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Weredoll: Alone
It all started with that toy. I know it had to.
I only touched it for a few seconds. God, I should've known. That pull, that imperceptible radiance, of course it was magic. But it just looked so... pretty. I didn't think twice, I just wanted a closer look, and I could feel the jolt through my system as soon as I curled my fingers around it. Magic.
It's the same feeling that was in the seashells that made my best friend a mermaid all those years ago, damning her to the sea. The same feeling as the fae that spirited away my mother's name.
Yes, they looked happy. But I always knew better. You can't abandon your humanity, you just... can't. You shouldn't be able to, you shouldn't want to. It's just wrong.
I spent the whole day frantic. Combing through forums and blogs, staring down at the listings for dubiously reliable books. If nothing happened in the moment, the only conclusions were a crawling slow-burn transformation that would take me piece by agonizing piece, or... something conditional.
The door to my room was locked. My bed was pushed out from the wall and put in the way of the door, just in case. Now all I can do is sit at my computer desk, eyes trapped in the corner of my laptop.
11:59. Any moment now I would find what fate I was cursed to. I'd spent long enough wracked by anxiety, the humanity in my soul clung to my body in terror. Now, there was nothing but a silent, helpless anticipation.
I flinch as the number changes. I pat my body down, trying to find any hints to my curse. But I can't find anything. Everything as it should be. Warm to the touch, but not hot. Just enough give before skin squishes against bone.
I wanted to feel relief, but the confirmation just brought on a defeated emptiness. A sighing, accepting resignation to the alternative, or a confused...
...it's spreading. The emptiness. It isn't just emotional. There is a visceral feeling of removal slowly expanding from my body.
I tried to stand. My hand was on my stomach, like I was trying to feel the thing eating me from the inside. I feel the void overtake my gut, leaving me with a hollow and cavernous lack. There was no sense of hunger, my body failing to cry out with need as it should with an empty stomach. The feeling instead slotted into place, as if I was designed for it.
I try and walk to the mirror. Everything's off. My limbs are too heavy and my torso is too light. I lift my shirt up, and see the beginnings of a seam. There's a small indent that traces around the base of my ribs. Exactly like a ball jointed doll.
I feel sick. I feel faint. But more than anything, I feel empty.
I stumble to the bed and collapse. I can't keep myself upright, I can't muster the will. Fuck, this is really happening, isn't it? I don't care if it's just for the night. I don't want to let go, I can't. Being a person is all I've ever known. How could I not be scared?
My hands fumble along my side. I can feel myself hardening, the texture changing as I move upwards. The seam's already deepened, god knows how far, letting my rigid body—
A violent shudder overtakes me. I cough involuntarily. It's reached my heart.
I can't take my hand off it. The other desperately grabs my hair, trying to ground me, as I feel my heartbeat get weaker and weaker. I try breathing harder, invoking my anxieties, anything to speed it back up, but it's mere seconds until it shuts down completely.
It feels... uncomfortable. Just uncomfortable. All my panic is forced. A cognitive understanding that I really should be terrified, that my heart stopping is something every person needs to fear, but the emptiness swallows all that away. There's a passive, almost reassuring understanding. I'm unharmed, and it's not permanent.
This shouldn't be good. It just shouldn't, right? This isn't the absence of life, it isn't an emptiness that destroys. It's tranquility, it's cleanliness, it's alleviation. I know this is part of the curse, but I just feel so... at ease. Any negative feeling I try to summon is just swallowed by the emptiness, tidied up and put away.
Oh yes, the transformation. It seems it's spread quite far while I was distracted. Down my thighs and up to my neck. I move my hands up to my shoulders, knowing my first joints are going to grow in any minute.
No, no. I can't let it take me. I refused to be reduced to a thing to be ordered around, some heartless construct that only exists for others. There has to be something. I can make my heart beat again, I have to, or I'll die, right? I make a fist and start pounding on my chest as hard as I can... only being met with a dull, hollow thud as the plastic dents into the emptiness inside me. There's nothing in there to start anymore.
Okay. This can still be salvaged. It's just a body, and while it may change, I'm still a human inside. I won't let that be taken from me, I just need to... a suctioning feeling settles in. My skin, just at my shoulder, feels... loose. Ill-fitting.
With a single jerking motion, I reach up and grab at my shoulder, bloodlessly tearing away my skin like it's a thick and heavy tissue paper. Underneath the scraps left behind is the beginnings of a ball joint. It's much too round, the indents where the mechanics let me move just beginning to burrow. It's as if my joints are trying to pop out of their place in my sockets, held in by the firm suggestion of an artificial material. I can already feel my muscle sinew being digested.
I need to be upset, I need to. This is an existential terror in the most literal form, a destruction of all that I am. But all change is death, sacrifice. You cannot become one thing without destroying another. It's rather beautiful to bloom... no, please, no. I refuse to accept such a fate laying down, no matter how much the curse tries to ease me.
I suppose if it can swallow my gut feelings and quell the uneasiness in my heart, it won't be long until it starts to harden this one's brain, leaving it with... leaving it. It. This one.
No. Not now, not ever. If this one can't trust its feelings, and if its starting to lose its cognition, it needs to rely on its behaviour. It will remain human, in one form or another.
Dolls like to clean, to keep things orderly and convenient for others. This one just needs to rip its bed apart! It tears at the corners of its covering, tossing its pillows across the room as it tangles its sheets into a useless mess. There, a bed no doll would be proud of. It tasks a moment to bask in the joy of a completed task.
A sickening pop. It turns back to the mirror and sees its joints as they should be. Perfect round attachments, manufactured just right to allow it mobility. All that remains are its shins and its hands. It's running out of time.
This one tries to walk back to its laptop, and is immediately distracted by its walk. No longer is there the looming clumsy tumbling from its discordant changes. There's an effortless elegance, a refinement of movement and intention. It feels rather pleasing to present itself in such a formal manner. Before the transformation began, it wouldn't have considered such a thing, finding much more comfort in more casual poses and movements. It feels silly to derive such comfort from informality now. Good dolls are-
This one freezes, taken aback by its thoughts. Good dolls are polite and dignified. It's a mantra, a commandment, a colloquialism. A reflexive proverb, as if it were so baked into cultural DNA as to be self-evident. Of course that is how a good doll is to act, it would be silly to pretend otherwise. That... doesn't have to imply anything about this one, it's still a person. This one returns to its task.
12:04. It feels as if it should have been much longer. Becoming felt so fundamentally altering it's bizarre to picture it as taking only 5 minutes, even if that is what this one's research confirmed to it prior. Oh well, it can't be helped. Good dolls are punctual, after all.
There has to be something it can do, something to keep the final throes of the transformation at bay. Dolls are meant to act, and... well, that's not entirely true, is it? Dolls are also meant to be still. To be posed, a beautiful decoration, dressed in the finest outfits...
This one finds its brain... shutting off. Floating away. This is no mere emptiness; it's a trance. A blissful, wonderful stillness. No concern for thoughts, no feelings beyond a gentle calm.
As it sees the clock change, it blinks itself back to awareness. Ah, so that was stillness. This one understands why other dolls find it so enrapturing. It will gladly return to it once it has finished all it has to do.
But first, it looks down at its body. Everything is stiff and rigid, the only movement being allowed by the segments through its hardened skin. Its behaviour has been overhauled, now much more prim and proper, only breaking its posture to help its self-examination.
Of course, this one thinks like a good doll as well. It desires to serve and obey another, and in their absence, it will simply busy itself with chores, doing all it can to help like a good doll. It seems its readings were correct, and the transformation has finished.
Well, that was quite the experience. This one prepares to reflect on it... in the morning, once it's a person. In the meantime, it elegantly walks back to its bed and begins to tidy up, the much more pertinent task.
#this one's words#dollposting#empty spaces#1.7k words#why are transformations so fun to write?#edit: ugh this posted too early! this one is never editing its drafts on the mobile app again#there's so many mistakes it still wants to fix!#oh well... suppose it's acceptable as it is even if there are things this one wants to spruce up#this one has been trying to become more comfortable with publishing stories it sees as imperfect and perhaps this is simply part of that
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GOD I really hope the ficwip word for Word Game Wednesday tomorrow will be a word in my Priest fic...
"But Willow, didnt you just post a Renfield priest fic?"
Yes, well, uh, about that, I have friends who are wonderful and terrible enablers who I get into my brainrot and then act surprise when they FUEL the brainrot and long story short there is aNOTHER ONE COMING and Its driving me insane and I wanna share it
#I uh I ummmm already wrote#1.7k words#n im not even at the smut yet#tee hee#laying on the floor drooling into the carpet
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Mihawk was surprised when Crocodile came up to him with the idea of Cross Guild, which was surprising in itself, because it took a lot to get such reaction out of the stoic man. Mihawk's initial reaction was to assume Crocodile had finally gone mad after his fall from grace. But it didn't take him long to see the full picture. Buggy's debt and the sheer amount of men who adored him in his crew...he could be used easily and efficiently. But Mihawk didn't care about all that. He wasn't a businessman like Crocodile, he didn't care about money or power like him. But despite this, he still agreed. There were two main reasons why he did so:
1- He was bored. With Zoro and Perona gone, he was left on his own on his dreary island. (No offence to the humandrills, but they weren't exactly good company) At first he was quite happy about his situation, he did value his solidarity after all. However, that bliss didn't last very long. He quickly found his usual routine to be repetitive and dreadful, more and more as the days passed. Losing his warlord status right after triggered a fuse in his mind. He could do anything he wanted (not that the government ever got in the way of him doing as he pleased) but he realised that he didn't know what it was that he wanted. Crocodile's offer reminded him of the offhand conversations he used to have with Shanks at dirty bars, which brings us to the second point:
2- He was very intrigued by Buggy. Shanks babbled a lot after he had a bit too much to drink, more than usual at least. But he would still have some level of awareness no matter how drunk he was, never letting his guard completely down. This was not the case with Mihawk. They were close friends, something even more at some point, so Shanks felt comfortable enough to open the dam holding back his words around him. Mihawk appreciated this, not only because it was a huge show of trust, but also because of how entertaining his stories were. Stories about wars and victories, the Pirate King and Dark King Rayleigh... It was all so intriguing. But everything somehow always circled back around to one man: Buggy. Mihawk had never heard of him before, but if Shanks' words were to go by he must have been truly exceptional. Shanks used to have this lovesick look on his face whenever he talked about his old friend, sometimes even straight up sobbing in front of him. This man, who was on Gold Roger's crew and made Shanks fall head over heels in love, perplexed Mihawk. How could such a man exist, hiding his existence for so long? Oh, how he longed to meet him.
Unfortunately for Mihawk, their first meeting didn't go according to plan. Marineford was a mess. He wasn't very interested in the government's goals, he just wanted to see how far straw hat would go. That boy's potential shone so bright, it didn't surprise him one bit that red hair also saw it. What he didn't expect at all though, was to run into the Buggy from Shanks' stories, who was being used like a human shield by straw hat. So, it didn't phase Mihawk one bit when his sword cut straight through the man but he quickly put himself back together. The blue hair, the red nose, this couldn't possibly be anyone else. Mihawk had a certain image of Buggy in his mind, but that all shattered at one look at this man-baby in front of him. There was no way this was the man Shanks was praising left and right, right? Or perhaps, Shanks' stories were always tinted with rose coloured glasses and very far from the truth. How disappointing. But still, something didn't sit well in Mihawk's mind. There must have been some amount of truth to the words he heard. He wanted to see more, but unfortunately didn't have the opportunity to catch the clown again, with Shanks arriving and all. Yet here it was, two years later, Crocodile was handing him a second chance on a silver platter. He simply couldn't refuse.
And so, he agreed to playing house with Crocodile. It was obvious why the man had reached out to him instead of, literally anyone else. Mihawk was strong. He had a strong hold on the use of haki, which the other man lacked. He could easily protect them while Crocodile ran the business part of things. They would work well together, covering each other's weak points. The more obvious reason though, was the fact that Mihawk happened to be one of the very few people Crocodile got along with. That man had a habit of making enemies of everyone he came across, which was not surprising considering he wasn't very likable. But that never bothered Mihawk, he did like a challenge.
The more he got to know Buggy, the more he hated the man, which was not what he was going for at all. He tried his best to see any good traits in him, but repeatedly failed to do so. The man was like a soggy, wet mop, who cried at any chance. He was way too easy to push around, and Mihawk kept doing it because the damn clown was so annoying. His voice, his mannerisms all got on his nerves. This was it, giving up was the only choice. There was no way this clown had any redeemable quality. Shanks was just more insane than he initially thought, whatever. It was just wasted time, and he wouldn't waste any more of it.
Just as he had decided on his departure from Cross Guild and had mentally prepared himself to clash with Crocodile (which he really didn't want to do, he actually liked the man) fate decided this was not the end. All the stalking he did payed off as slowly, he started seeing the clown in a new light. It was the small things at first. The man clearly cared for his crew, and it was almost sweet. He'd always put aside time to train in acrobatics with Cabaji, and to groom Richie with Mohji. He and Alvida had tea time together, giving the woman her much needed gossip time. He was more silent with his closer confidants, he let them do the talking while he listened. He let Cabaji teach him new moves, to help him out when he struggled. He laughed at Mohji's horrible jokes. And it wasn't that boisterous clown laugh, oh no, it was much more...quiet. Yet somehow more vibrant. It was genuine. He let Alvida paint his nails, and let Richie lick his face even when it got red and irritated. He was usually known for his grand gestures as the "genius jester", but he showed his love much more subtly to his friends. It was almost refreshing to see the difference. Almost like the usual Buggy was a performance, a show. And Mihawk was finally seeing the backstage.
Then, one day, he ran into him in the library. He was in his colourful pyjamas, hair tied into a bun and no clown makeup to cover his face. No makeup. One look into his sea green eyes and Mihawk finally started to understand what Shanks must have been thinking. This man was beautiful. And he was holding one of his favourite books.
"D-do you want me to leave? Because I totally can! I'll be out of here in a jiffy-"
"No need. You may stay."
Mihawk didn't know what came over him, but he walked over to the other man. "I quite enjoyed that one. Which chapter are you on?"
And just like that, their unofficial book club started. Buggy was a lot more clever than he let on. Mihawk quite enjoyed listening to his opinions about the books they read. One day, it stopped just being books. They'd talk about anything and everything. Mihawk hated to admit it, but this was exactly what he was missing on Kuraigana: companionship. He felt comfortable with Buggy, and it felt way too easy to fall into a routine with him. Buggy was knowledgeable on a lot of things. He knew chemistry and physics, spending a lot of time in his workshop working on his bombs. He was also a stellar navigator. Clearly his apprenticeship under Roger hadn't been for nothing like it seemed. And when he spoke of old tales, he wouldn't smile like Shanks did. His eyes were carrying sadness and sorrow Mihawk couldn't comprehend. How fascinating, that the same experiences can bring completely different emotions to different people.
When he wanted to try to see Buggy more from red hair's perspective, his goal wasn't falling in love. But that's exactly what happened. It happened all too quickly. He got back into his farming and cooking hobby, because now he felt he had a reason to settle down on Karai Bari. A lot of his cooking ended up on Buggy's plate. Unintentionally, at first, but it made the clown so happy that Mihawk didn't have it in himself to stop. If anything, he started to spend a lot more time in the kitchen. And the escalation of their relationship wasn't one sided, Buggy had also started feeling more comfortable around him. (Which definitely didn't make Mihawk fill with warmth) He started asking things of him like "Can you brush my hair?" "Can you watch me perform this trick?" and Mihawk found that he was losing his ability to say no at an alarming rate. He was falling for the man. He took that revelation with grace, he wasn't the type to deny his feelings, unlike a certain someone. (Crocodile's denial of his feelings for Buggy is a whole other story that was happening consecutively to all this) And as he watched Buggy polish Yoru with careful hands and focused eyes, he found it all too easy to understand Shanks. No wonder this man had an army of men following him, willing to do anything he said. Buggy the Clown was dangerous, and he just added Mihawk's name to his long list of victims.
Mihawk's mouth curved upwards as he took the shiny sword from a smiling Buggy. He found that just this once, he didn't mind being a victim at all.
#is this my longest post??? maybe#im so normal#i got possessed i think#one piece#buggy the clown#red haired shanks#cross guild#dracule mihawk#sir crocodile#buggy pirates#buggy x mihawk#bughawk#I JUST CHECKED THIS IS 1.7K WORDS WHAT#my writing
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Brodoroki's Big-Ass Post of Apollo Character/Plot Headcanons
because I said I was gonna do it, and by god i'm going to commit. and commit I did. this is 1.7k words long. on-brand for me tbh
I'll probably make a subpage of my blog to post this in a... more refined manner? I'll definitely do as much for my RP blogs. But having it as a post is nice too.
I will note that a lot of these things have barely any backing canonically. It's just what I've come up with over the years. Additionally this is subject to change or gain additions.
ALSO spoilers for all of AA456.
Thanks to him being sent to America on his lonesome, as well as his own eventual assumptions regarding the situation, Apollo has fairly intense problems related to being abandoned by, separated from, or otherwise losing people he is close to.
Partially due to this, those that he comes to see as role models often gain a sort of parental status to him, maybe a little more quickly than they should.
He has problems making new friends, thanks to how prickly and focused on his own things he tends to be.
Clay was his only friend, pretty much up until he was hired into the WAA. (yess i know capcom just doesn't care to mention the other ones he probably had but I chose to imagine it this way)
Clay is also the only person he willingly spoke with about his past in Khura'in. Due to this, he was also the one to help him through adjusting to America, on a language/accent/cultural basis.
Apollo is likely at least decent acquaintances with Clay's father, but isn't that close. They're at least on good terms.
Figured out how the bracelet worked much earlier than implied in the games. Has a rather deep curiosity regarding the object's origins (much stronger than the curiosity regarding the identity of his biological parents).
He can take his bracelet off, it just requires at least one person to help him pull it off.
Because of the parental thing noted above, Apollo saw Kristoph as at least a father-adjacent figure, up until his arrest... but the familial connection wasn't something he could completely get rid of. So, up until whenever Kristoph is executed (assuming that ever happens), Apollo visits and speaks to him in prison. Phoenix is never told about this, nor is anyone else. Even Clay wasn't aware.
He had a much brighter and cheerfully energetic personality prior to his first trial, but the brutal reality of everything that happened on that day turned him a bit bitter. He does still show that side of himself sometimes, but only rarely.
After Turnabout Corner, the Kitakis and Apollo (and the WAA in general) stay on good terms. Wocky assumes he and Apollo are great friends, though Apollo probably thinks less... Anyways, the office often receives gifts of baked goods from their bakery, due to this.
While Apollo did consider Phoenix to be a sort of parental figure fairly quickly, him being a cryptic asshole for the entirety of the game was not lost on him. At least until the start of AA6, his feelings on the man remain mixed, though he refuses to talk to him on the matter.
He is, however, at least happy to be part of some sort of family unit.
Since Apollo really had no guardian of sorts, Kristoph had been listed on many of his emergency contact forms. Thanks to a mix of not immediately liking Phoenix and forgetfulness, Apollo never really ended up changing it. Of course, since having a contact in prison doesn't really work... his contact, unbeknownst to anyone involved, has defaulted to, of course... Klavier.
Phoenix's attitude change was initially met with extreme distrust by Apollo, which wasn't helped by the sudden appearance of Athena (whom Wright had apparently been working with for a while now). Apollo and Athena likely talked about it at least once after the latter sensed the annoyance in his voice and cornered him about it.
Even though it's implied that no one met Clay before his death, Apollo likely introduced him to everyone at least once, with the guy maybe occasionally stopping in to the WAA.
Took off from work (the first time in months) to watch the rocket launch. Which ended up, of course, being a rather poor idea.
Since he's basically alone, couldn't take his bracelet off (see note in pre-AA4). Hence, eye bandage. He likely figured out the silly depth perception (?) thing by accident at some point, so knew that was his only option.
Aura likely pulled him aside while he was investigating to speak about the case, slowly easing into his opinion regarding Athena. They continued to occasionally speak over the next few days, meeting every time Apollo visited the space center.
Prevented himself from grieving at all before everything was over. Barely let himself rest as he didn't want to give himself any time to think about it.
As the bombing happened, Apollo was standing with his back to the explosion, though was thrown on top of Juniper as a result of the blast. His injuries included various burns and flesh wounds (shown below), as well as internal bruising, general bruising, and possible fractures/contusions.
(ignore the jank anatomy. all i meant for that to be was a diagram ngl)
Spent about half the day in the hospital before getting himself (against everyone's wishes) discharged early. He was absolutely in an excessive amount of pain, but as with his grief, he refused to let himself deal with it until everything was over.
Getting knocked out the following day gave him a concussion. It made his memories of the preceding days murky at best, as well as causing him to act with more irritability and less focus.
He was put in the hospital again, of course. By evening, he was out once more.
At the end of his testimony in Turnabout for Tomorrow, when Phoenix finally proves that Athena absolutely did not kill Clay/that the culprit is Fakebright, Apollo relaxes, gives a very genuine thanks to his boss, before collapsing at the stand. He reached his goal, after all, and let himself give in to all the pain and exhaustion he felt... while scaring the shit out of everyone in the courtroom.
His bandages stay on for the next two months, to some degree. For at least the next month, Phoenix just about forces him to take a vacation, with even a (probably not serious) threat to fire him if he finds out he's doing any work.
Sort of assumes everyone in the WAA hates him for a bit after the game ends.
Apollo grows closer to Klavier after the game ends, wanting a friend to fill the hole that Clay left who also isn't a WAA member. Whether their relationship is entirely friend-level or romantic-level depends on my thoughts at the time... but they are at least good friends who meet once a week to talk over things.
As an extension of this, Apollo may at some point speak to Klaiver regarding his past in Khura'in, just needing someone to speak about it with.
Speaking of his past, Apollo briefly gets incredibly hopeful/desperate for Dhurke to show up after the end of the game. With Clay gone, he longs for the man who raised him, to just spill his guts about all his issues, to be comforted fully. He feels awkward thinking about talking to Phoenix on a personal level, and he doesn't want to break down in front of his closest non-coworker friend (Klavier). Of course, this never happens, and Apollo soon grows bitter regarding his past once more.
Scars from the bombing cover his arms and some other spots. Prefers long sleeves afterwards, as he doesn't like to look at them or explain them.
Apollo still keeps up with news regarding Khura'in, just barely. He also practices writing and speaking the related language, enough to stay fairly fluent.
At least one keepsake from the country was also kept, even though Dhurke hadn't been fond of the idea. While still bitter about his whole situation, Apollo has kept it safe this entire time. Not sure what exactly it is, but it's likely something deeply personal. Maybe a little craft or carved figure Dhurke gave him? An eagle, maybe, since I've implied that's one of his favorite animals.
Athena and Trucy likely picked up Apollo's prickly-ness regarding Khura'in at least once, though he always refuses to explain himself. While they stop asking after a certain point, they're definitely curious.
This curiosity becomes much stronger after the incredibly suspect behavior of both him and Nahyuta during the Magical Turnabout. Both men absolutely had odd tics and tones to their voices while speaking to one another during the trial, and with the ladies being both the co-counsel and defendant, they'd get a front-row seat to it all.
Given the comments Apollo & Nahyuta make to one another at the end of the trial, along with everything else, they can assume the two were very close at some point in time, early in life. Athena and Trucy likely talk in private to speculate on this (and might drag Phoenix or even Blackquill into the conversation).
While the games leave it pretty vague, I do think Apollo genuinely considers Nahyuta and Dhurke (and sort of Datz, in a weird uncle sort of way) to be family. Vice versa, as well. While Dhurke's death leaves him devastated, he's happy to be in contact with the two others, as well.
Building upon something mentioned above, even though they really barely talk about it in-game, the occurrence of Dhurke Dying not even a year after Clay leaves him in shambles. After the decision to stay in Khura'in, he quickly starts to regret his decision, breaking down in front of Nahyuta after the latter checks on him, when he doesn't leave his room for an entire day. They have a very long, serious but heartfelt talk about both of their lives, and their hardships, and everything. It lasts hours, and is emotionally taxing on the both of them, but leaves them more accepting of everything that has happened as of late.
Actually remembers when that one photograph of him, Dhurke and Nahyuta was taken, even if barely. It was the first time he had seen a camera, at least a modern one.
Likes spicy food.
Knows a few low level magic tricks, thanks to Trucy teaching him.
Would rather be busy than idle. Troubling thoughts bother him more when he has nothing to do. Thanks to this, he didn't mind offhandedly doing chores around the WAA... but he started to get annoyed when people started to expect such a thing from him 24/7.
Favorite season is fall. Summer is a close second.
Frequently gets too little sleep, though it doesn't seem to adversely affect him...
...though it does make him prone to napping in odd places.
Doesn't like coffee. If he's drinking anything, it's tea.
Low tolerance to alcohol. Barely drinks it anyways.
Favorite animal is some sort of eagle or hawk.
Okay at cooking.
Bi, demiromantic. Never has been in a relationship before the games.
#note to self please for the love of god link this somewhere i didn't write all these words for nothing#ace attorney#apollo justice#dual destinies#spirit of justice#apollo justice ace attorney#aa456#ajaa spoilers#aa5 spoilers#aa6 spoilers#1.7k words and its a fucking bullet list im wheezing#again. on brand for me but come on#brodoroki apollo headcanons
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the steve harringtonness of merry christmas please don’t call by the bleachers btw ….. oh golden boy don’t act like you were kind…. ok
#wrote 1.7k words of a fic because of this song but christmas is over so it’s prob getting abandoned
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Hey guys I rewrote the Arctic death scene again for like the fourth time. Wanna read it?
Two of the three moons were full that day, with the third, Oracle, but a sliver of light among a sea of stars. Their pale glow trickled down onto the stage where Darkstalker stood. While the shimmer of moonlight against his scales was notable, nothing could compare to the innate aura of fear and disgust radiating from the kneeling dragon before him.
Arctic hung his head. His talons were unmoving, bound by invisible shackles. His breath was laboured and anxious.
Darkstalker grinned at the sight of his father cowering. It was enthralling beyond any sense of the word. To see him quivering like prey finally captured and waiting for the agony of death to come.
"How are you feeling, father?" he asked, a coy smirk still on his face.
Arctic's mouth tightened.
"Let's try that again." Darkstalker cleared his throat. "Tell me, father, how do you feel?" His voice was stern, commanding.
"Annoyed." The words spilled out of Arctic's mouth. "Bothered by how you have to make a big show."
"Oh, terribly sorry about that. Shame, really. You don't want to be forced into a position you never asked for? My, what a tragedy. I'm certain Foeslayer could relate to that had she been here."
"Darkstalker," Clearsight began, "I don't think you should bother him–"
"I don't see why I can't." He glanced back at her. "I was only asking how he was. Is that too much for a son to ask?"
"You're torturing him..."
"Torture?" He echoed. "That seems much. I'm trying to make one last conversation with him before the performance begins."
"You don't have to do this."
"But I must. You saw him! You saw what he did to Whiteout!" He gestured to his sister. "She would've been handed off to some low-life IceWing and erased of any personality. And for what? So he could see Foeslayer again? She hates him. Everyone hates him." His snout curled. "He's better off dead; I'm simply kind enough to let others join in on the fun of killing him."
Whiteout flinched. She moved closer to Clearsight, murmuring words that Darkstalker couldn't hear. Her mind was a swirling storm of muted grey-green with streaks of silver and ebony.
He sighed. "I understand that it seems barbaric, but I promise that this is necessary."
"Is it? Is it really?" Clearsight's voice was sharp.
His eyebrows furrowed. "Of course. You'll see soon enough, my beloved." He raised his talons to brush her snout, but she stepped away. Her eyes were wide. Her thoughts raced. She was afraid. Afraid of him.
Fine. She could be difficult. There will come a time when she realizes the error in her ways. How she was blinded by her belief that Arctic was still deserving of redemption and forgiveness. She never could truly understand the pain that dragon had put his family through. What Arctic had put him through.
He scoffed and turned back around. By the time he had his little conversation, a crowd had formed. The passing NightWing citizens stopped and stared. They were waiting for a performance to begin.
"My fellow NightWings," Darkstalker called out to the crowd. "Today, I bring forth a traitor to not only our own tribe, but his very own kingdom. Gather round, as I would not dare to look away. No, these next few moments will dictate the choices made thousands of years from now. Like a rock tossed into a river, the fate of this IceWing will ripple throughout history."
That got the attention of more dragons. Soon enough, the flow of shoppers stalled as more and more gathered around the stage.
"Isn't this exciting, Arctic?" he whispered. "Turns out there's more than a handful of dragons who care about you enough to watch you. More than I thought."
Arctic stayed silent.
"Be that way then." He hissed. He raised his head back to the crowd. "Lovely night, isn't it? Each and every one of you are a beautiful piece of this marvellous city. Come now, don't you agree? Look to your left, your right, up, down, all around! These are your peers. Friends, perhaps to some of you. A NightWing like yourself."
He paused. "Now, tell me, who is not a friend of a NightWing? A dragon that, despite potentially looking friendly and innocent, will do nothing to tear down both you and the kingdom we graciously live under."
He snickered. "One dragon I could say is this one right here." Darkstalker swept his tail at the talons of Arctic, knocking him down. "You might have seen him before. Arctic of the IceWings. the runaway prince. The reason why our tribe is locked in a vicious war against the IceWings. Because of his impulsive, rash, and selfish deeds, our NightWings are sent to battle—families broken because of him.
"We have tolerated his presence enough. Some of you might think he was reformed. I can't blame you. It's difficult to understand what happens behind closed doors. Though, tonight, he had betrayed the NightWings." He gestured to Arctic. "Why don't you tell us, IceWing?"
"Tell you what, exactly?"
"You know what you did."
"I did nothing! I was going home. I was not betraying my tribe– this isn't even my tribe!"
"Answer me!" Darkstalker roared. "Answer. Confess. What were you doing earlier this evening?"
Arctic's mouth contorted. "I was taking my daughter to Queen Diamond. A peace treaty. I would hand over my daughter's hand in marriage and reintroduce animus magic back into the tribe...and in return, I would be a prince again. I would live in the castle. I would eat, drink, and sleep like a normal dragon. I would find out if my love was still alive."
"She was never your love. You hated her and she hated you." Darkstalker snarled. "Besides, that was not all, wasn't it?"
His lips struggled to keep close, but the words poured out of him. "I planned to draw and hand over a detailed map of the Night Kingdom. It would be in exchange for Foeslayer's life had she survived. I would have given everything to see her okay again."
Mumbles from the crowd reached Darkstalker. Gasps and concerns, both about the performance and the confession. How could a dragon do such a thing? Why wasn't the IceWing flying away despite being unchained? What was going to happen next?
"I assure you, NightWings, that the traitor did not reach Queen Diamond before I had stopped him. They do not yet know our location. However, we are not fully safe until this stain on our glorious kingdom is dealt with." He spat.
"How could a dragon do such a thing?" he started. "He admitted that all as if it were nothing. As if the livelihoods of you, your friends and family, and this very kingdom were little more than a statistic. He even brainwashed one of our own, his very daughter, to comply with such a plan!" He shook his head. "This traitor is the worst dragon to ever live. Do you agree?"
A mixed response. Some argued and debated on the nature of his choice. Foolish. They couldn't understand the intricacies. Others questioned the nature of Darkstalker carrying this out. Should it be Queen Vigilance? Where is she?
But most agreed. Between nodded heads and shouts for death, they stood alongside Darkstalker. The NightWings had given this IceWing, one of the dragons whom they had been at war with for years, a home in their very own kingdom, and how does he repay? He lies. He backstabs. He cheats. He betrays.
Darkstalker couldn't help but bask in the feeling of grandeur. A crowd of dragons all repeated back the thoughts he had all these years. Arctic was unforgivable. He was a coward. He was a traitor. There was no excuse for him to live.
These NightWings were all on his side. Was this truly what it was like to be king? To be worshipped and hailed? To bring justice and peace? It was an intoxicating feeling that surged through his veins.
He held up his talons. "Silence, NightWings!" he commanded. With that, the audience quieted themselves. "Thank you. Now, I believe it is time we dealt with this dragon."
He turned to Arctic. His face was a dark grimace.
"Oh, come now. Have a little more of a cheery smile. It's your big day." He chuckled. "Now, admit that I am the greatest animus of all time."
"You are–"
"No, no. Not a whisper. Admit to the world!" Darkstalker raised his wing to the crowd. "Speak, IceWing. Say that I am the greatest animus of all time."
"You are the greatest animus of all time," he choked out.
"Now tell them that there is no dragon more powerful than me. No army that can best me. No queen that can kill me. Nothing."
Arctic winced as he spoke. "There is no dragon more powerful than you. No army that can best you. No queen that can kill you."
The crowd became more worried in tone. Hushed words of skepticism and worry. This was an animus on stage, ordering around and playing with the IceWing. Darkstalker couldn't care. He was having fun. Let their fear fuel his power.
"Now..." Darkstalker lowered himself to Arctic. "Say that you wish you were a better father."
A shocked snort burst from Arctic's mouth, one that grew into a bemused and mocking laugh. He looked dead into Darkstalker's eyes. "If I had been a better father, I would've strangled you the moment you hatched."
The night was still. The crowd was dead silent. Even the breeze of the ocean had been snuffed out. An unbearable quiet as Darkstalker stared into Arctic. Into his very soul.
Arctic ruined it. He couldn't stand to watch his father sit there any longer, smug and having had the last laugh. No. Darkstalker needed to win.
"Rip out your tongue." His words were frosted over with hatred and malice.
Arctic's eyes widened as his talons moved involuntarily. He could see them shake and twitch. He could sense the panic and restraint, and yet nothing could stop him from grabbing his tongue and, with one firm tug, ripping it out.
Horror emanated from the crowd. They too were afraid. They feared him. No longer did they feel the same murderous zeal and fervour as him, but rather disgust and terror.
It was like bringing wood to a burning house.
Darkstalker leaned closer to his father. His eyes were transfixed on the blue mass of flesh flopped gracelessly on the stage, cyan blood dripping down his mouth. "Had your fun?"
His silence was not out of defiance. Arctic could not form a sentence.
"Good. Now, tear out your heart. Show the world who you truly are on the inside. Pour your life onto the stage. For all to see."
#sp-writing#wof#darkstalker wof#arctic wof#wings of fire#wof fanfic#Took longer than I'd like to have written but eh who cares it's still 1.7k words#Better than writing no words again
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𝐜 𝐡 𝐚 𝐢 𝐧 𝐬 .
Nika Schwarz x OC (Sigrid)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: JEALOUS. SMUT. that is all. inspired by candiedcoffeedrops' ring jealousy fic.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: oc x canon, established relationship, jealousy smut, good grief someone stop drac from writing.

It wasn’t often Nika got the chance to go parties, unless Darius procured an invitation for a mission. Ring trotted alongside him, a tad less confident in stride but just as imposing if not more so. Two pairs of lake blue eyes scanned the room for familiar faces.
“Ah! There you are!” The elder of the twins felt his cheeks flush slightly as he saw their host’s familiar figure. Her eyes narrows happily as she approached, a teasing smile on painted lips, “How are my favorite boys?” She chuckled as Ring turned at least five different shades of red as he tried his best to smile. Nika put on a bright smile, “Looking lovely as ever tonight, rotkehlchen.” He gently lifted her hand and laced it with his, watching her expression shift into a playful smile as she gently withdrew her hand, opening her mouth to say something as a retort when the quintet and pianist started to play a gentle waltz, drawing the crowd’s attention. Before Nika could turn back and ask her to dance, the woman had gently grasped his brother’s hands.
“Ring, do you mind showing me your progress with the waltz? I heard you’ve been practicing.”
Nika’s chest constricted as Ring nodded tentatively, that slight flush of embarrassment still present on his cheeks. The younger twin followed her to the middle of the floor as the elder crossed his arms, eyes growing unusually intense as they flickered after the pair, watching for as long as the song played. He resisted the urge to simply weave through the crowd and nudge his Ring out of the way.
He wanted his hands off her hips. His eyes anywhere but hers. Thoughts anywhere but her, and that blush wiped straight off his face. Nika had felt mild resentment for his found family from time to time, but this was different. The itching anger that clawed at the back of his head wasn’t leaving right away. In fact it wasn’t until the song ended and the elder Schwartz twin strode briskly over to the pair, a ringed hand seizing his lover’s hip and making sure to give it a possessive squeeze, “Mind if I steal my lover for a bit, little brother?” He smiled, but his eyes were much more cold than Ring was used to, to the point the younger relented, sighing in relief as Nika looked at Sigrid and smiled despite her scowl.
“You’re being rude…N-Nika!” She growled as he steered her from the center of the ballroom floor, his grip still rough on her hip as it slid further down her side and behind her as he led her out of the hall, almost instantly pinning her to the wall, “You’re very insistent when it comes to me, but I bet you’d let Ring get away with murder…” his eyes were downcast as he stroked her hips, gently nudging a knee between her thighs through the fabric of her skirt, earning a startled gasp from her as she huffed up at him, frowning but pulling him down by his vest for a kiss. Her soft lips lingered on his as he deepened the embrace, fingers squeezing wherever he could, tugging her closer still as his tongue pushed into her mouth with no resistance, eyes drifting open slightly to peer at her as he pulled back.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“Ja? And why is that, darling?”
“Because if anyone else did this to me, especially in the middle of a party, they’d get a swift kick to the groin.”
He chuckled, “Happy that my lover is so merciful, then.” Nika breathed against her lips, kissing her once more and letting her take over as he hoisted her up in his arms, feeling the coolness of her skin against his fingertips while he carried her to one of the guest rooms. Nudging the door shut Nika fumbled with the lock before striding over and gently laying Sig on the bed, tugging her lace apart rather roughly, at least by his standards.
He watched her breasts spill out as he yanked down her dress in front, squeezing one readily as the other hand shoved the rest of the layers down her hips with urgency, quickly ridding her of her clothing as he rendered her speechless with his hand and tongue on her chest.
“Now, I’m going to make sure my lover gets pampered tonight, but first I’m going to have to make sure you understand something very, very well…” he leaned into her as she caught her breath, likely tired not just from dancing but also from the heavy kisses he’d given her. His heart melted slightly, but he kept the teasing smirk on his face as he sat up to loosen his belt. The sound of metal clinking against the floor echoed in the quiet room, only covered by the muffled noise of music from the hall. Nika hummed as he stroked his thumb over the swell of her breast, rubbing it over one nipple as she stifled a whine, “That’s it.” He purred as he pressed against her side, gently rubbing his other thumb against her folds and urging a ringed index finger into her, relishing in the strangled cry of pleasure it earned him, “Mn, listen to that.” he purred in her ear, resting next to her as she reached down to run a hand over Nika’s hip to her side, wrapping around his shaft and making his breath hitch as he locked eyes with her.
“You’re evil.” He growled, kissing her lips lightly.
“No more evil than you, très chère.” She hummed, gently stroking him with a soft palm, “Now keep going if you’re taking the lead tonight or I just might steal the opportunity from you.”
As if that affected his decision, Nika nuzzled her shoulder and pulled her closer, working his finger into her wet folds gradually, enjoying the way she moaned much louder than when he took off the accessories that adorned his long fingers. It wasn’t something Sigrid mentioned much when he touched her, but the fact she had kept him from removing them by holding his hands silently had given the hint plenty.
“Hm, you’re awfully wet, aren’t you? I can’t wait to find more wonderfully naughty things with you.” His voice came out rough and gravelly with arousal as her hand continued to twist and pump him while he urged a second finger in, curling them both as he hit that delightful spot that made her curl her toes, soak his rings and squeal his name when he hit it with the tips of his fingers.
“N-Nika…! Merde! Y-You ass…” she groaned as his fingers moved in and out with a loud, wet, almost clicking sound. He hummed and kissed her ear, pulling his fingers out rather suddenly as her chest heaved from the stimulation, glaring weakly at him, “What the hell has gotten into you today?” His eyes darkened at the question, crawling over her and grasping the base of his shaft as he sat up, “I was kind enough to get you ready for me, and you still can’t think of it? Well, I can’t have you thinking of him during it.”
Sigrid’s eyes widened in recognition as she grasped the meaning of what he said, “Are you jealous o—!!” Her voice was muffled by lips on hers as he sheathed himself inside her warmth, breathing hard and kissing her breathless as he started a rough but intense pace, pulling back to look at her once he knew she was done trying to bring it up. Her fingers gripped the pillow behind her head, her soft curves bouncing with each move of his hips as hands squeezed her chest and moved her along the length of him, “Mmf, it’s like silk.” He whispered in her ear, skin hitting skin rather loudly as her low moans grew louder, hands starting to fist in the sheets over her pillow as she tilted her head back, “I love how I fuck you.” His voice came out like a hungry snarl, diving back down to kiss her before giving a few more harsh thrusts inside and gasping when her legs locked around his back at the base of his spine, “I-Inside.” She choked out, sending him over the edge with that word as he filled her with warmth, clutching her body to his as she followed, her body slightly warm with sweat as he held her up against him in bed.
Flopping on his side with her gently as he pulled out, Nika felt the embarrassment and guilt start to creep in. Usually it wasn’t an issue for him but…
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“It means ‘do you mind sharing your thoughts with me?’” Sigrid reached up and tucked the long lock of hair on one side of his wavy fringe behind his ear, careful and tender, “You usually aren’t this rough with me. Not that I mind, it’s quite cute.” She hummed, smiling gently at him, “But I want to know, was it because I danced with Ring?”
He sighed in frustration, “It’s childish isn’t it? I’m angry about not getting to have a first with you.” Nika closed his eyes with a bitter laugh, resting on one arm, “Pathetic, isn’t it?”
Just then, bright lake blues flicked back open at a light flick on his forehead, looking down to see his lover pouting at him, “Nika Schwartz. Nothing could make me think less of you. If anything could, I wouldn’t be here, foolish man.” She sighed, “As I said, I’d let no one else remotely near me the same way you’ve been. Do you hear me?” She cupped his cheeks with both hands, Nika’s eyes still adorably wide.
“Oh.” His voice grew quiet as his cheeks started to flush a soft pink, resting his head on her shoulder and pulling her closer as he nuzzled happily into her neck.
“Hey! Quit hiding!”
Nika ignored her complaint for now, tugging a warm blanket over their bodies until their stamina recovered a bit to get dressed and make the trek to find Ring and go home.
Until then, he’d enjoy the quiet warmth of knowing that her love was only his.
lace headers by saradika.
#drac writes#broke 1.7k words LETS GO#ikemen villains#ikevil#ikevil nika#ikevil nica#nica schwarz#nika schwartz#ikevil smut#oc x canon#canon x oc
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✦ another (even wilder) theory with bagel
similar to my teruko theory, this one also has a lot of room for rebuttal. to be honest, a lot of the evidence i have for this is quite flimsy (_ _;)
this theory is mainly about mai akasaki’s connection to the cast, and how it relates to the killing game in general.
take this with a grain of salt as always

//spoilers for up to chapter 2 part 1 of drdt
//additional spoilers for bonus content, such as the bonus episodes and the new “literature girl insane” MV
there shouldn’t be any tally5 spoilers if i’m not wrong ( ・∇・)
here’s one question i have for you all: how many members in the cast, right now, actually know mai akasaki?
it’s definitely implied in the bonus episodes and the quotes on her character page that she’s connected with everyone in the current cast, but there was a paradox i noticed—if it even is one, that is (-.-;)—that led me to think that this question…may actually be a lot more complicated than it seems.
let’s bring up the bonus episodes first. min’s bonus episode is definitely during their time at hope’s peak. they’re literally at the school, studying about it, discussing min’s “role” as an ultimate compared to the other students, etc. basically, many details point to min and “unnamed classmate” (who is presumably mai, based on the flowers in the dialogue box of the bonus episodes matching up with those on mai’s tattoo) being students of hope’s peak academy in the united states. though there’s no physical evidence or exact basis for this, i would personally like to think that xander’s bonus episode is placed during spring break at the academy. he is talking to his “classmate,” after all—and in that case, it would also chronologically line up with min’s (whose bonus episode takes place a week before spring break).
presumably, the other bonus episodes will follow a similar pattern, and we will see mai/UC talking to other members of the DRDT cast to get to know them more. i will assume this means that the whole cast, not just min and xander, have been to hope’s peak before—and attended class as students there. after all, it would be the only way the bonus episodes would make sense.
however, the dialogue from the first few episodes of the series suggests something else.

as implied from the dialogue, all of the students believe they are only entering the entrance ceremony of hope’s peak as freshmen, and had no previous affiliation with the school. including xander.
obviously, this means that at the very least, their memories have been tampered with to remove anything regarding their experience at hope’s peak academy.
— sorry, very quick side tangent (*'▽'*) going by this theory, if the drdt cast genuinely went to hope’s peak, it’s very likely that they had to do a bunch of paperwork and submit a lot of information for their enrollment—which probably includes medical information and any accommodations that were necessary for their well-being. additionally, if we assume that the cast attended hope’s peak for a year or a few years, it’s likely that whoever the mastermind is, they had the time to know the rest of their classmates well enough to be able to identify their preferences either way, this would actually be a pretty strong explanation as to why many components of their environment seem to be extremely fine-tuned to their preferences and necessities, despite no recollection of sharing that information with anyone involved in the killing game. though i bet this was already obvious, i felt like it was something i probably should bring up.
in that case, however—how would it affect their memories with mai?
as i can’t exactly speculate for the other students, i’m going to trace back to what i know. at the very least, it seems to be implied that min only met mai after being admitted into hope’s peak academy. min essentially drove her entire life around schoolwork, and studying for the “ultimate contest for eminent students,” the test that allowed min to receive her title—it’s likely that before then, she never surrounded herself with friends nor had any time for herself to explore her own hobbies. which probably means that she wasn’t acquainted with mai before enrolling into hope’s peak.

her backstory is really sad, by the way. i really wish she lived longer ( ´△`)
as for when it comes to the other characters, i would like to remind you that hope’s peak scouts across the country for their students—so it’s more logical to assume that many of them resided in hometowns that were very far away from each other. so unless mai’s talent was the ultimate traveler or something, i think it would be very improbable for her to know everyone in the cast before their admittance into hope’s peak.
taking this into account, and assuming that the cast’s memories of hope’s peak were completely erased, there’s a possibility that the cast doesn’t remember mai akasaki, despite her connections with them. the only exception would be teruko, who clearly remembers mai—and seems to have been helped by her when enrolling into the academy in the first place, pointed out by this theory here by @laly-481.
…or at least, that’s what i thought at first—until someone decided to kick in the door while holding a new music video.
i guess in that case, the biggest question i should answer is this—why does david remember mai?
getting into very, very wild theory territory here. take what i’m about to say with a grain of salt assuming that the music video is really a reflection of david’s worldview and thought process, please ignore the fact that i’m acting like the antithesis of occam’s razor right now, then there’s no reason for mai akasaki to be featured in the video—much less have a photo of her placed in a wooden frame—if he didn’t remember her.
yet, there she is, on the right:

she even has a little description about how she was “someone dearly loved,” which fits perfectly with her character and the secret quotes on her profile page.
this is indicative of the fact that david remembers mai—and knows her well enough to even make an accurate statement about her. but, how?
obviously there’s the simpler explanation of “david knew mai before they went to hope’s peak,” which is of course a totally valid explanation—however, some details about the new music video made me consider a possible, different theory.
a grain of salt? more like, a mountain of salt from here on out
when i was watching the “literature girl insane” music video earlier, i noticed something interesting about this frame:

here, xander doesn’t have his eyepatch. though i’m not throwing away the possibility that this was just a technical error on the artist’s side—personally, this could be a indication that david knew xander before the killing game.
seeing as all of the cast are connected by the unnamed “classmate,” after all, it’s a likely possibility that the current participants of the killing game were originally in the same class at hope’s peak academy. which means, they all probably knew each other before this whole killing game went down.
in an earlier theory, i talked about how xander may have been the person in the opening prologue cutscene, and how he probably had his eye injured at that time. given that the person speaking during that scene is aware of the killing game (and is expressing their desire to end it), this event likely happened right before the killing game started—otherwise, it would be pretty imprudent for the mastermind to announce it and then wait for an entire month to set up everything, then make everyone fall unconscious, then remove their memories, etc.
what i’m trying to get here is that the cast, had they still retained their memories from hope’s peak, would definitely remember xander with both eyes. however, we know this to not be the case—from his introduction, we all see that xander had already lost his right eye from the beginning of the killing game. therefore, for david to remember xander from before he got his eye injury, he must’ve had at least some partial memory of hope’s peak—otherwise, it would be highly unlikely. this would give a possible explanation as to why the frame of xander without his eyepatch appears in the “literature girl insane” music video. and maybe give a possible explanation as to why david cared about xander despite only knowing him for ~three days. and defended him passionately during the first trial even after a lot of evidence pointed to him attacking teruko.
this also would explain why david remembers mai—assuming they were in the same class, since mai likely had incredibly close connections with the cast (including david), it’s more than likely that david cared about mai and possibly (vaguely) remembered her even after having his memories tampered with.
well, the “no-eyepatch” deduction completely hinges on the assumption that xander didn’t like, take off his eyepatch in front of david like he did with teruko, so i may be completely wrong about this. however, it is interesting that such a small detail was included in the mv.
so is this one:

i don’t know how it is for you guys, but that fork seems suspiciously similar to the fork in the prologue (which i theorized to be the item that caused the injury to xander’s right eye). additionally, the fork literally stabbing the “face” of the clock is… quite symbolic. it may be just me. i’m not sure. (-_-;) though, it could suggest that david remembers that scene—and perhaps knows about the “possible escape” of killing teruko? i highly doubt he was the one who wrote the note (rather i think that was xander himself), but it may account for that 2nd vote for teruko in the first trial.
my personal (unhinged) theory (with really no way to back it up) is that david may have retained partial memories of his experience at hope’s peak—but probably only a little, definitely not all of them. this may explain why he remembers mai and seems to recall xander before his eye injury (despite xander seemingly not remembering that they’ve met before)—but hasn’t called out the true mastermind nor seems to remember an escape yet. also, though his current behavior in the 2nd trial may imply that he’s trying to end the killing game early via wrong vote, i personally think he’s just breaking down and acting suicidal without that objective in mind, based on his actions.
little side note at the end: it would be absolutely amazing (and ironic) if the two people with the most distant character relationships with the rest of the cast (as of now) happened to remember the single person that had the closest relationships to all of them.
minor clarification/add-on: i just realized that i never said this, really sorry about that. m(_ _)m but basically, i don’t think david has any sort of clear memories regarding xander and mai at hope’s peak—rather, when i say “partial memories” i meant more along the lines of “vague nostalgia you can’t quite place.” he might somewhat recognize their faces at most, but likely not any clear sequences of events. and honestly, what i wanted to talk about more in regards to this theory is more about the fact that only teruko (and maybe david) remember mai in the first place—the rest of the cast probably can’t, with the way their memories were wiped.
uh, this was quite the ride. i truly felt like the antithesis of occam’s razor as i was writing this
however—this theory likely has a lot of points that can be argued against, as well as many other possibilities i didn’t consider. please, don’t be afraid to drop them in your reblogs or comments, i would love to read them!
and as always, take this with a (larger than usual) grain of salt
#bagel’s train of thought#drdt#danganronpa despair time#despair time#mai akasaki#david chiem#xander matthews#fangan#fanganronpa#welcome to “i make random connections and lots of assumptions hourly”#this was definitely fun to make though#i’m probably wildly wrong about all of this#…why is this 1.7k words ( ̄  ̄)#sorry about that last part by the way. it’s incredibly disorganized#min jeung#(kinda)#(i talked about her a little)
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I am so sorry yall assignments will be out in the next couple days it has been a Busy Weekend
#i am working tho#i just wrote a. 1.7k word essay in an hour okay#assignments are next on the list#mod tater
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One's Compared Dollhood
A Tea Dolls story.
Honey stood just barely against the wall, patient and courteous. Beside it, Lemon shuffled from foot to food, its hands pressing against its uniform where pockets would be. Ginger sits on the floor, knees to its chest, staring in no particular direction as it fidgets with the cross-shaped charm on its necklace. They have all been silent, but not still.
Sugar steps out of the witch's workshop, gently closing the door behind it. "It's going to be okay. Its core just faltered after overexertion, it just needs some rest and a routine tune-up."
Ginger finally exhaled, letting its head fall against the wall. "...god, alright. It's okay."
"Yeah, that's great! This one was so worried after it just collapsed like that." Lemon said with a relieved smile. "It guesses that one'll just need to take it easier from now on, huh?"
Ginger glares into the other doll. "It's fine. Today was an accident, that one can take care of itself." Its hand was getting twitchier, the porcelain imprint mimicking a thumbnail flicking against the left arm of the cross. It keeps hitting against its chest, making a dull clink.
Lemon sulks away, grabbing at its own shoulder. Sugar, meanwhile, finds itself focusing more on Ginger's necklace. "This one still doesn't-"
"Don't." Ginger growled, eyes fierce and voice strained. "Not today."
Honey looks to Lemon, who looks just as awkward. It begins to shuffle out of the hallway, Honey following as it takes the hint. Like a good doll.
The two dolls follow each other down the stairs, further from the witch's quarters. They wind up in the dining room, where Miss goes to eat. Honey scans the room, the table long enough to seat twelve.
"This one can set the table." Honey says, setting off into action. "What is Miss having for supper?"
"...leftovers. There's still too much stroganoff. The container is reheatable, so we only have to worry about pouring her drink and cleaning after."
"Sorry. Then, this one can..." The tablecloth was even, all the chairs are pushed in, the candle ornaments are still fresh enough to last weeks of lightings. The windows are cleaned and the floors are swept and mopped and the fireplace is stocked.
"It'll replace the candles." Honey began, collecting the center-most candelabra and-
Lemon places a hand on Honey's shoulder. "This one knows that that one is worried, but... those are still fresh. They should really be left-"
Honey winces and places the candelabra back. "Sorry."
"Oh, no, it's fine! What doll doesn't want to work?" Lemon smiles, just a little forced, as honey tries to straighten the candelabra's placement. "That's the whole reason Cinnamon, uh, is currently out of commission. Temporarily."
Honey brought its hands together, trying to steady itself. "If... this one wouldn't be out of place to ask, could that one explain why..."
Ginger and Cinnamon are so close? That might be too intimate, and good dolls need to be respectful. Sugar can be so... no, it can't even think of a word that can't be misconstrued as disrespectful. Why... the others...
"Oh, it's... complicated." Lemon answered, before Honey could ask. "Does that one want to sit? This is-"
Honey pulls out a chair and sits down. Lemon nods and does the same just beside it.
"Sugar was Miss's first doll, then this one, then..." Lemon tilted its head. "Well, it was pretty much at the same time for those two. This one tries not it ask for too many details, since they both seem a little... sensitive about their becommings. From what it was told, it thinks... Cinnamon, and then Ginger? But that sounds wrong now that it's saying that out loud...." It looks away for a moment as it trails off, before shrugging and turning back to Honey.
"Sugar and Ginger have some…" Lemon hesitates, recalling the exact words used. "…Ideological differences when it comes to dollhood." It gestures off to the side, miming as if someone was there. "Ginger mostly became for Cinnamon's sake, so it doesn't really have any bad memories of humanity. At least, uh, not in the grand scheme of things."
"And uh... well, Sugar was, um..." Lemon blushed as it turned its face away. "Sugar... had such a terrible life. So many awful things happened to it, and so many people mistreated it..."
Lemon... hesitates. It seems caught on something.
"Is that one okay?" Asks Honey, as it supposed a good doll would. "Yes! Yes, sorry." Lemon says, seeming shaken awake. "Um, are... is that one okay? This one's never heard about that one's becoming."
"Ah, yes. Honestly, this one never really dwelt on it." Honey kept itself polite and docile as it answered, trying to move on as the other doll wanted. "It was rather unremarkable. It just kind of... happened, without much note. This one drank tea."
"Yes, yes, this one was there," Lemon nodded as it spoke, hurrying Honey along, "but what about that one's feelings?"
Honey looked aside just long enough to consider it's answer. "Well, this one was already rather doll-like as a person. As a maid, it didn't spend as much time on one individual as with Miss, but the duties are comparable. It also already had a lot of experience with destructive self-critique, so the doll thoughts are not as overwhelming as they could be."
Lemon looked at it with concern. Bad doll, it said something wrong.
"...what does that one mean?"
Honey... winces. It worries that it misspoke, making another concerned for itself when it shouldn't be. Bad doll.
"The doll thoughts. How to be a good doll and why. Like, when it... sorry, when this one cannot be a good doll, or it makes a mistake, it cannot stop thinking about how it is a bad doll. It is like... a buzzing in this one's mind, the thoughts grabbing it by the hair and pulling at its roots until it can be good."
Lemon hides its mouth behind its hand, eyes wide. "No, no... god, no. That's not... It's just an intuition, not... that. Like, sure, it can't disobey, but... feeling polite feels nice, not forced like that. Oh god, Honey, has it been like that the whole time?"
Lemon seems on the verge of tears. "Lemon, please don't worry, it's not..." It's not that bad. Just say it's not that bad. Good dolls take care of each other, a good doll is polite and reassuring. Just say that this one has been managing alright.
Good dolls don't lie. They shouldn't even consider it. The truth should be an automatic reflex, the doll's perfect stillness stop it from having such deceitful considerations. Bad doll.
Honey flinches away. "Sorry."
Lemon stands, grabbing Honey's hand. "C'mon, we need to talk to Miss, that one can't keep going-"
"No!" Honey yelled too loud, pulling too hard against the other. "No, y-you-" Honey lurched as it tried to pull it's hand away, wincing at itself. "Fuck, sorry, it... n-no, no, good dolls don't swear, sorry..."
It hardens it's posture, standing like a brick. "Good dolls take care of themselves, and... i-itself? A-and, and Cinnamon... this one can't interrupt Miss's work, it..."
Honey lowers itself back onto its chair. Arms tight, legs together, head down. "This one just... needs to be a good doll. It needs to. Sorry."
Lemon looked at the doll with pity and horror. After a moment too long of consideration, it left into the kitchen through the connected door, quickly returning with a glass of sweet tea.
"It's just some cheap instant mix. This one picked some up last time it was in town." Lemon says shyly as it hands off the glass. "This one... doesn't know much about what you're going through, or how to help. But... it knows you like iced tea."
Honey tried to think of how to respond. Reassuring it that it didn't have to do such a thing would make it sound less entitled, but it may sound ungrateful. Simply thanking it would be too impersonal, and-
"Please, just... drink. It would make this one feel happier for that one's sake."
Honey sipped what was poured for it. It was great, especially since it was just water and syrup. That one is such a good doll.
Lemon stopped in consideration as Honey set its drink down. Then it looked around for a coaster, and picked its cup back up, letting the chill spread through its hand.
"After this one became, tea is the biggest thing that helped it adapt to being a doll." Lemon reminisces. "At first, it was so worried about its whole life changing, but the tea helped it focus on all the good parts of being..." Lemon's heart sank. "Wait, is that why that one's first tea made it... react so awfully? If it makes doll thoughts stronger, then... oh god, no wonder it freaked out."
Honey is frozen. Freak out? It hated thinking of itself like that, as something that freaks out.
"Sorry, that was the wrong way to say that, uh... there's nothing wrong with what happened, y'know? Nothing to be ashamed of!" Lemon laughed nervously, unsure of how to hold its hands.
Honey finishes the last of its drink, and begins to stand. "Thank you again for the drink, but this one should busy itself."
"Wait!" Lemon called out, standing to match the other doll. "Before that one leaves, this one just wanted to say... that one's the best doll in the manor." It begins to smile, despite itself. "It always sees that one doing something, or desperate to do more. It cares so much for the others, and... it should be proud of itself."
Honey hesitated, only for a moment. It doesn't doubt the sincerity of that one's words, a good doll would never do such a thing. But it feels guilty for saying so much, oversharing the remnants of its humanity, placing the burden onto another and manipulating them into this pitying reassurance. Bad doll.
Honey bowed. "Thank you very much for the kind words."
And so it left to busy itself. It held the impression that there was more Lemon wanted to say. Of course, that made it feel like a bad doll. All it could to was keep moving, hoping the next task could be done well enough to not deserve to be a bad doll.
#1.7k words#this one's words#dollposting#empty space#this is one of those stories that this one has re-read in editing so many times it's sick of it#it cant tell the writing is good or bad anymore. it just is#this one could spend a few more nights agonizing over it but it would just like to wash its hands of it#a good doll is hygienic after all! teehee
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having a really normal evening in q's chapter draft can you tell
#ray's tag#undescribed#writing#djsjfjdjfjdb#for reference. thats 208 comments and/or suggestions. the VAST majority of which are ours.#this is only a 1.7k word chapter
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i just wrote more within two hours than i have written at all since last christmas that's fucking wild
#op#just checked and. my jccu doc has 1.3k words#and i wrote like 200 words in some other wip#and that's. it#now i wrote 1.7k words#damn....
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that happened to me 😭 had like fifteen bullet points i was gonna expand on, then when it hit 2k, i just answered with "sskk is the focus"
Reasons why I like Beast: the compelling alternative universe concept, the intriguing story, the fantastic characters writing, the siblings relationships, the beautiful designs and gorgeus manga art style, the thought stimulating subjects,
Equally real and valid reasons why I like Beast: it's a sskk story.
#A sskk au fic‚ even#Receiving this ask was genuinely spot on. I had literally made a paragraph that is just “Beast is sskk centered. I love sskk.”#I'm at 1.7k words rn :p I'll continue writing tomorrow#sskk#bsd#bsd beast#people asks me stuff#Working on my asks btw‚ hopefully I'll answer to everything tomorrow!!#Also @Anon please send your essay to me I'd read 2k words about Beast any time???
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iwill finish editing this scenetoday iwill finsihish editing thisscene today i will finisheditiing this scenet oday
#brain scrambled by words and mroe words so many words#please... me. finish it... pelase#1.7k to go#and then only.... another 4 scenes.... cry
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Are you the strongest because you are gojo satoru or are you gojo saturo because you are the strongest? I never understood why geto said that to gojo, can you explain to me? Did he want to give gojo a reality check?
Actually, he wanted to give Gojo an identity crisis lmao. In other words, what Geto's saying is that: Are you you? ("Are you the strongest because you are Gojo Satoru?") Or are you letting your strength define your sense of self? ("Are you Gojo Satoru because you are the strongest?").
In that moment, Geto was completely defeated/resigned/pessimistic (I can't find the right word arghggg) because he realized that what he wanted to achieve, he never could. But Gojo totally could because in the year between Riko's death and that moment, he had surpassed anyone and everything, and had become — for a lack of a better term — an untouchable god (Infinity automatically on at all times; RCT & RCT: Red; Hollow Purple; Domain Expansion mastered; in the process of mastering brain healing 24/7; etc.).
What Toji did to Gojo was turn him from The Strongest to Stronger Than The Strongest (omgggg romance <3 Tojigo agenda never ends). Essentially, Gojo had become far stronger than Geto, a fellow Special Grade and part of "The Strongest Duo", was and had risen up to be in a league completely on his own. This event in his life + Geto going rogue gave way to the worsening of Gojo's identity crisis.
That identity crisis I'm talking about is Gojo's lifelong status as "The Strongest" and his role in Jujutsu Society from the second he was born.

"The curses' increasing strength... At that moment, I understood the reason why! It's because of him! It's because of Satoru Gojo!! It's like when a seemingly unbeatable track-and-field record gets broken! Or when figure skaters suddenly have to add more spins to their jumps due to a single athlete's prowess!! When Satoru Gojo was born... the balance of the world was altered!"
From the second Gojo was born, he was not allowed to be Gojo Satoru (himself; "Are you the strongest because you are Gojo Satoru?"). He was pushed into a role by his birth family, his clan, other clans, and the entirety of Jujutsu society. Gojo was never just Satoru, the child, or Satoru, the person. From birth on, he was the Six Eyes, the Limitless ("Are you Gojo Satoru because you are the strongest?"). The bounty on his head was already over a hundred thousand before he turned 10 years old.
When Satoru Gojo was born, the balance of the world was altered.
This meant that he was raised as The Strongest, a role not only pushed onto him by the society and family he was born into, but by fate itself (the Tengen affair — remember that the Six Eyes is connected to Tengen and the Star Plasma Vessels through fate. A fate broken by the only one who lives outside of it: Toji Zen'in the man with absolutely no cursed energy at all. TOJIGO AGENDA NEVER ENDS GRAAAAAAAHHH)
Being raised as a thing instead of a person would lead any child to an identity crisis. He says it himself in ch. 236

He feels like nobody truly understands him, because there is nobody on his level of being. Nobody can stand beside him because of the disparity in strength between him and everybody else. He feels like he can't ever let anybody inside. He feels this way because Gojo defines his own sense of self — his identity and his own existence — through the strength he holds ("Are you Gojo Satoru because you are the strongest?"). Because he was raised to think like that. Because he was pushed into the role of "The Strongest" by fate, his family, all of society before he was able to define himself as just himself.
Gojo going to Jujutsu High in his teens would have been the first time he actually spent meaningful time with people who live outside of rigid clan society and culture. Geto, Shoko, Nanami and Haibara, none of them are from clans, so none of them would have treated him as if he were the Six Eyes and the Limitless first, human second. They would have treated him as just Gojo Satoru, their classmate in high school. Like a normal person. His belief system would have been challenged for the first time since his identity wouldn't be characterized by how strong he is, by his role as The Strongest in Jujutsu society. He'd just be another kid to his classmates.
Now that doesn't mean that his issues with his identity and Jujutsu society's dogma he was force-fed since birth were all fixed and everything was dandy, it just means that that line from Geto and his betrayal worsened what was already there and continuously reinforced and reaffirmed by Jujutsu society's penchant in making him a pariah (Nanami participated in this after Haibara's death btw, "Can't we just leave everything to him from now on?").
Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?
Geto asked this because he was angry at the world, defeated by it, and hurt by what Gojo had just said to him.

Because the thing is... Gojo is totally capable of killing all of humanity and creating a world only made up of only sorcerers. Gojo is The Strongest. Far stronger than Geto is. In the year between Riko's death and this moment, Gojo had far surpassed Geto in strength. The Strongest Duo — something that was a double-edged sword since it reaffirmed Gojo's belief that the measure of one's strength and prowess defines one's sense of identity BECAUSE there is now another Special Grade that is as strong as him, on the same level as him, therefore feeding into his confirmation bias — was no more. Gojo achieved enlightenment, Geto did not. Therefore, he was upset by Gojo saying that Geto wanting to create a world with only sorcerers was meaningless and impossible. And so Geto hit him where it hurt: Are you Gojo Satoru? Or are you just the role assigned to you?
Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Are you your own person?
Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest? Or are you just a thing? A thing called The Strongest?
The second Gojo was born, he was dehumanized. Not just by his family, not just by Jujutsu society, but by the world itself. He was born into a world that adjudged him to be a thing — in his own words: an adored flower standing far above humanity and therefore untouchable in every sense of the way — not a person, an actual human being with his own identity. His time in high school, where he lived and existed outside of the confines of clan culture for a short period of time, was probably the first time in his life where he felt human. There were kids his age who weren't raised in clans, who weren't fed Jujutsu dogma from the second they started breathing, who didn't know him as The Strongest. He was just a fellow kid. And there was Geto, who was a Special Grade just like him, someone that Gojo would have categorized to be the same as him and who he would have projected his uncertainty about his own identity onto as well (because of his confirmation bias).
And then Toji comes along and changes his life forever. It's so ironic (and also the biggest reason why I love this ship so much), the one and only person who lives outside of the confines of fate (zero cursed energy) destroys and redefines the one person who came into existence precisely because of said fate (the Six Eyes is born because fate calls for them to be born in order to help Tengen with the merger). Gojo dies and comes back to life enlightened. All because "a monkey who couldn't even use Jujutsu" killed him. The poetry of it all, my god....
Okay anyways I'm getting distracted (Tojigo agenda never ends) what I'm trying to say is that Geto went through a complete different experience than Gojo did, and got left behind basically. While Gojo grew stronger and stronger (not necessarily a good thing for him), Geto went off the deep end and stayed stagnant on the powerscale.
This happening to Geto leads to his betrayal + him asking that question which in turn led to the worsening of Gojo's identity crisis. Because Gojo chose to define himself through the strength he holds and not through being his own person. And that belief only got reaffirmed more and more because Gojo truly became untouchable, truly reached enlightenment and lived on a plane not a single person could reach, not even the other person who was also called "The Strongest". So when Geto asked him, "Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?" he's asking, who are you really? Are you a person who happens to be the Strongest also? Or are you The Strongest, and nothing else?
Gojo, throughout his entire life up until that point, was raised to be and treated by everyone as the latter. During high school and his time together with another "The Strongest" around, he found a taste of humanity within his own self. Geto then goes rogue and asks this question, and Gojo decides that yes indeed, he is the latter. He validates his own dehumanization through making that choice.
And what's awful about this is that, he didn't need to do allat. He didn't need to isolate himself, he didn't need to decide that no one would or could understand him, nor did he need to resign himself to the role of "adored flower" that was pushed onto him since birth. Why? Well, Shoko says it best here in ch. 220:

Gojo made the choice to let his sense of self be defined by his status as The Strongest ("Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?"), when that shit wasn't needed at all. But as a child, when all the people that surround you, the people who gave birth to you, the people who raised you all parrot the same shitty idea that he is The Strongest The Strongest the strongest the strongestthestrongestthestrongestthestrongestthestrongest, and then that kid escapes to high school where he has a few years of being allowed to be a normal teenager and then his BFF decides to become Jujutsu Hitler and throw that The Strongest crap back into his face right where it hurts? Well, what did anyone expect? It's just fucking sad.
And that's also the reason why I hated his death and the conclusion to his character, because Gojo dying without ever getting over being "The Strongest" while he was alive means that his character stayed stagnant throughout the entire story. And I cannot explain to you enough how much I hate that. But that's a topic for another time, so I'm ending this analysis that got way longer than I intended here. I hope this helped you understand that scene better ♥
#there are 35 becauses in this post oh my dayssss im so sorry i just really cant be bothered to clean this post up 😭😭😭#this got so long it's literally 1.7k words i cant believe it ... it was just supposed to be one paragraph...#this is more a word vomit than it is a piece of meta & like i said i cannot be bothered to proofread this so im sorry if i repeated myself#a lot and rambled on too much. it is what it is.#gojo#jjk#jjk meta#anonymous#answered
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starting to get really frustrated with this writer's block bullshit
#i don't know what's wrong‚ the words just aren't working#super frustrating bc i'm also jobhunting & nobody wants to employ me so recently it's just been me staring irritably at a blank doc all day#doing fucking nothing productive#i don't think i'm burned out because i still WANT to write i just CAN'T#i've been averaging 1.7k ish a day since jan 1st so it feels really bad to have written literally nothing over the last four days#ughhhh whatever. WHATEVER.#exeunt: bay
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