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finalgirlsamwinchester · 1 year ago
guy who so desperately tries to find god. who wants to have faith in a higher authority to guide him out of the hole he's in. from the weight of guilt from simply existing, as the person he is. but every time he thinks he's answered his higher calling it turns out he's made the Morally Incorrect choice and his path to goodness and holiness was the road to the devil all along
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fakemagicjaye · 7 months ago
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sequel to this eight years later. idk i was possessed????
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deancaspinefest · 26 days ago
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Looking Back, Fundamental Romance
Author: Susu_st | Artist: onowey*
Posting on Friday March 28
The ads in every corner of your vision, the ultra-processed food that doesn’t satiate, the attention spans fried by algorithms, the normalised violence—it’s called brain pollution. To this, you are helpless.
Luckily, there’s a cure. And it comes in the form of a handy little pill.
*updated with new pinch hitter artist on 2/28
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
‘There is routine in each day. Those days build into weeks to months to years, until a satisfactory life reaches its neat and tidy end. The human peacefully ceases to exist, leaving society as a net-positive contributor.’
The people in front of Castiel read those lines in the pamphlet with pursed lips and wrinkled foreheads. He supposes they are not pleased with what they are reading. They likely have not considered the overall picture and find no regard for it now. Usually, these materials are received well after an initial dosage. They will appreciate it later, he is sure.
“The car,” the man says, lowering his hand so only his wife is still holding the introduction materials. “Guaranteed on day-two of entry, is it?”
Castiel nods to confirm, because that is all that is needed.
“Will the house be ready for us soon? Do we get to choose?”
Castiel finds it curious that they are asking him rather than consulting the materials in front of them. It has been a long while since he last spoke with humans still functioning along fundamental lines.
“This information is all within the folder I gave you. It is very detailed,” he reminds them, because he knows fundamental humans can be forgetful. “The apartment is ready now. It is from an assigned furnished block; they are all identical.” Then he further clarifies, because he knows they likely need simple answers. “No, you cannot choose.”
The couple look at each other. The wife sighs. “Okay. This is it, I guess. Where do we get our first kit?”
Castiel gives an unpractised smile. It is polite to do so. “Down the hall. An escort will meet you at the exit door.”
They do not smile back. There is not a small chance they dislike him. By tomorrow, they will be rather similar, and he makes note of the irony as a neutral brain exercise. He himself does not feel dislike, though he remembers it.
He reawakens the computer, checking if any appointments have been added. He is to occupy this desk regardless, as the Welcome Centre is organised to have a volunteer available during the full opening hours.
Volunteering is mandatory, done on a rotating enrolment basis to maintain fairness. Over the first months of this year, every Thursday, Castiel has been here. Today is his last day. He does not feel strongly about it one way or the other.
For the most part, Castiel does not welcome anyone. It is quite the rarity, with so many already within the city, those that remain outwith do so with intention.
Castiel checks his watch out of nothing more than curiosity for the time. He will remain here for hours more, as the Welcome Centre requires a volunteer at the desk, and it is Castiel’s turn to meet that purpose. He will rest his eyes as is a natural biological response to a lack of stimuli, but he will not find boredom, and it will be another perfectly fine day.
Keep reading on Ao3 after Friday March 28 🌲Find more 2025 Pinefest previews here 🌲
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wasabichips · 1 month ago
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who beat his ass?? ( i know who )
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minxyone93 · 3 months ago
Communication Breakdown, It's Always the Same Destiel Fanfic by minxyone93 on AO3
After Jack has absorbed Chuck's powers, Dean asks him for help. Dean risks his neck to get into the Empty and rescue Castiel. Dean's been haunted by Cas's death and unable to move on. He's able to get Cas back, the trouble is that there's a lot that's still unsaid between them. On the other hand, there's a lot that has been said between them that they are also having trouble processing. It's causing friction between them as they navigate their new circumstances together. The two are struggling to get on the same page and to understand one another. To make matters worse, Sam keeps sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and it's really starting to grate on Dean's nerves. What does he have to do to make Sam understand this is serious, and seriously personal too!? He's going to get that moose to take him seriously one way or another.
"I wanna hold you in my arms, yeah
I'm never gonna let you go, 'cause I like your charm
Communication breakdown, it's always the same
Havin' a nervous breakdown, drive me insane"
-- Communication Breakdown by Led Zeppelin, 1969
Based on an inspiring post from @howsdeanshole you can find here (fyi it does contain spoilers for the fic)
Tag List below the cut:
@dyllonatorrex-arts (this is going to be the BAMF!Cas scene fic I told you about, it's just the first chapter so you gotta give him a min)
@avifromaplaceofcaring double dog dared me to write it too
@destielficbasket @fandoms-and-things @doctorprofessorsong @justarandomlilla @readingeternally @fatallyaddictedtofiction @ivypettal @fandom-addict404 @disapointmentdotcom @lesbian-deanwinc-hester @aleloveslouis28
Please let me know if you wanted to be added to/removed from my taglist :)
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maliciousmagpie · 7 months ago
Trying to figure out if a post with the names Sam, Jack, Jo(h)n, Mary or Michael is about Supernatural, Red Dead Redemption 1/2, The Magnus Archives/Protocol or Hannibal is really a wild time
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masoena · 1 month ago
Guarding The One
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Author: @masoena
Artist: @rezal-art
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Length: 5,978 words 
Main Tags: Veterinarian Dean Winchester, Alternate Univese - Guardian Angels, Fluff, Romance, Meant To Be, Grace Bond, Snuggles, Outdoor Smut 
Relationships: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel 
Link to Fic: AO3 || Link to Art: Tumblr
A black and white tomcat is dropped at Dean's vet clinic, about 2 years old with two growths above his shoulder blades that seem to be painful at times. He takes Tuxedo, the cat, home rather than leaving him at the clinic until he is adopted out. Low-key hoping he can finally convince his brother Sam and brother-in-law Gabriel to adopt him. The feline has other plans as he keeps returning to Dean over and over again until one night Tuxedo sprouts wings. There is so much more to the little cat than Dean could ever imagine, in the very best of ways.
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raptor-claw · 1 month ago
wow spn you really had to make a jester outta me huh? had me giggling and kicking my feet thinking gabriel was back only to turn around and spit in my face. i looked like a FOOL!
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midnightbluebells03 · 11 months ago
Any author recs for abby or ellie x reader? Love your stuff 🤍
Thank you darling and of course!!
These are just of the authors I can think if right now if I remember anymore I'll add them ☺️💖
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hells-plaid-angel · 10 months ago
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 Carson McCullers - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
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Review: Skysong by CA Wright Rating: 4/5
All her life, Oriane has sung her song to bring the dawn. But when something calls her to the palace, she finds herself trapped. Her only hope is the lady's maid assigned to her who sings a song of her own.
When I saw this was a reimagining of Hans Christian Andersen's The Nightingale, I couldn't figure out how Wright could possibly have reimagined it into something interesting. The original is just ... lacklustre. But this is one of the most beautiful fairy tale retellings I've come across in a long time. 
The writing is simple and enchanting. The characters are calm but full of emotional underneath. The story itself is quite action-packed but reading it felt like flowing down a quiet river which was an incredibly nice feeling. 
This isn't a hashtag-cozy-fantasy but it's certainly a fantasy that leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling inside. And there are lesbians. So if those things appeal to you, definitely track down a copy. 
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cas-is-queer · 2 months ago
The authors barely disguised craving for a happy ending
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deancaspinefest · 1 year ago
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Take The Long Way Home
Author: sidewinder | Artist: caught-a-dragonfly (Sarah)
Posting on Monday April 15
Two months ago, the world didn’t end. But for Dean Winchester, who fully expected to sacrifice not just his life but his very soul in order to stop Amara? The celebration has been clouded by the disappearance of his best friend, Cas—the friend he’d started to realize meant more to him than he’d been willing to accept until now. The last anyone’s seen of Castiel was when he was banished from the bunker by Toni Bevell. The Brits swear they don’t have him. Neither Heaven nor Hell claim to know of his whereabouts. All of Dean’s calls, texts and prayers to the angel have gone unanswered, and Dean can’t help but worry that a "Winchester win" has once again come at a terrible price. One day hope finally arrives in a lead from an unexpected if not always trustworthy ally. However finding Cas might end up being only the first step in saving him—not simply from the forces holding him captive, but from the prison of his own mind.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
As Dean approached the galley, he saw the light on there already, meaning he wasn’t the only early bird up and about today. His mood brightened with a momentary spark of hope—Cas rarely slept, and when he was around the bunker, he usually enjoyed hanging around in the kitchen to read or watch cat videos and shit all night on one of their laptops. But Dean’s bubble of hope burst when he saw it was just his brother, sitting there in his sweatpants and a ratty old t-shirt, chugging a disgusting-looking green smoothie. Sam was no doubt ready to head out on his morning self-imposed torture session—that is, a five-mile run looping around the bunker to Lebanon and back.
Kid seriously had to be the devil’s vessel if he found that kind of physical torment enjoyable.
“Hey,” Dean grunted at his brother.
Sam looked up from his laptop at Dean and nodded. “Hey. You’re up early.”
“You too. Couldn’t sleep?”
“Rarely do.”
Yeah, that was something they had in common. “Anything up?” Dean asked on his way to fill the coffeepot with water. 
“Not really. Just restless, I guess. I found a case, maybe. Not that I was looking for one,” Sam added quickly. “But while I was searching for any signs of Cas, or Lucifer, I came across a news story about some strange deaths in Wichita. It’s not far from here, and—”
“If you wanna go hunt whatever it is, go for it,” Dean cut him off. “Take mom. I know she’s itching to get out of here and do somethin’ other than stare at our ugly mugs all day.” 
“No, Sam. I mean it. Until I know where Cas is, I just can’t. My head’s not in the game.” A distracted hunter was a dead hunter. That was the rule their father had drilled into them as soon as they each could carry a weapon, and learn about the things that went bump in the night being real. A week ago, Dean had let Sam talk him into going on a “milk run” hunt to clear out a small vampire nest near Toledo and he’d nearly lost his neck thanks to not fully concentrating on the job at hand.
“Okay, I get it.”
“Do you?” Dean snapped. “Cas has been missing for two months, Sam! We have no idea where he is, if he even—”
Dean cut himself off. He couldn’t say it. Not out loud.
If he even survived.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Monday April 15)
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angel-fruitcake · 6 months ago
✦ Feral!Castiel ✦
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this is an open invitation to any artist(s) in the Supernatural fandom or otherwise, if you're so inclined, to create an art piece of this feral version of Castiel. the way this author (@loserchildhotpants on tumblr) depicts Cas in this form is so breathtaking and cosmically gorgeous, it deserves to be showcased physically.
to anyone and everyone else, if this excerpt intrigues you, i encourage you to check out this Destiel fic because it is absolutely phenomenal (as is everything that this author creates!!).
posted with permission 💕
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morallygreyintrovert · 5 months ago
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My view for the day, finishing chapter 9 of my wip.
Cas and Dean in the background just causally hanging out.
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cheerfulripley · 3 months ago
I might have to offer apologies to Hallmark movies screenplay writers.
Cause, uh, writing a Christmas romance is HELLA HARD
My God send help or Chai lattes
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