#23? one foot in the grave
norfre · 4 months
My b day TOMORROW !!!!!!!!!!!
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risingsunresistance · 3 months
one of the skyblock youtubers i've watched a bit just graduated high school. im going to crumble to dust
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catgrandpa · 18 days
Gotham has always been weird, so when the groundskeeper at the cemetery noticed the Wayne kid’s plot was disturbed, he just chalked it up to more of the same ol’. Alright, so ‘disturbed’ may be a tad too light of a word, but what’s an empty grave in the grand scheme of Gotham? God knows in a city like this one, they could use all the burial room they could get. He figured he’d just jot it down on the website and hope nobody noticed for a while.
Too bad he didn’t account for the 13 year old boy in Bristol who periodically checks the cemetery’s website when he’s feeling particularly lonely.
Plot Removed.
Tim Drake stared at the two words under the heading for Jason Todd’s plot number. Removed? What do they mean ‘removed’? They can’t just remove a plot? That’s a person down there! That’s Robin down there! You can’t Remove Robin!
Calm down. Deep breaths. Assess the situation.
Robin has been dead for 5 months and 14 days. There is no reason for a grave to be removed that early, especially one of a member of such an affluential family. Chances are likely it’s a simple clerical issue. He can call first thing in the morning and make them aware of the mistake. He can have it all fixed in 5 hours.
Just a phone call.
In 5 hours.
Tim hates talking on the phone almost as much as he hates waiting.
Well it won’t be the first time he’s snuck out to head to Gotham proper at 1am. It can’t even really be considered sneaking out if there’s no one home to catch you.
Buses stop running at 2, so he layers a couple sweaters under his coat and grabs his best running sneakers so he can comfortably make the trek back.
Just a quick trip to settle his nerves. Maybe get a few shots in if he spots Batman, but really he just wants to see with his own two eyes that things are okay and Jason can rest.
It’s 1:37 by the time he gets to the headstone reading ‘Here Lies Jason Todd’ and the gaping, muddy pit in front of it.
This- This doesn’t make any sense. This is not removal. This is destruction. Desecration. Somebody did this. Somebody-
Assess the situation.
A hole in the ground, approximately 1.5 feet in diameter.
Mud and grass flung outward but with little force.
Large chunks of earth turned over and shoved away.
No signs of tool marks or clean lines of entry into the dirt.
Dragging claw marks.
Staggering, shuffled pairs of foot prints in the mud.
A trail of dirt.
Something… Something large clawed its way out of the ground here. Something large and bipedal and- and humanoid.
Tim refuses to jump to any conclusions he can see all the facts laid in front of him. He’s going to cautiously follow the trail and simply hope to any god listening that he isn’t the world’s first line of defense against the zombie apocalypse.
He’s been walking for 23 minutes and there’s good news and undecided news. Good news: he’s closing in on the target and the trail isn’t taking him out of the way so his trip home won’t be prolonged. Undecided news: The potential Zombie Robin is heading directly for Wayne Manor.
As zombie apocalypse news, this is very bad. From Tim’s collected observational evidence, his not-so-professional opinion is that Batman, faced with a horror movie level zombie of his dead son, would not respond well, and would likely not fight back.
In Batman and Robin news? Tim’s unsure. If Jason is simply back? What could that mean for them? Batman can have his Robin. He wouldn’t have to continue nearly killing others and himself every night in his grief. Jason could-
No. Stop. Do not jump to conclusions.
Hope only brings heartbreak.
What would Batman do? Get close and see if the target is a threat.
Target is male. Mid-teens. Dark hair. Pale skin. Leaning against surfaces as he walks. Appears injured and disoriented.
Minimal risk assessed. Approaching and attempting contact.
Target identity confirmed: Jason Todd.
“J-Jason?” It comes out as a croaked whisper. Jason shows no sign of acknowledgment.
Tim clears his throat, steps right in front of his path, and tries again.
“Jason. Jason, stop I want to help you.” Still nothing.
“Please, Jason. I can help, I promise I can help!”
Why isn’t this working?! Why can’t he just do something right for once?! He wants this to work, he wants to help Bruce, he wants to fix Batman, he wants to not be alone, he wants-
Robin jerks to a stop.
Tim reached out his hand.
“Robin. Robin please, I’m sorry you’re going through this, it’s really scary, I’m really scared. But I just want to help you. Help you find Batman. Help you get home.”
Jason just stares at him. Of course he does. Of course it’s not going to work. Why did he even bother hoping he could help?
Hope only brings heartbreak.
His sight blurs as his eyes fill with tears and he starts to lower his outstretched hand.
His arm is slowed as a cold hand weakly grasps his own.
“Don’t… scared… Bat… help… Dad… help.”
A relieved sob tears out from Tim’s chest and he gathers himself together. He yanks his extra sweater off and gently pulls it over Jason’s cold shoulders. Jason lets Tim drag his arm over his shoulders to try and carry some of his weight.
“Okay, Robin. Yeah. Your dad will help us.”
Batman will solve everything once Tim gets Robin home.
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incorrect-gravescest · 3 months
(artist source)
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💚: Once again, I am in awe of how the stupidest fucking ideas from you somehow work out in the end.
🩷: I told you! The Lucky Lannister Casino is so big that there's no way they can ensure that everyone on the floor is an employee. Now we can keep all the tips we make and get free food and drinks all day long!
💚: But you're not even old enough to drink or gamble!
🩷: Ashley Graves isn't old enough, no. But my driver's license says that Angela Vasquez is 23.
💚: Great. So we're trespassing, I'm dressed like the lovechild of a train conductor and a mime and you have a fake ID so you can dress like a Playboy Bunny and walk around with a tray and offer horny fat guys free Manhattans in the VIP section. I swear, if one of those pudgy bastards lays a hand on you...
🩷: No need to get your hands dirty, beloved. Have you seen the bouncer in the VIP lounge? It's this seven foot monster of a man who's a solid wall of muscle. His name is Hanz. No last name. He never talks or smiles, just watches me and the other girls to make sure we're okay. Anyway, I think our break is up. The CEO of Toxicola is celebrating his 75th birthday in the VIP Lounge and I heard he tips good, so I have to make sure Manson and Dahmer look their best. You should probably get back to the Shits Table.
💚: Craps! It's called Craps!
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hd-fan-fair · 10 months
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What an amazing fair we had this year. But this much awesomeness doesn't occur on it's own. The mods would like to take this opportunity to thank some people:
♥ To the authors and artists. We're so so thrilled you participated for the 2023 fair. Your talents and amazing works truly made the Fair what it is! There would have been no fair without you all.
♥ To our readers and viewers. Thanks for taking time to view, read, kudo and comment. We truly appreciate your efforts and love every single comment that was left.
♥ To everyone who participated in our Fair Cup. You guys were incredible! You put in so much effort to read and comment and hustle for your team. We hope you had much fun!
♥ To those of you who spent the time reccing stories and artworks you loved – thank you!
♥ And finally, to everyone who helped beta and cheer for our participants – you're all amazing!
So give yourselves a round of applause! Without further ado, this is the reveals!
Much Love, phoenixacid & sassy_cissa (IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER) ART 1. chachisoo drew "H.J. Potter", (2019) oil on canvas, Draco Malfoy (Digital Comic, General) 2. P_pato_roldnart drew Close Observation (Digital Art, General) 3. Itsphantasmagoria drew Holes (Digital Art, Explicit) 4. LordAzazel23 drew Under the Dementor's Watch (Digital Art, General) 5. porcelainheart3 drew One Foot In The Grave (Digital Art, Teen) 6. PinkElephant42 drew In Life & Death (Digital Art, General) 7. Dustmouth drew Harry Potter Gets a Job (Traditional Art/Comic, Mature)
ART & FIC 8. Bubblegumhead drew and wrote The Thread that Binds Us (22k, Teen)
FIC 9. harrows wrote Wherever You Go, There You Are (12k, Explicit) 10. Sleepstxtic wrote Connecting Lines, Connecting Crimes (15k, Mature) 11. annanotherthing wrote Amourous As This Lovely Green (15k, Explicit) 12. Romaine wrote Terminal Lucidity (3k, General) 13. Sita Z wrote Full Fathom Five (18k, Explicit) 14. Mischievous wrote All the Good Things and the Bad Things that May Be (11k, Explicit) 15. oflights wrote If the Bees Know (20k, Teen) 16. Meowfoy wrote WanderFull Fit (7k, Explicit) 17. starlitsilvereyes wrote Death is Not Fit to House a Love (21k, Explicit) 18. ravenesse wrote Let's Get Physical (10k, Explicit) 19. Flightinflame wrote Another Side (2k, Teen) 20. Ladderofyears wrote A Year In The Life (19k, Mature) 21. xErised wrote Playing Quiddick (12k, Explicit) 22. arminaa wrote Within You Without You (40k, Explicit) 23. Poison_literature wrote Blood Tainted Fingertips (7k, Mature) 24. dysonrules wrote A Competitive Cooperation (20k, Teen) 25. Maraudersaffair wrote My Own Personal Poltergeist (11k, Explicit) 26. Enchanted_Jae wrote Scanning the Skies (3k, Teen) 27. apricitydays wrote Once More To Arcady (32k, Explicit) 28. rei382 wrote The Sinful Serpent (11k, Teen) 29. Moon_Peach wrote Californian Calcite (31k, Mature) 30. DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes wrote Broom Service (7k, Explicit) 31. StarQuesting wrote Half Sick of Shadows (40k, Explicit) 32. Phoebe_Delia wrote Just Take Me Home (5k, Teen) 33. SanderVanSunshine wrote Ten Visits to Fire and Flight: The World of Dragons (17k, Explicit) 34. epsilonargus wrote means to a triumph (5k, Teen) 35. Tigersilver wrote The Plot (15k, Teen) 36. toxik_angel wrote Fawning Over You (39k, Explicit) 37. Aulophobia wrote To Have A Home (128k, Explicit) 38. meloflavor wrote Can't Pretend (3k, General) 39. saltwatergarden wrote port in a storm (8k, Mature) 40. peachpety wrote Playing for Keeps (7k, General) 41. DodgerKedavra wrote The Scent of Soft Rains (20k, Explicit) 42. SquibNation10 wrote Launch me to Ultralife (39k, Teen)
PODFIC 43. Cailynwrites read Call Me, Won't You? by Aelys_Althea - a Podfic (4 hours, Teen)
We will post stats and banners and Cup results shortly! ♥
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simply-whump · 7 months
Pit Babe (พิษเบ๊บ) - Whump List
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Whumpees : Babe played by Pavel Naret and Charlie played by Pooh Krittin
Synopsis : Charlie wants to be a racecar driver but he doesn't have a racecar of his own. The only solution he comes up with is to make a bizarre agreement with king of the raceway Babe, nicknamed Pit Babe. Even stranger, Babe agrees to help Charlie realise his dream.(MDL)
Genres : Action, Comedy, Romance, Sports, BL
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Ep 1 : None
Ep 2 : (04:06) Restrained, slapped twice
Ep 3 : (51:30) Feeling unwell, concern for him, upset — (54:50) Vision swimming a bit
Ep 4 : (03:15) Upset, punching a metal locker with his bare hand — (20:27) Attacked, beaten with metal bars — (26:55) Bruises on his back — (45:39) Issue with the car he’s driving, car explodes with him in it
Ep 5 : (Previous scene continues) (02:15) In a car on fire, explosion, concern for him, helped out of the car, falls to the ground, held, taken into an ambulance — (04:06) Brought into the hospital on a stretcher, groaning in pain — (04:30) In a hospital bed, leg in a splint — (09:09) Looked after — (24:35) Walking with a crutch, almost falls, helped —(30:49) Helped to walk — (41:24) Walking with limp, wincing in pain — (42:57) Realises he lost his super senses 
Ep 6 : None
Ep 7 : (17:28) Feeling betrayed, upset — (21:18) Crying — (40:17) Teary-eyed
Ep 8 : (15:14) Hit, kicked, fighting, hit, shot at
Ep 9 : (11:54) Punched — (17:30) Learns a shocking truth, paralysed by some power, kissed against his will, emotional, feeling betrayed, crying — (21:22) Crying, hugged 
Ep 10 : (10:20) Worried for Charlie — (12:13) Worried for Charlie, crying, getting his sense back, told Charlie died, devastated, passes out — (17:07) Wakes up, concern for him, crying, headache, devastated by Charlie’s death, hugged by his friends — (25:22) Crying, breaks down in front of Charlie’s grave, helped up — (36:44) Found laying on the ground in his house, completely spaced out, depressed — (39:36) Punched, upset, restrained — (43:58) Hit in the head twice, collapses on the ground, groaning in pain, bleeding, saved
Ep 11 : (01:46) Resting on a couch, given medication, small bandage on his forehead
Ep 12 : (33:19) At gunpoint, fighting, hit — (34:53) Treated — (46:15) Fighting, hit in the head, collapses, bleeding, finds out Charlie is alive
Ep 13 : (01:58) On the ground, bleeding from the head, finds out Charlie is alive, concern for him — (05:28) At gunpoint — (13:10) At gunpoint, hit — (16:30) Shot at, one of his friends dies in his arms (not Charlie), emotional, crying — (29:35) Grieving, crying — (34:33) Confronting his real father, emotional, crying
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Ep 1 : (07:19) Arm twisted behind his back
Ep 2-3 : None
Ep 4 : (20:40) Hit with metal bars while protecting Babe, arm injured, concern for him — (31:31) Arm in a sling
Ep 5 : (01:52) Worried for Babe
Ep 6 : None
Ep 7 : (26:50) Grabbed by the collar
Ep 8 : (14:48) At gunpoint — (15:26) Hit, bottle smashed on his arm, fighting, concern for him, shot at — (23:11) Checked for bruises, wounds treated
Ep 9 : (19:22) Paralysed, put to sleep, woken up
Ep 10 : (09:40) In a car crash during a race, unconscious — (12:11) Brought to the hospital on a stretcher, concern for him, ambu bag, goes into cardiac arrest, dies? — (23:40) Mourned 
Ep 11 : (06:55) Unconscious on a couch, wakes up — (16:21) Walking with a crutch, foot bandaged 
Ep 12 : (46:24) Saving Babe, fighting
Ep 13 : (16:30) Shot at
>> More Wump Lists
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thecreaturecodex · 2 months
Skelm, Soul
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[Hey! A new monster! I am feeling a bit more rested and rejuvenated after my long hiatus. I'm still only planning on releasing one or two new monsters a week, but I feel much more motivated to write now, and think I've worked out why my block has been what it is.
The soul skelm is the last and most powerful of the skelms in PF2e's Bestiary 3, and I like that it has a similar ability to the weakest, the street skelm. I wonder if all four of them had a "X Strike" ability at some point in development. I added some more spell-like abilities to play into their "bullying the dead" flavor text.]
Skelm, Soul CR 10 LE Outsider (native) This humanoid male has translucent gray skin and a rack of antlers. His face is contorted into an expression of mock agony and terror.
Soul skelms are among the most powerful of skelm-kind, and are some sort of occult parallel to night hags. Unlike the more metaphysical connection between night hags and mortal hags, soul skelms are a further transformation, and can form from any kind of skelm. A soul skelm is one that has completely abandoned its original personality and mortality for pure hatred and ambition. Soul skelms are especially feared because their cruelty does not stop when their victims die. A soul skelm continues to bully the souls of their victims, calling them from the grave to interrogate them as to the weaknesses of their friends and loved ones, and using them to invigorate their withered flesh. Soul skelms do not have a natural lifespan; they only die through violence or misfortune, and many of their souls immediately go on to reincarnate as rakshasas, asuras or oni.
Soul skelms enjoy using the undead as tools, and often collect a region’s undead under their banner, using bribes, threats and magic if the first two fail. Soul skelms are even more isolationist and paranoid of their fellow skelms as other varieties are, and rarely associate with them except as part of a plan to get their lesser killed. Soul skelms delight in breaking apart group unity and cohesive tactics, using illusions to separate each of their victims into a solipsistic reverie before picking them off one by one. They prefer spiked chains, whips, or other ostentatious, showy weapons.
Soul Skelm CR 10 XP 9,600 LE Medium outsider (native) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +17
Defense AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +10 natural) hp 126 (12d10+60) Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +13; -2 vs. emotion effects DR 10/cold iron; Immune death effects, possession
Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 spiked chain +19/+14/+9 (2d4+10/19-20), gore +13 (2d6+3 plus trip) or slam +18 (1d4+6), gore +13 (2d6+6 plus trip) Special Attacks bully the departed (7/day), isolating strike Spell Like Abilities CL 10th, concentration +17 (+21 casting defensively) At will—dimension door, ghost whip, invisibility, silence (DC 19) 3/day—call spirit (DC 22), command undead (DC 19), inflict critical wounds (DC 21) 1/day—entrap spirit (DC 22), greater oeneiric horror (DC 21), mind probe (DC 21), plane shift (self only, Material and Astral Planes only)
Statistics Str 23, Dex 17, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 25 Base Atk +12; CMB +18 (+20 disarm, trip); CMD 32 (34 vs. disarm, trip) Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain) (B), Improved Critical (spiked chain) (B), Improved Disarm, Improved Trip Skills Bluff +17, Climb +16, Disguise +17, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (arcana, local, nobility, religion) +10, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +13, Stealth +13 SQ change shape (Medium male humanoid, alter self), conspicuous combatant, ghostly grasp, skelm traits
Ecology Environment any land or urban Organization solitary Treasure standard (+1 spiked chain, other treasure)
Special Abilities Bully the Departed (Su) As a move action, a soul skelm can call upon the souls of his victims to invigorate himself. Until the end of his next turn, he gains regeneration 15 (force, good), and deals an extra 1d6 points of damage with all his melee attacks. During this time, his melee attacks count as evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and regeneration. A soul skelm can use this ability a number of times a day equal to his Charisma modifier. Conspicuous Combatant (Ex) A soul skelm gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency and Improved Critical for one exotic weapon of his choice. Ghostly Grasp (Su) A soul skelm’s natural weapons, and any manufactured weapons he wields, are treated as being ghost touch weapons for the purposes of interacting with incorporeal creatures. Isolating Strike (Su) As a standard action, a soul skelm can exert himself to make a single powerful attack. When he does, he adds an additional damage die of the same type to the attack, and the creature struck must succeed a DC 23 Will save. If they fail, they are invisible, inaudible and otherwise completely imperceptible to their allies for the next 4 rounds, and their allies are likewise invisible, inaudible and completely imperceptible to them. Regardless of whether it succeeds or fails, that creature is immune to that soul skelm’s isolating strike for the next 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based, and this is an illusion effect. After making this attack, the street skelm is treated as being flat footed until the beginning of its next turn. Skelm Traits (Ex) All skelms gain a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate checks, but a -2 penalty to all saving throws against emotion effects.
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 months
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Geminitay Aka Mrs Crystal Sunrise . 
Aasimar (Agathion Blooded) Ranger (Horse Lord)10 Hinterlander 10 XP307,200
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid (Outsider, Aasimar) Perception
BaB+17/12/7 CMB+21 CMD+41
Tay Twinned Piercer+33/28/23 1D8+9 Living steel longspear+24/19/14 1D8+7
Racial traits: Outsider, +2 to Handle animal and Survival, 1/day Summon nature’s ally II CL16, Deer horns, Celestial resistances 5 (acid, cold, electric), Darkvision 60ft.
Traits: Naive, Speech of the wilds(Draconic)
Class abilities: Favored enemies(Undead, Illagers, Orcs), Combat style feats(Mounted archery, Sprinted charge, Mounted skirmisher), Endurance, Favored terrains(Water, Underground), Hunter's bond(Horse), Woodland stride, Swift tracker, Evasion, Favored enemy+4(Aberrations, Monstrous humanoids), Fast movement, Favored terrain(Hinterland)+4, Master archer(Rapid shot, Manyshot, Shot on the run), Hinterland stride, Chosen kin 60ft, Defended earth+4, Imbue arrow, Waymarker travel.
Feats: Weapon focus(longbow), Mounted archery, Craft wondrous items, Brew potions, Vital strike, Improved vital strike, Endurance, Point blank shot, Precise shot, Divine interference.
Skills: Climb+13, Craft(Stone and metal)+26, Escape artist+18, Handle animal+26, Heal+11, Knowledge (Dungeon)+11, (Geography)+26, (Nature)+16, (Religion)+11, Perception+26, Profession(Engineer)+16, Ride+23, Spellcraft+11, Stealth+23, Survival+18, Swim+17.
Languages: Common, Celestial, Sylvan.
SpellcastingCL16 DC13 Spells per day 5/4/4/2
Equipment: Vigilant mithral padded armor+5 of Greater fire energy resistance, Darkwood shield+2, Necklace of natural armor+5, Ring of protection+5, Tay twinned piercer(Composite STR+4 longbow+5 with the Bane property against: Dragons, Constructs, Aberrations and Monstrous humanoids), 50+5 Arrows, Living steel returning long spear+3, Belt of physical perfection+6, Cloak of resistance+5, Bracers of archery(Greater), Headband of mental Prowess(INT WIS Geography), Boots of speed, Shadow falconeer’s glove, Ring of sacred mistletoe, Manual of quickness of action+5(used), Wand of cure critical wounds, Handy haversack, Ranger kit, Potions(2 Cure critical wounds, 2 Invisibility), Leather helmet shaped like Jack o’ Lantern pumpkin(worth 100GP), 20GP.
TAYLOR - Animal Companion - Deathtouched Horse
Initiative+4 Speed 50ft
HP8d8+32(64) AC29(+8Natural+2Dex+10Armor-1Size) Attacks: Hooves 1D6+4 Bite 1D4+4.
Racial: Low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft, Scent.
Class: Improved evasion, Ability score increase (+2Str +2 Dex +1 Wis), Multiattack, Dead sight, +4 vs trip CMD, Negative energy affinity, One foot in the grave.
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 18 Int 2 Wis 12 Cha 6 BaB9 Saves +7/5/3
Feats: Armor proficiency x3 (light, medium, heavy).
Skills: Perception+12, Survival+10, Swim+12
Tricks: Guard, Attack, Defend, Seek, Work, Fetch, Down, Come, Charge.
Equipment: Horsemaster’s saddle, Horseshoes of a zephyr, Greenwood banded mail barding+3 of fire resistance, Steadfast gutstone, Bit and bridle, Military saddle with bags and 10 rations.
Background: GeminiTay also known as Gem is a gentle, kind and nature-loving member of the inhabitants of the far land known for his Hermits. She has a passion for nature, hence her constructions are often green and full of animals. Gem was decorating her house and garden like any other day waiting for an eventual prank of the other Hermits (which she likes); suddenly she heard a voice calling upon her: “Your friends are in danger.” She stopped. “Who? Impulse, is that you?” No one was around, she searched all the surrounding area but no one was found. “Young girl, your friends are in danger, you can save them but to reach them you are going to need my help.” Gem was stunned “In danger?! Impulse! Pearl! Grian! Mumbo! Scar! ……!” She kept yelling their names as she was rushing toward their homes. No one answered. She went to the various farms and structures… No one was there. She was ALONE. “Oh, dear! where are the others?! What have you done?” She shouted. “I did nothing, some were tricked, some accepted a mission, some answered a greater call. I offer the latter. Help me so i can save your friends.” Gem was skeptical but the alternative was being TRULY alone knowing that the others were god knows where. “Ok, but you need to explain…!” She couldn’t finish the sentence as the world changed around her and she was on her trusty skeletal horse equipped with new items close to a village under attack from a group of Illagers. “First, extinguish the flames of conquest. Then come find me. I will wait where the land is truly green.” Gem looked at the village in flames and the vandals hitting the doors with axes. “And they say women thinks too much…!” And she spurred her horse nocking in the first arrow.
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abiiors · 1 year
falling for you ❤️ // matty healy x reader
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promptober '23 - day 10
a/n: might be one of my favs of this month?? writing this made me so giggly, i do very much love the song cw: smoking?? umm nothing else, i don't think wc: 950
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a leaf crunches under matty’s foot, shooting a tendril of thrill through him. giddiness and adrenaline is an amazing combination, he’s realised. especially if she's with him, holding the flashlight in one hand and his hand in the other. 
if only so she won’t get lost in the darkness. 
they are breaking into a graveyard at 1 am afterall. what else do bored teenagers do on nights they feel rebellious? so matty allows himself another excited grin knowing she can’t see his face and tugs on her hand. 
“scared?” he teases, giggling when she scoffs quite bravely. 
“you wish, healy.” 
he should commend her, really. the tremor in her voice was quite well hidden that time. 
“well you did just enlist me to finish your dare so…”
“matty!” behind him he can hear her anxiously biting down her nails, bitten red and raw and down to the skin. he tuts, the pot calling the kettle black but at least she stops. 
“you won’t tell ross would you?” she asks sheepishly.
stifling his laughter seems almost impossible then, so much so that he stops abruptly and she walks into his back, making him burst out laughing anyway. a hand comes up from behind him—her slapping a palm over his mouth, muffling his cackle. 
they both look at each other, matty with tears streaming down his face and her with a slightly annoyed glare that’s quickly melting away. he gulps in air to calm himself down, to breathe in the scent of her skin. jasmine. just like it’s always been. 
“wouldn’t…” his voice comes out muffled and she immediately moves her hand away, making him feel a little cold. “wouldn’t tell ross, i promise. don’t wanna ruin your stellar reputation! he’d never let you live it down.” 
“yeah, alright matty,” she rolls her eyes but the laugh in her voice is unmistakable. “you care about my reputation so much, sure, i believe you.”
“hey!” he protests, jogging up to her when she starts walking away from him and deeper into the graveyard, a little brave now. “why wouldn’t i care about my best friend’s reputation?” the word stings, he swallows it down. 
matty catches up to her, walking side by side as he stares at her profile illuminated by the moon. the old smudged eyeliner under her eyes, the faint dusting of freckles, the slight curve of her lips that fights to be free even when she’s trying so hard to act annoyed at him. 
it disarms him thoroughly, so much so that he has to shakily light a cigarette just so he would have something to do with his hands. 
it’s not new though, she always disarms him, he always lights a cigarette to stop his hands from shaking. at this rate, his lungs would shrivel up well before his heart does from the joys of unrequited love. 
“there she is,” he points into the distance, putting on his old-man spooky voice. “old dorothy and her old grave. you know what to do…” 
he’s well aware of the local legend and so is ross. hence the dare—she has to chip away a piece of stone from the oldest grave in town and bring it to him. and it has to be done on a full moon's night according to george the folklore connoisseur. 
she gulps involuntarily, lingering a bit and toeing the grass. matty watches, amused, as she tries to gather courage. the girl he’s known all his life for being tough as nails scared of a harmless local legend. 
“don’t take two though,” he teases, wiggling his fingers in front of her face. “you know what they say—dorothy punishes the greedy.”
“i don’t even want one piece, why would i take two?” she mutters, wiping her sweaty hands on her jeans. matty wants to kiss them, place a tiny kiss on her palm. maybe even on her lips while he’s at it. 
shakily he takes a drag of his cigarette, exhaling the smoke.
“give me that,” she practically demands it, barely waiting for him to hand it to her before she takes a deep drag, cheeks hollowed, eyes closed. when she opens them again, she looks calmer. then she turns to him and blows the smoke in his direction in tiny rings and matty damn near goes into cardiac arrest from that alone. 
“right, here i go!” she jumps in place once, twice to hype herself up while he tries to recover. and then just like that, she sprints into the night. towards the moss-covered crumbling grave. 
matty takes another drag. and then one more just in case. 
not even half a minute later she’s jogging back to him, only a silhouette in the moonlight before her triumphant face becomes clear. her fist is held high in the air, the little piece of mossy rock hoisted like a trophy. 
“all done!” she whoops cringing instantly when matty hurries to shush her. 
unmistakably a porchlight turns on in the distance. a grumble—something about “rowdy teenagers” and a flashlight shines on them, blinding them for a moment. 
she squeals, pocketing the stone and grabbing matty’s hand. 
“run!” he yells, laughing maniacally as they run out the graveyard, hand-in-hand, all the way until they’re out the wrought iron gates and in a little alley before bursting into wheezing and fits of giggles. 
she pumps her fist up giddily. “oh ross can suck my dick, i did it!” 
matty stares, memorising the details of her face, of the curve of her lips, the glee in her eyes. the way her hair blows in the wind, unruly and slipping out of her claw clip. 
she looks alive. his heart thuds in his chest. 
it really is a shame that he’s a coward. 
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855@beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy@sierraeslaprincesa@harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet@thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername@celestcies@sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @zzzhealy @mattymybeloved
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desired-deity · 4 months
The Dance of Death.
“ i knew when i met that man that he was trouble, and when i set foot on that ballroom floor…i knew this would be the day that i would die and take my final bow… ”
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Context : A ballroom dancer, Y/n, who had a temper but was still respectful towards others had left her hometown just to find out that her whole family would soon be found dead 
TW : Blood, death, fem! Reader and little dialogue. (This is also kind of a venting mechanism for me because a lot of the things in this except for the death I have gone through so don’t mind that lol)
A/n : I have been living in angst lately  and I needed this so yeah, I hope you like it ^^
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Y/n, a 23 year old who was a ballet and ballroom dancer lived in Mondstadt near her parents for years. She had been dancing for seven years professionally and had started at the age of eleven. People had loved and adored her. She was pretty, smart, kind but also had her temper to keep everyone on their toes. Though, she had never wanted a relationship. She went through a terrible time with a toxic boy from Liyue who had come to visit his friends. All he wanted from her was money and fame. After that, she had hated the concept of love entirely, until she moved away from her parents to go to Fontaine, the land of justice and judgment, as the locals would say. She was excited to get away and go somewhere else for once. She had always lived in Mondstadt, after all, her parents grew up there and never left that town. Y/n, on the other hand, had wanted to explore the world and meet new people, not the same faces everyday. A change was all she needed these days. And so she got that change. 
Y/n went to Fontaine and permanently moved after the first couple days of staying there. She loved the place and wanted to leave her comfort zone for once. She wanted to be a free spirit and just wanted to do what she loved, dancing. And that’s what she did…until her parents were found dead. She had only just gotten to Fontaine, and now was on her way back to her hometown with three new friends: Navia, Wriothesley and Sigewinne. They ran into Y/n while she was out sight seeing around Fontaine. And when they got back to Mondstadt, all eyes were on the dancer. No one dare spoke a word to her, they only glanced and looked her way.
“Y/n…we are so sorry about your losses, after all they were amazing people and they were your family.” The only man that would speak to her at the moment was the closest family friend, Alexander. Though, instead of seeing him, she was looking down at the ground with clouded vision from her tears. She could feel Navia patting her back as a way to comfort her while Sigewinne was hugging Y/n to the best of her abilities. She knew that she would have to visit her family’s grave, and she was dreading it. Y/n never liked it when she showed vulnerability, so when she got to the grave alone, she screamed and sobbed. So loud that even the three could hear her crystal clear. Soon after, Y/n came back, they all knew she wanted to go home. So, when they arrived back at Fontaine l, she went straight to dancing to get her mind off of everything that was happening around her. Especially her self debt after she knew what she had done.
And then days later, Wriothesley invited her to a ball. And she had accepted. Now, she had been to a ball before but, it had been a long time. So, the day came along. And when she got to the location, she already knew her judgment had been looked through and her parents would soon be served justice in under three hours. Then she saw  Wriothesley in the middle of the ballroom, holding his hand out to Y/n. And she knew that her death would have been casted upon her as soon as this dance was done. As she took his hand into hers, she looked up at the male and as they started to dance, Y/n started to cry. Then the last measure of the music came up, Wriothesley had let go of Y/n’s hand and merged in with the crowd that stood away from her. And as the last note was played, she paused. And with a soft whisper only Wriothesley could hear, she said…
“I’m so sorry…my dear.”
And with that, she rose her hand to the chandelier. Then it crashed down on the ballroom dancer, killing her while finishing her final dance. Little did Wriothesley know, he was crying after the beautiful, lighted object fell on Y/n. Leaving him to wonder why she would ever kill her parents, the ones that saved Mondstadt.
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
Chapter 23: The Aftermath
Season One | Season Two | Season Three | Season Four
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Word Count: 4847 words of these kids definitely have ptsd now
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, blood, hospitals (i myself am not fond of being in one), minor violence?, some nice sweet stuff in this one since all the others have been an angst fest
[A/N: this is kind of like a filler episode we all know and love on our fav shows (or not lmao) but i really wanted to give a shot at what was happening before 'two days later'. you don't really have to read this chapter if you don't want to, but there are some important parts?]
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The Aftermath
Dawn was breaking by the time you left the Upside Down, slowly casting an orange light on your silhouettes. For a moment, everyone glanced over at the rising sun.
It wasn’t until you were heading to the RV that you realised this particular sunrise wasn’t meant to be seen by your eyes, or any after that. It was a bittersweet reminder that you almost never saw a sunrise ever again. You didn’t even remember the last.
Steve drove away from the trailer park, Nancy taking care of Eddie’s wounds in the back, while Dustin and Robin shared stories of the night. Despite their efforts, there was an unease that even the attempt of comedic conversation couldn’t break.
You sat in the front, staring out of the window and wincing at the reflection of the girl with a blood-stained face staring back.
There was too much running through your mind to truly allow you to focus, only ever seeing the same images burned into your brain. The visions of the people you lost, the grave inscribed with your name. The look in Vecna’s eye when he took your life. Your blood.
Steve’s foot gently nudges yours, voice lowered in attempt to keep the conversation private. Not that it was needed; Robin and Dustin’s exchange of tales were loud and excitable, the pair happy to just discuss random movies and keep Eddie awake.
“You okay?” He asks before his face drops, shaking his head and looking back to the road. “Sorry, stupid question.”
“We lost.” You say after a time, quietly. He glances over to you.
He took a moment to decide his next words, flexing his knuckles as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Not yet. We’ll get another chance, and we’ll win. I know it.”
“Yeah.” You try to agree, but your heart wasn’t in it.
“Look,” Steve sighs, quickly checking the mirror to ensure the others were distracted, “All I know is that we’re okay. That you’re okay.”
His voice was slightly cracked at the last three words and your whip your head to find his eyes, frowning.
“No, I-” He breathes away the reddening of his eyes, focused on the road ahead in the soft yellow glow of the headlights, illuminating the paths hidden in darkness from the early morning shades of trees. “I genuinely thought I was gonna have to figure out the rest of my life without you and I never wanna do that again. I wish I could say it was the first time.”
“When have you…” You shake your head, confused.
Steve’s eyes flicker to yours, gulping. “Last year. When… the Russian base. We got separated. All I could hear were your screams. Even if I was getting beaten to a bloody pulp, those screams were the worst torture, believe me. Then- then that woman showed us a knife- your blood, and…”
A tear rolls down his cheek as he continues. “Jesus, I seriously thought that this year would be different. You left, and believe me that sucked, but you were safe. That’s what mattered.But I- I couldn’t get any of it out of my head. Then the worst finally happened just a few hours ago and I don’t even know how I’m gonna process that one.”
“You aren’t the only one.” You admit quietly and he nods.
“Yeah, of course. Right, I can’t even imagine-” His breath is shaky and you lower your head.
There was always a part of you that declared you needed to be strong, to never show weakness. It was that part that always ended up failing you, spinning you out of control until you did something you regret. But those usually extended from small lies or lack of communication. This time, it was quite literally death.
And you didn’t have the strength in you to pretend like you were okay.
“Don’t ever die again.” Steve frowns, breaking the silence, eyes filled with that painful memory. His lips were tight, glistening eyes watching as the light began to beam between the branches you pass. “Please.”
You lean over and wipe the tear from his cheek. “You’re not getting rid of me that easy.”
“Good.” He chuckles, taking your hand and squeezing it. “Because I’m not letting you go that easy.”
That was the first time you felt like you smiled for a normal reason. The only times happiness had struck you over the course of the past few days were when you celebrated that your friends were alive. This… this felt better. Because it wasn’t a relieved smile for once. It was the joy you felt after the boy you loved told you that this was forever.
The moment was broken with a thick air of smoke clouding the road, Steve pulling the RV to a stop and frowning.
“What’s going on?” Nancy joins you at the front, peering through the windscreen.
As Steve wordlessly shakes his head, you can make out a shadow in the distance, a scarlet outline. Your eyes widen.
You were out of your seat and jumping from the door in no time, feet planting on the solid ground before taking a few steps. Your breath slipped from your lips, a clearer view of what you feared.
The Creel House was surrounded by the dark smoke but illuminated by a red light, almost like fire.
And it was no longer standing.
A huge slit broke the house in half, the beating heart of a gate staring back at you. Your gaze travels up the building, face dropping completely. The attic was incinerated.
“Do you think they got out?” Dustin asks with the smallest whisper.
Your friends had collected behind you, poking their head out of the vehicle and staring at the destruction with wide eyes.
Robin nods vigorously. “Yeah. Yeah, they- they had plenty of time.”
Your eyes flicker around, part of you hoping to find Lucas safe and sound among the rubble. Nothing.
Erica would have gone for help, you tell yourself, he’s fine, she’s fine… Max is fine.
“Maybe they’re-” Dustin hobbles down from the step in the direction of the building, until his ankle folds beneath him and he’s almost face first on the ground.
Steve catches him just in time, “Woah, no, okay. We’re getting you to the hospital. You seriously need that ankle checked out.”
“No, he’s right.” Nancy affirms, nodding. “You’re obviously in pain, Eddie needs those bites properly treated. And Y/n-”
Nancy turns to you and for the first time tonight, took in your appearance, breath hitching. Almost your entire torso was covered in dry blood, splattered across your neck and face. Three gashes were torn into the fabric of your shirt, outlining the red scars that replaced your once fatal wounds. Bruises coated the public skin, some more brutal than others. You were, to put it simply, a mess.
“I’m fine.” You shrug, clearing your throat. “But, yeah. We, uh… we should get to the hospital.”
You ignored her worried look, turning away from the wreck and stepping back into the RV, reclaiming your seat. Steve slips back behind the wheel, taking a deep breath and relying on the headlights to guide you all safely through Hawkins.
The earlier chatter of distraction had dissipated into unsettling silence. Perhaps they were originally riding the high of their survival, but now the truth of the surface had unveiled itself and plunged them into dread.
And it only got worse.
Driving through streets of chaos, your heart drops; crumbled buildings, fires burning away memories, people cradling limbs as they’re pulled from beneath.
Crying parents held their children, police men desperately trying to assess the source of the destruction. It was soul-breaking to see the panic, residents fleeing their homes without a choice. Hawkins was once so cosy.
The aftermath of Vecna’s victory hadn’t just hurt you. It affected the entire town.
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The road to the hospital was busy with cars, forcing Steve to stop in the Family Video parking lot. Luckily for you, the final destination was only around the corner.
Steve supported Eddie’s weight, the latter insisting he was fine when, especially in daylight, he clearly wasn’t. Dustin simply loops his arm around Nancy, allowing her to help him along with no complaints. From the grimace of his face, the adrenaline must have worn off and he was now feeling the pain of the drop.
Robin offered to help, only met with a few murmurs of ‘no, it’s okay’ before she gave up and shuffled up next to you, her curious eyes assessing the buildings around her.
After seeing the Creel House destroyed, your hope had gone. You knew Max was dead, that part was made very clear by the grand opening of Hawkins’ biggest gate yet. But you also knew Lucas had to have seen that, and he wouldn’t have left her side, even if the ground was swallowing them both up. It hurt.
Lucas had a natural charisma about him when you first met. It was late, your first night in Hawkins, and the house beside you was lively, bundles of excited chatter and exclamations spewing from the tiny window of the basement and echoing straight to your window. It wasn’t until you took a step out of the house for some fresh air that you met the kids; Will’s shy smile, Mike’s under-eager wave, and Dustin’s wide grin. Lucas was the first one to talk to you, a warm welcome to the town.
Ever since then, you’ve seen him grow from that 12 year old boy into someone you wished you could be. You’ve dealt with his unrealistically optimistic flirts, his arguments with the other boys, his small and quiet conversations about wanting to play basketball like the older kids did but scared he would upset the Party. And he dealt with your sarcasm, your denial of emotions, even your constant refusals to assist them even though you would do anything for them. When you think of any memory tied to the town, almost every one had him connected into it, his sincerity and love for his friends inspiring you to make the same sacrifices onto selflessness. You couldn’t have hoped for a better person to care for your sister.
The thought of losing them both…
Warmth slipped into your hand and you look up to see Robin’s smile, her hand squeezing yours gently as you led the others towards the hospital. Neither of you spoke, only basking in the safety you felt with eachother, calming nerves.
As the greying white of the building appears into view, flashing lights blare the road behind you, screeching sirens of persistence loud enough to pierce the chaos around you.
The ambulance stops just outside of the entrance, a gurney being pulled from the back and slid onto the paving. You barely take notice, head hung low as you glance back to check on Dustin and Eddie.
“Is she gonna be okay?! Anyone?!”
Your head whips up to see someone else emerge from the transport, reddened eyes and quick breaths as they yell in exasperation.
Erica steps around him, noticing you stood with a look of shock on your face. She immediately turns to get his attention, pulling on his shirt and nodding in your direction.
Lucas’ face drops when he sees you, eyes widening. He glances to the gurney.
It doesn’t take long for the puzzle to build itself.
“Max.” You breathe out, loud enough for your friends to halt all movement and find the source of your whisper.
Without even waiting for confirmation, you drop Robin’s hand and sprint over to where they were carting your sister into the hospital, a sob leaving your lips when you see her face, blood staining her cheeks in tear paths.
“You need to step back.” A nurse informed you a little bitterly and you shake your head, keeping up with the fast pace.
“She’s my sister!” You insist and the woman sighs, nodding to another worker.
“And we will let you know everything once we finish her surgery.”
“No, I- Surgery?” You repeat, hand brushing against Max’s face before she’s pulled away from you and through restricted doors, leaving you stood alone in the foyer, murmurs of busy people vibrating around you.
You turn around to see Lucas stood a few steps from you, body almost curling in on itself like he was guilty, ashamed. With the drop of your heart, you realise he must think you’d hate him for breaking his promise. Your feet moved quickly.
Closing the distance, you wrap your arms around him and pull him close. His arms immediately clung onto you, soft sobs vibrating into your shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I tried- he-”
“It’s okay.” You soothe, squeezing your eyes shut. “You’re here. That’s what matters. You did everything you could.”
Lucas’ mumbles of apology quickly faded into silent tears, his tight grasp finding comfort in your arms and letting you hold him up. Behind him, Erica patiently waits, her sad eyes finding yours and flickering to her older brother, a look of helplessness.
The doors open to reveal the others, Steve calling for doctors passing by and struggling to make excuses for Eddie’s condition.
“Look, I don’t know what to tell you, we…” Steve stumbles over words, looking to Robin.
“Uh, yeah, we… found him. Like this, I mean. We found him like this.” She finishes, turning red. She was never one for lying.
The doctor raised an eyebrow and Eddie sighed.
“Bats.” He states and they look surprised.
“Bats?” The doctor repeats and Eddie nods.
“Yeah, bats.”
Nancy clocks the medic’s startled face and clears her throat. “He might just be in shock, you know. The, um, earthquake must’ve spooked a lot of animals.”
“Right.” The doctor sounds hesitant but motions over a nurse, whispering something in her ear before she helps them take Eddie from Steve’s hold.
As they pass, Eddie sends you a smile, your brain instantly recognising that look where he hides something behind his eyes. You frown, carefully pulling away from Lucas but keeping an arm around him.
You watch as the doctor nods to a guard by the entrance, the man moving swiftly across the foyer and towards where the medics were helping Eddie.
And, with the sickening realisation, you knew there wasn’t even a small chance he’d have a normal life after this.
Because you never managed to clear his name.
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Steve was by your side as you glared up at Officer Callahan, arms crossed as you stared with such malice he was starting to look uncomfortable.
As you intended. After all, his spiel about Eddie’s ‘murder rampage’ boiled your veins with each shake of his head.
“I’m just stating the law-”
“Fuck the law!” You spit and he widens his eyes, adjusting his hat.
Steve raises his brows but says nothing, trying to hide a smirk as the officer slowly shrinks in size.
“And it’s not even true. Which we’ve been trying to tell you for the past 20 minutes and honestly, I’m really starting to think our law enforcement is really fucking stupid.”
“Hey, now-” Callahan complains but you raise your hand and he shuts his mouth.
“Please, tell me how it’s humanly possible for anyone, much less Eddie, to be able to do that to someone.” You challenge and whatever retort he had was thrown away, shoulders slumping as he sighs.
“It’s not up to him.”
You and Steve turn to see Powell enter the hallway, nodding to his colleague.
“Since he was seen in contact with 2 out of the 3 victims, we have to take into account that he doesn’t have any kind of alibi.” Powell explains and you purse your lips.
“Explain my sister, then.” You say and he looks surprised, glancing to Callahan for clarification but in return getting a shrug.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Max is currently in surgery after being found with all her bones snapped and her eyes bleeding.” You try and keep control over your voice, wanting them to take you seriously. “Exactly like the other kids. And Eddie couldn’t possibly have done that.”
“How do you know that he didn’t?” Powell raises an eyebrow and you’re ready to answer until Steve’s reminding touch stops you.
“Uh…” You struggle to speak.
To tell the police that you had been hiding a fugitive wouldn’t look great for anyone, but especially not you. You knew about the records they kept on you at the station, the looks you’d get anytime you would pass an officer. They’d be quick to assume that Eddie had an accomplice.
“He was with me.” Steve breaks his silence and your eyes widen, whipping your head to him. He avoids your eyes, looking to Powell and scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah, long story short I kinda ran into him at Skull Rock, got to talking. I mean, I was all on board thinking Eddie could’ve done it until I actually met the guy and yeah, I gotta tell ya… not a murderer.”
Callahan’s eyes narrowed while Powell assessed Steve’s face for any hint of a lie. You held your breath.
Powell eventually nods, glancing off into the distance before running a hand down his face. “Alright.”
“Alright?” You prompt, brows furrowed.
“We’ll reopen the case.” He states and Callahan turns to him with wide eyes.
“We will?”
“Yes.” Powell nods, adjusting his hat and finding your eyes. “I can’t guarantee anything will change, but he’ll no longer be in our custody. At least not until we’ve dealt with this earthquake.”
You let out your breath and exchanged a triumphant smile with Steve.
Callahan clears his throat pointing a stare. “It does mean we’re gonna have to take statements, from you and your boyfriend here. We expect you to show up this time.”
His narrowed eyes stay on you until he’s rounded the corner, contrasting the slight nod giving by his chief and then they’re out of sight, leaving you and Steve stood outside of Eddie’s room with dumbfounded smiles.
“Did that just really work?” You ask, unfolding your arms and frowning in joyful confusion.
“I’ll be honest,” Steve runs a hand through his hair, “When you said ‘I’m gonna scare them into freeing Eddie’, I kinda expected to be visiting you behind bars.”
You smirk. “Aww, you’d visit me?”
There was a smile on his face, but not from the humour. He was glancing to where Powell and Callahan had disappeared then returning to your face, struggling to keep his lips from widening into a grin.
“What?” You question, cocking your head.
“Nothing, I just…” He wets his lips as he shoves his hands into his pocket, grin on display. “You didn’t correct him.”
You furrow your brows, searching through your memory. “About what?”
“Nothing.” Steve shakes his head, grinning still. “Don’t worry about it.”
Laughing, you open your mouth to respond when something catches your eye. Silhouettes of two figures stood down the hall, sporting matching jackets that you’d recognise anywhere.
Steve frowns, looking over his shoulder to what stole your attention and he holds his breath. He turns back to see your furious gaze, the way your hands balled into little fists.
Lucas had explained everything, from the very beginning of Max baiting Vecna to the ending of Jason showing up out of the blue, smashing her Walkman in the process. Erica was quick to chime in about his friend, the attack. Needless to say, one of them had picked a wrong day to show up in your line of vision.
“Okay, let’s-” Steve begins, but you’re already storming towards them. “Nevermind, okay.”
“Hey!” You shout across the hallway, the boys’ heads locating the call. The one with darker hair looked surprised, fearful even, making you think he knew exactly who you were. The other sported a hat, and, adding fuel to your fire, seemed completely unbothered.
“Can we help you?” He grumbles. Andy, you read on his jacket as you stop in front of them.
You take a look between the two before settling on Andy. “You the one that tackled a little kid and threatened to break her arms?”
The boy beside him- Chase- shifts uncomfortably, looking to his friend with a startled expression. Andy barely flinched.
“No.” He spat, shoving his hands in his jacket and nodding to his friend, a cruel smile on his face as he begins to turn away.
“You realise harming a minor results in both jail time and high monetary fines?” You retort, his footsteps slowing.
He looks to you with a scoff. “You a fucking cop or something?”
“No.” You shrug, tilting your head. “Just a friend of the victim.”
“I don’t know what that little shit said but I didn’t do anything.” Andy insists, voice deep. It wasn’t a plead of innocence. It was a warning.
“Look, we’re just here looking for Jason.” Chase interjects, looking extremely nervous.
“Uh…” You frown, feeling a little guilty in knowing the truth. But you didn’t want to be the one to bear the news. “Haven’t seen him.”
“Waste of time.” Andy mumbles, scanning your body before rolling his eyes and sending Chase a sarcastic look. You purse your lips.
“Maybe if you had checked on him before running away like a wimp, you wouldn’t be wasting your time.”
“Andy?” Chase frowns and Andy’s amused face abruptly drops to a scowl. Chase seemed to have no idea of the previous events of the night, part of you wondering if he wanted out of the ‘hunting’ after his teammate died. Or maybe he was just morally better than the rest of them.
“I’m warning you.” Andy grits his teeth, body fully facing you now. He was clearly a violent one.
Maybe you should take the warning. After all, Andy was physically built as an athlete, much taller and stronger than you were. Your most recent exercise was climbing up a rope and hell, that was a struggle.
But Vecna had really heightened your preferences on what you would find intimidating.
“About what?” You challenge, raising your eyebrows. “You gonna break my arms then run away? Because as I recall, my friend still has her limbs perfectly intact and she’s 11, so… if you can’t even win a fight against a literal child, what makes you think you’ll win-”
Andy’s arm flies out, hand flat as he aims to swipe it across your head. The effect would have hurt for sure, if someone hadn’t caught it just before impact.
You barely flinched as it was, already set to have dodged the attack. But there was something even better having Steve Harrington stood next to you, hand gripping Andy’s wrist tightly as he glares at him.
“I’m warning you.” Steve threatens, voice low. “You fucking touch her and I guarantee someone’s losing their arm today.”
He violently thrusts Andy’s arm back to him, earning a wide-eyed stumble. Andy moves forward, but Chase blocks him.
“Come on, man, let’s just go.” He places a hand on his shoulder and manoeuvres him backwards.
There’s one more angry look from Andy before Chase manages to wrangle him back down the hall and out of your sight. You figure this won’t be the last of seeing him.
“I swear you make more enemies than you do friends.” Steve lets out a breath, shaking his head in disbelief.
“As long as I always have my knight in shining armour to save me.” You bat your eyelids sarcastically and he chuckles, clicking his jaw.
“I’m just glad I actually did something this time instead of running in when it was all over.” Steve smirks knowingly and you look to the ground.
“Can’t believe he did that to Erica. That any of them were just ready to kill a guy because of what? A- a game that they thought was satanic. Part of me felt bad for Jason, but the rest of them barely had an excuse.”
“And Jason did?” Steve quirks a brow.
You sigh, “He was broken. Chrissy was his girlfriend and, I mean, he clearly loved her. Love makes you do crazy things and no, I do not think anything he did was right, but he was hurting. So badly. God, if I was told that someone I loved was murdered, I’d…”
“Hurl Molotov cocktails at the guy who did it?” Steve suggests, attempting a joke but ultimately placing his arms around your shoulders and pulling you closer, planting a kiss on the side of your head.
“She’s gonna be okay, you know.” He mumbles into your hair after a while and your shoulders slump. Of course he already knew what you were thinking.
“We should probably be in the waiting room. For when the doctors have news.” You say quietly and he nods. “Maybe get some coffee so I can be awake. They’ll be a while.”
His arm slips from your shoulders but instead finds your hand, intertwining fingers as you walk towards the busy noise of people impatiently waiting for good news.
“Should also probably get our bruises looked at.”
“I’d rather suffer in silence until I get a good night’s sleep.”
“You literally just said you wanted coffee.”
“Huh, then I guess it’ll have to wait a little longer.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“You love me really.”
“Yeah, I do.”
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“You guys heard from California yet?” Lucas asks, his voice thick with tears as one hand holds an icepack to his face. He was trying his best to stay calm, but his leg anxiously bounced as he leant back in his chair. Erica's head was rested gently against his shoulder, the girl drifting off to sleep.
“No.” Nancy sighs, scrunching her face. You knew she and Jonathan hadn’t been talking as much lately. You prayed that everyone was okay, and that Nancy and Jonathan would be fine. They were meant for eachother.
“Oh my god.” Robin suddenly blurts, standing up abruptly. She glances around at everyone’s concerned faces. “I gotta call my parents.”
Once her eyes locate it, she bounds over to the phone hanging from the wall, scrambling to dial a number in. Nancy raises her head.
“What is it?” You notice Nancy’s fallen expression, the tightening of her lips. It looked like she was about to cry.
“My parents. Holly.” She says in breaths and you move from your chair to crouch in front of her.
“I’m sure they’re fine.” You comfort, placing your hand over hers and dipping your head down to find her eyes. “Okay, your- your dad is always watching those disaster documentaries, right? He would have gotten your mom and Holly to safety in no time.”
You didn’t have that much faith in Ted Wheeler. It wasn’t that he was a bad father, or anything like that. You were just closer to Karen, her taking you in like you were her own, and their marriage was far from perfect. Ted seemed grumpy most of the time, but regardless he definitely had love for his family. That was something you could have faith in.
“Yeah.” Nancy gulps her anxiety. “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. I’ll call them when the phone’s free.”
You stand in time to see Steve rejoin you after a brief coffee run, noticing Nancy’s unease straight away.
“Nance?” He questions, placing her coffee beside her and another on the small table for Robin, “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She sends him a quick smile, reaching for the cup and holding it up. “Thank you.”
Steve walks back to the seats opposite her, carefully placing himself in the seat beside yours, holding two cups. Gratefully, you take the hot beverage from his hands and hold it to your lips, breathing in the familiar scent. If you were going to be here a while, you needed caffeine.
Just as you shift back into your seat, echoing footsteps approached behind you.
You whip your head up, exchanging wide glances with Lucas, and jumping from your seat to raise your hand.
“Hi, yeah. I’m her sister.” You stumble across the words, not expecting to hear back from the doctors so soon. The surgery would surely take hours to be successful without…
...without anything going wrong.
Your face drops as the doctor hugs the clipboard, offering a tight smile.
“I’ll need to speak to you privately.” Their eyes shift to the curious faces of your friends behind you. “Family only.”
You glance back at Lucas, the ice pack now deserted on his seat. There wasn’t much to do, so you made a silent vow to tell him everything.
As you follow the doctor down the surgery hallway, the bleached white walls seemed to be closing in on you, tightening your chest. Not a word was uttered as you pushed through the doors, entering a room with artificial lights that blinded you on first look.
The doctor stills, turning back to you and sighing. They didn’t need to say anything.
Your eyes had already drifted to the window beside you, your furrowed expression faltering.
Chapter 24: Hell Comes To Hawkins ->
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[A/N: guys, there's only one episode left of Raining Hellfire 4 SOMEBODY SEDATE ME]
taglist: @gnnnne / @beepisbeep / @paintballkid711 / @eddiesbirdie / @livasaurasrex / @darktimelegends / @jackierose902109 / @mvrylee / @chervbs / @eternallyvenus / @nervouscatsuit / @f1nn-wolfhard / @hereiamhereigo / @ladybug0095 / @fangirling-4-ever / @astrolockley / @mothmanatemycat / @sheisjoeschateau / @champagnejoker / @umidktbh / @fallinginlovewithqueue / @ilovetaylorswift132006 / @live-the-fangirl-life / @sadbitchfangirl / @cherrymedicine13 / @engenelxver / @sagaonpandora /
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justicegundam82 · 7 months
Hello! Here's another of my attempts at retro-converting a 2E critter to 1E stats. After the Rust Hag, I surely couldn't pass up the Grave Hag, especially since I think Hags are kinda underrated and can be just as terrifying and versatile as vampires and liches when it comes to being evil masterminds.
Again I've tried to be as close as possible to the original version, though I had to drop a few special abilities in the process, since I was afraid they would have made the conversion overpowered. I'm still wondering if my conversion here might be a bit much... but I'll let you guys be the judges of that.
Hope you enjoy it!
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Image © Paizo Publishing. Accessed at Archives of Nethys here
This woman has a cadaverous appearence, with greying flesh, filthy black hair and bloody sores all over her body. Her nails are long, ragged claws, and her clothes are soiled with grave dirt.
XP 6’400
CE Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18
AC 23 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 19
hp 104 (11d10+44)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +11; +4 vs. disease, fear and paralysis
Defensive Abilities negative healing
Damage Reduction 5 / cold iron; Immune energy drain, poison; Spell Resistance 20
Speed 30 ft.
Melee improvised weapon +17 / +12 / +7 (1d8+7) or 2 claws +17 (1d6+5 plus grab)
Ranged grave ray +15 touch (4d6)
Special Attacks curse of the grave, grave ray
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th, concentration +15)
1/day – cloudkill (DC 18)
3/day – animate dead, contagion (DC 18), enervation (DC 18), vampiric touch
At will – bleed (DC 14), cause fear (DC 15), command undead (DC 16), death knell (DC 15), speak with dead (DC 17)
Str 20, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 18, Cha 17
Base Atk +12; CMB +17 (+21 grapple); CMD 30
Feats Catch Off-Guard (B), Dodge, Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Spell Focus (necromancy), Toughness, Undead Master
Skills Bluff +14, Climb +10, Craft (any one) +10, Heal +11, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (religion) +16, Perception +18, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +12, Stealth +14, Survival +10
Languages Aklo, Common, Giant, Necril
Special Qualities undead mien
Environment any
Organization solitary or coven (3 hags of any type)
Treasure standard
Curse of the Grave (Sup): Three times per day, a grave hag can put a curse on a creature, rendering it more enticing to the ravenous undead. A target can avoid this effect by making a successful Will save (DC 18). If the save is failed, the target starts drawing the undead’s attention, granting them a +4 bonus on Perception checks to notice the affected creature and on saving throws to resist spells that hide or disguise the affected creature from undead (such as hide from undead). Once an undead notices the affected creature, it feels compelled to kill and devour the affected creature, and gains a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls made against the affected creature and a +2 profane bonus on saving throws against the affected creature’s spells and special abilities. The undead also ignores any concealment less than total concealment that an affected creature has. A curse of the grave lasts for 24 hours or until removed with a successful remove curse, dispel magic, break enchantment or similar magic (against a casting level of 12). The save DC is Charisma-based.
Grave Ray (Sup): Once every 1d4+1 rounds, a grave hag can fire a black beam of bone-chilling negative energy to a maximum range of 60 feet. If the grave hag succeeds at a ranged touch attack, the beam inflicts 4d6 point of negative energy damage, which can be halved on a successful Fortitude save (DC 18). A grave ray can be used to heal undead creatures, or the grave hag herself, in this way. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Negative Healing (Sup): A grave hag is healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy as if she were an undead creature.
Undead Mien (Ex): A grave hag counts as an undead creature for the purpose of spells, spell-like abilities or special abilities that detect undead. She also gains a +4 racial bonus on saving throws vs. disease, fear and paralysis effects.
Grave hags are a particularly powerful breed of hags with an affinity for undead and negative energy, who make their liars in cemetaries, mausoleums or other burial sites, where they surround themselves with undead servitors and form a kind of twisted mockery of a court. Unlike most hags, grave hags do not have the ability to alter their appearence into a more reassuring shape, and are forced to hide where few people would want to seek them out. However, grave hags are grieviously arrogant and self-centered, and believe that this kind of life is beneath them, so they spend most of their time concocting plans to expand their territory and set themselves up as petty rulers of undead-infested regions.
Even for the standards of hags, grave hags are extremely smug and self-important, seeing themselves as the most powerful, cunning and strongest of all hags, and demanding respect and unconditional obedience from any “lesser” kind of hag. They tend to mock other hags’ abilities that they don’t possess (such as the ability to alter self) as pointless parlor tricks who have no inherent use to them. The exception to this are night hags, whom are seen by grave hags as role models, and to whom a grave hag will gladly submit.
In combat, grave hags tend to hold back and harass opponents with spells and withering blasts of negative energy while their undead minions tear their victims apart. They often open up combat by casting cloudkill and then letting their minions, unaffected by the poison, have their way with the opposition. Grave hags can put a curse on their victims, making them more enticing for the undead to attack. However, if forced to hand-to-hand combat, a grave hag can give as good as she gets, often using digging tools like shovels or mattocks as improvised weapons with surprising skill.
A grave hag usually stands between 5 and 6 feet tall and weighs between 120 and 180 pounds. The bloody sores she naturally sports on her body can make her look crippled and weak, but are merely cosmetical and do not hinder the grave hag in any way other than giving her an unsightly appearence. When a grave hag joins a coven, the coven adds harm to its spell-like abilities and shares the grave hag’s negative healing ability, but a grave hag will rarely join a coven that doesn’t have either herself or a night hag as leader.
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icarustypicalfall · 5 months
Commander's last love
part 5 • fic masterlist • main masterlist • ao3
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summary: Hold me, tell me it'll pass. I am afraid I'll never know peace.
warnings: mw3 events, inaccuracies, mentions of death, the slow burn is burning fast.(i am lazy)
note: this part is highly based on mw3 events, also might be high timeline inaccuracies. sorry about that.
tags: @unicorngirly1
"Striving for change, yet trapped in a cycle of sameness, a poignant reminder of life's melancholic reality."
Mission [A2626]
Location: [CLASSIFIED]
Time: 07:09:23 - 25/10/2022
When you entered the mess hall that morning, the first thing that struck you was the serenity. No chaos, no shouting, and no proud American man bellowing his national anthem. It was a tranquil scene.
You didn't pay much attention to it. Commander Phillip was most likely still fast asleep, them higher ranks had the luxury of a good night's rest. You sighed, shaking your head with a hint of amusement. Weeks ago, you couldn't stand the man, but now you were dropping formalities and exchanging jokes with him.
It was terrifying, in a way that completely captivated you. The feeling was too powerful to ignore. Not a nagging headache or a throbbing wound. No, it was a heartache. One that gripped you every time your eyes met with the commander's.
From the moment he set foot in the base, you knew he would be trouble. A persistent force, like a charming Hydra. You had let the Hercules swrod down, along your guard. you've lowered the defences and the built up walls, surrendering to his charm.
Perhaps the commander deserved a chance. Every attempt he made to get to know you was proof of his dedication. It was almost laughable how the tables had turned. He had managed to charm his way into your thoughts. You decided to end rapidly your reports then pay him a visit, as you hadn't caught sight of him in quite some time.
Despite all the hardships he had endured, it was the last call that Phillip received that truly shook him. It wasn't just his nervous system playing tricks on him or the stress wreaking havoc on his stomach. It was genuine fear, a past regret that he thought he had buried when he left Las Almas.
Life presents us with limited options. You either patch up your wounds, move on, and forget the past, or you let the wound fester, remaining open and growing larger with time until it consumes you entirely. Phillip's life fell into the second category. It always had and always would, from the moment he entered crying to the moment he'll dying.
He found solace in the brief moments you two shared. But now, all his anguish resurfaced upon receiving new orders from the general. He didn't leave his room, informing his soldiers that they would receive the new orders through Martin.
Phillip lay in his room, reminiscing about the previous night's events. His fury boiled within him as the older man gave him orders with a careless smirk.
"You know what to do, right? If they refuse our deal, you..."
Phillip cut him off, his face a picture of denial.
"General, you mean..."
"Yes, blow up the entire base. It's nothing new, right?"
Heartache struck once again. Forever and always. Peace would forever elude him. His lips trembled as his mind wandered back to you. No, he can't...
"You are paid to follow orders, Graves. I can find someone else to do your job for half the price, with no negotiations. You understand that, don't you?"
Another display of the general's power play. Phillip remained silent, absorbing the words like poison. He knew it would make him sick when the time came. Slowly, it would kill him. He pleaded for a little more time. He couldn't do it. Not again.
Phillip had grown weary of being the villain. All he wanted was to be happy. He understood the sacrifices that came with being in the military, the lives you would lay down to achieve your objectives. But there had to be a limit, right?
He had already lost everything. Family, friends, lovers. TF141 and Los Vaqueros despised him, yet they had once made him feel like he belonged, like they shared a bond. But that bond shattered the night he took over their base. He had deceived his way through life, only to have it all fall apart when he tried to change, to be better.
A knock on the door interrupted his misery, prompting a groan from him.
"Martin, I've told you twice, I'm fine. Can't a person rest in this stupid place?"
You poked your head through the door, eyes narrowed and face concealed by a mask.
Playfully, you uttered:"Now who's base are you calling stupid?"
Phillip jolted upright, his eyes darting around in a frenzy. The evidence of his anguish lingered, temporarily pushed to the recesses of his mind. He managed to muster a forced smirk, but his trembling lips betrayed the falsehood. "Well.. I never thought it would be you, sugar.."
You observed him. He was wrapped in the comfort embrace of a soft blanket, his eyes reflecting a deep crimson, concealing untold torment. Phillip appeared utterly miserable, to put it mildly. He hadn't bothered to shower or leave his bed all day. Sniffing, he averted his gaze, not out of embarrassment, but out of fear that you would see the truth hidden within his eyes.
You spoke up, attempting to break the uncomfortable silence with a touch of amusement. "What's the matter, Phil? Did something get in your eye?"
He chuckled sheepishly, shaking his head. For a brief moment, it seemed as if his face brightened before plunging back into the abyss of melancholy.
Shaking off his thoughts, he refused to spoil this moment. He knew that words had the power to taint this heavenly jiffy. He longed to seize it, to feel its edges softened by weeks of vulnerability and profound conversations. After a moment, he let the words slip, his gaze fixed on you, his blue eyes locked onto yours, imagining that you were looking at him with the same intensity, dressed in white and surrounded by loved ones who'll witness the legacy.
"No, sweetheart... It's just... No... It's complicated..." he trailed off.
You raised an eyebrow, sighing. "Martin was looking for you. He said they wanted to discuss something about a certain 'secret.' What's that all about?"
Phillip choked on his own saliva, staring at you in disbelief. You shouldn't have known about the new orders, and neither should any other member of this base. He responded defensively, his words rushing out. "It's nothing... Why don't you go join your boyfriend, huh?"
The words stung him, but he couldn't help himself. Jealousy and agony had blinded him, unable to bear witness to you and Sky, laughing together over dinner while Phillip watched from a distance, yearning to be the one who brought a smile to your face.
"...Boyfriend?" The uncertainty in your voice left Phillip bewildered.
He raised his hand, pointing at you, then mimicked a fall from the sky to the ground. Confusion filled his voice as he spoke. "You and Sky... You are a thing!"
Silence hung in the air, followed by the most genuine laughter. You wheezed, slapping your knee and giggling uncontrollably. The sweet melody of your laughter was pure, something he had sorely missed. His ears had grown accustomed to screams, gunshots, and explosions, not the gentle giggle or the tune you hummed. Warmth surged through his insides, radiating from his heart and enveloping his mind. Blushing, he looked down.
"Where on earth did you get that idea, Phillip? Sky and I are friends, we've known each other forever!" You paused, wiping away a tear before playfully crouching down. "I never thought you would fall for such gossip."
He rubbed his neck, feeling shame wash over his face. You continued to stare at him, your eyes narrowed yet filled with a glimmer of light.
"My mistake, doll... I thought..."
"You thought what, Phil?"
He closed his eyes, your perfume filling his head. The stars got red and the night is blue. He didn't want to say something foolish or scare you. God forbid.
In your presence, he felt as though he was in the company of a gentle creature, a beautiful pearl he never thought he would need in his life. Unfortunately, you were too good for him. You were a sun that would blind him if he stared for too long. God only knew how far he would go, willing to burn in flames just for a glimpse of you.
You were crouched beside him, a few feet apart. You could see the specks of grey in his hair, the blond locks carelessly resting on his forehead.
A surge of courage built up within you. Your eyes met once again, capturing the soft blend of his baby blues and your gentle gaze. You could swear you saw a cry, a helpless wail, hidden within his irisis.
Holding your breath, you reached out your hand as if to soothe his demons. He surrendered, his pupils dilating with an overflowing longing. He leaned into your touch, and you smiled. With tender care, you brushed his hair behind his ear, tracing your hand gently along his face, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
"What's inside here?" you insisted, cradling the side of his head. He smiled.
"Just stupid things, doll. It's nothing... just stupid things."
You sighed, nodding. You knew he didn't want to talk about it. Perhaps, for the sake of preserving whatever bond you two shared, it was best to let it go.
Phillip closed his eyes, letting out another long sigh. The weight on his shoulders seemed to ease, leaving nothing but a sense of relief behind.
He flinched as the phone rang, abruptly interrupting the silence. He shook his head, motioning for you to stay close. He didn't want to deal with whatever tantrum General Shepard was having. All he wanted was to rest. Answering the call, he carefully chose his words, all the while keeping his gaze fixed on you, wearing the same smile from ages ago. He would tell that old dog where exactly he should put his plans...
"Commander Phillip Graves," a harsh voice spoke, and he frowned. "General Shepard is dead. Killed by Captain John Price. There's no need to proceed with your last mission. Or the one suggested by him." Phil's eyes widened, recognizing the voice as none other than the captain of TF141.
"Oh, and Phil..." John spat out, "Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish is KIA."
The phone slipped from his grasp. Uncertain, you uttered, "Phillip?"
No. Not again.
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ornii · 2 years
Bitterly Beautiful, Part 4
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Chapter 4: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
"I just, don't think I understand her.."
(Y/n) sits, Legs crossed on the bed of Enid Sinclair as she paints his fingernails, it never bothers (Y/n) to be the Guinea Pig for Enid's ridiculous theories on color palettes and designs; he couldn't see any of it to begin with, what did help him was the ear she lent him.
"Oh (Y/n), Silly (Y/n)," Enid says, finally being coy herself. "Women are an enigma that a man simply can't understand."
"Women? You're still a Teenager Enid." He said annoyed, Enid scoffed at this.
"Am not! I have grown into a respectful and very intelligent woman."
"Enid the first time I met you I told you Santa wasn't real you cried for a week and said you'd spit on my grave.. what has changed?" He says and she rolls her eyes.
"If you could see I'm rolling my eyes right now." She says with a smile, he snickers, but sighs soon after.
"I hope you're right Enid, I think Wednesday is great, I just think she hates me."
"She hates everyone." Enid replies, "You don't have to keep up this act, be emotional, cry a little."
"I think If I cried she'd probably like it."
"No, I just think she likes seeing people miserable." (Y/n) replies and Enid waves it off.
"Not true, I bet she's trying to come up with the best way to invite you to the Rav'N." Enid says, now her turn trying to reassure her bestie.
"You think so?" He asks, and she nods.
"I know so. So, when you get the chance, tell her with confidence that you want to go to the Rav'N with her!"
The Jericho county morgue is a place housing the corpses of those who met an unfortunate passing lately. What it also held was valuable information for a certain creepy girl. Something makes its way through the ventilation shaft and drops down on a camera. Thing, who spatters black Bubblegum all over the Security camera watching the door. Thing drops down and crawls to the door, opening it via a button and Wednesday creeps in.
"Dr. Kinbott tells me I should get out more. Says I need to open my mind to new people and experiences. Who am I to argue with her professional clichés?" Wednesday says, and she and Thing enter the main room.
"While I do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies." She says to thing who taps loudly in refusal.
"Don't pout. Your scalpel skills are questionable. Do you remember my 13th birthday, when Uncle Fester gave me that cadaver? You sliced right through that man's carotid."  She says, Thing taps more and Wednesday this time halts everything.
"I did not invite (Y/n) because his indecisiveness about his feelings would slow me down. I'm not indecisive, I know what I desire." She says, Wednesday locks the door back and Thing makes a few gestures.
"No, I did not leave him back at Nevermore because I care about him, I only care about the truth." She says, Thing makes a gesture with two fingers hitting each other; almost like Kissing, Wednesday turns to him with her cold stare.
"Say that again and I'll find you a permanent slot in this Morgue."
Thing, realizing he actually prefers living quits and heads to copy, and Wednesday now heads to the chambers holding the corpses and prepares for what's ahead. Wednesday begins to open up contains corpses, absolutely unfazed by any of it.
"No. No. Magnificent hematoma. There you are." She says, and drags one out, the old man who got visions of hell tossed into his face. Dead. Wednesday begins her autopsy. Probably something she genuinely enjoys doing.
"Thursday, 7:23 p.m. The body is that of a 50-year-old male. Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands. What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack. The subject has been almost entirely disemboweled. This is curious. The subject's left foot is missing. It appears to have been chewed off at the ankle." Wednesday begins her Analysis, but Thing comes rushing in, tapping wildly.
"Have you seen a left foot anywhere? Calm down. Who's coming?" She asks, she hears the front door open and looks around for a hiding place, unfortunately, there's no (Y/n) to hide behind this time. So she picks the perfect place. The Sherrif enters with a man of bronze-colored skin and a salt and pepper beard, obviously in his older years.
"Appreciate you coming back to the office, Doc." The Sheriff says as they enter the Morgue.
"No problem, Sheriff. Whatever I can do to help. Whatever or whoever is responsible for these killings... In all my years, I've never seen injuries like them. I thought you should see this before I issued my report on the latest victim. It's a real noodle-scratcher. The killer cut off two toes from the victim's left foot. My best guess, they used a surgical saw. The final autopsy report's still pending."
"Minute you're done, send it straight to my desk. Media blackout on the toes."
"Sure thing, Sheriff. Been a busy couple of weeks, huh? At least I'm going out in style. Friday's my last day."
"Happy retirement, Doc."
"Gonna surprise Mrs. Anwar with a four-week cruise. Excited to trade rib shears for Mai Tais. See yourself out. I'll lock up." the Doctor says, and Sheriff obliges and leaves, the Doctor noticed that the door to one of the corpses was, open, he closes it but takes one more precaution. He opens it to Wednesday, who seems as dead as most. Her skin was cold, eyes were unmoving and stiff.
"I don't remember this one coming in. Full rigor. You've been dead a while. Guess you won't mind waiting another day for me to cut you open." He says with an uncomfortable smile, he closes it back up and leaves; letting Thing escape from the cap of a skeleton anatomy diagram. He fiddles over back to the door and opens it up to a surprisingly alive Wednesday has her eyes closed, and gingerly opens them.
"Five more minutes. I was just getting comfortable."
The next morning at Nevermore, Wednesday is in her Dorm, pinning up clues and pieces to the puzzle of Nevermore, which mostly looked like crime scene photos.
"When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind," Enid said, approaching from behind to look at this odd collaboration of Gore.
"Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection," Wednesday replies looking back at Enid, who begins to question her.
"Is this why you snuck out last night?"
"Thing and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monster's victims."
"Okay, there are so many levels of "ew" in that statement, I don't know where to begin. (Y/n) was worried about you." Enid says, Wednesday's attitude softens a bit as if she's a bit, glad he was concerned for her, As she looks Enid up and down, again she shoves her feelings away and continues.
"I need to get inside its head. Discover any patterns or anomalies. I've already made a big discovery. Turns out all of the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed." She begins, takes off the photos, and hands them to Enid for her to look at them but it's obvious Enid isn't taking it too well.
"The first one a kidney, the second a finger...
"Wednesday, I don't feel—"
"Third a gall bladder. And the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes. Do you understand what this means? These murders aren't mindless. He's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It's impressive." She says, she turns back around to shoe Enid more, but Enid has already hit the ground unconscious.
"It's Vasovagal syncope."
(Y/n) stands there as he picks Enid up off the ground. Wednesday watches quietly from her side of the room.
"Makes people feint at sighs like blood and gore." He says as he lays her in the bed, he combs back her hair, he looks downward at her, like a sleeping beauty.
"You seem to know much about her, what are you, her doctor?" She asks, (Y/n) turns towards her.
"I'm her friend, and who knows maybe I'll end up a pediatrician, or Veterinarian, or your therapist when you eventually wind up in the psych ward." He says sarcastically and Wednesday folds her arms.
"You're using comedy to hide your own issues."
"Oh, you think I'm funny?" He says.
"That's not what I said."
"All I heard is that you think I'm funny."
He says, he looks back at her and reaches into his pocket. He grabs a small vial of smelling salts and waves them under her nose. Her eyes open quickly as she sits up.
"Wednesday I don't think—" she begins, but sees the two look at her.
".. I fainted, didn't I?" She says sheepishly, (Y/n) just laughs and helps her up, and the only thing Miss Addams can do, is watch them. Her eyes focus right on (Y/n). He always seems so, Chummy and caring if Enid like they’re family.
"While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sеxual trickery or deception." Miss Thornhill is giving a lecture on Carnivore plants, Wednesday sits next to Xavier, who looks a bit worse for wear. He notices Wednesdays piercing eyes glaring at him.
"I tweaked my back fencing." He says, Thornhill continues.
"The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?" She asks:
"Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave'N." Bianca says. Which some students laugh.
"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework. But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here."
"You're not gonna volunteer? Aren't you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch? There's even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz."
"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes." Wednesday says with clandestine annoyance. Xavier just smirks.
"Being around blind people I thought you'd think better than that. You know, you could invite someone and have a little fun." Xavier says, Wednesday attempts to ignore his dry humor.
Wednesday seemingly leaves the classroom, and Xavier walks away, little does he know, a sly Black cat follows him, Wednesday. She stays a steady distance away to avoid detection, she watches him enter a building, it was dark and out of eye of most people, he was there only a few minutes before departing out of it. Wednesday creeps inside.
"Xavier didn't get those scratches from fencing. He's hiding something." She says: and turns out the light, she was quickly enriched with paintings of a, large eyed monster. Which seem so, real..
"I suppose every artist needs a muse. Xavier, you just became that much more interesting." Wednesday takes a drawing for herself and leaves, but didn't check everything.
"Wednesday." A voice calls out. She halts in her steps and turns around to Xavier.
"Xavier. Hello." She says, caught off guard.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"Nothing. I just saw you come out this way. What is this place?"
"It's kind of my private art studio. I cleared it out, fixed it up, so Weems let me use it."
"How very entrepreneurial. I would love to see inside. Why don't you give me a tour?"
"Not right now. It's a total mess."
"I shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer. I'm not easily fazed."
"Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?"
"I wanted to go over Ms. Thornhill's homework assignment." Wednesday said, "She didn't give us homework. Remember?" Xavier responds, catching her in a lie. "Why are you really out here? Is this about a certain dance that makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps? I'm all ears."
"Sometimes intentions melt in the face of unexpected opportunity. If this was my chance to get up close and personal with a potential serial killer, how could I refuse?" Wednesday thinks to herself.
"Are you really going to make me ask?" She says, and he nods.
"Oh, absolutely." he responds, Wednesday sighs, and curses to herself. "Would you... Would... Would you possibly consider going to the Rave'N dance with a certain... Would... Would you go to the dance with me?" Wednesdays finally builds up the nerve to ask, and Xavier smiles.
"Yes, Wednesday, I would love to go to the dance with you. I thought you'd never ask."
"Neither did I." She says gritting her teeth. Wednesday informs Enid her outing at the Rav'N
"Oh my God! Wednesday Addams is going to the Rave'N. My whole world is tilted! You know what you need?"
"A bullet to the head?"
"A dress."
"I already have one."
"Not the one you showed up here in! That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate. Thing, back me up here. You need something that screams, "First date. Stand back, bitches! I have arrived!" And I know just the place!" Enid says smiling, and Wednesday can only imagine the form of torture she has in store.
"Hawte Kewture" the Most, explosive in color and fashion for all the girls of Nevermore, except Wednesday.
"What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?"
"Our first roomie shopping spree! The dance committee's suggesting all white to match the theme, but that's not gonna fly with us."
"I have more pressing business than to worry about a dress for a dance I don't want to attend.
"But I thought we were bonding." Enid says, a bit saddened.
"I feel I'll only slow you down. You're a gazelle. I'm a wounded fawn. Cut me loose and go run with the pack." Wednesday says.
"Are you sure?" Enid says, but Wednesday is pretty sure.
"I'm going to see Galpin." She replies, and Leaves to the Sheriff, who isn't very fond of her to begin with. His fondness for her dissipates even more as Wednesday Addams enters his Office.
"We both know that there's a monster out there. If we're going to stop it, I think it's time we put our differences aside and work together." Wednesday says to the Sheriff, who just looks at her; before she hands him Xavier's drawing, and he compares it to a photo of said monster, both heaving a, striking resemblance to each other.
"And this is your stake for me to deal you in? I'm sorry, you gotta do better than that. You got some nice detail though."
"I didn't draw it."
"I need to know who did."
"Unless we're exchanging intel, I'm not at liberty to say."
"Why would I share information about an ongoing murder investigation with a high school kid?"
"Because I go to Nevermore and you don't. Don't you want eyes and ears behind those ivy-covered walls?" Wednesday says offering a dead Oliver branch.
"Listen, Velma, why don't you and the Scooby gang stick to your homework and leave investigating to the professionals." The sheriff replies, but he gets phone call.
"What?" He says answering it.
"Mayor Walker's on line two. He's looking for an update." She says, he puts the phone says and turns his attention back to Wednesday.
"Hey, Addams. Let me see that sketch again." He says and she shows him, he looks at it once more, and caves in.
"The person who drew this, that your suspect? When you bring me some concrete evidence, maybe we'll talk." He says before Wednesday leaves. She continues down the road before the Caw of a crow stops her, she sighs and speaks.
"You can stop following me." She says, she turns around to (Y/n), standing there as he awkwardly rubs the back of his head.
"Yeah, my bad." He says, before remembering the conversation he and Enid had and takes a deep breath. So, you know we have the Rave'N this weekend, right?" He says, and Wednesday folds her arms.
"It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today. I must be the only one not obsessed with this stupid dance." She said, he tries to keep his calm composure.
"Right, So, you're not going?" He asks.
"Actually, I was forced to ask someone as an act of self-preservation." Wednesday admits, and (Y/n)'s hope shattered like glass.
"Oh...So, who is it?" He asks
"Xavier." She says, (Y/n)'a frown could nor be hidden and he just nods. "Well, enjoy yourself I suppose." He says and walks off.
"I'm not sure why you're upset." Wednesday said, (Y/n) stopped and turned around.
"I don't know it's this feeling called.. being upset, it's natural to feel this way." He says.
"It's not my fault I can't interpret your emotional brail." Wednesday fires back and he grips his cane a bit harder.
"Right, because why would I expect Wednesday Addams to know how feelings work, why am I surprised. I just, thought you and I got along a hell of a lot better than Xavier of all people."
"I'm just dealing with a lot right now. I need to prioritize." Wednesday replies, and (Y/n) just scoffs.
"Right, Priorities.. Prioritizing Xavier before me, not to sound selfish but I think you have your priorities a bit mixed, but I guess I have to be the bigger man in this situation right? I hope you two have fun at the Rav'N." He says before walking away. Wednesday opens her mouth to call out to him; but she stops herself, she can only watch him walk off, Thing Crawls from her backpack to say something, but Wednesday cuts him off.
"Not one word." she says, and begins to stew in her anger. Returning to the Bee Keeping station, she brings her Ted Bundy Pinterest to Eugene.
"Enid wouldn't let me keep this in our dorm." Wednesday said.
"No worries. Mi colmena es su colmena. I assume this is the creature that's been rampaging in the woods." Eugene says, looking at the photo.
"You've heard about it before?" She asks.
"Rumors. Mr. Fitts banned me from bug-hunting until further notice. Claimed a bear was on the loose, which I knew was a lie. Didn't match their hibernation schedules. Speaking of monsters with sharp claws, could you give this to your roomie?" Eugene grabs a Jar of sweet honey.
"Put in a good word for me? I hear she's still sans date for the Rave'N." He says, Wednesday decides now is probably the best time to shatter his dreams.
"I know the chances of her asking me are next to zero, but I don't care. I'll keep putting myself out there until Enid finally... sees me." Eugene says.
"And if she never does?"
"She will. I'm playing the long game. My moms say people will appreciate me when I'm older. They're probably just trying to make me feel better, but—"
"Listen, people like me and you, we're different. We're original thinkers, intrepid outliers in this vast cesspool of adolescence. We don't need these inane rites of passage to validate who we are." Wednesday said, giving Eugene advice.
"So you're not going to the Rave'N either?" He asks, and Wednesday begrudgingly shakes her head.
"Actually, I am. With Xavier." She says, and Eugene looks a bit surprised.
"I see." He says, "It's not like I like Xavier. I just have ulterior motives." Wednesday explains.
"No I was just thinking, you don't.. have Ulterior motives with (Y/n) do you?" Eugene asks, and Wednesday scowls at him.
"I just don't want my home slice getting played." Eugene says trying to sound "Hip."
"...Anyway, Sketches are the closest thing I have to a lead to try and stop this thing." Wednesday continues, showing Eugene, which one photo piques his interest.
"That circle...I've heard about it." He says, Wednesday turns to him quickly.
"Who told you about it?" She asks, and Eugene shows her to the man. Who just so happens to be in a smaller room in Nevermore, a sculpting room for pottery, sculpting with dark black clay for pottery. His hands feeling along the molded clay. His coat was off and his sleeves were rolled up to avoid messes. He stops sculpting to reach for more clay, he grabs a handful and goes back, and a Wild Wednesday appears in front of (Y/n), Eugene also struts over.
"... What do you want?" He asks, and Eugene steps up.
"You remember what cave you told me about? The spiral?" He asked and (Y/n) nods, he reaches for a towel to clean his hands.
"Yeah, it's in the forest.. why?" He asks.
"There's a high chance it has something to do with what you and I are investigating." Wednesday says, and (Y/n) now looks more interested. "I found a drawing that is close in resemblance to the cave." She explains, (Y/n)s brow furrowed at this, he stands up, cleaning his hands off.
"...Okay, let's check it out then." He says, the trio stand before the Cave. (Y/n) feels the side of it.
"It's nice to search for uniquely shaped things, I guess it's a way to pass time for me. I came across this cave but Decided against it." (Y/n) said.
"It's definitely a match." Wednesdays says. "You think it's in there?" Eugene asks Wednesday and (Y/n), "It's.. possible." (Y/n) says, which makes him a bit concerned for Wednesday and Eugene.
"I'll go first." (Y/n) says, he heads in, cane clenched. Wednesday turns to Eugene. “If I die, well just tell Enid she’ll plan the funeral I guess.” He trudged in slowly, trying to sense any unorthodox sensations.
"If you hear me screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance I'm just enjoying myself." she says before following (Y/n) into the darkness, they encroach upon bones.
"This is definitely its lair." Wednesday said. (Y/n) kneels down and takes the bones.
"Are these human?"
"No, I think it's got a taste for venison." Wednesday grabs a deer skull. (Y/n) picks up the sound of something and he walks to the wall.
"Wednesday, Check this out." He says grabbing something, a chain, not just chains but lend attached to shackles. (Y/n) turns towards her.
"You were right, this must be it's lair, where did you get this drawing from?" He asks, Wednesday continues to ponder but says nothing, now needing more proof of what connects. She kneels down, seeing something jammed into the ground, grabbing it, she pulls it from the ground, it's a claw. Perhaps the owner of this claw was said monster. But she needed hard evidence.
She returns back to Xavier's art house, now with Thing in tow.
"All right, I won't be long. I just need to find something to match against the claw's DNA." Wednesdays and thing enter the room, but Xavier was quick to show up.
"What are you doing?" He asks accusingly.
"How do you know what the monster looks like? Or are these all just self-portraits?"
"What, you think it's me? I saved your life."
"So did the monster. Or was that you the night Rowan was killed?"
"You so are out of line now."
"I'm trying to uncover the truth. And your art seems to have a recurring motif." Wednesday said, and Xavier slowly caves in.
"Yeah. This creature's been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out, but I can't. So I just... come in here and paint it. When I was painting this one, claws reached out and took a swipe at me. That's how I got these."
"I thought you were able to control your ability."
"Not when it comes to this."
"Maybe it's your guilty conscience."
"I told you I'm not the monster, okay?"
"You just happened to draw pictures of it, down to the location of its lair in the woods? Those are some pretty vivid dreams." Wednesday said, which just irks Xavier
"You were in here. Before, when I caught you outside. That's the only reason you asked me to the Rave'N? To try and cover. You are unbelievable."
"It's nothing personal."
"No, it never is with you, is it? I mean, do you even care about anyone or anything at all, Wednesday? Get out.." he says, and Wednesday slowly sees herself out, Wednesday now returns to the Sheriff, After procuring evidence from Xavier, she drops the claw, and a bloody rag.
"That's the claw of the monster and that's a dried blood sample from a potential suspect. He used it to dab scratches on his neck. Run the DNA test and see if they match."
"I'm sorry, do I work for you?" Sheriff said.
"You asked for concrete evidence. That's it."
"Where'd you get this? And who's the suspect?"
"Run the test first, then I'll explain everything."
"I'm not playing games, Addams."
"Neither am I, Sheriff."
"....Bernice, bring me a DNA authorization form, please." He says calling someone, (Y/n) is finishing up some brail work at his desk inside his dorm. as he feels a tapping on his shoulder. He turns around to no one, but thing on his shoulder.
"I'm not even going to ask how you got here.. what's up? Wednesday use you too?" He asks sadly but thing just hands him a letter. (Y/n) just looks at him.
"... You know I can't read this, right?" He says, "Just.. Go get Enid please." (Y/n) said.
Eventually, Enid is in his dorm, reading the note and is freaking the Eff out.
"Dear (Y/n), I, Wednesday Addams, cordially invite you, YOU (Y/n) Healy to the Rav'N tonight! I await your arrival in my dorm! O M Gee! This is so her! Even the ink smells of Goth And Glamour!" Enid says, so happy for her Bestie. (y/n) was a bit shocked by this.
"She wants to go with me? I thought she was going with Xavier, guess that fell though.." (Y/n) says sarcastically,
"Or." Enid begins "She realized just how perfect you two would be and knew you were always the best choice! Don't worry I'm going to hell you get dressed, you strut your stuff like the beautiful magic demon peacock you are! And you'll steal her black heart!" Enid says, almost fantasizing about it.
"You want to plan our wedding too?" He says sarcastically.
"Promise?" She asks, which scares him a bit, he stands up. "Just.. whatever you think is best." He says, and Enid smirked, ready to turn (Y/n) into a perfect Victor van Dort.
Later in the night, Wednesday prepares herself for an outing with Eugene. And there's a knock at the door and she heads to open it.
"I'm coming, Eugene! Hey, did you grab any extra batteries for the flash—"
Wednesday opens the door to someone she was not expecting. A tall, handsome figure dresses head to toe, a pair of Dapper wingtip shoes, socks to boot, a sleek Velveteen White suit, a pearly white shirt and a hefty black vest combo. And a perfect black bow tie to boot, his hair slightly combed back and he cologne, the scent of Black Rose and Vile Thron fills Wednesdays nose and for the moment she thought she actually died and met her Corpse Groom. He tips his glasses and smiles.
"I got your invite. Guessing you had Thing being it to me." He says, and Wednesday was, for the first time in a while, at a loss for words. She was either so angry or absolutely smitten, probably the first.
"After our last conversation, I thought I really messed up and I wanted to apologize too, but before I could I got your note, it was.. really honest and sweet." He says, but Wednesday continues to just stare at him, absolutely at a loss. "You need a few minutes?" (Y/n) asks before she shuts the door in his face and storms over to Thing.
"Honest and sweet?" How could you do this to me? That weird feeling In my chest is happening again! I swear I am going to hang you by your fingernails—" Wednesday begins, but stops as she sees a dress lying on her bed, and it was grandios, antique, so, darkly beautiful.
"How'd you pay for it? Five-finger discount, of course...Thing, don't look." She says and gets dressed, (Y/n) waits downstairs, for the first time in a while he's actually, nervous. The footsteps of high heels clicking sends chills down his spine. He stands up and turns to the sound and the waves create an image of, beauty. Wednesday wore a All black Lace dress, right to her calves, it had side ruffles upon the sides of her sleeves, a sleek black waist belt to finely fit every aspect of herself, even her hair, now in a upper bob, was new. (Y/n), one for jokes and teasing, was just mesmerized by her.
"Wow, you, you’re..” he begins, but Wednesday looks more annoyed to be here.
"Unrecognizable? Ridiculous? A classic example of female objectification for the male gaze?" She says, which makes him just Chuckle.
"Well you don't have to worry about that from me, these damn eyes I can't really see anything."
"Yes you can, you just have to open them, of course it would mean the death of every living being you set your eyes on." She said Dryly, he nods sadly but, with his gentlemen charm. Gives her a courtesy bow.
"Well, I'd burn this entire world to the ground just to see you." He says, and Wednesday for the moment just stares at him, unable to form a correct response to that lady killer line. He smiles and tries to be more comfortable.
"I mean it, Wednesday. You look beautiful." He says. Wednesday looks away. Showing her antisocial tendencies.
"You're Just saying that to make up for what you said."
"That, and I mean it.. you know it's rude to not look at people when you're talking to them. Cmon, look at me, please?" He asks, Wednesday, trying to not let emotion overtake her, turns to face him and he smiles.
"You really are drop dead gorgeous.." he says, there were no words exchanged, but the look Wednesday gave him spoke volumes, before she can say something, Eugene arrives.
"Wednesday, what's going on? What happened to staking out the cave?" He asks, seeing the two together.
"Sure, I get it. Guess I'll check out the woods myself."
"Don't go alone. It's too dangerous. Stand down. We'll go together tomorrow night, understood?" Wednesday says to him, and (Y/n) turns to her.
"Staking out the cave?" He asks, Wednesday walks off as (Y/n) follows to the Rav'N, who Enid has already attended with a, Normie? He looks at the Yeti statue, a bit perplexed.
"Is that an abominable snowman?" He asks.
"Oh my God! You can't say that, it's offensive! The correct name is Yeti." Enid explains.
"Oh, sorry. Do any go here?"
"Not anymore. They've been extinct since the 1950s. Our science teacher Ms. Thornhill chaired the dance committee this year. She wanted the Rave'N to feel relevant. So our theme is climate crisis meets extinction event. But in a fun way!"
He looks even more confused but accepts it, before they can continue, the couple of the century step in, the necks of many students turn their heads to see (Y/n) and Wednesday absolutely stealing the night. The murmurs of the peanut gallery come out.
"Wednesday totally busted out of her cocoon."
"Like a death's-head moth."
"(Y/n) isn't looking too bad either, he’s glowing with that smile.”
"I know like a, handsome nightlight."
"Do you see Bianca's face? She's not going to be happy."
"They're talking about us." (Y/n) says, as Wednesday analyses the room.
"Bianca's jealousy is just burning her up, seared salmon is pretty delicious." (Y/n) said as a jest.
"Hm." Wednesday had a small sound come from her lips, and (Y/n) turns to her.
"Did you just, laugh?"
"No, I don't laugh."
"Are you sure? That sounded like a chuckle..."
"No, I just found your joke about Bianca slightly humorous than all your other failed attempts."
"You just don't want to admit you find me the slightest bit funny?"
"I'd rather douse myself in gasoline before entering a burning building than do that." Wednesday replies deadpanned, which just makes (Y/n) smile more.
"Wednesday Addams." They hear Ms. Thornhill approach, "What a lovely surprise. Ms. Thornhill." Wednesday says, and Ms Thornhill looks at them.
"You two, a bunch of showstoppers! I'm so glad you decided to come along."
"It took me dragging her out of her room." (Y/n) says sarcastically, and Wednesday turns to the drinks. "I'm gonna go get us some drinks." Wednesday leaves as (Y/n) smiles, watching her go. Wednesday grabs a pair of drinks before Enid happily strolls over to her roomie.
"OMG! I love the look! Amazing choice of date too." Enid says looking at (Y/n), like a Wolf of The Wall Street. Wednesday turns to Enid.
"I'd say yours is.. more interesting." She says, as Enid tries to explain. "It's not what it looks like." She says.
"Good, because that pilgrim already is on my list." She said.
"Lucas is trying to make his ex jealous. I'm trying to make Ajax jealous. It's a win-win." She explains, and Lucas approaches, hands up.
"Wednesday, I come in peace." Lucas says.
"That's a shame. I brought my pocket mace. The medieval kind." She says, the dance continues as Wednesday watches along. (Y/n) is getting basically harassed by girls asking questions about his get up, happily directing them to Enid who did most of the work. Xavier walks up next to her,
"Can't believe you brought him."
"Why are you bringing this up? As if this dance weren't tedious enough."
"You don't know what he did to me." Xavier says, and Wednesday tilts her head a bit.
"Enlighten me."
Xavier spills his soap opera, to the slight interest of Wednesday, and now she intends to find her date, which (Y/n) was sitting down, Wednesday approached and sat next to him.
"Too man Yeti-tinis?" He asks smugly.
"Xavier told me what you did last year. How you destroyed his mural on Outreach Day." Wednesday said, and (Y/n) sighs, "Honestly? Well I guess you deserve to know the truth, last year we were part of the archery class, "Artists of Infamy." We won championships, did really well.. and In comes Bianca, she took him away from the team, started using her siren powers, he missed practice, Bombed on championship tournaments, and I.. took it out of him. And his mural." He explains, and Wednesday looks at him.
"What did you do to the mural?" Wednesday said.
"I.. might.. have sent a murder of crows to shit all over it. Weems couldn't prove it was me but, Xavier knew." He says sadly, Wednesday stares at him and sees his sadness.
"Did you think I was going to judge you over some lousy prank? I would have taken it further." She says, trying to cheer him up, but be vague about it. He just smirked and looks at her.
"I knew there was a reason I liked you." He says smiling, and Wednesday felt, happy. The odd music hits (Y/n)'s ears and he stands up.
"Is that Goo Goo Muck? I love this! Cmon we have to go dance!" He says, without much surprise he takes her hand, excited. Wednesday sees the gleam in his face and is slowly melted by his child like innocence.
"Fine.." Wednesday yanks her hand away but follows him, it's dark in the ballroom but he can see Wednesday just fine. They stand across from each other, and he begins to dance, nothing too crazy, but his focus was on Wednesday, who just stares at him.
"When the sun goes down And the moon comes up I turn into a teenage goo goo muck." Wednesday begins to, dance? It was, unique, something that only She can truly do. (Y/n) can only watch the sound waves dance like a sonar with a smile, seeing her dance. Her focus was so, straightforward on (Y/n), he began to stop dancing and just watched her, smiling.
"Yeah, I cruise through the city And I roam the streets / Looking for something That is nice to eat / You better duck / When I show up"
Wednesday disappears into the smoke, (Y/n) feels a hand tap his shoulder, he turns to Wednesday who appears behind him.
"The goo goo muck"
(Y/n) was enthralled in all of this, and has to participate; He began to dance in perfect unison with Wednesday, trying to mimic her movements down to her slightest shift in momentum. Everyone watches the two, almost like a, mating dance.
"I'm the night headhunter Looking for some head / With a way-out body Underneath that head / Yeah, I'll get you, baby With a little luck /  'Cause I'm a teenage tiger And a goo goo muck / You better duck / When I show up / The goo goo muck / Yeah, the city is a jungle And I'm a beast / I want the most But I'll take the least / 'Cause I'm a goo goo muck tiger And a teenage beast / You better duck when I show up /
It was impossible to see during the lighting, during the dancing, but Wednesday had a small smile on her face, she was, enjoying herself, her company, her friend. As the dance ends, (Y/n) laughed and took her by the hands.
"I'm so glad, so glad you came with me." He says, and Wednesday felt the feeling in her chest again. She pulled away.
"My feet are killing me, and as interesting as that would be to see, I must take these shoes off." She says and walks away. He watches, smiling. Wednesday enters the hall to sit, where Bianca was sitting.
"Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer." Wednesday sat down to take off her shoes.
"As my dear mother always says, "Fire tests gold, suffering tests a woman." Bianca replies.
"Speaking of suffering, where's your date? I didn't see you and Xavier on the dance floor."
"We had a little tiff. About you, actually. You don't know what it's like."
"Being beautiful and popular?"
"Never knowing people's true feelings. If someone likes me for me." She admits, Bianca's ability as a siren always had the possibility of putting people in a trance. Never truly knowing if their feelings for her are genuine or from her powers.
"What about your amulet?" Wednesdays looks at it, hanging around Bianca's neck.
"It's not foolproof. It's a mild prophylactic, so to speak. That's why Xavier broke up with me. He could never fully trust me. The worst part is I could never trust his feelings either. I never knew if they were real or not. You're lucky."
"Do tell." Wednesday asks for explanation.
"You don't care what people think of you." Bianca said, which Wednesday considers. "That's why he likes you so much." She says, which piques Wednesdays interest.
"(Y/n)." Wednesday said and Bianca nods.
"Like he said, force of nature." Bianca chimes in, but Wednesday isn't as proud of herself as many would think.
"Honestly, I wish I cared a little more."
"It's time for the big finish. Yo! Almost eleven o'clockity, so haul it out on the dance floor one last time before the Rave'N says "Nevermore!" The DJ yells, Wednesday stands up and calmly walks over as (Y/n) is waiting, still smiling just as brightly, he begins to dance, but Wednesday isn't as up for it as him now, but it didn't matter, as long as she was there. He stops, and gets close to her.
"I really meant what I said, you really are beautiful." He says, smiling.
"Because I don't care about what people think about me?" She says, and he laughs and nods.
"Yes! Yes! You don't care what people think about you, I saw the way you danced, you didn't give a damn about what anyone thought. The way you carry yourself, the way you act. You don't do it to be "Creepy" or "Weird". You're you, and that's what I love so much about... you that you’re…You." He says, and those words spoke volumes to Wednesday. He slowly leans in, ready to place the final bow on this perfect night, before.
It began to drip on the ground, (Y/n) felt something hit his head and he and Wednesdays look around, it began to pour, everywhere! Blood red poured from the sprinkler system. People scream, feared for their lives, and just made a mess. (Y/n) saw the horror and dismay on peoples faces, he turned to Wednesday, and he actually saw it. A smile on her face. She was, enjoying this. And he felt his heart skip a beat seeing her truly smile. She tastes the odd liquid and her scowl returns.
"They couldn't even spring for real pigs' blood. It's only paint." she says, and (Y/n) sighs with relief.
"Thank God you had nothing to do with it—" he says before people begin to bump into them. One hits (Y/n) and he falls to his knees, and another bumps into Wednesday, causing a vision possibility, he feels her stiff like a corpse and he quickly stands up to catch her, she snaps out of it and looks at him.
"Wednesday! Are you okay?" He asks, she grabs his shirt.
"Eugene is in the woods. He's in danger. She says, before running off, he chases after her, calling for Eugene.
"Eugene! Eugene?"
(Y/n) sniffs the air and picks up a scent, it wasn’t pigs blood it was.. humans blood. He rushes to the strong scent and comes across him.
"Oh no.. Wednesday! Over here!" He yells and kneels down. Wednesday rushes over "Eugene? Eugene?" She says before seeing (Y/n) kneeling down over him, Eugene, bleeding, unresponsive. They both kneel down to do whatever they can but, they're just kids, (Y/n) turns his attitude to Wednesday.
"We have to find this monster... Now."
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ink-asunder · 6 months
I really don't get the fans who think Suzume is a romance?? Like yeah Suzume and Souta have chemistry, but I'm getting a real "you guys need to learn about more than one type of love" vibes.
I saw another post from someone saying they wanted Suzume to leave Souta in the Ever After because he willingly sacrificed himself, but I think they miss the point that If Souta Stayed Dead, There Would Be No One To Close The Doors. Suzume couldn't do it--she's 17. She shouldn't take on that responsibility. I'm under the impression that the only other closer would be Souta's granddad, who has one foot in the grave and the other in a rollerskate.
I just genuinely believe Shinkai deliberately tried dividing Suzume and Souta into a non-romantic position because he didn't want it to be a boy meets girl unless it was a lesbian boy meets girl movie.
Souta's way older than Suzume, they're not in a position to have an appropriate romance relationship. (Don't pull any "age gap okay because it's fiction" card, because this movie isn't saying anything about age gaps because it's not a fucking romance.) Souta was literally a chair for most of the movie. Not a hot bangable monster but a Child's Chair. He's a college student working with a teenager and he really only ever acts like a normal 23 year old in a group project with a dual cred high schooler. Yes, they grow closer, but it literally just feels like a "cousins that are so close they just feel like siblings" kinda thing. I think Shinkai fans are just so used to the boy meets girl format that they walked into the theatre with this preconception and didn't have any reading comprehension about what kind of relationship the characters are actually in.
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laserlesbians · 6 months
Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again… I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die...”
Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.”
John 11: 23-26, 43-44
Today on Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, His returning to the world that made death die. In Armenian we say Քրիստոս հարեավ ի մերելոց - Christ has arisen. But on this particularly special Easter, we celebrate also the presence of trans people in our lives and in this world.
The two quotes above are from Christ’s resurrection of Lazarus - He identifies himself to Lazarus’s sister Martha as the resurrection and the life, the source of her brother’s salvation, and tells her that anyone who believes in Him will never die. When He raises Lazarus from the tomb, He calls him to come out of his place of deathly imprisonment, and calls on his peers to take the bindings of the shroud off of him so that he may be free.
For the trans people in the audience, this may be a familiar narrative. I am far from the first person to identify the Lazarus narrative with a coming out story, and I pray I won’t be the last.
But I want to call some attention to a parallel with the scene of the resurrection being discovered later in John’s gospel:
Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb; and he saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself.
John 21: 6-7
When Jesus Himself is resurrected, the first sign of this that the apostles have is the presence of His graveclothes in the grave without a body in them. As He commanded for Lazarus, He did for Himself. If we imagine Lazarus’s narrative as a transgender one, I think that this is the day for us to imagine Christ’s resurrection as a transgender narrative as well. He is the resurrection and the life, we are made in His image, and His resurrection is echoed every time a trans person chooses to live their own life in their own either authentic vision.
And, if you’re cis and wondering how to be more Christlike on this Trans Easter - Remember what He said to Lazarus’ compatriots: “Loose him, and let him go.” Encourage your compatriots to loose the bonds holding people back from living their truest life. Do the work yourself, as well, and bring the Kingdom on Earth that much closer.
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