#ctb au
wutheringmights · 4 months
Wait. Does Link still cheat on Lana in the Everything Was Happy in the Past AU or does the engineer stop that from happening lol? Considering that he became his moral compass, and that Link would probably feel more inclined to talk with the engineer about his and Lana's relationship...
Yes, Wars still cheats on Lana. This time around, Spirit was vocally against this and basically forced Warriors to end things with Lana now instead of dragging things out longer
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coloringthebanner · 7 months
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i’ve been obsessed with the brotherhood au by @tea0w0stache & @0ketlyn-s & did some practice sketches of it :)
(designs belong to @tea0w0stache, @0ketlyn-s, & @elijah-doodle)
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squareallworthy · 4 days
Triangle Tuesday 9: the Nagel point, alteration on a theme, running out of letters, and the sacred texts
Today we're going to use one of the most ancient methods of mathematical exploration: alteration of an established theme. Or in other words, we're going to say "Hey, I liked that thing you did. How about if we do that, but different. Is that anything?"
Earlier, we looked at the medians, which are cevians (lines drawn through a vertex) that divide the triangle's area in half. This week, we're going to alter that to look for cevians that divide the triangle's perimeter in half and see what comes of that.
These lines are called splitters, and finding where to draw them turns out to be a surprisingly simply problem. We just use the excircles. The places where they are tangent to the sides of the reference triangle are called extouch points, and those are our targets.
Theorem: a line drawn from a vertex to the extouch point on the opposite side is a splitter of the triangle.
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Proof: Let Ta be the extouch point opposite A. Let U and V be points of tangency with the extensions of sides AB and AC respectively. Then because the segments AU and AV are both tangent to the same circle, they are equal. Furthermore we may divide the red segments at B and C, and then
AB + BU = AC + VC.
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Tangent segments BU and BTa are also equal, and the same for segments CV and CTa. Then
AB + BTa = AC + CTa
which shows that ATa splits the perimeter in half.
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And of course what we love is when three lines all cross at one point. Here are all three excircles and extouch points. If we draw in the splitters, will they all cross together?
Theorem: the splitters of a triangle coincide at a point.
To prove this, we will use Ceva's theorem. We look at the ratios that the sides are divided into by the extouch points, that is, ATc / TcB, BTa / TaC and CTb / Tba. If the product of these three ratios is 1, then the lines ATa, BTb, and CTc all cross at the same point.
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Then what are those ratios? The semiperimeter of the triangle is s = (a + b + c)/2, which is the length of either the red or the blue path above. Taking the red path and removing the side c, we get
BTa = s - c
BTa = (a + b - c) /2.
Similarly for the blue path we find
TaC = (a + c - b) /2
and the ratio of the two segments of side a is
(a + b - c) / (a + c - b).
Working our way around the triangle, we get
(a + b - c) / (a + c - b) * (b + c - a) / (a + b - c) * (a + c - b) / (b + c -a)
which cancels out to 1.
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Here then is the Nagel point, the intersection of the vertices joined to the extouch points, which is also the intersection of the splitters, and given the symbol X(8).
Oh yeah, I can't keep using single letters as symbols for points indefinitely. There's only so many available. From now on, I'll be referring to triangle centers by their Kimberling numbers, which are named after (and assigned by) Clark Kimberling, a professor of mathematics at the University of Evansville. He is the keeper of the Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers, the sacred texts of our cult of triangles. There are currently 65,385 listed, which I realize is quite a few. (Don't try to memorize them all at once.) Most of them are technical and not of general interest, but many of them are a lot of fun to look at. I'll be back next week with a different alteration on the idea of cutting a triangle in half.
If you found this interesting, please try drawing some of this stuff for yourself! You can use a compass and straightedge, or software such as Geogebra, which I used to make all my drawings. You can try it on the web here or download apps to run on your own computer here.
An index of all posts in this series is available here.
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vampiresdawn · 7 months
Vampires Dawn 3 - Blood Moon Mod
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Diese Mod ist FANFICTION. Sie hat aber nichts mit den Valaine Mods zu tun. Man muss diese also nicht gespielt haben
(Fast) komplett neue Story mit Alaine als Protagonist (+ Valnar als Deuteragonist und Asgar als Antagonist) und einem Ende
Kämpfe sind mehr Casual
Tag-Nacht-Zyklus. Bekämpfe andere Monster während der Nacht
Zufluchtshöhlen, in denen Alaine optionale Gespräche mit ihren Begleitern führen kann (Die auch etwas EXP geben)
Kampfmusik: Wähle zwischen 4 Liedern
Menschlichkeit ist nur noch am Gesichtsausdruck der Charaktere im Menü einsehbar und bei 0 Menschlichkeit ist das Spiel vorbei
Ändere das Aussehen deiner Vampirbegleiter (Gilt nicht für den Kampf)
Vampire zerfallen nicht länger zu Asche und Beschwörungen können geheilt werden
Runen werden nun stattdessen fürs Steigern der Stats verwendet
Zaubersystem wie VD1 mit Kombozaubern
Wechsel zwischen den 3 Hauptaffinitäten (Klassen) der Hauptcharaktere, um andere Boni und Fähigkeiten zu erhalten
Vergrößerte Orte
Neue Orte (Unter anderem Faryn Dungeon und VD2 Enddungeon)
ca. 28 neue Quests
Neue Fähigkeiten
Neuer Waffentyp: Dolche
Alle optionalen Orte sind schon aufgedeckt
Kompass führt nun stattdessen zur nächsten Hauptquest (Nicht auf Schwer oder Extrem)
Vampire überzeugen statt gefangen nehmen
Quests auf Level 99 bringen LP und BP statt EXP
Ein kleiner nostalgischer Ausflug bei hoher Schatzanzahl
Kampfablauf: Wähle zwischen Standard oder CTB (Die Charaktere greifen sofort an, angefangen beim schnellsten)
Vampire erwachen nach dem Kampf automatisch aus der Starre, wenn sie mindestens 20% Blut haben (Nicht auf Schwer oder Extrem)
Waffen- und Rüstungsläden sind jetzt vereint
Das Blutsaugen außerhalb des Kampfes ist wie in VD2
Stelle den Auto Heal an oder aus. Bei "aus" regenerieren die Vampire langsam LP, wenn sie nicht rasend sind (Nicht auf Extrem)
Neue Cheats: Wesen: Zeigt dir deine Menschlichkeit Valnar: Alles-vernichtender Zauber (kostet Menschlichkeit) Alaine: Schwierigkeitsgrad ändern (kostet Menschlichkeit)
6 Schwierigkeitsgrade: Storymodus = Für die, die nur die Story machen wollen Leicht Normal Schwer Extrem = Weniger EXP von Quests, Zauber nur bis Level 40, kein Auto Heal, viele hilfreiche NPCs und Zauber entfernt so wie Cheats, keine Seelengefäße (nur Seelen für Fähigkeiten) Hardcore = Extrem, aber man kann nur auf der Weltkarte speichern
Installation: Entpacke den "www" Ordner, kopiere ihn nach "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Vampires Dawn 3" und überschreibe alle Dateien. (Vorher ein Backup machen) Videohilfe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnEtmE-AurA "Optional - Alaine Outfit Alt" ist für die, die Alaines alten Look haben wollen. Einfach den "www" Ordner über die Mod kopieren. !!!Eine neue Pose ist dafür nicht verfügbar!!! Bilder: https://sta.sh/220w219oef33 Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HOnpovfWol2vda3mOweqKBtCc4OrjPbJ/view Patch Notes: https://vampiresdawn.tumblr.com/post/759618674226331648/blood-moon-updates ----------------------------------------------------
This mod is FANFICTION. But it has nothing to do with the Valaine mods. So you don't need to have played them
(Almost) completely new story with Alaine as protagonist (+ Valnar as deuteragonist and Asgar as antagonist) and one ending
Battles are more casual
Day-night cycle. Fight other monsters during the night
Sanctuary caves where Alaine can have optional conversations with her companions (which also give some EXP)
Battle music: Choose between 4 songs
Humanity is only visible on the facial expression of the characters in the menu and at 0 humanity the game is over
Change the appearance of your vampire companions (does not apply to combat)
Vampires no longer turn to ash and summons can be healed
Runes are now used to increase stats instead
Spell system like VD1 with combo spells
Switch between the 3 main affinities (classes) of the main characters to get different bonuses and abilities
Bigger locations
New locations (including Faryn Dungeon and VD2 Final Dungeon)
approx. 28 new quests
New abilities
New weapon type: Daggers
All optional locations are already revealed
Compass now leads to the next main quest instead (Not on Hard or Extreme)
Convince vampires instead of capturing them
Quests at level 99 bring HP and BP instead of EXP
A little nostalgic trip with a high treasure count
Battle system: Choose between Standard or CTB (characters attack immediately, starting with the fastest)
Vampires automatically awaken from rigor after combat if they have at least 20% blood (Not on Hard or Extreme)
Weapon and armor shops are now combined
Bloodsucking outside of combat is like VD2
Turn Auto Heal on or off. With "off" the vampires slowly regenerate HP if they're not in a frenzy (Not on Extreme)
New cheats: Wesen: Shows your humanity Valnar: All-destroying spell (costs humanity) Alaine: Change the difficulty (costs humanity)
6 difficulty levels: Story mode = For those who just want to do the story Easy Normal Hard Extreme = Less EXP from Quests, spells only until level 40, no Auto Heal, many helpful NPC's and spells removed as well as Cheats, no Soul Vessels (only souls for skills) Hardcore = Extreme, but you can only save on the world map
Unzip the "www" folder, copy it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Vampires Dawn 3" and overwrite all files. (Make a backup beforehand) Video Help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnEtmE-AurA
"Optional - Alaine Outfit Alt" is for those who want Alaine's old look. Simply copy the "www" folder and overwrite the files after installing the mod. !!!One new pose is not available for this!!! Pictures: https://sta.sh/220w219oef33 Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UWyomPheexZ0Trad2ZNnjWzjPue6_i-E/view
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mrfrmarket · 3 months
Aperçu du marché des systèmes de stockage de silos à grains
Le marché des systèmes de stockage de silos à grains devrait passer de 1,58 milliard USD en 2023 à 2,387 milliards USD d'ici 2032, avec un taux de croissance annuel composé (TCAC) de 5,30 % au cours de la période de prévision (2023 - 2032).
Le marché des systèmes de stockage des silos à grains est un élément important de l'infrastructure agricole mondiale. Les silos à grains sont de grandes structures de stockage conçues pour stocker et protéger les grains récoltés, tels que le blé, le maïs, le riz et l'orge, des facteurs environnementaux tels que l'humidité, les parasites et les rongeurs. Le marché des systèmes de stockage de silos à grains joue un rôle crucial dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire mondiale en veillant à ce que les grains récoltés soient stockés et protégés efficacement, ce qui permet de répondre aux besoins d'une population mondiale croissante.
Le marché des systèmes de stockage des silos à grains a connu une croissance régulière au fil des ans, sous l'effet de l'augmentation de la demande alimentaire due à la croissance démographique et à l'évolution des préférences alimentaires.
Acteurs clés :
Les principales entreprises du marché des systèmes de stockage en silos à grains sont les suivantes
AGCO Corporation
Silos Córdoba
Silos Metálicos Zaragoza S.L.U.
Bentall Rowlands Silo Storage Ltd.
Sukup Manufacturing.
Dehsetiler Makina
Polnet Sp. z o. o.
Behlen Mfg. Co.
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halaahmed259 · 4 months
« Collection Aton » : La CTB lance sa dernière collection d'or inspirée de l'Égypte ancienne
« Collection Aton » : La CTB lance sa dernière collection d'or inspirée de l'Égypte ancienne
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This is going to be so much fun, I can already tell!
- Steven
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commaclear · 2 years
Literally spent the last few days just imagining an actual tear jerking, gut wrenching au of ctb if Wilbur got his heart broken again and I’m scared to tell bc I had folded into two bc of the angst my own brain made
Oh my god, you can't just say something like that and then not share
What about my angst fix, anon? Where will I get my angst if not from the little grey people in my inbox??
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skautism · 5 years
NEW and UPDATED Coffee Bean HCs/Canon Era Background *Jazz hands*
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-He can pick any lock and can remove doorknobs (canon thing, see the trading card)
-So what if he got Jack out bc hes the leader and left himself behind to deal with the punishment
-And thats when Jack escaped on the back of Roosevelt's carriage
-And If you pay attention to the OBC bootleg (https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1--vGdYc04lIAha0xwn4fn08LoVH9_JEQ) (I haven't watched all of it yet, but I watched CtB, which is a big ensemble number), you don't see him anywhere
-And if he's still in the refuge, he likely met Crutchie (or re-met)
-So they're Bros(tm)
-I'm gonna HC him as 15
-He's pretty innocent
-He came up with his original nickname (Knobs) himself, because of the doorknob thing, not knowing it can also mean, well, dicks
-They let him keep it for a bit, but when he got back from the refuge they had to tell him what it meant
-So his new nickname was Coffee Bean because he has a caffeine problem
-I still ship beanuts (Barney Peanuts and Coffee Bean)
-ADHD child
-He got kicked out/had to run away because he cut off his hair (trans)
-He tried to reason it with the fact that it was August, but it was hopeless
-And then he got caught stealing food, and that's how he got in the refuge (the first time)
-He got out, became a newsie, met Jack, and then it was his second time in (Ft. Jack this time)
-And that's when the whole "letting the leader escape because he's more important" thing happened
-Modern AU he's one of the hockey bois
-Is pretty good at baking!! Helps Mush with that sometimes
-Is also on pretty good terms with Spot (And Modern AU are like, good friends)
-One time went on a pretty severe caffeine withdrawl and felt like literal death
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turangalila · 5 years
Jean-Luc Hervé (b. 1960)
 (2008) 9 musiciens + électronique : 2 fl, cl,cr,vl, al, vc, ctb, clv elec commande du Festival Ultraschall
Musik Fabrik, Dir. Diego Masson
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wutheringmights · 5 months
Do you have any thoughts on how "everything was fine" au time, spirit, and warriors would react if they somehow met their ctb canon selves?
Everything In the Past Was Happy AU, how I missed you! This is honestly such a good question. I love thinking about characters meeting alternate versions of themselves, especially when their fates are so wildly different.
For clarity's sake, classic CTB brothers are going to be referred to as Warriors, Spirit, and Time. Everything In the Past Was Happy AU will be referred to by the captain, engineer, and child.
I think the captain would be very disappointed to see how far he's capable of falling. While the captain never got as bad as Warriors did, he also never really learned his lesson. He definitely admires Warriors for all the ways he's trying to shape his life into something better, but it's marred by disappointment that he's turned out so pathetic.
Warriors would think the captain was his nightmare brought to life. He would hate the captain on sight and would call him out on so much of his bullshit. But still, everything worked out for him. He got to save the day without fucking up his relationships with Spirit and Time. Warriors would be unspeakably jealous.
The child (who despite the title would be a full blown adult in this scenario) and Time would have the least number of differences between them. Time would have had a rough childhood whether or not everything fell apart during the war. Looking at them straight on, you would think they are exactly the same. They would even think they are the same.
But there's subtle differences that they only realize in each other after a while. Time is very secretive and purposefully keeps himself isolated from others. The child is warmer and tends to lean on others far more. Time has a helplessness streak he can't quite get rid of. The child is more stable. They would be more confused by their slight differences than disturbed
The engineer... oh boy. So in the Everything In the Past Was Happy AU, the engineer and the captain stay on good and close terms throughout the war. But that resulted in the engineer being the captain's outsourced moral compass. The engineer knows the captain is kinda a piece of shit, but he accepts that in part because he knows the captain wouldn't do that shit to him.
So here's a version of himself who lost that bet. The engineer isn't as shocked by that as you would think. The captain betraying him is disturbing, but not unthinkable. Again, it was always a possibility. But what does shake him is how bitter and angry Spirit is, and how Spirit has become the worse version of himself. The engineer is very comfortable believing he has a strict moral code, so to see any version of himself stoop to Warriors's low... that's rough.
Meanwhile, Spirit would be pissed off. In his mind, the engineer is the worst version of him. What do you mean you're his best friend? What do you mean that you let him get away with doing any of that bullshit on anyone?
So they hate each other.
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coloringthebanner · 7 months
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he deserves to rage, as a treat
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some more doodles of bh!au. this au is also the reason i love fleek
(brotherhood au belongs to @tea0w0stache & @0ketlyn-s)
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albusgellertalways · 5 years
CTB Part II has arrived!
A/N: STOP! If you haven’t read Closer Than Brothers Part I, immediately go to the series link at the bottom of the page and read that first or else this will make NO SENSE. Thank you. If you have read CTB Part I, please keep reading and welcome back to Grindeldore AU Hogwarts land!
Summary:  The adventure continues as Albus and Adalia do their best to figure out what is happening to Gellert as well as dealing with the fact that Madam Dilys knows about Albus and Gellert's secret relationship. Can Albus be the bondmate that Gellert needs and help him keep up with homework while also coping with his extra duties including prefect meetings, leading a study group, choir, dueling club, AND being the Youth Representative to the Wizengamot? Or is he doomed to flounder when his responsibilities become all too much and Gellert pulls farther and farther away?
“Yes, Albus,” Gellert breathed, setting his wand aside as the triangular symbol slowly vanished into tiny golden particles.  “That’s you.”  
Albus inhaled sharply as he considered Gellert’s ridiculous claim.  “There’s no evidence that I’m the one mentioned in the prophecy.  If it even is a prophecy.”
“The meaning of your name alone implies it!”  Gellert’s fanatic excitement resurfaced in his eyes.  “And I’m obviously the Dark Seer.  The prophecy is about us.”
“We don’t know that,” said Albus, but a feeling of horrible realization washed over him.  “Let’s not dwell on it now.”“You can deny it for now, but I… I believe.”  Gellert’s unnerving smirk made Albus’ skin crawl.  
 “We will be great together.  We will change the world, Albus.   We will make it better for wizardkind.  And the filthy muggles will pay for what they’ve done to us.”
“The muggles will pay?”  Albus shivered.  This couldn’t be his Gellert, who had always treated the muggleborn students with respect.  “No, Gellert.  That’s wrong.  I don’t want any part in such cruelty.  Not even for you. ”
“Not now you don’t,” said Gellert, his mismatched eyes leering eerily at his bondmate.  “But that will change.  I have foreseen it.”
“Gellert, this is isn’t you,” Albus pleaded.  “Come back to me.  Show me that the real you is still in there.”  Albus decided to risk using the bond, even though he would probably get a headache.  Perhaps it would get through to Gellert when nothing else had.
//Please, Gellert.  I need you.// //Albus?  Is that you?// 
 The evil gleam left Gellert’s eyes as he stared at Albus.  Gellert shook himself and his expression visibly softened.  “Albus?  What’s happened?” 
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esidwaya · 2 years
Claude Romba, SG du SYNATRA-CTB : « La mairie de Ouagadougou est au bord de l’asphyxie »
Claude Romba, SG du SYNATRA-CTB : « La mairie de Ouagadougou est au bord de l’asphyxie »
Depuis le 1er février 2022, les mairies ont été mises sous délégation spéciale. A cet effet, il a été demandé aux gouverneurs de région de procéder à la désignation des membres de cette instance. Jusque-là, la commune de Ouagadougou n’en dispose pas. Toute chose qui engendre des difficultés dans son fonctionnement selon le secrétaire général du Syndicat national des travailleurs des collectivités…
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promotionmaroc · 3 years
Nouvelle promotion sur https://promotion-maroc.com/habillement-vetements/lcwaikiki-lc-waikiki-turkie/soldes-lc-waikiki-maroc-tunique-pour-femme-109dhs-au-lieu-de-219dhs/ à ne pas rater !
Soldes LC Waikiki Maroc Tunique pour femme 109Dhs au lieu de 219Dhs
L’article Soldes LC Waikiki Maroc Tunique pour femme 109Dhs au lieu de 219Dhs est apparu en premier sur Soldes et promotions au Maroc.
Soldes LC Waikiki Maroc Tunique pour femme 109Dhs au lieu de 219Dhs Numéro d’identification : 8SM662Z8-CTB-BEIGE Taille 36
L’article Soldes LC Waikiki Maroc Tunique pour femme 109Dhs au lieu de 219Dhs est apparu en premier sur Soldes et promotions au Maroc.
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