#1960s fandom
fanlore-wiki · 15 days
Featured Article: Rocket's Blast
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This week’s Featured Article brings you Rocket’s Blast, a science fiction and comics fanzine published by G.B Love from 1961 to 1964. It was one of the earliest comic zines and was printed via mimeograph. The issues were released monthly and featured news about comic releases, short fiction, and collector profiles among other things.
Rocket’s Blast ran for 28 issues until it merged with The Comicollector in March 1964 to become the Rocket's Blast Comicollector or RBCC, one of the most popular adzines of the 60s and 70s.
Learn more about the history of this fanzine on Fanlore!
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spideytism · 18 days
my grandma’s diaries from 1964-65 that she’s currently in the process of digitizing for a youtube video
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spirk-trek · 8 months
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S1E1: The Cage ⋆.˚ ✧ · ˚⊹
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eraenaa · 8 months
Inspired by the Movie Flipped
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Aemond Targaryen X Reader Tag List
Synopsis: You had been infatuated with Aemond since you two were children. You could not remember a day when you did not feel anything but adoration for him— not until recently. When something in you turned indifferent, it did not go unnoticed by Aemond, who had never been a fan of change. 
Warnings: Mature, 18+, P in V Sex, Female Masturbation, Unrequited Love (kinda), Not Proof Read
Word Count: 3,906
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It felt odd. You thought. For the first time in years, you strayed away from your routines and quirks. It was unsettling. You felt anxious that this change would bring forth something dreadful. But a bigger part of you felt exhilarated at this change. Because for the first time in years, your immediate thought was not Aemond. Your mind was not preoccupied with the thought of him— was free of wishful thinking that today would be the day that he’d have a change of heart and finally want you as you had wanted him ever since the both of you were five years old. 
It has been thirteen years now since the both of you have met. And ever since then, you practically spent every single day with him. He was your neighbor, one of the sons of your mother’s dearest friends, your classmate. Every day was practically spent with him— even weekends, there would be a reason for you two to unite. May it be for joint family dinners or when your mothers would take you on excursions. Every moment was spent with him, and every moment that passed was spent adoring him— loving him. But not anymore. 
“Are you ready? They’re almost here!” Your mother called from downstairs. It was that time of the week again. It was time for your family to have dinner with the Targaryens. For the longest time, your families have been spending every Sunday dinner together. Before, you were excited and giddy over the meal because it meant you would see Aemond—that you would start the new week in his presence. Your heart would always spike in excitement; your lips would always bloom into a smile in anticipation. But now, you felt none of it. It was odd; the prospect of seeing and spending time with Aemond would always bring a specific feeling of giddiness in you. But now, it was absent. All you felt was indifference. You somehow felt relieved at that. You relished at the feeling of your heart not beating erratically, that the butterflies in your stomach were absent. You felt at ease when you did not have to hold yourself to a standard that you had set long before, just in hopes he would notice you. You did not have to overthink what you would wear. Not fret over what style you would fix your hair. You simply had to be there and not trip over yourself trying to impress and catch the attention of a boy who was never willing to give it. 
You descended down the staircase of your home, your parents greeting the Targaryens in the foyer. “Oh, look at you! You grow prettier every week!” Alicent gushed and went to kiss your cheek; you smiled and complimented your mother’s friend as well. Aemond frowned as you backed away, moving yourself partly behind your parents. Usually, as they came, you would rush over to his side— eagerly trying to chat with him. But now, you did not even spare him a glance. Odd. He thought. 
Your families made their way towards the dining room. You wanted to grin at yourself as you did not have the wanting urge to look at Aemond— no longer desperate to acquire a seat next to him. Instead, you situated yourself between your mother and his sister Helaena. You were chatting with the girl instead of her brother. Aemond felt an odd twisting in his stomach as you took a seat that was not next to him. You always sat next to him. You were insistent on sitting next to him— before, you even fought with his older brother for the seat just so that you would be beside him. Why did you relinquish your spot next to him now?
Aemond watched you through the entirety of the dinner. Before, he would always feel your eyes upon him, always sneaking a glance. It was odd not to have your gaze on him. It was a feeling he did not care for. It felt like something was missing. 
As they were leaving, Aemond watched as you said your goodbyes to his siblings, but not him. Aegon, who you usually quarreled with, shared more than one laugh with you tonight. Everything felt wrong. Aemond thought. This was not what he was used to; this was not a situation he was accustomed to. Everything felt different. As if there was a shift in you that made you… not you. 
“She’s different tonight,” Helaena mumbled as they walked back home— yours and Aemond’s houses just across from each other. “She is,” Aegon agreed. “But I quite like her like this,” Aegon added. Aemond didn’t. There was a pestering feeling that followed him throughout the week. He thought that dinner was just a fluke— that you perhaps did not feel well that night, which is why you did not acknowledge him. But as you two where in school, your used to be constant presence near him was nowhere to be found. Aemond did not realize it, but there was fear trickling inside him. Aemond did not want to acknowledge it, but he was missing you.
You always used to sit behind him in class, and he would feel your stare at the back of his head; you switched places now and moved to the front. 
You used to always offer him gum after lunch, knowing he hated the way the taste of cafeteria food would linger on his tongue; that stick of gum was now given to your other friends. 
You would always ask him to walk home together, recalling your day as the two of you did; you walked home alone and in silence now. 
Sunday dinner was fast to approach once more. It was the Targaryen’s turn to host, and you walked with your parents to their house. “Welcome! Come in, come in,” Alicent smiled warmly as her children stood behind her and welcomed you and your family to their home. “Hi,” You hear Aemond greet— never once had he greeted you first. You turn to him, giving him a sparing glance and a small smile before turning your focus to his other siblings, walking away from where he stood. Aemond gritted his teeth as he felt a clench in his heart when you walked away without even a word. What was this? Why were you doing this? Why was he feeling like this? Why does his stomach pit when he watches you converse and laugh with others who are not him? Why does his skin crawl with the thought that you no longer hold want for him? It’s impossible, right? You could never not want him— you have always wanted him. But now, why did you act like you didn’t? Are you playing a game? Are you trying to administer to him the same coldness and indifference he always showed you?
Aemond took his seat— a chair beside yours, slyly scooting closer to you to make his presence known. Maybe it would make you turn to him and set your gaze upon him once more. It didn’t. 
“So, you two are off to University soon. Have you chosen which one to attend?” Alicent asked you as the dinner proceeded. You lick your lips. Before, you were entirely certain that you would attend any University just as long as it was the same as Aemond’s. “I was thinking of going abroad for Uni,” You smile but Alicent was partly shocked by your statement. “Really?” She asked. You felt Aemond’s persistent stare, “Yes, I thought it would be a nice change of pace— something different,” You replied. “You’re fine with her going alone?” Alicent asked your mother. “Oh, she was telling us that she has a classmate that might join her—“ 
“Who?” Aemond asked, a deep furrow in his brow. His hand reaches for your arm, urging you to turn to him. “Jace, he told me all about the programs and introduced me to the different Universities with my desired course,” You quickly explained. You stared at Aemond’s hand clasped upon your arm. Before, it would elicit gooseflesh and an exciting tingle on your skin— now, it mostly just hurts as his grip was tight and punishing.
You try to steal your arm away, your hand moving and trying to remove his hold on you, but he does not let go. “Aemond,” You called, voice cold and harsh as you were growing hurt and annoyed by his tight hold. Aemond’s frown deepened if it were possible. You never used to address him with such a tone. You would always call out his name so soft and sweetly— your voice always held a pitch of excitement when speaking with him. It was completely gone now. 
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“I need to talk to you,” Aemond dipped down and whispered in your ear as you stood by your locker. You were ready to deny him and step away, but he dragged you through the hallways and into an empty classroom. “Why?” You asked. You were looking up at him with a slightly annoyed expression. “Why are you acting like this? What are you doing?” He demanded, eye growing wider in anger with each passing moment as he recalled how you ignored him the entire week. 
“Acting like what?” You asked, confused by his accusing tone and anger. You expectantly waited for his reply, but his mouth opened and closed without words being uttered. You shake your head and try to pry away his hold on you once more. “Aemond, I don’t want to like you anymore,” You explain as you realize what his unuttered question was. Exchanging a word to something less extreme because you know in yourself you did not want to admit the fact that you loved him since you were seven. 
You feel his hold grow tighter as you utter the words. “I’m done… I have been chasing after you for years. I have been so desperate just for even a sliver of your attention— I don’t want to be that person anymore. I don’t want to waste my time on someone who clearly feels indifferent to me— who lets me run around acting so pathetic just for them. I don’t want to follow you around like a lost pup; I’m never going to do that to myself again,” You say clearly and manage to remove his hold on you. Watching as the anger in his eye turned into shock and, dare you say, hurt. 
“I apologize if I have pestered you with… with this for years on end. I’m truly sorry if I have made you feel you feel uncomfortable with my persistence in making you notice me. I’m done now, I—“ Words were not finished as you felt him take hold of your waist and smash your lips. Your eyes grew wide with the realization, pushing him away as you were shocked by his action. You felt your heart pit by his actions. You used to imagine kissing him— wishing on it every chance you got that he would be your first kiss. It was your dream, but now you were mortified. You knew why he did it— assuming he kissed you as an attempt to keep your affections toward him intact. For you to stay and be the desperate girl in want for him. 
You gaze at each other in shock and outrage, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “You’re being cruel,” you say before running out of the classroom. Aemond stood there, unmoving, as he tried to process what he had done. Was he being cruel? Kissing you and only showing affection that he was intent on hiding because he felt that he was losing you. Was it cruel for him to keep his hold on you? Was it cruel to have you think of nothing but him— to be wholly consumed by him like it has always been? Aemond shook his head. That was not cruelty. It was reality. The reality that you have and will always be his. Be by his side. Have you by his side constantly. Have you dote on him and be the only thought in your pretty head. Aemond threaded the halls in haste, trying to find you. Ready to utter what he had never said nor showed. A desperate attempt to keep you by him because he did not have the faintest idea of how to proceed with life if you were not there. If you, the only constant in his life, would leave. 
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You rushed home after what had transpired in school. You were wholly disheartened by Aemond. How could he do such a thing? How could he be so insensitive and selfish to let you dangle on a fraying thread of hope that he would finally reciprocate your feelings? All of it was cruel. It was cruel for him to kiss you when you were finally letting go of the ludicrous dream of the two of you coming together. It was cruel of him to act as such when you finally decided to focus on something else but him.
 You locked yourself in your room. You were trying to drown your thoughts in music and willed yourself not to let tears stream down your face. You’ve already shed enough of your precious pearl tears for him. You sat on your bed dejectedly. Blankly staring at your diary with the entries you’ve written that made you cringed as you wrote of Aemond in a sickeningly sweetened tone. You wrote about him as if he were god himself, as if he were the highest and most honorable of men— completely blinded as your young heart was filled with an utter infatuation with him. Infatuation you could never understand but just simply accepted. 
Aemond was far from perfect, but you acted as if he were. Adored and stood by him even when his flaws shone through. Aemond knew no one would accept him the way you do— that he would never find anyone like you, which is why he scaled the walls of your home and climbed toward your balcony. He was balancing and clinging to vines, risking the fall just in hopes of speaking and explaining all to you. 
Aemond knocked on the glass doors that led to your balcony, watching as you lay on your bed, blankly staring at the ceiling. He knocked louder, your head moving towards the right and your eyes locking with his. He silently pleaded for you to let him in, but all you could do was gape at him with shock and confusion. You walked toward the door, and Aemond tried hard to ignore the fact that you were only in your nightie, the silk thin and the lace see-through. “Go away,” you urged, but Aemond shook his head. “Open the door,” He grasped the handle and shook it. “Please,” he added as you shook your head. 
“Leave, Aemond,” You said and moved to untie our curtain to hide the view of your room from him. Aemond called your name, pleading with you to let him. You bit your lip as you realized that your body acted without the consent of your mind, moving to unlock the glass door and welcoming him in the privy of your room. “What do you want?” You asked with a heavy sigh, disheartened with your unconscious self as you let him enter your room. “I wanted to apologize… about earlier; you must understand that I did not kiss you to be cruel,” He said, and you rolled your eyes. A scoff leaves your lips. 
“Do not lie— I can see right through this… this act. You only did that because you want me desperate— you want to keep me so someone would worship the ground you walk upon.” You said bitterly. Aemond frowned and furiously shook his head and denied your accusation. “Stop lying! If it were any other time— maybe I would buy into your deceit. But Aemond, you only act as such in a desperate attempt because you see that I’m finally moving on from you— that I’m threading far from the little girl who did nothing but follow you around like a lost pup!” You screamed, the tears returning and daring to slip your eyes. 
Aemond called your name and shook his head. He moved to step closer, flushing your bodies close and cupping your cheeks with his cold hands. “That is not true,” he stated firmly. But you stubbornly shook your head. “I want you, " he added, his voice sincere, making you close your eyes in restraint. You could not believe what he said. “Stop lying, I—“ Aemond kissed your lips shut. You resisted. You fought hard not to enjoy the feel and taste of his lips. To forget that this simple act was your dream ever since you two were children. Aemond smirked against your lips as you relinquished your resistance, and you started to kiss him back. It was adorable how uncertain you were— how your lips would stagger and second-guess their movements. 
Aemond cupped your cheeks and held tightly onto your waist, moving you to lie on your bed and opening your kiss. He did not miss the hesitancy in your steps nor the shocked gasps coming from your lips. When you pulled away for a breath, Aemond’s lips instead found your neck—placing open-mouth kisses and inhaling your scent deeply. You bit your lip to prevent the sound of pleasure that wanted to be released as he nipped at your neck and groaned at your scent. Aemond could not believe nor explain how he had managed to control himself all these years, how he had managed to keep you at arm's length and a respectable distance in fear that if he gave into his wants. Guilt shaming him to take and be close to you because if he did, he knew he’d ruin you. But all the skepticism in him faded away with each moment he had you flushed against him, your skin meeting his, your lips kissing his. 
“Aemond,” You mewled as you felt his hand caress the exposed skin of your thigh. Only now did you grow aware of what you wore and what both of your actions would eventually lead to. You tightly closed your eyes as Aemond’s lips trailed down from your neck and then to your chest, his breath fanning your exposed skin, leaving gooseflesh to scatter all over your body. “Say you want me… tell me you want me still,” Aemond almost pleaded, placing a ghost of a kiss in the middle of the valley of your tits. You swallowed thickly as his hand continued to caress upward your thigh, and his lips grazed your flesh. 
Aemond felt his stomach pitting with each passing moment that you uttered no word. You took in a harsh breath as Aemond’s hand squeezed the plush flesh of your thighs, urging you to spill the words that were instilled years before. “I want you, always you.” You breathed out but were quick to inhale sharply as Aemond yanked the fabric of your nightwear downward to expose your chest, his lips closing on the taut bud whilst his other hand went to cup your needing sex. Aemond tensed as a sound of pleasure finally left your lips and how your hips grounded against his hand. 
Aemond traced circles with his tongue as he teased your tits. He was alternating from one to the other, nipping at it every now and then because it would elicit a whine from your throat. His fingers drew circles against your cloth-covered cunt, your wetness seeping through the fabric, and only encouraged Aemond as he felt how you truly wanted him. Aemond simply hummed as you called for his name, urging him for more. “First, tell me…have you ever pleasured yourself with the wanting thought that one day, it would be me?” Your eyes widened at his question. You feel him shift his weight off you, his warmness leaving you cold and exposed. “Answer,” He urged as he stood by the foot of your bed, watching you as you lay disheveled and exposed. 
“Aemond, I d—“ He shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Do you want more? Do you want me to pleasure you throughout the night? Do you wish to be mine?” Aemond’s voice was deep and clouded by impatience. You clenched your jaw and surrendered any pride left in you. “Yes… I touch myself with the thought of you.” You answered, watching a smirk place itself on his lips. “Show me,” He ordered. 
Aemond clenched his jaw as you did what he asked without hesitation. Your fingers danced on your cunt, drawing circles upon your needing sex whilst your other hand played with your tit. Sighs of pleasure left your lips whilst you tilted your head to the heavens. Aemond began to remove his clothing, his eye dark as your head moved to watch him as he unzipped his trousers. Not missing the way your eyes widened then rolled back as you were met with his length, already pleasured by the sight of it even though it had not touched you yet. 
When you made another sound of pleasure, one more urgent as if signifying you were close to climax, Aemond moved your hand away, wanting for him to be the reason why you came that night. You whined, but Aemond once again kissed your lips shut. His hand moved aside the cloth that covered your cunt and positioned himself for the taking. Your breath shallowed as he slowly pushed himself in you. Your hands clinging and digging into his shoulder blades as you were succumbed to pain of having his large and thick manhood tear its way through you. Aemond hushed you and kissed your lips once more. His other hand drawing circled upon your nubbin to divert your attention from the pain.
Aemond was cautious of each of his movements as every one of them only elicited a wince, but once the face of pain turned to pleasure, Aemond slipped in and out of you at an urgent pace that you enjoyed. He held your hips to keep you in place, watching as your pretty face was etched with nothing but sheer pleasure, that your tits heaved up and down with every single one of his thrusts, that your legs that were placed upon his shoulders started to quiver. “Are you to come?” He asked through gritted teeth, his fingers returning to draw circles upon your nub, making you moan louder and cling to the sheets of your bed. 
“Aemond— please, please!” You cried. Aemond shifted his wait atop you once more, removing your legs that rested comfortably upon his shoulders. Instead, wrapping them around his waist as his lips met yours again. Aemond gave one last thrust, burrowing himself deep, spilling his seed inside you as your name left his lips in a pleasured groan. You panted as your body clung tightly to his, your ragged breathing trying to calm as you slid down from your high. Aemond kissed your lips once more, your skin flushed and sticky with the sheen of sweat. “You’ve always been and will always be mine,” He uttered against your lips before flipping you and letting your stomach face the bed as he filled your cunt once more. 
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abutterpie · 4 months
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This is a letter Paul McCartney wrote to Heather’s teacher about her name change after legally adopting her. 1969.
Dear Miss England, Heather's name is now McCartney - soon to be official. apparently you need the note to be sure of what to call her. If this fails, try Rover!
Paul McCartney
and, wait for it,
Love, Heather
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artoflured · 9 months
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They are talking about Arbogast
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black-brained · 3 months
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Now… why is he sitting like that?
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one-real-imonkey · 2 months
Every fanfic has Gotham as dark and cloudy, and understandably so, but where’s my beloved 1960’s Batman TV show Gotham.
A mostly normal metropolitan city with towering skyscrapers and the occasional villain HQ set up by a themed ‘legitimate business’. Visiting emissaries, movie sets, a thriving industrial district, normal diners, lots of random events and places for showy crimes.
Why isn’t Mad Hatter working out of a hat shop? Where’s Jokers hideout behind an ice cream parlour? Penguins high end umberella shop? Louie the Lilac?
Where’s the pizzazz?
You can’t tell me the batfam wouldn’t fit into 60s Gotham.
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valleyofyours · 2 months
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everytime sodapop is seen or mentioned asleep
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What he so mad for⁉️
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adalwolfgang · 8 months
Could i request platonic hcs for norman bates adopting a child, maybe one that was kinda just left at the motel? ^^
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Today was a slow day like all the others. No one had checked into the hotel in a few weeks except for the occasional lost soul who would come in to ask for directions. Norman was too occupied in the backroom to here someone come in. Specifically two people come in.
Your former parent or guardian walked cautiously up to the check in desk, you excitedly following close behind. There was a skip in your step unlike your guardian, who was crossing their arms across their chest and a frown on their face.
A few hours prior, you were playing with your toys and watching a show/movie you liked. Your guardian had walked into your room, telling you to be ready to leave in the next few minutes and that you were both going to be staying at a nearby hotel for a few days. You didn't question their random decision. Already sitting in the car with a giddy smile on your face. You were excited to be visiting a new place. New places meant adventure in your eyes.
Now you were sitting in a lush chair, kicking your feet in excitement. Your guardian had told you to go find a chair to sit and wait in while they got your room taken care of. Due to the position the chair was facing, you missed the sad look your guardian gave you as they rung the bell, that alerted Norman, before quickly exiting the lobby of the hotel and driving off in their car.
Norman came bustling out of the back room, wiping off the front of his shirt to try and look somewhat presentable. A look of confusion crossed his face when no one was at the desk. More confusion flooded his face when he spotted you sitting in a chair, alone. No other adult or human being for that matter insight.
He made is way from behind the counter and cautiously approached you. You didn't seem to notice or hear him approach so he cleared his throat to get your attention. When you turn your face to him, the first thing that caught his attention was your eyes. They were filled with a mix of wonder and adventure. Norman barley caught himself practically gawking before coming back to the harsh realization on why you were there in the first place.
Your parent/guardian had abandoned you.
•Gives you your own private room right next door to his. It’s much more spacious than your old room.
•Mother has mixed feelings about you. Approves of you at first because of your innocent nature but also views you as a distraction to Normans work.
•Since Normans new to the whole “being a parent” trope, it takes a bit of trial and error but he soon gets the hang of things.
•Spoils you every chance he gets. Your room is decorated to your own liking, with whatever toys you liked, the walls painted your favorite color.
•Will agree to whatever games it is you’d want to play. Whether it be dress up, tea parties, hide n’ seek, coloring/painting. You name it.
•He tries to keep you away and out of sight from guests. He doesn’t want to risk the chance that whoever your previous parents or guardian were to show back up and decide they wanted you back. Since he never got the chance to see who had left you at the motel, everyone is a suspect.
•He tries to have a schedule and be as organized as possible so he can balance work and taking care of you. He makes sure you’re awake no later than 10 am, (Tries) homeschools you from 11 am to 1 pm, Bedtime no later than 9:30 pm.
•If you ever get overwhelmed or have a panic attack, he’ll either wrap you up in a blanket and lay you down on the couch OR set you in his lap and read to you.
•Names he calls you(Yes i know lots of littles): Little one, Little Monster, Mouse, Sweetie, (whatever else pet-names you think he’d call you)
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I’m freakin’ love the idea of 1960s ineffable wives in America!!! Hope I’ll make some things with them again
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spirk-trek · 8 months
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Oh, how times change...
The Voice Fanzine | Caren Parnes, 1986
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naskaolgia · 8 months
What if I told you I drew older Craig dressed up all 1960s for fun and then started thinking about jazz
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abutterpie · 4 months
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George Harrison getting his palms read by Eva Petulengro
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vintagepresley · 2 months
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Ahhh look at him. Cutie 🥺☺️
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