#14x16 don't go into the woods
Me when I explain I'm trans and/or autistic:
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winchestress · 6 months
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for me it's 2010 probably
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seasononesam · 6 months
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Stackednatural- 229/327
Don't Go in to the Woods (14x16) March 21st, 2019
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castiellesbian · 2 years
Richard Hatem:
1x04 Phantom Traveler
1x10 Asylum
Davy Perez
12x04 American Nightmare
12x12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
12x15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
13x06 Tombstone
13x11 Breakdown
13x17 The Thing
14x04 Mint Condition
14x11 Damaged Goods
14x16 Don't Go in the Woods (with Nick Vaught)
15x04 Atomic Monsters
15x11 The Gamblers (with Meredith Glynn)
15x15 Gimme Shelter
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Dean, Cas, Jack and the kitchen and Jack's childhood bedroom as common domain
It's so interesting that Dean and Cas are more often portrayed meeting Jack in his bedroom or the bunker kitchen to counsel him or bring him nourishment, at least compared to his other parental figures (Sam, Mary, Bobby).
Sam is undoubtedly his parent, but he's associated more often with the library and pencils--mentor symbols. Of note, Mary also meets Jack in the kitchen and gives familial encouragement in 14x17 Game Night, but her knife training with Jack takes place in the library. Donatello counsels Jack in his kitchen in 14x15 Peace of Mind, but like Sam, there's visual books in the background. It has an added layer of advice-giving/mentorship.
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In 13x23 Let the Good Times Roll, we get Dean coming to JACK'S ROOM-- NIGHT when Jack is emotionally distressed:
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Jack writhes on the bed-- having a nightmare. Dean moves for him-- touching his arm--
And in 14x07 Unhuman Nature, he's coming to the infirmary to make sure Jack has nourishment:
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DEAN: "Brought you some carbs. How you (doin')?"
In 14x03 The Scar, we get Cas coming to JACK'S ROOM-- NIGHT to praise him for his persistence on a case:
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CAS: "I'll make you some soup."
When Jack is dying in 14x08 Byzantium, we see a record player and vinyl in his room, implying that not only do Dean and Jack listen to music together (per 14x16 Don't Go into the Woods), but they may hang out and listen to music in Jack's room.
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In 14x15 Peace of Mind, Cas again comes to counsel Jack -> JACK'S ROOM-- DAY
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"Cas knows this "check in" is the last thing the boy wants."
BONUS: Dean and Cas are ALSO associated to docks, water, and fishing throughout the series as early as season 4, and that also gets transferred to Jack in two specific script instances:
The first is in 13x14 Good Intentions when AU Zacharaiah gives Jack a vision of Cas and Jack fishing (this originally was an extended scene that occurs post-Zachariah's vision of burning the human side of Jack's family):
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And ofc there's the heartwarming fishing scene that actually occurs in 14x07 Unhuman Nature, with Jack and Dean:
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It's just interesting how visually Dean and Cas are portrayed characteristically differently, with regards to Jack. You know?
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missjackil · 4 months
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Aaannnd we're back! After a marathon work week, I see Lebanon beat Peace of Mind in a pretty good battle! Today shouldn't be any problem!
Who is it Chuck!
Chuck: Welcome back boss! Today we have Don't Go in the Woods - Sam and Dean learn about a monster they've never heard of (Kahunta?) After a girl is murdered in the woods
Meanwhile, Jack tries to impress his friends with some Nephilim powers and one of them runs right into the path of a moving Angel blade and they all blame him! 😒
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macgyvermedical · 2 years
Off Grid Living
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My Pleasure!
First, while there are several different definitions, when I say "off grid", I generally mean not hooked up to utilities. Not being hooked up to utilities usually also involves living somewhere smaller and simpler- like a tiny house, wall tent, yurt, or cabin.
There is a thriving community of people who have decided, for whatever reason, to not hook up to utilities. Some reasons someone might decide to live off grid include:
Environmental reasons- you can't use power, water, or gas (or at least you have to use a LOT less) if you don't have a steady supply coming through your walls.
Prepping reasons- the term is "collapse now and avoid the rush", essentially, if you see the world around you going to heck, going off grid teaches you a lot of skills you may need (and teaches them on your own time) if utilities do go out or become unreliable in the future.
Economic reasons- Since you don't have power, water, and gas coming through your walls, you can be very deliberate about how you use these things, which generally means using a LOT less. And you pay as you use a resource instead of having to pay every month, so can easily reduce your resource use or go without if you need to.
Simplicity reasons- a lot of utilities means a lot of upkeep, payments, maintenance, and brainpower. Living in a way where you don't need utilities greatly reduces stress (at least as I have experienced it).
Privacy reasons- many people who live off grid live in a relatively rural area or live in an itinerant way, and don't want to deal with people much.
Incidental- utilities don't go where they live.
For my wife and I, it was a combination of all of the above.
The rest of this post is about how we meet our needs while living off grid.
For us housing is a wall tent on an insulated wooden platform I built myself. It was my first time building something by myself that wasn't a fence, and I didn't do a particularly great job. But it's holding us up.
The wall tent is a 14x16 White Duck brand canvas tent. It gives us about 224sqft of floor space in one room. This is a stock image of the tent:
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We chose our vehicles to meet our lifestyle. We own a Prius (which is essentially a generator on wheels) and an F-250 (which is an all-purpose engine). Being a hybrid, the Prius can charge our home batteries without having to start the engine, and will re-charge it's own battery as it's idling, braking, or going down hills. The F-250 is a diesel and will be our general farm vehicle, tractor, as well as being able to haul large loads of firewood and manure.
We like electric light, and we like to charge our phones and computers. Other than that, though, we've realized it's not that hard to go without higher-power-consuming devices like water heaters, refrigerators, or stoves.
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We have a Ryobi inverter, which makes it possible to run a few strands of twinkle lights and charge devices off of a drill battery. We have 4, 6-amp-hour batteries, which is about enough power to run our lights for about 8hours while charging our phones a few times over. These 4 batteries usually last us about 2-3 days. We then either charge them at a friend's house or off the Prius battery.
Heat and Cooking:
We live in Ohio, and it's winter, so we have a wood stove in our tent. It's a Nectre Bun Baker and if I had to do it over again, I'd get something with a bigger fire box.
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But anyway, it's compact and has an oven and cooking surface, so the fire takes care of our heating and cooking needs. It takes about an hour to go from the inside of the tent being the same temperature as outside to warm enough to shower in front of.
It does tend to be chillier in here than the average house. Right now it's in the 40's outside and I don't even have the fire going. We got used to being a little colder very quickly and now other people's houses feel WAY too hot for comfort.
We currently just heat water on the wood stove if we want it warm for bathing or cleaning. Soon we are hoping to get a stock pot with a spigot to be a more permanent solution to our hot water needs. We'll still need to fill it as we empty it, but it will be ready when we are!
Speaking of water, we have 2 five-gallon jugs that we refill at a friend's house. We also have a small utility sink in the tent. We have a pump top that fits on the top of one of the jugs that sits on a table next to the sink. When we want water, we push the pump top and water "runs" out of a little spout so we can easily access water for drinking, dishes, cooking, laundry, bathing, and cleaning.
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The sink's drain runs into a 5-gallon bucket that we empty by hand.
It's amazing how incredibly little water we use compared to how much we used before we moved here. One 5-gallon jug lasts us about 2 days (though I do use some water at work that doesn't factor in).
Since we don't have a shower in the tent, we generally just get 3-4 cups of water that we heat on the stove. We then stand in a plastic basin and wash our hair, pits, crotch, butt, and feet. The water then goes to the grey water bucket. I do this monday-friday because I have a professional job, but my wife does it about every 3-4 days. Honestly I am so much less dry and itchy this time of year and I don't have to use any kind of conditioner or moisturizer. Teh problem is getting up early enough to get it warm enough in the tent that washing is comfortable.
I shave in a few tablespoons of water, but I have a beard, so I don't have much to shave.
Both of us wear deodorant, too, which helps.
For poop and pee we use a composing toilet. The toilet diverts our urine into a 5-gallon bucket so we can use it for fertilizer. Our poop falls into another 5-gallon bucket that we cover with sawdust after every go. When that is full we take it to a compost pile we will not use for 3 years, when our pathogens are good and dead and the poop is fully composted into humanure.
For trash, if it's paper or cardboard we burn it as kindling for our fire. If it's a jar we generally use it for storage (we break a lot of these...), and if it's something we can't use (like plastic film) we either put it with a friend's trash or take it to a landfill directly.
We have phones, and use them as hotspots when we need to post things to pay bills or post things to tumblr or whatnot.
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
SPN Best Episode per Season
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I love Jack's comment in Don't Go Into the Woods (14x16) about having seen The Lost Boys 36 times because Dean picks the movies and I cannot even begin to articulate what this does to me because for a really long time that was my absolute favorite movie. I have seen The Lost Boys an obscene number of times because there was this one year where I watched it every day. I didn't start out with the intention of watching it that much, I just realized a couple of months in that I had watched it every day and then just continued popping in the tape (back in the vcr days) and then it was most of a year, so I just kept going with it. But I've seen it tons outside of that year too, so easily 400 times at least... which is crazy, I know, and has little to do with this episode except for the obvious fact that Dean loves it too (he must if he's picked it for movie night that many times, right?) and it makes me wonder if the fact that the little brother in it is named Sam has anything to do with that? Or is that just a weird little added bonus for him, like of course little brothers are named Sam, and even if your brother is a monster he's still your brother so you make sure you've got his back. And Dean's brief time as a half-vamp has to make this movie hit close to home, right? Like, it's one of the best vampire movies ever made, I will die on this hill. And Jami Gertz was hot af as Star, and Dean woulda been 11 when it came out so it all would have seemed like the height of fucking cool to him. Right?
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spnwin-reader · 7 months
Feeling closer to my father through work
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JO HARVELLE: “I was still in pigtails when my dad died but, I remember him coming home from a hunt. He’d burst through that door like he was Steve McQueen or something. And he’d sweep me up in his arms, and I’d breathe in that old leather jacket of his. And my mom who was sour and pissed from the minute he left she started smiling again…we were a family. You wanna know why I want to do the job? For him. It's my way of being close to him. Now tell me, what's wrong with that? SPN prime 2x06
John is giddy to find out more about his dad's legacy.
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He remembers that Henry was a sweet papa ("Pops") who tucked him in at night, who told him not to be afraid of monsters under the bed, and bought him a music box that played "As Time Goes By" from Casablanca (1942). I would venture that this is probably a Millie-Henry song, too.
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John and Henry are united by music, the way that John and Dean are united by music, and John and Mary are united by music. There's also the fact that Dean communicates his personal feelings to Cas through the John-Mary music selection Led Zeppelin (SPNprime The Future 12x19), and how Dean and Jack are united by "old" music (SPNprime Byzantium 14x08, and Don't Go Into the Woods 14x16).
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In SPN prime, John kept Henry's old journal with his initials, using it as his own journal in order to feel closer to him.
John misses him so.
Look how excited he is at the prospect of hunting and learning more about him:
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JOHN: H.E.W. Henry Eric Winchester. This is my dad's locker. We had a lock just like it on our shed. The combination's my birthday.
Henry's old coat hangs here:
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Symbolically, it feels like a "working class" Millie-and-John-Dean-coded jacket on the right...and a "mid-level work" Henry-Cas-coded coat on the left.
(We also see the WATCH AND READING GLASSES for Henry, because he's a "loremaster/reader" and he's untethered and lost to time.)
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Indeed, the photograph is set up this way, too, with Millie on the left and Henry on the right.
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And the loss is still painful for John, but knowing that Henry loved him helps John see more clearly, feel more firmly rooted in place: the truth was right here.
It's like the first stitches over an open wound.
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caslesbo · 3 years
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he’s two :)
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p0ssyum · 4 years
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Jack Kline // 14x16 : Don't Go Into The Woods
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winchestress · 6 months
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foolproof strategy
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ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
“Mm. He actually left. Early this morning”
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frenchiestan · 5 years
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Springtime Jack Icons from 14x16 because he was super cute in the episode
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me core
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