#pinefest 2025
deancaspinefest · 2 months
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Registration for the 2025 round is now open!
In the eight years since our first round, Pinefest authors have written 253 incredible fics comprising a collective 9.8 million words worth of pining, and artists have been inspired to create 811 gorgeous works of art to be viewed alongside them.
Now, we're excited to announce the opening of our ninth round – and we'd love for you to join us!
Registration will remain open until September 30th for authors, while artists may continue to sign up until December 1st.
Artists and authors will be paired through an anonymous claims process on December 14th, and artists will have 3 months to work on their art before posting commences on pi(e) day – March 14, 2025!
Full details about the challenge rules, requirements, and schedule can be found via the links below, and you can register here.
Until then... happy pining, everyone!
2025 Schedule | Rules & Requirements | FAQs | Previous Rounds
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deancaspinefest · 3 months
We're preparing for the 9th annual Dean/Cas Pinefest!
This is just a quick post to let you all know that we'll be making some adjustments to the blog in the lead up to the 2025 round, so things will probably get a little messy around here in the meantime.
Please bear with us (and any broken links or outdated information) until then!
We'll share an official announcement post with full dates and details on the upcoming round in the next week or two -- entirely depending on how long it takes mod!Cass to get it all sorted.
Until then, happy pining!
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(Also, if you're an author planning to participate, now is a great time to start thinking about what you might want to write! The content requirements won't be changing, so you're free to get a head start on your fic if you'd like 🌲)
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deancaspinefest · 5 months
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Congratulations to all of the incredible artists and authors who participated in the eighth round of the Dean/Cas Pinefest!
Over the past month, 34 authors and 23 artists teamed up to share a collective 1,420,869 words of pine-filled fic and 117 works of art. The talent and artistry of this fandom absolutely floors us every year, and we're so happy that you're all still here sharing your wonderful creations with us 🌲 
With that in mind, we'll definitely be back for more! An official announcement for the 2025 Pinefest -- our ninth year -- will come sometime in July. Follow us here on Tumblr to make sure you don’t miss out on any details!
Under the cut, you’ll find links to every fic & art masterpost from the 2024 round, and you can also check out the collection on Ao3. Make sure to let the authors and artists know how much you enjoyed their creations with a like, kudos, or best of all, a reblog, rec, or comment!
following the light
One Drop, when What You Need is the Ocean
Of Dust, Gunpowder and Holy Water
Books, Pies, and Roommates
A Fairy Tale Cliche!
All in Honesty
Another Kind of Memory
Not our kind of thing
Different Currencies
In The Dog Days
Whatever Makes You Happy
Significant severe
all that we intend
Something Happening Somewhen
Two Princes
Broken (The Worst Is Over Now)
Well, I Never Been To Heaven
The Reel Deal
A Fabulous Evening's Apocalypse
Super Double Bus
Suddenly I See
Lavender Fireflies
Heartland Flyer
Something Blue
Wouldn't It Be Nice
If Only You Return to Me
all out to sea
Dear Father
Opposites Distract
Faking It?
Given to Fly
Take The Long Way Home
A Glacial Pace
All caught up on this year’s crop of pine? There are 694 more works of art and 219 more fics to be found in the previous seven Pinefest rounds -- and if you're into numbers, you can find a full breakdown of this and past year’s stats here!
Until next time… happy pining!
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