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Can't go to my actual blog yourbuerokrat. Don't mind me I just love to rant in the tags Mostly TNG!qcard/generally ignores ST: Picard/mid 20s
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yourbuerokrat2 · 2 days ago
Scenario, where one day somewhere between Breaking Bad and BCS Don Eladio decided to 'reward' and play with Gus Fring. Knowing that Gus is homosexual (not exactly well recieved in mafia circles but Gus is keeping that part as all parts of him incredibly private and he brings Eladio good money so who really cares?) he decides to 'gift' Gus a night with a male prostitute who is almost the spitting image of Max. Eladio has already seen the hatred in Gus' eyes when Hector accused Gus of Lalos murder and since Eladio cannot understand personal attachments of any kind he thinks he can please Gus enough with this gesture. All while watching the infamous chicken man struggle for just a few seconds to keep his composure as the man who looks akin to Max in his youth offers himself up with a smile. All while they are next to the pool, in the exact spot where Hector had killed Max.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 4 days ago
Honestly think this could work best with Deja Q, where Q goes to Picad and tells him that no one would miss him once he dies and he sits on Picards office desk and looks at him, clearly expecting Picard to say that he would miss Q. Only for Picard to basically say 'don't let the door hit you on your way out'. And then in his next appearance in Qpid, where Picard tells him that he regrets saving Qs life.
I mean, Q literally arrived and made fun of human history by appearing in various historical outfits, kidnapped and put quite a few members of Picards crew in death penalty boxes (I mean, remember that scene where Tasha Yar was genuinely distressed with Picard calming her down only for Q to arrive and to accuse Picard of 'fraternizing' in an uncaring tone?). And then of course there was the whole throwing them to the Borg- thing. You know, where Q just laid back and enjoyed the show, smiling even though Picard lost 14 crew members and smiling as Picard and his crew were nearly killed only because Picard was willing to say 'I need you' as a last chance.
Then there is the whole thing with the Calamarians, where it is made very clear by the end of the episode that Q is the one who regularly torments these beings and that the other Q has to apologize and clean up the messes Q causes while he torments other species.
Like, especially in the start and middle of TNG Q is far from being 'Mister nice Guy' and then he dares to get all pathetic when his actions finally result in consequences of Picard just not liking Q. Being hurt at Picard rejecting his offers and I think Q was also hurt at seeing that Picard clearly thought of ways to die even though he was already dead when Q said that they were going to spend eternity together.
As the comic states, Q has been nothing but a f*** for most of the time Picard and Q met, especially in the beginning but gets hurt when Picard reject him because he does not trust Q (seriously, int hat one scene Q was genuinly surprised and hurt at hearing Picard say he doesn't trust the person who just seconds ago kidnapped him and forced him to cooperate somewhere in the middle of nowhere in space)
I am actually quite serious but if your reaction is not what I was hoping for I am going to pretend I was joking haha
я на самом деле вполне серьезен, но если твоя реакция не такая, как я ожидал, я притворюсь, что пошутил, ха-ха
Same energy / Литерали
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yourbuerokrat2 · 4 days ago
I absolutely love how Q is basically accusing Picard of having been afraid of Qs love when Q only confesses to caring about Picard at his proverbial death bed. My dude, Picard cannot have run from your love if he didn't know it existed in the first place and when you were the one who didn't show up for years.
It's absolutely bugging me that there were two moments in STP S2 where Picard wanted to say something to Q, saying, "Q--" only to have Q cut him off.
The first time was in the episode where La Sirena was careening through space to the year 2024 and Q says,
"Shall we see what else has been lost in the wake of your fear?" Q says this just as he and Picard are hurtling towards a sun (And since the sun represents Q, Q is telling Picard that HE has also been lost in the wake of Picard's fear (of love) 😭😭😭)
Picard looks up at Q and says, "Q--"
only for Q to suddenly disappear.
The second time is when Q has just confessed his feelings for Picard in "Farewell " and he cups Picard's face.
"Q--", Picard starts.
"I have one more surprise in store," Q replies .
What did Picard want to say to Q during these moments, but didn't????
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yourbuerokrat2 · 4 days ago
I always thought that what makes this even more interesting is that apparently it is implied in Season 2 that Q and Picard haven't seen each other for a while? So Picard has had to deal with other Qs from the Continuum. Which I always thought would give Picards interactions with Q in Star Trek Picard a bit of a different undertone. Because by the end of TNG Picard was almost willing to call Q a friend and then just as they were finally about to get closer, in the aftermath of his resignation, in the moments where Picard really could have used a friend Q was not there. Not even afterwards to give him some distraction. Instead, Picard becomes the 'primary contact to the Q Continuum' and meets a bunch of other Qs but the one Q who has called Picard 'the closest thing to a friend in the universe' doesn't bother showing up.
Which must have stung and really must have made Picard feel like all this time he had really been nothing more than a toy, not even a pet, to Q and that now that Q has gotten bored of him as Picard would see it, he has simply thrown Picard away.
And then Q has the audacity to arrive and not even explain or justify his years of absence.
I still can't get over that one scene in STP S2 where Rios is talking to his hologram friend about Picard being onboard and how the FIRST thing the hologram says to describe Picard is that he's the "primary contact to the Q Continuum".
Of all descriptors this hologram uses, he uses that one first.
Never mind that Picard served as captain of the Federation flagship. No, we can just mention that resumè blurb later.
No, he's first and foremost, the chief contact to the Q Continuum.
That's the writers team wanting to pitch one for Qcard right there. Facts.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 4 days ago
An interesting crossover, although I do now know how many folks are out there who like both, is the Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad and Star Trek. For one specific reason:
Imagine Saul Goodman suddenly finding himself far into the future and now having to defend Humanity in front of Q. Because Saul Goodman has seen and been part of the very things that Q is accusing mankind of. But he is also such a brilliant lawyer that he would succeed nonetheless.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 4 days ago
After a tiring sickness I am back.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 19 days ago
Heacanon: To Q Picard is the most hilarious, most entertaining and cutest thing/being in the universe.
I mean
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yourbuerokrat2 · 19 days ago
'Stalking' is such a harsh word. Q just likes to watch Picard whenever he is feeling overtly .. lonely. Or bored. Q just happens to feel bored a lot. Is he watching Picard while Picard is not even doing anything particularly liking taking care of paper work or sleeping? Yes, of course. But it's not like Q is really bothering Picard when he is just.. observing him, now is he? Privacy is nothing but a silly, little human thing anyway. Really, Q has no idea why even his fellow Q have voiced some 'concerns' about his none-existant 'obsession' and have tried to stage an 'intervention meeting' with him.
Q and Picard
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yourbuerokrat2 · 19 days ago
Picards office if he was allowed/allowed himself to decorate it in a way that would make quite happy. And I just adore that drawing of the unicorn. He was so unhappy when he found out that unicorns didn't exist (thank you, Robert.). He did hope to find some extraterrestrial horses in space though.
Q decides to actually show and kidnap him to a place (created by Q) where unicorns are real. And Picards reaction did not disappoint because Picards speech is halted mid-way as soon as he sees them. And Picard trying his best not to show how excited he actually about one of his biggest childhood dreams being real (because Q would and is seeing this as encouragement for future kidnappings) is just as amusing and entertaining (and cute) as Q thought it would be. And despite how Q is going to joke and mock him about his reaction mercilessly for the future, the entity still earns 100 reluctanly given friendship points. Especiall because the unicorns with wings actually let Picard pet them.
how much you wanna bet he keeps a ton of horse photos in his ready room
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yourbuerokrat2 · 20 days ago
Qs reaction to finding out about this would also be interesting because there would be confusion and a lot of tension with Picard waiting for Q to mock him for it and sure there are a few jokes Q can think of right now but Picard wants to be.. held by him? Or at least a part of Picard wants this. And here Q always thought that Picard would hate it if Q became a bit openly protective.
The hug would be awkward because I doubt Q really know how to hug and he is not sure if he is doing this right and Picard is still fighting himself because he should not want this.
A sincere "I won't let anything happen to you." and Picard is still however and despite the inner arguments of 'This is Q. As Captain of the Enterprise I shouldn't show this kind of weakness especially to a being such as him' (because it has been a rather tiring week and even though he knows he shouldn't he believes Q. He believs that at least for now he doesn't have to worry about the Borg, the Romulans, the Cardassian or anything else. That at least in this moment he is utterly and completely safe.
One of the many interesting internal conflicts I can see Picard having about any positive feelings towards Q would be a sense or just a want for safety especially by the end of TNG. Because while Q can be danger at on point Picard does admit that Q seems to genuinly care about him. And of course Picard would try to deny it to himself because Q is next of kin to chaos and he is Captain Jean-Luc Picard so he couldn't, shouldn't, want even for the split of a second for Q to be protective about him.
I mean after everything he has been through and the daily pressure of being the Captain and people needing a feeling of security from him I can see him very reluctantly and very secretly at the back of his mind wanting to be held and to be safe. And he chastises himself over it for wanting this and wanting it from Q of all people (because where else to have absolute safety but in the arms of a being who can snap any threat out of existence and who cares about him even if it is in a way Picard considers 'concerning').
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yourbuerokrat2 · 20 days ago
One of the many interesting internal conflicts I can see Picard having about any positive feelings towards Q would be a sense or just a want for safety especially by the end of TNG. Because while Q can be danger at on point Picard does admit that Q seems to genuinly care about him. And of course Picard would try to deny it to himself because Q is next of kin to chaos and he is Captain Jean-Luc Picard so he couldn't, shouldn't, want even for the split of a second for Q to be protective about him.
I mean after everything he has been through and the daily pressure of being the Captain and people needing a feeling of security from him I can see him very reluctantly and very secretly at the back of his mind wanting to be held and to be safe. And he chastises himself over it for wanting this and wanting it from Q of all people (because where else to have absolute safety but in the arms of a being who can snap any threat out of existence and who cares about him even if it is in a way Picard considers strange).
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yourbuerokrat2 · 20 days ago
Now this is such an interesting and haunting scenario. Beccause while the Continuum are likely not full of poeple Q likes they are still the only stable point he is in his eternal and vast existence. And for Q to end up as the last Q, for Q to be the only Q there is in the universe, is such a fascinating concept to me. Because on one hand it means absolute freedom. Which considering it's Q could end up rather chaotic and he is no exactly the most moral person in his definiation of 'fun' but he is by no means evil and can have good intentions.
But on the other hand imagine being the last of your species. Forever. The universe as your personal plaything, all the power that existence has to offer and then some and no one to share in it
Honestly? If Picard is even on somewhat good terms with Q and even in a case where he wouldn't love Q back like he does here I can see him agreeing to a bit of an extended lifesan at least until Q has found 'another solution' or has 'figured out how to deal with this'. Which would be never because Qs hope and dream in this would be having Picard.
Q being the last of his kind also makes me imagine just how desperate Qs hold on Picard is here in the beginning. A huge wave of 'don't leave. don't leave. You are the only thing I have left in the universe. Don't leave me' trying to be communicated by body language alone.
The almost plea-like sounding 'Let me love you' because whatever it is that seems to have happened made it only so Picard and his crew could save Q, which they did.
Q took Jean-Luc passionately into his arms and pressed him hard against his body.
"Q, it's alright," he said, wrapping his arms around him.
"Yes. Yes, it is, mon capitaine."
With a quivering, breathy whisper, Q added, "You came after me."
"I found you, Q. I knew I had to. You saved my son's life. That will never be forgotten. "
Q then, looked into Jean-Luc's eyes. He was over 100 now and frail, but to Q, he was as beautiful as ever.
"I would do anything for you. "
"I know, Q. I know."
"Let me love you." Q caressed the side of Jean-Luc's face.
With a slight smile, Jean-Luc chuckled and asked, "Will the Continuum approve?"
Q's face stiffened. His eyes suddenly became cold.
He swallowed hard.
"Q, what's wrong?"
"I am the last of my kind, Jean-Luc. "
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yourbuerokrat2 · 21 days ago
He would never know how many Trials and errors, how many changes to the timeline and to nearly everything except for Picards mind Q had to make.
He would never know many promises Q made to the Continuum for this. For him. For them.
What kind of deal with the Continuum he had made in order to still be a Q and yet to have a right to this.
Picard would never know of all of the things Q had done, is doing and will do just to be able to hold him.
Just to be able to keep him.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 22 days ago
The most chaotic polycule this side of the universe
Quick captain!!! Run!!!
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yourbuerokrat2 · 23 days ago
Still love the hc/scenario of Q just wanting to whisk Picard away from kind of everything. Especially after the Borg and the Cardassian torture session and Q now knowing how fragile the human body and how much pain hurts. The universe is not treating his human very well and even his crew is taking, in Qs opinion, less than perfect care of him.
So Q will simply have to do it himself. He already has a whole lot of adventures and games, where neitiher of them get electrecuted, planned out. There is a whole universe to show so why let Picard limit himself like this?
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yourbuerokrat2 · 27 days ago
Beverly : How the hell are you still alive?
Picard: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 27 days ago
Q is out here trying out how to get Picard to have the 'weakness Q has been looking for for years' without really having to change his human form. Picard is likely not sure how to think about or feel about this.
I really like the red smoke 'chains' Q seems to be doing something that is probably meant as 'worshipping Picards body' but Picard does not seem to be the kind of guy that likes the big worshiping. Also Q would 100 percent be into role play. Am curious what exactly the scene is supposed to be about.
Speaking of interesting scene, the kiss and them both seeming to be devoured by a black something is rather intersting because maybe it could be also be Q? It's clearly a kiss that surprises Picard and maybe Q wants more which his human form translates in the closeness and the touches but also translates to his original form/his Q form basically consuming both of them.
I really like the last one. Considering Picard!Q is more than a bit of a 'mad god' but in a slightly different way than TNG!Q I can totally see a verse where Q did not get this 'mysterious illness' but rather continued to pester and be with Picard constantly especially once Picard is retired (can't tell me to get off of your ship when you no longer have one). With Q gaining a fondness in putting Picard in various costumes which Picard does not like very much because at first this new hobby of Qs would make him feel like a dress-up-doll but it's really just Q also dressing up himself because consideirng how Qs first and later arrival on the Enterprise shows Q really likes to put on costumes. And he thinks that Picard looks absolutely adorableand hilarious in the lobster costume. Love the little horse thing as a reference to MLP.
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Some silly stuff from the last few months (the ridiculous thing on the right is entirely the fault of some other lovely but crazy people).
I'm almost not embarrassed.
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