#1. check if its im stupid im stupid (its not) 2. what else can the shot tell us. its dark and raining! okay thats not happening to often
istherewifiinhell · 5 months
i dont have anything to say for myself its just my niche okay. warning for both the volume AND. unique. auditory experience of g1 lmao.
[VD: G1 transfromers clip, of a Megatron and Starscream altercation
Outside, dark, lightening strikes. Soundwave turns off some audible signal, and it begins raining. Megatron: here are your orders Thundercracker, I- Starscream: What is your excuse Megatron! You let the enemy GET AWAY! You- [Megatron knocks him to the ground] Ouf Megatron walks over and pick him up by the throat, Starscream coughs, and is grabbing at his hand: Cross me again Starscream and I'll reduce you to titanium fragments. Starscream struggling Megatron tightens his grip, scrabbling at Megatron's hand: But we had the Autobots disoriented. We could have eliminated them. Cut wide, their standing close, Starscream still being choked. Megatron: We'll do that at our leisure. When are more important work is done! [He throws Starscream to the ground] Low angle, up at Megatron, lightening strikes behind him. He points down, hand large in frame: You have had the only warring I intend to give. [He gestures to himself and then points back down] Starscream scowls. Decepticon badge bummer.
well thats a lie but we can forgive him cause i assume this moment cursed his dick...
anyway i have more formats of this scene below cause i got excited :D
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[Gif of when Megatron is choking Starscream, from above. Specifically the moment where he pushes Starscream back and tightens his grip. Starscream's head tips back and he makes some interesting faces, hands struggling. END]
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ID: Four frames of the choking, the different faces Starscream makes. 1. Snarling mouth shape. 2. Distress/pout? 3. Mouth wide open, head tipped back. 4. Eyes bulging as hes really getting choked. END
yay yippee yay <3
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[ID: The two instances of Megatron pointing downward, slightly different body positions and hand gesture. 1. Squared shoulders, hands less downwards. 2. Shoulders angled, hand larger/more central. END]
to add to the great library of megatron (or galv) interacting directly with the viewer
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goldenpinof · 3 months
help me what do i do😭😭 i filled the laylo thing for both my email and mobile number and the website said to check my mail and messages respectively for the confirmation but i never recieved one. my country is not one im confident if they will even tour (if its even a tour) so i dont even know if tickets will be available here so idk if the thing is even supposed to work here. but like they did come here for ii so i kinda have hope its my only chance to ever see them live and i dont wanna have to miss that coz i missed the tour tickets announcement help mee this is kinda stressing me out and i get fomo all the time but i dont want fomo over this too
okay, breathe.
1) check spam. refresh it, just in case.
2) if there's nothing in your spam folder, try to go on Laylo website with VPN turned on. and enter your email again. or maybe enter an email that you didn't try with this thing before. if you haven't done this before, create a new email on gmail specifically. i heard that helped a few people. (although i don't think the issue is in the domain. but since there's no confirmation, try gmail.)
3) if it doesn't help, i can offer you to ask someone else to enter your email (like i did for my friend). i would offer my help, but only if you trust me with your email address. no passwords, no anything. just the address. because it can be a location thing. but it can also be a stupid glitch when they were changing their emails in Laylo's system.
and it looks like Laylo doesn't answer their emails when you try to contact them about not receiving anything. so, that's fun.
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nightttdreamers · 6 months
Night Shift | Craig x Kenny
AAA chapter two is heeeere its mostly silly fun before we actually start the fake dating part hehe pls enjoy (and check it out on ao3 for better formatting pls)
AO3 Link | 4k words | Chapter 2/?
Craig and Kenny strike a deal.
Craig has never been a morning person, but recently, it feels like every force in the world is trying to keep him in bed.
There’s the brief, near blissful moment when he’s just woken up. He can barely hear his alarm, the sleep not quite shaken off yet, unaware of what the day brings. Then, inevitably, his first thought washes over him; Tweek dumped you.
Just knowing that this is going to weigh on him all day is exhausting to think about. He doesn’t waste time wondering what he did wrong or how to best avoid the other anymore. The exhaustion comes from knowing that Tweek’s absence is just something he has to deal with now, every damn day.
Before, the habit of trying to beat his boyfriend to the first ‘good morning’ text motivated him to get up. But lately, he always spends a few minutes letting his alarm ring out, trying to delay his day for as long as possible. But, then his phone begins to buzz to life, and he knows he can’t ignore the real world any more.
On this particular morning, the urge to pull the covers over his head is particularly strong. Not only did he work late last night, but the fact that he looked like an idiot in front of Kenny is also hanging over his head. Craig groans, recalling their bizarre interaction.
“You wanna be my boyfriend?” He had asked.
Kenny looked bewildered, a mixture of surprise and concern on his face. But, before Craig could even go back on his question, Kenny replied, “Like, for money?”
Unable to bear the look on the other’s face, Craig turned away, pulling out a pack of Kenny’s usual cigarettes. “No, that would be stupid,” he stammered out. “I’m being stupid, fuck. Here, I can-” He took the magazine that Kenny had been holding and scanned it along with the Camels. Finally, he looked back up at the blonde. “Anything else?”
Kenny’s brows knit together as he looked at Craig. His lips were pursed together, shifting around his face like he was trying to talk without opening his mouth. “No,” he said after some pause, drawing out the word. “That’s it.” Kenny slid a few bills across the counter, not looking away from Craig as he took his items.
Craig thought that if tried to speak again, he would say something even worse than what he already had, so he simply nodded.
Kenny headed towards the door, shooting Craig an awkward glance back just before he left. “Take care of yourself, man.”
Craig rolled over onto his stomach, pressing his face deep into the pillow in an effort to stop his brain from playing the memory over and over again. When that didn’t work, he turned his head to the side, grabbing his phone from the nightstand and finally turning off his alarm.
He squints as the screen lights up, serving as the only light source in his room. There are two notifications from Clyde, one sent around 2AM linking a YouTube video called “BAD DAY Better Watch This 😂 1 Hour Best Funny & Fails” and another sent 20 minutes ago, asking “Tolkien had to make up a test please pLEASE can u drive me today PLEASE?????”
Craig gives the message a thumbs down and ignores the typing bubble that immediately appears (he’ll end up driving Clyde, of course, he just wants to fuck with him first). His next notification is a Snapchat message from “kmck69,” a username he doesn’t recognize until he opens the message.
kmck69: were u being serious b4
kmck69: it is a rlly stupid idea 
kmck69: but also im down if ur down
Craig reads the messages, then reads them again just to make sure he’s not hallucinating. As an added measure, he checks the user’s last story and, sure enough, it’s a selfie of Kenny holding a beer, Cartman lurking in the background, with the caption “5 screenshots and i piss in cartmans drink.”
Once Kenny had left last night, Craig had spent the last hour of his shift overthinking every detail of their interaction. He didn’t even know where his bizarre idea had come from, it had just slipped from his mouth before it was fully-formed. Hearing that Tweek was out hanging around with some goth kid infuriated him beyond words or logic. The only coherent thought Craig could form about it was that something had to change. He didn’t want to keep rotting in his bed, head swimming with thoughts about his ex. He just wanted to do something.
Asking Kenny to pretend to be his boyfriend was just the first idea that came to mind.
He hadn’t expected the other to even justify him with a response beyond their uncomfortable conversation. But, apparently, Kenny was mulling it over until nearly 4 in the morning when he texted, which is far more thought than Craig put into it.
It’s a stupid idea. He knows it is, they both know it is. But, it’s something.
spacemancraig: Yeah I’m down
He stares at his screen for a moment, quickly feeling the prickle of anxiety in his chest. It’s useless to sit and wait for a response, so he puts his phone down and pulls himself out of bed. The second he actually rises from his mattress, his phone buzzes to life, and Craig almost drops the device in how quickly he grabs it.
(Clyde) Literally I’m already ready I won’t hold you up I’ll even buy you starbucks or whatever gay shit you like
(Clyde) I’m sorry for calling you gay and starbucks gay bro PLEASE don’t make me walk
He sighs, typing out a quick response before he puts the phone down for real.
(Craig) Fine
Kenny stumbles into Chemistry three minutes after the bell, handing their teacher a crumbled-up excuse note before shuffling to his seat. It’s not uncommon for him to be late, and normally Craig would pay it no mind. However, normally he’s not anxiously waiting for a Snapchat from the other. 
Craig can’t take his eyes off him, his notes trailing off as he drowns out the voice of their teacher. He’s not sure whether Kenny’s changed his mind and is brushing him off, or genuinely just oblivious of the holes Craig is staring into the back of his head. The blonde just rummages through his bag and pulls out a few sheets of paper, not even sparing Craig a glance back. 
Somehow, in every class he finds himself staring at the back of a blonde’s head. He wonders if he might be the problem.
At first, Kenny just chews on his eraser and passes notes to Kyle sitting beside him. But, after a few minutes of this, he turns and locks eyes with Craig. Before Craig can even try to communicate something quietly across the row separating them, Kenny turns away again, and Craig wants to throw his textbook at the other’s head. Before he can, though, he feels his phone buzz to life in his pocket.
kmck69: we have 2 talk abt it obv
kmck69: do u have work 2nite
Craig rolls his eyes as he reads the messages, unsure as to why Kenny needs to use the least amount of characters possible when he texts.
spacemancraig: No
kmck69: cool well i do
kmck69: im at the bijou from 4 to 12
kmck69: if u want free popcorn tho u can come after 10
kmck69: thats when concession closes so its kinda old but tbh still good
spacemancraig: Yeah I think I’ll pass on the stale popcorn
spacemancraig: But I’ll come by
kmck69: ur loss
kmck69: word tho
kmck69: also cute username lmao
Craig’s face scrunches up as he reads the text, glancing up to look at Kenny. The blonde looks back at him, flashing a smile, and Craig just flips him off in response.
kmck69: ooh rawr ur so scary and mean
kmck69: can u leave me alone im trying 2 learn >:(
He wants to retort that Kenny was the one who started it, but typing that feels incredibly childish. Instead, Craig rolls his eyes and tucks his phone away, looking back up at the lesson.
There are a lot of points today when Craig’s wondered when his life took a wrong turn. Losing sleep over a conversation with someone he has never really given a shit about, feeling like shit the entire morning waiting on a message from the aforementioned someone, and now, he’s at South Park’s lamest and only movie theater at 10PM on a Thursday. 
Maybe it wasn’t just a wrong turn, maybe it’s an eighteen-year downward spiral and he’s just getting closer to rock bottom.
The Bijou is, of course, dead. Craig only goes when they randomly decide to screen something from the Criterion Collection. He and his friends used to hang around the place more often, but then Tolkien got a home theater and every movie started being available to stream, and they didn’t have to secretly spike their slushies in the Black household. Now, the only people that frequent The Bijou are the elderly and his 15 year old sister, for some reason.
He decided to wait until 10PM to go. Not because Kenny made the stale popcorn sound appetizing, but he figured the later he went, the less likely he was to run into someone he knew. He parks his car a few blocks down the street and walks to the theater, hands tucked in the pocket of his hoodie. The marquee has been defaced, as per usual, and just reads “PENIS” followed by the scrambled extra letters from whatever movie title it once said. How original.
The ticket booth is empty, and when he steps inside, the theater is just as deserted as he expected it to be. Craig isn’t exactly sure of his next move as he lingers by the entrance, looking around. Just walking into the theater without a ticket to look for Kenny feels wrong, but so does just standing around awkwardly. Before he can choose, though, someone speaks behind him.
“I’m sorry, sir. We’re not selling any more tickets to our last screening- Oh, Craig?” Chirps a voice from the concession stand. Craig turns, coming face-to-face with Butters. The other boy smiles at him, far too brightly considering the two of them are not friends. The most they’ve interacted in all of high school is the rare occasion that Craig visits the Bijou, in which he affords Butters a small head nod as a greeting if they meet eyes. 
“Hey, Butters,” Craig says. “Is Kenny around?”
Almost comically, Butters cocks his head to the side. “Kenny? I didn’t know you two were friends!”
An abrupt silence comes between them, and Craig just waits for Butters to tell him where his coworker is. However, the blue-eyed boy just looks at him with a quizzical expression on his face, and Craig realizes he’s waiting for a confirmation.
“Uh, sure,” Craig mumbles after a moment. “Friends. Friendly, I guess. So, where is he?”
Butters beams at his answer, starting to wipe the countertop he’s standing behind down as he responds. “That’s so nice. He needs friends who won’t get him into trouble, you know? And he was just talking about you the other day.”
“He was?” Craig asks, but before Butters can elaborate, the two are interrupted.
“Craig!” Shouts Kenny from across the theater. Clad in a button-down, black skinny jeans, a red vest and matching bow-tie, he looks starkly different than he did this morning. The almost formal outfit doesn’t look quite right on him, and Craig realizes he’s never seen Kenny in something that wasn’t two sizes too large. When the blonde arrives at the concession stand, he’s grinning, looking at Craig so excitedly that the dark-haired boy has to turn his face away.
“It’s me, don’t cream your jeans,” Craig says, earning a little snicker from Butters. 
“I’ll sure as hell try,” Kenny replies, not sounding nearly as sarcastic as Craig. “I was starting to think you were bailing. It’s late, man.” As he speaks, he lifts himself onto the concession counter and sits, dangling his legs.
Butters frowns, putting his hands on his hips (Craig didn’t know that people did that in real life, but it suits Butters’ cartoonish mannerisms). “Aw, Kenny. I was just wiping that down.”
Kenny rolls his eyes, swinging his legs around to the other side of the counter and hopping off. “Happy?” He asks his coworker, who lets out a little puff of air in response and returns to his cleaning. Kenny shoots Craig a funny look, and Craig feels like he’s missing something. “As you can see, Butters and I take a lot of pride in this establishment.”
“That sounds awfully insincere, Kenny,” Butters grumbles, mostly to himself. “I do take pride in this establishment.”
It’s pretty weird to watch Kenny and Butters interact like this. They’re both oddballs in their social circles, especially Butters, and he can’t help but feel a bit out-of-place talking to them, especially outside of school. Craig absent-mindedly slides his phone from his pocket, checking the screen, just out of habit.
“Got somewhere to be?” Kenny asks, and when Craig looks up, the other is staring right at him, of course. He’s holding one of the soft drink cups, filled to the brim with popcorn.
Craig tucks his phone away. “You were serious about the stale popcorn?”
“It’s just gonna get thrown out,” Kenny says, popping a few kernels in his mouth. “Did you want some?”
Craig narrows his eyes in suspicion, responding with an unsure hum. One time, in the 5th grade, he saw Kenny pick up an earthworm from the sidewalk and swallow it whole. He did it, of course, for five bucks from Clyde, but Craig still doesn’t trust his taste.
Kenny rolls his eyes, opening up the machine to fill another cup. “Don’t be a princess. It’s still good. Right, Butters?” Kenny asks as he slides past his coworker, crossing to Craig’s side of the counter. 
“Oh, I don’t like to eat the popcorn much,” Butters replies, attending to the machine once Kenny’s done with it. “I gotta smell it all day, then clean the machine, scrape all the burnt pieces. I used to think movie theater popcorn was one of the yummiest smells, but now it doesn’t really get my tummy rumbling.”
Talking to Butters is weird, Craig thinks. He’s not sure if he’s ever heard anyone else use the phrase ‘tummy rumbling’ in his life. He glances at Kenny, who seems entirely unphased by the other’s weird expressions. 
“Yeah, okay,” Kenny says with a small shrug. He hands one of the popcorn cups to Craig, who takes it reluctantly. “I don’t know why I asked him.”
“Not that this isn’t thrilling,” Craig says, turning fully to Kenny. Butters is pretty engaged with his cleaning, but Craig doesn’t need him hearing any part of this conversation, so he speaks low. “Can we talk now?”
Kenny lets out an amused puff of air. “Butters, I’m gonna go do theater checks” he says, not taking his eyes away from Craig. “Craig’s coming with me.”
“You better not just be sneakin’ him into the movie for free, Kenny,” Butters grumbles, but his coworker is already walking away, waving a hand dismissively. Craig spares Butters an awkward glance before following behind Kenny.
“You do that often?” Craig asks.
“What? Sneak people in?” Kenny replies. He shoots a look back at Butters, making sure he isn’t listening before he continues. “Not all the time. I’m not really into losing this job.”
Right, Craig thinks, Kenny actually needs this job. The thought makes him a bit uncomfortable, that Kenny has to put in the hours at a shitty movie theater to pay for things he actually needs. Meanwhile, Craig works so he can get out of the house and have some spending money.
Kenny glances behind them, then slides a vape out of his pocket and hits it. He turns his head to the side, courteous enough not to blow smoke right at Craig, though not enough to pick a less obnoxious flavor.
“Sorry,” Kenny says, noticing how Craig wrinkles his nose at the scent. “Butters doesn’t like it either, probably because it’d get us in trouble.”
“So you don’t care enough about this job to not vape?” Craig asks.
This time, Kenny blows the cloud right in his face. “Be nice to me, Tucker. I let your sister sneak in here all the time.”
Craig pauses, taking a second to process what Kenny just said. “You what?”
Kenny stops too, poking his head into the closest screening room as he speaks. “Yeah, she comes by a lot. Here, this one’s empty,” he steps into the theater, holding the door open so Craig can follow. It’s a bit odd-looking inside. It’s not often he sees empty theaters with the lights on, especially not clean ones. Kenny takes a seat in a nearby row, throwing his legs over the chairs as he munches on his popcorn. “Don’t worry, no one’s gonna hear us. I cleaned this one an hour ago, and I’ve only had to kick out people who stayed after a movie like, three times, so we’re good.”
Craig takes a seat a few spots away from Kenny, giving the other room to sprawl out. “Why did they stay?”
“Sometimes they just fall asleep. One time there was a couple fucking, though. That was pretty sweet. In that row over there,” Kenny points behind him, a smirk on his face.
Craig blinks and wonders what ever happened to the Kenny he went to elementary school with, the one who rarely spoke except for the occasional dirty joke. Focus, Craig.
“Uh, so about last night,” Craig begins, straightening up a bit in his seat. Kenny mirrors him, showing that he’s listening. “I was just talking without thinking. It is a really fucking dumb idea.”
“But you showed up to talk about it,” Kenny notes.
Craig sighs. “Yeah, I did. Because I’m really fucking dumb. And I’m sick of the sympathy from my dumb friends. And you said you’d be down.” Kenny just looks at him, and Craig finds himself talking just to avoid the awkward silence. “If you’re not anymore though, that’s fine. There’s no pressure or anything.”
“I’m still down,” Kenny says with a small nod. “As long as I’m paid for my time. God, I sound like a hooker.”
“You’re not a hooker,” Craig adds a bit too quickly. “We don’t need to actually do anything, I don’t think.”
“So what do I have to do?”
Craig doesn’t answer for a moment. Apparently, this tells Kenny all he needs to know.
“Oh, so you really didn’t think this through, huh?” Kenny makes an odd clicking sound with his tongue, shaking his head. Craig thinks he’s trying to be funny, but it’s not helping how embarrassing the conversation feels. “Okay, Craig. If you want Tweak to take you back, what do you think would really get him all pissed off and hot and jealous?”
“Hang on-” Craig sits up a bit, raising a hand as Kenny speaks. “I’m not trying to get him back.”
“You’re not?”
Craig opened his mouth, but words couldn’t quite seem to come out. Was he trying to get Tweek back? There were plenty of couples in South Park that broke up only to come back together. In fact, he’d stop getting hopeful when Bebe and Clyde would split, as it was inevitable they’d be sucking face again within a week. But, he’d never thought about that possibility for him and Tweek. They didn’t break up because of a fight or mistake or something stupid. Honestly, Craig still couldn’t quite pin why they had broken up. All he knew is that Tweek didn’t want to be with him anymore. The thought of trying to get his ex to change his mind and take him back hadn’t even occurred to him, and right now, it just sounded pathetic.
“Jeez, I didn’t know that would be such a tough question,” Kenny muses, bringing Craig out of his thoughts. “It’s fine if you want him back, man. I don’t judge.”
“I don’t” Craig says, maybe a bit too assertively as it makes Kenny lean a bit further away from him. “He doesn’t want to be together, whatever. I’m not gonna try to trick him into getting back with me. I just want people to know I’m cool about it.”
Kenny makes a little high-pitched hum, his face scrunching up. He takes another hit of his vape, looking thoughtful as he does so (as thoughtful as someone hitting a neon green cylinder can). “Okay,” he says, blowing out smoke. “We’ll make everyone think we fucked.”
“What the fuck- Kenny,” Craig stammers out, shaking his head as he speaks. “How would we even, who would fall for that? What’s that even gonna do?”
Kenny leans forward again, resting his arms on the arm of the chair and once again being too close to Craig’s personal space. “No, Craig, listen. This is one of my better ideas. If you immediately start dating some dude, everyone’s gonna think it’s a rebound and people know I’m not really the dating type. It’ll be weird, someone’s gonna see through it because I’m not not gonna hook up with someone else. But- if people think we just fucked, they’ll be like, ‘Wow Craig moved on and he doesn’t give a fuck and he’s so cool,’ which is your goal, right?”
Craig stares at Kenny, wide eyed, and Kenny stares right back. It’s impossible to focus on what the blonde is saying with that eager look in his eyes, like some kind of dog waiting for a treat. However, when Craig actually does start to process the idea, he realizes Kenny’s making some good points. Kenny raises his brows, still waiting for a reply. Craig lets out a sigh, looking up at the theater ceiling. “Fuck. That’s- Yeah, that’s a good plan.”
“I know!” Kenny starts drumming his fingers along the side of the seat, and Craig can tell he’s beaming without even looking at him. “I want sixty-five.”
Now, Craig looks back down at Kenny, who is making a face like that wasn’t a ridiculous thing to say. “Bucks? You want sixty-five dollars?”
“Cash,” Kenny adds. The two just stare at each other for a moment because every time Craig looks at Kenny, apparently Kenny’s already looking at him. 
“I’ll give you forty,” Craig offers, hoping his tone sounds firm enough to stop any further negotiation.”
“Deal,” Kenny finally leans back in his seat and Craig feels like he can actually breathe again. If they’re gonna do this, he needs to talk with Kenny about personal space. And maybe that god awful vape flavor too. Shit, they’re actually doing it. 
Craig nods before his brain fully catches up, like he’s convincing himself this is real life. “Okay, yeah. Deal. Wow.”
Kenny glances over at him. “You good? You can’t back out now. We said deal.”
Craig is still nodding, rubbing his palms on his thighs. “We’re good. I just didn’t really think you’d say yes. I don’t, uh, have much of a plan.”
Kenny puts his hand on Craig’s shoulder, giving it a little squeeze. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, dude. ‘Cause I already have a plan.”
“My head’s not-” he starts, then lets out a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What’s the plan?”
Kenny stands, looking back down at Craig with a grin. “If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to get people talking about my sex life. And lucky for you, I have just the party to get this rumor started.” Kenny rubs his hand on a chair, then sticks it out for Craig. “You trust me, dude?”
Looking up at the blonde, the sheer dumb confidence on his face, his stupid uniform bowtie, there’s no way Craig should feel at ease. But, he has forty bucks and his reputation on the line, and Kenny might just be the best shot he has at escaping his current hellhole situation. Craig stands, gripping Kenny’s hand.
“Fuck it,” he says. “I trust you, let’s do this.”
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volivolition · 3 months
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okay hold on scooting back to the beginning WE ARE IN PAIN ARUGH.
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a groggy passenger... hello our "shivers" :'] <3
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^ cries about him as usual. One day at a time, Harrier. You can do this. awhghj... sobs forever...
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urhg i love how inland is written in this so much...
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i love how everyone answers roll call hkjhg theyre so silly... volition IMMEDIATELY complying, taking it seriously. all of the physiques hkjhg and drama "I doth remain." you sure do buddy!!
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i love pain threshold. very much.
PSYCHOLOCOMOTOR'S PRAYER!! ough surely the -1 to the communist skill and the +2 to the fascism skill won't mean anything important for later checks
"That's just indigestion I think" lmao... oH AND THE. "When was the last time you ate" "You don't know" THAT PARALLELS THE QUESTION YOU CAN ASK THE PRINCESS ISN'T IT? AND HER ANSWER??
ohhh endurance you're. so fucking weird and silly and dumb. arent u usually into the monarchy? a little bit?? hkjgh HI AUTHORITY WELCOME BACK JHGKJH "the highest authority imaginable short of God himself, and he's been rather scarce as of late." <- OKAY REALLY COOL LINE ACTUALLY.
narrator honey when did you get some communism in you bro hkjhg HKJGH NARRATOR YOU HAVE TO BE NICE.
again endurance you are so fucked up sometimes my guy hkjgh
"LOGIC [Trivial: Success] - I don't know where to begin." HAHAAKJHSKJHFKJH. TRULY "GOD WHERE DO I START WITH THAT"
"hey can we talk about how authority just reappeared?" [everyone collectively shrugs and moves on]
OH THE ATTEMPT AT GETTING ECHEM AGAIN HJKHFKJFH back to getting the gang back together! once more, from the top!
HEY ITS THE LEDGER YAY!! "the part of your brain that knows how to read and write these scribbles is missing." [MAKES A SAD LITTLE SOUND...]
HEY HEY HI SUGGESTION!! :] came back with the ledger because it gives you the skill bonus!!
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"YOU - I'm not buying into fascism, fucker. (Opt the *fuck* out)." THATS RIGHT MOTHERFUCKER WE ARE OPTING THE *FUCK* OUT!!!!
im not actually sure what this rhetoric check is referring to :0 alas.
oh goddamnit yeah we're still going down this route hkfjhf ENDURANCE WINKS. STUPID ASS-
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oh that missing check is DEFINITELY savoir faire. actually i need to make a list of the guys we're missing because goddamn i love organization. we still need Ency, Concept, VisCal, Emmy, Espri, Echem, Hand/Eye, React Speed and Savvy!
ooohj god we just. hit the wall okay ouch hjdkhd
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noticing "Shivers" and Hero are a bit different hehe... oh yes, hero, pronounce revachol the soft "sh" way please hdkjhd "PLEASE DONT CALL ME BROTHER." HJKFHF...
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do you have a purpose buddy? personally i think you're just fine, very good support pillar <3 YAYYY NEW TASK NEW TASK FOR THE HERO YAY YAY YAY YIPPEE HEHEHE we'll slot it in! we'll figure it out buddy!!
"HALF LIGHT - TAKE IT." hdkjh okay buddy okay okay chill
inland and hero hanging out. having a good time <3 its okay dreamer i love hearing your funny words <3
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"Well same to you! Goddamn." HAIKHJD??? GODDAMN.
half light... oh my darling....
"LOGIC [Trivial: Success] - People die when they are killed." so true logi. you're so right.
volition and hero encouraging not to kill her but... we've got too many physiques. and the body remembers what the mind may forget...
okay back to the fight ourgh. actions scenes are so well written for most of the narration being localized to within harry's head, its so well done
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^ THOSE ARE MY GUYS THOSE ARE MY GUYSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! KICKS MY FEET SO HAPPILY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SMILES ABOUT THEM. empathy is DISAPPOINTED IN US HKJHDK and echem you make me so happy dude, YEAH WE GOT THE BRAIN CHEMICALS DUDE!! voli you have to be SO nice to him right now my beloved hkjhg
oh welp we killed her. and we're dying. oh no. OH AND THE FLASK... :'] still... not the worst. at least she enjoyed it. at least there was a shared laugh at the end. i can only hope for the best as we continue...
OKAY LIST REWRITE, we're still missing VisCal, Espri, React Speed and Savvy!
are we sticking with this or are different guys going to be missing next time? WILL VOLITION BE GONE?? that'd be tragic. HDJKHD which voices will we gain from this? im definitely not as in tune with stp as i am with de so im never really sure about the princesses hkjhd Adversary i think??
wow. i love this fucking fic. hi thank you for reading my words, if you did. i appreciate you :]
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HIII MACINTOSH i forgor 2 ask this earlier BUT. free card 2 talk about ur cauldron thoughts now that u know they r doing unethical human experimentation & also the other two members of the triumvirate etc Know About It... if u want... do u have any pepe silva redstringing going on.... eyes emoji eyes emoji.... anyway HI i would love so much 2 bother u more abt deadwood & also worm stuff i have been. thinking abt fucking nhw all day. its dire. unfortunately it is friends & extended family socialization hours for mee <333 anyway hope u had a good day!!!
OUGH THE EXTENDED FAMILY SOCIALIZATION..... you are so so so strong dude. sending u all of my remaining energy in the form of LONG FUCKING POST ABOUT WORM LETS GO.
OKAY . put that under a cut bc i know I'm gonna ramble. I have so many thoughts and none of them are coherent.
FUCK CAULDRON MAN. LIKE . THEYRE AWESOME. BUT THEY JUST FILL ME WITH SUCH A SENSE OF DREAD. they feel like. to me. they feel like the Big Bad of worm . not so much in the final boss kind of way but in the "underground corporation that is morally bankrupt enough to do unethical human experimentation seems to have its fingers in basically every single cape organization out there." maybe that's overstating their reach a bit but. THE PROTECTORATE ?!?!?!? LEGEND!??!!??! the fucking slaughterhouse nine apparently !?!?!?!?!?!?! what are u gonna tell me next, they fucking. made one or all of the endbringers or something !?!?!?!?!?!?! (<< this is my most wild theory but in my defense i don't know anything about simurgh yet and that one seems suspicious in some way. if I'm right about this I'll crawl on my roof and scream at the sky.)
ok ok ok thoughts feelings emotions yes. but also. taking a second here to lay out the facts that I think I know so far. 1) cauldron is doing human experimentation (awesome for me). pretty straightforward. 2) AT LEAST ONE of the protectorate capes are cauldron-made. We know about legend (and battery but shes not at the same level legend is if i remember correctly). it was KIND OF IMPLIED???? that eidolon might be too??????? what the fuck were they talking about injections with him. sus. and if 2/3 are cauldron capes. why would alexandria be any different. what the FUCK the implications of this are insane. 3) they have also created VILLAINS. and while they say they actively discourage it, they also admit that they cant exactly stop it from happening. and also tjeyre proven liars. they specifically told battery to let siberian and shatterbird escape. siberian's creator/real body/whatever the hell he is to her had the cauldron brand. which leads me to think that shatterbird is probably a cauldron cape too. trying to cover their tracks???? pretty disastrous if two of the SLAUGHTERHOUSE NINE show up with identical tattoos that can be traced back to the shadowy underground organization that also created some of the most revered heroes. thats a fucking timebomb waiting to happen.
wait as im typing this. i think im confusing the protectorate and the triumvirate. you know what i mean i hope. i also know what i mean but unfortunately i am Stupid and there are So Many names. anyway moving on.
UHHHHHH . FUCK. theory wise. i dont know if i have any solid theories other than the fact that i think cauldron as an organization will turn out to be the bbeg. also that thing i said about the endbringers except thats less of a theory i actually believe and more of a "wouldnt that be fucking crazy huh". i dont think i have enough information yet to guess at their MOTIVES but... i think its going to turn into a "the whole system has been corrupt from the beginning and the difference between heroes and villains is more of an act to keep the rest of the world in check than anything else." i keep going back to that thing one of the brockton bay heroes said in the first wards interlude. where one of them said something like "that would ruin the show" thats a thing that happened right????????? the fuckingggg. merchandization of the heroes drives me a little crazy. theyre like celebrities. actually no theyre more like a sports team where you root for them to beat the "bad guys" and obviously its not that simple because the villains ARE terrible and are doing awful things with their powers a lot of the time (kaiser, the s9, etc etc) but also like... you have ppl like the undersiders and faultline's crew and the travellers. who are just like.... people with a goal. BUT YOU ALSO HAVE THE HEROES. WHO. fuck!!! after this last interlude!!!!! fucking alexandria and eidolon, two of THE MOST heroes in the world!!! are aware of and ambivalent to unethical human experimentation and will continue to allow it to happen!!!! and on a smaller scale youve got armsmaster (everything about him) and miss militia ("just shoot her in the head dont worry about it") and also the entirety of the child soldier- i mean wards program. like. its all so fucked. its all SO fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and cauldron probably has their greasy little paws in all of the leading parties!!!!!!
god i am so NOT good at putting my thoughts about this kinda shit into words but just know i have been fucking blender microwave comboing this for HOURS now. the kitchen is a MESS. i KNOW theres something im forgetting here. augh. may reblog this with more thoughts later. i was originally also gonna tlak about nhw a little bit but GOD im jsut thinking about cauldron now.
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iwanttofuckereh69 · 1 year
now reading: 2ha vol 2
ch 71 - 88
lets go 
1. Mo Ran is more in love with concept of Shi Mei than Shi Mei himself
It started to dawn on me a while back but it slowly became clearer and clearer. Like, before there could be multiple explanations of his lack of interest in Shi Mei. Because their interactions in the first book were so sweet and wholesome and njgvtfninvghbjuvif but like reading how they cleaned up the house in silence was fucking painful. It’s like he tried to convince himself he was and he is in love with Shi Mei. Maybe he never really was, maybe only after he died Mo Ran began to convince himself he always did. Maybe he saw it as more than it really was because of grief. And because he is stupid. 
2. Shi Mei is a snake isnt he
I said it in my emotional post before ab ch 74, he totally pretended to be sick. I CONSULTED ALL MY FRIENDS (what i mean by that is my bestie and my boyfriend because im a loser like Chu Wanning) AND ASKED THEM TO TELL ME IF HE WAS SUS OR NOT. The verdict wasn’t clear but as i kept reading, it became super obvious. It was soooo sus when he just casually got out of bed while he was supposedly sick, just to menacingly and mysteriously stare at Mo Ran out of the window. As if it wasn’t clear enough before when he acted like a dainty lady all of the sudden. jnfjnju i love him, but omg im scared of what that little snake would do and what is his goal. Is that Taxian-jun’s dick really that fine 
@rosemary-screams i don’t know… how much longer i can take it… how much longer i can be true to my principles… to my love… its so hard… the weight of evidence seems so overwhelming…
3. i didnt realize before that Mo Ran’s grave was under the haitang tree. Maybe that wasn’t mentioned or maybe i forgot about it by the time i realized haitang tree’s significance nvgjnvgjvg NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS MEANT when you said its obvious from the beginning he loves Chu Wanning. (i mean im still not super convinced by the narrative; that doggo Mo Ran needs to try harder to connect those two lonely neurons scattered inside that thick skull of his)
4. I dont like that it was mentioned that infatuation pills exist in this universe. I dont like how they are introduced out of nowhere. That could be literally anything. Magic viagra. Or dick enlarging pills. ANYTHING. But no. It has to be infatuation pills. I dont like the fact that it seems like those are important. I really dont like that thought.
5. Shi Mei’s resemblance to Song Qiutong has been mentioned twice by now. Basically every time she appears, Mo Ran makes sure to note how she was similar to Shi Mei. And from what I understand Butterfly-Boned clan is pretty unique in their appearance? Is Shi Mei somehow… related to that clan? Like maybe only in a tiny bit tho… Or he's just THAT pretty <3
6. That person in black at the end of vol 2 is me trying to get my ship to work
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But on a serious note, what an ending, what the hell is going on. Did someone else really got reborn as well? Wasn’t it supposed to be rare? tjnfgvtfbvgfnbvgjnik And like… when Mo Ran is trying to figure out who the hell has water element from the people he knows… He basically goes through everyone from the main cast aside from Shi Mei… I CHECKED TWICE. It gives me goosebumps. But Maybe Shi Mei doesn’t have any? Like, his cultivation is super lame.
And the fact that Mo Ran forgot that whole interaction... njrigvkrhiuvrfjhiukvgnh no wonder there's gonna be like 8 books or more....
In all honesty I don’t even know what else to say, im so stunned! What the fuck is going on! I NEED BOOK 3 NOW
BTW! Tell me what character from 2ha i should draw for kinktober and in what crazy situations would you want to see them. I'm too lazy to draw two people so choose wisely lol (leave a comment or send me an ask)
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simcardiac-arrested · 10 months
Whats wrong with predator 2018?
it’s been like 10 days i’m tired but i CANNOT stay silent anymore The world deserves to know. you will not believe how awful this movie is
1. the moment the movie starts you just understand that it…is not going to be good. it was made in 2018 so of course it has that edgy self aware marvel humor of Uhmm he’s right behind me isn’t he ? (and then you check shane black’s other works and he directed iron man 3 and everything suddenly make sense) LIKE IM SERIOUS there’s just a scene in the first 10 minutes where this Woman In Stem character goes Lol why did we name this thing The Predator? it’s more like a Hunter or a Huntsman it’s more like a Bass Fisherman LIKE WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? WHAT AM I HEARING RN? it’s so fucking stupid and i hate this type of humor so much like CAN U BELIEVE WE’RE IN A MOVIE? ABOUT THE PREDATOR (DUMBASS NAME (LOL))????
2. i mention the Woman In Stem character specifically because she is. also not good. i’m not going to act like the predator movies have always been the best with female characters (even 1987 has its issues) but at least they were actually BEARABLE. The girl character in this movie is just like. this annoying 2010s smartass quirky girl archetype that we put in our movie because you wanted Women(tm) right? there she is we even made her quirky!!! we’re not going to give her a single likable quality though. we’re going to write her Bad . is this what u wanted ?
3. which is not trying to imply that the other characters are written Good . they’re all written Bad they all fucking suck. none of them have any charm or likable qualities and there’s nothing to get invested in. AND THEY DON’T HAVE ANY FUCKING DYNAMICS BETWEEN EACHOTHER!!!! it’s like they just exist in the same space and that’s It . they don’t get any interesting relationships or interactions . they’re all just so nothing
4. like halfway through the movie it just turns into unapologetic US army propaganda—which is fucking ironic if you know what the original predator was made for (commentary about american terrorism in central america in the 80s under reagan)—the main character’s wife just starts suddenly going off about how he’s so cool and doing so much for his country and he’s in the army waowww wowww We need to shoot everyone who’s worked on this movie and im serious.
5. i…..do not know who this movie was made for. like who is it supposed to cater to? one of its main things is autism and mental illness and yet it has the shittiest portrayal of both. But especially autism. like what if we made a movie about how autism is the next step in human evolution (?!) and autistic people are like superheroes basically (?!?!!!?) and the entire plot hinges on the fact that The Predator wants to become autistic by stealing the autistic character’s autism dna (?!?!?!?!?!?!?? WHAT? WHY ARE THERE EUGENICS IN MY PREDATOR MOVIE? IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS?) (and then the autistic character in question like. actually has unironic superpowers. look he gets overwhelmed by sounds but he can instantly understand and translate predator’s alien language!!!!!!!!) And then the next minute one of the characters says Lol isn’t it crazy how we can’t say the r slur anymore? Fucked up world. LIKE SERIOUSLY WHO IS THIS MOVIE FOR? I FEEL LIKE THIS MOVIE WOULD PISS OFF BOTH THE “WOKE” AND THE “EDGY ALT RIGHT” AUDIENCES EQUALLY . shane black probably thinks autism speaks is a charity i dont even know
6. too much predator in this movie. When i say that they should make a predator movie where every scene has the predator in it YOU SHOULDNT FUCKING LISTEN TO ME IM JUST AUTISTIC. a predator movie is a THRILLER The Fucking Predator himself should appear like. a few times at least until the climax. but nooo this 2018 ass movie just has the predator running around in every scene (btw this predator moves really fucking weird in a human way. Like they usually at least make him move semi alien-like and uncannily, but this movie didnt even bother with that) (also their design is uglier than the original) (also it suffers from the same problem as the 2010 movie by adding a Bigger Cooler Buffer Awesomer Deadlier New Predator LIKE WHO ASKED FOR THIS. WAS MY OG WIFE NOT ENOUGH FOR U) Anyway yeah if you didnt get it yet: this movie doesnt understand what impact or subtlety is. at all
7. the worst thing is with the finale. you see every predator sequel loves to reference the original 1987 movie because well, it’s iconic! it has a lot of meaningful moments and lines! Specifically in the ending of the original movie, where the main character asks the predator “what the hell are you?” and the predator echoes it back at him. Supposed to symbolize us army = monsters who kill without meaning yadda yadda u get it. anyway so in the 2018 movie finale they start to reference this moment too. the main character asks And what the fuck are you (ooo f bomb we’re SOOOO edgy and 2018core) and when the predator starts asking it back the main character just goes SHUT THE FUCK UP😂 and shoots him. it’s like. my hatred for this movie was indescribable at that moment. I’ve never actually genuinely watched a marvel movie so i just took people at their word when they said it was a genre of movie that fucking hated movies. but after watching the predator (2018) which is basically a marvel version of predator? yeah i get it. What if they made a movie that hated its source material and had 0 respect for it. and also hated its audience. and hated being a movie
8. they made the dogs ugly
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gentlehue · 1 month
hiii i’ve been in a bit of a follower slump lately iwl and i was wondering as a girl who’s seen it all what would u recommend to get more followers?
hi lovely!!! first of all thank u very much for using my slogan got very excited when i saw it LMAO second !! i just wanna preface this by saying the main reason i have the amount of followers i have on this blog is because i ran a fanfic blog april-july so a lot of mine came from there 😭 however i still did gain quite a following in the short amount of time i was over there (its currently at 779!) so i def have tips on this below the cut 😚 just felt like id be lying if i didnt mention the above even tho its sort of irrelevant LMAO 😭 anw here are your secrets from a girl who's seen it all on gaining a following ₊˚⊹♡
post consistently!!
pretty self explanatory, but if you'd like more followers the easiest way to get them is to be consistent w posting ☺️ on my fanfic blog, id post 1-2 times a day when it just started out !!! however thats too much i just didnt have a life outside of studying or blogging LMAO you dont have to post every day, but like dont post once a month either because you wont get many followers that way (unless youre extremely lucky 🤔) maybe aim for 2-3 times a week or whatever fits your schedule best :)
when you post, make sure your post shows up in the tumblr tags!
i've seen SO MANY PEOPLE fall victim to the stupid tumblr tagging system so ive made it my mission to speak on it whenever i can. for some reason, when you first make your blog tumblr has your visibility settings default to you not showing up in the tags or searches at all 😭 so before you post, make sure they look like the ones below!
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(keep the last one on or else tumblr will feed ur posts to an ai 😭)
to check if you're showing up in the tags, click on one of the tags you've tagged your post as and toggle the search to "latest" instead of "top" !! if its there that means it worked ☺️
still not showing up in the tags?
if you're not showing up in the tags, then its either because your blog is still pretty new (in which case you'd just have to keep interacting w things on tumblr until they decide you're not a robot) or because you're shadowbanned 😣 some signs of being shadowbanned are you cant dm people on here, you can't tag people & people won't get any notifs from you when you answer their asks!! if that's the case then all you can do is contact tumblr staff n hope for the best 😬 also def triple check your visibility settings because they CHANGED MINE W OUT TELLING ME ONCE and im still mad about it 😣 also sometimes it'll just take a little while for posts to show up in the tags 💘
bonus tip: make sure the most important tags are the first five ones you use, since those are the ones that your post is most likely to show up in!! save your personal tags for last bonus tip (2): make sure to post when the americans are online LMAO ive noticed whenever i post later in the day my time (when the us wakes up) i tend to get more interaction since a large chunk of the people on here live in the us/north america/that area in general
2. interact with other people's posts
specifically people who post the same things as you / you share interests with / you just think are cool!!! people on here are SO friendly so chances are you'll gain many friends while posting! interacting with other people's posts will have them checking out your blog which will result in more traction which will result in more followers since they'd be reblogging your stuff onto their blogs and their followers would check your blog out:) also because if tumblr notices there are similarities between your blog and another's it'll recommend your stuff to people who follow the other blog so!! interaction is very good:) also because making friends is always fun anw 😋
3. be patient & don't get obsessive over it!
fun fact i've been on this app since covid started back in march 2020 and ive had MANY blogs on here from the ages of 11-13 LOL but when i was younger id def get a lot more obsessive ab the followers 😭 i'd compare myself to a lot of the other blogs on here too n wish i had that much interaction n wtv and i just wasn't having fun cz all i'd think ab is the followers 😭 would make n delete blogs as soon as interaction would drop n it just made things worse so def just enjoy the journey or wtv!! (also if u believe in manifestation which i personally do - staying in the state of wishing for followers will keep u in that state of wishing!!!! you've got to start practicing gratefulness & being happy about where u are and the journey ahead for more good things to happen ✨)
thats basically the gist of it imo 🤔 sorry if u expected smth more LOL i hope this helped tho!! xx 💘
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star-mum · 2 years
How Ep 7 should’ve actually happened if not for Plot™
OKAY– so I was going to write this as like a scene rewrite BUT i don't want to sksksksks soooorry :D EITHER WAY LET'S GET TO IT BABIES
posting this specially for my angels @pinkchubbiebunnie and @trice-divergent thank you so much for letting me take so much of y'alls time with my bullshit :3
For the purpose of this, I’m going to assume the accusation scene happens somewhat similarly, but the only one who's actually suspicious of Jason is Rachel, cause her thing is directly linked to him and she's more angry and upset than anything. The others will bring the stuff that happened to them but more as in a “huh… something hinky is going on here” and maybe try to investigate it properly
A day after Jason almost dies NO ONE has talked to him until Dawn asks Dick to do it, neither her or Kory seem sure he’s okay enough to do a good job at it – he's obviously distracted with something else. Which leads me to my first 2 points: 1. at least one of them would take that as a clue someone should do a follow up with Jason after Dick talks to him and 2. it's crazy to think that NO ONE ELSE in the entire team didn't even try to check up on Jason – specially Gar or Dawn – that’s stupid at the least and INCREDIBLY out of character at most.
So with that in mind, I'm going to do a character by character “analysis” to show what I think really happened, in an AU where events aren't controlled by Plot™. I'm so glad this is what I'm currently using my psychology education for !! hooray !!
Dick Grayson
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i can't say for sure how much of this is an accurate read on Dick’s personality or and how much is just wishful thinking on my part but let's get to it
Even though Dick is – clearly – going through some stuff I think he’d try to be a little more honest with Jason, like actually talk in complete sentences for one, but also actually make sure Jason at least heard him before he bolts out the building. He could've done more, this whole episode Dick is so worried about the past and its implications on him now that he completely ignores pretty obvious warning signs. There's I think 2 things he says that IF FOLLOWED UP BY ACTUAL SENTENCES could have actually meant something:
“Good thing Conner was there -> “Im sorry” SORRY FOR WHAT?????? BE CLEARER PLEASE !!!! Dick does feel responsible for Jason’s kidnapping AND the fall, he knows Conner being there was pure luck, he knows what would've happened if he wasn't – they both do – so apologize like you mean it, say where you failed and what you are sorry for, you can't just hope the other person is going to guess what you meant, SPECIALLY Jason, he doesn't feel cared for, he thinks you're apologizing just to say it, HELP HIM BELIEVE YOU
“All of this is my fault for going alone” -> “No. I don't think that” This ties into the other paragraph but FINISH YOUR SENTENCES !!! SAY WHAT YOU MEAN !!! You could just be saying that to make Jason feel better, thats what hes gonna think anyways, say the words, tell him “I'm sorry I wasn't there for you” “I'm sorry I let you go” “I'm sorry I let you go alone” HE KNOWS Jason is impulsive, he really thought if he let the teens unattended nothing would’ve happen? And YES Jason is grown enough to make his own decisions this isn't ONLY on Dick BUT he could have tried to be a better mentor to him before all this happened, he should tell Jason that
“Rest up” at the risk of sounding repetitive I'm just gonna say, Dick knows Jason is training like that to keep his mind of the bad thing that happened, he’s done it too – probably still does – tell him it that even tho it can help now it won't solve everything forever, connect with him, share your failures and bad experiences with him BEFORE he’s standing on a fucking ledge.
Hank Hall
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I fell in love with Hank while writing his part, I'm so sorry
I think Hank would be the 2nd to talk to Jason. First I thought he’d go with Dawn or because she asked BUT !! ACTUALLY !! It makes more sense for it to come from him.
His whole job before coming back to the tower was helping at-risk youth was it not? I know it focused more on addiction but suicidal ideation – and life risking behavior in general – is very linked to people who suffer from any substance abuse, not to mention emotional distress/trauma can be the leading cause for developing it as a coping mechanism (look at me and my professional lingo)
He would recognize the signs, is what I'm saying here. Hank and Jason might not be super tight friends but he cares for the kid, that's clear. I can’t decide how he would approach Jason tho, it could go one of two ways: 1. he uses the training room as an excuse – either during sparring or some other training thing (?) like holding the punching bag for Jason or something, idk im not athletic – so it feels more like a conversation than an intervention AND it would be a good bonding moment for them, to show that even tho they find each other UNBEARABLE, they can still be there for one another OR 2. i did say two ways huh well the second way could be the next morning before everything blows up, he tries – although a little emotionally constipated, cause bro dudes – to have an honest conversation with Jason about the risks of isolating himself after a traumatic experience, THAT approach however – like being more direct – might “scare” Jason a little and make him lash out
Dawn Granger
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At first, I had Dawn as the second person who’d talk to Jason, but now I think she’d be third. She's really good at reading people and social situations/cues, so obviously would notice Dick was acting very weird and probably didn’t talk to Jason as well as he could have BUT Hank did go to Jason first, so she’s gonna trust him to do the right thing and talk to the kid when she sees him in the morning – that is, if Hank goes right after dinner, when Jason is still training, which makes the most sense to me.
I think she’d probably talk to Hank first, to see how it went, so she has a better sense of what Jason needs to hear right now. Even if there wasn’t anything to add, she would still wait for him to show up in the common areas — I don’t think she’d go look for him, just wait until “he wants to be found” kinda deal — and the very least tell him she’s glad he’s safe, and offer him a space to talk about what happened. I don’t know how positive of an interaction this would be, but I think anyone — even Jason, in his current emotional state — would find it very hard to snap at Dawn, and IF he did she seems like the person to keep her cool and try and understand their side while still setting down boundaries (she’s so calm when speaking that you’d feel silly for raising your voice, you know?)
Kory Anders
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“You're making me feel helpless and I hate feeling helpless” you cannot tell me this woman wouldn't even THINK to check on her number 1 problem child, like that's stupid. HOWEVER I can’t just ignore her reaction to Jason’s death “he made a mistake and didn't learn from it, now he's dead” which is,,, well accurate BUT the problem isn't that Jason “didn't learn his lesson” after Deathstroke, he did, just not the right one – he learned not to trust anyone but himself, people betray him, leave him for dead, accuse him without proof -> instead of learning to lean on and trust others.
So because of that I think she would talk to Jason at some point but not be very nice and sweet about it, she’d be very direct, to make sure this doesn't happen again. Like not mean either, don’t get me wrong, just direct. I think after all the weird inspirational speech vibes from Dick, Hank and Dawn, Jason would appreciate someone talking to him normally and not “babying him”. I'm assuming things don’t escalate so fast at breakfast, so Kory has time after that scene to talk to him
Like I think Kory would also wait until she sees him, instead of seeking him out, and I can definitely hear her saying something like what she said in season 3 -> “you made a mistake, now you have to learn from it, make sure you’re picking up the right lesson”. Probably the most efficient out of everyone, cause she is still holding Jason accountable for his own actions BUT she’s also letting him know he isn’t a lost cause, so even tho he might still say something annoying or even mean back, he WILL think about what she said for the rest of the day
Donna Troy
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Donna follows the same like as Kory, very straightforward, although I do think she’d check up on Jason for a more “basic” line, like checking how he’s taking care of himself — if he’s eaten, drank water, also warning him about overworking himself — almost in a casual or even “acidic” way tho —> “there's leftovers in the fridge” instead of asking if he’s eaten, demanding to have the gym to herself when she notices him way too long in there, wordlessly pouring him a glass of water if she’s already getting herself some — she’s more actions than words, to me at least
Garfield Logan
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OKAY SO— I realize now I should’ve probably put Gar before Dick for what I'm about to say but idk do that right now. Gar would be the first person to check on Jason after they get back AND it’d go so bad, he’s also the reason dude’s training himself half to death— I'LL EXPLAIN !!!
So Gar is an angel who cares too much for his friends, yes? Of course. AND because of that he feels INCREDIBLY responsible for what happened to Jason: he agreed to go with him check the thing out, didn’t call Dick or tell anyone else where they’d be, agreed to get separated AND didn’t fight harder to go with the older Titans — “maybe with his powers, they’d have a better chance”.
And, unlike Dick, Gar would make that abundantly clear to Jason. But it wouldn’t be well received because Jason isn’t taking Gar’s apology as “I’m sorry I didn’t do more to help you”, he’s hearing it as “sorry I didn’t save you from yourself” WHICH would make him really mad at Gar for “implying” that AND even more mad at himself for doing what he did —> arguing with Gar and then go to the training room to let off some steam from the terrible day/evening he just had
Rachel Roth
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I don't know how to say this without making her seem like an asshole but I don't think she would actively check on Jason. There is already so much on her plate because of her powers, she’s still resenting him a bit for what he said, and the mirror thing happens so soon she doesn’t even HAVE time to go and talk to him. I can’t remember now when she argues with Gar but it’d definitely make her even more mad at the whole situation, even if she’s not completely aware she’s projecting that stuff onto her feeling about Jason.
Extra - Zephyr
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I wasn't going to, but I love to talk about self inserts/OCs SO if my self insert Zephyr – hero name – was part of this shit show, this is the role I’d want her to play !! : D
Little context: she's my on going self insert for just about anything, literally just me but with powers – if the universe demands – and cooler hair – I missed the days of having fantasy colored hair. She always has some version of “air bending” as her power, cause I noticed that a lot of main casts don't have an air bender in their groups
I imagined her having a kinda bickering rivalry with Jason, nothing too serious but also not super buddy buddy, she doesn't go with him and Gar to check out the thing – she’s not aware they left, until Gar gets back – and when Dick leaves with the older Titans, she follows him after he told her to stay in the tower, cause her powers could be useful – and they are :3 – long story short, instead of Dick catching and then dropping Jason, she manages to stop/catch him with her powers, but before she can start either pulling him back up or lowering him to the ground, Slade sneaks up behind her and knocks her tf out and Jason free falls again. (I HAVE THIS SCENE SO CLEAR IN MY BRAIN !! ITS LIKE REALLY GRUESOME AND EVEN MORE TRAUMATIC FOR JASON :D PLZ LMK IF YOU I SHOULD EXPAND ON THIS !!)
SO— because she got her shits absolutely rocked, she would ALSO be in the medical area, in a different room from Conner, I think either Kory and Dawn would switch places to watch them both OR they would stick to Conner and Rachel would be the one keeping an eye on Zephyr. Considering that the two people who did the most to help Jason got fucking wrecked because of it, I think it’s safe to say he’d feel too guilty to visit any of them.
If we go with Rachel on Z watch duty, I think she’d maybe try and use her powers to heal her, not completely tho cause she’s still unsure about them but enough for Z to be able to at least get up next morning, so after helping Kory out with Conner, Rachel would update Z on most of what happened last night: Conner saving Jason, Dick just leaving in the middle of the night, how Jason is doing, etc.
Now Jason doesn’t really goes to breakfast, and the whole thing with Rachel happens pretty early (everyone is still in the kitchen) SO I think the time Z actually goes downstairs (??? I have no clue what the fucking layout of this tower is like) is when all the yelling starts. Like I said in the beginning, the other guys aren’t gonna accuse Jason cause,,, it doesn’t make sense, so there’s not much to defend him from — maybe just help Rachel calm down “you said he was barely leaving his room for anything other than training, what would he do that,,, now specially?”
And only after everyone else starts sharing the weird things/messages they got she tries to talk to Jason, asking him if he’s okay, if he’s eaten, the basics — in their bickering way like “when’s the last time you drank some water ? your lips look chapped as hell” “why are you looking? 👀” — and then after diffusing some of the tenseness, getting a bit more serious with the questions and genuinely apologizing for dropping him (if he tries to change subject/dismiss her/even walk from her, she’s gonna play the “i'm pretty sure I’m concussed” card so he’ll at least stay put)
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f1nalboys · 2 years
Peacemaker Season 1 Episode 2 Live Post
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(just my live reactions to the episode as it goes)
-HOPING FOR MORE ADRIAN love the pacing so far a lot happens without it being overwhelming!! very excited to see where the plot goes :3
ALSO if u want to mute this tag to avoid my love posts then black list b reacts live <3
-“you can’t see me jerk off through that thing can you” ITS IN HIS SKILLFNWKDNWKND
-i love eagley
-i like the intro but i will be skipping it it’s too long
-ok so i knew the butterflies were gonna be something fucked up
-“where the fuck are my SOCKS”
-him having to sit down to put his socks on JFKSKND
-i love her
-“almost hit that bitch” JFKWKFJEJ
-OK eagley bringing the possum over to the thing was to make it the reason behind the explosion 😭😭😭 giggles
-leota loves her little dog emerson :3
-“i think he just likes looking smart” JFNWKFJJD
-his stupid ass ringtone
-peacemaker feeding eagley chips
-him holding a bloody knife CMONNNN
-him flirting w this guys wife
-peacemaker watching them fight like 😳
-the baby waving at him :3
-him breaking his bones again
-where’s adrian i. want. adrian.
-this man is fucking himself up fr 😭
-oh :/
-it’s emilia whatever
-SORRY I LOVE HER I DO i jsut need adrian
-eagley :3
-“you can’t house train an eagle dude, not without stealing its soul”
-leota getting everyone else hyped!!! my beloved
-james or whatever his name is changed christopher’s finger prints to his dads 😈
-oh so that didn’t work very well
-“am i supposed to text you when i’m taking a shit???” “I WOULDVE AOORECIATED IT” JFNOWNCKWND SHUT UPPPP
-“and now i feel like you’re mad at me” and “don’t use the i word man” are such stupid but funny lines 😭😭
-i like the lady cop whats her name
-sophie song <3
-“YOU EVER BEEN SHOT AT? :D” “……………..…no :(“ JFKOSNDIW
-christopher and james r besties but also worsties
-if emilia accuses leota of doing shit one more time… like YEAH she is feeding info to waller BUT FUCK YOU
-“i trust her the most because eagley likes her :D” “he tried to bite me” “yeah but not as hard as he tries to bite everyone else”
-“john didn’t do it” “thank you!” “he’s too big of a pussy to betray us” “alright :(“ JFKWNDJ THE CONVOS R SO FUNNYYY
-“I DONT EVEN LIKE WHEN MY BALLS ARE IN SOMEBODYS MOUTH OKAY? it gives me the wrong type of chills and all i can think about is how long it’s been since i’ve gotten checked for testicular cancer” PNFKWNDKWNDJ
-this thing isn’t even my thoughts anymore it’s just me quoting the funny lines
-he left the dossier of his assasination target in the apartment of the girl he fucjed and murn was like “u left it in the apartment of some girl who blew u?” and he goes “SHES NOT SOME RANDO WHO BLEW ME MAN, we fully fucked”
-nah peacemaker is right they haven’t told him shit like y’all sometimes a little info is necessary
-“am i a fucking dick vampire now” HE MAKES ME SO SICKWJDOWJJD
-“when we’re u gonna tell us there were witnesses?” “i did kidnap a couple for a minute :/“
-his trailer sucks like the color scheme is awful
-he’s a records guy :3
-WHERES ADRIAN. i’m starting to get pissed i want my man 🗣️🗣️
-he’s just like me
-his costume is sexy
-sorry the whole interaction w these two abt louis c k 😭😭
-adrian’s voice 😵‍💫😵‍💫
-“can you maybe teach em to me :3” OHHHHHHH IM FUCKED HES SO BABY GIRL I WANT GIM SO BAD
-leota <3
-“r u trying to fucking bribe us?” “no!!” “oh i was hoping u we’re trying to bribe us” “yes yes i am bribing u :D”
-adrian wanting to clean his place up :(
-he’s so silly asking where everything goes
-i always found the “adult character not knowing what a sex toy is” thing weird bc ur telling me adrian hasn’t gotten pussy before???
-ADRIAN USES POCKET PUSSIES OK???? it’s my canon that scene didn’t happen or it did and it was funny in a different way bc that man uses one and goes Hard.
-anyways sorry. got distracted.
-“YOU THINK THEYD LET ME OUT OF PRISON TO DELIVER FUCKING MAIL” “idk it was the first government job i could think of” adrian said support the post office <3
-not the graffiti artist kills 😭😭
-“well it does 😂🤣” SHUT UP ADRIAJFOWNDJS he’s so :3
-besties for life!!!
-also yes fuck u auggie i’m glad ur getting arrested
-wait sorry guys the cop….larry….. hes uhm. yeah. sorry
-SORRY. he’s just
-ok moving on
-leota sending her wife away :(((
-she knows it’s dangerous for her wife to be there :((
-adrian doesn’t like weed whatever
-sorry adrian mmmgmmgmgmdnsd
-that’s a cool thing
-hehe his dads in prison <3 i hope he dies and then also christopher doesn’t visit him
-his racist piece of shit dad DIE DIE DIE
-racist fucks
-they have him at a place where he’s a liter nazi god???????
-i’m pissed
-her asking to keep peacemakers mugshot girl stand up pls 😭😭
ADRIANNNN!!! i love him <3 i am excited to see how they deal w his superiority stuff + his ‘moral’ compass when it comes to killing all criminals!
i’m expecting the plot of christopher’s dad being the white dragon to matter bc if it’s just thrown in i’ll be ? very weirded out but i’m assuming that a major thing lol
leota <333 everyone needs to be nice to her rn!!!! idc if she’s a mole, she’s my WIFE! i like her and emilia together like bonding and stuff :3 also i rlly love james i think him being called sue beard is funny
excited to see where this goes but i’m going to bed so i shall finish the next 6 episodes tomorrow probably :3 we’ll maybe not tomorrow bc i’m supposed to hang w my friend? so we shall see!!!!
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evanthefunky · 2 years
I watched Aquaman (2018) two weeks ago and I am STILL thinking about how. *gestures as if to try and decide*... how inconsistent? it is. And I honestly don't know what to call it.
On the one hand, I do love that Arthur is reluctant and not interested in being king. He doesn't want power, hes got enough. Ultimately, he becomes king because he wants to save his world (in context its clear he means the Surface, human world) and sure ok if that means saving Atlantis, ok.
Problem is, beside the drama of "who deserves to be king"... is Orm even doing a bad job? Why does he NOW want to become king and Ocean Master? Atlantis wasn't any more on the verge of being discovered than when people first realized Arthur might be part Atlantean. Sure, someone has to be a villain, and being denied confirmation that he is the "true heir" because he didnt have uh Atlan's trident is a doozy but its been centuries since anyone has had it? So he was feeling threatened by... his older half-brother who.... *checks notes* didnt fucking want to be king.
Ok, so Orm was the villain because (for whatever reason) he Just Now Decided to culminate all his plans to force the title Ocean Master unto himself. As far as we know, (although movie 2 will hopefully touch on this) Orm had not been looking for the trident. If Arthur and Mera found it in like 2 days, how did Orm not find it in yanno at least two decades?
"Well," you say, "it was because Vulko and Mera didn't find the hologram recording thing until Just Now."
So why didn't they give it to Orm? Because he... "isn't the true heir"? Who is deciding that? If Orm doesn't even get to TRY to get the trident, because he doesnt know where it is, because he doesnt have the hologram message from Atlan... how could anyone possibly know Arthur is the "true" heir? He's 100% Atlantean, second son of the last (previous) queen of Atlantis. Sure, hes the second son, but hes the first 100% Atlantean son.
(I'm not gonna go into the absolute BULLSHIT that is Atlan's message... its so fucking stupid im so 😤 about it. Its stupid. Not to be on the side of cinemasins bc they're assholes but if they had a monolog about it and gave it more than 1 "sin" I say rightly so! If they didnt... not surprised bc that channel is lame and yet I still think of them. Sigh. I digress.)
So then we look at Vulko and Mera. What would they know about Arthur that he (or anyone else) doesn't know? Maybe that he... saved the world with the Justice League? That he can speak to aquatic animals unlike any other Atlantean (was Atlan able to? Methinks he was, so was he half-human, half-Atlantean, too? More on that... another time) can? That Vulko made a promise to Atlanna that he would protect Arthur? And Mera had NO reason to go with Arthur, no reason to betray her nation and family, no reason to forsake her betrothal beside the fact that... uh. *checks notes again* Arthur is... hot, and that we have to have a romantic coupling by the end of this movie.
And I dont know if its Amber Heard or the writing, but I have written better romances at the age of thirteen than the writers did for this movie. They brush hands once, he catches her when she stumbles from the statue thing (I think??), I guess we can count her betraying her home just for a hot dude (can't relate) as a romantic gesture... but he doesn't do anything for her.
Which is funny. Especially when you look at the times she kisses him, she initiates both times. Or maybe just the one time? I remember two, but one is dramatic (cinematic, even?) underwater and another is shorter and above water, and he seems surprised by both. Which makes me uncomfortable, especially his surprise. We obviously don't have a lot to go on to see how he acts around women, beside Wonder Woman, and I can't remember what he says to her in Justice League (beside some probably bad jokes and stuff bc its ... well. Anyway.) so like for all we know hes suave and charming etc or a complete dummy and Just Gets Lucky.
But like. The romance doesn't make any sense. Shes interested in him, hes fine (?) with it, but is that enough to betray your world's previous tranquility? We don't really get to see what Orm got up to, so we don't know what kind of king he is.
(Sidenote: its interesting to see what they considered pros and cons for Orm and Arthur, and how they didn't know Arthur helped stop uh. Whats-his-face from destroying the planet. BUT who controls the pros/cons list and maybe they didn't want anyone in the audience to know he was a world-saving ☆hero☆.)
So Vulko. The one who knew both Arthur and Orm, made a promise to Atlanna about Arthur but potentially not about Orm. Not to look at Wilem Defoe and say "man only plays betrayers and villains, I dont trust him" only to be surprised that Vulko did in fact stay true to the protagonist of the story. Vulko effectively chose who the "true" heir was out of Atlanna's sons.
No idea. Beside Arthur being the first-born.
So they should have made Arthur the second-born son. Not only would his half status be more of a "disadvantage", but it would make Arthur's reluctance more sensible and Orm's confidence more concrete, more clearly defining why they were doing what they were doing. Orm defending his birthright as first-born would have been more interesting than second-born grasping for it, where Arthur being second-born but reluctantly being pushed to claim the older brother's right as his own more controversial and dangerous. ALSO it would have made more sense for Atlanna to be condemned to the Trench because she first of all was wounded (?) on the shore near Tom's lighthouse and so I dont think she meant to be there, but is she really to be punished by falling in love with someone who rescued her and helped her heal? Is it really her fault to have a child with the person who evidently helped her learn about humanity as something not inferior but equal in a different way than expected (a potential reach but let me live). Is it so bad that she had her firstborn as a half human?
But I guess there is the crux of the problem, which ultimately is on patriarchal bullshit than on her "fault". She did choose that her first child was half-human. And why didn't she just return to Atlantis after being healed/nursed back to health? Why did she stay? Was there something that made her reluctant? Who did the condemning? Also, who the fuck is Orm's father? Where was he in the story?
Atlanna wasn't interested in returning to Atlantis, at least not until Arthur was older so that he could learn to be the prince and heir of the nation. I think she did mean to return when he was older. She called him a king of his people, agreed to name him after a strong and good (according to legend) king. (Arthur was also the name of a storm which hello hello so sexy I wanna write another paragraph on that but not Right Now.) She planned to bring Arthur to Atlantis to unite the Surface and Ocean nations. Was that so much a crime to cast her into the Trench, after, of course, bearing another son to take the throne?
Why was Arthur the true heir, according to the movie? The story's universe? Who decided this, or what? Why? Why not Orm? Because Arthur had a hero's reluctance, which is often apparently a good thing, (it is, it so fucking is, to see a hero reluctant to be a victor because of the necessary sacrifices. A selfish hero who wins is better than an arrogant hero who wins for self-gain and power.) over his brother's expectations of being king because he's 100% Atlantean?
I dont get it. Leaves me with suspicions and doubts and questions.
I dont trust Vulko or Mera. The Mera and Arthur romance is suspicious and I dont trust it, either.
Im excited for the second movie to see if any of this is clarified, or if its just going to be moved past and I'm gonna be floundering asking "hey what the fuck" as I get more information but No Answers.
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nomairuins · 1 month
1. it boy - bbno$
Its a good song 👍 this one has been on repeat the past couple of days. very catchy and such
2. What I Want - Gregor Mcmurray
this one hit the connor charts like idk May. i say idk. i checked lastfm to be sure. i wouldnt want to spread misinformation 2 my friends in neighbors. this one hit connorworld at the same time as satisfaction which probably is somewhere else on this list. GOOD SONG ! i try not to play it around my little brother bc while hes pretty good abt please and thank you i dont want him to learn a bad lesson. which is a stupid thing 2 think JDBDJFNFN
3. Tell Me - Wonder Girls
this one has been on my list for ages like basically since march or april (it ws around the first time i got back bc lamp did a big songs haul 4 me 💚💚) but idk it came on shuffle the other day and now ive had it on loop. Mainly while i was looking at the deathnote wiki (i do this often i just look t random wikis ive doen this to 5 wikis in the past like. week. have not seen death note) so whenever i hear it i picture misa. sooo yeah
4. Lust for a Vampyr
HUGEEEEE in the connor billboard hot 100 like last month or june . somewhere in there. this one i had going with WHERE ARE THEY NOW. i surposeni was feeling vaguely spooky... great somg 👍 it makes me think abt aus for my fuckass ocs. throwing them at a wall
5. Keep Up - Karma Carr
thank you dunmeshi fandom for making me find out abt this song i love this song. GREAT SONG ! as a great scholar once said i need you working harder baby done with all the yes no maybe.
6. Lay All Your Love On Me
i think somebody annoying did a cover or something or it was a different abba song but it made me mad so i went to go listen to more abba and i got a bit crazy abt this song. GREATTT SOMG i think went crazy roughly the same time as where are they now and lust for a vampyr. smile. or im mixing it up. GREAT SONG! and also. sorry. it makes me think of aus for my fuckass ocs. UGHHH (not talking abt them bc im bad abt them (got frustrated bc my brain doesnt work) but it makes me think of cadaver sooooo hard its crazy. but its also a great song if u arent thinking about a feak. obviously.)
7. She Keeps Me Up - Nickelback
one dont mock me im a beautiful woman. okay. i was having a nostalgic phase ans while neither this song or the song i was looping it concurrently with r songs i specifically knew as a kid they did remind me of something i could imagine like. my dad listening to (possibly while hanging out with my papaw). or that i could imagine hearing one of my uncles play at a cookout. and i had just gotten back from the fourth of july. and also like funky little monkey shes a twisted trickster is a fun line SRY. me and lamp got this in a discover weekly ages back and it just stuck in my head... catchy song . sry.
8. Bad Girlfriend - Theory of a Deadman
if you listen to this song and the previous song back 2 back you will understand why i was looping them concurrently. very similar vibes. they also make me conjure a woman in my brain and i think that woman is hot. so yeah.. lets move on.
9. I Was Made For Lovin' You Baby - KISS
i kept hearing the chorus to i was made for lovin you baby in my dreams but it was a beautiful haunted woman singing it. and so basically i started lisrening to the somg a lot but pretending it was the beautiful haunted woman. COME TO FIND OUT 1 i have afalsetto now yeahhh yeahhhh lets go testosterone yeahhhh slayage. 2. the beautiful haunted woman i imagined was my own falsetto. HUGE day for connor. me and lamp looped this skng os much bc it became one of our copycat things. where we often just sit together sying the same like 8 sentences or lyrics over and over. and this entire sogn went platinum in connor and lamp world. and . sry. if i squint my eyes a LOT it can be abt my ocs. I DONT THINK ABT THEM THAT MUCH I DONTT I DONT <- liar.
10. Butcher Vanity - Vane Lily, Jamie Paige, ricedeity
i think everybody this side of tumblr is awarenof Butcher Vanity so i dknt need to explain. this and keep up i believe were huge at around the same time... Good Song !!!! it was on the top for like. a month. insane. ty to my mutual who mentioned it in a lyric game lifechanging stuff.
11. Call Me - Blondie
i did make a post abt the mishap but basically me and my mom n lamp and maybe pheebs n maybe anna were driving back from somethingorother recently. idr details. i thot 4th but my dad wasnt there so... but anyways we were talking abt one hit wonders and blondie came up so we xhecked and they actually have a couple including call me but we didnt know if the call me on blondies page was the one that goes CALL ME ! (it is) so i ws like ill put it in the queue and after this song we r listening to it will play the blondie song call me . entirely forgetting i already had stuff in my queue. so we keep being Like om time for the blondie song bc we had been anticipating it and then fucking WOOWA comes on . Not a blondie song if u didnt know. i was mocked viciously by my wicked family members... Anyways and then i listened to this song a lot after that. so yeah. Good song. CALL ME!
12. Only - Nine Inch Nails
im half convinced this will be on my on repeat until the day i die. This song is sooo me 👍 i dont need 2 get into it bc it was here In my last on repeat commentary so you know. Good song though there is no you therenis only me there is no you there is only me there is no fucking you there is only me there is no fucking you there is only me ^_^ only ^_^ only ^_^ only ^_^ . etc. stream
13. WHAT YOU WANT! - asteria
this was huge around the same time as what i want and satisfaction. and also any way u want. lamp made fun of me for listening to so many wantinf songs at the same time.. SORRY! its a good song it xactually came before what i want and satisfaction in connor timeline. probably found it in a lampstie discover weekly. YAY!
14. Breakthrough - Twice
i had a rather brief but very strong kpop moment. specifically twice but also a few other songs. like i have a couple kpop songs i like normally but idk i just got rly crazy into like. 3 twice songs and 1 billlie song. and i listened to them exclusively nonstop for a couple days. dont know what it was abt. great song though like i like it... i think its bc i fell into a trap of watching fancams and those like MOST POPULAR MVS EVERY MONTH FOR EVERY YEAR videos. and i was like writing down notes. mostly twice notes evidently.
15. Does Your Mother Know - ABBA
the lyrics in this song honestly have not aged the best not that theyre Awful idt but yk . itis still a rly catchy song . i also might be overreacting bc i get kind of panicky abt stuff like this JDNDJFN but i do like the song
16. The Hand That Feeds - Nine Inch Nails
this was on my last discover weekly so im taking this time to say its crazy im down to only 2 nin songs on my on repeat. for a while it was 4+ DJDNFJNFJF ever since i did my big (re)listen (my parents have always been into nin and they were my favorite band as a kid (i had a nin baby onesie) but i didnt like. know titles or All the songs and stuff) but now its only 2... i did the other day listen to umm the downward spiral and with teeth on loop a couple of times. but since i listened to judt like. both albums twice that was only 2 listens for each song DJNDJFNF. so sad...
17. Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai
wasss this on my last one idr. i think i started listening to this one pretty early post me moving back (i probably had heard it b4 idr DNDNJFNF) but its good. YAY! not much 2 say. good song and stuff
18. GingaMingaYo - Billlie
ya i saw the one fancam. you know and then i listened to the full song and then i just Keptt doing that. LOL. very catchy song i like it 👍👍 i also thought the mv was fun
19. BANG BANG - K'NAAN, Adam Levine
catchy. which im realizing is the main thing abt songs isnt it.. this ones platinum ATM its been this and tell me on repeat 4 a while. good song guys. she shot me she shot me bang bang she shot me. YAY
20. Not Like Us - Kendrick Lamar
you dont need me to tell you this but its good DJRNFKNFJF the mv came out and i just kept looping it 👍👍
21. WHERE ARE THEY NOW??? - emily jeffri
ok actuallt terrifying bc i am listening to my on repeat on shuffle rn and ull never guess what song started right when i wrote the number. Umm hey we were just talking abt you all nice things all nice things... ANYWAYS as i mentioned this one was looping w lust 4 a vampyr Different sort of vibes but theyre both kind of creepyesque. IDK theyre good. it also. sigh. worlds heaviest sigh. Yeahhh i fucking think abt the freaks with this one too. UGH
22. Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears
yet another thats probably never going to leave my on repeat... this song had a big moment 4 me a while ago and like. its goid 2 play in the car with the family bc everybody likes it. everybody always likes my music bc im a princess and im beloved but this and everybody wants to rule the world r like basically the safest songs ever LMAO and also its good and so fun to sing bc its like. well iw as gonna say in my vocal range. i think i usually have to sing an octave down JDNDJFN but that makes me super euphoric SO ya.
23. Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf, Lil Wayne
all music is on here either bc its catchy or bc im nostalgic this song is both. its like CONCENTRATED nostalgia idk why its like. One of those songs where like i listened to it a Ton during some undefined period in my childhood and then Didnt hear for a while so its like opening up an old box and findjng like. a toy you forgot abt. as opposed to other childhood nostlgia somgs that arent the same bc ive Been lidtening to them since like any aqua song LOL. thats more like my super worn out toy ive had since i was In utero. yk...
24. Not Ur Dream Girl - Precious
i have like 3 or 4 precious songs on my playlist i want more i like them ^_^ i need to lidten to more of her.. aside from this i have any way u want (first one i heard) sugar n spice and tell me tell me. YAY. i think not ur dream girl is my fav rn its so good
25. The Rest For The Wiked - Sohodolls
last vestige of my rly strong sohodolls moment. where i listened to Ribbed Music For The Numb Generation on loop. good album idt this is my favorite from it i think it might be my vampire... but its CLOSE i like this one and the others as well. this one was huge at the same way as any way u want which is a kind of funny comtrast but also i get it
26. Supermassive Blackhole - Muse
another probably permaresident... And another rly easy auxcord one. Ive talked abt it so u get it. good song its jumpscared me in 3 different pieces of media when i just wasnt rly prepared for it. even tho u think i would be. bc they were all from aroundish the same time period too... so ig it was just big then... But i didnt find it from any of those 3 media so it scare me everytime.
27. Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears for Fears
see basically everything i said abt head over heels LMAO its good 💚💚 i like singing it and stuff
28. Any Way U Want - Precious
ok actually this might still be #1 Precious song it came on shuffle while i was writing the past couple. GOOD SONG 👍👍👍 her voice is so pretty 2 me. yay
29. My Type - Saint Motel
the nostalgia it got me again... it was in a miniplaylist/challenge me and lamp made abt songs where theyre talking abt a woman where theyre like This woman sucks kind of but god i wont her. this one is a very loose fit but i wanted to include the tidbit.
30. Superbeast - Rob Zombie
this is vrazy bc it just msde me realize living dead girl is off of my on repeat. WERE LOSING BRAND RECOGNITION!!!! <- not even part of my brand anywhere (i also dont have a brand im just a crazy girl )i just rly like that song. i like sueprbeast tho. nostalgia won but its also a good song
#obligatory If you r going to make dun of my music dont unless its like. for funnies. JDNDJFNF idk im sensitive abt it#also this is so long Lmao I was gonna add links to everything but u cn fjnd it.... i believe !!!#idr my last reviews so idk if this is more or less coherant#i did realize ive been grouping songs up a lot mroe since that time#bc for a while i modtly would loop 1 song alone until i got tored of it#but ive atarted doing like 2-4 skngs looping#and ive listened to more albums... not Much more lmao but i like Sat down and listened to ALBUMS in order. which is huge for me im not a#huge album listneer i only do it when i rly love a song.. usually i hear 1 song and it ake that and out it on my playlist and i dotn rly#look into the album or the artist#butttt ive been tryinf (for a while) to like dind the artists i rly like and listen to more of their songs so yaaa.#idk. im bad at music genres as well thats why idk hiw varied this is lmao#bc i in my head just group songs into groups with eachother based kn vibe#and usually theyre genre based but sometimes they arent but 2 me ? they r the same .. yk. ANYWAYS YAY lmk yr opinions like if you wantig.#i like talking abt music hence why i did this JDNDJFNF.... also lmk if u decide ro lidten to any of theee songs idk why u like. its not like#i told u abt any of the songs DJRNFNNi wasnt like Ogm this ones a 2000s pop song eith a dance beat or watever. i was just like Umm i ate#chocolate icecream ine time when j listened to this song !!! so idk why ud be like I need to hear connors chocolate icecream song.#but if u do listen and u like it tell meee if u listen and u hate it probably dont tell me DNNRJFNFNF
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dcoolettes · 2 years
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33 posts created (1%)
2,668 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
#ask to tag - 16 posts
#tis my ramblings - 15 posts
#ensemble stars - 4 posts
#enstars - 4 posts
#me - 4 posts
#dragonlance - 3 posts
#supernatural - 3 posts
#what - 2 posts
#holy shit ohhhhhhh my god oh my god - 2 posts
#hiiro amagi - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#jesus christ please let your kids go to the park. play in the backyard. throw plastic blocks
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ohhhhh my god I’m genuinely so sick of people saying “the eng translations are so bad!!!!!” Yes theres issues but you can still. Fucking read the unofficial translations. The games more accessible now and Thats a win since not everyone can download Qooapp or whatever it’s called or change their Apple ID! You can. Still enjoy the game.
Bonus I fucking love the jokes and updated shit this is great. #Hornton for the win it’s so stupid
9 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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13 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
those screenshots were fake you can check Misha's twitter for proof
Anon this is by far the best message I’ve gotten in my inbox. Thank you.
So looking on Twitter it just seems that someone donated an NFT in his name instead of like, him creating them himself. It’s out of his control, but also oh my god.
15 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
hi!!!! i've almost never talked to someone on tumblr but i saw your raistlin post and i think its cool because im in the dragonlance fandom and i've never seen anyone else in it
Hello Anon!! I’ve legit been into dragonlance since ~2019 I just haven’t posted actively in a hot minute. Once the new module drops I will be so annoying.
21 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Love these guys so much. Turrets always make me smile I will love these guys eternally.
103 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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24hlevi · 3 years
can i just say that i've just finished reading that angst headcanons/imagines/scenarios or whatever it's supposed to be called about the boys reacting to y/n dying and i'm just...i'm just a sobbing mess.
it's well-written so 1000/10 for that, but whY MUST YOU ATTACK MY HEART IN THIS MANNER???? i love your work, but my poor heart ack-
btw is there any possibility to ask for a request for a same scenario but for kazutora, mitsuya, and hanma? like for kazutora's part, imagine if it wasn't yknow who died but its y/n 🥲
omg you’re so nice first of all thank you 😭 and OMG YES
TR Boys Reaction To You Dying Pt. 2
Tokyo Revengers Boys (Kazutora, Shuji, & Takashi) X Gn!Reader
Genre: Pure Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Suicide (kind of? it’s what happened to baji did so idk what to label it as 🤷‍♂️)
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Hanemiya Kazutora:
All Kazutora could think was that it was all his fault that this happened. He was too caught up in his own world that he didn’t even know what he was doing anymore. He didn’t even know you had shown up to the fight until he stabbed you instead of Baji.
“Y/n?” Kazutora asked, dropping the knife immediately when he saw you standing between him and Baji, blood dripping onto the ground below you. He completely froze, not knowing what he had just done or why he even did it. “Baby, are you okay?”
You held onto the stab wound, coughing up blood as you looked at your boyfriend. “I just wanted you…to stop.” You choked out before collapsing to your knees.
Everyone had stopped and was watching you by now, shocked that you had even protected Baji from both sides when your whole body landed on the car below you. Spitting blood out of your mouth, you laid on your back, staring up at the blue sky that was dusted with white clouds.
You heard multiple people yell your name, but you couldn’t even tell who it was until you saw Kazutora kneeling beside you. “Y/n! Keep your eyes open, okay?!”
You shook your head from side to side, raising your hand to put it on Kazutora’s face before quietly speaking, “Give it to me, the knife.”
“What? Why? Look, Y/n you just gotta stay awake okay?” Kazutora spoke fast, clearly freaking out on both the outside and inside, not even caring about the gang fight anymore.
“Hand it over, Kazutora.” You said his full name which caused him to go quiet, staring down at you with saddened eyes before handing you the knife that already had your blood on it. “Thank you, babe. I love you.” You told him.
“I love you too, Y/n.” Kazutora said to you.
You bundled up your shirt at the top, putting it in your mouth so you had something to bite down on before plunging the knife into your stomach and twisting it around, then pulling it back out and dropping it.
Kazutora wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him as you lived your last moments, and he couldn’t even say anything. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I always will love you.” Was all he said after you died.
Kazutora then took the blame for killing you, resulting im him ending up in jail again but he wasn’t angry about it. He was just sad. So sad that he didn’t even try to get out of jail and get back into the gang life. He just sat around, continuously saying,
“It’s all my fault.”
Hanma Shuji:
Shuji swore that he would never allow you to get hurt while he was away doing gang activities that he didn’t want you included in. That’s why he always had someone beside you and a bodyguard to make sure you would always be safe. But even then, it didn’t work.
It was half past 1 in the morning when Shuji’s phone rang while he was with the other Valhalla members, beating up some random other gang member. Shuji stopped punching the other male, standing up straight and took his phone out of his pocket and opened it, answering. “Yes?”
Shuji’s breath hitched when he heard your shaky and quiet voice, and he immediately knew that something was wrong. “Y/n? Where are you, darling? Is something wrong?”
“I’m…at home. B-But someone..got in.” You tried your best to reply, but it was coming out shaky and slow. 
“I’ll be there in five minutes. I promise, baby. Okay? I love you.” Shuji told you before turning around and looking at everyone, taking the phone away from his ear. “Kazutora, you’re in charge until I get back, understand? As for everyone else, just do what you’re told.” He said to everyone, proceeding to then walk out and make his way onto the streets when he started to sprint down the different roads. 
Now he was just making sure that he made it to your place in five minutes like he said he would, which usually he would be able to do easily, but he was more determined now that he had heard something had gone wrong whilst he was away. Upon reaching your place, he saw the front door opened already and he quickly rushed inside. “Y/n?! Baby, where are you?!” He called out as he started to run through every room in the house. 
He finally made it to your room where you laid on the floor, a puddle of blood beneath you as you were taking shallow and slow breaths. “Y/n!” Shuji yelled out your name, going over to you and kneeling down beside you. He grabbed you and lifted you up, holding you in his arms as he checked for your pulse. When he felt it he let out a sigh of relief but it was very weak and barely noticeable which made him realize he probably only had a few more moments with you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For not being here when I should have. I’m so fucking stupid, I should have just stayed here with you. I’m sorry, darling. I’m sorry.” Shuji said to you, his voice cracking halfway through as tears welled up in his eyes.
You looked up at him and smiled lightly despite you dying in his arms. “It’s okay, Shuji. Don’t...blame yourself. I still love you.” You had never seen the boy cry before, that’s how you knew that he did really love you, that he wasn’t just saying it so he could manipulate or get things from you. 
“I love you too.” Shuji whispered out. 
Soon enough, your head went limp and your eyes were stuck open, all of the life drained from your face as blood dirtied the floor and Shuji’s clothes. “Y/n? Y/n? Wake up, please.” The boy pleaded to your now deceased body, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get you back. Not ever again. 
Shuji became what you would have never wanted him to become, a terrible person who killed anyone if they even looked at him the wrong way, and most importantly, one that drank all of his feelings after the day was over, crying to himself over your death still. 
Because he would never get you back. And he regretted that the most.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Takashi was the most important person in your life, just like you were to him. He had told you on multiple occasions that he wanted to be with you forever. And he thought it would really happen. Boy, was he wrong. So, so wrong. 
You two were walking down the busy street, eating street food while going inside stores and just admiring the night scenery. Everything was going perfectly normal, until it all changed within a few seconds. 
“Hey, babe?” Takashi said, looking over at you.
“Yeah?” You repled. 
“Do you wanna get married some day in the future?” 
The question that came out of your boyfrien’s mouth shocked you, and you didn’t know how to reply. You both were still teenagers, how the hell were you supposed to know? “Only if it’s you I’m marrying.” You aswered with a smile. 
Takashi smiled back and pressed his lips against yours before pulling away quickly after. “Same here.” He told you. 
Suddenly, car tires screeched on the black cement road and one zoomed around, an all black van. It’s windows opened and guns pointed out of them before they started to fire. Takashi quickly wrapped his body around you and covered you with his, not even caring if he would end up getting killed because of it. 
After the car drove off, Takashi looked at you and asked in a frantic voice, “Y/n, are you okay?”
You looked at him, then down to your side, shaking your head as you spat out blood. Takashi’s eyes widened as he yelled out your name, but you had collapsed onto the ground, grabbing at your abdomen where the gunshot wound was, blood beginning to soak through your clothes and onto the sidewalk below you. 
“No, no, no. Y/n! Stay with me!” He yelled, taking his phone out of his pocket and about to call the polce when you grabbed his hand, stopping him. “What?”
“Don’t. It’s okay.” You told him, a small smile on your face. 
“It’s not okay! I can’t lose you! We-We just talked about getting married some day!” The boy continued to yell.
“Maybe...in another life, we will.” You spoke barely above a whisper, your vision starting to darken and turn blurry. “I love you, Mitsuya Takashi.”
“I love you too, Y/n.” Takashi replied to you but you didn’t respond. “Y/n?” He reached his hand over and shook you gently, and when you didn’t move he looked at your face, then realizing that you were gone. He sat on the ground, and put his hands over his face, beginning to cry. 
Takashi cried and mourned over your death everyday, despite people telling him to move on. He just couldn’t. He would never be able to find someone he would love like he loved you. He knew that. So that’s how it remained the rest of his life. Lonely, and depressed. 
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weirdmageddon · 3 years
btw please i need yall to stop taking shitty mbti tests and learn about cognitive functions. fuck sake its so hard for me to bring up the mbti because i dont wanna be dismissed about it being “stupid as fuck/its wrong” because 99.9% chance you say anything about there being a problem with it YES I ALREADY KNOW. we’re basically not even talking about the same thing. i know all the stereotypes. i know the limitations of the system in the way you probably understand it. i’m well past that. they piss me off too!
that’s why i went into the trenches, learned through trial error and experience, and came out so that i can teach others what it’s supposed to be in the right way, and i don’t want to be dismissed for that when my understanding isnt even fundamentally the same as yours. trust me i hate 16personalities and readers digest articles on the types as much as anyone else. i hate type stereotypes. i hate how watered down the system has gotten in pop culture. i completely understand why you’d be hesistant, i would be too. but trust me it’s not the same as the 4-letter E/I N/S T/F J/P dichotomy bullshit. hell i hate how watered down and stereotypical the cognitive functions themselves have become, defined based on emergent properties and not the processes themselves.
i have loads of resources that are actually good because i know what im talking about and ive been around the block saw what works what doesnt and ive curated resources, including my own knowledge, for both newcomers and existing people with an interest in typology alike. please feel free to share it! mi casa es su casa
1) a master document that has a lot of info ive been working on sporadically. covers misinformation and ways to curb it. still largely a wip and is mainly a dump of my thoughts, it’s more meta about the type system itself. but still useful for anyone to have a look at. explains what goes wrong in why public perception and understanding of it is so wanky. more broad in scope than the second document below
2) this document i made, basically a cleaner and more straight-to-the-point version of the first document that’s helpful in understanding the building blocks of jungian typology; i picked out the best sources i’ve come across that best explain the function axes and concepts at their most fundamental. i introduce them in an order that builds on itself so that it’s not as nebulous to grasp. it’s essential to understand what these things are broken down, and most people don’t which is unfortunate, and also the reason so many people treat it as a joke because yeah the way they understand it IS a joke. more narrow / in-depth with cognitive functions and actually typing.
3) my new sideblog @functionaxes where i’ll slowly be making some more posts. its a work i progress still but im in college
4) my pdb account has cool shit that gets into more specific topics you wanna check that out
i prommy it’s not goo goo fake astrology shit if you actually dive deeper below the surface. and this is coming from someone skeptical as fuck and knows why people are skeptical as fuck. what it does is gives descriptions to fundamental axes of cognition that we all experience and is supposed to be used for self-understanding and growth, makes you aware of your weaknesses and strengths and why those are your weaknesses and strengths (and the “why” is something i need). it’s not a tool to box you in, but a tool to explain what already exists. it’s a lot more flexible than you think.
it’s not the end-all-be-all of personality, the range is HUGE, for example i have the same type (INFJ) as both adolf hitler and jesus christ of nazareth. the system is not defining who you are or what your motivations are, it’s giving semantic definition to the processes of perceiving and judging the world completely separate from your motivations and attitude. you also have to consider enneagram type to serve as a complement (i also have resources for this on my pdb profile) and more to even get closer to completing a detailed profile of yourself.
anyway sorry for getting heated i’m just sick of being dismissed when i really wanna talk about it but i need people to really understand it and be on the same page with me first. i cant keep containing this special interest to myself anymore on this platform lol. ok to reblog in fact i greatly encourage it (this post may update so be sure to check the original post for any changes)
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 2
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Warning: Smut 18+ only please
When Bucky made it up to your shared room he slowly and silently opened the door. You were sitting on your bed, your back facing the door, but he could tell you were crying by the shaking of your shoulders. It broke his heart to see you so upset.
He closed the door behind him and walked over to sit next to you. He wrapped his metal arm around your waist and pulled you into his embrace. You then openly sobbed into his chest. Bucky caressed your back and kissed you on the head, allowing you to cry.
When you started to calm down you sighed deeply, sniffed, and said, “Are you going to break up with me now?”
Bucky’s heart completely broke. He put his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him. “No, baby. Of course not. I love you. I love you so much! Why would you think that?” He asks.
“Because before we started dating you told me about Dot and how much she meant to you. You were going to propose when you got home from the war. Well here is your chance to live the life you wanted with the girl you wanted,” you say as tears again start to leak from your eyes.
“Baby, I’m not the same man I was then. Yes, I still have love for Dot, but I’m so madly in love with you. I promise,” he said, kissing your forehead, nose, and then lips.
“I’m going to help Dot become acclimated to the world now, and help her settle. But I promise I will always be here for you, ok?” He asks.
You nod, feeling slightly better. “I love you,” you say.
“I love you too. I’ve gotta get down to the lab. I promised Dot I would be down there with her. But I won’t be long,” he says before kissing you again and then leaving.
You sit and wait for him, hoping it wouldn’t take too long. But after 4 hours you give up on him and go to sleep. You hope that he will keep his word on still loving you. You don’t want to lose him. You love him too much.
- -
1 month later
Over the last several weeks, you’ve only seen Bucky’s about a handful of times. He’s always off with Dot, helping her learn the ways of today, and helping her deal with her “trauma”. Every time he tries to give you a little time she always calls for him saying how upset she is or that she’s about to have a panic attack. You try and be understanding but at the same time it’s really starting to annoy you.
One of the worst things is that he barely even sleeps with you anymore. This morning you woke up to an empty bed, yet again, and head downstairs for breakfast. When you got down to the common room you heard the sound of Dot’s giggles and saw her sitting on the couch with Bucky, her feet on his lap. At that point you lost your appetite, so you went up to the roof instead.
After an hour you hear the door to the roof open as you’re staring off into the distance. You feel arms wrapped around your waist as a stubble chin rest on your shoulder. You decide to ignore him and continue staring off into the distance and several thoughts past of your mind.
“Was looking for you,” Bucky said as he kissed your shoulder. “Why you up here all alone?”
You sigh, “well I’m used to being alone a lot these days. And I guess I didn’t feel like sitting there watching you and Dot flirt in the common room,“ you say annoyed.
You hear him sigh behind you as he puts his forehead on your shoulder. “I know, and I’m so sorry that I haven’t been around much. I’m just trying to do my best to help her,” He said.
“I promise I’ll try and do better at managing my time so that I can spend more time with my girl,“ he says as he kisses the back of your head and trails kisses all the way down to your neck.
He turns you around in his arms and rests his forehead on yours. Before you know it you are both swaying to no music, until Bucky starts singing your song. You wrap your arms around his neck as you both slow dance to your song as Bucky sings. When he finishes you kiss him passionately.
“Tonight we will have date night. No Dot, no interruptions, just you, me, and that new lingerie you bought a few weeks ago,” he says as he continues to sway you.
You smile widely at the thought of spending a night alone with your boyfriend. “Oh Bucky, that sounds amazing! I’ve missed you so much, and I get what your doing, but it’s hard,” you say.
“I know. I’ve been neglecting you and it ends now. You are my priority, not Dot. And I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you. Tonight,” he says.
You kiss him in reply.
- -
Later that night, after dinner and another bout of dancing, you come out of the bathroom with your new lingerie set. You stand in the doorway staring at your half naked boyfriend. Bucky’s eyes darken with lust as he starts to stalk towards you like a lion about to pounce.
“You look good enough to eat, baby,” he says huskily. He then pulls you into his arms with a searing kiss.
He leads you to the bed and throws you on it, before jumping on top, connecting your lips again. His hand travels down to your core and he moves your panties to the side, putting pressure on your clit. He starts rubbing at an intensely fast pace, making you lose your breath. Very quickly he pulls your first orgasm from you.
Before you come back to earth you feel your new panties being ripped from you, as well as the bra. Bucky loved to rip your underwear all the time. He kissed his way down your stomach to your wet core and dove in. Your back arched off the bed.
“Oh my god, Bucky!” You moaned as your hand pulled his hair.
He then stuck two metal fingers into you and started pumping. You knew it wouldn’t be long now. You couldn’t stand the amazing sensation of his fingers and tongue. You started to feel the build up of pressure in your belly.
“Bucky! I’m going to cum,” you cry as you again orgasm on his face.
After a moment Bucky kisses his way back up your lips. You taste yourself on his tongue, which makes you wetter, if that’s possible. “You are the best thing I have ever tasted, Doll. Truly exquisite,” he says.
He then pulls off his pants and boxers before lining up with you. He slowly starts to push in, which feels amazing. After a moment he completely bottoms out in you. He kissed you, and just as he is about to thrust, you are both interrupted by FRIDAY.
“Sergeant Barnes, Ms. Jones is requesting to see you sir,” she says.
Bucky groans into your neck, “Tell her I’m busy and we’ll talk in the morning,” he says.
“I’m sorry sir, but she appears to be having a panic attack and having trouble breathing,” FRIDAY says.
“Shit,” Bucky says as he pulls out of you and grabs his sweats. He looks at you guiltily, “I’m sorry. I’ll be back in 10 minutes tops, and then we can finish what we started,” he says before running out the door.
You stare at the door as it closes in shock. He just left you in the middle of sex for his ex. What the hell! You lay there and wait, but after 2 hours you decide to get dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. You take your ruined lingerie and throw it out. You lay back on your bed thinking about how you will have a stern discussion when he comes back.
Before you know it, another 2 hours go by and it’s the middle of the night. You’re more than angry, now you are hurt. You grab your pillow and your blanket and leave your shared room with Bucky, and head to your old room. After locking the door, you inform FRIDAY not to let anyone, especially Bucky in. You climb into bed and allow a few tears before falling asleep.
- -
Bucky woke up the next morning disoriented. When he realized he was still in Dot’s room he panicked. After he finally got Dot to calm down last night he went to leave but Dot begged him to stay until she fell asleep. He must have dozed off too. He quickly got out of the bed and quietly exited the room.
Steve was coming down the hall and saw Bucky’s coming out of Dot’s room. “ why are you in Dot‘s room?” Steve asked.
“She had a panic attack last night and I came to calm her down and fell asleep. Y/N is going to be so pissed at me,” Bucky said.
“Wasn’t last night date night?” Steve asked.
Bucky nodded, “Yea and Dot interrupted right in the middle of sex. I left Y/N there naked on the bed like a jackass,” Bucky said angrily.
“You left her in the middle of sex to deal for your ex!? Why didn’t you ask me to deal with it?” Steve yelled.
“I don’t know. Dot says she only feel comfortable with me. I’m just trying to help her. But I’m going to lose my girl in the process. I’ll talk to Dot later about it, but things have to change. I can’t keep ignoring my girl,” Bucky said.
Steve nodded, “Yeah, we’ll good luck with talking to her after last night,” he said before slapping Bucky’s shoulder and leaving.
Bucky sighed and went to your shared room, only to see that you weren’t there. He checked the kitchen, common room, roof, gym, and lab but couldn’t find you. The last place he went was to your old bedroom. He found the door locked, which told him he found you.
“FRIDAY, can you please open the door?” He asked the AI.
“I’m sorry Sergeant Barnes. But I was requested by Agent Y/L/N to not let anyone, especially you in,” FRIDAY said.
Bucky’s heart dropped. He really messed up.
- -
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3
A lot happening in this chapter. Bucky being stupid, but at least he is aware. Now can he fix it? will the reader let him? And what else will Dot do? Feedback is appreciated!
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