#0/10 would still not play again but it was funny (not fun)
240vo · 1 month
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chronicdisasterwrites · 4 months
alcohol isn’t for the weak gojo satoru
pairing: gojo satoru x f!reader, geto suguru, shoko ieiri
genre + warnings: -underage alcohol consumption, a lot of swearing, reader slaps gojo around, pining, overall FLUFF!
word count: 3,380 (i was gonna write more but i’m lazy)
authors note: So this is the sequel of my fic “gotta keep these kids on leashes”. The dynamic quartet is back and up to no good yet again :3 There will for sure be a continuation and it just might end up being a series going through their lives. Also, this takes place before Riko and Toji, so basically their teenage days when everything was good and dandy :’)
enjoy this chaos <3
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“You absolute, fucking lightweight.”
With tired bones, eyes, soul and mind, Geto’s glare remains steadily fixed on the drunken mess sprawled on the ground before him. Gojo Satoru was a complex human being. The strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world; the first person in 400 years to possess both Limitless and the Six Eyes, his strength knew no bounds - except when it came to alcohol.
“Suuuguruuu~” Gojo slurred along with several incoherent words mushed in between giggles.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Geto leaned his head against his ajar door and shut his eyes, thinking of all the incredibly painful ways by which he could murder and then dispose of his best friend’s wasted body. His anger wasn’t uncalled for, of course. It was a long day for Geto and all he wanted to do after spending an entire day killing one particularly difficult curse followed by a couple extra (albeit easier to defeat) surprise curses was take a nice long shower, go into his dorm and sleep like a corpse. He had a feeling it was too good to be true when he didn’t get 30 calls from Gojo by the time the sun had set and he had stepped into campus. He was even more surprised when he got out of the shower and came back to 0 notifications from the “pain in everyone’s ass” sorcerer. Gojo always knew when Geto had missions, and more so he would always know when Geto would be gone for the entire day. On days such as this one, he would usually go and bother literally anyone else he could find around him; when desperate, Yaga, but that would never end well for him, so that would only be reserved for very special occasions.
“Satoru, just why…” Geto sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and wondering what he did to deserve this torture.
“I had soooo much fun t’dayyy,” Gojo slurs and laughs much too loudly considering the time.
“Les go out, the night is youuung like you and me and Mochi and Shoko- but…” He pauses, sits up then looks directly at Geto, suddenly serious. Geto squints, expecting something stupid as per usual.
“...Not like…” Cracks appear on his half-assed poker face and the corners of his eyes crinkle slightly as his lips twitch. “Not like…Yaga AHHAAHA-”
Laughter explodes from his chest as he falls back on the ground, rolling around clutching his stomach as if he just cracked the world’s funniest joke. Geto on the other hand, was not phased. In fact, he was preparing to be violent. Inhaling and then exhaling deeply, Geto stood straighter, thinking of ways he could make this night go his way. A few weeks prior to this moment in the present, Gojo along with his posse played an almost funny practical joke on Geto, which ended up costing him a date with a girl and 10 of his brain cells. Since then, Geto had been pondering day and night on exactly what he could do to get Gojo back. There were a few weaknesses the strongest sorcerer had which Geto knew of. One being, his obvious lack of alcohol tolerance, and two being his stupidly obvious crush on you. (not Shoko, although he definitely finds her hot).
Geto knows all about Gojo’s embarrassing feelings for you but he still has no solid evidence on whether the feelings are reciprocated or not.
Suddenly, his train of thought comes to a stop as his eyes glint with mischief. He grabs Gojo’s arm and starts to drag him along the hallway. Gojo doesn't even bother standing up to walk. Instead he lets his best friend drag him like a sack of potatoes, with no care in the world as to where he might be taking him.
“What the heck?! Suguru?! Where are we goin-”
They stop and Geto aggressively knocks on a door. Freshly painted, different from the rest. Immediately, he drops Gojo’s arm and sprints back to his dorm before Gojo’s little brain could even begin to process what had happened.
“Satoru…what the fuck?”
You rub your eyes and glare at the drunken mess sprawled before your dorm door and rub your eyes again, hoping he’d disappear the next time you look. He doesn’t. And you actually hear a mechanical click in your brain when the idiot starts grinning as if it wasn’t 3am and he didn’t just ruin your perfect slumber. Yet again.
“Mochi!!! You’re here! I missed yo- HEY! OUCH! WHY- STOP HITTIN ME-”
“IDIOT,” slap
You wanted to throttle him. But you figured 3 slaps were enough for now. You honestly felt kind of bad seeing him curled up in a ball on the floor and you worried whether you went too far or not.
“I’m sorry… I just missed you s’all,” His voice was soft, gentle even, and that made you feel even worse. Your shoulders slump and your head drops as an exasperated sigh escapes your mouth.
Why is he like this?
You crouch next to his curled up form and stare at his disheveled silver hair. He doesn’t look at you, in fact his eyes remain closed. His hands cover his ears and he literally looks like a kicked puppy and you feel so awful. You roll your eyes and sigh.
Ugh, damn him.
“Okay. Satoru, I’m sorry for hitting you.”
He doesn’t move.
You pinch your nose bridge and decide to take the high road. He is drunk after all, you think. Reaching out, you run your fingers through his soft hair. His shoulders relax at that and the corner of his mouth quirks up ever so slightly. You stifle a laugh at his childishness and grab his chin, tilting his head to face you. Finally, he opens his eyes and stares at you as a gradual, natural smile slowly takes over his face. You smile back and at the back of your mind, you think how stupid you two must look right now. In the middle of the night, your dorm door wide open, Satoru sprawled on the floor of the hallway, you crouched near his head while the two of you stared at each other like something straight out of Spiderman. Except, you won’t kiss him. That’s never going to happen.
You let go of his chin and flick his nose. He huffs a short laugh, rubbing the spot and attempting to return the favor. You grab his wrist before he could deliver the blow and say, “You still drunk?”
Satoru hums, eyes shiny, “A little?”
He grabs your face and squeezes your cheeks, snorting as you glare at him.
“Y’know… you don’t look as scary with your face like this,” He emphasizes his point with ‘awww’s’ and ‘you’re so cuteee’s’ and you can’t help but laugh at this blatant humiliation. You move his hand away and stand up, holding out your hand and expecting him to take it.
“Alright, c’mon. Get up.”
Satoru groans much too loudly and proceeds to throw his arms down and stretch his legs like a starfish.
“Noooo, just stay w’ meee,” He whines like a petulant child and you smile.
Damn him.
You consider bringing him into your dorm and spending the entire night with him doing nothing. Maybe talking, laughing. But you quickly discard that horrifying thought. He’s Gojo Satoru. Your best friend. Nothing romantic could ever happen between you two because he is Gojo Satoru and you are nobody. He is the one person who could even come close to changing the world. He holds the balance of the universe in the palm of his hands. He is everything, and you hate that. You hate how much he means to you, and you hate how much he has on his shoulders. You hate the fact that you can’t even help him ease those worries. You might be strong, but you’re not nearly as strong as him. He knows it, everyone knows it. So, you ignore these feelings. You bury any semblance of hope, of potential ‘maybe’s’ and ‘what if’s’ and you keep your guard up. After all, he is your best friend and you’re his. That’s it.
But then, why does he keep looking at me like this?
“Mochi?” He mutters, eyes suddenly clear and gaze fixed at you. You hum. He waits a while without saying anything and then sits up cross-legged and holds his hand out. You ponder for a moment and eventually you hold his hand and he attempts to pull himself up with your help. You steady your feet and help him up and… wow, he’s ridiculously tall.
You clear your throat and let go of his hand, to which he makes a little noise of protest. You roll your eyes and put his arm around your shoulder, ushering him towards his dorm, “Alright Satoru, let’s put you to bed.”
He nods his head one too many times and starts to walk with you, slowly but surely. You held onto him as he held onto you, and you walked at his pace. He smelled nothing like he usually did. The pungent odor of sake wafted off him in waves and it almost made you want to throw up. He was dozing off, eyes almost shutting. Those cerulean blues were almost a shiny navy color now. You wonder what made him want to drink so much tonight. So you asked.
“Hm?” He looks down at you and musters a tiny smile. You hold his waist a little tighter.
You rephrase the sentence a few times in your head before asking.
“Why’d you drink so much tonight? Is everything okay?”
He stares at you for a while, then purses his lips and tips his head down, exhaling loudly. You know something happened, but you don’t know what it could be. Satoru was always an enigma. He was always an open book, and yet so mysterious at the same time. He always kept a smile on his face and always did the stupidest shit. Yet sometimes, he would change completely. His eyes would look sad and distant, he wouldn’t talk as much, he’d look out the window like some kind of tortured main character in an indie movie. Satoru was never easy to understand. He has his vices.
Finally, he looks at you with hazy eyes and a soft smile. Using the arm slung over your shoulder, he holds you in a headlock and kisses your forehead. You can’t see your face but you can feel just how red it must have become. You struggle to try to get out of the headlock but to no avail. Even when drunk, Satoru was still stronger than you and you hated that with a passion. He laughs and releases you, returning his arm back over your shoulder as he leans against you, basically using you as a crutch to walk.
“Satoru?! What the fuck was that all about?!” You sputter. Angry? Not really, it was nice. You’re more confused and freaked out, and why do you feel drunk when you’re the one who’s completely sober?
“No reason, you’re just cute s’all,” He giggles and ruffles your hair. You glare at his stupid face and he laughs again.
“Plus, I had nothing to do all day. Suguru was gone, you were busy and Shoko was-” He pauses. “Well, wherever she was.”
You sigh and pick up your pace which makes Satoru look like Bambi trying to walk on ice for the first time. He giggles all the way there.
Fucking finally…
You open the door to his dorm while dragging Satoru’s half limp body inside.
“Alrighty, now lie down,” You say as you gracefully lay him down (more like unceremoniously drop him) on his bed and take his shoes off. Satoru groans and proceeds to almost slip off the side of the bed. Thankfully, you noticed and pushed him further away and more towards the center of the bed. You leave his clothes alone and stand up straight, turning to leave.
“No, wait,” His hand grabs your wrist, without any force whatsoever and you think you’re going to straight up melt when you turn back around to see him looking up at you with ridiculously childlike eyes it’s not even fair.
“Stay, please.”
Your breath hitches and you know you have to leave. You have to wake up early in the morning and also you are not going to spend a night with Gojo Satoru while he’s drunk. It's not a matter of safety; you know he would die before ever hurting you. It was more a matter of heart.
“Satoru…” You try to wrench your hand free from his grasp.
He lowers his hand and wraps it around your fingers. His voice is quiet as he says, “A lil’ bit. ‘M sorry…”
You quirk an eyebrow in confusion, “For what?”
Your question is met with only snores. You shove him and call his name to which he opens his eyes with a “huh?”.
“What are you sorry for?”
He looks bewildered, “Oh um…”
You wait.
He continues sleepily, “For ruining your sleep.”
You chuckle as his hand slowly falls to the bed and snores fill the emptiness.
You pat his head and leave.
Satoru wakes up very cold. And wet. Not in a good way.
“Woah- what the fu-”
“Rise and shine, princess,” Suguru announces with a shit-eating grin on his pretty face. He keeps the empty glass on Satoru’s side table and crosses his arms.
Satoru rubs his drenched face and stares incredulously at his so-called best friend, confusion etching his hungover face, “What the hell was that for?”
Suguru snickers, “It was for ruining my sleep last night.” He sits on Satoru’s bed and crosses his legs, resting his head on his hand, enjoying Satoru’s discomfort.
Satoru groans and puts his pillow on his face. His muffled voice says something Suguru makes out to be, “My head is killing me.”
“Not surprised, you were completely wasted.”
Satoru moves the pillow and glares at Suguru, to which he only receives a grin.
Suguru asks liltingly, “So? What happened last night?”
Satoru gets up and makes his way to his bathroom, the sound of water and teeth brushing resonating around the room. Suguru waits for a reply that doesn't come.
Impatient, he asks again, “Did you get your ass kicked?” Satoru gets out while putting on a new uniform jacket. He glares at Suguru until realization hits.
His eyes widen and he points a finger and exclaims, “You took me to her room?!”
Suguru processed that light bulb moment with wide eyes and burst into a hearty laughter to which Satoru only gaped mouth open and eyes unbelieving.
“You- you didn't remember how you got there but you remembered being there?” More laughter, louder this time.
Satoru scoffs and picks up his sunglasses, “I can't believe you…”
Suguru’s laughter dies down and he receives a slap on the back of his head for his incompetence. He laughs and rubs the site of injury.
As Satoru makes his way out of the dorm, Suguru follows close behind. He asks with genuine curiosity, “Did you confess?”
“Did she confess?”
Silence, except for the birds chirping cheerfully and the metronomic footfalls of the two boys.
Suguru sighs, “Did anything happen?”
Satoru puts on his sunglasses and shoves his hands in his pockets, “Nothing happened, as far as I remember.”
Suguru raises an eyebrow. Satoru rolls his eyes and says in a low voice, “Anyways, I'd remember if anything happened.”
Suguru smiles and ruffles Satoru’s already disheveled hair. He scoffs but laughs when Suguru laughs at his lovesick state of being.
“Forget it, Suguru. It’s never gonna happen,” Satoru mutters dejectedly, kicking a stone. Suguru stays silent.
“Like, she’s so… just- y’know?” His sparkling sapphire eyes glittering with admiration and so much love, Suguru can’t help but smile at his friend’s hopefulness. He continues rambling incoherently, hands waving around like it actually does anything to explain his feelings for her. In reality, nothing Satoru is saying makes any sense. Or more so, it wouldn’t make sense to anyone else. Suguru, on the other hand, understands Satoru. So no words are required.
“He’s such an idiot.”
You sigh and twirl your pen, “Tell me about it…”
Shoko knows all and sees all. She knows all about Gojo’s stupid crush on you and she knows all about your crush on him. She doesn’t approve of it, because she firmly believes you deserve better and Gojo is an immature idiot. But after countless sleepless nights of talking about life and love, she saw just how much you liked him, despite your lackluster denials to her allegations. You were adamant on hiding your feelings, even with Shoko. You don’t know why exactly you lied to her about this. Probably because it seems too out of reach, or maybe because you know she’d disapprove. But you know Shoko loves you with all her heart. She would support any decision you make, no matter how much she hates it. Your happiness is paramount and she will never make you feel less than or stupid for anything you tell her. You just can’t tell her about your crush yet, because it’s just too embarrassing and you can’t deal with Shoko’s side-eye.
Shoko closes the book she was reading staring at, kicks up her feet on the desk and crosses her arms across her chest. You look at her, then look at her neglected textbook and sigh, shifting your attention to your own textbook.
“Y’know you’ll never even pass at the rate at which you’re going…”
She says with a giggle, “Relax, will you? It’s just class tests.”
You muster your best side eye, to which she just snorts. She kicks back her chair and stands up, holding out her hand for you to take. You raise your eyebrows, silently questioning whether she’s serious or not.
“C’mon let’s take a break, we’ve been studying for hours.”
You put down your pen and cross your arms, properly facing her now, “You mean, I’ve been studying for hours.”
She shrugs, “That’s what I said.”
“Ha-ha,” you deadpan.
She actually laughs and tugs your sleeve, “Come onnnn.”
You sigh and hang your head. Shoko takes that as a sign to collect your items and pack them into your backpack and you know you’ve lost. You always lose to her arguments. She’s too quick and too laid back to ever lose an argument. Even when something really serious goes down, Shoko will be the last person to freak out. You can’t even argue with her because she’ll just come up with some random logic that you don’t even know how to counteract. You watch as she packs your stuff and you smile. She looks at you and smiles back, albeit in a confused manner.
You shrug still smiling, “Nothin’.”
Shoko mutters a small “okay” and grabs your shoulders, hunching down to your eye-level and staring into your eyes with a kind of scary expression. Shoko has never been serious in her entire life, except for a few times when you made bad decisions.
“Listen to me, and listen well. I love you. I will always be here for you. Even if you and Gojo date and that doesn’t work out, you don’t have to worry about us, ever,” Shoko’s grip on your shoulders was ironclad.
Your eyes widen and face heats up furiously, “W-what? Where is this coming from?!”
“Because I am your best friend, you absolute braindead idiot! I know you. I don’t know why you’re not just coming clean with me but I’m here always, so come to me whenever,” she ends her monologue with a sweeter than sweet smile and stands up to her full height while you were down there stunned, touched and offended all at once.
You get up, put your bag over your shoulder and stare at Shoko concerningly, while she just grins.
What the actual fuck was that?
“Hey, let’s go get some food, I’m starving.”
You glare at her as she loops her arms through yours, “You’re paying.”
Shoko laughs, “No way. Gojo’s paying.”
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taglist: @thepup356, @porridgesblog, @stray-npc, @daisy-the-quake, @reignsaway, @ainetx, @icarusignite, @mariapierce789
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xiao-come-home · 5 months
stone faced anon (💫 anon if it's free) here; as someone who has a hyperfixation in IT and coding I also think it would be very funny if Boothill had an s/o who wasn't necessarily a mechanic but like a software engineer or just a real big nerd about coding or something. He'll be experiencing a malfunction or a memory leak and go "oh yeah this happens sometimes don't worry about it" and then 10 minutes later he's sitting down plugged into a laptop listening to his s/o rant about how terrible his code is (crack hc: boothill's code was written in javascript) and how it's a wonder he hasn't bricked* yet
Would also be mad funny if Boothill ever got hacked and his s/o basically says "no you're not" and uses a previously made system restore point or something because of course they would both use and design every feature imaginable to keep Boothill in control of his own body, can you imagine the stress that losing control would cause him?? Even better if whoever designed him originally intentionally left a backdoor incase he ever went against their orders and when they try to use it his s/o just goes "oh yeah I quarantined and encrypted all the old files related to that backdoor and whatever else you were planning on a partition as bait and personally rewrote every file and function involved since your code is *an actual crime against technology*. by the way i'm going to go ahead and format that partition i mentioned, boothill- we won't be needing anything on it now that we can trace whoever made it. trust me, this won't be happening ever again."
*(bricking is a term mostly used to refer to hardware that's been rendered basically completely nonfunctional and beyond saving by using it wrong, mostly by messing with system files. Kinda like how windows can't even repair itself if you delete the system32 folder. Though i guess you could still install it with a usb stick if you formatted your pc- i digress you get what I mean. also since this almost happened to me recently: if you manage to fill up a hard drive to the brim, with literally 0 bytes of space left, that bricks it. reminder to check your storage thoroughly and often!)
Honestly wow I read it all and I'm a little bit speechless 🥹 thank you 💫 anon, it was great 🙏
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Boothill would DEFINITELY appreciate a s/o who's a tech savvy in general! I think at some point, he'd be pretty shocked you're so knowledgeable and just sit there, listening to you rant.. and just letting you do your thing.
Don't get me wrong, he definitely knows a lot about his body, his system and the way he works, but once you start to get in the zone and explain stuff to him, berate his code even, he just sits next to you, plugged in to your laptop, leaning his cheek against his hand listening to you like he obviously understands everything you say.
His other hand begins to gently play with a stand of your hair, humming deeply when the soft clicking sounds of your keyboard reach his ears; he twirls your hair with his fingers and chuckles, "mmm, really now?" Boothill raises an eyebrow, "encryptin' this, encryptin' that... How about we do somethin' more fun instead?" And then you shut him down from your laptop (😭).
Jokes aside, he'd feel very secure with you especially when he first got his new body, just knowing you'll probably fix a lot of things that could possibly blow up his face in no time, maybe even improve his life even more.
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convoloutedinjoke · 1 year
Rating Disco Elysium characters based on how funny I think their kinks have the potential to be
Harry: the DSM of getting off on things. He likes piss he likes feet he likes the idea of being soooo small and tiny you could step on him like a bug, and while none of these things are funny on their own they are when he does them on account of his being a clown. He would also fuck a clown, incidentally. 8/10, knocking two points off because this lacks the element of surprise.
Kim: Leather and uniform fetishist. No wise guy shenanigans here. Will fuck you serious will fuck you professional. His strap is extremely normal, his daddy/boy dynamics are not a laughing matter. 4/10 because he wants to have relations with his car and is embarrassed about it
Jean: No idea what gets him off but he genuinely believes whatever it is means he’s evil and weird, making him the proud owner of The Worlds Funniest Kinks. 9/10, steals mustard from the homeless without remorse but has a moral crisis every time he cums while fantasising about getting gangbanged in a holding cell. Sad!
Trant: not funny. too passionately open about the things hes into. if you tried to make light of his trampling fetish, he would recite the wikipedia entry on cock and ball torture to you from memory and look delighted to be sharing his interests with you the whole time. 3/10
Klaasje: not funny to most on account of being conventionally attractive and good at billing her sexual encounters as suffused with romantic, literary ennui but it SHOULD be funny to be such a Lana Del Rey motherfucker in the sheets so I’m pulling rank and saying 7/10
Joyce: cringefail class dynamics fantasies. Bodice rippers and the opposite of CEO erotica feature heavily here. This wouldn’t be funny if not for the fact she literally owns a yacht. Also wants to get stabbed a little bit. 5/10, probably read the elysium version of lady chatterlys lover as a teen and still jerks off about it.
Garte: a normal man if there ever was one. has kinks but they aren't funny. wears a bra sometimes and it looks cute. 1/10 probably fun to hook up with and a decent communicator
The Deserter: given the 5 decades of loneliness, im willing to bet his brain has rewired itself into having some interesting potentially bug-related reward pathways but whatever he's got going on is too sad to laugh about. 0/10 :(
Sunday Friend: his kinks would be funny on anyone else, but he’s very very very boring. 2/10, you can pay a twink to do raceplay with you, but it wont dispel the grey miasma of being a mid tier government employee
evrart: I don’t know honestly, the lying and manipulating and petty power plays scrambled my brain despite the rube-Goldbergian elements of all his little tasks. Maybe he’d do predicament bondage? Uh. 3/10. Id let him hit, but he also has kind of a Wallace n Grommit thing going on so I can’t say 0
Steban: big on role playing but isn’t very good at it. Starts giggling halfway through when it becomes apparent how silly the fake muttonchops are. 4/10, less funny than it could be because he has a sense of humour about it
Ulixes: probably has a guro thing but also hasn’t had sex since he started focusing on reading theory and feints at the sight of real blood. This should be less funny than pretending to be Kras Mazov in bed, but he takes himself extremely seriously. 6/10 until he starts getting laid again, then still 6/10 but for other reasons
Gary: cuck chair. 10/10. I am not elaborating because I’m tired now, but someone else made a convincing post at one point
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
It's time to d-d-dress up!
Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. I really like horror and being scared. You could say I'm a thrill seeker. Anyway, enjoy this filler while I work on other stuff lol
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Content: Various Yugioh people x gn!Reader
Warnings: Sexual themes (Yami Marik) but no actual sex so it's still SFW, unsure whether or not Yami Marik's fake blood is actual blood
Notes: Halloween is my favorite holiday. I wish I could do this for every fandom I write for, but that'd be too much for me right now, sadly. I'll probably do one or two more, but that's about it
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❥Yugi Muto
You and Yugi would obviously go with a couples costume.
He would be the dark magician, and you would either be dark magician girl or celtic guardian (they get shipped the most with dark magcian)
You two probably wouldn't trick or treat, probably just party with your friends while helping grandpa hand out candy
Would kiss you as much as you were comfortable with, because you just look so pretty/handsome to him
He's also grateful that you decided to match with him this year
Takes a shit ton of selfies to remember this moment and to post on his story/social media
Before Halloween, he probably would have spent all of October decorating the shop with you
Would absolutely want to make certain cut out cookies with you, he thinks the ghost ones are cute
Very wholesome Halloween. 100/10.
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You already know mans isn't original with Halloween costume ideas
He'd go as an Egyptian Pharaoh and would like it if you went as his queen/king, though he wont force you
He wont know what Halloween is about until you tell him, he's just a confused old man lol
He would love being in Pharaoh-like clothing again after so long. He'd proably try tanning the entirity of October, then be confused when there isn't much of a difference.
Help him, he's trying his best lol
Would also help you decorate if you asked, but he'd be asking questions non stop about the meaning of lights and window stickers. He doesn't take "tradition" or "it's fun" as an answer lol
A little annoying, but still wholesome. 8/10.
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❥Seto Kaiba
Seto isn't crazy about Halloween. It's six days after his birthday, that's the only way he remembers the holiday exists every year.
Because he's not crazy about the holiday, he hasn't dressed up for it since his parents were alive
Mokuba still dresses up, and he tries his hardest to get Seto to as well, but it just never happens. You're not an exception, unfortunately
Unless you get a blue eyes white dragon onesie.
He'll go as himself then, and you're his trusty dragon
Otherwise, he won't care about dressing up and will let you go as whatever, so long as its outside of the scandalous range. He's very much in the public eye, remember? He's also a raging virgin, so leave the risque costumes for private time
He'll probably especially enjoy it if you tell him it doubles as a birthday present
Either very funny or very boring. 5/10.
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❥Joey Wheeler
He'd probably be the cheesiest motherfucker out of them all
Would definitely have you two go as matching vampires or werewolves
He has such a generic look on horror and monsters in general
Dude you literally play duel monsters, there's more than just vampires and werewolves-
Would buy cheap fake blood that ends up staining your skin for a week after.
It would also strangely taste like apples?
You should probably go to a hospital after the party
Halloween with Joey is accidentally lethal. My kind of party. 10/10.
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❥Marik Ishtar
Dude I have no fucking idea what he'd be, and therefore neither would he lol
He has 0 creativity when it comes to this, so usually he'll turn to you for costume ideas
Would also be like Joey with the cheesy, overdone costumes
I can really only see him being werewolf and you being little red riding hood
He'd probably get a kick out of that, in multiple ways...
Marik doesn't understand Halloween decorations, but if it makes you happy, he guesses he'll help you put stuff up
Absolutely sneaks candy for himself though
Pretty average Halloween. 5/10.
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❥Yami Marik
Absolutely a vampire. No. Shh. Shut up. I am taking ZERO criticism on this one.
He takes it all the way. He's basically a blond, Egyptian dracula lol
He'll probably have you not dress up so he can be the vampire that corrupts you
He takes it a little too far, biting your neck with his fake fangs in
He also sprays fake blood on himself and everywhere else, but you're not entirely sure it's fake blood...
Like Marik, he also sneaks candy for himself, but very openly. He knows you can't do anything to him anyways
Yami Marik will help you put up decorations once he learns just how spooky Halloween is supposed to be
If you were hoping for a cuter Halloween, where children weren't afraid of approaching your house, then kick Yami Marik out until Halloween is over lol
Terrifying Halloween, but a great 'afterparty.' 7/10.
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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inventors-fair · 4 months
Double-Checked: Mistake Contest Winners!
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Our winners this week are @helloijustreadyourpost, @hypexion, and @reaperfromtheabyss!
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@helloijustreadyourpost — Boros Bomb Squad
I almost gave this card a 0/10, as I was talking about in the modhouse, because you missed the best possible flavor text: "One way or another, something's getting disarmed." C'mon, it was right there! I'm mostly yanking your chain, though, because while it might be a little pushed depending on the environment, I think this card is both a) situational enough so it's not a problem and b) very funny. As a common, there's not much that you need to do to have situational removal work, so this card as a Shatter-bear is probably comparable to other commons without too much issue.
Humorously, the mistake aspect of this card is pretty on the nose. The Boros grunts have no idea what they're doing, and goblins on Ravnica usually meet this sort of fate. Or at least, they do if they're the subjects of Izzet experiments. Reading up on the goblin varieties, it's funny in a sad way that these goblins have a sense of duty and self-preservation and yet are still being sent in to do dangerous technical work that's probably gonna get them blown up. I suppose that's what happens when you try to join the league of the demigod-angel-cop-ghosts, right? I know the trope has been done before, but that doesn't matter when it's done right. Mistakes are following these guys all the way up the chain of command.
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@hypexion — Archive Overflow
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You are playing with fire—or, well, knowledge, but knowledge that is also fire. This card in limited is a phenomenal way to refill your hand and get every land drop and advantage you need, and in any kind of storm-enabling combo for casual/commander play, hoooooly crap, this card is good. Beyond good. Obviously the discard will get you if you're not careful, but for one, this ability will resolve before card-draw spells so metering it will be a skill check, and for two, there are really fun madness decks that would absolutely love this card.
Maybe a zillion years ago this card would've been too powerful, but I think that there are dangerous games at stake here. Honestly drawing out in limited would be a genuine concern. But that's balance for you, and I'm a fan of what this card does. I especially like the Kamigawa callback to both the seven-card "Wisdom" throwback and the cheeky One with Nothing callback, intentional or unintentional as that might be. In the realm of big blue draw enchantments, this is one of the trickier ones to contend with, and you did a phenomenal job with a deceptively simple concept.
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@reaperfromtheabyss — Collateral Seizer
This week had a few weird cards, but again, lots of trope-adjacent ones, and demonic contracts were surprisingly few and far between in terms of magical mistakes. Seems fitting that this one does it both well and really scarily. I think that if you're going into a limited game in black, you should have some kind of plan following this card, because otherwise... Well, maybe you'll have a 7/7 flier, sure, but what's happening on the other side? I think that the flavor of this card is solid enough for me to give its relatively normal base a pass, i.e. what it does and what it says depicts a game state that both resonates and creates a thoughtful callback to the best of Magic's drawbacks. (FWIW: because you control the ability, I don't think you need "you" in the second paragraph.)
The first mistake that people might make is not realizing that the Collateral Seizer can actually count itself, so even if they get rid of it, you'll get back your own demon. It's seizing everyone's collateral! Following that, the ability to exile-recur your big stuff is a major bonus in any color combination, because if you're ahead on board, this card offers your opponents one big swing, and then presumably you draw into the crackback and/or you can chump with your nontoken creatures and make big tokens to swing at them too. I'm thinking of this in the best possible terms, which...might be a mistake, actually. Hold on. Are you playing 4D chess with me here to get me to think I can make this card work? Is that the contract? Huh. ... Perhaps not, but I don't really know what "Marley-esque" means and the internet's no help, so that's all I got.
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Runners comin' up soon. Woot. @abelzumi
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about Hibiya's relationships with the rest of the Dan after the series? I was always a little disappointed we didn't really get to see him interact much with anyone besides hiyori, konoha, and momo. I would have loved to see him properly integrated as a member of the group and hanging out with them 🥲
hibiya is the mekakushi dan's little brother.
0. ayano's big sister radar goes off incredibly fast when meeting hibiya. she spoils the hell out of him because hibiya is largely independent and already has momo as a big sister for emotional stuff so when ayano's like WANT ME TO PATCH UP THE HOLE IN UR SHIRT hibiya's like what. i know how to do that myself. and ayano's like fine i will buy your love if i must. so she's always taking him shopping and asking if he needs anything new. he comes back every summer to the city with broken ass sandals and ayano's always sending him back with shiny new ones. he still rly enjoys having her around but he looks at her more in a motherly light than sisterly. he'd DIE before admitting it tho
1. srry to play the cooking card with kido again but. hibiya and kido cooking together :) i think kido is very impressed with hibiya's cooking and hibiya is SUPER used to being taken for granted so when they point it out to him he almost bursts into tears. i think hibiya is always looking for compliments from kido bc kido is super cool and The Leader and they kinda have a teacher's pet dynamic LMAOO hibiya is always asking kido if he can help with any chores so of course it works and he's kido's favorite student. if this was a class which is not. so he's just a rly helpful kid kido enjoys having around and hibiya loves that kido is really normal. also kidomomo. yeah. hibiya and his lesbian moms. also kido teaches hibiya how to bind. ratio
2. with seto... i remember reading this fic in ff/net back in the golden days of kagepro (so like. 10 years ago) that was like hibiya resenting seto bc he was still hurting abt hiyori and while everyone died with a loved one seto lost a DOG. i thought it was so funny bc it's so immature but seems so in character for hibiya. also in the novels when hibiya is unconscious he's taken to seto's room. i think hibiya thinks the whole dan act like fools (bc they ARE) but kind of respects and looks up to seto because hibiya is 12 and according to my intensely calculated family headcanons was raised in a toxic masculinity household so he sees this Buff Guy getting up at 5am everyday and holds more than one job for his family...he's like (nod nod nod) and he also really respects how seto refuses to use his eye power because of its. erm. unethical nature. hibiyas like UGH SETO IS SO COOL SUCH A MAN'S MAN. seto is mostly oblivious to this and always always always ruffles hibiyas hair. everyone does this but seto is the only one hibiya doesnt yell at
3. i think kano would go easy on hibiya cuz he's a kid but not entirely bc if kano isnt totally insufferable to everyone he knows at least once a day he gets sick and dies. i think kano tries to do the big sibling thing abt convincing the little brother of a total bullshit lie like basically his hobbie is gaslighting hibiya for fun. hibiya goes screaming for kido to make him stop lol. also kano's the one who's always saying shit like hibiya is 8 years old. even when hibiya's an adult kano's like how old are u again. u turned like 15 right
4. man mary tries acting SOOOO GROWN UP to hibiya she's like desperately trying to seem like a cool older sister but on purpose. with everyone else it's kind of natural but she is actively trying. momo bestie so also around a lot and sees how momo (hibiyas big sister #1) acts around him and tries doing the same and hibiya's like. this is pathetic. but still endearing and accepts it LOL he's also respectful of mary bc he's well aware of her role in their survival so he's like SIGHS okay
6. takane is everyone's demise because she introduces hibiya to smartphones and gaming. like hibiya rly wanted a smartphone right and then he makes all these friends and has to go back to the village so he takes an intensive course ran by takane abt how to use a phone. which is all good. but the thing is she is ALSO like ur so weird kid. here. play some amongus. this is how amongus hibiya can still win. everyone like vinnie hibiya cant be a fortnite kid bc he has no idea abt gaming he doesnt even have a phone WELL i got news for u buddy my fave character is takane and im also totally delusional. she is the reason hibiya is texting the gc in total typos asking if anyone wants to among us. and he's so thankful to her he expresses his gratitude thru sending her amongus and minecraft memes he finds around that she's seen a thousand times but it's rly endearing. also hibiya is shintaro coded so takane knows how to handle him sorry im so delusional abt their friendship (holds their chapter together from novel eight close to my chest)
7. eheheheheh. like i said. hibiya is shintaro coded like in canon both momo and takane say hibiya reminds them of shintaro like he's a little shin. and momo adopting hibiya means shintaro gets little brother by default too. his ass is always at HIS HOUSE!!!! i talked abt this in a post once abt how seeing hibiya and momo together makes shintaro want to try a little harder at being a big brother. i think they like each other and shintaro always lets hibiya sit in his room if momo is being too insane, and hibiya sometimes is like well shintaro's actually pretty normal!! (immediately sees him act a fool bc ofc he does) eugh. also shintaro helps hibiya with his summer hw, i think hibiya's a good student but appreciates the help and tells shintaro he thinks he'd make a rly good teacher and continues writing down on his hw all casually while shintaro has to act like he didn't get all choked up hearing that
9. i've talked abt the haruka and hibiya shitshow lol but again i love the idea of hibiya just totally refusing to acknowledge konoha's gone and keeps kicking and screaming abt it. bc if konoha is rly gone then it means he regrets everything bc he was so mean to it and its bc of it hiyori is alive (hiyori doesnt act this way bc she's well aware of it) and that SUCKS. so hibiya largely avoids haruka and isn't all that into how hiyori is really accepting of him and all. and haruka is also like. awkwardly trying to approach him because it's the least he can do in konoha's memory but hibiya's like hissing at him. eventually hibiya would accept it after a couple breakdowns. i think momo also punches some sense into him. i want hibiya to lash out at haruka and scream all sorts of things at him abt how it's not fair konoha is gone and like who even is he and just overall say all the things haruka is already super insecure about but then it ends on hibiya sobbing in his arms abt how much he misses konoha. and haruka can only hug him back and apologize :(
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sleepycyborgz · 2 years
Rick and Giovanni breaking into a terrorist organisation to fix their Yugiho cards. That’s it thats the fic. Enjoy me trying to be funny <3
Ao3 link:
Rick followed the black string coming out of his heart with a bounce in each step. He and Giovanni were both planning to meet up at the arcade since Crusher’s mum got sick of cleaning up the mess they both left every Friday. They both had this system set up for a while now. Every Friday, Rick would come over to headquarters to do stuff since he usually couldn’t join in many evil schemes due to working for S.T.E.M now. He loved working there absolutely but it was nice to take a break and “hang out” with people who were definitely his friends. Whereas with his work friends, he was only like 70% sure they actually liked him. (At least the strings were still there though.)
Last week, Giovanni had brought a pack of these strange-looking cards. They reminded Rick of the Tarot cards he used to have as a kid but these had a bunch of writing underneath the picture. Giovanni called them “Yu-gi-oh” cards. Rick originally thought they were just like tarot and tried to give Giovanni a reading but he was quickly stopped after telling Gio that all he needs to do to succeed in life was to draw three cards from his deck and add them to his hand.
Giovanni explained that the cards weren't for reading fortunes but were actually for a game. Apparently, all you had to do was use these cards to fight against your opponent to bring their hit points down to 0. Rick played a few games against Giovanni most of which he lost but he was just happy to hang out with a friend at all really. Giovanni said it was fun too and that he actually wanted to play again next Friday. Rick had gotten really excited over this and looked up a bunch of guides when he got home and he even bought a starter pack and some extra spare packs with some of the money Naven lent him. Naven specifically told Rick that the money was for important things like buying food and paying rent and Rick was pretty sure buying Yu-gi-oh cards would also be included on the list! Keeping up friendships was pretty important after all.
Rick had the starter pack and extra cards carefully stored in a small backpack that Phoenicia had gotten him. It was pastel blue and purple with white glimmers and little starfish stitched onto it. Phoenicia had also given him a little sheep charm she made with those crocheting kits with 10 different designs to choose from. Trixie and Molly also got him a crow and bear respectively which they both made using the same kit after Feenie begged them both to help her make them. Rick absolutely adored the bag and took it everywhere, even if it got some weird looks from strangers.
Which made tripping over nothing and dropping the bag in a puddle all the more devastating.
Rick shuffled over to the bag in a panic, barely even feeling the impact of the fall over the adrenaline. The bottom of the bag was now soaking wet, covered in little bits of concrete and whatever else would be on a city footpath. But even that was nothing compared to the terror of seeing the bag’s zipper wide open and the cards Rick had just bought being scattered across the floor.
Rick scrambled over to each card and picked them all up carefully so they wouldn’t get any more damage. Thankfully most of the cards were unharmed. The worst damage Rick could spot was a bit of scratching on the back but not too bad!
Then Rick turned around and saw it. His blue eyes white dragon, the card that Giovanni told him was the most valuable card you could get. One he had managed to pull from a random packet and screamed so loud out of his excitement over it his neighbours filed a noise complaint. Sitting face up in a puddle, soaking wet.
Rick sat right next to the puddle, staring at it with a glossy look in his eyes. Before breaking out into a full-body sob. Morning over the card he’d gotten yesterday like he was standing over a beloved pet’s grave.
“Woah dude, are you alright?” Rick looked up, tears still clinging to his cheeks, only to see the same evil boss that he’d bought the cards for, holding two cups of a strange drink with black pearls floating at the bottom. Rick tried to apologise for dropping the cards he just ruined but whatever came out of his mouth was completely incomprehensible. Giovanni looked around and saw the pastel backpack now covered in dirt, gravel, and everything else gross you can find on a city footpath.
“Hey man, it’s alright.” Giovanni squatted down to match Rick’s eye level, a gentle smile on his face. “We can get that bag cleaned no problem, no need to get so worked up over it! I think my uncles have this detergent that can clean pretty much anything so I can just ask him to help with that if we can’t do it.” Rick swallowed the tears clogging the back of his throat and finally managed to form a clear sentence.
“That’s not it.” The wizard said, his voice still wavering.
Rick pointed over to the card in the puddle. Giovanni stared at it for a moment, before grabbing Rick by the scarf and shaking him so fast Rick’s sunglasses nearly fell off his face.
“WHY DIDN’T YOU PUT IT IN A SLEEVE?!” Giovanni yelled with tears in his eyes.
“I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT IS!” Rick yelled back just as loud with just as many tears.
Giovanni let go of Rick and dropped to his hands and knees over the puddle. “It’s too late to save it now…” He said like a video game war general during the darkest hour. “It’s gone…” Rick joined him. The two men cried over that puddle in silence over the body of their most prized possession that lasted like a week. The people walking past just squeezed past the two somehow legal adults sobbing over a Yugioh card.
“WAIT A MOMENT!” Rick yelled, Giovanni looked up at him with tears still in his eyes. “I know a colleague who has an epithet who can reverse time. I’m not exactly friends with her yet however, we might be able to convince her to save this strange tarot card!”
Giovanni’s eyes sparkled with hope as he carefully grabbed the card and stood up, taking a dramatic pose that he’d definitely practised in the mirror that morning but Rick looked at him like he just saved his life regardless. “Then let’s go find her!”
“Zora,” Static rang out from the speakers above the table, the voice underneath it calm and controlled. “I believe that we should try a less direct approach with collecting the arsene amulet. So I am instructing Yoomtah to lead the search for the amulet instead.”
“WHAT!? THAT’S BULLSHIT!” The cowgirl yelled, slamming her fist into the table. The electric gremlin giggled beside her.
“Thank you boss~” Yoomtah said in a sing-song tone, subtly sticking her tongue out at Zora when their shadowy leader wasn’t looking. Which only made the cowgirl’s rage rise further. Moot stared at both of them under her hood, ready to grab Zora if the energetic cyborg pushed one too many of her buttons. A tired sigh rattled the speakers.
“I apologise Zora but your skillset just isn’t needed for this plan.”
“Wait, plan?”
The shadow nodded its head. Despite the lack of pupils, it had everyone could feel the leader’s eyes on them. Their gaze pierced each of their souls and revealed every part of them. Zora and Moot both shuffled a bit meanwhile Yoomtah stayed perfectly still, staring at the screen with eyes full of admiration.
“We should try and approach this from a different angle. Moot,” The hooded figure lifted her head. “After Yoomtah finds the location of the amulet, you will go collect it. Try not to kill as many people as last time, we don’t want to cause a scene.” The figure contemplated for a moment, before nodding.
“Alright, good. Yoomtah, I have a couple of locations for you to scout out where the amulet might be, first is the Sweet Jazz police department, since that’s who Zora said grabbed it.” Zora grumbled something about how the two people she met in redwood run cheated somehow. “If we’re lucky, it will be there and we can get in and collect the amulet before anyone even knows we took it-
A loud bang swept through the massive meeting room. Zora screamed “HOLY FUCK!” at the top of her lungs and aimed her gun right at the door. Moot jumped a bit before her head swooped around towards the noise. Yoomtah just casually tilted her head towards it. They didn’t know who to expect at the door but it definitely wasn’t two young men with brightly coloured hair and tear marks running down their faces.
“Oh hey, Rick!” Yoomtah chirped, the others stared at her. “Oh, yea! I kinda gave him the keys to the building in case he wanted to hang out with us!”
“Why did you do that…” Moot asked, disappointment clear in her tone that somehow flew completely over the cyborg’s head.
“Cause these meetings get BOR-RING! And Rick’s always fun to be around! He kinda doesn’t know anything so making him eat inedible stuff is funny. No idea who the other guy is though.” Yoomtah giggled, kicking her legs under the table as she explained.
“Do you realise how dangerous that is? If he heard half what we were talking about then we’d have to kill both of them.”
“Well in that case we’ve heard absolutely nothing!” Rick chimed in, an unsettlingly wide smile stretched across his face. “We didn’t come here to spy on any conversations anyway. We came because we have a favour to ask Zora over there.” Zora leaned back in her chair, eyeing the strange man. Welp, as long as taking this job pissed Moot off then it was worth it.
“...Well I’m not exactly busy right now since someone took my job. Who d’you want me to track down?” Despite this guy’s… frankly creepy demeanour, he didn’t seem like the type of person who’d hire a bounty hunter. Maybe he wanted revenge on the person who fired him from his job. He definitely looked homeless so it seemed like the most likely option. She probably wouldn’t get too much cash off the weirdo but she was sure that her prey probably had enough funds to cover him plenty.
“...Huh?” Rick tilted his head like a confused dog. “What do you mean by that?” Zora stared at the man with very unsubtle judgement. Was this guy serious? How do you walk up to a terrorist hideout, somehow make it past all the security, ask the contract killer for a favour, and not know that she murdered people for her job?! “We aren’t trying to find someone. We’re actually trying to fix something.’ Before Zora could ask what he meant by that, the pink-haired boy jumped out from behind Rick and scrounged around in man purse before pulling out a piece of wet cardboard.
“Please fix our blue eyes white dragon. It fell into a puddle on the way to my house and I wanna show Rick how to play.” The teenager begged on his knees in front of the cowboy. She stared at the card before breaking out into a hysterical laugh.
“Are you serious!?”
Giovanni looked up at her with determination is his eyes. “Very.”
“Hmm, alright! I like you two weirdos enough. However, it’s gonna cost ya.” The two young men stared at her wide-eyed before looking at each other. The pink-haired one scrambled off the floor and ran to Rick before they both whispered frantically at each other. Zora managed to pick up the name Giovanni which she assumed was the pink-haired one’s name. Rick dug through his wallet but he didn’t seem to have much cash on him. Based on the cringe from Giovanni when Rick asked him for cash, he didn’t have much either. Giovanni turned towards the table with a lot less confidence than before.
“I, uhh,” he stumbled, “Oh! My animal crossing town has really good turnip prices right now! Almost six hundred bells. We could trade you that!” Giovanni said like Zora understood a single word he just said. How the hell does this guy own a whole town? And why would she sell him turnips in exchange for bells? Why does he want that many turnips?! Zora paused before letting out a long sigh, a smirk appearing on her face.
“Look kid, you’ve got a big heart but I’m gonna have to decli-“ Zora was cut off when she felt a white glove grab her scarf and quickly pull her away from her ‘clients’.
“Listen,” Yoomtah started, her voice way more serious than Zora was used to. “I’ve got at least 500 turnips I gotta sell stat. If you turn this down, I will not hesitate to snap your spine and use it as a back scratcher~” Yoomtah sang despite the threat. Zora looked at the two goobers then looked back at the gremlin that just threatened to kill her.
“Fine, fine. I’ll fix it for ya. But only if you hand over those bells for… turnips. Seriously Yoomtah, why do you have so many of those?.” The two men’s eyes sparkled with pure joy.
“Thank you Zora! We don’t know what we would’ve done without you!” Rick shook Zora’s hand so hard she nearly fell over. Giovanni reached his hand into his purse and pulled out his switch absolutely covered in stickers, most of which appeared to have the same brand of ‘cool’ as a back-to-school lunchbox. Yoomtah pulled out her own switch which was also covered in stickers, these ones being mostly cute mascots with the most unhinged text possible underneath them. As they exchanged friend codes, Zora used her years of training and hard work to repair the drenched Yugioh card. Rick stared in awe as any damage the card has taken was reversed in the blink of an eye.
“Thank you, you just saved our whole Friday,” Rick said again. Zora waved her hand at the homeless-looking man.
“Yea yea don’t mention it… actually never mention it, ever.” Zora smiled at him with enough hidden annoyance that it might as well of be written all over her face. Rick was apparently illiterate though and politely returned her creepy smile with one of his own.
“Anddd~ done!” Yoomtah popped up from her hunched-over pose over the switch. Giovanni closed the game and headed over to Rick with a smile. Making wild gestures with his hands as he talked about how cool his work friends' switch was. They both waved goodbye as they opened the door to leave.
“HEY RICK! WANNA GO GET FOOD TOMORROW?!” Yoomtah shouted just before Giovanni could close it. “I KNOW A GOOD SEAFOOD PLACE!”
“Yes, I would love to join you! Thank you Yoomtah!” Rick shouted just as loud. And with that, the door was closed. Everyone in the room other than the tiny electric woman still trying to process what the hell just happened.
“I can’t fuckin’ believe ya just gave some RANDOM GUY the keys to the building! He could’ve just outed the entirety of Bliss Ocean damn it! Do ya realise how many cops we’d have to get rid of?”
“He’s not random though. He’s my friend there’s a difference.” Yoomtah smiled with her tongue sticking out. The two went back and forth, Zora giving Yoomtah a perfectly reasonable reason to be upset, and Yoomtah basically responding with ‘Lol stay mad’. The hooded figure with glasses let out an annoyed huff at the lack of professionalism.
“Sir, should we go after them? They present a massive risk to our operation.” She asked, trying to ignore Zora and Yoomtah’s bickering.
The boss let out a static-filled sigh. “Don’t worry, I just so happen to know these young men. They’re rather sweet but more importantly harmless. They don’t pose a threat to our plan.”
From outside the door, both an official and unofficial weenie talked about whatever came to mind as they walked through the terrorist organisation's halls.
“And then, just as the boyfriend thought he was going to kill her, the wind took the disguise away and revealed it was actually Len!” Giovanni blabbered about this one music video he’d seen, Rick listening intently to every word. They both walked out the front door and eventually made it to home base. Both played the card game at least thirty times and watched the rest of season one of the anime before passing out on the couch. Their dumb smiles still carrying over in their sleep.
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
i had a fun day 2 day ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა everyone has been so nicey 2 me all day from the minute i left my house earlier ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა ♡⁠
i went to a Retreat for the first time for work earlier 0: and I did SO good for being up since 2am it didn't even feel like it 💀
it was so chill i drove like an hour away but Away from the city so there wasn't rly traffic and the mountains r so pretty 2 drive thru (❁´◡`❁) got some rain n v low clouds and since it's autumn there's all these pretty colors. i took an edible on the way n was just jammin out n enjoying the scenery among the many safe opportunities 2 look
and then at the thing we got 2 do different ice breakers n go on decently long breaks; i got 2 hang in different groups n actually Talk w a bunch of ppl which i never have time for omg. it's nice working at a legal nonprofit, i would NOT want to do this with corporate mfs !! 😹
went around n said hii to the enbies and i ran up a hill that looked a lot smaller than it was, i made it like 80% of the way before my legs were immediately like no girl we're done !! but my brain was like but it's Right There, and i struggled 2 finish the climb but I Did !! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა and i was so so tired i do not remember ever being that winded before 💀 getting down was so much slower n worse bc my legs were Done and when i finally made it to the bottom i laid flat on my back for like 15m, and when when i made it back to sit n chill i still need like 10 more minutes akskska. i do not b exercising !! i just wanted 2 play it looked fun and i got excited (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
in between things i was working on my sister's choker n kept winding up w a group of ppl around me 2 talk to about it and just talk 2 in general n the company was rly nice (❁´◡`❁) ♡ had a lot of different kinda talks 2day!! everyone is a sweetie!! some ppl r so funny n chill and i rly hope 2 get 2 talk more casually w people perhaps As Friends when i go in 👉👈
there's one girl in particular who is rly cute n sweet and i want 2 see her again ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა when I got home finally i had 2 hop on my work laptop real quick 2 look up her name again 2 make sure i didn't forget ☝️😌 we do not work at the same office but hii i am visiting next week 🐇
yippee!!!! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა !!!
#i think i have become an introverted extrovert at some point 0:#which is rly nice bc my social anxiety was SO bad at the beginning of the year like i didn't even know where to start skskdksk#but i kinda figured it out? but it's also just being me? idk.. much 2 think. but i made good progress#i am getting a good grade in being funny and nice and talking to people !!#i want 2 kiss someone on the forehead#omg but if there's ANYONE who deserves a kiss it's this old lady who lives a few buildings down on the way to my car#where EVERY time i see her she always has something so so sweet to tell me about how i look#today she said I'm always looking fancy (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) ♡⁠ and more but that's the main thing i remember besides the small talk#and the first time we met she asked me if i was a model fr and she's told me I'm cute and I'm just like PLEASE SKDKDKS#i can't fully tell if you're just really sweet or kinda 👀 at me but girl u r so sweet like hello do u Want a hug or a kiss ?? i love u !!#old ladies have a warmth they fill u with that just take the weight of Everything off ur shoulders n leave u feeling full n happy!!#bless old ladies fr!! literally my favorite people to interact with always i love u abuelas everywhere u r everything to me and i would do#anything for u !!!! i miss getting to help friends grandmas w stuff as a kid 🥺 it was just always great 2 talk 2 them and be close n on#good terms n stuff :3 i was the same way with their moms hehe. hi hello i want 2 help !! (⁠✿ ‚‚⌒‿⌒‚‚)#my friend is being lame and acting embarrassed but i love you please talk to me i am so so interested and think you're really#cool and funny and sweet and wise actually ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა ♡⁠ i wanna be around u if u wanna hang out#even if it's as simple as getting 2 help in the kitchen n always helping w dishes n stuff ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა aaa ♡⁠#omg i was late 2 the thing too and missed the breakfast and there's this sweet energetic old lady who's always like#omg u didn't get to eat? do u want this? can i get you some coffee or tea? and I'm always just like no no it's okay I'm gonna get it but#appreciate the offer and just ૮ – ﻌ–ა she is always looking out 4 me !! but she's just a sweetie like that !!#i think sharing food is a universally good way 2 make friends and it always warms my heart 2 meet ppl who r the same (❁´◡`❁)#they r always so so sweet 😭🥰 for my astrology girlies i correctly guessed that she's a taurus hehe 😼#there's another old lady who's an office manager for one of the offices n she is so soft spoken n sweet and i wish i got 2 hug her n talk#to her more 🥺 she's so far though omg i don't get to see her in person much#n e ways i work w some really warm bubbly ppl ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა i am a happy girlie 2day!! then im going Serious Mode again tmrw 🫡#oo i get to setup like an Actual server for a rack w linux and it's being delivered 2 my place tomorrow 0: I'm excited abt it as a project#AND my new jewelry came in today along w some cute underwear we r starting this wk off strong !!!#there was so so much more frm 2day i am just rly stoned n thinking abt it all (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)#if u actually read all of my ramble ily ty for letting me Talk ૮˶• ﻌ •˶ა ♡⁠
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kkotda · 7 months
not having tumblr on my phone/ipad (yes even on my ipad from when i used to draw, sue me) is so helpful because i can be productive and not get distracted because it's pretty easy to not open the desktop vers BUT NOT OPENING THE DESKTOP VERS PUTS ME SO BEHIND SO UH
happy lantern rite!! hope you all had the best of fortune when it came to pulling for cloud retainer/xianyun and nahida!! (or ga-ming because honestly same) I ALSO HAVE A REALLY FUNNY STORY ABOUT PULLING THAT I'LL PUT LATER FOR SAKE OF LENGTH
happy valentine's day! it marks the 1 year of my greatest betrayal (my v-day event that just never got done......... i'm sorry guys i'll be much better from now on i promise)
HAPPY T-2 DAYS UNTIL HAIKYUU MOVIE?????? very excited lowkey i've been withholding from the manga that way it'll be fresh and new and exciting and then i can go back and enjoy the manga (i think i heard it's better the other way but i also simply just do not have the time to read any manga rn T-T)
uhhh what else....... oh HAPPY 2024!! lunar new year passed recently! may your year be filled with light and great fortune >:3
okay now really quickly for the story time:
was at my friend's apartment because we were having a studio ghibli marathon night (i could not survive... after move #4 i tapped out i could not do it anymore)
anyways after we were like yeah let's stop watching we went to my other friend's apt to just hang out and then it got like pretty late and they're all like huge dnd fans and so they have dice out and around but i'm jumping ahead, second friend also has playing cards in his apt and he was like doing card tricks (the throwing kind) and then when it hit like late 11pm he was like hm you should go to bed but i was like ehhhh i don't wanna so we put it up to chance, he pulled out quite a bit of cards and fanned them out and was like if it's clubs or spades you have to go home and hearts and diamonds are good and i pulled hearts (wow look at the genshin in me) so yay i didn't have to go home
THEN it hit much later (after much of throwing cards and having fun, also dw no cards or walls were harmed!) he had exactly 3 cards in his hand and i had no idea which, and it was again clubs and spades go home and he looked at it and went like :000000 and i thought it was because i was guaranteed going home and so i was like eh whatever if i have to go home i have to go home, but it turns out it was 1 club, 1 ♤, and 1 heart (i have autocorrect for the spAde, sorry guys) and !!! i pulled the heart AGAIN!! woo luck!! why can't i have this luck when it comes to genshin or hsr (or crk) </3
AND THEN he did it again to like really test my luck
and guess what? hearts again i was on a ROLL
and he was talking about like the probabilities and whatnot and i was like bro you're talking to a genshin player rn
and for simplicity's sake i only "named" 2 friends but we were a group of like 5? so another friend was like you should pull on genshin to really test your luck
my phone was on 10% (also i had to redownload genshin because i took it off my phone for mental wellbeing purposes) and so i was like what if it dies lol
anyways skip forward i pull
but now like any good anime i bring up some backstory (but mine isn't really backstory)
i pulled like the week before because i got peer (bf?) pressured by my bf to pull and like i was at ~45 pity, pulled, got "early" ended up being diluc BUT fortunately that was from the like wish part and not the primos part so i still had 90 wishes worth of primos!! pulled obviously guaranteed xianyun
i didn't pull after that
return to present time
i pull it's literally 0 pity, 1 10 pull, ONE
Y'ALL DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT IN MY HEAD (it was 1am i couldn't actually scream)
my luck that day was insane
anyways that was the story time i ended up going home after that because i was nearing the point where i would despise myself in the morning (8am class </3)
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wisdomshoes · 1 year
alright, I read it... I don't really understand your take on Elden Ring, if it's just dark souls 3 but worse than it's still a good game also, why does it being overrated make it worse? one of them being music is really funny to me just because I've never met anyone who doesn't like music. all around you have pretty good taste 👍
have a great day :]
i KNOW, I'm so perfect in every aspect yet no one ever compliments me. i mean they do but i shrug it off with a joke or a bit and entirely forget about it. (anyways here comes a thorough explanation on why i fucking hate elden ring) (oh god i am so sorry if you're gonna read all of this) (to prefix this i wanna say you're wonderful and i hold no ill will towards you and i don't want you to feel bad about liking elden ring or fromsoft. i love you. personally. this is not parasocial)
also elden ring is shit. it being overrated is a problem because fromsoft might just get the idea to make more games unbalanced but also make them completely without challenge by adding super op items. then again fromsoft rarely ever listens to fans. they just do what the hell they wanna even if it's shit. part of the reason why i love and hate them. end game pve unbalanced as shit. having spent 60 points on vigor should stop me from dying in two hits. enemies have so much HP it's just not rewarding in any way to fight the lot of them. unless ofc you force yourself to use stupidly op starts and items. so you lose either way unless you ride past them. dungeons are unmemorable except a few actually interesting ones. the world is rather empty and besides blowing a massive hole in the ground and burning down a tree is not really affected by anything you do. all the open world is is spectacle. just a lot of sepctacle with very little gameplay. they made multiplayer unfun. not only invading. duels (rip) and arena are just a shitfest of people only using the most overpowered bullshit and when they're not, they're using fucking magic. which if you play your cards right makes you pretty much immortal. i only found one way to counter semi decent mages. it's being a mage. only time I had fun was this one time in like level 100 arena where this guy changed his entire set to mine including weapons and kicked my ass. besides that only fun in pvp is low level. mages aren't bullshit yet, people don't use the fucking rot (mostly), people are just having fun. actually not pvp, just arena, cause when you invade low level it's always going to be a gank of one regular character and two ng+7 assholes baiting invaders. but that's just part of fromsoft pvp i suppose. the 60 euro experience ladies and gentlemen. instead of balancing it, make it so unfun for one side people will just stop playing it! what else.. they added horses but no horse combat. way to go from. status effects are just taken too far. curse is still useless though except for cheaters. status effects apply through rolls and you can easily make an instaproc build. im not sure if that happened in their previous games. all of the enemies you fight are going to or have been reused. can't have sex with the fingers. 0/10 would probably play it for another 300 hours. I'm not proofreading any of that.
but the mods are great. im not buying the dlc though. it's just going to be more of the same. i mean maybe they could improve it to dark souls 3 standards but if i wanted that I'd just replay dark souls 3. im far too busy replaying Sekiro for the 50th time though aka THEIR BEST GAME BY FAR.
also ive met several people who "don't like" or "don't listen to" music. fucking lunatics, i didn't keep contact with them. also i don't just like music, I'd be dead without music. im beyond obsessed. that's why i felt the need to add it y'know. anyways love you.
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
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Week One: During week one of filming Jaejin found it hard to connect with the performance. Regarding the song, he didn't really care for it and found the lyrics pretty idiotic. "Oh my beautiful target, You zoom zoom my heart like a rocket". absolutely stupid. the dance was simple enough that he could follow along easily and the vocals were not too demanding. Overall a pretty blah week for him. Jaejin Rating : 4/10.
Week two: Jaejin is a big fan of dbsd so he was already family with the song. Though he was familiar with it he wasn't a huge fan of performing it. He enjoyed the song better than week one's and felt like he matched the vibe and concept much better, but still thought the song was a little flat and bland. The dancing was still pretty simple and again the song didn't require too much effort. He did however enjoy the rapping bits in the song and would have liked to try performing them. Jaejin Rating: 6/10
Week Three: By far his least favorite week of the bunch. Nothing during the week went right for him. He found himself fading into the background more often than he would like to admit. He struggled with the dancing and quick footwork. He also didn't like the song (though it was probably because he was in a bad mood the whole week) Vocally he found it hard to keep up while jumping around stage. He would never want to perform this again. Jaejin Rating 0/10
Week four: Week four was a 180-degree difference from week three. He loved everything about the performance. Vocally, he found singing the song challenging but not impossible and he thought that the dance was fun and bright. He liked that the concept felt young and fresh, which he thinks matches his vibe. Again he liked the rapping and how the performers played off each other. Jaejin's rating: 8/10.
Week Five: Keeping the performance going on a high note he really liked performing the week 5 song. The dance was very hard this week, and it took him a long time to remember them and where he was supposed to be at any given moment. That and the mix of floor work and jumping was a bit much for him. Vocally the song didn't require any complex vocals so it was comfortable. The song was still very fun to perform and even though struggled he didn't mind much. Jaejin's Rating: 7/10.
Week 6: this was his favorite performance of the week by far. He found the performance challenging but rewarding. He loved the song and was humming it all week, even when he wasn't performing. The dance was difficult but once it was all put together was so satisfying. Jaejin's Rating 8.5/10.
Week 7: An ok song to end their performances with. He liked how upbeat it was and found the melody funny and charming. The dance was one of the easier ones to learn. he hated that they had to perform with the senior trainees. He felt that comparisons would be inevitable and that the junior trainees were at a disadvantage. There were also too many people and moving parts that he felt like he couldn't stand out from the crowd. Jaejin's Rating: 6/10.
Notes: He liked that they performed more upbeat songs, but thinks there could have been more variety. Maybe a ballad or rock cover could have been fun.
He found himself struggling with standing out in the group and learning the dance steps. Also through a few different songs, he realized he would like to possibly dabble in rap. He liked the musicality of it and it was one of the first time he didn't find it super corny.
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WEEK 6 - Wrap Up
What a Week for NYC
What a crazy week for the New York Football Teams....Jets and Giants. With the Jets upsetting the Eagles and the Giants coming so close to taking down the Bills at home....I just kept thinking about this Fred Armisen bit about New York accents and had to post. Nothing more to say - just think he's funny. Welcome to week 6 wrap up!
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Sorry Mitch. Sorry that I didn't bet you a bottle of Tequila on this match up. Sorry I took away your precious High Point money. Sorry your kicker only can put up 6 points. Sorry you dropped Achane and that he also got hurt and that Mostert is now starting and that he put up 36 points. Sorry that you seem to be having an amazing season but yet you are tied with me at 4-2. Sorry that you lost...actually sorry, not sorry. Fun week Mitch. Sorry.
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OMG...he's 6-0. Scott Krippayne is 6-0. With a modest week of 96 points and without getting a full game out of his precious CMC - Scott Krippayne was matched up against Brett Rutledge who with Ekeler still to play is down 42 points going into monday night - so yes, I am callling it. Brett who was riding high on his 1 game winning streak just could not get it together with disappointing performances from everyone except the Lions Defense. Scott, who didn't have a great week saw amazing numbers from Thiielen, a TD from CMC before he went out and a good outing from Dalton Schultz. Nice win Scott...will you ever lose? Next up for Scott...Cliff Young.
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The thing with Cliff is - if you give him a little taste of winning - he wants it all the time. He is now on a 4 game winning streak, and like Krippayne, this wasn't a high scoring week for Cliff either...but he put up enough to beat Stu Jones. Stu's best player - Stefon Diggs only put up 15 points...and he needed 6.05 more to win the match up. So basically had Diggs scored a TD things would have been different. In fact, Stu would have won, I would have won a bet or two, and some needed money...and Cliff would be a loser. Thanks Stu and Stefon. Nice win Cliff - keep it up and we may have a back to back champion on our hands (hope i didn't just jinx ya).
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Yes, this GIF is because Rob Howard plays the banjo. Most weekends that's what I hear from my house...banjo music from his porch. Sometimes he has an entire polka band out there. It's a really special place to live. This week Rob beat Kyle. Rob put up 124 points so he almost won high point but I had a little bit better of a week so i snag the dough. Rather than talking about what Rob did right let's spend a moment focusing on what Kyle did wrong. He just doesn't have a very good team this year. And those players that you would think would be great like Metcalf, Lamar and Etienne...well, when only one of them put up significant points - you don't win much. So Ron moves on to 4-2 and Kyle to 1-5. Nice win Rob. I am ready for Octoberfests to be over so you are not on the road and the neighborhood can hear you play again.
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Usually one of my favorite match ups of the year. Gully vs Gabe. Best Friends going at it. At this week Gabe took the stick to Gully and knocked him out early. Gully had a good week from Tua with 28 points, Derek Henry in London managed to give him 17, and Ravens Defense in London gave him 15 but Gabe just had the magic of Tyreek (27), Hall (15), Pitts (10), Waddle (11), Kicker Carlson (13) and Eagles D (10)....and who know what tonight holds with Dak...he may put up 37 and steal my $20 from me. Nice win Gabe. I am sure your friendship will carry on but you should feel better than Andy and Son.
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Why do I feel like we are in the same place every week with Funk Guy. More times than not - it comes down to Monday night...there's a bit of hope but then it ends badly. Tonight we go in with Dana leading 80 to Bebo's 76. Dana with Cowboys defense still to play and Bebo with Keenan Allen and CeeDee Lamb. Dallas defense is always good...they are always putting pressure and getting sacks but tonight the Charges did find a way to score. In fact, the first score of the night was a Keenan Allen TD. So, when the game ended...Bebo won...Dana lost. Bebo moves to 5-1 and Dana to 1-5. Heartbreaking week for Dana - first with his Giants and now with himself.
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The Final Four Continue. It was a close call for Gully but everyone moves on.
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Brianna was born in Stuart, FL and now lives in Fort Lauderdale. She was rated by Women Fitness as the most beautiful cheerleader...and as far as I am concerned who would know if that is true, more than other women. I am trusting it. Brianna for the win.
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Season 2 (2010)
This was the first Drag Race season I ever watched, which was about 2.5 years ago. I remembered Season 2 as this high-drama trainwreck. On second viewing, it's not as crazy as I remembered it being, but there is a fair amount of drama still. I called it a trainwreck because of the final 2. The edit does not shy away from showing how obnoxious Tyra is, while Raven seemed like she was going to be an early boot. But this isn't an underdog F2 either. Actually, I'd go as far as to say this is the most unlikeable F2 in the show's history. Moreover, Tyra's win has aged pretty poorly and it casts a dark shadow over the season. Otherwise, this is the first season that actually feels like I'm watching RPDR. Say goodbye to the Vaseline filter and the tiny Werk Room! However, the early seasons have an underwhelming feeling to them? There's very few acting or comedy challenges (there's only 2 of them here), and when there is an acting challenge, the queens are only given like 2 lines of dialogue each. This season also has the first Snatch Game, but it's clear that most of them didn't know they had to be funny in it. Additionally, the runway looks are just so... basic by today's standards. Untucked was on fire back then though. Season 2 definitely peaks in the wedding dress episode. Them all calling out Tyra on the main stage is one iconic moment. Challenge-wise, the Burlesque show is something they'd never do today lol, and it's so strange to see the queens in a different venue from where the show is filmed. The dancing was fun, but selling pies in the streets was pretty cringe. The book covers were mostly blah too. The Makeover continues to have the worst judging.  And the finale music video dance scene got pretty violent. Jujubee's eye got poked!
Queens Ranking: 12. Tyra Sanchez I have to put Tyra last for her problematic behaviour after the show. But even if that never happened, she'd probably be around 9th for me?, so it's not like she was one of my favourite winners anyways. She had the most impressive runways this season, and she was funny in the Disco Shorting ad, but her attitude is AWFUL. It's so odd to see someone this negative actually win. She acted overconfident and bratty. She annoyed everybody with her singing. She took a nap in the Werk Room. She put in 0 effort when she had immunity. But it's not just that. While I do think her 3 wins are justified, I actually think she could've been bottom 3 in 4 other challenges, including both her immunities (her Beyonce sucked, her Rocker Chick wasn't rock, her book title was wordy and she forgot the drink name, and her partner's make-up in the Makeover was bad). But she knew exactly what the judges wanted from her on the runway and she delivered there. Although it did feel like pandering at times. Still, the kind of drama she brought isn't the kind I stan someone for. 11. Raven And the runner-up is right down with her. Raven is the mean and cold-hearted one of season 2. She looked down on her competition and she just seemed so... unpleasant to be around. Her sour attitude is what landed her in the bottom 2 twice at the beginning of the season. She did not want to play that chicken, and it showed during her performance. And she could've been bottom 3 (again) for the Snatch Game with that boring Paris impersonation. Granted, she had some of the more polished runways, and she improved in the latter half of the season. But I'd enjoy Raven a lot more if she didn't have a stick up her ass for the entire season. She just kept talking s**t about Mystique or Nicole or Tatiana about how they didn't deserve to be there. 10. (Kylie) Sonique (Love) Lip sync gymnastics aside, Kylie is pretty invisible on this season. I would never expect her to win a future All Stars season based off her original run. 9. Morgan McMichaels Maybe a controversial ranking. Morgan was the initial frontrunner who crashed and burned mid-season. She had one of the more famous lip syncs too, but I did not like her in Untucked. Yeah, she deserved the curtain design challenge win, but that's mostly because... I disliked most of the outfits from that challenge. Otherwise, she totally bombed the Snatch Game as P!nk, and then got outshined by Sahara in the episode 5 lip sync. 8. Nicole Paige Brooks She's so aloof. It feels like she's playing a character the entire time. I laughed during her Werk Room entrance, but she didn't deliver much after that! 7. Pandora Boxx Pandora was one of the best performing queens this season. She was in the "tops" for many of the challenges, but she always got overshowed by someone else and she could never get a challenge win. I liked her Carol Channing in Snatch Game though. But the issue with Pandora is that she comes off... dry? I don't know, there was just something missing with her. She might be my least fave Miss C winner - I'll have to wait and see. That said, I did feel emotional when she talked about her attempted suicide. And I didn't agree with her being in the bottom for the Makeover challenge. 6. Sahara Davenport (R.I.P.) Maybe she was a bit forgettable on this season, but she seemed so sweet, warm, and down-to-Earth. She shouldn't have been bottom 2 in the first episode either, but it lead to an energetic (albeit messy) lip sync to kick off the season. She was decent in the Disco Shortening ad too. And then she did a ballet performance in her Swan Lake outfit for that episode 5 lip sync. 5. Mystique Summers Madison Mystique got picked on and she gave us "BITCH I AM FROM CHICAGO" but she was so out of her element in the competition. Her runways were pretty bad, especially the Curtain Couture one with the headpiece and the Country Realness one that was sooo plain. But the way she did the splits during the first runway was a LOLWTF moment. And then she won an eating challenge, which the other girls immaturely laughed about. 4. Shangela Her inexperience really showed in that first runway (why was there corn?!), but I wanted to see more of her, and I'm glad we did! She left the first ever lipstick mirror message which is iconic. And what she lacked in experience, she made up for in charisma. It felt like there was missed protentional when she went out first. I'll have more to say in her future appearances. 3. Jessica Wild I wasn't expecting to rank Jessica this highly, but she really gave her best effort despite the language barrier. She did a much better job than Raven as the chicken. I think she should've been top 3 in the Snatch Game as Ru. And her hairflips during the Rocker Chicks challenge was fun. The thing about Jessica is that she felt isolated from the rest of the queens; as if she existed in her own space. I don't think she was ever involved in the drama? Ultimately, she went home for not speaking well in a speaking challenge when she's ESL... but I didn't like the cover anyways. 2. Tatianna She was so good as Britney in Snatch Game and she called out Tyra on the main stage during wedding dress episode ("I don't think that you're seeing that Tyra is a complete bitch"). In other words, Tatiana is responsible for my two favourite moments of the season. She was constantly picked on, mostly notably by Raven, and she still held her own. She stood up for Mystique. And she stood against Tyra at Tyra's peak annoyance. Sure Tatiana also had some un-confident moments... like how she flopped the Reading challenge... and her runways were usually not that great. But I loved her just the same. Maybe she was better suited for a later season that relied less on runways. 1. Jujubee Jujubee was my favourite the first time I watched this season, and that hasn't changed on my second viewing. I just wish she had a better challenge track record. It's hard to argue that she should've won because she had to win THREE lip syncs to make finale. Still, I love her aesthetic and she truly earns the title of lip sync assassin. She sold the hell out of "Black Velvet"; while "Shake Your Love" was camp. She didn't win any main challenges, but she did win the Reading mini-challenge! And I think she should've won the book cover too ("Memoirs of a Gay-Sha" is a great title and she was fun in the interview.) I thought her 1st and 3rd Ball looks were good as well. Her Makeover was the worst, but I kinda hate the Makeover challenges anyway. Favourite entrance: Jessica Wild Challenge ranking: 1. Wedding dress (Design) 2. Diva Awards Ball 3. Snatch Game 4. "Jealous Of My Boogie" Music Video 5. Disco Shortening (Acting) 6. Rocker Chicks (Singing) 7. Gone with the Windows (Design) 8. Burlesque show (Choreo) 9. "Golden Gals" Makeover 10. Autobiography (Branding) Lip Sync ranking: 1. Morgan McMichaels vs Sonique ("Two of Hearts") 2. Jujubee vs Sahara Davenport ("Black Velvet") 3. Morgan McMichaels vs Sahara Davenport ("Carry On") 4. Nicole Paige Brooks vs Raven ("My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)") 5. Raven vs Tyra Sanchez ("Jealous Of My Boogie") 6. Jujubee vs Pandora Boxx ("Shake Your Love") 7. Jujubee vs Tatiana ("Something He Can Feel") 8. Sahara Davenport vs Shangela ("Cover Girl (Put the Bass in Your Walk)") 9. Jessica Wild vs Tatiana ("He's the Greatest Dancer") 10. Mystique Summers Madison vs Raven ("I Hear You Knocking") Season ranking so far: 2 > 1
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kyuala · 3 years
calling treasure by their name
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ok but imagine calling treasure by their first name as a joke after pet names have already been established in your relationship.
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hyunsuk could either be rly annoyed and pull a "actually thats BABY to you 😠" or be rly upset and whiny and pouty about it because he IS actually baby. you can honestly keep this up for as long as you like bc hyunsuk physically lacks the ability to stay angry at you but just call him baby afterwards and i swear all's good. you'll have a smiling, satisfied hyunsuk right back in your arms again
jihoon would be like "what was that?" without even missing a beat. as you continue calling him by his name he would just keep saying things like "what? I'm sorry, I can't hear you" and he's laughing the whole time too bc a) he knows he's gonna win this and b) you're trying to get a rise out of him by playing a prank which is just so funny to him. he will keep this up until you give in and call him babe or something. then he smiles real wide, clearly very satisfied with himself, and goes "ah! that's my baby"
yoshi would be taken by surprise at first, smiling nervously bc he's unsure of what he should do or even what's going on. he asks "are you mad?" and when you say no he's still like "ok....... but are u mad". he keeps replaying the last week in his head trying to figure out if he did something wrong and how he could make it up to you until you put the poor boy out of his misery. lets out the biggest sigh of relief when you call him baby again and he's already on his way to cuddle you, talking about how relieved he is that you're not actually mad at him and laughing at how silly he is :(
oh junkyu is OFFENDED. just absolutely outraged. how Dare you. "what did you just call me?" as if his own birth given name is the worse insult in the world. when ur like "your name" he just straight up denies that. suddenly he doesn't know a junkyu. that's not his name. 1000% the type to go "my name is BABY and you know damn well". will still pout and sulk even after you give up and call him baby
ok it can go one of two ways with mashiho. either he will just side-eye you with a knowing smirk on his lips bc he knows you're just trying to get his attention and he will entertain you for a while bc he thinks it's cute. or he won't even budge when you call him by his name and will just nonchalantly go "you don't call me that", refusing to even look at you until go back to calling him honey or something
stop don't even pull this shit on jaehyuk deadass he'll be so hurt. just stares at you in disbelief for probably like a whole 30 seconds trying to process what just happened and comprehend just why on God's green earth you would call him anything other than your usual pet name. "did i do something?" "are you mad at me?" "are we okay?" like honestly the questions will!! not!! stop!! coming!! until you just call him baby and ease his mind bc he's just so deeply afraid of upsetting you </3 true baby
if you thought asahi would react lmfao think again. he'll probably not even think anything of it and when you're like "you know i just called you asahi right" he's like "yeah.... thats my name..." like the most you'll get out of him is a semi-confused look for about 3.2 seconds before he goes on about his day. 0/10 reaction wouldn't recommend
yedam is also team "oh shit what the hell did i do" but after the initial shock he just gets kinda... sad? he's very attentive to you and your body language so depending on that he might pick up on the fact that it's a joke and be like "ahhh don't do that!! i was worried!!" or he might actually believe something's wrong and just try to discuss the relationship right then and there. either way he's just so glad when you call him baby again. will probably put his hand to his chest and sigh very dramatically while smiling real big or something like that :(
doyoung will just laugh a little bit. whether he gets the joke or believes you somehow don't want to call him your baby anymore he's got that "[laughs nervously] What the fuck..." vibe going for him. he does try to check with you if he did something but he's just constantly laughing the whole time and you don't actually know if he means it. even after you tell him it's just a joke he's still kinda frozen in place like "yea.. haha.. ok.." so you will have a broken boyfriend for the next 3 hours or so
haruto has got no time for this shit. he will either a) be like "that's not my nameeee" and whine and annoy you until you lose your mind/give up on the joke (whichever comes first) or b) actually act like he has no time for this and go "i'm breaking up with you" after the second time you do it, tops. don't even bother calling him babe afterwards cuz he'll just be like "yea have fun being single tho"
jeongwoo just stares at you in a mix of wide-eyed and blank expression like.... what? just happened? he asks "what did you just call me?" and if you say "your name" he just goes "no". like just No. that is Not his name and he will keep telling you that honestly you will get nowhere with this one. when you do call him baby again he's like "DAMN RIGHT i'm baby". still kinda salty abt it tho
panic. terror. war flashbacks. that's what's going through junghwan's mind when you call him by his first name. he kinda freezes in time and space and it takes him all of his courage to ask you if he did something. his mind immediately jumps to the worst case scenario that this is all actually leading up to you breaking up with him. he's honestly actually so scared you'll just Have to be like "haha just kidding baby!!!!!!! its a joke BABY" to calm him down immediately afterwards
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main masterlist | treasure masterlist
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
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Date video was published: 05/03/2015 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 268
More Japan content!
This is the second “haul” type video Phil ever does (after his “Favourites” video). I feel like they also did this one to give them a chance to talk more about their trip on a main channel video.
0:01 - Dan’s “hello again” ...he has been on Phil’s channel a lot recently
0:05 - “the best time ever” until their second Japan trip 🥺
0:11 - the DITL video was posted just a couple of days after they got back
0:19 - is Phil restrained? How many “things I regret buying” videos does he end up doing? Dan agrees though, apparently.
0:31 - Both of them with their mouths open as wide as possible. Dan’s mouth looks so big compared to Phil’s 😳
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0:41 - little lean-in arm bumps
0:46 - wow referencing back to the first DITL video. “full of random crap.” “good crap.” lol
0:56 - Dan’s blaming Phil at this point, but he buys a lot at other places later haha.
1:05 - Phil loves playing machines like that it seems. He also posted a side channel video of him doing a “lucky dip” machine.
1:08 - Dan does not like bugs much. That is a seemingly random thing to have a fandom for.
1:32 - really going with the bug theme here.
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1:37 - “pancake playing cards” seems like a very Phil thing to buy
1:47 - that creature looks slightly terrifying
1:52 - Dan’s just laughing at Phil’s random purchases at this point
1:58 - god, throwback to the “Popin’ Cookin’” sushi thing they tried back in 2011. Wonder if that had something to do with Phil choosing that.
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2:07 - love Phil admitting he bought it just for the cute dog picture. And a the cute bear.
2:13 - guessing Dan would like to help assemble that Pikachu puzzle; he’s already studying the box
2:21 - aww cute. And the little fight over it! And Phil’s tiny “me.” oh 🥺 and then the jump cut.
2:27 - that museum looks so cool. Lol at Phil blinking to show taking photos in his brain. Also, where they took my favorite photo that they shared from this trip.
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2:50 - alright, I love all the Studio Ghibli stuff. The film strip ticket is such a cool souvenir! And that book is awesome looking. Phil’s got such a fond look on his face as Dan shows it.
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3:58 - the Pokémon Centre does seem like a dangerous place for DNP to spend money, lol. Also, love that selfie with Duncan and Mimei!
4:09 - of course a lot of what Phil chose is snacks. Now Dan is excited when he sees they have shapes.
4:21 - right with the feeding. of the cookie Phil just bit off of. 
4:42 - Dan is so amused and fond at what Phil bought this entire video. And Phil is so smiley.
5:05 - I LOVE this tidbit that Phil organizes stuff for an airport into a folder and carries it around. (I used to do that do before mobile boarding passes.)
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5:17 - that ends up in the background/clips of videos a lot moving forward
5:32 - we’ve already seen several snacks, but clearly not enough, lol
5:46 - strange Kit Kat flavors are the thing you hear about when talking about Japanese snacks
6:00 - that was quite a pun there from Dan
6:12 - Dan loves it. Phil seems to like it too even though he apparently doesn’t love green tea!
6:22 - the pocky looks good. This is making me hungry now.
6:47 - we jump-cut over the feeding this time, but Phil is still holding the stick, so. Dan does not look impressed.
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7:00 - that would be fun, but oops
7:10 - Dan posted an Instagram clip of the arcade. Phil looks so impressed by Dan winning at those!
7:25 - knew we would get some Attack on Titan theme singing at some point in this video
 7:36 - that is sweet of Duncan and Mimei! But that is so strange that they did it without knowing Dan had won that.
7:57 - “sailor suit Haru” alrighty. Phil is like ‘where you gonna put that, Dan?’ 😂
8:07 - Mount Fuji tour! Mimei’s video from that day is still up too.
8:29 - and the Mount Fuji air can. I love that Dan knows it’s maybe stupid but he bought it anyway because he thought it was funny and it made him happy. And that they still have it in the forever home bedroom. 😭
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8:48 - Phil posted pictures of the black ice cream and aftermath during the trip
9:07 - I feel like they would have been so awkward at the maid café. Phil’s side-eye about the loyalty card is something. They did both post polaroids from it (1, 2) and photos of the llama and lion lattes they got.
9:32 - so Dan bought something expensive to get the Free! tissue box Phil was teasing him for in the DITL video, not a bunch of stuff. (Also, lol Dan still making use of it months later.)
9:50 - “I’m just going to leave messages for you around the house.” Dan does not hate that idea, the dimple is out.
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9:55 - the fridge walrus! (I tried for the life of me to figure out which video we originally saw this in, but I can’t remember...)
10:10 - Phil deadpan explaining what “goes out to pasture” means. what.
10:16 - love the background giggles while filming that
10:27 - Phil is right, that is a strange choice of merch to make for that show
10:53 - why did Dan spray so much?! Phil does not like it.
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11:17 - I feel like that was a too-much-time in the airport purchase, lol. But it is “the official souvenir sweet of Tokyo” according to Wikipedia.
11:31 - they are cute! Dan likes it a lot, but it took Phil a second. Phil definitely has an issue with the texture of some things.
12:10 - so some of it is at least supposed to be for friends, haha. They did at least give a couple things to Phil’s family when they came to visit a few days after they got back.
12:15 - love the Dan jazz-hands intro to draw-Phil-naked
12:29 - Phil is right; there have been so many joint videos
12:57 - I am much more interested in knowing what the picture with the women and fighting sheep is there. 🤔
13:03 - this is so adorable and Phil including it in the video is even better 😭
This isn’t the most exciting video, but it’s fun to hear them reminisce about this trip that they loved so much. This isn’t a video I rewatch a lot, so I hadn’t seen it in a while. A lot of the stuff they got shows up in random videos in the future!
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