#24 February
mdoesitmatter · 4 months
You love books? Good thing you aren’t Ukrainian.
A try not post anything on the topic of w@r on this account but this situation ruined on another level. My hands are shaking as I write this.
Today, on 23th of May ru$$ians made a massive missile attack on Kharkiv and one of those missiles destroyed one of the biggest Printing Enterprises in Ukraine. 7 people was found dead (for this moment), more 40 was seriously injured and thousands of books completely destroyed. My favourite publisher manufactured their books there as well as 17 others. Years of work are gone in a blink of an eye. And it was just 1 out of 15 missiles.
Many books on my shelves was made there. But because we are neighbours with terr0ristic state my passion to literature costed people their lives.
Because that is what Ru$$ians do. They destroy every single aspect of our lives. They k!ll our people. They bring destruction and de@th. They don’t want to win to win the w@r, they want to erase Ukraine from the face of this Earth.
I understand that my home country isn’t the only one to struggle right now, but I am not going to apologies for wanting to help my people. War is still going. They b0mb us every day. People d!e every day. Every day I call my loved ones, fully aware that they might not pick up and that last time I talked with them was the last. I fear that I will never return home.
If Russia stop fighting — there is gonna be no war.
If Ukraine stop fighting — there is gonna be no Ukraine.
Save Ukraine.
Save Ukrainian people.
Arm Ukraine.
Слава Україні!
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wiiildflowerrr · 7 months
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@Ashton5SOS: The only recorded photo of me doing karaoke lastnight, I've never sang with so much passion 😂
24 February 2017
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stairnaheireann · 7 months
#OTD in Irish History | 24 February:
1582 – Pope Gregory XIII announces the new Gregorian calendar, replacing the Julian calendar. 1692 – The Treaty of Limerick is ratified by William of Orange. 1721 – Birth of physician and politician, John McKinly, in Ireland (Ulster). He emigrated to Wilmington, Delaware in 1742 and was a veteran of the French and Indian War. McKinly served in the Delaware General Assembly, was the first elected…
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13sysojevak · 17 days
Before summer, I finished my oil painting
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So here it is. Firstly, I made a collage from the photos I made on my school trip to South Bank in London. We didn't just go for the reference photos, we also went to a gallery near the National Theatre. It seems like something that is structured, I think. Also, it was my first oil painting and I hate the way it looks on some spots
Well, that is a good start
Also notice the "from 24 Feb". I didn't paint it on purpose, it just got in the reference photo. Such a funny coincidence
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dateinthelife · 2 years
24 February 1968
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The first ad for Apple appears in NME. All the photos were chosen by Paul, and more can be seen here.
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ourladyofomega · 2 years
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Celebrate Industrial / EBM Day today.
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learnukrainian · 2 years
24 February 2023
A year ago, on the 24th February 2022, russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine (first military aggression and occupation of certain territories happened back in 2014).
The war is still not over, so I would like to ask you to show solidarity with Ukrainians in your city today.
You can find a link with information on events in 45 countries below. You can also google your city, since, sadly, the list isn't comprehensive.
The majority of rallies will take place today (24 Feb) in the evening but some will be held tomorrow (25 Feb), so it is still possible to join in for people from, say, Australia.
Click on your country to see the locations or external links to local info lists:
Extra info on German cities: https://t.me/demonstrierenforukraine
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Thank you ❤️
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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International I Hate Coriander Day
We don’t like to be filled with hate here at Days Of The Year, but sometimes you need a day when you can have a good old moan about something, right? Well, International I Hate Coriander Day gives you the perfect opportunity to do so! Yes, there are a lot of people out there who love coriander. However, some people hate the little green stuff, and it can be incredibly annoying when they see a meal come out at a restaurant and it has green leaves dotted all over the top. We know that some of you out there are nodding your head right now!
Learn about International I Hate Coriander Day
We all love food, right? However, we all have foods that just don’t do it for us. For example, there are a lot of people that think that putting pineapple on a pizza is criminal! There are then people that don’t like eating seafood of any nature. And now, we have another group of food haters, and of course, we’re talking to those that can’t stand the herb coriander. Trust us, there are more of you than you may realize!
So, what is it about coriander that people hate so much? Well, there has even been some research on the subject. It is believed that genetics could play a key role when it comes to the hate for coriander, as per a study that was carried out at Deakin University.
History of International I Hate Coriander Day
So, where did this hate for coriander begin? Well, it all started a few years ago when a group on Facebook popped up called I Hate Coriander. The group involved a bunch of like-minded individuals who simply hated the herb! They would send messages and create posts about their dislike for coriander and their sheer bafflement at anyone who enjoyed eating it. You may think that this was a tiny little group, but no; it has hundreds of thousands of members! In fact, the group even sell their own merchandise, so it is clear to see that there is a big worldwide group of people who simply hate coriander.
How to observe International I Hate Coriander Day
So, how can you celebrate International I Hate Coriander Day? Well, an obvious place to begin is by making sure you do not have coriander with any of your meals. If you are someone who doesn’t mind the herb or even enjoys eating it, you should try and refrain from eating it on this date.
If you are someone who considers themselves part of the I Hate Coriander crew, you may want to celebrate this day by voicing your hate for the green herb. You can post social media memes and graphics that show your dislike for coriander. You may even want to consider getting yourself some of the I Hate Coriander merchandise and sporting it for the day so that everyone you come into contact with can understand your sheer hate for the widely used herb.
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iamdjgordon · 7 months
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Birthday boys’ brunch 🤠🥂🤠
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oediex · 7 months
Of all the things that would pull me back from being chronically suicidal to being acutely so, I should have known it would be my family. Somehow, inexplicably, I was prepared for anything but not that. I was stupid, carefully avoiding so many factors and blindly walking right into that one. Thinking I was safe because they were there for me when I was acutely suicidal six weeks ago.
Why is it always family.
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blendwerk · 7 months
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Happy International Electronic Body Music Day!
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poemsbyifk · 2 years
And I think Allah has gifted me this sickness because he wants my prayers to be answered. Thats what I'm thinking now and though it's painful Allah won't burden me beyond which I can bear.
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wiiildflowerrr · 7 months
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@Ashton5SOS: This is the best ever, MINI5SOS are amazing lol xx
25 February 2016
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shevvys-pictures · 1 year
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'Barn' & 'Barn 2'
I remain proud of these ones. I aimed for a faint abstraction of Western American decay, I'm not American, though.
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[Diane, 11:30am, February 24th. Entering the town of Twin Peaks. Five miles south of the Canadian border. Twelve miles west of the state line. Never seen so many trees in my life.]
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dailykafka · 7 months
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— February 24, 1918 / Franz Kafka diaries
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