#2014 vs 2024
vintagevibegoods · 13 days
Top Must-Know Things from 2014 vs. 2024  Join us as we compare the top must-know things from 2014 and 2024! From the evolution of social media and streaming services to the rise of AI and sustainable technology, discover how much has changed over the past decade. This in-depth comparison highlights the biggest trends and innovations shaping our world today.
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englishangel · 4 months
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tumblr 2014!!
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sophxd34 · 6 months
2024 moodboard! 🤍💜💗
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You guys down for a 2014 revival? If so, follow me :^)
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I sacrificed myself to sleep just to finish THIS PIECE OF ART...
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My own take of Festival Gown 2024 but it's Godzilla Theme!!!
P.S. That's ME in my Festival Gown attire LOL
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grungeeeyxx · 6 months
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dh--ii · 2 days
makes me so mad when someone makes a comment on someone's looks and people reply with more look based hatred
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isthispietra · 15 days
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this photo is so 2014 tumblr coded
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dc-vampire-weekend · 4 months
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Tag all Tumblr entries with "dcvampweekend," "dc vampire weekend 2024," and tag @bdc-vampire-weekend
all 18+ materials should be written by writers who are 18+ . What you do on your own time is your perogative, but we're asking for you to follow that rule for this event
Same applies for prompt submissions. All NSFW prompts must be submitted by someone 18+
Anything is accepted for the event, art, writing, mood-boards, as long as they follow the prompts. The only exclusions are photos of people as we cannot be sure that all parties in them are consenting.
Dark fics/art must be tagged as such but are accepted (any dark prompt submissions should not have potential triggers in their wording, we reserve the right to remove anything we think might be too much at our discretion)
Late submissions will be accepted!!!
The Ao3 Collection for this Event Can be Found [Here]
The collection is currently closed, unmoderated, and unrevealed. It will be opened when prompts are released. You can add your fics to it if you think you'll be too busy to post them during the week but you finish them beforehand. The entire collection will be revealed on the first day of the event. (If you want to post day-to-day, don't put more than day 1's in beforehand).
Interest Check: Complete Prompt Submissions: February 27th - March 9th Prompt Voting: March 13th- March 18th Prompts Released: March 25th Vampire Weekend: May 11th-13th
What contents are reqired?
All creations must bc DC, focused on vampires, and follow one of the prompts for the day.
What will the prompts be like?
There will be both NSFW and SFW prompts. Depending on submissions we will either have 6 or 8 prompts per day.
Can I write a crossover?
As long as the crossover is between something and DC yes!
Miniumum or Maximum requirements?
As long as you create something with vampires relating to the prompt it does not matter! Can be 10 words or 10m words! We do though as that longer submissions on Tumblr be broken up with a click for more functions just to make it easier on people.
Will Tumblr Reblog the Submission?
All submissions on tumblr should be tagged with "Dc Vampire Weekend 2024" as well as tag the @dc-vampire-weekend tumblr account. If you write a fic on Ao3 and want us to promote it include that somewhere in the fic or send a message to the tumblr with the link to the fic so we can promote it! We'll try to promote everything but it all depends on how much there is submitted!
What is prohibited?
The only thing prohibited is non-DC related works. Crossovers are fine. Also inappropriately tagged works might be unapproved for the collection. This is vastly innoproprietly tagged like making an NSFW fic general. Most things will be accepted if they are a new fic and not an updated previous fic :)
Further Questions?
Asks are open! Feel free to send one! You can also join the Birdflashweek Discord Server and ask one of the mods!
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districtfourmermaid · 2 months
My Mockingjay Suit
I am hauling out my decade-old Mockingjay suit for ACen on Saturday! I came up with the book-based design in 2012 and wore it to ACen 2013. My friend made the vest and breastplate, and I did the shirt and helmet. The other day, I finally made an armguard for it!
Feeling nostalgic and sentimental lmao, but after Mockingjay: Part 1 came out the next year, and we got a movie canon mockingjay suit, I had complicated feelings. I've always been an avid, shameless book-canon supporter, though I'll weave in movie-canon for some things. But I never wore my Mockingjay suit to another con. While part of that was that I was taking the opportunities to wear other characters, another big part was that I was worried people wouldn't recognize me or wouldn't understand why it wasn't like it looked in the movie. Childish! Now, I'm happy I have something that preserves my own mental image of the Mockingjay from when that image was only informed by my own imagination. Something from the Katniss I knew before the movies came out and had their influence.
Anyway, my favorite parts in which my suit differs from the movie suit are the sleeves and the helmet. The book describes "the slight fullness of the sleeves that allows the white fabric under the arms to show." This could be interpreted so many ways. And believe me, I imagined a few fancier ideas from Cinna. Since I was 18, new to sewing, and not Cinna, I went with a pretty simple representation. Same deal with the helmet. Mine is the same material as the breastplate and in a pretty cool crest shape if I do say so myself. But in the book, the helmet is made of an "interwoven metal...The material's supple, like fabric, and can be drawn back into a hood." Yeah, I wasn't doing that. After making the armguard this year and taking another look at the text, I think the next step for improvements, if I ever added to her again, would be some kind of other body armor in addition to the breastplate, fancier boots, or prop hidden weapons. We'll see!
Cute extra details: there is "a small white earpiece that attaches to my collar by a wire," and a tiny pocket in the left shoulder just big enough for a nightlock pill purple tictac.
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prathamtradersblogs · 3 months
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bmwbestusa · 1 year
New Honda Passport 2024 Specs, Release Date, Redesign
New Honda Passport 2024 Specs, Release Date, Redesign – The 2024 Honda Passport is like a quiet left fielder who gets the job done without becoming the center of attention. The Passport has almost a dozen competitors in the midsize SUV sector, each with its strengths and weaknesses. The Passport isn’t a clear standout in this crowded and fiercely competitive category, but its solid all-around…
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artfight · 3 months
Whether you've been doing Art Fight since the site's inception or are just starting out, we can't wait to see you this year!
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teeteepeedee · 3 months
thinking about 2014 taylor working on 1989 and polishing herself and her story up to be palatable and relatable vs. 2024 putting out a record that absolutely lays her entire self bare and dissects her in front of the entire world
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nn-ee-zz · 3 months
I don’t really have a lot to ask I just want to say I love your art style! It kind of reminds me of like Eldritch Horror meets Celestial Divinity type of thing so with that said I was wondering on how you came to this type of art style you do and how long did it take you to experiment until you found the style that you wanted? Sorry if that sounds kinda confusing 😅 thanks for taking the time to read this and have a good rest of your day!
Thank you! I did not found my artstyle, my artstyle found me. Here is a timeline of my digital art/illustration journey
2014 - The beginning
I finally took my tablet and bit the bullet that was digital art. I remember specifically forcing myself to draw (because it was not fun) because I wanted to learn digital art no matter what it took.
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2016 - Experimental
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Boldness seems to have dominated this phase, not because of the themes but because I rendered without any under sketch (example above of how the first draft looked like vs the end)
2017 - The breakthrough
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It was only from here that digital art began feeling RIGHT. The most important things I've learned were how to render texture variation (especially softer things like hair and fur) and how to color a drawing from greyscale. I was slowly settling onto my desired artstyle
2019 - Happy accident
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We were tasked to design characters based on chess pieces during college. 1 week deadline. With the mindset that no one will see my designs except my teacher and I, I did things boldly and rendered them (trad ink plus digital shading) to emphasize shape and design, rather than texture variation.
I began mixing traditional lineart with digital rendering.
2020 - Fallen from heaven
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My friend and I decided to attempt to design angels based on widely popular tumblr emoji mashups. It was the first time I colored one of my character design drawings, using similar methods to the ones I've learned in 2017.
2017 - 2024
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I cannot name nor describe my artstyle nowadays. I haven't seen many people with something similar either. I use what I've learned in all my phases; the spontaneous boldness of 2016, the texture variation of 2017, the sharp shapes and design mindset of 2019, the mix of traditional and digital from 2020. It all melted together and keeps evolving.
The way I approached art changed too. I was so worried about making things beautiful and technically outstanding when today I only worry about making things interesting and readable.
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fjordfolk · 1 month
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2014 vs 2024 🥺
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destinationtoast · 1 month
Have you ever done an analysis of which fandoms are most dominated by a single ship?
I hadn't done so before. I just took a quick pass at doing so, but only among the biggest fandoms on AO3 as of Jan 2024 (ones with over 10K public works at that time). I sorted them by the size of their biggest ship relative to the size of the fandom. This gives us a bunch of very big fandoms with a high % of works tagged with a particular ship:
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The raw data used to make this graph, including the corresponding biggest ships, is available in a spreadsheet here, or at the end of this post.
A few notes:
This is based on January 2024 data. Some things may have changed!
Not all these works are necessarily about these ships. Especially in the cases where the ships are canon, they may often be tagged as background ships.
There are undoubtedly many smaller AO3 fandoms that have higher percentages devoted to the top ship.
I removed some highly overlapping fandoms (e.g., Good Omens book fandom).
This is AO3 data only, and (as always!) AO3 does not represent fandom overall. In particular, ship popularity tends to vary A LOT by archive/platform. See some past cross-platform shipping comparisons from 2019 (comparing het vs. slash vs. gen on Wattpad/FFN/AO3), and 2014 (comparing popular ships from HP, SPN, and Sherlock on AO3/FFN). One highlight:
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Raw data:
Fandom | Top relationship | % tagged with most common ship
Shameless (US) | Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich | 92.5%
Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF) | Dan Howell/Phil Lester | 92.1%
Good Omens (TV) | Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) | 83.8%
9-1-1 (TV) | Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) | 79.2%
Hannibal (TV) | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 75.6%
Shadowhunters (TV) | Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood | 75.1%
All For The Game - Nora Sakavic | Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard | 75.0%
Inception (2010) | Arthur/Eames (Inception) | 74.0%
The Old Guard (Movie 2020) | Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova | 72.2%
Hawaii Five-0 (2010) | Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams | 71.9%
The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare | Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood | 71.2%
IT (Movies - Muschietti) | Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier | 71.1%
陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF | Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan | Sean | 70.9%
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) | Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier | 69.6%
Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) | Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov | 66.3%
Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF | Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki | 66.0%
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) | Adora/Catra (She-Ra) | 63.9%
Deadpool - All Media Types | Peter Parker/Wade Wilson | 63.6%
The Witcher (TV) | Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion | 63.1%
Our Flag Means Death (TV) | Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet | 63.0%
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