#100% all natural
helloliriels · 2 years
This Award Season is ...
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100% All Natural!
Commentary and praise featured on each award has been harvested from the recipient's actual fic, art, works and tumblr posts themselves! *No exaggerations or modifications required!
Highlighting not only the gorgeous works being awarded ... but also the gorgeous gift you give by sharing a comment.
Sometimes the best nominations ... speak for themselves!
@peanitbear @totallysilvergirl @topsyturvy-turtely @scrub456 @2smach @masterofhounds @missdeliadili @peageetibbs
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girl4pay · 5 months
finally watching miss congeniality theyreally captured the eau d’misogyny with this one
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dirt-goth · 10 months
As much as I want to be a wholly joyous about the fact that Henry Kissinger is finally fucking dead, as he deserves... There's a lot of me that can't help being upset with. With the fact that he lived to 100 years old. He got better medical care, better housing, and a better, more stable life for those 100 years than billions on this planet ever going to see and he did it specifically through exploitation, state sanctioned murder, and lies. He lived to 100 years comfortably on a legacy of violence that rarely threatened his personal comfort. I want to be joyous that he's finally dead, because the world IS better with him dead, but the reality is he won a long time ago.
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markscherz · 1 year
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Bad Newts: Amphibians are in Serious Trouble
My colleagues and I have just had a paper published in Nature, based on our efforts to assess almost all amphibian species for the IUCN Red Lists. The major takeaway messages:
It is a bad time to be an amphibian
Two fifths of all amphibians are threatened with extinction.
Salamanders are the most threatened group; three fifths of all salamanders are threatened with extinction!
Climate change is a major driver of amphibian declines globally
Habitat loss, especially due to agriculture, is a problem for the vast majority of amphibians
Chytrid pandemics have caused and continue to cause catastrophic declines of both salamanders and frogs
Protected areas and careful management are working as strategies! They are actively improving the outlook of some species
As many as 222 amphibian species may have gone extinct in recent times; of those, 185 are suspected extinct but not yet confirmed.
Our paper is Open Access, you can read it here!
Photo of Atelopus hoogmoedi by Jaime Culebras, used with permission
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saltedsnailstudio · 9 months
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pulled some test prints of this new lil block
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stuckinapril · 8 months
when you accept that the unique things about you are the best things about you. when you fall in love w your uniqueness and become obsessed w it and reject conformity. when you think for yourself and draw your own conclusions and adore that you don’t perfectly fit into a mold. that’s when you’ll know true peace
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I wanted him dead; I wanted him all to myself.
get him back!
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deservedgrace · 2 months
it's wild that for how much evangelical culture harps on humans being evil and horrible and depraved and wicked and sinful simply by nature of existing as a human, you're really not allowed to make mistakes, even (and possibly especially) as a child
and it's wild what they consider "a mistake" and "sin"
it's genuinely disturbing that i was told jesus never cried as a baby because "a baby's first sin is crying for attention". fellas is it sinful to have the instinct to want your caregivers to take care of you?
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utilitycaster · 11 months
Various CR characters, the latest of which is Ashton Greymoore: I don't believe in fate
Matthew Mercer, descending directly into the narrative: the interplay of fate and free will is the most consistent culture-spanning theme in the entire universe I built and is set up as the crux of the finale of Campaign 3 so your belief does not actually matter but this is a great character trait for you to have so go off
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agir1ukn0w · 11 months
listen up freaks, I will enjoy my interpretations of Dracula as a truly monstrous creature representing disease and abuse and terror AND as a cunning, drop-dead gorgeous, bitchy sex god
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muzzleroars · 28 days
I can not help but imagine Post-Fall Beel purposely went all "Oh, what is that?" To the Archangel bros for them to look at the other way while he steals a cheek-kiss from Lucifer before slipping the mask back on the second they turn back around and goes "Oh, that must've been my imagination." with the most uninterested dead pan look on his face. The only who knows his affections will be Lucifer and the V Models. lol
mike's always been too serious for his own good
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A few turtley doods from my sketchbook.
Those last disaster twins were inspired by @tangledinink's Gemini Twins AU's because I think about them like, at least thrice a week. They live rentfree in my head. Running and giggling.
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froggy-nebula · 3 months
vriska is really funny cause when you look at the shit she actually does shes not the best at manipulating people or flarp or combat she just cant win at any of her hobbies
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batsplat · 3 months
pecco rant please please
*spins wheel on possible topics* absurdly underrated but in a dumb way. you'd think you can stumble your way into two premier class titles. I don't care he's on the best bike - let's be honest, how often this century have the title winners not been on the best bike? 2004 and to a lesser extent 2005 you can say clearly weaker bike, 2007 late 2010s 2021 there's a clear enough disparity with anyone else riding the bike that you can say clearly the rider is making the difference/it's an unrideable wreck one guy is making respectable, then there's a few seasons where it's at least very close whose machinery is best or they're fighting with people on equal equipment, which pecco has done! but generally speaking, good/promising riders end up on good bikes and then they win. that's how the game works!
the thing about 2022 is that it had such a massive mid-season swing that overhauling a ninety something point margin cannot come down to any single factor. is it fair to say fabio lost that title? on balance, it's a bit harsh - yes, there were a few too many errors post-sachsenring, yes, some were driven by desperation, but also you can't really expect anyone to ride a flawless season. but pecco did win that title as much as yamaha lost it. I don't care if you're riding a literal rocketship with two wheels, you can't win four races in a row if you're not extremely good at what you do! if we're saying that title was worth less because the yamaha turned to shit in the second half of the season, then let's keep going. let's put an asterisk next to 2013 because jorge and dani both got injured (let's not even get into the 'if marc hadn't been injured' asterisks because that's where you get into truly silly territory). is 2006 not a legit title because of all the bad luck valentino faced that year? let's say all titles between 2007 to 2015 were worth less because at any one time only 4-6 bikes had a realistic chance of winning races. throw out any title before 2009 because they were constantly fucking about with the tyres and there wasn't a level playing field. if you're motivated enough, you can play this game with basically anything, but it's dumb and pointless because that's not how sports works! you can only win against whoever you're facing. it has always been thus and it will always be thus
it's narratively fun and juicy that pecco has these insecurities himself - but within the context of everyone else doing discourse over it, the whole thing is massively overblown! linked to some of the worst sports discourse about how much people love to disparage late bloomers, because they need every single successful athlete to fit the same mould of the ultra-talented wunderkind, apparently. it's more interesting when it's not always the most 'talented' (whatever tf that means), naturally gifted, *fast the second he touches a bike* bloke who wins. sometimes they have to work hard for it, sometimes they have to improve themselves year on year and be smart about how they do it, sometimes they have to be in the right place and right time, sometimes they have to be very lucky. sports is all about competition, and competition is all about contrast. it's a contrast that can be generated in a whole lot of ways, and in fairness to motogp they have come up with a bunch of interesting narratively tense contests that don't rely on a massive fundamental 'talent' differential - but at the end of the day, that's one of the best ones you can have! the more ways you can have to win in any given sport, the better, both in the literal sense of how you go about the actual process of winning and how you even become a winner. none of this means that pecco isn't very very good, it means he got there in a different way than every other multiple champ this century has. it fundamentally flattens the sport if you want every top-level competitor to be an alien-level talent... one of the best things about this current era is that it has given us something new and exciting in that regard, where you well and truly believe some very different blokes might have what it takes to eventually be champion
anyway, pecco is absurdly adept at digging himself into holes and absurdly adept at digging himself out of them. he's one of the worst frontrunners imaginable in every sense, biologically incapable of dominating without at least a perpetual hint of jeopardy, both in the context of a race and a season. but when his back is against the wall, somehow he keeps finding performances you never imagined he was capable of. his mixed up and slightly odd skillset, his strengths and weaknesses, how he's better and worse than he has any right to be... all of it lends itself to perpetual momentum shifts and thrilling seasons - because you never quite know what you're going to get. love him or hate him, he's a gift to the overall competitive landscape! god knows the racing hasn't been much to write home about these last few years (though, yes, we did have a good little run this season), but somehow he's managed to get himself involved in two out of the six title deciders this century back-to-back. is that not the dream for the viewer, to have a bloke at the top of the sport with a little self-combust chip in his head every time he builds too much of an advantage? build a hundred of those guys! throw a marc marquez at him and see what he does! I can't wait to see what he'll come up with next
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undergoing-mitosis · 10 days
can we talk about the fact that the icons, the memes, the tumblr sexymen who broke history, reigen arataka and sans undertale, are both some of the most exceptionally written and executed characters i have ever had the pleasure of stumbling across? please can we talk about that?
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miroana · 1 year
“It is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially” (Tartt, 31).
I am absolutely fascinated by the fame and reverence this quote from the Secret History has achieved. It terrifies me. Let me explain.
Who’s line is this? Oh, yes. Professor Julian Morrow. Julian, in his lecture on how death begets beauty, on how Dionysian madness lends immortality. Julian, who isolates the greek class, buries them in the glories of the past and in their privilege, and submerges them beneath illusions until his students can’t tell right from wrong and real from imagined.
These words are satire. This is NOT a lesson any teacher should impart, and should NOT be beloved and relatable. In one sentence, Donna Tartt summarizes the entire cautionary tale of the novel: the selective, warped, and obsessive view on life the greek class held, born from entitlement and cultivated by Julian, led the students to tear themselves to pieces.
What’s more, the way people quote it all the time makes this line all the more haunting. Widespread parroting of Julian’s teachings only reinforces Donna’s themes: human minds are easily manipulatable, it can be hard to think critically about what you are taught and what you read, and that the easy, self-assured conviction belonging to the reader that, “I, personally, would have behaved differently than Henry, Richard, Francis, Camilla, Charles, and Bunny” is nothing but another illusion.
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