#200 lb beauty
lotsofl0ve · 2 years
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200 Pound Beauty (2006)
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beeben · 6 months
Ah another reason i can't be body "positive". The things i find attractive about a person are different than what other people think. I definitely do have a "type" and i definitely do find people more "ugly" than others and I'm not gonna go out and be like "everyone is beautiful" cus that would straight up be a lie. The point is it that it straight up does not matter. It does not matter if you are fat. It does not matter if you are skinny. It does not matter if you are ripped. It does not matter if your skin is smooth. It does not matter if your face is bumpy. It does not matter if you have body hair or fucked up teeth or bald spots or other undesirable things not everyone is gonna wanna fuck you thats perfectly fine as long as everyone is POLITE to eachother i feel like that's enough. That's the biggest thing to me. Leave everyone be. Dont bother people if you dont like how they look. Also don't try to act like everyone HAS to like how you look. Don't act like people are lesser or greater based off of appearance its literally the easiest fucking thing to do is not give a shit..
Hate that this concept is so unheard of to people nowadays EVERYTHING has to be commented on.
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richiehugs · 8 months
Just a countryboy
Richard was an ordinary country boy. The oldest of four siblings, he had learnt early how to take responsibility in his life. He grew tall very fast as a teenager, being the tallest in the family at a height of 6'3" / 190 cm. As a result of his rapid growth in height, he had his abs out, though he was really thin in the arms and legs. He was severely underweight to his height, with about 150 lbs / 68 kg.
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As time passed by, he dropped out of high school early, and started to work at a local facility. The job included lifting heavy objects, so he got his appetite worked up as well. With his growing appetite and regular drinking with the colleagues, he gradually started to gain weight, but for a countryboy, he didn't have anyone to judge him.
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At some point, he met a beautiful girl at a party, visiting from abroad. They got immediately in love and decided to move in together. Thus their life together began. They were just a young couple, enjoying life. Though Richard started to seem rounding out… a bit more.
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It turned out the girl didn't mind her boyfriend not being thin as a stick. As a matter of fact, she was a rather good chef, and got later a job at a local snack bar/restaurant. Richard was in heaven. He had a beautiful, hard-working, great cook at the house. So he decided to takes things to the next level, and got married and started a family.
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But Richard was soon to realize that a family comes with greater responsibility. They got really surprised when instead of one kid they got triplets right away. He must work really hard to feed his family and himself, but after all, he got a raise and their family was thriving. And so did he. For with the dad-roll, he got a thick dadbod.
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Remember? He was already in a careless-thickening-phase before he became a father, but then his weight really started to pile on. Twenty pounds in a couple of months wasn't a joke. So he met up with an old trainer friend to stop his weight gain - but after a couple of sessions he gave up his goals for summer. He wanted to spend more time with his family, and having to work hard, with triplets at home - there was no time for gym.
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So he rather kept eatin' than gymmin'. In the end, he never lost his moobs and gut, ballooning up to be fatter than ever. And considering that his kids are barely three years old - who knows what the next fifteen years will bring?
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This is the ten year story of Richard, a young countryboy to a fat dad . You can tell how the different phases of life has affected him: 2013 to 2020 to 2023, 150 lbs to 200 lbs to 240 lbs, single to pre-covid dating to post-covid dadbod, 5% to 15% to 25% bodyfat.
(Disclaimer: the numbers are rough estimates.) Do not reuse any of the pictures.
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bestanimal · 20 days
Round 1 - Phylum Mollusca
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(Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
The second largest phylum, Mollusca contains over 76,000 living species and somewhere between 60,000 and 100,000 extinct species, including the ammonites and helcionelloids. Living groups include the chitons, solenogasters, caudofoveates, cephalopods (octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, nautiloids, etc.), scaphopods, gastropods (slugs and snails), and bivalves.
Molluscs are highly diverse, living on land, in freshwater, and in saltwater, where they comprise over 23% of all named marine organisms. The most diverse molluscs are the gastropods which comprise over 80% of known molluscs. Due to their high diversity, the only things most molluscs have in common are a soft body composed almost entirely of muscle, a mantle with a significant cavity used for breathing and excretion, the presence of a radula (bivalves excluded), and the structure of their nervous system.
Many molluscs are endangered due to collecting and killing individuals for their meat and/or decorative shells.
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Propaganda under the cut:
Cephalopods are one of the (if not the) most neurologically advanced of all invertebrates and are capable of using tools, solving puzzles, and play.
Masters of camouflage, many cephalopods can change color, shape, and texture to hide from predators, sneak up on prey, and communicate with each other
The largest molluscs are the Giant Squid (Architeuthis dux), with 12–13 m (39–43 ft) long females and 10 m (33 ft) long males, and the Colossal Squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) which is estimated between 10 m (33 ft) and 14 m (46 ft) long. The Giant Squid has much longer tentacles, but the Colossal Squid is heavier, reaching a mass of at least 495 kilograms (1,091 lb). The largest specimens of Colossal Squid, known only from beaks found in sperm whale stomachs, may perhaps weigh as much as 600–700 kg (1,300–1,500 lb).
Mollusc shells make up most of the “seashells” washed ashore, and are created by the animal via secretions of chitin and conchiolin from its mantle edge. Not all molluscs have shells (ex: nudibranchs) and for some, the shell is internal (ex: cuttlefish). Mollusc shells come in many beautiful colors, shapes, and sizes.
Most molluscs have eyes, and all have sensors to detect chemicals, vibrations, and touch. Of the phyla we have covered so far, their senses are the most developed.
Conchs can look at you like this:
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All cone snails are venomous, and some of the larger species are some of the most venomous animals in the world. Even though some species’ stings are fatal to humans, their sophisticated venom has saved lives through its use in neurological research.
Humans don’t just use mollusk meat and shells, but also luxuries like pearls, mother of pearl, Tyrian purple dye, and sea silk. As stated above, many species are now endangered due to human use, but some are farmed for their meat, pearls, and shells. The farming of bivalves is more ecologically-friendly than the farming of chordates as, rather than create waste, bivalves like mussels and oysters actually clean the water.
As filter-feeders, bivalves are natural water filters. A single 5.08 cm (2 inch) clam can filter up to 10-12 gallons of seawater a day. They can even filter microplastics out of polluted water.
The largest bivalve is the Giant Clam (Tridacna gigas) which can weigh over 200 kilograms (440 lb), measure as much as 120 cm (3.11 ft) across, and have an average lifespan in the wild of more than 100 years.
Cover your ears, kids. Terrestrial slugs, which are hermaphroditic, have some of the most intimate sex on the planet. A pair of slugs will suspend from a chord of mucus, heads down, and intertwine their bodies in a tight spiral. They will then evert their penuses and entwine them as well, exchanging sperm while hanging in midair. Slug porn, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, for your viewing pleasure.
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sapphire-weapon · 5 months
I think Eagleone is canon because in the game something really happens between them and it’s very noticeable, but I’m wondering why you consider them canon?
Because the romantic nature of their relationship is baked into the thematic framework of the narrative. In order for RE4make to achieve what it's trying to do with its storytelling, Leon and Ashley's relationship has to be read as romantic.
Resident Evil 4 Remake is Resident Evil 4 re-imagined as a fairy tale. Survival Horror is the genre of the gameplay of RE4make, but Horror Fantasy is the genre of its story.
RE4make contains fantastical elements that were not present in OG, including but not limited to:
Leon and Ada's plaga hallucinations (Ada's especially looks like it has a magical effect)
The magical blue fire that keeps the Armadura at bay
The cursed black water in the castle (irrespective of whether it's tied to the mold in RE7; it's still attributed to turning men mad and is treated like a magical reagent during the ritual)
Ashley getting possessed -- not Saddler using her plaga to manipulate her body (which he also does in OG) but actually physically possessing her and speaking through her mouth and seeing through her eyes
New enemies that invoke the imagery of Minotaurs
On top of that, one of the major themes of this story is: folklore, story books, and fairy tales. We see it show up not just in the characters but also in the lore of the world itself. Just to name a few examples off the top of my head, we have:
Luis's parallels with and direct verbal references to Don Quixote
The folklore of "madness" spread around the villagers that Mendez tried to quell panic of
Historic folklore from when the people of Valdelobos thought of Las Plagas as demons
Salazar's invocation of Pulgarcito (which is a Spanish fairy tale)
Literal storybooks that you find throughout the game, like the one in Mendez's house and the holy scripture (complete with a colored illustration like a child's picture book) in the castle
And, most of all -- and, most importantly for our purposes -- "The Knight and the Princess Fair" allegory that gets repeated over and over throughout the game centering entirely on Leon and Ashley.
And it's not just Salazar being a crazy asshole, either. Luis also refers to Leon as "Prince Charming," beckons him to the ballroom, and tells him not to be late for the dance.
The story itself also has an element of "true love conquers all" in it, as both Leon and Ashley literally pull off the impossible. Leon manages to fight off Saddler's influence (something that we've seen no other character manage to do -- and Leon's plaga is very advanced at this point) while he's holding Ashley in his arms. And tiny little 120lb Ashley manages to heft all 200+lbs of Leon and his gear up onto Luis's surgical chair all by herself in order to remove his plaga. They saved each other for each other and only got through this ordeal because the other person was there with and for them.
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This narrative is then reinforced by overtly romantic imagery, like Leon appearing to Ashley bathed in moonlight, and Ashley wistfully looking to him off towards the horizon, hands clasped to her chest, as embers float around her like fireflies.
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It also invokes the imagery of classic romance stories and fairy tales, including:
Several literal princess carries
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Prince Phillip about to break the spell on Sleeping Beauty with true love's first kiss
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The Prince approaching Snow White's altar
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Leon kneeling before Ashley like a knight does his queen
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Romeo and Juliet's very famous balcony scene
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Leon extending a hand to Ashley as though he's asking her to dance, not once but twice
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And in case all of that wasn't enough -- if you somehow still didn't catch it, Capcom included a set of matching alternate costumes for Leon and Ashley literally called "Romantic."
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I don't know how much more explicit they could've been about this, short of having a big, sweeping kiss scene -- especially when you consider that absolutely none of the above was present in OG. None of those scenes happen in OG at all.
And this isn't even taking into account that the devs restructured the plot of OG to follow the story outline of a romance novel beat-for-beat -- nor the overt sexual imagery associated with specific lines of dialogue between Leon and Ashley. And even if you ignore the fairy tale aspect all together, Leon and Ashley's relationship is intrinsically tied to the theme of teamwork, and there's a romantic element about how that is portrayed, too.
So, sure. You could look at RE4make as a story about a man who's just doing his job and saves the president's daughter because idk he's a badass and that's just what he does. And he overcomes his trauma about Raccoon City because he actually saved a person's life finally, and it wouldn't have mattered who it was; it just happened to be Ashley.
You could.
But you miss the fucking point of what the storyteller(s) were trying to do.
You miss the intention of the developers paying homage to RE4OG being such a huge part of so many people's childhoods by turning the story into a fairy tale.
You miss the parallels of Leon becoming a broken husk of a person because of failing re: Ada, and Leon finding his smile and his kindness again through Ashley.
It leaves you with a shallow story where shit just kind of happens and Leon's a cool dude who overcomes the odds all on his own because he's so cool and strong.
And you'll never be able to convince me that that's how the devs wanted their story to be read. Not with the deliberate layering of themes and imagery and allegory that they've folded into the narrative.
And you'll never convince me that all of this was just a coincidence, either.
Eagleone is canon -- just not canon in the way that most people tend to think of it.
Because the one thing missing from RE4make's fairy tale is that Leon and Ashley don't live happily ever after. They don't end this game a couple, and they'll never be together in the future.
Because while RE4make was a fairy tale, it was the nightmare horror version of one.
And horror stories don't get to have happy endings. That was true for Ethan and Mia in the literal storybook that was RE:Village, and it's true here for Leon and Ashley.
But that doesn't make the romance between these two characters any less real.
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1986 Pontiac Grand Prix 2+2
It is often said that racing improves the breed, and the move by Formula One to a hybrid drivetrain has seen the equivalent technology in road cars evolve at an unprecedented pace. Manufacturers will always seek what is commonly called “an unfair advantage,” exploiting the rule book to its outer limits to extract greater speed from their racing models. It was against this backdrop that Pontiac released its 1986 Grand Prix 2+2. It was developed as a homologation special for NASCAR competition and only graced showrooms for one year.
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NASCAR competition has evolved into a sport featuring control underpinnings and exterior panels that are almost identical across all participating brands. Today’s cars share little with their predecessors, and the term “stock car” has a reasonably loose meaning. Earlier generations were based upon showroom models, and it was against this backdrop that cars like the Chevrolet Monte Carlo Aerocoupe and the Pontiac Grand Prix 2+2 emerged. General Motors sought aerodynamic and downforce improvements for their participating models, and smoothing the airflow across the body and rear spoiler achieved this without introducing additional drag. Wholesale sheetmetal changes weren’t warranted, but adding a fastback-style back window achieved the goal at a reasonable cost. The cars weren’t the most elegant on the planet, and the reduced trunk opening to accommodate the changes reduced practicality. Still, the Aerocoupe and 2+2 proved effective on superspeedways like Daytona and Talladega. Pontiac released 1,118 examples of the Grand Prix 2+2 to qualify for NASCAR competition, with all finished in a combination of Silver and Gray. The history of this car is unclear, but it presents exceptionally well for its age. The paint retains a healthy shine, while the plastic and graphics are excellent. Dealers sold the 2+2 at a premium price, but the extra cost didn’t guarantee that these classics would lead an easy life. Many owners drove them hard and fast, and it is common to see dilapidated and rusty examples appearing in the classic market. This car has avoided that fate and would turn more heads today than in 1986.
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Pontiac considered the Grand Prix 2+2 to be a muscle car, although the 165hp and 245 ft/lbs of torque produced by its 305ci V8 doesn’t hint at anything special. Buyers received a four-speed 200-4R automatic transmission and a 3.08 rear end as standard fare, with no manual option to improve performance. The ¼-mile ET of 17 seconds perfectly demonstrates the depths of The Malaise Era. While that figure looks modest by modern standards, it was what buyers expected during that period. The situation would improve in the future, but it is sobering to consider that you can drive a four-cylinder family sedan or hatchback off the showroom floor today that could show this Grand Prix a clean set of heels.
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The Pontiac Grand Prix 2+2 was a one-year-only model sold in limited numbers. I don’t find these the most attractive cars on the planet, with Chevrolet achieving better aesthetic results with its Aerocoupe. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you might find yourself irresistibly drawn to this classic. I respect that if it is the case because it is a car that would still draw crowds thirty-eight years after it rolled off the line. Evolving racing rules mean we will probably never see similar vehicles in the future, and owning this Grand Prix would be a link to the company’s motorsport heritage.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Ft: Teasing, grinding.
1.1k words of gojo thirsting for u.
Gojo x Female reader smut
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At first gojo would ask you to come along just so you can watch him dead lift 200+lbs(pounds) or even be his "spotter" so he 'wouldnt get hurt', the spotter part was your idea. But just the thought of watching gojo sweat and breathe heavy gave you butterflies in your stomach. If you two would go to a public gym gojo would 100% FLEX HIS ASS OFF. Lift 200lbs? Nah gojo's going to 400lb. It doesnt matter if these other 'people' look more 'ripped' then him. He'll show them up without a problem. "Yeah you like that baby?" He'd grunt mid lift. "F-fuck..Its all for you love~" You'd scold him for pushing himself too hard but he'd suck his teeth, pick you up without warning and carry you bridal style out the gym. Laughing as you'd punch at him to put you down because it was 'embarrassing'
Gojo who would also send you pictures and videos of him lifting. Captioning how he can't wait to show you his progress. Up close. He'd sometimes even wear more revealing. Clothes during missions you two got paired up in. Turning off his infinity just so the wind can blow through his shirt and reveal his abs. Only for Utahime and Nobara to scold him.
If he's deadlifting sometimes gojo would joke around and act like the weight was too heavy for him or he got gradually tired, it could even be considered as a test of trust the first couple of times he invites you over. He'd smile and blush at how you tried so hard to hold it up for him after he made 'pained grunts.' even using cursed energy slightly because it was too heavy for you. (Gojo was completely fine holding up that much btw). He'd yank the weight off of him. trying to 'catch his breath' only to see you running around the gym that you've never been too before, asking people where you can buy water and cold towels for him. And that was another moment when gojo truly fell in love with you
One day Gojo finds you in the gym before he is. Wearing clothes lighter/thinner then your average attire as you sat on your phone waiting for him to arrive. "Hm? I see you got here before me baby~" He'd walk up to you with his gym bag. Wearing a black tank top, shorts and his iconic shades. Gojo is so tall~ (around 6'3) so even when his body isnt flexed out he towers over you so easily. "Well..I was thinking of joining you this time toru~" you smirk while looking him up and down, watching as he takes off his shades and his beautiful blue eyes glow, Now looking at you with an intimate gaze.
Gojo didnt have a problem with whatever you we're trying to achieve at the gym for any reason. Be it for your mental health, For him, Or just for the sake of being fit or trying something new. He loved the idea of you even doing something as far as exercise because it meant you we're getting stronger. Just.. 'Not as strong as him' he'd chuckle to himself while watching you do warm ups...Specifically squats.
He'd count out how much your doing, constantly telling you to push yourself and keep going 'just f' me' Until eventually it looks like gojo is enjoying himself a little TOO much. He's paying so much attention to your ass and how you'd recklessly bounce up and down from how tired you we're getting. Imagining how you'd bounce on his cock while pleading for him to let you cum "T-toru! oh fuck toru~ please..im so close daddy.." "Hah..Your so fucking good for me, Milking my cock just like that.. Dont stop.." Gojo gets caught out of his hard daze when you stop exercising and just stare at him with your hands on your hips because he somehow went from the number 14 to 69- while counting.
Gojo would pout and tug at your arm for you to keep exercising because you look so fucking hot. "Cmon baby..I promise i wont look...so much.. kay? You just..Do what your doing over there and ill be over here lifting-" he'd smile and give you a thumbs up while scooting over to the weights. "okay toru~ if you say so..." You'd constantly stop mid set to take a peek behind you to see if gojo was being a pervert, But everytime you would he'd just look 'normal'. When in reality gojo was talking glances at you, lifting with one hand and rubbing against his clothed length with the other. Mumbling how good you looked for him, How your sweat coated your body so well, watching as you perked up your lips when taking a sip of your water. "Yeah baby..thats what im talkin about' Dont stop.. your doin so well... fuck yeah..sweat for me~" You'd look at him dumfounded and ask if he was alright. "Yeah baby im great~ you keep exercising for me alright? get that heart healthy f' me~ you and that good form of yours. So fucking good" He'd take off his shirt, his chest glistening and pumping out through his sweaty body. You'd choke on your water while examining his body. "heh..Like what you see baby? Didnt get these over night~" he'd place the weight down and begin walking towards you, Flicking his hands through his hair. "How about I give you a treat baby? You've been so good f' me, working so fucking hard~ how about i help you out.."
You would shyly look away, calling gojo distracting because you we're trying to 'focus' but he loved that even more~ how dedicated you we're..how persisent you we're..All for him. He'd pull you into a sloppy kiss, picking you up and sitting on the bench. Your hands would begin to trail along his chest, Feeling his hot body against your own. "You can touch this body all you want baby~ its all yours." he pulled away from the kiss, trailing his mouth along the side of your neck, sending you chills down your body. "T-toru..we shouldnt do it here..What if someone comes in and see's.." You'd tug at his sweaty warm body. "mmm good then baby, let them see. Want everyone to be fucking jealous. So dam lucky to have you in my life, love you so dam much~" Gojo began to bite at your shoulder, tugging at your top. "shit..Wanna take you on right fucking now y/n. Cmon~ let daddy touch you, let me reward you~"
Your shivered at how touch gojo began to get, Not even trying to hide it anymore as he shifted his hands down to your waist, Moving your body over so you'd grind right against him. "T-toru...Toru.." youd moan out his name. holding onto his built arms while the intense heat of the gym ambushed your body as you could feel gojo's pent up length now grinding on your. "fuck...Yes baby?" "T-touch me..please..i want it~" "oh yeah baby~ know' you wanted more. Addicted to this cock yeah? say how much you want it~" he laid his head back against the bench, slapping your ass while you grinded against his length. "G-Gojo~ please...oh shit..please~ I cant, I wanna cum~ I wanna cum for you gojo~ I want you so bad daddy~" "Fuck yeah..thats what i wanted to hear baby~ beg for me more like a slut while daddy rewards you~"
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es-draws · 4 months
Hey there, you seem super cool and I just wanted to say thank you for this blog. I’ve been a fat girl my whole life, (5’3 and 185 lbs atm I think. I used to be 200 a few months ago.) and finding and going through your blog today has been kind of a mind-altering experience. I’ve never been into feederism before and when I’ve come across bits of it online, it hasn’t interested me at all. I don’t anticipate I will get into it in the future either, due to my own internalized fatphobia (which I know I need to work on) but the art and messages you post and how you just love and appreciate fat bodies without shame or judgement or anything negative is so refreshing and cleansing, if I’m being honest. Thank you so much.
Wow, this honestly made my day. So glad to hear this blog has been such a positive experience for you!
And even though this is a Feedism blog, ultimately these ideas stem from celebrating the beauty of fatness. The affirmation that yes, being fat is okay. That you’re wanted. That you’re appreciated. That you deserve to enjoy your body, as it is, not in fear. That eating is not shameful and that softness is not a sin. That your worth is not determined by your size. That there are people out there who believe that being fat is not just okay - it’s divine.
So go own that divine figure like the goddess you are. And know that we all believe in you too!
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kuiperblog · 1 year
Names as labels (and what I learned from Brandon Sanderson)
There are a lot of writing lessons I’ve learned from reading Brandon Sanderson.
This is true of Sanderson in a way that isn’t true of a lot of other authors, even those that I like (and strive to emulate), and I suspect this is part of what Sanderson is talking when he describes himself as “more craftsman than artist.” If you ask a craftsman, “How did you get that table to support up to 400 lbs when my table can only support 200 lbs,” there are probably very specific answers that they can give you that you can directly incorporate into your own table-building process.  It is significantly harder for a musician to answer a question like “how did you make this song that was so beautiful it made me cry?”
I wish I could write more like Daniel Abraham, but there’s not “one weird trick” that will help you write more like Daniel Abraham. However, if you want to write more like Sanderson, there’s many such specific “tricks” that you, like him, can use to make your writing more effective at communicating information to the reader: Brandon sometimes describes his writing as a sort of “telepathy,” in the sense that he is trying to take a story that exists in his head, and then make that story exist in your head, and a novel is the compression medium that he is using to convey those ideas. Anything that can assist the reader in assembling that story in their head is a plus.
For example, part of the learning curve of any story is learning to attach names on the page to the ideas of characters that we have in our head. A story isn’t just a bunch of ink printed on paper, and a name isn’t just a bunch of letters joined together.
Most of the time, this is trivially easy, especially if the author has done their job properly. Like many rules of writing, it’s something that’s best observed in the breach: if the central characters in your story are Tony, Steve, and Bruce, it’s easier to keep those names separate in our head than names were Jack, Jake, and Joel.
I am unlikely to put “Jason” and “Justin” together in the same story, because as a person named Justin, I know from experience that some people will hear the name “Justin” during an introduction and then later retrieve the name “Jason” from memory when they try to address me. If names are labels for distinct characters that we want to keep separate in our head, it makes sense for those labels to also be distinct enough that the reader won’t mistake one for the other.  Octavia shouldn’t be in a story with an Olivia.
If a character is just named “Octavia,” there are some people who, even in the absence of a similarly-named character, will mislabel her as “Olivia” in their head (much in the same way that people have heard me introduce myself as “Justin” and then stored the name “Jason.”)  I know this to be true, because I am currently publishing a web novel with a character named Octavia, and there have been multiple comments from people referring to her as “Olivia.” And this is fine, because when I read their comment talking about “Olivia,” I know they are actually talking about Octavia, because in my story, the label “Olivia” is unoccupied real estate (and Octavia is free to occupy it if she wishes).
This obviously isn’t true of the real world: if someone calls me Jason, I can’t decide, “Well, it’s okay for you to call me Jason, and in fact in order to remove any ambiguity that you might be addressing me when you say that name, I will go and erase every Jason from existence. Also, I’m erasing all the other people named Justin.” (That’s not only impossible, but even if it was possible, it would be unreasonable for you to expect that I do it, just to make things slightly more convenient for you.) But in the context of a story that I’m writing, I can totally do this. I can go to these “unreasonable” lengths to make things ever so slightly easier for the reader. In fact, it’s trivially easy to pick a distinct moniker for each cast member. Names are abundant, even if I have self-imposed restraints like “don’t let two characters’ names start with the same letter and vowel sound (e.g. Roger and Robert, Crystal and Christine), and "don’t have two names of similar/equal length that end in the same letter and/or phonetic sound” (e.g. Sarah and Clara, Mindy and Tracy, Travis and Jarvis, Jerry and Gary).  
Of course, there’s a corollary to this, which is that insofar as it makes sense to give characters distinctive monikers to keep them as distinct concepts, it also makes sense to give them similar monikers if you want them to be less distinct from each other. (For example, Jack and Jill are joined at the hip. Ditto for Re:Zero’s Rin and Ram.) Even so, I still think this tends to work best when the names are joined by something that’s non-phonetic: for example, Katniss and Primrose are names that evoke flora.  April and May are right next to each other on the calendar.
And what if you have two names for the same character?  It’s a point that seems obvious, but I didn’t realize it until Brandon Sanderson gave me a glaring example:
In Mistborn, when Vin goes undercover to infiltrate noble society, her alias is Valette. This is absurdly easy to keep straight, because these are the only two names in the book that start with V. (And there’s no confusion about which name she uses among her fellow street toughs and which name she uses when she’s pretending to be an aristocrat: Vin is terse, Valette is sophisticated.)
And, in a sense, your “past selves” are distinct from your present self in many ways, except for the ways that they’re not.  (Or as Orwell put it, “what have you in common with the child of five whose photograph your mother keeps on the mantelpiece? Nothing, except that you happen to be the same person.”)
Kaladin, the main viewpoint character in the first book of the Stormlight Archive, went by Kal when he was a kid.  This comes in real handy, because the story is partially told through flashback.  When you have a book that’s 400,000 words long, you’re going to have to put it down at some point and come back to it later, and it’s really helpful if, when you pick up the book after a week-long break, there’s some indicator that makes it completely and unambiguously clear that you’re in a flashback. And indeed, the book offers exactly that: in the childhood flashbacks, you will see the viewpoint character referred to in narration as “Kal” multiple times on every page.
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skinty13 · 4 months
Intro Post 🙏🏻💕
Hello skinty13 here, it’s been a while since I was on tumblr. I feel so old saying this but i was lower than my ugw in 2017 like 110lbs which felt so good, ahhh i was so beautiful too until i gave up and became a fatty.
here to change that though! its never too late to restart! 💕
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my interests are my cat, drawing and playing sims etc
deftones #1 fan tbh, i love making playlists when im bored
22 years old
168cm / 5’5
sw: 209lbs / 95kgs
cw: 193 lbs
gw1: 200 gw2: 190 gw3: 180 gw3: 170
gw4: 160 gw5: 150 gw6: 140 ugw: 125
link to my “nothing tastes as good as skinny” playlist
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lemgainer · 3 months
From post to post, your curves become rounder, and how beautiful and exciting it is! Look at your last peak: the roll of your belly, the roll of your hips behind and the small roll of the top of your thigh. The fat invades you, and it's so sexy! Do you have a weight goal?
Hey 👀 👋
I love the way you wrote your message, thank you for this 😙
Yep, I have a weight goal and it's 200 lbs. For now I'm struggling with my weight (I found a new job very active). As you can see on this pic, I've lost 4 kg so I'm trying new way to gain 😁
Always gaining and growing,
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kinshenewa · 8 months
Moon sighed irritably, glancing down at his tablet as he walked. He had to always ensure his duties were up to date, which allowed him the freedom to walk around as he pleased and not be confined behind a desk like some people. His nose twitched, and he looked up, a decadent and delightful scent hitting his olfactory senses.
He looked around the drab grey hallway, walking further as he tried to pinpoint the scent. It was spicy, tangy, sweet. Like human chili mixed with lemon. He liked human food, it always intrigued him. But this smell intrigued him even more.
He kept walking, eyes half closing. Nearly running into a wall, his eyes snapped open to see he was at the gym, which was pretty quiet save for soft breaths. There seemed to be only one person working out right now.
Moon loved working out. He loved to feel the strain on his muscles as he got stronger. He looked gangly, like the rest of his species, but he was actually impressively strong. He was a bit insecure, however, so he usually did his workouts at night, when everyone was asleep.
Strangely enough, it was quite late, and yet someone was in the gym.
He walked further in, looking around before seeing something that made his breath hitch.
It was that human. She had a look of concentration, wearing black headphones as she did squats with a large weight. His eyes widened as he noticed the weight ring that was visible to him had a "50 lbs" on it. This human must be American.
She breathed heavily, staring at herself in the mirror. In this lighting, she looked so strong and muscular, her thighs almost as thick as his waist when she squatted down.
He put a hand over his heart, which beat fast as a gentle blue blush dusted his face. He was speechless, his jaw dropped. Oh wow...
She then set down the weight, sighing as she laid on her back on the floor. "Gods fucking damned it." She muttered, and Moon's blush darkened ever so slightly. Her voice... Sun wasn't lying when he said she sounded like a queen. It wasn't high-pitched like most females, but more androgynous and raspy, perfect for lullabies.
"How long ya gonna stand there and stare?" She asked, taking off her headphones as she stared at the ceiling.
Moon startled slightly, broken out of his reverie. "O-oh, um, apologies. I was coming here to work out, and... couldn't help but notice your strength...." Moon replied softly, and she chuckled as she looked at him.
"Ah, Moon. The lunar part of the Celestial Jester twins." She said with a smirk, "Ya know, soon as I smelled ya, I could feel my heart rate increasing in terror. Not gonna lie, you actually helped a bit with my workout, so thanks for that." She shrugged, sitting up with a hum. She stretched her arms above her head.
Moon could feel his breath stolen away by this muscular beauty, the lighting illuminating her impressive musculature.
"Anyway, how much you squat? I'm curious how strong ya are." She said, smiling at him as she stood up. He could see her pale face, her quivering hands, and twitching eyes. He knew she was terrified right now, but at least was making an effort to be friendly.
"Oh, um, well, in human terms you would understand, I can squat with 200 pounds." Moon responded after a moment.
The human chuckled as she replied, "Times that by 3 over 2 and that is how much I lift."
Moon thought for a moment, doing a quick bit of mental math before he gasped incredulously, "300 pounds?!" He could feel his heart speeding up as his face grew warm. Oh she was strong. She was very very strong.
"Yeah. I could probably lift more, but I still feel a bit of uh... what the word... resistance when I do it with 300. Don't want to overexert myself and fold like a lawn chair!" She replied with a laugh, and Moon's face flushed. Oh god, her laugh, it was beautiful. Raspy and slightly deep that sent a shiver down his spine.
She walked closer, smiling up at him confidently as she said, "Let's see you lift, bro."
Moon blinked, his red eyes widening. He chuckled nervously as he said, "Oh, well, uh, I'm actually a bit shy about that..."
She snorted, rolling her eyes. "Don't worry about being insecure around me. I'm not a judge-y person. I don't like being judged, so I don't judge others." She replied with a smile.
Moon could feel a fluttering sensation in his stomach, his hands clasped over his heart as he looked at her with wide eyes. Such a kind and considerate person!
"That is... quite nice." He finally said, and she smiled and nodded. He checked the time, seeing midnight fast approaching. "Well, um, I need to go." He said softly.
Cadence smiled, waving a hand dismissively. "Aight then, see ya around hotstuff." She replied, chuckling as she turned and left.
Moon blinked, watching her leave. He went back to his room in a daze, his face a dark blue. Entering the living room, he saw Sun sprawled on the couch, tinkering with a human phone. Sun looked up and saw Moon, smirking as he sat up and teased, "Ooh, what's got the big Moonie all flustered?"
Moon frowned at Sun, huffing and crossing his arms. "Well, if you MUST know.... I ran into the human.... At the gym." He replied, and Sun let out a loud 'ooh'. "Oh shut up, I was just going to do my normal workout, then saw.... her there." Moon snapped, covering his face with his hands as he added quietly, "She can squat with 300 pounds on her shoulders.
Sun looked surprised, eyebrows raised as he replied, "Wow! Looks like we got a big muscle mommy on our hands~"
Moon glared, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Sun's face. Sun laughed boisterously as the pillow hit his face, and Moon blushed deeper as he said, "Sh-shut up! I'm going to bed."
"Have muscular dreams~!" Sun teased, and Moon growled as he went into their shared bedroom. He plopped onto the bed, covering his face with his left hand as his right hand held his heart.
He could understand his brother's interest with the human now.
And he had no plans to ignore her.
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motherhenna · 10 months
just saw a post come up about how we should use "character getting fat" as an indicator of them being "fulfilled and happy" and UGH. No shade to the mutual who reblogged it as I get the whole fat acceptance thing is heavily pushed on this site but that is so dangerous to normalize. There is nothing healthy, happy, or good about being fat, especially being morbidly obese: if you're more than just a little chubby, you are actively engaged in self harming behaviors on par with smoking and alchoholism.
Being obese has impacted my life in such a massively negative way: I have chronic pain in my back, knees, ankles, and feet; I spent years malnourished because of all the nutrition-barren junk I was consuming every day; I had brain fog and extremely fucked hormones. These are all directly related to my historically horrible diet and the extra 60+ lbs I've been carrying around for the last decade or so, and my continued denial of all this is the reason why I managed to get over 200 lbs in the first place. People are fucking dying of obesity related illness by the boatload in just America alone so I'm begging y'all to please stop trying to normalize and romanticize fatness. It's good to love yourself no matter what you look like, and to find beauty in others too, and I think obesity should be de-stigmatized in the same way as any other addiction / mental illness should. But obesity is a fucking life-ruining condition and needs to be treated more seriously.
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numetaljackdog · 10 months
what i'm listening to november 2023. the agony
spot. link//yt link
song notes under cut
Laura Les - Haunted: haunted. by laura les.
Garbage - Queer: stand up for the fag anthem. but also let's be real one of the main draws here is the music video where shirley manson pushes the pov character down to the ground and forcibly shaves your head while singing "i know what's good for you." i'm a lesbian
Chris Fleming - W.U.G.: i've met a couple wugs in my time but more than anything i'm just on my chris fleming shit recently. this one has been stucks in my head sooo bad and bsaically anytime i see the word "guy" it comes back with a vengeance
Limp Bizkit & Method Man - N 2 Gether Now: random lb songs will really just crop up in my rotation for seemingly no reason but really this one has so many good lines and the addition of method man brings it up by so much. it's comical on some level bc it's like why is he here, he's like. a real rapper. and fred sounds so out of his depth next to him. but at the same time they both do actually really pretty good. pull the plug and then jet. MIC CHECK.
Sloppy Jane - Bark Like a God: recommended by a friend. need to listen to the full album but this goes insane goes crazy i mean those damn vocals and the THEMES ugh i mean what else do you need in this world. don't even really know what to call this band but it good and i need more
Almeda Riddle - My Little Rooster: Gummo is a 1997 American experimental drama film written and directed by Harmony Korine, starring Jacob Reynolds, Nick Sutton, Jacob Sewell, and Chloë Sevigny. The film is set (but was not filmed) in Xenia, Ohio, a Midwestern American town that had been previously struck by a devastating tornado. The loose narrative follows several main characters who find odd and destructive ways to pass time, interrupted by vignettes depicting other inhabitants of the town.
Destroy Boys - Fences: mostly just real catchy. many such cases. but there is a certain doggish quality to it as well
Enon - Natural Disasters: hi violer :3 ooh ahh the song so catchy the riff so tastey and shiney
Limp Bizkit - The Truth: i watched the band's short film of the same name recently and was pretty underwhelmed. but it did make me wanna go back and listen to the ep! it's been said to death but it's easily some of lb's best work, and not just because it's the serious one or whatever
Repo! The Genetic Opera - Night Surgeon: tbh there should be more repo on here but there's only so much space and this is undoubtedly my favorite track from the soundtrack (although "at the opera tonight" comes pretty damn close!!) i could listen to anthony head go "i remember" like that allllll day. i have been having some serious repo fixation recently i won't lie. give it a watch it's a normal movie
Foo Fighters - Everlong (Acoustic Version): okay look you guys know at this point how i get about everlong. so when i was watching hit film little nicky starring adam sandman and a rather beautiful sequence took place accompanied by a sparse acoustic version still laden in the characteristic warmth of the original song, of course i was hooked. and that's a nu metal-ass movie, too, but this was the pick i ended up making. that's special
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up To Boston: WOOOOO BOSTON!!!!!!!! GO BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET ME A CUP O DUNKS!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! YANKEES SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <is not from boston but rather a different place entirely
Fefe Dobson - Unforgiven: why did nobody tell me about this fuckin nu metal x y2k pop fusion. this is like rina sawayama stfu but all the way back in 200-goddamn-3. fefe you were before your time
MGMT - Little Dark Age: i don't know mgmt that well but i heard a little bit of this song in a youtube video long ago and really liked it and could never find it and then i happened to encounter it again and was like oh hello my old acquaintance shall we get to know each other better
Billy Joel - All For Leyna: beginning to realize that billy is good actually. every little part of this song is crunchy and sweet and delicious for me. and god i sure am doing it all for leyna aren't i......
Tom Cardy & Brian David Gilbert - Beautiful Mind: tbh this was far from my favorite effort from either of these guys...... didn't really think it was all that funny. had a very lol random sort of appeal that just didn't hit me right. however it does sound amazing, really clean, and they both have nice voices. plus you know i love them harmonies
Taco - Puttin' on the Ritz: they play this a lot at a cafe i go to sometimes. i used to not like this song but it's really grown on me. it's one of those absolutely one-of-a-kind songs that could have only been a hit at the exact time and place that it was. and i like stuff like that! you might even say i think it's super duper :)
Violent Femmes - Breakin' Up: this song is dumb as balls. and it sounds way better in my head than it does to actually listen to it. but! the video is really cool, with that simple but effective camera trick. i enjoy that
Bowling For Soup - Girl All the Bad Guys Want: if the previous song was dumb as balls, this song is dumb as. like. the epididymis. or like a single sperm cell. i don;t know man it's a dumb fucking song. but it's about a cool rap rocker girl :3 and that's meeeeee probably. when i listen to it i like to rate each lyric on how true it is. watching wrestling? maybe now and then. creaming over tough guys? hmmm no i would simply not do this. but listening to rap metal? turntables in her eyes?? now we're fuckin talkin!!!!!!!!!!
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lericekrispie · 2 years
Hello Hi, today I'm going to sell to you plus size Peter Sqloint
I've always drawn and envisioned Peter Sqloint as plus sized. For some reason, that's just how he appeared in my head. If you want to see how exactly how I envision him you can check out my art, OR, I have the fun little body visualizer I can show you.
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I have the measurements in for 5' 4", 200 lbs, and quite a bit (10hr) of exercise, because you know they do be walking around a bunch.
This looks average! This looks like an average person you could just go out and see, and that's how I've been drawing him! And Peter's entire bit is being average or slightly below.
But I ran the BMI for this (BMI is a scam but people know the metric so I did it anyways), and this is OBESE? This looks like a normal person to me, and I know for a fact that you can be healthy, working a 9-5 service job on your feet all day sweating and breaking your back getting 15,000 steps a day and still look like this. I know because I work in the food industry (in the US) and a lot of my co-workers have bodies that are very similar to this, at least in weight.
Yet I find it hard to find media with people who look like this.
As a curvy man/woman myself, more than 200lbs, it's hard for me to find cute clothes that fit me. I'm so self conscious of my breathing, I've always been self conscious of my jawline, my arms, my thighs. It took me a long time to become happy with my body, but I think with the boom of body positivity on social media and the appreciation of bigger bodies and my own mental work, I was able to overcome my insecurities and see myself for the bad bitch I am.
Yet there is a lot of work to be done as a community.
I especially think that right now is the right time to be talking about these things, and to bring it to light, because there are so many more people who are speaking out about things, and so many more people who actually care.
Before we continue, I would like to say that in case you were worried, this is not a dig at JRWI, this is just social commentary. I would like to point out that my experience with this community has been leaps and bounds ahead of any other community I have ever been apart of, with body diversity, poc characters (at least headcannons ._.), and appreciating beautiful non-white standards. (like the headcannon Jay hooked nose) (I'm going to throw my hat in the ring and say that anime fandoms and fandoms that have 'twinkification problems' have this weak spot, please don't take this personally)
Plus size Peter Sqloint is important to me because I feel media, especially media that is ran off of fanart, prefer white beauty standards, even if it is sub-conscious. It's getting better, and there are great artists who are poc and body positive and amazing, but they don't always get the same attention as others. It's important for people to see themselves, especially if their body is A NORMAL AND AVERAGE SIZE! THAT BODY TYPE IS NORMAL! YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO FIND THAT! And not finding it sometimes feels like your the outlier, that you are unattractive, you are the weirdo.
And it fits so well with his story. with Peter growing comfortable in his skin, from being average to extraordinary, but it was in him all along, and he doesn't have to drastically change (like loose weight) for him to realize that.
Also I would like to point out how important it is for media to show big people getting loved!!!! For being considered attractive! How powerful it would be for someone like Rumi, the literal embodiment of perfection, tall, sleek, elegant, what the general beauty world would consider to be a drop dead gorgeous runway model, to fall head over heels for someone like Peter! Because big people are gorgeous, big people are attractive, big people are lovable! And especially a queer story as well?! Where they are not just both 'skinny twinks'? (nothing wrong with that, but there are more relationships than just that). I think that is a powerful under-the-surface story that Apotheosis could tell about Peter Sqloint, and they wouldn't even have to retcon anything except canonize Peter's weight. You can't tell me that the story couldn't be read that way, with this context! This is my sell to you, my sell for you to start seeing Peter Sqloint as a plus sized man, and see his story how I've seen his story.
TLDR: Peter Sqloint is a plus sized man because he is gorgeous and beautiful and it fits amazingly with his story and he deserves it :)
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arakawa-division · 11 months
"I'd rather regret the risks that didn't work out than the chances I didn't take at all." - Simone Biles
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Alexis "Lexi" Ward is the leader of the Arakawa Division rap battle team, Sounds of Silence. She is known far and wide by her moniker, Agent X. An operative from America, and one of the best members to don their uniform, Alexis takes her position as an agent for the Agency very seriously. And with the influence and threat of Chuohku steadily growing larger and larger by the day, she was personally chosen by the director of her team to stem their threat before it grows too large to control.
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Alexis is a beautiful American woman with short red hair that goes past her neck and bangs that sometimes fall into her light-brown eyes. She stands at six feet and weighs 147 lb. She has a C-sized chest, long hips, and a somewhat slim waist.
When she isn't working, Alexis dresses casually wearing a sleeveless black crop top, blue jeans with star prints, an oversized brown leather belt, and low-heeled brown sandals. She has a pair of blue sunglasses, either on top of her head or on her face. Lastly, she has a black collar around her neck.
When she is on the job, Alexis wears a uniform typical of the Agency. It consists of a white buttoned dress shirt, a pair of black slacks, some black dress socks and shoes, a matching-colored tie, and a suit jacket. She's discarded her sunglasses for a pair of reading glasses, giving her a more professional look. She's also tied up her hair in the back, giving her a bun. She also has a pair of dog tags around her neck. Lastly, an emblem is implanted on her dress shirt, which shows her affiliation to the U.S. and her organization.
Name Meaning
Alexis - A name of Greek origin. It means, "defender" or "helper".
Lexi - A name of Greek origin, derived from the name "Alexis". It means, "man's defender".
Ward - A name of English origin. It means, "guardian" or "watchman".
"Alex"/"Lexi"- (Her close friends and family)
"Red", Lady, Sexy, Beautiful, etc.
Agent Ward
"The Crimson Agent"
Auntie - Her nephew
Biographical Info
Gender - Female
Age - 34
Birthday - February 8th
Ethnicity - American
Hair Color - Velvet Red
Eye Color - Light Brown
Height - 182 cm (6'0")
Weight - 67 kg (147 lb.)
Star Sign - Aquarius
Piercings - N/A
Markings - Faded scars on her arms and legs.
Tattoo of the date '9/21' on her lower left hip.
Family -
Father (Deceased)
Brother (Deceased)
Voiced By - Dessa (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - Agent X
Occupation - Photographer/CIA Operative
Division - Arakawa
Team - Sounds of Silence
Position - 1st Member/Leader
Favorite Food - Beef Broth Rice
Least Favorite Food - Pork and Beans
Likes - Photography, sunny days, music ballads, baseball, dogs, riding her motorcycle, her job, her dog tags, shopping, and reading
Dislikes - Cloudy days, ashy skin, cats, her father and brother's killer terrorists, threats to her country, waking up late, perverts, sad memories and cigarette smoke
Hypnosis Microphone
Alexis's Microphone takes the form of a black earpiece headset, which goes into her ears. It is similar to what security guards wear while on the job.
Her Speaker takes the form of three American flags on poles, blowing in the wind. Instead of the aluminum balls usually displayed atop each pole, they are replaced with speakers. Atop the pole in the middle sits a bald eagle.
Her rap ability, Build Me Up, allows Alexis to increase her attack, defense, and stamina the more that her team or her opponents use their abilities. Unlike her teammates, her ability is always active.
Alexis's rap themes center on her love for her job, her family and her country. She speaks about how America has prevailed and persevered throughout its 200+ year-old history and how it will continue to do so. On serious topics, she raps about her hatred for enemies of America, and her wish to find the man behind her father and brother's murders. She will also sometimes rap about her love for the outdoors, knowledge and taking pictures.
Despite how she appears, Alexis is a nice, friendly woman outside of her uniform who is kind to everyone. When she is not working, she enjoys spending her time outside in nature, taking photos with her Sony a7 IV. She dislikes being cooped up in one place, which is why she loves her cover job as a photographer, as it allows her to go to new places and see new sights. She loves the pictures she takes, considering them priceless treasures.
Alexis is also a lover of fine clothes, enjoying going shopping with her friends. She also enjoys reading in her spare time and is an avid fan of women's magazines and fashion blogs. She also enjoys engaging in idle talk with her friends at times. However, she has stated that she doesn't like gossip, and will not participate in it no matter who it is about, as she finds the thought and idea of talking about someone behind their back to be disgusting. Besides that, Alexis is just a normal woman you'd find everywhere. She affirms to the belief that 'my job does not make me.'
However, once it is time for her to get to work, Alexis becomes an entirely different person, dedicated solely to the perfection of her job, and the absolute completion of her mission, whatever it may be. She is well-trained in firearms and intelligence and has been noted by her superiors for her quick thinking and ability to come up with plans on short notice. And though she has been reprimanded for disobeying orders on occasion, her work and accomplishments are always enough to keep her from being punished.
She is firmly loyal to her country, even if she doesn't always agree with the policies put in place by those in charge. She has stated that if she has to give her life to defend it, then she gladly will. She believes that this is the ultimate show of loyalty she can give to the U.S. The real reason for this is due to the fact that both her father and older brother gave their lives to protect the former president. She now strives to live as well and as best as she can to honor their memories.
*Coming soon*
She knows FBI Agent, Kyler Aaron, due to the fact that the CIA and FBI often cooperated on missions. She often teases him because he once made a mistake on a mission, requiring her to save him. She's held it above his head since then.
Her answer when asked where she's from is always, 'Langley, Virginia.'
Though she loves her country, she doesn't really care much for the people in charge; particularly, Byron Douglas, the current president of the U.S.
The dog tags she wears belonged to her father and brother. She wears them in honor of their memory and service.
Though she came to Japan in order to keep an eye on Chuohku, her real reason is to find the person responsible for her father and brother's murders. The only clue she has on the killer is that 'the killer is currently incarcerated in Japan and has a reputation as a former hitman...'
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