichi being the First User of OfA, and being its bearer (an AfO's creation), more than to the actual son because as we know, Yoichi is AfO's little brother (unless...), so he cannot technically be a 'first son' in this literal meaning. The variation (as I am not sure on how Horikoshi puts it in the panel, I will add it as soon as the chapter is officially out) can stand for 'Good' or for 'Generation' (which is the one I am actually hoping for) (with one in the end). It would make sense for Yoichi to be the First Generation of OfA, formally claiming the beginning of an era (which culminates with All Might).
What I found funny, is that in Numerology, the name Yoichi is tied to Number 6, formerly. I am sure it has nothing to do with En and Yoichi, but at the same time I cannot refrain myself from asking why are still in the dark when it comes to the 6th user name? We have his face, and his Quirk - he even talked to Izuku. Is there a reason why?
I wanted to make a separate posts for this, but I'll just add a small paragraph about my few general OfA considerations:
Is it a requirement for OfA Users to be stunning? (kidding, but at the same time, why are Ni-Sama and Shinomori so damn cute why they are all dead?)
Is it just a coincidence that Nana is the only female OfA User? And does this have any relevance for the fact that she is Tenko's grandmothers?
Is the relationship of Yoichi and Ni-Sama a foreshadowing for Bakugou and Midoriya, or better, for Shigaraki and Izuku? (I am going to elaborate on this later, because the parallels between Yoichi and Tomura are a lot, and being imprisoned by AfO in an enclosed space and just a lot of similarities)
I know that Horikoshi said previous users were not 'chosen ones', but this makes me think, why exactly did they chose each other?
If the 2nd user if the one who actually started the chain of OfA, why was he so adamant on not recognising Izuku before? Or is it because of Izuku that he he did not want to acknowledge it? (and bak-u-go to those parallels).
And final one, and I know this is absolutely insane, but as I was thinking - AfO is the one who technically gave birth to OfA's power, so might his name be tied to the Numerology of OfA, too? Having maybe, the number 1 or maybe number 0 in it?
Much to think about, and thank you for reading.
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misplacedgamer · 2 years
So I had this theory last week when we didn't really get any answers about Katsuki's status.
2nd OFA user quirk reveal "Phoenix Tears" and its essentially like Fawkes from HP he cries on something and heals it. Izuku cries over Kachan's body and heals him... thoughts?
Oh my god that would be so beautiful and gay I love it!!!! And then Bakugo could wake up and take Deku’s hand like the only good part of the last Star Wars movie, and Deku could call him Katsuki, and everything would be PERFECT!
Unfortunately, as cool as that would be, I don’t think it’s super likely, since this is at the end of the day a shonen battle manga. Honestly though, 2nds quirk has me super stumped, so I would take literally anything. My own theories are that it’s either something mental/soul related (which may explain why the vestige realm even exists in the first place, since it’s kind of weird that souls hang out on top of the quirks, but only for OFA and not AFO), or something fire/ice related (less likely, but Todoroki is the only one of the people that are close to Deku that has not had a move of his incorporated into Deku’s fighting style, and that’s kind of sad).
The only thing that’s throwing me off is the fact that 2nd wears gauntlets, which seems to indicate it’s a power that can be channeled, but I can’t think of anything that can be channeled like that that’s worth all this build up. Guess I’ll just have to be surprised.
But Phoenix Tears is a super neat idea, and I would love it for a male character to have a power like that for once, especially a character like Deku’s who’s been shit on for being a crybaby both in comic and by people who hate him as an MC
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frostburn-shoto · 2 years
This is just my opinion but… I really don't get 
What's the obsession with "Bakugou is the second user." Theory. I am getting so sick of it. Especially since in my opinion it makes little to no sense? 
Like I get the second user may look a little like Bakugou but there's just a lot of things I feel people are missing with that theory? And while I agree that there is SOME sort of connection, I don't think it's that they are the same person. Maybe they are blood related? Who knows. 
Would I be okay if Horikoshi decided to make this theory true and Bakugou does end up being the second user? Not really but it is his story, so I'll just go along with it. Would I take this theory over him being dead? Yeah, though with a huge grain of salt, I'd much prefer him to be alive in the current time. Now here's my problem with this theory:
1- As far as I see, we never see a full colored version of the 2nd one for all users, he may just have spiky hair and totally not look anything like Bakugou otherwise. That We will never know until the anime and even then, maybe the manga would have already revealed the 2nd user's quirk or Bakugou's fate by then or even in the next chapter for all we know. 
2- Where would the time Quirk even come from? It's fair to say that One for Shigaraki doesn't have a time Quirk, and if Bakugou is TRULY the 2nd user, the final quirk is OBVIOUSLY explosion. Where would the time traveling Quirk come from? Midoriya won't just manifest one or it would seem a little BS. And that in itself makes A paradox situation of sorts. Because Bakugou won't be able to go to the past, wouldn't be able to save the 1st user, wouldn't be able to meet the 3rd user and so on, the 1st user will die meaning there won't be anyone to stop all for one, no all might, no deku or any of the other OFA users. One for all wouldn't even exist. All for one will get what he wants because no one can stop him.
3- Midoriya has known Bakugou since they were kids and he has seen the vestige form of the 2nd user so many times, how do you want me to believe he didn't at least have a 'he kind of looks familiar" moment or ANYTHING that hints that, even indirectly? Even more so since Midoriya would know his Quirk, he can't just be expected to use it for the first time in the middle of a fight no less without knowing what that quirk is? Yeah sure, we readers have no clue what it is but that doesn't mean Deku doesn't. 
4- Bakugou knows the importance of One for All, he knows that without it, there would be no one to stop All for one. He would know so much from the future and how much the future would be affected if the first user of all for one dies. Meanwhile the 2nd user was essentially about to strike the 1st user down and kill him, but instead he saved him. If it was Bakugou, with all the knowledge of what will happen in the future, don't you think he'd try to rescue him from the start? Unless he didn't know who he was in the beginning, he couldn't really think of killing him since again; no one would be around to stop all for one.
5- The 2nd user and how he had his back against Deku at the start and didn't approve of him. If it was the older Bakugou we knew before his redemption I'd say… yeah he would do that. Especially since he used to belittle deku all the time before but the current Bakugou? Hell no, what about all his character development he went through people? Bakugou would literally know the potential Deku has. He himself struggled to keep up with him after all. If anything, if it was Bakugou, he'd be there to provide advice for Deku knowing that he'll need it. 
6- It was stated that all THREE movies are canon by Horikoshi himself, and he was heavily responsible for their production. This includes Heroes rising; so the reason Bakugou saw the vestige of all Might is simply because he HAD one for all for a short while. Heroes rising is the hardest to place but even then it's hinted by the movie as to when exactly it takes place and hinted even more in the anime by a small indirect mention of it that people probably would miss if they didn't pay enough attention to the dialogue or already know when heroes rising takes place in the timeline and because people will ask me for proof, here it is:
In episode 13 of season 5, during the mention of internships returning when it was no longer optional and all hero course students have to do it. Right after they finish discussing that, they finish that Principal Nezo says something along the lines of "About the commission's other program." And it's only directed at Aizawa. Then there's no mention of it and we skip to another scene, why? Because the other program is 1A working as heroes in the island aka what happens in Heroes Rising. The other movies literally have a filler episode dedicated to them so I think that clarifies when it takes place and the writer himself says they are canon. 
7- People tend to take the relationship between Bakugou and the 2nd user too literally. Sure his hair and gauntlet have most to do with that but I feel a lot of people forget that they may just be implied to be similar. Not because they are the same person, or blood related just because they are…. Similar in personality or their unwavering strength even when facing someone dangerous. And for another big reason: To deku, Bakugou is what the 2nd user was for the 1st user, someone he looked up to and a hero. 
Horikoshi may make Bakugou somehow be the 2nd user for all I know but he also uses symbolism a lot. The connection between Bakugou and the first user may be WAAY more simple than people believe it will be. Well everyone is free to make theories, they are fun and some end up being true, I am just stating why I feel this particular one feels a bit far fetched to me.
Now to answer a bigger question, is Bakugou dead for good? I for one think Bakugou will be alive for multiple reasons… though of course I cannot predict how he will live or if Horikoshi really killed him off. I think I will talk about the reasons I think he's alive in a later post though. 
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makeste · 4 years
Do you think the darker hair color of the 2nd ofa user is enough evidence to nerf the bak-u-go theory? I mean, Deku's hair color is whiter in the vestiges world why wouldn't katuski's hair be darker over there?
for me, it’s not going to be nerfed until this character finally turns around and shows his face, and we see that it isn’t Bakugou. until that happens, there is just too much going on here for me to ignore.
and I mean look, I’ve already got this thing all ready to go for next week lol.
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it probably would be less embarrassing for me in the long run to just be all “yeah you guys are right, it definitely isn’t him”, especially since this is a theory that people have literally unfollowed me for entertaining in the past. and especially since I’ve swung and missed big time with Bakugou theories before (see: him still having his quirk, lol). this is a theory that is extraordinarily unpopular and makes absolutely no sense -- even I admit it makes no sense. so I’d save a lot of face by just being all “yeah, not going to happen.”
but in the interests of choosing honesty over wanting to save face, the truth is that my gut says it’s him. like, let’s just put aside the logistics of it for just one moment. disregard the why would it be him, how could it be him part of it for just one sec, and just look at him.
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everything about this person just screams Bakugou to me, and has from the moment I first went back to take a closer look in chapter 194. like, if it were any other context other than him being a shadowy ghost from the past chilling in Deku’s subconscious, I don’t think there would even be a debate. the Bakugou vibes are off the fucking charts here. so much so that people are already looking for alternative explanations such as the ancestor theory, because even the people who are vehemently against bak-u-go can’t completely disregard the resemblance. it is uncanny, and it is absolutely intentional, whatever that intent might actually be.
and the fact that he still hasn’t turned around! and hasn’t talked yet! and the fact that his very identity has been built up into a cliffhanger. if it truly is someone we don’t know, then the chapter should have ended on the reveal. their faces being shown at last, and then the “who are these last two mysterious users and what is their story?” cliffhanger, since they’re still mysterious to us even with their faces known. but the fact that the cliffhanger is instead “who are they” without showing their faces indicates to me that them turning around will answer that “who are they” question at least in part. in other words, we know them. or at least one of them.
and again, I’m not saying it makes sense. or that there’s no other possible explanation. but let’s just briefly address that last part before I end this post. the phrase I’ve been seeing all over the fandom for these past few weeks is, “there are any number of reasons.” as in, “there are any number of reasons why they could be turned around”, “there are any number of reasons why he could have gauntlets”, etc. and yes, of course there are! and if it were just one thing, I would totally agree that there’s probably a simpler explanation than “it must be Bakugou.”
but it’s not just one thing. it’s a whole host of things. and this for me is where any other explanation ceases to be simple.
“there are any number of reasons why he could have the exact same spiky-yet-fluffy hair” “there are any number of reasons why he could be hiding his face” “there are any number of reasons why he could have the exact same build” “there are any number of reasons why he could have the exact same posture” “there are any number of reasons why he could have a similar collar, baggy pants, and boots” “there are any number of reasons why he could be wearing bigass gauntlets” “there are any number of reasons Horikoshi could have for hiding his identity for multiple chapters, and then making it a cliffhanger”
all of these statements are completely true. but all of them together? that, to me, is pretty damn suspicious.
I’ll end this post with one of my favorite quotes from Star Trek DS9, because there’s nothing like ending an unpopular theory post with a pretentious quote, lol. “I believe in coincidences. coincidences happen every day. but I don’t trust coincidences.”
and I fucking don’t, lol. I don’t trust them one bit. this motherfucker is Bakugou to me until proven otherwise. which may be in about four days’ time. like I said, my clown wig is at the ready. but if it’s not him, Horikoshi, then I’ll admit, you sure got me good.
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spaceseinensam · 3 years
BNHA-AAAaaaah pt. 67 aka Chapter 308 AKA MANGA SPOILERS (!)
Can't make a read more on mobile, scroll at your own risk.
Well hello beautiful people, Deku has gone full Batman and hole-punched Muscular into next week('s chapter), and all I have eyes for is OFA' s 6th user, who is not only very pretty, but also likes to appear in Deku's headspace, lay his hand on his shoulder and tell him "bro you overdid it a bit"
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But you know what that means? That means we now know all the quirks of the former users, except for my two favorite mysterious shilouettes, the 2nd and 3rd user.
1st user - OfA (AfO's younger brother)
2nd user -?
3rd user -?
4th user - Danger Sense (Shinomori)
5th user - Blackwhip (Banjo)
6th user - Smokescreen (En)
7th user - Float (Nana)
8th user - quirkless, then OfA (Allmight)
9th user - quirkless, then OfA (Deku)
As it's been portrayed in this chapter as well, most of the quirks of the former users aren't very flashy or powerful on their own, but can make for a great toolkit in addition to the Super Strength when used in combination with one another:
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But this begs the question: what could the quirks of the mysterious 2nd and 3rd user be? Since Horikoshi is holding them locked up as of now, showing us only their menacing shilouettes at first, giving us no names, and then finally revealing them facing a wall with no intention of turning around and showing their faces let alone their quirks, it makes one wonder what powers the two could possibly have.
In my opinion, we probably won't get them soon, since Hori likes to tease and cliffhang like no other, but seeing the mystery of both the users and the quirks, it's not far fetched to say that they're either a) very powerful, b) very dangerous/destructive, c) quirks similar to ones Deku already knows (emotional drama), or d) all of the above.
Whatever they are, I'm hyped to see them revealed at some point in the future, and of course I'm very curious as to how Deku's newly acquired vigilante hero way of life will affect him and the people he left behind. Will Deku visit UA under the guise of night to quietly check in on his friends? Will they run into him in open field and not recognize him/recognize him too late? Did Shinsou really just snag a spot in 1-A (or I guess 2-A by now) only for him to find out its because Deku left? What are the kids' feelings on all of this???
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butterfly--empress · 3 years
So About BnHA…
Man! I don’t participate much on here but it sure has been an interesting popcorn eating time, lurking through the good, the bad, and the annoying posts in the spoiler chapter tags. For this week’s chapter, especially!
Not gonna rant (I save those for close friends on discord) 
I do notice that lines within this crazy ass fandom have been drawn, tears have been shed and righteous fury has been felt. And no matter wtf Mister Horikoshi has in stored for chapter 320, it’s going to be a make or break chapter for a lot of folks. I did try my best to keep this post Bakugou neutral grounds. I don’t think I’ve bashed nor favored the character just fyi.
But the most inconspicuous opinions can be taken too serious these days…
The Silly:
For chapter 320 onwards, I am and have ALWAYS BEEN 100% Team: The Legend, The Myth, The Champ, Izuku ‘Feral!Rabbit-Cryptid!’ Midoriya! Win or Lose, I ride or die with Midoriya, hands down! ON GOD!
While everybody yelling into the tumblr void over whose gonna win or lose.
I’m sitting here thinking about two things: A) Has no one thought that maybe some of Class 1-A might side with Deku? *coughsUraraka/Iida/Todorokicoughs* *coughsmaybeevenMineta/Asui/Yaoyorozu???coughs* *coughs maybe even a surprise Shinsou/class1-b reveal even though class 1-b don’t know deku that well* B) Did everyone forget in all the excitement that uhh my boi has yet to unlock the 2nd OFA user’s quirk???
I mean, I’m not saying if it does come down to a bawl of drama and angst, that Izuku’s gonna win.
But I am saying, if it does come down to a bawl of drama and angst, that Izuku’s gonna win…I regret nothing with this bet! If my boi loses we just gonna take that L but…ya know…*shrugs*…Baby, beat their Bakugou’s collective asses.
The Serious:
Personally, I honest to god really love this shounen series with all my heart. It is the anime that reignited my love for shounen after my fatigued of constant disappointment with two old shounen favorites. 
Now, having said all that: I truly have not had a serious issue with the writing choices made by Horikoshi. Yes, I have my…gripes…(it’s complicated) but considering what I got compared to the stuff I’ve watched/read in the past, it’s definitely better to me. Having read/watched a lot of anime/manga and shounen, (I haven’t watched them ALL, srsly after my great disappointment and real life I sort of had an anime dry spell if you must know. Watched some stuff here and there when I could/in the mood but not as frequent as I’ve done like yrs ago), I’ve come to learn to just…begrudgingly accept/expect certain; I suppose you can say, writing choices or ‘tropes’ that I can just easily ignore them, roll my eyes when I see them, and still enjoy whatever I’m invested in at the time. 
The only real frustrations I have is with a certain character. Yes, I mean Bakugou. I have come to tolerate him, I have come to begrudgingly like him, especially after a second rewatch of the series, I could see and accept that in a very typical shounen way, Bakugou did change, though very little, and it’s subtle and undeniably frustrating how it’s happening but it’s there. However, I do question Horikoshi’s writing choices when it comes to him at times. I see the character development, I know it’s there but….*sighs*
Now I’m one of these people who do believe that the creator of this universe, actually knows wtf he’s doing with his own story (even if rabid/hormonal younger fans loudly disagree but YMMV). One thing I’ve noticed, for the most part, he doesn’t just write/draw things for the hell of it, even if a certain plot or a certain character’s development takes a snail’s pace to get to the point. The conclusion of building up to arcs do have a pay off. (And I 100% understand that for some people, moving at a snail’s pace just don’t cut it. Everything cannot please everybody all of the time and that is FINE!)
Katsuki Bakugou…I know the crumbs and very subtle ways he’s changed have to lead somewhere and to something huge. When Bakugou admits to All Might he bullied Midoriya when they were kids, I had an ‘ah ha!’ Moment. The fact that a very prideful guy like Bakugou was finally starting to admit just that much, (even though, we the audience knows it runs way deeper than he’s admitting here) even in his frustrating roundabout way I like to think this is progress, is very in-character and cannot just be for the hell of it. It has to be leading up to something else other than Bakugou jumping in to take that hit for Deku during the war arc. There is unresolved tension still between Bakugou and Midoriya that is not going to just go away because they will it to.
Which brings us to Chapters 318 and especially 319. It’s the perfect set up for all the dirty skeletons to come out of the closet that both Bakugou and Midoriya have been avoiding/trying to pretend doesn’t exists between them, because it’s been a long time coming. The honest to god truth? This is actually how I always thought this confrontation will go, with a showdown that forces Midoriya into a corner where all those repressed negative feelings he’s bottled up inside is bound to come out; Because I Honestly think Izuku would take what Bakugou’s done to him to his grave if he had it, his way. (Boy can be very frustratingly stubborn when he wants to be).
It’s just, after saying all this, I don’t hold my breath that Horikoshi will take it there…The opportunity is there, I want it to go there, it NEEDS to go there! In order for both characters to come out for the better. But will Mister Horikoshi ‘DO THE THING?’
Remains to be seen. A little bit of me is hopeful, another part of me is resigning myself to feeling dissatisfied with what little we got for Bakugou’s character development and by proxy, Izuku’s getting stuck in limbo. I’m not kidding, Bakugou being a very contentious character within this fandom doesn’t just come from nowhere. But this post isn’t about me ranting into the void about Bakugou. (I don’t even think I can muster up the rage I felt the first time watching MHA blindly to rant to high hell about the bullshit Bakugou’s done now.)
I suppose I will just have to internally scream for 1,000 yrs over half baked character development if Horikoshi doesn’t do the FUCKING THING in giving a satisfying pay off to Katsuki and Midoriya’s history. I’ll just frustratingly chalk it up to old freaking shounen logic and just continue to enjoy the series because I’ve been here for Izuku Midoriya since ep 1 and I am not about to let Bakugou or Horikoshi’s unwillingness to do something with him derail that. And there’s always hoping that someone is writing some really good Bakugou gets actual Consequences fanfic out there because ooh boy…I like Bakugou but mofo can catch these hands…and I’m not even a fighter, but Bakugou…this lil shit does make you want to choke the hell out of him at times. 
I haven’t been this emotionally frustrated over an anime character since…maybe fucking Louise from Zero no Tsukaima and it takes a LOT to make me actually dislike characters, good or bad. 
All in All: Regardless of how the story goes from here on out, we are all about to lose our collective shits. No matter how you feel about which characters…
It’s about to go down!
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