#1917 memes
kenobihater · 2 months
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"Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne, he travels the fastest who travels alone."
1917 (2019), dir. sam mendes
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wendoscillatewildly · 2 years
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Tom Sturridge, a fine addition to my emotional british actor interviews™ collection.
(if yall have more pics like this please send uwu)
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schos-in-the-field · 1 year
Let him sleep
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dimity-lawn · 6 months
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I’m not quite sure when the original is from, but I’d guess about 1915-1918.
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I think it’s the potential neurodivergence
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leonardoeatscarrots · 8 months
Harr harr
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For context, I just find it funny how history books like to cover up how the US was a direct inspiration for the gas chambers used during the holocaust. The El Paso de-lousing chambers were racially motivated. The use of Zyklon B inspired German scientist Gerhard Peters to push for the chemical to be used to disinfect nazi concrntration camps.. He included photos of the El Paso de-lousing chambers as examples for how effective Zyklon B could be.
Obviously I cannot compare the atrocities of the holocaust to other historical incidents, but it's difficult to ignore how the US' own prejudice was an active inspiration for the gas chambers that would later kill millions.
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martennorr · 6 months
where are my fellow millennial WWI nerds
Listen. I have been researching and annotating for my book about wartime autograph books for 6 years since college. I have given up hope of finding anyone under 50 to talk about it with, let alone of finding fellow queer leftist WWI scholars anywhere near my age. BUT!! I suddenly remembered I have a tumblr so this is my last resort. would you like to live deliciously and by deliciously I mean do you want to make a discord server and scream about research and historiography and sad gay poets
I'm not joking. If this sounds fun to you (or if this discord server somehow miraculously already exists and you'd be willing to let me join it) pls message me. my crops are dying
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samanthamulder · 7 months
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Christmas, 1917. It was a time of dark, dark despair. [...] But here at 1501 Larkspur Lane for a pair of star-crossed lovers tragedy came not from war or pestilence – not by the boot heel or the bombardier – but by their own innocent hand.
6.06 "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" writ. & dir. Chris Carter — aired 25 years ago today
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souldagger · 3 months
This isn't on the books ask meme, but any nonfiction books you've loved recently or general recommendations?
ooh, ofc! here's a couple really good ones i've read in the last couple of months:
None of the Above: Reflections on Life Beyond the Binary by Travis Alabanza - memoir abt the author's experiences as a transfem nonbinary person of colour, rly honest and gut-wrenching
The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler-Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi - honestly essential reading
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement by Angela Y. Davis - brilliant collection of essays/interviews abt activism
Off-Earth: Ethical Questions and Quandaries for Living in Outer Space by Erika Nesvold - kinda dry, but provides a really good pragmatic & intersectional perspective on the subject of space settlement and the practical & ethical issues the space industry tends to ignore
A City on Mars: Can we settle space, should we settle space, and have we really thought this through? by Zach and Kelly Weinersmith - more or less on the same subject matter, but with a focus on Mars; less academic, more light-hearted and approachable in tone (personally I liked Nesvold's book more, but i think this one would be more fun for the average person)
The Little Book of Aliens by Adam Frank - very fun, readable and decently thorough look at the Fermi Paradox and the search for extraterrestrial life
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Prigozhin’s Rebellion, Putin’s Fate, and Russia’s Future: A Conversation With Stephen Kotkin
I have long been calling the Putin regime “hollow yet still strong.” It remained, and remains, viable as long as there is no political alternative. Now, we might see just how hollow the regime is. Putin has unwittingly launched a stress test of his own regime. He had already lost his mystique with the bungling of the aggression against Ukraine. Mystique, once lost, is near impossible to regain. The old cliché about the emperor and clothes. He still possesses enormous power, rooted in structures he built around himself, such as his Praetorian Guard, and those he unbuilt—his razing of the landscape of political possibilities besides himself, and severe repression to demobilize the populace.
There is one thing that all dictators properly fear: an alternative. And Putin, shockingly, after years and years of indefatigably suppressing alternatives, of promoting nonentities to his inner circle to ensure no one could threaten him, has allowed one to take shape. Pinch me.
Authoritarian regimes build up formidable military and security services, but these are purposely divided against themselves by the leader, to control them, to make them dependent on him. The leader deliberately gives them overlapping jurisdictions, heightens their inherent rivalries at every turn, and sits back and watches, usually with glee. But in this case, Putin has conjured up his own nemesis.
I’ve been saying for some time that the way to get Putin’s attention, to destabilize his regime, was to identify and recruit a defector from the inside, a Russian nationalist, a person who appeals to Putin’s base, but one who recognized the separate existence of a Ukrainian nation and state. Preferably a defector in uniform. And Putin has gifted us a candidate.
[...] No matter how Putin responds, it seems like he’s at risk of losing his grasp.
[...] This could peter out quickly. Putin is a survivor. A sense that the Russian state is at risk could rally the various rivalrous factions around him.
Here’s the bottom line: even if it is now snuffed out, an alternative was allowed to arise. All this unfolded in real time, on video, over months and months. Putin did not intervene earlier and allowed things to get to this point. Stunning. Either he has descended into utter incompetence or he has less operational control than his media machine has been letting on. Or both. I expected him to be better at Authoritarianism 101. I expected him to understand this was the one threat in real time. I expected him to end the games, end the pitting of rivals against each other to control them, because it had become dangerous to him personally. I overestimated him. I would not want to make the opposite mistake and underestimate him now, though. 
What is the right historical parallel here?
I already mentioned 1917, because Putin himself evoked it and not the Soviet implosion of 1991, which he lived through and has reflected on often. But the remarkable aspect for me is not just the eerie sense of the distant past that appears so close, yet again, but the tech and media revolution. I look at that Ukrainian TV production company running this war, I look at the production of the January 6 hearings here in the United States—Liz Cheney’s hearings were run by a TV producer, with powerful effect—and I think, “This is how you do national security most effectively now: with smartphones, videos, memes.” All those written and emailed policy briefs, all those meetings of principals and deputies form the sprawling national security bureaucracies, all that spying and cloak and dagger—and, boom: Telegram and a pair of thumbs.
[...] Behind the scenes, of course, it’s 24/7 very close monitoring of everything and anything, and intense consultation. Twelve hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, of nail biting. But after all the Sturm und Drang, we could be right back where we started: Putin in power in Moscow and Ukraine facing a counteroffensive that will be very difficult to pull off.
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Some things about me: I love to paint, sew and knit! I have a deep love for history, architecture and anything 40’s 50’s related!
This blog it my little getaway from the real world. I love sharing my stuff on here with people that love these characters with the same love and enthusiasm as I do, and interacting with so many people and other amazing artists💜
In the little free time I have left from doing actual homework and working, I like to draw characters from movies and shows that I love.
These include:
Band of brothers
Twin peaks
The boys
The last of us
And many more!
I am always open for requests, DM’s and messages!
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Band of Brothers fanfic:
Denouement: David Webster x OC
Denouement chapter 1
Denouement chapter 2
Denouement chapter 3
Denouement chapter 4
Marie drawing
Band of brothers icons:
Alton more
Ronald Spiers
Chuck Grant
Eugene Roe
David Webster
Band of brothers moodboards:
Easy Ranch - Pat Christenson
Easy Ranch - Bill Guarnere
Skinny Sisk and Shifty Powers - Taylor Swift
Ronald Spiers x Nurse
Soft Spiers
Eugene Roe
Band of brothers fan art:
George Luz sketch
Lewis Nixon sketch
Liebgott sketch
Lewis Nixon x J.C Leyendecker
Ronald Spiers
Liebgott and Webster
Webster pencil drawing
Malarkey pencil drawing
Stupid pigeon meme (aka Spiedgon)
The Pacific
Eugene Sledge doodle
Eugene Sledge drawing
Masters of the air
Harry Crosby drawing
Blake and Schofield drawing
Detroit: Become Human
6 Characters fan art challenge
Week 1: Gale Cleven
My taglist: @ronsenthal @whollyjoly @next-autopsy @luckynumber4 @barbeygirl @dustyjumpwingz @xxluckystrike @heystovepipeboys @sweetxvanixlla @kafka-ohdear @footprintsinthesxnd @panzershrike-pretz @iceman-kazansky @bucky32557038ww2
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squishious · 2 years
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fatima and manoubia, 1917, alexandre roubtzoff // lesbians doing makeup meme, @vividrag and @clarekatharsis
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mykingdomforapen · 14 days
if you still feel like answering the writing ask meme: 1, 11, 13, 18, 22, and 68? Hope you're doing well!
Hehehehe I love answering questions :))
Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I love daydreaming about it first! It makes me excited about the story, and I also love rewatching the movies in my mind of blorbos and stories hehehe. I've had something of a beloved routine where I sort of imagine certain scenes as I'm about to fall asleep.
11. Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
I almost always write scenes in order! There are many moments that I can only fully realise after going through the journey of the story as the characters do. Certain emotional arcs that I would have missed had I only went with Plan A, or motifs/parallels/foreshadowing that I didn't think of including until I'm in the moment. I will jump backwards, but never forwards.
13. Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
YESSss I listen to music when I write, and very specific mood setting music. Whether it is thematically relevant, or its melody evokes emotions in me that fit the mood of the story even if the lyrics are not entirely relevant. I have certain songs that I associate to certain stories for sure.
For example, in spinning silk I listened to a lot of Kuchikamizake Trip during Chapter 6, when Cheng Xiaoshi falls through his different death scenes. For the finale, chapter 8, I was exclusively listening to Katawaredoki on loop, and I was sitting in the middle seat of a plane to Hong Kong and I had that song downloaded because I had no internet access. courage of stars wouldn't be what it has become were it not for Saturn by Sleeping at Last, naturally. But I also listened to Mercury by Sleeping at Last while writing chapter 12 and Repentance by Gable Price and Friends while writing chapter 13 & 14. And because these are about future chapters, I'll go ahead and say that they were for mood setting melodies, rather than because of their lyrics.
Right now, I'm playing with a new Link Click WIP. I'm listening to the Boy and the Heron OST by Joe Hisaishi on loop, mainly for its relevance :).
But in general? Sleeping At Last is THE band to listen to while writing. They have rescued me SO MUCH and they're beautiful. They have both lyrical songs and orchestral instrumentals, the perfect balance.
18. Do you enjoy research? Which fic of yours required the most research?
Because I love history, and I tend to write history-influenced fics, I do love research! I love aiming for accuracy in my stories, not to be pedantic about it but to make it feel as immersed into the setting as possible. One time, I was writing a fic that took place in Reading, England. A place that I've never been to, but because of looking things up and incorporating what I learned, a reader who actually was from Reading left me a comment saying how much they appreciated that, and it made me happy that those details could be meaningful to someone!
The fic I researched for the most....it could either be here be dragons (1917) or indeed, courage of stars. The difference is that here be dragons, which takes in WWII-era Reading, England, I did a lot of external research about the civilian experience of war, a day in the life of during that era, rationing, etc. as well as drawing from my uni background. It's weird calling courage of stars research when it was really me asking my family lots of questions, for purposes outside of fic, and I just happened to be able to incorporate what I learned into fic.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
It depends on the story! Fics that I knew very quickly what the title would be, in some cases even before I finished writing it, are: here be dragons, today is such a good day, (Ted Lasso), and Jacob and Esau say their goodbyes (Thor). Others I have to finish it until I can tell what they are meant to be because of a theme of the story that had grown as I wrote it, like finally (The Bear), irreplaceable (Falcon and the Winter Soldier), and priceless (Squid Game). I also LOVE quoting poems, Bible verses, songs, etc. that are relevant to the story: greater love has no one than this (Trigun Stampede) which is part of a Bible verse, therefore, dark past, (Ted Lasso) which is from one of my favorite Mary Oliver poems, the prison disappears (FatWS) which is from a letter written by Vincent van Gogh, and more fics drawing from a line from The Little Prince, A Separate Peace, and various Sleeping At Last songs. Those usually come to me upon after writing it.
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
There are so many fic writers that I admire and wish to emulate, but end up never being able to. There are also fics that, especially when I was younger, left SUCH an impression on me that they inspired me to write an original novel (if I got a nickel for every time this happened, I would get two nickels, which is not much but it's weird it happened twice). Both those fics were not on Ao3 and are essentially impossible for me to find again, btw. One was a Durarara!! fic and another was a Thor and Loki fic. I'm definitely a Frankenstein's monster of many writers I admire, both fic writers and published writers.
I will say that Markus Zusak a la The Book Thief fame has definitely influenced the way I write metaphors and turns of phrases. Hands down, that man makes magic with words, it's insane.
Thank you so much for asking me questions!! I love to share my thoughts heeheehee.
From this ask meme!
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sardonyyx · 6 months
Tagged by @stripedroseandsketchpads for a WIP meme, ty!!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Gonna stay on tvc brand since I’m posting 2 this blog
-B. D. Women You Sure Can’t Understand (title from the Lucille Bogan song 🙃🙃🙃. 1917 era, Rule 63 Louis and Lestat do drag at the du Lac house to bother Florence)
-Negotiations (SO MAD I called it that bc the real title is a Herman Melville love letter excerpt I’m really excited abt. Anyway in this one rule 63 lestat, armand, and louis fuck nasty)
-Amontillado’ing (r63 au tenet is Lestat gets stuck in the theater basement instead of taking a voluntary nap And I Can’t Shut Up Abt It)
-Susanna In The Garden (magnus stalks rule 63 lestat)
-Augustin Take That Shit OFF (this one is str8 book-canon fic. Nicki is the only person who knows Lestat is stealth transmasc; Augustin takes credit for the wolf kills)
Not tagging anyone bc this is a fairly new sideblog & I feel like ppl will look in their mentions like ‘who the FUCK,’ but if someone wants to pls do!!
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