#100 word love stories
gatoiberico · 2 years
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caught up on the show and now he's on my mind 24/7 again
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crushedsweets · 3 months
The fact that this fandom exists in the first place and continues to exist in 2024 is absurd and beautiful
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aaandbackstabbed · 7 months
Della and Donald: you’ve told us this story many times
Scrooge: and you’ll hear it again!
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popponn · 8 months
there is something about how when anime official art gets yoichi right fashion wise it's always a comfy bf look like look at him
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very fluffy. very huggable. i want to poke and pinch his cheeks. also he often has those lil blushies when he eats and for some reason it's cute. the gap moe between on field and off field is still something else to see each time i remember it. i love it ofc 💚 but it's still something else
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pokemonruby · 11 months
octopath being snubbed for best score is especially surreal like even if it isn't one of those big-time mainline game series that are typically showcased at the awards you absolutely cannot deny the unparalleled genius of yasunori nishiki's compositions. especially with the smooth transitions between the day and night osts in the second game and the individual character themes, the soundtrack perfectly encapsulates the scenic, immersive, and stunning atmospheres the game's world has to offer, as well as the intense emotional beats during each of the travelers' stories, and not to mention the godly boss themes, and it absolutely never fails to deliver. octopath is not just a game but a bona fide work of art in genuinely every aspect and it pains me to see it being overlooked like this. team asano features some of the most gifted developers in the industry and god forbid they deserve more recognition.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 1 month
Something to be used, played with and then thrown away.
For the first few times Q had played with his capitaine he had thought that his human would be just that to him.
When he had first started their romantic relationship although Picard had refused to acknowledge it as such, he had thought it would be a nice distraction.
A game.
So why was he the one who ended up being thrown away?
The one who was met with 'I have had enough of you' and cold, disinterested eyes?
Why was he the one who felt like a toy?
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genspiel · 9 months
Ray Walker: is a bisexual Lakota man
me: oh, some bi and Indigenous rep! that's cool
also Ray Walker: has "never been a romantic" and "never expect[s] anything long-term" from relationships, feels like "romantic" is an inaccurate description of his relationship with his ex, and asks another character if they can be friends who have sex sometimes
me: oh wait holy shit, is he aroallo???
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passthroughtime · 4 months
today i’m thinking about “different first meeting” kuwagami scenario where kuwana is acquainted with kaito beforehand, BUT not as friends, but as fuckbuddies at most. maybe, even just as a one night stand.
yagami comes to kaito’s apartment because he couldn’t reach him or something, and sees another new guy coming out of his shower; this isn’t news for him that kaito occasionally hooked up with random women and men alike, with preference in the former. yagami pays kuwana no mind and actively deflects any advances from him, thinking that kuwana sees him as another fuckbuddy of kaito. yagami doesn’t fuck around that much, and definitely isn’t in the mood to find somebody to stay the night with: they have an urgent case, and there isn’t any other thing on his mind at the moment.
while kuwana falls in love with yagami at the first sight. sure it’s weird to fall for a business partner of the guy he just fucked and isn’t going to remember for long. but, yagami is perfect, in some stupid way. kuwana says something dumb, gets rejected, and his hurting heart tells him he can’t let yagami go. he hasn’t felt this way about anyone in years.
so, he starts to hang around kaito much more frequently, they may even be called friends at some point. yagami thinks they are dating; this is the last thing kuwana wants him to think.
although, they click with each other pretty quickly; with all the annoyance, it’s fun to bicker with him, rarely being serious, picking on him and being picked on in turn. but it also frustrates yagami, because he sees that kuwana doesn’t really care about kaito (the amount he'd expect of the guy kaito is together with). while kuwana sees that yagami worries for kaito, and thinks that it’s in that way. once, he, heartbroken and losing hope, asks what yagami sees in kaito (as a possible romantic partner), but words it badly and is understood even worse. yagami falls out with kuwana, and they stop talking altogether.
yagami sulks and is very upset, because he thought they had something special going there, even if it was just a mutual interest, which wouldn’t turn into anything else. kuwana stops talking to kaito, explaining to him that it was because he couldn’t bear to be with yagami in one room when he hates him so much. his words kind of insinuate of kuwana’s feelings for yagami, but kaito doesn’t catch the hint.
some time passes, and yagami and kaito talk about kuwana. yagami says that he regrets so much cutting kuwana off from his life. kaito remembers what kuwana said, tells it to yagami as word for word as he could remember, and though he doesn’t understand what’s wrong, yagami sees kuwana’s message clearly.
yagami can’t reach him by his number (it’s out of service), so he comes to his house in ijincho. he isn’t home, but yagami waits for him. approaching his house, kuwana sees him sitting on the steps and asks, “did you not cuss me enough?” and everything he says is openly antagonizing. yagami tries to talk to him calmly, but with time kuwana, unyielding, starts to piss him off. yagami says something along, “and here i thought you’d want me to apologize to you” and storms out the house with an intention to drink this anger away and come back.
kuwana isn’t able to stop him (when he tries, yagami punches him in the nose so hard kuwana sees stars, and it starts bleeding), but he finds him leaning on the railing in the nearby parking lot, with cheep beer in his hands. “you didn’t escape far. feeling guilty?”, kuwana asks, meaning his injury. “yes,” yagami answers, meaning the argument that lead them to stop talking with each other.
kuwana asks to share his beer with him, to which yagami complies, and jokes about them having an indirect kiss. “so childish,” yagami says, “we are long past the age of indirect kisses.” “do you want an ‘adult’ kiss?” kuwana jokingly asks, falling into their playful type of talking naturally. “yes,” yagami answers, and kuwana hears no ridicule in turn. he kisses him and tries to say that he wanted to kiss him for as long as they know each other.
“i knew that all this time,” yagami interrupts him, “but i didn’t want a kiss from somebody who isn’t serious about it.” after kuwana’s question of what has changed, yagami answers, “because now i also know you want more from me than this, or sex, or whatever. makes kissing you a lot less disgusting.” kuwana laughs, and yagami steals this sound with another kiss.
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rad-roche · 6 months
i think the scripting part of comics will come easily to me because Noir Pastiching gets you into the habit of excising absolutely every 'unnecessary' word quote unquote. note i don't say a good habit, but a habit. wow, i'm proud of how this sentence came out. unfortunately, i have to shear off most of it with a surgically applied brick.
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loscampbracket · 10 months
go to malta be the best footballer then get filthy rich and take over the country
what's not to love?
fr a flawless plan right there
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mochasucculent · 20 days
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I hate making comics but in 2020 something possessed me to draw this page out in a few hours and then I never touched the idea again lol
If I had any willpower at all it woulda been a horror-mystery about a small isolated town that has grown complacent with the presence of a being that makes reanimated creatures out of any corpse it can get its hands(?) on lol
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Wistfully thinks of Spellwind, I should make a headcanons up to ep 31 list its just my equivalent of like Skyrim or lotr where theres so much going on and so dense but god damn one of my favorite episodes was when two of my favorite characters became trees and the entire experience was like...they were tripping on shrooms but also one with the shrooms? Its like episode 8
and I love the dms orc captain that hates going on land and is there for the in between transportation from sea to sea land to land ferryman (not really I feel like its mostly hard to narrate and have a character at the same time) I just love captain buttocks' (yeah I'm pretty sure thats his name) humor and how him and djett ('jet') were closer in the beginning
I love ty and varsha together but I also ship smith with them as time went on, I can't tell who I want to joke as the third smith and varsha are friends to lovers, ty and varsha are irritated assholes to lovers, smith is just a jaded old fuck that loves his morons (he respects varsha a lot and thinks ty is an entertaining idiot)
Varsha and Djett are siblings they love each other like family and share different spells and potions and knowledge of interest notes
I feel like the only person really thinking too deeply about this tabletop story and wanted to drop a few lines of appreciation, I like listening to it to go to sleep since its so slow paced and gently spoken and the music and sound efx is so sweet
#spellwind#ttrpg#table story#homebrews are my favorite of genre of story telling right now#its what got me into midnight burger#Spotify knew what kinda creative storytelling I liked and said#pbbt here you go guy you need to listen to more audiodramas without the dice in the mix#the way podcasts can tell stories is so cool#dice rolling#describing everything thats going on in a natural dialogue so that it paints a picture for the person listening as if theyre part of it#like youre in the environment with them it was a really smart way to carve a story and narrative#wolf 359#wolf 395#idk off the top of my head I'm trying out a few episodes but I like how its a blend of that similar storytelling method but like also??#log entries and some conversation between characters which is mostly how midnight burger does it#aaaa I just love audiodramas#and tabletop actual plays#I want so badly to do ttrpgs but this is my live vicarious through the media I consume era until I can find ppl that wanna let me take try#and be a DM#I could totally make engaging stories like the things I listen to#its like execution of the stories that go on inside my head the tones the themes I wanna touch on the emotions I want to convey#at the same time theres a small part of me thats like mehh but they did it already but I can still share that vibe for people that either#have or haven't chewed up the same things I love over and over and over like a maniac#plus I still have my own take and taste and ideas its just a time and place thing#I have a trillion ideas written out I just have to sort them out and do some stitchwork on the canvas that is the blank page#embroidery on those sweet words and patchwork a story ive been brewing in mind#this is slightly a personal ramble about story making#and also a segway into a sideblog thats not 100% midnight burger#I wonder how this blog will evolve over time
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Gakuen Babysitters, Kashima, playing dumb
Ryuuichi is aware that he has a reputation for being unaware. Oblivious.
Especially in these matters.
Honestly speaking, he’s far too conscious of flickering gazes and shuffling feet. It’s just… easier to do this. To look away; play an idiot. To avoid explaining again that he doesn’t have time, that he has too many responsibilities.
In the shimmering light, Inui lifts Kotaro up towards the ray swimming overhead, and Ryuuichi’s wonders what it would be like if he made time.
So when Inui looks at him, a shy flush over uncertain eyes, Ryuuichi smiles.
It’s better than looking away.
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[Reigen has a terminal illness and hides it]
Reigen Arataka | Mob Psycho 100 06-04-2023
Having some Reigen angst morning thoughts:
Him being diagnosed with an illness that will be the death of him and he has at best only a handful of years left.
Yet he doesn't tell anyone, doesn't want to worry and burden anyone.
Like, maybe he had been struggling a bit nore already in the past months, but always brushed it off because it came and went. Although he's half forced to go by his employees when they botice he doesn't seem too good.
Then he get the result about his terminal illness.
And of course, he doesnt tell anyone.
Not his family, not that he'd know how to tell them to be quite honest. It seems like a lot of trouble to deal with.
He doesn't tell Serizawa, he doesn't need to worry about his boss when he's already focused on his night class.
Plus he doesnt quite trust the man wouldn't accidentally spill the bean.
He doesn't tell Tome, she's already occupied enough with her first semester and year of college, she doesnt need to worry about him.
He doesn't tell Ekubo, because he feels like the spirit would likely tell Mob.
And of course, he doesnt tell Mob. His little student is in his last yeard of high school, he should focuse on having fun, his finals and college application.
Something in Reigen hopes Mob will go to a college away from Seasojing City (contrary to Tome) so he can more easily hide it from him. He knows Mob would worry about him and would likely try helping him more, and he refuse to take away parts of Mob precious teenage Years because he's sick.
So instead he hides it from everyone. He doesn't need the people he cherish to worry over him, to feel sad or awkward around him because of it.
He wants to only leave good memories behind.
And at first it easy enough to hide.
If he's getting tired more easily, he just brushes it off as him getting old (even though he barely entered his 30's). And sometimes simply says he just stayed up too late the previous night.
But then sickness days comes more regularly and that is a bit hard to hide properly, making him look awfull. And there's only so many excuse he can give for that.
He still tries to reassure everyone, but even Reigen doesn't find his bullshiting convincing.
And he goes months not telling anyone, the uncertainty and awkwardness still settling in the office despite his attempt being the opposite of that.
and with time he also grows weaker, and thinner from his lack of appetite and his medication not helping that.
And everyone tries acting as if they were seeing nothing.
Until Mob simply snaps.
He snaps because Reigen lost consciousness as they were fighting against a spirit and nearly got himself gravely injured.
Snap because he now has months of frustration and worries piling up and he NEEDS to know what the fuck is happening with shisho.
and maybe he grows really quiet when Reigen finally admits it.
and then Mob looks mad. mad and sad "Did shisho ever plan to tell me? Did you think I would rather one day stop having you reply to me while I am away only to learn from someone else you died?
"Did you think I would be happier not knowing you are in pain, that I would be happier to not make proper goodbye if I can?"
emotional talk and angst, everyone around Reigen end up finding out too and they all do try to help him out as best they can, but also try to not overwhelm him with all this attention.
Maybe Mob decides to take a little break before going to college, so he can stay with Reigen and help him. Maybe Reigen feels guilty about it, because he didn't want this to happen.
But really, there's nothing that would change Mob's mind once he decided on something.
Also maybe havinghis precious Mob by his side in his last moment wouldn't be so bad...
(I just realised this was angst with a bit of comfort at the end lol, always need a little bit of comfort at least)
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wolvebonez · 5 months
its so weird to me that some of the people you know with the WORST takes on shit like religion/politics/be homophobic or racist can also have opinions/have done or do stuff thats also incredibly important
Like, for example, my grandpa def is. super religious, dislikes queer ppl, is a trump supporter but he's also very aware of & advocates against the hatred of middle-eastern people and can hold a very in depth conversation abt the effects 9/11 had on them. he also used to be a waterfowl hunter and is very aware of ethical hunting & land conservation and (while he doesnt "believe in climate change") he talks a lot about how humans destroy ecosystems/biodiversity. He also, most shockingly, is incredibly open about music/art and while he doesn't like certain types of it (namely anything thats openly queer) he still has expressed thinking it should be allowed to exist. (albiet, in his eyes, "to show whats wrong," but still lol) truly a baffling man.
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hummingbird-games · 5 months
So i've played most of hummingbird's games, and I know you like realistic stories but I really liked the knight dance, it was perfectly gay, thank you for that 😛 Will you make other games like that? Ones with older characters?
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*footage of me cooking up The Knight Dance last year*
HSJFHSFD LOL! So. Hmm. Okay soooo...
I want to make games with older protags! I really do, and I have one previously abandoned idea that I picked back up and want to see where it goes. I'm also helping a friend with their game that has non-teen MC and LIs (and I'm learning how to write for others which is both fun and a new experience for me that I'm determined to improve my writing and collaboration skills with).
I have mini ideas and plot bunnies of possible 18+ stories I'd like to explore and create visual novels for.
All that said, I'm so immersed in teen media and content and pretty discontent (disgusted) with the crumbs and disrespect that the demographic gets. I'm also over teen and tween girls being villainized for being *checks notes* girls. 😐 (I stand for girlhood and I explicitly mean those tender years of 12 to 20 because I feel it's such a crucial time.)
So if it's between writing another teen story verses finally getting around to an older character's story, I'm probably gonna lean towards the teen 😅 Not at all what you want to hear I know, and I completely understand! I hope you find what you're looking for in other creators, and omgggg I have so many cool peers who've made amazing games with adult characters and storylines!! Some have sexual content, and some don't, but there's something to love in them all.
This post is long enough, so I'll stop, but thank you for checking out The Knight Dance!!!! I'd been dying to tell that story for a while and I'm glad others love Heather and Ezra like me 💛
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