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hosgeldinhuzun · 2 years ago
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Flash belleğimin adını "Kara Kız 👧🏿" koydum ama daha renkli önerileriniz varsa belki değiştiririm 😁
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sandra-entdeckt-die-welt · 2 years ago
Airlie beach 22.11.22
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Am morgen packe ich meine Sachen und mache mich etwas nervös auf den Weg... Ich habe leider vergessen meinen Pick Up Point zu benennen also heißt es 35 Minuten laufen. Das geht sicherlich klar denke ich, ist ja nicht lange... Blöd nur, dass ich die pralle Mittagssonne komplett unterschätzt habe. Dazu kommt dass ich auf der Hauptstraße entlang laufen muss. Ich glaube ich habe noch nie so sehr geschwitzt... Zwischendurch leere ich einfach meine Wasserflasche über meinem Kopf aus, so verhindere ich hoffentlich einen Hitzeschlag oder einen Kollaps.😳 Total verschwitzt und zitternd komme ich am Einkaufszentrum an und gehe erstmal in einen der Läden um abzukühlen bevor ich abgeholt werde.
Dann geht es im Bus ca. eine Stunde zum Flugplatz. Die ersten beiden Mädels machen sich bereit für den Sprung, während wir anderen warten.
Als sie zurückkommen heißt es für mich und eine Holländerin “jetzt wird's ernst..." wir bekommen eine kurze Einweisung und bekommen das Zeug angezogen. Unnnnd warten... Ohje ich bin ziemlich aufgeregt, fast so als müsste ich gleich auf die Bühne. Um das Adrenalin etwas abzuschütteln springe ich ein wenig verrückt durch die Gegend und belustige damit die Holländerin. Als die Jungs wieder kommen sagen sie es sei derzeit zu windig. Sie wollen an den Strand, das Wetter genau beobachten und abwarten ob sich der Sturm legt bevor sie entscheiden zu springen. Also Zeug wieder aus und Warten... Warten... Warten...
Als sie wieder kommen, bin ich kurz vor dem einschlafen und ziemlich sicher, dass der Flug abgesagt wird. Falsch gedacht, sie springen euphorisch aus dem Auto und sagen wir probieren es... Wir probieren es? Was soll denn das heißen? Aber OK. Zeug wieder an und schon wird auch ein kurzes Video aufgenommen wie ich nervös an dem Gestell herumknibble und versuche cool zu wirken.😅
Zum Glück spricht mein Fallschirm- Dude deutsch, dass lasst mich sicher fühlen.
Nun sitzen wir auch schon im Flugzeug und schwupps schon sind wir in der Luft und gewinnen an Höhe. Auch Mal eine Erfahrung rückwärts im Flugzeug zu sitzen. Ich genieße den Ausblick und Versuche nicht darüber nachzudenken was ich gleich tun werde. Ich bin aufgeregt, Angst habe ich aber keine. Ich bin nur super gespannt. Irgendwann fummelt der Dude an meinem Geschirr Rum und ich werde etwas nervös. Ich spüre jedoch seine tiefe Bauchatmung an meinem Rücken und (kizomba sei dank) beginne ich mich seiner Atmung anzupassen, was mich direkt runterbringt und etwas entspannen lässt.
Er erklärt mir nochmal den Ablauf und sagt mir, er mache bald die Tür auf, ich solle mich nicht erschrecken, das wird jedoch sehr laut und windig werden. Gesagt getan. Die Tür ist auf und ich versuche meine Füße irgendwie aus dem Fenster zu bringen (ich vermute an dieser Stelle habe ich mir den riiiießen blauen Fleck zugezogen...).
Er stellt sich hin und hantiert etwas herum, bis er springt...
Ein Sprung ins nichts... Ein Sprung aus dem Flugzeug... ich kann es nicht glauben... wow. Ich bin voller Adrenalin. Die ersten Sekunden des freien Falls sorgen für Bauchgrummeln, danach genieße ich es einfach nur noch und komme aus dem Staunen gar nicht mehr raus. Ich fliege... Besser gesagt... Ich falle (bei ca. 200 km) Richtung Erde... Geeeeil.
Plötzlich zieht er am Schirm und wir bremsen so abrupt ab, dass sich wieder mein Bauch meldet. Wo ist oben, wo ist unten? Ich bin etwas desorientiert. Puh geschafft. Mein Dude bedankt sich für den Sprung während ich nur denke... Öhm... Ich wäre für eine gute Landung noch dankbarer.
Es ist ziemlich windig und um zum Landeplatz zu gelangen müssen wir einige Drehungen machen. Ich darf sogar selbst steuern wuhuuu. Aber die 180 Grad Drehungen haben es echt in sich. Du verlierst total die Orientierung und weißt nicht mehr wo oben und unten ist. Du wirst komplett herumgewirbelt und dein Körper ist Mal waagrecht, Mal senkrecht. Puh, diese Drehungen und der Landeprozess ist echt nicht so meins... Aber zum Glück, kommt der Strand immer näher und schwupps sind wir schon gelandet. Etwas zittrig stehe ich da und kann es kaum glauben, das wirklich gemacht zu haben. Wow. Ich bin soooo Stolz auf mich. Also jetzt weiß ich, ich brauch vor nichts mehr Angst zu haben... Wenn ich es schaffe aus einem fliegenden Flugzeug (aus einem stehenden Flugzeug kann es ja jeder) zu springen, kann ich vermutlich alles schaffen.🥳
Am Abend gönne ich mir einen Cocktail und ein leckeres Essen in einem Fancy Restaurant und schlafe beseelt ein.
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lhistoireduneetoile · 2 years ago
Il me fait sourire.
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messenjaschin · 2 years ago
press conference 22.11.2022
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prosy-days · 2 years ago
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November 22, 2022 - Day 156
I have never left laundry late ever, in my life.
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godsnameisjoy · 2 years ago
Date: 22 November 2022
Meditation 1
Duration: 20 minutes at 11:45 PM
This was a guided meditation on a speaker. And it was done along with a family member. It is good to know that I am able to go to my deepest best despite a voice on the speaker, unusual hour, unusual room, unusual seat, and most unusual is that I wasn’t alone.
Family takes up most of my attention through a day. I am tuned in to the needs of my immediate family most. That’s why to be able to cut the attention off from family while meditating with a member, feels like a meditational milestone of sorts.
The guided meditation we sat for, is one among the freely available guided meditations on the SRF/YSS app. We chose the 20 minutes meditation on Peace. After meditation, I admitted that I had ‘partaken’ Peace. I really had. There were 2 instances in those 20 minutes when I felt gathered energies rising up the spine without dissipating and causing a welcome lightness of the lower body.
Meditation 2
Duration: 54 minutes at 10:59 PM
‘Deep meditation’ simply means to meditate in a deep part of the mind. Mind layers are broadly categorised as the shallow level of conscious and rational, the somewhat deep but dreamy subconscious and lastly the deep sleeping dream free zone of intuition. Deep meditation is about reaching the intuition consciously instead of the unconscious manner to a good night’s sleep.
The issue with trying to write about deep meditation is that the meditation has occurred in those parts of the mind where memory making skills don’t apply. In fact, the conscious and subconscious don’t have the password to the intuition. The shallow mental faculties work on motivations provided by old and new desires.
Intuition is about one reference feeling among a bunch of feelings humans are capable of. Peace is absolute. Peace is pure. Peace can purify the trash of imagery created by our natural born restlessness. Peace is divine, restlessness is natural. Peace gets stronger than restlessness only in a deep sublayer within intuition.
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nei-ning · 2 years ago
I had long weird dream which has faded away mostly already.
In the dream I, first, went to some school. I either delivered there something or was looking for something. I helped some kids take off their outdoor clothes (jacket, shoes etc.) before female teacher came to get them, starting to lead them up on the stairs. However, the stairs leaded in this huge bright warm light which was surrounded with smaller colorful beams of lights. I smiled to myself, knowing they would be “safe in second level” as I thought in the dream.
I then came to my current area, deciding to go visit this old man and his wife in apartment number 4. From the outside the apartment looked the same, but when I stepped in, it was completely different. It was like from Finland’s past. The hallway was tiny room with old wooden, dark brown, walls with small ceiling light right above me. On the floor was tiny dirty rug, shoes, maybe some toys. I clearly remember this horribly bright yellow box at my feet. Old man was there too but he wasn’t the neighbor himself. Tho for a some reason I thought the was. I kindly and softly asked him how his wife was doing (because she has many health issues in real life, not being able to leave the house etc.). He just grunted and said something she’s on the couch and I should ask her, not bother her too long tho. I said I would do that. I entered the room and I instantly came in this old bedroom which was full of stuff and few big plants + dining table at the corner. I stood in the middle of the wall at the doorway. Right next to my left was small couch, full of old, used and broken blankets, pillows etc. On the couch sat young woman, dirty looking. Further away from her, near the left wall, was either small couch or 2 big chairs pushed together to make a bed. This old wife was curled on it, her back towards me. Her hair was dark gray, loose, long, dirty. Her shirt was broken and dirty, her long gray skirt too. She had either dark gray shoes or socks on as she pulled her legs closer to herself.
I approached her, stopping by the edge of her “bed”. I softly and kindly asked how she was doing. She did reply to me, but I don’t remember her words or voice anymore. I remember sighing softly, saying something like: “Well, that’s good to hear.” I tried to talk to her some more, to make sure she’s okay, but then I heard a voice to my right. There was another woman, a daughter. Middle aged. Dirty and angry. She was rude, telling me to stop talking to her mother. I did as I was told. Beside her, on my left from my view, was another woman. She may have been 20-25, She wasn’t as dirty as others, but she was silent but still she once said I should listen to her sister. I couldn’t help but to feel that either the father abused and controlled this whole family or then it was this bully daughter. I left the room, coming in the long hallway. Only now I realized how the house really was.
The house, from above view, was like 2 long hallways placed side by side, 3 doorways done by cutting doorshapes on the walls. One doorway in the middle and 1 at both ends. Left side was this one long hallway all of the sudden and right side held 3 rooms. At the lower part (from my point of view) was old kitchen, then was this weird livingroom / bedroom area) and the rest of the hallway was either full of junk, their bedrooms or empty space. In this hallway area I spotted now the real old man who I had come to visit. He sat on the couch which, again, was full of old blankets, pillows etc. I stood near him, asking him something. He replied with tiny voice, escorting me to do something. I don’t remember what. Then he just vanished.
Next I was in this half-awake / half-meditation state, sitting sideways on the couch. I knew my big sister, now, was behind me, ready to wake me up from this state. I don’t know where I actually was but... It was either past, future or another dimension. I know Mikey (can’t be sure which incarnation but I would bet 2003) was there but there also was this HUGE, gigantic thing (I will call it beast). I sadly don’t remember what it was but I saw him once from behind, clearly. Mikey either was controlled by it or was trying to fight against it. I managed to get far contact on Mikey with my mind, talking with him. As I spoke with him, I kept drawing him on the paper. I only saw his chest area from very close and he was wearing clothes which reminded me of Dennis the Menace. I feel annoyed I can’t remember our conversation. My sister was still behind me in “real life”, asking me am I seeing a nightmare as I mumbled something silently out loud during the conversation. I heard her, saying it’s not a nightmare. I said it’s - I can’t remember -. I was soon done with Mikey, standing near the cliff which was below bigger cliff, facing towatds the city further away. Now the beast arrived, flying past me. I yelled something after it so it landed. It was very muscular, his body looking so hard. Like if it was made of very dark emerald. It had that “diamond” kind of surface shine on it. He also was wearing green broken cape (unless they were his weird wings) which had colorful eyes on one line from shoulder to shoulder. I remember that the biggest eye was in the middle, orange-red in color.
Next I was chased by some people, secret soldiers perhaps. I don’t know why but I was able to fly in the air either by myself or with some gear’s help. I saw myself on a paper from above view, being able to draw black clouds and strong white winds behind me to stop the chacers. It was handy! I then ended up with my sister again and we came out from a train. Stores had Christmas decorations on their roofs. I especially liked one cute Santa who smiled eyes closed, bowed and shook his head slightly which made glitter rain down from his hat like a snow. I then noticed a flag had been lifted to the half of flagpole. A sign someone had died. I asked that from my sis and she told me a bomb had hit a pet store, killing all the pets in it. I got so shocked, thinking it was that city’s local pet store. Sis thenassured me it had been another pet store in some another country.
In the dream also was a part where my sister announced she will start to write poems in Japanese online to get much needed practice. She would use only about 3 words per line in her poems. There was this weird, golden, circular map what was being showed to me with some small signs. I couldn’t make out what they were since they were so tiny and the map was floating in the air too far from me.
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somedaytakethetime · 2 years ago
Football only walked back into my life to give me a drinking problem...
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nataliesnews · 2 years ago
Again no words to describe what has happened to us 22.11.2022 Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS On Monday, November 21, 2022, 4:33 PM, [email protected] wrote: -----Original Message----- From: Natalie Ginsburg Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 9:54 AM To: Natalie Ginsburg <[email protected]> Subject: The Palestinians in Hebron are attacked on the Shabbat of Sarah, but do not remember hard violence as they experienced at the end of the week in tens of thousands of Israelis marched in the city on Shabbat, the Palestinians were forced to hide in their homes. Joseph, a resident of Tel Rumeida: "I saw soldiers beat my friends, while my house was attacked by  settlers" Hagar Shizaf 21 November 2022 Ha'aretz. "There were 50 settlers, no one would help me. One of them gave me a punch in the shoulders and then gave me one in the back. I was dizzy. I ran away  so that they would come after me  and leave the house.. I fell and shouted and then I saw soldiers beat my friends, while my house has settlers." Thus, when he was upset and speaks, Joseph al-Gaza who returned a small part of the Shabbat events in Hebron. Al-Gaza, 26, lived in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood, where Israelis can circulate freely, and Palestinians are kept for aggravated and constant limits. One of his neighbors is Baruch Marzel. For over Al-Gaza's house, Israelis pass through a permanent, and a security camera of the army documents the happening in his house and around him. Above the yard of the house has a network that installed the family in response to stones. On the afternoon, when he was on his way back from work, El-Gaza updated on the phone from his family that his sister, 15, was wounded by stone preceding by an Israeli when she was hanging  laundry from the rope in the yard of the house. He said he called soldiers who came to the place and showed them the stones in the yard of the house. Ten minutes later they left, other Israelis where again stones were thrown. When he came out they beat him. El-Gaza escaped through a narrow and steep path. The video documents this : " . In the courtyard of the house, fragments of stones remained and bottled beer. Some Palestinians testified that the attackers - who came to Hebron in the framework of the "Life Sarah" events that organizes the city of the city - were drunk. "I grew up here, in life it was not like that," he said. "There were soldiers here, where were they yesterday? If they say they keep me wrong. According to the police, all weekend events in Hebron Two Israelis were detained - and released a few hours later in restrictive conditions. One young woman was arrested on suspicion of attacking a Border Police officer and was released Israeli The identity of the attacker is known to the police. According to testimonies of Palestinians and security forces,  there were riots throughout Hebron in which  participated hundreds of people. A soldier who was placed in one of the scenes he told Haaretz that he saw hundreds of Jews throwing stones atPalestinian homes for about two hours. "We tried to take control of matters but Jews arrived and threw a stone and we were unable to catch them," he said. "At the end of the incident, hundreds of Jews came, who began to call us 'Germans' and and spit on us . We did not expect such violence, and did not expect such a thing." They felt they could do what they please , "he said." . " With the Palestinians I know what to do, with Israelis I am very hesitant . I saw before much  of riot and friction but nothing like this. "The ravines, noted, were not residents of Hebron, but returned to reply and marginal youth from the country from the country from Aad Abu Shamiya, a resident of Tel Rumeida who photographed the unaccountuous incident In 2016, he said that even on his home were stones. This was even documented in videos. Abu Shamiya recognized leader of the attack - a boy from 16 named Yitzhak, a resident of Hebron." He showed people where to attack, "he added. Abu Shamiya told that one  Palestinian being hurt and for 40 minutes the army prevented from ambulances to approach. Finally, the army allowed the injured man in a stretcher beyond the checkpoint. Alaa, another young Palestinian, showed A video in which an Israeli young man peppered him with pepper gas, while  a soldier watched "If I should do such  do such a thing, can  you imagine what would have happened. He wondered. A soldier in Hebron: "With the Palestinians, I know what to do, with very Israelis I hesitated" among the Palestinians in many years. Bassam Abu Aisha, 60, said because they knew about what was expected on the Saturday residents prepare in advance not to leave their homes for fear of violence. "We told ourselves that we would stay at home and not go out , but then they entered the houses," he added. Abu Ayesha pointed to a low fence that surrounds his home and said that there was Israelis jumping to the expansion in the building, threw stones into the windows and brick. The houses were not damaged, thanks to the networks on the windows.We wanted to protect our women, so we went outside." When he left, Abu Aisha said "A soldier kicked me, and threw me on The floor. While one soldier held me another settler came and punched me. They do not have respect, I'm 60, "he said. He was injured in his leg and heading to the hospital. He said the doctor recommended to hospitalization, but he decided to return home for fear of the attacks  being renewed." Every year the army allows the settlers to do what they Want us, but they do not beat us for themselves, the soldiers beat us  more than the settlers, "Reki added, one of Abu Aisha's circumstances, he said he was beaten by soldiers as he went down to the street and knocked down. Two other family members were detained for several Hours by soldiers and taken to the IDF post, one of them testified that was beaten in detention. In the events of Shabbat, a soldier was attacked, the resident of the Jewish settlement in Hebron, by Israeli. A Border Police also was attacked, and so was the security guard of MK Itamar Ben Badir. The Jewish settlement speaker in Hebron, Noam Arnon, told Haaretz that in the settlement opposes the violence cases against the security forces and against Palestinians. "It's a marginal youth, at risk, which performs severe and severe acts in our efforts and society," he added. Arnon did not deny that violence events happened in the past. "It has been happening for a few years but not with such violence," he added The march moved in Hebron's vegetable market, and the words of merchants who talked to Haaretz, contrary to similar marches in the past - this time the army closes many extensive parts of the market. The army forced the merchants to close their stores for the day, and Israelis  in the market threw stones and overturned  stalls were transferred to the continuation of police care. The allegations on soldiers by Palestinians are not recognized. The writer says "I add-the army has long since become the private policing army of the settlers. The settlers answer to all the criteria of the members  in the National Party Socialist. In short there are no surprises. Now it is possible to be prepared to" Kristallnacht "in the settlements involved, Hebron was only a sample of what was expected. Sent from my iPhone
The Palestinians in Hebron are attacked on the Shabbat of Sarah, but do not remember hard violence as they experienced at the end of the week in tens of thousands of Israelis marched in the city on Shabbat, the Palestinians were forced to hide in their homes.
 Joseph, a resident of Tel Rumeida: "I saw soldiers beat my friends, while my house was attacked by  settlers" Hagar Shizaf 21 November 2022 Ha'aretz. "There were 50 settlers, no one would help me. One of them gave me a punch in the shoulders and then gave me one in the back. I was dizzy. I ran away  so that they would come after me  and leave the house.. I fell and shouted and then I saw soldiers beat my friends, while my house has settlers."
  Thus, when he was upset and speaks, Joseph al-Gaza who returned a small part of the Shabbat events in Hebron. Al-Gaza, 26, lived in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood, where Israelis can circulate freely, and Palestinians are kept for aggravated and constant limits. One of his neighbors is Baruch Marzel. For over Al-Gaza's house, Israelis pass through a permanent, and a security camera of the army documents the happening in his house and around him. Above the yard of the house has a network that installed the family in response to stones. On the afternoon, when he was on his way back from work, El-Gaza updated on the phone from his family that his sister, 15, was wounded by stone preceding by an Israeli when she was hanging  laundry from the rope in the yard of the house. He said he called soldiers who came to the place and showed them the stones in the yard of the house. Ten minutes later they left, other Israelis where again stones were thrown. When he came out they beat him. El-Gaza escaped through a narrow and steep path. The video documents this : "
 . In the courtyard of the house, fragments of stones remained and bottled beer. Some Palestinians testified that the attackers - who came to Hebron in the framework of the "Life Sarah" events that organizes the city of the city - were drunk. "I grew up here, in life it was not like that," he said. "There were soldiers here, where were they yesterday? If they say they keep me wrong. According to the police, all weekend events in Hebron Two Israelis were detained - and released a few hours later in restrictive conditions. One young woman was arrested on suspicion of attacking a Border Police officer and was released Israeli
 The identity of the attacker is known to the police. According to testimonies of Palestinians and security forces,  there were riots throughout Hebron in which  participated hundreds of people. A soldier who was placed in one of the scenes he told Haaretz that he saw hundreds of Jews throwing stones atPalestinian homes for about two hours. "We tried to take control of matters but Jews arrived and threw a stone and we were unable to catch them," he said. "At the end of the incident, hundreds of Jews came, who began to call us 'Germans' and and spit on us . We did not expect such violence, and did not expect such a thing." They felt they could do what they please , "he said." . "
  With the Palestinians I know what to do, with Israelis I am very hesitant . I saw before much  of riot and friction but nothing like this. "The ravines, noted, were not residents of Hebron, but returned to reply and marginal youth from the country from the country from Aad Abu Shamiya, a resident of Tel Rumeida who photographed the unaccountuous incident In 2016, he said that even on his home were stones. This was even documented in videos. Abu Shamiya recognized leader of the attack - a boy from 16 named Yitzhak, a resident of Hebron." He showed people where to attack, "he added. Abu Shamiya told that one  Palestinian being hurt and for 40 minutes the army prevented from ambulances to approach. Finally, the army allowed the injured man in a stretcher beyond the checkpoint.
  Alaa, another young Palestinian, showed A video in which an Israeli young man peppered him with pepper gas, while  a soldier watched "If I should do such  do such a thing, can  you imagine what would have happened. He wondered. A soldier in Hebron: "With the Palestinians, I know what to do, with very Israelis I hesitated" among the Palestinians in many years. Bassam Abu Aisha, 60, said because they knew about what was expected on the Saturday residents prepare in advance not to leave their homes for fear of violence. "We told ourselves that we would stay at home and not go out , but then they entered the houses," he added. Abu Ayesha pointed to a low fence that surrounds his home and said that there was Israelis jumping to the expansion in the building, threw stones into the windows and brick. The houses were not damaged, thanks to the networks on the windows.We wanted to protect our women, so we went outside." When he left, Abu Aisha said "A soldier kicked me, and threw me on The floor. While one soldier held me another settler came and punched me. They do not have respect, I'm 60, "he said. He was injured in his leg and heading to the hospital. He said the doctor recommended to hospitalization, but he decided to return home for fear of the attacks  being renewed."
  Every year the army allows the settlers to do what they Want us, but they do not beat us for themselves, the soldiers beat us  more than the settlers, "Reki added, one of Abu Aisha's circumstances, he said he was beaten by soldiers as he went down to the street and knocked down. Two other family members were detained for several Hours by soldiers and taken to the IDF post, one of them testified that was beaten in detention. In the events of Shabbat, a soldier was attacked, the resident of the Jewish settlement in Hebron, by Israeli. A Border Police also was attacked, and so was the security guard of MK Itamar Ben Badir. The Jewish settlement speaker in Hebron, Noam Arnon, told Haaretz that in the settlement opposes the violence cases against the security forces and against Palestinians. "It's a marginal youth, at risk, which performs severe and severe acts in our efforts and society," he added. Arnon did not deny that violence events happened in the past. "It has been happening for a few years but not with such violence," he added
 The march moved in Hebron's vegetable market, and the words of merchants who talked to Haaretz, contrary to similar marches in the past - this time the army closes many extensive parts of the market. The army forced the merchants to close their stores for the day, and Israelis  in the market threw stones and overturned  stalls were transferred to the continuation of police care. The allegations on soldiers by Palestinians are not recognized.
 The writer says
"I add-the army has long since become the private policing army of the settlers. The settlers answer to all the criteria of the members  in the National Party Socialist. In short there are no surprises. Now it is possible to be prepared to" Kristallnacht "in the settlements involved, Hebron was only a sample of what was expected.
  Sent from my iPhone
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estersource · 2 years ago
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ESTER EXPÓSITO Via Twitch (Ibai) - Charlando Con Ester Expósito (Ha Venido a Casa) - 22.11.2022
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blueprint-9376 · 2 years ago
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22.11.2022 [🧐]
🏈: 감정에 휩쓸리지 말자
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balaclavacharles · 2 years ago
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@charles_leclerc via insta stories | 22.11.2022
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meademalove · 1 year ago
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It's been a year since Viv posted this pic of them (had to post it). 🥹
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Incredibly and unbelievably proud of the journey they've been on in the last year. They are the best role models anyone could ask for. So much love! ❤️
(On this day - 22.11.2022)
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notmedicine13 · 2 months ago
Umbrella Man
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Originally uploaded to my deviantart on 22.11.2022
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8iunie · 2 years ago
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via Thomas’ Instagram, 22.11.2022
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camillasgirl · 2 years ago
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King Charles III and Queen Camilla attend the Ceremonial Welcome for South Africa's President on Horse Guards Parade, London, 22.11.2022 
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