#supernatural 14x16
winchestergifs · 4 months
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May 18, 2024 ♡ Happy 7th Birthday Jack!
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becauseofthebowties · 2 years
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For my 7k Followers Celebration ↳ @klinejack requested: Jack + funny moments/quotes
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Me when I explain I'm trans and/or autistic:
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xviruserrorx · 10 months
Mordred's "Emrys?" gives me the same energy as Jack's "What's a ghosts?" Like I mean—
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raisinggray · 2 years
Sam to Dean: "The internet is more than just naked people". People. Not naked girls or women, but naked people.
Just leaving this out here.
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winchestress · 6 months
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for me it's 2010 probably
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uh-ohspaghettio · 1 year
okay so in 14x16 Jack says “ we have movie nights on Tuesdays. Dean usually picks. I’ve seen Lost Boys like 36 times” and so me having the brainrot I do I decided to watch the film and I have some thoughts:
For those who do not know the movie it follows Michael and his little brother Sam who are new in town and Michael falls into a gang of vampires and Sam has to save him from being transformed into a vampire with the help of two brothers “the frog brothers” who are self proclaimed vampire hunters.
We obviously can see how this movie resonates with Dean just based on a brief summary of the plot but imaging Jack’s perspective on this fucks with me a little not gonna lie.
In the film the frog brothers insist to Sam that he has to kill his brother because he is turning into a vampire and hence a monster. Sam throughout the whole film is adamant that they can’t kill Michael even when Michael almost tries to harm him but is saved at the last minute by the family dog.
Regardless of what is happening to Michael, Sam refuses to see him as a monster and defends him. That must to some extent mess with Jack when watching the film because here is a family that are willing to protect and save each other regardless of what they are. Dean iterates multiple times that Jack is a monster to his face and his treatment of him reflects that at times. Dean threatens or tries to Jack multiple times because of what he is as well.
I am likely looking too much into this because Dean loving Lost Boys so much was likely placed there as a comparison to Michael/Sam to Dean/Sam but I can’t help but think that during the pattern pf up and downs between Jack and Dean’s relationship combined with the sheer amount of times they watched the film that there had be a overlap of time when their relationship was on the worse end and they were watching the film and Dean praises the actions of the charaxters while he acts in the opposite way to Jack
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m1zumono · 2 years
‘do you ever, like, hang out?’
‘well, we have movie nights on tuesdays. dean usually picks. i’ve seen lost boys like 36 times.’
‘i mean with kids your own age.’
‘well, i’m two. …wenty… i’m twenty… two. i’m twenty two.’
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waywardvamp · 1 year
And today Jack learnt a valuable lesson every two year old must learn: don't play with sharp and pointy things.
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winchestergifs · 1 year
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Queer Characters of SPN
11/30 ❥˚⁀➴ Max & Stacy
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s14e16 don't go in the woods (w. davy perez, nick vaught)
just hanging out in the dark. in the morning.
DEAN What you looking at? Porn? Sex tapes? Nip slips? SAM The internet is more than just naked people. You do know that, right? DEAN Not my Internet.
sure sure
DEAN I don't know. Something about being cooped up in the bunker for a few weeks. We all need to stretch our legs. I get it. SAM All right. Uh, then, Jack. DEAN Uh... I don't want Jack on this.
novel concept, looking to get people to tag along and explaining why they're not
so is jack gonna make some friends with the kids in town? and also. they kind of do what they have done with cas in the past with jack, i think. where it varies how clued in on acting like a person he is
MAX Hey, it's...cool. We know. About their whole Hunter thing. JACK Oh. Good. I don't like to lie. It makes my stomach hurt. Like when you have to burp, but you can't burp. Yeah.
laying it on real thick.
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JACK Well, we have movie nights on Tuesdays. Dean usually picks. I've seen "Lost Boys" like 36 times.
is sam participating in movie nights too? because i imagine his tolerance for lost boys over and over would be about nil :p
STACY It's $37.08. But for the beer, I need to see some ID. JACK ID?
being that he's been on hunts pretending to be law enforcement etc i think he would be familiar with the concept.
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always appreciate when they show his hair getting visibly wet. can't really tell on short hair so the effect would be lost without the cue from sam's :p
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bound to end well
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looks cool at least. great idea leaving jack unsupervised when you're questioning his ability to make good choices
they're doing that music that's i think supposed to be a little dissonant/creepy but doesn't sound like one of the musical instruments is playing completely out of tune unlike john's episode
great, stabbed one of the girls accidentally. peachy. least he finally figured out how to heal. but no more friends
SHERIFF ROMERO Pretty much. They say that boy not only ate his family, they said he went… mad with hunger. He went after my people, and then when my tribe caught him, they… Killing him would have been too easy. They wanted that boy to suffer. For his crimes against our people, crimes against nature. They cursed him. He's doomed to roam the woods… always starving. And if he didn't feed… his body would eat itself. The Kohonta aren't born. They're made.
that seems like a lousy curse to release someone with on your land...???
SHERIFF ROMERO They bound him to this forest. They marked the trees to keep folks away. But that was a long time ago.
LOL ok
SAM No. No. It doesn't work like that. People die. Even when they know how to fight, people still die.
took me a hot minute to understand why he was getting all torn up about it. good thing the recap reminded me he felt guilty about the au hunters dying in the bunker because he was their leader because otherwise i'd have forgotten 🥴 i think it's the now-perennial problem of having too many plotlines, it feels really half assed to me how they established the au hunters and sam's relationship to them all, but then i'm supposed to buy into his trauma from them dying. if it had been a consistent and significant presence then maybe half a season would be enough for me to be on board
ALSO if cas watched jack burn that snake to ash, with the reasoning that would have everyone questioning his moral compass, now doesn't seem like the best time to bounce because you're feeling cooped up. also ALSO, did cas not tell sam and dean? hadn't he been very open with them about jack's soul situation prior? now he's gonna keep that very relevant detail - especially when he's leaving - to himself?? started thinking too much
looking at the linked script from the wiki, but it's a 2nd writer's draft and it's pretty significantly different from what made it on screen. cas being out wasn't explained, jack picks up on them wanting him to stay readily, less socially oblivious jack interacting with the kids outside the store, changed the thing that triggered sam's trauma from the kid getting his girlfriend killed by virtue of being out there to the version we see about even being trained hunters people die doing it (which definitely makes a lot more sense and still feels ham-fisted :p)
well that's interesting. sam shooting with his left hand because he's got the silver knife in the right. and i think that monster munched on his arm
SAM How about the truth? He's your son. He deserves the truth.
LOL is this about dean lying to jack about why he should stay home? advice and little passive aggressive dig to the co-parent twofer
i liked all the small reactions in this conversation. and savage takedown of dean's argument there, bringing up how they lied to john about being okay to make him happy. oof
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JACK Oh. Well, I got the supplies. Except for the beer. I didn't have ID. DEAN You have tons of IDs. JACK They're fake. SAM Jack... listen. Dean and I, we -- we want to talk to you about your powers. JACK W-What about them? DEAN This Hunt, we, uh... we didn't want you coming along because we didn't want you using them. SAM Not yet. Not for now. You know, you just got 'em back, Jack. We want to make sure you're comfortable with them again before you... DEAN Before you go all X-Men. It was crappy of us not to tell you. You know, we were trying to be nice. 'Cause we care about you. But because we care about you, you deserve the truth.
good job, dads.
SAM You understand that? Jack? JACK I understand. I won't use my powers without permission. Promise. DEAN Great. And I guess I'll go get some beer. SAM What about everything else? You good? I mean, anything happen while we were gone? JACK No. Nothin'. SAM Good.
no longer clueless baby, vaguely evil music playing in the background. not really sure where they're going with this
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soullessjack · 2 months
okay im normal again (steak for dinner) so now im gonna ask this
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this is not a statement on the quality of these episodes btw. this is just about which one of these is the least distinctive and memorable to you
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missjackil · 4 months
Supernatural Battle of the Episodes!!
Aaannnd we're back! After a marathon work week, I see Lebanon beat Peace of Mind in a pretty good battle! Today shouldn't be any problem!
Who is it Chuck!
Chuck: Welcome back boss! Today we have Don't Go in the Woods - Sam and Dean learn about a monster they've never heard of (Kahunta?) After a girl is murdered in the woods
Meanwhile, Jack tries to impress his friends with some Nephilim powers and one of them runs right into the path of a moving Angel blade and they all blame him! 😒
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winchestress · 6 months
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foolproof strategy
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spnfistfight · 1 year
Welcome to spnfistfight, round two, child edition!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
After a stunning victory by Ms. Eileen Leahy, we're following up with a second brawl. This time, with children. The rules are simple:
1. The character must be or have been under 18 during the course of the show. If they have aged over 18, the under 18 version of the character will be used. Possession does not count if the supernatural being is an adult.
2. No weapons or superpowers are permitted in the ring. Only their wits and their fists.
Submissions are to be sent through the ask box. I am looking for preferably 64, so we can go twice as long as last time, but 32 is the minimum. Submissions are closing on June 4, and Round One will begin shortly after.
The child fights will be tagged as both #spnfistfight and #spnchildfight. Personal posts are under jes.txt.
If you have any questions about submissions or rules, send me an ask, I'd love to help.
Participants are under the cut :)
Aiden (8x18)
Alex Jones
Allen (7x22)
Asher (1x18)
Barry (4x13)
Ben Braeden
Ben Colins (1x02)
Bela Talbot
Bobby Singer (7x10)
Bobby John (6x02)
Caitlin Johnson (15x16)
Callie Garrison (3x05)
Castiel, Gertie, and Sam Fitzgerald
Channing Ngo (7x21)
Claire Novak (10 Years Old)
Cyrus Styne (10x22)
Daphne Blake
Dean Winchester (9x07)
Dean Winchester II
Dirk (4x13)
Eileen Leahy (11x11)
Elliot (14x13, 14x16)
Emily (7x22)
Emma Winchester
Evan McKay (1x15)
Family Remains Girl (Unnamed) (4x11)
Fred Jones
Gary (5x12)
Jack Kline
Jacob Pond
Jesse (The Antichrist)
John Winchester (?) (8x12)
Jordy Pinsky (11x05)
Josephine Barnes (8x18)
Kate (8x04, 10x04)
Kevin Tran
Krissy Chambers
Lily Shoemaker (1x05)
Lizzy Gibson (4x11)
Lora (14x03)
Lucas Barr (1x03)
Magda Peterson (12x04)
Maggie Thompson (2x11)
Matt Pike (1x08)
May Sunder
Max (14x13, 14x16)
Melanie Merchant (1x19)
Michael (1x18)
Mick Davies
Missy Bender (1x15)
Oliver (8x16)
Owen Mills
Patience Turner
Peter Sweeny (1x03)
Sam Winchester (4x13)
Shaggy Rogers and Scooby-Doo
Stacy (14x13, 14x16)
The entire cast of Supernatural: The Musical (10x05)
The Gore Boys (5x09)
Timmy (9x07)
Toni Bevell's Son (11x23)
Tod (4x08)
Travis Johnson
Tyler Thompson (2x11)
Velma Dinkley
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