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Annyi ellentmondás van bennem a társasági eseményekkel kapcsolatban, hogy az biztos elég lenne egy pszichológiai tanulmányra. Mondjam az igazságot? Ha a legeslegeslegmélyebb vágyamra lenne bárki kiváncsi, akkor az az lenne, hogy legyek a pasimmal, csináljunk valami kaját amivel aztán nem kell babrálni, csak rájárni, társasjátékozzunk, igyunk, röhögjünk nagyokat, ha van kedvünk, sétáljunk egyet a megbolondult városban, legyünk együtt. Ha van kedvünk és meg vagyunk hívva, akkor mehetünk bárhova azzal a kitétellel, hogy nem muszáj ottmaradni, bármikor hazatérhetünk, hogy a fentiekkel folytassuk az estét. Szerintem amúgy ezt bármelyik este meg lehet csinálni, nem kötődik a szilveszterhez. Vagy utazzunk el nagyon máshova megnézni, hogy máshol milyen a szilveszter. A lényege az, hogy nekem ezerszer jobb, komfortosabb egy együtt töltött nap vagy este, mint bármilyen társasági esemény. Az együtt töltött az együtt töltött, és nem egymás mellett, hogy mindketten a tumblit tologatjuk és más emberekkel beszélgetünk... :( Vagyis, akár még ez is lehet, ha közben egymás mellett ülünk és arról beszélünk, hogy ki mit olvas éppen és ki miért fasz :D és közben iszunk, röhögünk és valójában együtt vagyunk és belekeverjük bármikor a fentieket.
Utálom a mindenféle összejöveteleket amikre meghívnak. Nem akarok idegenekkel beszélgetni, mert 100-ból egy, aki felkelti az érdeklődésemet, viszont a legtöbb ember csak beszél és beszél, a nélkül, hogy megkérdezné a másik embert, hogy ő hogyan gondol valamit. Csak kiterjesztik magukat. Csak dominálni akarnak, hogy érezzék, hogy élnek. Okoskodnak, véleményeznek, kioktatnak, kritizálnak. Ritkán viccesek. Viszont tapadósak. Ha valakivel szóbaállok, nagy esélye van, hogy egész este vele kell beszélgetnem. Tud szórakoztató lenni, az is, aki magáról beszél, ha felvállalja a gyengeségeit, bénaságait, ha a sztorik nem önfényezésből állnak. És akkor is jók a kiááradó emberek, amikor információt adnak át. Itt jártunk, ott jártunk, ilyen meg olyan érdekességeket láttunk és tapasztaltunk. Lelkesedés, pozitívizmus, ezek húzzák felfelé a többieket is.
Nem gondolom, hogy egészséges az, ahogy én ezzel kapcsolatban érzek. A kényszer, hogy szervezzek és közben az idegenkedés, hogy részt vegyek rendezvényeken. Iszonyatosan magányosnak tudom érezni magam emberek között. Iszonyatosan! Lazának kéne lenni, szarni az egészre, odamenni és faszságokat beszélni. Akár szándékosan. (bár ez nem tisztességes, szóval sosem csinálnék ilyet)
Szeretem a barátaimat. Szeretek velük lenni. Szeretek velük beszélgetni. De egy percig sem gondolom, hogy a különféle barátaimat össze lehet ereszteni, és ők jó társaság lesznek együtt és kedvelni fogják egymást. Sőt, biztos vagyok benne, hogy egyáltalán nem. Szeretem, hogy sikerült kialakítani egy olyan kis csapatot, ahol az ember lelazulhat és mindenféle kényszer és védekezés nélkül lehet jelen. Szeretem óvatosan építgetni ezt a csapatot, 1-1 új embert behívva, akit a csapat szépen magábaolvaszt, megismer. Bár most a szilveszte az aktuális program, de amúgy ez az egész bármikor bármilyen időben igaz. Többnyire kiver a víz a társasági összejövetelektől, de közben tudom, hogy ezeket tudatosan építeni kell mert az emberek nagybbik része tök béna ebben, és végül mind egyedül maradunk. Mármint úgy tényleg egyedül.
Az egyik leginkább társasági emberként ismert barátom azzal hívott fel, hogy két baszom rendezvényre kaptak meghívást, de ők inkább hozzám jönnének, úgy döntöttek. Mert nálam elereszthetik magukat. Szóval, ez egy kikötő, én meg a kikötőmester. De más kikötőkben valahogy idegenül mozgok.
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Every time they get him to smile they count it as a personal victory
#I'm Sanji taking out my cuteness aggression on an innocent washcloth. SQUEEEEZEEEE#TORAO <333333#Trafalgar Law smiles 12 dead 22 injured#One Piece#Lawlusan#Lawsan#Lawlu#Sanlu#Trafalgar Law#Sanji#Monkey D Luffy#Luffy#Black Leg Sanji#Shima arts#Art#Digital art#shima-draws
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Nancy knows what people think when they see her and Steve together these days. People mostly include Robin Buckley who, despite what they both say, Nancy doesn't completely believe isn't carrying some kind of torch for the man.
They aren't dating, but it's obvious to anyone who knows them that's what Nancy is angling for. She's not subtle, and she's not trying to be. Doesn't see any reason why she should be. But she knows what it looks like. Nancy Wheeler, fresh off an amicable but heartbreaking end to her relationship with Johnathan Byers has turned tail for a rebound with former boyfriend Steve Harrington. She's using him. She's leading him on. She's going to break his heart, again.
The truth is that Nancy has always liked Steve, was in love with Steve for a fleeting moment when they were both young and stupid and full of mistakes waiting to be made and in the end they had hurt each other, misunderstood each other, too many times to last through their tumultuous teenage years.
The Nancy and Steve of 1984 couldn't have loved each other right, but Nancy knows in her heart that the Nancy and Steve of 1987 could make something beautiful.
Steve is so different from who he used to be. There's a steadiness in him that he always tried to emulate but never fully embodied until the summer of 1985. He always knew how to make her laugh, how to get her to tap into that adventurous spirit within her and live life, but now he also makes her feel safe.
She wants to hold him the way he used to hold her. Wants to whisk him away to New York and build a life perfectly balanced between her ambition and his steadfastness. So she's putting everything she has into rekindling those embers that have always smoldered between them into a steady fire.
She just has to convince Robin that she's in it for the long haul this time.
Robin thinks that before she met Steve Harrington her life was never so much like a soap opera.
Her best friend seems to attract danger, betrayal, and romance to him like the world is full of moths and he's the only flame for miles. It would be funnier if it wasn't so god damn annoying sometimes.
Steve doesn't know it, despite how much he insists on being some kind of love expert, but he's got two very eligible bachelors vying for his hand at the moment. She's pretty sure they both see themselves as tragic heroes in this tale of romance, but from her vantage point, it's more like two ornery cats fighting for the prized spot of their owner's lap.
Nancy and Eddie have made themselves both near-permanent fixtures at the Family Video. Ostensibly, they come in because Hawkins is still in the process of rebuilding and there isn't much to do at the moment outside of wandering the woods, loitering at the convenience store, and watching movies at home. In actuality they're both trying to monopolize as much of Steve's time as possible, each trying to lock down his weekend plans before the other.
The first couple of weeks it was funny just to watch, now the only enjoyment she gets out of the whole circus is ruining their plans. She relishes the pissed-off-priss look she gets from Nancy when she asks Steve to go to the drive-in the next town over and Robin turns it into a group outing instead. It's equally funny to watch Eddie's puffed-up shoulders droop when he can't figure out a way to say no to Robin enthusiastically asking if she can join them at the trailer to smoke up on a Saturday night.
In truth, as much as she enjoys messing with them, Robin knows who she wants to win this war. She knows too much about Steve and Nancy's past and all the ways they weren't good for each other to trust her deceptively fragile best friend in Nancy's capable hands.
Eddie, on the other hand...well she's still going to make him work for it before she throws him a bone.
Eddie's never been one to fall in love.
He's had crushes, shared a few kisses with girls and boys alike, and lost his virginity in the same fumbling but meaningful way most teens do.
But love? He's never had that before, wasn't sure what it would even feel like.
It turns out that for Eddie, being in love feels a lot like being an overgrown house plant that's finally been moved into suitably a larger pot.
You see, Eddie knows a lot about growing up on his own. Raising himself and finding ways to survive, if not thrive, with a distinct lack of nurturing. He knows how to grow under someone, to grow under the clumsy guidance of his uncle Wayne who never intended to become a parent. And most of all he knows a hell of a lot about growing despite. Growing under the harsh boot forever trying to push him back into the hard dirt he came from.
It's something else entirely to grow with someone in the way he's been growing with Steve.
Steve who was there when he woke up, almost equally as injured as Eddie himself after a second, world saving round with Vecna. Steve who let Eddie lean on him in the difficult month of physical and emotional recovery that came next. Who helped Eddie come to terms with the new reality he was living under the way Steve wished someone had been there for him after his first encounter with the Upsidedown. Steve, who on paper should have been one of the people pushing him down, always gave Eddie the space to be himself and never tried to force either of them into a box they didn't fit.
Eddie knows he's not The Girl. He's not the one who got away, he's not the stalwart princess in one of his campaigns who saves the day herself but still gets the guy. He's not Nancy Wheeler.
But he's also not a quitter, and even if everything about the world and the narrative arc of their lives says that Steve will never end up with him, Eddie knows he would regret it for the rest of his life if he didn't put his hat in the ring for the hand of the fair Sir Steve.
Steve's not stupid.
He knows that there's something happening between Nancy, Eddie, and himself. Knows that if he chooses to look a little closer, to examine why exactly all his weekends are suddenly booked up and Robin has taken to stealing the Recese's Pieces off the shelf whenever either one of them comes into the store like she's settling in for a show, he would come to the conclusion that two of his best friends are essentially courting him in competition with each other.
But Steve isn't looking closer.
His mom always said that he was just like his father, too stubborn for his own good.
Robin says he's a control freak, pushing non-life-threatening problems off until he knows how to deal with them on his own terms.
The truth is Steve already knows how this will end, and he knows how this should end.
Because in the eyes of society, in the arc of the narrative, Steve and Nancy should already be making plans to move out to New York and start a life together. Steve should be looking at apartments while Nancy finalizes her class schedule. He should be looking into getting a job at his dad's New York office to support his future wife through her college education where they both know she'll breeze through her classes and move onto the world-changing career she was always meant to have, while Steve stays home with their children like a perfect little modern family.
And the thing is, if the story had gone like it was supposed to, if the world had been saved the fourth time around and Eddie Munson had died on the cold, hard ground of the Upsidown, that's probably exactly the future that would have happened and Steve would have never known to not be content with it. But Eddie did make it, and while Steve mourns the future he could have had, he knows it's not the one he's going to choose in the end.
Even though Steve knows exactly what will happen when he allows himself to face the ever-mounting tension between the three of them, it's scary to take that plunge.
Everything about Steve's world up until Robin has told him that what he's going to choose will damn him forever, and even if he's never put much stock into God and the church, he knows that the future in front of them will never be easy. There's a part of him that wants to take the easy way out. He's never been attracted to a man before Eddie, never had to imagine himself loving someone discreetly, and the thought of it makes his heart hurt prematurely. It would be simpler, he knows, to choose the path most taken.
But Steve has always thought more with his heart than his brain, and he knows that after everything they've been through, after all the time they've spent healing together and growing as one that he could never choose anyone but Eddie.
The time is coming for him to make his final decision, he can feel it, but for now he'll let them sit in this liminal space a little longer.
#steddie#stranger things#dreamer speaks#fanfiction#eddie munson#steve harrington#nancy wheeler#robin buckly#this one is a little different#but it's been floating around my head for a while#lmk what you think!#Edit: 12/22 for spelling and gramatical errors
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Episode 12: One Sleepless Night
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#pink onyx au#steven universe au#steven universe#steven universe future#c423art#ceephorart#pink onyx#jasper#fusion#steven#su au#su comic#comic#pink diamond#rose quartz#episode 12#one sleepless night#page 22#pearl#su pearl
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so the thing about digital footprints
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i made a shirt design to wear everyday of 2025 :^)
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Hallgassátok meg!
Létezik-e a nagy Ő? Hogyan kötődünk és miért? Mi az amire majd öregen vágyunk? Mi változhat és miért nem tud változni? Annyi minden, a nagy Ő-n kívül, hogy csuda! Ha keresed a nagy őt, a csodás kapcsolatot, akkor azért hallgasd meg, ha nem keresed, akkor azért! Mindenképpen jót fog tenni! :)
Régi és új gondolatok. Piszokjó!
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Note to self: Do NOT be the age of 16 in District 12, shit always goes down
#good thing im 22#just in case tho#the hunger games#hunger games#katniss everdeen#sunrise on the reaping#peeta mellark#haymitch abernathy#like i thought haymitch would be like 17 or 18 but nah#all bad shit happens if ur 16 and in 12
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#I think about this post every time I think about suegiku so. I had to do it to them#tetchō suehiro#saigiku jōno#suegiku#teruko ōkura#bsd hd#bsd#bungou stray dogs#bsd memes#mine#q.#07/12/22
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Episode 110 vs episode 1100
#im in alabasta on my rewatch and hi are you fucking kidding mE#one piece#parallels#alabasta#egghead#one piece spoilers#monkey d luffy#luffy#mugiwara no luffy#sir crocodile#rob lucci#gomu gomu no baku baku#gomu gomu no munch munch#also note that for the backflip dodge/kick part the music playing in both episodes is IDENTICAL#these episodes aired 12 yrs apart. may 2002 and april 2024#gif#one piece 110#one piece 1100#one piece 1101#there's actually ANOTHER parallel where after he gets stabbed croc throws him in the sand pit and he sinks#and it's the same as luffy spinning out of control and drilling into the ground omg. the same tornado shape for luffy spinning and sables#but i need to sleep so bad#correction 22 yrs apart!!!! *cant do math 5 hrs past bedtime
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>> guest 666 🥩 personal [ headmate ] stimboard -- rubs my hands together. hello everyone board with red & black and whatever i thought would fit >> board theme [ i monster - stobart's blues ]
sources: [ 🩸 - 📞 - 🩸 / 💢 - 🥩 - 💢 / 🩸 - 📞 - 🩸 ] center gif [ @So_outh38 on Twitter ] / borders
#[ 🥩 ]#[12/22/24]#[ 📟 ]#I fixed the link for the seventh gif!#our stimboards#stimboard#stim#stimblr#visual stim#red#red stim#black#black stim#guest 666#guest 666 tr:ud#the robloxia until dawn#tr:ud#fake blood#fake blood cw#cw fake blood#tech stim#computer stim#scopophobia cw#cw scopophobia#cw scopo#scopo cw
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cabin headcanons masterlist



a/n: these are all my personal headcanons. i will be making ones for more minor gods.
cabin 1- zeus ⚡️
cabin 3- poseidon 🌊
cabin 4- demeter 🪴
cabin 5- ares ⚔️
cabin 6- athena 🧠
cabin 7- apollo ☀️
cabin 8- artemis 🌙
cabin 9- hephaestus 🛠️
cabin 10- aphrodite 💗
cabin 11- hermes ⚕️
cabin 12- dionysus 🍷
cabin 13- hades 💀
cabin 14- iris 🌈
cabin 15- hypnos 💤
cabin 16- nemesis ⚖️
cabin 17- nike 🏆
cabin 18- hebe 🍶
cabin 19- tyche 🎰
cabin 20- hecate 🪄
cabin 21- hestia 🔥
cabin 22- thanatos 🪦
cabin 23- morpheus 🛌
cabin 24- melinoe 👻
cabin 25- persephone 🌸
cabin 26- eros 💘
cabin 27- nyx 🌌
cabin 38- psyche 🦋
#percy jackson and the olympians#heroes of olympus#pjo#hoo#pjo hoo toa#pjo fandom#hoo fandom#pjo series#hoo series#pjo cabins#cabin 1#cabin 3#cabin 4#cabin 5#cabin 6#cabin 7#cabin 9#cabin 10#cabin 11#cabin 12#cabin 13#cabin 14#cabin 15#cabin 16#cabin 17#cabin 18#cabin 19#cabin 20#cabin 21#cabin 22
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(12 year old me voice) hey does anybody wanna talk about percy jackson
#<—lie#(it’s my 22 year old voice)#12 year old me voice hey i can’t be friends with you unless you read percy jackson.#no yeah i’m being for real. go buy the books and read them. if you don’t read percy jackson what will there be to talk about#anna rambles#pjo#listen i’ve always been a recruiter. i have always been a one man pr team
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Ta dah!!!


I sorry.

I unwrapped three days early.
Happy Howl-a-Daze Three Days early from Mr the Mung Bean, Silken Windhound and a bit eager for festivities.
#Mr the Mung Bean#silken windhound#snootblr#sighthound#photozoi#original photos#12-22-24#inspired by the wrapping paper challenge#Happy Howl-a-Daze#'tis the season
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I made you this icon as a holiday gift - thanks for keeping our spirits up!
#12/22/2024#2024#asks#wholesomepostarchive#THANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT!!! i hope it’s alright i’m unwrapping it a lil late haha!#i’m in disbelief. this is SO GOOD!!!!#i’m going to transition over to this icon#i love my current one#i ALSO love this one#but chnage can mean good things too!!!!
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i think the most annoying part about nalu getting literally ZERO development in 100yq is that it’s so obvious how they could write them falling in love YET THEY CHOOSE NOT TO. like dude i don’t UNDERSTAND!!! you set up lucy to be a.) worried about natsu and his “scary flames” (which, don’t even get me fucking started) and b.) at least a little canonically in love with him… and then just? don’t do anything? with that??? like for the love of all things holy DEVELOP NATSU’S DEMONIC PROPERTIES AND BOOM! COMPELLING STORY AND PLAUSIBLE ROMANCE!!! have her be the only one who can get through to him!!! have him be worried about hurting her!!!! JUST DO SOMETHING😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
anyways sorry yall i was curious about what’s been going on in the anime so i watched the latest 100yq episode (💀💀💀) and yall are RIGHT! the lack of nalu development is STARK!!!! like wdym gruvia and jerza are like married and gajevy are having a kid together and nalu are… what..? talking once every 10 chapters??? and even when they do talk it’s some stupid unfunny joke?!!?? IM LAUGHING like i know im being soooo over dramatic and i literally should not expect greatness from fairy tail 100yq of all things but COME ONNNNNNN!!! MAKE THEM LOVE EACH OTHER!!!!! what happened to tenrou and gmg nalu😣😣😣 come home😣😣😣
#curiosity killed the kat (me)#sorry guys being on tumblr makes me want to rant about fairy tail#it’s like i’m being possessed fr#anyways i just wish they would do my fav couple justice#they deserve to fall in love#like ive been watching this shit since i was like 12… wdym im almost 22 and they’re still not together#craziness#fairy tail#nalu#yapping
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