tangerass · 6 months
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vera9811 · 7 months
Igaz a mondás, hogy akinek nincs esze legyen notesze és áldom az eszemet, hogy folyamatosan jegyzetelek
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rffrtmtclf · 8 months
posting terrible pua and dating advice content on Twitter to eliminate competition
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beacon-lamp · 7 months
extremely fitting to have demise end with ren finally learning to weaponize his incompetence
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cynicalmusings · 5 months
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springcrafter · 10 months
I cannot believe I have to ask this of people (nobody here that I know of, otherwise you'd be contacted personally, but I've seen enough). Please don't trivialize this war by bringing fandom attitudes into them.
This is serious. I can speak for the Jewish Israeli side of things, that the foundations of everything everyone here ever believed are being tested in a degree unseen in our country's entire existence. I cannot tell you what I believe and what I don't anymore - this is existential to degrees I cannot compare to any event other than 9/11 and many of you are too young to remember that. Life as we knew it doesn't exist anymore. I will not pretend to speak for the Palestinian people because I'm not Palestinian, but I know them to be facing horrors beyond most people's understanding, particularly in Gaza.
This is no joke, and no talking point. This is an ongoing conflict that radically challenges the status quo for every involved side; too many of the chips have yet to fall, and personally I don't believe anything I'm told beyond the barest irrefutable facts. Misinformation and propaganda are rampant on both sides, and that's an insult to the truth and each and every victim. It gets worse when people with zero stakes in the matter get involved and turn our suffering into yet another point of debate to virtue-signal and boost their ego and pretend they're better than the person they're talking to.
I've had to see people with my own two eyes treat this as a shipping war or as another partisan issue to fight with your uncle over on Christmas dinner. Attempts to "pick" aside or to "help me convince [relative]" or "how can I rebuke [point]?", basically twisting reality into knots to make it fit your Western little heads.
Major yikes. It's bizarre and invasive and borderline appropriative, to think of our issues on your terms, and try to shape cherry-pick these narratives to suit your set of morals. These are Middle Eastern peoples (check Israeli demographics and my Ashkie DNA if you think I'm pulling that out of my ass) with our own cultures and sets of beliefs, and a conflict with an incredibly unique history and reason to be.
(For example, something I wish people understood is how diametrically opposed the notions of pikuach nefesh and jihad are. Pikuach Nefesh is Judaism's most important tenet - human life comes before everything and anything and it is our duty to do whatever it takes to save a life. Jihad is, as explained to me by several Muslim people, is a pillar of Islam and encompasses the idea of martyrdom, or basically that there are things worth dying for, and things one must die for. These principles factor on how both sides deal with warfare and it's a fascinating thing to talk about - but you'd never know if you only care about this war to boost your ego).
So what I'm about to say below goes tenfold if you're from the wealthy Anglosphere or the seat of a former European empire, because the state of the Middle East is your leadership's fault and you, yes you, have been doing absolutely nothing to hold your elected officials accountable. You also benefit directly from the instability in the region your countries caused (by keeping us powerless, yours are more powerful) and you have the privilege to sleep safe and sound and know war never will come to you. So here it goes:
Bringing selfish and trivial attitudes into a very real issue that affects real people that isn't you is a complete moral wrong. If you don't have a direct stake in the issue (ie. Israeli, Palestinian, or descendent of either) and have the absolute privilege of not having experienced war yourself (ie. lived in an active war zone for real personally in unequivocal terms) please take several steps back and a goddamn seat. This is not about you, your need to virtue-signal, and your feelings.
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goatidori · 4 months
gege i would like to apologize i was not familiar with your game 🙏🏽
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blueskyheadleft010 · 10 months
Hot Take: Disney’s Wish was a decent enough movie
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whining-ylthin · 11 months
Me: "hey, my burnout lessened and I could draw something!"
Warframe: "hey there bby
is now ready in your Foundry :)"
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eonars · 1 year
bypassing pms symptoms by just sleeping through most of it thank you antihistamines
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justabunchofdragons · 2 years
also the feeling of winning a politically based argument with my dad is soooo fucking good
#talking about bitchass sunak and how he's proposed a £5-10 fee for if u wanna go to the doctors#and i am EXTREMELY against that shit#the nhs is free for a fucking reason. nobody should have to drop a single PENNY to be able to live#anyway i said that (without the swears) and he started to tell me why actually it would “reduce nhs strain!!” cuz apparently ppl just go to#the hospital to “get out of the cold”#and then i said but dad you see how that's entirely another problem. to solve that problem you fix the cold ???????#(ie. drop heating bills. like come ON it doesn't take a 200IQ to figure that out)#at this point he walks outta the room and closes the door. reopens the door upon me yelling that he was avoiding saying im right#then he comes back and tells me (very patronisingly) that coming out of the cold means just coming into hospital with unnecessary problems#to which i said well i have not heard of anyone doing that (we are indian and won't go to the doctor unless like. we are fucking dying)#and he says you'll be surprised... and i was like ok. i bet its just ppl who are lonely. which again !! another problem entirely !!#and i said well putting the fee in place won't actually stop that. ppl who are lonely will keep being lonely#and maybe we'll see an increase in elderly suicides. or more reports of houses that people just stop coming out of#or MAYBE we'll start hearing reports of ppl who die of entirely treatable diseases and illnesses cuz they couldn't afford to go#or were in the middle of choosing between food for their kids and heating one (1) room and decided fuck it this recurring stomach ache#might just be menopause or whatever the fuck. i goes to my dad people play down symptoms all the TIME#and it starts from youth !!! from school !! we are told if u have a headache or a stomach ache just come in ^_^ its better than missing !!#like wtf. what kind of shit system is that. it feels horrible to come to school when people are very clearly ill#you deserve to be resting not suffering through a whole day in pain & not able to breathe & honestly u don't learn shit on those days#didn't tell my dad that. but. he responds by saying there's ppl whove said that stuff like milk bread eggs should be free. and i said yea#and bathroom products. by which i mean toilet paper and pads and tampons#and he was clearly expecting me to disagree with this because he said um ok. well yeah ! exactly#mans changed his tone SO fast once he figured out he was not winning this. it felt so good#i love being a semi adult in this household where despite always being treated like one not actually having the opinions to feel like one#anyway thats my storytime. moral of the story is basic necessities should be free. full stop
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immortal-cataclysm · 1 year
looking at win quootes against bedman is funny cuz a lot of them are like "this guy is weird wtf is going on w him"
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othercrossee · 1 year
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This is literally denzel and mammon btw do u get my vision here
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fallofcyber · 11 months
Basically Each Doctor
I love doing these so I thought I'd do another one.
First: Grandpa will throw hands and kidnap girls that look like his granddaughter.
Second: Hobo and his boyfriend achieve mischief, until hobo's parents return to send him to the mega gay zone.
Third: Rebellious child is sent to time out, and he takes over local military organization. Becomes a superhero and car dad.
Fourth: Man with teeth that could blot out the sun accidentally starts the biggest war ever.
Fifth: Man who is always out of his depth tries to keep his gaggle of children alive while they drag their leashes in 20 different directions.
Sixth: Sweetest man in the universe pretends to be a dick, and flashbangs people with his shear audacious style.
Seventh: 200iq giga-brain becomes the ultimate 5D chess-master to kill gods, and gets shot as soon as he steps foot into America.
Eighth: The happiest little rambunctious puppy gets repeatedly kicked in the stomach till he gives up via the pavlovian response.
War: "We don't talk about granddad warcrimes"
Ninth: Man comes back from war and becomes a PTSD ridden uber hippie.
Tenth: The most vain man in the universe kisses everyone and is unable to get over his ex.
Eleventh: Ancient demigod looks 25 and is going to make it everyone else's problem, especially for his in-laws.
Twelfth: Your college professor casually mentions all the cool shit he did in the 70s, all while saying ACAB and dismantling capitalism.
Thirteenth: Woman shoots longing glances at another woman for three seasons, all while lying about how much everyone else is contributing.
Fugitive: Woman's appearance completely breaks established canon, but honestly worth it because she's that cool.
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yumekojabaml · 11 days
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HeadCannons—Katsuki Bakugou
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💥 When it comes to bakugou getting jealous, he would either give them a death glare or pick you up while you're in the middle of talking.
💥 He hates, and I mean hates when you ignore him. If you try to do that ignoring prank on him, he'll break your nintendo." Bakugou why did you do that!?!"
💥"Oh, now you want to talk to me." You two would have an argument about it then the next day he got you a new on and said." If you ignore me again, I'll break you instead."
💥Yeah, you got a little turned on and scared by it, but you didn't care as long you as you get to play Mario cart.
💥Sex he's rough with it he go's faster when he's close to coming never listens when you tell him to slow down he likes seeing you in pain. Jk jk he'll slow down a little bit.
💥I'm only gonna tell you this once do.not.talk.to.deku he will literally kill him then he'll try and guilt-trip so you don't leave him for deku.
💥He is a master at guilt-tripping. (200iq looking ass🙃)
💥Oh, and if you think about leaving him for another man, he'll just kill your family one-by-one.
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hotpotatopotat · 9 months
I like to think that somewhere in Lykoi AU is Koda, who knows exactly what is happening, but is keeping that shit to himself because he either (A) honestly has no idea how to broach the matter, (B) has decided 'not my clowns not my circus', or (C) secretly loves drama and wants to see where this goes
this is 1000% 200iq stuff right here XD
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