#2024 Dean/Cas Pinefest
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deancaspinefest ¡ 1 year ago
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Take The Long Way Home
Author: sidewinder | Artist: caught-a-dragonfly (Sarah)
Posting on Monday April 15
Two months ago, the world didn’t end. But for Dean Winchester, who fully expected to sacrifice not just his life but his very soul in order to stop Amara? The celebration has been clouded by the disappearance of his best friend, Cas—the friend he’d started to realize meant more to him than he’d been willing to accept until now. The last anyone’s seen of Castiel was when he was banished from the bunker by Toni Bevell. The Brits swear they don’t have him. Neither Heaven nor Hell claim to know of his whereabouts. All of Dean’s calls, texts and prayers to the angel have gone unanswered, and Dean can’t help but worry that a "Winchester win" has once again come at a terrible price. One day hope finally arrives in a lead from an unexpected if not always trustworthy ally. However finding Cas might end up being only the first step in saving him—not simply from the forces holding him captive, but from the prison of his own mind.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
As Dean approached the galley, he saw the light on there already, meaning he wasn’t the only early bird up and about today. His mood brightened with a momentary spark of hope—Cas rarely slept, and when he was around the bunker, he usually enjoyed hanging around in the kitchen to read or watch cat videos and shit all night on one of their laptops. But Dean’s bubble of hope burst when he saw it was just his brother, sitting there in his sweatpants and a ratty old t-shirt, chugging a disgusting-looking green smoothie. Sam was no doubt ready to head out on his morning self-imposed torture session—that is, a five-mile run looping around the bunker to Lebanon and back.
Kid seriously had to be the devil’s vessel if he found that kind of physical torment enjoyable.
“Hey,” Dean grunted at his brother.
Sam looked up from his laptop at Dean and nodded. “Hey. You’re up early.”
“You too. Couldn’t sleep?”
“Rarely do.”
Yeah, that was something they had in common. “Anything up?” Dean asked on his way to fill the coffeepot with water. 
“Not really. Just restless, I guess. I found a case, maybe. Not that I was looking for one,” Sam added quickly. “But while I was searching for any signs of Cas, or Lucifer, I came across a news story about some strange deaths in Wichita. It’s not far from here, and—”
“If you wanna go hunt whatever it is, go for it,” Dean cut him off. “Take mom. I know she’s itching to get out of here and do somethin’ other than stare at our ugly mugs all day.” 
“No, Sam. I mean it. Until I know where Cas is, I just can’t. My head’s not in the game.” A distracted hunter was a dead hunter. That was the rule their father had drilled into them as soon as they each could carry a weapon, and learn about the things that went bump in the night being real. A week ago, Dean had let Sam talk him into going on a “milk run” hunt to clear out a small vampire nest near Toledo and he’d nearly lost his neck thanks to not fully concentrating on the job at hand.
“Okay, I get it.”
“Do you?” Dean snapped. “Cas has been missing for two months, Sam! We have no idea where he is, if he even—”
Dean cut himself off. He couldn’t say it. Not out loud.
If he even survived.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Monday April 15)
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king-of-moose ¡ 11 months ago
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Faking It
One of my contributions to this years Pine Fest
You can find the awesome "Faking it" fic here by the amazing GhoulsnHalos if you want to read the story of two actors who are madly in love with each other (or are they???)
It was so much fun drawing for this lovely fic, and trying something a little different.
The masterpost can be found here
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seidenapfel ¡ 2 months ago
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2024 in Review
In 2024, I posted 17 fics, ranging from 334 to 27,731 words. Although I feel I joined too many bangs this year, only six fics were bang collabs. Addionally, there were eight art collabs as well. I haven't counted the art pieces, though. However, it probably felt that much because there are nine collabs I'm currently working on for 2025. So, if you like my fics and art, please subscribe to me on AO3 for fics and art, and/or follow me on Tumblr.
Making a List, Checking it Twice (Rated: E | Word Count: 1,369)
Summary: Dean forgets a naughty list in the kitchen. There's only one person/angel who can have found it.
The year started smutty with my first fic for the 12 Days of Smutmas.
Heating Up a Snow Cave (Rated: E | Word Count: 2,907)
Summary: Caught in a blizzard, Cas and Dean have to find a way to warm each other up.
My second fic for the 12 Days of Smutmas.
You Ain't Him (Rated: T | Word Count: 840)
Summary: “Dean?” Dean winced. No. It couldn’t be. His entire body started to tingle as the gravel voice vibrated through him. A voice he thought he would never hear again. This wasn’t happening. He was gone. He was—
A little birthday fic for Dean Winchester.
Books, Pies, and Roommates (Rated: E | Word Count: 27,731)
Summary: Everything seemed easy when Castiel landed a job in Lawrence as a literature professor at KU. He even found a place to stay with his cousin in Topeka. But the daily commute quickly gets on his nerves and he begins looking for a room in town. When he finally lucks out on a house, it comes with a catch. His mysterious landlord/housemate works and lives in Topeka during the week, and will only be at home for the weekend while Castiel is back at his cousin’s to honor a promise he made. When Dean walks into his favorite pie shop, the new sales assistant takes his breath away. Steve is gorgeous, and part of the owner’s family. Dean doesn’t even mind that he picks up Gabriel’s stupid moniker for him. After all, Deano has one syllable more, and Dean will do anything to hear Steve’s voice just a little bit longer. Though, as breathtaking Steve might be, he isn't Angel. If only Dean's book-loving best friend weren't a mystery in himself — a guy who Dean has only met online, but who has slowly taken his heart away. And it seems that Dean isn't alone in his feelings. When the lines blur and fantasies merge three guys into one, disappointment and heartbreak seem to be inevitable.
Pinefest ( @deancaspinefest ) is always one of the highlights of the year and this year @kitshay claimed my fic and created some beautiful pieces. Besides, I had a great time writing this two-person love hexagon.
Maybe not yet, but eventually (Rated: T | Word Count: 1,032)
Summary: Screaming, Dean wakes from a nightmare, trapped inside his memories.
This is the first of several time stamps this year. This one was for my 2021 DCBB fic Maybe not a comedy (according to Jack), but he likes the happy ending that can be read as a standalone.
Setting Sail (Rated: T | Word Count: 334)
Summary: 1805: Nodding at Lieutenant Davies and Midshipman Alfie, and leaving command with Lieutenant Hester, Castiel walks towards his cabin when he sees him.
Another timestamp, this time for my 2022 Regency Big Bang fic Forty Shillings on the Drum. Written for the Tumblr May Trope Mayhem. Can be read as standalone.
Maybe not magnificent, but damn awesome (Rated: T | Word Count: 1,137)
Summary: Movie nights aboard the Impala have become something of a routine after they reunited Sam with his family on Terra. Once a week, Charlie picks some classic movie from back in the days, and their little found family comes together in the living room.
Timestamp number three, once again for my 2021 DCBB fic Maybe not a comedy (according to Jack), but he likes the happy ending. Another entry for the May Trop Mayhem. Should work as standalone.
Filling the Empty Space in My Heart (Rated: T | Word Count: 5,035)
Summary: After Cas let himself be taken by the Empty, Dean's life continues in a blur. Only Jack keeps him going, who has turned himself into an actual four-year-old boy after defeating Chuck and giving up the majority of his powers to stabilise Heaven. However, Dean knows he isn't good enough to raise a nephil. Jack needs his dad. And there might be one way to bring him back. Even if it leads Dean back to Hell, and beyond.
Inspired by an art piece for the DCRB 2024 where I ended up empty handed, and written for the Profound Bond Gift Exchange as a gift for @thecadenceimperfect. With art by me. I later wrote a smutty timestamp as well called:
A Place to Stay (Rated: E | Word Count: 3,157)
Summary: After getting back from the Empty, Dean’s entire body tingled, too edgy for his skin. He barely paid attention to the others and couldn’t stop fidgeting since he had returned to the library and joined them once again at the table. Cas’ presence was electric, pulling him into its orbit. Dean felt it in every fibre of his being as he slumped down on the chair next to him. Echoes of Grace pulsed through him, and for the first time since Cas pulled that stupid stunt and let himself be swallowed by the Empty, Dean felt alive.
TFW 2.0: Siren Adventures (Rated: E | Word Count: 4,727)
Summary: After Charlie and Sam's plan to save Cas and Dean goes sideways, Charlie doesn't give up. There must be another way. When she finds help in an unsual ally, the future is suddenly starting to look brighter.
My Crack in the Chassis catch ( @crack-in-the-chassis ) for @notreallyaroad 's fic TFW: Just Add Water. At first, I claimed for art, but due to the special kind of bang, we agreed for me to write an alternate ending / fix-it as well.
A Part of Me Shall Still Remain (Rated: T | Word Count: 6,918)
Summary: In 1805 Commander Castiel returns home after long years at sea. The Battle of Trafalgar has left him a broken man. For years, he shuns society and withdraws to his estate, until a scandal involving Sir Castiel’s disgraced cousin and a young noblewoman shakes the ballrooms of London and Bath. It introduces him to a doomed woman, who not only does approve of his deepest secrets, but who also does give birth to a child that will alter the commander’s life forever.
My fic for the Dadstiel Bang ( @dadstielminibang ) with stunning art by @twinone1221. This fic is set in the verse of my 2022 Regency Big Bang fic Forty Shillings on the Drum, but can be read as standalone. I had two other collabs for the Dadstiel Bang, both art.
Everlasting Fall (Rated: E | Word Count: 3,136)
Summary: Tendrils of Grace trickled from Dean’s fingers as his hand ghosted along Castiel’s flank. Gasping, Castiel shivered and Dean smiled. “You like that?” Stripped of their combined Grace for the night, Castiel gives himself over to Dean, ready to be taken apart.
Another timestamp because after demon and angel smut, I wanted to write some Grace kink. Set in my Calming the Weather verse.
That's Purrfect (Rated: T | Word Count: 1,262)
Summary: Castiel would do anything for him. He would level entire civilisations for Dean Winchester, or dress as a cat — it didn’t matter as long as Dean was happy.
Another Halloween fic to add to my annual tradition, and the only fic I managed to write for Suptober this year.
Highly Professional (Rated: E | Word Count: 25,565)
Summary: On his first day of college, Dean feels like a fish out of water. After years of working his ass off with several jobs at once to fund his brother’s studies, his family and friends have decided to pay him back. That’s how he finds himself panicking in the lecture hall. Thankfully, a fellow student distracts him. She promptly becomes a good friend, and Dean has no idea how badly he will need her. The moment he lays eyes on his physics professor, Dean is lost. Castiel Novak seems like the man of his dreams. And when the professor’s son appears from under the podium, several lives take an unsuspected turn.
My fic collab for the DCBB 2024 with wonderful art by @sasanka-27. I started this fic for the Dadstiel Bang, but changed it for the one I ended up with.
Your Own Personal Heaven (Rated: T | Word Count: 3,004)
Summary: After arriving in Heaven, Dean's nursing a beer in the crowded and snowed-in Roadhouse when the door opens and Cas enters. Crowding him, Dean makes out with him in front of everyone present, believing that he is stuck in his personal Heaven and none of it is real.
I haven't shared this Christmas fic on Tumblr before because I was too busy with bang collabs and the holidays. Inspired by a prompt by @macy2me.
It's a Stabby Life (Rated: T | Word Count: 4,370)
Summary: Dean Smith’s life as Director of Sales and Marketing at Sandover seems perfect. If there weren’t the dreams, and his new colleague. When he runs into Castiel and accidentally stabs him with a knife in the cafeteria, the guy walks away as if nothing happened. Maybe it didn’t and Dean is simply overworked. But then it happens again, and again, and Dean’s perfect life slowly falls to pieces.
The first of two fics for @deancas-stabfest. @arlington-chamber-of-gay claimed it an created beautiful pieces for the stabs. I had never written Dean Smith before, so this was really fun.
Gonna Find Out Who's Naughty or Nice (Rated: T | Word Count: 8,859)
Summary: During a case involving an entire coven of witches, Dean tries on a Santa hat. Nothing seems wrong, until he can’t remove the hat. Jingles start following his every step while his body changes. Slowly at first, then faster and faster, until he can’t hide it any longer from Sam and Castiel: Dean is transforming into Santa, and there seems to be no way back.
My Stabfest collab number two is the last fic for this year. This time, I claimed a wonderful art piece by @masoenart. It was the second collab with @masoena this year after our collab for the Midam Bang during the summer where our roles were reversed. One reader called this fic Christmas horror. I just had a lot of fun writing it.
Art Collabs
(you find the links to the fics when you follow the links to the art, either on AO3 or Tumblr)
Destiel Pinefest 2024: Art for 'Given to Fly' by MittenWraith, colalb with @mittensmorgul [art on Tumblr]
Bottom Cas Big Bang 2023/2024: Art for 'Raising Kids, Finding Love, the Family Business' by Mydestielbabies_67, collab with @spnisthewayoflife [art on Tumblr]
Dadstiel Mini Bang 2024: Art for 'Make a Wish' by Avonlady, collab with @avonlady42 [art on Tumblr]
Art for 'Always Memorable' by golbygloom, collab with @golby-moon [art on Tumblr]
Crack in the Chassis 2024: Art for 'TFW: Just Add Water' by notreallyaroad, collab with @notreallyaroad [art on Tumblr]
Midam Bang 2024: Art for 'Breaking Light — A Future Earned' by Masoena, collab with @masoena [art on Tumblr]
DCBB 2024: Art for 'Marriage of Heaven, Hell & Humanity' by draechaeli, collab with @draechaeli [art on Tumblr]
Stabfest 2024: Art for 'Monsters and Men' by FriendofCarlotta, collab with @friendofcarlotta [art on Tumblr]
Over the summer, I also posted several sketches I drew in my sketchbook.
And I posted some photos taken at PurCon which ended up my most shared posts of the year.
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jayjayverse ¡ 11 months ago
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Art contribution to the Dean/Cas Pinefest 2024
Two princes by Andimeantittosting
Summary: When Prince Castiel of Eden discovers his father’s deepest secret, he expects a far worse punishment than an arranged marriage to Dean of Winchester, who is only recently restored to legitimacy and is second to his younger half-brother in the line of succession. Though the courtiers of Winchester are suspicious of Castiel, he and Dean become allies and fast friends, until the unthinkable happens and the young crown prince falls deathly ill.
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- ao3 art -
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mittensmorgul ¡ 2 months ago
2024 in Mittens Fic
It’s once again time for the annual accounting of things I have written! This year's stats are pretty deceptive, since i posted over 266k words to ao3 across five works. Unfortunately one of them is my SPNGeorg podcast notes (which i've all but abandoned for now, also unfortunately... unless you're excited that this means my brain wants to focus on writing fic more than podcast notes...) hopefully that bodes well for 2025 (for which I already have 42k written that will post in this year's upcoming pinefest!)
SO. If you take away the podcast notes, at over 180k... this has been my smallest fic year ever, at 85,721 words posted.
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For reference, past year end summaries can be found here:
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | the closest thing I have to a 2015 wrap up post is the lil bit of text at the bottom of 2016′s post… even though my two most popular fics were from 2015 lololol
Ignoring the SPNGeorg podcast notes, that still leaves me with FOUR posted fics from this year, which is way better than none! :D
First up was my Dean/Cas Pinefest fic, Given to Fly (60,952 words, rated E) (and while you're there, check out all the other incredible Pinefest 2024 works!). It's a modern AU, with Dean and Cas in the Navy and a very season seven vibe (in case you enjoy watching Dick Roman get his comeuppance in addition to destiel pining).
Next up was a fic I started with the intention of submitting to the DCBB but yet again missed the draft deadline. Loose Ends (20,763 words, rated T) is technically part 3 of my Evergreen series that began with one working part back in 2023, but can be read as a standalone. It's a post-Chuck world, Dean and Cas are together, and a fairy case leads them down a rabbit hole of fanfiction of Chuck's Supernatural series, and some major revelations about their own past.
(almost entirely) Sweet Sixteenth (982 words, rated T) is a short and sweet destielversary fic, also loosely set in the Evergreen 'verse. A camping trip goes very wrong.
Merry Beachmas (3024 words, rated T) is also set in Evergreen, my annual holiday fic. Wherein the entire gang decides that since Chuck is gone, they need to start making up their own holidays to celebrate. Once again, things go slightly awry. (and if you're still in a holly jolly mood and just want more destiel holiday fluff, i now have a decade worth of it right here)
And that's it for this year! Sadly! But again, I already have nearly half of this year's total ready to go for next year, so hopefully there will be much, much more to come!
I'd really better get on that, because my To Be Written list has continued to grow despite my best efforts to actually corral the thing...
Thanks again to everyone who’s read, kudos’ed, commented, reblogged, liked, rec’ed, and enjoyed anything I’ve written in the last year. I love you all. <3 See you in 2025!
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ao3feed-destiel-02 ¡ 11 months ago
Dear Father
Dear Father https://ift.tt/jMgqKcN by Salamitsunami1 It’s 1973, and it’s the middle of spring, and each passing day is warmer than the one before it. The troops are returning from Vietnam in droves, and the American shores they stumble upon are just a little more accepting of homosexuality than the ones they left all those years ago. But Father Castiel Novak has never even stepped foot out of Salvation, let alone out of the Midwest, and as the only priest in this very small town, he’s determined to remain in the closet until his very last breath. Things take a turn when Salvation’s newest resident confesses to having urges for other men. Dean Winchester wastes no time in asserting himself as both intolerably arrogant and an ungodly temptation, and Castiel’s only defense is to keep his distance. Despite his best efforts, a friendship still ensues, and it’s a very slippery slope then, with things going from bad to worse when Dean offers his self-proclaimed good hands to help bring Castiel’s family home back to life. Words: 68253, Chapters: 11/11, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Kelly Kline (Supernatural), Tessa (Supernatural), Layla Rourke Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Priest Castiel (Supernatural), Mechanic Dean Winchester, eventual Paramedic Dean Winchester, Period-Typical Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - 1970s, The Catholic church is a closet, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Virgin Castiel (Supernatural), Baby Jack Kline, eventual kid fic, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Religious Guilt, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Procedures, Background Character Death, Blood and Injury, Grief/Mourning, Bad Parent John Winchester, Adoption, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Layla's brain tumour, Dean/Cas Pinefest 2024 (Supernatural) via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/UH5OFjp April 10, 2024 at 07:07PM
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castielafflicted ¡ 2 years ago
ok I actually signed up for the 2024 dean/cas pinefest against earlier me's better judgement. I have a solid base idea and I am moderately terrified. More than moderately actually, but I have someone very confident in me.
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destielficsread ¡ 9 months ago
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sister Jo (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 11, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Road Trips, Near Death Experiences, Sick Castiel (Supernatural), Faith Healers, Dean/Cas Pinefest 2024 (Supernatural) Summary:
Almost a year to the day, and Castiel is still sick. After months of blackouts and near misses, Dean has managed to find a way to quell the spells and drag Castiel back from the proverbial abyss. However, when Castiel progressively gets worse and Dean's voice is no longer enough to keep him conscious, Dean sets out to find every faith healer in the country in the hopes that one of them might shed light on what's happening, and how to prevent it.
Only, Dean and Castiel find out more than they bargained for—and that the solution, apparently, has been right under their noses the whole time.
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folkbloodbaths ¡ 11 months ago
Now that Ao3 has decided to come back up, here's my Dean/Cas Pinefest 2024 fic, with THE MOST ridiculously gorgeous art by eggchef.
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so stanford era dean, an older version of him, and some angel from the future walk into a motel... (click to read Something Happening Somewhen, an amazing time travel fic written by the equally amazing allthismusic for the @deancaspinefest !)
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deancaspinefest ¡ 1 year ago
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Another Kind of Memory
Author: FriendofCarlotta | Artist: Aggiedoll
Posting on Wednesday March 20
Since a traumatic incident six years ago, Castiel Novak’s face has been disfigured by a scar. He’s resigned himself to being someone people can barely stand to look at, let alone love. Except his heart doesn’t seem to have gotten the message. When Dean Winchester takes over the convenience store down the street from Castiel’s bookshop, Castiel falls helplessly in love with his new neighbor. To make matters worse, Castiel’s sister Anna is also interested in Dean. Believing that Dean could never love him, Castiel decides to help Anna win his heart instead.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
“Hey,” Dean says. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. Just… wanted to say hi.”
“Oh. Hi,” Castiel says, one hand fluttering nervously down his face and across his hair in an attempt to ensure he’s looking presentable. The tips of his fingers catch on the ugly, jagged ridge of his scar, and he remembers that “presentable” stopped being an option six years ago. He clears his throat and arranges his face in the polite mask of a consummate customer service professional. “Anything I can help you find?”
“Um.” Dean looks uncertain now, as though it’s a question he wasn’t expecting — despite the fact that it’s easily the most predictable question one could be asked in a bookshop. “I don’t know. I was just gonna browse, I guess.”
This is the point in a customer interaction where Castiel would usually withdraw, because “I’m just browsing” is universal bookstore code for “leave me the fuck alone.” But Dean doesn’t give any sign of wanting to walk away. Instead, he simply hovers in front of Castiel’s armchair, eyes gliding aimlessly (and somewhat helplessly) across the shelves to his right.
“What sort of things do you like to read?” Castiel finds himself asking, because it’s impossible not to take pity on a grown man who is capable of looking so bashfully lost.
“Anything,” Dean says. One of his hands flies to the back of his neck, rubbing at it. There’s something terribly endearing about the gesture — perhaps the fact that it makes him look like a boy who’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Belatedly, it occurs to Castiel that it’s his turn to speak. His prolonged silence appears to have made Dean nervous, because he’s speaking again, a little too quickly to be altogether natural. “I know that sounds stupid. Like those people who say they like all kinds of music — which I don’t, by the way, just to be clear. Big classic rock fan. Zeppelin, the Stones. Metallica too, which I guess is classic rock these days and fuck, that’s kind of depressing. But, yeah. Anyway. Pretty much anything. Love Vonnegut and Kerouac, but I’ve read just about all their stuff. I’ll read sci-fi, horror, mysteries… actually, I guess I should say I read all kinds of fiction. Non-fiction kinda puts me right to sleep. My brother, Sammy, he’s a big fan though. Crazy about true crime for some reason.” Dean blows out a heavy breath. He abruptly seems to realize he’s scratching at his neck and lowers his arm back down, fingers twitching as if unsure what to do with themselves now. “You probably didn’t need to know all that, huh?”
“No, this is helpful,” Castiel says, getting up. “I’ll show you the layout of the store so you can see which shelves you might be most interested in.”
Somehow, Dean’s shyness makes him feel more at ease. When he first laid eyes on Dean, he thought someone as handsome as Dean must be a smooth and confident conversationalist. But he doesn’t seem to be, and somehow, that makes it easier for Castiel to hold up his own end of the conversation.
Or maybe it’s just that Dean doesn’t know how to talk to someone like Castiel. He wouldn’t be the first one.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Wednesday March 20)
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deancaspinefest ¡ 1 year ago
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all that we intend
Author: dothraki_shieldmaiden | Artist: NeverSleepUntilFive
Posting on Tuesday March 26
When Dean Winchester met Castiel Novak in college they were both headed for amazing things: Dean was a rising star in the art world while Cas was a promising medical student. Now, thirteen years and one marriage later, none of those dreams have come true. Cas works twelve hour shifts as a nurse while Dean works as a mechanic, his art supplies wasting away in a dusty room. With his marriage to Cas on rocky ground, Dean starts to feel like he made a mistake all those years ago. A chance encounter and a hasty wish land Dean in another world -- one where his art career is skyrocketing him to fame and fortune... And one where he never married Cas. Now Dean has to make a decision -- whether to go back to Cas and his mundane life, or whether to stay... and lose Cas forever.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Just to the side, off hospital property, a street vendor has set a table up. A very familiar street vendor.
“You,” Dean snarls, almost jogging in his haste to get to the man. The vendor looks up from his phone, a smirk spreading across his face when he sees Dean. Not even Dean’s hand shooting out and grabbing the front of his shirt can dim his superior expression.
Aware of the eyes on him, Dean avoids slamming that smug face into the table, but it’s a struggle. “You,” he repeats, giving the vendor a little shake. “You did this.”
“Afraid you’re going to have to be more specific bucko,” the vendor drawls. “If it was your wife or your sister I knocked up, then honestly, they should be grateful. And even though you are a stud, you’re not really my type, so…”
The last word is elongated into a monstrosity of syllables. Dean’s resolve to not punch the vendor is growing thinner and thinner by the second. His knuckles crack with the strain of holding himself back.
“This,” he finally spits, dragging out the pendant from underneath his shirt. “You gave me this and told me some bullshit story about how it could grant wishes.”
“Hm,” the vendor says, making a big show of pondering. He even taps his chin with the tip of his index finger, the absolute fuckwit. “Doesn’t seem so much like it was bullshit, now does it?”
For just one moment, Dean’s brain is wiped blissfully blank. He doesn’t even have the background noise of static to distract him. There’s just… nothing, but then reality intrudes in the form of someone laying on the horn when the person in front of them lingers for a split-second too long at a green light.
“You’re insane,” he finally says, bringing his brain back online. “There’s no such thing as… As…”
The vendor raises one supremely smug eyebrow. “No? Then explain why your husband just treated you like the annoying kid at a high school reunion.”
Furious, Dean clenches his jaw. He starts and immediately slaughters at least half a dozen sentences. The truth... The awful truth that he can't admit to himself is that there is no rational explanation. Not even his most far-fetched notions explain the phone call, Cas and Meg’s behavior, and the disappearance of his wedding ring.
Nothing except the impossible, that is.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Tuesday March 26)
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deancaspinefest ¡ 1 year ago
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All in Honesty
Author: golbygloom | Artist: TwinOne
Posting on Tuesday March 19
It's been years of watching Dean and Cas dance around their feelings and at this point, Sam's losing hope that they'll ever take that step and talk things out already. One well-placed spell from Rowena makes Dean and Cas incapable of not talking, but even that doesn't get them together. Will Sam ever be able to help the morons he's forced to live with get together already, or is he destined for a life of perpetually being stuck between them as some sort of bizarre marriage counselor that neither seems aware the other also talks to?
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
"It's just so painful," he laments a few days later to Rowena, both more than a little drunk in the Bunker's library, Dean and Cas having already gone to bed (unfortunately in different rooms). "They're just…so obvious to everyone except each other. How don't they realize?"
"Noo, why should they? It's not like all of Heaven and Hell figured it out before them or anything."
"I just don't get it. I mean, Dean's eyes are always practically glued to Cas' eyes or lips or his butt and he still hasn't picked up on the fact that there might be something a little weird about that if they really were 'just friends'?" Sam's drink sloshes violently in his glass as he gestures around the room, agitated. "Cas only gets an excuse because he hasn't even been on Earth for a decade, but somebody as old as him should probably at least have an idea what all those feelings are, right?"
"Aye, the poor dears don't have a brain cell between them when it comes to matters of the heart, it seems," Rowena says sagely. "They can be more than a little daft when something doesn't involve killing or dying or crying…"
"They're so hopeless," Sam agrees miserably, burying his face in his hands to rub at his forehead and push his hair behind his ears. "I have to live with them so it's just constant. I-I don't know what to do anymore."
Rowena's quiet for a long moment before she hums to herself. "There might be some way to get their heads out from within their tushies…"
He looks up at that, though judging by the twinkle in the witch's eye, he's gonna regret listening. "What do you mean?" he asks warily anyway, blaming the alcohol for him even considering…whatever it is Rowena is going to suggest.
"Well, all it takes is a wee spell or two and those two will be singing like canaries."
"About their disgustingly sappy love for each other?" Sam guesses, but the witch just smirks.
"About everything. Anything that comes to mind." Sam stares at her blankly, but Rowena doesn't seem to notice. "Oh, I imagine it wouldn't be more than but a few days before certain thoughts come out and certain feelings are revealed…"
"Don't tell me you've changed your mind? It's not like there are all that many ways to get those two to sit down and talk about their feelings, Samuel."
Sam considers it, his drunken mind unable to see why this might be a bad idea beyond Dean getting pissed off. Then again, Dean gets pissed if he sees something green on his plate, so Sam's not all that concerned. "What's the cure?"
Rowena's smirk widens, nearly splitting her face in two. "True love's kiss."
(continue reading on Ao3 on Tuesday March 19)
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deancaspinefest ¡ 1 year ago
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following the light
Author: LoversAntiquities | Artist: jollyrolls
Posting on Thursday March 14
Almost a year to the day, and Castiel is still sick. After months of blackouts and near misses, Dean has managed to find a way to quell the spells and drag Castiel back from the proverbial abyss. However, when Castiel progressively gets worse and Dean's voice is no longer enough to keep him conscious, Dean sets out to find every faith healer in the country, in the hopes that one of them might shed light on what's happening, and how to prevent it. Only, Dean and Castiel find out more than they bargained for—and that the solution, apparently, has been right under their noses the whole time.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
He takes the right, barely tapping the brakes. At the first clear patch of shoulder, Dean pulls off and slams the truck into park, shuttering the engine. He kicks the door open, rounds the engine—yanks the passenger handle so hard that he fears it might break. Hands to Castiel’s biceps, Dean helps him out of the seat and into the grass, just before Castiel turns to dead weight in his arms. Keeping him upright is a feat—getting him backed up against the side panel is a miracle.
“Hey, hey,” Dean rasps. He pats Castiel’s cheek, searching for Castiel’s eyes in the dark. “Hey, look at me, okay? Touch me, hey—” He takes Castiel by the wrist and maneuvers him, forcing Castiel to touch the warm cotton of his T-shirt. Limp, Castiel holds on. “Hey, I—I know you’re in there. You’re always in there, alright? Just hold on to me.”
Castiel’s head lists forward; Dean presses him into the quarter panel with all of his strength. “When we were,” Dean begins, a little too brittle, a little too rough. “When me and Sam were teenagers, we went to this… this canyon in Georgia. Dad said it was the Grand Canyon, but we weren’t even in the right part of the country, but we—we didn’t wanna fight him on it, ‘cause he actually took us somewhere, y’know?” He smiles, fighting back the tremble in his fingers, the ache in his heart. “All the runoff from the farms gouged out a canyon in the middle of nowhere, and it was just so…”
He stops to look down at his tennis shoes, so worn that he can almost see his toe poking through. “Sam thought it was the greatest thing ever. I—Shit, I barely remember it, but every once in a while, he’ll still talk about it, like the week before we weren’t chasing a ghoul across the entire fucking state. But I remember looking at it, and I thought…” He tightens his grip. “For once, I felt calm. Like I was… small, and like my problems didn't matter. Picture it.” He sucks in air, slow, like it might spur Castiel into breathing. “Water cutting through the clay. The green of the trees growing around the tops of the canyon walls. A river. Babbling brooks.”
Dean shakes his head, fighting a laugh. “You hear the water?”
Silence—then, a breath, and the weight piled on Dean’s shoulders threatens to bury him in the grass. Castiel blinks, his mouth forming around a word Dean can’t hear. “Hey, hey,” Dean hushes. He clasps both sides of Castiel’s neck, thumbs pressed to his Adam’s apple as he swallows. “Hey, you with me?”
“It’s loam,” Castiel croaks, and Dean lifts a brow. “Most of the soil in southern Georgia is composed of sand and clay—”
“Okay, not what I’m concerned about.” He swallows around the knot in his throat. “Seriously, you wanna give me a geology lesson, any other time. Now, are you good?”
(continue reading on Ao3 on )
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deancaspinefest ¡ 1 year ago
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Lavender Fireflies
Author: casblackfeathers | Artist: king-of-moose
Posting on Friday April 5
Lavender Fireflies Camp is possibly Castiel’s final chance to mend his troubled relationship with his daughter. After an ugly divorce and a nine-to-five job that only further distanced him from Claire, his sister — Anna — suggests spending two weeks camping with Claire. Castiel sees this as his opportunity to bring his daughter closer to him. He had not anticipated meeting a charming firefighter on the first day and becoming instantly enchanted by Dean. Still, Castiel can’t help but feel disappointed when Dean seems to change his mind about them. Usually, the hippy, kumbaya shit that Sammy digs so much is a hard pass for Dean. But coming to Lavender Fireflies Camp wins big brownie points for allowing him to spend time with his brother and his daughter Emma. The last thing Dean expects to happen is to find sex on a stick and everything his dreams are made of in the guy with messy dark hair and blue-as-fuck eyes he meets there. Dean is immediately smitten. Too bad that being a jump-the-gun kinda guy, the first thing Dean assumes is that the redhead camping with Cas is his wife. Then he makes everything a fuckton more complicated for everyone, y’know, Winchester style.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Dean’s jaw dropped before he looked up to see Castiel holding his hands up like he was scared of blowing something up. One of his palms was covered in purple paint as he met Dean’s gaze, wide-eyed. Dean stared back, shocked, with his jeans completely ruined and a purple handprint on his shoulder.
The first chuckle left Dean unbidden, but the sounds kept coming until he was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes and his head thrown back. When he had calmed down, wiping away the tears and gazing back at Cas, the man’s face was a ridiculously cute combination of mortification and fondness, and something warm filled Dean’s insides. “Gee, Cas, warn a guy first before spilling all over him.”
Castiel exhaled a surprised chuckle. “Seriously, is this really the time for a lewd joke?”
It was a relief that the innuendo had been what Castiel had picked up because Dean was feeling kinda winded for giving the guy a nickname practically right off the bat.
Trying to shake off his nervousness, he gave Cas a cocky grin and raised his shoulder in half a shrug. “Not for nothin’ they call me a bisexual disaster,” he said, for some reason, feeling the need to put it out there, to lay his cards on the table.
If he were expecting some kind of judgment, he would be sorely mistaken because Castiel’s smile seemed to grow impossibly wider. “Then that makes two of us. Bisexual and a disaster…” He looked over at the mess they had made. “Bisaster?” the dork added.
Yeah, Dean wasn’t a love-at-first-sight kinda guy, but Castiel was testing that theory.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Friday April 5)
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deancaspinefest ¡ 1 year ago
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Something Happening Somewhen
Author: allthismusic | Artist: eggchef
Posting on Wednesday March 27
Dean is 24 years old, and a quiet night at a California dive bar turns into a near death experience turns into a trip through time thanks to the stranger he meets in the bar. When he lands in the bunker twenty years into his future, he finds out who the stranger is — and what his relationship is to Dean’s own older self. Dean’s not sure what he thinks about this at first, but when Cas takes him back to his own time (accompanied by the older Dean, who is determined to make sure that nothing they do in the past screws up their lives in the future), he gets to know the angel, and he gets a glimpse at a future he never would’ve dreamed that he might be able to have.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
In the cool evening air, Dean looks around. He’d left the Impala back parked at the dingy motel where he’d rented a room, but he’s not quite ready to call it a night. He opens his remaining beer and looks down the street to see if there’s another bar nearby that might be worth checking out, but before he can make a decision he hears the door to the bar he has just left open behind him. And he knows, he just /knows/, that it isn’t some other random patron headed home.
“What the hell is this, huh?” Dean asks, “Something about ‘not interested’ you’re not getting?”
And then the guy says his name.
“Dean,” the man begins, and Dean gets it.
“Oh, lemme guess, my dad tell you to check up on me?” Dean asks. He doesn’t wait for an answer, just begins to walk, knowing the man will follow. He’s a hunter, obviously. Explains the build, and the suit that is only meant to pass muster at a brief glance, like the fake police badge or FBI creds the guy probably carries. Dean should’ve clocked him from the start.
And for some reason John had thought that Dean needed checking up on. That he couldn’t be trusted to go it alone, nevermind the fact that he had finished the hunt his dad had sent him on two whole days ago and had yet to receive any new case coordinates from John.
To Dean’s surprise, he hears a laugh behind him. He stops, and now he does turn to face the guy again.
“No,” the man says. “I’ve lost count of how often I’ve been told I’m bad at following orders, but even if that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t follow your father’s.”
“Oh yeah? Then how do you know my name?” Dean demands.
“You left your wallet on the bar,” the man replies, holding it up. It’s definitely Dean’s: worn black leather, secondhand from his dad, containing a meager number of bills and at least three fake IDs tucked behind a real one— well, real first name, although it gives his surname as Campbell, just in case.
“Oh,” Dean says, wondering for the second time that night if he has misjudged this guy’s intentions. Maybe he’s just a normal businessman trying to do a good deed for the day and return a lost wallet, despite the wallet’s owner being an absolute weird freak toward him. “Thanks.”
The man offers the wallet out to him, almost gently, like he’s proffering a bit of food to a scared, stray dog, and Dean steps forward to take it. “It’s your birthday,” he says, and before Dean can ask, the man explains, “I saw it on your ID. On one of them, anyway.” Dean nods. “Happy birthday,” the guy says. “I should’ve bought you a beer.”
(continue reading on Ao3 on Wednesday March 27)
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deancaspinefest ¡ 1 year ago
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Books, Pies, and Roommates
Author: seidenapfel | Artist: Kit Shay
Posting on Sunday March 17
Everything seemed so easy when Castiel landed a job in Lawrence as a literature professor at Kansas University. He even found a place to stay with his cousin in Topeka, less than thirty miles away. But the daily commute quickly gets on his nerves and he begins looking for a little room in town. When he finally lucks out on a house, it comes with a catch. His mysterious landlord/housemate works and lives in Topeka during the week, and will only be in Lawrence for the weekend while Castiel is back at his cousin’s to honor a promise he made. When Dean walks into his favorite pie shop, the new sales assistant takes his breath away. Steve is gorgeous, and part of the owner’s family. Dean doesn’t even mind that Steve picks up Gabriel’s stupid moniker for him. After all, Deano has one syllable more, and Dean will do anything to hear Steve’s voice just a little bit longer. Though, as breathtaking Steve might be, he isn't Angel. If only Dean's book-loving best friend for over a decade weren't a mystery in himself — a guy who Dean has only met online, but who has slowly taken his heart away. And it seems that Dean isn't alone in his feelings. When the lines blur and fantasies merge three guys into one, disappointment and heartbreak seem to be inevitable.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
“Dude! You did what?”
“I found you a new roommate,” Sam explained and Dean knew his brother was rolling his eyes. “As you asked me to.”
“Yeah, I heard you,” Dean muttered. “And well, I did, but duh? Did you take the first one that came along?
The silence at the other end of the line was enough of an answer.
“Seriously? The first one? You pick the first Tom, Dick, and Harry that walks into my home?” Dean couldn’t believe it. “You didn’t even—”
“His name is Castiel. And he’s nice,” Sam cut in, defending himself.
Before Dean could interrupt him, Sam continued, “So, get this, Castiel is actually in the same predicament as you are. He lives in Topeka, but teaches at KU and he’s already fed up with his daily commute to campus.”
“Castiel? What a mouthful of a name is that?” Dean grumbled.
“As far as I know it’s the name of an angel,” his brother answered calmly, taking none of Dean’s shit.
“Angel?” Dean huffed while another Angel came to his mind. Shaking his head to clear the thought away, he went on, “You telling me the guy is some religious weirdo?”
Sam laughed and Dean could literally hear another eye roll. “Don’t worry. I don’t think that should be a problem. Quite the contrary. He seemed very interested in our library. Or, more precisely, /your/ part of the library.”
Dean huffed. “That’s most of it anyway, dude.”
Groaning, Sam ignored him and went on. “I don’t think he realized how obvious he was when he skimmed through the titles of your collection of gay pulp.”
“Hey, it ain’t gay pulp, not all of it,” Dean protested.
“Pulp, romance, literature — whatever. You can’t deny it’s kinda gay.”
Dean laughed before teasing, “Just kinda?” Even though his brother couldn’t see him, he wiggled his brows.
“How would I know? I haven’t even touched half of it,” Sam backpedaled and Dean laughed even louder. “Somehow I need to keep my sanity,” his brother shot back. Then it hit Dean. “Wait, you showed this guy, this—”
“Castiel,” Sam offered helpfully.
“Whatever,” Dean snapped. “You showed him the library?”
“Dean, he lives there now. Of course, I showed him around. Besides, how do you think I should have hidden the shelves in the living room? You’re not very subtle with your interests.”
Subtle? Dammit, it was his home, for fuck’s sake. “Still, the library? And you let him stay? Alone at home?”
“Yes, because that’s what happens when you rent your house, dude.” Dean could see his brother’s bitchface in his mind. “Do I need to remind you that you were the one who asked me to take care of the viewings?”
“Goddammit, Sammy,” Dean grouched. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before giving in, “Yeah. Sorry. I did. But that didn’t mean that you decide who lives with me.”
“I don’t know. He just seemed… perfect.”
(continue reading on Ao3 on Sunday March 17)
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