#2 clairify
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Made this 4 cr wlw week on twitterr
#cookie run#fanart#roguefort cookie#cotton candy cookie#cottonfort#cr fanart#this is nblw btw!!#2 clairify
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I saw all of them just hours ago.
let’s go into detail about what’s going on with thomas sanders and brei grace, because i refuse to let him and the community sweep this under the rug:
thomas severely underpaid brei grace for her work on roleslaying with roman
thomas then laid brei off after creating a work environment that was bad enough to make her not want to return
thomas made a post “announcing” that rswr would be on “an indefinite hiatus”. but it was only available on his patreon (im not a patron so i can’t link the post or show a screenshot, but if i find a screenshot i will edit it into this post)
just days later, thomas makes a tweet about his merch sale, and most (if not ALL) his current merch was designed by brei, who will not see a penny in royalties, and this is apparently a regular thing with thomas
finally, an entire week after the patreon “announcement” and brei being laid off, thomas says this on the youtube community page (among other things, but this is what im focusing on):

and brei has to clarify that she was laid off
i want to point out the phrase “brei is currently not part of our team” and how thomas fails to acknowledge that HE is responsible for that. HE laid her off. and like a cowardly snake, he’s hiding behind vague corporate speak because he doesn’t want to admit the truth
unfortunately for him, the truth is out there
i know i sound really serious and dramatic and yall are probably not even taking me seriously and you have your pitchforks at the ready, but guess what? i couldn’t care less. i mean this IS serious, which is why im taking it seriously. but at the end of the day im just informing the community of what i know. what you do with that information is up to you
im not “cancelling” thomas, or trying to start a witch hunt, im just so sick of everyone pretending thomas is a perfect harmless little angel who can do no wrong. cos guess what? he HAS done wrong. he’s done wrong by brei. but everyone is so busy sucking up to him that they don’t seem to care that brei is suffering because of him
and this isn’t the first time he’s done wrong by an artist, either (let’s never forget the mad libs incident)
to summarize: thomas doesn’t make it a habit of properly compensating the artists he hires, he makes their experiences a living hell, and then he lies through his teeth about it
like i said, do with this information what you will, but i don’t know how thomas sleeps at night
(oh, and if you plan on harassing me over this post, im literally just gonna block you lmao don’t waste your energy)
hope everyone has a nice weekend (except for thomas tbh)
#edit: they were vague. one sentence posts barely talking about anything#just a vague implication#pls dont ask what they said specifically i dont remember#edit 2: brei was not fired#but laid off#idk how i misinterpreted that. not sure what the difference is exactly but it is something she clairified on twitter
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PAC: Urgent messages from your shadow self 🕷🕸🖤
Please leave a tip if you can $$$
Trigger warning: These tarot cards contain graphic content (gore, syringes, etc.) and in this pac there is mentions of trauma, substance abuse, inner child wounds, etc. The tone of the words will also sound blunt because the shadow self is brutally honest. Viewer discretion is advised.
Pile 1:
Beautiful Liar by Beyoncé & Shakira
Special by Ashnikko
Black Swan by BTS

Four of Fire, Two of Air, & Daughter of Air.
(Clarified by Adjustment)
Your shadow self wants to urge you to find balance within yourself and your life. Perhaps you are someone who is constantly juggling with tasks, hobbies, or responsibilities. You are being a "jack of all trades, but a master of none". You don't know how to multitask and yet you are still trying to do it - why? You are overwhelming yourself. Take smaller steps vs trying to finish everything all at once. You are making yourself sink into this hole of frustation on your own. In the future, you will just make things more difficult if you persist in this charade of yours. Your shadow self is giving you a kick in the butt because you rely too much on charm when you mess up or to get away shit. Also your "white lies" could turn into big lies. If you needed a job per say, this behavior could have you looked down and be seen as unprofessional. There's a lot of visuals regarding the circus. Such as the acrobats or fire tamers. You are talented and witty. Use your wits to find ways to accomplish your goals. I am also being reminded of the scene from Mulan where she unsheaths her swords and you can see her reflection. Perhaps you have a duality to yourself that you are unaware of. You need to look into the lightness and darkness of your soul. What are your light or shadow attributes? Your strengths or weaknesses? Think of what they are and write it down, then create a plan. Once you have decided what to do or how you can make better decisions. You will start to make progress in your journey. The girl is walking on a tightrope with a stick and bowls(?) on her head. This could mean you literally need to "tighten up" which is an expression of handling your business basically. There is birds flying behind her. Your spirit guides and higher self are supporting you as you walk towards your destiny. Be patient and grounded. You will feel proud of yourself in the end and feel grateful you learned this lesson. (Clarifying song: Libra by The Deli) You could be someone with Libra placements or you need to surround yourself with people that are this sign. This could also mean embodying the traits of Libra. They are known for their balance, diplomacy, fairness, friendliness, & charm.
Pile 2:
Assassin by Au/Ra
Cellophane by FKA Twigs
Go To Sleep by Bearson ft. Kailee Morgue

Five of Water (reversed), Seven of Air, & Son of Earth
(Clarified by The Magus (reversed).)
Tsk tsk. You're self sabotaging. What's going on, pile 2? I feel like you're trying to get over past disappointments but things keep crumbling and falling apart in your very eyes. You could be dealing with depression right now or you're avoiding the world because of this fear of yours. You could be laying in bed a lot or sleeping more than usual to cope. Some of you could have gotten rejected by someone you really liked and are thinking the worse as if it's the end of your love life. There's over 8 billion people in the world, it's not the end unless you act like it is. There could be so much abundance ahead of you if you would just stopped being so inconsistent and indecisive. Reflect as to why you're afraid, why are you self sabotaging, why are letting your life past you by when there's a whole world out there ready to be explored? (Clairifying song: NO PROBLEM by Nayeon ft Felix of Stray Kids) Whatever you dealt with is not happening to you right now. You survived baby. Sometimes it's good to be single because you can focus on putting that love towards your own heart. Try to focus on having fun vs finding the "one". You'd be surprised by how many people will be knocking at your door when you realize how much of a catch you are. Also stop comparing yourself to people on social media. Learn to see past people's illusions and understand they only post the positives of what's going on their life because they're scared of being vulnerable or seen as a failure. You are gonna do just fine if you focus on your own happiness.
Pile 3:
Dëserve It by Yeat
I'm Not Sorry by imagine Dragons
Element. by Kendrick Lamar

Three of Earth, Eight of Water, & The Universe
(Clarified by The Fool)
You usin' work and self achievements to cope huh? You're always working so hard to accomplish things, but have you ever took a minute to realize that you are already accomplished even if you don't succeed? (Clarifying song: No L's by Smino) Why do you always need to win? What's so bad about losing? Loss can be scary, but it can teach us valuable lessons in life as well. You fear of being seen unsuccessful, a failure. You don't want to be the gossip in your town, at your job, or family functions. Everything you do, you just work and work. You not addressing the problems in your life. What are you working for? You have money, you have trophies, you have awards, you have a long list of achievements, you have your own place, but that is not healing you. Your valuables are just things. They are not fulfilling you emotionally or mentally. For some of you, you need to stop being a doormat just for the sake of a paycheck or being provided for. This could be someone at your job, school, etc, who is stressing you. Your shadow self wants to tell you to not let anyone make you act out of character but it also gives you permission to put a bitch in check and in their place if needed to. Start setting boundaries. You need to start treating yourself with love and care as if you were a baby. You deserve to be taken care of. Nurture your soul. Nurture your heart. Nurture your mind. If you're not protecting yourself then what is the point? Don't fall into the system of being a worker bee or give into hustling and grinding culture, to the point it's gonna harm your health.
Pile 4:
Team by Iggy Azalea
Player by Tinashe

Ace of Water, Mother of Water, & Eight of Earth
(Clarified by The Star)
Okay so I had to reshuffle for this pile because I didn't take a picture of the first cards I got so I had to redo this, so this is the last spread I finished out of all the other piles. What's interesting is that since it's getting dark I had to turn on my led mirror and use it as a lamp. It was illuminating a light onto The Star card, which I find interesting. A wish fulfillment is on its way. You guys could be manifesting something or reciting affirmations in the mirror. In the song, Stunna Girl keeps saying "I'm a stunner girl" repeatedly, stunner means to be "a strikingly beautiful or impressive person or thing". Stunna Girl has also went viral and become more popular after appearing on the show "Baddies West". You could be growing into your confidence soon and learning to love yourself unconditionally and unapologetically. You could even become more popular or go viral on social media. For some of you, you are healing generational trauma for your female ancestors. They are so proud of you! Or you could come from a family with a lot of powerful, strong, independent women. In a patriarchal society, a woman who is outspoken, knows her worth, and is self assured, is looked down upon because they are less easy to humble and manipulate. Insecure men could paint you as a "bitch" or that you look "mid", to try to humble you when that is just lies. You need to know that you're a bad bitch and that you deserve the best. Your shadow self wants you to stand tf UP! Stop giving a fuck about what other people want you to do or think of you. Make them uncomfortable with your glow up. The women in your family worked and yourself as well have worked too god damn hard for you to sit on your ass and wallow in your tears. You are smart enough, you are strong enough, you are pretty enough, you are ENOUGH. Straighten up your spine and fix your posture. Walk into the room as if you own it. I don't care if you just rolled out of bed with a pair of stained sweatpants and dirty Chuck Taylor's on, you better rock it as if it's designer. Your shadow self will back hand your ass harder than Maddy slapped Cassie from Euphoria if you keep getting in your head and overthinking about shit that's not even that serious. Also, you can have anybody you want, if somebody is stressing you out - Drop their ass and move on. You deserve to be treated like royalty. Stop settling for dust! For some of you, this message could be specific, but your mother is very proud of you or you will be set free from a mother wound. You need to read a book (48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction for example) or head to the books if you are a student. Also in your love life, you will not be getting played anymore, but you will be the player (not talking about breaking people's hearts or cheating, calm down Karen 😮💨). You will stop chasing love interests and they will be chasing you. Secure attachment for the win 💪🏽. (Clarifying song: Eat It Up by Kaliii ft. BIA). Eat this shit up, pile 4. All this is yours. You are gonna be living your best life soon. NSFW message but some of you will also feel more pleasure in your sex life and will feel more confident about demanding what you want in the bedroom. People will live to please you. There is a lot of fertility here, so be careful if you are able to get pregnant.
Pile 5:
For The Record by Sophiya
Up All Night by Drake ft. Nicki Minaj
Energy by Beyoncé ft. BEAM

Father of Fire, Four of Air (reversed), & Nine of Water (reversed)
(Clarified by Seven of Fire)
You have a lot of passion, pile 5, but you seem to get burnt out easily when it comes to trying to achieve your desires. There is a goal that you are reaching towards that you so desperately wish to achieve to the point its keeping you up at night and causing you to feel restless. Some of you could smoke, you need to cut that down or quit all togerher because it is making your nerves really bad or making you even more anxious (could cause you to age physically faster as well). Some of you could have been ghosted by someone you fell in love with pretty quickly. Possible love bombing? There is a lot of highs and lows in this relationship. Is this a friends with benefits situation? You could have a crush on someone but you are too afraid to state your feelings, so you use your sex appeal to keep them around. You need to voice what you are wanting out of this relationship because this flame will only last so long if you keep going this way. (Clarifying song: My Strange Addiction by Billie Ellish) there is so much about "fire", "lighters", "matches", "fuses", and "smoke" being mentioned in this pile. Are you guys pyromaniacs 😂? I would hope not, if you are please seek help for that lol. If not, you guys could be drawn to the "fire" as in things that intentionally just burn you in the end. It's almost as if you get off to this toxic behavior but then when it ends, you act unstable. You need to find the courage to stop engaging in behaviors that are bad for your mental, emotional, or physical health. Also be brave when expressing your needs in a relationship, if they agree then maybe you can work it out, if not, then it's time to leave. Some of you also could have an anxious attachment or have a fear of abandonment due to a absent father. You need to do shadow work or talk with a therapist to heal that. Learn to find emotional fulfillment and security within yourself.
Pile 6:
Skinnydipped by Banks
Don't Recall by KARD
Sober by Mahalia

Are you overcoming an addiction, Pile 6? Or wanting to go sober? Either way, I commend you for the strength in wanting to do so, since I know that isn't easy. This could also mean your shadow self wants you to quit doing drugs or drinking alcohol because it is making you act manic. I feel like you were treated harshly growing up or you were left with the "vultures". You could have been neglected growing up and had to learn to survive. You could of used maldaptive daydreaming to cope. Your fantasies gave you comfort in a time of stress and turmoil. I'm so sorry for that, pile 6, but you have to understand you no one is out to get to you. You can choose a new story for yourself. You dont have to be a victim anymore. You are free to start a new life for yourself. Some of you came from abusive households or were put in the system at a young age (either you were adopted or was in foster care). You could have lived in multiple places or went from house to house as a child. Did you run away as a kid? Why were you running, sweetheart? You can stop running now, take a new route. Just peacefully go towards your new journey. There is no need to rush. (Clarifying song by Come Down by Anderson .Paak & They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y) by Pete Rock & C.L Smooth) October is significant for some of you. There is going to be growth and prosperity in your life. You need to take time to nurture yourself and practice some self care. I heard "sprout" so you need to look inwards and have a conversation with your inner child. Can you remember your childhood? Do your memories seem blurry or you can't recall anything that happened? Be kind to yourself and be patient. I know it can seem nerve wracking at first but overtime you will be grateful you did it. Think of your younger self as this seed, if no one watered the plant, gave it sunlight or natural light, or fed it with fertilizer, then you can be the first to make that seed grow. Tend to your garden. This will help you build character and gain optimism. You will start to think "Hey, you know what? Maybe life isn't so bad. Maybe I can be a somebody!" And you will :) ♡ You could also be feeling very nostalgic or reminisce your youth. People could also see your growth and remember as a kid, they are going to be surprised how successful you've become to overcome your hardships. Also try to seek the professional help of a therapist or counselor if you try to unpack childhood trauma, or if you can't remember your past, it can be a sign your brain is possibly blocking you out from remembering something traumatic. Be safe and take care, pile 6 🙏🏽
Pile 7:
Run by SAAY
Monster by EXO
Just A Girl by No Doubt

Nine of Fire, Five of Air, & The Empress (reversed).
(Clarifidd by Son of Water)
Oh my 😃! Wow pile 7, do you hold a grudge against the entire male population or a masculine in mind, it seems? You are acting mad bitter. I feel you have the tendecy to be a misandrist out of the trauma from your past. You feel angry that men can get away with their wrong doings while women are forced to suffer. Ironically, you are still attracted to them. You could be struggling with your divine feminine energy. You are also resenting what it means to be a "feminine". You wish to create this on your own terms. Are you apart of the LGBTQ? or consider yourself a feminist? Maybe even both? If you are someone who is a man or identifies with masculine energy, it could mean you behave feminine in a negative way (as in you "nag" or are too "sensitive"). This also reminds me of Jules in season 2 of Euphoria when she cut her hair, started wearing black, and began to feel comfortable in her androgynous style. Some of you guys are really mixed up emotionally and mentally. Like no offense, I take that back, your shadow self wants to say "full offense" - you are acting crazy. Slow down, take a deep breath, and let it go. You are valid in your pain and your emotions, but you cannot let this world make you bitter. You can't inflict pain onto other people just because you were hurt. You are not a monster, you are not the person who hurt you. Do better and be better than them. (Clarifying song: Close Your Eyes by Kim Petras & The Hills (remix) by The Weeknd ft. Nicki Minaj) I am being reminded of the scene from Doja Cat's Streets music video when she was like this spider crawling on it's web, catching their "prey" (the love interest). You are like a black widow. Beautiful to admire from afar, but dangerous to interact with up close. There is someone who is head over heels for you. You could like this person or are pushing them away out of fear. You could be the type of person who warns people before they fall in love with you (Watch the movie "It's A Thin Line Beyween Love & Hate"). You could have even sworn to never love again (Your shadow self: "bffr" 💀). You need to harness this hatred, anger, and darkness for a better cause. Use your pain as a passion to transform yourself and become someone magnificent. Like a spider, you are resourceful. Use your sources and use your intelligence to begin this new transformation. You're lashing out of fear. You're pushing people away because of your trauma. You deserve to be treated tenderly, you're not some scary creature. You are actually so empathetic, intuitive, creative, sensual, and enticing. A mystery that people want to unravel. You are a going to be a femme fatale in it's purest form.
Pile 8:
By Any Means by Jorja Smith
Feelings by Tinashe
Human by Sevdaliza

Five of Fire, Nine of Air, & The Moon
(Clarified by The Hierophant)
Pile 8, why are you ripping yourself apart to fit into society's pressures and demands? When will you realize that you are beautiful in your own way? I remember when Kendrick Lamar said: "If a flower bloomed in a dark room would you trust it?". Not every flower grows in the sunlight or the spring or the summer. Some grow during the harsh, cold weather of the winters or when everything falls in autumn. You are in competition with no one but yourself and you are not going to win this game if you treat yourself like shit. If you wanna be a winner, then you need to start acting like one vs acting like a sore loser. When things go wrong, you are so unnecessarily rude and hard on yourself. Why is that? Ask yourself these things next time you catch yourself thinking that way. You're not anything of the mean things you say about yourself or what people have said to you. You struggle with your insecurities and cling to what gives you comfort even though you know you want better than this, you want better than what you are currently doing. Why do you stick to the same routine everyday even though you know you want change? Sometimes you have to be uncomfortable so you can be comfortable. You may compare your beauty to other people but you need to realize no one is perfect. You are human, as the song goes. A human with "flaws, veins, scars". Embrace your imperfections. You don't want to look back at your past and regret you never took action on anything because you weren't "pretty" enough. Look past your appearance and look inside. (Life Goes On by BTS) What are you are clinging to, pile 8? Are you holding onto something? You're holding sanding at this point and it's slipping through your fingers, you are stuck in this hour glass, wishing to be released. Time keeps ticking and life passes you by. Break free from the perceptions of time and start living your life to the fullest without limitations, doubts, and fears. Life has its up and downs but you have to learn to find hope in dark times. Seek help from your shadow self or the universe when you are in need of faith. Trust the divine that things will always work out for you, no matter what.
Pile 9:
Let It Out by Rico Nasty
UCKERS by Shygirl
Ghetto Gatsby by Brent Faiyaz ft. Alicia Keys

Two of Love, Three of Air, & Eight of Water
(Clairifed by Ace of Air)
Time to end it with a bang 🤬🥊💥! Did you just go through a break up, pile 9? Whether it was with a friend or partner. You are internalizing a lot that happened from this relationship, honestly, you interalize everything. Your shadow self wants you to let out whatever you're feeling. Scream, shout, yell, etc. It is time to stop turning the other cheek and speak up. You also need to confront something or someone who hurt you. (Clarifying song: Fingers by Zayn & Roman's Revenge by Nicki Minaj ft. Eminem) Ugh this person is so LAMEEE 😒🙄 Once you finally get over this connection, they will want to come back and talk to you about what happened. You or this person could have been writing text messages but never sending them. This conversation will be your chance to gain clarity and communicate about how you felt in your relationship. This will help you move on and also allow you to learn to stand up for yourself.
#pac#pick a card#tarot#tarot readings#tarot reading#pick a pile#shadow work#shadow self#higher self#spirituality#healing#witchcraft#astrology#manifestation#manifest#wicca#18+ readings#18+ pac
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kit9 progress report #9
happy september!!! progress report time!!
to start, we’re given these images:
ashley doesn’t look her best here :( she’s pissed off. there are bags under her eyes. she has a bruise on her face (or blood?). this is not a girl who is having a good time
then we have… this? we’re back to the woods!! i wonder who Square Head and Cone Head are?? i wonder what ashley SAID!!! and what’s with the colorful flowers at the bottom??
(not to mention, they could totally sacrifice these people, and pretty easily too!)
next, we finally have some development progress reporting from kit9!! apparently episode 3A is super long & they’re trying to find a place to end the episode and start another one (4), but they haven’t been able to. they’re adding another several months to their estimated release date, which was previously “sometime in 2024” and is now “sometime in 2025… maybe”
they say, once again, that episode 3 (A and B) will be bigger and longer than episodes 1 and 2 combined, so episode releases won’t be as quick as they had been previously
finally, we have an episode three preview clip!!! it’s titled “voicemails” and the thumbnail is julia on the phone

a summary of the video for those who don’t want to watch, or can’t:
julia and andrew are in julia’s room. she tells him to listen to the voicemails she’s been getting on a daily basis. he declines, saying he’s “had [his] fill,” but julia insists
julia thinks that they’re from ashley, but she doesn’t know for sure because the voice is distorted. the voicemails contain graphic descriptions of julia’s “oncoming, painful and slow death” and then talk about how andrew would rather have sex with ashley than with julia. julia is disappointed in andrew’s lack of reaction to the upsetting content of the voicemails, and implies that he was previously upset about julia receiving these messages, but now he doesn’t care
she brings up the fact that she thinks ashley is sending these messages to her, pointing out that only ashley would use the word “floozy,” and andrew (probably lying) denies thinking that ashley has sent these.
julia disagrees, asking if he really thinks that some girl from college is pretending to be his sister and claiming that they’re a little too close, just to get julia to break up with him? he counters with “it’s working, isn’t it?” julia again disagrees, saying that she really does think that ashley is sending these messages. andrew then mentions that people teased him and ashley in high school for “keeping it in the family.” julia says that his relationship with ashley can seem incestuous, to which andrew reacts by slamming the phone back on the receiver, and getting really pissed at julia
julia gets scared of him, which makes him backtrack very quickly and clairify that he’s upset that julia would “think so lowly” of him. he says that he thinks she’s a wonderful person, while she thinks that he’s a “piece of shit” who “probably fucks his sister.”
julia then starts crying, denies thinking that he and ashley are having sex, and apologizes for starting a fight. andrew hugs her and says it’s fine, it wasn’t a fight, but he’ll “forgive her” either way
finally, andrew decides that they should “stay in after all” and it ends with julia saying she forgets what she even wanted to talk to andrew about
it’s fun to see andrew’s more… “genuine” side, even if he’s kind of an asshole. i guess “authentic” is a better term there. i think there’s an interesting contrast between how he acts with julia versus how he acts with ashley, and i’m so glad that we get to see more of him and julia!!! his lack of reaction to the threats against julia is so, so telling. it makes me think back to the part of episode 2 where andrew can bring ashley into the cult party and the cultist calls ashley a bitch and he immediately gets in the cultist’s face to defend her. there are some similarities between how he acts when he has upset each girl, but he doesn’t excessively compliment ashley when they fight. he doesn’t have to worry about ashley crying when he’s rough with her. he doesn’t have to worry about ashley breaking up with him because they’re not dating and she’s his sister
(chosen family is just as valid as blood family, but with andrew and ashley, their codependency shines)
i love how manipulative andrew is. don’t get me wrong, i’d absolutely hate him irl, but i love him as a character. he’s an asshole. he’s charming. he knows what to say to get people (like julia) to feel guilty of accusing him of something he’s thought about on more than one occasion. he knows that if he acts mad towards julia, that she’ll start fawning and apologizing, and he uses that to his advantage. he is not normal (affectionate)
and i’m glad we get solid “proof” that andrew is just as bad as ashley. before, people have argued that there’s plausible deniability, but now?? omgggg. especially when he’s hugging her, saying to julia the things he wishes he could say to ashley instead… they make me crazy. absolutely insane. i am so fucking excited for episodes 3 and 4
#tcoaal#the coffin of andy and leyley#devlog#coffin.txt#tried something different this time#i hate tumblr’s mobile image limit
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I don't understand why people are so insistent on pushing Emily's sexuality into being lesbian. Don't get me wrong, I also want Emily to have a girlfriend (though not JJ for me, sorry—I don't understand the urge to pair them together, especially when JJ has been married for 10 years with 2 kids). However, with Tara, for example, I'm all for it. I know the initial plan was for Emily to be a lesbian, but throughout Criminal Minds' 16 years, we've seen Emily love men too. Why couldn't Emily be bisexual? Why do people keep pushing her sexuality into something she might not be? And why do people love to tear apart a marriage for their ship? I'm all for it if JJ isn't married; I shipped them before JJ got pregnant and got serious with Will. But now, in my opinion, Jemily is as bad as Jeid, sorry. I really just want to understand; this isn't a hate ask
Bruh I am on the same page as you.
In early seasons, yeah I ship jemily hardcore, there’s so many little moments that linger and toe the line of platonic relationship. Then the writers/show runners knew what they could tease/bait into getting more views/people to come back week after week & continued to do it. (Aka 200/them hallucinating each other).
And that’s the exact same thing that AJ’s comment in that interview was… bait. Theyve already clairified that Will isnt dying/divorcing, the actor just isnt returning. To do jemily in s17 makes no sense, esp after the health scare in s16 that will came out on the good side of, if theyd killed him off in s16 then maaaaaaaaybe.
Now imo, Temily in s17+ does work. They used s16 to establish tara as queer, and then could easily use that progress of emily either saying that she’s bi or having her start to question her sexuality & bonding with tara over it until they realize feelings.
YES. THANK YOU. And yeah she was supposed to be a lesbian originally but there is no erasing the men she dated in canon, no matter how much people may hate them. (Imma get hate for this but i didnt mind Mendoza…) and THAT likely comes from such biphobia/bi erasure within the lgbt community, which is unfortunate. If emily was to be queer in s17+ she would either be bi, or be a late in life lesbian, realizing that maybe that’s why things never seemed to work out. Honestly, i’d prefer her to be bi. We dont have enough representation on television.
I guess i dont really have an answer, but those are my thoughts 😂😂
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!!!!!!! like no i was not a coward for being closeted bc 1. i didn’t even know i was closeted, and 2. even if i knew i was gay/trans then, it is better to hide for a little while so you can make it to adulthood!!!!!!!!
like this is shit jewish scholars have been talking abt for centuries. it is fully permissible to hide if it means saving your life!!!!!!!!!
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My personal favorites exercises (Chest Edition)
Hi everyone! So glad you're joining for another step in our journeys in fitness. Now, today is going to be a bit more of a different topic as instead of providing a more analytical piece, I'll be going over my favorite exercises to hit on chest day. Before I begin, let me clairify it one more time. I am not saying that you must use these exercises on your chest day, these are just my personal favorites.
#1: Incline Dumbbell Press
Now, this exercise is probably one of my favorite workouts in general because it targets the upper chest with ridiculous intensity and a burn that no other exercise can even come close to. Words cannot describe how much I love this exercise, the pump and the burn it gives are amazing and not to mention, it's amazing at building aesthetics as you want to get that nice popping chest.
#2: Dips
Dips are special as they're a compound exercise, what that means is that they target multiple muscle groups instead of just one. They target the chest along with your triceps and shoulders. That's one of the main reasons why I love this exercise so much. They're one of the best volume exercises you can do if you want to build an insane chest with gigantic triceps and shoulders.
Now, last but most definitely not least.
#3: Bench Press
This exercise needs no introduction, we all know what a bench press is but I'm giving one anyways. Bench Press is a exercise that absolutely brutalizes your chest in the best way possible, there's nothing like finishing up your set and just feeling like your muscles just got shredded to pieces. There is something better though, the feeling of setting a new PR, struggling to get the bar up as you feel every fiber of your muscles going into overdrive is truly a feeling like no other. That's why it's one of my favorites, the absolute destruction you feel in your chest and the king-like feeling of setting a PR are some of the most rewarding feelings in the world.
Thank you very much again for listening to me rambling about the gym and I wish you all great luck on your fitness journeys.
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I got mentioned in a new article about the Excessive Stick Project, and I’m pissed. It’s like they purposely misquoted me, or misrepresented what I said. Like, I clairified that the info I was reporting wasn’t something I was sure about, that I couldn’t back it up. Audio is recorded of the meeting, so I can be backed up.
But the shit thing is that I got this clarified by Mr. Stick. I specifically got that cleared up, and mentioned I wanted to dispel this rumor. But it got clarified 2 days after this meeting, and the article got published a few days after that.
I’m pissed, because that just destroyed the goodwill I’ve been building Mr. Stick. Argh. I wanna write to this reporter and tell him to correct that bit.
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aant 2 clairify IM VERY HAPPY FOR WILBURIANS AND ERET FANS 😁 but let me make my toxic inniter jokes......
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Oh my gosh you do tarot?? Icarus has anyone told you you’re awesome lol
Anyway, I seem to be getting a definite answer for this one but I want to double check it cause anxiety: Is my goal achievable?
Oh, uh goal anon cause I want to clairify:
Is my goal achievable, and is something holding me back?

weeps softly in no tarot mat and shitty lighting
Okay so for your reading I used this spread:
So from here let's go
Goal: 10 of Eyes (Upright) -- This card is about seeing, unblinking, roasting in the sun. With trouble, it's especially easy to find, and you can't turn off the critical thoughts going through your mind. You can't control or know everything that's ever going to happen. That's just asking for you to get hurt.
Issue: The Smoking Death (Reverse) -- Uh quick note of the photo, I didn't know which side was the front and thought it was the 2 of Swords. It's not. But anyway, The Smoking Death is a card about cycles of change that we put into action. How we do something impacts its ending. The reverse of this card is self destruction. That nothing we do matters because we die in the end anyway, but consequences usually catch up to us before that happens.
Issue: The Moon (Reverse) -- This card is a card of illusion and deception, where truth is often hidden within lies. The reverse of this is a heavy burden. Things seem uncertain, and everyone has the answers but aren't sharing. You're already lost.
Primary Strength: The Page of Wands (Reverse) -- This is a card of fire and energy, eagerness to start. In reverse, there's the possibility of running into situations you aren't quite ready for
Primary Weakness: The Hawkmoth (Upright) -- A cycle is coming to an end, and you're uncertain of where you're going. It's a card of change, but you have to trust what you're going through is leading you to where you're meant to be.
Outcome: The Black/White Candle (Black): A card of rituals. It's double sided so I flip a coin to determine which color to lay face up. In this case it was heads, so black. The black candle is a more significant candle, focused on heavy shit. Foundational rituals of your life sort of shit.
So, my interpretation of this spread is you're currently overanalyzing the situation, paralyzing yourself in fear. If this is a goal that's on a time table, you're losing it rapidly -- hence the self destruction. And like with any plans of the future, it's fucking scary to get started. Especially if you don't have someone helping you along.
I get that. It's what I did going through to get an art degree.
The good thing is you got a lot of energy and passion to get started, but if you rush too quickly into things you'll burn yourself out and get disappointed. It doesn't look like the goal you're seeking is something that can be done quickly, and there's plenty of risk, so it's advised to take your time and not treat a setback like the end of the world.
The candle means this is something that's probably deeply important to you. Foundational even. Something you may be able to build the rest of your life around if you succeed.
So my reading of the cards is yes, your goal is achievable. It's going to be scary to get started, but you're going to hurt yourself or lose your chance if you keep waiting. It's also a good idea to make sure you have plans for when you hit setbacks. Moderate your emotions and realize that you won't be able to do it all at once. Let that passion burn low and steady instead of flaring up and disappearing at the first rough patch.
I hope this helps. :)
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sebastians is plain black or..


alex doesnt wear a mask or its always under his chin im sorry
So ive been thinking of the bachelor’s and bachelorette’s and what fabric would they want for their facemasks? Idk if it(fandom tumblr) is a covid free zone or not? but masks can be cute af. I work at a craft store so i see a-lot of fabric.


Harvey- he’s a doctor, you tend to deal with kids and cute stuff ain’t off the table- nurses can have different patterned scrubs livening up the place.

Maru- I’m envisioning Maru would help the kids with science sorta being like Miss frizzle wanting kids to get interested in the subject.

Any ideas for the other bachelor/ettes, townies? you can reblog if you want with any thoughts, patterns. I just want to see your idea’s.
#covid#ask to tag#sdv elliot#sdv leah#sdv emily#sdv#sdv shane#sdv harvey#sdv penny#sdv maru#sdv sam#sdv sebastian#stardew valley#long post#2 clairify i tagged it antimask bc of thr alex joke#i wesr a mask#andjsjfjsjfn
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hey!! could u do a readin 4 a confused hs fictive, i wanna know if im dirk or hal, preferably a tarot reading, but anything is acceptable!! :) tysm! also, can i take the emoji combo 🫁🌟?
Alright, I will be using the "Homestuck Act 6+7" Tarot deck as I use it for fictive and kin readings only.
When I do Yes or No questions I tend to do a 3 card spread, so 2 out of the 3 cards have to signal yes or no to the question asked, for the answer to be clear as I feel my one card readings are too vague.
I asked my deck first, "Is this person Dirk?"
I got the Six of Cups, the Four of swords, and the Eight of Cups
The Six of Cups pictures Dirk and Dave sitting across from eachother with their gazes fixed upon eachother. It is a card of reconciliation and it's meanong is Yes.
The Four of Swords depicts aradia and sollux on the ship, with aradia gesturing towards the sky. It is a card that points toward some sort of sickness or withdrawal. However, it also brings with it rest, healing, and order. The card is overall positive, and signafys a Yes.
Lastly, but not least for this question, is the Eight of cups which depicts Dirk sitting with Hal in his hands on LOTAK. The Eight of Cups shows some degree of change happening in your lifestyle. It brings feelings of despondency, indifference, and avoidance. I belive my deck is sensing your hesitation, and thusly the meaning of this card is No.
However while my deck strongly suggests you may be Dirk, I will then ask "Is this person Hal" just to clear any confusion.
I got The Ten of Cups reversed, Page of wands Reversed, and The World reversed.
I will not bother doing indivual readings of these cards as all three share overwhelmingly possitive yes vibes...regularly. All of these cards reverse however are all very firm No's .
So my Final assessment of the reading is...
My cards seem to signal very strongly that you are Dirk. As not only they gave me mostly cards that have Dirk depicted on them but most of the cards in the first reading were mostly yes while asking about Hal was a firm no, full stop. As always this reading is a guidence, and you ultimatly make the final descision in decidng who you are. I hope this helped your journey.
-Mod Skitta (Rose Lalonde fronting)
(Also PS on my device I cannot see the combination of emoji's you used, feel free to clairify further)
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summary in which the reader takes her study partner on a ‘date’ in the hopes of him truly revealing his honest purpose
pairing nolan holloway x werewolf!reader
authors note the last time i wrote a nolan oneshot was in 2017.... yikes
warnings lol, angst, 2% fluff (not really)
Rightfully, he should have known better. To be alone... in the dark... with the very person he was afraid of. But you knew that he had some sort of preparation— all thanks to the spidey senses. He had to be ready for when things got bad, if things got bad. Considering the perdicament he was in, things going bad could’ve simply been you getting angry. Your face turning red and smoke coming out of your ears. Not even the glowing amber eyes or the sharp teeth that would erupt from your gums.
You and Nolan have been studdy buddies since he started going to Beacon Hills High. He was your partner in chemistry— which he was terrible at, so he asked if you could help him out. You, being the kind and friendly person you were, you obliged pleasantly. Until the fighting began. Nolan always tried to evade the fighting to not seem included, but you knew he was. It didn’t take a scientist to know that he was crazy. He stabbed Corey with a pen for crying out loud. After that, you just knew he was making his way to you. Nearly every person you hung around had some supernatural ability— wolf or chimera. Plain and simple: you were next.
Even with all the bullshit happening, you wanted to keep the tutoring sessions going. You needed all the proof you could get to make sure he was coming after you. And you got just that when your allergies began to flare up at a study session. He made his way to bathroom, and you started digging through his pockets to find a small ziplock of wolfsbane. It was open in his pocket. Not only did he get all the assurance he needed, so did you.
So you invited him to a private spot in the woods. Many of her friends had already been to it in their lifetime, but he’s never been. It had the perfect view of the moon almost every night. It was mostly rock than grass that led up to a cliff structure. The first time you shifted, this was the place the beast led you to. Therefore, it was the perfect spot to throw the truth in his face. So you picked him up in your obsidian Toyota Camry, and found a spot on the edge of the wood. Grabbing his delicate fingers, you dragged him into the tree line with a grin on your lips. He couldn’t tell if the toothy smile that was painted on your face was malicious or playful. In your grip, his hands trembled and the look on his adorable face explained why. He was nervous— his heart was thumping loud in your ears. It was almost annoying. You kept shooting looks over your shoulder with reassuring eyes.
As you neared the private location, you stopped in your tracks. “Close your eyes.” You sweetly ordered, swinging his side to side in front of you. His blue eyes darted around nervously. He though you were gonna try something. His lack of faith in you, kinda hurt— however, his assumptions were way too early. “Um, w-why?” He stuttered. A giggled erupted from your throat in a faint condescending manner. Your eyes narrowed as you stepped closer to the taller boy. “Because... what you’re about to see, I want it to be a surprise.” You moved your shoulder enthusiastically. His heart preformed an additional thump, that definitely caught your attention. “C’mon, Nolan. I don’t bite.” You shrugged. After a little coercion, he obliged covering his beautiful eyes. And for a moment, you missed the innocent glimmer inside of them. Biting your bottom lip, you pulled him with both of his hands.
“No peeking!” You laughed, as watched his eyes flutter under his lid. Even before the bite, you were always pretty sturdy on your feet, walking backwards over tree roots and rocks were too easy. A small smile creeped onto his thin lips. As you approached the open and windy space, the waxing gibbous moon shined brightly into your eyes. The pressures of the approaching full moon weighed heavy, but you were tame enough to resist— even in the situation you were in. “Are we there yet?” He asked, snapping you out of a daze. “Uh, yeah. Open up.” You plastered a smile onto your lips, plastically. He, of course, didn’t notice. His wide oceanic eyes blinked open, his eyes scanning the place. You had already pre-decorated— if what you did could even be counted as pre-decorated. You placed a quilted blanket on the stone floor, held down on the corners by rocks. Beside it was a cooler of drinks and snacks. You weren’t sure if he indulged in the irresponsible acts of underage drinking, so you brought soda as well. The fact that you out of a bit of effort into the whole plan, confused you but... whatever, right?
His lips fell agape, as you led him to the wide blanket. “Wow...” he muttered, his eyes barely leaving the horizon of the city and the glowing moon. “Right,” you muttered, launching your arms into the blue cooler. “You wanna beverage? We got orange Fanta, 7up, Coke, and if you want something a little stronger... beer and whiskey.” You offered with a persuasive smile. He anxiously nodded, folding hands in front of him. “Yeah.”
“Which one do you want?” You clairified for the overly nervous boy. “Oh,” he laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “I’ll have the b-beer.” You nod, reaching into the ice, and threw him a can. He caught it fairly well, sitting onto the quilt. You grabbed a little bottle of whisky to, downing it in one sip. It’s not like you could get drunk. But you didn’t want him to drink alone. “So, Nolan Holloway, what’s your story?” You asked formally, leaning back on your arms. He shrugged taking a sip from the beer can. “I don’t really have much of a story...” his mousy hair, hung over his forehead in the attempt to mask his gleams blue eyes, but they were no match. Even though you knew there was some sort of ulterior motive, he was adorable. And whatever he was doing seemed out of his character. “Very funny. Everyone has a story,”
You’re eyes squinted at him playfully, before you spoke once more. “I’ll tell you mine,”
“I moved here when I was eight, my mom was just getting out of the military and was working on her nursing degree. Made a few good friends; Hayden, Mason— new them before they were all big and bad.” You laughed as nostalgia took over. “Fast forward a few years... my grandfather dies— creates this big divide in my family... really sucked. I would isolate myself to get away from the arguing, sometimes even rebelling.” Your eyebrows deepen. His eyes soften, as he puts down his beer. “Then my freshman year arrived, ugh! All the drama... it wasn’t tasteful. Then, something happened to me...” you were starting your path to confrontation, and it was gonna be hard for him to get out of it. It was about time for him to know it was all a trap. “Something that changed my life forever.” Your eyes bored deep into his. Fear began to echo throughout the pair, causing a smile to graze on your lips. “I was bitten by a stranger— or a stranger at the time.”
His eyes were practically bulging out of his head. His heart thumping in fear. You, still, just leaned comfortably on your back supported by your arms. A giggle fell from your lips. “Or did you already know that?” Your voice small, but menacing. He stood up abruptly, trying his hardest to not make eye contact. Following his actions, you stood to your feet slowly, crossing your arms over your chest. You could assume, he wanted to get the hell out of dodge. “Nolan, remember last week when we were studying kenetics? My allergies were beginning to flare up... and when you went to the restroom, I went through your jacket, and I found wolfsbane. Opened... and in a tiny little ziplock.” You slowly started to approach him, with a calm, attractive face, but you were radiating heat. His bottom lip fell between his teeth as you backed him into a tree. “What were you gonna do? Sprinkle it around my room?”
“I just needed to know!” He exclaimed.
“Why? Frankly, who I am is my business, is it not? I’m not gonna go around trying to find your weaknesses and use them against you!”
You lightly shoved him into the tree, causing a sigh to fall from his lips. You were only inches away from the boy. You could feel his nervous breaths on your nose. “I’m sorry... I just had to! She had to know for sure.” His eyes casted down to the ground, past you. Pure disappointment was painted on your face, and it seemed to break the boy down. “Who?” You demanded. “I can’t tell you, or she’ll kill me. They’ll kill me.” A sigh left your lips, as you backed away slowly, looking at the boy you kinda liked with distaste. “Well, its seems to me that you’ve chosen the wrong side.” His eyes began to water at your words. You started pacing while his back was stricken against the tree bark. He trembled, shutting his eyes tightly. “Tell me this... are you scared yet?” You chuckled.
“No, I-I’m guilty.”
You looked at him with some-what soft eyes, but they quickly hardened. “I knew you wouldn’t hurt me, or anyone, but I still was following through with their plan.” He slowly stepped away from the tree. Alarmed, you glared at him, keeping up your defenses. “I’m in too deep, y/n, and I’m sorry.” You cocked your chin upwards, with deepened brows. “Is that supposed to help me forgive you? There’s always a choice, Nolan. And if you need that defense of protection... I know someone who can help.“ you rolled your eyes, referring to yourself. “But these are my people that are being violently conspired against, and I’m not about to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.”
“I do wanna be helped. I wanna be helped by you.”
“Then, show me.”
#nolan holloway#scott mccall#stiles stilinksi imagine#liam dunbar#dylan o brien#teen wolf imagine#teen wolf imagines#teen wolf#mason hewitt#theo raeken#hayden romero#chimera#true alpha#hunters#allison argent#nolan holloway imagine#tyler posey#derek hale
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I'm the anon who asked about Varians hight and I just wanted to clairify something. Is 5'1-5'2 Varians hight in season 3 or his height from kritterarts comic? If that is his hight from season 3, I'd peg his comic hight around 5'4-5'5 or so.😉
By my earlier calculations, ″1-5″2 is his height in S3, when he’s the same height as or a little taller than Rapunzel (who is 5′1″).
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I just heard 2 single music notes from a music box play in my room what the fuck????????????????
Also to clairify I don’t own a music box
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