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thecreaturecodex · 11 months ago
Skelm, Street
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Image © Paizo Publishing. Accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[I love the skelms. They might be my favorite Pathfinder monster new to 2e. I've seen the idea of a male equivalent to hags discussed before. Someone on rpg.net, maybe it was @crinosg or @prokopetz, gave their take the name "coots" and used the Old Man of the Mountain from a Betty Boop cartoon as their model. Paizo's brilliant idea was tying their male hag analogue to ideas of toxic masculinity and entitlement. Since I'm someone who loves to use monsters as tools of social commentary, I was basically their target audience here.]
Skelm, Street CR 3 LE Monstrous Humanoid If not for his unnaturally red face and the rack of antlers growing from his brow, this could be an ordinary human. He wears leather armor and carries a cane.
Skelms are creatures of rage and spite, created spontaneously from evil humanoids overwhelmed by anger. All skelms are male, and some sages posit that they are some sort of metaphysical counterpart to hags. Unlike the prolonged ritual to make a hag, a skelm can arise from a totally normal person in a matter of hours—skelms often hold court over potential recruits and transform them through brutal, humiliating hazing. After transformation, a skelm will often return to their previous life, hiding their inhuman features through magical disguises and changing their pursuits to cruelty and exploitation full time.
All skelms have antlers, which are a source of combined pride and shame. Skelms with smaller racks will belittle those with larger ones, although they will claim other reasons for this scorn if pressed. Even more distinctively, skelms deny that they have antlers when dealing with non-skelms, regardless of evidence or argument.
Street skelms are the weakest of the skelms. In their mortal guise, street skelms exploit the respect most people give to the elderly and the wealthy, and they usually appear as one or both of these in order to recruit a mob. Street skelms have little in the way of magical talents, but they are skilled at finding scapegoats to blame for community ills and sic their followers after. Street skelms have even more of a chip on their shoulder than other skelms do, and their egos are especially delicate. Their combat tactics, whether they are in their monstrous forms or not, tend to revolve around doing an immense amount of damage to a single target at a time, preferably a weak or vulnerable one, and then crowing about it for a few rounds before resuming their assault.
Street Skelm CR 3 XP 800 LE Medium monstrous humanoid Init +2; Senses Perception +7, scent
Defense AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14(+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 armor, +2 natural) hp 25 (3d10+9) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5; -2 vs. emotion effects DR 3/cold iron
Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee gore +7 (1d6+6 plus trip) or improvised club +7 (1d6+4), gore +2 (1d6+2 plus trip) Ranged rock +5 (1d4+4) Special Attacks belittling rant,improvisational brawler, punishing strike
Statistics Str 18, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 18 Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19 Feats Catch Off Guard (B), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Throw Anything (B) Skills Bluff +7,Disguise +7, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +7, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8; Racial Modifiers +4 Intimidate Languages Aklo, Common SQ change shape (Small or Medium male humanoid, alter self),skelm traits
Ecology Environment urban Organization solitary or gang (1 plus 2-24 humanoids) Treasure standard
Special Abilities Belittling Rant (Su) As a standard action, a street skelm can give a rant that affects all creatures that can hear and understand it within 30 feet. A DC 15 Will save negates the effect. A creature affected by a street skelm is shaken for 1 minute. Anyone shaken in this way takes an additional -2 to damage rolls against the skelm, but gains a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls against other targets. The save DC is Charisma based. Improvisational Brawler (Ex) A street skelm gains Catch Off Guard and Throw Anything as bonus feats. A street skelm treats all improvised ranged weapons as having a 20 foot range increment. Punishing Blow (Ex) As a standard action, a street skelm can exert himself to make a single powerful attack. When he does, he adds an additional damage die of the same type to the attack, and can make a CMB check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity to push the creature hit 5 feet. After making this attack, the street skelm is treated as being flat footed until the beginning of its next turn. Skelm Traits (Ex) All skelms gain a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate checks, but a -2 penalty to all saving throws against emotion effects.
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x-heesy · 2 months ago
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Hosh Ninja 🥷
Look at my bro
The ground is in his pussy
The crappy rappers who come to the ground to make his pussy
They need to be made in their pussy, the tailors
Hosh hosh hosh!
Chop off their heads, throw their corpses into the woods
Hosh hosh hosh!
Our powers are connected to within innie court
Hosh hosh hosh!
One and every number on sokwana we close with bof
Hosh hosh hosh!
Hosh hosh hosh!
Whoosh! Salute manhood
Bobajan opens the gates, brap brap
The ground is fucked up in his fucking pussy
My bofana is clapping now I have to go and take blood
Look at the mother's fucking pussy making shit
The fucker's number changed him and the blood splattered
The blood gan drain, the blood gan spray
The blood is pissing out of his fucking mouth
Hosh hosh hosh!
Chop off their heads, throw their corpses into the woods
Hosh hosh hosh!
Our powers are connected to within innie court
Hosh hosh hosh!
One and every number on sokwana we close with bof
Hosh hosh hosh!
Hosh hosh hosh!
Let's make the Zefside holland
Very difficult
Blow blow blow!
Don't hide him in the night
Or the fucking middle of the day
Wave the flag
Fill up! Go get all the bruses
The tailors rap shit
Vedala the pussies
They fail the people
I finished seeing
Little seamstresses annie brand
Go get paraffin
Annie favors Annie bombs
Bring all magazines
Annie bet baseball
Him! I am capadine
Give me your cap! Give me your jacket! Give me sneakers tailor!
Give me your chain! Give me earrings and all those rings tailor!
Give me your phones! Give me your wallet! And your gold teeth!
Come and play old brudda! Or I'll stuff your head full of holes!
Give me your cap! Give me your jacket! Give me sneakers tailor!
Give me your chain! Give me earrings and all those rings tailor!
Give me your phones! Give me your wallet! And your gold teeth!
Come and play old brudda! Or I'll stuff your head full of holes!
Hosh hosh hosh!
Chop off their heads, throw their corpses into the woods
Hosh hosh hosh!
Our powers are connected to within innie court
Hosh hosh hosh!
One and every number on sokwana we close with bof
Hosh hosh hosh!
Hosh hosh hosh!
Close up
Dala crew
Catch that tailor
fuck you
You're a wannabee American rapper
Rap in your own language you fuck
Everyone knows you were born in the Cape...
Out of your mother's pussy
Trekkie pussy naked
Catch that bayonet, him!
Him! You are just dust
Put the stamp of ZEF on his chest so the tailors see...
We took our ground back with bof
HO$H HO$H HO$H by Die Antwoord, Bobajan, Skelm
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crinosmonsters · 1 year ago
Skelm, General Information
Skelm are a species of malicious fey distantly related to Hags. They are personifications of toxic masculinity, and are to a one arrogant, entitled, thin skinned, cruel and opinionated bullies who love to enforce their own twisted ideals on others and lash out at anyone who dares defy them even the slightest.
Unlike Hags, who live on the fringes of humanoid society, Skelms delve right into mortal life, planting themselves into positions of authority where they can bully and terrorize those beneath them, relying on social conventions and respect for authority and position to protect them from the consequences of their cruelty. Skelms are most at home when they have an angry mob to direct at some innocent party, usually one that is already persecuted or looked down upon by society.
Skelm reproduction
Although Skelm are fey, they mainly reproduce by transforming other mortals into more of their kind, they seek out those who are angry and frustrated and stoke the fires of this frustration, indoctrinating them into the life of a Skelm. Many transformed Skelm keep their positions they had in their mortal existence.
Despite this, Skelm rarely work together for long; their fragile egos and desire to dominate others inevitably lead them to butting heads and breaking off ties with one another.
For whatever reason, only humanoids who identify as males become Skelm.
Skelm Antlers
All Skelm possess deer like Antlers, with the size being connected to their age and relative power. Rather than being a status symbol among Skelm, its actually a source of mockery and shame for them. Younger Skelm will mock the antlers of their elders. Among outsiders, Skelm will not even acknowledge the existence of these antlers, even as they use them to knock some unfortunate soul into the ground.
Skelm originally appear in the Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 3.
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rausule · 2 years ago
Gang bende Latyn g_ange kagne mese en; Die meeste van ons ou hoërskoolbende het die dorp verlaat: skare, groep, groep, kudde, pak; kliek, vriendekring, coteries; vriende, kamerade, chuma, metgeselle; Informele maatjies, pelle, maatjies; medewerkers, bure; mede lidmate; skoolmaats, klasmaats; medewerkers, medewerkers, bemanning. 2 'n Bende hoë-wegmanne het die verhoogkoets omhoog gehou: orkes, gepeupel, geselskap, troep, partytjie, trop, liggaam; ring. 3 Die bende werkers het die spoorlyn in rekordtyd voltooi: bemanning, span, skof, span, aflos; troep, geselskap, losbandigheid, falanks Woordoorsprong: Bende het oorspronklik "a gang, gaan," van die Ou Engelse werkwoord gangan, om te gaan. Dit het later konnotasies gekry van saamgaan en dus van 'n groep. gangster n. Gangsters het probeer om beheer oor die plaaslike nagklubs: bendelid, rampokker, afperser, sindikaatlid, bendelid; skelm, misdadiger, skelm; Informele rampokker, taai, kappie. gang: crowd, group, band, flock, pack; clique, circle of friends, coterie; friends, comrades, chuma, companions; Informal buddies, pals, cronies; associates, neighbors; fellow members; schoolmates, classmates; co-work-ers, fellow workers, crew. 2 A gang of high waymen held up the stagecoach: band, mob, company, troop, party, pack, body; ring. 3 gang of : crew, squad, shift, team, relay; troop, company, detachment, phalanx Word origin: Gang originally meant "a going," Old English ww gangan, to go. gangster n. Gang_sters: mobster, hoodlum, racketeer, syndicate member, mafioso; crook, felon, ruffian; Informal hooligan, tough, hood.
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h0use-fly · 8 months ago
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pedromodesto69 · 8 months ago
Don’t think I posted dis hella stoked on how these songs turned out
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pm1073-b · 1 year ago
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One on the right is my pfp on everything but Tumblr, his names skelm
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andrevanvuuren · 2 years ago
hoor die wind verwoed verward grom en blaf stof op n modderige verwaaide verbrokkelde stukkende teer pad ek voel n profisie n visie met rook en tyres sirenes skote n gil n skree blou lig korrupte polisie miskien n geroesde ambulans alles in demokrasie is n verwaterde Oros illusie in n wasmasjien gestrengel met n gerasperde demokrasie hoor stemme laat in die nag bekommerde donker woorde geen water net kerse fokol krag kinders is honger moeders geïrriteerd moeg pa’s hang angstig aan n Black Label met n vodka sachet bygevoeg môre is nog n dorre uitgedroogde vloed werkdag nog n donderstorm nog n oorstroming nog n politikus wat steel en met die stembus toor alles word tussen n paar skuwe hienas verdeel voel my magtige dreuning hoor die frustrasie van n eens reënboog nasie gevul met potholes n President wat vreet met ministers en familie met skelm oë gereed vir die volgende Eskom Elektriese vultrasie Waars die dokter en sy digital kolaberasie vibes ons is siek ons is arm hierdie is nie Mandela of God se nasie daar is geen vryheid leiers of wetenskap ons boere word wreed opgekap Gwede is n boef op die hoogste vlak kom ons dans terwyl ons son soos n ballon 🎈 sak hoor die wind verwoed verward grom en blaf stof op n modderige verwaaide verbrokkelde stukkende teer pad ek voel n profisie n visie met rook en tyres sirenes skote n gil n skree blou lig korrupte polisie miskien n geroesde ambulans alles in demokrasie is n verwaterde Oros illusie in n wasmasjien gestrengel met n gerasperde demokrasie wat verdrink in n illusie gevul met krokodille en shebeens wat kuier gedompel in methanol en goeie mense wat weghol na n ander land verwoed verward slaan my met my eie lat vir wat vir wat (28/2/23 verwoed verward-AvV)
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glassbirdfeather · 5 months ago
DNI: Scum, villains, ne'er-do-wells, knaves, rapscallions, rascals, rogues, skelms, scallywags, and other wicked folk.
I just saw a DNI for "evil intentions". nobody puts up a warding talisman anymore just a fucking DNI
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live-laugh-lando · 3 months ago
they moet kyalami terug bring, die taxis sal die gp wen
dit sal net taxis wees want die skelms sal hijack en steel al die f1 car parts 😭😭 daai red bull engine sal in 'n toyota of iets wees 😭
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canadiandogteeth · 3 months ago
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Rivi Palomino ~ Skelm
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thecreaturecodex · 10 months ago
Skelm, Palace
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[Talking with me during the development of her red hag, @soylent-crocodile referred to it as "a species of Starscreams". Which is a great description, and also an accurate assessment of the palace skelm. Although it's obvious that Grima Wormtongue is also a major influence on this PF2e monster. The fact that palace skelms and red hags are the same CR and would absolutely hate each other is the icing on the cake for me.]
Palace Skelm CR 8 LE Monstrous Humanoid This humanoid figure is almost human, except for the pair of gleaming antlers growing from his skull. He is dressed in fine noble’s clothing.
Palace skelms are creatures that delight in the corruption of power. They often are found among military officers and politicians, some of whom transformed into skelms in that position. Palace skelms spend their time either jockeying for power or abusing the power that they do have, treating their subordinates with casual cruelty. A palace skelm is an excellent liar, and they can even insert their words into the mouths of others. They encourage competition, jealousy and paranoia in any court they find themselves in, turning functioning governments into a den of vipers to exploit. They are ostentatious by nature, and frequently flaunt their wealth and status with finery.
Most palace skelms prefer to exert power from behind the throne, ingratiating himself to a ruler and warping their perceptions so that they only trust the skelm. Coups and political upheavals are dangerous for palace skelms, as they simultaneously allow for more opportunities to inflict suffering while increasing the risk of the skelm’s true nature being exposed, or of the skelm losing their grasp on what power they have. Palace skelms have a tendency to self-sabotage, as their interlocking schemes can spiral out of their control, and their answer to being caught in the act is usually murder.
Palace Skelm     CR 8 XP 4,800 LE Medium monstrous humanoid Init +4; Senses Perception +16, scent
Defense AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+4 Dex, +8 natural) hp 102 (12d10+36) Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +11; -2 vs. emotion effects DR 10/cold iron
Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee gore +18 (1d12+6 plus trip), slam +18 (1d6+6) Special Attacks incite violence Spell-like Abilities CL 8th, concentration +13 (+17 casting defensively) Constant—tongues At will—message, paranoia (DC 17) 3/day—clairaudience/clairvoyance, enthrall (DC 17), invisibility, suggestion (DC 18) 1/day—charm monster (DC 19), curse of the outcast (DC 21), private sanctum
Statistics Str 23, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 20 Base Atk +12; CMB +18 (+20 trip); CMD 32 (34 vs. trip) Feats Combat Casting,Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Improved Trip, Improved Vital Strike, Vital Strike Skills Bluff +21, Disguise +21, Diplomacy +14, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (local, nobility) +14, Perception +16, Sense Motive +13, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +16; Racial Modifiers +4 Intimidate Languages Aklo, Common, tongues SQ change shape (Small or Medium humanoid, alter self), corrupt speech, skelm traits
Ecology Environment urban Organization solitary Treasure standard
Special Abilities Corrupt Speech (Su) As an immediate action, a palace skelm can corrupt the speech of a creature within 30 feet. The skelm can say up to twelve words and makes a Bluff check as opposed to the Perception of other creatures that can hear the original speech. If the skelm succeeds, the perceiving creatures hear the palace skelm’s words come out of the speaker’s mouth. If the skelm fails, they hear the original speech. If the Perception check succeeds by more than 5, the perceiving creature hears both phrases, and knows that the skelm spoke the words. If the skelm’s Bluff check against a target succeeds by 5 or more, the skelm can cast suggestion or paranoia on that target as part of the same action. A skelm cannot use a spell-like ability on multiple targets in this way at a time, even if it successfully deceives multiple creatures. Incite Violence (Su) As a standard action once per day, a palace skelm can incite violence in all creatures that can hear it within 30 feet. If a creature fails a DC 21 Will save, it makes a melee attack against an adjacent creature of the skelm’s choosing, choosing its most powerful weapon or natural attack if it has multiple. If a skelm uses this ability and an affected creature has no creatures adjacent to it, the creature is instead stunned for 1 round. This is a mind-influencing, compulsion, sonic effect, and the save DC is Charisma based.  Skelm Traits (Ex) A skelm gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks and a -2 penalty on saving throws against emotion effects.
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cellarts1 · 5 months ago
Skelm full set
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crinosmonsters · 1 year ago
Soul Skelm
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The Pinnacle of Skelm Kind, Soul Skelm arise not from frustrated and impotent mortal men, but from the ranks of Skelm themselves, who have refined their hateful petty spite into something truly inhuman. In that regard the Skelm are not dissimilar to the Night Hags of Hag Kind.
Soul Skelm spend their time exploiting and bullying the souls of the dead, keeping them in bondage by preying upon their shame and regret and feeding on these souls to maintain their youth. When they target the living, they stoke these same feelings of shame and regret, fabricating them if need be, in order to isolate their victims and eventually manipulate themselves into humiliation and self destruction, which they constantly remind their victims spirits of after their death.
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vrouopgenade · 1 year ago
Nugter alleen weet
Ken jý vir Nugter? Dis net hý alleen wat dit ook sal weet. Alwetende skepsel!
“Bly Nugter ook in julle huise? Ons het ondervind dat net nugter weet wie die skakelaar afgesit het of wie die sleutel laat wegraak het. Hoekom het die rekenaar nog gisteraand gewerk en vanoggend wil hy nie aansit nie? Hoekom laat die koffiemasjien skielik die krag uitskop? NUGTER weet!” (Iemand het gedeel op Facebook, en ek leen die woorde, want Nugter is ‘n ou skelm wat tussen ons rondsluip.…
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rausule · 2 years ago
Kyk, ek het 'n maand laas geëet en ek is baie honger. Ek is besig om my oog te suig. Hoekom haal jy nie een van jou oë uit nie, Tier? Dis alte lekker om aan te suig."
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Tier is ook nie links nie. Hy haal sommer sy oog uit en sit dit in sy mond. Maar die oog was so glibberig dat voordat jy ,,mes" kon sê, was dit ingesluk...
,,Grr..." grom hy nors.,,Voordat ek kans gehad het om dit te proe, glip dit by my keel af."
,,Foeitog!" sê Haas simpatiek.,,Maar dis darem nie my skuld nie. In elk geval het jy nog 'n oog: suig bietjie daaraan."
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Tier haal toe so ewe dom sy ander oog uit en sluk dit voorwaar ook in. Nou is die arme Tier in die middel van die wêreld.,,Grr..." en hy tas met sy pote in die donker rond.,,Ek... ek is blind! Al wat ek kan sien, is my maag... en dit is leeg. Hasie, Hasie... ou maat, waar is jy? Jy moet nou nie wegraak nie..."
,,Toe maar, Tier, dis nie nodig dat jy jou so ont- stel nie," antwoord Hasie, nou bietjie meer astrant.,,Kom, ek sal jou help. Hier is die pad,
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volg my net. Oppas! Stadig oor die klippe, hoor," en daarmee lei die klein vabond vir Tier na die randjie van 'n hoë krans.
,,Sit jy nou maar lekker daar, Tier," sê hy vriendelik.,,Ek sal 'n lekker vuur aanpak om jou warm te maak."
Teen dié tyd is Tier so benoud dat hy waarlik van koue bibber. Hy gaan sommer op sy hurke sit. En toe het daardie skelm diertjie 'n nare ding gedoen. Hy pak sowaar 'n vuurtjie sommer agter Tier se boud. Hy steek die droë houtjies aan die brand. Een, twee, drie is daar 'n groot vlam, wat Tier se hare skroei. Hy wip so geweldig van die skrik dat hy sommer oor die krans val.
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Hee... ee... ee," giggel Hasie ferwyl hy oor die krans loer. Daar hang Tier met sy tande om die tak van 'n boom wat halfpad langs die krans af groei.
„Liewe land, Tier," sê Haas met 'n fyn stem- metjie,,,dit was 'n noue ontkoming. Ek kom jou dadelik help, hoor. Sê net,A' sodat ek kan weet dat jy nog daar is."
Toe Tier sy mond oopmaak en ‚A' sê, het hy
natuurlik soos 'n stuk lood verder geval. Boemps lê hy heel onder... morsdood!
,,Tra-la-la," sing Hasie. Hoe dom is sommige mense tog nie!" En toe wip Hasie daar weg, op soek na verdere avonture.
Hy het ook nie ver gegaan nie of daar ontmoet hy 'n boer wat perde aanja.,,More, Boer," groet Hasie.,,Wil Boer nie 'n mooi tiervel besit nie?"
,,Al te seker," antwoord die boer gretig.,,Waar is dit?"
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„As Oom na daardie krans gaan, sal Oom die tier daar kry. Ek sal intussen na Oom se perde kyk."
Die boer het hom ook nie twee maal laat nooi nie en gou-gou is hy weg in die rigting van die krans. Maar Hasie het nooit by die perde bly wag nie. Moenie glo nie! Hy wip sommer daar weg, op soek na verdere avonture.
Eerlank kom hy by 'n klomp rawe wat hulle neste oppas.,,More, rawe," groet hy vriendelik. Laat ek julle 'n ding vertel. Doer is 'n klompie perde met seerplekke op hulle rugge. As julle 'n
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