#1992 party
femmefatalesmag · 3 months
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Vol 1 No1 1992 | Brinke Stevens, Monique Gabrielle, Kelli Maroney, Roxanne Kernohan, Michelle Bauer
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frogmanfae · 6 months
Race sends Spot a picture of Sprite Cranberry and it just says "omg it's you??" and Spot reconsiders the whole relationship
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pinkfai · 3 months
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Source : fashionfairytale21 on Instagram
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 4 months
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Wayne's World (1992) directed by Penelope Spheeris
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phoenixwatchesmovies · 4 months
Dracula Season Watch Party: Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
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The centuries old vampire Count Dracula comes to England to seduce his barrister Jonathan Harker's fiancée Mina Murray and inflict havoc in the foreign land. - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola
I haaaaaaaaaaaaated this the one and only other time I watched it because, for a movie calling itself Bram Stoker's Dracula, it sucks ass at adapting the novel. It hits all the beats but misses the themes and adds extra stuff, and Jonathan doesn't even go after the Count with a shovel, ffs. However, it is technically one of The Most Faithful adaptations we have to date, which is impressive considering how much story there is to adapt. And if I stop being such a purist turd.... *sigh* it's a good movie.
Like..... REALLY good. The costumes, the colors, the music, the camera work, everything has such a surreal vibe, and the scene transitions move with something like dream logic. Actually, I think "movement" sums up everything I loved. Shots moving around a scene, SO MUCH gauzy fabric moving in a breeze, Dracula and Mina moving through a crowd. It's ✨pretty✨
It's also horny AF. Jesus Christ.
That being said, I think the criticism I've seen saying this version turns Lucy into a slut is pretty unfair. She and Mina gossip about their relationships (and kiss in the rain, by god I ship it), and she's flirtatious with the suitor squad, big deal. She's never overtly sexual until she starts becoming a vampire, and that's nothing that doesn't already happen in the book. The two scenarios don't compare. One is established friendships that come equipped with camaraderie and intimacy, the other is a corruption. Like, that's literally what's happening, and that's where the horror comes from. As for this version's take on her sleepwalking, we are NOT calling that slut behavior. That's all I'm saying.
Speaking of the suitor squad (Lucy's potential fiances, for the uninitiated), I understand there is only so much you can squeeze into a two hour run time, but I wish they had more time to shine. I need more of Quincey being a manly man with the most golden heart of gold ever. I need more of Jack being the most lovesick and emo wreck of a human with a side of medical malpractice. Most importantly, I need Cary effing Elwes to have more to do as Art. Not that any one of Lucy's boyfriends loves her more than the others, but I feel like Art's devotion to her is given more weight because he was the one Lucy chose to marry, and ASDFGHJKL. You can't cast CARY ELWES, aka WESTLEY THE FARM BOY, of Thee Greatest Movie Ever Made The Princess Bride, and then NOT give him any room to work in that space. He could have eaten that shit up! You know it! I know it! The only people who apparently don't know it are the people who called the shots on everything from the script to the casting, because if we had spent more time with canon couple Art and Lucy and less with fanon couple Drac and Mina, WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL. *insert Adele gif because I couldn't actually find one*
While we're on the subject of Dracula and Mina as lovers doomed across centuries, YES, it's fucking romantic as shit and I've come across the concept in other stories and would have snorted that shit if possible, BUT. The addition here detracted from time we could have spent on Lucy, as mentioned above, and despite what I've said about that so far, I understand why you'd make that call. If there's going to be an epic Gothic romance, it might as well be the focal point of the story and therefore needs to happen between the leads. But.
THAT'S ALREADY IN THE SOURCE MATERIAL. IT'S MINA AND JONATHAN!!!!! Jonathan Harker is peak Gothic wifeguy. Dude never stops thinking about how awesome his wife is and how much he loves her, and I can't even think about his refusal to let her be condemned to hell alone and his determination to damn himself with her if she became a vampire without getting in fits about it. He said "fuck God if he doesn't love Mina, he's not good enough for her and I love her enough for both of us," and you think ANY other love story can beat THAT??? They did my good friend Jonathan so so dirty.
On the subject of my good friend Jonathan, I know I'm not the only one who thinks Keanu Reeves would look so. Fucking. HOT. With gray hair. I don't know what they did to him in the back half of this movie, but rather than be disappointed in how fake it looks, I'm choosing to look forward to the day we finally get Silver Fox Keanu.
Other details I loved now that I'm done complaining include Mina's wardrobe echoing Elizabeta's gown in the prologue, red light reflecting off Renfield's glasses when he's talking about his master, red appearing more prominently in Mina's and Lucy's wardrobe as they fall under Dracula's influence, the zoom-in on the bite marks on Lucy's neck transitioning into the wolf's glowing eyes in the next scene, Dracula's shadow moving independently of his body, everything Anthony Hopkins is doing as Van Helsing, and the entire standoff between him and Mina and the brides.
I think I've said all I feel like saying, and it took a full 24 hours to stop talking, so in summary: I DO like this more than I used to, but I like it more when looking at it on its own merit and not as an adaptation. What I like, I really like. What I don't like, pretty much has to do with how it differs from the book. The most important part is that I had fun watching. Even if there aren't any flappy bats on a string.🥂
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wutheringmights · 4 months
Do you have any thoughts on how "everything was fine" au time, spirit, and warriors would react if they somehow met their ctb canon selves?
Everything In the Past Was Happy AU, how I missed you! This is honestly such a good question. I love thinking about characters meeting alternate versions of themselves, especially when their fates are so wildly different.
For clarity's sake, classic CTB brothers are going to be referred to as Warriors, Spirit, and Time. Everything In the Past Was Happy AU will be referred to by the captain, engineer, and child.
I think the captain would be very disappointed to see how far he's capable of falling. While the captain never got as bad as Warriors did, he also never really learned his lesson. He definitely admires Warriors for all the ways he's trying to shape his life into something better, but it's marred by disappointment that he's turned out so pathetic.
Warriors would think the captain was his nightmare brought to life. He would hate the captain on sight and would call him out on so much of his bullshit. But still, everything worked out for him. He got to save the day without fucking up his relationships with Spirit and Time. Warriors would be unspeakably jealous.
The child (who despite the title would be a full blown adult in this scenario) and Time would have the least number of differences between them. Time would have had a rough childhood whether or not everything fell apart during the war. Looking at them straight on, you would think they are exactly the same. They would even think they are the same.
But there's subtle differences that they only realize in each other after a while. Time is very secretive and purposefully keeps himself isolated from others. The child is warmer and tends to lean on others far more. Time has a helplessness streak he can't quite get rid of. The child is more stable. They would be more confused by their slight differences than disturbed
The engineer... oh boy. So in the Everything In the Past Was Happy AU, the engineer and the captain stay on good and close terms throughout the war. But that resulted in the engineer being the captain's outsourced moral compass. The engineer knows the captain is kinda a piece of shit, but he accepts that in part because he knows the captain wouldn't do that shit to him.
So here's a version of himself who lost that bet. The engineer isn't as shocked by that as you would think. The captain betraying him is disturbing, but not unthinkable. Again, it was always a possibility. But what does shake him is how bitter and angry Spirit is, and how Spirit has become the worse version of himself. The engineer is very comfortable believing he has a strict moral code, so to see any version of himself stoop to Warriors's low... that's rough.
Meanwhile, Spirit would be pissed off. In his mind, the engineer is the worst version of him. What do you mean you're his best friend? What do you mean that you let him get away with doing any of that bullshit on anyone?
So they hate each other.
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Onstage at the Natural Law Party Concert, April 6, 1992; photo by The Daily Telegraph.
Q: “Just before the British election in April you played a benefit show here in London for the Maharishi’s new Natural Law Party. George: “Yeah. Just like in America, people are bored with the politicians. The political parties may have slightly different policies, but basically they’re all the same. It’s all a real low-level game, that’s how I see politics. They don’t have any kind of budget limits for Gulf wars or Falklands wars, but if it’s for national health or something it’s hard to get them to put any money in. Maharishi got the TM instructors to put themselves up for election. It was a very long shot because they only put themselves up 10 days before the election. It was just to create a stir. They printed a manifesto which was really good. A lot of the party politicians think of it as a joke. For me it was a stand just to say, ‘Look, I’m not impressed with any of you politicians, so I’m going to put my vote with the Natural Law Party.’ It’s kind of a wind-up, really. The public ought to realize that they don’t have to vote for the same old degenerates year in and year out.” Q: “That’s why Ross Perot is doing so well in America. He may be a kook, but a lot of people just want another option.” George: “Exactly. The thing is, in America it’s hard to get anywhere, because look at Bush! He was the head of the CIA. He’s got the whole, sleazy world of politics all working for him. But you know, it’s a reflection of who the public are. The people get what they deserve from their own choosing. You can criticize Bush, but in a way he’s the result of the American people, just as Mr. Major and Mrs. Thatcher are for the British. What we have to do is raise the consciousness of the public and then they won’t stand for these people.” Q: “Of course, just as a schoolteacher hates the troublemaker who gets good grades, the system really hates a wealthy person who speaks against the system. The attitude is…” George: “…’Hey, we’re taking care of *you*!’ They just want you to close your eyes because they take care of the rich. It’s stupid. I don’t even feel a part of the system. I can’t relate to it. It’s more and more difficult for me to even think about it. But that’s why we did the show. They formed this party to throw a spanner in the works and try to crate some kind of inspiration in case there were any people interested in something different from the same old thing.” - RCD, June 1992 (x)
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shannendoherty-fans · 22 days
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August 30, 1992 - Shannen Doherty and producer Aaron Spelling at the Emmy party.
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no-ones-here-tm · 7 months
Something something Jack sizing up a person and their personality as soon as he meets them something something using that to help Davey find who he is outside of what he thinks people want him to be -based on the HC that all of Davey’s social development went on the back burner as soon as Les was born
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nineties-effect · 1 year
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frogmanfae · 9 months
Jack: I can't believe you wrote this for me it's beautiful
Davey: I just write what I feel. And I felt love.
Jack: wow... can I ask a question though?
Davey: of course
Jack: who's lipstick print is this?
Davey: um... I just thought it fit the vibe, you know love letters on old paper and a kiss print like-
Jack: yeah no I know I just... who kissed it? Cuz you don't wear lipstick so-
Davey: *Intense flashbacks to sneaking Sarah's favorite red lipstick at 3am to see if he liked it and he did but didn't have the balls to wear it in front of anyone yet*
Davey: it's a clipart I printed
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jhsharman · 4 months
"Haughty but Nice"
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Keeping track of eye shadow. Mooted in reprise.
This is from the (in)famous "new hair styles" issue of Betty and Veronica. Reader votes. I guess all the new hair styles lost.
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A comics dot org indexer note on an Archie story from 1959, "Hair Pressure": René is a stereotypical "swishy" male hairdresser. The history of portrayals of stereotypical gay hairdressers in Archie Comics would make for the nichiest of niche topics. Expand it include interior decorators and you would add a story or two. Suffice it to say, here the source of Veronica's concern is not romantic blocking but to keep Betty in her socioeconomic station. Helicopter gush up-ends things.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
Alice In Chains - Junkhead
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darlinhutchence · 11 days
just wanna dance in the kitchen with michael hutchence
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doththymayo · 1 year
Racetrack: Remember that time someone ate all your Halloween candy and I said it must have been aliens?
Racetrack: It was me.
Racetrack: And remember that time someone ordered all of those pay per view movies and I said it was aliens?
Racetrack: That was me too.
Racetrack: And remember that time you were abducted by aliens and I insisted it was me?
Albert: *unimpressed*
Racetrack: I lied, it was aliens.
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