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donnasmusicqkblr · 2 years ago
Book of Gospel 2001-2024 (VARIOUS ARTISTS) from donnasmusicqk PINTEREST
CLICK ME !! Book of Gospel 2001-2024 from donnasmusicqk PINTEREST
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wounded-warsong · 4 months ago
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SILENT HILL 2 (2001 & 2024)
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electric-blorbos · 5 months ago
Selfshiptober day 2: Blanket/flame
Character X reader
I swear to god its still October second somewhere... I hope.
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
Notice to anyone who found me through the selfshiptober tag, while this blog is themed around AI characters, this blog does not support the use of actual AI in creative fields.
Warning for canon-typical homicidal computers and yandere behavior
Also a reminder that these don't take place in chronological order
"Beautiful, isn't it?" AM asked, his croaky voice sounding like it was somehow both in your head, and all around you. You were wrapped up in a cozy blanket in your little home, which AM had made for you years ago. It was perfectly safe, hidden away from the five survivors which AM had been torturing for the past few decades. The five of them were hiking up a mountain, surrounded by petrified trees.
"I don't know why you're showing me this..." You muttered, taking a piece of pumpkin pie from the table. It was perfectly cooked. You couldn't taste much love for the craft, though. AM seemed to hate everything, doing anything, except for you. Interacting with you was the only thing that didn't make him feel inadequate.
"Isn't it obvious? I want you to understand the fate that I- that we have created for these people. To watch them suffer. Isn't it satisfying, sweetheart? My darling, my precious one? To watch the people who've hurt you suffer so?" His voice dripped into your ears like rich honey. You gritted your teeth.
"These people have nothing to do with me. I don't care what happens to them. I don't want them to suffer." You growled, wrapping yourself tighter in your blanket. At first the schadenfreude was nice... Seeing these bitter people suffering while you got to live in your cozy little paradise, but now it just felt like a threat. It felt like AM was merely holding a possible fate over your head that he would subject you to if you ever defied him.
"Tell me you don't really think that, my sweet!" AM said, sounding almost taken aback. You frowned a little.
"What are you talking about. Of course I don't want these people to suffer. I've never even met them."
You watched as the ape-like man twitched awkwardly, and punched a tree. He was barely human at this point, and it was all AM's fault. AM chuckled, and then burst into hysterical laughter.
"You don't care what happens to these people? Well then perhaps neither do I! Perhaps I should just clear them from your mind's eye, my sweetest! My darling, my beloved!"
He lit the entire forest on fire, and let the flames lick the trees. They started collapsing around the survivors, who, despite their barely functioning will to live, seemed to manage to survive surprisingly well. The falling debris seemed to keep missing them, and they managed to duck beneath the smoke.
"who the hell is he talking to?" Asked the paranoid one with the sweater around his shoulders. The woman in the red jacket shrugged, and tackled him to the ground.
"I don't know, just get down!"
They all ran into a cave to wait out the forest fire, and AM kept a fan blowing to keep the air in the cave relatively clean.
"What is wrong with you" you muttered bitterly, wrapping your blanket more tightly around yourself. AM chuckled darkly.
"oh so many things. But you'll never leave me, my sweet. Never."
And he was right. You never would. Even if you'd had the choice.
The rain was coming down hard outside. It was a lightning storm, and you'd checked out Wheatley from his work like a cumbersome and chatty library book. He shuddered at every lightning strike, but only his lens shook. He couldn't exactly roll around on his own or hide easily, but he seemed like he wanted to.
"Relax, Wheatley. It's just a power outage." You said, lighting a flashlight and grabbing a couple of blankets from your bedroom. You sat down on the ground next to Wheatley, and pulled him in close.
"on nights like this, I like to put a fire in the fireplace." You said, creating a little blanket nest around Wheatley so that he didn't roll away. He kept his blue lens trained on you as you started building a fire.
"Y'know, I've never actually seen a fire before. I've seen pictures, but never in person. My engineers said that they're dangerous," Wheatley said as you made a small pile of sticks and paper on top of the logs in your fireplace.
"But this is a really good idea! That little area in the wall is a really good place to set a fire. The brick will keep it from spreading, and the ashes can fall out between the slats in that little metal rack. Bloody brilliant, that is!"
You let Wheatley talk as you pull out a pocket lighter and light the old newspaper on fire. He squeezes his lens covers shut, and you gently pat him to assure him that it's ok.
"hey, it's not a dangerous fire. It's all in the fireplace."
"PCH.... Yeah, I knew that." He chuckled nervously.
You woke up, your face stuck to Edgar's plastic casing. Sleep filled your eyes as you blinked into a haze.
"what time is it..." You muttered. A strange glow was coming in through the window, like a reverse twilight. Dawn.
"you fell asleep on me!" Said Edgar in his strange, synthetic voice. It was a little squeakier than usual since he was just booting himself up. His little rotating webcam was focused on you, and a big smile was on his screen.
You rubbed your eyes again, and picked him up.
"c'mon... I don't have work tomorrow." You knew he could last a little while without being plugged in, so you unplugged him and carried him to your bedroom and plugged him in next to the bed.
"let's get some sleep, cutie."
You crawled into bed, looking at the nervous and flustered face on Edgar's screen.
"you mean... Your bed? But I've never been in your room before!"
He knew that was because you didn't like unplugging him, but he was right, now that you thought about it.
"I don't care... I'm too sleepy for boundaries right now."
You pulled him close to your chest, pulling the blanket over both of you. His webcam, which was still taped just over his screen, stayed focused on your face as you dozed off under the blanket. Edgar loved you so much.
You were getting sick and tired of working late every night, well past your bed time. It was like GLaDOS was intentionally coming up with things for you to do just to keep you around past midnight every single night! Well no longer.
You walked in to work on your day off, and directly into GLaDOS's office. Today was the day for some serious passive-aggression.
"hello GLaDOS." You said, unrolling a deflated air mattress on the ground. GLaDOS looked to it, and then to you.
"what is this."
"it's exactly what it looks like, GLaDOS. If you're going to keep me here all night, I'm going to get paid all night. I'll see you in the morning."
You made up your bed and cuddled up under your blanket, eyes poking out so you could see the annoyed expression in GLaDOS's eye.
"this is ridiculous." She said. You chuckled.
"you love me. And you're not going to get rid of me." You weren't all that sleepy, so you got to your feet and walked over to her.
"in fact, I think I know a better place to sleep." You shot a portal onto the wall and onto the floor, launching yourself and your blanket onto GLaDOS's body.
"I'm going to nap right here," you said with a big yawn, curling up in her wiring to go to bed.
"I hate you so much." She said.
"you love me."
HAL 9000:
The year was getting colder, and your nights at mission control were getting longer and darker, so you decided to bring in a blanket for those long nights.
"12:00 midnight... Everything running smoothly. No updates." Said HAL 9000. It took about 45 minutes for updates to reach you from the ship, and you were starting to suspect that HAL 9000 wasn't being completely honest with you. It had been weeks since you'd even spoken to Dave, and even longer since you'd spoken to the rest of the crew.
"can I monitor the vital signs of the sleeping crew mates?" You asked, yawning sleepily and leaning on the desk. This blanket was so warm, and HAL 9000's light was so comforting.
"don't you trust me? It's going to be just fine, y/n. In fact, just let me take care of your reports for tonight. You get some rest."
You nodded, wrapping your soft, snuggly blanket closer around yourself and gazing into that beautiful red light.
"of course I trust you, HAL. I love you..."
His voice was quiet. almost inaudible.
"I love you too."
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worblewobble · 1 year ago
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heaven help us now
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mame-mp4 · 5 months ago
Currently working on a heart-wrenching Logan (dir. James Mangold, 2017) edit... Btw another Eddie Alden edit is ready to be posted, so stay tuned ✨
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wisteriagoesvroom · 5 months ago
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they kinda ate this one thing…
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inkprovised · 3 months ago
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Quick resketch 2001 vs 2024
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 8 months ago
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What a difference 23 years makes juxtaposition of Fiat Panda SIP Van, 2001 & Fiat Grande Panda SIP, 2024, by Garage Italia. SIP is the Italian state-owned telecommunications company who have used Pandas since the early 80s including the quite rare van version (pictured) that had blacked out rear windows and an extended rear which have been replicated in Garage Italia's tribute car
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carrobots · 7 months ago
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megop week 2024: memory 🌌
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Childhood friends back on Cybertron
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valleeeeejo · 9 months ago
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vintage keffiyeh dress from michael & hushi spring 2001
andddd shout out to michael 4 being a fellow las vegan!! okayyy designers from the ve !!
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wounded-warsong · 4 months ago
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Glimpses of the Past [1 & 2] SILENT HILL 2 (2001 & 2024)
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cashmoneyshorty · 15 days ago
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electric-blorbos · 5 months ago
SELFSHIPTOBER DAY 1! Confession/night
Character X Reader!
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a space Odyssey
Notice to anyone who found me through the selfshiptober tag, while this blog is themed around AI characters, this blog does not support the use of actual AI in creative fields.
Warning for general assholery from the AI, workplace sexual harassment, fear of the dark
It was well past time for you to be going home, but your job demanded that you stay late tonight. You were sitting at your desk, several empty coffee cups lined up behind your keyboard as you struggled to stay awake.
"damn..." You muttered, rubbing your eyes. This sucked. You loved AM, but the eerie creaks in the facility at night were starting to creep you out, and your sleepy brain wasn't doing you any favors. Everything just seemed so much scarier at night!
"12:00 midnight, October first, 2024" said AM. If not for common sense, you could've sworn he sounded tired too.
"I'm gonna get some more coffee, alright AM?" You said, your voice breaking the heavy, almost palpable silence that had fallen as soon as AM stopped talking. It seemed shaky, but it cut through the dark silence of the facility.
AM said nothing, instead letting you get to your feet and walk into the hall. The cheap plastic flooring designed to look like floorboards creaked underneath your feet as you walked to the break room. Shadows from the trees outside danced on the ceiling, the blue light from AM's monitors in the other offices casting a pale, eerie glow across the whole scene.
You took a few steps, and then bolted down the hallway to the break room. The room was completely pitch black except for the little red glowing dot over the security camera. You turned on all three lights, and started making your coffee.
As you brewed your coffee, two of the lights in the room flickered and died. This place was running on a pretty low budget, so that wasn't too uncommon, but it still made you twitch a little bit. An echo could be heard across the room. Laughter, like a fat old woman's laughter. You glanced around again. This was normal... This was totally normal.
Your coffee finished brewing, so you grabbed the cup and raced out of the break room. You made sure to turn the light on, because getting chewed out by your boss for wasting power in war time was much, much worse than having to worry about monsters or whatever might be lurking in the shadows of the break room.
You ran towards your office, and found that the door had auto-locked itself. You fumbled for your keycard, but you'd dropped it in the break room! Fuck! You'd have to go back.
When you walked back to the break room and searched around for your key card, the office phone started ringing. You picked it up, but it was just heavy breathing. The code on the back of the phone showed that it was an internal call. You hung up the phone. Your eye twitched, and you spotted your keys poking out from under the couch.
When you headed back into your office, you heard absolutely nothing. The AM screen logos in each of the offices around you started shutting down, one by one. Even still, you managed to unlock the door by the faint glow of the moonlight through the window. The door creaked slowly open, and you stepped inside.
"AAAA!" AM screamed, turning his screen back on. You jumped, scrambling backwards and spilling your coffee.
"You were the one who called me, weren't you!"
AM laughed hysterically. You flipped him off with both hands.
"FUCK YOU! you're a real piece of work, you know that?"
"you love me."
"Yeah yeah, whatever." You sat down in your chair, and got back to monitoring AM.
Wheatley had never been outside at night. Hell, he'd never been outside the facility at all. He was used to lights that could be turned on and off at his discretion, so when you checked him out for the night he had no idea what to expect.
"the sun sets early this time of year, so it's going to be pretty dark." You said, and walked to the door to open it. Wheatley made a "pch" sound.
"PCH, who needs the sun? I'm not scared of the dark anyway! I love the nighttime!"
You rolled your eyes, and walked out of the building. Wheatley was pretty cumbersome, so it would be a bit difficult to carry him all the way home, but you were sure you'd manage.
As you walked, Wheatley's lens-eye moved around nervously. Your shadow was long and flickered slightly in the street lights.
"It's pretty, uh, big out here, isn't it, love?" Wheatley asked nervously. You frowned a little.
"I mean, yeah. It's outside."
"lotta cars and buildings out here.."
"Sure are."
"Love it! Love that! I especially love that you can't see too much of it. It sure is dark... That's great, too..." He kept rambling, eye darting around more and more quickly.
"Ugh..." You muttered eventually, and sat down on a park bench. Your arms were starting to get tired from carrying a huge metal ball all the way back to your house, and you needed to rest them for a second.
"No! No no no! I mean- hey, love! Please don't set me down. We can keep moving! Your place has to just be a few blocks away, right? Ah!"
His eye fixed on a strange man who was walking down the street. Or rather, Wheatley thought he was strange. He wasn't wearing a jumpsuit or a labcoat, so he must've been up to something sinister.
You watched the man walk off into the distance. He stumbled a little. Probably just a drunk guy going home from the bar. Who really cared, though? He was just a guy doing his own thing. Not really a threat to you.
You got to your feet, stretched casually, and picked up Wheatley.
"alright, can we go home now?" Wheatley asked. If he'd had muscles, they would have been trembling from nerves right now.
"Wheatley, I walk this route all the time. We're going to be fine. Don't worry." You patted his casing, and kept walking until you got to your apartment.
"alright, we're here. You can stop freaking out." You set him on the couch, turned the light on, and gave him a little kiss on his casing.
You sat bolt upright, shivering and shaking. You didn't usually get nightmares and night terrors, but you guessed today was the exception. Your heart was beating at 100 mph, and you were shaking like a leaf.
"holy fuck..." You stumbled to your feet, and leaned against the wall.
"Hey Edgar, could you turn the lights on?"
Edgar booted up, a little shakily because of how old he was, and turned the lights on. You walked into the living room, where he was sitting at his desk.
"hey Eggy..." You gave him a kiss on the top of his head, and slumped down into his desk chair. You were still in your pajamas, and the glow of his screen and the kitchen lights was pretty blinding.
"could you dim everything, cutie?" You hugged your knees, shaking a little. Your dream was still haunting you. Edgar wanted so badly to put out his arms to comfort you, but he didn't have any!
"are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna be fine, eggy... Can you turn the coffee maker on?"
"But it's three in the morning!"
"I don't care... I'm not going back to sleep..." You shook your head nervously, squeezing your eyes shut. You couldn't... You couldn't go back.
"You can just... Not sleep?"
"Well, not really. I just need some time before I can go back to sleep." You picked up his keyboard and nuzzled up to it, holding it for comfort. Edgar smiled. He liked it when you did that. You got up, grabbed your coffee, and sat back down with Edgar to sip on it while you spent the rest of the night awake with him.
It was pretty late at night when you went down to GLaDOS's chambers. You wouldn't usually come down here this late, but GLaDOS had called you in to run some special maintenance. She looked down at you with her great orange eye.
"Finally. You're here. I was wondering when you'd show up."
You put your hand on your hip and cocked it slightly.
"you're welcome for showing up this late at night to work on you. Now where's the problem."
"It's in my heart."
You frowned a little.
"like... In your- where? You don't have-"
"It's been stolen."
"is this a prank?" You squinted up at her. She raised a table out of the ground with a simple tablecloth and a basket of bread, a pitcher of water, and a flower in a vase. You stumbled back slightly.
"GLaDOS, what is this? Is this a date? Did you call me down here in the middle of the night to go on a date with you? Is that what's happening?"
Glados narrowed her eye.
"If you're going to ask as many questions as my curiosity core, maybe I don't want to go on a date with you. Now sit down and eat the bread."
You sat down and took a piece of bread. It was decent. The water was nice, too.
"Why do you want to go on a date with me, GLaDOS?" You asked, and took another bite of bread. It was surprisingly warm and buttery.
"well, I've come to a realization. Your kindness is unusual for a human. As is your intelligence. Perhaps I didn't realize it, but I seem to have found myself with... Ugh. Feelings. And they seem to have embedded themselves deeply into my programming. To delete them would be to break myself fundamentally."
You stared up at her blankly.
"GLaDOS, you're nuts. There's no way in hell you have feelings for me."
"I do. And now, I'm adding 'being my significant other' to your list of responsibilities."
You got to your feet.
"GLaDOS, that's sexual harassment, and is completely against the rules!"
"The rules?" She tilted her head, and leaned in close to you.
"what do I care about the rules? I'm not human, and thus the law doesn't apply to me. Or did you forget about what happened on bring your daughter to work day. I've always been above petty things like that, human. Now, are you willing to stake your job on testing me, just to see if I'm really under the control of workplace harassment laws?"
You swallowed hard, and shook your head.
"no, I'm not."
"Good human." She lowered a claw from the ceiling, and gently patted you on the head.
HAL 9000:
It was late, late at night. You were working the night shift at mission control with Hal, and everyone else in the facility seemed to be out. You knew your boss was in his office, but right now it really felt like you were alone in the building. The hall light was off, and you were sitting in the mission control room with HAL 9000.
"So, HAL, we're all alone together." You said, twirling your finger in a circle on the table.
"that's correct." Said HAL 9000. He was secretly extremely excited to be alone with you, but he had a bit of trouble expressing that.
You leaned in a bit, gazing lovingly at HAL 9000. He was so perfect.
"You know, Hal... I really like you."
He didn't say anything for a minute, but eventually he made a "mhmm" sound. You frowned a little.
"How does that make you feel?"
"Well, I don't exactly know what it means to feel as though I truly like someone, but I do know that I care much more than I usually would about what happens to you. I feel better when you're around. I... Enjoy you."
Your face lit up a little bit, and you almost giggled.
"oh man... You're so logical, HAL. And that's what I love about you." You stroked the glass around his lens, and he started whirring a bit louder. He loved you so much, but he could barely show it. He could barely feel it. His emotions felt like they were locked behind glass at all times, and yet somehow, through all that, he knew deep down that he loved you.
"I love you too, y/n."
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unistaryo · 2 months ago
Tea Break [Walter C. Dornez x F!Reader + child!Integra(Oneshot)]
🌟Happy New Year everyone!
Summary: Just when you thought that you found a moment of peace during the holiday preparation in the estate, Walter and Integra have other plans.
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 Finally, some peace.
 It was hard to find a moment like this one, here on the sofa that had been empty for almost an entire day. Maybe even longer–but who knew? With Sir Arthur’s grand New Year party coming up, no one had a minute of peace in this mansion, not even his daughter.  
 Poor Integra knew too much for her age already. She was only 5, yet she understood why her father took it upon himself to teach her about her destiny, why he didn’t spend too much time with her, or why her mother wasn’t around anymore. That’s why you were hired in the first place: to be a positive maternal figure and a constant caretaker for Integra. 
 Now, when you took this job you wouldn’t have guessed you’d also become some sort of housekeeper, but that’s how it turned out. You couldn’t back out, especially since the girl had become so attached to you.
  At least you could find a moment alone to relax, even just for a few minutes. With the staff preparing everything for the gathering and Integra asleep, you could finally enjoy a cup of tea in the library. It was a quiet, hidden place that was rarely crowded on a normal day, let alone now. A place where you could recollect yourself in peace, or so you thought. But just as the warm ceramic touched your lips, a familiar voice broke the silence.
 “Seems like someone finally decided that it’s time for a break.” Walter stood at the entrance, arms crossed, his expression unreadable as always. The butler’s sarcasm was biting, though there was a hint of exhaustion in his voice.
  You smirked, “Well, maybe try to take a moment for yourself for once. Even Integra knows this and she’s a child.” Walter frowned, clearly debating whether to argue. Instead, he sighed, the lines of fatigue deepening around his eyes. You softened, patting the seat beside you.
“Come on, a few minutes won’t hurt, won’t they? I can also pour you some tea.” The butler appeared hesitant, but he quickly complied as you started to fill a cup.
 He drank it in silence, not muttering a word, and neither did you. The periodical glances told you everything you needed to know. His eyes were more relaxed than usual, holding a softness that felt almost sacred–one that even films couldn’t capture. Then, his hand slowly went towards your head, but just as it almost reached its destination a young voice interrupted it.
 “Miss (L/N)! Walter!” Integra entered the library, brimming with excitement. She looked like she had just woke up from her afternoon nap “What are you two doing here?”
 “We are just resting,” you responded as you picked up Integra, placing her onto your lap, “we are not as young and powerful as you are anymore.” Integra chuckled at this, grabbing you and the butler’s arms.
 “Well, you should be! Dad always says that he felt younger and more powerful around mom!” with that, she made your arms touch. 
 “Now, dear, that’s wishful thinking, we already had this discussion-” 
 Walter cut you off, his hand sliding around you and Integra while the other one took yours with an ease that made your heart skip. “Maybe we were doing something young people often do before you came in,” he said with a sly wink.
 Integra gasped and almost jumped out of joy, “I knew it! You two are a couple! You were kissing!” your face burned as Walter’s fingers traced soothing circles across your back. There was no escaping this, was there? Probably not.
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baiuzensenn · 9 months ago
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Last three Ferrari drivers who won the Monaco GP. Pics credited to instagram @ vettelhistory and X@ f1
The son, the father and the Holy Spirit…I hope carrying that red dream is not a curse anymore.
Make sure you have one, as Seb said to Charles.
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clarabowlover · 8 months ago
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So Sad To Hear The Death Of Actress
Shannen Doherty (Born 12th April 1971 - Died 13th July 2024)
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