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inacatastrophicmind · 5 years ago
hello i havent seen a spn episode for like 58372 years wtf is going what is au dean and why can i not legally adopt him as my dad? would you be so kind to v quickly explain this all to me? spoiler the heck out of the last few episodes so i understand. (only if you want and have time, of course) also why does every destiel thing i see feel like they’ve already gone canon can u also explain That what did i miss
Regarding au!Dean: Chuck is destroying every single world he has created, except for the one where out Sam and Dean are. Au!Sam and au!Dean were escaping from their world and they ended up on the universe where our Sam and Dean are.
Regarding Destiel: Since Dean prayed to Cas in purgatory, forgiving him and apologizing for the things that happened since the last 3 episodes of s14, Dean and Cas have become even more married than they were. After being apart for months, they restored their friendship and their relationship has become stronger. But with every episode, they seem more married, and we’re all wondering when they got married, because now they’re acting like a married couple. They’re so soft with each other, but they are also teasing each other and it’s wonderful.
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jeffreyss · 6 years ago
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An ugly portrait of Jensen Ackles
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profound-boning · 5 years ago
sarah the more i see of 15.08 the more im like this is so gay wtf is this how do they think to get away with this????
spn: is ending
the writers:
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soft-witchy-things · 5 years ago
Have never communicated with you before but wtf how in the world does getting reversed cards have ANYTHING to do with your reading skills? Like, at all? Some people :')
Hi friend, I’m just gonna consider you a friend now. :D
Exactly that, but I sometimes get asks like that. The question itself shows that the person probably hasn’t the biggest knowledge about reading the tarot (yet), so I guess I just try to explain.But ya, some people! I’m thankful for everyone who thinks I’m a bad reader, because I won’t even read for those people. Sometimes you don’t know if an anon is “testing” you or doesn’t believe in you or something, but my cards always know and they like to then get a negative card for this person. Fun fact. :P
Thanks for the ask though, hope you have the most wonderful day! ♥
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@jimminovak replied to your post “me: Bucky, stop walking on my laptop Bucky: (btw, I can’t deal with...”
good afternoon, apologies but i have to inform you that you did not purchase a cat. that is a sphynx you got there.
she’s the snuggliest little sphinx ever
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ltleflrt · 5 years ago
@ tumblr why wasnt i ??? following? im very confused
Sometimes tumblr’s a little bitch, that’s why ;D
Welcome back! *waves*
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dea-stiel-is-my-buddie · 6 years ago
Me, patiently waiting for a new chapter of Crossing Lines 😍😍 @jimminovak
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thursdays-fallen-angel · 6 years ago
Outside the Midnight Hour
@deancaswc ; @thursdays-fallen-angel vs. @jimminovak Prompt: Book Title “Outside the Midnight Hour” Word count: 3.1k Rating: T Summary: Dean has a chance to be cast in the movie of a lifetime, but it’s down to the author of the film’s source material to decide if he’s going to get the job or not.
When Dean’s agent calls him, he’s sure that it’s going to be with a rejection. Based on the vibe Dean had gotten in the audition room, the amount of money going into this project—there’s no way in hell they’re going to take him.
After all, this film isn’t like any other that Dean has even so much as auditioned for, let alone been a part of. A paranormal, action-based movie with a heavy focus on psychological aspects and themes of self-exploration? With that much going on, it’s going to have to be perfect.
And the director, Cain Mullen, is one of the best in the industry. He won’t accept anything less than perfection, anyway.
Which is why Dean answers his phone with, “Alright, lay it on me. How embarrassed do I have to be for even trying for this thing?”
There’s a beat of silence on the other end of the line, and then Charlie asks, “What the hell are you talking about?”
Dean slumps down onto his couch, his pout directed up at the ceiling. It’s a decent apartment in a decent area of LA, but overall, nothing to write home about; being an up and coming actor doesn’t quite have the same pizazz to it as being a fully-fledged one does.
If he had just landed this gig…
He sighs into his phone. “Beyond the Midnight Hour. Cain didn’t seem all that impressed during my reading, so how bad is it looking? Maybe I should stick to mediocre romcoms and B-list horror stuff.”
Charlie makes a sound of outrage in reply, and when she speaks next, her voice has taken on that unmistakable, I am your agent and that means I know best, mister, attitude. “Dean Winchester, you are better than those movies, and one day I’m going to make you believe it. And guess what! That day is today, so strap in, bucko.”
Dean blinks. That’s sounding an awful lot like she’s saying…
“Strap in for what, Charlie?”
He can practically hear his agent’s wolfish grin. “You’ve got a meeting, Winchester. A couple people at the studio want to talk to you.”
Dean sits up so quickly that his head spins—or is that happening anyway? “You mean I—?”
“You’re one of two choices,” Charlie is quick to cut in, and there’s the other shoe that Dean knew had to be waiting somewhere. “But Dean, it’s looking really good. The director and a few producers want to talk to you, maybe run you through some more lines, and then they’ll make their decision.”
Okay. Okay, Dean can handle that. One-on-one with another actor, and if he comes out ahead, he could potentially be the lead of the movie of the year. Should be easy enough. All he has to do is win over the directors and producers. Right?
He takes a deep breath, determination taking root. “Alright, Charlie. Send me the details.”
Dean arrives at the studio’s main office only a few hours after Charlie’s call, dressed in his best with his stomach twisted into knots. A receptionist leads him to a conference room that has been set up like an informal get-together space, with the table pushed off to the side of the room and an array of basic snacks and drinks spread across it.
There are only two other people in the room, one of whom Dean recognizes immediately.
Cain appears to be deep in conversation with the room’s one other occupant, but he looks up when Dean enters, and his face splits into a grin. “Ah, Mr. Winchester! I��m so glad you could join us.”
Cain crosses the room and grabs Dean’s hand for a firm, overexcited handshake. Dean tries his best not to gape like a damn fish the whole time, but he only barely manages to return the handshake by the time Cain moves on.
“I trust your agent explained to you what we’re looking for today,” the director says, a heavy hand now laying on Dean’s shoulder. “Our team is in a dead split between casting you or Michael Godson as our lead, and that means we’ve brought it down to our tiebreaker.”
Multiple alarms immediately begin to ring in Dean’s mind. A dead split? Him and Michael Godson? Charlie hadn’t made it sound quite so dire, and she definitely hadn’t told Dean who his competition was—though it’s probably fair that she didn’t, because if she had, there’s no way Dean would have shown up at all.
Michael is a pro with a resume that’s a hell of a lot better than Dean’s. Dean might have some decent acting chops, but if it comes down to it, in what setting could he ever possibly hope to beat Michael?
He croaks out, feeling slightly faint, “Tiebreaker, huh?”
Cain nods, then uses the hand he has on Dean’s shoulder to lead him over to the man he had previously been talking to. The guy has been hovering since Dean arrived, looking awkward in the background, and Dean tries not to look as wary as he feels when they are introduced.
Who is he? A producer? Some random pick from the crew? He definitely doesn’t seem confident in this environment, and he’s gorgeous enough that Dean knows he would remember if he’d seen him before. He looks like he’s straight out of every chick flick Dean has ever seen, with his dark, tousled hair and perfect, pink lips.
“Dean, this is Castiel Novak. You might know him as his pen name, CJ Novak—he is the author of the novel Beyond the Midnight Hour is based upon.”
Dean’s mouth goes dry. “Oh,” he says without quite meaning to. He’s heard of CJ Novak. Then, with as much enthusiasm as he can muster and a hand stuck out in Castiel’s direction, “It’s great to meet you, man. I didn’t realize this was based on a book, but based on how awesome the cut-down screenplay version is looking, you must be an amazing author.”
Castiel’s cheeks dust pink, and he belatedly accepts Dean’s offered hand. His palm is smooth and warm against Dean’s own. “Thank you, Mr. Winchester. That’s very kind of you to say.”
Once the handshake has ended, Dean gives Castiel the most charming smile he can muster. It’s not as easily managed as he might have liked, with his nerves ratcheting up as quickly as they are, but—he’s pursuing a career in acting for a reason. He can do this.
And Dean isn’t an idiot. Cain said they needed a tiebreaker, so who better to make the final decision than the man who created the story that’s being put to screen? Dean isn’t going to resort to flirting or anything so cheap to try to win the author over, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be as charismatic as possible.
“I really do want to read it,” he says, now that a beat has passed after Castiel’s thanks. “How different is—”
At that moment, there’s a knock against the conference room door. It swings inward to reveal a pair of unfamiliar faces. “Cain?” one of them calls. “Can we steal you for a second?”
“Of course.” Cain smiles at the pair in the doorway, then turns back to Dean and Castiel to clap a hand to each of their shoulders. “I’ll be back shortly. I’ll see about rounding up the rest of the producers, too, before Michael arrives. Play nice, you two.”
Cain strides out of the room without a backwards glance. When the door closes behind him, the conference room is thrown into an awkward silence. Dean and Castiel both stare at the door instead of each other. Castiel shifts his weight from one foot to the other; Dean clears his throat. They end up turning to each other at the exact same time.
“Well, I guess—”
“I feel like I should apologize—”
Each of them cuts off. Dean’s smile turns sheepish, and Castiel presses his lips together in embarrassment.
“Uh—sorry.” Dean forces himself to chuckle and rubs uncomfortably at the back of his neck. Smooth, Winchester. “What do you want to apologize for?”
“I was going to apologize in advance for being as socially awkward as I am,” Castiel confesses with a chuckle that’s far more authentic than Dean’s had been. “But I think I proved myself quickly enough on that matter. Cain promised me he wouldn’t leave me alone, and yet…”
Oh. Well. Now Dean feels even more awkward. He tries to push through it. “Well, I can’t exactly say anything for Cain ditching you with me, but I’ll try not to make this any harder on you than it has to be. I’m a chill guy, I promise.”
Castiel squints at him like he doesn’t know how to interpret that statement. Dean’s confidence begins to fizzle.
He swallows hard. “Anyways, uh. I know actors tend to be flashy assholes, but that’s not my style. My little brother’s a quiet type, too, so believe me when I say that’s something I can handle. He’s going through law school right now. Pretty different path than the one I’m on.”
Castiel tilts his head at that, intrigued. “Those are definitely very different paths,” he agrees. “Your brother wants to serve people, and you want to entertain them. Why?”
Dean shrugs. “Just our lots in life, I guess. Sam’s always been a brainiac. Reading, writing, following along with political activist groups. I modelled a bit when I was a teenager, and I followed that line of work to make sure I stayed employed. Money’s important when you’re raising a kid sibling as your own.”
“Raising him as your own?” Castiel echoes, but Dean is sure that they’ve already discussed this more than they should. They’re not here to talk about him.
Or, well. Maybe they are, in a way. But not like this. His personal drama doesn’t mean a damn thing, as far as his career is concerned.
“How different is Beyond the Midnight Hour the book from Beyond the Midnight Hour the movie?”
“Oh. Um.” Castiel clears his throat, but thankfully has the good grace to let the subject be changed. He settles his weight back on his heels as he switches to thinking about a subject he’s actually familiar with. Dean can see how much it relaxes him; the difference in his posture is like night and day. “Actually, the novel I wrote is called Outside the Midnight Hour. After the film rights were sold, the studio came to me with the idea of changing it for the movie adaptation. Something about original titles and alphabetic preference, I don’t fully remember. I was too happy to be getting a movie to care.”
“Oh.” Dean wrinkles his nose without thinking. “You weren’t offended by that? I mean, you must have worked your ass off to write that book, and then after all that, some studio mooks decided to just change the title for their own reasons? The title can be the trickiest part of the whole book, right? That doesn’t sound fair.”
Castiel blinks rapidly, then stares at Dean in what seems to be a stunned silence. It takes a while for him for respond, and when he does, there’s a distant note to his voice. “I… I hadn’t actually thought about it in those terms. I wasn’t offended, but… Should I have been?”
Dean shrugs. “I don’t know. If you aren’t offended, you aren’t offended, I don’t have any right to tell you how to feel. You seem like a good guy, though, Castiel—”
Dean loses his grip on his rant. “What?”
Castiel’s cheeks have turned pink again. “A lot of my friends call me Cas.”
“Oh. Cas. Okay.” Dean’s face feels a bit warmer than usual now, too, because—is it just him, or does that make it sound like the two of them are becoming friends? Maybe it’s a bit too early for them to actually be at that point, but if nothing else, it’s definitely an invitation.
He clears his throat and makes an effort to remember what it was he had been saying. “Um—anyway. If you’re not offended about the title thing, that’s fine. I probably shouldn’t be saying shit that might pit you against the studio, anyway. Not if I want this job.”
“I’ve already signed my contracts,” Cas says, waving his hand in a vague gesture. “I can’t be turned against anyone. But your perspective is… interesting.” He assesses Dean for a moment, then asks, “If I were to tell you that I was offended by the change in title. What would you do about it?”
The answer to that is an easy one. Dean knows what he would do without a second of hesitation. And, even though he swears he can hear Charlie’s voice in the back of his mind telling him that it’s a bad idea, he gives that answer to Cas.
“If you weren’t into it, I wouldn’t do this movie. I know I already said this, but the screenplay is fucking incredible. You created a great story with great characters. If this movie didn’t respect your vision and earn your support, I wouldn’t want to support it, either.”
Cas’ expression goes slack with the force of his surprise. Dean can’t blame him for the reaction; he’s sure it’s not what Michael would have said.
(Dean has never met the guy, but he seems like a stuck-up prick, so he doesn’t exactly have any desire to. He knows enough from interviews and general gossip, thanks.)
“Why would you give up this film?” Cas asks—demands, really. Once he gets a grip on his surprise, he verges on being angry. “I know your work history, so I know this project is a huge opportunity for you. You told me that you started acting with the hopes of supporting your brother. This would be a better paycheck than any you have ever seen, which could help both of you. So why the hell would my opinion of something as inane as the title convince you to give up your chance?”
“Well… not just the title..” Maybe his logic doesn’t feel quite as sound now that Cas has thrown it back at him like that, but that doesn’t mean Dean is going to change his mind. “It’s your story. I’m just some guy who might be allowed to act it out. One of those things is way more important than the other.”
Cas reels back slightly. “Dean Winchester,” he starts to say, but for a long moment, nothing follows it. Dean waits, feeling uneasy (and definitely like he has blown his chance and used this alone time with Cas all wrong).
Then Cas finishes, “Dean Winchester, you are phenomenal.” In the same breath, he turns his head toward the conference room door and shouts, “Cain?”
It only takes a handful of seconds for Cain to appear, opening the door and strolling through it without a care in the world. There’s no one with him, Michael or otherwise. Dean frowns.
“Any thoughts, Castiel?” Cain asks, casting a cautious look in Dean’s direction. Cas is quick to answer him, though, redrawing his attention completely.
“Dean is the one. I would like him to have the role over Michael.”
Dean’s has just about hits the floor. He turns to Cas, abruptly feeling dizzy and certainly not understanding what the hell is happening. “What? But I… I haven’t even been in the same room as him, yet. Why would you pick me? I mean, his name alone—”
Cas cuts him off with a shake of his head. “I already spoke with Michael earlier in the day. When he thought he had a few, secret minutes alone with me, he spent his time trying to impress me with his reputation and connections. He flat-out offered to introduce me to my favorite actor if he was given the part.”
Dean blinks. “And you didn’t want to take him up on that?”
Cas shakes his head and graces Dean with a small, secret kind of smile. “I think I have a new favorite actor now, anyway. And he’s much kinder. He cares about the work itself instead of just getting the job. Better looking, too, if I’m being honest.”
Cain muffles a chuckle behind his hand. Dean stares up at him in surprise; Cas is so absorbing that Dean already managed to forget that he came back into the room. And when he does look up, the director offers Dean his hand. “I’m looking forward to working with you, Dean. I’ll make sure everything you’ll need to look through gets sent along to your agent.”
“I—” Dean swallows hard. He’s dangerously close to getting choked up, but he eagerly shakes Cain’s hand nonetheless. “Thank you, sir. I’m looking forward to working with you, too. I appreciate this opportunity.”
There. Charlie would be proud of him for that line.
Dean can sense that the meeting (or ambush, really, since that’s what it turned out to be) is going to come to an end now that the casting decision has been declared. Part of him feels like he should keep his mouth shut and let that happen, not push his luck, but as soon as Cas starts to walk away from him, presumably toward the door, something like panic grips at Dean, and he instinctively reaches after him.
“Hey Cas, wait up—” Dean leaves Cain Mullen behind in favor of catching Castiel Novak by his elbow. Cas is slow to turn around to look at him, and when he does, his blue eyes have gone round with surprise. And god, with a face like that, how is this guy just the brains behind the story? It’s almost ridiculous.
Nerves bubble through Dean, and he gently releases Cas’ elbow. Neither of them moves to put any additional space between them, though.
“I was just, uh. I was wondering.” Shit, when did Dean become so bad at this? “Do you want to maybe… grab coffee? Or something? You know, new favorite actor to new favorite author? You never did tell me how different Outside the Midnight Hour is from its movie adaptation.”
Cas stares at him. “I suppose I didn’t,” he concedes. Then, after a moment of deliberation, a smile steadily stretches across his features, lighting him up. “Favorite actor to favorite author, you say?”
Dean feigns a casual shrug. “Kinder and better looking than any other author I know.”
It’s right then that Dean learns that, when Cas smiles widely enough, his nose and eyes wrinkle with it. He already loves the look of it, even before it turns out to accompany the words, “I would very much like to get coffee with you.”
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buckbylightning · 5 years ago
me: i recognize the way you talk i kNOW who you are but WHO ARE YOU you: prev dr-sexy me: fucking right you are holy shit (anyway ily and your url is a+++++)
juniper!!! this is quite possibly the sweetest ask i have ever received! ily
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frenchiestan · 6 years ago
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Springtime Jack Icons from 14x16 because he was super cute in the episode
7 icons 
like and/or reblog if you save
my icons
icons under the cut
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inacatastrophicmind · 6 years ago
i cannot stress enough how much i feel your tags on the free to be you and me gif post, abt them now just.... arguing. dont they get that we’d rather have what we got in s5, that it doesnt matter if they are romantic officially. it doesnt matter at all. we were happy and enjoyed season 5 destiel a lot. just give that back. they could do it before, they can do it again. give us that. it frustrates me and hurts me to see the changes, though i tried to pretend it didnt matter /: but it does /:
I get that they have to argue once in a while. We all argue with those we love or care about, but the writers are making Dean and Cas argue all the time. And they do that because for them, it’s the only way the plot can go on.
As much as I would love Destiel to go officially canon once and for all, right now, all I want is for the writers to stop making Dean and Cas argue 24/7 and let them be in good terms. It seems that s15 is not going to give us any of that, and it hurts. I love Dean and Cas’ relationship SO much. I love their relationship, whether is romantic or not, I just love their interactions so much, and I love their friendship and I love what’s clearly more than friendship. But it feels that the writers just want to write them being pissed off at each other to add useless drama and useless conflict.
If they want to create drama and conflict, they should focus on the plot instead of writing Dean and Cas out of character, and also, they should just stop making Cas disappear for a whole episode, as if he didn’t exist at all, and then blame him for not being there. The writers are the ones that make Cas be away for several episodes, without giving a solid explanation, so that Dean and Cas can have a conflict between them. It angers me. i don’t know what they’re trying to accomplish with all this bullshit, but I want Dean and Cas to be in good terms again and to talk, to fucking talk for a long time. I’m tired of this drama. I know their relationship isn’t perfect, but all this drama is just terrible writing and trying to find a silly excuse to add unnecessary conflict.
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thefriendlypigeon · 6 years ago
just thought i'd drop a message saying that im back on writing my therapist fic based on your art and it just passed 9k, thought you'd like to know what you've done to me :D *gives u some birdseeds to nibble on*
*inhales the seeds*
Could you maybe send me the link to your fic again, my lil birb brain forgot :V
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jeffreyss · 6 years ago
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@supernaturalcreationschallenge | princejackles ↳ Prompt: Snow
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profound-boning · 5 years ago
@wanderingcas replied to your photo “15x10 spoiler!?”
i think i'm going to have an aneurysm about toddler cas
@jimminovak replied to your photo “15x10 spoiler!?”
both of you are correct
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bowleggedbeauty · 7 years ago
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heartharrington · 7 years ago
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