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sam girard is the most underrated man on the avalanche: 1/?
↳ [spin move edition]
+ bonus: everyone loves sam
#this is inspired by my trevor series#sam is so underrated it makes me sad#sam girard#samuel girard#colorado avalanche#op#samseries
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90 Days of Autumn (Part 12)
Title: Christmas
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word Count: 5,175
Warnings: A couple swear words, but all fluff
Prompt: Sam and Y/N spend their first Christmas together, complete with silly pajamas, many of presents, and special confessions.
Master List
A/N: Well, this was supposed to come out on Christmas, but I failed. I’m just getting back into writing after my mini break, so forgive me for how long this is. And you’re welcome for all the fluff that’s come from this.

You woke up with Sam by your side. Per his request, and to your excitement, you spent the night. He was still sleeping when you woke up, which surprised you because you were the one who rolled in late.
You had all morning to spend with Sam and after you were heading to your dad's house for dinner and presents with your family. You and Sam had skipped the whole “let's not get each other a gift” discussion, knowing you’d break that agreement anyway. You did agree though that nothing could exceed 50 dollars. It gave you a good price range and you knew you could get multiple gifts without going over that amount.
Sam stirred beside you, stretching his arm over your side to hook around your back and pull you closer to him, soaking in the warmth of your body. “Merry Christmas Eve, Y/N,” he whispered sleepily.
“Merry Christmas Eve, Sam,” you replied brushing your nose against his in hopes to wake him up a bit more, but if anything, it only seemed to make him more tired.
You were very close to falling asleep again when Sam broke the silence. “Thank you for staying over. I’m sure by Sunday night we’ll be sick of each other.”
“Never,” you confessed, “I'm very happy to be spending these next two days with you.”
“Mmh. Me too,” he agreed and it wasn't long after that comment that you were drifting off again with Sam following short behind.
Sam had hung his mistletoe in the doorway of his room and he didn’t hesitate to pull you in for a kiss when you finally drug yourselves out of bed at nearly two in the afternoon. You weren't sleeping they entire time, just relaxing with each other and talking, enjoying it being just the two of you for the time being.
Sam made pancakes while you showered and got ready for the day, you ate together at his table, enjoying the calm and quiet of each other's company. When Sam went up to shower, you cleaned the dishes and when he was done, it was just about time to head out for a celebration with your family.
“Auntie Y/N!” You nephew yelled as he sprinted to the door, barreling right into your legs. “Merry Cwismas!”
“Merry Christmas Bryce,” you sang, lifting him onto your hip.
“Sam!” He yelled, noticing the man who had followed you in. “Gracie! Unca Sammy is here with Auntie Y/N!”
Right on cue, the toddler came running to the front door, requesting to be held the second she saw Sam. You were so happy that your family had taken well to Sam, and not just the little ones.
Your brother was first to step into the living room from his space in the kitchen, greeting you with a hug and one for Sam as well. “Merry Christmas,” he spoke.
“Merry Christmas,” the two of you told him, following him into the kitchen where you were greeted by your dad and Ava.
You set your bag on the table as you took a seat on the chair with Bryce still in your lap. Sam sat beside you and Gracie situated herself on Sam’s lap, making herself comfortable and making you and Sam both chuckle.
“Dada and Grampa are makin’ ham,” Bryce announced, “and botatoes, and salad.” You grinned at the face the four-year-old made when it came to the word salad.
“Sounds delicious.” You smiled down at your nephew, pushing his long locks away from his eyes. “Are you excited for Santa to come tonight?”
“Yes!” He beamed, staring at you with wide eyes. “Gracie and I have been really really good this year, huh mommy?” He turned to his mother then, looking at her with the same big eyes he stared at you with. You knew he got that look from his father, a trait that he taught himself when he was about Bryce’s age.
“Very good,” Ava confirmed, nodding to you.
“Oh good! You know Santa once gave your daddy coal,” you teased.
“Hey, quit tellin’ my kid lies!” Jake warned, waving a spoon in your direction. “It was your Auntie Y/N who got coal, not me.”
Sam gasped and you turned to him and rolled your eyes. “It was Jake-”
“It was not! Dad, who got coal me or Y/N?” The two of you sounded like kids again, arguing over just about everything: who got the last bit of cereal, who got the toy in the Cracker Jack, who's turn it was to do dishes…
“You both did. Santa hung it on Jake’s stocking, but I remember the note saying it was for both of you,” your dad piped in to calm the storm that was your arguing. He was best at that, growing up, Dad’s specialty was making sure you and Jake didn’t kill each other.
Jake scoffed, turning his attention back to salad he was currently working on throwing together. With a bit of a victorious smirk, even though the coal was for both of you, you turned your attention back to your niece and nephew.
“Gracie, are you excited for santa to come?” you heard Sam ask the little girl.
She nodded her head, blonde curls bouncing in excitement. “Awe you esited for Sana ta come?”
“Of course I’m excited for Santa to come!” Sam responded, “You think I’ve been good this year?” he asked Gracie, who nodded again.
“Etsept, you stolded Auntie’s heart. Steawing is mean.”
The whole room erupted into laughter at little Gracie’s comment. A blush rose on your cheeks too, as you were sure she remembered hearing that from her father when you last saw them. At least she knew that stealing was wrong, that was all that really mattered.
Sam cleared his throat, settling the room down before speaking, “this is one case where stealing isn’t bad. If I stole her heart, it means she really likes me. And I really like her. She stole my heart too,” he clarified, making your cheeks darken in color still.
“Oh,” she noted.
Bryce cocked his head in confusion, looking between you and Sam, “Does that mean you traded hearts?”
You laughed, shaking your head. You shot a quick ‘see what you started’ look to your brother before turning to face Bryce. “No sweetie. It’s just a saying for when you really like someone. He didn’t actually take my heart and I didn’t take his.”
There was no more talk about you and Sam’s love life after dinner. The kids had become so distracted with eating that there wasn’t much time for talking, at least, not unless their mouths were full and it was about how excited they were for santa and presents and snow.
Before you even knew it, the sun had gone down and you were settling down in the living room for another family tradition, watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas on Christmas Eve. Gracie had conked out just minutes into the short movie, but Bryce held through the entire thing.
“Should we wake Gracie up for presents?” you asked, remembering the bag you had set by the table earlier that held the presents you and Sam would be giving to the kids. Of course, you had included one for Jake and Ava and for your dad too, but most of it was for the kids.
Bryce couldn’t contain his excitement at the mention of presents, quickly hopping off the couch and sprinting to the kitchen to grab your bag. You, Jake and Sam all worked to wake the sleeping toddler, who really was less than excited about being up so late, but when Bryce came back with the presents and you told little Gracie you wanted her to open her gifts, she was more than happy to deal with being woken up.
You watched the two tore into their gifts. If you didn’t know any better you’d say they were more excited to rip the paper off than to actually get the gift. They made a mess, that was one thing you were sure of.
Sam had gotten the two of them books. You told him they loved reading, and he was more than happy to pick up some children’s books for them. Bryce had been really into sports lately, so you got him a plastic t-ball set, which he was ecstatic about. You got Gracie an art set, as she had become obsessed with drawing and painting. You also got each of the kids their own little bag of chocolates, not that they needed it but who could resist christmas candy?
You got your dad a book, one that he’d been talking about for quite some time now. He still gave you the spiel on how you didn’t have to get him anything, but graciously accepted the gift anyway.
Of course, you couldn’t get away without receiving some gifts of your own. You dad had given you some movies you’d been wanting to see, and gave Sam a six pack of his homebrewed beer. He also gave you two some money for a date night, which you knew would be put to good use, as Sam was already planning some winter themed dates.
You decided to head out shortly after, wanting to beat the storm that was supposed to come in that night. After goodbyes were said, you headed out to Sam’s truck, realizing that you hadn’t quite missed the storm. The snow was falling heavily outside, already sticking to the ground.
“At least it’ll be a white Christmas,” you giggled, blowing on your cold hands as you hopped into Sam’s even colder truck.
“That means Mom’s gonna make Dean and me shovel first thing in the morning,” he groaned, though he was just as happy about the snow as you were.
When you got to the Winchester’s house, the lights were still on, and everyone seemed to still be awake. It surprised you at first, realizing that it was nearing ten o’clock, but it was Christmas Eve and you were sure they were waiting up to make sure you and Sam made it there safely.
Sam grabbed your hand, helping you out of his truck as you arrived. The ground was wet and slippery, and you had a death latch on Sam’s arm as you made your way up the tiny hill to the front door.
Sam, with full knowledge that everyone was still awake, walked inside, announcing his and your presence. You found the family in the living room, gathered around the TV and watching was looked to be The Polar Express.
“Just in time,” Mary announced, turning the volume down on the movie that was playing. She crossed the room, pulling her youngest son into a hug first and then giving you one as well. “We’re so happy to have you here for Christmas, Y/N,” she told you, and you could tell that she meant it.
“Can we do the present now?” Dean asked, sounding like a little kid who so desperately wanted to look at his presents.
“Present?” You inquired. Sam had said nothing about presents.
Sam put his hand on your lower back, pushing you further into the main room. “Every year, mom and dad give us a Christmas Eve box. It’s nothing big, just something special for the night before Christmas.”
“Don’t worry,” Mary assured, “there is a box for you too.”
You sat down with Sam in front of the tree, the three of you forming a little half circle. Mary handed you each a box, about the size of a shoebox. Dean and Sam both opened theirs quickly, and from the looks of it, each box was roughly the same, with a few minor differences. In yours were christmas themed pajamas, some cookie mix in a jar, a few packets of hot chocolate, popcorn, and an ornament. “Thank you, Mary,” you grinned, standing up to hug her.
“We have to wear these tonight you know,” Sam chuckled, already pulling his pajamas out of his box.
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else!” You laughed.
You headed for the bathroom as Sam and Dean headed for their bedroom’s to change. You couldn’t help but laugh at the pajamas. It was a red onesie, zipping up in the front with a little bear claw on the chest pocket, but the back of it was a button velcro flap on the butt, that read “bear bottom” on it.
You giggled, emerging from the bathroom at the same time Sam and Dean came out of their bedrooms. Dean was in a blue onesie, similar to yours, but his read “tail end” on the back and had a hoofprint on the front. Sam had a moose hoofprint on his front and the back of his read “moose caboose.”
The giggles and chuckles continued all the way down the stairs, mostly at each other, but the good thing was that you could all laugh at yourselves too. Mary and John joined in upon seeing the pajamas they had purchased. Mary even commented saying, “best Christmas present yet,” which had the laughter growing louder.
Once pictures were taken, and everyone had dried their tears from laughter, you all decided to turn in for the night, but not before Mary gave you a rundown of the bedroom rules. “We won’t spy on you and I don’t care if you kiss and cuddle, but there will be absolutely no sex in this house from you two,” she warned, which made you blush because truthfully, you hadn’t even thought that far ahead. “The door cannot be shut all the way and the nightlight in the hall needs to stay on. If you get cold, there are extra blankets in the hall closet and the bathroom is right beside it. Good?”
“Good,” you nodded, partially intimidated by the rules, but you had no reason to be. The most you have done, or would do with Sam at this point was kissing. You were happy that Mary was letting you two sleep in the same room in the first place.
“Understood. Goodnight, mom.” Sam leaned forward, wrapping his mother into a tight hug. “We’ll see you in the morning.”
“Bright and early, Samuel. The walks are going to be bad.”
“Goodnight, Mary.” You took your turn in hugging her. “And thank you for the pajamas. They’re very comfortable.” You shared a laugh, before she was returning your goodnights and headed down to her own room to sleep.
It took a minute to get comfortable. Sam’s childhood bed was much different than the one at his place, or yours. It was smaller, not as soft and you were surprised it fit the two of you, but soon enough you found yourself wrapped around each other, right in the middle of the bed, with just enough wiggle room on each side - there was more on Sam’s, but you had the wall, so you weren’t complaining.
Sam’s fingers gently brushed up and down your arm, soothing you and himself. It was quiet for quite some time before Sam let out a low chuckle. You heard it rumble in his chest, then exhale past his lips and when it did, you turned your face up to his. “What?”
“I’ve never had a girl in this bed before,” he chuckled again, his cheeks reddening at his own statement. You couldn’t help but blush too. Surely, he had brought girls home to meet his parents, and surely he had brought girls home to his own home before, but something about being the only girl to ever sleep in this bed with him, was special.
“Never?” You challenged. You wanted to know more and hopefully he was comfortable with sharing more. You wondered if he had indeed brought a girl here to stay the night but she slept in a spare room or on the couch. You were curious, especially now that he had opened up the floor to questions with his statement.
Sam shook his head, well prepared to give an answer, almost like he knew you would ask. “Never. Not even Jessica. She used to stay over really late, especially when we were off for the breaks, but she always said she felt uncomfortable sleeping next to me when my family was just down the hall. Mom’s always been okay with her staying, and gave me and Jess the same rules she just gave you and I but Jess never wanted to,” he paused, clearing his throat, “we didn't even spend Christmas together ‘til our last one. She was usually with her parents and I was with mine. We didn't do presents on Christmas day; it would usually be the day after, or whenever I saw her next.”
You rested your chin on his chest, looking up at him when you spoke, “I’m very happy to be spending Christmas with you.”
Sam smiled, leaning down to kiss your lips. “Me too,” another kiss. “So can I ask, what about you and Corbin, did you two spend every Christmas together?”
“Pretty much,” you nodded, “our first Christmas we spent together we were in our own house, so we invited both our families over for dinner that night. That ended up just being what we did every year. We did gifts, hung out with our families and then the night was over.”
“Well, I’m glad we get to do something christmasy with both our families, together. Spending the afternoon with your family was a lot of fun, and I’m glad you’re here tonight and you’ll be here tomorrow for Christmas with my family. Though, with all the time I’ve spent with you, I don’t think I’ll be able to let you go come Sunday night.” He nuzzled his cheek against the top of your head as his arms tightened around your waist.
You giggled, feeling the slight scruff on his cheeks brush against your hair. “Duty calls, Sam. It’s just something you’re going to have to deal with, y’know dating a doctor and all,” you bragged.
“As long as I get to tell everyone I’m dating a hot doctor, I guess I’m okay with it,” he yawned, “besides, those babies need you more than I do.”
“Goodnight, Sam,” you hummed, resting your ear against his chest, hearing the faint beat of his heart as the two of you drifted off.
You woke up to the smell of coffee and a cold bed on Christmas morning. The sheets were neatly tucked around you, but the warm figure you had been curled up against all night long was no longer there. Instead, the side of the bed was cold, like he had been gone for a little while now.
Pulling yourself out of the warm covers, you quickly picked up your phone from the nightstand. It was just about 8 o’clock, and you figured Sam was already downstairs with his family. You were a little embarrassed, as you padded down the stairs, though when you entered the living room, it was empty, save for the tree and the gifts that were scattered underneath it.
Your nose led you to the kitchen, where Mary Winchester was standing next to the stove, a pot of coffee brewing beside her. “Good morning,” you spoke, hoping not to startle the older woman.
“Morning, Y/N. Sam and John are outside shoveling. Coffee?” she asked, but before you could answer she was turning around and placing a warm cup in your hands. “Sam made it earlier for you and asked me to keep it warm. I just reheated it, so it should be nice and hot.”
“Thank you,” you responded, taking a sip of the warm beverage, made just how you like it with a bit of cream and sugar. “I’ll be sure to thank Sam later as well. Where’s Dean at?” you asked, realizing she had yet to mention her oldest son.
“Presumably, asleep. If that boy has a day off, he likes to sleep in. I’m surprised Sam’s not still asleep too, or at least still in bed with you,” Mary answered, coming around to sit with you at the table.
“He was pretty set on helping John this morning, especially after you warned him last night that he’d have to shovel.”
Mary laughed, sipping from her own cup of coffee. “At least he listens, right?” You giggled, agreeing with her. “Would you like some kringle? There’s kringle on the counter, if you’re hungry,” she offered.
“I’ve never had kringle before, so I promised Sam he could be around when I tried some for the first time. And, as hungry as I am, I’ll just wait until they’re done,” you assured. You wanted to keep your promise to Sam, and hopefully the kringle would be as good as he had made it seem to be. You didn’t want to try it just to not like it.
“They should be in soon. They started around 7:30, and it’s not that big of a driveway, or sidewalk.”
As if they had been by the door, waiting, the two men walked in, red faced and breathing heavy. “Speak of the devils,” you chuckled, taking in Sam’s appearance as he began stripping out of his jacket and gloves and boots.
“Good morning,” Sam grinned, making his way to you and planting a chastile kiss to your lips. His hand came up to cradle your cheek, but you were quick to pull away from the cold touch.
“Your hands are like ice,” you commented.
Sam huffed out a laugh, nodding, “I know! I was outside shoveling, thank you very much.” Sam reached over you and snatched up your coffee cup, cupping his hands around the warm mug before taking a drink.
“Hey! That was mine, thank you very much!” you mocked, trying to reach up for it, but his height got the best of you.
“I made it,” he retorted, taking one more drink before setting it down. “Thank you, very much.” This time he sounded sincere, like he was actually thanking you for sharing - against your will, you might add.
“You two bicker like an old married couple,” a grumpy Dean sounded from the doorway, clothed in his pajamas from last night and a green robe. “Oooh, kringle!” His bitterness was over as he went straight for the pastry and started pile piece after piece into his hands.
“Wait!” Sam interrupted, “save some for Y/N, she’s never even had kringle before!”
“Never had kringle? Well, what’re you waiting for, eat!” Dean placed a rather large piece in front of you, finding himself a seat at the table to enjoy his own pieces.
Sam let go of your shoulders, “no, not yet! I need my camera!” You groaned and rolled your eyes. Obviously whatever this dessert treat was, it was a big deal to have your first bite.
And it was no wonder they were making a big deal out of it, because when you took your first bite, you realized why. The almond filling, plus the icing on top all threaded together with the pastry dough was heaven in your mouth. You were now seeing why Dean piled his hand high with the sweet treat. You gave Sam a thumbs up, with your mouth still full, trying not to laugh when Sam took a picture of you like that.
Presents were next. You all had moved into the living room with your respective cups of coffee and gathered around the tree. John had turned the tv on, noticing that A Christmas Story was just starting. “Another Winchester family tradition is to watch this movie while opening presents,” Sam informed you.
You, Sam, and Dean separated the presents into their respective piles. One for John, one for Mary, one for Sam, one for Dean and one for you.
“Go ahead, open ‘em up,” Mary announced, and you watched as Sam and Dean both picked up a present, reading off who it was from before tearing into the paper. “You too, Y/N,” she nudged, and you nodded, grabbing one of your presents too to open.
Mary had gotten you a few clothes - you assumed Sam had let her know what size you wore - as well as a new planner for the next year, something you had mentioned to Sam you wanted, and were very happy to receive from his mom. John had got some pens and paper clips to go with the journal. He was unsure what to get you, so besides the pens, he got you a gift card to your favorite store, and you were more than happy with just that. As a joke, Dean had given you a new stethoscope, but you informed him you had been needing a new one, and he was very pleased with himself for getting it. “Santa” had gotten each of you a new calendar, as well as some chocolate to eat.
You were most excited for Sam’s gifts though, but that was a bit of a given. With five gifts total, he reminded you that he didn’t go over 50 dollars when you became a bit suspicious. The first gift you opened was some fruit flavored chewy candy, something sugary that you could eat to stay up during your long days. He got you a wintery scented candle to go with the throw blanket and book he got you as well. The last thing Sam got you was a necklace, a stereotypical romantic gift, but you loved it. It was a small gold leaf, with a pearl attached to a gold chain. It wasn’t hard to realize why he had bought it; Autumn was what brought you two together.
“Thank you, Sam,” you gushed, leaning forward to kiss him quickly. “I love them.”
You had gotten Mary some new hand towels and some lotion she had once mentioned was her favorite. You gave John some of your fathers homebrewed beer and a beer glass to go with it. Not too soon after, John was putting a bottle in the fridge, letting you know he’d be drinking it later. Dean received a bottle of his favorite whiskey from you, and the both of you thanked Sam for helping you pick that out for him.
You waited eagerly as Sam opened his presents from you. You felt a bit bad, having only gotten him three things. The first was a new case for his laptop, as he mentioned needed one. His old one was starting to tear, and the zipper on it had broken too. You bought him another SD card for his camera, this one less gigabytes than his other, but it still gave him two instead of just one. The last thing you got him was a bit cheesy, but you thought it was cute. It was a jar filled with chocolate kisses and under the lid you had written, “kisses for when I’m not around.” His face reddened and he smiled at that one. “Well, since you are around,” he began and then leaned over to kiss you. “Thank you, baby.”
Night came sooner than you hoped, and you did have to go back to work at 11. You ate a simple dinner with Sam’s family and thanked them one last time for the wonderful Christmas, before he was driving you to your apartment.
After spending the last two days with him, you really did not want to tell him goodbye. It was the best Christmas Eve and Christmas you had ever had, or at least the best you’d had in years. You invited Sam in, though it was nearing 9:30 and you really needed to shower and get yourself ready to go.
You drug out the final goodbye for twenty minutes before he announced that he really should let you get ready. With a sad laugh, you agreed. “Thank you for a wonderful Christmas. I was very happy to spend it with you and your family,” you said, wrapping your arms around his torso.
“And thank you for a wonderful Christmas Eve. I’m glad you could stay the night and I’m glad we could spend some time with your family as well. Those kids are just darling, and I was happy to get to see your brother and dad again.”
You stood on your toes, pressing a kiss to his lips. You listened to him chuckle shortly after you had pulled away. “God, and I was so sure you’d be sick of me by now,” you mentioned.
“No,” Sam breathed, shaking his head, “if anything, I’m more in love with you now than before.” Without realizing it, Sam had just admitted to you that he loved you. It didn’t register until he caught a glimpse of your face: shocked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and your mouth slightly agape. “Y/N… sh-shit, I didn’t… I mean, I did, I do mean that, I just- I shouldn’t have- I shouldn’t have said it yet, I’m s-”
“Wait,” you interrupted, noticing that he was trying to pull himself away from you. His cheeks were flushed, though the rest of his face was pale. “S-Sam, I… I love you too, you just caught me off guard.”
“Really?” His face began to regain color with your confession. “You’re not just saying that because I said it first, right?”
“N-No!” you stammered, “Not at all. Sam, I really do love you, I just wasn’t sure you loved me back. I didn’t want to rush into anything. I’ve known since the night you came to the hospital after I called you, upset, and you stayed with me.”
“Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving was when I realized I loved you. Watching you bond with my whole family, and watching you with your niece and nephew, I knew I loved you then.” He threw his head back, chuckling lightly before he looked at you again. “I love you, Y/N,” he whispered.
“I love you too, Sam,” you responded, your eyes tearing up slightly from his confession. Before tears could fall, you pressed your lips to his. His hand cupped the back of your head while his free arm fitted around your waist, pulling you flush against him. It was probably only thirty seconds, but felt like five minutes by the time you two had pulled away. “I really have to get ready to go though,” you breathed out, making him sigh.
“I guess I should head home. I’ll call you, tomorrow, sweetheart,” he said, pulling himself away from you.
You nodded, your hands the only thing that were still connected now. “Goodnight, Sam,” you murmured, frowning a bit when his hand finally slipped free of yours as he opened the door.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
When you were sure Sam was out of earshot, you screeched, bouncing up and down softly on your feet. You felt like a million butterflies were free in your stomach, and you were sure your heart was racing. You simply couldn’t wait to tell Josie about this news.
Tags: @anoril @supernatural-jackles @iwantthedean @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @d-s-winchester @hasta-impalasta @winchestersnco @lipstickandwhiskey @mrswhozeewhatsis @growningupgeek @that1seniorchick @wildfirewinchester @livelovelike555 @feelmyroarrrr @escapiingeverythiing @supernaturallymarvellous @spirallingdownfandoms @winter-in-wakanda @munlis @acklesdowneyandhiddles-ohmy @authentic-winchester @captainradicalpassion @blackcatstiel @waiting4thedoctor @thisisthelilith @idreamofhazel @coyotesmate @exploratiionist @20secspnfam4 @sdavid09 @theulimatefangirll @lunarsaturn88 @isis278 @plaidstiel-wormstache @impossiblydparklynightmare @impalaimagining @loveitsallineed @writingbeautifulmen @summer-binging-spn @ashleychinrock @britt-spn @oriona75 @mortallymagicalobject @impala-dreamer @demonic-meatball @jotink78 @owritever @w4yn0t @itstheprincess @alcpegasus22 @fangirl1802 @smoothdogsgirl @my-lil-bit-of-everything @screamingparadox @classicteenagenothing @mysteriouslyme81 @jensen-jarpad @jared-padaloveme @elliewinchesterr @supernaturalyobessed @frankiea1998 @lenawiinchester @27bmm @poukothenerd
#90 days of autumn#sam winchester#sam winchester x reader#sam winchester fic#sam winchester fanfic#sam x reader#sam x reader fic#sam winchester x reader fic#samwinchesterfluff#samwinchesterimagines#samwinchesteroneshot#samwinchesterseries#sam series#samseries#samfluff#samimagines#supernatural#supernaturalimagines#supernaturalfluff#supernaturalseries#supernatural series#spn#spnimagines#spnfluff#spnseries#spn series#supernatural fic#supernatural fanfic#supernaturalfic#supernaturalfanfic
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